Friday, June 21, 2024

El Amor no Tiene Receta #77, jueves 6/20: Cries and Whispers

Kenzo is venting histrionically to Esteban. All of this -- his ex, his kid, his not-kid, the money laundering -- is too much. He can't handle it! He feels nauseous! He wants to vomit! He must have missed the panic attack class last week and had to do a make-up lab. Esteban reminds him to breathe and assures him that they'll get through this together. After all, he's doing such a great job of managing his own household, why not take over Kenzo's, too?

Fobo continues to school Elvira in all the ways Gin is suspicious. She resists his arguments, but he points out that as her bodyguard, his first and only job is to guard her body (jeje -- he doesn't actually phrase it that way, but we're all thinking it.) He finally convinces her to "test" Gin by taking her out of the will and seeing how she reacts. Dude, are you nuts??? He better be glued to her side every second from here to the  lawyer's office, because that French Shooter is still out there.

Gin rounds the corner of Casa Roble just as Esteban and Paz are disentangling from one of their shmoopy goodbyes. How did she know to go there? Did she come straight from the railyard? Oh, who cares. I only peek out from under my beanie to take notes. 

Much fraught yakking ensues, culminating with Gin and Esteban both drawing and aiming their...cellphones. Gin threatens to have the whole family killed, while Esteban threatens to tattle to  Mommy. 

Those don't really seem like offsetting threats, but apparently they are, because the next thing we know everyone -- including a fieldable roster of Robles -- is inside the house. Gin announces she's taking her "daughter" home. Cue the screaming, crying, insults, threats, full-body door-blocking, and that freaked-out-kid face that Samlunamaria does so well. Paz finally realizes that kidnapping the same child a second time is probably not a good look and stands down. Gin leaves with Sam, closely followed by Esteban, who assures Paz he will keep her safe. (He's gone from Esteban Disculpas to Esteban Confia en Mi. Again, not a good track record, but at least it turns down the volume and advances the plot.)

Kenzo has assembled his brace of spawn in his office, where he informs them that Filipa has lifted the restraining order and something something...I'm distracted by the entrance of Nandy in an adorable soccer-referee outfit, which seems appropriate for the occasion. She tries to sweet-talk them again but gives up and turns tail mercifully quickly. Ken drones on about their relationship, his relationship, etc. Jero remains disapproving but less stridently so; Sandro retains his usual poisonous glare. Gotta hand it to this child actor: he made us hate him from Day One, and we have not wavered for an instant. That's (a kind of) talent.

Mauro dons his cat-burglar garb and materializes in Gio's bedroom, claps his hand over her mouth and explains her options to her: she will pipe down, get up, get dressed, and either a) retract her  denunciation of Bosco, or b) Mauro golly...tell this scary man-bun here to kill her. (How did they both get in there? Does Gio take Ambien? Abdul's not even wearing a special outfit!) She seems to take this seriously. I'm guessing her parents still aren't home, although it's not clear they'd care if they were. 

Humberto returns to his police-tape-swathed apartment, brandishes some papers at Castro in a cowboy-lawyerly fashion, and explains his options to him: he will tidy up, take his men, and clear out, or Hum will file a lawsuit accusing the whole law-enforcement community of not being able to keep track of their criminals. He sweetens the deal by promising Castro the biggest collar of his career. 

Elvira accosts Gin at Villa Villa: she checked with her publisher, and "editorial meetings at the border" are not a thing. Where was she, and why is she lying? Gin cycles through her full complement of manipulative reactions -- haughtiness, anger, guilt trips, hurt feelings, tears, obliquely blaming Elias -- but this time, nothing works. Elvira tells her she's taking her out of the will. Gin fumbles, then recovers: of course, Mama; I understand. The important thing is our relationship. Damn.

Gin calls Mauro, who is busy packing a bag for Gio so "it looks like she's gone on a trip." Gin tells him not to kill her...yet. She needs her alive. 

In the final scene, Mir lures Mauro to her house -- presumably with a booty call -- but upon arriving he is confronted by...I don't know, a bunch of Robles and stuff, who employ various non-violent tactics to pressure him into selling out Ginebra. These include: appealing to his better nature; saying he has to choose between Gin and Mireya; enumerating his crimes and pointing out that cooperating could reduce his inevitable jail sentence; and playing the Sam card. ("You love that little girl, and she loves you!") He coldly informs them that Ginebra cannot be stopped. Can't they see that? 

He finally turns to Mireya and asks if it's actually possible that she could ever forgive him. She hesitates and then says yes, she could, IF he changes his ways...

In other news:

* Hum, Esteban, Kenzo and Filipa are plotting Operation End of Ginebra with a schematic made out of...scrap paper and yarn. This is the big plan? Well, they've been drinking. 

* The Robles put a black wreath over the front door for Fermin. (Shouldn't it be on the roof?) that a box of ashes? That was quick! There must be a crematorium next to every DNA lab. 

