Monday, February 17, 2025

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): La Familia, Sed de Venganza, La Jefa y más: Week of February 17, 2025

Welcome to Page 1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week:  Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM. Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Standard Time):

  • 10-11PM - La Familia*
  • 10-11PM - La Jefa**                                                    
  • 12-1AM -  Sed de Venganza

*La Familia will have its final episode on Monday.

**A new telenovela begins on Tuesday. Gloria is an accomplished professional and mother of a child when tragedy strikes on her wedding day.  Losing nearly everything, she has to find a way to recover and build a new life.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversation they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel.  Thanks for your cooperation!

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As I often do, I will do a recap of the premiere of the newest Telemundo telenovela tomorrow, Tuesday, February 18.


I'm delighted that you'll be doing this. ¡Muchas gracias!

Monday, pt. 1 of 3, Nueva Etapa
The Finale! It’s been really nice sharing this nonsense with all of you. So here’s where we are now: The bad guys have all been dispatched; the good guys are all partnered up in one way or another or have been forgiven for past offenses; and the Soykan family has bought a restaurant and is going legit. Mostly, notwithstanding the occasional beatdown. (Although it’s probably best for the Lads to get out some energy because hosts and waiters? Really?) The last thing left is to know if Devin died during childbirth or if the writers are messing with us and she’s still alive. And find out what happened to Leyla.
First, we review how Devin was in really bad shape while shopping and no one noticed. She not in much better shape, emotionally, when home with Aslan. He is sure she will get through this, which he tells her while crying. He tries to comfort her.
Then we jump to the future 2029 Urla where Aslan has a surprise for the child, who doesn’t seem to have a name yet, not that I can remember. So the surprise is that Aslan has brought him to the ice skating rink. At first, he cries that he’s going to fall, but with encouragement from his father, he manages to get out on the ice. Later off the ice, Child asks his father if he is sad now, and the show is trying to make us think that Devin is gone. And maybe she is? Maybe. They talk about what is friendship, what is love, etc. In explaining love, he asks the child what would happen if he ate the whole mandarin, skin and all. The kid says he would vomit. Right. This is an excess of love, explains Aslan, unless you also have friendship to go with it. (I assume he doesn’t mean that love will make you sick). Then Child asks if he is still in love mama. Sad music plays when he answers. This show is definitely messing with us. Maybe.
Back to the olden days of right now. Aslan helps put shoes on Devin. She looks in rough shape but tells Aslan to feel her stomach. Aslan does and says the kid is like a mountain goat and is sure he’ll be a boxer. Only one week left. He wants to take her to the hospital now to be sure everything is ok but she says nah. They have to go to the ceremony- Turgut and Asuman are getting married!
At the house, the women are getting ready for that permission ceremony for Asuman and Turgut- Ceylan is helping Asuman and Hulya is being rude to Asuman. Asuman wants to know, although she’s sure, that Nedret will ok the wedding. Hulya says “we’ll see”. AsDev show up and Asuman greets them warmly and Devin returns the sentiment. Doorbell rings and Asuman go to answer. While they do, Aslan wants to take Devin to a room to rest, nags her about this really, and she insists on staying and tells him not to worry.
At the door, Turgut has arrived with his mama and they are greeted by the Family. Turugt is in his usual red shirt. The Lads follow in with gifts. Hulya orders Asuman to bring the coffee. She comes back and serves everyone. Eko talks about Elif, who is also pregnant now and resting with her mother. When Asuman gets to Turgut, he asks if the coffee is salted because his stomach can’t take it. She tells him no and he questions this. When she bugs him to take the coffee, she is ordered back to her chair by Hulya, who seems to have taken on the role of mother. The mean kind, which we know she’s good at. She is taking the place of Nedret in this ceremony while she is in Adana.

Monday, pt. 2 of 3
Aslan gets the ceremony going so the formal proposal can be made by Turgut, accepted by Hulya on behalf of Nedret, and they can get on with this because there’s a pregnant woman here- referring to Devin who looks like she wants to go back to bed. Hulya takes over by having Ceylan bring something to Turgut on a silver platter covered with a lid. Turgut looks very nervous but lifts the lid and it’s raw chicken! He and his mother look surprised but everyone else chuckles. I was going to ask Dondi to explain this, but then Hulya does me the favor of explaining. Instead of salted coffee, Turgut will have to eat raw chicken. (Ok, maybe I do need Dondi to explain). Turgut takes a bite and this is a good thing and will make him an acceptable groom? Turkish culture looks like fun, but also weird.
Unfortunately, Devin isn’t doing good. First she asks for help in walking but then gets worse and they have to call an ambulance for her.
In the hospital with Aslan trying to focus her (and maybe himself) on breathing. Nese, Ceylan, and Hulya are there as well. The doc tells them the risks of surgery and she opts for a natural birth, less risk to the baby.
Urla, 2029. Child is sitting on the counter (eww) while Aslan decorates a cake. Child asks why we celebrate birthdays, who was the first to celebrate. He asks how old Daddy is, and Aslan is 45. Then Child asks how old Grandma is and Aslan says 200 (ha!) but that she’d say 20. He asks about Nedret, Tias Leyla and Ceylan. Leyla is 47 and Ceylan is 23 (so she’s 17-18 in current times and I can stop thinking she needs a job. Yet.) Then he asks about Nese (58) and Yagmur (35). Then Seher, which stops Aslan for a second before he says she had just turned 82. (82?) Then Cihan, who was 43 when he died. And then Mama. Aslan looks sad and we don’t get an answer because these writers suck. Eko enters just then to tell him everything is closed and ready for tonight. Eko chats with Child. Then talks to Aslan about Turgut and Isko being at the airport with ….(we don’t know yet because Aslan interrupts).
Back to now. The doc talks to Devin about medical stuff and then asks to talk to Aslan outside. Nese comforts Devin while Hulya takes Ceylan outside so they can have privacy. Devin tells Yagmur the baby is lucky to have an aunt like her, and Yagmur says it’s lucky to have her as a mother. They love each other very much.
The doc talks to Aslan about the risks to Devin and the baby due to lack of oxygen. They can’t begin anything without his signature. Nese is trying to get Devin to breathe through the pain and actually being helpful here. Aslan comes back and they leave him with Devin saying they will be there to care for her. He shows her the paperwork that the doc gave him. She cries, they sign, and hold hands.
The voice of God narrator tells us we are at Hospital Boz. (Does he sound like this in the Turkish version?) Hulya is helping Devin walk down the hall and asks if it hurts. Devin says at times. Hulya tells her it will pass and she’ll forget all this when she’s holding her baby in her arms. And then tells her she is the strongest mother ever. And Devin says she loves her very much and asks her to love her child. Hulya hugs her, kisses her head, and says she will be there with them all. Aslan takes over and walks her back to the room. He helps her into the shower (?) and washes her down while she keeps the gown on. (This is somehow better for her?) She asks him to tell her something good. He says “Us. Your turn”. She says “You, our child”.

