Monday, January 27, 2025

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Sed de Venganza, La Familia y más: Week of January 27, 2025

Welcome to Page 1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Standard Time):

10 - 11PM - La Familia
12 - 1AM - Sed de Venganza (midnight, Tues through Fri)

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Monday, pt. 1 of 3, Nueva Etapa
Aslan offers Ilyas the chance for retribution. Ilyas looks at him, takes the bullet, looks at him again while dramatic music plays, and puts the bullet back on the table, more staring, more music. And that’s that. His response is no. Aslan apologizes to Ilyas, but also calls him Negro Ilyas (Ilyas the Devil) so I don’t get that.
Devin is with Nedret at the doctors and is anyone surprised that she’s pregnant? 7 weeks. Nedret asks is she really had no idea, but come on, 7 weeks is nothing. But they’re all happy so that’s a nice change.
Kismet (Ilyas’s mom) demands to know what Aslan was doing there. Ilyas explains but says that Aslan’s death isn’t enough to pay for Yusef’s crimes. Instead, he is going to destroy every one of them. So now I get why Aslan called him Aslan the Devil.
He tells the Lads in the car what happened as they drive back. There was something about an Albanian, who Aslan wanted to know that he no longer owns the marina. He’s leaving it but not his family. Devin checks in with him and tells him she’s fine. Aslan knows there is something she’s not telling him. She says no but also they’ll talk tonight. He questions this inconsistency and she laughs.
Back at the house, Leyla and Aslan are setting the table and Devin serves dinner. He takes her kids into the kitchen for the rest while Devin spills to Leyla, who is super happy. Aslan comes back with more food and tries to get them to tell him what’s up and they cover by talking about 2024 and the zodiac.
Ceyrec, who I don’t know, is trying to get a job with Ilyas’s guys. I don’t understand this scene.
Back at the happy dinner table, Devin hands Aslan a gift “for the new year”. He gripes about her spending money since they need to save. But he opens the box and inside is little crocheted booties, which finally shut him up for a minute. And now he’s all happy and that terrible theme song that is not in Turkish plays. But they are happy so I’m happy. He talks about feeling depressed earlier but now he’s lighter and everyone is crying happy tears. Zeynep asks if she’s going to be a tia, and Aslan answers yes, but Leyla corrects her that she’ll be a cousin. He wants t take the news to the press for some reason, because Turkish people care about mob families?, but Devin tells him to slow down and they’ll make a scene later when the time is right.
Some time later, Devin and Aslan are in a car and she asks if everything is ok. He tells her he’s just nervous about her and then demands she drink water because they are off to an ultrasound. They see someone holding a sign asking for money. They stop to give him money, the sign flips over to say “there is no way out”, and on the other side of the car is a motorcyclist who pulls out a gun and shoots into the car! But then Aslan wakes up! It was a dream. Devin asks if it’s about the news of yesterday (the baby) and he says yes. But they have to get ready to go to the ultrasound.
That Ceyrac guy is bad. He’s from the neighborhood and one of Ilyas’s guys tells him to go and insults his father. He flips out, grabs a rock and goes after the henchman and bops his head while the other henchman try to stop. Kismet asks who he is, and then orders them to let him in. She has an idea, apparently.
Ultrasound! It’s a baby! Or a kidney bean at this point, but they’re happy.

Monday, pt. 2 of 3
Kismet talks to the barrio guy, Ceyrek. He tells his story about being in an orphanage and Ilyas taking him in to the carpentry shop. He pulls out a pic to show Kismet. It’s of his father, Ilyas. Guess Kismet still gets to be a grandmother after all, given what a horndog her son is. He talks about his parents throwing him away and Ilyas saving him, so he is talking “father” in the not literal sense. He asks Kismet, in this case, who is his real father. She thinks about this.
Devin wants to keep the baby a secret until she’s 12 weeks along, except for Leyla. Banter.
Cihan is planting a rose on Serap’s grave. Aslan calls to see if he wants to get together but Cihan can’t. Aslan tells him their mother’s deadline is the Anniversary of the charity and if she doesn’t’ tell the truth, then Aslan will and everyone will know. After they hang up, Cihan tells himself that it isn’t enough and he’ll put Hulya in the grave himself. Something like that. I missed the details but Hulya might finally be in real trouble. Good.
Nedret gets a call that Bedri is gone from Adana where Nedret was having him watched. Bedri is somewhere thinking about the whole “Ilyas is your father” thing and being served tea by Yagmur. So now we know where he is. He’s watching Slap Fight Championship. And being kind of a butthead to Yagmur. But apparently, he’s told her about Ilyas and says if the guy hadn’t been his father then he would have killed him. And then he’s so down, he can’t even watch the Slap Fight, which sounds too ridiculous anyway. He’s behaving like a teenager instead of a grown man who has the marina that he wanted and is sitting next to a beautiful woman who actually likes him. Grow up, dude.
Hulya comes to Devin’s office to see her. Devin has a session in half hour but Hulya asks for 5 minutes of her time. Devin tells her she doesn’t’ need to talk to her, she needs to talk to Sevdem. But Hulya wants to explain to her and Devin gives her 10 minutes.
Bedri gets a call from the nephew of Babur the Albanian to tell him he’s in trouble and his uncle is now in charge of the marina. I don’t get this storyline either. But Bedri wants to meet up and Nephew sends him the location of a boxing gym. He takes his leave of Yagmur but asks first about his proposal. She reasonably wants more time.
Isko has come info about new projects, a nightclub, a hotel. Aslan doesn’t like either of these ideas, so he asks for Turgot’s ideas. Turgot hedges as though he thinks his homework isn’t as good as Isko’s and he doesn’t want to turn it in, but Aslan takes it anyway.
Hulya blames her keeping her rapist husband a secret for her children. To protect them. If Ilyas had found out, he wouldn’t have stopped with Yusef and would have have killed the whole family. What could she do? Ceylan was only 3 and also in diapers. (Diapers?). But if my math (and understanding the story) is right, that makes Ceylan 19. So Hulya must have been in her late 40’s when she had Ceylan. So maybe she’s keeping Ceylan around the house and not sending her butt to college to take care of her in her old(er) age, assuming she makes it that long.


