Thursday, October 10, 2024

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): El Conde: Amor y Honor y más: Week of October 7, 2024


Here's Page 2 for the week. The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

10 - 11PM - El Conde: Amor y Honor

Beginning next week, Telemundo will again offer two telenovelas in the evening. Sed de Venganza (Thirst for Revenge) will begin on Tuesday, October 15, at 9 PM. El Conde: Amor y Honor will continue for one more week, after which it will be replaced by a Turkish novela, La Familia, in the 10 PM time slot.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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I will put up a recap, probably brief, tonight.


Posted this on the other page but copying it here since it's late.

I thought The House of El Conde already suspected Lucrecia of something related to the Marquis. But not this? They're losing their touch or I missed something.

Poor sad hitman Ramiro. Maybe he was just super poor and desperate? Maybe I'm just falling for his puppy dog eyes and making excuses for him? Their house looked nice enough but could have been bought with dirty money. His partner is going to be so angry and disappointed in him.

And Antonio does occasionally step up. I laughed at his smile to the baby. Hand over the keys, dude, if you really want to suck up to a baby. But seems like neither Vio or Luisito are buying his change of attitude.



#69 – Part 1 of 2

Pedro tells it like it is. He tells Josie he’s the way he is because it’s in his blood. He tells her his mother’s name and that he has a mole in the same place as Felipe. We see a flashback of Josie asking Antonio to find her grandchild and bring him to her. Pedro rambles on about Lucretia raising him. But he wanted fine things and got involved in stealing and trafficking.

Antonio told Violeta that he wanted to change, but he’s guarding Amaranta and won’t even give her a sip of water. She asks him to approach. He does, and she says death surrounds him and mentions that boy. [The one he killed after the child saw he and Josie kissing in the stable.] She warns him that Josie kills the ones she loves.

Paulina tries to get Chole to help her. She’s tied to a chair. Dylan rushes in and gets her out of the Hacienda of Death [Thanks, K.]

I must say it’s a pleasure to see someone get the better of Josie. Pedro doesn’t flinch under her attacks. He tells her what he wants: her help in marrying Raquel. She agrees but insists he not tell Felipe the truth.

Memo tells Ale that maybe what Josie said about Mariana was true, that she really wanted to marry Gerardo, the rich guy. Ale says he can’t imagine why he’d believe a word out of the mouth of Josie.

Paulina finds Amaranta and is able to free her. Of course, like so many, many telenovela characters, she’s developed a high fever and is grave, muy grave.

Ale is brooding in his Vengeance Room, and Caye comes to say she’s not here about her own feelings but as a friend.

Mari tells Nanny she’s going to work on Ramiro about getting herself and her children away from Gerardo. Nanny tells her about having seen Ramiro’s pregnant partner.

Violeta is slipping way down in my estimation. She’s being pretty insensitive telling Memo about how Antonio has changed. He bought Luisito a mini train set. Poor Memo.

Brendan gets dizzy. [What the hell was that about? Later we saw him perfectly fine talking to Ale.]

Caye again whines to Ric about Ale not loving her back. At one point he kissed her. Hard to tell if she reciprocated.

Antonio comes to tell Josie about Paulina and Amaranta escaping. Chole overhears her tell him to have the hired men shoot them both dead.


#69 – Part 2 of 2

Lucretia tells Cayetana about taking Mari to the secret room, with a gleeful look on her face. She says it was to clear the way for Caye to have Ale. But Caye bites her head off. Realizing she’s miscalculated, Lu begs Caye not to tell the Count. We don’t see Caye’s answer.

Pedro successfully proposes to Raquel, the rich heiress Josie was lining up for Felipe (after she finished poisoning Paulina).

Pau manages to get Ama to Casa Villareal. She has to plead her case to a fairly unsympathetic Gerardo. Thankfully Mari rushes in and embraces her.

Brendan tells Ale that Josie thinks he’s taken Dylan’s will to the notary. When Brendan says he failed Sofia, Ale tells him she’s alive. Brendan is overjoyed!

