Monday, October 07, 2024

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): El Conde: Amor y Honor y más: Week of October 7, 2024

Welcome to Page 1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

10 - 11PM - El Conde: Amor y Honor

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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I am back in California and prepared to recap on Tuesday, as usual. Thanks so much for all the terrific recaps. I binged nearly everything except the big, action packed Friday episode over the weekend.

Monday, pt. 1 of 3

Almost done! Sad face emoji.

Rehash of last week ending with holding his arm in the universal sign of impending heart attack before he is grabbed by men and taken to Cayetana, who has them held at the edge of the roof threatening to toss him over like he did with her father.

He begs for his life and she gives him the one way that he can survive this- go to the authorities and confess his crimes. He agrees but she doesn’t believe him. He continues to beg like the coward he is. She yells at him but allows her guys to take him away. But for some reason they don’t take him right to the police station because next scene…

Vic is stuffing things in a suitcase when Dolores comes in asking if he’s fleeing. There’s nothing left for him in SJ, and Dolores asks why he needs to go if he’s not guilty. He says there is no way he can fight this, or something, and yells at her to go pack! She continues to harp on him about why he can’t stay and fight until he raises a hand to her and she flinches.

Vio tells Memo that his future stepson (fingers crossed) will be just fine because the meds are working.

Dolores has a come-to-Jesus moment with her father, realizing who he is. He tries turning on the charm, using sweetness and fatherly love to convince her to go with him. He loves her. She’s his daughter! She asks if he really loves her and wants her to go with, into hiding. But finally says she doesn’t want to go and he sadly says he didn’t think she’d turn his back on him. She cries, even though we all know it’s for the best. (And Brendan is in town so she just needs a new plan).

Caye talks to el conde, thanking him and he tells her she’ll find peace. Mari walks in just as they are hugging and she pissily starts to leave. Fortunately, Ale catches her and I think set her straight. It’s too late in the show to start up with this kind of jealousy nonsense again.

Ramiro tells Ger that Mari was at the house of el conde and Ger remembers past scenes of the him and Mari. Ger is a bit unhappy about this.

Ric and Amaranta chat about love. He says she deserves a nice love and life and she says he should have the same. But she tells him to forget Caye because she’ll always be in love with el conde, but he can’t.

The maid who saw Pau and Ama drops a dish, and the other maid points out she’s out of sorts. Apparently not the first plate she’s dropped this week. She tells maid #2 what she saw. Dos mujeres noviando?, says shocked maid 2. Hello, 1950’s! Felipe enters the kitchen and ack! I miss what he said to Maid 1.

But not to worry! After a commercial, Felipe demands to know exactly what Chole was going to say about HIS wife and another woman and what he saw. When where and who, he wants to know. And also she is not to say a word to anyone else.

El conde and Vic talk about getting everyone safe and then they attack. Then Dylan and Brendan, whose Spanish gets better with every chapter, thank el conde for helping them.


Monday, pt. 2 of 3

Mari asks David to accompany her to el centro of SJ. He wants to know what for, but she asks him to go and trust her. He’s down about being let go from the story he was working on and asks if she had anything to do with that. She says no, but it was dangerous and for the best. She asks again for him to go with her and then she’ll explain stuff. Pretty sure this is her escape day?

Felipe tells Josie about what he heard but Josie doesn’t believe him until Felipe tells her THIS is why she wouldn’t give him another child. Not just because he’s a gross abusive jerk. He asks mommy what he should do and she says what any other man would do to get back his honor. And I’m reminded of the story of Boabdil of Granada. As he leaving the city he lost to the Catholic royals, his mother tells him “Cry like a woman over what you couldn't defend like a man”. Pretty sure this is the kind of mother Josie is.

Mari and David are leaving but get stopped by Gabi who wants to go with. She can but a couple goons stop them from leaving the house. WTH?, she asks, but Ger enters and says it’s on his orders.

The “marquis” stops by to see Felipe, who is sadly plucking on a piano. Or maybe it’s a guitar. I can’t tell- that’s how bad the playing is. He tells Pedro not to worry. He knows lots of rich women who would kill to marry a marquis. Pedro asks him about kids. Felipe says he wanted a male child but didn’t get it. He’s in pity mode. Pedro thoughtfully stares. Sadly it's a little late in the show for him to turn to Plan B-Inherit from Felipe. Shame. He's exactly the kind of son and heir Josie might want.

Mari tells Ger that they she was buying necessities and Ger offers to go with them. She tries to talk him out of this, saying he has lots of work, etc., but he puts his foot down. He’s says he’s in charge of David too, which will not go over well with the now more assertive David.

And now Pedro is with Tia Lu. She bought two train tickets for them to leave asap, but he won’t have it. He tells her he’s not leaving and he meant it. He makes some comment about having bad blood, and she says no! It was life circumstances that made you like this! He disagrees and rather brutally reminds of what she did to her own sister. Just because he’s a terrible person doesn’t mean he isn’t self-aware.

Ger talks to the licenciado about all the bad Vic has done. But the lawyer wants to ask about Ale Gaitan. He wants all the details about his detention at Piedras Rojas. Cara de uhoh de Gerardo.

Dolores comes to el conde’s to see Teresa. She’s crying and tells Tere that pops is fleeing and she didn’t even recognize him. He is in a rather beat up old car trying to outrun the fuzz. He keeps looking back (no rearview mirrors back then apparently) at them and runs head on into a tree. Dolores doesn’t think they’ll see pops again and Tere gives her a hug. She might be right because the car Vic is in catches fire and the cops don’t seem to be in a hurry to get him out.

But he lives! For now. Memo gets the news about Vic and that he’s in the hospital and probably won’t survive.

Brendan and Dylan are back at the Hacienda of Death. They tell Josie they couldn’t leave because of an accident involving Vic. Josie is surprised.


Monday, pt. 3 of 3

Memo tells Vio and Carmen about the accident. Tere overhears and slams the door on Carmen when she goes to her. Seems rude and not like Tere.

Josie calls Vic stupid for trying to escape, or for getting into an accident while escaping. All the sympathy you’d expect.

Ale and Memo talk about the hotel explosion and know Ger was behind it. They figure out that Mari disobeyed Ger and that’s why she was there that night. Ric lets them know about her current incarceration in the house.

She’s telling David something but he wants the truth. She finally fesses up that she wants to divorce Ger and David isn’t surprised.

Ama goes to see Pau and is stopped by Felipe who points a gun at her head. This is not good but this is all we see.

