Thursday, January 30, 2025
PRIMETIME on Univisión (#2): Las Hijas de la Sra. García & Papas Por Convenencia- Week of Jan. 27, 2025
Welcome to page 2 of Primetime TNs/Series. Papas Por Convenencia and Las Hijas de la Sra. García have gotten off the ground! Kat and Adriana Noel are providing notes/recaps for LHDLSG; and some discussion is starting on PPC. So let’s cheer our leaders on and join in on the discussions!! As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNs, it would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:
8-9 PM – Papas
Por Convenencia: Ep. 9-10
9-10 PM – Las Hijas de la Sra. García: Ep. 12-13
Friendly reminder: PLEASE put
the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so
readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten
the title to one word, i.e., “Fugitivas”.)
Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.
Labels: las-hijas, papas, primetime, Univision
Previously: Facundo kicks up dirt and dust with lies about Aidé and Tino’s relationship and promptly receives a major whupping from Tino. Aidé reveals to a shell shocked Circe and Ulises that Tino is their father. In the last scene, we see Guzmán in a room with wall to wall computer screens. While Guzmán isn’t planning world domination, Maxiclick is definitely in his sights.
Circe and Ulises are impactada at Aidé’s announcement and start in; Tino tries to stand up for Aide but Facundo intervenes and sweet Scarlet wraps her arms around her father and of course Tino backs off. Facundo shamelessly uses the girl upbraiding Tino for going after Aidé, taking advantage of her for monetary gain. Aidé takes Scarlet aside as fire glows in Tino’s eyes.
There are several scenes of Lichita and Chano chatting in the bedroom…it seems as though he wants to give her (and us) a look at his biceps (so to speak).
Circe says the situation is ridiculous. Tino tries to intercede but Circe tells him (imperiously) that she isn’t interested. The twins have their arms folded and glare and then stalk off. Tino takes his hand and caresses Aidé cheek as Federica arrives on the scene in a short sleeved brown leather dress unzipped to her naval (not really but you get the picture) and tall suede grey boots. A zipped up Federica talks with Circe but didn’t seem to make headway (did she even try?)
Aidé tries to make peace with Ulises; he begrudingly accepts a cheek kiss but Scarlet can’t quite meet her eyes. Aidé tells her she loves her and the two hug.
Lila and Bertha visit Emiliano in the hospital. Lila learns that Circe and Ulises are her half-sibs but accuses Tino of concentrating on Emiliano's emotional problems rather than hers.
Checo texts Circe asking show she is and her return message starts with “Fatal..”.
Clara Luz and Rudolf are at the hospital. The doctor mentions “Bronchial”…” infection” and “respiratory problems”. They argue we aren’t the parents they say in unison.
Things are percolating at the Maxiclick warehouse…tensions are high and the workers start fighting. Sitting in a huge glass control room with a sea of cameras (where we likely saw Guzman last night, hmmm) Aide yells through the intercom “basta”and things seem to calm down.
An unsmiling social worker visits Clara Luz and Rudolf. She says something about them not being Pipe’s parents and it’s obvious they are in trouble. They try and explain but she ain’t listening. Tino calls as the worker calls in the police who actually cuff them. Later we see them in jail. Tino shows up along with Guzmán and they are sprung.
Circe actually confronts Tino’s famiy saying they can’t live there. What a witch.
Later, in a dark green tank with a saran wrap top, Circe and Ulises argue.
Not sure where Tino and his family landed.
Checo is invited to the big house. He is impressed and takes pictures. Circe is playing bartender. They start to hug and there is a knock on the door. It’s Tino! Leave she demands, insulting him. Ulises comes down and Tino ends up leaving. He sits down on the steps outside as she threatens to call the police. Aidé told him to go there and he isn’t budging. Ulises goes into the house and Tino gives him a thumbs up.
Aidé arrives home and Tino ludicrously asks her to sit down on the outside steps. He comforts her and tells her he admires her, she is a wonderful woman. Their conversation ends in deep, caring kisses.
I tried but the truth is I understood very little tonight. Please excuse what I noted incorrectly and if you can add what I missed, kindly do so.
Diana, I think you got everything of importance just fine. This novela is, at least to me, quite hard to follow. People talk too fast for one thing, I'm sure there have been other novelas where the dialog was much more accessible.
There are also a lot of characters, and they often have oddball names. Who names a kid Pipe?
Whatever. It's still fun, but I have given up on understanding every little thing, I just enjoy the likable characters and the nonsensical things they do.
I did like Circe, but she is getting to be a major annoyance and I think she is going to be trouble soon.
I was really looking forward to your fashion take on what she was wearing. My reaction was "What the heck is that?" Saran wrap, eh?
She does seem to be a quick study when it comes to bartending, but that's not necessarily a good thing with very young women entertaining young guys.
Anyway, I think we have an answer for Susan about what Maxiclick deals in as a business. It is "stuff", stuff that goes into cardboard boxes and shipped to all parts of Mexico, as we could see from the real time map in Aidé's "war room".
It looks like a dozen men in the shipping department keep the multi-million peso business going. I love novela companies. They are so much fun!
Good job Diana. I think I can shed light on some things. Federica encouraged aide to go to the office ( on Sunday) to put out some major fires (that Guzman caused). She'll talk to Circe and smoothe things over. And of course she poisoned Circe against her mother, the job is so important, blah blah blah...
Circe didn't insult checo, she just needed him to hide because she isn't supposed to have guys over. I'm wondering where the housekeeper was during this. I would have expected aide to have her be a bit more in charge of the kids, though aide did ask responsible Ulysses to keep an eye on Scarlet.
Tinos family ended up at Pipe's house. Pipe was being kept overnight for observation. Guzman now has custody of Pipe as he is a relative. Tia is not his mother, as he called her Tia. I wonder if she ran off ( I thought she told them she was going to be gone 3 days when she left) to set them up to not want to be guardians. They did bond pretty well with Pipe and told Guzman they would like to continue visiting him
I took no notes but in the future if I'm needed for a recap let me know.
The recap will be up in a few hours.
I wanted to comment on your opinions about Mar being an innocent that all the mean girls are ganging up on.
I especially remember someone (maybe Jarifa) saying that after people kick her down one to many times she will maybe find the strenght to fight back and surprise everyone in the process. And Ofelia said something similar, she urged her to stand up to herself and draw her strenght from all the nastiness surrounding her.
