Thursday, June 06, 2024

Daytime TNs... Y Mas (#2), June 3, 2024

Welcome to page 2 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

 8-10 AM: Clase 406 (Unimas)

10-12 PM: Pasion (Unimas) - Starting Tuesday

11-12 PM: Distilando Amor (Univision) 

12-2 PM: Cuando me Enamoro  (Unimas) 

1-2 PM: Vivir de Amor (Univision)

2-4 PM: Los Tontos No Van Al Cielo (Unimas)

4-5 PM: Nadie Como Tu (Unimas)

5-6 PM: Amor Real (Unimas) 

6-7 PM: Abismo de Pasion (Unimas)

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Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Here's my recap of this morning's episode.
97.) Both Regina & Renata agree to both tell the truth: Slacker Berta is NOT Regina's daughter. Slacker Berta becomes unhinged & gets called out by Renata about when did she know about the fake DNA scheme, etc.,

98.) Over on the grounds of Monterrubio Mansion: We see Psycho Fina in the master of disguises masquerading as one of the neon-wiggled singers. Matias doesn't even notice of the pink-hued help, etc.,

99.) Jeronimo, Matias, Adriana & Renata enjoying all of the loving happiness, neither of whom know that Psycho Fina is sulking in disgust & plotting one final sinister scheme. We know that Fina has the handy gun with the intent of shooting Renata or Regina, or maybe both.

100.) In the meantime, lots of howling & arguing between Regina, Renata vs Slacker Berta. Regina & Renata demand Slacker Berta tell them where Psycho Fina is located, so that law enforcement can arrest her.

101.) Back in Wine Country: Manuela bids goodbye to Padre Seve & Antonio as we learn Anibal will be studying Oenology & dedicating himself to wine production; Alison will be studying Nutrition to help girls who share her problem.

102.) Slacker Berta phones Psycho Fina by informing Mommy Dearest that they've been exposed & found out; Fina assures Slacker Berta that the plan will be going ahead with details about fleeing to Switzerland, etc.,

103.) Karina & Manuela checking out the new house she & Lazaro will be living in; they also check out the kitchen, etc.,

104.) Over at Monterrubio Mansion HQ: Jeronimo tells Renata, Gonzalo, Regina, etc., that he does NOT trust Slacker Berta at all. Gonzalo reminds them that Fina was seen leaving German's apartment.

105.) Right on Cue, the Garish Grupo warms up the pipes & performs on the grounds of the Monterrubio Mansion.

106.) Slacker Berta sulks inside her ivory tower & Gonzalo tells her that Regina told him everything. The sweet daddy music plays in the background.

107.) Down at the fiesta, Renata is excited about both Matias & Adriana being padrinos to little Regina or little Rafael.

108.) In the midst of toasting & familial bonding, Slacker Berta strolls up wondering if they'll cut the cake like they've done years earlier; Regina takes to the microphone & all eyes are on her with Psycho Fina BEHIND her YIKES. Regina tells the story about an evil woman stealing her daughter 30+ years ago; She tells them she's finally found her daughter after all of these years, but guess what, life was generous & she's found two daughters, much to the shock of Slacker Berta.

109.) Renata & Slacker Berta close their eyes & make a wish, then blowing out the candles of the birthday cake. Renata drags Berta to the microphone & blathers her happiness & thanks to everyone in the crowd, including calling out her family members by name. Slacker Berta takes the microphone & spills out majority of the crap she & Fina have pulled throughout the years; Jeronimo remains skeptical while Gonzalo is beaming; She also asks Renata to forgive her. Slacker Berta says to prove herself she admits she does know where Josefina Alvarez is & that she & Fina were planning on fleeing the country tomorrow. From the bottom of her heart, Berta begs their forgiveness "Forgive me sister", she cries to Renata & hugs her. Just as Berta & Renata are hugging, we see Psycho Fina pulling out her gun & open fire BANG!


VIVIR #69 Part 1

My eyes burn as Misael and Rebeca play tonsil hockey in front of Monica. She starts in, telling them to stop. They are playing with fire and the only one who will burn is him. Misael tells them they need to focus on the plan. He sees Petra walking by and shuts the door. Petra will be the one to fall for Mau’s murder and for incriminating Cris! Monica thinks it’s a good idea as does Rebeca. Monica praises Misael for his idea and Misael smirks that the police will like this as well. When Monica asks what Rebeca did with the things she stole from Mau the night she ran him over, Rebeca does not look pleased. Misael has to explain that Monica knows about the mow down. Monica suggests that the items Rebeca stole, including Mau’s watch, be planted to set up Petra. Rebeca adds they can set everything up for tonight.

Armando swears to a tearful Gi that he will never be unfaithful as she gives him the side eye. Nunca. He assures her he will never see Doris as a woman.

Wanda recalls talking with Pedrito and seems to be talking herself out what her heart may be trying to tell her.

Rebeca, wearing gloves, takes Mau’s watch out of a plastic bag, rubbing it free of fingerprints and laying it on the den floor. Monica, also gloved, puts money in Petra’s suitcase. Naturally, Petra sees the watch on the den floor and picks it up, laying it on the desk.

Bruno makes an anonymous call to the police that Petra Gomez is responsible for Mau’s murder! Misael says “perfecto” and submerges the phone in a glass of water.

Santiago is winning as he thinks to himself he should continue to play so he can triple his winnings. Another hand is dealt.

Adolfo is sent a screenshot of Mau’s watch, evidence that will identify the true murderer.
Santi goes all in with his not so poker face. The man next to him (who does have an inscrutable poker face), wins and takes all the money. Santi’s face falls.

Angel is brought lunch by Renato. There are Tupperware containing salad and assorted other goodies and of course wine glasses and wine. He tells her he has already started the menu for their wedding, then he asks her to set the date. Angel looks nonplussed.

Jimena and David enter the kitchen. Santi says Renato is not there, he is with Angel. Jimena has to do something so he says David can stay there. She throws Santi kisses and leaves. Then Santi asks the other chef to watch over what he is cooking and steps away.

Domingo and another ranch hand are riding when they see smoke.