Tere tells Dolores about the accident and Dolores asks if they will save him. Tere tells her his body is all burned but Do still wants to go see him. Ric Jr. says they’ll all go together and Tere isn’t sure this is a good idea. I don’t know why- not like Vic can do anything about this now.

And Felipe is suddenly with Pau- no word on Amaranta. He asks what’s up and she says she’s going to mass. He shuts the door and confronts her about her “friend” waiting outside. He wants to know how long she’s had a girlfriend. He says he should murder her to reclaim his honor (like he ever had any).

Josie has gotten to Vic before anyone and tells him he’s about to get just what he deserves as she grabs a pillow and smothers him. Seems like a waste of a good pillow given his current condition.

Pau is done being subservient. She says how dare he give her grief about this. She reminds him of his beatings, rapes, lack of respect. She wants out of the infierno that her life has been with him. She calls him a coward and he smacks her. Then grabs her face and says he has Amaranta with him. Now she’s worried.

Tere has come out of the room and tells Carmen that Vic is dead. Carmen hugs her while Dolores cries with Vio. Vio tells Dolores that there is nothing she can do now but Dolores still wants to see him.

Josie is back at the house, very upset at how gross and burned Vicente was. Blech. Yells that Felipe should be grateful for her. She is sure the authorities will blame Gerardo.

Tere is telling Carmen that she can’t hate Vic despite everything. El Conde will take care of the funeral (nice since he's the one who put Vic in this state). But Dolores yells at Carmen, blaming her for his death. This makes sense in Dolores’s mind but I don’t get it. But Caye is there and steps up to defend Carmen and tells Dolores that she’s just one of the women he’s mistreated. She lets them know that he was the one to kill her father.

And we get to see that Amaranta is still alive but strung up in the garden. Josie confronts her and she is as defiant as you’d expect. And then she calls over Antonio who hands over a whip. He just lost karma points. Josie demands to know what is happening at the Casa El Conde with Mariana, etc. Amaranta eyes well up but then we’re out.



K: Great job with the recap of last night's episode. Tried to warn all of you that Buji Joise & Slick Felipe were going to find out about Amaranta & Paulina's secret friendship.

Odds & percentage both Paulina & Amaranta both get killed off ? Gut feeling Amaranta will be violently tortured to reveal Alejandro & the Count are the same person.

I just love evil & chaos. Time to increase the Body Count!😃


K, I fell asleep halfway through the episode so I have some scenes to catch up with but I loved all your asides. I'm not bloodthirsty like Steve so I'd rather not see the murder scenes personally.....

Kat in SC: Gut feeling Buji Josie & Co., are going to launch a vicious counter-attack on the Count's Mansion. I can feel it & once she gets the information out of Amaranta: You can say RIP to Amaranta unless Ricardo comes to the rescue.

K, Vic decided not to use his rear view mirror. I was on the lookout for it. He actually adjusted it at one point. I really hope someone saw Josie at the hospital.

Josie certainly has a swelled head. She is the smartest one and will defeat everyone she thinks.....


Kat- Glad I'm not the only one looking at those details. Poor car.

Josie is for sure way too confident, which is even more silly given her recent losses (the distillery to Mari, Dylan to Brendan, Felipe to alcohol).

I'm also rooting for Amaranta and Pau. I see them coming through all this and moving to Paris with Sofia and Javier. I don't know what the Paris art scene of the 50's was like but it had to be better than San Jacinto.



Many thanks, K, for this excellent recap. You covered everything very well, and I loved your many snarky side comments. One of my favorites is your remark when Felipe confronts Paulina about her relationship with Ama: "THIS is why she wouldn’t give him another child. Not just because he’s a gross abusive jerk."

I was surprised that Josefina was able to get into Vicente's hospital room. He was in critical condition AND was essentially under arrest by the police. So why was no one there to stop her? (I half expected Dolores to show up while Josefina was there, just as a nurse had done so when she tried to do in Gerardo.)

And yes, Antonio has lost just about all his karma points when he hands Felipe the whip.

There's one place where I take issue with what you've said, namely, when you note in a side comment that Brendan is back, suggesting that Dolores won't be left stranded when "Francisco" is unmasked. Brendan is FAR too good for a mean, selfish, egocentric idiot like Dolores. (Can you tell that I don't care for her? :-) )



Gee, I thought I published a fairly long comment , but I done see I will i
Just say thank you, K, for that excellent snappy recap. Susan

Juanita: I've got a gut feeling Buji Joise knows Joaquin is really Alejandro Gaitan & that the villains are plotting a sinister counter-attack against Alejandro & Co., in the closing stretch.

PS: I NEVER liked Bratty Dolores either, but something tells me she'll loot whatever's left of the Harrison's $$$$ if Brendan or Dylan are still alive by then.

Susan: The previews for tonight's episode don't look too promising either because Cayatena is still JEALOUS of Blabbermouth Mariana & is obsessed with Alejandro.

Message to Cayatena: RICARDO is right there for God's sake as a consolation prize.

Speaking of Karma anvils: When are we're going to see those other Karma anvils hit on the rest of the villains ? We've got like 13 days left.


Another terrific recap, K. Have you considered a career as a stand-up comedian? I love your wit.

ITA on fingers crossed that Memo and Violeta may be a couple. The way he looked at Luisito makes him PRIME stepfather material,

I hope the fact that they are the remaining unattached younguns hasn't tempted the writers to pair up Dolores and Brenda. Dolores needs to spend some time with Teresa and her mother being, if not poor, then definitely lower middle. I'd like to see her sewing for the rich chicas of San Jacinto for a good long while.

Amen on the silly last stab at jealousy. Ale and Caye weren't exactly locked in a passionate embrace; he was merely comforting her.

What happened to Pau's martial arts training? I fully expected her to rise up after that slap by Felipe and deck the miserable SOB. Dare we hope that happens tonight?

Really got a kick out of how much Josie would enjoy Pedro as a grandchild. He's smarter than Felipe and eviler.

Enjoyed "Hacienda of Death" and "waste of a good pillow"!

I also enjoyed Caye towering over Dolores and telling her "what's what" about her loathsome father.


Susan, I just took a look at the messages the Blogger software received today, and though I saw your message saying you thought you had published a fairly long comment, I did not see the fairly long message. So somehow it went astray.


Thanks for another outstanding recap, K.

Loved that you mentioned Boabdil. So fitting for Josie and Felipe. And it brought back memories of HS Spanish class.

