Sunday, June 09, 2024

El Amor no Tiene Receta, Capítulo 68 - Viernes, 7 de junio, 2024 - "Poisonous words, poisonous thoughts, poisonous actions"

Norway Chess Finals had me go to bed later than usual. (I'm a chess freak.) Ju Wenjun won the Women's and Magnus Carlsen the Open. Congratulations!

Back to the telenovela:

Gin is trying to calm Mauro down. She says they have to play defensively, the game isn't over. 

Paz and Esteban de-activate their cellphones (no aluminium foil or potato chip bag needed!). Paz doesn't want to cause problems, Esteban says she doesn't cause any. Paz mentions her daughter and Esteban mentions fighting for her no matter what. They kiss and we get a little easter egg: the intro pic is in the scene twice, one almost directly above and one above and to the right of the truck: 

More scenes with Fobo and Elvira. Cringe hand holding is included. El mentions, for the 456th time, their age gap but Fobo replies, for the 456th time, that he doesn't care. The whole dialogue was so cringe I got a headache (really). At last, he jokes about them sleeping in the same bed, then leaves and Elvira shuts the door immediately, reminding me of the pool scene in which she turned and faced the wall. Anyway, the usual.

Mauro asks Gin to forgive him for Max, Gin forgives him but is still enraged about the child being the daughter of another woman of Paz's "crying mothers group". Gin, some people have a heart and feelings and cry about their missing children... But she doesn't have any and can't understand. She goes on and on about wanting to tell Elvira in her face she arranged Berenice's murder. We get it.

Paz and Esteban stop talking and activate their cells, because Gin will get suspicious. They get out of the truck, Esteban gets a whiteboard out and two markers. Since they can't talk, they start writing:

(E): I've never stopped thinking about you

(P): I never thought we could get together again

(E): I swear I'm going to get divorced. No one and nothing will separate us

(P): It's amazing to know that you never stopped loving me

(E): I missed you so much, I can't imagine life without you

(P): Thanks for taking care of me

(E): I'll always take care of you. Never doubt that I love you wholeheartedly (con todo lo que soy - literally with everything that I am)

(P): Don't leave. I don't know when we can be like this again even though it's a secret (a escondidas - "in hiding") 

(E): I don't want to expose you to any risk, but I promise I'll steal you a kiss when you least expect it

(P): I wish it was all days, [I wish] the road's open to us 

(E): Escaping is hard, but not impossible. I'll find her breaking point

(P): You can't imagine how much I needed you, more now that I was left with my hands empty. I don't know where to search my daughter 

(E): Even though we're not together physically, you're there for me. Thank you for letting me being by your side again. If out love can make it through these challenges, we can make it through anything 

Paz whispers to him "I know we're going to make it. We deserve to be happy. We deserve it!"

They kiss, the intro song playing this whole time. It doesn't stop until the scene changes. Paz and Esteban kiss all the way to Paz's house's door, but he turns and kisses her again. 

Back to his house, Esteban remembers the last kiss and smiles. Unfortunately, Gin is there and asks him where he was. He says he doesn't need to tell her, Gin does her usual threatening and informs him that El put her in her will. She wants to be made the only heir. 

Paz tells Mir about Esteban and her daughter. She prays about her daughter's safety.

Next day: Max leaves the Robles household. Everyone makes sure to tell Max she's always welcome here, even though she's not a family member. Max apologises for her behaviour and Paz tells her to be nice to her mom. Paz adds she'll have psychological help. Sana and some other women from the group come and pick Max up. Sana thanks Paz. Vermin promises to Paz one day they'll come through this door holding their daughter. (Says the man who KNOWS WHERE THEIR DAUGHTER IS BUT DOESN'T TALK.)

Kenzo comes to Felipa's place to ask her to see his sons. (Has this man had a concussion and forgot who are his sons? Dude, it's JERO and SANDRO.) Felipa doesn't let him, even though Kenzo says he's been a good husband and is trying to be a better dad. (I don't like these "mother doesn't let father see kid" storylines.)

Salo has an interview with Esteban's company with the unknown products. They ask him if he's asked Paz if he could, he hasn't but Paz says she doesn't mind. He tells them about Gala giving him a second chance. Everyone's happy. Lupe tells him to think before he acts (pensar antes de actuar", which was written on the screen again... Why? She says his child should be the #1 priority. Sana calls Paz and tells her they have great news.

