Thursday, June 20, 2024

El amor no tiene receta #76, Notes from the couch

Reunited and it feels like I want to cry 

This is going to be a quick one, busy day ahead. Feel free to fill in the blanks. 

Paz and Sam are still hugging, Sam asks why Paz is laughing and crying at the same time. Paz says she’s happy. Happy to see her beautiful face and her smile, she’s waited so long for this moment and now they are finally together. Esteban is looking at them and he gets teary eyed, too, then goes inside allowing them to be alone. Paz asks Sam if she’d like to prepare with her one of the recipes she’s been keeping for her daughter. Sam agrees, she loves cooking with Paz and loves being back in this house. They go inside together, and they walk in slow motion, which is perfect because it gives me enough time to blow my nose and wipe my eyes – I might have been ugly crying during this scene.

Porfirio saves Humberto’s life by coming out of the bedroom and shooting at Rubio with a rifle, making him run like the slimy coward that he is. Fermin has fallen on a table and looks like he’s about to take his last breath, so Humberto and Porfirio take him to the hospital. The doctors tell them he was badly hurt, he might not make it. Porfirio thinks Humberto should call Paz and let her know.  

Jeronimo comes to see Kenzo at the office and tells him that Sandro is not his son. Kenzo is shocked, at first he believes Felipa cheated on him, but then Jero explains the truth is much worse, she bought a baby from Ginebra Nicoliti.

Salo is sad because he was actually looking forward to being a father. Now he’s afraid the baby won’t be provided for, since Gema is not exactly the picture of motherhood. Gala thinks he could still help out, be like a cool uncle. This is very soapy, but slightly unrealistic. I get that Salo would be sad because he doesn’t want another kid being raised without a father figure, but shouldn’t he also feel some traces of relief? His life has become 100% easier.

For whatever reason Gema decided that Pepa is to blame for her lies, so she throws a bucket of black paint on him and Bosco. Later, she decides if there is no Salo, she doesn’t want to keep her kid, so she takes some pills to provoke herself an abortion. Mireya, Salo and the others help her throw up, but as soon as she feels better Gema only says that she hates them all and she wants to do is destroy them.

Paz is going through her recipes with Sam, trying to find the perfect one to prepare together. She thought bubbles that she is very happy to finally have her daughter back. When they start cooking, they put on aprons, there is even one for Esteban. He takes the first picture of Paz and Sam as mother and daughter.  

Mireya has gone to the villa to get some books and Mauro finds her in the office. She’s startled to see he’s back from his trip, he looks as intense as ever, tells her one of her people has something that belongs to him. Mireya attacks him, she’s tired of being fooled by bad men, she deserves better. She’s lost hope that he’ll ever change, he will always choose bad over good, evil Gin over her love. So she has decided it’s time she started fighting against what she feels. Mauro says he is trying to change, but there is a battle going on inside him, he can’t turn his back on Ginebra, he must stay loyal to her. Mireya has heard enough. She does love him so much, but this is not healthy for her, so she is going to stop no matter what.

Kenzo confronts Felipa about Sandro. She sobs, saying she lost the baby she had been pregnant with and she was trying to save their family. They have to be very careful with Ginebra, she could kill them all, she is involved in child trafficking. But Kenzo knows better, she only did this for herself. Sandro will always be his son, but he doesn’t want to see her ever again. He also promises to help Jero, who is now in big problems because of her, too, he will always stand by his sons.

Elvira confronts Ginebra after her talk with Geo. Ginebra manages to fool her mother by saying she went to threaten Geo, she cares so much about Bosco. Elvira thinks they should have made a plan together, but Gin makes it clear she doesn’t need to ask permission when she does something, she is, after all, a mother figure for all these kids (LOL!)

Paz tells Lupita the truth about Sam being her Maria. Lupita is shocked, overjoyed, moved beyond words. When she wants to talk about Vermin’s, Paz is interrupted by Humberto calling to tell her that he 's in the hospital. Paz and Esteban go to see him and Paz actually manages to say that she forgives him and will take care of their daughter, before he finally succumbs to his wounds.

It’s a gesture of extreme kindness for Vermin’s tormented soul. Esteban is impressed with Paz, she explains she wants to start over without any hard feelings, but with a clear conscience. Esteban says the information Vermin gave Humberto could help them a lot. It’s a shame he had to die when he had so many things to live and be held accountable for.