VIVIR #69 Part 2

Corral goes to investigate the accusation against Petra. We next see Petra, hands behind her back with the no name policeman behind her. Don Emilio, Fatima, and JE are also there. Don Emilio speaks up and defends Petra, saying she is part of the family. When questioned, Petra admits that yes, she knows where everything is because SHE does the cleaning! Just as she proclaims her innocence, the agents come in bringing the money and the baggie containing the watch. Don Emilio recognizes the watch and says that Cris gave it to Mau. Don Emilio looks upset as Fatima stares wide eyed and JE looks on sternly. Shades of Gabriela Part Deux.

Rebeca walks into Elena’s office, seeing Santi trying to open the safe. He admits he lost the money. Helpful Rebeca tells him there isn’t enough money in the safe. As Elena has now schooled her in all of the company’s bizness, Rebeca gets on the computer, transferring money to Santi from the restaurant’s account. Santi smiles and looks relieved.

JE and Fatima defend Petra but Monica spews her venom. After all, Petra is only the maid and doesn’t care about them. Don Emilio does not concur and asks Adolfo to help Petera. Adolfo agrees and says that now, Cris can be freed.

Jimena is in a car, following Icky.

Rebeca walks into JE’s bedroom as he tells her to knock next time; oh and stop calling him mi amor. He opens the door but she shuts it. She feigns support and concern for Petra. She says something about another chance and declares that she loves him. JE shows her the hand as well as the door. She takes a deep breath and reluctantly leaves. She mutters “maldito” and “imbecile” as she gets on her phone.

Adolfo is at the jail when Rebeca calls telling him she’s done her part, now he needs to do his. She asks when she can have Cris’ shares.

As Jimena watches, Doris waits in anticipation. She is approached from behind, and kisses bestowed on her neck. Doris is ecstatic, imagining it is Sebastian. Although Jimena intended to confront Icky and Doris, she decides not to and leaves. Right after, Doris steps forward and turns around and is utterly dismayed to see Icky. She tells him Sebastian is a caballero! The slime tells her to stop dreaming of someone who doesn’t care about her. He asks her to go back with him; she can return to the loft whenever she wants. He calls her mi amor and puts his hand on her face as she slaps him and pushes him away. She calls for help to those around her.

Adolfo has set up a candlelit dinner. In jail. Cris looks as dazed and confused as I would be. He hands her a wine glass as she looks on, numb. He tells her that she will leave jail soon and be free. Cris thanks God; when she says she doesn’t know how to thank him, Adolfo only needs to see her smile. I love you he thinks to himself.

Fatima apologizes for dropping in for breakfast. Angel is happy to see her but asks why she came; she hopes it’s not about JE. Fatima tells her things are not always what they seem. Just then, Sandra calls Fatima to tell her about the fire. Fatima will leave immediately.

Domingo and Luciano tells JE they put out the fire. Now the damage needs to be assessed.


VIVIR #69 Part 3 of 3

The documentation to sign Cris’ shares over to the she devil is being reviewed. The lawyer asks who Rebeca is. Rebeca, (wearing a mithril shirt borrowed from Lord of the Rings) affirms it is she. She signs on the dotted line as Armando stands behind her, looking as though he’d rather be somewhere else. Anywhere else in fact.

Renato goes looking for Angel and Marisa tells him she is at the hacienda. He frowns.

JE recalls toasting with Angel at the waterfall of love. And lo and behold there is Angel reminiscing about JE’s kisses and declarations of love. Angel sees him and tries to make a hasty retreat but turns and trips. She yells as she falls. Recognizing her voice, he runs forward they come face to face. They ask each other what they are doing there. JE replies he has never left her side. The theme music plays as they stand, staring, inches apart.

JE tells Angel that although he loves her, he accepts her decision to marry Renato. Speaking of, Renato shows up and walks up, telling JE he heard what he said and respects him. Angel and Renato walk off.

Adolfo tells Rebeca that the transfer will not be valid until Cris is free. Rebeca is surprised and adds she doesn’t understand how he could marry Monica rather than Cris. He tells her he had the misfortune of having an unscrupulous and unforgiving woman, as Rebeca should fully understand. Beca is offended and tells her “tio” he should convince JE so they don’t have a marriage like his. Adolfo will not try and influence JE since he loves someone else. She tells him Angel is marrying someone else… and she doesn’t love JE as much as she does. Adolfo tells her not to fool herself since a life built in destruction is not real love.

Romina is on the phone with Bruno. He persists they need to work on their company but she says she can’t leave because of what is going on at the hacienda. She asks about the status of the company and he tells her the money is tied up and asks HER for the money. That’s loco she retorts. Bruno says she can ask Luciano for the loan.

Fatima tells Luciano she overheard Bruno and Romina’s conversation at the wake!

Misael screams at Bruno asking what happened at the hacienda. When he angrily says that no one tells him anything despite him being a part owner, Bruno claims he doesn’t know. They discuss that JE is losing the investors’ support. Misael tells Bruno to spread the word to the investors of the bad decisions JE has made, so Misael can be appointed president.

JE, flanked by Luciano, Fatima and Domingo tells the workers his family will provide for the cleanup of the land.

Monica is pouring herself a stiff drink, worried that Cris might get out of prison before the “request” she made is fulfilled. Misael tells her Bruno is taking care of it.

Walking gingerly, we see Yadira coming back to the empty cell. La Escorpiona is told by the (odious already hated) guard that “the job” has to be done today. We see Cris in the prison yard, seemingly looking for Yadira. The hated guard tells Cris she is wanted inside. Chris goes back inside as we see Yadira (who was also in the yard) going back in as well wondering where they were taking Cris. We don’t have long to wonder as we see Cris being led down the hall, fiercely accosted by a group of prisoners. As the fiendish guard watches, La Escorpiona grabs Cris and threateningly holds a knife to her throat!

My friend’s superb translation skills were marvelous and greatly appreciated.


Vivir. Superb as usual, Diana! Many thanks to you and your friend. "tonsil hockey"--love it! Whoa! I never saw that one coming! The person Rebeca has decided to frame is Petra, the hard working and loyal employee of many years. I suppose that the reasons are (1) she is easy to frame logistically because she lives on site, handles and cleans everything so it is easy to put "evidence" in her room and get fingerprints on Mau's watch; and (2), which seems to be Monica's biggest motive, she is of a lower social class. An exceptionally evil choice on Rebeca's and Monica's part. I must say, Doris really knows how to handle Iker, and of course Jimena leaves before we see that Doris had mistaken Iker for Sebastian. I loved how Doris first slugged Iker and then screamed and accused him of attempted rape. Serves him right! We now know that the prison guard was bribed to arrange for Cris to be disfigured, presumably by the knife La Escorpiana is holding. And also as we expected, Yadira is following and will no doubt save her kindly cellmate. Btw, I think we never actually saw the fire on the hacienda grounds. I suppose that would be too dangerous to film unless they used stock footage, which might look a bit artificial.