Monday, pt. 3 of 3
Turgot gave Aslan his business ideas that includes a list of places they could rob and fig smuggling. (Should have gone with dates- those things are expensive). But Aslan is annoyed because he wants to do things legally. Turgot points out that Aegean figs are good or something, but this doesn’t help his grade. Then Nedret comes in and wants to talk about Bedri. And Ilyas.
Devin tells Hulya that she can’t change the past but she can change the future, etc. (Like this will change Hulya). She doesn’t want her grandchildren to remember Yusef like that (this argument is irrelevant because Aslan has already threatened to blab). Devin gives her a more therapy-appropriate answer and wants her think about this. Will she? Probably not. They stand up, we see that Devin is wearing a skirt that is way to short to be professional even if she does look good in it, and Hulya thanks her for her time and takes her leave. Then Yagmur comes over and needs to talk to her older sister.
Nedret has told Aslan about the Ilyas situation. Aslan is not happy that she kept this secret. She tells him that Bedri knows and that he almost killed his father. She doesn’t know where he is now and asks for Aslan’s help knowing how rash Bedri is. Aslan agrees to help.
Bedri has just arrived at the gym to meet the Albanian nephew. He finds Eko there. Bedri wants to handle this himself but Eko points out they’ll beat him. Bedri walks away and Eko makes a call to Isko.
To Isko, who tells Aslan who is busy checking out the view over the marina. Aslan knows they’ll kill him and goes to help.
Yagmur has told Devin about Bedri and Devin says, “BEDRI Bedri? Oh no”. So that has to be comforting to Yagmur. But she needs help because she knows this isn’t great but her heart says yes!
Her loverboy is in a cage fight with someone now (the nephew?), while Yagmur is telling Devin that the heart wants what it wants. Bedri is actually doing pretty well in the fight so maybe I shouldn’t laugh about him watching the slap fights. He knocks one guy out, and asks who else wants some. He punches a couple other guys but then they all gang up on him, hold his arms, and someone comes towards him with a knife. I don’t see Eko anywhere, but then we’re out so tune in tomorrow!

Kat in SC: Looking forward to seeing your recap of last night's episode.



K, you always make me smile with your recaps. I'll watch this later as Mondays I'm slogging through doing my recap of Univision's las hijas (an excellent show if you aren't watching). I especially loved you homework assignment references.

I think Ceylan was attending college early on. Not sure if she still is. All along I've wondered about Ceylan actually being Hulya's based on her age. 20 year gap between her and Aslan just seemed weird.


MANY thanks, K., for this terrific recap, filled with lots of delightful humor. I especially liked "Ultrasound! It’s a baby! Or a kidney bean at this point, but they’re happy."

When Ilyas returned the bullet to Aslan in the previous episode, I thought he was forgiving Aslan. Silly me. As Ilyas now makes clear, he intends to kill not just Aslan but all the Soykans. (And all in just 3 more weeks, since a new telenovela starts on Feb. 18, but perhaps he doesn't know that.)

Hmm...I'm surprised they're introducing a new character, Ceyrec, so close to the end of the dizi. I wonder what motivated Ilyas to take him from the orphanage. Ceyrec asks Ilyas who his biological father is. I somehow doubt that it's Ilyas--he wouldn't have tossed a son in the garbage. Could it have been Yusuf?

I am no fan of Hulya, but I found the excuse she offers to Devin about why she didn't out Yusuf's abuse of Serap rather convincing. I think she's right in saying that Ilyas wouldn't have stopped with killing Yusuf, he'd probably have killed Yusuf's entire family (as in fact he's just vowed to do now).

I too noticed the absurdly short skirt that Devin was wearing. I actually thought it was shorts rather than a skirt, but either way, it seemed to me highly unprofessional. I've had similar thoughts about Devin's clothes in other episodes where she is meeting with patients, but the one in this episode seemed especially questionable. I suppose that if the "patient" she was seeing in half an hour was Yagmur, what she was wearing wouldn't matter, but....

I was surprised at how well Bedri fared against Babur, and even more surprised that he was able to take on all the other guys as well. Oops, except for the guy who is approaching him with a knife when the episode ends. I guess we'll find out tonight whether Aslan and company come in time to save Bedri (or, I suppose, whether Bedri somehow manages successfully without them).


Thanks for the recap, K.

This Ceyrek is a loose cannon. No idea why they call him Ceyrek. It means “quarter” as in ¼ or to tell time—a quarter to 1. No one likes him or wants him around but it seems Kiymet is going to use him for dirty work. I wonder if she will let Ilyas know. I hope it backfires on her.

What are the chances that Devin will have an uneventful pregnancy and birth?

“Yagmur has told Devin about Bedri and Devin says, “BEDRI Bedri? Oh no”. Devin had the same reaction as viewerville. Bedri will be saved somehow.

I’ve given up on trying to figure out timelines for events or how old the characters were. Kat, I’ve always wondered about Ceylan, too.

“I am no fan of Hulya, but I found the excuse she offers to Devin about why she didn't out Yusuf's abuse of Serap rather convincing.” You have a point, Juanita, but I will never excuse Hulya.



Gracias, K. I loved this: "iTurgot hedges as though he thinks his homework isn’t as good as Isko’s and he doesn’t want to turn it in, but Aslan takes it anyway."

I've seen a lot of TN couple ultrasound scenes, but last night's was my favorite. Devin looked like a kid early Christmas morning and Aslan hearing the heart beating made me smile. 

So what's Ceyrec's purpose here? I agree he's not Ilyas's bio kid. I fear Ceyrec has popped up out of nowhere to be used by Ilyas or Kiymet to somehow get to the Soykans since nobody knows him.

Aslan doing a lot of narration is putting me ill at ease, like he's not going to be around at the end.

Yagmur says she's in love with Bedri, but I'm not feeling it. I'm feeling rebound. Plus, I don't see Yagmur handling well Ilyas's hate and Bedri's nasty side, which she has yet to see.

Venganza #60 part 1

Yup, Fernanda inherits the whole kit and kaboodle of Eugenio's estate, and she will buy masses for his soul. She wants Richard's t keep quiet about who is the heir. She can't wait to drop that bomb on the Ferrara's et al.

Now she is out to celebrate with Mirna. Richards told Fern that Eugenio's wanted Alfredo humiliated and he knew Fern was the best person to accomplish that ( true). Cheers to a new start.

Alfonso is crying in bed about his long recovery time frame. He wants Tania to check out his new pig p*nis because they told him he shouldn't.

Alfredo talks to Elisa and Gabriel in the hall. Looks like Alfonso can go home tomorrow with home care, as he looks to Elisa. Not it she says ( in my words). She has foundation work to do and a date with Emilio. Gabriel is his usual obnoxious classiest self, I can't believe you are restarting a relationship with the gardener. She is quick to point out that gardener is much richer and successful than you, Gabriel.

