Sunday, February 23, 2025
El extraño retorno de Diana Salazar Season 2 #1 2/23/25
Nothing was cut from these the original two episodes of Season 2
At Gustavo's house, Count Lucas introduces himself to Leonor saying that he has been waiting to meet her for days. Her expression is blank and remains so. She answers saying that the pleasure is hers. Her mother Ana is impressed by his poise and elegance. Her father Gustavo refers to him as the count. The count tells him to stop the formalities and just call him Lucas. Gustavo refuses and invites him to a gathering that he has put together for dinner. Only he and his brother Rodrigo will be the guests. Lucas will be happy to come. He comments that Leono ris much more beautiful than he had ever imagined. Her lack of expression makes Lucas hope that she does not find his comments offensive.
She lowers her head. Ana prompts her to respond but before she can say anything, the church bell chimes. Lucas announces that he has to leave to take care of the boring tedious royal visits that go along with his job. He tells Leonor that it has been a great pleasure meeting her. She curtsies as he leaves.In the present, Diana has been experiencing another vision and is seeing herself being loving with Lucas. Joaquín is holding her hands monitoring her experience. Suddenly, she is in a cave with Lucaa telling him to never let her go. He answers that he never will. She tells him they have to hide. Joaquin tell her to listen to his voice. He is going to start counting backwards from ten and when he gets to zero, she will awaken. As he counts backwards, she relives her own torture scenes as well as love making scenes again. When Diana awakens, Joaquín ask her what she saw. She stares at him and tells him about Leonor and Lucas running through a tunnel fleeing from somebody. The tunnel is the same one that was in the mine that they visited in Zacatecas. She is not clear on who they were fleeing from but suddenly she has this strong pain in the pit of her stomach. He tells her to breathe and he covers her with a throw. He says she is doing so very well with this process. They have barely started and have already discovered so much he thinks that by continuing they will be able to uncover who these people are and what they expect of them in this life. Joaquín holds her to calm her down. She looks up and they almost kiss. She moves away and tells hm it is not him but she just needs to take things much more slowly. Joaquín assures her that there is no need to explain anything. She can take all the time she wants. He asks if she could see Lucas‘s face a lot more clearly. She says no and asks him if he remembered when she said that Eduardo had Mario's face. She is wondering if she has just been putting people that she knows in the present on the faces on people in the past. It makes sense to Joaquín. He wonders who Lucas looks like.
Gonzalo and Marlena are having sex. She thinks that she could do this with him every day. He agrees but tells her that sooner or later they are going to have to get in touch with the real world. She knows. He doesn’t want to force her to make a decision. He just wants to be clear with what is happening. He would really like to have a serious relationship with her. She would like to give it a try, too. Since he is crazy about her, he will wait for however long it takes. She thanks him for saying that. In spite of it all, she hates lying to Gael. She wants them to keep it quiet about the two of them until she has a chance to talk to him. He agrees.
Mario checks his phone to see if there has been some answer to the apology he sent to Diana. There is none. Irene thanks him for letting her stay at his home. Mario says she can always count on him for whatever she needs whenever she needs it. She thanks him. They leave for her mother‘s funeral.
At the funeral parlor, Irene positions herself next to the coffin and cries. People come and go. Mario brings her some water to drink. Diana comes and offers her sympathy. She gives her a hug. She says that her mother Aurelia was a beautiful woman in every sense of the word. Diana acknowledges Mario’s presence by saying that he looks good. He saying that she looks okay too. Irene grabs Mario’s arm and tells Diana what a support he has been to her with losing her mother since he is able to understand.
Back at the lab, Gail has noted that the cells from the cancerous tumor from Aurelia‘s autopsy have stopped the aging process. His boss San Telmo thinks that this could be a totally new discovery. He asks Gael to keep this discovery just between the two of them.
When Irene addresses the guest at her mother‘s funeral, she cannot say enough about Mario who has supported her through this process and also helped her mother live much longer. She thanks him. She talks about all of the virtues that her mother had and wants everyone to remember her mother with a smile She turns to the casket and tells her mother that she loves her and will miss her. Mario joins her.
Back in time, Governor Otalora and Gustavo are enjoying a drink together. The governor tells him to call him Manuel as they have been through so much together. He is so grateful to him that he is going to give him an important position in his cabinet. Gustavo appreciates the offer but he is not into politics. He is just happy that Eduardo is long gone and far away. He wonders if the governor knows where Eduardo ended up. The governor says that since he was transferred to prison, he has not heard much about him.He can only conclude that Eduardo is dead.
