Monday, June 24, 2024

Daytime TNs... Y Mas (#1), Week of June 24, 2024

Welcome to page 1 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

 8-10 AM: Clase 406 (Unimas)

10-12 PM: Pasion (Unimas) 

11-12 PM: Distilando Amor (Univision) 

12-2 PM: Corazon Indomable  (Unimas) 

1-2 PM: Vivir de Amor (Univision)

2-4 PM: Los Tontos No Van Al Cielo (Unimas)

4-5 PM: Nadie Como Tu (Unimas)

5-6 PM: Amor Real (Unimas) 

6-7 PM: Abismo de Pasion (Unimas)

** Unimas is pre-empting all of its later afternoon novelas every day this week due to Futbol. On Monday everything after Los Tontos No Van Al Cielo is going to be pre-empted. The rest of the week it will be everything after Corazon Indomable.

** Univision has apparently decided that Futbol in the evening isn't a reason to pre-empt novelas and the schedule says Vivir will play everyday this week despite Futbol being on in the evenings. Distilando Amor will be pre-empted on Monday and Thursday.

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Darcy: Maricruz has been through lots of heavy roadblocks. Plus anticipating more roadblocks heading her way.


I believe it's because of the upcoming 1st Presidential debate happening this week on Thursday night.


I guess I will be playing catch up on some I've recorded, or finishing Mi Marido Tiene + familia. I noticed a main protagonista in that one is also in Pasión. CI is fun to watch because of the original recaps.

Kat, I remember CI well. It was quite entertaining because it was such a trip! I had never seen anything quite like it at the time. I was not recapping back then but throughly enjoyed the recaps at the time. As a matter of fact, I am finishing up my
second viewing of “Mi marido tiene más familia” before I put it to bed and look fr another oldie but goodie.

VIVIR #80 Part 1

Angel (in a marine blue mock neck midriff baring tank top) as she and her friends survey the damage at the fabrica. We are not afforded a view. Lupe fears all the furniture is likely in ashes; Marisa worries about the product. Angel says she was the only one inside and doesn’t know how or where the fire started.

Fatima (with an outsized glass of orange juice) talks with JE on the phone. She muses she is glad Rebeca is IN prison and thinks if she weren’t, she would suspect Rebeca had something to do with the fire.

Rebeca (in her non-regulation white u-necked tee shirt) greets the crooked guard. She has lots of money; she needs protection.

Cris (in a lovely dark, small, patterned outfit) is at the hospital. She asks the nurse about witnesses who gave reports regarding Rebecca’s fall. She also asks for the list of witnesses.

Misael is with Monica, Romina and Bruno. He tells Bruno to shut the door. He worries that all the employees are gossiping about Rebeca. He tells Romina that as her assistant, she needs to stop the rumors and convince the employees all is a misunderstanding. Bruno (still sporting his grey plaid jacket and light grey mock neck shirt) will help also.

Lupe and Luis, Marisa and Carmelo, Wanda (in mid blue sky high heels and short orange flounce dress) and Doris (striped T shirt dress and metallic silver shoulder bag) join Angel. The men assure the women they will repair the damages. The inspector shows Angel some lighters that were used to start the fire. He asks if they know who would start the fire.

Rebeca files her nails and the nasty guard comes up and brings Yadhira.

The inspector is going to initiate an investigation. Wands thinks whoever started the fire did so out of envy. Lupe thinks Brayan’s gang had something to do with the fire. Angel tells them it’s possible but the important thing is no one got hurt. After Mari is concerned that the product will perish, Angels suggest they assess the damage. The officials lead Angel and everyone walks toward the building, except for Doris, who walks away. We see Santi arriving.

Romina doesn’t know how to stop the rumors and worries Rebeca might be guilty (there is a glimmer of intelligence behind her vacant stare after all). She worries about her job. She tells Bruno if she can’t be paid, she won’t be able to get the kids.

Mati listens covertly, her phone out, as she shadows Fatima and Luciano as they walk. Fatima worries about Rebeca hiring Romina who has no scruples. Luciano hopes she doesn’t cause problems for JE. Fatima is concerned Romina will do whatever Rebeca tells her. Mati stumbles and trips but gets up.

Cris makes calls to the witnesses. She talks with Senor Carmona who says he saw the accident and has a video. She closes her eyes in relief.

Sandra is in Fatima’s office when she returns. All of a sudden, Gabe bursts into the office, screaming at Lucas! He starts pulling on Lucas’s’ backpack and demands he show them what is in it. Fatima tells him to put it on the desk. Lucas takes out the paperwork and then, the bracelet. Sandra shakes her head no as Gabriel stares in disbelief. Fatima.

Cris tells JE about the witness who has a video. He is ecstatic that he will be able to stop Rebeca and hugs her.


VIVIR #80 Part 2

Mati is bringing out freshly baked cookies and decorating them as sleuthing is hard work. She tells Luciano he is talking so well about Lucas; she asks if Lucas can be her novio. Luciano comments no one can control their emotions when it comes to love, she can count on him. When he adds he loves her and Javi, they hug as she asks if he loves them more than Fatima. She is about to tell him about her and Lucas but Fatima interrupts because she has something to tell him about Lucas.

Rebeca with Yadhira hovering protectively, leans against the prison wall. Rebeca asks her for a cell as Yadhira stands in front of her, arms folded. She calls Axel about the fire as Yadhira hears the entire conversation. La Escorpiona comes up and leans over looking around at Rebeca very menacingly.

Mr. Carmona brings the video to JE and Cristina; they see Rebeca throw herself down the stairs.

Cris stares and can’t believe Rebeca could do that. JE hisses Rebeca lied to him to keep him from being with Angel. He has been an imbecile. She is “loco” he declares; he will divorce her and not lift one finger to help him. Cris hugs him tightly.

Inside, Angel says the damage isn’t too terrible; they can replace what was burned. Everyone dons gloves and gets to work. Santi shows up and holds Angel’s hands; he was very worried and asks her for forgiveness for believing Rebeca. Naturally, kindhearted Angel forgives him and tells him Rebeca won’t keep them apart. Whatever happens, she always love him she murmurs holding him tightly in a hug.

Romina bites her lip and stares as Icky walks in on all fours. She muses that if Rebeca doesn’t return, she will be fired. She can’t give Luciano the satisfaction of seeing her jobless.

Mati tries to stick up for Lucas but Fatima points out the evidence, namely that Lucas had already seen the bracelet before and went into the bedroom to get it; Gabriel saw him. Mati insists Lucas couldn’t have stolen it and asks Luciano to talk to Lucas. Smarmy, lyin’ Gabriel thinks Lucas should be rum off.

Lucas is now in front of Sandra and Domingo. He keeps asserting his innocence.

JE is in his car remembering Rebeca’s venom in the hospital, determined to keep him away from Angel. He vows it is Rebeca who will remain in jail!

Misael comes into the police station and gives money to a policeman, as he receives a note in return. He calls Bruno and tells him he has the name of the witness and they have to take care of the problem!

Fabrica windows and equipment are being cleaned. Senor Zuniga calls and is alarmed about the fire; he offers his help as he knows how hard they have worked to keep the factory going. He mentions JE was so worried but when Angel interrupts him, he grimaces, realizing he messed up and asks her to forgive his indiscretion and not tell JE he slipped up. The theme music plays as Angel appears upset.

Rebeca sits in the pokey waiting room at a table when JE comes in. She starts running her mouth, threatening to put Angel in jail when JE retorts that the only one who will be in jail is her! He has started divorce proceedings oh and he doesn’t need her signature. His eyes glittering with relief, JE tells her about the video showing a “loco” throwing herself down the stairs. Rebeca warns he will not get rid of her. After he leaves she screams after him but to no avail.

Gi wonders where she left something and rummaging through a drawer, finds a picture of a young girl (Doris) and thinks she could be Armando’s daughter!


VIVIR #80 Part 3 of 3

The two pyromaniacs (Memo and Axel) are accosted by Doris. She questions them about being involved in the fire. She mentions Rebeca is in jail and couldn’t be involved. (Au contraire viewerville notes).

Elena sits and recalls Santi’s words that Rebeca was the culprit in convincing him to gamble the money. Gi comes in as Elena gives the usual she is worried about her children. After she tells Gi what Santi says, Gi, (NOT a fan of Beca) gives her the old “I told you so.” Elena insists she has to protect Rebeca and steer her in the right direction. (words eerily also uttered by Edward Smith, the captain of the Titanic).

Jimena and Santiago discuss Rebeca being a possible murderer. After she leaves, he thinks he is also a murderer as he kept quiet about Misael shooting Dulce.

Brayan’s thugs visit him; when he asks about Rebeca they tell him she is also in jail. Brayan is going to have to formulate a new plan to get out. If Rebeca doesn’t pay him to keep quiet maybe a family member will. Brayan wonders what’s up so Memo tells him about Rebeca paying them to burn down the factory!

La Escorpiona is giving a beat down to one of the women in the hall as Rebeca watches. She wonders why and Yadhira tells her they are just having fun. Rebeca tells her that La Escorpiona humiliated her and wants Yadira to beat up LE and make her clean her shoes.

We see a woman walking a beautiful merle collie. She is the witness that saw Rebeca mow down Mau. Bruno walks up to her as two thugs with masks hover in the background. She starts to panic, asking what they want of her!

JE thanks Cris: he is ecstatic! He will divorce Rebeca and the nightmare will end. Cris tells him he will be able to reconcile with Angel but JE fears it may be too late. She tells him that a marriage without love will be an unhappy one. JE stares sympathetically, knowing she is referring to her own marriage. When he asks why she got married, she replies that sometimes mistakes are made and it is too late to correct them. Then Cris confides she has kept something very important from them for a long time. Adolfo, the only love of her life, whom he has admired for so long, is your real father. Cris’ words reverberate in his head JE stares in shock.

