Thursday, July 04, 2024

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): El Conde: Amor y Honor y más: Week of July 1, 2024


Here's Page 2 for the week. The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

10 - 11PM - El Conde: Amor y Honor

This week, the long-awaited telenovela with Fernando Colunga has finally begun! Entitled El Conde: Amor y Honor, it stars Fernando Colunga and Ana Brenda Contreras and is based somewhat on Alexandre Dumas' The Count of Monte Cristo. More information can be found on Telemundo's web site.

This Sunday (July 7), Telemundo will repeat all of the first five episodes! In the Pacific Time Zone (where I am), the episodes will be shown from 1 to 6 PM, PDT. My guess is that in the Eastern Time Zone they will be shown 1 to 6 PM EDT, but that's just a guess. Check with your local Telemundo station's Guia de Programmación to be sure..

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Re-posting my fervent thanks to Dondi for offering to recap tonight and tomorrow. As she mentioned on Page 1, tonight's, and probably Friday's, would be up the day after.

conde #4 part 1

Mariana comes to see Alfredo. She peppers him with questions. Did you see him? Did you give him my letter? What did he say? How is he? When will he be released? Don Alfredo gives her the bad news: There was a fight and Alejandro was killed. She crumbles and cries out—say it’s not true! Please! Alejandro! No!

Ale’s funeral. Lupe cries, my son was innocent, he was a good man. Mariana is there with Nanny and Paulina. Nanny is worried about Mariana’s health. Mariana states she can’t live without Ale. Paulina tries to comfort Mariana but she’s inconsolable.

Mariana gives her condolences to Lupe. She shares Lupe’s pain and tells her she will always love Alejandro. Margarita approaches Mariana to blame her for all that happened and barks at her to leave. Mariana leaves so as not to cause further upset.

Isla de los Dolores. Long haired and full bearded Alejandro is in rat infested solitary confinement. Gerardo visits Ale to gloat. He thanks Ale for giving his career a boost. Ale replies that Don Alfredo will get him released. Gerardo informs Ale that Alfredo thinks he is dead. The incinerated body of a prison guard was handed over for the funeral. His body will rest in a grave that bears your name, Gerardo says, at least your mother will have a place to cry.

Gerardo continues, why don’t you end your life? What reason do you have to live? To destroy you, Ale replies, from now on, that will be my reason to live. Your time will come and when it comes you will regret it, you bastard! Gerardo smirks and walks away. Ale shouts, you will pay!

Mariana cries to Nanny, I know Ale would want me to be strong, but I don’t know how. Josie comes rushing in to tell her Benjamin is very sick. She blames it on Mariana’s relationship with Ale and their impending business bankruptcy.

Josie implores Mariana to save her father. Seeing you married would make him happy, she says, and it would solve the financial problems. [And that groom would be you know who.] Josie lays it on thick, and then she leaves the room so Mariana can speak with her father.

I don’t want to die, Benjamin tells his daughter in gasps and coughs. I’d be more at ease if you married a good man [you know who]. Someone who would take good care of you. We see Josie eavesdropping.

We jump months later.

A woman named Araceli chases down Felipe in the town square. They haven’t seen each other for 5 years. She flirts and asks him to go someplace quiet where they can “talk”. He obliges.

Ricardo sees his little boy on the street with his grandma.

Felipe and Araceli do the deed and he’s anxious to make a quick getaway. He offers her money. She doesn’t accept it. She’s no longer a prostitute. She sells flowers now and she has a son. Then she drops the bomb: the boy is yours, Felipe. He’s 5 years old. She shows him a pic of little Pedro and says the kid needs an operation. Felipe flips out. He calls her a gold digger and vows she won’t get a penny from him.


conde #4 part 2

Ruben has become the overseer of the hacienda. I didn’t quite understand his conversation with Vicente, but it seemed Vicente was pressuring Ruben to get in line with his shady business dealings.

Everyone is in church for Mariana and Gerardo’s wedding. Mariana looks as if she’s attending a funeral. She recalls Alfredo giving her the news of Ale’s death.

Ricardo tells Memo that Mariana is a hypocrite who never loved Ale and is marrying for money. She’s marrying the man who put Ale in prison where he was killed! He’s especially angry that no one remembers Alejandro.

It’s time for Mariana’s vows. When she’s asked to say, “I do”, there’s a long pause. Anxious Josie holds her breath. All Mariana can do is tearfully nod. Josie exhales. Leo doesn’t look very happy about his son’s wedding.