Thanks for your always kind words SpanProf.

I never would have dreamed they would have tried to frame Petra either! Kudos to Niecie who noted that possibility yesterday.

I especially enjoyed "...which seems to be Monica's biggest motive, she is of a lower social class. An exceptionally evil choice on Rebeca's and Monica's part". Indeed! Monica is just loathsome.

"Doris really knows how to handle Iker" is exactly right! Jimena needs to rectify her mistake and get on with her Iker free life.

SpanProf, you are absolutely correct, we saw no fire and your reasons for that being the case were perfect.

I still cannot figure out how Yadira is going to save Cris, she is fiercely outnumbered. But, I have faith...



Dear Diana and friend, thank you for another great account of an interesting episode with a lot happening .

This time , I watched my recording as I was reading your excellent recap!!!

Yikes, I hope Yadira isn't killed trying to help Chris.

The candle lift dinner jail....was very odd .

Did nasty, large and in charge Refried actually say " MEOW" to Adolfo? She is so disrespectful and condescending to everybody . Gala is doing a great job of making me love to hate this person . wow. ( How do you say " wow" in Spanish? Hmmm I saw my friend who is a Spanish teacher today, so I should have asked her.)

The wardrobe people are pulling out all the south stops. That was quite a dress Jimena had on. Is she trying to compete with Doris's skimpy tricks from her Crap from Afar shoppe?

Can you imagine trying to deal with someone like Refried who just will not take NO, Never, Nada for an answer ??? Susan



Thanks so much Susan.

"Did nasty, large and in charge Refried actually say " MEOW" to Adolfo?" If she did, I missed it but I am laughing at the thought of it.

Thank you for noting Jimena's dress. That was something wasn't it? She looks great in vivid colors. Icky is such a fool.

Refrida doesn't understand the concept of "no" does she? A force of nature, hurricane, tornado, take your pick. :)


OT/New show Announcement

Good evening Patio! I am looking at next week's schedule early this week since I'm leaving first thing in the morning for a friend's wedding out of state and I just noticed there is a new show starting on Unimas. It's actually starting tomorrow - which is why I'm announcing here. It will be on 1 pm ET tomorrow after Cuando me Enamoro ends, and then airing in the 12-2 time slot thereafter. It's called Corazon Indomable and I didn't have time to look to see what it's about but it starts Daniel Arenas, who is the galan Kat has been watching in Mi Marido Tiene Familia, so I thought I'd let you know Kat, and whomever else may be interested, New (old) Daniel Arenas novela starting tomorrow on Unimas! :)

Diana, I haven't had a chance to read the recap yet for Vivir, or to watch of course, and I probably won't this weekend, but I'll catch up next week!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!


Superb recap, Diana.

Being a longtime, beloved, faithful worker for the Rivero Cuéllars is dangerous. What a shame that Gabriela and now Petra get locked up. And when they get locked up, everybody feels sad but no one does a damn thing to get them out, save for Don Emilio.

I can't stand looking at Adolfo right now. He is so stupid. Rebeca said she couldn't name the person openly because she was scared for her life. Adolfo, do you really think Rebeca was scared of Petra? That Petra would be dumb enough to keep stolen cash in her room all this time?

Renato following Angel to the hacienda is almost as annoying as Rebeca following JE everywhere.

ITA Jimena sure did look stunning dressed to catch a cheating husband red-handed.

You go Yadhira, protect your new friend! But I hope you don't get shanked in the process.

And here I was thinking (silently) Petra would be the one to overhear something and be the undoing of Monica, et al .... Good point Niecie about Petra making Rebecca fear for her life. I thought Adolfo was going to get experienced homicide council to help Chris. A PI, something .... Susan, I think 'wow' is 'guau' and it sounds the same as the English pronunciation.
Darcy, thanks for the heads up, I'll check the new show out and add to my library. I'm thinking about deleting Pasión, I'm not getting into the pirates very much and there are way too many long haired male characters to try to keep straight. It's fun to read the recaps from way back, don't see any names I recognize from the current crop of recappers and commenters, but the tone is the same.....


Darcy, I hope you have a wonderful time at the wedding!

Thanks for the info...I love Daniel Arenas and hope he returns in something else soon.

Looking forward to your return...



Thank you so much Niecie.

"Renato following Angel to the hacienda is almost as annoying as Rebeca following JE everywhere". 😊

"Being a longtime, beloved, faithful worker for the Rivero Cuéllars is dangerous". Indeed it is! So clever that you deduced Petra would be the new "mark". I was hoping to hear Fatima and JE also pipe up to defend Petra, but disappointingly, there was only crickets.

Good point in that Beca certainly had nothing to fear from Petra. Adolfo has good intentions but isn't the brightest bulb for sure!



Kat, "And here I was thinking (silently) Petra would be the one to overhear something and be the undoing of Monica, et al" If only!

I agree Adolfo is out of his element and should have enlisted someone with relevant experience to help out.



I can’t believe I forgot to watch this today! Give me a day off and I’m out of the habit! Your recap was great, I enjoyed it.

My first thought when I watched this was why did Renato follow Angel to the hacienda. And how did he even know where it is. He’s as insecure as Rebeca and will make Angel miserable if they marry. Glad to see I wasn’t the only one that saw red flags with this.

Adolfo should have told Rebeca the guilty person had to be convicted before she got the shares. These police sure do like the anonymous tips. They waste no time arresting the innocent and never seem concerned with who is supplying these names. I also thought Petra would be the one to overhear or discover something.

It really looks like they all live in the house together, maybe in different wings.

I wish I could have felt sorry for Santiago when he lost his money. And for Elena when Rebeca transferred money from the restaurant to Santiago. But a fool and their money are soon parted.

It seems like if the police find out Cris’ shares were transferred to Rebeca she and Adolfo could be in trouble. The police could say they paid Rebeca to plant evidence.



Thanks so much Liz.

"My first thought when I watched this was why did Renato follow Angel to the hacienda. And how did he even know where it is. He’s as insecure as Rebeca and will make Angel miserable if they marry" was a very astute observation. Renato IS insecure and with good reason. He knows Angel still loves JE yet he still pressured her to marry him when he knows full well she isn't ready.