Brenda is looking at an apartment with Moni. She says this is perfect, I need to tell Gabriel about it. Oops let the cat out of the bag to Moni.

Tania didn't examine Alfonso, but said she had seen successful procedures online, she comes back from a cafeteria run and he had checked them out. He doesn't care what it looks like, just that it functions. Tania is like is that all you can think about. Alfonso just wants to be whole man again .

Ana is now planning a movie date with Joseph. Keep your hands and eyes in front of you. He says how can I eat my popcorn then? Ok, that is allowed. Then he said something I didn't understand, and Ana says, then your
Don't like me, (attracted to me ?) then what is the point of going out together. ( Joseph is kinda cute, better looking than Emilio/Francisco imo).

Erika and Elisa walk down the school hallway. Elisa says Dad does not oppose her relationship with Francisco ( of course not, he is rich and a partner in their firm). His only concern is that Francisco had an affair with his wife. Erika says that hip has sailed, Fernanda is no longer part of their life. Elisa says she got a call from her and she swears she will win Francisco back.

Some more date planning, after the movie we'll go to dinner, but Dutch treat. Joseph says fine, which makes contrary Ana call him a poco caballeroso anything I say you are willing to agree to. He's confused. You want me to argue with you about who pays. She thinks it would demonstrate he actually likes her. Poor messed in the head Ana playing sophomoric games with Joseph.

Elisa isn't afraid of Fernanda. Best thing is for her to leave Miami. Erika doubts she will go because her daughter is here. Elisa says Moni will never accept her. Then something was said about Claudia, to which Erika says she has been known to exaggerate.

Richards is talking to Adelberto. The heirs have been notified. They will see you tomorrow. Adelberto seems to think he is included because of what Eugenio had told him. Richards says Eugenio' never mentioned him at all and you aren't in his will. Adelberto needs names to run the business. Richards says they will be in contact today or tomorrow.

Moni thinks Brenda is crazy. But she won't tell anyone, and even though she is no fan of him, if he is who Brenda wants...Brenda enthuses about what a great guy he is, who wouldn't harm anyone ( we know better of course).

Francisco is going through things he rescued from abuela's house with Fermin as they reminisce.

Fernanda is going to sign the papers tomorrow and going on a shopping spree with Mirna, who she wants to share her good fortune with.


K, thank you for this bouncy recap as we bounce towards the end .

Wow...fight club !!! And you know the first rule of fight club . I have never watched that movie , but I guess I will have to watch Bedri all macho and fighty. .
I am just watching this episode right now.

Maybe those shorty short skirts have shorts attached like the girls around here wear otherwise.....TMI.

Well, will we get any HEAs,? Who will survive to the finale?


Venganza #60 part 2

Francisco is trying to decide what to do with abuela's house. A lot of the furniture is ok after the fire. Erika can hopefully help him donate it to the needy.

Fernanda's telling Mirna about her plans for her new life. She hopes to buy Moni's affection.

Eugenio apparently has a private burial. Guess he could still be alive. Alfredo claims he wanted to bid him a final farewell.

Baby woke up and won't let me finish. Will do the rest tonight.



Thanks KAT in SC...
Yes...Ms.Fermento has big bucks now...interesting...its good for Monica cause ,this is a family of killers ..
Fermenta is riding high,,, will she give Mirna a her up..
Morna take the cash and RUN...HAUL-ASSZZ!!
Eugenio dead...i gotta see a body on ice...decomposing..first...
I kinda find it weird,,strange..when they took him out with his face uncovered???!!


Thanks so much, K! Have you considered a career in standup comedy? Sooo many good zingers.

Hmmm. Devin is madly in love with a mob guy but thinks Yagmur should find herself an accountant?

I loved "Grow up, dude." I suppose they're going with Aslan showing up in time, but some stabbing would have saved Yagmur from Bedri. The only reason I sorta want him to live is to keep Nedret from suffering. And, yes, you want Yagmur to marry you, but you're giving her too much of a preview of what a brat you are. Who wants to wait 20 years for a spouse to grow up? And his ghosting his loving mother is just awful.

This whole Albanian thing confused me. I know some of them have a reputation for being in a mafia. Are they supposed to want to get their hands on the marina? And why are they threatening Bedri at all?

And, like Juanita, I didn't get Ilyas just putting down the bullet and later saying he'd kill all the Soykans. Was this because he wanted to lull Aslan into a false sense of security.

To me it's not surprising that Ilyas turned out the way he did. His mother is one evil old lady.

Was that a cut rose Cihan planted? Cihan, roses don't produce a rosebush if you stick them in dirt.

Venganza #60 part 3

Happy Chinese New Year. My grandson is attending a Chinese immersion school and they had a school performance tonight so I'm finally getting back to this.

Ana and Claudia gossip together about Joseph.

Some more saber rattling between Alfredo and Adelberto as they talk on the phone. Adelberto mentions in the natural course of events Alfredo will go first as he is older, I think.

Francisco tells Sebastian he is through with Fernanda. Sebastian mentions that Fernanda has made approaches to Mirna, who wants nothing to do with her. Francisco stands up for Fern in this aspect because she has been searching for her daughter. He hopes Moni will change her mind and give Fern a chance.

More of Roberto working on Elisa, refusing a divorce, etc.

Francisco tells Sebastian and Marcelo that Fernanda got nothing in the divorce, no savings.. he's paid her hotel for the next month but it's up to her to organize her life now. He feels he needs to help her a little, Marcelo rolls his eyes.

More of Roberto. FF.... Well Elisa does tell him he is acting like a spoiled child wanting his way, but she isn't changing her mind.

So much for Ana keeping her mouth shut. She tells Claudia about the reconciliation of Gabriel and Brenda. Ana is mad that Gabriel gets an HEA. He's an asco, which translates as disgusting, but an ass is fitting. He's as bad as dad.

Fernanda visits Adelberto to break her happy news to him.

Elisa strolls with Francisco along the waterfront
And tells him that Dad is fine with her dating him. Ana is still a problem, but she is dating one of the teachers at the school now so hopefully she'll forget about you.

Sebastian visits Alfonso in the hospital. He thanks him for coming, apologizes profusely for what he did to Moni and prays they will both forgive him some day.

Now it is Ana and Joseph strolling along the waterfront discussing what movie to see ( romcom or action) then Ana asks how many girlfriends he's had, several. She thinks he's a player if he never felt any were important to him.

