Sunday, February 02, 2025

El extraño retorno de Diana Salazar #3 2/2/25

Diana asks her father if he always was that way, too, and if her mother knew about  it. He answers that he did and yes, she did.  He sees that Diana is going through the same thing that he did. He thinks he is  the only one that can understand her and addresses her as daughter. She corrects him by saying the only thing that they have in common is the curse. He asks her  not to call it that. She asks what else is she supposed to call it? Is she supposed to consider a gift? It destroyed their family. It turned him into a murderer. Her father explains  that the death was just an accident. He was trying to cure a boy who is very sick. She asks whoever told him that this thing that they have was to be used for curing people? He explains that he was trying to make sense out of it all feeling  fed up, distressed, desperate. That is why he ended up turning himself in. He’s not a bad person and it’s not his fault that he was born this way as it’s not hers.

In the past, we see Emiliano running from the house as his wife Delfina tries to get him to come back. She tells him not to go. He refuses to expose them anymore to what he is afflicted. His wife Delfina tells him that he is different and it  is  not important.  He explains that he cannot control it and he could hurt her. Delfina insists that he will hurt them more by leaving. He insists that  neither she nor the girls deserve it. He turns and leaves as Delfina continues to call  out after him. 

Emiliano tells Diana that what they have is hereditary. Her great, great grandmother and her father had it as well as his mother. Diana wants to know why he didn’t contact them when he got out of jail. He doesn’t know what to say, except that he didn’t want to ruin their lives. And then he heard his mind calling to him. Diana says she has felt that,  too. Emiliano says that sometimes he hears voices telling him that the Mina Paraíso is where everything began. That is how he knew that she would come sooner or later. Diana is overwhelmed and doesn’t know what to think. She calls  him father but asks him not to ask her to forgive him or to trust him either. He is satisfied with her calling him father even if he doesn’t deserve it. Diana smiles through her tears and they hug each each other. Shedding his own tears, Emiliano tells Diana that he loves her.

Emiliano has a message for Diana. He senses that there is  a person around her that is not good. He doesn’t know who it is but it seems like he knows her. He wants to help her and he anticipates what she wants. But that is all a part of his game. In her head, Diana can hear Mario saying to her that they know each other.  She sees his smile as he adds  but  he doesn’t remember from where. She answers saying that she has the same sensation that she knows him. She remembers Mario checking out the mark on her chest. Emiliano tells her that the mark that she has on her chest is there for a reason. She must follow the signs. Diana  tells him about hearing things and feeling like she’s living somebody else’s life.   His answer is that an old soul is responsible for all that. She says that she’s tried to talk about those things with Malena. Her father has a message for Malena.  Diana is  to let her know that he understands her reasons and that she will find happiness when she accepts that she is a woman with two hearts. Also, he wants her to tell her mother that he never has forgotten her and  that he still loves  her as much as the first day he saw her.  Diana hears Joaquín  calling her name as he returns to the mine. She goes to get him to meet her father, but when she returns, her father is gone.

Later at the hotel,  Diana tells Joaquín what her father said about the old soul.  That has  left her confused. Joaquin says it goes along with his theory of past life experiences. She thinks that her father is talking about reincarnation. It is when a soul returns to this plane of existence to finish something that they left unfinished. As fate would have it,  there is only one room left at the hotel with only a double bed. Joaquín offers to sleep in his car. Diana  doesn’t want him to have to sleep in the car.  Diana tells him that she really doesn’t want to be alone since she feels very strange after what happened. She would feel much better if he was with her. He says whatever they’ll figure it out. She’s not to worry. He says they have to go on with their alternative therapies. She is sure that they will work. She trusts him.

Irene‘s mother ends up in a medical crisis. The on-call doctor is missing. Mario just happens to  be there to help out. Irene tells her mother to hold on as she performs a  thoracentesis  on her. The MIA on-call physician finally arrives and takes over. Mario tells her that she did a good job and that her mother will pull through this. They hug.

Diana tells Joaquin that he can have half of the bed. Diana explains that it bothers her that she really can’t share what she’s going through with anybody not even her sister who judges her so harshly when she should be the most supportive.  Joaquin decides to confess to her something that he’s never told anybody else. He also gets panic attacks or something similar to them. They come out of nowhere. He feels the ground shaking and there is this buzzing sound. Diane guesses that then he can’t feel anything anything else. He agrees that that is exactly how it is. He was speechless when he found out that she had similar episodes. He realized that there is some sort of special connection between the two of them. He doesn’t know if he’s wrong or not. She feels the same way, too. He goes to kiss her and they kiss. Diana doesn't push him away.  Joaquin gets up sort of embarrassed about what he just did. Diana says nothing really happened. He apologizes saying this is not the right time. She’s vulnerable. He tells  her to just forget it all. It’s time to rest. They get on their own sides of the bed. She has nothing to worry about.