Ginebra orders Mauro to get rid of Geo. She doesn’t care how he does it. The only thing that he needs to do first is make sure that she gives up on her accusations against Bosco. Mauro asks her when she plans to see Sam, she even left without saying goodbye. Gin couldn’t care less, she’ll see her at night. They get news from Rubio that Vermin is dead (yey!), but he couldn’t get the diary (ooops!)

Paz and Esteban are back at the house and telling everyone that Vermin died. She also tells Lupita that Vermin was the one who sold their baby and she is rightfully shell shocked. She doesn’t understand why they can’t tell her the truth as soon as possible, but the others explain that Ginebra is very dangerous and they have to protect Sam at all cost.

The one good thing that came from all of this is the fact that they have their Maria back and Lupita is overcome with emotion: she thanks God for allowing her to witness the moment when her grand-daughter came back into their lives.

They are interrupted by Kenzo, who wants to speak to Esteban. Alone, he tells his best friend that his heart is broken, Sandro is not his son. And that is not because Felipa has cheated, but because she actually bought a baby from Ginebra.    

Samara falls asleep in Paz’ house, with Paz watching over her, still in disbelief that this is her daughter. She promises that one day, soon, she will tells her the truth.


Adriana: AWESOME job on the recap of last night's episode. Not surprised Vermin died. Still couldn't answer for all of the garbage he pulled over the years.

Crazy Ginebra upping the ante even further & increasing the Body Count!


Thanks, Adriana. Great recap and great title: "Reunited and it feels like I want to cry" You better believe it! Thanks.

A couple complaints from me back in the real world. I couldn't tighten ye old beanie tight enough to even start to buy either one of these exasperating events:

ITA about Salo "This is very soapy, but slightly unrealistic. " and will say it is VERY unrealistic. The fact that the child will be raised with a father should be an after thought for him. Any real person would be breathing a big sign of relief first, second and third.

Also, where in the real world would a mother go to the deathbed of the father of her child who SOLD their child, who by the way is being currently ABUSED due to said "sale, " to forgive him? Paz didn't have to worry about having a "clear conscience" because she was guilty of nothing. They have turned her into a doormat with a "kick me" sign on her back. GIVE ME A BREAK!

Aside from those two mind numbing events, it was a good episode. Finally Vermin is dead and gone. Porfirio got a shot off at Rubio. They are dressing and styling Lupe much better now that there is a love interest for her. Kenzo is finally trying to take control of his situation. I didn't like seeing Mauro put Mireya on the hot seat.



Thank you for the superb summary. Your overview helped clarify several of the interactions. It was good to have the scene where our heroine forgave Fermin his trespasses. That act of forgiveness cements the status of Paz as St. Paz the Good.


Adriana, looks like your quick recap covered all the important events.
Jarifa, you are so right that Paz didn't have to clear her conscience by forgiving Fermin, but for her in peace she needed to do that. Living up to her name.
OT Adriana, I left a comment on the daytime Vivir thread (and other TNs but it seems only Vivir is generating comments) about Corazon Indomable. What a train wreck, but also what a great group of recappers. You did an exceptional job. Carlos really had a gift. I keep reading the recaps just waiting to get to one of his again! I'm going to have to scour the old TNs to see which he was involved in and watch them if I can find them. Do any of the old timers on Caray know when he passed?

Merci, Adriana.

I just checked Wikipedia for ratings numbers and the later episodes have been doing better than the earlier ones. Of course, the 8:30 time slot probably helps that.

Paz is a saint: What Vermin did was unforgivable in the extreme. Even if Samara had gone to a normal, loving family it cost Paz seven years of emotional agony. She is the sort of woman who should have children and she had lost hers to a psychopath who knows nothing of love and is also incapable of understanding it.

Ginebra only understands hatred, power, and greed. She could have become another Griselda Blanco as the illegal drug trade is more lucrative, but instead spread her misery around by stealing or buying babies and selling them to whomever has the money to pay.

I'm sure her rap sheet murder list would exceed Blanco's.

The Three Musketeers are lucky to have been informed by Jeronimo about Sandro; it's one more criminal charge on a growing list. However, I don't see Jeronimo becoming D'Artangnon.


A lovely, beautifully expressed recap. You evoked a gamut of emotions that tore at the heart and soul; some with joy, others with agony.