Big wedding night. Gerardo proclaims himself the happiest man on Earth. He pulls the string on Mariana’s robe and kisses her shoulder. She pulls away. He tells her he will be patient. She thanks him for understanding.

Ruben tells Vicente’s shady partners they will deal with him directly and not Vicente. As the shady partners load up the goods, Don Alfredo’s son catches them. He pulls a gun and threatens Ruben with the police. Looks like Vicente set up Ruben.

Ale gets a visit from the director of the prison, who beats him while the guards hold him.

Memo brings food to Lupe, who is sitting in a chair. He chirps about getting her to eat and taking her to a doctor. When she doesn’t respond, he finds that she’s dead. He’s devastated.

Alfredo is outraged. Vicente blames all the thefts on a greedy Ruben. He offers to take the overseer job in addition to his management duties while they look for a new overseer. Alfredo doesn’t look to happy about it, but names Vicente as the overseer and manager of the Gallardo Hacienda.

Araceli brings her son to see Felipe. He’s livid and tells her to get lost. She pleads. He threatens to kill her if she comes around again.

Leo is furious with Gerardo because he’s sold some land. [I assume this was to help Benjamin.] Gerardo shouts back that it’s his land, too. Leo calls for Ramiro but is stopped by Gerardo’s men. Gerardo says he sent Ramiro on an errand. He tells his father this is between them. Leo is ready to kill and goes for his gun, but Gerardo is a step ahead of dear old dad. Gerardo has the gun and aims it point blank. Leo dares him to shoot.

Instead, Gerardo hands Leo a folder with medical documentation stating Leo is incompetent. There is also a legal document appointing Gerardo as Leo’s legal guardian. Gerardo threatens to have Leo committed. There is a struggle, the gun is fired. No one is shot but Leo puts his hand to his head and collapses.

Lupe’s funeral. The only comfort is now she’s with Ale.

Ruben confronts Vicente over the setup. Vicente tells Ruben to disappear for a while and then he will find him a job loading stolen goods. Ruben calls Vicente a traitor. Vicente pulls out his gun and sends Ruben off.


conde #4 part 3

Paulina and Felipe realize they were each forced to meet for lunch. Paulina isn’t interested in marriage and children. She wants to be a painter. Felipe is thrilled that she feels the same as him. They make a deal to keep up pretenses to keep their families happy. Flower seller Araceli spies on them until she’s tossed out.

A doctor informs Gerardo that Leo had a stroke. [A lucky stroke for Gerardo.] The outcome might not be good. Gerardo plays the distraught son. Mariana says she will take care of Leo.

The barn buddies go at it while sick Benjamin stumbles around looking for Josie. Josie tells Antonio she has to use perfume to get rid of the smell [Does that refer to Benjamin?] Tonio offers to “take care” of Benny so she can get his money. Josie’s not interested in talking business now. Oops… Benny spies them in the barn!

Next morning, Benny confronts Josie as she offers him tea— I heard you tell your lover that sleeping with me disgusts you. [yep, that "smell" comment.] I found you in the stable with that worker!

Josie tries to pass it off as nightmares and delusions caused by Benny's illness and medicine. Thank goodness he doesn’t fall for that BS. He realizes the extent of her betrayal. She continues to BS. He says Mariana was right about her. Benny throws her out! [Yay! But I doubt she will go so easy.]

Benny leaves the room and Nanny is there. She accidentally overheard everything. Benny makes her swear her not to say anything to anyone… especially Mariana.

Araceli’s sister packs their bags. They don’t enough money to stay in San Jacinto and it looks like Felipe won’t help. Araceli says she has a plan.

Gerardo spews venom at his comatose father. He thanks him for making things easy for him. I hope you die, you idiot, he hisses, and quick. When Mariana appears, he goes back to playing the distraught, loving son. Lol… he tells Mariana, I have faith that God will give him [Leo] what he deserves.

Benjamin confronts Antonio and fires him. He doesn’t want a scandal. He cautions Tonio not to build his hopes, Josie will betray him, too. Benny warns, leave and don’t come back or I’ll kill you.

Felipe drives up as Araceli heads to his house to speak with Josie. They argue. He slaps her and she threatens to call the cops. He gets back in his car and runs her over.

Gerardo gives it another try with Mariana. This time he’s not so patient. She tries to fend him off, but he pushes her down on the bed and…

Felipe brings Josie to the scene of his crime. Josie is horrified and furious. She shouts that they must get rid of the body and orders Felipe to put Araceli in his car.

Despondent Mariana scrubs herself in the tub. She thinks back to her time in the barn with Alejandro. Gerardo knocks on the door and asks if she’s alright. She doesn’t respond.