Monday, pt. 3 of 3
2029. Aslan driving Child somewhere. And then right back to 2025 where Devin is being wheeled into a room. She is asked by a nurse to take off the red bracelet, which she gives to Aslan to guard by putting it on his wrist. 2029- Child is wearing it while still in the backseat. Aslan smiles at him.
2025- Everyone kisses her and wishes her well as Aslan wheels her away, through a door and into a bright light. (Seriously, writers?)
2029- Child plays with red bracelet. Aslan looks sad. They drive down a long road (no bright light at the end here at least).
2025- Devin screams in pain from the birth and Aslan is with her.
2029 Urla- Aslan and child get to the restaurant La Familia.
2025- birth. She needs to push, screams, etc. We go back and forth a couple more times until Devin gest cold and Aslan is kicked out so the docs and nurses can get to work.
2029- At the restaurant, Child greets his family. Hulya, who looks great with a new haircut. And she’s sitting next to Nese, so that’s nice to see. Ceylan is there with maybe a Leyla sighting? Except Leyla has blond hair now. Everyone has new hair so you know it’s the future. Turgut is there in his blue Hawaiian shirt. Yagmur and Bedri. Eko, Elif and a couple kids. And so on.
In between all the restaurant shots, we see Devin being worked on at the hospital with the docs seeing the birth through to the end. They are asking her to push even though she looks unconscious, but the baby is finally born and crying. Aslan hears this, but nothing about Devin.
2029- Aslan brings out the cake and they turn out the lights and get ready.
2025- Aslan is finally let in to see Devin. Doc says we succeeded. Devin opens her eyes a smidge.
2029- It’s Devin! She’s alive! (As if there were any doubts). They sing happy birthday to her.
2025- She’s awake and wants to hold the baby, and they both stare down at it in wonder.
2029- More singing, badly.
2025- Crying from the adults this time. Aslan gives thanks. And Child has a name- Cihan! (As if there were any doubts).
2029- Celebrations. Seems Yagmur has a son too. Devin and Cihancito blow out the candle together. Aslan tells her he was worried that she’s arrive late tonight, explaining his mood over the last hour. He asks how her clients were. She harps that they are patients and she’s explained this a million times. But it’s happy harping. Cihancito tells mama about their day and tells dada to bring out the surprise gift. Ice skates! And Asuman says to Turgut that her feet are like boats and they chuckle. Devin says she heard that and Aslan tells Turugt to hide behind the palm trees on his shirt. Hulya talks to Nedret on the phone because she had to go back for the gift that was forgotten. (And also because the actress is gone). And I think Turgut and Asuman have a little girl too! Or one is in the background, but babies abound here.
Narrator Aslan talks about family being more than a blood connection, but also by love. Shots of all the happy couples. They want to take a pic of everyone. Hulya puts an arm around Leyla and asks how the kids are. She misses the kids but Leyla says they couldn’t leave school. Then Hulya asks about her amiga, if she’s well. Leyla hesitates but says she’s fine too. (no further explanation given). Leyla doesn’t look ready to forgive but Hulya gives her a kiss on the head that isn’t rejected. The pic is taken and Fin.


Novelera: Definitely watching this Telenovela tonight.

Kat in SC & Halimacandy: I'll be posting my personal thoughts on Monday's episode sometime today.

Venganza #72 part 1

Ah, Mirna is the one to inform Elisa, Francisco and Marcelo about Fern's pregnancy. Marcelo suggests a DNA test, Francisco agrees but Mirna claims Fern has only been with him for quite a while. Elisa is sad and mad. Francisco is off to see Fernanda. Tania learns also.

Ana tells Claudia it's such a shame she wasn't able to finish the suffocating of Fern. Claudia says taking another's life is no joke. Ana disagrees.

Paty talks to Alfredo. So far the story in the office is that Fernandatook drugs and Ana found her. Paty says if she had succeeded... Alfredo wishes she had, it's what Fernanda deserves. Paty says it would ruin Ana's life (.again). Don't you care? He says she's my daughter, of course I care but some sacrifices are worth it for the good of the rest of the family. Paty is like, this is murder in the first degree. Alfredo says she was in a psych hospital ten years. We could get her off on an insanity plea.

Gabriel tries to win back Brenda. She's not buying it. She wants nothing to do with him or his dad.

Fernanda tells Francisco her dream has been to marry a man she loves and have a family. Part of the dream is now at hand. He won't marry her but if the child is his he won't abandon it.

Elisa is upset they won't be able to keep Fernanda out of their lives. Fernanda tells Mirna that Francisco is a good man and those are the kind of men it is easy to manage. Little by Little she will win him back .

Claudia tells Paty she feels like she should go work for Brenda. She feels bad for not preventing the parents death. Paty looks at her funny.

Gabriel tells Alfredo he had no luck changing Brenda's mind. Dad's advice, kids her, take her on the desk .. Gabriel says she isn't that type of woman. Too bad Alonso is no longer able to take care of her dad says. Gabriel is disgusted.
Taking baby for a walk. Will watch the rest later



Wow, K! I've enjoyed all your recaps, but I think you've saved the best for last. Lots of detail, and lots of delightful snark. Perhaps my favorite comment was "Mostly [legit], notwithstanding the occasional beatdown. (Although it’s probably best for the Lads to get out some energy because hosts and waiters? Really?)"