Fernanda wants Adelberto to keep quiet. She wants to show up at the office and surprise everyone. He wants to capture it with his phone. Looks like she is planning to work with Adelberto like Eugenio planned.


Venganza #60 part 4

Elisa and Francisco talk about abuela's house. It's larger than Fermin and Erika's. Perhaps they would like it. Francisco says perhaps, though Marcelo is trying to convince them to move to Monterey and work for the company. Francisco wonders whether Elisa would like to go also. She says I always thought I needed to live by the sea, but with you Monterey sounds great as long as they are together.

Alonso tells Sebastian the whole truth about what happened between him and Moni. He earns a few points for this. Maybe not enough to be redeemed, but no worse than what has already happened to him.

Tania is having remorse for what she did as she confesses to Mirna ( rather than a shrink she is more like a priest, she receives all these confessions but tells nobody).. She is pretty much in a no win situation.

Joseph and Ana bicker flirtatiously, and he decides to kiss her. She seems to be enjoying it, a new song plays which will likely be there theme, but then she slaps him.

Alfredo and Gabriel discuss the mystery heir. Adelberto would love to be the one to introduce Fernanda as the new 50% owner of the company.her goal is to fire Alfredo.

Francisco tells Elisa about the few mementos that survived the fire, a photo, the old cassette player ( I'm hoping Abuela recorded Fernanda on it as she attacked her but I'm sure this will be discovered in the last few episodes if she did). He feels he failed her by not returning to visit her.

Ignacio is eating dinner at Fermin and Erika's place, with Claudia. She is quite impressed with him. Miguel was the worst mistake of her life. She is single, but open to possibilities as she eyes him. (I'm liking her lace and denim shirt.)

Sebastian tells Moni about Alonso. He feels like he is a changed man. Ana tells Elisa about her date with Joseph. Pretty sure she likes him.

Marcelo is heading back to Monterey.

Moni asks should I give Fernanda another opportunity ( since she didn't order the tape, just the attempted seduction). He tells her this is all about what you want to do. I won't influence you about it.

Elisa and Ana bond over going to bed with guys, and when is it the right time . Ana says it's been a long time since I've laughed. Laughter is the best medicine.

Fernanda calls Francisco. She tells him to keep his money and offer of help.



#65 – Part 1 of 2

We go back to the beating of Bedri. Eko stops the guy with the knife, and the rivals for Yagmur spend some time fighting back-to-back. More thugs arrive, and both of them get beaten and kicked. But Aslan arrives and shoots at the ceiling. Then Aslan, Turgut, and Iskoc join the fight and defeat the Fight Club guys.

Yagmur tells Devin that Bedri proposed. Devin looks like I feel, sighing. Yagmur says she’s over Eko and loves Bedri. Devin: “What your heart tells you will be correct.” [Huh? How many women have fallen for the wrong guy?]

Aslan asks the guy who seems to be in charge of the boxing club where’s the Albanian. When told that he’s in his village, Aslan tells the guy that nothing better happen to his family.

Bedri is less than grateful, having himself a hissy fit. He says that Aslan can’t know his heart. Aslan tells him that he knows about Ilyas. Bedri starts to cry. They sit down together. Aslan says that they both had bad luck with their fathers. Aslan reminds Bedri that he has a mother, a jewel. “Go and kiss her hand.” Bedri tells him about Yagmur and Aslan does his schtick, fussing about it. Bedri thanks him for his help. Looks like Bedri is on Redemption Road.

Cihan shows up at Sevdem, packing heat. Nedret and Leyla come in together. Hulya and the rest of the charity board are already there. When Hulya snarks at Leyla about not coming there for years, Leyla tells her mother she’s protecting her children from Hulya. It was hard, but she saved the one named Leyla.

Cihan points to Sevdem’s motto: “They’ll Be the Voice of the Children”. Hulya hustles everyone except relatives out. He tells her that tomorrow, in front of all of them, Hulya will say what happened to his wife when she was a child. She’ll tell what Yusuf did and that she kept quiet. “You’ll be HER voice.”

Cihan does a Michael Corleone and hides a plastic wrapped gun in a toilet tank in the Men’s Room. When he comes out Leyla is waiting for him. She tells him that she loves him and asks him to come to her house.

Aslan rants to Devin about the Bedri/Yagmur situation. When she tells him to have empathy, he replies that his tombstone will read Murió de Empatía. This is one of Aslan’s better rants, amusing Devin.

Seher tells Hulya and Nedret that the girl with the sad eyes keeps her awake crying. “Did Yusuf do something to her?” She’s sad and confused.

Aslan and Devin have gone to what Aslan says is the best pizzeria in Istanbul. Aslan and I are in total agreement. Pizza with pineapple on it is an aberration. After laughing some, they talk about Hulya. Devin says that she has two people inside her, one they’ve just met, who’s trying to heal. And the other one who is the majority of who she is. Aslan says that Hulya is not his mother, rather the wife of that man. One of the two will die. We’ll see, he says.

Nedret tells Hulya that, if she says what Cihan wants her to say, the old Hulya will return, the one she used to know. “Don’t leave your children without their mother.”


#65 – Part 2 of 2

Yagmur is cleaning up Bedri’s face. He tells her Aslan knows about Ilyas and about his loving her. He asks her again to marry him, and Yagmur says yes.

Aslan and Devin talk about their future. He’s talking about opening a hotel (in Urla). He also says something about his going to work and her caring for the baby. When she objects to this, he comes up with a complicated idea of his paying her a big amount to see patients. He does some calculations on his phone and says she’d make more than he would. [I think I got this wrong somehow. How does Aslan paying her to see patients give them enough to live on? And the patients are treated for free?] Devin suggests Aslan open a restaurant and call it La Familia.

Aslan’s crew, the 3 amigos, have come to the movies, a well-reviewed comedy. Iskoc’s wife and two children are there. Iskoc tells the kids they’ll have to share a tub of popcorn. The boy asks why Turgut gets his own. Turgut says that it’s because he’s “robust”. Iskoc tells the boy what robust means…and he makes a round belly motion with his hand. And then, Asuman arrives. Turgut is told that no, he didn’t get an extra seat to expand into. It’s for Asuman. They whisper during the movie. He begs her to tell him the truth about what happened between the two of them. First she makes the zipped lips motion and then she whispers in his ear, pantomiming some, I think, positions. He bursts out that she’s lying.