* Gala brings a fleet car to the barrio so she can teach Salo how to drive. Amazingly, they don't hit anything. 

* Is anyone even looking for Rubio? No one has so much as mentioned his name, even though he just shot a man dead at point-blank range in front of two witnesses and probably even left behind some quasi-human DNA. I mean, he sure looks like he sheds.

* After all the yowling and plotzing and French-farce entrances and exits and injudicious revelation of secrets and secret knowing of other people's secrets, I've completely lost track of who knows what about whom. I guess I should have had some yarn. 

* Humberto shows Por a fake ID he's planning to use to get into Fermin's safe deposit box first thing tomorrow morning. Stay tuned!


Good stuff, Blue Lass. Loved he sure looks like he sheds.

Why are novela police mostly so incompetent? Is Humberto's lure of "the biggest collar of your career" adequate motivation? I am almost losing faith about Castro's honesty.

So, Mauro's back is against the wall. I don't remember him ever telling anyone that Ginebra has also tortured him but would any man confide that in anyone (except a good shrink)? He may not have internalized this yet but Ginebra does not love him any more than she can love anyone which is not at all.

Paz should have gotten the DNA test done the day Esteban brought Samara to her.

Un otro resumen divertido! I also loved the sure looks like he sheds line. Rubio is so disgusting and creepy, it's nice to have a laugh at his expense. The panic attack line had me laugh out loud followed by Esteban will take care of everything, as Eben hobbles around with the assistance of Samlunamaria and Monito.

You are spot on with us hating Sandro from Day 1. Do you think the writers did that on purpose so we won't be devastated when / if he goes back to his biological parents? Do we think Ginebra killed them, like she did with Max's parents?

I think it is in bad taste for Esteban to refer to Paz as the love of his life in front of his dead wife's children.

Paz sure plays distraught and agitated well. It seems like they've even puffed up her eyes. Maybe that's just her not using mascara for those scenes. No mascara sure made those eyebrows pop.

The best line of the whole episode was Esteban saying "Monito, tu tambien es mi hijo". Sob!

Blue, I'm so glad you liked Nandy's outfit. You gave me almost identical earrings for our birthday a few years back!

It sure seems like this is wrapping up, but I haven't noticed an Ultimas Semanas alert yet. Does anybody know how many episodes are left?

R la O


Thanks, Blue Lass. I so enjoyed your very creative recap. So funny, but also so spot on with these plot lines as we near the end.

My highlight from last night was Esteban telling Monito he was his son, too.

Can’t wait for tonight!

Publisher and editorial meetings...we finally are given a hint as to Elvira's business, unless it is in reference to Gin's former husband's business. I haven't watched this episode yet, may have more to contribute later.

Blue Lass, Thank you for a sassy recap as Gin returns to threaten and rain on everyone's parade.

I hated watching Gin bulling her way into the house and terrorizing Sam and everyone else . This little girl has been through so much.

Daniel telling Monito that he was his son was the one bright spot. Photos of Daniel with his two little sons show that he is an affectionate dad who gives lots of hugs and kisses.

I dont understand why Gin wants Gio to recant her accusations against Bosco.

I didn't understand the Musketeers' plan to thwart Gin .

Castro is useless. Has anyone contacted Interpol since Gin's husband murders have crossed the globe?

Looks like Mauro is under Gin's tiny thumb and isn't going to help the good guys bring her down.

Teeny Altair is bringing the evil. Susan


OT...I am loving rewatching " Pasion" reruns. The recaps are amazing .I record The show which is on Unimas from 10 to 12.

Thanks so much, Blue Lass, what a fun recap, filled with all kinds of zingers!

Don’t see how anyone can protect the kids from Gin. And am clueless to their plan. Fobo is suspicious of Gina, sounds like he did some checking. I think Elvira still has a doubts.

I guess Kenzo does love his sons, even though we don’t. So for a happy ending Sandro’s biological parents are either dead or willingly sold him. Poor Nandy, she can’t catch a break with these boys.


I was surprised Felipa was in the conclave with Hum, Kenzo and Esteban. Map with pins and yarn. Had to see that to believe it. Gin did try to make the trip be about her former husband. Elvira is definitely a bit suspicious of her now so hopefully she won't be totally devastated at the end.

Altair IS bringing the evil! I was watching her this morning and couldn't believe it was the same actress who was so sweet and prim and proper in the last show I watched her in... that law firm one with DZep. She really has the mannerisms and eye expressions and movement of a really evil person. And then there was that one where we called her Wasp Waist. That wasn't Pasion, was it?

R la O

Blue hanks for the prompt recap of las night’s show.
The only thing missed ws Paz slapping Ginebra once and Ginebra slapping Paz TWICE with our hero not slapping Ginebra at all.
Doesn’t really make Paz believe he’s capable of preventing Genebra from abusing both theu child and himself!.