Irene is telling Mario that she never felt that stressed out at work before. It was horrible. Mario says it’s normal. She’s not a machine. Her own mother‘s life was in her hands and she saved her.  She says he has no idea how afraid she was losing her mother. He says unfortunately, he does know. She apologizes for getting him thinking about his wife. He tells her no worries because he knows what she’s going through. She kisses him on the mouth and he kisses her back but then remembers kissing Diana. He pulls away as she apologizes. He says no need. It’s normal with  such strong feelings.  Since her mother is stable, he leaves.

Diana has returned and is  telling her sister about her trip. Malena bets that Diana believed all of her father‘s lies since they have this "special" relationship and she Malena being  the stupid one doesn’t understand anything. Diana understands that she’s annoyed, but it is  neither of their faults that he did what he did. Diana knows that her sister believes in esoteric things and cannot understand how she doesn’t believe her. Malena believes her but  doesn’t know why the f*** she had to go looking for their father in   the first place. Diana only wanted to let her know that she found her father and that he had a message for her. Malena doesn’t know what that could be and reminds Diana that she’s already closed that chapter of her life with him.  Diana conveys the message. Her father said that he understands Malena’s reasons. She is going to find happiness when she accepts the fact that she is a woman with two hearts. Malena asks what the f*** does that mean snd leaves the room.

When Diana’s phone is charged,  she sees that she has a series of text messages from Irene. She calls to see what happened with her patient, her mother. Irene tells her she has been stabilized and that is all she has to know.  Diana reminds  her that she got permission to take two days off. Irene isn’t interested. Diana says that she will be at the hospital to see her patients.

At an exhibit at the gallery, Mario sits in front of  a copy of the Caravaggio painting from 1603 titled “Saint Jerome Writing.”  The saint is seated at a table with a skull on it. He is dressed in red robes, and his halo is visible as he writes. Mario thinks back to comforting his wife as she was dying.  Gonzalo comes in and asks how Mario how he is doing He makes it clear that  he is  really not doing well at all. He’s been in another world. Gonzalo guesses the reason is Diana Salazar. Mario has to admit that is a major part of  the issue but then there is another doctor Irene Vallejos. He doesn’t know what to do. His only priority should be his work because he came to Mexico with a promise. Gonzalo thinks he should  relax and  thinks that he’s doing a good job. Mario  is not sure  that Reina would feel the same way. Gonzalo suggests he take  a weekend getaway and hands him his tablet with the ad for the weekend colonial art auction in Zacatecas. He won’t take no for an answer. He will see him there.  Mario focuses on the image of the nun crowned with flowers in the ad. Mario finds an error in the image.  The face is blurry.  Gonzalo leaves  to complain about the error while Mario is left sitting and thinking.

Diana retrieves  a series of text messages from Mario. The last one says “I keep thinking about last night.”  She thinks of what her father told her about sensing the presence of a person who is not good. . . and puts her phone down.  She goes to sleep.

Back in time, Leonor is out horseback riding with Eduardo.  They galop across  an immense field. She falls getting off of her horse. He rushes to help her, but she is fine  sitting up and turns out that she hurt her knee. She pulls her skirts up, Eduardo  grabs her leg and yes, she has a bleeding cut.. She thinks it feels better now. Eduardo carries her into her home. Her mother  is not pleased to see Eduardo carrying her daughter into the house. Leonardo tell her mother to take it easy because nothing happened. There is no reason to make it a scandal. Her mother informs  her that her father would not be pleased to find out that the two of them were out horseback riding together and alone.  She then makes the point that the Santiago family has tried their best to educate their daughter to be a chaste Christian woman and not a loose one. It is not proper for an engaged woman to be out horseback riding with another man. Leonor doesn’t believe what she is hearing. Her father comes in, wondering what’s going on. Leonor starts to confess when her mother cuts her off.  Her mother covers for her saying that Leonor went out horseback riding all on her own and  never told anyone.  She ended up falling  off her horse. Fortunately, Eduardo was nearby and was able to help her. Her father reminds her how important it is to let people know when she’s going out horseback riding on her own. Leonor smiles at her father and says it won’t happen again. Her mother looks her in the eye and says no it won’t be happening again. Leonor gets the message. Leonor’s father thanks  Eduardo. Her mother has news. Brother Rodrigo is going to be arriving soon. Leonor’s father says he had to sacrifice his best piglets so the cooks could prepare an exquisite banquet for him. Leonor thinks she  just lost her appetite. Leonor's father invites Eduardo to the banquet. He accepts the invitation. Leonor’s mother doesn’t take her eyes off of him with a look of displeasure on her face.  Leonor leaves  to get ready for the event. 

