Sunday, June 23, 2024

El Amor no Tiene Receta, Capítulo 78 - Viernes, 21 de junio, 2024 - "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"

ANNOUNCEMENT: Receta will only air on Monday and Friday next week. On Tuesday and Wednesday it'll be preempted by Copa de Americas and on Thursday by the presidencial debate.

We get 7 minutes of Mir and Mau talking. Mau says he didn't want to hurt her, Mir says he did, but then says things like "I can see you as much more than a monster" and leaves open some opportunities for them to be an item. Mauro gets suspicious and says he won't fall in the trap, but kisses her anyway. I hope he hasn't ordered his yoga mat yet, because I refuse to recap a yoga scene with these two.

The gang (Paz, Lupe, Hum, Esteban) are waiting to see if Mir will convince Mauro; if not, they will activate the plan. At this moment I'm so happy the good guys have a plan that I don't care what IS the plan. Even if the plan is asphyxiation, caused by deliciously cooked food from the restaurant getting stuffed down Gin's throat, I wouldn't care. Hey, that's not THAT bad of an idea! But anyway...

Kenzo and Jero are trying to explain things to Sandro, which isn't going well. Jero does the mistake of saying Fel is a bad person (says the dude who is currently helping to DESTROY a completely innocent family), Sandro screams she's not, Kenzo says she's not, but everyone pays for their mistakes? Something like that, I was too mad at Jero to listen closely. At the end they have a family hug. Well, kind of, since Sandro isn't Kenzo's biological kid, but eh, still counts. I've liked Sandro more ever since he threw the wedding cake on Gin's butt.

After Mau leaves (so he thankfully hadn't ordered his yoga mat), Mir tells fam she's unsure if he believed her and she's disgusted, being close to him. The only love she cares about is that of her children and of her family. They say Ginebra has to pay for what she's done. Hum gets a call from his contacts, they've broken into the safe!

There's a scene with Nandy and Kenzo that's pretty FF--> material, more crying about having to break up from Nandy and more "no we don't have to" from Kenzo. This storyline is starting to tire me.

Pepa and the kids are drawing, Gala, Salo and Bosco are also in the room. Porf comes in and starts saying his opinion on pretty much anything even though no one asked for it, the usual. Gin enters, Sam asks her if she wants to draw with them, she says no, but thanks. And she makes a creepy comment about blood that I didn't quite catch, but it certainly ruined the already bad mood. She tells Bosco he's free of all charges, Gio took back everything! Bosco is beyond happy, thanks her and hugs her. Gala hugs Bosco as well.

Afterwards, Gin teleports to her house. She informs bro about telling Bosco Gio dropped the charges. Mau isn't pleased, says she should have waited a bit more. Gin says "It's the same to me. They're all going to die anyway." She has asked bro for a plan to kill them all IN PUBLIC and not get caught. (At some point she said Elvira is going to be the first to bite the dust.) Mauro presents her a poison, says that her technique was very hard to copy. Gin smiles, she'll kill anyone she touches (the poison will go through the victim's pores and destroy all their cells)! Mau wants them to go slow, wait, not kill everyone in public (although he DOES tell her about the funeral things they're arranging for Fefe/Vermin), but she doesn't change her mind. Mauro SMILES. Never thought there'd be a moment when I'd like Fefe slightly more than Mau, but here goes. Plus: Important life lesson learnt: never let a loca get a Chemistry degree. 

El is worried about Gin, finally. She says it's like she knows what to say to make her feel guilty. Fobo is there for her, which is something I've probably written in every single recap. El says she's scared, Fobo hugs her. (Hope the mat's well hidden.)