Pau apologizes to Mari for the lie she told Ale about Mari having turned him in to the police 18 years ago. She says Josie threatened to kill Amaranta.

Ramiro is showing signs of humanity. He sorta kinda sticks up for Mari. Gerardo doesn’t like this one bit.

Mari now seems to think Ale turned against her (and crossed out her picture with red) because of what Paulina told him, at Josie’s insistence. She tells Nanny she wants her to find out where Ramiro lives so she can get his help. She wants his help getting she and the children away.

Josie has come to Casa Villareal looking for Pau and Ama. Ger keeps his mouth shut.

Mari tells Josie she’s going to get back her house. Josie replies that she deserves what she got for putting up with Mari and the old goat all those years.

Caye tells Ale she’s going back to Europe to pursue her acting career. [But she doesn’t tell him about what she learned about Lucretia.]

Mari thanks Gerardo for keeping quiet about Pau and Ama being there. Without warning he backhands her horribly. He says she disobeyed him and went to see the Count. He says she’ll learn to obey him. She screams that she doesn’t love him, that she never loved him. She doesn’t need for there to be another man for her to want to leave him. She can’t stand living with him. He begins to choke her, saying he’d prefer seeing her dead rather than with another man.

Novelera, one thing I think I caught when Memo and Ale were discussing Mari, he wondered why she married just weeks after he was sent to jail. I know some of us thought it had been months and wondered how David was passed off as Ger's son. The weeks reference makes that more plausible. Someone needs to ask David his birth date and do the math.

I had hopes Raquel was going to turn Pedro down. Hopefully she will want a big glitzy wedding months from now.

Hears hoping Ramiro will support Mari. Never could understand the hold Ger has over him, perhaps the original Aguilar murders ordered by his father.

I really thought Conde understood Pau was lying when she told him about Mari.

Novelera: Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Interesting job with the recap of last night's episode. Alejandro made a big error blurting out to Bremdan about Sofia being alive, which means she's in danger if & when Buji Joise finds out.

Kat in SC: Raquel is STUPID & gullible. She has no damn clue Slippery Pedro will loot all of her $$$$ & kill her eventually. At this point, I am losing confidence that not all of the villains will get their Karma anvils for their heinous crimes against humanity.

NOT shocked Scumbag Villarreal slapped Blabbermouth Mariana & choked her. When will Alejandro, Memo & Ricardo find out Old Hag Lucrecita is the traitor ?

Doubling-down on Violeta NOT being among the living because of her STUPIDITY into believing Antonio's shtick. You know it's only a matter of time before Buji Joise finds out about Antonio & Violeta doing the hanky-panky.

On Memo: I think he should be with Carmen & I have confidence that Ricardo & Cayatena will be likely endgame.

Gabriela still gullible & naive.


Did we know that Josie tried to find baby Pedro? And why? She wanted a grandson from Felipillo or she wanted the baby killed too? Wouldn’t put it past her. It was nice to see someone besides Mariana stand up to Josie and put her off her game. These two will be fun to watch.

Has she found a way to poison Brendan? Was that the dizziness or is he setting up an el conde con? Or maybe he’s just pregnant.


Steve, I just got back and saw your message about an earlier posting that didn't appear. I've now found it, restored it, and removed the message about its being missing.


Many thanks, novelera, for stepping in to provide this fine recap of Thursday's episode.

I was frankly surprised that Memo suggests to Ale that perhaps what Josie said about Mari wanting to marry the rich guy was true. I thought Memo was more perceptive than that. I cheered when Ale replied "I can't imagine why you'd believe a word out of the mouth of Josie."

Perhaps I'm wrong, but I don't think Violeta was insensitive in telling Memo about how Antonio has changed. IIRC, Memo has never expressed feelings for Violeta. Some of us on the patio may have caught an occasional interested look, but I don't think Violeta has ever thought of Memo as having a romantic interest in her.

Yes, I too wondered what was going on when Brendan appeared to be dizzy. Actually, I enjoyed K's suggestion: "Or maybe he’s just pregnant."