All credit to my amazing friend who captured the dialogue so magnificently. She filled in my gaps to perfection. Gracias.


Vivir. Thank you again, Diana and friend, for helping me keep up with this novela! I am very much looking forward to seeing the clothes you describe as I watch on the website. I loved: "(There is a glimmer of intelligence behind her vacant stare after all)"; "Icky walks in on all fours." (tee hee) I hope this "Lucas is a thief" business doesn't last very long.

Thanks to you 2 amigas once again. I hope I haven't been breaking an unwritten rule that we should be thanking the recappers. I've been trolling old posts from years back and I think maybe I have been remiss in not acknowledging your hard work .

The thing that struck me the most in this episode was that Gi recognized a picture of Doris as maybe an 8 y.o. I would not have made that connection . Possibly GI has been involved with the barrio people all along. Actually, do she and her husband manage the market together? I guess that may be the connection.
Can't wait until Reb badmouths her sugar in front of Yahidra. I see part of her demise will be via what Y overheard.
Santi isn't a murderer, but he did inadvertently cause someone to be murdered by not confessing that Misael was the guilty party. He should have a guilty conscience about that.
OT Jarifa.
I'm not enjoying mas familia as much as the first one. Pancho's laugh annoys me, lol. If you have the Telemundo app my favorite TN (2nd I ever watched) is La Hija del Mariachi. Others I enjoyed were El Ultimo Matrimonio Feliz and Pura Sangre (the Colombian version from early 2000s). My daughter in law's sister in law (wish there was a cool name for that like con nuera or something.) from Colombia suggested la Hija and PS. She also suggested La Tormenta. I watched a few episodes of it but that was only a few months into my learning Spanish journey so I didn't get very far in it. I'm so glad I stumbled on this blog while watching Vuelve a mi.

Sugar = suegra =Chris... Darn autocorrect.

BTW Diana, are you watching together with your friend or watching in separate locations. I bet it is more fun to view these with someone. My husband was tortured with a few episodes when I used to watch in the living room. Now I have a more comfy recliner in my den/sewing room I no longer inflict them on him. (And I'm not inflicted with old MTV videos or crime dramas which imare his viewing preferences.....)


SpanProf, thank you so much! I am so happy you find the humor in my little "asides"; laughter is the best isn't it?

I look forward to your being able to watch in real time. It really does make a difference.

Yes, Lucas' name needs to be cleared and Gabriel needs to be revealed to be the annoying, lying manipulator he is.



Thank you for your kind words Kat.

You asked an important question. Years ago, someone wrote a list entitled "The care and feeding of your recapper". It was a wish list as to how to support those who volunteer their time and effort to recap these (mostly) wonderful novelas. One of the first entries was the suggestion to thank the recapper. I have always tried to convey my thanks and appreciation to the recappers who volunteer to translate and explain the long and often convoluted plotlines. Since I started recapping, speaking only for myself, I am grateful for those who do the same. I've found the commenters to be extraordinarily generous and kind. Taking the time to read what I write and to share their thoughts, insights and support is heartening. Everyone on the Vivir post has been wonderful.

"The thing that struck me the most in this episode was that Gi recognized a picture of Doris as maybe an 8 y.o. I would not have made that connection" made me smile...I would not have made that connection either!!

"I see part of her demise will be via what Y overheard"; I completely concur...

Kat, I don't watch with my friend; I wish I could. My hub actually started watching Destilando Amor years ago (like myself, he does not possess Spanish language skills). I saw Eduardo Yanez and that was it. He stopped watching years ago but I've kept it up. It's so nice to be able to share the love of novelas with this wonderful community.



Dear Diana and friend, thank you for an excellent report as the drama rocks and rolls.

Well, Reb , popping out of her prison khaki top , thinks that Yadira is going to be her personal bodyguard \ secretary. Just wait until Yadira finds out that Reb 's false accusations are the reason her bff Chris went to jail .Reb had a funny expression on her face when she saw where Yadira keeps her cellphone. I've had enough of the prison violence , but maybe Reb could get one more punch one
More punch in the stomach.

Will Doris finally give up on Reb if she finds out that Reb ordered those delinquents to start the fire at the jam factory?

How many more episodes are left? I guess it is too soon for Reb to get her anvil.


OT..In the heading at the top of this site , Amor Real is listed at 5 to 6pm on Unimas. I wanted to watch it again, but I checked today, and it wasn't on. Dors anyone know if it is just over , or perhaps it hasn't started yet ?

Diana, Pasion is getting better and better and so is Alberto as Fernando's best pirate sidekick. Susan

OT Susan. In the red type she says that the afternoon shows are being preempted by futbol. My show (Nadie) wasn't on either. ViX to the rescue for more TNs .... Pretty sure Pasión can be found there also.

Susan, on Unimas Amor Real is up to episode 27. It and Pasión are both on ViX if you don't DVR the show and need to catch up on episodes.


Hi Susan and thank you...

"I've had enough of the prison violence ,but maybe Reb could get one more punch in the stomach" had me laughing. Reb has really outraged us hasn't she???

Unfortunately with 45 more episodes to go, there's plenty of time for Rebeca to inflict a lot more damage. I can understand why Doris doesn't think Rebeca was behind the fire but it will come out eventually. The truth is that other than Doris, Rebeca has backstabbed all of her support system.

Pasion was so good; Alberto Estrella will forever be Mario to me!



Thank you, Diana for another fashion-filled fantastic recap! I will watch tomorrow of course, but it's so much easier to comment at night than to find time to comment during the day.

Reading about Gi recognizing Doris' child picture reminds me of seeing my newest nephews newborn photo the other day, as soon as I looked at it, I immediately saw his older brother! That little guy is going to be brother's mini me!! So cute! But also, I think it's easier to see resemblances in children than adults, I find that the younger the child is the more they look like whomever and the older one gets the more distinct and unique their features develop, so maybe it's easier for Gi to see the resemblance to Armando in Doris' childhood pic where she doesn't see it now.

Angel is of course going to forgive Santi and she'll forgive Elena too the second she gets the opportunity. I don't really blame her though, so much easier to live in peace with everyone than to hold grudges.

I wonder how JE will react to the daddy news? Is he going to be immediately happy like Al was? Or will he do the whole 'how could you lie to me my whole life' thing? He's been pretty compassionate with mom all along, but we've seen how he instantly and harshly turned on the love of his life when he got an anonymous note that her brother supposedly killed Dulce, so he's got the harshness in him. I don't know why I feel like Cris doesn't deserve it. Normally, I'd be team tell your children/children's father's the truth from the beginning, but for some reason this doesn't bother me. Maybe this show has made me numb with all its nonreactions to previous indiscretions!?!

It's good that Cris found the video clearing Angel but really their should be a statute of limitations on that accusation. She pushed me down the stairs, she didn't push me, she did push me; doesn't the accusation lose credibility over time? I want to see all those stupid nurses who were like 'she pushed her, I saw it' get held responsible for slandering Angel!!! But I'm sure it won't happen.


Thanks again, Diana and Omni, for the terrific recap. It was especially important for be because, for some unknown reason, my recording stopped about 3/4 of the way through, so I needed to find out what happened after that.

I did not recognize Yadhira and thus wasn't in on the "ah ha" the rest of you had. That is that Rebeca's paid guard will not be best pleased when she hears what she did to Cris.

Doggone it, I saw Misael get something on a piece of paper; but, missing the rest, did not realize it was the name of the witness. Looks like she's toast.

Doris said something snarky about helping with putting the coop factory back together, but only for the workers. She does NOT deserve Sebastian. She's seen enough of Angelli by now to not still be swallowing Rebeca's poison.


Thanks once again, Diana and friend. I can’t imagine the work that goes into doing a recap and you’re doing this one day in and day out.

Knowing we have so many to go is frustrating. I think I worry whenever the bad guys get a heads up. So I want JE to show the video to the police now and have them make a copy. And I’m hoping Bruno’s thugs don’t kill the woman, but I bet if she lives she’ll change her story.

If Gi sees Doris in the child picture maybe she’ll see a resemblance to Wanda and son eventually.

I was surprised they just assumed Lucas was guilty. I’m sure Gabe thinks he’ll get Mati back but I don’t see that happening.

The good guys take a step forward but we know they’re far from winning.



Thanks so much Darcy!

" much easier to live in peace with everyone than to hold grudges" is wise and wishful thinking.

I always enjoy your sharp analysis Darcy and especially your rationale explaining "...maybe it's easier for Gi to see the resemblance to Armando in Doris' childhood pic where she doesn't see it now".

Everyone did jump on the Angel is guilty bandwagon and it would be refreshing (and astonishing) for those to apologize. I suspect that won't happen though, more's the pity! :)

I am hoping for immediate acceptance from JE as far as Cris is concerned. I know it's a lot to ask but as you noted, he does have a soft spot for his mother although he (definitely) has "...the harshness in him". We shall see :)



Novelera, thank you...

I am happy we were able to (hopefully) provide what you missed.

"Doris said something snarky about helping with putting the coop factory back together, but only for the workers" was something I hadn't understood, thank you! "She's seen enough of Angelli by now to not still be swallowing Rebeca's poison" is something I can't argue with. She does have to turn her back on Rebeca and I'm still thinking that might happen.

Yadhira's looks toward Rebeca were dark indeed. I have a feeling she will not protect her for long.