I smiled at and agreed that the police "waste no time arresting the innocent and never seem concerned with who is supplying these names."

Elena's unquestioning support of Rebeca is going to bite her in the back. Santi is so weak and malleable, he is like putty in Rebeca's evil hands.



Hola, Patio.

Thanks, Diand. Wow/Guau! What an action-packed episode, and what a goldmine of wit, wisdom, and wisecracks. Home runs: inscrutable, nonplussed, Gabriela Part Deux, mithril, waterfall of love, and flanked. Your posts should have a disclaimer: The following recap contains dazzling wordplay.

Plotlines are moving at breakneck speeds (for a change); however, suspension of disbelief is at an all-time high. The switcheroo murder suspect shenanigans are laughable. No one finds it suspicious that both Cris & Petra have all of this evidence against them handed to law enforcement on a silver platter? I wonder how many citizens are on death row behind these popular anonymous tips!

There was some funky editing with Santiasco. He loses all his chips and then magically he’s at work in full chef drag trying to rob safes. I don’t mind (as less Santi is welcome), but it was a strange transition. I wonder how much Univision is snipping. Also, the last episode ended with Cris’ epic prayer. Today we started with Misael, Reb, and Mónica in the MIDDLE of a meeting. ¿QTH?

Renato is losing points fast. His insistence on choosing a wedding date and then showing up at the hacienda like a stalker was not cool.

I was having ID issues during the Rebecca-claims-her-shares sequence. She proudly declares she is Rebecca Sánchez (with ID to boot). Is she though? I thought she was Frida del Olmo dba Refrida aka Refried aka Big Reb. Actually, shouldn’t she be Frida del Olmo Rivero Cuéllar?

Hacienda Wildlife: OO3; Humans: OOO
1. Feral wolf attacks Luciano and rips him a new…sleeve?
2. Pretty snake bites Javier and makes Romina’s Operation Relocate even more miserable.
3. A tree or unknown force spooks Ang causing her to yelp and land on her butt. I couldn’t stop laughing at this craziness.

Big Reb certainly did MEOW, and I loved it. This was right after Adolfo threw shade at her character. Then he broke it down and told her JE’s just not that into her and never will be. We’re going to need a computer to count the number of times she has been told this (and the number of characters who have said it)!

Vivir de amor

Diana, thank you for another fun read and great map to the episode. I enjoyed "tonsil hockey" quite a bit. Rebeca doesn't mind sharing herself with both Misael and JE.

I nearly threw the remote at the screen when they arrested Petra. Didn't we go through this before with what's-her-name at the office?
The family defended Petra, but it seemed a bit lukewarm to me, except for don Emilio.
Agente Corral doesn't seem to think there is any setup here. Maybe she's just too busy dealing with every crime within CDMX to spend too much thought on this one.

Jimena was looking really good for her spy mission... Just in case she was wrong? Too bad she didn't wait around a bit longer. But she did look good.
Iker is a real sleaze ball. And such a smooth operator, asking Doris if she really thinks Sebastian would be interested in a low class girl such as herself. Ugh!

We keep seeing shots of the outside of women's prison, but we never see the rabbit hole. Surely people must enter via a rabbit hole into a prison where women are beaten half to death one day, and the next Cris and Adolfo have a candlelit dinner with wine and all.
Aside from all the silliness, what was Adolfo thinking? Cris was set up to begin with, maybe more bad things could happen? Poor Cris looked really dazed and worn down.
And speaking of bad things... will Yadira save the day? At what cost?

Life in Telenovelandia really is an adventure. But not necessarily a fun adventure.

I think this novela would have been better with fewer episodes, but whatever. The kids and good-looking women make it worth watching. And the women are all good-looking.



Thanks so much for your kind and supportive words O.S.

"Santiasco" and "Feral wolf attacks Luciano and rips him a new…sleeve?" were beyond!

As always, you shone your bright light on so many inconsistencies.

"No one finds it suspicious that both Cris & Petra have all of this evidence against them handed to law enforcement on a silver platter? I wonder how many citizens are on death row behind these popular anonymous tips!" was perfect. Hopefully The Innocence Project is up and running in Mexico.

"Jimena was looking really good for her spy mission... Just in case she was wrong?" :)

Excellent point about Beca's many names. What DO we call her (aside from the obvious insults of course)!

"Big Reb certainly did MEOW, and I loved it". I appreciate you and Susan pointing that out, I totally missed it!



Andy, thank you...

Your insightful comments added so much.

"Agente Corral doesn't seem to think there is any setup here" is puzzling, isn't it? Her stern and serious stare seem to be misleading. And confusion. Please do the math.

"We keep seeing shots of the outside of women's prison, but we never see the rabbit hole" was well stated.

"Iker is a real sleaze ball. And such a smooth operator, asking Doris if she really thinks Sebastian would be interested in a low class girl such as herself. Ugh!" I knew he was insulting her but couldn't quite get what he said. Thank you; he is such garbage.

Oops I attributed your "Jimena was looking really good for her spy mission... Just in case she was wrong?" :) to O.S., my apologies.

"Poor Cris looked really dazed and worn down". Sadly, she did. She certainly did.


Corazon Ind...
Darcy I caught the episode today and it was confusing. Lo and behold they started with episode 5. Fortunately this has been recapped before so I will try to get the backstory from the old recaps.

VIVIR #70 Part 1

La Escorpiona has Cris backed up against the wall, evilly caressing her cheek with the knife. Cris doesn’t know what she has done but she has nothing. La Escorpiona tells her she is going to mark her so she will never forget her. Cris senses and then sees Yadhira, who is not alone. Yadira warns La Escorpiona should remember what happened last time. Yadhira brandishes has some sort of tool as she and La Escorpiona violently attack each other. One of the inmates holds Cris back as she calls out Yadhira’s name and screams for HELP. The evil guard and reinforcements arrive as LE and Yadhira lie on the ground. Cris cries as we see blood on her arm.

The neighbors thank JE for his help. The men tell Angel they can’t fulfill her order and won’t blame her if she reports them. Angel, Renato’s arm wound firmly around her, won’t do that. She knows they will recover and the factory will continue to ask for more produce. Angel doesn’t know what she will do but when Fatima offers to help, Angel admits she would prefer not to deal with JE. Renato stares unsmilingly.