At dinner, Brother Rodrigo goes on about women having weak memories, being undisciplined and impulsive. That is why none of the heretics they judge are men. Eduardo thinks  that their parents should also be punished for  not having educated them. Leonor’s mother tries to change the subject by saying that she hopes that Rodrigo has enjoyed the wine. While sloppily eating his pork and  ignoring Leonor’s mother’s  question, he claps his hands.  A man makes an entrance  in with a chest and opens it. It is a gift for Leonor from her fiancé the count. Rodrigo hopes that she likes it. Inside of the chest is a beautiful ornately decorated  dress. Leonor’s mother is more than impressed! Leonor looks uncomfortable and sad.  After wiping his mouth and his nose with his hand, Rodrigo reads a note from the count his brother Lucaa. It starts out with “My dear lady,  I hope from the bottom of my soul that the organdy  and other elegant fabrics used to make this piece of clothing, cover your waist with dignity on the day that you make me the happiest man in the world. Yours eternally, Count Lucas.” Rodrigo laughs, saying how his brother is such a romantic. Leonor's mother thinks that the dress must have cost a fortune. Another  man comes to give Rodrigo a message. Rodrigo says that his duties to God are calling him and he’s going to have to leave. There is no time for dessert because the main square is being  prepared to administer divine justice: the burning a witch at the stake who was found guilty last month. Leonor says that woman's only crime was being an indigenous person.  Her father is incensed by her comment. Rodrigo tells him not to worry because even a good Christian woman like his daughter can be concerned about the souls of heretics. Rodrigo assures them  that the woman deserves the punishment of the Holy Inquisition.   He looks forward to their presence at the burning.. He excuses himself. Before he leaves the table, he makes a point to tell Leonor that the woman was not only a witch but had also committed adultery. That is what the witnesses said. Horrible!  Rodrigo and  his ill manners finally leave the table

Diana is at work and shouts for the person in the elevator to hold the door for her. It turns out to be Mario. When the door is closed, he tells her that clearly they cannot  avoid each other. She smiles and apologizes for not having answered his messages. They both start talking at the same time and end up laughing.  He knows is that it is  inevitable that they keep bumping into  each other.  When the elevator doors are going to open, they both reach for a button to pause it.  As they do, the lights in the elevator start to flicker and spark. He quickly starts pressing all the buttons and as he presses the top button,  the elevator suddenly stops. They don’t know what’s going on but end up kissing and undressing. Suddenly, the lights in the elevator come back on. They looked disappointed, but little do they know that Irene and other doctors are wondering what is wrong with the elevator since it is  not running. Finally, the elevator arrives and Mario and Diana emerge fully clothed and walk past everyone very briskly. Diana is smiling. 

Irene is still criticizing her for having taken two days off and her mother almost dying. Diane reminds her one more time that she was in her right to take her time off and that the on-call doctor waa the one in  charge and not her. Irene was just hoping that she would be more serious  about the case because it was her  mother. Diana says that she takes all of her cases of seriously. 

Diana is going to give Mario a call but when she walks into her office, Joaquin is waiting for her. He’s not there to take up much of her time but he only wanted to know how she’s feeling. She says that she is feeling well. She thanks him for taking the time to come by and see her. He says that he just felt better actually seeing her in person.  He is ready for their next session tomorrow. Diana won't be able to make it. She is going back  to Zacatecas to the auction that her sister is organizing. He puts on a smile and says, of course,  he understands. Mario is calling on her cell phone and  a patient is there to see her, Joaquin realizes that it’s time to leave.  He suggests that they resume her treatments when she gets back.  She agrees thanking him for stopping by.

BE WARNED:  Even though this is a series it suffers from telenovela geography.  Zacatecas is 602 Km (380 miles) from Mexico City,  about an 8 hour drive according internet research.     Okay . . . 

The auction is ready to begin in Zacatecas. Diana is there with Malena and Gonzalo. There are a lot more people than Malena expected. Diana is waiting for Juan Santiago to arrive. Gonzalo says that they have to get the auction started whether he’s there or not. Diana finds it so strange that he is not there yet because he said that he was coming. He is  the only one who can tell her where the family is from. Diana wishes her sister and Gonzalo good luck on the auction. Diana smiles when she sees Mario arrive. He grabs her hand and tells her that she looks beautiful. 