When Mari tells Nanny about wanting to get Ramiro's help in escaping with her children, Nanny warns her that Ramiro's loyalties are only to Gerardo. I can't decide whether this foreshadows something ominous, or whether Ramiro's increasingly visible humanity and, especially, his standing up for Mari, may signal a major change in Ramiro.

One thing seems certain: Gerardo is as nasty as ever. He hits Mari hard and tells her "You'll learn to obey me" and "You'll stay my wife until I'm through with you." And, as you say, the episode ends with his choking her. I've been assuming that Josefina had a lock on the "Nastiest character in the novela" award, but Gerardo is giving her some serious competition.


Gracias, Novelera. Yep, Pedro is a chip of the old block, more like grandma than Felipe. Can't stand him.

Disappointed in Caye not telling Ale about Lucretia. She may be annoying chasing Ale, but she's never been stupid before.

ITA Vio has no inkling that Memo might be interested in her, and I'm not sure if he is but I hoped so.


Novelera, thank you for a great recap as the writers ramp up the evil .

I, too, was wondering what was up with Brendan getting dizzy. Has No somehow managed to poison him ?

Vi looks very elegant now that Vic's death has set her free. I think she will end up with Memo because the Anvils are dangling and Antonio will either be dead or in jail .



I fell behind again. Thank you novelera and Kat for the recaps. Great comments from the patio. They were a big help.

The Friday recap will be up later today. Thanks for your patience.


Dondi356: Noticed the preview for Monday's upcoming episode said "Semana Final". The walls are closing in fast.

conde #70 part 1

Gerardo has Mari by the throat. He shouts, be very careful, Mariana! He threatens to take the kids away and turn Pau over to her abusers. The only thing that saves her is the appearance of Ramiro. Gerardo throws Mari to the floor. Ramiro silently processes what’s happening, while Gerardo shouts at him—what the hell are you doing here? The men are here, Ramiro replies, they are waiting for your orders.

Pedro is sitting in Josie’s office, feet up on the desk, pouring a drink for himself. Antonio enters and scolds him—who do you think you are? Luck has smiled on me again, Pedro answers, I could even end up as your new boss.

Antonio scoffs, if Josefina finds out…. Pedro interrupts—your lover? Antonio gulps. Pedro continues, when I take my future wife’s fortune, I’ll probably take the Zambranos’, too. Antonio doesn’t understand. Pedro warns him to be nice.

Leticia has let her hair down. I can’t recall seeing her like this before. Anyway, Memo has come to the atelier to talk to Rod. He tells Rod that Ale and Mari are together again. Rod’s happy to hear it. Memo says all was well until Josie spoke with Ale and said Mari was the one who turned Ale in to the cops.

Rod knows this isn’t true. He tells Memo, Margarita told my father that she gave Alejandro away. [I’ve wondered what happened to Margie, IIRC, back in the day, she was in love with Ale.] Memo asks if Rod is sure about this. He’s worried that if Mari betrayed Ale back then, she could do it again. Rod gives his word he’s telling the truth.

Rod shows Memo the paper with David’s last article: “Alejandro Gaitan’s Hell on La Isla de Los Dolores”. It explains how Alejandro Gaitan’s trial was a setup and how Gerardo was behind it all. Rod thinks Gerardo’s shot at the presidency is over.

Mari comes to see Pau. Pau is thankful Gerardo didn’t turn her in. Mari tells Pau they are all in danger there. Pau sees the marks Gerardo left on Mari’s arm. Mari says Gerardo’s gone crazy, and she can’t wait until something happens to her or the kids. As soon as Amaranta recovers, she says, we will all leave. Nanny enters and tells Mari she did as she was told. She has a visitor.

Josie asks Felipe if he found Pau and Ama. Not yet, they are still looking. Mom and son are concerned about Gerardo’s attitude. Could Gerardo be helping Pau? Josie starts to berate Felipe on his weaknesses when it comes to women.

