Thursday, June 06, 2024

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): El Señor de los Cielos 9 y más: Week of June 3, 2024

Here's Page 2 for the week. The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

10 - 11PM - El Señor de los Cielos 9

Telemundo is now announcing that the long-awaited telenovela with Fernando Colunga will finally be shown starting Monday, July 1 at 10 PM. Entitled El Conde: Amor y Honor, it will star Fernando Colunga and Ana Brenda Contreras and is based somewhat on The Count of Monte Cristo. More information, including a trailer, can be found on Telemundo's web site.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Here's my super-short recap of last night's episode.

*President Gomez Labrador shows up at Dalila's apartment & offers her an intriguing job opportunity. Presumably taking Alfaro's job or serving in the Gomez Labrador administration in the closing months.

*Goldie Locks still meeting with Ismael in Tijuana at Ismael's great mansion.

*Aurelio, Mecha, ScruffyDude, Vitaminas & Co., in the midst of their meeting with other business associates.

*Psycho Jaime & Bratty Amanda still gonna Psycho Jaime & Bratty Amanda. In the meantime, Crazy Manzano & Felina still hanging out at the hideout.

*Cabo sparing incompetent underling following threats to kill him & Weird Sidekick due to their incompetence.

*Rey phones Carla, who's eating dinner with Castillo at her fancy penthouse apartment.


Dondi356: I missed last night's episode, can you post the recap of last night's episode.


señor9 #82 part 1

Aurelio is upset with how Mecha handled her first “business meeting” with him. She outed one of the business partner brothers, Jesus, for skimming money without talking to Aurelio first. He tries to explain how things work in this biz.

Meanwhile, the business partner brothers argue over how to handle the situation. Their livelihood and lives are now in danger.

Rutila tells Diana that Nina is sleeping with Aurelio and Dalila. Ruti thinks they should tell Laura so she will forgive Ismael. Diana thinks it’s not a matter of forgiveness.

Greñas and Lencho track Jesus to a hotel, where he’s meeting his girlfriend. They inform Vitaminas.

Belen puts the moves on Ismael. He tries to resist but it doesn’t take long before they end up in bed.

Alfaro is at El Milagrito. He invites Nina to his table for a drink after her set. She walks away. Tata reprimands him. Alfaro complains he’s had a tough day. It’s about to get tougher… Dalila shows up and says she’s taking Nina with her. Tata pours her a drink on the house.

Pillow talk: Belen asks Ismael to support her campaign. Ismael tells her it will work both ways. She replies (with a strategically placed hand), “of course, I’ll back your business, but I need you to protect me from your father.” He’s speechless. Lol

Cabo interrupts pillow talk. Belen claims she’s busy and hangs up on him. Cabo is ticked. Almemar tells Cabo “I told you so.”

Castillo surprises Carla with coffee in the morning. He stayed at work after she went to bed. He gets a call that they located Manzano near Brownsville. He warns Carla not to tip off Aurelio. She’s pissed and leaves.

Aurelio gets Jesus’ location. He tells Mecha to get ready and gives her a gun.

Ruti and Diego wake up together in bed. There’s a knock at the door telling Diego to get ready. He jumps to get dressed.

Juan tries to smooth things over with Aurelio. Aurelio cites the “code”. What happened is unforgivable. He sympathizes with Juan because he had a brother (remember Chacorta?) who gave him trouble, too. Juan understands.

Greñas and Isturiz note the DEA is on the move. Diego calls Felina and warns her the DEA is coming. Felina blames Manzano for using his phone.


señor9 #82 part 2

Carla and Leo are at work. He notes her phone has been constantly ringing. He tells her he’s leaving so she can answer it. It’s Castillo and he’s apologizing while on his way to get Manzano. He brings up Belen and her connection to drug trafficking. He doesn’t want that subject to drop. Carla quickly ends the call.

Belen has breakfast with Rey. He was worried he lost contact with her last night, and she needs to be careful since she’s a presidential candidate. Uh, oh… Cabo shows up at the restaurant.

Aurelio and crew bust into Jesus’ room to settle the score. The girlfriend is hysterical. Aurelio tells Mecha to take Jesus’ gun away. He tells her to fix the problem she created. She aims her gun. Aurelio barks, “kill him!”

Mecha shoots the girlfriend! Aurelio shoots Jesus. [Welcome to the business, Mecha.] Mecha is in shock. Aurelio tells her the first one is the hardest.

Dalila makes breakfast for Nina. Sweet little “getting to know you” scene. Dalila confesses, “I’m a sex addict.”

Manzano can’t believe his encrypted phone location was hacked. He thinks one Felina’s men betrayed them. They argue. Felina tells JP to prepare for a quick getaway. She calls Diego to set a pickup.

Alfaro calls Dalila and teases the “lovebird”. He tells her Castillo is on his way to capture Manzano and they have been invited to go along.

A panicked Belen tells Rey she needs to speak with the “businessman” that just showed up. Rey asks who it is. Belen tells him to pay the bill and they will talk later.

Things are tense between Belen and Cabo. He decided to come to Tijuana to determine how to resolve the matter of Ismael Casillas. He asks Belen for Ismael’s location. She plays dumb. Cabo warns her not to play with him. She warns him right back.

Aurelio calls Juan and tells him he killed Jesus. He asks, “will that be a problem?” Juan says he’s hurting but he won’t betray Aurelio. Aurelio gives his condolences. He left the bodies at the hotel so Juan could properly mourn the dead. I don’t kill, he concludes, I send people to God for Him to judge.

The DEA is closing in. Diego tells Felina they need to head for the hills on foot and they set a pickup point.

Carla checks in on Rey and the campaign. He tells her Belen is meeting with one of those “strange characters”. Carla asks if it is the same one in the photo that he sent her. No, it’s not. Carla asks Rey to send a photo of this one.

Almenar tours the fentanyl factory. It’s all about the profits. Almenar is tired of the Cabo-Belen partnership. He doesn’t want it to ruin the business.

Cabo and Belen continue to trade threats and call bluffs. A dangerous game…

And we are out.



Dondi356: Great job with the recap of last night's episode. My personal thoughts:

*Mecha went full GANGSTA! She's cemented herself in the Casillas Family dynasty business. If I'm Nina: WATCH YOUR BACK!

*Dalila has always been a sex addict LOL.

*Goldie Locks is stretching it around: Surprised she hasn't slept with the Pope LOL.

*Wondering how will Almenar will end the Cabo-Goldie Locks partnership 🤔 ?

*Assuming Castillo figured out Crazy Manzano killed Colon & dissolved Colon in acid.

*Felina & Co., on the run ? What could possibly go wrong ?

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