The viewer sees how that conclusion might be untrue. In a flashback, we see the governor talking to soldiers who are looking for Eduardo. The soldier tells him that he doesn’t know what happened to the prisoner. It was as if they were dealing with the devil. He was going to kill him but then a force took him over. The governor doesn't believe him and he demands to know how much Eduardo paid him to let him go. The soldier swears that is not what happened. The soldier said that he intended to kill Eduardo, but suddenly he can’t remember anything that happened. Another soldier reports that he found a lot of blood and also a set of footprints leading to the river. The soldier comes to the conclusion that with all the blood that they found, Eduardo most likely is dead.
The governor tells Gustavo that Eduardo must have been carried away by the river and that those documents will never see the light of day. He toasts to Gustavo and congratulate him on his daughter‘s upcoming wedding.
At Gustavo's, dinner is served. Lucas cannot keep his eyes off of Leonor. Gustavo toasts to the union of the business interests of the De Treviño ( fabric and wax ) and the De Santiago (mines) families with the marriage of Lucas and Leonor. Rodrigo agrees. Lucas says that he would rather toast to true love. He hopes to be the man that she deserves. Rodrigo calls him a romantic. Rodrigo suggests that they toast to the union of romance and business.
After dinner, Leonor runs into Lucas on one of the walkways. He tells her that there is nothing more that his heart would rather do than to get to know her better. A still expressionless Leonor answers that is what these planned events are for. Lucas does not quite agree. He thinks that they are an example of hypocrisy. Everybody talks a lot but nobody really says what they feel. She asked if he does. He says he always does without any exceptions. She challenges him and asks him if he thinks that a union such as theirs that has been arranged where she has had no voice nor choice is a true example of love. He starts to laugh. She asks if he’s laughing at her. He says no but it is just that when she gets angry she turns a little red. It only makes her more lovely. Leonard thought that they could have a serious conversation, but evidently she was mistaken. She is ready to go on her way. He makes it clear that he will not be marrying her unless there is mutual love. The marriage was not his idea. His family was obligated to help out rich families and new Spain but he doesn’t really care about that. He only wants to feel what he never felt before. He wants to feel his heart on fire. He wants to feel his skin burn until he is with the woman that he loves. That is how he thinks love should feel and he wants to feel that for her. He asked her not to say anything. He only wants the chance to win her heart and if he can’t do that, he will cancel the engagement in such away so she bears no responsibility for the action. That is his offer. He quickly kisses her and tells her to think about it. He leaves. Leonor looks surprised.
Back in the office, Joaquín asks if Diana is okay. Rather than answering, she grabs his face and starts to kiss him and she seems clearly to want things to go further. Joaquín tells her not here in the office. Diana makes it clear that she wants to start a relationship with him but if she’s being completely honest, she still can’t get Mario out of her head. She doesn’t want to start out on the wrong foot with something that could be incredible. Her thing with Mario was so recent that she is still confused. She has a need to be very honest with him because there is something that is confusing her and she cannot make sense of it. The count has his face. That is why she starts thinking again that she is making this all up and that it is not real but then on the other hand, she doesn’t think that could be true either. He reminds her when they were at the museum how she told him that one of the portraits looked just like Leonardo‘s father. She just doesn’t know maybe it’s by chance that Eduardo has Mario’s face and he has Lucas‘s face. Joaquín asks if it’s a matter of chance or fate.
Gael wakes up to a very pensive Malena. He is not happy telling her not to treat him like a fool. Four days now she can’t look him in the eye when she’s talking to him. She insists that nothing is going on. Everything is fine. He disagrees. She admits that she kissed Gonzalo. She insists it was only a kiss. Nothing else has happened. A very angry Gael reminds her that he told her that Gonzalo had feelings for her and is ready to beat him up. Malena has to admit he was right. She tells him that Gonzalo is not the problem. She tries to explain that the problem is her. She felt something for Gonzalo. Something happened and now she’s just confused. She says they have to talk and that the problem cannot be solved by sex. Gael leaves the room.