I think the witness was frightened enough she will change her "tune". It was a scary scene and I panicked for the beautiful dog. Hopefully they will both leave unscathed.



I appreciate your nice words Liz, thank you!

I am leaning toward thinking the witness will recant her testimony; she was frightened out of her wits and I don't blame her.

"If Gi sees Doris in the child picture maybe she’ll see a resemblance to Wanda and son eventually" was a great thought - here's hoping!

Mati seems devoted to Gabe now and I think she will fight harder for his name to be cleared. I think Gabe has ruined things for himself. He is far too good for Sandra too!

We do have a long way to go but with the exception of last Friday, most episodes are revealing some interesting developments. I didn't think JE would be told Adolfo was his father this early but am glad he now knows.



Darcy, I meant to say congratulation on your new nephew!! How exciting...



Hola, Patio.

Thanks. Diana (recap) and Maggie (magnificent dialog translation). Monday’s episode was rather interesting with plot lines inching forward bit by bit. As you know, I really enjoy your poetic recaps and fashion review.

I guess we can all file a claim with Beanie Farmers Insurance since lo and behold,the co-op is salvageable; production will resume posthaste. Our show may show the worst of police, attorneys, and prison guards, but let the record show that the fire department (and investigators) really have their act together. A little soot can’t stop the co-op.

Continuing our prop-aganda, how did I miss Fátima’s outsized glass of OJ.? Brilliant observation! This would have made more sense if (a) it were a Screwdriver, and (b) it rested in Mónica’s clutches. Misael dropped a palabrota during his junta with Mommy Drunkest, Mommy Dearest, and his plaid comrade. He said everyone was cuchiteando (whispering) about Rebeca’s crimes. What a fun word. It’d be more fun of it meant listening to Charo, but I digress. Misael wins Word of the Day!

Your description of Wanda’s heels was not hyperbolic. I don’t know much about fashion so is it normal to wear pumps to a co-op rescue and repair? Doris is still being cold to Ang - saying they are all there for the neighborhood vatas and not for Ang. Grrr. The writers are dragging her turnaround. She needs to quit being so catty and find Sebastian before he gets in the wrong missionary position.

I usually give Mati the blues, but she was almost human/cute in her scenes with Luciano. They were having a nice father-daughter moment, and I laughed at her swatting his hand away from the fresh-baked cookies. This, of course, only lasted a moment. Blink, and we’re right back to the overwrought teen drama which mires our show.

Yadira overhearing all about Rebec’s arson antics was not subtle at all. By the way, I know money talks, but didn’t Cris hook Yadira up with a big wad of cash and ask her to keep the faith? She couldn’t have spent it all already. Clearly the commissary doesn’t carry conditioner. I don’t know much prisons, but it’s really beanie-tastic how visitors pass money, envelopes, books etc. to prisoners. Ok.

Icky is the worst, but the actor cracks me up. He pops in (LOL @ “on all fours”) and tells BEIR that she needs to talk to Bruno as he knows all things Rivero Cuéllar. Then he says, “You’re welcome…,” and takes leave. The thing is: NOBODY said thank you. What a goober!

The editors and/or Univision’s scissors were really sloppy with Gi’s “discovery.” We called it a long time ago, and this scene was abrupt and awkward at best. Speaking of abrupt and awkward, where the heck did Elena’s spontaneous maternal instincts come from? NOW she cares and wants to steer (LOL @ Edward Smith) Rebeca to do right? This just in, Elena: Frida isn’t cuatro years old. It’s a little too late for behavior modification.

Brayan’s “Plan B” will be interesting as will Rebeca’s seeking vengeance on La Escorpiana. I hope these stories gain steam and don’t drag. The BIG bombshell was Cris’s Maury moment with JE. He is guaranteed to have a hissy fit and jump to the wrong conclusions (in not particular order) with everyone. So wait a minute. We’re supposed to believe that Mauricio married pregnant Cris as a favor and then mooched around long enough to sire Dulce and Fátima? Ok.

Vivir de amor

Diana and company, thank you so much for taking the time and effort to do these invaluable recaps!

I found this episode to be quite annoying and I wish they would speed things up a bit instead of going back over nonsense that's been covered already. Lucas is not a crook, he was set up by Gabriel. The truth will come out. I don't want to have to sit through more of that nonsense, but I do appreciate your doing so for our benefit.

Did JE really have to go to see Rebeca in prison just to crow? Well, I've always maintained that he's an idiot, so perhaps he did.
At least Becky is keeping up her black nails in prison.

I know that money talks and... well, money talks. But is every doctor, cop, civil servant, and sausage maker on the take in Mexico? Does everybody always take the bribe, even knowing someone could be harmed or killed because of it? Does nobody ever report attempted bribery?

I would love to know just how viewers in Mexico see all this. Do they see it as realistic or not?

Anyway, I'm hanging in there, enjoying Doris and Wanda and the rest, even intimidating Rebeca and her nails. But I will be happier when we see some more of don Emilio, Pedrito, Loli, Sandra, and the rest of the more fun crowd. And I have great hopes for both Doris and Wanda.

I am happy to see that Doris is developing a conscience and recognizing that Brayan's accomplices are not really good people. I could not follow what she said to them and so I'm not sure what seems to have upset them.

I was also upset with those guys accosting the witness. Idiot JE and his team have been really sloppy in securing evidence and protecting witnesses.

Grumpy Andy


Andy, Brayan's accomplices were upset to learn Reb was in jail. She told them on the phone she would pay them in a few days. With her being locked up they think that is unlikely. So now their plan is to get the money from the rich people that are trying to hide things. Do they know Misael and Monica are who they need to blackmail?



Thank you so much.

You hit the ground running and never looked back. I learn so much from your superb language skills.

"Misael dropped a palabrota during his junta with Mommy Drunkest, Mommy Dearest, and his plaid comrade. He said everyone was cuchiteando (whispering) about Rebeca’s crimes. What a fun word. It’d be more fun of it meant listening to Charo, but I digress." Vocabulary, wit, wisdom and so much more.

Aside from a little soot, it seemed some Fantastik was all that was needed to make the fabrica sparkle and shine. Beanie time indeed.

I don't think Yahira has Beca's best interests at heart. It was uncharacteristic of Rebeca to be so loose lipped but she doesn't know of the Yahira/Cris connection. She should be well aware of the "trust no one" mantra.

"This just in, Elena: Frida isn’t cuatro years old. It’s a little too late for behavior modification" is exactly right. A lost cause without recourse.



Thank you Andy...

"At least Becky is keeping up her black nails in prison" had me smiling away. Keeping up appearances is paramount, right??

"... But is every doctor, cop, civil servant, and sausage maker on the take in Mexico? Does everybody always take the bribe, even knowing someone could be harmed or killed because of it? Does nobody ever report attempted bribery?" encapsulated our collective frustration on the rampant corruption perfectly.

"Did JE really have to go to see Rebeca in prison just to crow? Well, I've always maintained that he's an idiot, so perhaps he did". Yup, asked and answered!! :)

I am missing Pedrito et al as well. I am anxious for him to forgive Wanda and for their eventual reunion. Doris should start her redemption tour shortly (I hope). I wonder if Sebas has already left for parts unknown.

Not only is Bruno a bad guy, he is a fool, idiot and just plain annoying. He deserves an appropriate anvil. Being saddled with Monica might be a fitting ending for him.



Loved reading The new comments from you clever folks ...O.S. "Mommy Drunkest" goes nicely with Kat's "extra drunk" comment from a previous episode .
Andy, I always love your gentle , good natured mockery,

I enjoyed watching Doris teeter around on those blue heels cleaning off soot.

It is amazing to see prison visits in these novelas, Evidently ,we are to believe that victims can visit their tormentors to scream at \laugh at\ mock\threaten them. Tightening the old beanie as I strain to suspend my disbelief. Anyhoo, fiction often seems to be more believable than reality nowadays. We should have kept a scorecard as to who has been in prison at any given time....grinning, grifter Mau, Santi, Gabriela, Romina, The guy who got that card tattoo and was killed, Chris, Petra, Brayan.. And now Reb . I feel like I missed somebody. I am guessing that Reb is somehow going to get a get out of jail free card soon and set loose to smirk, sideeye, and scheme . I hope Chris's bff Yadira gets a chance to let her know how much she loves and respects Chris before Becky is sprung. Susan


After watching, I was once again impressed by Angel’s abs! You can actually see the definition in her bare midriff when she moves. Kimberley dos Ramos isn’t just thin, she’s fit!

I may have missed something, my mind definitely could have wandered but I thought Reb already paid the thugs for the fire. When they were visiting Brayan they gave him some money and when he asked where it was coming from they told him Rebeca had paid them to burn the factory.



Gracias, Diana and friend. Always a treat.

I'm looking forward to Armando's story. Seems like he wants to do the right thing by Doris now. But what prevented him from doing so ages ago?

JE has said that he wished Adolfo had been his father so I'm expecting him to be happy about the daddy news.

Funny when Rebeca makes a crack about where Yadhira keeps her cellphone on her body, but takes takes it from her anyway.

Ack, JE and Cris reveal too much and now another innocent is in danger.

1.) Alejandro, Maricruz & Solita are back from shopping & the beautiful girls got shoes to wear HORRAY.

2.) Lucia & Miguel doing usual plotting & scheming: Fast Forward.

3.) Tobias keeping Maricruz's paternity a big secret to himself. What could possibly go wrong?

4.) The Buji Snobs: Carloa (Rocio Banquelis) & Raiza (Ana Patricia Rojo) & plotting to get ALL of Alejandro's money. Something is NOT good coming of the Buji Snobs scheming, etc.,

5.) Back at the Mansion: Maricruz interrupts the bad moment regarding Alejandro & Tobias; It seems she wants to keep working nonstop.

