Friday, March 07, 2025

Daytime TNs... Y Mas (#2), Week of March 7, 2025

Welcome to page 2 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

 8-9 AM: Clase 406 (Unimas) 

9-11 AM: Sin Pecado Concebido (Unimas)  

11-12 PM: Amores Verdaderos (Univision)

12-2 PM: Corona de Lagrimas (Unimas) 

1-2 PM: Amor Amargo (Univision) ***New

2-4 PM:  Muchacha italiana viene a casarse (Unimas)

4-5 PM: Como Tu No Hay 2 (Unimas)  

6-7 PM: Sin Nos Dejan (Unimas) 

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I apologize for the late posting of this page!!! I don't know what happened! I didn't notice until this morning that the page hadn't posted as scheduled.

Darcy: Wondering if any of the primetime Telenovelas will be moved up to Daytime via ratings & popularity amongst the viewers ?


I've seen that happen twice that I can remember on Univision, but it's rare.

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