Wednesday, June 12, 2024

El Amor No Tiene Receta #70: Discovery, Accusation, Revelation, Shock, Demand


Ginebra demanded that Esteban kneel and beg for Eder's life. [She must think she's Elsa, She-Wolf of the SS.] Esteban forced himself to kneel and apologize to Ginebra. She told him that if his apology is not sincere, Eder would remain permanently in limbo. After uttering a monumentally embarrassing plea and what sounded like sincere regret for his deceptions and disobedience she said she liked him recognizing her power over him. However, she finally said he would have to convince her of his sincerity. [Altair Jarabo probably needed bodyguards in public after this aired almost three weeks ago.]

Kenzo and Jerónimo talked. No progress here; the brat was still brainwashed. They are now at estrangement.

Humberto and the others talked about how to resolve Bosco's problem. Humberto siad that their best option was to persuade Giovanna to withdraw the accusation and say she was mistaken. Elvira offered to talk to her [I am surprised that Humberto didn't point out how this would work against their case]. Humberto said that the best was is to get her to admit this in front of a judge. Fobo came back from hospital security and said that they won't be bothered anymore. Pepa said that at least nothing saod in front of them that could be used against him. Bosco wondered whether Gio did this to Eder but Elvira said that the security cameras in the house showed she did not. [Gio is nowhere near smart enough to have concocted such a poison]. Porfirio told her that her family had enemies and they needed to be careful.

Vermin tried to run but his cab's wheels had been removed. Mauro appeared and they started to argue over the missing key. At this point Rubio approached and paused at the corner to eavesdrop. Mauro suggested to Vermin that they go after Ginebra. He was determined to not continue this way of life. Vermin didn't believe him. He gave Vermin a wad of cash, said he would get him a new cell phone, and he was to check into a hotel or whatever without using a credit card. He asked if he wanted to finish off Rubio. When Vermin answered Yes, Mauro said they needed to also get rid of Ginebra. That was the only option. Vermin took the money. Rubio walked away before either man could see him.

Esteban, Gala, Bosco, Porfirio, Humberto, and Kenzo were in Eder's room. Gala told Eder he will soon be home recovering. She and Bosco kissed Eder and left the room. As the door closed Esteban motioned silently for the other men to shut off their cell phones. He explained that Ginebra and Mauro were behind all this and that they were the only people he could trust. The kids were to go to the Robles house that night. He had to make an agreement with Ginebra who has been making his suffer all this time. He needed their help and warned them they would be putting themselves at risk. They all agreed.

Elvira continued to worry and Ginebra continued to fake empathy, also saying that her people were investigating. Elvira didn't like the idea of Gala and Bosco in the barrio but Ginebra told her she had lived in worse places than that. They finally hugged.

Paz, Mireya, Nandy, and Lupita tucked Samara and Monito into bed. Paz told them that she would bring the paper doves and some food over to the hospital. Sam and Monito adopted Paz' family as theirs. Later Paz brought Esteban some food and the paper birds to Eder's room. She assured him that Gala, Bosco, Sam, and Monito were safe. He told her Ginebra was sure she had defeated him. He also told her she gave him the strength to go on.

Abdul reported the return of the babies to Ginebra. She asked if there were any other threats and he said No. She told him to contact the other group; they needed a truce to avoid war. She dismissed him as Mauro entered the room. Ginebra told her that Rubio had called. She knew what he and Vermin talked about. Mauro tried to lie his way out of this but it did not work. In a cajoling tone of voice she said she needed him and no little games. They were close to victory. “Are you with me or against me?” She was watching his face and didn't see that he clenched his fist at this question.

Felipa tried her usual tricks on Humberto. He had reviewed her documents about the abstention request and noticed properties that suddenly appeared in the past few months. She claimed they were inheritances. She then got up, pretending that her foot had been injured, saying she had places to go and things to do. He asked if she was being a front for somebody. This question caught her off-guard.