Josie mentions “that prostitute” and questions Felipe about their relationship. He wonders why she’s asking about that now. She asks if anyone else knew about this. Felipe knows Aracely had a sister. Josie asks, what about the alleged child you had with that whore? Did you ever see him? Once, Felipe replies, and he was an ugly, sickly kid. Felipe wants to know why Josie’s bringing it up. She doesn’t tell him about Pedro. We get a flashback to the Aracely coverup. She sends Felipe off to Gerardo’s to find any clues about Pau.

Dylan has called Ale with an update. Ric thinks Pau could have gone to the neighboring Villarreals. Ale wants to go there, but Caye stops him. She says she will go to see Mari, so Gerardo won’t suspect anything. Ale reluctantly agrees and sends her off with Ric. Caye says she will leave after that, and she hopes that one day Ale will find peace and happiness.


conde #70 part 2

Mari’s visitor is Esperanza, Ramiro’s pregnant wife. She’s happy to be there but worried if Ramiro finds out. First, Mari congratulates her on the baby, then she says she needs her help. Before Mari can start, Ramiro enters the room. He asks his wife, what are you doing here?

Mari explains that she asked Esperanza to come. Esperanza says she doesn’t know the reason why. Mari begs Ramiro for help. Ramiro says his wife has nothing to do with this. Mari uses the child angle. A parent will do anything to protect their children. Help me, she says, you saw Gerardo hurting me. You know he’s capable of killing me [or asking Ramiro to do it.] Esperanza gasps. Mari pleads, for the love of God, your wife, your child, whatever you want, help me escape! He’s thinking…

Memo rushes to Ale with the paper. Did you give the order? Did you let them print it? Ale says no. Memo calls it a bomb. There’s no stopping what will happen. Ale says he didn’t order it. He wanted to wait until Mari and Pau were safe. Memo wonders who did it. They both come to the same conclusion—Ricardo!

Esperanza begs Ramiro to help Mari. He warns her not to meddle. Mari begs again. She shows the marks Gerardo left on her. What would he do to his own children? She appeals to his impending fatherhood. Ramiro replies, for that alone, I won’t tell the boss about this. But I won’t betray him. He tells his wife, let’s go. Nanny gives Mari an “I told you so”.

Felipe brings Gerardo the “special edition” newspaper. It’s not on sale, they’re giving it away. Gerardo bangs his desk—it’s a war against me! Everything changed when they started looking into that case. It comes out 18 years later just as I’m about to become president! Gerardo puts it together, the Piedras Rojas warden, the DA, Lopez Verdia.

Felipe asks Gerardo if this is slander or the truth. The less you know, the better, Gerardo replies. I need you to find Silvestre Davalos. Mari overhears this. Gerardo continues, I don’t care how much you must pay to find him. Bring him to me and I will kill him with my bare hands. Mari walks in. You asked to see me? Gerardo tells her to pack, they’re leaving.

Lucrecia is snooping in Ale’s office. She takes a gold watch and puts it in her pocket just as Caye enters. Caye questions her and Lu replies she’s just doing her job, making sure all is in order. Caye says she didn’t tell on Lu. Lu is grateful, she meant well. Not so fast. Caye wants to give Lu the chance to come clean to Ale, and if she doesn’t, she will tell.

Josie and Pedro have a chat. She admits she has some admiration for him. He’s come a long way from his beginnings. Pedro is immune to her insinuations about his past. He considers himself a self-made man and he doesn’t owe anyone anything. [no comment.] He wondered about his father, but it wasn’t until he passed himself off as the marquis, that he met him. He proposes, why don’t we tell my father? We could be a family.

Josie snaps back, there no room in my family for someone like you. [is he not evil enough?] Pedro mocks that she’s breaking his heart. She answers, heal it with the millions you’ll get from Raquel’s family. She adds that he should pay her for her help. She won’t report him, and she helped set him up with Raquel.

Pedro is impressed with Josie and now understands how she came to own all she has. Manipulation… blackmail. That’s something you learn on the streets, he says and figures, you’re like me, from humble beginnings. A thief recognizes another thief.


conde #70 part 3

Chole tells Pedro he has a call. Pedro wonders who it could be. No one knows he’s there. It’s Lucrecia. She’s worried he’s at the Zambranos. He’s not leaving until he makes the Zambranos pay for denying him his rightful place. She tries to reason with him. She tells him she has more money and stole some jewelry. I can’t stay, she says, they will figure it out. We can leave together, or I’ll tell the count where to find you. He hangs up.