The auction starts. Everyone applauds Gonzalo for having organized the auction. They start off with the painting of the nun crowned in flowers called “ La virgen del  candil” from  17th Century Mexico. Mario offers 75,000 pesos.  The auctioneer tries to get it  up to 100,000 pesos when a  smiling Joaquín enters the auction  offering 150,000 pesos. Diana turns and looks  pleasantly surprised while Mario turns and looks in disbelief at Joaquin. Suddenly, the building starts to tremble and shake.  It’s an earthquake. The crowd tries to escape the building as quickly as they can. Sister Beatriz starts to pray and Delfina leads her out. At the same time, Joaquin has sat down, looking like he is suffering from another asthma attack as a chandelier falls from the ceiling, Gonzalo grabs Malena and tries to shelter  her. Mario helps Diana with an injured knee as they leave and Joaquin looks on collapsed on the stairs. Diana and Mario notice him. Finally, the shaking has stopped. Malena thanks Gonzalo for saving her. They have one quick uncomfortable hug.

Delfina comes in to check on her girls. She is worried that Diana got hurt. It turns out that Diana‘s knee got cut and Mario checks out her leg. She says it hurts when she bends it. Suddenly, it is  back to the 17th century when Leonor  fell off her horse and Eduardo was checking her cut leg in the same fashion. She was smiling and telling him that it was nothing serious. In the present, it is also only a cut.  Diana tells Mario that it is  really nothing and thans him. Joaquín comes over to see if Diane is fine. She says that Mario and she are fine but she’s concerned about him. She is surprised to see him there at the auction. He says that he heard about the auction and he was sort of curious about it so he decided to come. Joaquín turns and introduces himself to Mario and they shake hands. Mario is concerned wonders if they  will continue  the auction.  Joaquin says it’s not unusual in Mexico things shake all the time. Mario is sort of surprised by that but Diana affirms what  Joaquín is  saying event hough this was a rather strong one. You just get used to it Joaquín asks if Mario likes art. Mario says he’s an amateur art lover. Joaquin says he is, too.  and has a small collection pf  pre-Colombian art and jewery as well as colonial art.

The conversation is ended when Delfina comes wanting to speak to her daughter. Delfina doesn't want them to be angry with each other. Delfina explains that the  earthquake made her think that she  doesn’t know how many how much time she has left on the face of this earth so she wants to tell Diana  that she forgives her. Diana looks at her in shock and asks  why her mother would forgive her for anything since her mother is the one that lied to her all these years. Her mother makes it clear that she’s forgiving her for having judged her.  Diana tells her she’s still not forgiving her for lying to her. She has met her father and doesn’t believe that he’s the bad person that her mother has said she is. Her mother cannot  believe how stubborn she is. Diana thinks that  she must have  gotten that from somebody in the family. Her mother says it could not have been from her. Diana disagrees  not  knowing  if that’s an insult or a compliment. Diana tells her that that man who was her husband wanted her to know that he has never stopped thinking of her all of these years and he is still very much in love with her. Diana excuses herself. Delfina is left to think.

Back inside, both Gonzalo and Mario are looking at the painting of the nun crown in flowers. They agree that there is  something hypnotic about the work of art. The auction continues with  Gonzalo addressing  the audience saying that the people living in Zacatecas are used to earthquakes. He would like to introduce them all to Don José Pablo de Santiago. He asks for applause. Diana is shocked. She turns to look at him as he stands to acknowledge the crowd. Gonzalo says that Jose is the sole heir  owner of all of the art pieces in the auction. The painting that Gonzalo had wanted to buy has been removed from the auction due to damage it suffered in the earthquake. They are ready to continue to auction off the rest of the artwork. 

Diana leaves her companions for a second to go and talk to Juan. She has the paper that she found behind the painting with her and shows it to Juan. He says he really doesn’t know much about these distant relatives from the past. He only knows the stories that his parents told him. She wants to know what they said. He says they told him there were family possessions that remained in the church during the inquisition but were never recovered until he found the convent and sister Beatriz.  Malena calls them over. She’s looking at the damaged painting and offers to examine it as a professional restorer of art  from that time period. She goes to her car to get some of her tools. Juan  tells Diana that he remembers his family  telling him about an accident that happened in the mine that his family owned. Diana asks if the mind was named El Paraíso. In her head, she goes over, having heard the name of the mine from her father’s cell mate and from his own lips. Juan  says he heard there was something like a fire,  a collapse and even deaths.  Some of this family ended up fleeing to Spain while others stayed here. They lost all contact with the family in Mexico. Sister Beatriz asks why did they run away. Juan says he has no idea since it was so very long ago. Malena comes back with her tool kit. Looking at the painting, she doesn’t think that the treatment of the painting throughout all of these years was so severe.  However, the cut  in the canvas from the earthquake accident is pretty deep but she can restore it. Juan would like that. Juan says the woman in the painting has something with her eyes that won’t let you go. Diana agrees. Gonzalo appears to invite them all to a cocktail party. Diana thanks Juan as they all leave for the party, Diana remains behind, staring at the face of the woman on the painting. She finally leaves.