Nighttime in the Barrio:

Bosco was staying with Pepa, who lent him some clothes. Bosco said things were not secure at his home. He knew that Pepa's life wasn't perfect either. They talked about scholarships and their future freedom. Surprisingly when Bosco realized that the sheets were not what he was accustomed to he saw the humor in the situation and both boys covered themselves. [Does it really get cold enough in Mexico City to need a comforter?]

Gala and Salomón talked in the kitchen about the sleeping accommodations and the next stuff to put in their time capsule. Both were in positive mode.

Porfirio and Lupita drank coffee on the roof. She was grateful for his company in these dangerous times. They were the pillars of their families and had to be strong for them. She commented that it would soon be spring. Kenzo came up the stairs and excused himself to go to Nandy.

Kenzo and Nandy also talked before turning in for the night. He mentioned his stalemated conversation with Jerónimo and how the barrio was an oasis for him because of that.

The Next Morning:

Eder was at home but still in a coma and hooked up to medical equipment. His lips were parched. Esteban was with him. Paz brought Sam and Monito in to see him. They told him all sorts of encouraging things, including about the plants Lupita sent. Sam described the drawing she did of the three of them playing outside, a butterfly, and a rainbow. Paz and Esteban also talked to Eder, Esteban stroking the boy's hair.

Gala woke up in the Robles home to Lupita saying she would prepare a hearty breakfast for her and Bosco to face the day ahead. He seemed to have had a nightmare about Eder not waking up.

In Eder's room Esteban flashed back to his mother as he and Paz spoke of Eder. Sam and Monito were there. Monito talked about defeating evil in Malolandia, Paz received a text message about a competition for the title of Taco Queen. Esteban encouraged her to enter. She didn't think the timing was good. The Tsunami of Evil – Ginebra – entered. She said “They're not making much of a fuss about Eder.”
The doctor said he can hear despite his condition and it is helpful to encourage him with positive things, isn't it?”

Ginebra smiled and said “Of course. I'm sure that your father [words missing in On Demand] “

Lupita and Porfirio prepared omelets with fresh veg. He did his own cooking after his wife's death (her recipes).

Kenzo brought Nandy breakfast in bed. She tried to hid her face because of lack of cosmetics, but this did not faze him.

Ginebra tried to order Paz to stay away from Eder. “I don't want you anywhere near Eder. You are a cook, not a nurse. And instead of looking for the most minimal opportunity to be near my husband take better care of the ingredients you cook with so the rest of us aren't in danger like Eder. It obvious that you did it.”

Paz did not take this lying down. “I am always careful with the food I make. Nobody ever became sick in my restaurant or here. Surely it was a very potent poison to bring this desgracia to this entire family. But the question is how did it get into the little one's body?”

I repeat, dedicate yourself to your function and stop trying to drag off my husband.”

And stop insulting me. If you are so unsure og your marriage and union with Don Esteban you'd have to be spying on every step I take in this house. Insecurity is pitiful.”

What provokes pity is you, Paz. I, unlike you, am not a side piece. That description belongs to vipers like you. Come on, pass him – ” Mireya came in with Sam and Monito.

Having a problem with Senora Ginebra, sis?” Mireya asked.

Ginebra laughed to show that Mireya was so insignificant that she could not have heard what she said.

This is not a hotel. This is the first an only time you sleep in my house.”

We didn't stay for pleasure, Senora. We took care of the children, nothing more.”

Sam confirmed this, saying that they read stories to them and played with them. [This is likely to get her punished.]

When I hire them as nannies or maids it's good to have those tasks, but as long as they stay in line.” She put out her hand for Sam. “Come here, sweetie. Don't get excited about a storyteller, mi vida.” She looked at Paz and Mireya. “You never know which companions are suitable for my daughter and which are not.”

Jerónimo confronted Felipa about the money laundering. Ginebra had been threatening him and he was refusing to do it anymore. He threatened to tell his father. She flashed back to Humberto, imagining his thoughts on this, [or things we were not told a few scenes ago] and started to panic. Jerónimo took out his phone and she begged him not to use it. “I'll tell you everything but you have to swear not to tell anyone.”

I swear. What did Ginebra threaten you with?”

Ginebra knows a secret of mine that would destroy our family and if I don't do this she will reveal it all. It's that Sandro is not your brother.” Jerónimo was shocked and speechless [for once].