Somehow Aslan has come out of the restaurant without Devin and is looking for her. He panics. Viewerville thinks the worst, but she appears, saying her phone battery died.

When the 3 Amigos and family come out of the movie, we see that guy we met last time, wanting to help Ilyas. He’s put something under Turgut’s car. Turns out it's a tracker.

Aslan and Devin come to Leyla’s house. Aslan and Leyla sit on either side of Cihan. He says that he couldn’t protect her. They both comfort him. Devin says that, if her father would have been there for her, she’d not have kept quiet about what happened. Cihan asks who will be with him now. Aslan: “We will, your family.” Both siblings put their arms around him. Kaya comes to be beside his uncle and speaks. He tells him not to worry. Aslan and Devin tear up. [If only we could just enjoy this without Ilyas lurking.]

That lickspittle guy tells Ilyas that all the Soykans will be celebrating the New Year together tomorrow. He says his name is Ferman.

Kiymet and Saleh are happy because Ilyas has come out of his room. He says that the Soykans won’t begin the new year.

Aslan cooks what I think is breakfast for dinner. Cihan, Leyla, Devin, Aslan and the children seem very happy.

The shrink is treating Aslan and Devin over Zoom. Devin is worried about whether they can make their children happy because of the way they were raised. Of course, the shrink reassures her.

We see Ilyas and some thugs gathering weapons, including some rifles with scopes. Kiymet tells Ilyas that Devin’s pregnant. [How in the world could she know that? Have I mentioned lately how much I dislike Kiymet. May she inadvertently eat some of her own beans!] Ilyas’ response: “Ah! Aslan will lose a child. That is, if he lives longer than his wife.”

Kat in SC: Thanks for your recap of Tuesday night's episode. My personal thoughts.
139.) Brenda keeps digging a deeper & deeper hole for herself. She signed her death warrant a long time ago when she married Gabriel.

140.) I'm NOT convinced Eugenio is dead. Gut feeling he faked his death once again. With 35 more episodes left, I've got a feeling Eugenio will up the ante against the uppity del Pino's non-stop.

141.) Crazy Goldie Locks wants to celebrate with Mirna ? What could possibly go wrong ? Does Mirna even have any family members ?

142.) Mooching Roberto determined to keep Gullible Elisa for the umpteenth time: Fast Forward.

143.) No appearance from Paty in last night's episode ?

144.) Halimacandy & Kat in SC: I laughed & snickered whenever Gabriel refers to Francisco as "The Gardener" LOL. Yet, Francisco is a wealthy gardener to boot.

145.) Slick Alonso has NOT changed one bit. He'll rape someone else again, maybe kill Tania when he finds out she was the one, who castrated his Little Bishop.

146.) Speaking of Tania: She's on borrowed time by wanting to stay close with Slick Alonso. It won't be long before Gabriel & Alfredo reveal to Slick Alonso that Tania was the one, who castrated him.

147.) Ana & Joseph: Lots of arguing, kissing, slapping, etc., I still cannot quite yet trust Joseph yet for some reason.

148.) Sebastian: If I were you, I would take Monica OUT of FL ASAP & move back to MA or maybe move to WA St.

149.) Marcelo heading back to Monterrey, Mexico: Good! He's gotten annoyed with Francisco's stupidity. I'm surprised Fermin, Erika, & Co., haven't gotten tired of Francisco yet.

150.) Amazed some of the late Manuela's personal effects survived that fire. I hope that tape recorder works. Tick-Tock Crazy Goldie Locks: FL has the death penalty.

151.) Claudia is still going to Claudia.

Venganza #61 part 1

It starts with Fernanda's call to Francisco. Marcelo asks what's up. She refused me paying her hotel, etc. you would think this would be a lightbulb moment about who got Eugenio's money, but no.

Roberto visits Alonso. Alonso says you look good, so if course Roberto grabs his back and winces. I'm going to die alone, woe is me. Alfonso says he's actually happy for Elisa and Francisco, there's is a fairytale romance and they belong together.

Mira tells Fernanda this restaurant must cost a fortune. Fern is like do you want caviar, etc.. Mirna points out how money has erased all Fern's sadness. tomorrow she's hiring a chauffeur, getting a luxury car buying a penthouse. She wants Mirna to live with her as queens.

Elisa tells Ana before starting a romantic relationship with Joseph she needs an all clear from her doctor. Ana kinda agrees she shouldn't infect silly Joseph. Tomorrow is her appointment, if all is well Elisa says go for it. Ana wants to go slow and enjoy it As opposed to the wham bams she put u with to get her drugs). Then Ana asks have Elisa and Francisco done feliz a papá yet.

Gabriel and Alfredo discuss bringing Brenda back home after the tragedy about to hit her. It will be up to them to comfort her in her loss.

Mirna counsels Fernanda that she never loved Francisco, but Fern begs to differ. Fern tells her she spoke with Ferrerro and he is on board with Fern taking over the company and kicking Alfredo to the curb.

Alonso is still on his spiritual transformation to being a good guy. Roberto thinks as soon as he recovers he will revert back, but Alonso is staying firm in his changed heart. He made a promise the the guy upstairs. Roberto mocks him for getting spiritual. Alfonso says don't you feel a deeper connection to God given your health, or are you not as ill as you claim ( bingo).

Ok, Alfredo wants to see Adelberto one last time in person before the deed is done. It almost sounds like he may give away that they are going to die and he wants to gloat. ( Is he insane?) Gabriel rightly mentions what if Brenda overheard? Gabriel at least acknowledges what they are doing to Brenda is awful.

Moni's having breakfast with Elisa and Tania in someone's apartment. She doesn't believe that Alonso has really changed. Sebastian told her he is really sorry for what he did. Tania agrees she has seen a change in him. Elisa says don't you believe that people can change? She says perhaps but she won't be around him. Do you feel the same about Fernanda? She says supposedly Fernanda only wanted him to seduce me , not drug and rape.

Francisco takes a shower and plays some ranchero music on the gray cassette deck.

Fernanda calls Mirna. I'm signing the papers today. I'm buying a grand house and will fill it with servants.


Venganza #61 part 2

Claudia walks down the stairs of the mansion with Fermin, who is dusting the handrail. Not Claudia. She was quite impressed with Ignacio and hopes they invite him to dinner again. Fermin tells her she was bowled over by Miguel and all men, take a cold shower.

Gabriel Sebastian and Alfredo discuss the company.

