Monday, October 14, 2024

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): El Conde: Amor y Honor, Sed de Venganza y más: Week of October 14, 2024

Welcome to Page 1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week:  Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

  • 9-10PM -   Sed de Venganza*
  • 10-11PM - El Conde: Amor y Honor**

*Sed de Venganza premieres Tuesday, October 15 with a two-hour episode.  The plot centers around a resentful man who uses a beautiful and intelligent woman to avenge himself on a powerful family.

**El Conde will not be shown on Tuesday, October 15 because of the two-hour premiere of the newest novela.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversation they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel.  Thanks for your cooperation!

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Monday, pt. 1 of 3

Rehash of last week ending with an almost literal cliffhanger as Thelma and Louise go over the edge.

No ledge but there must have been a deep pool because Pau is alive! Aliiiiiive! On the bank of the river, she cries for Amaranta to no effect and then passes out.

Josie recounts to El Conde that she saw Ramiro kill the Aguilars. He asks why she didn’t tell the authorities way back when and she blames fear of the powerful Leopoldo Villareal. He then asks why now. She says something about the article for justice for Ale and wanting Gerardo to pay for what he did.

Ric and his guys find Paulina on the side of the river, still alive, but still no Amaranta.

Ale tells Josie he doesn’t think she’s moved by justice. She blathers something and asks for his support for Felipe as candidate for president. He insists she first report this witness testimony (I think) and she agrees, with a nervous swallow.

Josie runs into Violeta as she leaves. Vio tells her she’s the guest of el conde and Josie immediately starts in on Vio. Then the pot accuses the kettle of being low class and throws out some other insults, but Vio isn’t having any part of it. She gives it right back with some words that I wish I could have written down because I think they might have been good. She then tells Josie that her lover boy is leaving her soon because she’s old and bitter. She doesn’t say who for but this was a mistake on the part of Vio if she really likes Antonio alive.

Miguel talks to el conde about getting the old Ale back. He understands the anger and desire for revenge but Ale needs to forget all that (I think was the gist). If his dad were still alive, he’d want Ale to forget justice and go with the woman he loves.

Vio grips to Caye about that bitter old woman, Josie. Caye asks why she cares and Vio tells her the secret of her and Antonio. “No!”, says Caye. Vio tells her he’s the man for her and he’s also the lover of Josie. Caye gives her great advice for someone who never listens to others advice- be careful. Caye foreshadows that if anyone finds out, it could be dangerous.

Josie is back with Felipe and realizes he’s hurt. He tells her he finds Pau and Amaranta, and that he killed them. He’s sure they are dead. He says something about Gerardo using this against them but Josie says he’ll get what’s coming to him because el conde is planning something (?), which we know he is, just not in the way Josie thinks.

Ric carries Pau into El Conde’s house.

David goes to his dad’s office and demands to know why guards are all around the house. He knows he was rough with his mother but she gave him reasons. David points out this is the reasoning of a criminal. Ger accuses her of being at the Conde’s not for the Fundación work but for other sexy reasons. David isn’t buying it and leaves the office angry.


Monday, pt. 2 of 3

Ernesto, Raquel’s pop, is dining with Josie and family, including “el marquis”. Josie is trying to sell them on the kids wanting to get married so quickly (basically all the same lies she told for Sofia and Javier). Raquel’s mom thinks they are too young and shouldn’t be in such a hurry. Unfortunately, Raquel didn’t inherit her mother’s instincts because she’s in loooove. And Pedro agrees even though he looks like he’s at his own funeral.

Nanny and Mariana talk about stuff: is Felipe capable of killing Pau? Ale is using her kid, etc. Then David bursts on the scene and demands to know if what Ger told him was true. She hems and haws, she can explain, and so on. “So it’s true?”, he yells. He is not happy about this, but he still has no idea what’s coming.

Ramiro tells Gerardo that the women are dead and blames Felipe. Ger seems to be figuring out a way to use this to his advantage.

Antonio tells Josie that he’s outta here. But she smells the perfume again and demands to know whose it is, calls him a traitor. He tries to calm her down and she grabs a gun out of the drawer. He tries to tell her it’s the same as before-that he isn't seeing anyone, and like before, she hears the voices of the “escuincle”. Josie opens the door to the courtyard and points the boy out to Antonio, who tells her there is no one there. She demands that he shut the boy up and he agrees to do something, cautiously trying to handle her breakdown in a way that won’t get him killed. He’s actually a bit sensitive here. He’s not a good person, but he’s not the worst either.

And now David has burst into the office of el conde yelling at him too about being with his mother, like he has a say here. I thought we were friends, he yells. He says he was stupid and then he leaves. This seems like a pointless exercise, but David is young so I’ll give him a pass.

Memo asks after Lucrecia and Ric, Jr. says she left. Carmen tells Memo that she’s left. Memo is surprised.

Ale talks to Caye about David. Ale feels very badly about the whole David thing. Caye says he’s a good kid and not to blame for any of this, same as Teresa and Carmen. But what does he think Gerardo will do when he finds out who Silvestre Davalos is? Ale doesn’t know and doesn’t want to think about this.

Ger is on the phone and I miss the convo. But then a maid brings in the paper and Ger is ticked off. The main article accuses Ger of being complicit in the assassination of Los Aguilar.