6.) Over at the ranch: Miguel receives a letter from Orlando, where he wrote about seeing two women that he saw look like Maricruz.

7.) Earlier in the double-episode: Solita drank some orange juice & the taste is so sour or bad, she runs to the restroom to vomit.

8.) Octavio still head over heels about the mysterious woman with Maricruz's resemblance.

9.) So Alejandro is having health problems ? Kind of foreshadowing perhaps ?

10.) Intriguing musical theme by Margarita Vargas with the opening credits.

11.) Not shocked Crazy Lucia had Maricruz & Solita's grandfather whacked courtesy of Nutjob Eusebio.

12.) Inside the kitchen, Solita suddenly faints by falling on the floor. Something foreshadowing again ?



Thanks for your comments Kat, Susan and Darcy!

Niecie, thank you.

I'm also wondering about Doris' history. Nothing mentioned or assumed about her mother, is that right?

Fingers crossed about JE being happy about the news. He's so explosive and unpredicable!


VIVIR #81 Part 1

I’ve done my best to try and correctly translate the most important dialogue of this very revelatory episode. Please correct any errors I have inadvertently made and kindly add to what I missed.

We begin with Cris repeating to JE that Adolfo, the only love of her life, whom he has admired for so long, is his real father. Cris’s words reverberate in his head as JE stares in shock. When he comes out of his momentary shock, he shakes his head, professing that Mau is his father. Cris tells him no and asks for his forgiveness. JE is glassy eyed and asks why. As we feared, his initial reaction is anger that is clearly reflected in his belligerent stare.

We see our poor witness and her hapless pooch standing with Bruno and his bearded thugs. She is cowed and murmurs something to which Bruno seems to counter with “do we look like the police? He tells her that Rebeca Sanchez is NOT the woman she saw. The threat has been made. He reaches into his pocket and as she gasps, he pulls out an envelope of cash. As the dog barks (very meekly), her greedy eyes light up and she mentions Santa Claus. Cash accepted, case almost closed. He picks up the phone.

Misael calls Monica with the news.

Misael calls Rebeca just as she and Yadhira are going into the “dining hall”. He tells her what happened and she hangs up staring hard. They choose a table where Petra is sitting. Rebeca insults the family and Petra tells her off. During the conversation, Yadhira flashes some dark, disturbing looks. She chews on her bread like a cavewoman.

Cris is in tears but JE starts sneering in his habitual nasty manner, rebuking her for keeping the news JE is his real father. And of course, with her usual atrocious timing, Monica has arrived and heard everything. She is positively fish mouthed as she repeats that JE’s father is Adolfo.

Poor unsuspecting Adolfo is in the office when Romina waylays him, concerned about Rebeca. She’s in jail is the answer.

Cris repeats it, yes, Adolfo is the real father of JE. A gamut of contorted facial expressions flit across Monica’s face. Cris says she was pregnant with JE when Monica married him. JE grabs Monica’s arm when she goes to hit Cris. Monica is like a raging bull, and JE quickly has enough screaming “basta.” After Monica barges off, JE actually holds Cris and comforts her. Tranquila he says.

Cleaning continues at the fabrica as Renato comes in with a hideous unbuttoned flowered shirt. He is still carrying on about her being his wife.


VIVIR #81 Part 2

Cris is still prostrate with grief, begging JE’s forgiveness as she dissolves in tears. We see his eyes are brimming as well as she cries on his shoulder.

Gi and Elena talk about Rebeca (mi hija) and Angel but are on opposite sides of the argument as always. While Elena is purposely deaf about anything Angel, she does ask Gi about her romantic vacation. Gi shares a bit of the mystery surrounding Doris.

Doris visits Rebeca in the “visitor’s lounge”. Rebeca extends her arm on the table but Doris pushes it away. I understood little of their conversation but Sebastian was mentioned and I believe Beca accuses Doris of taking Angel’s side. Things don’t end well; Doris appears to leave with their friendship now DOA.

Don Emilio talks to JE about Rebeca with Cris there. Adolfo tells JE the divorce is in the works. Don Emilio invites him to join the conversation. JE is actually smiling pleasantly.

Renato and Angel are having dinner as Santi calls.

La Escorpiona is brought before Yadhira. Rebeca is the family of Cris and Cris is my amiga Yadhira states but it appears Rebeca is not. Yadhira tilts her head and La Escorpiona gets the implied message loud and clear. They bump arms, not fists. La Escorpiona and her not so welcoming committee assault Rebeca in her cell. A beatdown ensues.

Rebeca is on the floor with a bloody mouth with Yadhira standing over her. Amazingly, Rebeca states that Cris is a bad person as Yadhira leaves her alone in her misery. Rebeca groans in agony trying to sit up.

JE and Fatima rebuke Lucas as he cries that he is innocent. Mati is crying on her bed saying the same as Javi comforts her. Mati calls Romina who of course doesn’t answer, rejecting the call.

Night falls.


VIVIR #81 Part 3 of 3

And then, an eye bleach inducing scene. Bruno is with Romina, moving in for the kill, pushing her hair gently back from her blazer. He kisses her and she pushes him away saying she is married. But you are getting a divorce aren’t you he murmurs as he nuzzles her neck…He removes her blazer as she turns, fast as lightening starting to undress him. A very quick leap from “I can’t, I’m married” to “let’s go!”

JE was recalling a conversation with Adolfo when Luciano calls him to discuss the Lucas problem.

The large and luminous moon shot. Under cover of darkness, Lucas goes into Mati’s bedroom and leaves her a rose.

Day breaks as Mati picks up the rose and smiles.

Fatima face times JE. He asks if she is sure about the accusations lodged against Lucas.

Bruno, shirtless showing his hideous tats is with a now fully dressed Romina. I believe he smarms that this will be our secret. Romina loses an earring and starts pulling the bed apart. She finds a file hidden under the mattress and starts taking pictures of the contents. Monica, already three sheets to the wind, calls Bruno and then throws the phone down. A small bucket of ice and crystal decanter on the chair are her constant companions (saving that long annoying walk to the sideboard). 😊

Don Emilio and JE share a heart to heart about “amores verdaderos”. Cris tells a delighted Adolfo she told JE he is her father. He is like a child on Christmas morning, lit up like the proverbial tree. She shares Monica didn’t take the news well. JE comes down the hall with Don Emilio and a joyous, animated Adolfo bids his son a good morning as everyone smiles.

OMG, Monica is sprawled out on the floor clutching her glass when Misael enters. She and her clown mouth are babbling as he looks disgusted muttering “whiskey”. “Basta” Misael yells, asking Cris what the matter is. The father of JE is YOUR father she spits out. “No” he says, engulfed in shock, recoiling.

Court is in session; Rebeca wears a nondescript brown bateau neck top and leather jacket. Elena and Santi are sitting in the front row behind the accused; JE, Cris, Adolfo and Don Emilio in the second.

The bought and paid for witness comes forward and the judge questions her as to whether Rebeca is the woman who ran down Mau. She appears to give it some thought staring hard at Rebeca. “Yes or no” the judge demands. In the end she says “no”! JE stands up and yells that the witness has already identified Rebeca. Cris and Adolfo pull his arms and nudge him back into his seat. Arms in the air, Eleana looks as though there was never any doubt. The gavel sounds and Rebeca is released. JE’s face mirrors his shock. And disbelief.


Vivir. Oh dear! It looks as if Rebeca may slide by again! As usual, I enjoyed your summary, Diana, and look forward to seeing the episode itself tomorrow online. (After that, our new tv is supposed to be installed, and I can go back to seeing them when they are broadcast).


Thanks so much, Diana! I loved your description of the “eye bleach inducing” scene.

JE nastiness was mercifully brief. When will Fatima get clued in? A family meeting would have been good.

Angel and Renato. She referred to his heroics saving her from the fire, giving him another opportunity to fess up. But he stayed silent. Could this be enough to call off the wedding?

Surprised Reb went out of her way to insult Doris, calling her “naca” several times. Shouldn’t Reb remember Doris has some damning info to spill?


Thank you SpanProf...

Today was an eyeful to be sure.

I look forward to your being able to comment after you watch...



Thank you so much Clara for your kind words.

I so appreciate your noting that Angel "...referred to his heroics saving her from the fire, giving him another opportunity to fess up. But he stayed silent". Could this be enough to call off the wedding?"

Great question. Ordinarily I would say probably. But Angel seems damned and determined to forge ahead, doesn't she?! I fear it's a tossup at this point!

I did think Doris was sincere in wanting to leave Beca and her friendship behind. But now that she's out of jail, it would be smart of Rebeca to try and mend fences. She literally has no one on her side now. Here's hoping Doris stays resolute.



Dear Diana, thank you so much for another excellent report on all the comings and goings . I especially appreciate your detailed account because my cable went out right after Petra left the table.

You do not want Yadira as an enemy. I think I might faint if she just gave me that scary stare. Anyhoo, as we expected , Reb is sprung to go back to causing chaos , but the writers threw viewers a bone by having arrogant Reb get a beatdown . I was fortunate enough to get to see Reb's defiant , snarling bread biting . ...Hey gals, I am bad . me eat this unbuttered roll.

Okay ...JE got the good news about having a decent dad , and , of course , Tipsy was right there to get the report, too. No scenery went unchewed in that scene . Unfortunately, I didn't get to see drunk skunk passed out on the floor, but that's okay. I have a good imagination . It was probably pretty much like all of Monica's other scenes except quieter and horizontal.