Luciano praises JE for helping the farmers. JE tells him Fatima is looking into providing support for the farmers and suggests Luciano hire the farmers until they recover their losses. JE signs (likely a blank) check.

Cristobal comes in to say the owners of Ransome La Noria are looking for him. Before he leaves, he tells Luciano he is going back to the city and yes, Fatima is going with him.

Gabriel (the next fresh face of Teen magazine) sings to Mati who is still confused. Undeterred, he forges ahead asking if she will be his novia. She shakes her head yes; he is thrilled and gently kisses her. Excited, he goes to retrieve his hors so they can take a ride. Her smile fades.

Elena is in a state realizing that money is missing. She needs it to pay the mortgage. Santi rather guiltily confesses his sister gave it to him so he could triple it. When she asks where it is so she can get it back, Santi confesses he gambled it away. Rebeca comes in and tells Elena to calm down she will explain. Rebeca wets her lips with her tongue and pretends to feel faint, slumping in the chair as Elena fans her.

Fatima tells JE about Angel’s problem and she doesn’t want their help. When JE assumes it’s because of him, Fatima concurs and adds she is afraid he has lost Angel for certain now.

The meeting begins. We know dead men don’t wear plaid, but sadly, live ones do as we see Bruno’s jacket. I digress. The investors question JE about the finances. They state that Bruno is correct, the problem affects them all. Misael defends JE but Bruno states he is worried about all the money he has invested. JE tells them he has provided a report on the hacienda and ask them to wait at least six months before making any decisions. He assures them the company will recover. Fatima and Sebastian shake their heads.


VIVIR #70 Part 2

Rebeca feigns illness to get rid of Santi. Elena gives Rebeca a cold drink which she sips from, holding the glass with her purplish/black painted talons. Elena asks if she gave Santi the money and she denies it blaming Angel. But she still feels responsible since the problem with Angel started when she returned. Elena assures Rebeca she isn’t responsible and strokes her hair. Rebeca asks Elena not to say anything to Santi because she will take care of it. Rebeca smiles behind her mother’s back.

Rebeca runs into Santi and assures him he has nothing to worry about; she confessed everything to their mother (in a pig’s eye I add). She tells him not to tell Angel anything and he agrees. She thanks him for being the best brother and puts her arm around him.

JE goes into Bruno’s office and shuts his computer on him. He asks if he wants to pit the investors against him. Bruno tells him he is worried so JE tells him if he doesn’t like his decisions he can take his shares stick them and leave. Bruno clenches his jaw.

Wanda enters Alma’s house calling out for her. She sees the treasure box and takes out the rattle along with a picture of a woman (we assume to be the grandmother) and a baby.

Jimena tells Angel that Icky is back to cheating, she saw Icy with Doris. She doesn’t love him but is angry with herself. She has made a decision and won’t change her mind!

Icky comes home and is told by Tacho that Jimena left him his things. We see boxes in the hall as Icky’s face mirrors his shock that Jimena actually threw him out.

Doris sees a box of chocolates and believing they are from Icky, throws them on the ground in a fit of frustration. Sebastian comes up behind her and apologizes for making her feel bad by bringing her chocolates. As soon as she sees him, she morphs back to her usual smiling self, thanking him and opening the card which she says is a first. No one had ever written such nice things. He tells her he is trying to make up for not seeing her when she went to the company. He invites her out and she willingly agrees. Music plays and it is clear Sebas is smitten.

Jimena felt stupid but is now determined to separate from “that man”! Angel asks if she is sure she wants to end her marriage. As I loudly cheer, Jimena throws her wedding rings down the drain and says there is your answer!!! Angel will support her so Jimena assures her she will be asking for a DIVORCE. Viewerville is beaming with pride. And relief.


VIVIR #70 Part 3 of 3

Pedrito comes in and asks why Wanda is going through his things. Her apology does not appease him and he tells her anyone who goes through his things won’t be on his nice list. He tells her to leave. She stares. He picks up the picture and kisses and hugs it. Awww…

Sebastian and Doris are having a nosh. He tells her about Dulce, and what a happy marriage he had. She smiles encouragingly. He fell in love with Dulce at first sight and misses her very much. When he says he is “solo”, Doris speaks up and says “what about me?” She ventures that perhaps Dulce led him to her; she may embarrass him at times but they laugh when they are together. She urges him that when he feels sad, just call her. He puts his hand over hers and kisses her hand. BTW, Doris looks great in chartreuse.

Back at the mansion Beca comes in with several shopping bags and Misael confronts her. He thinks she has something planned (an understatement). She bends forward and almost but not quite kisses him. She pulls back. He asks if she doesn’t trust him so she assures him she does but that has nothing to do with strategizing. Misael tells her she probably doesn’t know JE and Angel spent the day at the hacienda. She looks livid.

Rebeca (who borrowed Elvis’ denim and bead jacket) confronts Angel about going to the hacienda. When she finishes her tirade, Angel tells her she’s wrong. Rebeca continues to spew her poison but Angel is not afraid of her; she has no intention of going after JE. If HE leaves her it is because he doesn’t love her. Rebeca threatens she would rather cry at JE’s tomb rather than see herself as a woman scorned. Angel tells her to git as sympathetic Marisa arrives.

JE visits Lucas who is still in the hospital. Lupe is glad Lucas is being released and thanks JE for his help. When JE asks about Ramiro, Lucas denies knowing him. JE explains how important it is to find out about his sister’s murder. Lucas still doesn’t know anything (liar). Lupe then comments Lucas is still in danger (ya think?) and wishes they could be away from the neighborhood. JE offers the hacienda so Lucas and his parents agree.

Brayan’s thugs confront Rebeca outside saying Brayan will spill every drop of tea if she doesn’t help him. She tells them Brayan will need to wait; then offers them money to bring the welcome wagon to her sister who’s just moved to the neighborhood!

A tearful Cris assures Adolfo she is fine but was afraid she was going to die. She is beside herself saying she is only alive because of Yadhira, her cell mate and wants to see her. We see the evil guard open Yadhira’s cell door.

Misael sees there is an emergency meeting with the investors. He wonders if they will select a new president. Everyone is dismayed about the meeting..