Marcelo mentions the Mexican festival going on this a.m. ( the music). He is heading back. Ignacio is staying behind. Marcelo and Francisco teases him about his new novia, Claudia. He blushes. I guess he likes her.

Roberto shows up at Fernanda's humble abode. I think it is a different place than the hotel, perhaps Eugenio's penthouse.

The del Pino men are discussing how thankful Fernanda is out of their lives, except the Moni connection, and she wants nothing to do with her. They figure she will return to Dallas. Sebastian is heading to one of the construction sites. Alfredo says carry on as usual so no one suspects anything is going on within the company.

Tania asks some more wether Moni will give Fernanda a chance, they are blood after all. Moni is still resistant to the idea. They all agree she is a strange woman. Moni wonders should I forget she even exists. Elisa says this is your decision. Do as your heart dictates. She decides she will listen to her, and decide after that.

Heading home now. Finish later ....


Gracias, Novelera. Terrific recap. I can't stand Kiymet either. ">May she inadvertently eat some of her own beans!" - lol.

Yep, Bedri is on Redemption Road. I found myself doing a 180 on him during this episode. Maybe it was seeing him and Eko fighting back to back. Plus, we need a wedding. (Though come to think of it, each one has ended in violence.)

Nice to see Leyla and Cihan make up, and Kaya speaking was icing on the cake. Maybe Cihan will feel he has something to live for after all.

Now that everyone is in danger, we get to meet Iskoc's family. That's rotten.

Asuman is a hoot. I'm with Turgut, nothing happened, but I enjoyed her animated gestures.


CLAUDIA is nuts.....and lowlife trammpyy..sore-loose-booty- sora.....Marcelo and Ignacio..RUN!!!!!she skanky...and stupid..
Pasta Alfredo and Gabe are serial killers!!!!!!!!!!!
Ana .. is contagious?????WTF...!!!!!!another dummy..i am still on her team, but its getting harder....she is on teenager crap..

OKAY!! the tape is playing ..wasn't it recording when Ms.Fermenta/Fermento..Dr. Demento Fernanda was killing granny Manuela???????


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I'm going to shorten your name to HC,. I'm not sure if Manue recorded the killing. It was speculation on my part. But the tape was probably at the end and he flipped it over so there is up to an hour of music to go through before we know.


Novelera, thank you for another excellent recap. I haven't had a chance to watch this episode yet.

I have no idea where this tale is going . The dysfunction and violence has been overwhelming , so it's hard to imagine HEAs.

Now that Ilyas has vowed to kill all the Soykans, I am sure there will be other deaths . uff. Susan


Thanks very much, novelera, for another excellent recap.

I agree with just about everything you've said, and I don't have much to add. I was somewhat puzzled by your describing Seher as "sad and confused" when she asks "Did Yusuf do something to her? [i.e. to Serap]. Seher may be sad, and on many occasions quite confused, but I think no one has told her about Yusuf's abuse of Serap, but she nonetheless seems aware of it, so I'm not sure I'd describe her as "confused." Indeed, I'm reminded of Kiymet's knowing somehow that Devin is pregnant. In Turkish culture, perhaps very old women are believed to have special knowledge? (Perhaps dondi will have something to say about this.)

I gotta say, Aslan's description of his plans for the future don't seem to be the result of careful thought.

Why was Asuman included when the 3 amigos and their families went to the movies? I doubt that Turgut asked that she be included; perhaps he wasn't even consulted. Though earlier in the novela, he seemed to enjoy her company, lately that has repeatedly not seemed to be the case.

Yes, as you say, I definitely feared the worst for Devin. Or, if not the worst, certainly something very unpleasant that might not be resolved until the last or next-to-last episode. I was much relieved that turned out not to be the case.

I loved your saying about Kiymet "May she inadvertently eat some of her own beans!"

Given Ilyas's plans, we may be in for some very tense episodes before the dizi ends. At least there are only a few more weeks to go. I'm still unsure we'll see a HEA conclusion. Fingers crossed.


Niecie, ITA about really, really hoping Cihan survives to enjoy these bonds with Aslan, Leyla, and Devin. He seems to be a really great uncle for Leyla's kids as well.

Yes, it feels sad to just now meet Iskoc's kids. These writers! They're softening us up with friends seeing a movie, siblings embracing, redemption for Bedri. The Turks love to throw us in the ice water abruptly, so I'm worried about Ilyas' attack.

Juanita, I'm pretty sure that Iskoc and Eko set Turgut up as kind of a prank by having Asuman join them. I remember that Eko bought the tickets (probably online) as they showed him arriving after the others and getting the tickets from a booth or something. He then passed them out. I think this is when Turgut thought he got two seats; probably Eko gave him two.


My Telemundo station out of DC preempted tonight's show on the east coast due to the plane vs Blackhawk helicopter accident. Things look really bad for all on the two aircraft.


Sorry so late to respond to your wonderful Tuesday recap, novelera. I was also confused about Aslan being an angel investor in Devin’s practice. I just tightened my beanie. Yes, let’s serve Kiymet some death beans.

So Yagmur exchanged one mafia guy for another.

Never a hair out of place on Bedri’s lacquered head.

I can’t let this go: When Devin warned Aslan about her pizza preference, I guessed what was coming. He also brought up her putting ketchup on rice. I try not to be judgmental but, I applauded him when he said, “for every bite you take, a person dies in Italy”. People in NY die, too. Pizza is a very sacred and controversial subject.

It’s an open secret that Asuman has the hots for Turgut. There have been edited comments and knowing looks about this. Our friends are aiding and abetting Asuman in her quest. Ha, when Asu showed up, Turgut said, “welcome to our funeral”. That’s the name of the movie they were seeing.

Kaya told Cihan, “Dayı, sen üzülme, tamam” – Uncle, don’t be upset, okay? Very touching. Aslan made menemen and sucuk for their “breakfast”.

Kiymet wasn’t specific on how she found out about Devin’s pregnancy. She only said, “new news has arrived”.

Terrible news about the plane and helicopter accident. The show wasn't preempted in NY last night.


Kat in SC: Howdy from the Alamo City. Thanks for the recap of last night's episode. My personal thoughts on last night's episode, which will be very short.
*Mooching Roberto is spot on about Slick Alonso: Slick Alonso is still EVIL to the core. With 34 episodes left, there's more time to wreak havoc.

*Tania is STUPID. Playing with fire will your ass burned girl!

*Ana is gonna relapse. I can feel it.

*Gabriel & Alfredo plotting to exterminate the Ferrero's altogether. Big question is whether or not Brenda will overhear what's happening & give her parents a heads-up ?