Well, Reb burned another bridge...this one with Doris standing on it. When Gentle Sebastian returns from his mission or wisdom tooth removal, a redeemed Doris will be right there waiting for him. Perhaps in a slightly longer frock. We'll see what Good Girl Doris will look like ...maybe she will decide on just one hair Plus, there's dad waiting in the wings , too. I think Doris is going to get HEA now that she seems done being Reb's accomplice. Susan

Luckily, I do not have an image of Bruno and Romeana grappling with each other . Im going to write it down in my gratitude journal tonight. Bruno is a utility player ...grappling , threatening ..A man for all seasons .


Susan, thank you for your nice words.

Loved "Reb burned another bridge...this one with Doris standing on it. When Gentle Sebastian returns from his mission or wisdom tooth removal, a redeemed Doris will be right there waiting for him. Perhaps in a slightly longer frock". :)

"JE got the good news..., Tipsy was right there to get the report, too. No scenery went unchewed in that scene" had me laughing away.

Yadhira is a force of nature. And one knows better than to mess with mother nature, right?



Thanks, Diana. You served up a rich recap covering the rollercoaster of emotions.

Whew! It's a good thing Monica overheard and went raging bull at Cris. This gave JE a chance to protect his mom and quit being a jerk himself.

Renato comes in with a hideous unbuttoned flowered shirt.

Wardrobe is certainly signaling that this guy is no longer Prince Charming.

And then, an eye bleach inducing scene.

Diana, kudos to your commitment to duty no matter what! I had to avert my eyes when Bruno and Romeana got busy.

That was a cute scene of Don Emilio, JE, Adolfo, and Cris all silent and smiling knowingly.

Vivir de amor #81

Wow, this chapter is a rough one. Thank you Diana for covering it with your great style and flair. Even the rough stuff in the prison.

We are getting to know a few people in the women's prison. At first I didn't remember just who Petra was, but I was OK after just a bit. That prison seems a dark and dismal place, and Yadira might just have an interesting part to play. She's protecting Becky, but just for the money; she really does care for Cris. This might just lead to something.
And it did.

So the Dog Lady took the bribe. Well, I can't blame her, everybody else is getting one, and those guys were scary, and were there for a reason. She got the message.

Is there such a thing as a private conversation in a telenovela? Anyway, it was kinda fun seeing Monica go ballistic over Cris's revelation to JE. JE was upset, but Monica was out for blood! She actually looked kinda cute all worked up and her hair messed up.

Oooh! Did Angel just lay a trap for Renato? "Thanks for risking your life to save me."

OK! Doris accused Becky of dropping her since Becky moved in with the rich folks. Big argument, each calling the other "naca" and so long forever! DOA, indeed.
I did like Doris's dress :-)

Becky walked. Well, we knew that was coming.

In fact, 81 is close enough to 125 that I can get clues to what will resolve soon and what won't, even though I don't have enough fingers and toes. Good ol' grammar school arithmetic to the rescue.

Diana, thank you!



Thanks very much Niecie.

"Whew! It's a good thing Monica overheard and went raging bull at Cris. This gave JE a chance to protect his mom and quit being a jerk himself" is exactly right!! ("raging bull" perfect). JE would have glowered and groaned incessantly had not Monica gone after Cris wouldn't he?? He also sort of protected Cris as I don't think she would have been safe once Monica's hellcat claws were unsheathed!

"That was a cute scene of Don Emilio, JE, Adolfo, and Cris all silent and smiling knowingly". It was Niecie and my favorite one today.

It's almost too late for Renato to tell Angel that JE rescued her. Such a disappointment.



Andy, thank you for your kind words.

Your astute questions always make me think.

"Oooh! Did Angel just lay a trap for Renato? "Thanks for risking your life to save me." That would have been perfect if it were anyone other than Angel, the most guileless soul ever!

" was kinda fun seeing Monica go ballistic over Cris's revelation to JE. JE was upset, but Monica was out for blood!" She certainly was and for that reason alone, it's a good thing JE was there...

"Doris accused Becky of dropping her since Becky moved in with the rich folks. Big argument, each calling the other "naca" and so long forever!" is my fervent hope. Becky only had one real friend (well at least it was genuine on Doris' part); Becky could ill afford to lose her. Hopefully Doris stays resolved to let sleeping dogs lie (without offense to dogs everywhere).

I'm ready for Sebas' return. That said, do we know if he's even left yet? 😊



Thank you Diana, your recap both had me laughing and warned me that eye bleach will be needed tomorrow! lol

I have to say I like Doris' multiple color hair but perhaps her good girl look will lengthen her dresses a little. Though I've seen plenty protags recently filming the entire novela in short short dresses so perhaps not. Fashion seems to go the way of show me some skin more and more every year. I hate the resurgence of mid riff tops!

The whole Lucas thing is such an obvious set-up, it reeks of 'how to set up the most likely suspect 101', it's annoying that no adult questions it. One day we find Lucas and Gabe fighting over Mati and the very next day Lucas supposedly steals the very same bracelet that he'd already returned to Fatima once before and no one lifts an eyebrow? Sigh...

I can just see Elena convincing herself that Rebeca going free means everything else was just a misunderstanding and all the other pesky details - like Reb encouraging Santi to gamble and all the info Cris gave her - will just fly out of her head as she's once again 100% team Beca to Angel's detriment.

I wonder how Beca's truce/alliance with Mon and Mis will fare now?? I keep thinking that sooner or later this has to go to all-out war between Mis and Rebeca but I'm not sure we are there yet. Just a guess, of course, but I can't see them going down any other way than by taking each other out.

Bruno has zero appeal, like zero!!! He's a lackey who had previously played a part in incarcerating Romina and she swoons right into his arms??? LOL I am no Romina fan, but I still can't figure out why she even gives Bruno the time of day let alone lets him seduce her! I think it's lazy writing, Mis and Bruno should have had to position some stranger to pretend to be a good guy and seduce Romina to keep her in line, Bruno shouldn't have been able to.


Thanks so much, Diana, for such a great, snarky recap. Your humor shone!

The paid off witness took a peek inside the envelope Bruno gave her and blurted out that she'd say she saw Santa Claus run over Mau for that much cash.

Where did they find Yadhira? I don't think I've ever seen an incarcerated woman that looked scarier. Of course, we've seen her vulnerable with Cris and grateful with Cris. By the way Adolfo...get busy getting Yadhira out of that prison!

Yep, JE started in with his long arc of being a disappointing galán. It took Monica going for his mama to snap him out of it. Will he ever see the parallel of both he and his bio dad getting blind drunk and subsequently married to the wrong woman? Of course, in JE's case, he didn't even do the deed. I think Monica may have been more successful.

Yep, Renato STILL doesn't fess up when Angelli praises him for entering a burning building...

Doris went to see Rebeca a bit disillusioned with her friend, but she could have been talked around like all those other times. But Rebeca is getting overconfident. As Clara commented, Doris knows too much.

Bruno had the gall to tell Romina that he's a gentleman and would not speak about their "encounter". Ha!

Gotta say I really enjoyed Rebeca's beatdown. What amazed me was the tiny little scar on her lower lip and no other signs of it in court.


I agree with Darcy about liking the red streaks in Doris's hair. What I haven't liked and haven't seen lately are those pasted on rhinestones on her face. Sheesh! Maybe leaving those off is part of her redemption tour.


Thanks so much Darcy!

I always enjoy your sharp perspective and your recap was full of many fine examples. "Mis and Bruno should have had to position some stranger to pretend to be a good guy and seduce Romina to keep her in line, Bruno shouldn't have been able to" had me nodding away. In addition to Bruno being emotionally stunted, he is not attractive in the least! As you noted, he tried to railroad Romina and having her melt into his arms makes absolutely no sense.

Rebeca has clearly shown Misael who and what she is yet for some strange reason, he still seems besotted. Rebeca has lied to him since the beginning and even told him that JE is the love of her life! If that didn't discourage him, I don't know what will. But I agree, Misael will get to his saturation point and will turn on her.

Lucas' innocence needs to be cleared up. Enough!

I'm not sure what Elena does or doesn't believe about Rebeca. She seems ready to denounce her one minute and then...It will be interesting what she says to her now that she is off the hook (hopefuly temporarily) for the mow down.



Thank you for your nice words Novelera...

This was so insightful: "Yep, JE started in with his long arc of being a disappointing galán. It took Monica going for his mama to snap him out of it. Will he ever see the parallel of both he and his bio dad getting blind drunk and subsequently married to the wrong woman? Of course, in JE's case, he didn't even do the deed. I think Monica may have been more successful".

"The paid off witness took a peek inside the envelope Bruno gave her and blurted out that she'd say she saw Santa Claus run over Mau for that much cash". I wasn't exactly sure in what context Santa was brought up so thank you for clarifying exactly what was said, although it was sort of sad she folded like a deck of cards upon seeing the stack of bills. :)

You are right in that both Yadhira and Petra are still languishing in jail. Perhaps Adolfo will come down from cloud 9 and get back to work!

I think Doris is quite beautiful with or without red hair. I agree about the rhinestones; she needs no embellishment! :)



Thanks so much Diana, your recap was more fun than the episode. Although we all new Rebeca would get out of jail.

I agree that the bracelet in Lucas’s pack pack was so obviously a setup. But none of the adults are picking up on it. Gab seems to be a future Renato. No scruples if it will get him the girl he wants.

JE was acting like he did with Angel. If Monica hadn’t tried to attract Cris, Cris would have seen the not so nice side of JE.

Elena is still defending Rebeca and leaving Angel out of her life. She deserves to be hurt big time.



Hola, Patio.