Joaquín directs Diana to a book about souls who left this life with deeds undone and how those souls found each other over the years without realizing it. She asks him if he thinks that Leonor left behind something undone He adds that if she had left something undone with those two men, it would not be odd that they suddenly had the faces of Mario and him. She tells Joaquin that he’s the only one that hasn’t thought that she was totally crazy. She thanks him for that. He appreciates her having been completely honest with him and he wants to be the same way with her. He shows her the photo he took of her during one of their sessions. It was when she started kissing him, and he pushed her away. She asks when it happened. He said a while ago. She was experiencing one of her visions. She is suddenly upset that he didn’t say anything to her when she emerged from her trance. He explains she was in a very vulnerable state and tried to find the right moment to tell her about it, but he never did. She suddenly is suspicious of what else he has recorded on his cell phone. She is starting to wonder if he looked at it every once in a while or exactly what was he getting from it being on his cell phone. He explains that he kept it as part of their therapy sessions. She’s totally disillusioned, grabs her purse her jacket and leaves as he apologizes. She says she isn’t angry, but she just cannot look at him right now. She is upset because she thought that she could trust him but now she knows she can’t. She leaves.
Mario gets the good news from his boss. He is very happy and is planning on publishing the results. Gael arrives saying they discovered the new results when Mario was not in the lab. San Telmo wrote up a rough draft for Nature. Mario will look it over. Gael is pleased that they are working as a team but wants to know if his name will be mentioned in the final article. Mario assures him that it will be.
Malena tells her sister that she thinks that Joaquín is obsessed with her. Diana thinks he is just messed up. Malena is glad that she put Joaquin in his place. Gonzalo is calling Malena. She doesn’t answer. Diana presumes that she still hasn’t spoken to Gael yet. Malena says that she tried but he got like a crazy man. and she couldn’t tell him everything. She ended up telling him that they kissed. Diana reminds her how bad Gael is going to feel when he finds out about it all. Malena insists that she will break up with Gael but doesn’t want to make him feel even worse. Diana says the longer she waits the worse it is going to be. Malena insist that she knows that. Suddenly, Malena is uncomfortably warm and looks like she’s not feeling very well. She blames it on smelling paint all day long as she’s been working on the restoration.
Gael pays another visit to Heinrich Labs. He is there because San Telmo took Mario’s side. He wants direction in order to get Olga's support for his research project. She says it won’t be an easy task because the person that he likes the least is the person he’s going have to get the closest to. He is going to need to get Mario’s trust. Gael says getting close to him is easy, but gaining his trust is a different matter. She knows that people confuse trust with being friends, but those two things don’t necessarily go together. Manipulation is an art that she knows very well. Has Gael ever tried apologizing? He asks why would he apologize? For what? She says it doesn’t matter what he apologizes for. What is important is the actual act of apologizing and the intensity of the act. The act of apologizing disarms the other person.
Joaquín has a surprise visitor. It is his mother. He wonders why she is there since she is only seen her three times in the last ten years. It’s not normal that she would just pop up out of nowhere. What does she want? He asks if it would not be a bad thing if she could pay off a couple of her debts. He reaches into his wallet for some cash. She refuses to accept it. She is only looking for shelter and food for a few days. That will be enough for her. She gets out of pill bottle and takes a couple of pills. He agrees to her staying but grabs her medication. He doesn’t want to see that kind of garbage in his house. If she takes more of them, she is out.
Gael comes home to a vaping Malena. She tells him that they need to talk. She said she has to make a decision and she can’t do it alone. She needs to know exactly what he thinks. She does not want end up like her sister Diana who was confused and ended up messing around with Joaquin. He does not see that as a big deal since they are both single. She has to remind him that Joaquin is her therapist. Gael explains that does not mean that he is not a human being. She mentions the video that he took of them kissing. He asks if he took advantage of her. Malena has to say he did not. Malena changes the topic. She’s been thinking a lot and now she has decided what she wants to do. Gael grabs her hand and apologizes. He knows what happened with Gonzalo. It is not just her responsibility. It is also his. He has been thinking about things a lot. He is willing to forget about everything with Gonzalo so they can be together.
At the lab, Gael offers Mario an apology for how he’s been acting recently. He got self involved and things went south. Mario thanks him and says that he enjoys working with him and tells him not to worry. His apology is accepted. Gael thanks him. Gael smiles to himself. He goes on to tell Mario about what happened to Diana with Joaquin and the recording. The reason that he is telling him is that he knows that he cares about Diana.