Angel comes home and her place has been ransacked. As she stands there a rock is thrown through her window. Her face crumbles as she sees the graffiti on the wall warning her they don’t want lazy people there. Lupe walks in…

Adolfo apologizes for the emergency meeting as Don Emilio asks why they are meeting. Stunningly, Cris walks in! Don Emilio jumps up and hugs her as Monica and Misael stare daggers. Happiness from most. Then, Adolfo says he has a new associate to introduce. We see Rebeca sashaying down the hall in a thigh high bat winged red dress. Everyone is shocked as Rebeca settles in, introducing herself as Monica has a hissy fit.



I had a very difficult time with this episode. The dialogue was just too fast for me...

It is only thanks to my friend that this is coherent. Her patience and generosity and marvelous dialogue were this recap's salvation.


Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Here's my recap of this morning's Gran Final.
110.) Slacker Berta gets shot in the back by Psycho Fina in front of lots of eyewitnesses. Fina doesn't even fight when Jeronimo & Matias demask her. We see Slacker Berta struggling with her last moments while Renata & Gonzalo are in despair; Regina screams for an ambulance, etc., Slacker Berta asks Renata to forgive her, then dies. Honorio says Fina's own downfall was killing her own daughter.

111.) Months later: Psycho Fina is put into the mental institution in Mexico City for the rest of her life. Both Gonzalo & Regina leave.

112.) Renata & Marina both go into labor; Renata gives birth to a son, Rafael. While Marina struggles giving birth to twin daughters Marina & Irene. Marina's health also deteriorated quickly due to pulmonary fibrosis issues.

113.) Carlos & Matilde spend time with Renata inside her hospital room; Matilde smiles about having kids with Carlos someday.

114.) Following the steady diet of commercial breaks, we see the final opening credits with the musical theme by Enrique Iglesias & Juan Luis Guerra.

115.) Renata calls Gonzalo & Regina, informing them that they'll be grandparents. Both Gonzalo & Regina are super excited.

116.) Marina peacefully dies with Jeronimo & Renata at her bedside.

117.) Several years later: We see the 5 Monterrubio grandchildren (Jeronimo & Renata's kids): Rafael, Marina, Irene, Regina & Gonzalo getting ready for the upcoming La Perla del Vino festivities when Regina, Renata, Manuela, Herimina take the kids & head over there.

118.) La Perla del Vino festivities: Jeronimo, Renata, their 5 kids; Matias & Adriana including their 2 kids; Honorio, Connie, Gonzalo & Regina including Uncle Padre Seve, Antonio, Matilde, Carlos, their daughter; Lazaro & Karina with their son; Alfonsina with her daughter Luz along with Manuela, Herimina, Anibal & Alison in attendance.

119.) Gonzalo is the proud grandfather of 7 grandchildren; Regina, Honorio & Connie are proud grandparents too.

120.) Andres is all grown up & plans on going to medical school & becoming a doctor or surgeon. Isidro & Inez are both happy & proud.

121.) San Rafael LaBonita wins the top award during the Wine Industry Vineyards conference. Jeronimo, Carlos & Lazaro go on the stage, where Jeronimo dedicated the award to his late brother, Rafael & thanks everyone else.

122.) Jeronimo & Renata including their 6 kids stomping grapes at the vineyard with the beautiful sunset. Gotta admit, I loved watching this Telenovela!



Hello Diana and friend, great job as always! And hello patio.
The graffiti in Angel’s trashed place was “en este barrio no queremos viejas arrastradas.”I was in Mexico when this aired and asked a friend for clarification on “arrastrar”which literally means to drag, creep, crawl.
He said in context as an adjective it meant a woman who begs and pesters a man who is not interested. So, roughly, “in this barrio we don’t want old ladies who chase after men.”
Rebe has called Angel “arrastrada” several times, including today while rocking the denim and pearls. Should be a strong clue to Angel as to who was behind the vandalism! Not that it’s any great mystery.


Super recap, Diana and friend.

Angel, Renato’s arm wound firmly around her,...

Renato has become soooo clingy. Yuck!

Clara, I hope you're right and Angel figures Rebeca had her place trashed. Angel, hold your ground right there and stay in the barrio.

We know dead men don’t wear plaid, but sadly, live ones do as we see Bruno’s jacket. I digress. -- Diana, lol!

Rebeca is worse than the Bad Seed. IIRC the Bad Seed at least loved her mother. Rebeca will destroy her mother's restaurant and her mother right along with it.

Wanda didn't seem to have a Eureka! moment when she saw the faded photo of Pedrito's grandmother. Maybe the grandmother he remembers is not really his grandmother?

Hate to admit it, but I'm looking forward to Rebeca causing hell on the board. The only one I really feel sad for is Don Emilio.


So happy to see your comment Clara! I appreciate your kind words.

Ahhh "So, roughly, “in this barrio we don’t want old ladies who chase after men.” Thank you so much for translating this which makes perfect sense (well, at least from Rebeca's viewpoint!)

"Rebe has called Angel “arrastrada” several times, including today while rocking the denim and pearls. Should be a strong clue to Angel as to who was behind the vandalism! Not that it’s any great mystery". Perfect...

Thank you so much for the translation/eplanation, so helpful to me with my limited Spanish comprehension.


Diana, great as usual. I want a Spanish speaking friend to watch shows with me, 😂
On Angelli's wall..."En Este barrio
No queremos Viejas arrastradas". I plugged it into my Spanish English dictionary and it says arrastradas=miserable. I'm assuming this is some colloquial phrase. I may just ask my Mexican or Colombian friends if it makes sense to them. In my ignorance I assumed it meant aristocratic, or privileged. She certainly isn't old....
That prison guard deserves the inmates to turn on her!
Monica and Misael certainly looked gobsmacked when Rebeca sauntered in. She looks good in red. I also liked her denim skirt. I keep my eye on the denim trends, they seem to be the style lately. I'm in a denim up cycle group on FB and I'm tempted to post some screenshots of the fashions I see.

Should have waited for Claras explanation. I spent so long trying to look it up, going back to the show, etc. and meanwhile the translation was here waiting for me.

Happy to help with my rather wordy “arrastrada” explanation! I was stumped too at first.
But it makes perfect sense in context of Reb’s warped mind seeing Angel as continuing to seek out JE.
As for “vieja,” while it literally means “old woman,” it can be used to refer to a woman of any age, as a put down/dismissive comment.
Next week we will be caught up to where I left off in Mexico, so I will try to comment more without spoiler fears.
Niece, kudos to you for the Petra prediction! Clever.