Antonio and Pedro talk about the plan and Antonio agrees to it, which I think meant killing off Lucrecia. Ok, maybe Antonio is actually the worst. Not the WORST worst, not while Josie is alive, but he’s not that good. He can’t need the money that badly if he just sold the burdel. Not like Ramiro, who does need money and doesn’t have a strip club to make a living off of.


Monday, pt. 3 of 3

And Caye is now telling Ale that Lu has left and they realize she was the one who crossed out the photos. They don’t think she knows who he really is, though.

Ger reads out some of the article. David reads the same at the atelier to Lorena and might be accepting that his dad really is responsible for the accusation of an innocent man.

Ger yells for Mari from another room. She is busy talking about escape to Nanny, who tells her David has gone, and Mari doesn’t want to leave without her son. Then someone tells Ger that David escaped the house. How?, he yells.

Ale talks to Ramiro about the killing. Ale says “don’t you remember?” We were there on the street that night. Ale hasn’t yet said out loud that HE is Alejandro Gaitan but Ramiro is no Felipe. You don’t remember me, says Ale. He tells Ramiro that the scar on his arm was made by him. Recap of that night. Ramiro gets it and says “you’re dead!” Yep, says Ale, and overpowers Ramiro without breaking a sweat. Ale is giving him one chance while telling him that the money Esperanza got was his doing. But now Ale wants Ramiro to go to the authorities.

The procurador guy wants to know about the article and I think he wants the proof of what the article said. And he somehow knows the writer is really David? Not sure how he knows this. Memo puts him off by saying el conde will contact him as soon as he’s back.

Mari is packing for Gabi, only the necessary things, and then tells her that this is a secret. Not a problem, says Gabi, because her dad hardly talks to her. This would be sad if her father weren’t Gerardo.

Dylan is in bed refusing to eat what Josie has brought him. He asks for his grandson and Josie tries to get him to drink her “tea”. But the maid comes in to say the police are there and Josie says it’s because Pau has disappeared. Josie and Dylan are concerned for different reasons. (I don’t know if Dylan is faking being not hungry so he doesn’t have to eat the food he doesn’t trust, or if she somehow managed to sneak poison in his toothpaste.)

Ric is telling Ale that they have to find Amaranta. She’s like a sister to him. He’s very upset and Ale tells him they’ll find her.

The cop asks Josie and Felipe about Pau. They say something about a servant and the cop wants to talk to the servant because he’s better than the usual telenovela law enforcement. Caras de “uhoh” de Josie and Felipe.

Amaranta is alive! Ha to Steve! (in the nicest way possible) because they are both alive! Except that Ama is with the “herbalist” that helped Pau kill off a husband or two. She seems to be helping Ama now so maybe she’s done with the whole “accomplice” thing. Or she hasn’t been paid enough yet.

The cop, who isn’t all that great because he interviews Chole in front of Josie and Felipe, asks about Pau while J and F stare intently in a way that isn’t the least bit suspicious. Chole gives the version that she must have been told to give, which I think includes accusing Ama of harassing Pau? Cop asks for a description of the woman she talked about- Ama- and Chole looks very nervous.


Monday, pt. 4 of 3

David is back home and talks to his mother about her leaving. Mari says Ger isn’t well. She may be the leading lady but this is the least interesting story to me right now.

Josie is talking to Antonio about how well Chole did telling the story (sign #1 that she’s losing her faculties) and how her son will be the next president (sign #2). Isn’t that great? Antonio doesn’t think this is so great. She says something to him, but he cuttingly says he just works in the plant and he walks out, leaving her stunned.

Poor dumb Raquel admires the ring she has, but says there is no hurry to marry. Her parents have given a condition of her marrying in 6 months. “Six months?”, yells Pedro. He chills out and tries to sell her on a secret wedding. But she explains that she’s a decent girl who wants to put on a white dress and marry in front of everyone. Pedro sweet talks her with some bs about having a civil wedding right away. Raquel looks happy about whatever he said because she is the most naïve person here.

Antonio meets Vio in a park. He wants her to know that his intention is to leave with her and Luisito. We see Josie in the background spying on this conversation, so things don’t look good for Antonio. Might be good news for Memo though.

Ramiro is with Gerardo. I miss the first part of this but then Ramiro tells Gerardo that Alejandro Gaitan is alive. Ger’s eyes bug out. He then pulls out a gun and shoot Ramiro right between the eyes. Gerardo is a terrible person but he’s a really good shot so I hope Ale and Mari are extra careful. Gerardo says his father was right. Only the dead keep secrets.

So. Karma time? even if we’re a bit late. Steve gets his increased body count in Ramiro, but Paulina has survived. Amaranta and Antonio are still alive for now but in the “maybe” column. I don’t know that Antonio deserves death but he crossed Josefina so that doesn’t bode well for him. So do any of the bad guys get to live but in prison? I don’t see Gerardo tolerating that humiliation. Maybe Felipe? He’s too cowardly to kill himself unless it’s with alcohol. Josie maybe, if it’s a manicomio. Lucrecia has already been to prison for the death of Beatriz so she’ll have to do something else bad unless Antonio gets to her first. Or if she goes voluntarily to take care of Pedro in the clink, assuming he survives. I’m not sure about her.



K, Novelera, RGV Chick, Dondi356, Niecie & Co.,: This Telenovela is a remake of the Colombian Telenovela "PURA SANGRE".

I hope there's a full recap of the 2-HR Gran Estreno. Gut feeling the Body Count will be increasing.