Our heroes are watching the video from the USB Vermin left in the safe. We don't hear it, but it apparently narrates the child trafficking business of Gin, because they all mention it, shocked and crying. They say Gin is worse than they thought; how can she separate children from their mothers? They remind themselves Gin has powerful contacts, they should wait because Samlunamaria and others are in danger. At some point Mir, IIRC, wonders whether Elvira could be in the trafficking, but Esteban says she might be an insufferable MIL from hell but he knows she couldn't be in on it. Okay I paraphrased a bit, but that was the gist.

More Esteban-Kenzo discussions, talking about their problems. Kenzo tells Esteban that at least he knows who killed Berenice. I'd recommend FF-> the rest.

Paz, Mir and Lupe are comforting Nandy about her breakup with Kenzo.

Bosco is happy his name is clear and wants to make a video about it, but Gala says he shouldn't make the mistake she did, caring about what some strangers have to say. Bosco says mom would have been proud of her, they hug (Bosco has grown on me).

Gin manipulates Elvira, she knows she hasn't been the daughter El deserves, but she can make up for it. How about going somewhere together? Just her and El! And then they can go to Paz's ex husband's funeral. El asks her why and Gin replies that she identifies with her. She thinks that El's going to die today! El does look like she has her suspicions. Run, Elvira, run.

Reporters are covering the funeral. Gin, Mauro, El and Fobo arrive. Paz gets upset when she sees them, but Esteban tells her to calm down. 

Meanwhile, Gin is playing good daughter to Elvira, touching her shoulder and saying she would have been inconsolable if something happened to her, while also giving her su bendición to be with Fobo if he takes care of her. He smiles and says doña Elvira is the thing that interests him most (I assume he'll be ordering 50 yoga mats online in a bit). Mau mentioned something about a gift (the poison) at some point.

Mir and Hum are walking together in the funeral/whatever this is. Literally the whole barrio is there. Was Vermin that popular? Maybe it's just a barrio thing. Mir whispers to Hum she doesn't want to see Mau when they catch him, she hates him; Hum says he knows, but she has to continue with the plan. Unfortunately, Mau was a few rows behind them and heard, but doesn't say a thing. He remembers a part of their convo with Mir. He had asked her if she could forgive a monster like him, she said yes and something about light I didn't catch AGAIN. 

Paz makes a speech about being with her daughter in a bit. She then does a pro move and PUTS VERMIN'S VIDEO on. (Btw, according to the plaque behind the priest, Fefe died at 35.) Fefe begins by saying the classic "if you're watching this video, I'm dead." He says he's a monster, but Paz is the best woman there is and he wants to admit he made the worst choice he could have; he sold their daughter to Ginebra and Mauro Nicoliti!!! Everyone's shocked, especially Elvira and as Fefe continues to say that Sam is their daughter and that Gin is a murderer, they all approach Gin. Esteban makes a comment about Gin going down and Paz says she won't let her separate her from her daughter again.

Esteban continues, Ginebra killed Berenice. El looks like she'll have a heart attack/stroke any minute. Gin, understanding she is indeed starting to fall, gets a GUN out, screams that no one will take her down and tries to shoot Esteban. Kenzo gets in the way so he gets shot instead. The police arrive, Gin screams for Mau, but Mau has hidden himself and now runs away!!! Nandy is crying over Kenzo as the police arrest Gin. El runs to her and says there's no way she did all these things, no way she's a monster! Gin doesn't reply.

The kids are with Porf. Sam asks him to be her and Monito's grandpa too, Monito says he's angry all the time. Gala asks him to smile, he acts as if he doesn't want to be here and Porf... "Smiles":

I'm keeping it. #familytime

An ambulance is called for Kenzo, Nandy gets in and cries, begging the doctors to save him. Esteban tells Kenzo to hang in there.

This new, cowardly, slightly less-asshole version of Mauro unfortunately lasts only for a few minutes. He then cries asking himself why he left Gin there alone.

El is telling Fobo her thoughts. She says she should have stood up to her father, blames herself for Gin turning out this way. I mean... She must have been a bit cuckoo from the start to get this loca later on.

