Thursday, June 27, 2024

Daytime TNs... Y Mas (#2), Week of June 24, 2024

 Welcome to page 2 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

 8-10 AM: Clase 406 (Unimas)

10-12 PM: Pasion (Unimas) 

11-12 PM: Distilando Amor (Univision) 

12-2 PM: Corazon Indomable  (Unimas) 

1-2 PM: Vivir de Amor (Univision)

2-4 PM: Los Tontos No Van Al Cielo (Unimas)

4-5 PM: Nadie Como Tu (Unimas)

5-6 PM: Amor Real (Unimas) 

6-7 PM: Abismo de Pasion (Unimas)

** Unimas is pre-empting all of its later afternoon novelas every day this week due to Futbol. On Monday everything after Los Tontos No Van Al Cielo is going to be pre-empted. The rest of the week it will be everything after Corazon Indomable.

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VIVIR #83 Part 1

Background: Misael signals Bruno to transfer the money. After Brayan gets the money, he says the person who got Ramiro involved is “Rebeca Sanchez”! Bruno, #predictablyplaid, asks what was said. Misael, livid with anger, clenches his teeth; no answer is forthcoming.

After the money transfer, Brayan smiles…Whoever Brayan calls next tells him he can now pay for his fine. Brayan smirks that the dead girl helped set him free.

Memo and Axel (thug 1 and thug 2) see Lucas and accost him, demanding to know where he has been hiding. They taunt him that they will tell Brayan they found him. Lucas then mocks them saying they are nothing without Brayan. He then physically evades them with some fancy footwork and aerial acrobatics.

Sleuthing Mati asks Sandra who has access to Fatima’s office. Sandra says that Fatima is the only one who comes in and thinks that Lucas must have come in through the window. When Mati suggests that Gabriel was the one who stole Fatima’s bracelet, Sandra defends him. Then Mati asks the all-important question, how did Gabriel know that Lucas had something in his backpack? The argument continues until Mati states that they will prove Gabriel was the guilty one.

Fatima tells Luciano that Mati blames her for Lucas leaving. Luciano explains that Mati isn’t listening to anything at the moment; she continues to blame him for Romina leaving. He murmurs gently that he wishes they were able to love each other freely, but Fatima knows the children are the most important thing to him; she will not come between them. Luciano knows she won’t but he needs her very much and he gently reinforces his love for her is also important. He assures her he will get Romina to sign the divorce decree and will keep custody of his children who will have to accept that they love each other. He holds her hand and vows they will not be separated. A hint of a smile plays on her face after he leaves.

Romina asks Icky where Bruno is and Adolfo tells Misael that they need to talk.

Misael wonders what Adolfo wants to say. Is he going to tell him how he got his aunt pregnant and that JE is his half-brother? Adolfo understands how Misael feels; he also just found out. He asks if Misael is willing to listen to him.

Mati tells Sandra that she needs to get Gabriel to confess in front of the camera in the laptop. Sandra refuses to help Mati because Gabriel is her friend and she won’t betray him!

Romina tells Bruno that she enjoyed being in bed with him; she purrs she hasn’t stopped thinking about him. She has never been with a man who made her feel so good. She then spews Luciano was terrible in bed as viewerville collectively cringe. She wants to repeat the experience so smarmy, repulsive Bruno suggests tonight. She calls him “bon bon” as my bile rises.

Adolfo explains that his love for Cris was true but he married Monica when she got pregnant. Misael congratulates him for wooing two sisters. Adolfo asks that Misael not make false assumptions; he never intended to deceive anyone. When he adds that he just wants Misael to know how things happened, Misael retorts that it doesn’t matter since the result is the same. He asks if he is supposed to be glad that JE is his hermano…JE who has always taken everything from him and now has taken his father? Adolfo earnestly tries to assure him he will always be his father, but Misael tells him he doesn’t want his explanations, he doesn’t care…he can stay with his favorite son; Misael has already gotten used to not having him in his life.

Romina tells Rebeca everything is ready for tonight. Rebeca then wonders how she can get the key.


VIVIR #83 Part 2

Cris asks Rosita if she has gathered all of Rebeca’s things. After Rosita nods, Cris asks her to take it to chauffeur so he can take it to the del Olmo residence.