I have the same way of thinking as I've had moments in my life when I felt I was being treated as "less then", but I used that feeling to forge ahead and "prove them all wrong"..
Some might say I need some therapy, huh? :))
A triangle between Cam, Juan and Mar seems likely, I'd love to see spoiled princess Camila live in the vecindad. And Juan is no prize, she can keep him. Mar deserves better, going from Ofelia to Juan would only mean changing one type of bullying for another.
They really went all in when creating that awful home that Ofelia and her daughters have been living in. We've seen poor novela people before and I thought they had nicer places than my own home.
But this time they are really making us see that Ofelia really hates the place, she's never done anything to make it nice, and now she's even sabotaging it.
I wonder when will we know more about her husband... it seems like the key to her behaviour is in her life with him.
Part 1/3
Camila sends a text to Juan “Hello, stranger!”
He answers a dry “Good afternoon”, she replies “In a bad mood?”.
He’s kind of getting into it because he’s starting to smile, but he’s also working. He says “Gotta go work, rich girl!”
Camila sigh… “Why do you have to be a driver?”
Arturo has brought Val into the hospital. She just needs some medicine, but she will be fine, the doctor says. Val is still asleep, Art says he was really scared for her, thank God she will be OK.
Juan and Susana talk about Gloria for a bit, but he’s in a hurry and kind of cold with his mother. Susana thinks it’s because of Mar, she doesn’t want him to suffer because of that girl. They never used to fight before, look how they are now because of these women… Juan leaves.
Mar is in bed, sleeping. Ofelia kisses her forehead and promises to make the women who hurt her pay. She tries to reach Val again, but the call goes straight to voice mail. Then she prays to the Virgen for her daughter to change her ways. And she also prays for Gloria’s well-being and lights a candle.
Camila is whining to Priscila on the phone about these women living in her house. Priscilla is whining about Art. No wonder they are besties. Camila mentions that there is this guy that she kinda likes, but he’s not like the boys they usually hang out with.
Arturo has actually brought Valeria to his house and into his bedroom. Oh boy! She’s still asleep, was she awake for any of the hospital part? How was she allowed to leave? He gets her into his bed (fully dressed), caresses her face and then goes to sleep on the couch. Major Patio Points for Arturo, but I can’t wait for the fireworks when the family finds out they shared a room.
The next day Susana visits Gloria, who is mumbling Ofelia’s name in her sleep. What did that woman do to you? Susana cries. Ofelia gets very agitated, so the doctor and the nurse get Susana out of the room.
Outside she tells Jacinto she’s sure Ofelia had something to do with what happened to Gloria. And she will be sorry!
Later a doctor comes outside to say that Gloria had a crisis, did she tell her something that might have caused this? They decided to put her into an induced coma, to stabilize her and give her time to heal. It could be a while before she gets better, days, weeks or months.
Mar is brushing her hair and then smelling the stolen perfume. She tries putting it in one of her pockets to take it back, but the bottle is too big for her slim fit jeans.
Arturo wakes up, he spent the entire night on his couch. Val is still sleeping, he thinks she’s very pretty. She wakes up just as he’s taking a shower and sure enough, there is a knock at the door; Ofelia, bringing coffee to Arturo.
“What are you doing here?” “
“I don’t know how I got here!”
Of course Ofelia doesn’t believe a word, even as Val insists. She plays the saint, making her feel bad, but then she’s in the patron’s bedroom. How dare she?
Arturo comes out of the bathroom, shirtless. Val asks him why she is here and Art tries to explain things are not what they looks like. Ofelia thinks they are both putting on an act for her. She summons Val to the service quarters to explain herself.
Alone with Art, Valeria demands an explanation also.
Part 2/3
Priscilla comes to visit with Camila but also asks about Arturo. Still in his room, she finds out and is about to go up when she runs into Ofelia. She better not go search for Arturo, he’s… indisposed. How dare you, Priscilla whines! And she goes upstairs.
Arturo tells Val that he just took her to the hospital because she was burning up. He’d come to talk to her about coming to live at the house. They get awfully close, Val asks him to leave her alone because he only wants to play with her. He caresses her face, he was hoping for a thank you kiss. Their lips almost touch, but she pushes him away, thanks him for helping, just like she did when he was drunk. Call it even?
Art thinks destiny will bring them together whether she likes it or not.
As she opens the door to leave, Priscila is at the door. She asks Val to go, but Art says she is definitely staying because they spent the night together.
Val won’t have any of this, she says she doesn’t want to be a pawn in their sick game, so she storms out. Priscilla threatens Arturo with going to her father. He tries to calm her, why can’t they just be friends like before? He doesn’t know why, but he started to care about Val because she is different. But he also cares about her, why can’t they just get along? For their sake and for their fathers. Priscilla realizes he only wants to play nice for the company and threatens to make his life miserable.
Ofelia tells Mar that she found Val in Arturo’s bed. The service quarters weren’t good enough, she preferred to sleep in his bed. But that is indecent, she never taught them to be like this.
In a hurry to leave Valeria bumps into Nicolas, who immediately assumes she slept in Arturo’s room. She makes it clear she wants nothing to do with this house, his brother can explain why she was here. And she leaves.
That almost kiss with Arturo was a fine moment, but I honestly saw more fireworks in this brief interaction. It can’t be for nothing that it happened just after Val had such a close call with Art.
Ofelia follows Valeria into the street, demanding to know what is going on with Arturo. Why is she hiding their relationship? What is she becoming? Val resents her mother’s judgement. There is nothing between them. He brought her here because she was dying, and nobody cared. Ofelia says she did care, but Val ignored her. And she does have a point.
Val explains she got sick because she was home alone, trying to protect their belongings. Arturo found her in a bad state, took her to the hospital and then to his house. Nothing else happened. Ofelia is afraid she will feel bad again, she needs to stay and allow her mother to take care of her. Can she just listen for once?
Val appreciates the help, but they are not welcomed here. Her mother can take care of her in their own house. She’d rather leave.
Priscilla is now with Camila and whining to her about Art and Val. Ffw…
Graciela arrives to suggest to Priscilla that she had better go, things are complicated in their house now. Priscilla feels humiliated, she can’t allow for the sirvienta’s daughter to steal the love of her life.
When the Pest leaves, we realize Graciela already knows Val slept in Art’s room, but she also knows forbidding Arturo to be with that girl will only make things worse. Camila wants to go to her dad, but Graciela thinks they can’t tell Luis for now, she will try to fix things alone first.