Uh oh, Felipe walks through the Villarreal house and overhears Pau asking the maid to bring tea. He marches into Gerardo’s office and takes a gun from the desk drawer. He bursts through the bedroom door where Pau and Ama are. I finally found you, you damn bitches! He aims the gun.

Pau begs him to put the gun down. Felipe answers, you shouldn’t have cheated on me. Much less with a woman. Ama speaks up, you lost Pau a long time ago. How can you let your crazy mother still manipulate you? Felipe shouts, shut up! He orders Pau to get up and come home with him. Pau gets up but sneers, I’m not going anywhere with you.

Felipe threatens to shoot Ama. Pau notes that Gerardo has guards everywhere. They won’t let us leave. Felipe asks, why is Gerardo hiding you? Nanny enters and, with the distraction, Pau grabs something and knocks Felipe to the floor. She takes off with Ama.

Antonio is still hanging around Josie’s place. Pedro tells him he has a problem that needs solving. I need to kill someone, and I’ll pay handsomely if you help me. Antonio is shocked and asks, who do you have to kill? Aunt Lucrecia. Antonio marvels at Pedrito’s malevolence. You’d kill your aunt? Pedro says Antonio has done it for his lover [Josie]. Antonio replies, I’m not a hired killer. Pedro taunts and Antonio grabs him by the collar and warns, I know who you are. Pedro counters he’ll talk about Violeta.

Memo tells Ale he spoke with Linares. Ric handed over the article and said that Ale ordered to publish it immediately. Ale thinks Ric did it because he thought Ale went back on his plans. Memo is worried that Gerardo will discover David is Davalos. It won’t end well.

Antonio reads the special edition news to Josie. I knew the Count was looking for a way to beat Gerardo, Josie says. Antonio doesn’t understand. Wasn’t the count supporting Gerardo? Josie figures Miguel Aguilar made the Count a better offer. Whatever the motive, Josie says, it’s beneficial for me. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. It’s time to form a true alliance with the Count.

Nanny gives the Mari the news about Pau. David isn’t home and Mari worries. She asks Nanny to send someone to find him, but Gerardo enters the room.

Gerardo wants to know why Mari hasn’t started packing. Mari asks why he let Felipe leave and why he didn’t help Pau. Gerardo says it’s none of his business and Mari should do as he says. He wants to leave right away. Mari thinks Gerardo is scared. She asks, is what was printed in the paper true? Gerardo steps towards Mari and Nanny intervenes. Please don’t hit her. A maid comes in to say Mari has a visitor.

Pau and Ama run through the woods with gun toting Felipe in pursuit.

Caye (with Ric) has come to see Mari. Gerardo tells her it’s not a good time. Forgive me, she replies, I’m leaving, and I wanted to say goodbye to Mari. She notes that Mari hasn’t come to the estate for a while. Gerardo says that’s his fault. They are planning a trip. Gerardo excuses himself.


conde #70 part 4

Caye asks Mari if she’s okay. Did Joaquin send you, Mari asks. Caye replies, Alejandro wanted to know if you’re okay and if you know anything about Pau and Ama. Mari realizes that Caye knows the truth about “Alejandro”. Caye says don’t be surprised, Ale knows he can trust me. He told me about his past and some of yours.

Vi and Luisito are out in the park with Antonio. [All of a sudden Antonio is father of the year?] Vi says, I don’t plan to stay with the Count forever. With the money you gave me, Luisito and I will go to the capital. Antonio tells her he thought it over and has come to a decision. I want to change my life. I’m sick of living in SJ. I’m coming to the capital with you and Luisito. Vi’s face lights up.