Monica struts in, spewing her venom, criticizing Cris for acting so dignified in throwing out her son’s evil wife while being heartless and duplicitous in destroying her marriage. Cris (rightly) retorts that Monica destroyed her own marriage. Monica accuses Cris of fooling everyone, even her own son! She maliciously asserts she is glad that Cris has suffered and hopes she continues to do so. Don Emilio comes around the corner and tells Cris not to worry: it is always easier to blame someone else rather than to accept the blame. Cris is distraught and doesn’t know when this will end…she knows her sister so well as well as what she is capable of. Cris hurts that JE has already suffered so much; she just hopes that he can find peace and happiness. DE embraces her as she gets teary eyed.

There is banging on Lucas’ door and fearing it is Axel, he is far from welcoming. JE still gives him a nice greeting despite Lucas’s rudeness. JE calmly explains he wants to talk about what happened at the hacienda.

Mari threatens Sandra—if Sandra doesn’t help her, Mati will do everything she can so that Sandra will be asked to leave the hacienda. Sandra pleads that she needs the job and agrees.

Lucas earnestly assures JE that he didn’t take the bracelet. JE will give him the benefit of the doubt and will talk to Fatima and Luciano so things can be cleared up. JE also assures Lucas he will continue paying for his studies. Lucas smiles.

Angel greets Jimena warmly saying she needs to see her mother. Rebeca slithers out asking what she wants. When Rebeca tries to stop her by telling her that her mother doesn’t want to see her, Angel retorts that she is going to unmask Rebeca by showing her mother the video of Rebeca throwing herself down the stairs. Angel forces herself inside but Elena is not in her office and Rebeca has no intention of telling Angel where their mother is! Angel assures her she will show her mother what a liar Rebeca is! If her mother still wants to support Rebeca, she will do it without being deceived by her. Jimena walks in accompanied by Santi and Renato who immediately leap to Angel’s defense. Get out of my restaurant Rebeca hisses. As they continue arguing, Renato physically inserts himself between Angel and Rebeca. Rebeca then mocks him by scathingly saying that Angel will never love him.

Angel coolly states no matter what Rebeca does, Angel WILL talk to her mother! Renato then turns to Jimena and tries to fire her but Santi forbids it. Jimena puts her hands on Santi’s shoulders, turns and leaves. He warns that Rebeca will not deceive him and he will make sure their mother knows how nefarious she is! He will keep his eyes on Rebeca and defend his mother and Angel! After he leaves, Rebeca hisses that if he is not with her, he is against her. She picks up her phone and makes a call.

Gi thanks Elena for accompanying her to get a DNA test on Doris and Armando…she thinks that Doris is Armando’s daughter and that is why he protects her. In the middle of all this, Elena gets a call from Ratty Rebeca who tells her something horrible has happened and she needs to hurry home.

Outside, Angel, Jimena and Renato discuss how disreputable Rebeca is when she sashays by, smirking. Jimena can’t go back into the restaurant, so Renato suggests that Angel and Jimena go for coffee.


VIVIR #83 Part 3

JE and Sebastian talk about Angel. JE thinks that perhaps Angel did fall in love with Renato; he knows Renato truly loves her. Sebastian is glad that at least Rebeca is out of JE’s life. JE is relieved he won’t have to see Rebeca anymore; he never thought he could hate someone so much! JE then asks Sebastian to return to the company as he intends to recover his grandfather’s and family’s patrimony. Sebas kindly tells JE that he has the intelligence and talent to accomplish this on his own. Sebas has committed to leaving with the missionaries and has to do this for himself.

Rebeca rudely orders Rutina to put her things away. Meanwhile, Gi wonders how Elena can still be manipulated by Rebeca. Elena justifies her feelings for Rebeca (ad nauseum). Gi reminds Elena that Angel is also her daughter who needs her. Elena thinks her hija Rebeca is innocent and needs her more; she has to help her. Rebeca, listening around the corner, interrupts and wants to speak to Elena alone. Gi, purposely overly solicitous, makes it clear that she is very happy to leave. Rebeca then spews her lies that Angel insulted her and was angry because Rebeca was set free; further, she’s ruined her relationship with Santi who doesn’t like her now. Next, Renato calls asking for money to pay the merchants. She tells him to look in the cash box but shocker, it’s empty. Rebeca brings the attention back to herself with a hug.