Witchy Gin is now playing the role of Snow White's stepmother, bringing a tray of orange juices to Eder, Sam and Monito. She gives them the juices (Monito wanted the one she gave Eder) and they all drink. Gin smiles evilly at Eder's direction. Oh no... I hope she didn't poison his juice. How much poison does Gin have? She must have another secret room in the house in which she stores poison bottles. I can picture her caressing the strongest one and having a villain-evil-laugh. Okay, back to the telenovela now:

Paz and Mir go the mothers group and see the two stolen babies returned. They're all very happy, but they don't know exactly what happened. Paz asks to hold a baby, the mother lets her. Poor Paz. Seeing everyone get their children back except from her. 

Gala is checking her weight, Esteban enters and they say it's going well. Gala has some news that he's not going to like, she wants a career change. She says she took fashion design because she wanted to be a model, but it doesn't make her happy anymore. She doesn't know what exactly she wants to study but not this. Esteban is supportive and gives her time. Hug.

Paz is making breakfast (I'm a foodie and seeing all these delicious meals is not helping). Sam enters and tells her she wants her to brush her hair. She does and makes a cute little bow. Sam suggests doing her homework together, something that Paz accepts but Gin, who popped up behind a wall, doesn't. Has she put a happiness detector chip? I swear she teleports in every place where people are happy. Gin doesn't like the relationship between Paz and Sam, she ruins the bow and throws the ribbon to the floor. She adds that she (Gin) will brush her hair somewhere else than, here it's "for the servants". Gin now faces Paz and tells her she lets her cook Sam's meals, but she shouldn't play Sam's mother. Sam is dragged away, Paz lightly waves at her.

Esteban enters and they say "good morning" and "everything looks delicious" with some looks exchanged. Esteban passes her a note saying "remember, the whole day, that I love you". Paz smiles and writes him a note too, while talking about the omelettes in order not to raise suspicion. She writes him "and you remember that my faith in you has been restored completely" and draws him a heart. They smile and mouth "I love you" seconds before Elvira enters. Close one! El has come to tell them that Gio has uploaded a video about Bosco. 

Gala and Bosco are viewing this video together. Yikes. Gio says Bosco Villa de Cortés raped her and his family is trying to buy the authorities. She even asks other women to help her!!! (I absolutely HATE the women who do this!! This makes the REAL victims' claims go under a lot of suspicion. Gala hugs Bosco, who says that's it, his life is ending.

Back to the dinning room, in which Gala and Bosco are entering, eating starts. Eder has some weird pains (oh no) and gets red. Esteban runs to him and holds him, looks at Gin and she smirks back:

El calls an ambulance, Esteban flashes back to Bere dying and tells Eder not to fall asleep. He'll take him himself to hospital. Elvira accuses Paz of using ingredients he's allergic to, Paz says she loves Eder and would never do such a thing. Everyone goes with Esteban, who flashes back to holding Bere and screaming for help. Left behind are Paz, Gin, Elvira, Sam and Monito. Sam says the drank juice in the morning, Monito adds that Gin gave them to them (smart kid). Gin quickly says it's not the time to point fingers, which is suspicious, but El doesn't really think about it. Can't say the same for Paz, even though she doesn't speak. Gin says she'll stay with the kids, Elvira and Paz leave.

Monito is now with Sam in their room. He draws a parallel with Cobija and asks Sam if she thinks her mom did something to the juice (smart kid), but Sam says they drank too and they feel ok. Mauro enters and tries to comfort them.

Salo and Mir ask Kenzo for a job for Salo. After some searching, he says they have an open post in distribution, he just needs to know how to drive. Salo, who btw was way too energetic this whole time, says he can drive. Judging by this look by Mir, I assume he lied:

Mauro screams at Gin "what are you doing?" Gin tells him not to raise his voice at her and to calm down, no one will know about the poison, they have to do a very specific analysis to figure it out. Mauro says they said they had to take it calmly, he's her brother and blah blah. Gin tells him all this is his fault. The chip getting deactivated is his fault, Max being the daughter of someone Paz knows is his fault, even Sam is his fault, if he'd done like she asked him none of this would have happened. She says he's not her brother, he's an anchor. He tells her not to say thinks she'll regret, but she goes on and on about how weak he is, a son of drug addicts that should have stayed and got burned in the orphanage. Mauro has tears in his eyes as Gin leaves and starts breathing heavily. Panic attack?

Jero is taken by Nandy to meet his department, Mor has a discussion with Kenzo about childern, how she raised them alone and she never let love get in the way. But now their children need to understand that they can love too. Yeah, but maybe not the man who almost killed his niece and helped the main psycho ruin their life. Just sayin'. She says Nandy is a very good woman. No important info there.

Esteban, Gala and Bosco arrive at hospital. Eder is taken by the doctors, Esteban says he's probably poisoned. The doc says they'll bring a toxicologist, Esteban says they can whatever they want, just save Eder. They're all in tears. Gala and Bosco ask Esteban how can he be so sure Eder was poisoned. Esteban thinks that he can't tell them it was Gin.