Esteban is by Kenzo's side. He tells him about Gin going in jail and about Mauro escaping. Kenzo says he's worried about Nandy, IIRC.

Paz arrives at Casa Villa de Cortés to talk to Sam. They all leave them alone and she says she has to be strong again: her mom, Ginebra, is in prison.

Mau thinks about overhearing Mir saying she doesn't want to be there when they take him and she hates him. He keeps getting worse apparently; he and Abdul have some plan to rescue Ginebra because, according to Mauro, "she can't die the way the people they killed when they were young did". I agree, she should get a worse end. 

El approaches Ginebra in prison. I was resisting writing the whole dialogue, but I couldn't, I just couldn't (that's a reason my recap ended up being up so late):

Elvira: Ginebra, you still have time to regret everything you did. I understand, you were blinded by pain, daughter.

Ginebra (translated word for word because I was stumped): I'm surprised that, being such a cultured woman, you are so corny.

E: You've done terrible things, but I understand you did them because you were scorned, hurt. Now, my love, the only thing that can save you is this, love, regret.

G: Stop already with these phrases from cheap cards, will you? I don't regret any of my actions. Now I have your attention, right? Do you know what I did after every crime? Smile, be happy, because causing you pain caused me to feel immensely happy, Elvira. The one who should be behind bars is you. I turned into what I am today because I was given the worst mother life could have given me, a coward, a small woman who didn't fight for me. 

E: I fought for you, damn [literally f*ck], I fought, I searched for you everywhere. I didn't abandon you, it was my dad.

G: Yes, my almighty grandpa who got me out of your arms and you couldn't do absolutely anything about it, right?

E: Stop with these ridiculous justifications. When I was able to get rid of him I searched for you everywhere. I found the orphanage, all the records were burned, everything!

G: Because I ruined everything, I wanted to take revenge on you and destroy you and crush you. Mauro and I killed, set on fire every person and every kid who was there.

E: But you were a child!

G: Please, mom. I stopped being a child way before this. They sold me. They used me. They transformed me. And I used every drop of blood to grow. And the loneliness you condemned me to was a very bad advisor, let me tell you. Do you know what kept me going? Take revenge on you, crush your soul.

E: You could have taken a different way. If you had looked for me sooner maybe we would be on time to heal this pain. We didn't have to go crazy, you didn't have to come to this-

G: Please, stop pretending, we already passed this stage. You would have never turned to look at me, much less when you only care about money, power, appearances. You have never been a good person and you know it deep down. 

E: I'm not [I swear I didn't hear "not" but it doesn't make sense without "not"] like you (?) Everything you've said is a lie.

G: A lie, huh? I lived with you, Elvira. I saw your arrogance. You enjoyed it when I was like this as well, eh? I'm your reflection, but broken. I am what I am because of you, to look like you, to get closer to you! 

E: You used me, you showed me everything I needed to see. Do you think this justifies everything you've done? Do you think it gave you permission to steal innocent children? It's crazy, you're crazy!

G: You're a coward who never searched for me. And if you really cared about me you'd have done it and you know this very well! You can't imagine how tiring it was to pretend I cared about you, to pretend I loved you. But that ended. I gift you the immense contempt I feel for you.

E: You would have killed me if I were guilty of what you're saying, you would have taken it out on me. You had so many opportunities, why didn't you do it?

G: I didn't do it for one reason. It wouldn't be enough punishment for you, I wanted you to drown in pain like right now. I really enjoy seeing how pain eats every cell of your body, every beat of your heart, so that everything bad that you caused haunts you until the last days of your life, Elvira. You wanted me to tell you the truth, no? Well here it is, I'll tell you more than you expected to hear. I killed Berenice. I took away your beloved daughter from you, because you gave Berenice everything that you didn't give me. That's why I killed her. She paid for you, Elvira. The worst thing for you is that I don't feel satisfied yet. Tell me, mommy. Do you still love me? Do you want to continue loving me?