A frustrated Angel can’t believe that she still hasn’t been able to talk to her mother. Angel worries that her mother still trusts loco Rebeca. Jimena warns Angel to be prepared for anything because Elena will likely want to protect Rebeca.

We see wretched Shelob pouring a toxin into Elena’s drink! She then tells Elena not to worry about her. Elena assures that she will talk to Angel. Elena sips her tea.

Angel assures Jimena that she will talk to her mother so that Jimena can return to the restaurant, but Jimena won’t step foot in the restaurant as long as Rebeca is there! Jimena has learned she can get ahead on her own and is sure she can get another job. Angel then gets a reminder to go see wedding dresses (she is getting married this weekend but doesn’t have a dress yet?? Guess it’s ready to wear only for this beautiful girl who will likely shine in every dress in the shop). Jimena asks if Angel is sure she wants to get married, but Angel is sure that Renato is the man she needs…to forget JE! Oh dear…

Renato roots through the office drawers and I believe he asks someone if they have seen Santiago.

Cris, JE and Fatima (via Skype) talk about Angel seeing the video, hoping she shows it to Elena. JE then asks Fatima if she will talk to Luciano about Lucas. She assures him she will and adds that she also has her doubts that Lucas stole the bracelet; after all, things were going very well for him.

Mati sets up the computer, hiding under the bed as Sandra and Gabriel enter. Sandra tries to get Gabriel to confess how he was able to set up Lucas. He denies it at first saying she is “loco” but Sandra persists. After a moment, Gabriel stands up, runs his hand through his hair and admits it! He delusionally states he did everyone a favor because sooner or later that thief would have stolen something! Sandra goes to him and hugs him.

Romina finally returns Luciano’s call but dismissively imparts that with her top management position, she has more responsibility and little time to talk on the phone. Luciano wants some time from her busy schedule to talk about the terms of the divorce. She replies that she will check her schedule and will let him know. After hanging up, Romina mutters that if Luciano wants a divorce she’s not going to make it easy. Luciano looks suitably upset.


VIVIR #83 Part 4 of 4

Bruno tells Misael that Romina is “mio”; he has her eating out of his hand (putrid wretch I add). That said, he hasn’t been able to get any information on Rebeca. They have a date tonight though so Romina will tell him whatever there is to tell. Misael hopes so because Rebeca is very angry and is capable of anything.

Icky thinks about Renato defending Jimena. He then has a daytime nightmare picturing Renato and Jimena getting married. He calls his lawyer to talk about the divorce and asks if he can take custody of David if he proves that his wife is committing adultery.

Doris serves (nothing she cooked) dinner to Sebastian, kissing him with much passion. She wears a beautiful red, pleated short dress with embellishment. He looks uncomfortable and she asks him what is going on,. He finally tells her he is leaving for a few months. He has to leave to straighten out his mind and his heart. She withdraws her hands, looking sad, a tinge of anger shading her expression.

Fatima tells Luciano that it’s not fair that JE is keeping quiet about the sacrifice he made for Angel; if Angel knew about it, she’d forgive him…because they love each other. Luciano thinks she is right and Fatima is determined to help JE so that he can be with the woman he loves. Luciano tells her that he loves her passion and determination to defend what she believes in. After she asks him not to look at her that way, she tells him she is going to go tell Angel the truth in front of the hateful Rebeca. Luciano wants to go too; he needs to talk to Romina about the divorce.

When Rutina puts Angel off, she asks if something happened to her mother as the camera closes in.

Misael sticks a letter opener with great force into a writing pad. He reminds Rebeca that he got her out of jail. She thanks him, but he waves that aside. He loves her and is willing to do anything for love. She plays him with precision lounging against him; She want to avenge JE and Cris for what they did to her. Misael thinks she is right because Cris is a hypocrite and has been deceiving them for years…Adolfo, his honorable father, is JE’s real father!