Dolores has come and go Jesus moments. Her redemption would be a miracle. She is so aggravating. I can hardly watch her scenes. I hope Brendan stays far away from her.

Caye didn’t trust Vic but let him go to turn himself in? Vic didn’t suffer enough before Josie finished him off. “waste of a good pillow” lol.

Do you think Pedro will be the one to bring down the Zambranos?

I ship Memo and Violeta.

Thanks again, K!

Dondi356: Telemundo better NOT bring this back for a 2nd Season.

On Slippery Pedro: With 13 days left, I'm hoping those Karma anvils better be good & comes for his ass.

Sensing the Body Count increasing this week. Plus, don't rule out the possibility of the villains plotting a vicious counterattack against Alejandro & Co., by going after the Count's Mansion HQ.



Boabdil? Can someone explain this reference a little more. Is that the name of a book or a character in a book?


Since Kat asked:



#67 – Part 1 of 4

When Josie mocks Amaranta by asking if she’s going to call a spirit, Ama replies that there’s one here who calls you Chepita. [Whoa. Another hint that Ama does have psychic abilities. She’s gotten a message from the mother Josie murdered.] Josie is rattled for a nanosecond.

Mari comes to see Ale. He wonders why she wasn’t at the center of town as they agreed. She tells him that she can come and go as she pleases, but he has her daughter as his hostage. She thinks (correctly) that Josie put the flea in Gerardo’s ear. Ale tells her that Gerardo is dangerous. He ordered the fire at the hotel to be set and is responsible for the lost lives. [I think this is the first time they’ve mentioned deaths.]

Gerardo tells Felipe about Vicente dying in the hospital. He’s sorry he’s gone, because he had plans for him to be blamed for some other crimes. Felipe asks why Gerardo had that photo of Cordelia that was used as evidence against Vic and gets a surly answer.

Ger tells Felipe that the Procurador has come back and is investigating the case of Alejandro Gaitán. He orders Felipe to “take care” of him. When Felipe objects, Gerard tells him that a duty of the right-hand man is to clean up the garbage.

Dylan and Brandon are reviewing the document from the notary, his new will. We can see from the expression on Brandon’s face that he knows Josie is eavesdropping. They mention that the “document” will be in Brandon’s room.

Ale and Mari talk about the fire. He says there’s evidence that it was set deliberately. And he reminds her that she said Gerardo forbade her to go to the grand re-opening. Ale wants to come get her, as well as David and Gabriela that very night. But Mari is worried for his safety. We can see that Caye is eavesdropping.

Viewerville is treated to the most uncomfortable luncheon ever. The Aguilars have accepted Gerardo’s invitation. Little Gabi is oblivious, happy, and talking about being the matron of honor. Gerardo comes in, all smiles. Felipe is dismissed. Gerardo beams and says he’s wanting to discuss the happiness of their children. [Ernestina is looking daggers at Ger.]

Caye confronts Ale. “Why do you pretend I matter to you?” He replies that of course she does. “I heard what you said to Mariana. You’re running away, leaving me and those who have helped you. This was always your plan. Get her back and forget the rest of us.” He tries to assure her he’s going to finish his plan. But now that Vic is finished, she should leave. She refuses to go and insists that she loves him. He replies that his love for Mariana is for all time.

Caye tries to tell him Mariana wouldn’t stay with Gerardo if she really loved Ale. She says she wants to be the First Lady of Mexico. He finally loses patience and tells her she hasn’t the right to judge anyone.


#67 – Part 2 of 4

Josie brings one of those paintings of Amaranta to Pau’s room. She calls Pau indecent. She pulls out scissors and slashes the painting over and over, totally losing it. She calls Pau maldita marimacha (vulgar term for a lesbian). She puts the scissors next to Pau’s face. Pau DID remember a move to use and manages to get the scissors. She tells Josie that she’ll ¡Rajo la cara, vieja enferma! (slash your face, crazy old bat). Josie lets her try for the key to the door. But Pau instead comes up with a blood-stained rag. “You'll do what I say, or she’ll bleed more and more until she dies!” Pau caves. [Wow! La Andere is really, really scary.]

Gerardo is gushing over the Aguilars at lunch. Ernestina says she was also surprised at their children being together, but not in a good way. Gerardo: “My son isn’t to your liking?” “On the contrary, David is an upright, fine young man. It’s you I don’t like.” Lorena sort of asks her mom to play nice, but Ernestina brings up the assassinations of Gonzalo and Elisa Aguilar. Ger tries to smooth things over, but Ernestina gets up to leave.

We’re treated to another berrinche (tantrum) by Dolores, who tells Teresa she can’t be under the same roof (El Conde’s roof) with “that woman”. Memo tells Teresa and Dolores that Caye’s father was Tomás Altamirano, Vicente’s partner. He died under mysterious circumstances. His daughter Amelia disappeared, and Vicente took control of his fortune and all his hotels.

Lucrecia is getting on my last nerve. We see again that SHE killed Beatriz. She says to the absent Pedro that they must leave this place.

Teresa and Dolores have come to the mansion’s kitchen to talk with Caye. “Vicente robbed my father of everything. He sent me off alone on a boat when I was a child.” [Why doesn’t she tell them that Vicente admitted having killed her father to her face?]

Josie has come to see Ale. She notices the guy who sold Ale the newspaper leaving after a meeting. When Josie asks about the guy being there, Lucretia says she’d need a good reason to say why he was there. Josie takes out a check. [Huh? No wad of cash? She knew she’d get a chance to bribe Lu and had it already made out?] Lu tells Josie that the Count owns the newspaper.

Gerardo and Miguel talk over drinks in Ger’s office. Gerardo laughs (and Miguel along with him) about their being rivals whose children are in love. Gerardo has a solution. He’s pretty sure Miguel won’t win. He’d like Miguel to postpone his candidacy for six years. [Mexican presidents get one 6-year term and can’t run again.] Gerardo says he’s giving him a dignified exit, and he’ll help him win the next one. In the meantime, Miguel will foguearse (gain experience) as a Secretary in the Government.


#67 – Part 3 of 4

Miguel: “You’re suggesting I be your titere puppet (while President) so you can maintain power for another 6 years. No.”

Mari comes to see Pau, and Josie won’t admit her. Giving Chole a significant look, Josie gets the maid to confirm that Pau has gone to sleep early. They get into it. Mari outright calls her a thief who’s had a lover for years. Josie fires back: pot…kettle. She accuses Mari of being the Count’s lover. Mari tells Josie she’ll be in prison for killing her father. When Josie says there’s no evidence, Mari replies that the forged will is enough to get the investigation started. And, if necessary, she’ll have her father exhumed! [This definitely set Josie back on her heels.]