At the cocktail party, Joaquín and Mario are seated together and chatting. Mario asks how long he has known Diana. Joaquín says he had begun Diana for a little over a year and explains that he’s her therapist.  Mario says that he  thought that they were friends or something like that. Diana joins the guys. Joaquín says he was just telling Mario that he was her therapist. She asks if he told Mario that he was  crazy. When  nobody laughs, she tells them both to forget the joke and adds that they weren’t in the 17th century anymore. Mario asks her how she came to know this  impressive convent. Diane admits that she has been coming there since she was a child. Sister Beatriz joins the group. She tells Diana‘s friends what a mischievous child she was. Diana introduces both Joaquin her therapist and Mario . . . her friend  to the good sister. Joaquín stops and thinks about what she said. He asks if there is some sort of special kind of energy in the air. The sister thinks that it must be a sign from Our Lord for her to give them a tour of the convent to break the tension that she feels between them. She tells them to follow her.  

Sister Beatriz takes them to a room where there are huge paintings covered by cloths.  Mario asks whose paintings  they are and she says they are from the 1600's. These paintings were not a part of the auction because they were being stored in the cellar until they are shipped to their new owners. Mario would like to see one of them and leads the way to another part of the cellar. The nun finds it  odd that he knew which way to go to get to where they are going. Joaquín asks Mario if he’s been in Zacatecas.  Mario answers saying that he has only been in Mexico for the last couple of weeks. Joaquín find that interesting. As the nun leads them through room after room, Diana starts feeling more and more anxious and upsert until Joaquín ask her if she’s feeling okay. In her head, she can hear and experience the torture images of her nightmares.  In the background, she hears the nun saying that the cellar was used as a stable many years ago.  Some say  it was even used by the Holy Inquisition to carry out its tortures. Diana is so affected that even Mario notices it and calls out her name until she gets back in contact with reality. Diana decides that she needs to go out and get some fresh air and is  going to help with the sales.

Gonzalo ask Malena how things went with Juan Santiago. Malena says that they went really well and that she is going to repair the damaged painting. Gonzalo is very happy for her. He asks what the letter said. She says he is  going to  think that she’s crazy but Diana did some research. It turns out that on her father's side,  they are related to the Santiago family. Gonzalo says it’s unlikely but not impossible. He asks how she came to that conclusion. Melina says it’s a long story. Gonzalo is  ready to hear the whole thing.  He has all the time in the world for her. They decide to go for a walk.

Diana is still with Joaquín and Mario. Joaquín says that the whole convent  really is like being in another age. Mario asks how long her mother has been living there. She answers for quite some time since she  was about 10 years old. She says that when Malena and she were little children, they would love to go to the stream that runs near the convent to cool  off. Her mother would get furious telling them that they were going to get a cold. Diana thinks that that is when she stopped getting along with her mother and hasn’t gotten along with her since. Mario gets a phone call from the lab. Joaquín asks Diana if everything‘s okay. He’s noticed that she’s sort of tense. She mentions what happened at the hotel in Zacatecas.  He sees what happened as being a result of being as close as they were in the circumstances. He fully understands her being uncomfortable. He says it never should have happened and he’s asking for her to forgive him. Diana decides that she needs to ask a question to Joaquín as her therapist. Diana can’t understand why she is so affected by the situation with her mother  and why she irritates her so much. Joaquin explains that when we argue with people that we care about it’s hard to pretend that nothing happened. What  would she say to her if she were standing in front of her right now. Diana says she would tell her that she didn’t have the right to hide anything from them. How she wishes that she would have  told them. Her mother would not have had to have gone through all that she did on her own. Joaquin asks if maybe Diana is more angry with herself than with her mother for not having been able to be there for her with what she was going through. Diana grabs his shoulder and thank him for always being there to listen to her. Mario notices the touch while on his phone. .