In contrast at the Robles' Air BNB everyone went down to the kitchen for breakfast like a normal family. Esteban called Gala to tell her that Eder was home in his own bed [We know why this happened] but had not yet awakened. She had him on speaker phone and he could hear all the positive vibes in the room. He told them they should stay there for the moment. 

The call ended as Elvira entered Eder's room. She stroked the child's hair and Esteban said he had to tell her something. He heard Ginebra's voice in his mind saying “Keep playing with fire, Esteban, and your house will become a cemetery.” However, Esteban told Elvira that what happened to Eder was another attack. “Like the murder of Berenice, and the sniper attack. We have an enemy.” [He used both gendered words] “For years out to annihilate us.”

 “Why are you so sure?”

Because there is too much coincidence. We need to be suspicious of every person close to us.”

Jerónimo demanded the details from Felipa. How she got Sandro and what Ginebra had to do with this. She tried to put him off but he was relentless. He asked if his father knew. She really panicked at the idea of Kenzo finding out and begged him not to say anything.

Mauro approached Mireya in the garden of Esteban's house. He said he was determined to change for her because she had awakened feelings in him he had never had before. That had been sleeping. Love. He wanted to get away from Ginebra to be with her. Elvira caught them kissing and ran out but – thus far – was at a loss for words.

Paz heard Ginebra and Esteban talk about her terms for waking Eder. She demanded that he impregnate her.


My apologies for the inconsistent font sizes and the typos. Somehow this was more difficult than Monday's episode.


Superb recap, fantastic title and awesome screen shots. Your recap had it all!

Your careful and thorough narration is evident throughout.

Is Ginebra going to keep Eder hovering in a non-conscious state until Esteban impregnates her? The very thought of that makes my stomach roil.

Rubio has turned out to be a sneaky spy hasn't he?? I was surprised Ginebra didn't "end" Mauro then and there. She is smart enough to know he has turned on her. The time will soon come when she doesn't need him and that will be that.

I thought Mir had learned her lesson. Guess not.

"She told him to contact the other group; they needed a truce to avoid war". No, no! Bring on the war! Please! Someone needs to emerge who will vanquish this sick, evil person once and for all.

Jeronimo has certainly fallen hard and fast from his lofty pedestal. Ginebra "schools" him and then his own mother reveals Sandro isn't hers making his crimes look like petty theft. He will have no choice but to go along or he will have to deal with Ginebra. I have no pity for him, I'm reserving if for those who deserve it.

Finally, Esteban gives Elvira some food for thought. Who is the one person who wants to bring everything and everyone down?? Think Elvira, think.


Thanks, Urban. Your recap is extraordinary as it is. According to Ms.Google, it can get down into the 40’s at night in Mexico City and not many homes have heat. So, there is plenty of use for comforters and sweaters like Lupe wears.

Thinking about Lupe, I am happy that Beatriz Moreno was given a much meatier role than what I am used to seeing her in. She is an excellent actress.

There is a problem with Kenzo when he seems less mature than his own kids and ex.

To be honest, I wasn’t a big fan of this novela when it started but have really enjoyed these later episodes.

Diana, the idea of Esteban impregnating Ginebra “ makes my stomach roll”, too. Disgusting!

I shuddered when I saw that Eder had been moved back home. Not a safe place.

My stomach also turns at the prospect of Esteban having to have sex with Ginebra. It's dinner time and I have no appetite.

Is Jeronimo 18 yet? If not that's another charge against both Ginebra and Felipa. If so he should have known better. He's a nasty one and I agree he deserves no pity from us despite that he chewed out Felipa for getting him involved.

Rubio is a classic Sleazebag villain who needs a mastermind boss. There is no other place for him. His multiple attempts at raping Mireya deserve a nasty Karmageddon by themselves but add prison violence and whatever else he's done for Ginebra's dirty money merit a nasty death. I can't believe this monster actually has a family.

Wow, Urban, thank you for an excellent recap with every dark , disturbing detail.Great job.