Part 3/3
Mar is still smelling the perfume when there is a knock at the door. She gets startled and drops the bottle, which breaks into a million pieces. She hurries to clean with a towel while Arturo keeps knocking, thinking Valeria is there. What will you do about the smell, silly girl?
Art is about to open the door but then gives up and leaves.
Luis is arriving home, and Ofelia is waiting for him on the stairs outside. She asks for permission to go buy some medicine for her daughter. She won’t be long, but she will leave Mar at the house to help out in any way she can.
Priscilla is still not gone, she is back into Arturos’s room, going through his stuff and smelling his shirts. She finds the sweater that Val gave him and realizes it must come from her. So, she starts ripping it off and throws it to the floor.
Ofelia is back in the room and the smell of perfume is horrible. Mar pretends not to know where it comes from and asks about Val. Ofelia explains what happened, she is not sure if to believe her older daughter or not. And she is so stubborn, she went back to their house. Mar believes her sister, but Ofelia is upset that after catching her in Art’s bed, Val still pouts and demands to do things her way. She has to leave for now, but please open a window, the smell is awful.
Nick is at work, upset because there are some problems with Priscilla’s father. Arturo explains that she was mad when she found Val in his room, Nick says their father’s house is not a hotel. And Art never thinks about the consequences of his decisions. Maybe the others were right, and he should have never asked him to work together.
Art explains to Nick why Val was in his room, she was sick and he was only helping her. Suure, Nick didn’t know Art was so charitable… he eventually apologizes, but why can’t her family tend to her?
Arturo offers to help solve this latest business crisis and Nick accepts. But he doesn’t look happy.
Leo and Luis are also working, there is some talk about sales and whatnot. Then Leo says Art and Nick’s project is not advancing. Luis asks him to stay away from the subject, Leo offers to step in if his brothers can’t handle the job.
Paula passes by Mar in the hallway, and she smells the perfume on her. She goes into Cecilia’s room, searching for something… then she calls for Mar, saying she’s trying to find her mother-in-law’s favorite perfume. Could she help her search? Mar pretends to, but Paula accuses her, the perfume must be in her room. She stinks, it’s obvious she took it!
The women from the vecindad are all praying for Gloria. Susana sees Ofelia arrive and accuses her of causing her cousin harm. Ofelia looks genuinely concerned and asks about Gloria, but Susana calls her an evil monster and grabs her by the collar.
Thanks Adriana, your recap is perfect! Really built the brother vs brother suspense! I can't wait to watch! I have to wait though because Vix STILL isn't updated!!! :( Mean Vix
I started watching El Precio de Amarte while I am waiting though and that one is drawing me in. I missed it when it was airing on Uni but it's on Vix. Scarlet Grubar looks like she's getting younger every day, I'd like to know that trick! lol
Thanks Andy.
That saran wrap top was a new one for me. I know I'm not exactly on the cutting edge of fashion but...not her best "luke".
"It looks like a dozen men in the shipping department keep the multi-million peso business going. I love novela companies. They are so much fun!" had me nodding away...
I am totally winging trying to translate the dialogue. But I'm telling myself this isn't surgery, it's for fun! I appreciate you and Kat jumping in to keep me on the straight and narrow.
I like the chemistry between Aide and Tino. I imagine the fact there were real life novios (more than a decade ago) helps.
Thanks Kat.
I appreciate your clearing things up, especially as to where Tino and his family landed. I'm still not clear as to how Guzman and Pipe are related. He doesn't exactly seem too child friendly, does he?
Circe has been brutal to her mother but suspect she will redeem herself somehow. I'm grateful to Scarlet and Pipe who add some softness to the storylines.
Kat, I believe you are recapping two novelas now, is that right? That is a lot on your plate but if you are ready and able to tackle a recap of this here or there, that would be wonderful!
Thank you Adriana. I like the way you think about Mar losing her wishy washy persona and becoming strong. At this point she is a bit whiny and ditzy. Go get a uniform with and a bucket of supplies to hide that perfume in and clean Cecelia's room!
The tea cups and saucers at the mansion must be Corelle, drop on a marble floor and still don't break. Too bad the perfume wasn't made of a similar glass composite.
Val sleeping through being carried all around decides credibility. Even with pneumonia you are a bit more aware than she was. Had to laugh when she told Ofelia that she stayed home to protect their house and belongings when she dragged everything outside and left it there.
Gloria probably will make good on getting Ofelia arrested for attempted murder. Wonder if the main foyer has security cameras. Where are Gloria's children as she hovers on the brink of death. Didn't she leave the mansion to go take care of a new grandchild or something? I would think, even with a newborn, that her son or daughter ( not sure which is her child) would be haunting the hospital also.
I can't believe the new clothing line hinges on a model. 2 perfectly good candidates are in the running, not to mention Priscilla, who I don't like, but she is certainly model potential. The product ( active wear) is more important than the person that will model it.
Excellent recap of all of the nonsense! Thanks, Adriana. I think I need to dust off my beanie. A comedy of too many errors but still entertaining. ; )
I could have sworn that when Gloria was asked what Ofelia did to her, she answered nada but then again it is early before any coffee. Anyway, I was happy that the dr. told Susana no more visits.
Priscilla is a stalker! Sicko! Just roaming around like she owns the place.
Mar clearly isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. I cannot imagine the pervasive stank of that perfume like nobody would notice.
They could not have given Graciela a worse wig if they tried. Hideous.
Adriana Noel, thank you for your wise and perceptive recap. I enjoyed every single, wonderful word.
I loved your sharp observations including "...they are really making us see that Ofelia really hates the place, she's never done anything to make it nice, and now she's even sabotaging it" which seems exactly right.
Camila and Pris ARE whiners!
"Mar believes her sister, but Ofelia is upset that after catching her in Art’s bed, Val still pouts and demands to do things her way". Pot meet kettle!
The Val/Arturo/Nick storyline emits subtle shades of "Sabrina." I am surprised but I do want Val to end up with David, errr I mean Arturo although I think I will be disappointed and she will sail off with Linus/Nick :)
Thanks Jarifa. I'm not sure anyone can replicate Bogie's charm but I'm looking forward to Nick's man in love transformation :)
Gracias, Adriana.