Adolfo goes to talk to JE. When Adolfo tells him that he has forgotten the speech he had prepared, JE tells him he doesn’t need a speech to recognize the special connection that has always existed between them. Adolfo tells him that he wished he had known that JE is blood of his blood, but even though he just found out, he thinks his heart always knew. JE feels the same…Adolfo has always been there for him when he needed him most. Adolfo confesses that he has always seen him as a son and many times, he preferred JE over Misael. Adolfo asks that JE allow him to continue at his side, supporting him and being part of his life; he is so very proud to have JE as his son. A composed but emotional JE admits he needed a real father to support him and give him advice; Adolfo gave him all of that. He is also very proud to be his son…papa! They embrace in a bear hug…

Misael and Rebeca continue to degrade Cris and JE; Misael dripping in vitriol. Misael abruptly changes the tone saying he is very happy that Rebeca and JE are no longer married. He goes to his desk, takes out a ring box and plucks the ring from its slot, asking Rebeca to marry him. He doesn’t care what anyone says, everyone else does whatever they want so why not him? He doesn’t want to hide anymore…” I want you to be my wife!” Rebeca stares, her face devoid of emotion…

My heartfelt gratitude to my friend whose amazing dialog translations breathed so much life and depth to many scenes including my favorite, JE and Adolfo’s heart to heart talk. I am beyond fortunate she generously shares her incredible talent and insight along with her invaluable time. I could not have done this without her.


Vivir. Great work as usual, Diana and friend! I love your ongoing metaphor about Rebeca being a snake: "Rebeca slithers out," "Rebeca hisses," etc. Also loved "thug 1 and 2"--reminded me of Dr. Seuss! Oops! Lucas is in danger again--especially if Brayan posts bail, but at least JE is still willing to pay for his studies. With Gabriel's confession to Sandra, let's hope this particular story line doesn't go on much longer.


Dear Diana and friend, thank you so much. More later but I just wanted to mention that I can't believe that Ratty Reb finished up that weird confrontation in Elena's office by stuffing the bills in that box on the desk into her purse. She is getting insufferably worse . She must think she is bulletptoof. What anvil are the writers forging for this BSC villain? Susan


Okay I just finished the excellent recap of an episode that had me disgusted. Monica is yelling at Chris like a banshee. The two wease!s are planning another revolting tyrst. Bleccchhh. And Reb is back and more arrogant and despicable than ever.

What potion did Reb sprinkle into her mother's tea, and what will it do to Elena?

That was quite an elaborate daydream that Icky had of the wedding between Jim and Ren! Susan


SpanProf, thank you so very much. I think we share a similar sense of humor; Dr. Seuss was indeed my inspiration for Thugs 1 and 2. 😊 I do love to laugh!

"Lucas is in danger again--especially if Brayan posts bail" is exactly right. Round and round we go. Again. :)

I am definitely ready for Lucas and Mati to get back and stay back together. I'm afraid his "personal" problems will be solved much faster than his "professional" ones. Brayan is bad, bad news.



Susan, thank you for your lovely words.

"That was quite an elaborate daydream that Icky had of the wedding between Jim and Ren!" Wasn't it though? Perhaps a foreshadowing of things to come? :)

Perhaps we should just change Bruno's name to Weasal 1 and Romina's to Weasal 2?? Sounds good to me!

I have no idea what Rebeca put in Elena's drink...I hope it's nothing like she gave to Alma!

I so appreciate your noting Rebeca took the money out of the box. I was typing and looked up and saw Beca had put something in her handbag but didn't see what it was. She is getting completely out of hand.

I thought Misael was a bit brighter. Apparently not.



Super job, Diana and friend. Diana, I hope all your electric power is back up and running.

Cheers to Mati for using her noggin and setting up Gabriel. Sigh, if only the adult good guys would think like this.

Is Misael plain loco, or is his plan to marry Rebeca so she can't testify against him as his wife?

I think Romina praising Bruno on his nooky skills (gag!) is about her getting access to that code Rebeca ordered her to get. Romina and Bruno are a fun (not!) couple. Each thinks the other is under their thumb.

What in blazes has Rebeca's tainted tea done to Elena?


Thanks so much Niecie.

Yes, all seems to be working although we are due for more unsettled weather later this weekend. I appreciate your asking - fingers crossed!

"Cheers to Mati for using her noggin and setting up Gabriel. Sigh, if only the adult good guys would think like this". Yes, that was rather inspired, wasn't it?? Perhaps Mati could pass her skills onto JE and Angel??