Ale tells Dolores and Teresa that what Caye told them is true. Dolores finally seems to believe. [It took a supposed nobleman to knock her off her high horse.] Lip trembling, she asks how they’re going to live. Ale, of course, says he’ll make sure they have what they need. He says he feels sorry for what’s happened, but the one who’s suffered for years is their mother.

The Procurador talks with David. He tells him that he went to Isla Dolores and confirmed that Alejandro Gaitán was there for many years. He was transferred there from Piedras Rojas prison and was on the island until he died. But he was visited by Gerardo Villareal! He also tells David that his father was the D.A. who accused Alejandro and got him declared guilty. David: “But, if my father went to the island, that sounds like obsession.”

Procurador: Is there something that ties these two together?” David tells him that his mother had a romance with Alejandro Gaitán before she married his father. Procurador: “This is not good!” He says he wants David to stop writing about the case. David replies that it’s too late. He’s going to write his article.

Josie tells Felipe that she’s worried about Mari having the Count’s lawyers at her side. But she goes on to tell Felipe a sort of plan. I didn’t really understand what she meant. Sounds like she thinks knowing Ale owns the paper will help her sink Mariana. Anyone understand this better than I did?

David gives Memo his final article. He tells Memo that his family was involved. His mother had a romance. His father, because of jealousy, rigged the trial and sent an innocent man to prison. His father also sped things up to get Gaitán sent to the island, while everyone thought he’d died. And his father visited an island that supposedly no one can visit. Memo tells him that the story could affect the election. David: “I’m a journalist. If my father did this as D.A., what more could he do as the President of the country!” He tells Memo to tell the Count that the only favor he wants is that the Count read his article and publish it.

Lucretia, looking kind of batty, tells a photo of her deceased sister (run over by Felipe) that she found Pedro. And that she’d do anything for him. She tells herself that the Count is a manipulator and a traitor. She says that he always knew (who Pedro was) and lied to all of them. "If I killed Beatriz to protect Pedro, I’m capable of anything. Even killing the Count."


#67 – Part 4 of 4

Josie has Pau completely under her thumb because she fears for Ama.

Dolores expresses her sorrow for what Carmen endured. She says she’s tried to accept Carmen, but she just can’t. She’s going to stay in the Capitol. Teresa will stay with her mother.

We get a rip-roaring scene between Colunga and Sendel. Ger has come to see the Count about something personal. He mentions Joaquín having had a relationship with Cayetana, although very discreet. Ale: “I prefer not to discuss my private life.” [This was said in a tone that would scare most people off.] Gerardo: “I want to talk about Mariana. She was a loving wife to me, but she’s changed a lot. Now she’s cold and distant. We don’t even sleep in the same bed anymore. These changes began when you arrived in San Jacinto.

Ale: “I don’t understand.” Ger: (losing it rapidly) “That’s what I want to understand! Since you named her to head up the foundation, what happened between the two of you during those long hours you spent together here?”

We leave the Battle of the Titans to observe Josie showing Felipe the Last Will and Testament she found. She says it’s all going to her. Dylan is the majority owner of the biggest brewery. [Guess Josie reads English, especially when it concerns her.] With a triumphant expression on her face, she tells Felipe that part of this money will get him elected President of Mexico.

David comes to tell Mari that his father came to see Alejandro Gaitán at the Island. From the expression on her face, it seems this stuns her.

Speaking formally Ale tells Ger that Señora Villareal doesn’t work for him anymore. Ger: “But you still see each other alone. My men have followed her. I never should have permitted you to be near my wife. I’m not blind! It never would have crossed Mariana’s mind to disobey me nor to have considered divorcing me. But then you showed up and it all changed. You seduced her, and you’re now lovers. I demand a damned answer right now!”

Ale: You are not seeing your wife correctly.” Ger: “Don’t tell me how to view my wife. She’s mine, do you understand! Ale: “If you’re really that sure of your “property”, you wouldn’t be here making this ridiculous scene.” Ger: “Don’t mock me! You think because you have so much money you can do what you like!” He grabs Ale by the lapels and says he’s rich too and can aplastar crush him. Ale gets an iron grip on that hand that looked ready to strike him. He says: “I don’t like threats, much less in my own house.”

Ger: “Is there something between you and my wife? Ale: “Believe what you like. Get out!” Ger: “I forbid you to approach my wife or my family. Any attempt will be considered a provocation.”

Novelera: Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Thanks for the recap of last night's episode.

Annoying Lucrecita is officially JUDAS. The previews of tonight's upcoming episode show that Old Hag showing Blabbermouth Mariana the pictures inside Alejandro's room. Looks like the revenge plans of Alejandro Gaitan is imploding fast.

Buji Joise will kill Old Man Harrison soon, something tells me it's gonna happen.

Bratty Dolores moving to Mexico City. Good riddance: I do NOT want to see her annoying face ever again.

Cayatena getting on my nerves. She's too damn impulsive & triggered.

Scumbag Villarreal will NEVER be President of Mexico once all of the crimes against humanity are revealed.

David sure brave writing the article.

Novelera, thanks. Great detail. I guess the take I got on Josie's plan is she now knows about the newspaper ownership but that she believes Mari does not so she thinks she may have something to hold over her. I may watch that scene later when the English CC are added.

Lucrecia has definitely proven to be quite crazy. Pedro definitely did not win the gene pool with his relatives.

So what is Delores plan for going to the city. How does she plan to support herself there? She certainly hasn't shown any aptitude for work, though her one foray into life as a future mistress was a resounding success. Maybe she will find herself a sugar daddy.

Kat in SC: Bratty Dolores moving to Mexico City is good because we will NEVER have to endure seeing her face ever again in the closing stretch.

Alejandro & Co are going to wish that Old Hag Lucrecita stayed in prison. Big mistake on Alejandro's part because his revenge plans are slowly imploding before his very eyes.

Cayatena was spot on calling him out on abandoning those who helped him, etc., I still think Ricardo (if he doesn't get killed off) & Cayatena will end up together.

As for Amaranta & Paulina: I'll be shocked if BOTH are still among the living at this rate in the closing stretch.

I've said it before & will again: Buji Josie knows that Alejandro/Joaquin are the same person & now that the previews for tonight's episode are showing Old Hag Lucrecita getting into Alejandro's room & looking at the pictures of his enemies, then showing Blabbermouth Mariana the pictures, etc., it's NOT going to end well.