Hum and Porf arrive at the restaurant. Pepa ships Lupe and Porf. Pretty much FF--> material.

Paz and Elvira arrive, El is her usual obnoxious insulting to the nurse. Paz tries to calm her down. Gala and Bosco come and say Eder is likely poisoned. El immediately blames Paz. Paz also thinks she can't tell them the truth because they won't believe her. She says maybe he ate something at school he was allergic to.

In the last scene of the episode, Mir is waiting at the company when Mauro enters. He smiles, but she doesn't. She asks to speak to him in private. They go somewhere in the company that's more private and Mir slaps him, demanding to know why they played with their feelings and saying a random child was their María.

And with Mir finally starting to WAKE UP, we have the Fin del Capítulo...


Weirdo, I never knew they televised chess tournaments. I learn something new everyday. Thanks for the excellent recap and your take on things, always enjoyable!

You know things have gone too far when Eder (one of my favorite characters) becomes a victim.

So, how long until Mauro decides that the innocents are more important than his sick relationship with Ginebra? He and Vermin are different sides of the same coin in my mind. They care only for themselves. Here is hoping they both rot in jail or worse along with Ginebra.

Will the doctors find that Eder was poisoned by some strange twist even though Ginebra thinks that what she used is untraceable?

Will Ginebra frame Paz some how for what happened to Eder?

Looking forward to Monday!

Monito will be the one to figure it out ...go Mono....

Thanks, Weirdo! I haven't watched yet, but I appreciate as always the heads-up(s) on what to pay close attention to and what to FF>>.

Do you think Gin poisoned Eder on purpose, or was that cup meant for Monito? At least we know he'll be okay, because the monkey writers NEVER kill off children...right? Right???


Your incredible recap captured the heartbreaking tone of this sad episode masterfully.

Your screen shots were picture perfect. Ginebra's hint of a smile and Esteban's knowing instantly who was responsible were images seared into my brain.

Ginebra knew that selecting vulnerable, loving Eder would do the gravest damage to Esteban's heart. I can't think of an anvil fitting enough for this evil harridan.

Your take on the omnipresent poison "I can picture her caressing the strongest one and having a villain-evil-laugh. I can picture her caressing the strongest one and having a villain-evil-laugh" nailed it.

Ginebra's contemptuousness of Mauro is making it crystal clear he is out of her good ("bad") graces. He is clearly on the verge of "cracking" and I am wondering along with you Jarifa "how long until Mauro decides that the innocents are more important than his sick relationship with Ginebra? He and Vermin are different sides of the same coin in my mind". Well said and spot on.

Gio is disgusting. "This makes the REAL victims' claims go under a lot of suspicion" said it all.

"Kenzo comes to Felipa's place to ask her to see his sons. (Has this man had a concussion and forgot who are his sons? Dude, it's JERO and SANDRO.)" Exactly!

I also loved the dueling billboards. Message received. Loud and clear.

Mir is "coming to her senses". But sadly, it's far from enough.


Blue Lass,

Gin definitely intended the poison for Eder. Ack.

I'm fairly confident all the children will make it thought this but the writers need to stop with the poisoning of the children. Basta!


Cher Adriana, Merci for a wonderful recap of a terrible episode. Tres bien.

I can't believe that Gin poisoned sweet Eder to punish and control Esteban . Awful. Gin is the devil incarnate to poison a child . Her evil is so agonizing to watch. She has no heart, no compassion.

And I can't believe that Mauro isn't turning against awful Gin and that vermin hasn't told Paz that Sam is Maria.

The white board messages were interesting . I hated using them in class. Those markers don't last long and run out of ink quickly. I am writing the one message down in my journal of favorite quotes . " I love you with everything I am. " That's true , lasting love. It is good to see the two lovers back together and fighting the evil Gin together .yay. I loved the way they kissed goodbye , and then Esteban couldn't stand it and ran back to kiss Paz one more time before she went into the house. Susan

Kate, love your confidence in Monito. He probably has seen more on the streets at his young age than any of the adults have in their lives.

Weirdo, so sorry. I credited Adriana with your excellent recap, and I just realized that it was your work. Don't know how I did that. I have been busy all day and rushed to read the recap and comment while doing several other things and emailing and texting !! Apologies. I loved the recap and the screen caps . The image of Esteban and Paz on the building was clever . Susan

Thanks so much Weirdo, a great recap but so sad to see Eder so sick and Ginebra just smirking. I really think Mauro will change sides eventually and go after Ginebra. His knowing that Mir is disgusted by him might be a turning point. And Ginebra just blames him. I’d be ready to turn her in.