Kat, thank you.

I also found "arrastradas=miserable" so am likewise appreciative of Clara's translation.

"That prison guard deserves the inmates to turn on her!" Amen to that!

Rebeca does look good in red (as does Doris). I will have to try and look at Beca's denim skirt, while furiously typing away I only saw the jacket.



"As for “vieja,” while it literally means “old woman,” it can be used to refer to a woman of any age, as a put down/dismissive comment". Thanks again Clara!

Speaking of Petra, I wonder where she is?? I hope she doesn't languish in jail; hoping it's a very short stay.

So glad you will be able to comment more!



Dear Diana and friend, thank you for a great detailed recap of all the danger and drama.

Gee, Refrida is on a real power trip. She had on three different outfits in this episode . Lots of shopping sprees in between the lying and scheming . #multitasking Can't wait for Elena to get her credit card bill and watch Refried explain how " Angel made me do it!" The first number in black with slacks and some sparkle would have been perfect... for the disco. It did keep everything covered and contained. The denim outfit with the strands of faux pearls hanging off the jacket and the shredded skirt ...yikes .Then, the bog conference ,and speak of the devil, and she appears floating slow no down that hallway for the big entrance.Crazy Lady in red . Refried is now in business ..risky business.

Every time Refried is talking face to face with someone , her solemn bitter itch face looks like she could very suddenly reach out and put that someone in a headlock. I find her absolutely intimidating . I am already wondering about her anvil. ..hmmm...I'm thinking coyotes..or maybe a hacienda wolf . Girl is just nasty. Susan


Niecie, thank you very much.

"Rebeca is worse than the Bad Seed. IIRC the Bad Seed at least loved her mother". OMG, so true!!

"Wanda didn't seem to have a Eureka! moment when she saw the faded photo of Pedrito's grandmother". You're right Niecie, she didn't. "Maybe the grandmother he remembers is not really his grandmother?" I think that has to be it. The way Pedrito kissed and hugged the picture seemed to indicate that whomever she was, he loved her very much.

I agree with you that Angel shouldn't let Rebeca intimidate her and make her leave her chosen home. She will have much support from Lupe, Marisa, Alma and others. Doris?? Likely not so much.


Vivir. So glad your friend helped you to clear up some of the more confusing aspects of this episode so that we could completely understand (insomuch as that is possible) what was going on. Excellent recap as usual! Loved your clever and snarky observations as usual, Diana: "dead men don't wear plaid, but sadly, live ones do" (as someone has already noted), "purplish/black painted talons," "who borrowed Elvis' denim and bead jacket." It took the writers forever to let us know what happened with Cris. Yay, Yadhira! Of course Rebeca frames Angelli for taking the mortgage money to give to Santiago. Wow! Icky so deserved to be thrown out! And if Wanda had ever had any doubt about Pedrito's being her son...


Thanks Susan!

"Can't wait for Elena to get her credit card bill and watch Refried explain how " Angel made me do it!" had me smiling away. I have a sinking feeling though that Elena will forgive Rebeca just as she always has telling her it's not her fault!

"Solemn bitter itch face" is a great descriptor of Beca's joyless countenance.

I'll have to think about Beca's anvil a bit. She has long passed the point of any potential redemption.



Thank you very much for your nice words SpanProf.

"It took the writers forever to let us know what happened with Cris". Yadhira was amazing. Talk about selfless...

I'm getting increasingly frustrated with Elena who needs to wake up, smell the coffee and get a clue. How is she planning on recouping the money Beca helped Santiago to? Will it be back to bankruptcy?

What hidey hole will Icky find to crash in now that he's been unceremoniously evicted? You are so right; it couldn't have happened to a more deserving idiot. :)



Thanks so much, Diana and friend, a great recap.

When I see Rebeca I just want to slap her and wipe that smile off her face. I get to a point where I want a show to end so I can enjoy the bad guys being uncovered. And I really can’t wait for Elena and Santiago to wake up and see the true Rebeca. And for JE and family to realize Monica and Misael are the criminals they are.

I either read here in comments, or actually understood the closed captions, but when Wanda was standing in the doorway when Pedrito’s rattle was there she at one point said he couldn’t be hers because her child doesn’t have a grandmother. I don’t know why she would not realize that Monica gave him to someone who was raising him as her grandchild.

Rebeca wants only Cris and Adolfo to know about how she got the shares. How is that going to remain a secret!



Thanks so much Liz.

"When I see Rebeca I just want to slap her and wipe that smile off her face". Ditto! 😊

"I don’t know why she (Wanda) would not realize that Monica gave him to someone who was raising him as her grandchild". It doesn't make sense, does it? Could Wanda really think Monica brought Pedrito home and had him raised in her household?

I am sure Don Emilio will want an explanation for Rebeca's new gig as will Monica and Misael. Monica isn't stupid and will likely realize Beca's gone rogue. It will be interesting to see what she does about it.



Hola, Patio.

Thanks, Diand. Thanks, show, for ending the week with a bang! Lots of fun, action, humor, and even romance - all in 6O minutes. I found myself applauding and cheering at the screen several times (during the show AND the recap - LOL).

Diana, I had the exact same reaction to Gabriel and his discordant warbling. Shut up and stick to Teen/Tiger Beat Magazine, Kid. Everybody, 5, 6, 7, 8: She’s just not that into you. ¡Basta!

My first screen outburst: Elena. ¿QTH? I was yelling everything from “Wake up!” to “Open your eyes!” to “Really!?!” Susan mentioned that every time Refried talks she’s intimidating. For me, every time she talks, I marvel at the rapid fire delusion, rudeness, lies, and psychosis going on. Gala must be having the time of her life! Elena remains unrealistically blind and annoying.

Second screen outburst: JE’s confrontation with plaid cad Bruno. Slamming his computer shut, calling him out, and then inviting him to take his shares and skedaddle if he didn’t like JE’s leadership. So.Good. JE has.been underwhelming/annoying for 86% of the episodes we’ve been given. He earned major points for this.

Vocabulary Time: Doris interjected, “¡Hijo de tu pelona!” after smashing her chocolate gift box to bits. This is a euphemism/safe-for-work expression like “Son of a gun.” LOL. Then we go from comedy to romance. The scenes with Doris and Sebastián were sweeter and written better than anything our leading couple have done. Brava! I give our show the blues a lot, but they got this one right!