Your noting why Romina was "praising" Bruno makes perfect sense!! I can't imagine even she is enamoured of Bruno. He literally makes me gag!! :)

"Is Misael plain loco, or is his plan to marry Rebeca so she can't testify against him as his wife?" Great question. I think both. He IS crazy and I also think he is treading a fine line between love and hate as far as Rebeca is concerned.



Thank you, Diana for another sensational and snappy recap! I so appreciate your hard work creating these recaps day after day, I hope with the 4th you get a day off next week, but I haven't looked yet.

I like the idea of Rebeca and Misael getting married!! I doubt it will happen as the formula suggests Beca will remain determined to hang on to JE by any means possible; however, it would be fun to see Beca and Mis marry, be wickedly happy for like 4 episodes and then set out to destroy each other!!! A lot more interesting than the same old same old mean girl relentlessly pursues 'nice' guy who hates her...

I am glad that Mati got Gabriel to confess the truth, but I don't like that she threatened Sandra to get it done! Yes, helping Mati was the right thing to do but it's not like Sandra KNEW Gabe was guilty and didn't want to help. She didn't know Gabe did it, and just wanted to believe the boy she likes is innocent, Mati shouldn't threaten to scheme to get her fired just for that! It shows warning signs she'll be as entitled and demanding as Mommy. She could have found a kinder way to encourage Sandra to do the right thing.

Speaking of entitled, Gabe admits he did it with no remorse and proclaims he did them all a favor!! Sigh. I wonder if he'll get banished from the hacienda? Probably not, since his dad works there.

So, Brayan earns his freedom by telling Mis something he already knew?? Okay...

I'm surprised Beca's next move is to poison the only person who is sort-of still on her side. I would have thought she'd wait until she was more desperate before pulling that one.

The one and only topic on which I can imagine being Team Misael is in Aldolfo's treatment of him! He's right in that one thing, Al has never been there for him and always preferred JE. And Al even tells JE that he's always preferred him to Mis!!!!! I'm sorry that's just wrong!


Vivir de amor

Diana, as always, I am very grateful to you and secret co-conspirator :-)

A bit of "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree" in this episode, and not necessarily in a good way. Misael complains that JE was always Adolfo's favorite and shunted Misael aside. Much as Monica complained about Cris.

But I think that Misael might have had a valid point. His father should have made every effort not to seem more interested in another kid than his own son.
Darcy, I agree with you about that. Not good for a father to do.

I had the Closed Captioning on at this point, and when Misael exited Adolfo's office he pulled the door closed roughly. CC said "portazo". I was pretty sure that meant a door slam and sure enough, "the act of slamming a door" or "the instance of a door slamming".

And then Mati essentially threatens poor Sandra, much as I think Romina might do. Mati, please don't emulate your mother!

Speaking of Romina, I don't much care for her, but did she ever play Bruno! Sleazy, sleazy, but well done.

No fashionista comments on Bad Becky in Black and Gold? I thought she was quite impressive. Cold, but impressive. But you could really see the coldness when she considered Misael's proposal.

Nice to see Sebastian again, but he's still going off with missionaries? Phooey! I want to see him and the now reformed Doris get together. Well, in time.
Doris did not take it too well.

I now suspect that the Angel & Renato wedding will not take place, but who really knows? I certainly hope it won't take place, they are simply not end game.

And way too soon for Jimena and Renato.


Vivir de amor

Diana, I forgot to mention your use of "Shelob". Not being much of a fan of The Lord of the Ring, it went right over my head. But I do know you are a great fan, so it didn't take me long to track down Shelob.

I read and somewhat enjoyed "The Hobbit", started the LOTR trilogy and gave up half way through. I have never seen the movies.



Thank you for your lovely words Darcy.

I was also quite unsettled that Mati threatened Sandra. Distasteful and unnecessary. She is her mother's daughter, there is no doubt. That said, I was shocked that Gabe admitted it so quickly but more so "with no remorse and proclaims he did them all a favor." So handsome, with but no moral compass. What a waste.

Darcy, I'm so glad you noted "I'm surprised Beca's next move is to poison the only person who is sort-of still on her side. I would have thought she'd wait until she was more desperate before pulling that one". You are exactly right. Elena called Rebeca on what she did but she made it crystal clear that she loves her and will not abandon her. The poisoning seemed far too drastic a measure at this particular juncture.