Malena tells Gonzalo that she would love to ask her father why in the f*** he abandoned them but it’s easier not to do so. Gonzalo think that that makes sense. She asks  him to keep a secret for her. She doesn’t like people knowing over private stuff and that includes Gael. Gonzalo tell her not to worry. She feels that she just isn’t getting along with Gael lately. She thinks that they have different perspectives on life. Things have changed. It turns out that he helped pay for her masters degree when her mother couldn’t and she always felt that he believed in her. Gonzalo asks has that changed.  She thinks that he’s way too busy trying to have a conventional kind of life. She says you know how it goes. You have a partner you get married and then you have kids, a family and end up living in Santa Fe. Malena says she’s never been like that. She is happy as she is without getting married and without having children. Gonzalo blames it on society who makes everybody believe that they are incomplete unless they are mothers and fathers. He says they all are built to do the same thing. She is so grateful  hearing that. He has a gift for her. It is his way of thanking her for everything she’s doing to get them more auctions. It is a silver two-hearted  pendant on a natural stone necklace. She thinks back to Diana telling her her father‘s message to her that she is going to find her happiness when she realizes she’s a woman with two hearts. She asks him to put the necklace on her and he does. He tells her that it looks good on her. They kiss. He withdraws and apologizes. She tells him that she’s going to go now and asks if she’ll see him later. He is left with his thoughts. 

Malena runs into Diana and tells her that she is leaving. She wants  to talk to Gael and it is getting late. They came together.  Diana warns her that it’s getting dark. Malena  reminds her that she’s not useless and she can do it herself. Diana says that’s fine. She was just worried about her. She will text her when she gets back.

Bsck in Mexico City, Irene’s mother regains consciousness. Her mother doesn’t know why she’s not out having a good time. Irene tells her that she’s worried about her. Her mother says that she feels perfectly well. Irene says she just can’t stop worrying. Her mother tells her to listen.  her mother‘s message is that she can’t put her life on hold for her. She’s being serious. She is at the best stage of her life. Irene repeats the best stage. Her mother says yes,  she’s single and fighting for her job. Her mother adds that she is  single because that’s what she wants. She, also,  is just so beautiful. She needs to look in the mirror.                       Her mother is sure that she’ll get  that promotion. Her mother then mentions Mario and Irene breaks out in a huge smile. Her mother knows what’s going on. She might be dying, but she’s not blind.  Her mother tells her that before she met her dad she had one of those really intense loves that you only have once in your life. Her grandparents didn’t like it. She didn’t complain and then she met her father.  She really doesn’t regret anything but she always wondered what would have  happened if she had fought for that love of hers. She doesn’t want to  see the same thing happened to her daughter.

Joaquin talks to his friend Rolando. He mentions that every day he’s just getting closer and closer to Diana. Rolando warns him not to let him get any closer with Diana. Rolando reminds him of his professional obligation. He is Diana‘s therapist.  Joaquín remarks it  wouldn’t be the first time to something like this happened. Rolando tells him not to turn into the philosopher. Roland tells him to let things as they are or he’s going  get into more serious problems. Rolando asks him if he has erased the video from the session that he told him about. Joaquin admits that he hasn’t erased it yet things that maybe he should tell Diane about it. Rolando advises him not to.  He should  let things as they are or he is going to get into a lot more serious problems. Rolando advises him to get rid of the video and to send Diana to another therapist. 

Sister Beatriz has three separate rooms for all three of her guests. There are comforters in each room if they get cold. She doesn’t want them to do anything inappropriate. Mario and Diana laugh. After she leaves, Diana tells Mario that he has to remember that she is a nun after all. Mario says he hasn’t been spoken to like that since his grandmother scolded him for eating all the chocolates when his face was full of chocolate.  Diana notices something on his lip and takes her thumb and  removes it.

Joaquin wonders what he’s going to tell Diana since his love is growing for her.  He doesn’t think it would be ethical for him to continue treating her without telling her the truth. Rolando has an answer for that. He needs to let Diana live her life in peace. Rolando asks him to please pay attention to what he’s telling him. Joaquín ends  the call. As he gets closer to the courtyard of the convent, he sees Mario and Diana standing very close to each other and talking.  Mario is telling Diane that he probably will not be  able to follow the wishes of sister Beatriz. Diana says she doesn’t think she’ll be able to either.They kiss. Joaquin stares as they enter one room together. Sister Beatriz appears and asks  Joaquín if he wants her to show him to his room. Joaquín says no. He has decided to return to Mexico City. He leaves. 