Elvira blaming Paz was awful. I can’t wait until she realizes what a fool she’s been.

Monito reached for the glass that Gin made sure Eder got. What a cruel woman.


Thanks again, Weirdo, for another super, snarky recap. I especially loved the "happiness chip". Yes, it certainly seems she knows when any cast member is even remotely content so she can "teleport" to their side and ruin it.

Yes, I really like the actor playing Salo. Hopefully, as he learns more, we will see subtler ways of expressing enthusiasm. Right now he veers into manic behavior.

I'm definitely seeing signs of a worm turning. Gin doesn't have a heart, of course. But she's not as smart as she thinks she is. Mauro has been indispensable to her with his tech knowledge and blind loyalty. And she tells him she wishes she'd left him to burn up in the fire she an orphanage?

Yes, Gin definitely meant to poison Eder. Any hint of Esteban seeming confident or about to slip from her grasp sends her to her cache of poisons.

I don't quite understand the Gin/Elvira glee at Gin being named in the will. Elvira seems pleased to be "helping" her long lost daughter. But Gin talked about an immediate cash flow problem. Can't Elvira figure out that being in a will of a fairly healthy-looking 60ish woman won't help Gin right now? Of course Gin's glee is because Elvira's days are numbered, in her mind.

Whoops, hit the wrong button. I meant to add that I am really enjoying all the child actors in this one. Monito is fabulous as a street wise kid. The little girl playing Sam is exceptionally talented. And the kid playing Eder is so sweet. He can come and play in my back yard anytime. I can't even count some of the really poor acting jobs by kids in other TNs. Are they the children or grandchildren of producers/directors? Rampant nepotism?

Novelera, the kids portraying Eder and Gala also played Daniel Elbittar's ( Esteban) kids in " Amor Invencible." The little girl playing Sam was also in that novela. Daniel seemed very close to both of them making tiktok videos singing and dancing with them . I am wondering if he asked to have them in this show.
I agree that the kids and teens are very talented . The actor playing Bosco was in a telenovela I watched " Perdonname something " , but I had never seen the teens playing Pepa and Salo before . I think these kids all have a bright future.

Thanks, Weirdo.

I was also noticing Monito's facial expressions through this episode and thinking this kid could grow up to become a detective. He's got everyone's number.

It's been high time for the good guys to catch a break but Ginebra dials up her evil with an attempt on Eder's life. She also must have known that Elvira would blame Paz for this in view of her stupid prejudices. I also worry about Mireya because of her feelings for Mauro.

As for him, we are now seeing the beginning of the end of his relationship with Ginebra. Will she kill him in the end? I can't see their alliance lasting much longer. If she doesn't kill him he could either suicide or end up in a manicomio.

Forgot to make an observation in my post. Salo bringing Mireya to his job interview was just weird. Was she hoping to run into Mauro? She certainly couldn't help him in the interview. Fortunately it was Kenzo looking for a fit for him with his c.v. ... Since we still have no idea what the company does I guess being in the maintenance department or manufacturing of whatever it may produce would likely be right up his alley.

Thank you, Weirdo, great work!
Talk about going from ecstasy to agony for poor Esteban. First, he's happy he and Paz are secretly back together, and then he's scared to death for Eder. Those flashbacks to Bere's death were very effective!!

I also wonder what will be the turning point for Mauro. Hurting innocent Eder might just do the trick.

On a funnier note, what job interview can there be when there is no mention of the actual products? Receta is really playing with us now. I think they've gone so long without mentioning something, now it's too late. Kenzo mentioned that Salo could carry boxes... maybe they have a shipping company?
But then again, Gala was afraid yaya would get mad if she changed her mind about working in fashion. Why would yaya want such a career for Gala? I'd guess someone like her would push her grand daughter to a more business oriented job. Could Mystery Inc be in the fashion/ fabrics industry?

Oh, well, a lot of crying coming our way surely, I'm not looking forward to watch the next episode.

Gala isn't too old to change her mind about a career choice. I'm guessing she's a freshman so there is lots of time for this. The fashion industry is not only difficult to break into, it's so insanely superficial that it could send her right back to Square One with eating disorders and paranoia about gaining weight.

The comments abut Mireya at Salomon's job interview made me think about stuff I read years ago about helicopter parents. I once gave a presentation at the office just after reading about a helicopter mother who sent her son's resume out to a list of companies. The head of HR was in my audience so I asked her if she ever received any this way. She said she had and that she not only never sent a reply, she "filed it permanently." An article published around that time quoted an HR head saying that she would never hire any applicant whose parent accompanied them on the grounds that the parent would be in her face and/or the applicant wasn't mature enough to work in a normal day job.