Josie and Felipe try to find a place to dump Araceli. He panics and whimpers. Josie berates him tells him he needs to man up and follow her orders if he wants to avoid going to jail.

At La Isla, Ale manages to overtake a guard, grab his gun and make a run for it. Another prisoner shouts at Ale that it’s a trap, don’t do it. You’ll be killed! We hear sirens and dogs as Alejandro stops at a steep drop with the sea below.

And we are out.



Gracias, Dondi. Fine recap with all the details I needed. Loved your running "[you know who]" asides.

Poor Araceli. What a fool Felipe is. Since there was no DNA testing back then, he could've simply denied being the dad, instead of mowing her down. I'm wondering though if there will be a reason for him in the future to want his son.

Mariana was in a tight spot, so understandable that back in the day she would've married Gerardo. Yet I'm hoping we'll see more fight in her.

fyi: Telemundo will air all episodes this Sunday afternoon.

This comment has been removed by the author.


Thanks VERY much, dondi, for this superb recap!

I confess I was faked out early in the episode. Nanny (I think) tells Mariana that she needs to rest, she's had health problems recently. Of course, I assume that Mariana is pregnant, and that she'll quickly marry and sleep with Gerardo so they can raise the baby as his. Oops, I was wrong.

I continued to be disappointed in Benjamin for not supporting Mariana's love for Alejandro. I was happy that he finally sees Josefina and her "barn buddy" (thanks, novelera!) and realizes that Mariana had been right not to trust Josefina. Alas, he's still not wary enough.

Wow, Josefina's son Felipe is a complete loser. He's as heartless as his mother, but he lacks her ability to act on her nastiness.

I'm not sure what to make of the episode's ending, with Ale having escaped but finding himself at the end of a cliff, with a VERY long distance down to the water. My guess is that he won't jump and will be captured again. He needs to spend years in prison, both in order to learn a lot that he'll need to know as El Conde AND so that when he finally does successfully escape he'll look more like Colunga's real age. :-)


I just re-read what I wrote and realize that Felipe does act on his nastiness (after all, he not only rejects Araceli's pleas but also deliberately crashes his car into her, apparently killing her). But then he panics and doesn't know what to do except to contact Josefina. She tells him to "man up" and get rid of the body, but he can barely do so.

Niecie, I like your wondering whether at some point in the future, Felipe may have need of his son.

Thanks, too, for mentioning that Telemundo will run all this week's episodes on Sunday.

Thanks, Dondi. You got it all with style and filled me in on parts I missed as I was watching the fireworks out my windows. Mariana, of course!!!, gives into her father’s deathbed but still hair brained wish? She is beginning to remind me of another not too smart Mariana from that bizarre but beloved novela with the psychedelic tree “ Mariana de la noche” and not in a good way. Oh, well, guess they have to try to follow the original Count plot from another place and another time and maybe I have seen just one too many novelas. Still too early in the story for Alejandro to become the Count so I am guessing he will have to be captured and tortured some more. Hope we get the time jump soon.


Donde, thank you for an excellent recap as the drama unfolds. What a sea of tears we have fallen into , but we didn't expect anything else.

The actor playing Felipe is a tattooed tool in " Vivir " on Uni, but in this show , he is an amoral, soulless killer. Uff

I finally figured out where I have seen the actor playing Ruben. It was a telenovela starring Claudia Martin and Rulli on Uni. I cannot remember the title, but he played a devoted husband and father, so I was surprised to see him play a villain. He did look relucta.nt in the court scene denouncing Ale . Wonder what will happen now that nasty, gnarly Vicente has thrown him under the bus .

Yikes, Jo kills her mother with a shovel, and Gerry is ready to shoot his father. Both father and son are nasty pieces of work.

Poor Ale is going to get dragged back to that dungeon. I hope we don't get too many episodes of him being abused and tortured while being tutored by the old master prisoner. I want to see Ale out so that we can see FC kicking a** and taking names as only FC can do. Susan


Thank you, everyone.

Niecie, thanks for letting us know about the Sunday replay. “Since there was no DNA testing back then, he could've simply denied being the dad…” Right, no one would believe a former prostitute over an upper-class family. Hmm…Felipe panicked at the thought that Araceli might not be dead. Little Pedro will likely resurface in 1952, with a venganza of his own.

Juanita, it’s not unreasonable to think Mariana would be pregnant by Ale. I thought it could happen, too. Afterall, Mariana was a virgin, Ale was the love of her life, and this is a TN. And they stuck that health issue in there. After “meses despues” one would expect a confirmed pregnancy, but no. I’m afraid there will be a baby after what Gerardo did.