"Happy to see her beautiful face and her smile, she’s waited so long for this moment and now they are finally together" conveyed all the longing this heartwreching scene entailed.

Lupita's joy and happiness was infectious and heartened the heart.

Paz forgiving Vermin was indeed "...a gesture of extreme kindness for Vermin’s tormented soul". She forgave the foulest of deeds because mercy is but one of the innate loving qualities her immense heart holds.

I agree that realistically Salo should have been relieved Gema's child wasn't his. But my kleenex moment was when he brought out those tiny baby shoes, "walking" them across the table. A moment of vulnerability, of kindness and heart...

Kenzo's life is shattering...

Any hope Mauro would turn on Ginebra is quickly dissipating. Mir needs to walk away and stay away. If he isn't against Ginebra, he is with her. The frightening possibilities are endless.

Sam and Monito's happy ending cannot come soon enough for me!


Cher Adriana, Merci. Tres bien. I loved the title , so you were off and flying right from the start . What a great recap of this episode as the chess pieces move around the board and the story unfolds.

Claudia Martin just gets better and better as she seems to have actually morphed into Paz and has made me believe everything she does and says. Regarding her forgiveness of Vermin , I think forgiveness frees the forgiver even more than the forgiven. We have seen Vermin sink lower and lower with each episode and become more and more pathetic and beaten down physically and mentally. Also, I think that Vermin may have been Paz's first love , and no matter what happened between the two , the memory of that first love lives on in the mind and heart. I think Paz saw the young Fermin that she fell in love with, not the broken, battered man in the hospital bed. JMHO Perhaps Paz's mantra is " when in doubt, do the kindest thing."I want to believe in goodness and forgiveness , so I want to believe in Pax.

Esteban reminds me of somebody I love . He is a wonderful partner , father, and friend . I don't think that I have ever seen chemistry between two leads like these two.

Loved the scene in the kitchen with everyone , including Esteban, in aprons .

I love the men coming together to fight Gin and Mauro. You can see them moving the wagons into a circle to protect their loved ones Porfirio suddenly appearing WI his rifle to save Hum was a great moment.

I am glad that Elvira confronted Gio and now is suspicious of Gin.

Can't wait to see what happens next. Susan

A sincere thank you for the amazing recaps!

It's nighttime here and I'm sleepy, but thought I'd leave a quick comment.

So glad Paz now knows about Sam being her daughter. More glad about Vermin dying. Not glad about the forgiveness scene. I personally wouldn't forgive someone who sold my daughter and kept me in the dark, lying to me for 7 years. WTF for the conscience comment by Paz. She hasn't done anything wrong!!!

ITA about Salo's reaction being unrealistic.

Mauro is beyond redemption.

Can't wait for tonight's epi!

Thanks so much Adriana, great recap of another great episode. It looks like the good guys are in the majority, which is good.

I was disappointed that Mauro apparently knows it wasn’t their enemies that got the IUB. Not sure if that’s what it’s called. He seems to know it was one of Mireya’s group. He also now will apparently have to kill Geo. He didn’t like it when he killed the guy in charge of the kids. How will he kill a teen girl?

Gema is strange. If Pepa isn’t the dad there’s still a dad. Did she sleep around so much she’s really clueless. I guess she wants Pepa and didn’t care how she would get him. But what confidence when she handed him the unopened DNA results. Which was the episode before this one, but just realized she was so confident.

I loved the scenes with Paz and Sam. Don’t think Sam will miss Ginebra.

They say you forgive someone so you don’t destroy yourself carrying the grudge around. So I’m ok with Paz forgiving Vermin. He was in jail for a long time because he went to get his hidden money when he got out of jail. I think he started working for Gin after that. But Rubio must have been working for them the whole time. Vermin also had some touching scenes with Sam so I think he realized what he had lost.


Liz, I think Paz could forgive Vermin because he repented. He seriously caught a conscience when he recognized Samara and found out how evil Ginebra was. However, he lacked the courage to tell Paz because of all the possible -- and inevitable -- consequences. I do agree that he did realize what he lost due to this and his other bad decisions.

I am not a proponent of mandatory forgiveness in other situations. Here the child is being rescued before her self-esteem is destroyed or her life taken altogether and getting her rightful family.

You don't have to forgive a toxic parent who destroyed your self-esteem and regarded you as unworthy to be her child.

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