Monday, March 03, 2025
Daytime TNs... Y Mas (#1), Week of March 3, 2025
Welcome to page 1 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.
8-9 AM: Clase 406 (Unimas)
9-11 AM: Sin Pecado Concebido (Unimas)
11-12 PM: Amores Verdaderos (Univision)
12-2 PM: Corona de Lagrimas (Unimas)
1-2 PM: Amor Amargo (Univision) ***New
2-4 PM: Muchacha italiana viene a casarse (Unimas)
4-5 PM: Como Tu No Hay 2 (Unimas)
6-7 PM: Sin Nos Dejan (Unimas)
***All Unimas Novelas between Clase and Sin Nos Dejan will be pre-empted on Tues-Weds by Futbol!
Labels: daytime, unimas, Univision
Univision's website came in as Not Secure this morning, which explains why the las two episodes of El Angel de Aurora have not been posted on either source from which I re-watch. Here is hoping this matter is addressed quickly so I can complete this series for you and future readers.
Amor Amargo . I watched the first episode today . Wow, so many familiar faces . Daniela Romo and Arturo Peniche were in " Alborado " together , and they played villains in that novela as they do in this one . Susan
Do you think you will stick with it? I wasn't sure when it started but could add it to my library.
Kat, yes, there are so many actors and actresses that I have watched over the years and like. I looked it up online ,and the story is a little crazy , but then ...all these,stories are,a little crazy, arent they? That's the fun!!! Susan
Susan, I added it to my library. It says the first episode is Wed at 1 ( Eastern time). So I'll try and catch it then.
Part 1 of 4 (Including deleted scenes and fragments)
We pick up where we left off.
[DS] Demon explained that he did not know about the forensic medical report until recently. He had lost sleep over this ever since. Aurora was still angry that he did nothing about this. She accused him of not respecting her. He talked about his mother's obsession in remaining on top of the company and putting him there. She told him she could not understand Jezabel's depriving him of a father. That his father never got to hold him. She was not believing his tears or regret, calling them lies. He told her he loved his father and she told him that if that is true he must denounce Jezabel for what she did to his father. “She's my mother,” he said, clearly anguished. “You are just like your mother. Incapable of love, including your own family.” [/DS]
Angel prepared a video as bait for Pintas. He mentioned there having been friction between them in the previous encounter but that they should take another opportunity. Helena said something about family. They kept it short and a little too sweet. Antonio said they did a good job and Helena agreed.
Aurora and Demon talked about whether she loved him or not. He was still thinking she was only using him as a child as a substitute for her missing son. She came back with his efforts at getting her thrown out of the company. He confessed having done that, mentioning the time he messed with her presentation. He had not loved her. Also that he and Jezabel had planned to kill Angel. She slapped him. Hard. Then she asked how he could even think of doing this. He quickly said he had no idea Angel was her son. She said that didn't change anything. He went through apologies, saying he knew now that he could not have done such a thing. He went on to explain he was investigating Pintas to learn of the connexion between him and his mother. She said she would not denounce him but told Demon he would also go to prison when his mother is captured and their crimes are revealed. He said that was not important. He wanted her love again,
[DS] Jezabel asked her accomplices if they could obtain a car. They said they could but trying to drive out would be dangerous at this point. She also needed pain medication and said they'd need to go to Mexico City for that. They did not sound enthused.
Demon told Aurora he always loved her. He sounded like he was crying. He told her that his mother wants to kill her. She could not take any more and left the room. He cried in earnest.
Patricia flashed back to her office visit with JC and telling him about the murders of Elvia and Linette. He had asked her why she didn't call the police and she told him she was afraid to. She needed protection. [/DS]
Angel got a message that Pintas wanted to see him.
JC came to Aurora who told him about Demon. She wanted to believe him but wasn't sure she should. He said they needed the whole truth. She said Demon was in a bad way. He said they needed to talk to him. She entered the library. He had a pistol and was holding it to his head. She shouted “No. No, Demon!” JC heard her and ran in. “Don't do it!”