I think Benny only hastened his death. Will it be Josie or Tonio who does him in?

Jarifa, your comments made me lol. I hope you stick around. I know you are very busy over at Uni.

“Mariana, of course!!!, gives into her father’s deathbed but still hair brained wish?” - Jarifa

“Mariana was in a tight spot, so understandable that back in the day she would've married Gerardo.” - Niecie

“I continued to be disappointed in Benjamin for not supporting Mariana's love for Alejandro.” – Juanita.

These characters are from a certain time, place and status. I wouldn’t expect anything else.

I’m glad to share a patio with you again, Susan! “Poor Ale is going to get dragged back to that dungeon. I hope we don't get too many episodes of him being abused and tortured while being tutored by the old master prisoner. I want to see Ale out so that we can see FC kicking a** and taking names as only FC can do.” I think we all agree with you on this.



Thanks so much for the terrific recap, dondi. I loved your usual snarky asides. And thanks for remembering the land sale Leo was so mad about likely being to pay the money he promised Benjamin. That went right by me.

Hmmm. Was that patience on the wedding night meant to show that Gerardo was a man of his time who expected a virgin to be timid, or did he know she had been in love with another man? Of course Josefina had made it sound like Alejandro was an upstart peon making unwanted advances, so it's not clear to me Gerardo ever knew the depth of that relationship. And Mariana looked shattered in the bathtub. Was Gerardo that rough or was it just that he's not the man she loved so much?

We got the expected heavy, dark, bad guys winning all the rounds episode. I was struck by the way they repeatedly showed that moon moving across a rather sinister looking sky, often with thick clouds.

"a little stroke of luck for Gerardo"...brilliant. Gerardo did a quick facial change when he sensed Mariana behind him. For a moment I thought she might have heard the evil gloating. And add me to those thinking she was pregnant the first and only time she did the deed.

This one was filmed in 2022. The Felipe actor looks kind of skinny and youthful. In his character as Bruno in Vivir de Amor, he's much beefier and, as has been mentioned often, full of tattoos that must be those ones that aren't permanent. So...he found a bodybuilding in 2024?

I'm pretty sure we got a glimpse of Abbé Faria last night. As he's running, before we see the cliff, we see a grey-haired man, the one who told him it was a trap.

Thanks, novelera, for the possible Abbé Faria sighting.

I'm still here trying to learn these characters and getting lost. Without the recap I would have only understood a bit of this. I fervently tank you Dondie.


Dondi: Thank you very much for your hardworking recap of last night's episode.
RIP Araceli: NOT shocked that she got whacked. Sooner or later, her son will get revenge sooner or later decades later.

Kat: Felipe & Josie likely dumping Araceli's body where it'll never be seen again.

Jarifa: Angered me watching Alejandro being tortured like a dog.

conde #5 part 1

Sure enough, Ale is caught by the prison director and his pack of dogs—human and animal. The grey-haired man was right. This was a set up. The director congratulates Ale for making it this far. Others did not. You made me win, the director says. Ale points the gun—don’t come closer, don’t make me shoot.

The director smiles, didn’t you realize the gun isn’t loaded? The gun is taken from a stunned Ale. The director recalls that there was one other prisoner that tried to climb the wall, but he fell and died. The director mentions winning again. Ale wonders what that means.

The director explains, I made a bet. This is the only way to kill time on La Isla. Ale grabs a guard’s gun and pistol-whips the director, causing a big, bloody gash on his face.

Araceli’s body has been found. Her sister arrives on the scene. She becomes hysterical.

Felipe makes a solo visit to Paulina’s parents to ask for Paulina’s hand in marriage. [what happened to keeping up pretenses?] Her parents remain silent and give each other odd looks. Felipe apologizes for coming without Josie and Ben. There was urgent business at the distillery, but they approve of this union. Paulina’s parents exchange looks again, and the father gives a small nod of approval. Felipe nods back. [weird]

Josie speaks with the “licensiado” (a law school graduate but not a lawyer?) after Benny leaves his office. I’ll be direct, she says, I know my husband came to change his will to take what is rightfully mine. She spins a story of Benny as an adulterer, who is being fooled by an unscrupulous tramp after his money.

The “notario” says Benny explained it all and he’s not falling for her story. He asks Josie to leave. Josie plays her trump card. She says Felipe told her a story about a notary who is addicted to gambling and alcohol. A man in enormous debt, who steals clients’ money, and is about to lose it all. If the clients find out… The notary gulps and Josie concludes, the two of us can help each other.