Novelera: I posted comments on last night's episode earlier this morning & now it's suddenly gone.

K, great recap, snark and all. I'm not sure who Josie will go after, Antonio or Vio. Maybe both. I think the detective caught on to Chole's lies. He eyed her a bit funnily. Maybe he will come back for another private questioning.

I actually read a mystery by Georgette Heyer ( my favorite author, her mysteries are not as well known as her Regency Romances, but rival Agatha Christie IMO) where the method of poisoning was the toothpaste! Not only is Dylan unwell but apparently Brendan was up all night throwing up or indisposed in some way according to Josie. I'm thinking they both are faking it to give Josie the impression her poisoning is working.

And yay to both Pau and Amaranta being alive.

(Body Count)
1.) Daddy & Mommy Aguilar
2.) One of the prisoners killed in the prison fire
3.) Mommy Gaitan
4.) The President's brother & security detail agents
5.) Ramiro's backup crew
6.) Aracely
7.) Daddy Zambrano
8.) Daddy Villarreal
9.) The Witness formerly Shoeshine Dude
10.) Corrupt prison warden: Shark was hungry 😋
11.) The Original Count of Montenegro
12.) Beatriz
13.) Jackass Vic's backup crew
14.) Ruben
15.) Cordelia
16.) Jackass Vic
17.) Sofia & Javier's baby: NEVER accept a green weird beverage
18.) Buji Josie's Mommy
19.) Ramiro

Steve, I found your original posting, but as far as I could tell, it was pretty much the same as your more recent body count posting except that the earlier one began with the following comment: "K: Intriguing recap of last night's episode. I KNEW Ramiro was going to die sooner or later." That comment was followed by your body count. I've now included here your missing coment.

Kay- thanks for the author recommendation. I hadn’t heard of her and I’m always up for a good mystery/detective story. Sure hoping the cop did catch on to Chole’s nervousness. It wasn’t subtle.



MANY thanks, K. for this terrific recap! You captured everything, and did so with delightful snark, such as your description of the confrontation between Josefina and Violeta: "Then the pot accuses the kettle of being low class" and "Caye gives her great advice for someone who never listens to others advice."

Yes, it was a serious mistake on Violeta's part to tell Josie that Antonio was going to leave her because she's old and bitter. Though Vio didn't say that Antonio was leaving Josie for her, I fear that Josie's spying on them later in the episode pretty much seals one or both of their fates. I originally had hopes that both would somehow survive, but Antonio's finally agreeing to Pedro's request that he kill Lucrecia convinces me that Antonio won't be alive at the end.

Good point about the inept policeman who questions Chole in front of Josefina and Felipe.

Like you, K, I wondered whether Dylan was faking being sick so that he wouldn't have to eat whatever Josie was offering him or whether indeed she had succeeded in continuing to poison him. (I loved your suggestion that she got the poison to him via his toothpaste!) And was there mention of Brendan also being sick? If so, I'm hoping that both of them are faking illness in order to thwart Josie's attempts.

Thanks for confirming that Amaranta is alive! I thought that was who I saw, especially when she seemed to be calling weakly for Paulina, but I wasn't absolutely sure. And yes, she's being helped (I hope) by the bruja who used to sell poison to Josefina but no longer does.

Alas, Raquel seems a little smarter than Dolores, but Pedro manages to sweet-talk her into a quick civil ceremony (which I guess, in the 1950s, will/would give him control over her money). I certainly hope his plans don't work out for him.

And then there's Ramiro. I confess I was astonished when El Conde was able to overpower him, and relatively quickly. Huh?? Well, at least Gerardo knew better than to try. Bye bye, Ramiro.


K. you so much for that wonderful, detailed recap and all your insightful , clever comments . Love your style.

How long has Raq known smarmy poser Pedro?...2 days!

I think Antonio sealed his fate when be killed that young boy and continued to enable Jo's evil. He won't survive . Vi and Luisito will be much better off with stable, loyal Memo, who deserves a HEA.

I did not expect Ger to kill his loyal killer . yikes.

Felipe Is despicable . What a weak weasel.

Ama will survive . Ama in Paris ....with Paul , Sofia, and Javier. Tres bien. Susan


Gracias, K. Terrific recap. I love all your snark. So true: "She may be the leading lady but this is the least interesting story to me right now."

Yay! Pau and Amaranta will surely be together in the end. I'm guessing the herb lady has turned over a new leaf.

Ger seems careless. How will he explain the sudden execution of Ramiro?


Niecie: I just don't trust that Old Herb Lady period. I mean: c'mon man!

On Scumbag Villarreal: I'm assuming his hired guns kidnapped Ramiro's wife ?

Susan: Based on the previews for Wednesday: when they showed the reactions of Ricardo, Jr., & Teresa: something tells me a potential deadly end might be coming for Violeta (based on how Buji Josie spied on BOTH Violeta & Antonio).

How long before law enforcement FINALLY catches Slippery Pedro ?

Juanita: Now that Scumbag Villarreal shot Ramiro dead, he's completely going unhinged. How long before he finds out that David is the mysterious journalist, who exposed the Scumbag's crimes against humanity ?

Dondi356: You're going to be watching "SED DE VENGANZA" tonight at 8:00 PM CST ? It's an obvious remake of the Colombian Telenovela "PURA SANGRE".