I also loved "The voice of God narrator tells us we are at Hospital Boz." I kept wondering why they made it sound so important and surprising. Silly me, not realizing that it was "the voice of God." :-)

I too was trying to figure out the shower with Devin still wearing her hospital gown.

Yes, I think Devin was pretty much unconscious when the doctor kept urging her to push. I guess that's why we saw two members of the medical staff pushing on her stomach. Apparently they were successful.

Yes, the writers were toying with us through almost the entire episode. I thought it was a bit much. I kept wondering what effect this presentation of childbirth would have on a viewer pregnant for the first time.

Oh well, I'm glad we had a HEA ending. Thanks again for this and all your othrr much appreciated recaps!


K, thank you for this wonderful recap of the finale and for all your snappy past recaps . All your recaps brought a bit of sly humor to grim situations.

Well, I knew these writers were trying for a clever ,unique ending by making us think that Devin had died . I didn't believe it for a minute. They were making too big a deal of it.

Let me just say that I have given birth three times , and none of them were as painful as watching Devin EMOTE in these last few episodes. As to the doctors pushing on Devin above her abdomen, I could relate . I wasn't t unconscious , during my first birth , but the doctor did put his,arm across me and lifted himself right up off the floor to help. My husband told me later, and he was amazed the guy did that .

Well, horrible Hulya has been completely redeemed and has,a new haircut.

Babies R Us...Them. Looked like Eko and Yagmur had boys and Turgut had a gi

I have seen a lot of Turkish asking for the hand scenes,, but the groom to be usually just has to drink salted coffee. What was up with the raw chicken??? Gag.


Sorry ...posting a comment in this new format is always hard for me....The above was from me, Susan

Kat in SC: Having watched Monday night's episode, I noticed Paty's reaction to what Claudia said about the Ferrero assassinations, my thoughts are saying "Claudia is obviously COMPLICIT in the deaths of Brenda's parents."

I also would like to know what was the dirty little secrets that Maria Luisa was hiding because I seriously hope you're wrong about Ana being Adelberto's daughter.

Halimacandy: Crazy Goldie Locks isn't going down quite easy. Her claws are way too deep in Francisco. The Uppity Gardener is still Uppity.


K, I agree you saved the best for last. I didn't watch it yet but your descriptive recap makes viewing it redundant.

The math still doesn't work out for Ceylan. By my calculations she was 19 or 20 in 2025 since Cihan's wife, whose name I've already forgotten, was raped 16 to 17 years ( since 9 months of pregnancy gets added) ago, and Ceylan was 3 when it happened. And I still am shocked Hulya's actually her mother. I figured it was another stolen baby or perhaps Leyla had a child out of wedlock with the boyfriend that died. The writers missed a plot twist with that girl.

Venganza #72 part 2

Just some quick notes to finish out the episode. Elisa is of course worried about Francisco's potential baby. Marcelo et al are pushing for a DNA test. Mirna is standing firmly at Fernanda's side. Fernanda tells her side of the attack to the police while Elisa and Ana give their untruthful side to a different detective. Roberto, while visiting Fernanda, is concerned about his feet, they are swollen. He worries about his single remaining kidney. Fernanda coldly tells him to take a diuretic. Mirna scolds her. Roberto says if the kidney fails I die ( well dialysis would be the first step and a donor the second, then if those fail, you might die.

Claudia and Ignacio (Nacho) have a romantic dinner together at Erika and Fermin's place since the aforementioned are at Marcelo and Francisco'splace with Monica and Sebastian. They kiss and maybe more, nothing was shown.

Fernanda is out of the hospital and confronts Elisa. She says she will take the baby away from Francisco and disappear. Francisco will always search and wonder what happened to his firstborn.

In an earlier scene, Ana is sad she didn't get a 2fer when she tried to kill Fernanda. Elisa tries to tell her she needs a therapist pronto. Ana says no. She will never be happy. Fernanda took that away from her. I think she wouldn't even mind going to prison if only she had managed to kill the witch.

Steve, I thought Adelberto was a much better man so having him be Ana's father would probably give her some peace since Alfredo is such an awful father to her.


Forgot to mention Alonso is heading home. Looks like Gabriel is his ride. Gabriel calls him an eunuch, to which Alonso treats him to a site of his new hardware. he alludes to Gabriel that it is being much bigger and better than his little weenie.


Gracias, K. Your details and snark as always are right on time. Last night I was so ticked at being jerked around during most of the finale, but you've got a gift for bringing the funny. I'm not mad at the writers any more.

Turgut's mom never said a word but she seemed upbeat and pleasant. I'm thinking Asuman lucked up getting a sweet mom-in-law. I thought Turgut would bite into that raw chicken, but good for him he only gummed it.

I loved the full-on HEA. Gee, Hulya does a complete 360 and is thoughtful asking about Leyla's special amiga (presumably Cemre). I give the writers a thumbs-up for gently broaching a same-sex relationship.


KAT...thanks a bunch..!!
Brenda...brenda Brenda...thank goodness you finally 'got-hip' to Gabe's..BS..But only took your whole family being nuked..
Claudia , stay away, you are a and get a STD test...
Patty cake. You are a human being, after all.yes ,pasta alfredo is very nasty..



K, I thought the final was anti-climactic but your recap was delightfully entertaining as usual. Thanks for each and every one of them. I add my thanks to you, novelera, for providing stellar Tuesday recaps and filling in on other days on many weeks. Thanks to all the highlight providers and commenters, too. You all add so much to my viewing pleasure. Shout out to any lurkers—join us for the next one!

They gave us too much of Devin’s pregnancy, labor and delivery suffering in the last two eps. By the end, I wanted anesthesia, too.

Aslan was insufferable throughout the dizi. I don’t care how good looking Kıvanç is, this was not his best work. He almost brought Serenay down with him. Of course, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

The interaction between Hulya and Devin and Hulya and Nedret were highlights. Well done, Nur Sürer and Ayda Aksel. Serenay was better in scenes with them.

Cihan (the elder) was dear to me. I wish he was there for the end but I guess he was never meant to be born. Tragic.

Turgut and Iskoc were a great combo. I think novelera called them Laurel and Hardy. We lost some of that in the Telemundo cuts.

“Cihancito”, lol, is at that age of questioning everything. Maybe it’s better he asks Mom instead of Dad.