The director would kill Ale, but he’d rather see him suffer as prisoner 306, forever sentenced to the dungeon. He will never see or speak with anyone again. Ale is beaten.

Ruben tries to make a deal with Gerardo. He knows the Villarreals set the fire at the Gallardo hacienda. He knows they hired Vicente to ruin their crops. That man (Vicente) is a rat, Ruben says, I did the work, he just supervised. Hire me, I’m trustworthy.

Gerardo wonders if Ruben is trustworthy. Ruben reminds him how he helped by lying about Ale and he’s kept quiet. You don’t want this made public, do you? Gerardo asks, how much for your services?

Out in the fields, Gerardo hands Ruben a large wad of bills. Uh oh… Ramiro shows up with a shot gun. Gerardo says he admires Ruben for having the guts to blackmail him. Ruben stutters and tries to return the money. Gerardo takes the gun and gives Ruben a running start. He shoots Ruben in the back, but he seemed to be alive when they cut away.

Leo wakes up. Mariana calls for the doctor.

Josie comes to say goodbye to Benny. He’s gasping and coughing. He asks Josie for his medicine, and she gives him a big dose. As he writhes, she tells him in detail how she poisoned him. He tumbles to the floor. Let me watch you die, she tells him. He weakly calls for Mariana. Josie holds his head in her lap and covers his nose and mouth. She promises to look after Mariana and her money. Benny can’t put up much of a struggle. Josie shouts for help.

The doc examines Leo. He’s awake but he can’t move or speak. He tells Gerardo and Mari he might make a partial recovery with therapy, but he will never be the same. A nurse rushes in and says there’s an emergency at the Zambranos.


conde #5 part 2

The whole family is gathered around Benny while the doc examines him. Josie begs, doctor, save my husband. Poor Benny is already gone. An apparent heart attack. Josie performs her grieving wife act. Mariana holds and kisses her father’s hand and silently cries.

One year later…

Ale is standing, chained to the wall by his neck. He thinks of his vow to Gerardo. How his only reason to live is to destroy him. We get the flashback.

Felipe and Paulina return from their extended honeymoon. Paulina is pregnant— about to pop pregnant. [What happened “no marriage, no children, I want to be a painter”?] They are joyfully greeted by Josie and Mariana. Mari is holding her son, David. And a surprise—Paulina has brought Nanny with her.

The Gallardos close a big business deal with a man named Abelardo. Abelardo wants to immediately load up his merch and go. Alfredo is thrilled. This will help ensure the Gallardos’ future. They can pay the bank and the employees. He sends his son to the bank with the check. Turns out the check is fake, there is no such account. The Gallardos have been scammed. The banker advises to report it to the police.

Abelardo reports to Gerardo. The Gallardos bought it all, they were excited like kids when they saw the check. Vicente is there, too, and he chuckles. Gerardo asks Abelardo if he took the merch to the warehouse. As agreed, Abelardo replies.

Benny’s will is read by the blackmailed notary. “I wish my possessions be distributed as follows: La Noria will go to my daughter, Mariana Zambrano de Villarreal. The plantations of the Zambrano estate, it’s main house and second house, will go to my wife, Josefina Castillo de Zambrano.”

The will continues: “I hope that after my death, Josefina, Mariana and Felipe remain close, as the family they are.” Mariana asks, what about my mother’s houses, her bank accounts, the distillery? Josefina speaks up, you didn’t hear me when I tried to explain. Your father was in debt.

Mariana reminds her that Gerardo gave money to save the distillery and help Benny. Josie remembers and adds that Benny gave it to her years ago. He made me swear to make it a global brand, she says, and that’s what I’m going to do. I’ll keep my word to my beloved Benny.

Mariana can’t believe it. She demands to see the will. The notary thinks that Benny wanted to keep his problems from Mariana. Josie tells Mari that she has Gerardo to look after her, she doesn’t need money. And that’s why she wanted her to marry Gerardo. Mari isn’t buying it. She tells Josie, I’ll find out what’s going on.

Vicente’s wife finds his stash of dirty money. Drunk Vicente returns home, and he shouts at her for snooping. She calls him out on his thievery. She heard him arguing with Ruben. [btw, where is Ruben?] Wifey wants Vic to give the money to Don Alfredo She threatens to take her daughters and leave. They argue. Vicente grabs a pot from the stove and hurls the contents into his wife’s face, burning her badly. She howls in pain.