As Mario and Diana are going to make  love, she remembers what her father told her about sensing the presence of a man who was not good.  Mario, sensing a change in her mood, asks  Diana if she wants him to go ahead. She says yes but then no, which is quickly followed by a yes. She apologizes. He tells her to relax and not to worry. He kisses her one last time. He tells her to rest and leaves. Diane hears her father telling her that that the  mark on her chest is there for a reason and that she must follow the signs. .

Malena has gone home to Gael who is surprised and happy to see her.  She doesn’t wanna talk about the auction. She’s sick of thinking about work. Gail has a surprise for her, though. He tell her to close her eyes. He makes her walk into another room when she opens her eyes. He says that they can take this guest room and turn it into a workshop for her. He has plenty of space for everything that she needs. He asks her what she thinks. She asks him why he did it with tears in here yes and a smile.  He questions how can she ask that. He says he did it because he loves her. Because he believes in her.He admits that  lately they have not been doing well. He also knows that it can be really difficult being around him. But he loves her. He’s trying to change. He is going to  do whatever he has to do so that they can fix things between them. She says if he asks her right now, she is going to say yes. He doesn’t understand what she’s referring to. She says if he asks her  if she is coming to come live with him here . . . He cannot believe what he is hearing.  He asked if she’s being serious.  He grabs her and hugs her.   They kiss and heasks what made her change her  mind. She answers with a kiss.  The sex is cut.

Diane is in bed and in  her head. She hears the familiar sentence about your eyes can change their form but the soul that lives behind them will keep being  the same until eternity passes away in her voice and Mario's.  She falls asleep. 

Back in the 17th century, there are  tons of activities going on in the city square where Lorena is enticing Eduardo to come with her on another adventure. Eduardo says he’s always up for that. She says that they can move very discreetly through the door at the bottom of the stairs and take a walk all by themselves so nobody will notice. Unless he wants to stay out here and be with all of the people that are there to see  her father since he’s discovered a new silver vein in his mine. He prefers the outing. He goes and she follows. Her mother looks to be keeping an eye on her.  Soon, Eduardo and Lorena are hand in hand running down a path in the forest. They end up at a waterfall. He wouldn’t change this moment  for anything. She kisses him. She slowly undresses. He tells her she’s beautiful.  He adds that it is right that he be in love with her but also unfortunate to say that he is in love with her.  She asks why is he using the word "unfortunate." As he starts to get undressed, he says for  reasons that he’s not about to mention right now. They kiss.

Suddenly, Diana is standing all alone in the forest in a pink gown. She looks all around and seems distressed as she sees the waterfall. They are  in the waterfall. She sees Lorena and Eduardo making love. Mario comes to her and says she’s the most beautiful vision he has ever seen. She starts to get undressed. He touches her birthmark/scar and then kisses it. He gets undressed.  As they kiss Diana tells him  to never let her go. Mario says he never will.  Back in the 17th century Lorena and Eduardo are still making love.  Lorena tells Eduardo to never let her  go. Eduardo says he never will.


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Loved the ending with Diana witnessing herself as Leonor with Eduardo as she was with Mario. More later.

Thanks once again, Jarifa. Another excellent recap, complete with some palabrotes!

They showed Mario once again touching Diana on that birthmark. It shocked me the first time and still does. Who touches a woman on the chest that he just met? I suppose this is meant to be because of the prior intimacy.

I'm impressed you knew the word "thoracentesis".

I'm finding Irene more and more annoying. That whole scene of chastising Diana for taking time off was outrageous. I was glad Diana didn't let herself feel badly about it. Frankly, most TN heroines would have done so.

I wonder about the "two-heart" symbolism for Malena. I don't think they've shown Leonor in the past having a sister. Could it be that she has feelings for two men: Gonzalo and Gael. I also think she just made a big mistake agreeing to move in with Gael. Clearly, from what she and Gonzalo said about neither needing a conventional relationship, she's better matched with Gonzalo, even if they are business partners.

I get a bit confused about who's who in the past and in the present. It seems especially hard because all of the men except Rulli seem to have thick black beards! That Brother Rodrigo is just disgusting. I suspect he's the one burning her in those awful Inquisition scenes.

I got a kick out of "telenovela geography" concerning the distance between Zacatecas and D.F. Some of us on Telemundo often comment about people getting from place to place so quickly as "Telenovela Airlines".

So, it seems that when Mario, Joaquín and Diana are in the same place, the earth moves.

Also, Diana said something about their mother moving into the convent when she was 10. What? Who moves into a convent with two children?

Again, it's a real pleasure to read your well-written recaps!

Jarifa, a magnificently written story.

Your wealth of knowledge including "the Caravaggio painting" and "thoracentesis" is inspiring.