Adolfo wasn't and isn't perfect. From the outset, Misael has seemed to be quite dismissive of Adolfo, just as Monica has been. But no father should ever express a preference for one child as opposed to another.

I believe Rebeca and Misael will be each other's undoing.



Thanks so much, Diana and friend, you turn out great recaps day after day. And Diana, you always reply to our comments. Please don’t feel you have to apologize or explain if you’re unable to! I’m glad your electricity wasn’t off for too long. I love a summer storm but don’t like them to cause any inconveniences

I couldn’t believe Rebeca tried to throw Angel out of “her” restaurant. That whole scene with all of them in the office was crazy. She fires Jimena and is probably now out for Santiago. I wonder if she’ll blame him for the missing money. I’m not sure why she needed to put something in Elena’s tea. I don’t want Elena to die because she needs to realize how terrible she treated Angel and how awful Rebeca is. It’s still hard to believe she is the only one who can’t see it.

Romina doesn’t see it, or she sees it and doesn’t care. I see a jail sentence for her in the end. She’s doing the same thing she did the first time, or close to it.

Monica is acting like the poor victim when she actually stole Adolfo from Cris. I still wonder if Mauricio is Misael’s dad. Monica did the same thing that Rebeca did to JE.

Mati had shades of her mother when she threatened Sandra. She could have found a better way to get Sandra to help. But I’m glad Lucas will be cleared and hopefully back at the hacienda when Brayan gets out of jail.



Andy, thank you very much.

I savored your "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" comparison which was inspired.

Thank you for "portazo", I always enjoy new vocabulary.

"Misael might have had a valid point. His father should have made every effort not to seem more interested in another kid than his own son...Not good for a father to do" was perfect as was "Mati, please don't emulate your mother!!" You, Darcy and I are all in lockstep...

And regarding Romina, "did she ever play Bruno! Sleazy, sleazy, but well done" was exactly right! Does he ever deserve it...

Beca's black and gold sleeved shirt did catch my eye, one of her better fashion choices.

Your "Cold, but impressive" comment sums up Rebeca quite nicely. So detached without light or warmth.

I'm not sure what the run with the missionaries storyline is meant to do other than to give Doris and Sebas time apart which is strange because they've only been on two or three dates, right?

Off topic, my first introduction to LOTR was believe it or not, Ralph Bakshi's cartoon. I ran to read the trilogy and then The Hobbit. I won't admit as to how many times I've seen the movies. I am thrilled to seize any opportunity to cite a comparison when a telenovela character warrants it. :)



Liz, thank you so very much for your nice words.

Yes, power still on, thankfully! We seem to undergo power outages here quite a bit in the spring and fall. We are going through a few turbulent days presently but hopefully things will be back to normal soon.

"Romina doesn’t see it, or she sees it and doesn’t care. I see a jail sentence for her in the end. She’s doing the same thing she did the first time, or close to it" is exactly right! As Einstein said, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

Yes, Beca loves to take ownership when there is none, doesn't she? So delusional and entitled!

So far, four against Mati's "blackmail" threat, none for.

"Monica is acting like the poor victim when she actually stole Adolfo from Cris" is so true. I do think Mau is Misael's father and one of his punishments will be finding out he murdered him. A very sobering prospect.



Thanks once again, Diana and Omni, for another excellent and clever recap!

OK, I'm the one speaking up for Mati's methods. She loves Lucas and knows better than the rest of the hacienda people the danger he's in living in the barrio. She was at his bedside when he was hospitalized for Brayan having stabbed him when he was forced to visit him in the prison. Mati was pretty sure, using logic, that Gabriel had to have been the one who put the bracelet in the backpack. He was upset about being dumped and was the one insisting Lucas empty out his backpack. Also, I am well and truly tired of the gang acrobatics, even though Lucas used them successfully. I'm 100% sure the ones doing that are stunt doubles.

Come on, Misael has to be spawn of the long departed Mau. The complete lack of morals, I believe, came right along with the rest of the DNA. And he kept on proving it in the way he treated Adolfo's rather heartbreaking attempt to get through to him.

I wonder if Uni blew the whole makeup budget on Monica's lipstick.