I totally agree that Mar isn't very bright. In a house like that with at least two snobbish, sworn enemies she should never have touched that perfume. Nor was she smart enough to return it when the Portillas were having breakfast. I have no patience for stupidity.
Or for toxic femininity. Miss Priss gets on my nerves worse than Camila or even Paula. Who is her father and why is Arturo so afraid of him that he walks on eggshells around this pathetic girl? She needs a shrink last year or earlier.
The one positive thing I can see about Ofelia is that she knows that Miss Priss is bad news. That she barely lets Valeria get a word in edgewise is truly horrible. That she doesn't want to believe her explanation is toxic.
That Valeria is the full-time breadwinner for the family is completely wrong.
Casting notes:
Guillermo Garcia Cantu and Arlette Pacheco were together in Por Amar Sin Ley where he was the (good guy) senior partner of a law firm and she was his secretary.
Monica Dionne was in Sexo, Pudor, y Lagrimas 2 and now in Diana Salazar.
Kat, your clarifications are always most welcome and very helpful.
Thus far, Andy and I have noted when we would be able to tackle an episode but there is no set schedule. As of now, I believe there will be nights when no summary is done (perhaps tonight), but anyone wanting to join is more than welcome to post any comments or highlights they wish to share.
Cher Adriana, merci, for another hopping recap as the pot bubbles and boils. I have always loved your writing style .
Looks like the actors playing Val and Nic are going to get paired up again . They had great chemistry in the past.
I taught in an upper middle class senior high school and saw lots of mean girls like Cami and Prissy in action . They don't do themselves any favors .They even looked down and got snarky and catty with the female teachers as they checked out their clothing choices .
They are portraying the Mar character as not just naive but childlike and oblivious.
Diana, you are so right about this show having a similar vibe as Sabrina. I am a big fan of Audrey Hepburn , my fashion icon. Her style was classic and timeless . Mary Tyler Moore knew it !!! Susan
Thanks Adriana, that was great. I’m really enjoying this show. It also seems to end each episode with you wanting more.
Arturo was very respectful in his actions toward Val. I’m not sure why he has to speak about her as if they’re a couple.
Priscila is something else. I hope Arturo finds the shirt and realices Priscila did it. She is really unlikable. But she’s not the only one! Leo and Paula really deserve each other. And Susana is no prive either. She caused a set back for her cousin. Then attacks Ofelia. Some crazy people in this! But makes for a fun show.
I have to agree that I can see Nick and Val together. Maybe Mar will be come a famous model and Juan and Camila will end up together.
I would love for Leo to be the son of the other woman. That would knock Paula down a bit.
Still no episodes uploaded to Vix. The show page says 13 episodes but only 11 are showing. Has anyone who watches Vix ever experienced this issue? I feel like it happened once before, but I don't remember how it got resolved.
As I won't be tripping the light fantastic tonight, or even stumbling over it, I will post something tonight for Papas.
Hopefully something that actually reflects what transpires in the episode, but no guarantees :-)
Andy, I just laughed out loud. Thanks, I needed that...
I think it's going to be a pivotal episode tonight so really appreciate you doing it. I'm wiped out tonight but it's no surprise as I just celebrated a big milestone birthday where no cake would have been big enough to hold the candles :) Sigh.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DIANA! And hopefully, many, many more!
But I can almost guarantee you that if it were my B-day, there would be considerably more candles setting off the smoke alarm than on your cake.
Count your blessings.
Andy, Looks like Diana and my husband may share a birthday, unless her celebration was last night and that is why she is tired. Happy birthday Diana!
Kat, Susan, et al, it may be that it was not Diana's birthday. We will find out soon enough if it was hers or her hubby's.
Oh, well. I should not jump to conclusions.
Paula continues to accuse Mar of stealing Cecilia's perfume with her fumbling over her denial. Graciela enters and Paula tells her that she believes Mar stole the perfume. Paula has searched everywhere for it, we need to search the servants quarters. Graciela agrees as Mar unwillingly follows her. Paula smirks to herself, but remains in Cecilia's room.
Nick and Arturo give updates to Luis on the active wear line. Nick shows him the designs and Arturo kinda double speaks about his contribution. ( Isn't he just in charge of the model and ad campaign. Hard to do much if the product isn't in hand, imo, plus the guy just got out of the hospital. And what was with him having no bandage or incision from his internal bleeding after the accident as we saw in the after shower scene from last night, and all that lugging of Val around, up multiple staircases, like a day after he had been told to take it easy!)
Ofilia is wandering around her barrio praying that Gloria is ok. One of the women of the barrio (the friendly lady to Val, landlady? I think ) comes up beside her to hug her and say everything will be okay.
Arturo tried to reason with dad, it's my fault, not Nick's. I take the blame. I just want to do the project well and make you proud of me and that takes time to get it right. Luis agrees to give them one more week. If they don't get it right he is giving the project to Leo. Nick does not like that!
Ofelia talks to the friendly lady some more about how all the people there hate her (present company excepted) as she nods her head. Ofelia makes references to her past, her parents are mentioned, and her suffering but if actual details were disclosed, I didn't get them.
Paula did follow Mar to the servants room and pulls drawers full of clothes out of the dressers and throws them on the floor, ( her and Ofelia's backpack/suitcase must have been a TARDIS as there are a lot of clothes in the room and closet). The room reeks of the perfume, but none is found. Mar snivels.
Amparo ( finally her name was put in parentheses in the CCs) totally understands where Ofelia is coming from. I think she advised her to tell the truth ( to her kids) about her past pain and suffering, but Ofelia doesn't want to. She just wants a better life for them and herself and to spare her daughters more suffering.( Definitely getting bad vibes about dear old dad that Val idolized).
Nick is pissed at Arturo. He'd rather do this project on his own. It's all A's fault. Arturo says he'll make the model selection which caused Nick to blow his stack some more. Your stupid social media post about the model hunt is what precipitated the rift with Francisco who (I think) is in charge of the fabric portion of the company and he has blocked getting us the fabric needed for the new line. All because you broke up with Priscilla ( I forget, were they a real couple or has it all been in her mind?)
So Ofelia is in the barrio to take care of Val. Amparo tells her she is watching out for her. Ofelia swears Amparo to continued secrecy about whatever happened. ( A mystery for the patio).
Graciela puts Paula in her place in the house hierarchy, and she is way far from being the señora de la casa.
Thank you for your kind wishes Andy, Susan, Kat and Darcy.
