Friday, June 07, 2024

El amor no tiene receta, #67, "Introduction to home cryogenics"

Felipa keeps playing the blame game with Nandy: she is separating Kenzo from his beloved kids and hurting him in the process.

Esteban and Humberto pretend talk about Paz still hating Esteban. As soon as the phone gets inside the chips bag, Esteban tells his cousin the truth about him and Paz still being in luuv. Humbie is disappointed for a while but tells Esteban how Gin managed to put a tracker on him: by injecting it in his blood. They need to freeze him in order to remove it. Esteban manages to wrap his head around it, even if Humbie is not very reassuring, because getting his temperature as low as possible might deactivate the tracker, but it might also kill him in the process.

Mauro is amazed by Gin’s ability to fool Elvira by using her poor widow (once removed) condition. Elias had so many debts, she is afraid she won’t have enough money to take care of Samara.

Fobo is listening as Elvira speaks about touching her own skin and feeling alive (seriously, lady?). She now understands that she still has time and Fobo says love is a human necessity (as opposed to bear necessity, what was that again?). She admits she somehow forgot herself down the line and they are about to kiss when Eder and Samara knock on the door and almost catch them going into a yoga position again.

Bosco and Pepa are doing math together. Gio calls Bosco and threatens him again that he will go to jail. Jero is with her, looking proud and confident. Bosco gets frustrated, it’s moments like this he misses his mother the most.

Pepa tries to cheer him up, uses some math metaphors that Bosco finds odd, but he gets the point.

The lawyer who has come to see Elvira has prepared her new will and testament that she signs in front Mauro and Ginebra – the lawyer confirms that Gin has been named as one of Elvira’s beneficiaries.

Paz and the family talk about cooking and love and loving to cook and loving to eat. Paz and Mireya agree not to say anything about their talk on the roof.

That lady that might be Max’s mom has come with the DNA results. Paz is looking at her and Vermin’s analisys, Max is not their daughter. But the other lady is and she cries happy tears. Paz is happy for her, even if this means that her Maria is still missing. Vermin is sure someone changed the results, surely Gin had a hand in it. Salo wonders if Esteban had something to do with it, too, Paz remembers her with Esteban and defends him. They also wonder if it was Mauro. Paz thanks Vermin, they only did the test because he pushed for it. Huh?

Then the lady goes to see her sleeping daughter.

A boxers wearing Esteban is getting ready for his freezing bath, he needs to be in there enough time for his heart to stop beating. Apparently Humbie knows how to restart it. All I have to wonder about is did Daniel Elbittar really get into freezing water? Either way, Esteban gets all the way in – when he tries to get out to breathe, Humbie pushes him back inside. He struggles, loses consciousness, sees a woman floating above him – I guess it’s his mom, he grabs her hand and closes his eyes.

Elvira promises Gin and Mauro they will never suffer again and thanks Mauro for protecting her daughter all these years. Starting from today they are both under her protection. They mention Mauro’s drug addicted parents, no point in searching for them, but Elvira says she loves him.

As soon as Elvira leaves, Gin notices that Mauro actually felt moved by Elvira’s acceptance and calls him ridiculous.

Humbie is trying to revive Esteban, while Porfirio looks on with worry. He eventually wakes up (and gets dressed boo), and now Humbie has a new plan, to send Mauro a message and hack him (or something, I don’t get their technological make believe world). Esteban tells Porfirio about seeing his mom and she telling him they need to be more united than ever, especially now.

Salo has gathered a box of trinkets that have meaning to him, calling it a time capsule. Gala assumes she must put things inside the box, too. He wants to have a real relationship and they both promise to do their best.

They are kissing as Yaya arrives. She reminds Gala that Salo is about to have a baby, they start talking about social differences and social progression. Gala makes it clear she loves Salo for what he is. Esteban arrives to take Gala’s side. Elvira is about to cave, but she’s still worried about the baby, is Gala going to be a step-mother at 19? Salo promises to work very hard to take care of his child and Gala, and Esteban adds that he will give Salo a job at Mystery Inc.

Elvira would have preferred Gala to be involved with someone who has less burdens to carry and while Salo says his child will not be a burden, Elvira does make some good points. Both Gala and Salo take this like the very young adults that they are, with rose colored glasses, but Esteban actually defends their point of view, by reminding Elvira that she had Gin while very young, too, was she a burden?

Elvira says that maybe her values are old-fashioned, and she is becoming worthless. Gala urges her to change and fight for their family.

Lupita is serving Porfirio some coffee. She is sad because Max isn’t her grand daughter, but she can’t give up now, her family needs her. Porfirio encourages her, tears are good, they don’t make them less strong.