Angel sent a reply. Pintas answered, sayin this could be a trap Antonio said not to reply too quickly. Helena suggested not doing this at the event. A good thing, too, because the reply was actually sent by Vampi. Angel typed in the reply.
Aurora and JC tried talking Demon down. His conscience was at work Aurora and JC talked about how his father would not want him to do this, telling him that his child would need him. He was feeling guilty and told Aurora to go to Angel and be happy. She rushed into embracing him and JC got the gun away.
Part 2 of 4
[DS] Jezabel took pills for her pain and wanted to leave right away. The men said it was too dangerous and that they should go in the morning. Jezabel said the servants were resting and she needed to make plans with Demon.
Demon walked out of the library with Aurora and JC. She talked about life giving people tests and challenges and other such things and the light at the end of the tunnel. Demon was sure Angel would want revenge upon hearing of the murder intent. Aurora told him she would talk to him and that Angel wasn't like that.
[DS] Aurora led Demon upstairs to his room. She made him promise not to do anything suicidal again. He promised this and to learn to love and other people in his life. [/DS]
Vampi went to see Edgar and Briana to tell them he thought Angel had set a trap. He wanted to get away from Pintas so he wouldn't fall with him. He was also looking for money. Edgar said this could solve both their problems. He said not to worry; he'd get enough money. Edgar told him to go back to the medical shack “for now” so Pintas wouldn't become suspicious. Vampi left. Briana asked “Why not kill Pintas? Kill the dog and the rabies are gone.” Edgar said not yet because he needed a fall guy.
Helena entered Demon's room and stroked his hair. He woke up and they talked about his changing attitude and behaviour. He regretted his past treatment of her and Aurora and wanted to be a good person and stop doing bad things. Helena said she would want him in the baby's life. He accepted that she will be happy with Angel.
Aurora thanked Pascual for the delicious-looking food on Carmelita's day off. Helena said they needed to support Demon because she truly believed he was changing, Aurora agreed. Angel was not convinced, Antonio said he had the right to change and that this was sometimes an act of desperation. JC said Demon was suffering the consequences of his previous actions, both personal and professional. Aurora said to Angel that they needed to forgive him. Angel looked doubtful.
Pintas got upstairs into Edgar's digs. He went to the photo of Teté and asked “Are you feeling lonely in hell? Don't worry; your son will accompany you very soon.” He kissed the photo and said Edgar had betrayed him. Vampi said they had to go because Edgar's men were on their way. Pintas thanked him for his loyalty...not. He drew the sword out of his cane and held it close to Vampi's throat.
The Lunch Crew – with a few guests – was in a restaurant to celebrate “The two best detectives in the world, Aquiles and Glorio...and Rolas!” Applause all around. Until Patricia crashed the party. “Just look, and that's how you grab the darlings, eh? You guys are great at complaining, inventing things, right? But they are such good at keeping their word, eh? They said that I was going to be the godmother of I don't know how many things and they didn't even invite me to the wedding.” Esperanza said “The truth is we cordially withdrew your invitation for deception.” Patricia claimed to be the deceived over the USB. She then pretended to be nice and began flirting with Aquiles which was more than Cassandra could take. She stood near Aquiles and staked her claim with a kiss, much to the delight of the actual friends present. [/DS]
Part 3 of 4
Jezabel got into the mansion. She stroked Demons hair until he woke up, then pointed her pistol at him. “Don't come near me or I'll kill you,” she said. “You want to kill me? What are you talking about, Mother?” He told her several times to put down the pistol. She finally lowered it and said “I would never hurt you. I'm here because I love you. Now can we go? Let's go – you and I – wherever you want. Please, I beg you. Everyone here hates us. Your Aunt Aurora hates us the most.” She pointed the gun into the mattress near him and kept talking madness. “How did you enter the house without being seen? You don't look well, You have to see a doctor.” “Don't yo know your mother is a woman with many resources? I know this house as well as I know you, baby. You have the veins full of ambition. You are my living portrait, You are a charming man.” The gun was still pointed into the mattress.