Niecie, I got a giggle out of the herb lady turning over a new leaf!!! Susan


Another witty clever recap, K. I always enjoy reading them. I may have noticed a misidentified character (or maybe it's me, always a possibility). I sort of remembered that it was Rodrigo who talked to Ale about going back to his kinder self, not Miguel. I also thought your reference to Josie using the same BS lines to hurry up a wedding in the past were Sofia and Brandon, and that Javier is the boy who really got the girl.

I agree that Antonio is not the worst villain, but his agreeing to kill Lucretia may push him over the edge. I had the impression that it wasn't so much money that convinced Antonio, rather fear of Pedro's outing him to Josie that caused him to agree.

David falls into the male stereotype: "My mother only had sex once...and here I am". I don't know if he knows Gabi's parentage, but he would perhaps have been old enough to notice the lack of a baby bump. Anyway, I didn't like David turning on his mother that way.

The article basically blamed Leopoldo for the hit and Ger for railroading Alejandro Gaitán.

Hmm. Ale was basically ordering Ramiro to sacrifice himself for his wife and child. He just might have done so, but Gerardo removed that possibility.

I hope you commenters are right about Dylan and Brendan faking illnesses to throw Josie off the scent. But one time Brendan told her he'd supervise his grandfather's diet, sending Josie into a rage.


Steve, if you read the text on the Telemundo front page we put up twice a week, it says that posting anything about the previews for the next day is not favored here. I have had to skip several of your comments because I do not want to know what's happening next, not to mention that those previews are red herrings.


I often like to put up the premiere episode as a sort of challenge. But I'm not thrilled about its being two hours long. Plus we have a small enough group as it is. If we don't have enough viewers to make it worthwhile, maybe I'd be wasting my time.

Novelera, I'm adding it to my library. I watched a few min of it tonight on my small phone screen (still no cable, we actually turned our equipment in last week after 2 weeks of no service. Our small town of 4k people has been without since Helene roared through, trying to find alternative internet providers is the hot topic on our community FB page). I watched Pura Sangre about a year ago so unless they change the plots significantly it will be distracting for me to watch it so close together. I'm going to see if the male villain is an actor from Nadie Como Tu. He looks a bit like him but with the small screen and dim lighting of his scenes it's hard to tell.


#1 – Part 1 of 3

This is by no means complete. We begin in Dallas, Texas in 2014. As is always the case with a premiere, we get 45 minutes of dastardly deeds without even one commercial. There are waaay too many characters. [OT, I can’t believe that Felipe from El Conde is in this one playing another good for nothing. The guy should fire his agent.]

Our heroine(???), Fernanda Ríos, is getting busy with one Eugenio Beltrán. As is the case with a lot of novelas, there’s some sultry music and a view of a nearly perfect female body. She’s the icy blonde we all love to hate. But boy does she have poor taste in men. It’s said she’s been with him since she was 14. He’s scruffy, a bit flabby, and definitely looks unwashed. He says he’s been training her to exact his vengeance. When she objects a bit, he reminds her that she burned down her family home in Los Angeles. Her stepfather raped her several times. We even get a flashback, made even more disgusting by the fact that she’s wearing braces on her teeth. We don’t learn whether or not her mother perished as well.

Eugenio says he knows she’s a bit twisted, and she owes him loyalty. The fact that she had a child by him, a girl who died, is mentioned. And he’s refusing to give her another. He sends her to Miami to interview for a job with his half-brother. Eu calls the guy, one Alfredo del Pino, a cretin. We see the “interview”. Alf is entranced by her cleavage and hires her on the spot.

Eugenio says that Alfredo hid the will, and he got nothing from his father. He wants Alf in the street, penniless. Eu is sure that she’ll end up installed in his house. You’ll win them all over. Then you’ll kill his wife, marry him, and end up with all his money.

We meet the del Pinos, a real Class A dysfunctional family. Poor Katie Barbieri is cast as the hypochondriacal wife. The eldest of 5 children is a goth girl. The younger daughter, Elisa, seems pretty normal. The nanny we’ve seen a thousand times gives Fer the side eye. The sons, Sebastian, Alonso, and Gabriel seem pretty useless. Fer has moved into a guest house on the property. We see the three sons spying on Fer, overcome with lust.

Eu tells Fer that Manuela was a good friend of his mother, but she betrayed her to be with his new family. [I have a feeling we need to take everything Eu says with not a grain but a tablespoon of salt.]

Elisa del Pino has turned 16 and Fer has arranged a big pool party for the event with lots of tanned, spoiled-looking rich kids. The grandson of Manuela, Francisco Ramírez, is in love with Elisa. He gives her a special necklace with the letters FE worked into the design. The two are apparently lovers.

Fer befriends Ana, the goth girl and also sucks up to the wife, Maria Laura. Alf is coming onto her at work.


#1 – Part 2 of 3

Fer, at Eu’s urging, convinces Alf to send Ana to a shrink. Said shrink is being paid by Eu to get her on drugs.

Fer discovers Francisco and Elisa making love and plans to use this. It turns out Francisco is of age, but Elisa is only just 16. Fer encourages Elisa’s relationship, befriending her. Elisa confides that the two young lovers meet each night at 9:00 on a yacht docked nearby. Fer tells Alf, and all hell breaks loose. Alf beats Francisco up. Manuela is angrily yelled at by Alf. It’s hinted she raised him too. [Come on, Saul Lizazo is 68 years old. Is Manuela 95?] Later Alf cools down and is feeling badly about what he said to Manuela when Fernanda insists he has to take action.