Why, oh why do the goodies open their mouths over and over again so the baddies have time to react? Angelli should have kept her trap shut about the video showing Rebeca throwing herself down the stairs until she met with her mother. I don't think Rebeca poisoned her. I think it was to keep her soundly asleep so Angelli couldn't talk with her. Who knows how else she'll keep this bombshell quiet.

That was one fast divorce. They said something about one gets it in Mexico with only one party wanting it. And now Misael is proposing!

Why does every spiteful telenovela character insist they'll find a way to get child custody, whether or not they really want said kid or kids (Iker)?

Doris ordered a favorite of mine (chiles en nogada) for she and Sebastian. But she still isn't out of the woods for me. She still hasn't turned on Rebeca, and she gets huffy when Sebas says he needs to get his feelings in order. Guess she's too naca to understand.

I loved the scene with JE and Adolfo. Well acted by both of them.

Yikes. Misael managed to get Brayan out on bail. And poor Lucas is still in the barrio unless Mati gets hold of JE fast.


I enjoyed reading the new comments.

Diana, I think you chose the accurate descriptors for Reb ..."so detached without light or warmth" is so on the mark. She seems to now be on evil autopilot.

Andy, I actually liked Reb's outfit, although I didn't care for those big sleeves.

Novelera, yes, I think Reb gave her mother a sleeping potion . How long will she keep trying to block Angel from showing her the video?



Novelera, thank you very much.

It never occurred to me that Beca might have given Elena a sleeping potion!! Call me cynical and overly suspicious but I did (perhaps wrongly) jump to the conclusion it was poison if for no other reason than past history. You always provide such astute observations.

"Come on, Misael has to be spawn of the long departed Mau. The complete lack of morals, I believe, came right along with the rest of the DNA". Totally!!

"(chiles en nogada)" sounds rich. And delish! Thank you for identifying that dish.

I'm crossing my fingers Mati and Lucas are now together and will stay that way until the end. I'd like to see Gabriel amble off into the sunset.

"Yikes. Misael managed to get Brayan out on bail. And poor Lucas is still in the barrio unless Mati gets hold of JE fast". Well said and very true.



Susan, "evil autopilot". Love it!


The acrobatics are plain stupid. Novelera, Lucas and Brayan surely have a stunt double, but the other 2 goons that rarely have any lines could very well be stunt doubles in real life.

You would think with cash being handled a lot in the restaurant office, there would be cameras in place. Also, don't most business pay for their deliveries with a check and not cash!

When Romina was asked to get the llave from Bruno, I guess it has an alternate meaning as code. I was confused as to how she could make off with his keys. If I know a meaning for a word I don't look it up for alternate meanings.

Diana, I was going to mention yesterday about the cash Reb stole but Susan beat me to it. Your explanation of typing at the time explained the omission and also explains how you manage to get your recaps up so quickly. I do appreciate the fast recaps if I watch the show in real time while it is fresh in my mind. In July my afternoon nap break will end. I'll have my 5 y.o. grandson along with the 1 year old so my TV time will have to wait till the evening.


ITA Mati used her privilege to get what she wanted. I thought at the time she wouldn't have followed through on her threat, but it stung Sandra all the same. Mati has fallen in love with a barrio boy, so maybe there's hope she won't wind up a Romina mini-me.

I guess my comment at 8:49 a.m. went to spam ... Nothing earth shattering in my comment..


No show today apparently. I wonder when that changed??

So frustrating.



I just checked and my high def channel shows there is a show at 4:00.

If it airs, I will watch and do the recap. Stay tuned...



If the show is airing for anyone on our patio, can you kindly post that?


Not scheduled to show until Monday for me (You Tube TV).

Vivir de amor

In the NYC area, WXTV broadcast, not scheduled to show until Monday.

I don't check very often, but I'm pretty sure this was not the schedule earlier in the week. I don't know why the change, but there is fútbol on later.



Yes, extremely frustrating . At one o'clock , there was a show about the debate . After that, they showed that weird comedy rerun ...very important to show that . Univision has no respect for viewers. Susan

I was so pleased that I was going to be able to watch it and and comment before dinner. Then I couldn’t find it in my recorded shows. And since it was after it ran I couldn’t even see what was on in the guide. Was very relieved to get here and find out nobody saw it. But a disappointment. At least Receta is on tonight.