I sense an ugly violent counter-attack at the Count's Mansion now that Scumbag Villarreal has hired thugs all over the town.


Novelera, thank you so much for that detailed account of our story as it unfolds . I got so tired last night that I recorded the second half and went to bed. I can't wait to see the scene between the two telenovela Titans , one the epitome of good, and the other team poster child for evil . wow .

I guess the writers couldn't figure out what anvil was right foummeting to his firey car fight with crazy evil Jo...yesss. Jo has proven to be the BSCraziest of all these villains . I can't wait to see her anvil. Her face looks like it might crack as her frown gets deeper and deeper . She is scary. Susan

Sorry. Autocorrect hates me. " right anvil for Vic...plummeting to his death...". Susan

Susan: With 12 days left, I expect the group of Antagonists to aggressively increasing the Body Count (which is growing steadily) & when they're cornered, expect massive collateral damage of dead bodies in the carnage.

Buji Josie is determined to kill Blabbermouth Mariana including Old Man Harrison, who looks like he's on death's door.

Josie is worried about the counts lawyers. Her plan is to discredit Mari to the count ( not sure how) and revealing her true nature to Ger will be enough to get her off her back. I actually expected Josie to put Felipe to work removing Benjamin's body from the family cemetery so when Mari gets permission to have him exhumed ( which she threatened Josie with) it would be an empty grave or someone else's body in it.

Kat in SC: Do you think Buji Josie will have Benjamin's body exhumed & dumped somewhere else in order to get Blabbermouth Mariana off her back ?

We'll see if your theory is right though. I still think Buji Josie knows Joaquin/Alejandro are the same person. You want to bet Judas Lucrecita will open her big mouth about those pictures of the usual Who's Who in Alejandro's room to everyone else ?



K and Novelera, thanks for Monday and Tuesday. I thoroughly enjoyed your recaps.

Vic's face was so bloody before Josie smothered him with the pillow that I thought authorities would find his death suspicious because the pillow got blood-stained. But I guess not.

Vio is displaying much sensitivity to not show how relieved she is that Vic is dead and gone. Only natural that Teresa and Dolores mourn as up until recently they're father seemed a decent 1950s dad.

I didn't realize until Monday night how much I like Amaranta. Other good guys have been in jeopardy before, but I wasn't as upset about it as I was with Ama being trapped by Felipe and Josie aided by Antonio.


Thanks VERY much, novelera, for this terrific recap of what was for me at times a rather painful and somewhat confusing episode.

I came in a couple of minutes after the episode started, and I apparently missed the exchange between Josie and Amaranta where Amaranta mentions Chepita. I'm sorry I missed that. I love it whenever someone is able to upset Josie.

Normally, I'm able to follow what's happening pretty well, but I'm a bit uncertain about the will that Dylan and Brendan have deliberately left for Josie to find. Did they have a lawyer draw up a phony will? If so, where is the real will? And didn't Josie already draw up a will giving everything to herself?

And that's not the only thing I'm confused about. At the beginning of Part 2 of the recap, you say " [Wow! La Andere is really, really scary.]" Who or what is La Andere?

I was surprised that Ernestina was so open about her dislike/hatred of Gerardo at what you rightly describe as "the most uncomfortable luncheon ever." I would have thought that, as the wife of a politician, she would keep many of her feelings to herself.

Oops, I just remembered another thing that confused me. Batty Lucrecia looks at a photo of her sister, and you add parenthetically that the sister was run over by Felipe. Wasn't it Aracely that Felipe ran over?

Like you, novelera, I wondered why Cayetana didn't tell Teresa and Dolores that Vicente had admitted to her that he killed her father.

I was astonished when Josie brought out a check (presumably already made out) and handed it to Lucrecia. How would she know when she would run into Lucrecia, nor why she would feel it necessary to offer her money? And why a check, which can be traced back to her, rather than cash? Then again, why would Lucrecia accept a check, which could easily bounce?

My list of things that puzzled me continues with Mari's telling Josie that she'll be in prison for killing her father. When Josie says there's no evidence, Mari foolishly tells her what the evidence is. I almost groaned when she mentioned that if need be, she'd have her father's body exhumed. Dummy! In a novela where one seeming corpse is successfully dug up and revived, and another where Alejandro's corpse turns out not to be Alejandro's, Mari should have kept quiet about what she's planning.

Perhaps the scene I liked least in this episode is where Cayetana berates El Conde (for the umpteenth time) for not really caring about her. Each time I see Cayetana, I like her less.

Anyway, novelera, you did a marvellous job with this rather perplexing episode. ¡Muchísimas gracias otra vez!


Juanita, "La Andere" is Chantal Andere, the actress playing Jo.

I think Brendan and Dylan talked about the will so that Jo would overhear. ..a trap.

I agree that Caye just gets more annoying . She is always dressed like she is at a cocktail party, and why does she wear a hat in the house .

Felipe ran over and killed Pedro's mother who was Lu's sister. Susan


Novelera, thank you for recapping this jam packed episode! Loved the designation, " Battle of the Titans" .
Thank goodness, we weren't shown Josie flogging Amaranta. I cannot stand those torture scenes.
Caye is unbalanced and obsessed with Ale. I don't see her coming to her senses in time to end up with Ric. He doesn't deserve that!
I so appreciate Colunga's clear speaking. Sendel is harder to understand, especially when he's in a lather about something
The Spanish subtitles come in handy.

Beth S

Beth, Sendel and his sputtering delivery and those beady blue eyes. The goatee has him looking like el diablo. Susan

Susan, yes El Diablo!! Scary looking with those pale, almost white eyes.
I bet Sendel had a blast in that role.

Beth S

Regarding the will. The latest will supercedes all prior wills so they may have planted that will for Josie to find. Then they drew up a new will that trumps the old one. Or, the will is not properly notarized or the signatures are fake. Lots of possibilities. But if she thinks she is the beneficiary it gets her off their back trying to influence them. Of course it may also have hastened her desire to kill Dylan.


Thanks, all, for the kind words. Seeing K's wonderful humor, I wanted to come up with something. But this novela is pretty dark, and it's not easy to do so. And there was a TON of dialog last night, making it hard to be brief.

Kat, thanks for your explanation of Josie's plan to cause a rift between Mari and Ali over his encouraging David to write what he wrote.