Thanks. Diana. I hope we didn’t scare off Casper the Friendly Ghostwriter with our speculations, snark, and silly names. Your recap was a treasure to read. You get the Super Trouper award for covering this cookie-tossing episode. How are your eyes now, Dear? Thoughts and prayers that your eye bleach is working.

How to influence folks in prison: throw vile insults in the air & eat your bread like you just don’t care. Big Reb had it coming, and our show delivered today. Yadira’s scary look game is on point! Spooky! With some makeup and choreography, she could be an extra in Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” video.

Oh, Gabriela Spanic! You had to suffer from lockjaw after chewing up the scenery today. I minored in Trash Talk, so I always appreciate when someone does it well. After wrestling with JE, she told Cris: God is in charge of putting every priest in His church, every clown in His circus, and every hooker on His corner! Exit, Stage left.

After Rebeca thanked Doris for visiting her, the latter says you get to know your true friends in the hospital and in jail. Doris complains about being her cover and visiting her in both places. Her feelings are hurt because since Rebeca got rich, she’s ignored her AND she’s heard a ton of things about her wrongdoings (incl. firing Sebastián). Here’s where the friendship train derails colossally. Doris goes on to defend Angeli and questions whether Rebeca is manipulating everyone (ding Ding DING). This prompts Reb to drop the N-word (naca). RIP lifelong friendship.

After Big Reb’s bloody ramblings, Bruno’s revolting ink, and Mónica’s drunken clown bit, I’m not sure I’ll get much sleep tonight. That is a lot of imagery for the brain to handle. Silver lining: there are worse things Romina could have found under skeevy Bruno’s mattress. Also, the writers are being extra lazy with the character-misplaces-something-and-finds-a-clue hack to further the story. We just got a similar setup yesterday with Gi & Doris’ baby photo. ¡Basta!

Despite the slow motion and dramatic music, hilarity ensued in the courtroom:
•Rebeca’s patented outburst and funny faces.
•The witness declaring the seated defendant was taller, lighter-skinned, and fatter(!) than Bruno’s assassin.
•Elena’s idiotic I-knew-it-all-along rejoicing.
•Rebecca’s Now What?!! look @ JE.

Great ending. Good show!

Prop-aganda: the judge’s gavel was almost as big as Fátima’s glass of orange juice yesterday.

Slam Dunk: Rebeca’s nondescript brown bateau neck top. You go, Diana!

O.S. thanks for the extra dialogue, now Monica's rambling dialogue, is that a common saying or did the writers actually do some good writing for a change?
Diana, I'm learning a lot of new words in the fashion department with your wardrobe critiques. I had never heard of a ruana before, then lo and behold while shopping for a swimsuit Sat there some were close to the nautical wear! I'm a Tshirt gal for the most part so not much in the know in the fashion department.
The beating Reb took in the jail left no marks on her at the trial I noticed.


Liz, thank you...

Yes, JE was indeed acting angrily with Cris at first, just as he had with Angel as you noted. I suspect Cris would have been very dismayed had JE continued in that vein.

Elena is indeed in for a world of hurt...




Thank you for all of your very kind words.

You were on fire today. Hot, hot, scorching!

"The witness declaring the seated defendant was taller, lighter-skinned, and fatter(!) than Bruno’s assassin" had me smiling in glee.

"How to influence folks in prison: throw vile insults in the air & eat your bread like you just don’t care" and "You had to suffer from lockjaw after chewing up the scenery today" were sublime.

Thank you for explaining what the Beca/Doris convo was. I did think she threw Sebas in during her rant of being ignored and abandoned. "Here’s where the friendship train derails colossally". We can hope!

"Silver lining: there are worse things Romina could have found under skeevy Bruno’s mattress" was perfect.

I thank you for bringing light and laughter into my day. This was amazing.



Kat, I think I'm a frustrated fashionists wanna be that will never be!

"The beating Reb took in the jail left no marks on her at the trial I noticed". You are right! Not a scratch to be seen! :)



" taller,lighter skinned, and fatter " = Santa

VIVIR #82 Part 1

Misael is still reeling from Monica’s stunning news that JE is the “hijo of tu padre” (and a hypocrite at that!!) Monica, hair looking like she just left a wind tunnel, mumbles and stumbles around the room but damn, doesn’t let go of her glass. He hisses that she stop, she is drunk. Everyone thought Cris was so perfect when she was only a hussy! When Misael realizes JE is his half-brother, she claps for her son. She sticks the knife in further continuing that is why JE was his favorite while Misael was put to the side. Misael fumes and asks if JE knows and Monica replies of course he does! When Misael wonders if his father knows, Monica isn’t sure but knows Adolfo will jump for joy when he finds out (true enough we smirk with satisfaction). Misael hits the wall in frustration as Monica calls out after him. Finally, the glass tumbles down on the floor as does she, sputtering to herself.

All the fabrica workers are dressed in their pristine white uniforms, masks and new machines in place as 1, 2, 3 production is up and running! Cheering ensues as vats are stirred, product scooped, ingredients blended and melded. Annoying tentacle Renato is right there, praising Angel who thought this would be impossible. After she thanks him, Renato confesses it was JE who obtained the provider but Angel already knew that since he inadvertently revealed it. Lupe brings liquid refreshment which she and Angel share with the workers.

Rebeca triumphantly faces the small congregation of JE, Cris, Don Emilio and Adolfo reminding them she told them justice would be done; she hopes now they believe her! JE tells her to stop the hypocrisy; they know she was the one who ran down his father! They know she also was responsible for the witness retracting her statement; he swears she will pay. When Rebeca tries to point a finger elsewhere, Adolfo admonished that he will not allow her to falsely blame Cris or anyone in the family. Don Emilio adds she needs to take responsibility for her actions because no one in the family will believe anything she has to say. Rebeca vows to show them but JE tells her it is futile and demands she get out of their lives. When Rebeca reminds him she is still his wife, he reminds her that her signature is not required for the divorce! When Rebeca again counters she is still his wife (for now) and still has things at the house, Chris tells her not to worry, they will send her things to her mother’s house. Oh, and Cris never wants to see her in HER house again! JE puts a protective arm around his family as he urges Rebeca to “DISAPPEAR!” Santi and Elena linger in the background looking at each other.

Rebeca tells Elena they almost killed her inside (you can’t kill something twice I add unkindly). When Elena tries to encourage her, Rebeca states it would probably have been best to stay imprisoned since Cris set JE against her and she is about to lose him. Rebeca sees Elena’s look and wonders how Angel has turned Elena against her again, but Elena tells her they can talk at home. Santi stands with his arms folded as they prepare to leave.

Bruno is on the phone with a lawyer and tells Romina that Rebeca has been set free. Romina is relieved because now she won’t lose her job.

Mati is crying because her mother won’t answer her calls (Romina is such a louse). Luciano wants to call a doctor but Mati tells him it’s just colic.


VIVIR #82 Part 2

Lupe is filling Carmelo in, talking about the new machines at the fabrica. Lucas shows up at the marketplace much to his parents’ shock and chagrin. He explains he was run off the hacienda because they think he stole something, but he vehemently denies it. He says everything was going well and that they ran him off unjustly. Lupe urges him to be calm as she and Luis reaffirm their support for him. Lupe is (rightfully) concerned that the gang members are still around. Lucas assures her he will be careful. Mi Lucas Lupe says, moving to hug him.

Fatima visits Luciano. He is concerned about Mati; they were getting along so well and then this happened. Fatima says the first order of business is to ensure Mati gets better. She volunteers to help but Luciano is concerned Mati will be rude and rebuff her but Fatima is undeterred; she and her water bottle take off as they smile at each other.

Jimena and Renato discuss Rebeca. Renato hopes she stays in prison and Jimena wonders what JE will do if that happens. Renato replies that JE already came looking for Angel but told him she would marry Renato. Renato is not going to let his guard down.

JE, Don Emilio, Cris and Adolfo have just arrived home. Adolfo comments that the witness must have changed her statement for some reason. They think she was threatened or paid off. All of a sudden, Renato storms in, verbally attacking JE about Angel. JE has a look of confusion and annoyance but Don Emilio immediately intervenes. He tells Renato he has no right to come into his house, much less yell at this grandson! After JE introduces Renato as Angel’s fiancée, Renato continues his tirade, announcing he will marry Angel this weekend regardless of who is bothered by it! He and his outsize ego stalk out as JE puts his arm around Don Emilio.

Back home, Santi kisses his mother and totally ignores Rebeca (loved that). Rebeca (still sporting her “cigarette” burn” on the bottom of her lip) thanks Elena for allowing her to stay there. When she adds that JE’s family turned their backs on her, Elena states that she understands them! Rebeca wonders why Elena and Santi have been so cold. You are my hija and I love you Elena replies but you lied to me. She knows it was Rebeca who gave Santi the money to gamble and that Rebeca blamed Angel! Rebeca tries to explain but Elena continues with the litany of bad tidings she has learned about her.

Gabriela is on the phone when Misael interrupts, asking for his father. He is told Adolfo is not there. He then overhears Gabriela mentioning Dulce’s name and on high alert, asks who it is. Gabriela doesn’t know but the person has information on Dulce; Misael then asks her to transfer the call to him.

Ahhh, we see the caller is Brayan and, not knowing who he is talking to (likely a very costly mistake), tells Misael he has information on Dulce’s real murderer, but they will have to pay. Misael looks appropriately alarmed.