Lu has told Carmen and Tere that she’s leaving. Carmen asks, are you in trouble with the Count? [not yet.] Lu says she decided she doesn’t want to keep working for others. She wants her own house and to work the land. Carmen notes that’s a lot of work. Do you have relatives? Lucrecia lies, no, she’s on her own. She asks them for a favor. Don’t tell anyone about my plans. She doesn’t want to be talked out of going. She asks them, can I trust you? They answer of course.

Caye continues explaining to Mari. Ale did it to help her understand why he brought her to SJ. Ric jumps in here—Vicente killed Cayetana’s father. He stole everything she owned. The Count used her in his plans for justice. Caye confirms it and adds, his heart always belonged to you.

Ric asks about Pau and Ama. Mari says they were there. Ama wasn’t well. Josefina hurt her. Felipe found out they were there, but they managed to escape. He’s chasing after them. Ric is worried he wants to go tell the Count.

Before they go, Mari asks Caye if the Count had the article published. Caye doesn’t know anything about the article. Ric looks away. Mari says she told the Count not to do it as it would put David in danger. I’ll never forgive him. Caye says she will tell Ale. Mari asks Caye if she has a relationship with the Count. Caye fires back, I told you he only cares about one woman, unfortunately, I’m not her. Caye and Ric leave.

Caye brings the latest back to Ale. Felipe is chasing down Pau and Ama and Gerardo won’t let Mari out of the house. He’s planning a trip for them. Memo thinks it’s because of the article. Caye gives Ale the message that Mari won’t forgive him for putting David in danger.

Mari reads the article and has flashbacks. Ale tells her Gerardo ordered the hotel fire. She thinks about Josie’s threat to out her and Ale. How Gerardo confronted her about Ale and threatened her. She recalls that Gerardo wants revenge against Silvestre Davalos.


conde #70 part 5

David arrives and Mari tells him Gerardo wants them to go on a trip. David notices the marks on Mari’s arm. Who did this? It’s nothing, she replies. David picks up the paper. A special edition? Mari asks, didn’t the Count tell you? David shakes his head no.

Mari tells David that he was just a part of the Count’s revenge plan. David says the Count only wanted justice for Alejandro Gaitan. Yes, Mari replies, but he is putting you in grave danger. David says the Count tried to stop him from working and so did the DA. But he adds, the people need to know the truth. She warns, if you father finds out you’re Davalos, I don’t know what he will do to you. David concludes that his father is the one who hurt Mari.

Caye tells Ale, it must be hard to hear Mariana wants nothing to do with you, and that she’s leaving with Gerardo. Ale says that Gerardo isn’t going anywhere until he pays.

Josie comes to see Ale. Ale assumes she’s there to complain about the newspaper article. Not at all. She wants to thank him for not mentioning Mari. He asks the purpose of her visit.

David says he can’t let his father hurt his mother. Mari stops him and wants him to sit. David is upset. What should I do? Wait and see? Are we leaving with him? Mari doesn’t know how, but she says they will find a way out. David and Gaby are all that matters to her now.

Josie says that after reading the article and realizing what that poor man [Ale Gaitan] went through on that island, she feels it’s her duty to tell the whole truth. And what is that? Josie recalls, remember when I told you the Aguilars’ murders were shrouded in secrets that implicated my family? I didn’t just mean Mariana. What I’m about to tell you can put my life in danger. But first, I need to know that I’ll have your support and protection.

Ale tells Josie, you can count on me. Josie confesses, I saw who murdered the Aguilars. It was Ramiro Menchaca, Gerardo Villarreal’s head of security.

The chase through the woods continues. Felipe shouts for Paulina. The women run until they come to a steep drop with a waterfall. Felipe catches up to them. You have nowhere to go! Did you think you could get away? The women beg. Felipe shoots at Pau but Ama jumps in the way and collapses.

Pau holds Ama and shouts at Felipe. He just stands there like a sniveling idiot with his gun still pointed. Pau gets Ama to her feet. Felipe shoots again and the women fall over the edge. Felipe looks over and we can’t be sure of what he sees. He shouts.

And we are out and on to the final week!


Dondi356: Awesome job with the recap of last night's episode. I tried to warn y'all that Paulina & Amaranta were going to get whacked: Unless I am proven wrong (I'm usually NOT), there is NO way in Hell that both Paulina & Amaranta survived that fall over the edge. They're so DEAD.