And with Elvira's eyes full of tears and Gin having a mocking face full of evilness, we have the Fin del Capítulo...


Loved the Karmageddon! I've written my thoughts as well.

Question: I'm constructing the Caray Caray Awards 2024 and I'm wondering which one I should include as a main villain for Receta. Mister I-didn't-know-my-sister-was-evil-even-though-I-was-helping-her or Fefe/Vermin? I'm mostly going for option #1 but wanted to hear what you guys think.

Wonderful, Weirdo! ITA about the good guys FINALLY having a plan and it worked with only Kenzo getting shot but surviving. I will take that.

Loved the screen shot.

Altair Jarabo was perfect in that last scene with Elvira.

Sorry, but I just have to say it is way too early for Ginebra to be jailed and no longer a threat. Is there a break out on the horizon? A pay off? Mauro with a plan?

Weirdo, thank you for an excellent account of an episode that seems to show
the tide turning .

So...the good guys ' plan was to confront Gin publicly with Vermin's video. The police are there to nab Devil in Heels , and Mauro escapes . We know that it is too soon for Gin to be out , and we saw Rubio coming and going from jail. Mauro is still around to help Gin return to torment and poison .

I was surprised that Gin didn't keep lying to Elvira but instead taunted her and admitted killing a Berenece. Gin's facial expressions and voice are increasingly creepy.

If Gin's plan was to kill Everyone !!!, I can't figure out why she went to the trouble of getting Gio to recant her accusations against Boscov. Makes no sense. Is Gio still alive or did Abdul or Mauro kill her? I am confused .

It was interesting that Esteban vowed to protect Sam when Gin grabbed her , but then he was with the adult Robles and Hum at the Robles house . The only adult at Villa Villa was Porfirio . I guess Fobo and Elvira were somewhere in the house talking about yoga .

Well, lets see where this goes because there are plenty of episodes left for Gin to terrorize everyone . I hope the good guys don't relax and think they are safe from the wrath of Gin. Susan

Terrific recap, Weirdo -- and so funny! I loved the yoga mat theme and the idea of choking Gin to death with delicious food. But best of all: Never let a loca get a chemistry degree." Words to live by.

Everyone from the barrio was there, with the exception of Salo and Pepa. I guess they were backup protection for the kids. Even though Fermin was detested by the family, I kinda expected them to be there. Gema and her sidekick were in attendance I noticed.
I wasn't aware Mauro heard Mireya. Figured the procession noise was too loud.
Mauro, definitely, as the main male villain, though personally Rubio (if he had more air time), would have been my candidate.

Weirdo, this was a spectacular recap. The care and attention to detail is extraordinary.

I was on the edge of my seat reading your meticulous, all important dialog translations.

Your screen shot of Porf when "Gala asks him to smile, he acts as if he doesn't want to be here and Porf... "Smiles" was perfect.

Ginebra unveiled her every evil machination to Elvira who must still be reeling. That said, Elvira is a tough woman and will survive, in most part due to her grandchildren whom she does love.

That said, I also agree Ginebra is not going to stay in jail. And if that weren't troubling enough, the one thing that made a burning impresion on me was the look on Mauro's face when he heard what Mir said to Hum in the funeral procession. I have a sinking sensation something very bad is going to happpen. Supposition, not spoiler.

My choice for villain is currently Rubio but I'm reserving the option to change my mind, depending on what happens from here on.


Thanks so much, Weirdo, what a great recap. And loved knowing what Elvira and Gin were saying. Gin is one evil woman.

Some things don’t make sense. Bosco has the charges lifted but Gin is planning his death. Does she want him to feel grateful towards her and then be totally confused when she’s killing him.

I also wasn’t sure if Mauro heard the conversation between Hum and Mir. It’s too bad he did because now he’ll definitely help Gin. Does she need help getting out or will she come and go like Rubio.