This is the first time I’ve seen raw chicken at an “isteme” ceremony. When they asked for Elif, Aslan told Eko to be grateful he didn’t get raw chicken.

Hello Leyla! The same sex topic is open for discussion. I’m surprised it even went that far. I suppose Leyla and the kids ended up with Cemre and Hulya is coming around to accept it. Leyla looked a little surprised and uncomfortable. I wondered about Leyla’s relationship with Deniz, her first love. Deniz is one of those male/female Turkish names. I assumed Deniz was a man.

They cut Nese asking Iskoc why his wife wasn’t present at the dinner. He replied, I got divorced last month. Nese answered, is that so? Let everything work out for the better. [Run, Iskoç, run!]

Not the best or the worst dizi I've seen. Enjoyable. Just the right length. And it’s nice to have a happy ending once in a while.



Thanks so much, K! I laughed all the way through. And that wasn’t easy considering I still had leftover frustration from last night's writers trying to fool us.

Loved, the Lads needing to get out some energy. Yep, four whole years without anyone to beat on might have been considered hardship duty.

A red herring for me was Aslan taking the boy skating, seeming like nostalgia for his dead wife. And the kid wearing that fabric bracelet the random woman gave Devin.

Really liked “olden days of right now”. Sooo many clever turns of phrase, K. Also Hulya as mother in place of Nedret, but the mean kind.

Asuman got to say, in Spanish, that Devin rompió la fuente (her water broke).

Someone who definitely looked better with a new hairdo was Nese. All the odd looking blonde bits were gone.

I was wondering about the Happy Birthday song as I often do. Lately I’ve seen the tune being the same one we sing here in the U.S, but with words in Spanish. Mexicans sing Las Mañanitas. I know about 50% of the words for that one, having celebrated birthdays with Mexican co-workers. Maybe dondi can let us know if the Turks use their own song.

It’s been a good ride, fellow Carayers. I guess they didn’t want to pay the Nedret actress for the finale. Or maybe a kinder thought is that she had another job by the time the end came.



Deniz can be a female name??? Maybe the writes tip toed around Leyla’s story as much as they were allowed, but more of her not in jail would have been interesting.

Does anyone watch Call the Midwife? They are usually telling women in labor to not yell and channel that energy to the birth. Guess keep calm and carry on doesn’t translate to Turkish.

looking forward to more of the modern Turkish shows! Or if they want to bring back the tiaras, that’s ok too.



Sung to the tune of Happy Birthday:

İyi ki doğdun, (name)
İyi ki doğdun, (name)
İyi ki doğdun, iyi ki doğdun
İyi ki doğdun, (name)

This is what they sang to Devin. iyi ki doğdun literally means “it’s good that you were born”.


Mutlu yıllar sana
Mutlu yıllar sana
Mutlu yıllar, mutlu yıllar
Mutlu yıllar sana

mutlu yıllar literally means “happy years” and can be used for birthday, anniversary or New Year.

I’ve also heard them sing Happy Birthday in English.

I mentioned this in another post—I read that Ayda Aksel broke her leg. That might be why she was missing from the last episode. She had another job lined up after Aile and had to be replaced.


Many thanks, K, for this final recap. And thanks to all the recappers!

What a relief that the family, minus Cihan, survived! I was afraid Aslan would get killed during the birthday party. Whew!

I wondered where Iskoc's family was. They were easily dismissed- divorce.

Devin's behavior and panic could have been disastrous, it was unbelievable.
That was some hospital; one doctor and nurse ( were there 2?) for a high risk delivery? There should have a doctor for delivery, and one to take care of Devin. She's lucky she survived that low standard of care.

I really enjoyed this novela and kinda feel at loose ends now at 9 pm. The replacement - blech.
Bring on another dizi!!

Beth S.



#1 – Part 1 of 4

We see a big stakeout in a Mexican city. There are a bunch of buys with rifles. One man seems in charge. “Gloria Guzmán has come to visit.” She’s with some friends, a man and a woman. They advise her to leave the country because “they” are looking for her. She is very calm and tells them that it’s all under control. We see a typical guy pretending to read a newspaper, but he’s keeping watch. This guy says, and he’s supposedly wearing a mike, that she’s with some unarmed civilians. The head guy says that they’re waiting for the final OK from the Presidency. We hear her voice over a phone…La Presidenta, giving the go ahead. The usual throng of guys in helmets pours out of the back of a van. They surround Gloria’s car when she gets in.

She sighs and addresses the lead guy by name, Mauricio Domínquez. He says that this is an operation of the DEA. “Get down from the car!” She gets out and raises her hands. Dominguez says she’s under arrest.


Gloria has just gotten married. She is about to throw her bouquet with her back to the single ladies. We see her husband smiling. She approaches her son to say it’s the best day of her life. The groom comes up, and the kid calls him papá. [Later we find out that Juan José Cruz is the child’s father. Some years ago, Juan José and Gloria had a civil marriage.] This was their religious ceremony.

We see Gloria’s parents, seemingly lovely people. Unfortunately, we also see there’s an attack being planned. The bad guys send a drone over to see who’s where. The unsuspecting family waves at it.

There are two couples looking on. The two sour-faced women are Gloria’s sisters. And the men with them are Gloria’s brothers-in-law. One of the brothers in law says that the reason they don’t know many of the guests is that they are part of the FGE (Fiscalía General de Justicia del Estado de México, and Juan José is the most prestigious commander in all of Tijuana. One of the sisters is married to Jacinto Ortega, Governor of Baja California.

The couple have their first dance. We see several suspicious wedding guests that seem to be in on what’s about to happen. While they dance, Gloria says that this is a dream come true. It was hard to pull it off with their demanding jobs. The bartender is in on it and has rifles in a cooler.

Those two sisters remind me of Cinderella’s stepsisters.

Gloria sends Juan José and Daniel (her son) out of the patio to check on something. She wants to put up a sign: !Vas a ser Papá¡. Her parents embrace her.

The thugs storm in shooting over their heads. Chaos ensues. Gloria’s father pulls a gun and is shot dead. Gloria is grabbed and thrown into the back of a white van.