Manuela chews her grandson Francisco out. Later Fer shows up, telling the two of them that Elisa was convinced to press charges. Some fake cops, hired by Fer, come to the door. Francisco runs.

This thing gets even darker. Maria Luisa, Alf’s wife, is resting with a breathing device in place. Ana finds the phone Fer dropped and sees the texts about killing her mother (from Eugenio). She’s pretty wasted, but she gets to her mother’s room in time to see Fer smothering Maria Luisa with a pillow. Ana throws Fer off, but it’s too late. As we might expect, Fer convinces everyone that Ana was the one who killed her mother. But the whole thing is covered up to avoid a scandal that might affect the construction business.

Fer tells the despicable doctor that Ana is to be constantly sedated.

We get a flashback of Alf grabbing Maria Luisa by her hair and snarling at her.

Alf sends Manuela away without any payment for her years of service. Manuela tells Fer that she knows plenty about Alf.

Somehow Eugenio is in Miami sometimes, urging Fer on. [Telenovela Airlines?] He tells her she needs to bed Alf. Eventually Fer, looking amazing in pale green lingerie, slips into Alf’s bed at night. But she’s distraught afterwards, sitting in the shower and weeping. Later on we see that Eugenio has another woman.

Francisco ends up in Monterrey, Mexico. He helps a guy being shaken down by some thugs.

Fer hints that Ana would be better off dead, but despicable doc doesn’t want to risk his neck and call attention to his “clinic”.

In Monterrey, Francisco’s new friend Marcelo offers him a chance to move in with him and that his father will get him a job.


#1 – Part 3 of 3

Ten Years Pass. Fernanda is still married to Alf, while Eu keeps manipulating her.

We hear Fer’s conversations with Eu in the background as she describes the family. Elisa now hates her. Elisa is about to marry some guy named Robert; a guy Fer set her up with. The guy is apparently quite happy to move in with his in-laws. Fer is sure Robert will help control Elisa.

Francisco, all grown up and handsome, is getting ready to leave for the U.S. He’s flying under a false name that Marcelo has arranged in case someone still plans to arrest him for statutory rape. After he arrives, he drives to Manuela’s house, sits outside, and then leaves after he sees her lights go off.

Francisco is talking to some guy (a private investigator?). He tells him his real name, not the one he flew as. He wants the guy to find out if he’s at risk. He wants to resume his own name. He tells the guy the whole story.

Francisco’s friend, Fermin, is now married and happy. His wife is friendly with Manuela. It turns out that Manuela visits Ana at the nuthouse.

Turns out despicable doc died in traffic accident. We see Ana spit out her meds. Then we see that Manuela is there to visit. Ana looks awful, but she’s conscious. When Manuela says something about the thing that happened 10 years ago, Ana haltingly says that she didn’t kill her mother. It was Fernanda who smothered her with a pillow. Ana had read the messages from that man. She says his name, and Manuela is aghast.

Francisco is outside at a table having coffee and briefly sees Elisa.

Manuela calls Fernanda and pointedly asks her what sort of relationship she has with Eugenio Beltrán.

I’ll be watching this week. Any recappers out there?


Novelera: I will be watching this Telenovela for sure. Safe to say the Body Count will be increasing non-stop. Although, my theory is whether or not it'll be deadlier than the Colombian original, "PURA SANGRE" remains to be seen.

Great job with the recap of last night's episode.

Novelera, Juanita, Dondi356, Niecie, Kat in SC, K, Susan & Co.,: Here's my list on what's likely going to probably be a long Body Count.
1.) Crazy Whacky Fern's parents in the house fire she set back in 2000 in Los Angeles, CA.
2.) Mommy del Pino



Novels- thanks for the corrections. I get the couples mixed up. And the kids, which is why I usually have to refer to my cheat sheet of characters. You’re right that Rodrigo was Ale’s friend who wants the old Ale back. (Married to Leticia and parents of Javier who should be safe in Paris with Sofia). Miguel is the son of the politicians. (father to Lorena who hasn’t been seen much lately except for that dinner where she might have been in the crosshairs of Gerardo). Given Gerardo’s itchy trigger finger, Lorena should probably stay away.




Any thoughts on this one? I forgot about it until an hour in and was very confused. The recap helps but boy they didn’t waste time setting up the story. Watching two novelas is a bit much so I have to pick between this one and La Familia. The only Turkish one I’ve seen before was La Sultana. This one seems very dark- Fer killed her parents and has been made someone’s mistress as a 14-year old? I’m all for a good vengeance story but this might be a bit much.


I'm half way through this but something caught my ear. Alf told Fernanda to pay Manuela her severance, that it was the least he could do for her years of service. Fer chose to tell Manuela she was terminated with nothing because of what her grandson did. (I'm sure she will pocket the severance pay. ). She then tells her she will try to convince Alf not to press charges against her grandson but if she goes to the law about not being paid all bets are off. So now Manuela thinks Fer is a good person and on her side.

And now I finished it. I can't believe Manuela called Fernanda. I guess she has signed her death certificate.

Novelera, I'm probably in on watching this. Conde and Nadie both end this week so I'll have some spare time. I'm not sure about recaps unless I do them the next afternoon when I sometimes get a break while my granddaughter naps. Watching on the phone is difficult and I'm afraid at some point, even with unlimited data, att will slow my speed down. Not sure how long we will go without Internet at home. It will be up to my husband.