Demon was tired of fighting. Jezabel went on about his weakness. He refused to go with her despite being in the path of her gun. She talking madness again. She pointed the pistol at him again, saying “Then come with me. Come with me; let's go.” He refused, saying he confessed all to his aunt, including what happened to his father. “You are stupid. If you have the slightest chance of saving yourself, it's gone. What more did you tell your aunt?” He said nothing. “What does it matter? I don't know why I came. You deserve what's going to happen to you. Let's see if that way you become a man.”
[DS] Aquiles asked Cassandra if she meant it. A few words later they kissed. Edgar walked in saying. “You swapped me for this clown, Cassandra?” The merriment stopped dead on the dance floor. [/DS]
Demon told Jezabel he planned on becoming a good, even great man. “You will never have love because you don't have where to get it from. You are the grandson of Miguel Campero, you are the son of Jezabel Campero, You have in your genes all the evil, all the filth.” “I have my father's blood, too. And my aunt's blood.” “Fabrizio Morga was your father? He was my only family. Are you saying that he wasn't my father?” How do you have the heart to insult his memory?” "Well, what a shame you didn't get a DNA test done. Can you imagine what would have happened to Fabrizio if he had also had that doubt? Never if I had left the psychiatrist.” She laughed. He told her multiple times to go. She pointed the gun and said he would have to live with the doubt of paternity. “I hate you, Demon. You shouldn't have been born because I don't know, imagine what if your father is the worst scum in the world, just like you.” She flicked the gun metal and laughed when he flinched.
Part 4 of 4
[DS] The Lunch Crew gathered in front of Aquiles and Cassandra to face Edgar. Mané and Maggie took Rolando and Anita home. Glorio was ready for a fight which Edgar tried to laugh off. Luis was ready and Edgar told him to watch out or “It won't go like the other time,” Luis grabbed him by the lapels, saying “It was you! It was you who had me kidnapped. You re a coward, a disgrace.” Edgar laughed. Patricia was sitting at the bar; she saw and heard this. [/DS]
Everyone else heard a noise and went upstairs. Jezabel was gone. Demon was panicking at first, then told them she had been there. Helena tried to tell him Jezabel was lying and that he was stronger than she. He told them about her paternity comments and wondered whether Pintas was his father.
[DS] Pintas started to give Vampi something containing to lock up. Vampi's phone rang. It was one of Edgar's men. Pintas asked why he had that number. Vampi put it on speaker and the man said there was a woman who wanted to see Edgar. It was Jezabel, [/DS]
Antonio called police. Angel said he was going to meet his dad and Anita. He left. JC told Antonio that Jezabel killed Elvia and Linette and Demon had seen it all. They went into the study to continue talking.
Jezabel was with Pintas in the makeshift hospital room.
[DS] JC said that Patricia told him this in the hopes of going free for the info. He was sure she wasn't lying to him about this, Antonio was sure she was not involved in all of Jezabel's crimes. JC reminded him of the night that Aurora was almost attacked and they got there in time. According to Patricia Jezabel gave the order to the caller to lure her out on the pretext of seeing Gabriel. It was still blowing his mind that Jezabel did so many bad things to Aurora, Again, speculation on whom Aurora truly loves. [/DS]
Pintas asked why she was there. He made some tasteless jokes in her style and said she had not yet made good on her promise, which was to arrange for them to meet, but not to worry. He actually said that Angel had invited him to his wedding. She laughed and said Helena will divorce him and marry another soon. He told her about the video and that it was about them all living in peace. Jezabel said they will take advantage of this so he could kill Antonio and Pascual.
[DS] Antonio and JC thought one step ahead and seemed to anticipate this final showdown. They agreed to take all risks for Aurora. They shook hands on it.
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