Ale is awakened by a digging noise from the floor of his cell. A tile is moved, and the grey-haired man lifts himself into Ale’s cell. The man is as shocked as Ale. He has spent years digging a tunnel to escape but he made a mistake on his map—a wrong turn.

The man heads back to his tunnel to start digging, this time in the right direction. Ale reaches out his hand and introduces himself—I’m Alejandro Gaitan. The man takes Ale’s hand—I’m Amador Guzman de Olivares, Marquis of Medinceli and Count of Montenegro. [as novelera thought, it’s our Abbé Faria.] Pleased to meet my friend in misfortune, Amador says. They embrace.


conde #5 part 3

Amador wants to go but Ale stops him. Tell me about his place, he asks, tell me all you know. Is there a way out? Amador says he will come back tomorrow. He needs to go back so the guards don’t discover he’s missing at mealtime. Ale wants in on Amador’s escape plan. He doesn’t care how dangerous it is. Amador returns to the tunnel and Ale replaces the tile.

Uh, oh… Paulina thinks David doesn’t look like Gerardo. Mari thinks David looks like her. Paulina remembers that Mari told her how Gerardo forced her. Mari replies it’s all in the past. Her son is the most beautiful thing that’s ever happened to her. The most important.

Paulina goes into labor.

The Gallardos are devastated and on the brink of ruin. The bank will seize the estate. Alfredo worries about the workers. They will lose their jobs and their homes. Gerardo shows up to save the day… he heard about the scam and offers to buy the Gallardo hacienda.

Paulina delivers a baby girl. Josie is disappointed. Felipe arrives home, drunk and still drinking. He’s also disappointed it’s a girl. [there’s your moon in the clouds, novelera!]

Josie and Gerardo discuss Benny’s will. Gerardo knows all Benny’s assets and says it’s strange Benny would leave his daughter unprotected. Mariana should get a bigger share. Josie claims it’s fair. He can check the will. Gerardo scoffs, you want me to check? Remember, I’m a fiscal! I’m trained to detect liars. [My translation: you can’t BS a BSer!]

Josie puts it another way. It’s better for Gerardo that Mariana has no money of her own and is dependent on him. He likes that idea, but he wants 35% of the distillery profits. They haggle and Josie reluctantly agrees to 25%.

Vicente asks wifey if she mentioned the money to her gossipy friend. No, she hasn’t said a word to anyone. She’s having a break with reality. She cries and speaks to her daughters who are not there. Vicente grabs a pillow and stands behind his wife. Dead dogs don’t bite…

Alfredo closes the sale with Gerardo. Gerardo graciously allows Alfredo to take the furnishings. Alfredo asks Gerardo not to fire the workers. Gerardo gives his word everything will remain exactly as it was.

Vicente buries his wife in the woods. There’s a woman watching him. Maybe the wife’s gossipy friend?

Josie makes a deal with the Americans Bennie previously turned away. After the men leave, she tells Felipe their whiskey will be sold in the US. Felipe asks if they are rich again. There are debts, Josie replies. But she vows to build the most prosperous company in the region. She adds that Paulina’s fortune will also help make her the most powerful woman in San Jacinto. [Hmm… not sure what Felipe thinks about that.]

Gossipy friend (Carmen) gets a guy to dig up Vicente’s wife for a proper burial. Surprise, she’s still alive!

Vicente expects to keep his job, but Gerardo gives it to Ramiro and fires Vicente. He doesn’t want Vicente to rip him off like he did to the Gallardos. Gerardo offers Vicente a deal, I’ll spare your life if you clear out by midnight!


conde #5 part 4

Mariana speaks to Ale at his grave. She explains she married Gerardo to help her father, but she never stopped loving him.

Ale visits Amador’s cell. He is amazed. The walls are filled with writing. Amador explains that these are the fragments of everything he’s studied—Math, Philosophy, Chemistry. He tells Ale, I wrote so I’d remember my passion for knowledge. Amador says he crushed insects, mixed mold, and used some food to do the writing.

Ale calls Amador a genius. Amador laments, if I were a genius, I would have dug the tunnel correctly. But now you know, Ale replies, we can do it together. We will find a way out.

Ale asks Amador to teach him all he knows. Amador smiles, there’s nothing I love more than teaching. I’ll turn you into a wise man, a gentleman worthy of sitting at any king’s table.

And we are out.



Wonderful recap, dondi! As usual you've described everything perfectly and thrown in some memorable asides. Wow, this thing is chock full of baddies.

The scene where Alejandro doesn't realize he's holding an empty gun reminds me of what Liam Neeson said to the crooked Frenchman in Taken. He'd lost his edge and couldn't tell a loaded gun from an empty one.