Nandy is sad, too, Mireya is trying to comfort her, she has the right to be upset over Kenzo. But she also understands him because she is a single parent, too, and sometimes they just have to deal with things on their own. Nandy feels especially bad because she thinks that she only made things worse for him. Why does she have to change everything about her to be worthy of love?

Paz has come back from seeing the cops, the situation is very complicated. She is worried about Max, her life has changed so much, she deserves to be happy.

Later she tells all the ladies in her family that Gin is a monster, she and Esteban will find a way to defend everybody.

Esteban and his older kids talk about their problems. Bosco is not doing so great, there is no news about his case. Esteban encourages him, it’s always darkest before dawn.

Vermin has come to see Castro, who is shocked about what Paz has told him about Max. He accuses him of working for Ginebra without saying her name. Castro is very busy, working to find some missing babies. Vermin looks worried, doubts, but then asks Castro if the police has a witness protection type of program. Castro just tells him to leave.

Paz has come to see Ginebra. Esteban is worried when he sees her, but it looks like she has a plan. She tells Gin that Max is not her daughter and shows her the DNA test she did herself. Gin pretends to be surprised, but we see that she is furious. Paz asks if they had something to do with this lie. Esteban says he’d never do that and Gin would never, either.

Samara arrives to see Paz, Esteban offers to Paz to get Sam to bed. As they all go, Gin is left alone to call Mauro – why weren’t they aware of this? Mauro tells her something on the phone that worries her enough to have her go to the secret vault where Mauro is already hyperventilating.

Going after all those babies ruffled a lot of feathers, a lot of their allies are going into hiding. He thinks they should run away, but Gin has a different plan, they can’t leave now that victory is so close. They need to turn the tables on their enemies, they will return the babies for now.

Mauro has other news, Esteban’s tracker is deactivated, maybe he was the one to tell Paz that Max is not her daughter. Mauro is about to go full panic mode, but Gin can’t lose her best soldier, they need to play defense: Paz and Esteban will get comfortable and make a mistake.


Good stuff, Adriana.

I hope there are no mistakes now, but knowing the predictive nature of Televisa writing...

Unless Gio gets expensive help from Ginebra she could be toast. Absentee parents are bad news for an unstable teen like her. False accusations like this make it harder for women to report real cases and she needs to pay for that.

Risking one's life like that is scary; Esteban had a narrow escape there.

Mauro's panic/anxiety attacks are going to get more frequent and more severe. There will come a point when Ginebra will no longer tolerate them. So will she kill him then? By all rules at this network she will be the last villain to fall.

The interrupted kiss tells me that Elvira and Fobo are unlikely to ever vo-dee-oh-doh-doh. I predict two more such attempts will happen before the end.

Vermin asking Castro about a witness protection program is the first smart thing he's done. He will need protection from Paz as well once she finds out that Samara is her child.

Adriana, thanks. You got it all!

This novela evidently “has it all” so we have slipped into the sci-fi world with the freeze and resuscitation! Okay!

I so enjoyed seeing Ginebra realizing she might have more serious problems than what she bargained for especially after finding out that the tracker is kaput.

Urban, so true that Vermin is going to need protection when Paz finds out about Sam. Every time I see him, I cannot stop thinking of the pain he has caused everyone to make up for his own shortcomings.

Very entertaining episode.

Elvira is so clueless. Ginebra is an I assume well paid employee of the mystery company, as is Mauro. But he is about to become homeless because of Gin's ex husband supposed poor money management. Why a 38 or so y.o. man needs to live with his sister is a mystery. What room will he get as Esteban was going to sleep on a couch the other day to be away from Gin.

One question I have was Esteban remarking that Elvira was also young when she had Gin. She didn't raise her though so the analogy is faulty, unless she had Berenice a year later and that is the child he referred to, not Gin. Still no information on Elvira's husband. There has to be a story there, perhaps a business associate of her father's (or co owner of the firm) that he forced her to marry.

It will be true to TN form if Castro is on Gin's payroll, but I haven't had that feeling about him thus far.

I don't think he is, but maybe someone above him is. BTW while this actor looks good as a detective he also is handsome enough to be a lead. I wish it would occur to someone over there to do a noir novela in 1950s clothes. He'd be a private eye...

His dismissive attitude toward Vermin is likely due to knowing he did 6 years for domestic violence.

Adriana, another exceptional, enthralling recap.

"He eventually wakes up (and gets dressed boo)" had me smiling away.

Watching Esteban submerge himself in the ice bath was chilling (sorry, I couldn't help myself). Seriously, when Hum pushed him back in, I did wonder for more than a moment if he did it out of frustration because of Paz.