As for Nagging Lucrecita: she's going to get WHACKED soon because Slippery Pedro will NOT stop. Hell, he might kill Alejandro & Blabbermouth Mariana in the final week.

Body Count keeps increasing non-stop BABY & I love it.

Dondi, I'm the opposite of Steve, I do not want the body count to increase, especially among the good side. I'm hoping it was a nice deep pool at the base of the waterfall that they fell into, just like Ale's plunge from the cliffs at the prison.


Dondi, thank you for an excellent report on all the drama as we tumble to the end. I love your style and observations.

Oh my, the villains are getting desperate, and Ale doesn't seem to be doing anything to save all the innocents who are in harms way. He just sits at his desk and talks. Whats up with that? Fernando usually plays proactive characters that are large and charge. Ale seems way to calm and collected.

And now we have a good person (Lu)betraying Ale. That was a surprise .

The writers are going to need a lot of angels ...Ger, Ramiro, Jo, Felipe, Antonio, Pedro, Lu. Wow , thats a lot of characters,

I thought that Caye was actually going to redeem herself by helping Mari , but she is still conniving .

Yikes, did Pau and Ama survive? Can't wait for the next episode. Susan


I respect Steve’s preferences, but I’m more in line with you, Kat. If I may say—make love, not war. But that being said, I don’t have sympathy for the very evil ones.

“Ale doesn't seem to be doing anything to save all the innocents who are in harms way. He just sits at his desk and talks.” I’ve noticed that too, Susan. He’s losing control of the situation. And he seems tired.

I’ve read Urban Anthropologist’s “karmageddon” posts near the end of a TN. They are always interesting. So, Patio members, as we head into the final week, what do you all think will happen to our remaining baddies? Death? Prison? Manicomio? Will some have an 11th hour conversion and be redeemed?



Thanks VERY much, dondi, for this terrific account of an exciting episode.

I'm glad you mentioned Letitia's letting her hair down. When that scene started, I wondered who the woman was. I did figure it out, but, like you, I'd never seen her that way before. I wonder why she changed the way she wears her hair.

Good grief, we get mention of Margarita (hiss here)! I would say that she was infatuated with Alejandro, not in love with him in any meaningful way.

I enjoyed the way Pedro more or less outs Josefina as having been a low-class thief, like him.

Uh oh, it looks as if, by threatening to tell the count where to find Pedro, Lucrecia has signed her death warrant. I for one won't miss her.

I wouldn't conside Antonio suddenly Father of the Year, but I do find his change in attitude and behavior toward Luisito believable, I do think he's in love with Vio, and I do think he's fed up with the life he's been leading. He tells Violeta that he wants to change his life, and he knows that part of that change has to be his relationship with Luisito. I don't think he's faking his enjoyment with the child. Though I've been known to be wrong :-).

I was surprised when Felipe goes to a desk drawer in Gerardo's house and takes out the gun he apparently expected to find there. That puzzled me at first, but I guess the desk must have been one that Gerardo assigned to Felipe as his, um, assistant.

I scratched my head even more in the scene where Pau and Ama flee and the previously unconscious, injured Felipe is somehow not far from them. It's true that Ama is not in great shape either, but I would have thought Ama and Pau would have had more of a lead. I kept hoping that Felipe would trip and accidentally shoot himself, but no such luck. I'm still hopeful that Pau and the wounded Ama survive after falling/jumping from the cliff into the water. (As was the case with Ale in his successful escape from La Isla de los Dolores.)


Juanita, ha...i, too, thought that crazy angry ( and no doubt drunk) Felipe would trip and shoot himself .
It would be nice ( and unbelievable) if Pau and Ama survived that fall into the waterfall. Susan


Gracias, Dondi. Terrific recap. Much awful is happening to the good guys, but your brilliant snark is lol. My fave: "Josie snaps back, there no room in my family for someone like you. [is he not evil enough?]"