Third cheer: Jimena’s emancipation from Icky! From his makeup-stained clothes in boxes to her rings down the drain: go, Jimena! Oh, but don’t go to Renato; he’s on our last nerves right now.

Pedrito is a hard luck, old soul with a sad upbringing and charm/charisma well beyond his years. I was impressed by his vocabulary and insistence on boundaries. He called Wanda out for trasculcando: going through his stuff. They will be super cute when their truth is revealed. Right now he is the one male on this show with the most sense. d. Emilio comes in second place. Luciano was disqualified for bringing Romina into our orbits in the first place.

Rebecca enters the scene with a slew of shopping bags. Criminal mastermind Misael asks, “Where are you coming from?” That was so silly that it made me laugh. I wish she would have said something snarky like, “rollerskating” or “Habitat for Humanity.” Pay attention, Sherlock! For the record, he was standing at our favorite liquor cart. YAY! Misael has.been sleazy/annoying for 94% of the episodes we’ve been given, but I’m becoming a fan of his unintentional comedy and well-played smirks.

Final cheer: David (Ang) vs. Goliath (Reb). I almost missed the Elvis denim/pearls jacket (LOL) and fly denim skirt as I was once again distracted by Ang’s office decor. I’ve decided it’s an homage to Milton Bradley. Along with the dice, today we got a glimpse of giant chess pieces behind the desk. I digress. Ang held her ground and ordered Reb to GTFO (not Give Thanks For Olmos). My cheering turned to laughter @ Ang’s final look. She’s finally realized her sister really is BSC!

Vivir de amor

Diana, thanks for another great recap. If you sometimes worry that your recaps are not 100% perfect, you can comfort yourself with the knowledge that they are absolutely essential lifesavers for some of us, at the very least me.

I like Renato, but I have to agree with those who think he is too clingy and is pushing Angel too much. He knows she is idiotically in love with idiotic JE.

Wow! We saw a tough side of Pedrito tonight. I suppose he had a right, but I wish he and Wanda would start to like each other sooner rather than later. Wanda is growing on me.

I'm very glad that Jimena is completely through with Icky, but this is the first time I have ever encountered someone who deliberately drops her rings down the drain.

I like the way Doris and Sebastian are progressing. Nice to see somebody having a decent relationship. I especially liked Doris's inviting Sebas to call her when he needs a friendly ear, sharing problems and worries as in a real relationship. Nice.
And now I know what color chartreuse is. Thank you, Diana.

Back to the star of the show, Rebeca.
Susan, I absolutely agree that Rebeca can be intimidating, she's that scary sometimes. She almost always looks good though. But I was not especially impressed with her red number for the board meeting. If she was trying to wow the guys, maybe, but otherwise absolutely not. She should have gone with something more conservative.

I also did not like her having Brayan's henchies mess up Angel's apartment. It struck me as filler, something you might do if you have 125 episodes to shoot.

Things should be interesting when Lucas moves to the hacienda. It will put Mati in a tough spot.



O.S. thank you for your very nice words.

Your comments were incredible and incredibly helpful. Your humor is sublime.

Tiger Beat!! I could not remember the name of the mag I read decades ago but you did!

"discordant warbling", "plaid cad" were great.

I so enjoyed all of your wise observations of some of our most and least favs: "go, Jimena! Oh, but don’t go to Renato; he’s on our last nerves right now". HA!

"Misael has been sleazy/annoying for 94% of the episodes we’ve been given, but I’m becoming a fan of his unintentional comedy and well-played smirks" is spot on. I'm a huge fan of the actor who has charisma and is also drop dead gorgeous.

"The scenes with Doris and Sebastián were sweeter and written better than anything our leading couple have done. Brava!" They really were, weren't they? Doris illuminates the screen and Sebastian is so sweet.

"JE has been underwhelming/annoying for 86% of the episodes we’ve been given. He earned major points for this" said it all! THAT'S the JE we need to see.

Thank you so very much for all your wise words!



I really appreciate your support Andy. Thank you.

Your smart and savvy insights are spot on, as always.

"I like the way Doris and Sebastian are progressing. Nice to see somebody having a decent relationship. I especially liked Doris's inviting Sebas to call her when he needs a friendly ear, sharing problems and worries as in a real relationship. Nice" described their on the edge of blossoming relationship perfectly Andy.

How do you solve a problem like Rebeca? "I also did not like her having Brayan's henchies mess up Angel's apartment. It struck me as filler, something you might do if you have 125 episodes to shoot" - exactly!

"I like Renato, but I have to agree with those who think he is too clingy and is pushing Angel too much. He knows she is idiotically in love with idiotic JE". Well said...

I've seen wedding rings discarded in some foolish (although creative) ways. I get it! You want to rid yourself of any reminder of the louse. But I always want to yell don't throw them away, sell them!! Donate the proceeds to charity if you don't want to be compensated for your misery. Let some good come of it.

"Things should be interesting when Lucas moves to the hacienda. It will put Mati in a tough spot". It will. I think Scotty Baio will soon get his walking papers. Cute kid but Lucas already has her heart.



It was fun to read the new comments with morning coffee on this nice, sunny day. ...while avoiding chores.

Looks like we will be seeing teenage angst at the hacienda of broken hearts instead of teens having surfing challenges at the beach. Lucas has been through the mill and is toting a lot of baggage and death threats , so the writers will reward him with a HEA with Mati or least some fun teen times before they have to choose their majors. I think the kid with the guitar and the horse would be more fun. Plus he is a pretty pragmatic guy. He got Javier to the doctor . Do they have proms in Mexico? They are big around here with proposals, big hairdos , and gowns straight out of the telenovelas. Will we get to see these three at the prom. I'd like to see a dance off.

After the fashion show that Refida put on in this episode , I can't wait to see the fashion donts she sashays around in now that she is a business woman . Maybe a denim three piece suit...with a matching briefcase. Susan


Susan, I hope Sandra gets some "teenage angst at the hacienda" action. The writers have kept her on the sidelines too long. I do believe she's got a crush on Gabe.


Susan, it will be interesting to see what Refrida's fashion choices will be now that she's in the board room. :)

Gabe is a good guy whose persistence is admittedly paying off.

Niecie, completely agree that it's time for Sandra to step in the limelight. She is a sweetheart and it's time Gabe takes notice.


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