#1 – Part 2 of 4

Juan José comes out and realizes that his wife is gone. He orders everyone to stay where they are.

In the van, a guy in the passenger seat pulls off his ski mask, and Gloria recognizes him. Cuervo (Crow) gloats, saying she thought he was in prison. Ominously he says he wants to finish what he didn’t get to do eight years ago. [Flashback: A younger Gloria says she’s dizzy and that she has an exam the next day. She calls the guy Gabriel and begs him to stop as he tries to rape her. Gabriel=Cuervo.

Back to the wedding venue. Juan José and his sidekick confer. Judging by the Wiki with the cast, I think the sidekick might be his brother, Sebastián Cruz. He’s played by one of my favorites: Pepe Gámez.

The nastier sister is named Luisa and blames Juan José and her sister for their father’s death.

[Flashback: We see Daniel being in on his father’s proposal and opening the box with the ring inside.]

Gloria is carried into a bed and her hands tied. Another of my faves, Uriel del Toro, gets to be SO disgusting. Cuervo says he likes her wild so he can dominate her. He also ties her legs apart. She says that he was in jail because he drugged her and tried to rape her. He shows her a scar. [Flashback: Juan José bursts into the room and shoots Cuervo in his lower left side. He threatens to shoot him between his legs if he doesn’t give up. Juan José tells him he messed with the daughter of an ex-FGE, a really bad choice.

Cuervo tells Gloria that he was barely in prison before she got with that Comandante Cruz. He gets very close and takes off her wedding garter. She begs him not to do it, saying she’s pregnant.

I’m going with JJ for Juan José to save some keystrokes. JJ blames himself. [Flashback: Readying for the wedding, Porfirio tells him his wedding suit would look better without his chaleco de balas (bulletproof vest).] JJ figures it out and tells Sebastián: “It was Porfirio who betrayed me.”

Gloria is sobbing. Then she remembers when JJ gave her some lessons in self-defense. [Flashback: She punches. He tells her to punch harder. She really goes after him; they fall to the ground. Then he says: !Me rindo¡ (I give up!) Then he says she should never believe a man who says that, a man who’s attacking her. He shows her to head butt and kick.

Cuervo sets up a phone to film the rape. He pulls a knife to cut away her dress. Wham! She head butts him. Then she kicks him in the ‘nads and, finally, kicks him in the face. She gets the knife he was using with her teeth, puts it in her hand, and cuts herself free. There’s a convenient white horse in the stable, and she gallops off.

JJ and Sebastián come to Porfirio’s house. They point a gun at his wife and tell her that Porfirio is to call him. JJ tells Sebas that it had to be someone who wanted revenge. Sebas: “Do you think they know what you did?” JJ: “I hope not.”


#1 – Part 3 of 4

Cuervo turns out to be a wuss. Gloria kind of wiped him out. He gathers some guys to pursue.

The two brothers in law talk. Jacinto says that this had to be a narco operation. They came for JJ, and when they didn’t find him, they took Gloria. Sleazy Jacinto says there’s one of two reasons the narcos would come after him. He wouldn’t let them work freely or that he’s stealing their lana (mexicanismo for money). The other BIL says that JJ has always been straight. Jacinto replies that everyone has a price. And if JJ has been stealing, he’ll have to share. [said with a sneer and meaning share with the two of them.]

There are lots of spooky scenes of Gloria on the white horse galloping through the fog. She implores the sky, wondering where JJ is.

JJ grabs up some guy on the street who looks like he might have been dealing drugs. He tells the guy to tell his boss that he’s in deep if he took his wife.

Cuervo is driving. He’s on a call saying his phone wasn’t working before or some such. He calls the one on the other end patron and lies that he has Gloria locked up, just like they agreed. He gets out of the vehicle and fires some shots in the air. Gloria hears. The horse is frightened and throws her. Almost immediately she begins to lose the baby.

Porfirio is ready to run. JJ and Sebas burst in. He’s told to throw them his backpack. JJ shoots him in the thigh. The money is in the backpack, later said to be $20K. JJ asks him where Gloria is. Sebas puts a gun to the head of his wife. JJ raises his gun as if to shoot him again, and Porfirio shouts that it was El Cuervo Rondón. JJ: “Where can I find him?”

Rondón and his guys find Gloria using dogs.

Lucia, the nasty sister, tells the other one that Gloria deserves the worst. It’s her fault their father is dead.

JJ calls Jacinto, saying that his security guy betrayed him. “Send a doctor for Porfirio. I don’t want him to bleed out before I can confirm what he said.”

Gloria is back on that bed. She begs for a doctor.

Jacinto calls to tell JJ that Porfirio got away. But he’s lying. After he hangs up he asks Porfirio who wanted to jam up JJ.


#1 – Part 4 of 4

JJ tells Sebas to get out of the vehicle. He has a message from Cuervo, and it’s to come to the same place that Porfirio told him about. He has to go alone.

JJ shows up with his bulletproof vest on. Shots are fired. Then a gun is put to the back of his head, and he’s captured. Cuervo punches him in the stomach.

Ah! We see the boss Cuervo was lying to. It’s El Duque Medina. He calls JJ El Famosissima Comandante Cruz. “What? Did you think this was revenge by Cuervo, and the cartel wasn’t involved? The cartel is in everything.”

JJ: “Where’s my wife?” Duque: “Where’s the 5 million dollars that you stole from me?” JJ: “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” “Are you sure?” Cuervo is told to take off JJ's vest. Gloria is brought out.

Jacinto tells Fernando, the other brother-in-law, that Porfirio said that Cuervo was the one who did the kidnapping. But Jacinto thinks someone else was involved.

Sebas is looking at his phone. Apparently, there’s a tracker on his vehicle, the one JJ took.

Luisa keeps griping about Gloria. [Flashback: Gloria comes to tell Luisa that JJ proposed to her, for a wedding in church. Luisa says it’s ridiculous. And, furthermore, Gloria stole JJ from her. She met him first. Gloria replies that he wasn’t interested in Luisa; he wasn’t even aware she liked him. “And you’re married!”