Novelera, thank you for doing a double episode . I always love Your snappy recaps. This show is pretty grim. I have never seen the main actress , but she gives me the creeps.
I am used to seeing Diego Olivera as the good guy , but he is a nasty weasel here.
I will give the show a chance. I only know a few of the actors. Susan

La familia

K, I have watched several Turkish dizis . They are very well done , but sometimes tragic. My favorite was " Fatmagul." I am currently watching " Amor Prohibido " starring the actor who will be the galan in La Familia. Susan

Just a quick moment. Have an appt. Both Susan and Kat typed Vengaza, probably typos. But Blogger says our comments are preserved if we use the correct key woed.


Novelera, thanks for the recap. I probably won't watch this regularly. I saw Man̈ana es Para Siempre, based on Pura Sangre, and had my fill of the twisted evil . And, MEPS's
cast with Colunga (!!), Silvia Navarro, and Lucero as the baddie was more to my liking.

Beth S


Kat in SC: Having watched the Colombian original "PURA SANGRE" way back in my college days, I think it's safe to say "VENGANZA" might try to come close to being super DARK & evil non-stop.

Yes, I do agree with you on Manuela signing her death warrant by calling Crazy Whacky Fernanda OMG.

Francisco's revenge plan will likely be SLOW & dragged out.

Beth S: I'm going to enjoy seeing Isabella Castillo embracing her devil incarnate as Crazy Whacky Fernanda wreaking havoc. Expect the Body Count to increase.... just saying!


I was finally able to watch the second episode , and I am more hopeful. I like Daniel C., and grownup Elise is portrayed by the actress who was Beatrix in " Marea de pasiones."
Francisco got a look at Fern and Elise at the very end . I suspect that bad Fern will be interested in him . Here we go... Susan


Thanks, K, for another entertaining Monday recap.

Josie has hallucinations of a little boy? So much for your loyalty, Ramiro. Who’s gonna clean up the mess you made now, Gerardo? I think Pau and Ama will get the HEA. I think Antonio is a goner.


Thanks for recapping the premiere, novelera. I only saw half of this last night. I might only be a casual viewer. I can’t commit to more.

La Familia/Aile

Definitely watching this. I already watched the first 5 Turkish eps and I want to finish it. Great cast with Kıvo and Serenay as leads. I don’t know if we will have recappers or a patio, but I’ll be available for discussions.


Conde #72
1. Mari and family have their bags packed and are ready to leave for the capital when Ger returns and forbids it unless he goes with them, but now is not a good time. David questions why and Ger refers to Mari's affair with Conde.
2. Dylan seems to be on his death bed with Brendan in attendance. He tells Josie he has changed his will to leave everything to her. I'm not sure exactly what was said next, maybe something about Brendan not being able to contest it. He says all it needs is to be notarized or something. Brendan gives her the folder and points to where she needs to sign it. Grandpa and grandson share a pointed look after she signs it.
3. Memo and Ric talk about Amaranta's disappearance. Ric is distraught. Caye comes into the kitchen (lots of action occurs in Conde's kitchen) and gives Ric a comforting hug. Now Carmen enters with breaking news, Ramiro is dead. She heard it on the radio.
4. Josie replays Violeta's words about Antonio in her head as she twirls a dagger on her desk. Antonio comes in needing a signature on a check. She accused him of getting it on with Violeta and lunges at him with the knife which seemed to pierce his palm. She then goes for her gun in the desk drawer. He calms her down saying she is the only woman for him and nuzzles her neck and then Felipe walks in. Josie sends Antonio out as Felipe demands to know what the hell is going on.
5. Antonio didn't go far, I think he is in the foyer. His hand is bandaged and oozing some blood. Pedro finds him. Antonio tells him Jose discovered his affair. He warns Pedro the Zambranos are dangerous. Pedro talks about Lucrecia, and Antonio I tells him don't count on me.
6. Felipe is chewing his mother out over her affair. Josie in turn calls him out on his past actions. Chole enters to say El conde is here to see her.
7. Ger is fighting with Mari again (about Alejandro, etc) and she earns another backhand to the face.
8.conde asks Josie what's wrong. Nothing. That was a great article in your paper. Ger will renounce his candidacy I'm sure. Not so fast. A newspaper article isn't proof, but I have a way for you to get him to quit the race. You need to tell the authorities what you saw about the Aguilar murders.
9. Back to the unhappy marriage of Mari and Ger. She accuses him of railroading Alejandro, and innocent man. Ger tells her to stop defending that idiot. Mari tells Ger something I couldn't quite make out...
10. Josie doesn't want to testify. She is afraid Ger will kill her, (truer words were never spoken). Conde says putting Ger in jail will open the way for Felipe to be a candidate. She agrees to testify.
11. Another confusing scene between Mari and Ger. I think he says he is going to put Conde in a tomb like Ale.