Juanita, IIRC Dylan and Brandon met with Ale and discussed Josie trying to get her hands on Dylan's will. It looked pretty clear to me from the way Brandon cast his eyes toward the door that the whole will is a set-up. They want her to believe she's the main recipient. I suppose Dylan is safe because Brendan said he was supervising his grandfather's meals.

I hadn't thought about Josie digging Benjamin up before Mari could do so. Good point. I was just focused on enjoying her being thwarted. Yep, I'm sick and tired of Cayetana's whining about Ale not loving her. I guess she's been so curvy and movie star looking that she can't accept only getting friendship.

Beth, ITA about being spared the flogging. And, isn't Josie trying to get information out of Ama? From what I've seen Ama doesn't know that the Count was once a humble worker. I suppose she does know that he's back for revenge but not all the details. Amen on the diction of Colunga vs Sendel. Fernando is always perfectly understandable with no need for the subtitles. Sendel not so much. He sounds a bit like a Mexican from the north with clipped speech, but Mr. Google tells me he's from D.F.

Niecie, I agree about what a solid character Amaranta is. My fingers and toes are crossed that she and Pau get to France for that happy ending.

I read this episode in bed on my phone. I will try to put the recap up tomorrow but it may not happen till afternoon when baby daughter has cable so I can take notes when I rewatch it. My husband is probably going to cancel spectrum tomorrow as we refuse to pay $100 a month for something we don't receive and who knows when it will be fixed. So I'm stuck watching on my phone.....

Novelera: Amaranta & Paulina being together ? NOT happening in the closing stretch since both might get killed off.

PS: NEVER liked or trusted Cayatena from the get-go: Screechy & Annoying.

Plus, Old Hag Lucrecita getting more annoying!

Kat in SC: Alejandro's revenge plans are slowly imploding fast as the group of Antagonists are figuring out that Joaquin/Alejandro are the same person.



Are they figuring it out though? Lu had the best chance but she still hasn't made the connection, unless I missed something. Gerardo isn't close and Josie is busy trying to get something out of Amaranta to use her own imagination (if she has any) to figure this out. I expect lightning will hit soon, but who will get it first??

And count me in as being more worried about Dylan with this fake will scheme. Brendan better be sleeping in that room with his grandpa, unless they plan on doing the fake death thing again. I would look forward to seeing Josie's face if Dylan and Sofia walk in after their funerals! Felipillo will lose it for sure as he's already on the edge. He just isn't cut out for doing evil. (Also- is Felipillo a known nickname or did Ger make up his own way to insult Felipe?)


K: I've got a weird vibe that there's going to be some unresolved loose ends, which will never be solved.

11 days left before the Gran Final.

Sofia & Javier better stay put in FRANCE.

Conde #68

Finally Fiona (my granddaughter)fell asleep, I was tempted to join her ...

1. Gabriela draws a pretty picture of David and Lorena in wedding finery. Mari admires it.
2. Conde tells Memo he has to get Mari away from her house before Ger harms her. Memo gives him David's article. In it is the proof that will open Pandora's box.
3. Ger wants to look into Mari's eyes as he asks her did she ever cheat on him with the count..
4. David tells Lorena that he thinks his parents will divorce after the election. Lorena defines their life as before and after the election. Lorena tells David her parents are ok with their marriage, but not ok with Ger. After investigating for the article David no longer believes his father is innocent. When the article is published his father will likely lose the election.
5.Ger tells Mari if there has been any adultery on her part she will lose all rights to her children (I disagree, David is no longer a minor,). Ger kisses her on the cheek and poor deluded Gabriela, busily drawing herself and her mother to add to the wedding picture, says they are as in love as David and Lorena.
6. Conde is reading the article all the proof is there. Ric says you need to publish it, he will lose the election. Conde is going to sit on it as he fears for Mari' and the children's safety. Ric says we didn't come this far for you to change your mind (I'm ITA). Conde says he is going to wait for the right moment to Ric's disgust.
7. Felipe introduces the Marques to Raquel (the heiress Josie tried setting Felipe up with a while back). She is rich and dying to get married (be careful girl, they will probably kill you too).
8. Caye is brooding about Mari as usual. Luc tells her I've never liked her. Don't you give up on him.. Caye says, you don't understand. They have a history together ( as Luc gobbles up that tidbit to mull over and plot).
9. Memo let's Conde know that luc has been seeing Pedro. Conde is ready to close that chapter. Oops, Pedro and Antonio are MIA...they disappeared when Antonio sold the brothel. Conde is shocked.


Conde #68 2/4
10. Ramiro and Mari discuss his new orders to follow her everywhere. He says it is her husband's orders since he was shot to keep her safe. Mari accused Ger of setting the hotel fire ( most likely sided by Ramiro, she has his number). She also asks about Cordelia and the attack on Miguel. Ramiro continues to play dumb. He advised her to stay home and out of trouble she asks why is he so loyal to Ger, he will fall with him when the truth comes out. For an assassin Ramiro is a rather quiet gentle man, lol.
11. Memo tells Luc, you know Felipe killed your sister. Conde wants to bring a lawsuit against him and wants you to tell the authorities everything that happened that night. She says she will do everything the count asks.
12. Josie visits the count. She wants him to stop publishing articles about the Aguilar murders. She claims she wants to protect Mari's good name, you know she is the mystery socialite girl. He feigns surprise.
13. Pedro tells Felipe Raquel is just the ticket. He will continue his pursuit of her. Then he butters Felipe up saying he doesn't have a way with women like Felipe. Felipe says I'm rather shy, I probably bragged when I was drunk. Pedro says yes, one girl in particular you mentioned, Aracely. Felipe chokes on his whiskey then relives the scene of him mowing her down with his car.
14. Josie taunts Amaranta. Who is that Sylvester writer, use you psychic ability and tell me his name. Instead Amaranta sees Josie's mom stuck between 2 worlds. And there are other shadows of 2 men, their souls are tied to you (Josie's dead husbands). Oh and another young man. You and Antonio killed him. Josie is losing it and tells her to shut up. Amaranta says the dead come back for justice.
25.Luc finds the hidden room and finds the key to open it , the top of Conde's cane. I thought he carried that with him everywhere. She wonders, who is the count of Montenegro.
16. Antonio gives Violeta a bag of money, he sold the brothel. They are in the counts kitchen, someone see him so he isn't lost anymore. He calls her Angel face and that he's missed her. He gives Luisito a scary grin, I guess he is trying to bond with the boy as Violeta is now definitely a package deal with Vic out of the picture. Violeta doesn't seem to be falling for his line.
17. Josie confronts Paulina in her cell.The count is visiting Dylan and I want you to visit with him so he sees you are alright, and BTW, you will stell him exactly what I'm going to tell you to say also , cover up that cut on your face with makeup... Antonio is with your lover and you know what will happen to her if you disobey me.
18. Memo tells Vio she shouldn't be meeting with Antonio. Good old Memo saw him. (Someone's in the kitchen with Vio, strumming the old banjo). He is dangerous and Josie's flunky. Vio doesn't appreciate his advice and wants him to keep her meeting with Antonio a secret. Memo looks crushed but seems to agree to keep her secret.. so much for that romance.