But Alejandro doesn't give up. He grabs a pistol with bullets but is overpowered. He gets a good crack at the evil warden or whatever he is, but it results in a bad beating.

Chantal has 20 years of bringing the bad. I watched a couple of episodes of Amor Real this week and she had just brought home some poison, presumably to give it to Mathilde. All the bad women she's played never realize that the female protag always makes it safe and sound to the last episode.

Over and over the lower level snakes try to outwit los patrones but keep on failing. I just assumed Ruben had died, but it's interesting if he lived.

I wonder if Leo will regain his speech and tell Mariana, or anyone, about his bad seed son.

Hmmm. That scene with Ale and the chain around his neck? It could be interpreted that they chained him upright, but why. They wanted him to live and suffer. It occurred to me he might have put it around his own neck and was thinking of suicide. My Spanish class is reading a book of short stories: Historias de la Artámila in which there are many, many ambiguous goings on. Our class has had a lot of fun airing our differing views of what really happened.

ITA about what happened to Paulina being a free spirit, pretending to be in love with Felipe so they both could do what they liked (drink a lot, paint).

What is La Noria that Mariana got in the fake will? I don't remember hearing that mentioned before.

Why is there a convenient tile in Ale's cell? I know, I know. Necessary for the plot.

Does that boy in Mariana's arms look like Colunga? I backed it up a couple of times and I thought so.

Hope Alfredo isn't gone from the cast. He was such a sympathetic character.

Hoping for a truly awful end for Vicente.

I thought Benjamin made exquisite tequila. Whiskey? That surprised me.

I finally found something about the actor playing Abbé Faria aka Amador Guzmán. He's Manuel Navarro, and I look forward to seeing him going forward. A Spaniard with a terrific smile.


Conde brought to us by Donde. Thank you for that excellent review of all the trouble and strife.

I am hoping that Ale.. and we ...escape that awful prison very soon . I want to see Ale right all the wrongs that have been going on nonstop ever since this tale began.

Sergio in all his oily, smarmy glory does not disappoint. One can tell that this is not his first rodeo of treachery and evildoing.

I kind of like Ale with the long hair even though it is scruffy. This look made me reminisce about the first time I ever laid eyes on Fernando as I was channel surfing and saw Don Luis in Alborado...long hair, waistcoat, sword, high boots . hmmm...that was the moment I fell down the telenovela rabbit hole . I have been watching the Pasion reruns on Unimas, and FC is glorious as swashbuckling pirata Captain Ric with thick, curly , black hair. Ahoy!!! RicRicRic buckling his swash and swashing his buckle. Sorry ...I digress.

The baddies in his show are very, very bad . I wonder how Ale plans to make them all pay for their evil ways.

Yes, Mariana's little boy resembles Ale. We are not surprised . Has nasty Gerardo noticed?

I remember Chantal trying to seduce Fernando in Amor Real, and after many humiliating failed attempts, she finally succeeded by climbing into the tub with him when he was drunk. ..extra drunk ( thank you, Kat)



After reading your post, novelera, I went back to review some things.

The notary said “los terrenos de (the lands of) la noria”. My Spanish dictionary said “noria” is a waterwheel or ferris wheel. I don’t remember seeing such a place. It might become important later.

Interesting theory that Ale thought of suicide, but his thoughts of revenge saved him. Yes, why would they leave a chain in his cell, if they wanted him to live and suffer? As we see in current shows, they take away belts and shoelaces so a prisoner can’t harm themselves or others.

Little David does look like Colunga, they made that point through Paulina. Did Mari realize she was pregnant by Ale and try to keep it secret? How many “meses despues” was it before Gerardo "forced" her? David would have been a preemie.

I hope Alfredo sticks around, too.

I don’t remember Benny making whiskey either. I think Mexican whiskey is a relatively new industry. But IIRC, the reason Benny turned down the Americans was because they wanted him to make changes. Maybe that was one of the changes? And how about those very American accents of Mr. Harrison and Mr. Smith?

BTW, tequila can only be made in one of the designated regions in Mexico. San Jacinto is in Jalisco, a designated region.

Thanks for the info on Manuel Navarro.



Found this YouTube interview with Manuel Navarro. I was able to select Spanish subtitles. His European Spanish accent is not as pronounced, at least to me, as many others I've heard. Seems he's appeared in telenovelas, so perhaps there's been a change in speech from appearing in many things in Latin America.


Thanks VERY MUCH, dondi, for this marvellous recap. I'm finding it difficult to keep track of the many plot threads, so I'm most grateful for your delightful and very helpful recaps.