Conde #72 part 2
12. Josie is testifying. The official wonders why she waited so long and she claims it was out of fear for Mari, her family etc al.
13. Miguel Aguilar is thankful that finally his parents death will be solved and the culprit behind bars.
14. Next up. Pedro and Raquel's civil ceremony. The most unromantic wedding of the century. It actually made me laugh, you need to just see this scene to appreciate it.
15. The investigator (I've forgotten his name) tells Ger he may want to get a good lawyer. He is under investigation for what was reported in the paper.
16. Lucrecia is trying to get money from Josie for information she can impart. She knows the identity of Sylvester Davelos. Josie asks how would she know it is true. Luc stole the original employment contract with the writers real name. What is that worth to you? Two stacks of money it seems...
17. Ger and David talk. Ger says, It's Conde's fault for that article he published. I'm going to sue him for defamation.
18. Conde watches Pau sleep. Ric comes in with something Conde asked him to do or find. Conde tells him to keep the document safe where it can't be found. Except I want Felipe to know it's contents.
19. The happy couple leave the room at the hacienda which was their wedding venue. They run into Luce. She shows him the money she got from Josie. He arranges for them to meet (her fate,) near the river.
20. David and Mari talk. He tells her Ramiro is dead. Do you think dad is capable of killing him?
21. Miguel visits Ger in his house. Ger calls him and imbecile, he would have named him his successor. Miguel fires back you are the idiot ...I'm opening an investigation into you. Ger says you invented it all and I'll tell all the world so and you will have to renounce the race. Miguel says you are crazy. Ger then drops his bombshell, my men are at your house and they will kill your wife and daughter....

OT, so many mistakes I should have corrected in this 3rd part, and darn I had the opportunity when I had to repost it. But only seeing 5 lines at a time I chose not to proofread. My bad. Hope you get the gist.

Conde #72 3/3
21 (cont). This is the last day you have to quit or your family will of Ger's henchmen escorts Miguel out.
22. Caye is playing with Luisito. Vio comes in with the suitcase of Antonio's money he has entrusted to her. Caye tries to tell her men don't change. Think about your son. Vio says it's not like there is a queue of men lining up for her favors. Caye says, not a line, but there is one worthy pretendente wishing for her hand...she tells Luisito to tell Mama his name, Guillermo. (Which he does).
22. Amaranta wakes up. The herbalist is taking good care of her. Ama wants her people to know she is ok, she works for El Conde. Herbalist says she will let them know.
23. Miguel calls conde to renounce his candidacy. Conde's like, but why. I don't understand. He tells him Ger has threatened to kill his family. Conde wants him to stick it out, they have Josie's testimony. Miguel lost his parents because of a presidential race, he can't bare (bear?, I need help with my homonym) to lose his wife and daughter.
24. Memo is playing with Luisito. Vio is looking at him with new eyes, but still believes in a new and improved Antonio.
25. Miguel is telling Ernestina about Ger and that he is quitting. She wants him to go to the police. Miguel assures her El Conde has everything under control (right,tell that to all the victims he failed so far).
26. Pedro meets Luce at the bridge. He discovers from her he didn't kill Ruben's wife, she did it to protect him. Other truths came out. He pulls out his pistol and she tries to jump off the bridge to escape him as he fires. Guess another possible non fatality... we'll see.
27 . Miguel's family arrives at the castle where Conde assures them they will be safe. Miguel is in a different car for added security.
28. Mari is comforting David about his grandfather and father's assassinations. Who killed Alfredo Gallardo, papa? She tells him he isn't responsible for the sins of his father. She comes so close to telling him the truth. I guess it will be in the final episode.
29. Felipe is drinking, as usual. Chole comes to tell him a guy brought him something, for his hands only. She hands him a letter and runs off. It's a wanted poster for Pedro Campos with a 50,000 peso reward.
30 Pau awakens asking for Amaranta. Theresa tells her she hasn't been found yet.
31. Amaranta wakes. The herbalist tells her she is getting better. Tomorrow she will go and tell Conde where she is.
32. Ger's thugs come in to his study to tell him that the Aguilar house is empty. How did they get out, El Conde....Ger crumples his newspaper in rage.
33. Miguel arrives at Conde's. Conde assures him they will be safe there.
34 Pedro is back with Josie. He tells her that he married Raquel and he says that Luce is no longer a problem. Felipe comes in denouncing him as the Marques. No, I'm not, papa....
Fingers crossed that the 3rd time is the charm on this post.


Novelera or someone, I give up. Could you rescue part 3, around 6:35 a.m. the final post. I made corrections in that 3rd attempt.


Kat in SC: Amazing job with the recap of last night's episode. It seems that Scumbag Villarreal is becoming more dangerous & crazy.

Dondi356: Old Hag Lucrecita FINALLY gets whacked YESSSSSS! I'm still doubling-down on both Violeta & Antonio NOT being among the living.



Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Here's my personal thoughts on last night's episode.
1.) RIP Dona Manuela: Crazy Whacky Fern choked her to death & torched Manuelas's house. Then takes off the gloves in BROAD DAYLIGHT.

2.) Earlier in the episode, Francisco meets with Fermin at his house. They discussed what's been happening, etc.,

3.) Slick Robert does the hanky-panky with Crazy Whacky Fern.

4.) Psycho Alonso is based off of Jackass Camilo Elizalde from "MANANA ES PARA SIEMPRE". We know where this is heading.....

5.) Gabriel (I think he's the oldest son) has ED issues when having sex with his wife. Hmmm 🤔

6.) Where's the youngest del Pino brother ?

7.) Eugenio still controlling the sinister conspiracy.

8.) Ana still being drugged up. Praying the Good Guys can save her ASAP.

9.) Daddy del Pino still an ASSHOLE.

10.) Elisa is still gullible & naive.

11.) Fermin & Francisco arrive at Manuela's burmed up house. Fermin tells him that Manuela was killed & right on cue: Francisco goes unhinged.