Gin certainly knows exactly how to make Esteban suffer . Having him get on his knees to apologize and beg for his son's life was sickening. Then, to top that cringeworthy moment, we end with Gin demanding that Esteban make her pregnant!! QTH??? Why does she want a baby? She can't stand the kids hat are around her . If she has a baby , will she sell him or her to the highest bidder? So, will Esteban do the deed to save his son? I think a father that loves his kids as much as Esteban does would do anything to save his children , including sleeping with the devil.

I am amazed that Gin didn't eliminate Mauro as soon as Rubio told her the conversation he heard between Mauro and Vermin.

Urban, I agree that Altair must have been hated by viewers in Mexico as her evil escalated with every episode.

That stonecold face and her low, gravely voice makes her an evil , heartless presence . Now, she wants to poison everyone .


Ooooo Mr. Big is getting closer...

If Esteban does manage to do the deed, I think Telenovela Law pretty much guarantees a pregnancy, which will complicate things enormously. They can't just kill her off then...and surely we can't get through 9 months in the next, what, 20 episodes?

Addressing both questions at once: Ginebra likely doesn't know any appropriate successor to Mauro. She might want to raise her own. Or...

In the shorter term she probably thinks she can score more points with Elvira and more money from her will if she has a baby. Whom she would probably kill after Elvira dies, just as she tried to kill Samara.

Maybe -- just maybe -- something went wrong during the delivery of her stillborn baby and now she can't get pregnant. She gave birth at home and did not go to a hospital afterward so there could be something wrong she doesn't know about. Karma's a bitch and she has PMS.

Urban, I agree, I don't think the toxicity of Gin will allow her to get pregnant , but she would blame Esteban if she doesn't get pregnant.

She could fall pregnant , be convicted for her crimes, deliver the baby and Paz and Esteban would raise it.....

Hey, Kat, I think Gin is going to have get Esteban " extra drunk"......


Thanks for the great recap, Urban.

I doubt it will happen, but I'd like Esteban to say sure. I'll give you a beaker of my sperm and you can go from there.

I should not get riled up because I'm a veteran. But why oh why did disgusting Rubio have to overhear Mauro's talk with Vermin? We all think he's going to turn on Ginebra, but I wanted her to be unaware.

Susan, actually I'm surprised Gin hasn't used a date rape drug on him yet. I wonder how it affects guys though. My only knowledge of how they work is via crime dramas and the women are always the victim in those cases. Of course with Gin continuously messing with the children Esteban never gets to be at home anyhow....
I didn't understand why Kenzo spent the night at the Robles too. Was it just to push the Nandy/Kenzo relationship or was he supposed to be a bodyguard of sorts to protect Gala and Bosco?

I am an atheist but I think that the stillbirth could be the writers' first clue to Ginebra not being allowed to reproduce. Remember that her only motive for that pregnancy was to insure that she would inherit Elias' assets upon his death. No tears for the dead baby, which tells us now that she would have killed her within a year of Elias' death, make it look like SIDS, draw public sympathy, and laugh behind the world's back.

However, you would think that her photo appearing on the internet would spark memories in another country or two where a previous suddenly husband died. She could have been doing this for almost 20 years. Where is Interpol when we need them?

Kenzo is one of the trusted few and Esteban's best friend while Nandy is a member of Paz' family. She was targeted for abuse during their time in prison. Nobody trusts Vermin.

I don't think Rubio will turn on Ginebra. She did get him out of the slammer and probably pays him well for all the dirty work he does for her, including ratting out Mauro and Vermin. If she ever thinks he's outlived his usefulness she would kill him herself. However, I don't think he's intelligent enough to realize that.

Now for the date rape drug possibility:

Law & Order SVU has that scenario in a 2005 episode called "Design." Julian Sands' character became one of several victims of a high IQ con-woman who drugged him with rohypnol. She then used a veterinary device while he was unconscious to cause the necessary biological events for production of the specimen needed for IVF or whatever.

Awesome recap, Adriana. Loved your hashtags!

Tomorrow’s post will be a little later than usual because I have a dentist appointment in the morning — unplanned, because I had to swap with my husband. I should be able to sit down to it around lunchtime.

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