I'm sorry I should have been clearer and said I recently had a birthday (it was a few days ago) but I've been tired ever since.
Hope your husband's birthday was a good one Kat!
Val is still trying to mop up the wet floors ( with a soaked towel). Mom arrives and sends her to her room to rest. She hugs her and is a loving mother to her headstrong daughter.
Mar sends an SOS to Juan, i.e she calls and cries about how she hates being in the big house where everyone hates her. Juan to the rescue....
Arturo is consulting with the photographer ( I thought Arturo was the photographer, maybe this guy has some other job) to pick out the best candidate for the new line. His choice is Mar, but Arturo nixes that as she is the Housekeeper's daughter and things are messy enough already with that situation. ( Dragging Mar to the house all the time backfired on Ofelia).
Juan meets Mar in the drive and all is forgiven. He says I know the girl who lives here, I helped her with a flat tire. I'll talk to her. Nope, that won't work, she hates me! Ok, plan b. I'll buy the perfume and you can replace it. Anhelo is it's name...
Val fell asleep. Mom loves on her. She has cleaned things and made her some food.
Mar runs back in the gates. Juan backs down the drive as Cami drives up it. She gets out of the car and is pleased, thinking he is looking her up.
Susana is chortling to someone called Chelo on the phone about how Ofelia's house is totally flooded and she is dancing for joy. Her husband looks on in displeasure.
Maudlin Mar, Moaning Mar is crying once again. She hates this place. Was it just this morning that she held up Camila's clothes and was caught, because she complains to Mom about that amongst other things. Mar gets a hug. Ofelia is getting to be extra motherly this episode.
Cami is sending Juan voice messages. She saw him in the must be a sign. He voice texts back that he can't see her. She thinks he obviously likes her and is just playing hard to get.
Graciela confronts Ofelia about the missing perfume. Mama bear defends her cubs. She did not raise a thief. Your nephew is playing fast and loose with Val, your niece is insulting to Mar. We may not be rich but we have our dignity.
Mar confesses to Luis that she broke his late wife's perfume . Like the sensible man he is, he understands and just advised her to be more careful. She wants to replace it but he says it's not necessary ,( as his wife is dead this makes perfect sense to me. Honestly, her personal care items would normally be tossed, right. Who in the household, besides Mar, wants to wear the perfume associated with a dead woman.)
Val is eating soup at their table. (Mom was busy, everything is back in it's place.). Arturo calls. She ignores them a knock on the door, she can't believe it. False alarm, it's Amparo.
Luis and Graciela talk. She thinks Paula is behind theings, but perhaps Mar did steal the perfume. He says no, she confessed to me she broke it. What bothers me is his treatment of the other daughter. Sra. Garcia is rightly upset. Graciela thinks he is acting this way because of the loss of his mother.
Paula and Leo congratulate themselves on dad listening to Leo about the delay in the active wear line and he may be given the project. Did Paula ask to be the model for the line? Clarification needed. Sex..FF
Next day in the barrio. Loud knocking on the door. Val is being evicted for non payment. I thought Amparo was the landlady. Turns out Chelo, friend of Susana, owns the house.
Juan goes to a perfumier and discovers Anhelo is way above his pay grade..
Business discussion at the breakfast table about the models. Leo flexes his muscles in the company as far as dad let's him.
The sacking of Val's possessions continues, as the movers drop her father's desk chair and it breaks. She grabs a few personal items in a box and the family photo dearest to her and walks outside. Susana is dancing for glee, literally.
Paula and Camila are the last 2 at the table. Paula stirs her kettle and says the new maid stole her mother's perfume. Them's fighting words in Cami's mind and she is on the warpath to get that damned girl....Paula smiles like the cat that ate the cream.
Val sits on the couch in the street with all her belongings strewn about her. Gee, Ofelia should have left it all and saved them the work.
Camila can't find her mother's perfume. She screams for Mar as Paula continues smirking.
Amparo and Juan show up and see Val's plight. Amparo is taking her and her things in with Juan helping move the stuff. My house. Papa's house I lost it. ( Ok my bet is her papa was a gambling man at this point).
Cami, with Paula on her heels, finds Mar asks where her mother's perfume is, calls her a thief, slaps her throws her to the ground by pulling her hair and probably would have started kicking her ( while she was down) but Luis showed up and stops the beating...
I forgot to mention Ofelia was cleaning Arturo's room and found her husband's sweater in the drawer. Did Arturo put it away? Who knows. But she is upset about it.
Excellent Kat. Especially loved "Maudlin Mar, Moaning Mar..."
I'm starting to soften a bit on Ofelia. I liked her looking after Val and even more, standing up to Graciela "...We may not be rich but we have our dignity". Amen.
Paula's self congratulatory smirks and ransacking Mar's room, throwing her clothes on the floor and literally walking over them was cringeworthy. (BTW does she ever wear anything not closely resembling a negligee?) But that paled in comparison to watching Camila ready to beat Mar to a pulp which literally turned my stomach. She had such good parents and surely was raised right but she is spoiled, angry and dangerous. She has no self control and is openly contemptuous of anyone "beneath her" ( I guess Juan is exempt for some reason (eye roll).
I had to smile at Mar confessing her "crime" to Luis. Every time Ofelia or Mar talk to him, he looks like he wants to run away. :)
As sick as Paula's smiles and smirks about Mar were, they paled in comparison to "Susana is dancing for glee, literally" when Val clutched her meager possessions to her, dissolving in tears. I thought Arturo was going to arrive and save the day but alas, it was not to be.
This show is loaded with evil beyotches isn't it? I think an exorcism is needed...
Great recap! Thanks, Kat.
I found out Anhelo was an Avon perfume from 1990’s. This perfume looked more expensive than an Avon perfume. BTW, anhelo means longing.
It seems that Ofelia’s bestie knows all about her sad past. It seems horrific. Ofelia only wants a dignified life free of suffering. She never felt loved but felt replaceable like merchandise or a piece of furniture. Her parents didn’t allow her to live her life. They humiliated her and even put a price on her. Her bestie thinks that if she told her daughters about her past, her relationship would be better with them. Ofelia is not doing that.
I don’t get Mar’s obsession with the perfumes. Didn’t she ever learn to keep her hands off of things that belong to others. How old is she supposed to be anyway? Someone mentioned how childlike she was the other day. Whoever mentioned that was right.