At the university, Joaquín is confronted by Rolando his boss. He has bad news for him. He has been reported to the Mexican Psychological Association for malpractice. Joaquín thinks that’s absurd. Rolando explains that somebody reported him for having an intimate relationship with one of his patients and that he had evidence of it in a video. It was not Diana who reported him but another doctor, a Mario Villareal. Joaquín is ordered to clean out his office and informed that he is suspended from teaching indefinitely. Joaquin begs him not to do that to him. Rolando apologizes but there’s nothing he can do about it. It is out of his hands. A guard will escort him to the exit where he will hand over his credentials and his name tag.
Diana arrives at Joaquín's office asking what’s going on.
Malena finally answers the phone calls from Gonzalo. He’s calling to see how the restoration is going. She says she knows that he is really calling to find out if she talked to Gael or not. Gonzalo laughs. Malena says that she tried to talk to him. He got rude and they had a big fight. They didn’t get to a conclusion. She tries to explain that they have been together for so many years that she does not enjoy breaking his heart. At she talks, she is wiping years of paint off of the face of the figure in the restoration. She tells Gonzalo that she really wants to be with him and asks that he gives her a little bit more time. He promises not to pressure her. Suddenly, Malena is no longer conversing. As the last layer of paint is removed from the face on the restoration, she sees her sister‘s face staring back at her. Malena is so shocked, that she drops a small bottle that was in her hand. Gonzalo keeps calling out her name, but her shock is stopping her from even answering him.
Diana goes to see Mario and tells him off. She cannot believe that he stooped so low as to close up Joaquín's business. She asks what is wrong with him. He says he did not do it because of why she is thinking he did it. He accuses her of being the one that’s not seeing things the right way. Joaquín took advantage of her and then he filmed it. She makes it clear that Joaquín was not the one that took advantage of her because she was the one who kissed him. She does not understand why he has this need to meddle in her life. He says that he could not avoid it. It is stronger than he is. They end up passionately kissing,
As Joaquin is driving away from his office and talking to one of his patients, he suddenly is having problems with his driving ability. He starts to have an asthma attack. He tries to find his inhaler which ends up on the floor. Diana and Mario keep kissing. Joaquín ends up having an accident.
Finally, Diana and Maria separate. From across the room, she tells them that she cannot deny that she feels something very strong for him. But being honest, she has to tell him that the only person that has been there for her all the time has been Joaquín. Furthermore, he doesn’t judge her. Mario argues back sarcastically pointing out that Joaquín does not judge her because he takes advantage of her. She asks Mario how he can say that when he barely knows him. She does not understand why he can’t give Joaquín the benefit of the doubt. Mario is at a loss for words at first but has to admit that because of what he feels for her, there is no way that he can give him any benefit of the doubt. Diana takes her time and looks at him and says that the have both made mistakes. They have both been impulsive. Maybe they are hanging onto something that is more trouble than what it is worth. She thinks that they would do better if they were separated. Mario seems to be at a loss for words as Diana collects her things and leaves.
Emergency services arrive at the scene of the accident. Joaquín 's car has landed upside down. He is extricated from his car. He is unconscious and is bleeding out from a leg injury.
On her way out, Diana suffers a dizzy spell on the walk way. Mario rushes to support her. She runs into Irene, who is returning to Mario’s place. They both tell Diana that she cannot keep on getting dizzy like this. She needs to get it checked out. She excuses herself and leaves in a rush.
As Joaquín is loaded into an ambulance, Diana sits in the back of a cab looking like she is losing it.
Gael finds Malena sitting and staring at the portrait. She is ignoring her ringing phone. He takes one look at the restored portrait and asks why it is a portrait of her sister. Malena tries to explain that this is the restored painting. Gael has a hard time believing that and asks how would that happen. She says this is the picture that was under the other one. He does not get understand how a new painting could be under an old painting. She has no idea either. He asks her if this is to be taken seriously. Is it legitimate? Is she saying that she found a clone of her sister in a portrait from the 17th century? The phone starts to ring again. He sees that the call is from Gonzalo and is upset that he is still calling. He leaves. Malena sends Gonzalo to voicemail. She continues staring at the painting.