12.) Now that his grandmother was killed, doesn't take long for Francisco to plot his revenge.



Kat, thank you for that excellent account of everything that involve in this episode as we move toward the finale.

Pedra has inherited that stonecold killer blood. He didn't even flinch as he pulled the trigger and killed the aunt who raised him. Lu, you paid for betraying el conde.

After so many innocents have been harmed, I am tired of Ale saying " Don't worry."

It looks like Vi is going to win the grand prize...loyal, stoic Memo.

Caye, you can have annoying Ric. Susan

Susan: I'm expecting Violeta, Antonio & Paulina all to DIE 😃

Kat in SC, I found your part 3 and restored it. I still can't believe that you've done all this under such difficult conditions. We're all in your debt!

Just wait until Crazy Blondie (AKA Fern) finds out Emilio Montenegro is really Francisco Ramirez. She will go completely nuts & did you notice Crazy Blondie always plays with matches ?

Hmmm: I wonder what does that foreshadow ?


What a superb recap, Kat, under anything but superb circumstances. You're amazing!

Well, Josefina signed the supposed will without even looking at it. I guess that's what Brendan and Dylan had hoped, though I'm still not wholly sure whether this is the REAL will or a fake one. (For that matter, why would Josefina have to sign the will?)

Was Ramiro so well known that his death is reported on the radio?

I'm surprised that Felipe is so surprised to find that Josefina and Antonio are lovers. Were they always that careful any time he was around (and as her son, he was around A LOT)?

Loved your description of the wedding: "The most unromantic wedding of the century. It actually made me laugh, you need to just see this scene to appreciate it." Absolutely!

I thought that El Conde would have kept well hidden documents like the original contract that David signed. (I keep forgetting that this is a telenovela.) Sigh.

Loved the parentheses in "He arranges for them to meet (her fate,) near the river."

"Miguel assures her El Conde has everything under control (right,tell that to all the victims he failed so far)." Yup!

And yes, Mari comes VERY close to revealing The Secret to David. I suspect we may not have to wait until the last episode for him to find out. Indeed, it's even possible that it's not Mari who tells him, but that's just a wild guess.

Juanita, I went back to rewatch the Dylan/Brendan scene with English captions because I was confused. It turns out Dylan claims he is putting everything in Josies name now before he dies. She just needs to sign the paper so Brendan can take it to the notary. I noticed she did not even look at what she was signing so there is a good chance it was some other document.


Thanks, Kat! I thought Raquel might back out but nope! She was ok with him grabbing the flowers of the nearby vase. Ha! The actor looks like he's having fun with this part, as did the judge. And Raquel can be grateful he didn't swing by a cemetery on his way over for a bouquet. She could've been holding a nice funeral wreath for her wedding. But it's a civil wedding so yay divorce! Or annulment! Didn't look like she had to spend the night with him so at least there's that.

I think Lucrecia might be DEAD dead. She wasn't good enough to deserve an almost-death. But I was concerned about Amaranta and the bruja. It might be a little late to throw another wrench into things but putting off advising el conde and crew seems like an unnecessary risk. I hope Josie doesn't know where she lives.



Kat, I agree with your account, but what I don't understand is 1) why Josie has to sign a will that she didn't write, and 2) wouldn't a notary insist on seeing the document signed in his/her presence? Also, I still am not sure whether the will that Josie signed really does say she inherits all or says something quite different (and they counted on her signing without reading it). I'm not sure why I'm making so much of this, but....

Juanita, it wasn't a will she signed, it was a transfer of shares (supposedly his holdings to her). I'm hoping it transferred all her shares to Mari or Dylan and Brendan. I want her to lose everything.


Steve, I removed your comment about the previews of tonight's episode in a discussion about Wednesday's episode. As is stated on every twice-weekly page Juanita and I put up, Telemundo Caray does not want discussions of previews.


Thanks so much, Kat. That was a terrific recap with lots of interesting sidebars. I'm glad Juanita was able to rescue your third part.

So it took 18 years for Felipe to catch Antonio and his mother in a compromising situation. Improbable.

I loved the Count's manipulation of Josie. Her most desired outcome is her half-wit son as President of Mexico. It's hard for me to determine if she wants this because she is fond of him or if she wants to run the country behind the scenes. Probably the latter. But Ale was able to get her to testify about that long-ago scene where we saw her peeking over a wall to see Ramiro kill the Aguilars. Of course the miserable b$%ch kept quiet for 18 years to assure that Ale was convicted, freeing her stepdaughter up for a more financially advantageous marriage to Gerardo.

Gerardo pretty much told Mari about all his crimes. He's looking a bit unhinged lately.

Kudos to Patricia Martínez for a fine acting job as Lucrecia. She nimbly portrayed the sympathetic sister who raised the ungrateful Pedro and later the devious traitor to Alejandro.

That child playing Luisito is adorable! He's very well behaved and seems to be comfortable with everyone in the cast who gets close to him. I loved it when Memo cuddled him!

Another good acting job with few lines is the Bruja turned Herbalist. She looked so sinister when Josie went to see her for the poisons. And she's warm and affectionate with Amaranta.

How many rooms are there at Casa Conde? He's had nearly the whole cast staying there at various times.


I will do a recap of tonight's episode.


Novelera, ha..yes, el conde's mansion must be enormous ...Welcome to The Hotel California. Susan

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