Kat, Andy, Susan and Liz, thank you!

So Monday it will be.

Andy, I know I checked this week several times and Vivir was scheduled all this week.

Susan, while I know scheduling changes do occur (by now we're used to it right?) But we are having the nicest day of the year here and I raced home to ensure I'd be on time and admit I am frustrated there is no show.

Liz, I hate to burst your bubble but on the Primetime line a few of us noticed no Receta tonight and in fact, it doesn't look like it is on again until July 8th.

Not happy with Uni now. At all!!


My guide on the tv shows Golpe at 8 tonight (Firday) and El Amor at 10 . Susan

Vivir de amor

Diana, this is really the pits! Susan is exactly right, LooneyVision has no respect for viewers. I have been convinced of this for a long time.
But I don't see any telenovelas on PBS, and I'm not interested in reruns of 'Judge Judy', thank you very much.

Diana, you absolutely deserve a day off, but it's no good if you don't know about it in advance. In fact, your day was upset considerably by this nonsense, and it is an especially nice day weather wise!

I suppose we are all annoyed, but what is there to do but grin and bear it?


Well, just checked the guide on my tv , and it has changed now futbol is listed for tonight . Susan


Andy, I'm going to sit outside and try and soak up the sun (with a hat and sunglasses but nevertheless) :)

I'm disappointed but as you noted, there is nothing we can do.

Oh, and Vivir is not airing on the high def channel even though the listing says it is. Again, we are just at Uni's mercy.

Susan, I guess futbol is taking precedence but Amor being off the year for two weeks (if it does return on July 8th) is a really long time.

Have a great weekend all!



...Amor being off the air for two weeks...



Kat - I rescued your comment from Spam and it's posted now. As far as the word 'llave' it does mean key, 'clave' means code. Having not listened overly closely I can't tell you whether Rebeca said llave or clave and they sound a lot alike so she might have said clave.

Yep, today's pre-emption definitely wasn't scheduled earlier in the week. I'm so sorry Diana, that you rushed home for them to pull a switcharoo!!! How frustrating!!! Glad you're having wonderful weather though!

Thanks Darcy. I still rely on cc and the captions used llave but since they sound a lot alike who knows what was actually said. But now I have learned a new word from you, clave....

My library shows Vivir only on M/T next week. No Vivir the following M/T (July 8,9) but Receta is going to be shown. That is as far out as my Library shows. I'll be catching up on the the 2 period shows I guess.

Zap2it is showing Vivir scheduled every day next week and no Receta at all. With all the differing schedules I don’t really know what we should expect…


Diana, it's a shame Uni couldn't be bothered announcing the pre-emption. I guess Viewerville doesn't matter to them. But you've shown how much the Caray patio matters. Muchisimas gracias for your daily recaps.

Oh well, two more days to find out what happened to Elena.

El Conde

Is anyone here interested in this show starring Fernando Colunga starting on Monday July 1 on Telemundo? It has an amazing cast ...ABC, Sergio Sendel. Chantele Andere, Helena Rojas, Alejandro Avila, Majorie de Sousa . It is set in the 1930s-50s ,I think , so it has great clothes and settings . Susan

OT __ El Conde

Susan, I have been waiting for... I don't remember how long now, but a long, long time for this novela to air.

Now that it's actually starting, I have lost a lot of my early enthusiasm. Nonetheless, I will record the first few episodes and watch them when I can and will then decide if I want to continue watching.

In any event, I see in the Telemundo page that there are people quite interested and novelera has even volunteered to recap the premier episode. Dondi365 volunteered to recap Fridays as well.

There should be a very decent patio for it.


OT...El Donde

Hi, Andy, I have been a fan of Fernando ever since I saw him in " Alborado" , the first telenovela I ever watched . I am currently enjoying watching him as a pirate captain swashing his buckle and buckling his Swash in " Pasion" reruns on Unimas and on Cristina interview shows on Unimas . Fernando is a charming person. Therefore, I plan to tune into Conde . Also, the cast looks great. I saw that Novelera and Donde plan to watch, so they will be fun companions to view this show.
P.s. Autocorrect changes Conde to Donde ,so that will be a constant battle. Susan ...." Early Enthusiasm " would be a good name for a band or a book.

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