Blue Lass, this was fabulous.

Your recaps always shine; your cleverness and humor are marvelous.

I especially savored "a fieldable roster of Robles" and "quasi-human DNA".

The highlight was indeed Esteban calling Monito his son. Pass the Kleenex please.

While I was glad Esteban and Paz stood up to Ginebra so fiercely, I did wonder if they'd momentarily forgotten Ginebra has an array of untraceable poisons for which only she has the antidotes? She could likely wipe out several countries in a matter of minutes; far less for those pesky Robles and friends.

My hope for Mauro evaporated long ago. It's too late to change and he will not turn on Ginebra.

Felipa being part of the mysterious plan was shocking especially given she just admitted she bought a baby. Some baby; as you noted "he made us hate him from Day One, and we have not wavered for an instant". Nopis, not at all!

At least Elvira has a clue. Ginebra appears to be inching closer to quicksand. We can hope.


Urban, yes, why DIDN'T they run across the street to the nearest DNA clinic and have Sam tested? They could have done it while they were waiting for Fermin's ashes to cool.

Kat, I think Ginebra is supposed to be writing a book. But true to form, we don't know the subject of THAT, either.

Anon 4:50, thanks for the reminder about the cachetadas. They all happened so fast and my beanie was pulled down so low that I literally couldn't figure out who slapped whom.

Diana, good point about Gin's remaining arsenal. I don't know why Esteban is suddenly so confident about being able to protect everyone. The only way they'd be safe(r) from her is if they changed the locks...and put one on the refrigerator.

R la O, ITA on the whole "love of my life" thing. But he still has photos of Berenice everywhere, even though he's (technically) remarried, so maybe it evens out, kinda. I think they're putting reddish eyeshadow on Paz, which makes her look like she's been crying all the time.

And yes, we did see Altair for the first time in ABISMO, where she played the slinky fiancee of David Zepeda.

The consensus seems to be that this will go to 92 episodes, which means three more weeks and a lot more chances for Gin to wreak havoc.


R la O....Altair wasn't in " Pasion." She played a good rich girl in a show I watched a few months ago on Telemundo, but I know that she has also played villains .

I agree that Esteban seems to be getting a little careless and overconfident . Gin is back in the house with him ,his kids , Sam, Elvira, and Fobo , and he knows how much she loves poisons and gases. Doesn't make any sense.

Late to the party, but outstanding job, as always, Blue!
You always manage to resume every scene in a very funny, laugh out loud, way.

Altair Jarabo has been playing mostly villains as far as I know. She was on the side of the good as a lawyer in that novela that was already mentioned and she played prota for Telemundo a couple of years ago (or was it last year?). But she is very effective at being scary, especially for someone so tiny.

I had to raise mu eyebrows at Esteban calling Paz the love of his life, too. I mean... he does have a dead wife, that went againts her mother's wishes to be with him, married him and gave him three children while they were together (for more than ten years, going by the kids ages when she died). And Esteban spent 6 years in full mourning over her.
Enter Paz and her fabulous tacos??

I think this "love of my lofe" type of phrase should be avoided at all cost, even in real life. You can never know who that is going to be until you're on your death bed anyway. I've been with my husband for almost 18 years, married for 13, but what if I meet a hot, Fobo like, handsome stud while I go at the market?

OT: Kat, replying to your comment from the other day, watching Corazon Indomable was like pulling teeth, but writing the recaps was a lot of fun, because there was so much nonsense, we laughed a lot. I don't remember what happeend with Carlos, but his contributions were always amazing.


OT...Adriana, I barely remember Corazon Indomitable . I think it was the first time I ever saw ABC and maybe the first time I saw Daniel A. I watched a few minutes of the reruns on Unimas and vaguely remembered . It was a very weird show . Life was very busy for me at that time.

Kat, Carlos was a doctor from Texas who started commenting at Pratie place ( the original blog site set up by blog mom Melinama) . Then he started recapping . He was a very witty, interesting guy who was married to the Lovely Linda and had a beloved dog ( maybe a pitbull???) We found out that he had passed away a few years ago from our dear Judyb... who used to email back and forth with Carlos . Those two were wise and clever. Their recaps and commebts were pure hold. I think his nephew got in touch with her . People come and go here. We find out that some have passed away ..Anita, Madeline , Carlos. Others drift away into the mistic and are gone .I miss them . Novelera, Diana, and I go pretty far back. Susan

OT, thanks Susan. JudyB, latinainmd, (recappers+ a few others I can't recall off the top of my head)SusanLynn and gringo as commenters are making an impression on me. Seems like there were maybe as many as 10 recappers on that show and it generated 80+ comments each episode. The recap and comments take as long to read as the length of the show.

Yes, it used to be a much larger patio. I miss Vivi. She was so interesting.

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