Back at Mario’s, he is making sure that Irene feels right at home. She is concerned that she is making him uncomfortable. She in particular wants to know about his relationship with Diane which she knows is pretty new. She does not want to be getting in the way of a reconciliation he might be having with her. Mario admits that he and Diane have both realized that it is better that they each go their own way so she has nothing to worry about. Irene says she’s not as fragile as he thinks. She just wants to make it clear that if he really doesn’t want her there, she will just go. Mario says if he didn’t want her there he would tell her. She thanks him and goes off to his room, which is now her room.
Gonzalo has arrived at Gael‘s house to see Malena about the portrait. He thinks that it’s some sort of a joke that a portrait of Diana could be under the original painting. Malena tells him it’s no joke. She does not know what to do now. Should she show it to Diana or not? He doesn’t know what to do either. He thinks it would be best that they not tell Diana until after they run some tests of their own on the painting.
As she tries to sleep, Diana goes over the argument that she had with Mario meddling in her life and the kissing that followed.
Back in time, a joyless Lorena is seated at the table in the dining room with only her parents. Her mother tells her that she has to forget about Eduardo. Any girl would be dancing with joy to end up betrothed to the count. They would be celebrating buying exotic flowers and praising their intended. Her father explains that they probably seem like the worst parents in Spain at the moment, but he assures her that they only want to give her the very best.They explain that their parents introduced them and that is the reason they are such a happy couple and why she is with them. Lorena tells them not to worry about her because she is feeling just a little lost right now. She also doesn’t feel like eating much. Ofelia appears at a side door out of sight of her parents and beckons to her. Lorena suddenly has a change of heart. Maybe they are right that she should distract herself and be joyful. She suddenly feels like buying those fresh flowers. Her mother says that is her princess! It is not every day that you get engaged to a count. Lorena kisses her mother, excuses herself to her father and leaves.
Waiting for Lorena, is Ofelia with a basket for her to take to Eduardo. Lorena thanks her for being her unconditional accomplice and friend. Ofelia tells her to take care of herself and warns he to not come back late. Lorena enters the tunnels, and Eduardo appears out of the darkness. She takes one look at him and says he really needs a bath. He says all that he needs is food. She has brought him some dried meat so that it will not spoil and some fruit and bread.There are also blankets for the cold. He does not know what is worse having to hide like this or to not be able to see her every day. Lorena answers that they are going to have to keep doing what they are because if he leaves, he’s a dead man.
We go back in time when the soldier was going to stab Eduardo and his hand was stopped as Lorena‘s eyes glowed.That gave Eduardo just enough time to overpower his potential murderer. Eduardo looked back and was shocked to see Lorena and her glowing eyes. It was as if she were in some kind of trance. He went up to her and told her to wake up. She finally closed her eyes and when she opened them, they were normal again. She told him that he needs to go because other soldiers are on their way. She added that the power of the governor and the crown were just too big to try to hide from. She suggested that maybe if they thought that he was dead they would stop looking for him. She unlocked his handcuffs and chains. A rabbit watched them. They killed the rabbit and used the rabbit's blood to cover the assassin with.
As he continues eating, Eduardo says that she must think that he some sort of savage. She says no it is just because he has not eaten for so long. He thinks that he is shameless. A woman like her shouldn’t be involved with a fugitive like him. She remembers what her father told her about him having been arrested for adultery because he has a wife back in Spain. He notices that her eyes don’t look the same way and wonders if he has lost her. She says maybe she would have looked at him differently from the start if he had not hidden that he had a wife. He asks who told her. She starts to cry, realizing that it is true. Eduardo says that he would have preferred for her to have heard it from him. She says it has been a nightmare for her. He lied to her. Eduardo insists that he never lied to her. His love for her is true. If he did not tell her before about his marriage, it was because he was ashamed. She asks what would he have to be ashamed about. He says he was ashamed that he married a woman that he didn’t love. How he would give his life to be able to go back in time and change things. He knows that he should have told her before, but he was worried that he would lose her forever. He asks her to believe him. She is his only true love. She says that she would like to believe him. He begs her to believe him over and over and lays his head in her bosom. where she holds him.
Diana awakens in her bed where she cries. She checks her phone where she sees several messages she sent to her Joaquín. She hadn’t heard back from him and was hoping that everything was OK. She gets up.
At Joaquin‘s apartment, his mother is going through all of his drawers and searching every where for drugs. She is unsuccessful. She is getting upset when she gets a call informing her about her son‘s car accident.