Seems like Arturo is going to actually have to do some work to get into his father’s good graces.
Will they pick the model already?
Luis is the only good guy in the house so far.
"I found out Anhelo was an Avon perfume from 1990’s. This perfume looked more expensive than an Avon perfume. BTW, anhelo means longing". Very interesting Jarifa, thanks for sharing. It looked VERY expensive to me! BTW, the perfume saleslady's expressions when showing it to Juan were very odd. I couldn't tell if she was mocking him or crushing on him :)
Jarifa, thanks for the extra translation of Ofelia telling Amparo about her parents, etc. I obviously didn't catch all that.
Diana, I debated about looking up the word Anhelo. You saved me the trouble.
Papas #10 Part 1 of 2
The show opened tonight with Tino and Aidé sitting on the steps to Aidé's mansion and talking. Tino doesn't hold back, he lets Aidé know how much he admires her.
I guess she liked that, because she leaned in and locked lips with Tino... who did not put up a fight.
She breaks it off, though, pretty quickly. Shouldn't be doing this; Tino agrees, we need to work together to raise all the kids right, but no more smooching and such. Yeah, right.
Aidé has breakfast with her kids, wants them to get along with Tino and his kids. Circe is not having it, the others are lukewarm. Aidé talks with Ulises and recognizes that he gets along with Tino, and is actually more comfortable with him than with her sometimes. A male figure... yes, but not quite a father figure says Ulises.
Aidé is working from home and getting Tino's family settled in, back from Pura's place(?). Aidé's house is huge, HUGE, with a pool, an elevator, and who knows what else. The elevator is great for Emiliano with his wheelchair.
Pura arrives back home and finds that Pipe had been sick and in the hospital. She chides Clara Luz and Rudolf for their carelessness, but Rudolf denies that he has any attachment to the kid and he has no obligation to care for him. He seems to change his mind a bit later.
I am quite confused with these particular people, especially Pura. She seems to be related to Guzman but how is it that she ran off with luggage for a few days and just left Pipe with Clara Luz and Rudolf? If this was explained earlier, I totally missed it.
Well, back to the mansion and the quite extended family. They are all arguing, but Aidé asks them to be kind to Emiliano, who has a severe medical condition. Bertha arrives pushing Emiliano's wheelchair. The kids quiet down a little and Emiliano scores points with Circe, "Wow, I never imagined having a sister who looks like a movie star!" (Good job, Emiliano! Just a kid and you already know that you have to butter up the women!)
But Circe is still not accepting her new family members.
Poor Pipe is upset, he doesn't have a mother now and he thinks his getting sick was too much for Clara Luz and Rudolf, but his "Aunt Pura" comforts him and tells him he will always have someone to care for him.
Tino has an intense conversation with Aidé, he wants a chance to work at Maxiclick and prove he can be a great business asset. Aidé has no interest, she does not want him working at Maxiclick. She suggests it's masculine pride that keeps him from dedicating himself to the children at home, as so many women have done over the years.
Papas #10 Part 2 of 2
Poor Lichita! She's now working as a receptionist of some sort at Maxiclick and goes to greet Aidé, but Aidé is not happy that someone hired her. Actually, she's quite furious.
Tino calls Guzmán to ask a favor. He wants to work at something at Maxiclick without Aidé knowing about it. Guzmán says no way, but Tino persists and Guzmán says OK, I'll send you a report of problems Maxiclick is dealing with and you can come up with some solutions. Perfect! says Tino.
Gotta love telenovela corporations!
But poor Lichita! Aidé is furious and is still really holding a grudge. I guess even nice people can be nasty sometimes. She argues with Guzmán who hired her. Actually, "bad guy" Guzmán sounds more reasonable. It was a long time ago, he argues, let it go. And we have seen that Lichita is actually a pretty nice person now. We'll see.
Aidé comes up with an assignment for poor Lichita, she has to process some forms for Aidé. Lichita says no problem, give me half an hour. Aidé says, ah, no, there are more than just this box. Some workmen carry in boxes and boxes of forms for Lichita to process or whatever she has to do with them. Aidé tells her if she leaves to go home with Chano, don't bother coming back tomorrow. Lichita grits her teeth and starts working, and decides she is going to stick it out with Maxiclick.
Circe is being a brat at home. She has Rina clear the settings for Tino and his kids. Aidé is quite displeased but Circe won't back down. Lila doesn't back down either but calls Circe names and starts a fun (for me) food fight.
Lila said something about Circe's name, but I didn't quite get it. I thought she said that Circe had the name of a bad witch, or something to that effect, but the Closed Captioning was a bit different. Anyway Lila gave as good as she got, and a good food fight often clears the air.
More fun with corporate life in Mexico, or at least in telenovelas. Now that Guzmán is going to send him a report on some problems at Maxiclick Tino starts recruiting a team to work with him fixing Maxiclicks' problems. His first recruits, Clara Luz and Rudolf. They admit to not being truly accomplished as a producer and a musician, but Tino is not concerned. He has fudged his resume at times.
Scarlet and Emiliano, in his wheelchair, are wandering around outside the house. Scarlet goes off to find her chihuahua and Emiliano tools around a bit in the wheelchair. Rolling around the pool, which he should not have been doing, he saw Fede and Facundo secretly making out, hiding from the security cameras. For some reason this scared him and he fell into the pool with his wheelchair.
And there we end for tonight.
Thank, Kat! Love the recap!
To clarify: Priscilla and Arturo were a real couple, but he cheated on her lne two many times. She broke up with him in the first episode (she had found some pictures of him on social media), then she wanted to get back together (it was kind of their thing), but he'd had enough.
Paula did suggest she could be the model, but isn't she a bit old for the job? Sorry, I hate her, so I can say whatever I want about her.
Great point about Arturo almost dieying, having no scars after his opération and then carrying passed out Val all around the city.
And what was it that she had, à pneumonia attack of sorts that was solved in 2 days?
Just to clarify, I've had pneumonia last year, I couldn't move from bed for a couple of weeks. There is no such thing as a pneumonia épisode, it's not asthma or epilepsy.
More later, I have a appointment thay I can't miss.
Waiting for my appointement to start :)
Diana, I think we're slowly seeing Ofelia is a complexe character, she's not just a money hungry momster. I do hope she keeps some of her edge, she always cracks me up.
Moaning Mar! Lol!!!