Some small victories. Paz finding out Max is not her daughter and Ginebra's subsequent anger. Max's birth mother found. Esteban losing his "tracker". The innocent babies being "returned".

When Mauro's face softened at Elvira's words, I wondered what type of man he might have been if he had any kindness as a child. The truth is Ginebra didn't save him, she only led him down another path to hell. I think there are two possibilities: Mauro dies trying to save someone or Gin kills him.


Cher Adriana, merci. C'est magnifique. I loved the title.

Well, I hope the tide has begun to turn.

Hum is a great researcher and self educator . He figured out that Gin had put a tracker into Esteban and how he could deactivate it by giving Esteban a cold plunge. Some people actually do this (brrrr) because they think it is health benefits. I guess when Hum pushed Esteban back down , we were supposed to think for a second that he was going to drown him . When I saw Esteban's mother , I Hoyt it was Felipa. I hope almost losing his son, Porfirio will rebuild his relationship with Esteban and his grands .

Did Vermin ask Castro if he was working for Gin ? I wondered that myself .Then he asks if the police have a witness protection program. they?

I dont think I have ever seen a villain who has panic attacks . Mauro certainly got emotional when Elvira offered him some affection , and Iron maiden Gin did not like that one bit.

Love the looks of love and affection that Salo gives Gala. You should always go with the guy who looks at you like you hung the moon. These young actors are doing an outstanding job.

The pot is bubbling . Lets go. Susan


If Mauro had known any kindness in his own youth he would now be a loving husband and father. He has been catching on to the normality of other people and knows that no all people are liars, cheats, and murderers.

uUA, I agree about Castro being a leading man in his own right. How in the world are they going to return the babies? Has Gin kept them at her house or is she going to rat out the adopters? drop them off at a church? I'm sure Vermin will be the guy they make do the work as there are cameras everywhere.

Susan, one of my friends' father has been only taking cold showers for decades. And he's rarely sick. I can't even stand warm water.

Mauro would have probably ended up as a normal guy, one that Mireya could actually take hom to her family. Someone like Humberto.
I still believe Mauro will die, most likely saving Sam and/or Monito from crazy Gin

If so I hope the writers give him an operatic death scene so he will be cast in a new novela. He's a good actor and he's hot.

Thanks, Adriana.
Salo is lucky they are going to save him from having to be a young father because Elvira isn't wrong about Gala being very young for being a step-mother. I often find all these supposedly noble attitudes hard to take. Mexicans really go for the whole 'a child is such a blessing no matter what' narrative way too often.
I was also wondering if the actor had to submerge himself into that feezing water. I love swimming, but I feel cold even while thinking about all that ice.
I kee thinking Nandi thinks Kenzo's kids were wrong to not accept her right away. But Gero did raise some valid points a few episodes ago. Nandi acts like it's all very simple when it isn't.
I love seeing Gin's anger. For once the good guys are winning. I remember how hard it was to watch Invencible because it felt like they had no chance against Ramses.
Your comments made me realise how much Mauro must regret the life he could have lived. Ginevra is the worst person he could have met because she used all his skills and his pain for her own ends. And she doesn't love him and love seems to be what he wants. It feels so tragic. It's incredible she can use even him, because she never fails to mention all they had to go through together.

The actors playing Mauro and Cesar don't seem like galans to me. Daniel ....yes ..handsome with lots of talent, humor, and vitality. I have seen him play galans ever since he was a young actor in Venezuela and later in Mexico , and his chemistry with the leading lady is always great. I have also seen him play the villain when he was younger, and he sizzles when be plays the player . To each his \her own. I guess we all have qualities that we are attracted to. Susan

Daniel Elbittar reminds me of the young David Selby who was the hottest man on daytime TV back in the day when he got his big break. Tall very sexy smile, gorgeous, and the biggest "player." I could see DE in the same role....

Urban, Daniel is a Renaissance man . Not only can he romance convincingly. He can sing and dance . I am fascinated by interesting , multitalented people. He seems to be very outgoing and funloving with a quirky sense of humor. Susan

Adriana - Thanks for a complete and lucid recap.

I hope that Daniel insisted on plastic ice cubes while he was submerged in the treatment recommended by his cousin Humberto. Hum looked like he had doubts about his survival when he forced him under a second time. I had the sound off when this scene was happening and I thought the writers had gone crazy. When I put the sound back, I really did not change my mind.
A minority opinion: I think Genebra will escape in an airplane at the end, off to marry and kill again.

If Gisela Gonzales had been the producer, that would be almost guaranteed.

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