Diana’s boss, thanks her for having helped them out the last several days because of Irene‘s mother‘s death. She didn’t miss one of Irene‘s patients. He’s very impressed with her. She is effective and efficient. When she’s centered on what she’s doing. He checks in with how she’s feeling. She says she’s doing well. She thinks him for asking and excuses herself.
At the lab, Gael tells Mario that he read the summary that Mario wrote and wants to thank him for having mentioned him in the article. Maria says he has nothing to thank him for. Gael earned that recognition because of the work he did. Gael wants to do more and would like to be able to study Mario’s notes so that he could understand more. That way he could be more of a help. Mario doesn’t seem to have a problem with that. He tells him where his notebooks are and tells him that he can look at them whenever he feels like it.
Diana calls Joaquín‘s office and finds out that he is not there but the secretary will let him know that she called.
Irene has returned to work. She thanks Diana for doing what she did when she was out on leave. She talked to their boss who said that she did a very good job. Diana said that she helped her anyway that she could. Irene makes a point of saying she is officially relieving Diana of her duties. She’s back and smirking as she walks away.
Gael‘s mother is at the hospital asking the doctor if her son will wake up. The doctor says that’s very difficult to know because he suffered brain injury from the accident. The next few hours are key. His recovery is going to be dependent on how his brain reacts to the anti-inflammatory drugs that he’s been given. The doctor leaves. When a nurse comes in, Gael‘s mother tells a nurse that she is in pretty bad shape herself and was wondering if she could give her something to calm her down like opioids or anti-anxiety meds. The nurse makes it clear that she cannot prescribe anything let alone controlled substances.
Malena and Gonzalo have run the same paint test about four times and it turns out that the painting is legitimate. Gonzalo has to agree but he doesn’t know what to tell her. He remembers Diana saying something to her about maybe both of them being related to the Santiago family Because maybe that is the explanation to all of this. Malena thinks it would not be odd that a distant relative might look like one of them, but to be identical is something else.
Gael has photographed Mario’s notebooks complete with the notes in the margin so that he can show his new benefactor. Olga thinks that the notebooks are a gold mine but now they have to make sure that they understand what it all means. She asks how much it would cost for her to get an adaptation of those notebooks as Mario continues his work. He says that the deal was only to bring her the notebooks. He has fulfilled his part of the deal. She tells him not to think small. She uses herself as an example. A lot of people have looked down on her work because her lab produces cosmetics. But truth be told, the biggest scientific discoveries are made through commercial products. It is no mistake that she is the best equipped laboratory in the country. He tells Olga not to change the game on him. He wants his research funded. She says that is okay, but he could be missing out on being a part of the most important patents of the century and the percentage he would be earning along with some shares in her company. As a shareholder, he could do whatever he wants.
Diana is at Malena‘s where Malena is giving her a nice cup of tea. Malena assures her it is because she is going to see something that is a little upsetting. Diana asks her sister and Gonzalo what’s going on they bring her into the studio, where she sees her face on the restored painting.
At the hospital, Joaquin is suddenly in distress. He hears the screaming from the torture chambers. Joaquin‘s mother checks on him and calls for a nurse.
Back in time, Lucas admires the portrait of Leonor. His brother Rodrigo comes in and tells him what a good job he has done with the Santiago family. He was such a romantic bore. Lucas advises him not to stick his nose into his life but rather take care of his own which is less and less that of a typical religious brother. His brother tells him to watch what he says lest it come back to bite him.(El pez muere por la boca/The fish dies from the mouth) Lucas admits that his marriage will open up new business in new Spain, but life is not just made out of favors and things you need to obtain. He accuses his brother of not having enough with his holy tribunal job so he has to divest the poor stupid people who believe in him of their worldly goods. Rodrigo goes to hit him but Lucas stops him. Rodrigo declares if Lucas were not his brother, he would drag him before the Holy High Court. Lucas answers unfortunately for Rodrigo, he is his brother. Rodrigo thinks it is a pity that Lucas didn’t get to Zacatecas days earlier. Then he could have made sure his fiancee did not lost her virginity to a real opportunist. She is in love. Rodrigo leaves. Lucas has a lot to think about.
Leonor has left Eduardo. On her way back, she runs into Lucas, who insists on carrying her now empty basket for her. He addresses her neutral expression picking a stem of purple sage and saying that flowers always find a place to bloom no matter what and comparing that to the unavoidable love between two people who are destined for each other. She thinks he talks as if it is inevitable. He makes it clear that he’s talking about the two of them. He is talking about their hearts that should be united unless hers belongs to somebody else. She looks at him accusingly.