Conde #68 3/4
19. Brendan and Dylan tell the count everything is going just as planned between Josie and Felipe. They hush up when the door opens, it's Pau. B&D leave conde is shocked to see Pau is still there (gee nothing is going the way he expected in this episode). Pau says she sent Amaranta on ahead and will catch up with her later. Pau tells the count everything is fin, shaking her hair no as she speaks her lies. She says Mari is her friend, but Mari is the one that turned Ale in to the authorities (still shaking head no). Ale glances at the door and knows they are being overheard. He thanks Pau for confirming what Josie had told him and hopes to see her back working for the foundation soon as he takes his leave.
20. Josie comes in and says, see how easy that was Chole is told to escort her back to her room. Felipe enters the salon and Josie says, and just like that the conde believes our side of the story and Mari will lose his support.
21. Mari arrives at the Count's place she needs to see him, (was she followed I wonder). Luc says he isn't here, but looky what I found! and escorts her to the secret room. Mari sees all the photos, including a picture of her children with an x across it. Someone correct me, are the X 's new or have they been getting X'd out all along. Conde enters and asks why is she there. Mari fires back, what is all this and why are my children's photos included, and why the X? Don't you mess with my children..He says he didn't X them out ( could Luc have done it I wonder?) Mari is furious and tells him he is as bad as Ger and storms out. Conde looks like a kicked puppy.
22. Caye and Mari get into it in the foyer Caye plays lady if the manor and Mari tells her it is not your house, it's the Conde's. You are just a guest (or whatever) here.
23. Pau is trying to make a prison break. Not sure what room she is in, I don't think it is her bedroom. Chole attempts to stop her. Poor maid would probably like to help her but dares not earn the wrath of Josie. Felipe enters and smacks her across the face. She falls on a couch. Ah, those trusty knife throwing lessons now come into play. She pulls the knife from her skirt and impales Felipe in the shoulder with an expert throw as Josie enters to see what is going on. Chole, call an ambulance or a Dr.... 2 brutes in sombreros drag Josie back to her cell.
24. So Delores has decided to go to the capital, funded by the count. I guess she won't have to sell herself on the corners. Delores tells Teresa she can't forgive Carmen. Teresa reminds her their mother has done nothing that requires forgiveness. Delores knows in her head what Teresa says is true, but in her heart she can't forgive. Sweet Teresa tells her it's ok, come back when you are ready. (Teresa would be a great match for Brendan, she and Ric Jr seem like puppy love to me). Teresa gives Delores the doll, Lulu to remind her of home and family whenever she is sad or lonely.
25. Josie is having Pau tied up and gagged in her room and tells her now Amaranta will pay for what she did to Felipe. Pau wishes she had killed him.

Conde #68 4/4
26. Violeta is chewing Antonio out. He was her only lover, but meanwhile he had Josie on the side and who knows who else. Antonio apologizes and says he was a knucklehead. He wants to change his life and do better . Violeta just shakes her head in disbelief.
27. The Dr bandages Felipe up and gives him some pills to take, best not to mix with alcohol (as he takes another swig). Josie is furious with Paul, she could have killed him. Felipe says, she hates us, she could try again. Josie plans to commit her to a sanitarium and get rid of Amaranta tonight. She hopes the Marques didn't see anything. Felipe says he hasn't been around at all. Josie says please stop he ignores her.
27. Antonio runs into Pedro at Josie's place and asks what is he doing there. Pedro says I lost my home when you sold the brothel, so I moved in here. Why aren't you comforting violeta. Antonio grabs him by the collar as Pedro continues, you and Josie have a plan, that gringo is as good as dead. (Josie hears them and eavesdrops). Antonio threatens to let everyone know he isn't a marques.
28. Josie is mad that Antonio disappeared for hours, everything is going to hell in a hand basket. But she has it under control. Can you believe those two deviants planned to run away together and bring dishonor on my son ( Josie, he and you have managed that all on your own). Wait what is that smell...she grabs her handy dandy scissors and accuses him of smelling like a cheap prostitute. Shh...what's that sound. That brat is here playing with a ball (loony tune time for Josie) I'm not crazy! If I catch you with another woman I'll kill you. And now we hear a child giggling....those ghosts are real, is it her lost great grandchild that she killed?
29. Conde says there is a traitor in our midst. Memo says we don't know what happened 18nyears ago, maybe Mari did turn you in. Thankfully Conde isn't buying that, Josefina is behind that rumor. We need to interview all the staff and find out who dis overed my hidden room. I can't believe they don't immediately suspect Lucretia.
30. Luc has taken one of the newspaper clippings from the room, the one about the 99 year sentence of Alejandro. She thinks back to what Caye said about not knowing everything.
31. Nanny and Mari talk about the alter of revenge in Conde's hidden room. Nanny asks why haven't you told him about David. Mari is just mad that he put David in danger. You were right, he isn't the same man I fell in love with. He is changed. I need to protect my children. SJ is no longer safe. I need to get them out of here and far from Ger.
32. Josie has requested the honor of the Marquis presence. How should he be addressed, your majesty, your Highness or Pedro the conman? She pulls out a gun and is going to turn him over to the police. But wait Grandmama dearest, you don't want to kill your only grandson! She never saw that coming.

Finis. Sorry it took so long, had to drive home and finish it.

Well, part 4 posted twice and part 3 is missing! Can someone find 3 again for me? I would have to type it up again.

And now 4 is missing but 3 is there. Juanita, are you the "fixer"? I didn't write out 4 on paper so it will take a while to rework if it can't be recovered


Kat in SC: Alejandro & the Good Guys are INCOMPETENT & have no damn idea that Old Hag Lucrecita is the SNITCH & traitor.

Buji Josie: Please do us all a favor & kill BOTH Paulina & Amaranta ASAP because I'm sick of them being so damn weak.