Here are some thoughts I had about Friday night's episode:

When I first saw Ale with the chain around his neck, I thought that the prison had chained him to the wall to make his life intolerable. But after seeing him reflect back on the scene with Gerardo where Ale vows to make him pay, I decided that Ale probably put the chain around his neck and contemplated suicide but decided against that when he remembered how strongly he wants revenge. And it soon became clear that Ale had not been chained to the wall, since we see him lying chainless in his cot and then getting up when Amador appears.

Were we ever told why Alfredo Gallardo simply accepted a large check from someone he didn't know without first trying to verify that the guy was to be trusted? Yes, Alfredo was desperate, but even so, anyone living in that town surely must know that there are lots of bad guys out there.

Please add me to the list of people wondering what happened to Pauline's insistence that she didn't want to get married and didn't want to have kids, she just wanted to paint.

I don't know what to make of Pauline's saying that David doesn't look like his father. I certainly like the idea that Ale could be David's father, but I don't see how Mariana could have gone through a pregnancy with nobody noticing. And since she didn't marry Gerardo for some months after she and Ale slept together, and since she didn't sleep with Gerardo for a while after they were married, Gerardo surely wouldn't have believed a child conceived months before they'd had intercourse could be his. (Confession: In spite of all my well-founded arguments, I can't shake the feeling that David will somehow turn out to be Ale's son.)


What a good episode and what a great recap! Thank you, dondi.

I have to agree that the boy did look like Alejandro. They did a good job casting him.

Susan, this is truly Sendel at his best even though he seems to be over acting at times morphing into an “Oil Can Harry.” They have done a great job on his makeup and camera angles making him look even more extreme and creepier than usual.

Thanks, novelera, for the info on Manuel Navarro.



Gracias, Dondi. Your recap has added so much to my understanding.

I'm glad Mariana realizes her dad's will doesn't ring true. He would've never given Josefina Mariana's mother's holdings.

I'm thinking Paulina hasn't changed and that she doesn't love Felipa, but the times being what they are she had to give in and get married. Also, birth control being what it was at the time, she had an "oops!" baby, whom she clearly loves. I hope we see her painting.

Dang, committing murder comes so easy to so many in this town. Thank goodness for the nosy neighbor who dug up Vicente's not-dead wife.

Novelera, thanks for the clip on Manuel Navarro.

Since I was traveling this past week I got to watch this today. Returned home last night to no Internet/tv but it was restored this morning.

Josephina and Fernando being so shocked it was a girl! Pretty much a 50/50 chance, especially with the first child.

Any one else wonder where the excavated dirt from the tunnel is going?

One thing I was a bit confused about was Vicente's wife talking to her daughters. Does anyone else think they have been disposed of too. I could see Vicente selling them or something as they are girls.


Thanks, everyone, for your kind words and comments. There’s a lot happening in each episode. I like that it’s moving along quickly but that makes it a little tricky to recap. I’m glad if you find it helpful.

I see this is bringing back cherished memories of past TNs and the actors. This is the first time I’m seeing some of them in other than a random episode or a clip. I can tell I missed a lot of fun!

Lol, Susan, “Conde brought to us by Donde”. Can I use it like a byline?

“(Confession: In spite of all my well-founded arguments, I can't shake the feeling that David will somehow turn out to be Ale's son.)” Me, too, Juanita. And poor Alfredo is such a good guy, he can’t even imagine there’s someone looking to take advantage of his desperation.

Jarifa, I’m getting a kick out of Sergio Sendel with that arched eyebrow. He needs a bigger moustache to twirl.

Niecie, I had hoped that Paulina was a stronger woman. I think she got an eye opener after seeing the reaction her baby girl. I’m anxious to see how Vic’s not-so-dead wife figures into the story.

Kat, lol, yes, where is that dirt?! ITA, I was also confused by Vic’s daughters. He asked about them when he arrived home. IIRC, the wife (anyone know her name?) said they were with the neighbors. Next, she had that imaginary convo. I hate to think Vic did something to them, but he is capable of anything.

It’s gonna be a revenge fest. Who will be left standing at the end?


Long no hear,started watching this novela because the cast interested and it seems quite action packed with a big kill count.

My pet peeve though is the famous Sexual assault of protagonist trope.I think this is first role of Sergio Sendel that he plays a rapist,if im not wrong which sucks.We are given plenty of reason to despise him,from corruption to accomplice/manipulator.I fear the repetetive rape trope will dillute Alejandros reasons for taking Gerry down.

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