Gloria is brought into the courtyard. JJ: “Why are you bleeding? She says she’s sorry. JJ screams that they killed his child. Duque: “One last time, where’s the $5 million.” JJ: “I don’t have that money.” Gloria insists that their money is earned from their own work. She swears by the life of her son that nothing is stolen. Duque: To JJ “And, you. Do you also swear by the life of your son?” Juan José only makes a rueful grimace. Duque points the gun at Gloria. JJ: “OK, let her go. Don’t hurt her. I swear I’ll tell you the truth.”

Gloria can’t believe her ears. JJ: No, I’ll tell you what happened. Let her go!” Duque tells him that he must talk first, and then she’ll be let go. JJ: “I won’t speak while she’s here. You’ll just kill us both!” Duque: “I need you alive, not her. I will still have your son to use to pressure you. I’ll show you who’s in charge here.” He raises his pistol. JJ jumps in front of Gloria and is shot several times in the back.

Gloria falls on his body, screaming No! No!

Novelera: Howdy from the Alamo City. Thanks for the recap of last night's episode. It was shocking to see the large group of conspirators plotting to destroy Gloria.

Wasn't expecting JJ to get killed off this early. Noticed I see BPN from "SENOR" portraying Dominguez of the DEA.


Kat in SC & Halimacandy: I'll be posting my personal thoughts on last night's episode sometime this afternoon.


Venganza #73

* Fernanda continues to insist Francisco is hers now she is expecting his baby. Elisa thinks everything has changed now with Francisco but he insists they will stay together. He gives her a ring which she of course accepts.
* Claudia tells Paty that she overheard Rafita and Miguel with Gabriel when he hired them to rob Brenda's parents and kill them. Paty tells her not to tell anyone else. Have they both signed their death warrant?
*Alonso is home. He also wonders about Brenda. He tells Alfredo that Gabriel is no white dove and probably is involved in the deaths, and wonders if Dad is also.
* Marcelo goes to Brenda's and says he is a stranger in a strange land, my words, and would she like to have a coffee with him some time.
*Myrna counsels Fernanda to give up on Francisco. This is her opportunity to find a new guy and life
*Roberto needs to get an appointment with his dr.but all her appointments are full until next week. He chews the receptionist out
*Marcelo and Brenda have their date. He tells her about losing his parents and they bond over their mutual misery. Brenda says it's too bad things didn't work out with Tania. He says Tania thrives on drama, etc. all he wants is a peaceful life. This strikes a chord with Brenda.
* Claudia is Alonso's nursemaid it seems. He yells her one day he will discover who did this to him and they will pay.
*Mirna advises Roberto to go to the emergency room.
* Looks like Marcelo is enamored with Brenda and she is definitely interested in him.
*Gabriel pulls rank on Roberto. He doesn't care if he's sick, get me the report today
*Claudia tells Alonso she has a beau and when they marry she won't work there anymore.
*Paty is selling her information to Fernanda. Fernanda says this is old news, but Claudia says she knows who Gabriel hired. Fernanda is interested.


Kat in SC: Thanks for the bullet-board recap of Tuesday's episode. My personal thoughts.
104.) Tania is in serious danger of being discovered as the one who castrated Slick Alonso's little bishop. At this point, I'm going to say RIP Tania because it's looking like a deadly end is coming for her.

105.) Marcelo & Brenda dating ? If Gabriel finds out, I am scared that he might send the thugs to kill Marcelo.

106.) Mirna needs to be held accountable by law enforcement authorities for her complicity in the crimes of Eugenio (whom I still do NOT think is dead, I think he faked his death again) & Crazy Goldie Locks.

107.) Kat in SC: I agree with you on Claudia & Paty potentially signing their death warrants. Claudia's big mouth will likely get someone else killed very soon: she doesn't know when to SHUT THE EXPLETIVE UP.

108.) Gullible Elisa accepting Francisco's ring despite finding out that he's the Baby Daddy of Crazy Goldie Locks' kid LOL: I want to ask does Monica know about potentially having another sibling ?

109.) No Ana sightings in last night's episode ?

110.) Mooching Roberto is an asshole. Why haven't they mentioned his family members during this Telenovela ? Was he orphaned or something too ?

111.) Jackass Gabriel demanding those reports: this dude needs some serious prison time for the murders he's ordered along with Alfredo & Co.,

112.) Marcelo & Brenda: If BOTH of you survive all the way to the Gran Final & I personally doubt either of you will make it alive in the Gran Final before then, maybe we could see these two leaving for Mexico.

113.) Where are Fermin & Erika ? Any new developments on Erika's pregnancy ?

114.) Ignacio: RUN FOR YOUR LIFE: Claudia has a big-ass mouth.

115.) Love watching the opening credits.

116.) Right on cue: Crazy Goldie Locks finding out from Paty (or Claudia) that Gabriel hired thugs in the Ferrero assassinations. Wonder how she will use this information ?


Fermin was sighted. Ana also. In fact Ana deserves a bullet point. She has asked Joseph to dinner to meet daddy dearest. Erika's pregnancy is continuing. I don't think she was in last night's episode


Novelera, thank you for that excellent recap with every detail. . yikes ... I know this would be violent , but . ..overwhelming violence.

I would like To watch because there are so many familiar faces,.Thank you for clearing up who Crow is . He looked familiar . He looks so different from his
Look in " El Conde."

I am not a big fan of Fabiola (Gloria.) I think that this is her first leading lady role. I have only seen her play villains which she is very good at.

I recognized the dark haired sister from recent telenovela" Fugitivas" on Uni. She played a sweet character.

The officer at the end was in" Receta" on Uni last year



MANY THANKS, novelera, for this superb recap! I always find beginning episodes especially hard to follow, but your excellent account helped enormously.

I recognized only one of last night's actors: Uriel del Toro, who I guess we last saw as Antonio in El Conde. I was happy to see him again, though he apparently plays a much nastier character (El Cuervo) in El Jefa.

Yes, Gloria's sisters also made me think of Cinderella's step-sisters. They made me think, too, of Cordelia's sisters, Goneril and Regan, in King Lear.

What struck me most about La Jefa, at least the first episode, was how much it reminded me of La Reina del Sur. Season 1 of that novela (2011) remains my favorite of all time. I don't expect Ja Jefa to be as good, but there were lots of seemingly similar plot points. I won't elaborate now, but if I continue to see more, I may come back to this later.