I'm still doubling-down on Violeta NOT being among the living because you know full well that Buji Josie will figure out that Violeta was the woman, who was doing the hanky-panky with Antonio.

Memo needs to be with CARMEN instead because she's a good match. I still see Teresa & Ricardo, Jr., being endgame.

Bratty Dolores should end up with Brendan.

1.) Daddy & Mommy Aguilar
2.) Aracely
3.) Mommy Gaitan
4.) Gullible Witness
5.) The President's Brother & Security detail agents
6.) Ramiro's backup crew
7.) Daddy Gallardo
8.) Javier & Sofia's Baby
9.) Blabbermouth Mariana's Daddy
10.) The Witness formerly known as the Shoe-Shining Dude
11.) Cordelia
12.) Cayatena's Daddy
13.) Jackass Vic's backup crew
14.) Ruben
15.) Cordelia

If I missed anyone else, please let me know


Gracias, Kat. Everything is so critical now. Thanks for the details -- and the laughs, especially "(Someone's in the kitchen with Vio, strumming the old banjo)"

Antonio, your turnaround about Vio's son is too little too late, but good you at least gave Vio the money she's owed. A villain with some standard.

Ramiro seems to have some standard too. I hope he's squirreling away rainy day money for his wife and kid when (presumably) his status as Ger's longtime hit man is exposed.

Looks like Josie is going batty. Is it Amaranta's eerie truth telling that's getting to her?

I never noticed the count had pics of Mari's kids in his lineup.


Niecie, the kids photo was actually in a folder, not a framed photo. In order to make sure I got it right I watched with English CC 's.


Kat, I'm so sorry the recap eater sent parts of your excellent recap to spam. Juanita has recovered the parts. And I'd also like to thank you so very much for hanging in there with us in spite of all the chaos after the storm. You are a trouper!!

ITA, I'd like to know what makes Ramiro tick. He doesn't actually seem to enjoy killing people that much. He's just like a robot who follows orders. Considering all he's done, I'm predicting his sweet wife (forgot her name) will be wearing widow's weeds before the end.

I don't think Amaranta knows about the Count's real identity.

Antonio kept his word and gave Violeta back what he stole from her to give to Pedro. I wanted to grab her and shake her for seeming to still care about Antonio, despite all she knows. And, yes, Memo looked very disappointed, and that romance doesn't look like it's going forward.

Lots of plot points are sorta kinda believable. But what just doesn't work for me is why Antonio keeps being ordered around by Josie. He had enough funds to buy the brothel. He occasionally gets irritated with Josie for treating him like the help but keeps going back for more.

I'm sure it was Lucretia who x'd out the photo of Mari. That was quite the character switch. Viewerville was feeling sorry for her for having gone to prison to protect Pedro. And she was very sweet to everyone in Casa Conde. Now she's a nutty traitor. What?

This whole imprisonment of Paulina, over and over, is getting on my last nerve. The knife throwing was good, but it got her nowhere.

I'm also pretty sick and tired of Cayetana. I've lost count of the times Ale has carefully, and kindly, explained that "it's not her, it's him". She just keeps throwing herself at him. And, please, that wardrobe of hers is OVER THE TOP!


Wow, Kat, I'm astonished and very grateful that you're continuing to do recaps in the midst of the havoc created by Hurricane Helene.

As far as I can tell, you successfully posted the first two parts of your very fine recap. I managed to find and retrieve a third part. Though it's marked 3/4, I couldn't find a 4/4, and you seem to have covered everything very well in the three parts that are now posted.

And yes, I agree with you that Gerardo would not have control over David, since David is legally an adult (and, of course, by now he's beginning to recognize what a terrible person his father is). However, I tend to agree with El Conde that publishing David's article might very well put Mari and her children in danger. Gerardo cares for no one but himself and those who agree with him. He doesn't hesitate to have Ramiro kill anyone who gets in his way. I can imagine that could include Mari and David, even without knowing that David is not his biological child.

So how did Lucrecia get the key to El Conde's secret room? And also, how did she know where the lock was? Though I don't know how she knew all this, I do know that I no longer have any sympathy for her. She's even thinking about killing El Conde.

When Mari comes to see El Conde, Lucrecia tells her he's not there, but "looky what I found!" (I burst out laughing, Kat, at your wording). If I recall correctly, El Conde put a slash through the photo of each evil person who has been dealt with, but Lucrecia puts the ugly red slash through just about all the photos, including those of Mari and her children. Mari is horrified. Lucrecia leaves, and El Conde appears. He is stunned to find Mari in his secret room. Mari demands that he explain why there are slashes on her photo and those of her children. He claims that he did not do this. She doesn't believe him and leaves enraged. As you say, Kat, El Conde "looks like a kicked puppy." A perfect description!

I had hopes when I saw Pau reach for the knife, but alas, the knife hits Felipe in the shoulder, and he and Josefina are able to overcome Pau, and two thugs in sombreros suddenly appear and drag Pau back to her room. A bit later, Josefina tells the now tied-up Pau that she needs to remain alive a bit longer, but Amaranta will die tonight.

Juanita, thanks for recovering 3. 4 reappeared also, I actually managed to copy and paste 4 back into a comment but by the timestamp it seems my original is there.
If Pau had killed Felipe I imagine she would have ended up in prison.
I really hope Amaranta survives. She is one of my favorite characters.


Kat, you went above and beyond the call of duty to bring us an excellent recap in the midst of your power outage and while babysitting Fiona. Thank you for your fierce dedication. Wow . You are the Energizer Bunny.

It appears that nasty, snarling Jo has gone round the bend as she loses control . Congratulations , Abuela on the bouncing baby boy .

Who is going to rescue Ama? Where is she being held?

The writers really threw us a curveball suddenly turning everyone's mother figure Lu into a sneaky villain who somehow figured out that there was a secret room and how to get into it. This actress played a sweet wife and mother in Alborada.

Okay, I can't wait to see how el conde saves the day now that he has stirred this pot . Susan


I thought The House of El Conde already suspected Lucrecia of something related to the Marquis. But not this? They're losing their touch.

Poor sad hitman Ramiro. Maybe he was just super poor and desperate? Maybe I'm just falling for his puppy dog eyes and making excuses for him? Their house looked nice enough but could have been bought with dirty money. His partner is going to be so angry and disappointed in him.

And Antonio does occasionally step up. I laughed at his smile to the baby. Hand over the keys, dude, if you really want to suck up to a baby. But seems like neither Vio or Luisito are buying his change of attitude.


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