It’s strange for the truth to be out weeks from the ending. We’ll probably have a long war between the good guys and the bad guys. The bad guys are outnumbered but they are evil x 10.


Well, there has to be a kidnapping. The cute kid always gets kidnapped at the end.

I think we should have separate categories for “villain” and “thug.” That way we can nominate both Mauro and Rubio.

Blue Lass, I like that idea of villain and thug.


Thank you Weirdo. Your recap was splendid and your transcript of the conversation between Gin and her mother was chilling. Since it is too early for this to be Gin’s end, the writers ratcheted up the evilness to a crescendo and then thought viewers might start stroking out….so they’ve put Gin in time out so that we viewers can get a break. We have to expect with so many shows left she’ll be at it again.


Thank you Wierdo for the recap especially the dialogue between Gin and Elvira. Rubio’s sailing in and out of the carcel only indicates it’s a rather open ‘pen’; I do not think Gin will need to escape since there’s got be someone who is pretty loose about securing murderers inside their pens. Somehow she’s going to be free to cause further destruction. She’ll have to find Mauro with case of poison to kill everyone- a delusion she refuses to give up. Alas Viewville is not rid of the mad witch. Side note: Fermin’s funeral was bizarre: a service with a barrio procession, a priest ready to hold a service outside of a church ( Fermin’s ashes probably were barred from a church, and a video in which the deceased addressed the ‘mourners’. A real telenovela funeral.

Thanks, weirdo. This was marvelous. That barrio apparently turns up for any and every occasion. I mean, don't they get food and drink at the funeral too?I'm just trying to figure out what's the appeal of attending a funeral! Food and drink surely must be the answer because paying their last respects to Fermin can't be the reason why so many people are there.
I know Mauro is a damaged person, but I still can't believe he'll help Gin after he already realised she doesn't care about him. Does he want to cling to her that badly because she's all he's got?He could have packed his bags some time ago because with his skills he could have done some good but no...Why is it that so many smart people use their talents for all kinds of awful things? The only talent those future evil-doers should get is a good singing voice. They can't kill anyone by singing. Instead they become good at spying, bomb making and so on.
I wonder what goes through Gin's mind when Elvira is telling her how she did look for her. Gin appears not to hear her. But she isn't wrong about Elvira not being a very good person. She went abroad instead of helping Esteban and her grandkids. It doesn't appear she had checked on them even once during all those years. She is classist, but it's like she also was enjoying humiliating Esteban, paz and the rest of that gang. In those moments I could believe she was Gin's mum.
Weirdo, I also wanted to ask you about that doña Barbara book you said you got. What Spanish level would you say it's for?

I loved the comments!

Jarifa, Altaír is a terrific actress! She portrays such a despicable character perfectly. I saw her in last year's Telemundo show Juego de Mentiras, in which she was the main prota and she was amazing there as well!

ITA about Gin's anvil, it's way too soon to be delivered.

Susan, loved the yoga comment!

"If Gin's plan was to kill Everyone !!!, I can't figure out why she went to the trouble of getting Gio to recant her accusations against Boscov. Makes no sense." That's an excellent observation! But then again it's Ginebra, she wants to be the supreme controller of the universe. I think she just wanted them all to die without uncovering her. In my opinion, she did this for her own psycho reasons.

Blue, maybe we could make a shirt with "never let a loca get a chemistry degree - El Amor no Tiene Receta". I'd wear that ;)

"Well, there has to be a kidnapping. The cute kid always gets kidnapped at the end." You reminded me of a dizi - Turkish novela I watched when the main got kidnapped at least 10 times. In the FIRST season! After the 11th kidnapped I dropped it, lol!

Kat, "Gema and her sidekick were in attendance I noticed". Yes, I also did, strange, huh?

ITA with you about choosing Rubio if he had more screen time for El Mejor Villano.

Diana, thank you so much!