In the meantime, I'll just say that, like Steve, I was surprised that Gloria's husband apparently got killed off in episode 1. Unless, once again, the novela writers are playing with us. (Though of course in La Reina del Sur, Teresa Mendoza's love also gets killed off in episode 1. I would imagine that Gloria, like Teresa, will succeed in becoming extraordinarily self-sufficient.)

La Jefa

I watched a bit last night but then fell asleep. I don't think I have it in me for a violent narc show so I may bow out of watching this one, which is a shame since I enjoy interacting with the patio. The 10 p m. slot is tough as I'm watching 8 and 9 on Univision along with some recapping of the 9 p m. show. I'll catch up on it over the weekend as my husband is going skiing for a week, so and see if I'll continue. I bowed out of Fam2 but went back to it so we'll see. Novelera, I'm with all the others in thanking you for taking on the premier episodes.


novelera, you never cease to amaze me with these premier recaps. So helpful. I’m always appreciative of the vocab lessons.

Was this a Soykan wedding?

My first thought on seeing the promo was—is this going to be a cheap knock off of LRDS? I noticed some similarity, too, Juanita. But Wiki says it’s a reboot of the narco novela, Señora Acero. I watched that. It started with a bloody wedding. I’ll see how closely it follows the original. I wasn’t so impressed with the first ep.

I’m also glad to see Pepe Gámez and Uriel del Toro. I recognize some others. Steve, that was Jesús Moré, Omar Teran “BPN” in ESLDC, as Dominguez. And Iván Arana, Ismael in ESDLC, is in this, too. This is the first time I’m seeing Fabiola Guajardo.


Susan: Can I ask why do you hate Fabiola Guajardo so much? Is it because of her penchant of portraying villains?

I'm interested to seeing her succeed as the leading Protagonista in this Telenovela.



Gracias, Novelera. How you've pulled together the plot and the new characters and their motivations is amazing.

I watched only the last half last night and was totally confused and, almost until the end, wondered why Christian de la Fuente hadn't been shown in the previews. Sorry to see Christian go.

I first saw Fabiola in Yo No Creo en Los Hombres, where she was a young, abused chick having an affair with a much older married man. Nice to see her get a lead role here.

Juanita, I too thought about Teresa of La Reina del Sur. That's a tough act to follow.


Thanks, all. Yep, I burned some midnight oil putting up all the dastardly deeds. There was a definite giveaway in the Wiki. Christián de la Fuente was listed as a "Guest Star" in the cast list. José María Galeano (El Duque) presented an interesting concept of one of these murderous guys. Some of the ones we've seen, like El Chapo Guzmán, seem like guys who came from humble beginnings, liked rancheras and norteño music, and wore extremely expensive cowboy boots. El Duque looked like a Mexico City lawyer.

Juanita, yes. Even the title "La Jefa" is reminiscent of "La Reina". From what I read of the synopsis, it doesn't sound like she'll actually be involved with drugs. And, at least so far, this actor doesn't have the gravitas of Kate del Castillo.

dondi, I loved your "Soykan wedding" comment. And, thanks for your comment on the previous show about how Turks sing Happy Birthday.

Niecie, I agree that it's a shame they killed off her husband, but I think there will be lots of flashbacks. At the very least we need to find out what was meant by the last scene, where Juan José can't bring himself to swear on his son's life that he didn't steal El Duque's money.


I am willing to do one recap a week but no more. As I've said time and time again, long recaps don't need to be labored over to get the ball rolling for other Carayers to comment. We'll see how it goes.

Kat in SC: Looking forward to seeing your recap of last night's episode.

Novelera, Dondi356 & Jarifa: Hoping to see the recap of last night's episode because I accidentally overslept.


Venganza # 74

Lots of moving parts in this episode. It almost feels like it is winding up soon, but no final weeks being posted so I guess not yet

*Paty tells Fernanda that Miguel and Rafita are behind the robbery and murders and receives her pay off in $100 bill. Mirna was sent to the bank to get the cash. Fernanda tells Mirna both Gabriel deserve to be caught, and Alfredo is obviously the mastermind since Gabriel is a wuss that does as daddy tells him. Paty told Fernanda that Claudia was her source.
* Roberto is geno sympathy from Isa. He's the boy who cries wolf and she doesn't believe him, and even if he truly is sick she could care less. Roberto whines to Fernanda about it. She has no sympathy either. She tells him about the del Pino plot and tells him to make an anonymous call to turn in Miguel and Rafita ( whose real name is Rafael I discovered).
*Joseph meets daddy and is given his blessing to date Ana. Ana in an earlier scene with Elisa talks about the Fernanda pregnancy and how that is affecting her and Francisco. Elisa says they are engaged and going to live together. A piece of paper ( marriage certificate) won't keep them apart and they may even have children together. Ana says she probably will never have children because of her drug history. Elisa tries to overcome that idea. Ana thinks that daddy won't approve of Joseph because he is just a teacher. Nice to see Alfredo was ok with it, but since he considered Ana a throw away daughter it's not too surprising.
* Alfredo is ok with Elisa and Francisco shacking up.
* Alonso calls Tania because he misses her and wants to see her. She refuses, but when she visits Elisa she pops in to see him. He tells her some home truths, one of the accusations being she is a nympho and since he is no longer the same she changed her mind. Oh a gem of info, Alonso didn't want a nurse, Fermin will have the dubious pleasure of helping him shower and bathe.
* Rafita and Miguel are scooped up by the police at their bar. They still have the goods so their goose is cooked.
*Tania talks with Elisa in her room. The guilt is too overwhelming and she tells Elisa she was the one that chopped off Alonso's you know what. Alonso is outside the door and hears it all goes back to his room and weeps. He sure has a huge medical wrap on his arm. Sorry, that is overkill. An IV for meds anesthesia in no way requires an entire forearm to be wrapped up like a cast!
*Yes Erika made an appearance with Ana I think at the school. Her pregnancy was discussed along with the Joseph invite to meet Alfredo.
* Lots of silly guy talk about their love interests amongst Marcelo, Francisco and Nacho. Nacho tells Francisco that his grandmother's house will be rehabbed in a couple of months. He offers to buy it as his apartment is small and things are progressing with Claudia.
*Rafita is spilling the beans big time along with Miguel. They were hired to kill the Ferrerro parents ( humanely).but to leave the daughter alive. Oh, they also hired us to kill the 2 sons.
*Monica is called by Brenda. They found the killers and she wants her to go to the police station with her so she isn't alone. Sebastian is with Moni.
*Gabriel and Alfredo are arrested. Elisa, Francisco, Ana and Joseph are there when it happens.