Marisa is at Angel’s desk, encouraging her to call and thank JE for his help. She does but gets his voicemail. Santi arrives and Angel asks him what happened. He tells her Rebeca was set free and is now at Elena’s. Angel thinks JE will go for Rebeca but Santi disagrees. He knows she will be staying with them but wishes she would just leave as she is always causing problems. Santi assures Angel he won’t allow Rebeca to trick him; he will protect Angel and their mother. When Angel wonders who will protect Santi, he replies he doesn’t need to be protected; he wants to be the true man of the house. They smile at each other and hold hands.


VIVIR #82 Part 3

Rebeca once again starts disparaging Cris, blaming Cris for getting Angel to hate her. Elena FINALLY tells her to stop blaming Angel for everything. Angel is trying to move forward with her life and doesn’t even try to get close to her (Rebeca). When Elena pleads Rebeca stop hating her sister, Rebeca claims she doesn’t hate her (liar) she has only been trying to defend herself. (I was hoping she’d be smote on the spot but unfortunately) …As violins weep, Rebeca continues how she always had to defend herself growing up in her neighborhood. She then asks Elena to forgive her and not stop loving her. Elena swears that will never happen. Rebeca only wants to have her mother close. She asks for a hug and Elena complies as Rebeca does a slight but noticeable eye roll behind her back.

Fatima is kind and caring to Mati but for her concern is rudely told she better not try to be her mother! (Heaven forbid, no one wants to be Romina, but I digress). She gently gives Mati the water bottle.

Gabriel wants to see Mati but Luciano doesn’t think it’s a good time. Gabriel tries to pat himself on the back crowing that it was a good idea to run Lucas off but Luciano says he doesn’t have time to talk which doesn’t sit too well.

Misael tells Bruno about the phone call but admits he doesn’t know who the caller was. Misael spies JE and Adolfo down the hall with Adolfo’s arm on JE’s shoulder and glares. Adolfo assures JE he will be there for whatever he needs. He wants to talk with JE but seeing Angel has called him, JE says he has to leave. He is wondering if Rebeca paid Angel another unwanted visit.

Romina and Rebeca have a koffee klatch. Rebeca sports a black and gold blazer and black shirt Romina a shirt with a chain design on a black background. Romina tries to talk business but Rebeca only wants to find a way to take JE’s shares from him; that will be her revenge.

JE visits Angel to personally ask her if she is all right. Yes she answers and then explains she only called to thank him. JE tells her about Renato going to his house and accusing him of trying to be a hero. Angel doesn’t need an explanation and thanks him again. As she walks away, he asks about the wedding this weekend. When she confirms, he asks she not get married but she insists she will. JE tells her he truly wishes for her happiness even though he is dying of love. He then asks for a hug which they do as the theme music plays, both closing their eyes.

After the hug, Angel thanks him for coming although he didn’t need to. JE tells her he needed to clarify about the vendor because he didn’t want her to get the wrong idea. Angel tells him not to worry because now they can fulfill all the orders. JE is happy because they have worked so hard, especially her. He sees all is going well. Angel hopes things are well with him too. JE replies that without her, nothing is well, but if she is well, he will be well. He then pulls out his phone and shows her the video proving Rebeca threw herself down the stairs. How did you get this she asks. My mother obtained it when she had it investigated. Angel is relieved she can now show her mother that what she said was the truth. Thank you she cries as he holds her head on his shoulder. Naturally Renato arrives just in time to watch their sweet scene unfolding.

Romina is surprised Rebeca wants to take JE’s shares. Beca affirms she does and asks how she can get them. Romina explains nothing can be done as they were used as collateral, but Rebeca thinks there must be a way to get them. When she threatens to get someone else to help her, Romina finally agrees and will show Rebeca that she is worth every peso she will pay her. Romina then tells Rebeca she will need mucho dinero…and she can get it from the company’s Swiss bank accounts.


VIVIR #82 Part 4

Renato marches forward and asks JE what he is doing there. Angel explains she asked JE to come so she could thank him. When Renato asks about the hug, she tells him about the video. JE tells Angel he has sent her the video. Renato then lifts his leg to mark his territory (not quite, but you get my point), and will take Angel to the restaurant. Before JE leaves, Renato tells him he doesn’t want to see him there, and that this better be the last time JE looks for Angel! When Renato adds he is talking as the man who loves Angel more than his own life, JE understands that sentiment perfectly. Renato then tells him to show how much he loves Angel by staying away from her because if JE insists, Angel won’t be able to be happy. When JE is near, Angel feels uncomfortable. (No dude, it’s you who are uncomfortable). Renato demands that JE respect Angel’s decision to be with Renato by not seeing her EVER AGAIN!

Lucas calls Mati and tells her he is fine; he wishes he could be with her and swears he didn’t take anything! Everything happened so quickly; Gabriel asked him to open his backpack and there was the bracelet! Mati thinks Gabriel put the bracelet there (smart girl) and promises to figure out what happened. She knows Lucas has tried to be better and she won’t abandon him. She then urges him to be careful.

Fatima thinks about Luciano, asking what they should do about the love they feel when lo and behold he appears. He explains he comes there often to think about her. They need each other and as Luciano leans forward, he is this close to nuzzling her nose.

Doris, in a chartreuse crop top, spouts off to Wanda complaining about Rebeca. Wanda asks if she really thinks Rebeca tried to run down that man. After Doris recalls Rebeca asking her to have Brayan get a tattoo, she tells Wanda that Rebeca is capable of anything!

All of a sudden, Gi appears. Doris gets agitated, warning Gi not to make another scene. Gi tells her to calm down because she is there as a customer. Gi quickly picks up a brush and actually brushes Doris’ hair!! She removes the hair from the brush and puts it in a plastic bag and she thrusts a bill into Doris’ hand and then takes off. A new twist on a hit and run!

Sandra is cleaning when Mati come down. Sandra speaks well of Fatima but Mati cuts her short saying she isn’t there to discuss Fatima. She needs to figure out what happened the day of the robbery. She says Lucas is innocent but needs Sandra’s help. She knows they’ve had their differences because Sandra likes Gabriel, but Mati is no longer with Gabriel and thinks they could be friends again. Mati smiles and hugs her.


VIVIR #82 Part 5 of 5

Brayan tells Misael that he better deposit the money he is demanding. Misael grimaces as he tells Brayan to tell him what he knows or that there will be no money! Brayan tells him Ramiro was just a scapegoat to cover up the real murderer. When he adds Misael had better give him the money and threatens to contact another family member, Misael signals to Bruno to transfer the money. After he gets the money he says “Rebeca Sanchez”! Bruno, reverting to his dark, gray plaid ensemble today asks what the guy said. Misael glares and clenches his teeth.

Rebeca doesn’t understand why JE hasn’t used that money to get out of debt. Romina reveals she doesn’t think JE knows the accounts even exist as they were only recently opened. Rebeca silently thinks it was the money Misael stole. Romina explains that to get to the money, they would have to get authorization from the bank and the company president. BUT if Rebeca gets the account passcode, Rebeca could transfer the money without having to go through the bank. Romina suggests Misael must have the passcode hidden but Rebeca thinks he has them in a locked strong box in his office. Rebeca want Romina to get Bruno to go into Misael’s office and then once inside, she can look for the codes. Romina worries about being caught but Rebeca tells her this is different since a company partner is asking her to do it. Once Rebeca gets the majority of the shares, she will give Romina whatever job she wants. Romina greedily agrees.

Today’s fascinating details and dialogue were brought to you by my amazing friend whose linguistic skills are truly stellar. I would never have been able to make heads or tails out of Rebeca and Romina’s financial intrigue. She illuminated this and so much more; I am so grateful for all that she so generously and splendidly shared today.


Vivir. Very detailed recap today, Diana, courtesy of both you and your friend. Thank you so much! Though Elena finally seems to be realizing some of the depths of Rebeca's evil, Rebeca once again manages to thwart her, at least in part!


Hi SpanProf...

It looks like the wedding is still on...hmm.

Elena is still standing by Beca's side although perhaps not as enthusiastically as before.



Loved the scene with Gi and Doris. I literally lol'd.
I was a bit confused about the money aspect also. I'm also glad your friend helped out with that scene.


No flies on Gi! She is a woman on a mission.

It was a great scene ITA Kat...



Thanks Diana, finally you get at least a few fun upbeat scenes! Your recap is fantastic as always!

I can't wait to see Sandra and Mati team up to get to the bottom of things! Hopefully Sandra doesn't try to protect Gabe because of her crush...

This whole Brayan story is bugging me. I can't remember for 100% certain, but I'm pretty sure most everyone had concluded that Ramiro was innocent after he died. Am I remembering wrong?? I KNOW that JE and Al thought he was innocent, but I seem to remember that even the cops decided Ramiro's tattoo was too recent for him to have been the murderer. So how is Brayan threatening to tell people what they already know a thing? I mean sure, he could implicate Rebeca but only in a roundabout 3rd or 4th person way, he has no actual proof! And much like Ramiro, Brayan doesn't actually know who killed Dulce!

I'm pleasantly surprised that Elena actually maintained some of her suspicions of Beca and even defended Angel.

Renato storming into DE's house to throw a fit and cause a scene is beyond disrespectful and way out of line and demanding JE never see Angel again?? I never did like him but if I had that would be the nail in the coffin. Angel should dump this chump and the writers should introduce a different nice young man for Jimena!

Vivir de amor

Wow, Diana, you were really working overtime today, a five part recap! And a great recap, frankly much better than the episode itself, which was mostly quite blah.

I do think Gabriela Spanic had a fun time as the besotted Monica today, much more than, say, Kimberly as the long-suffering Angel, which part must get to be boring.

Becky was looking a bit drained, not her usual self. I suppose jail can do that to someone. She looked better later with a little make-up.