"I have a sinking sensation something very bad is going to happpen. Supposition, not spoiler." Me too. We can't get a happily ever after when the novela has about 15-20 episodes to go.

Liz, "It’s too bad he did because now he’ll definitely help Gin. Does she need help getting out or will she come and go like Rubio." I think Mau will somehow help get her out. He's as evil as she is at this point. Any hopes of having a heroic death saving Mir are slowly evaporating from my head.

I couldn't say better "The bad guys are outnumbered but they are evil x 10."

Anon 8:46 PM, thanks! I loved your summary: "Since it is too early for this to be Gin’s end, the writers ratcheted up the evilness to a crescendo and then thought viewers might start stroking out….so they’ve put Gin in time out so that we viewers can get a break." Perfectly phrased!

Anon 4:15 AM, I laughed out loud at "Alas Viewville is not rid of the mad witch." Nope, not yet! ITA with you about Vermin's funeral. "Bizarre" is the word that better describes the situation, indeed.

Waterlily, I couldn't stop laughing at "Food and drink surely must be the answer because paying their last respects to Fermin can't be the reason why so many people are there." That explains it! Maybe we'll get a behind-the-scenes funeral with Paz and Lupe cooking. We need this.

"Why is it that so many smart people use their talents for all kinds of awful things?" I'd love to know that too...

You're not wrong to say that Gin was right about El in some parts. I think the truth is on the middle here, Elvira isn't exactly a good person and Gin shouldn't use that to justify her actions.

About Doña Bárbara, when I found it I was almost B1 CEFR level and I had some trouble with it. Most of the dialogue I understood, but the descriptions killed me. Overall, I'd say B2. I've done some tests and right now I'm B1+ going to B2, still have some trouble with it. I have to warn you that it has some Venezuelan vocabulary, I found a Venezuelan Spanish to Castillan (Spain) Spanish vocab translation somewhere. I'd say if you're not B2 yet it'll be difficult to read through.

About the awards: Thank you to everyone who wrote their opinion. I like the best thug idea, I'll research a bit and I'll inform you guys :)


I'll paste this in tomorrow's recap too, but here is a site with recipes (recetas) in SPANISH. Have fun ;)

Thanks, Weirdo. Great detail and especially the conversation between Ginebra and Elvira.

I think that Ginebra getting the charges against Bosco dropped was very deliberate to intensify the sci-fi body horror death she is planning for everyone. She's a vampire who feeds on the fear, horror, terror, and tragedies of others.

Mauro's question was -- I think -- to ask about the potential collateral damage. We know this will not bother her. From the description it sounds like this could wipe out the whole city or more.

Since she didn't concoct it herself, is there a ghost of a chance that it's faux?

We are guaranteed a bribery or jailbreak with this many episodes left.

Villain and Thug are two distinct types; I agree.

Thanks so much for the fantastic recap, Weirdo! Had a busy weekend, so I am very late to the party. Wow, the commenters were on their game today as well.

And, Weirdo, SO many great lines. "Liked Sandro best when he pushed the cake on Gin's butt". And, most of all: "Never let a loca get a chemistry degree"!

It was kind of surprising that Vermin was tech savvy enough to leave something digital as his evidence.

ITA, Bosco has grown on me as well. The young man is a good actor. He did rotten, pampered rich kid well; and then did warming up to real, kind people just as well.

As I recall Gio is still alive. I think I remember Mauro saying so.

The first time through I also did not realize Mauro overheard Mireya saying she hated him; but, after seeing his facial expression right before he backed away from the "procession", I decided he had.

That whole weird, pinkish, personal-pie-sized poison was beyond weird. Where do these writers come up with this stuff. It was mentioned that there is, of course, an antidote. So...was Gin's plan to rub the pink stuff on her own hands and then embrace all the people she hates? And then have the antidote right there to hand?

Mauro definitely heard Mir’s comments, because they were echoing in his head during his (latest) panic attack.

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