In the present, the medical personnel are attending to Joaquin and stabilizing him. The doctor tells his mother that he is in a critical state but they are doing their best to help him. He tells her to go home and try to sleep. She shakes her head. He says that since she is responsible for her son, he needs her in the best possible shape ever because she might have to make some important decisions. She is not in the mood to hear those kinds of things. He tells her not to worry because he will keep her up-to-date on everything personally.
Diana is telling Malena and Gonzalo that she has come to the conclusion that what she has been experiencing has not been dreams or hallucinations. Gonzalo ask her if she ever knew of any connection that her family had with the Santiago family. Diana shakes her head. He is wondering if there were a connection maybe that would account for the family resemblance. Diana says it is more than a resemblance. It is as if she’s looking in a mirror. Malena thinks what they should really do is run a DNA test on the blood that they found and see if it matches Diana’s. Gail enters his home and cheekily remarks that they should have let him know that they were having a party. Then he would have brought some wine or something. Gonzalo feeling the change in mood in the room and decides that it is time for him to leave. On his way out. Gael insists on talking to Gonzalo. Gonzalo tells him he needs to talk to Malena and not him. He starts to leave again and Gael pulls him back making the point that Gonzalo he knows all that he wants to do is steal Melina from him. Gonzalo says that he is right. He has fallen in love with Malena. It happened. He wasn’t looking for it. Gonzalo adds that he is not taking anything away from Gael because Malena is not a piece of property. People are nobody’s property. That is why he is insisting that Gael talked to Malena and not to him. He goes to leave again and Gael pulls him back again. This time Gail calls him an a**hole and tells him not to darken his door again..
Diana ends up going to Joaquin‘s house to find out what happened to him. His mother answers the door.
Gael is talking to Malena. He says that he thought that she and Gonzalo had only shared a kiss. Was it only that? He needs to know. Malena doesn’t know why he wants to get into all of that. Gael is frustrated with her response. Malena says she didn’t tell him anymore because she didn’t see the point. She didn’t want to hurt him. He scoffs at that answer. She blames it all on the pressure that’s been on her first to live together, then to get engaged. When she talks to Gael, he does not listen to her. He doesn’t understand her need for independence. It has all turned into a big mess. He refuses to take all the blame. He tells her to accept her role in all of this. She admits that she messed up. All that she can do is apologize. He would love to forgive her but it’s not that easy. Malena understands. She is going to go back to live with Diana for a few days at least. Gael wants to know if she is interested at all in saving their relationship. Honestly, she is not sure if she wants to stay together.
Diana is at Joaquin‘s bedside with his mother. As Diana is preoccupied with Joaquin, his mother manages to find some medication (?) in her purse and steals it.
Malena returns to Diana‘s. She gets a notification on her phone that her period is late.
Back at the hospital, the doctor tells Diana that they have tried all of the appropriate medications to try to reduce the inflammation of Joaquin’s brain. The doctor says that if by tomorrow the brain swelling does not go down, they will have to intervene with surgery. Diana says surgery in his state is extremely risky. The doctor answers that is all they can do.
Irene is back at Mario’s place. She admits that she feels sort of in the way since he has to sleep on his own couch in his own apartment. Mario says he already told her that it does not matter. Irene says if she is being honest, she knows that she will be suffering for a while because her mother was the most important person in her life. She also does not think that it is fair that she continue staying with him. He thinks that he should take off at least another week before she goes back to working at the hospital. She says no that is not for her. On the contrary, it is good for her to be distracted and taking care of her patients. She is very grateful for what he has done for her, but she is going start thinking about going home because if she stays any longer, he will not be able to ever get her out of there. She asks him what he wants as she moves closer to him on the couch. They kiss.He tells her to stay. She says that she will stay with one condition: that he does not sleep alone on the couch. He smiles, and they kiss some more.
Back at the hospital, Diana is still with Joaquín.
Melina is taking a pregnancy test. Yes, she is pregnant.
Mario and Irene end up in his bed doing anything but sleeping
Diana tells Joaquín that ever since she found out that they share a pat together she has not been able to get him out of her head. She has no idea if they should be together now or not. But in order to find out, they have to give it a try. She begs him to give them a chance right now and to fight. It is up to him. She cradles his head and kisses his forehead.