Salomon may not be mature enough; shouldn't he have known to wear a white shirt and tie? It doesn't matter that he's dating the boss' daughter; other people will see him dressed for a beach party.

Don't even get me started on parents watching their offspring take oral exams in college.

I know a lot of people who changed majors and people who got degrees in one field and then changed careers. Gala is on a good path . She has a loving, supportive family and now a loving, supportive novio. She seems to be dealing with her eating disorder , and getting out of a fashion career is a good idea. I wonder what career she will pursue. I just hope that punch in the breadbasket by Salo will keep Jero away from Gala. However, Gio seems encouraged by BSC Gin to go forward in framing Bosco , and she also has arrogant Jero behind her . ugh. I am worried about sweet Eder.

As for parents and children and jobs and colleges, sometimes employers and college recruiters actually reach out to the parents of young adults they are hoping to attract. They must think that parents can influence their concern as to college and job choice. ha...ha. Most young people have minds of for own. Susan

I love the comments! Better than watching the actual episodes. I'll be back in a few hours to reply :)

I rewatched the episode last night. When Paz and Esteban were writing on the White board , I noticed that Paz is left-handed, and Esteban is right handed. I am surprised that they did that out in the open plus the kissing . That seemed impetuous and risky. ...oh well, suspending my disbelief and putting on my beanie from now on.

I think that Daniel and Claudia have great chemistry that has gotten stronger as the story progresses. The kisses and clinging look believable . I've seen Daniel with lots of leading ladies , and this chemistry is probably the best have seen.

Wow wow wow. The comments get more amazing with every re-read. Caray magic...

Jarifa, I watched the chess tournament live on YouTube. It was an amazing experience. Bullet tournaments are starting. One can never run out of chess tournaments to watch!
I agree with you about Mauro, I'm sick of him. He's just as bad as Ginebra. You can't back up someone so evil if you're not bad yourself.
"He and Vermin are different sides of the same coin" perfectly phrased!!!

Blue, the cup was going for Eder. When Monito tried to pick his glass Gin took it away gently and gave it to Eder. I guess it's"punishment" for Esteban. How dare he not make it easy for her to ruin his life?! The funny thing is that if we go by Gin's standards for punishment, her anvil is too big to exist. Okay, I take that back. If we go by ANY PERSON'S standards it's too big to exist too.
After watching La Doña 2 I know children don't always survive... But that gave the main male prota great motive for what happened at the end. Hope we don't get another kid killed off.

Diana, I could copy paste your whole comment, your take on things is always spot on. Gio disgusts me too. It's already hard for rape victims to prove their rape, we don't need women like Gio to make it harder. Anything but fake rape claims, it's horrible and disgusting. And poor Bosco is going to get bullied for nothing.

Susan, I have mis-credited recappers too, real life is so tiring! ITA with "I can't believe that Mauro isn't turning against awful Gin and that vermin hasn't told Paz that Sam is Maria." Truly two characters with that shouldn't be "redeemed " because they just can't.

Liz, I also think the writers will go there with Mauro, but I'll be pissed if they do. He has done some unforgivable things. He has sided with Ginebra all along even though he knew everything. If, say, he was somehow kept in the dark, redemption could be both plausible and possible. Now it's neither.

Novelera, "But she's not as smart as she thinks she is." Exactly. Gin thinks she's the supreme mastermind of the universe. Wait until she gets busted by someone like Monito! Also don't quite understand the will glee. And ITA about the child actors. All exceptional, like in another Uni telenovela, Minas de Pasión (remember that one, guys?)

Urban, I'm puzzled about Mauro. I think they're going to redeem him and he'll end up with Mir, but I can't even stand to think about it. (Kind of like Míriam and Sebas in Invencible... Are you reading, Waterlily? ;) )

Kat, I agree, both about Mono and about Salo bringing his mom to his work interview. No. Just... No. We got that so we could have the Mireya/Kenzo dialogue and Mir meeting Mauro but... No. And I don't think Salo would want to bring her either.

Adriana, I especially loved your "On a funnier note, what job interview can there be when there is no mention of the actual products? Receta is really playing with us now." I also think it has something to do with fashion. Maybe it's a clothing company. The shipping thing adds up. I imagine they'll tell us in the last episode or something. After the credits!

Esteban said that Gala has already studied many semesters... But isn't she 19? How much can she have studied? 2? 3? Beanie tightening...

I’m crossing my fingers that Mir ends up with Humberto. Nice symmetry, especially if Por and Lupe are endgame as well.

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