It seems out of character for Ric to give the order to publish the story. He's been faithfully following Ale's orders. Plus he's not been involved in Ale's role with David on the newspaper.

I am flabbergasted about Ama and Pau jumping over the cliff. This is way too much like Thelma and Louise.

Antonio finally sees being Josie's man will be his doom. And of all things, that pip-squeak Pedro has an edge over him.

Kat in SC: Too bad. Expect the Body Count to increase in the final week.

Susan: There's no wayanybody can survive that fall. Gut feeling both Paulina & Amaranta are probably dead.

Niecie: Buji Joise will find out about Antonio & Violeta doing the hanky-panky. Remember when Amaranta showed Violeta the death card earlier in the Telenovela ? Death is coming for both Antonio & Violeta soon once Buji Joisefinds out.

Juanita: Previews of this final week are showing David being hostile towards Alejandro/Joaquin. Blabbermouth Mariana is determined to this secret to her grave isn't she ?

Dondi356: You know only a matter of time before Slippery Pedro will have Old Hag Lucrecita whacked. Slippery Pedro keeps winning & I hope he loots The Count's $$$$$ too.

Maybe Bratty Dolores might get redeemed somehow. Unlikely!


Susan: There is NO way in Hell that Paulina & Amaranta survived the fall. No way both of them survived.


Pedro is definitely evil enough! (Thanks, Dondi). He is a better heir for her than Felipe. If she really believes Felipe could be president, then she might be as smart as she thinks.

I can’t believe they’d kill off Pau! Hasn’t Sofia suffered enough? I’m holding out hope for a ledge or something.

Raquel. First Felipe and now Pedro? Is there room in el conde’s house for her because she needs to get away for a while and think about her life.



Thanks so much, dondi. Another superb, well written recap. Like Niecie, I loved "Isn't he evil enough?"

I feel really jerked around by the writers getting Viewerville's hopes up in showing Ramiro a teensy bit sympathetic toward Mariana. I suppose his wife may yet change his mind, but so far he's no help at all.

Thanks for mentioning Margarita, the woman obsessed with Ale who helped bring about his downfall. I'd completely forgotten about her.

I'm happy to see Caye resigned to giving Ale up. I was quite surprised she knew his real identity. And especially because she was often shown as not understanding the feelings Ale had for Mari.

I wouldn't have guessed that Ricard released David's article. IIRC, David gave it to Memo.

Antonio and Pedro have a mutually insured destruction pact.

I don't expect Antonio to ride off into the sunset with Violeta and Luisito. He's done too many bad things.

Amor Prohibido

It will not be on Monday due to baseball playoffs.

Amor Prohibido

Never mind. I got it confused with Amor Real.
Amor Prohibido is on a new hour at 11c/12 Midnight


I rewatched the last few episodes. From Memo's facial responses in Vio's presence, he is most definitely smitten. I hope Vio starts falling for Memo BEFORE (presumably) Antonio's fall. Memo deserves better than being the fallback guy.

I've finally been motivated to read the Count of Monte Cristo. Should've been back when I watched La Reina del Sur, but I figure later is better than never.


Niecie: We're in the closing stretch of the final week. I still think Violeta is still in danger somehow because Buji Josie is going to figure out that Antonio was doing the horizontal mambo with Violeta & kill BOTH of them.

Let's not forget about Old Man Harrison potentially in danger as well.

Novelera: I do NOT see Slippery Pedro getting his Karma anvil. If & when he has Nagging Lucrecita whacked, Slippery Pedro will keep winning non-stop.

PS: Alejandro's revenge plan is imploding very fast.

Whatever happened to Margarita by the way ?

@Niecie, at first I wondered why you mentioned La Reina del Sur, a wonderful novel by the Spanish novelist Arturo Perez Reverte (who, by the way, had a hand in the creation of seasons 1 and 2 of the telenovela.) But then my brain fog cleared and I remembered that Patty O'Farrell gave a copy of The Count of Monte Cristo to Teresa Mendoza when the two of the were cellmates and good friends. Teresa said several times that that book saved her life.

Who's doing the recap for this evening's episode ? 🤔

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