I typed up a nice long venganza recap and it disappeared. Perhaps I hit home rather than publish. Usually I can find it by backtracking through my posts but no luck this time. Can a moderator check and see if it is there. Not really in the mood to do it again.

Hi Kat,
I found your recap and it's now up.

Kat in SC: Sounds like by reading your recap of last night's episode, we're almost at the home stretch. My personal thoughts.

117.) Tania's DUMBASS just all but signed her own death warrant by admitting to Gullible Elisa (along with Slick Alonso overhearing everything) that she was the one, who castrated Alonso's little bishop.

118.) Paty spilling the beans to Crazy Goldie Locks about Miguel & Rafita being the shooters of Daddy & Mommy Ferrero including mentioning that Gabriel & Alfredo being involved, pretty much Goldie Locks ALL of the ammo she needs.

119.) Yet, we still haven't seen Crazy Goldie Locks' downfall yet with all of this winning.

120.) Who is Isa ?

121.) Ana getting Daddy Dearest's blessing on being with Joseph isn't surprising, but I doubt she'll be able to have kids due to her drug history, etc., I still think Alfredo still treats her like crap.

122.) Sounds like after finding out about Crazy Goldie Locks being preggers, Francisco (the Uppity Gardener) & Gullible Elisa are still shacking up & possibly have kids themselves.

123.) Sebastian & Monica are still together.

124.) Paty getting the payoff of $100 billion: Paty must like playing Lady of the del Pino family mansion LOL.

125.) Is Nacho the nickname of Fermin correct?

126.) Nice seeing Erika's pregnancy going along smoothly with no problems, although I would prefer seeing Claudia paying for her complicity in the Ferrero assassinations.

127.) Ignacio might want to be careful regarding Big Mouth Claudia: she sure has loose lips & indirectly gets people killed.

128.) Glad to see that the repairs & construction of the late Manuela's residence is going along, but I want Francisco to listen to that audio tape recorder.

129.) Gabriel & Alfredo getting arrested (after Rafita & Miguel snitch on them) by law enforcement. I do believe Eugenio will make an appearance at some point in the closing stretch.


Thank you Juanita. The downside to typing on a phone as a comment, it isn't saved in a document.

Steve Isa=Elisa.... I can't see what I type after the first 5 lines so mistakes are made. Paty wanted to be paid in 100 dollar bills. Not a billion. I think the amount she demanded was 20 K in the previous episode but not positive.
Nacho is the nickname for Ignacio which they all seem to use now.
I also wonder if Eugenio will turn up. I really hope the baby is not Francisco's. Depending on how far along she is we have 4 potential father's. Alfredo, Eugenio, Roberto and Francisco. Not course Fernanda will end u in prison eventually so by default the father or Monica will gain custody of the baby.


ahh, this does have an air of Senora Acero, but no one can turn serious drama into a smile like Blanca Soto. She hacked off the bad guys hand with an ax so he could wear that black glove prosthetic the whole show as a reminder of how much he hated her, he was bad, ate raw onions like apples.

and the Tijuana quack doctors, they implanted little beach balls in not too sanitary conditions, butt implants were a best seller. Give us a scowl Eduardo (Iván Arana).

Let's see, Sebastián's (Pepe Gámez) wife, what's her name sleeze? no Sonia maybe, she looked at her watch in Episode one, then left before the narco ninjas arrived, is working with Duque, and keeping BIL Jacinto hard.

Turns out one of JJ's agents did score the 5 million but died, and JJ re hid it in his narco 401k, let's see, is the hiding place related to his wife or son ??

other than the stains that wedding dress looked indestructible, I thought when Gloria threw it on the fire it would put it out.

this must be the Mexican version of La Familia? (loved the Soykan wedding Dondi) Somebody please hang that Luisa sister from a bridge.



btw, people en has a who's who cast,


Kat in SC: Basically we're going to be in the Maury Povich specials soon LOL: "Who's the Baby Daddy?"

Keeping fingers crossed that Francisco AKA The Uppity Gardener is NOT the father.

Lurk: Wait a minute: The late JJ was dirty ? DAMN.

Makes me angry seeing a large group of conspirators scheming & plotting to destroy Gloria's life SMH.


I tried taking notes as I was watching last night, but most of them were utterly unreadable this morning. However, to keep the discussion going, I think I'll post the notes I can read. Whether they're accurate or not is another issue.

Juan José (JJ from now on) dies without revealing to the narcos what he knows about the missing $5 million.

Gloria manages to get hold of a gun and shoots Duque in the hand. He's clearly in a lot of pain. I think he says that he was ordered to spare Gloria. (So he may be El Cuervo's boss, but apparently Duque is not the top dog either.)

Duque leaves to find a doctor. He tells some guys to watch Gloria, and if she leaves, follow her. "She may lead us to the $5 million."

We see a new person, Agent Torres. (Arrgh, I haven't even figured out who's who from the first episode.) Torres is looking for his sister, who may be seeking some kind of shady or illegal medical care. Torres decides to use his sister's phone to track her down.

In what must be a flashback, Sonia (who may be the wife of JJ's brother, Sebastian) overhears JJ tell Sebastian where the money is. Either in this scene or, more likely, a different one, JJ tells Sebastian that he is tired of working so hard for so little. With the $5 million, he feels he can make a new life.

Gloria painfully tells her young son, Daniel, that Daddy is now in Heaven with Grandpa.

Gloria's contemptible sister Luisa complains again to Gloria "You ruined my life. You stole Cuervo from me."

I just remembered one more thing. The doctor tells Duque that he will lose his pinky and one other finger. Duque tells the doctor, "Make a prosthesis so I can still fire my gun."

The rest of my notes are totally unreadable, as is my memory. Sigh. I hope some others on the patio will add and correct.

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