I found it pretty clever from her part to go tell Luis the "truth" - which we all know is not exactly how things happened. Our little ingénue is proving to have some smarts...which is all for the better since she is surrounded by vipèrs.
So once again Val's precious belongings are dragged outside the house. She took them out all alone, then her 60 year old mother put them back in and made a soup and had the time to go back to work to Rich Neighborhood. Are they made of foam or something ?
So Val is now homeless and jobless. In other words, desperate enough to accept a job with the Portillas and maybe a room in their mansion?
Andy, you relayed all of the events perfectly. One of the many reasons your recap was exceptional was your even, nonjudgmental tone in describing some very unsettling events.
Circe's attitude is insufferable not only to Tino and his children but to her mother. "Aidé is quite displeased but Circe won't back down". Huh? Also, I believe she was condescending about the accessible changes Aidé was making in the home believing it was for Tino's mother. I don't have children so am no expert but shouldn't Aidé get a bit tougher and (bedroom confinement without any electronic decices) be in order? Is she going to let her daughter usurp her authority until and if Circe finally comes to her senses?
Conversely, I'm probably alone in feeling Aidé giving Lichita that seemingly impossible assignment was fine. One tough task doesn't begin to make up for the psychological hurt Lichita obviously inflicted on Aidé (that flashback scene was hard to watch).
And now, Tino is going behind Aidé's back not only asking for a job but recruiting more people who treated her shabbily!
Andy, I don't "get" Pura either. Guzman calls Pipe his nephew was he Silvana's brother?
The highlights were the chihuahua and feisty Lila! Love a good food fight!
I would be that Checo is going to be fuel for the fire.
Diana (admittedly old and cranky) :)
Kat, it was Jarifa who explained Anhelo, I can't take credit. :)
Jarifa, I sort of dread hearing about Ofelia's past but expect it will undoubtedly explain a lot.
Adriana Noel: "Our little ingénue is proving to have some smarts...which is all for the better since she is surrounded by vipèrs" was an excellent point.
Well, I lost another comment before I could post. I hate this comment format.
Anyhoo, Kat , thank you for that great recap that didn't miss a moment .
Jarifa, I am the one who commented that Mar seems childlike. Perhaps this actress is new to acting and not able to portray a more nuanced character with body language and facial expressions.
Adriana, yes , that was a lot of furniture moving for a sick girl and an older woman. I was surprised how nice and cozy the little place looked...but wait...we can't have that...the writers have to force Val out of her beloved hovel and into the mansion of monsters. Thus, as soon as the place looks homey, the family is evicted. It will be interesting to see hot tempered Val interact with those entitled terrors Cami, Paula, and Prissy. Get ready for some fireworks because Val isn't a meek mouse like her sister.
Being at the mansion, there will be lots of opportunities for Vel , Nick, and Art to bump into each other and make sparks fly.
Speaking of Paula, She did more physical labor throwing poor Mar's clothes around than we have ever seen. Perhaps she herself came from a poor background .
Cantu is doing an excellent job of portraying a grieving widower who would just like some peace. So far, he is my favorite character. Susan
P.s So many nasty people in this one. Susana is disgusting . First, shoving Mar into those garbage bags and then reveling in the eviction as poor, sick Val sits outside on the sofa. Awful.
Hmmm....Ofelia dies,seem to have a dark past. Her parents " sold" her. Yikes !
Thanks Kat, your recap is excellent and will have to suffice for now, since Vix is mean. They finally uploaded 12 and 13, but no 14 yet. sigh.
Not looking forward to watching all the females be ugly anyway. Much rather watch the sparks fly! I've been thinking about Var and Mar's dad and whether or not he could have been abusive... the hang up for me though is how easily Ofelia is able to say Val is just like her father. She clearly loves her daughter deeply even though she can't relate to her - I don't think she'd so easily compare her to her dad if he was a monster. Maybe the monster in Ofelia's past was someone else, from the sound of it, her parents? Eek!
Andy, thank you for that recap that snapped, crackled, and popped .
I think we had better get out our beanies . That is quite a mansion for an unwed teen mother of twins to wind up in . Were her parents wealthy ? (Shades of Gilmore Girls ). And where and when and why did she marry Facunda? ...mostly why.
Scarlet seems very sweet and accepting of her half siblings ,and I am wondering how that happened with Facundo as a dad .Another mystery.
I thought that Lila was going to be meek and mild and just take Circe's nastiness , but she started the food fight, so she has some spice. I've been a teenager and been around a lot of them, and they all get a bit onery, even the nice, well behaved ones at some point as they try to spread their wings and fly away. Its a very tense time. I mostly just left the house with my boyfriend . That worked out great for all of us. I had one rebel teen , and one quiet one , mysterious one who didn't like confrontation.
I guess Guzman and Silvana were cousins, and Pura was their aunt . It is a true beanie moment that Pura never mentioned Pipe's peanut allergy as she raced out the door with her suitcase. Still can't believe that Sherlyn was only in the first two episodes . She had big parts in Telenovelas in the past.
Tino sees himself as quite a Renaissance mad..jack of all trades, master of none. Guzman will surely sabotage whatever Tino does. Susan
Susan, I'm so used with seeing Cantu play nasty characters, watching him here is quite a treat. You believe and understand him in every scene he gets. The other day he was remembering Cécilia, I swear I had tears in my eyes.
If Val moves in, will she "help" Ofelia with the house, too? Between Arturo's hot pursuit and Nick's rightous indignation we could be in for some fun scenes.
Or if she somehow ends up being the model for the campaign, who will be her direct superviser, Nick or Art?
I'm here for it all!
Adriana, I have no idea where this is going . Cantu is very talented . I have seen him play the villain many times , and his performances were chilling . However, he is just as adept at playing the good guy. His performance here has been subtle so far as he tries to cope with his grief
So, how will Val fit into the mix?She is so proud and stubborn about accepting help.
It's getting grim for Ofelia and her girls , and Ofelia seems to have lost her positivity about moving her girls up in the world . Now,she seems scared and worried that she bit off a lot more than she can chew.
The only allies these women have are Juan, Luis, Art, and Ampara . If all three are in the mansion , can Luis protect them from the three aggressively mean girls .?He seems to not be around much and hasn't been very proactive about helping them. Has he forgotten his gratitude to them concerning Art's accident ? Graciela might become an ally just because she hates Paula so much.
Where do we go from here? Susan
Thanks so much Kat, I loved your recap.