I don't really know what's going on at Lady Marmalade. New machines and all. Are the ladies not now going to inspect every strawberry and pass judgment on it? Are they not going to fill jars one by one? There goes the old-fashioned quality!

I am still annoyed that Luciano, et al, fell for Gabriel's planted evidence against Lucas. These people must be quite dense, and Luciano doesn't seem to much care for Gabriel anyway.
It was nice to see Mati and Sandra agree to cooperate.
I do agree that Lucas could be in danger back in the barrio.

I wish the Gazpacho police would come and drag Renato away to jail for a while, I have lost all patience with him, he is now a total jerk, as bad as JE.
Maybe Jimena might come to rescue him from the Gazpacho while they were force feeding him Spam, and he might finally realize that she is the woman for him.
I offer these ideas to the novela's writers, totally gratis. Anything but more confrontations with JE and all the so-so glowering. Meh.

The one real bright spot was with Doris and Gi. I was hoping for a bit more brushing, but a rough swipe will just have to do, I suppose. As long as she got a little of Doris's hair.

Diana, thank you for getting through (suffering through?) this episode and recapping it so I didn't have to pay too much attention to the nonsensical parts.



Wow, “Part 5 of 5.” You and your amazing friend did double illumination duty, Diana. Lots of scene switches and dialogue heavy subplots bubbling.

Renato in macho mode gets less appealing by the hour. I really hope the wedding “this weekend” doesn’t happen. Seems like it’s been “this weekend” for about a month!


Darcy, I really appreciate your (always) kind and supportive words. Thank you.

"I'm pleasantly surprised that Elena actually maintained some of her suspicions of Beca and even defended Angel". Me too! At least it's something. Not much, but something. Elena's vision is still clouded but at least some of the fog has lifted.

"I'm pretty sure most everyone had concluded that Ramiro was innocent after he died. Am I remembering wrong??" No Darcy, I don't believe you are. His naming Rebeca was confusing to me. As you wisely noted, he could "implicate Rebeca but only in a roundabout 3rd or 4th person way". I'm still scratching my head.

Renato has gone from nice to intolerable in zero to sixty. Jimena deerves so much better. I'm continuing to hope Angel comes to her senses and bails before the wedding.


Vivir de amor

Oops! I submitted a comment, basically I didn't like this episode and found it annoying. But I must have use a naughty (to Blogger) word or two because I can't find the comment now.
Probably in the naughty comments folder.
I suspect I know what triggered it, but I have been wrong too many times in the past to be at all sure. There is no appeasing Blogger.




Clara, thank you for your nice comment.

While there weren't lifeshattering revelations today, there were innumerable comversations and "heavy subplots bubbling" as you sagely noted.

"Renato in macho mode gets less appealing by the hour" is perfect Clara and oh so true.

I'm with you in hoping the wedding "this weekend" (whenever that will be) doesn't happen either. I'd feel better if only we didn't have so many more episodes to go.



Andy, Rgv Chick just fished out and posted your comment. Thank you Rgv Chick!

I'm going to read it now.



Andy, thank you so very much. I appreciate your supportive remarks.

Today was a long one and I so appreciate your wry and witty "I wish the Gazpacho police would come and drag Renato away to jail for a while, I have lost all patience with him, he is now a total jerk, as bad as JE" which could not have mirrored my own feelings any better. But "Maybe Jimena might come to rescue him from the Gazpacho while they were force feeding him Spam, and he might finally realize that she is the woman for him" was perfect!

Your remark about Becky's looks reminded me that she was sans makeup and fresh faced (so to speak) when she arrived "home" at Elena's. Makeup did improve her "luke".

"Are the ladies not now going to inspect every strawberry and pass judgment on it? Are they not going to fill jars one by one? There goes the old-fashioned quality!" had me laughing away. I needed that!

Gi is a woman of action. I do hope Doris' hair is a match to Armando. I don't mind red herrings but it would be refreshing to have one thing be straightforward and not convoluted! :)


Vivir de amor

Diana, thank you! I never thought of a red herring, and I also hope Gi and her hair collection are on the up and up. It would be interesting if Armando is Doris's father, and if so I hope they fill in all the details.

I have largely lost interest in JE and the love of his life, et al, but I do find Doris, Wanda, Pedrito, and a few others to be quite interesting and I want to learn more of them.

Diana, my thanks!
Rgv Chick, my thanks!

You are both great ladies! Perhaps you should consider recapping together sometime.



"I have largely lost interest in JE and the love of his life, et al, but I do find Doris, Wanda, Pedrito, and a few others to be quite interesting and I want to learn more of them".

I do too Andy, I do too.

I have been blessed to have recapped with Rgv Chick quite a few times. You are so right, she is a great lady and truly amazing!



Thanks Diana and friend, you keep turning out such great recaps.

I was hoping Angel would return in time to hear Renato telling JE to never see Angel again. It’s so obvious that he knows Angel doesn’t really love him and he’s trying so hard to hang onto her. Renato going to their home was the worst. I guess because he would take credit for things he thinks JE would too. Although JE deserved the credit. When Renato was saying he had to tell Angel something I was sure he was going to tell her he didn’t save her. I hope someone soon tells Angel it was JE. Hopefully before the wedding. Renaldo should never have thrown Rebeca out of his car, they’d make a great couple.

Rebeca is going to get the money from the fraud. That should wake Misael up to this woman he loves. And Romina hesitates for a mini second. She didn’t learn anything in her first go round with these people.

The Doris and Gi scene was great! I wondered why Gi headed straight for the hairbrush.

I’m hoping Sandra and Mati will figure out it was Gabriel. Should be easy as he was pretty proud of himself.

I hope Elena gets the video soon. Fun times ahead for the lying Rebeca!



Thanks so much, Diana and Omni, for the very detailed and excellently written recap!

Ay, Monica! Did she really think JE knew all along that Adolfo was his father or is she so awful that she's poisoning her own son's mind and making him think that his Tia Cris was cheating on her husband?

Got a laugh out of "annoying tentacle" vis a vis Renato.

I thought the same as someone else here: that Renato was going to confess he didn't carry her out of a burning building, but no. It was only to mention JE convincing the provider of fruit to sell them to Angelli. And the "he" who revealed JE's help to Angelli was the provider himself.

I loved Cris going after Rebeca and saying she'd have her things packed up and sent to her. God only knows what she'd do if she had access to the house.

I was confused by the "colic". Is that how they describe menstrual cramps in Spanish? It surely looked like that was what was going on. My mother also provided a hot water bottle. BTW, I haven't seen one of those since the 60's!

Of course Misael just happened to walk in when Brayan called, preventing anyone else from finding out about what happened to Dulce.

I'm seeing a lot of similarities between Renato and Gabriel. Both started out pretty nice guys but revealed themselves as without any morals when it comes to "getting the girl".

This whole thing with Romina, Rebeca, and the Swiss bank account is a classic Telenovela Finance gambit, i.e., doesn't make much sense.


Cólico, my Mexican dictionary does say “cólico menstrual” after a general description of sharp abdominal pain.
Fatima also suggested Mati lie in the fetal position. Meanwhile greedy Romina is rejecting Mati’s calls, bah.


Dear Diana and faithful friend , thank you both for a great report on all the unfolding drama. My tv cable went out inexplicably on Tuesday morning. I tried everything I could think of to reboot it and finally called the cable company and listened to the recorded voice drone on and on ..push 1 or 2....say yes or no....etc. Finally talked to a human being who tried to help. Nothing worked , so a technician was coming to my house this a.m. However, I turned on the tv this morning at 630 , and ...A miracle ...cable is back on . #technologymagic

Anyhoo, I missed yesterday's episode , so I missed the hair brushing . ( I imagine it was an odd scene . A woman wanders into your Crap from Afar shop and starts brushing your hair . Wow. That's a little strange .) I did miss the Romeana Bruno hook up . Thankful for that .

Andy, I guess Lady Marmalade has now become big business . No more eyeballing every strawberry and scooping the jam into the jars the way my mother used to do. ( Now people make freezer jam which is so much easier. )

I also missed Reb being released from jail in her nondescript brown top. Diana, do you remember our fashion conversations with kirby?

The writers are not being very subtle about making Renato and Gabriel no longer the kind rescuers they were introduced as so that JE and Lucas look better by comparison and can win back Angeli and Mati .

Reb has now found someone new to use ...hungry Romeana . Romeana has a new puppetmaster and a new skezzy lover. ...and remember she left sweet Luciano and her kids for a new life . Romeana, Queen of the bad decisions . Be careful what you throw away . Susan


Gracias, Diana and friend. That was a delightful, satisfying episode and your recap captured all the fun (like "Monica, hair looking like she just left a wind tunnel, mumbles and stumbles around the room but damn, doesn’t let go of her glass.") Thanks for all the vivid details.

I loved:

- Take-charge Gi bushwhacking Doris's hair

- Elena challenging Rebeca's lies, even going so far as to say Angel has gone with her life and doesn't concern herself with Rebeca. (Does Elena ever think back on Little Frida's jealousy of her sis? Did she even notice back then? Most new parents are on the lookout for this.)

- Bryan popping back in the story and going after Rebeca and, in so doing, turning Misael on Rebeca

- Mati and Luciano both tired of needy/suckup Gabriel


We had a severe storm last night and lost power around midnight; it's just been restored. Thankfully, my neighborhood did not sustain major damage.

The internet seems to be working and I plan on doing today's recap.

Liz, Novelera, Clara, Susan, and Niecie, I thank you for your kind support and wise comments and observations. I apologize I am unable to respond to each of you individually today, but I have a lot to do before the episode airs. Thank you for your understanding.


Dear Diana, thank goodness you are okay. Susan

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