*Francisco & Gullible Elisa: Fast Forward.

*No appearance from Paty again ? 🤔

Help blogger ate a comment


i added a third part to my recap around 6:15 but it is missing. Can someone retrieve it for me. Steve Yes Paty made an appearance, I posted it in the last part of the recap but it disappeared. Hopefully someone will retrieve it for me. We were thankfully spared a Miguel/Rafita sighting.

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Venganza #61 part 3

Roberto is worried about his job if he loses Elisa. Fernanda tells him don't worry things will become obvious tomorrow and you will so happy, but not that kind as he moves in for a kiss.

Ana has a clean bill of health. Elisa wants to check on Alonso, Ana, not. Doctors tell Alonso he needs to stay a week in the hospital and strict rest another 2 months after that of no strenuous anything.

Roberto is standing firm that he is not getting divorced. Not sure if it is his or Elisa's lawyer.

Alfredo discusses the operation with Alfonso. He wonders what it looks like, have you checked. You should marry Tania. She is very concerned for you. Alonso doesn't want to use her that way.

Fern wants Mirna to quit her job and be her personal assistant for 5 times the pay. That's tempting but I need to give her notice.

Ana tells Joseph tomorrow we are going out and having sex. Make sure you are clean, I will. also he looks at her like she's grown 2 heads.

Elisa gets a call from her lawyer. Next scene Roberto yells at her he will never sign the divorce papers

Looks like Moni has decided to give Fernanda a chance if only to keep the peace.

Ana gets a call from Fernanda who is pushing all her buttons. (Stay firm Ana.)

Mirna gives Tania her notice. She got a better job offer.

Elisa and Francisco have a romantic date at his rose strewn place. He wants to pressure Roberto to sign the divorce papers because he wants to marry her.

Next day, in the boardroom the del Pino family are waiting. In Paty's solo appearance of the episode, she escorts Adelberto, Fernanda and his lawyer into the room. Adelberto has the pleasure to present the sole beneficiary of Eugenio's estate, Fernanda, and I think he said he is the executor.


I reposted part 3 twice and it disappeared both times so a moderator will have to fix it. I edited the 3rd attempt as I saw some errors, but it still got eaten.


I get the same Telemundo feed as Kat in SC, so no show aired here either. My deepest condolences to those who lost loved ones in the tragic collision.

Kat in SC & Halimacandy: Bold Prediction: Ana will RELAPSE back into drugs. You've heard it here first!


Venganza #62 was preempted by the AA crash in the Potomac. Steve if you were able to see it feel free to ad highlights. I may be able to watch it on the Telemundo app later. If so I will post about it


I can post some highlights a little later this afternoon.


fam2 # 66 highlights

Young Hulya appears to Old Disgusting Hulya in a dream and appeals to her conscience to do the right thing—and to take off that necklace!

Time for the Sevdem event. Cihan takes his gun from the toilet. Nedret gives a nice speech. Hulya is called to speak. Uh, oh, she starts by mentioning that Yusuf Soykan started the foundation with hopes that the Soykan name would be associated with kindness. Note Aslan fuming and Cihan reaching in his pocket for the gun.

Then, Young Hulya appears to OD Hulya from the doorway. Hulya’s conscience kicks in and she tells the truth about, Yusuf, Serap, her own complicity and her terrible regrets. She tears off her necklace and dumps it in a trashcan! The Soykans leave the event and they are pleased with Hulya. [I don’t care, I still don’t like Hulya.]

New Year’s Eve plans are made. Aslan wants his family to celebrate together. Cihan says he needs to be with someone else. Bedri shows up and Nedret wants to stay with him. Aslan asks Eko to book an entire hall in Şile for the celebration. Only family. He gives the guys the night off to celebrate with their loved ones.

Bedri tells Nedret he’s going to speak with Ilyas tonight. Not to worry, he’s going to make sure their paths don’t cross again.

Bad news for Ilyas. The trackers were installed on the amigos’ cars, but the amigos are not going to party with the family. Ilyas orders his guys to track and round up the amigos and force them to tell the location of the Soykan party.

All 3 amigos are kidnapped by Ilyas’ men. They are beaten but don’t talk. Then they show the amigos videos of their loved ones and threaten to harm them. Will someone talk?

At NYE Aslan praises his mother for coming clean [16 years too late] and gives his mother a new necklace, a 4-leaf clover that represents her 4 children.

Bedri meets with Ilyas to break the bond between them for good. Ilyas says a blood bond can’t be broken. Ilyas gives Bedri a hug. He’s buried 2 children, he’s won’t bury Bedri in his heart. He asks Bedri to wait for the dust to settle. Bedri isn’t interested. Their convo is interrupted by Salih who whispers in Ilyas’ ear. I guess they have the Soykan location. I don’t know if Bedri heard anything.

The Soykans play tombala while Ilyas and his men get ready to attack.
Cihan cries at Serap’s grave. He buries a bullet in the dirt.

Cihan’s informant at Ilyas’ house lets him know that Ilyas is on his way to attack the Soykan celebration. Cihan tries calling Aslan but he’s dancing with Devin and doesn’t hear.

It’s almost midnight and the Soykans start the countdown. Aslan finally picks up his phone and Cihan shouts to get out of there. Ilyas is on his way!

Too late. As the clock strikes midnight, the thugs attack. It’s vicious. Ilyas is pleased. Is everyone okay? No… Devin is hit in the stomach!

Here comes the hospital drama. Nese takes it out on Aslan. Cihan comforts Aslan—it’s not your fault. Aslan asks, are you with me brother? Till the end, Cihan replies. Aslan directs, tell your person on the inside to learn the names of everyone involved. Before Devin wakes up, they will die.

And we are out.


sed veng..

.........NO PROBLEM...HC is cool with me.....

THANKS for recaps... its all good!!!!!!



Donde, I commented to thank you , but my comment disappeared , so I will keep this short.

This episode was shown in my area. It was gruesome . I looked away often. Yikes . So much violence in this dizi. Susan


You can take the family out of the mob but you can't take the mob out of the family. Aslan's solution to stop the violence he hated is to kill everyone who was involved. Which, now that I think about it, might work. If everyone bad is dead, there's no one left to be violent with. Good job, Aslan!

I don't think a Hulya-type would come around that quickly but I'm not mad about it. She doesn't deserve forgiveness, and I hope Leyla demands more groveling, but I'm cool with it. I was glad to see the FOUR-leaf clover. Ceylan seems to be forgotten in all the sibling bond talk with the older three.