I’m even feeling more sympathy for Ofelia. She is doing all this for her daughters. Plus, compared to some of these other women she’s angelic!
How cruel Susana is, she’s getting joy out of a young woman’s misery-which she caused. Similar to Paula, who seems to delight in seeing Mar get picked on. Paula and Leo seem to have agreed she’ll be the model when Leo gets to take that over. I think Val is the athletic one and could use the job. But now I’d like to see Mar get it, Just to take Paula down a peg or two.
Camila thinks Juan was just hanging around waiting for a glimse of her! She thinks a lot of herself! We can all look forward to her finding out Mar and Juan are engaged.
I figured one of the other maids put the shirt away. But i could be wrong. Not sure if they work everywhere or just the kitchen.
Good work, Kat and Happy Birthday. Diana!
Paula gets off on causing chaos. She is trying to get all the other women in the mansion at each other's throats not only for her own mean-girl jollies but to make them all look bad to Luis.
But this will not work on Graciela, who seems to have her number.
Based on some of the dialogue I think that Arturo and Prissy dated as young teens and may not have vo-dee-oh-doh-doh'd or why would he have said hace much tiempo?
Susanna is truly bad news, getting off on Valeria being unemployed, sick, and now getting evicted.
Valeria needs a break.
The Avon Anhelo is not in a bottle like that. The closest bottle I found in a search is a Victoria's Secret called Bombshell Intense.
Diana, thank you. I agree with you about Aidé and Circe. I think that Aidé is right in trying to talk it out with Circe, who is nearing adulthood, but when that fails she should assert her parental authority with a grounding or similar. A very mellow "Spare the rod, spoil the child."
Lichita has become one of my favorites in this novela; her husband, not so much, but he's sort of okay.
I admired Lichita's accepting the payback task from Aidé without complaint. She even resolved to stick it out with Maxiclick. I was proud of her... but then an awful thought occured to me. Is there still some of that odious Lichita from back in the prepa days? Could she be entertaining nasty thoughts of getting back at Aidé?
I certainly hope not; I do very much like Lichita. But that old Lichita was definitely not a nice person. Can people really change? I hope so!
Checo... I suspect that Checo will cause some heartache for several people. And he's Lichita's son. An apple that fell from the not-nice tree of yesteryear Lichita. I'm hoping to be wrong about this.
I think there's a theme here.
Andy (older and crankier than thee)
Andy, I always remember that Judyb used to tell us that telenovelas were really morality plays teaching us about good and evil . Good is usually rewarded and evil punished in Mexican Telenovelas which is sometimes not the case in real life . Some characters do go on a journey and change . I guess that sometimes happens in real life , but somebody I knew liked to remind me that " A tiger doesn't change its stripes." I have seen students who aren't doing well changing and becoming better students if they are encouraged and helped .
I do wonder why Guzman wants Lichita to work at Maxiclick..hmmm??? Susan
Susan, I have no idea why Aidé would want to marry Facundo, it makes no sense to me. Then again, while this novela is fun, it makes little or no sense. Scarlet really is a sweetie, but I don't see why anyone would name a daughter in Mexico "Scarlet". So far, most people in the novela are pronouncing it "eScarlet". I don't think Spanish words can begin with "sc...".
I'm hoping that tiger Lichita, though she may not be able to change her stripes, has changed her old unpleasant ways.
Tino may see himself as a Renaissance man, but I see him as a cartoon character. He does odd, really odd, jobs as a way to make a living, like parachuting off an office building to somehow help a "customer" propose to his sweetie. He also gets business suits by stealing them from a dry cleaner van. But they fit perfectly.
And now, with the very best of intentions, he goes behind Aidé's back to start "working" a project at Maxiclick while she doesn't want him there. Nice way to pay back someone who has saved your butt and paid for your son's operation, etc.
Oh, well, I guess he's a "lovable rascal". Silly though it is, I do like him in this role and I'm not generally a fan of José Ron.
Luchita, imo, was a typical high school brat. She somehow read Aide's diary or journal and knows she has a crush on Tino. So she leverages it to have Aide do her math, physics, chemistry or whatever homework in exchange for her silence. Yes, it is mean, but not the worst thing she could have done to her. So I think Luchita will be an asset to the company and Aide in the end.
I think Pura did mention the allergy as she rushed out the door but in the shock of becoming sudden caregivers they didn't hear it. Perhaps the thing Pura read in the laptop before rushing out was advice from beyond the grave by her niece in how to get the two to step up and become parents to Pipe.
Andy, your observations were so insightful.
"Tino may see himself as a Renaissance man, but I see him as a cartoon character. He does odd, really odd, jobs...He also gets business suits by stealing them from a dry cleaner van. But they fit perfectly" had me smiling and nodding in agreement.
Your "And now, with the very best of intentions, he goes behind Aidé's back to start "working" a project at Maxiclick while she doesn't want him there" was the cold, hard truth. Not exactly galan like behavior. He isn't quite the suave, charming character he believes himself to be.
Imperfect characters all here but their stories are all giving depth and dimension. I'm so enjoying this!
Susan, "Guzman will surely sabotage whatever Tino does" is exactly right! I doubt he hired Lichita out of the goodness of his (seemingly non existent) heart. He needs a scapegoat and who better than someone already in Aidé's bad graces?
Like you and Andy I can't fathom why she would ever marry Facundo.
Do we know anything about Scarlet's mother?
Kat, thank you for your sharp insight including "Perhaps the thing Pura read in the laptop before rushing out was advice from beyond the grave by her niece in how to get the two to step up and become parents to Pipe".
It seems Lichita has grown into a responsible adult and caring parent. I do believe people can and do change.
People often overcome so much - addictions, traumatic childhoods. I have to gently note though that (only my opinion) Lichita's actions and behavior toward Aidé as teenagers wasn't typical but a few notches below, quite cruel. I think every bullied child bears some mental scars that often don't completely heal.
Susan, I had the impression she wasn't (although I can't pinpoint why)...
Thank you for letting me know!
Still learning names! I keep having to refer back to the recap for names and this thread is getting really long between 2 shows!
Thanks so much Kat; I was way off base on Scarlet (nothing new there :))
I put a cast listing at the top of word document I type the recap on but I'm also constantly checking names. This is a really big cast... watching Hijas while trying to finish the recap has led me to inadvertently typeda few names from Hijas. I think I caught them before I posted but it's likely a matter of time.
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