I was upset I fell asleep after the earthquake but you filled in everything perfectly. Such a different story; the tale and acting are mesmerizing, Angelique in particular is amazing. The story is really moving and is well paced.

Rulli and Boyer's chemistry is combustible (amazing fusion) but Arap Bethke is also excuding magnetic charm.

Joaquín's bond (is there a better word?) with Diana is palpable although I wonder about the origin of their connection. I'm sure he was crushed thinking Diana and Mario were together.

Gael does nothing for me; I agree Gonzalo is a far better match for Malena.

"Rodrigo and his ill manners finally leave the table" had me smiling away; he was quite odious.

I can't wait until next time. Thank you Jarifa!


Jarifa, wowee wow , What a wellwritten, wonderful review of an intense episode . Things are heating up as details are revealed .

I remember studying Caravaggio in history of art classes in college and then being thrilled to actually see some of his famous works at the Uffizi in Florence . He was the master of depicting light and dark ..chiaroscuro. I was mesmerized by his huge painting of Venus. Some of his paintings are hard to look at ...scenes of violence, torture, and death .

It seems that The person her father is warning Diana about is Joachim. He is trying to help her figure out what is happening to her.He must be her fiance from the past.

Rodrigo was disgusting nd probably figures in Diana's tirture. Ugh

Angelique and Sebastian had some very steamy scenes in this episode . I wonder what that is like for a married couple to film those intimate scenes . The expression on Rulli's face is so tender and loving . Susan

I was just remembering that in " Alborado" , there were scenes of someone being burned at the stake for being accused of being a witch during the Inquisition in Mexico . Horrendous time in history . Susan

Thanks for your kind comments, everyone. I am having such fun with this novela. To be honest, I have access to the uncut episodes on VIX but have enjoyed the edited Univision versions more.

As for the medical term, they said it in Spanish and I looked it up. The Caravaggio painting I had seen before but again had to look it up to see who the artist was.

I found Leonor speaking out about the indigenous nature of the woman to be burned rather odd for a woman of her stature in those times.

I absolutely loved Leonor and Eduardo galloping across the plains with Leonor's dressed spread out across the horse. What a memorable image!

"So, it seems that when Mario, Joaquín and Diana are in the same place, the earth moves." That was quite the earthquake! LOL

"I'm finding Irene more and more annoying. That whole scene of chastising Diana for taking time off was outrageous." She has turned into a real pain.

I think that the "two heart" label refers to Gonzalo and Gael, also. Besides the one too many Malena/Gael sex scenes I have endured in the original, Gonzalo seems a much better match for Malena as you indicated.

Very true about one too many black beards.

"Such a different story; the tale and acting are mesmerizing, Angelique in particular is amazing. The story is really moving and is well paced." I agree. As for Angelique, I always thought she was a very good actress but she has gone beyond that here. Seeing her as Diana and Leonor, she is the same "soul" but acts and looks like two completely different people. That is quite a feat.

Angelique and Sebastián are hot! That elevator scene was something else.

"Arap Bethke is also excuding magnetic charm." He sure is. As for his reaction to Diana having ended up with Mario: cut by Uni but In the original, Joaquín goes back to Mexico City and cries.

Thank you for filling us in on Caravaggio.

"It seems that The person her father is warning Diana about is Joachim. He is trying to help her figure out what is happening to her.He must be her fiance from the past." I think Joaquín is the fiancé, too.

"Rodrigo was disgusting and probably figures in Diana's tirture. Ugh" I agree with you again.

"I was just remembering that in " Alborado" , there were scenes of someone being burned at the stake for being accused of being a witch during the Inquisition in Mexico . Horrendous time in history"

We always hear about the Spanish Inquisition but there were inquisitions being held all over the New and Old World in the 17th century. That is easy to forget.

Gracias, Jarifa. Riveting recap.

Last week Gael annoyed me, but last night I felt sorry for him. So thoughtful to set up that room for Malena. Too bad she feels too guilty to call it quits with him.

I'm feeling sorry for Joaquin too. He's dipping into being unethical, but he's not evil. He did the right thing to head back to Mexico.

I'm surprised Mario kissed Irene. He will regret it.

Leonor was bold for the 17th century, doing the wild thang with Eduardo. Wondering if they'll run away or something so she doesn't marry this other guy.

I wonder if Irene has any connection with these three from the past. Susan

Thanks, Niecie. Great succinct analysis of the Malena triangle. She is something else! Mario needs to keep his lips to himself until he makes up his mind. Yes, waterfall scene was wild!

Susan, I hadn’t thought of that.

Jarifa, another great recap. You cleared up a lot for me.

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