Do we know what Ilyas did to Nedret, other than leave her alone with a child? That's not good, but if Hulya gets to be redeemed then Ilyas had a chance. Until he tried to murder Bedri's family, that is. That was short-sighted on Ilyas's part given that he mentioned having no children left. He could have had one, who comes complete with a future bride even.

Bedri and Yagmur should have a very long engagement and just shack up for a bit. Even if things calm down, holding another wedding might be asking for trouble.


Hi Kat, I didn't see your message until a few minutes ago. Am I right in assuming that since you now have a 3rd page still up, you no longer need to have the earlier 3rd pages found and posted?


Gracias, Dondi. Great highlights. I liked the moniker "Old Disgusting Hulya."

Nese taking it out on Aslan is understandable. Will Aslan be able to leave behind the mafia violence forever? Doesn't look like it. Those guys have got to go.


Thanks VERY much, dondi, for this extraordinary list of highlights! I found it helpful right from the start. I had been scratching my head, wondering who in the world that young woman was that appeared to Hulya not just once but twice. It never occurred to me that she was the young Hulya. Duh.

When Bedri said he was going to see Ilyas, I was hoping that he'd learn about the plan to wipe out all the Soykans and would warn Aslan. But alas, I don't think he heard what Salih whispered to Ilyas. (And of course there's no certainty that Bedri would warn Aslan even if he had heard.)

I was somewhat surprised that Aslan didn't have his phone in his pants pocket while he was dancing with Devin. Leaving it on the table made it vulnerable to being accidentally knocked to the floor (as seems to happen to phones these days in ads from all the phone companies) or being taken accidentally or intentionally by someone else (a child, a nosy family member, a person on the staff of wherever they are). Oh well, at least Cihan's warning enabled Aslan to tell everyone to get down. They all seemed to know the drill.

I seriously doubt that Devin's fetus survived. Indeed, at first it looked to me as if Devin had died, but they wouldn't have taken a corpse to the emergency room.

I really wonder how all this will turn out. Aslan wants to do an Ilyas--i.e., wipe everyone out. I'm not convinced that's going to happen, but I wouldn't bet either way.


Thanks so much, dondi, for the highlights. As always, I love your descriptions. And enjoyed your companionship in loathing pineapple pizza and that New Yorkers might also expire when unenlightened people eat it.

I'm NOT happy about Devin being the one shot. The writers had a perfect opportunity to kill off Hulya just after she'd put at least one foot onto Redemption Road. But no! It's Devin. And not only Devin but Devin shot in the stomach, appearing to die in Aslan's arms with eyes closed and going limp. And with all that prior build up to Devin finding out she could bear a child, they decide to have her shot where the kidney bean was residing.

ITA, dondi, about the "hospital drama". They already did this with Aslan with the whole cast milling around in hospital corridors. I did enjoy Cihan embracing Aslan. I would have bet my car, admittedly a 2013 car, on Cihan dying to protect Aslan.

K, I have also been wondering about Ilyas having "ruined" Nedret. He didn't know she was pregnant when their "whatever" ended.


Many thanks, dondi, for the recap. I missed the first half hour, but you filled in perfectly.
I do regret not seeing Hulya renounce her past. What is the significance of the necklace she threw away? I always imagined there was poison inside; she seemed capable of using it!
Good to see Cihan rejoin the family.
I still don't believe that Yagmur loves Bedri. She seemed catatonic when telling Devin about him. Like a Stepford wife ( for those who remember that).
Fingers crossed for Devin and baby.
Looks like all out gangster war is coming, like in the Godfather when they "went to the mattresses".
Are the 3 musketeers (Turgut, Iskoc,Eko) alive??
Beth S


Novelera, I think you made a good prediction that Cihan might die saving Aslan. Cihan seems to be the tragic hero of this tale. I am never good at making predictions. Susan



I'll put up something brief. Tonight's my usually lengthy January book club meeting. We each come up with around 3 nominations. For some reason I'm the one who always records everything and puts out a list that includes 3 or 4 line descriptions. I then record the votes emailed to me and come up with a list for 2025. I've been in this group for 28 years!


#67 - Part 1 of 2

Nedret and Bedri have come to the hospital. Hulya humbly thanks Cihan for the warning that saved their lives. Cihan says that their location had to come from someone on the inside.

The doctor says that Devin was shot in the right lung, but of course, this being a dizi or TN, they still can’t say she’s out of danger. He mentions the baby, so Devin’s secret is out.

Eko is on the phone, with Iskoc nearby, in another of those grimy warehouses that seem to be everywhere in Istanbul. Iskoc says that Turgut is looking for a car. Eko finds out what happened to Devin. Unless Eko and Iskoc are fantastic actors, they’re completely shocked about what happened.

They keep talking about 48 hours for Devin to open her eyes. Why would she be unconscious for that long? Induced coma? Aslan wants them all dead before she wakes.

The 3 amigos come to the hospital, talking about what happened to them. Hulya, looking suspicious, asks how they survived. It’s said that Iskoc escaped and rescued the other two.

Salih tells Ilyas that the police could identify the others from security cameras. Ilyas says to get them out of the country.

Aslan talks to the unconscious Devin, saying he knows she can hear him. He says he’ll only dirty his hands once more.

Ilyas keeps calling Bedri, who doesn’t pick up. Nedret swears him to silence about having been with Ilyaas New Years Eve Day.

Cihan magically has produced a paper with photos of the guys who shot at the family.

Some guy calls Cihan and has information about where the hired guns are. This guy is at Ilyas’ house, where Ilyas himself is not. Can’t remember how or why he became an informant.

Bedri and Yagmur talk. She mentions her sobrina (niece). How do they know the kidney bean is a girl?

Nedret comes to give Ilyas a piece of her mind and encounters Kiymet. She tells the bean chef to tell Ilyas to stay away from her son. And, furthermore, he’s now with the Soykans. Kiymet says that Bedri was there for a couple of days, but she doesn’t want to see him again. After Nedret leaves Kiymet asks one of the guards to get her the cameras. She wants to see what Ilyas and Bedri said. [These people have cameras recording what happens inside their homes at all times?]

Cihan is thinking strategically, going to the trunk for a shotgun. But Aslan goes into some warehouse alone and kills a lot of Ilyas’ hired guys.

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Sorry, both parts are on Page 2 of Telemundo. I posted to the wrong page. I was able to delete part 2 but not part 1.

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