Back in the past, Leonor looks at the purple sage that Lucas gave her.
As she is cradling his head and kissing him, Diana‘s eyes go golden and glowing. Then they suddenly are normal, but Joaquin‘s eyes are open. He sees her and does not call her Diana but calls her Leonor.
Malena is getting annoying. She just should have told Gael that she was breaking up with him because their relationship wasn't working and spared him (and us) all of the Gonzalo drama. Total honesty is not always the best choice. Her father was right about her. "Meddler in chief" Mario and Irene deserve each other. I think I said that before. That is all that Joaquín needed: an addict for a mother. More mañana.
Yep, Malena just keeps screwing up. She moved in with Gael in the first place because she was afraid of what she was starting to feel for Gonzalo. How dumb is that? I guess they're going with her really having "two hearts".
It just drives me crazy that Irene has moved into Mario's apartment because she's grieving. She's manipulating him for all she's worth. "Oh, I'm imposing. I should move out." What's he going to say? Of course he agrees. And she practically claimed him as her partner at her mother's funeral, grabbing onto his arm when she saw Diana come in.
I really didn't understand the "research". Cancer cells stop the aging process? They're going to give patients cancer, but they'll look really youthful before they go? And, from your recap, Jarifa, it sounds like what Olga wants is for Gael to alter some things in what he stole so as to make it different enough to get the Mexican equivalent of a patent?
So, I guess they're going with Diana/Leonor really being a witch. She stopped the assassin who was going to kill Eduardo with those golden eyes. And she woke Joaquín up in the hospital.
It's interesting that, unlike most novelas, the other man in both periods of time Lucas/Juaquín are both decent men.
Following the helpful advice of Olga, the evil head of some cosmetics company, Gael first manipulates Gonzalo into letting him have those notes and then tries the apology trick on Malena, delaying the inevitable.
I agree that Malena should have broken things up with Gael the way Novelera suggested.
I'm team Joaquin and Diana. It is nice that both guys are nice. I even don't hate Irene at this point. A nice love story reincarnation line would be something different without backstabbing and villains, but of course that would be more Hallmark movie fare.
Thank you for "(El pez muere por la boca/The fish dies from the mouth)"...
Mario dropped several notches in my estimation last night. His silence about being married and his relationship with the calculating Irene are but a few of the reasons. I am also rooting for Joaquin and Diana, their otherworldly connection is electric and undeniable.
I'm not interested in Gael and Olga's espionage actually I'm not interested in him at all! Malena, it's no contest, Gonzalo is the clear (and only) man for her...
Kat, thanks. "I'm team Joaquin and Diana. It is nice that both guys are nice." I agree that they would make a good couple in the end. "A nice love story reincarnation line would be something different without backstabbing and villains, but of course that would be more Hallmark movie fare." Very funny and so true.
Diana, thanks. "Mario dropped several notches in my estimation last night. His silence about being married and his relationship with the calculating Irene are but a few of the reasons." Mario is no prize when compared to Joaquín. It looks like he and Irene are knowingly using each other. I am also right there with you about the espionage but they do have 41-42 minutes to fill . . . ; )
I am a fan of magical realism . I think that is how one might describe this story and "Outlander" which is about time traveling and forever love.
I know that some speculated that Leonara's father lied about Eduardo being married, but he admitted that he was . hmmm.Perhaps the supposed hero of this tale has some flaws.
Joaquin shows up as Lucas, the count, and Eduardo's rival, but unlike most telenovelas , he is not a villain . In fact, he may turn out to be the galan.
I thought that Joaquin's mother pulled some kind of notebook out of Diana's purse...a prescription pad maybe???
it has been an interesting ride so far as this story unfolds . Susan
Yes, Mario is not looking too good right now. He knows full well that he is into Diana, so convenient sex with Irene is just stupid. I don't like Irene but I'm actually feeling sorry for her because she thinks she's got a chance with Mario and this is a very vulnerable time in her life.
So Leonor had supernatural powers back in the 17th century, but Diana has nada although fires and earthquakes trail her. I'm surprised Diana's father, who's had similar issues, has not showed up again to shed light.
The hookups -- Diana with Mario and then with Joaquin, Mario with Diana and then with Irene, Malena with Gael and then with Gustavo -- is reminding me of early 1970s movies.
I hope that Angelique got to keep that huge portrait of her and that it is now hanging on a wall in her house . Susan
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