Sunday, March 09, 2025

El extraño retorno de Diana Salazar Season 2 #3 3/9/25

Original second season:  Episodes  5 and 6

Irene witnesses the arrival of two patients with emergencies at the hospital both  on oxygen snd wrapped in warming blankets. The woman is 32 and the man is 36. Both are suffering from severe hypothermia and are in serious condition. They are unconscious. Her blood pressure is 80/60 while his is 100/75. Irene orders warm intravenous solutions for both. She is very surprised to find out they are Diana and Mario. 

24 hours earlier . . . 

Diana and Joaquín regain consciousness. They both experienced the same vision and  are aware that Inés (aka Irene) is Eduardo's wife.  Joaquín recognizes the name as Diana‘s colleague from the hospital. He asks her if Irene has ever mentioned having any kinds of episodes like this. Diana answers that she never has. Emiliano explains that everybody lives several lives.  Sometimes we are aware of the people that we know as souls from the past and  recognize each other and stay tied together. Emiliano suggests maybe Irene isn’t the same person from the past  if Diana hasn’t had a strong connection with her. Diana assures him that Irene/Inez are identical.  Joaquín wonders what it means. 

Emiliano thinks that sometimes it is to close a cycle while other times, it is there to open a new one. All he can do is open the door for others. It is up to them to go through it. Joaquín asks if they can be put in a trance again. Emiliano warns him that Otac is very dangerous. Diana and Joaquín  died and were reborn. Diana pins him down and asks him if that means that they cannot do it again. Emiliano says that they can  but it would have to be after some  time had passed. Otherwise,  he cannot be responsible.  He is recommending that they don’t do it. Diana and Joaquín started laughing in relief.

Mario comes home to find that Irene did laundry. He reminds her that he said that he told she didn’t have to wash anything. She urges  him to take it easy. It is the least that she could do for him allowing her to stay there. She asks how things went with Diana. He looks at her surprised and answers with an  "excuse me…" She explains that she saw him at the hospital talking to her. She asks him  to calm down. She’s not the jealous type. The contrary, she only wants to help him with Diana. He asks "help him??"  Irene  knows that he’s worried about Diana. Irene is worried about her, too.  She is just not the same doctor anymore and when she talks, she’s not very rational. Irene put her hand on Mario's and says if he would like and if he would allow her, she would like to help him with Diana. Mario answers that  he would like that too  but perhaps it’s just too late. Irene thinks it’s never too late for anybody.  She kisses him and he kisses her back.

Malena is working on a painting at home. Her mother Delfina guides Gonzalo to her workspace. She tells her daughter not to kill her but that she has a visitor. Gonzalo thanks Delfina. He tells Malena that if she doesn’t want any company, he can leave.  Malena answers sarcastically that "he’s already there, isn't he?" He is bothered by her comment and  tells Malena that he just doesn’t understand what’s going on with her. What happened? What’s wrong with her? What is going on with them? He wants to know exactly what they are to each other. He knows that things with Gael have been hard and  he wants to know what he might have done to her without knowing. Does he need to apologize to her? Delfina listens from a staircase. Malena apologizes. She really doesn’t want to hurt Gonzalo but she is realizing that no matter what decision she makes, she is going to hurt him.  Gonzalo admits he does not understand what she is saying. She sincerely apologizes for getting him involved in the situation she’s in and she  needs to be away from him for a while. She needs her space.  Gonzalo is confused and takes a deep breath not liking what he heard. Malena needs peace and quiet to be able to think clearly. Gonzalo agrees if that’s what she wants, that’s what she’ll have.   He only wants her to be happy and  hopes that she can achieve that. He gets up and leaves. Malena sits and cries. Her mother comes into the room and tries to console her. She adds  that she doesn’t have to say anything to her because she’s her mother. She asks her daughter what was it that she didn't want to tell Gonzalo.  Malena isn’t talking.

As they eat, Irene tells Mario that she knows that he feels weird sharing things about Diana with her. She  feels the same way with her patients telling her things that their families have already told her. Mario thinks it’s a delicate issue that goes beyond Diana's physical health. Irene doesn’t understand why he thinks that he has to carry that burden on his own. She and Diana may not be the best of friends  but they’ve known each other for years and years. She holds her in high esteem and she’s worried. Mario tells her about  Diana coming to him with the results of the DNA tests. One was on a sample of her own blood and the other one was a sample of dried blood from from a painting dating 400 years ago. Irene cannot understand the results that clearly establish that the samples came from the same person. Mario adds that Diane thinks that she is the reincarnation of a woman who lived in the 17th century. Irene asks if that is some sort of joke. Mario answers that it isn’t. He tried to talk to Diana and he himself told her that samples of blood get contaminated all the time. Irene thinks that  Diana could’ve contaminated it herself. Mario agrees. He adds that  Diana then told him that he was wrong and he couldn’t see beyond his own nose. Irene concludes that they have to do something.  Diana clearly can’t continue seeing patients like she is currently doing.  Mario is silent.

Evidently, Malena has told her mother that she’s pregnant because her mother is saying  that was the last thing that she expected to hear from her. Malena doesn’t know what she’s going to do. Her mother tells her that she’s strong. She can do whatever she wants. Malena  disagrees now she is having a child. She has no idea of what’s going to happen to her life. A few weeks ago, her life was perfect. She had a boyfriend, a great job and now she’s trapped between a baby and two men. Delfina asks if she knows whose baby it is. Melina admits it is Gael's. The worst part of it all is that she had already made up her mind to follow her heart and go with Gonzalo. Now she doesn’t know what she’s going to do. Delfina tells her to follow her heart. Her heart will lead her in the right direction. She hugs Malena again. Malena  feels so stupid to be in the arms of her mother at her age. According to Delfina, she will never be too old for that. 

Emiliano is leaving and Diana thinks him for what he did because now they don’t feel like they are stuck like they were before. Joaquín reiterates that now they know that Irene is a part of it all. If that turns out to be accurate, then it’s essential that they figure out the how and the why she is connected to them. Emiliano  has never seen an old soul who isn’t connected to something. Diana seems to think that the key lies in finding out who Leonor's true love was. Was it Eduardo or Lucas? Joaquin thinks there must be some information registered about these people somewhere. He is going to take charge of finding out what he can. Emiliano thinks it’s a good idea. Emiliano concludes that you can’t solve the problem until you find out what caused it. Diana invites Emiliano to come and see her and her sister at their place. Malena is going through a bad time. Emiliano seems reluctant. Diane thinks that seeing him will do Malena well. 

Gonzalo is with his ex Sandra at the gallery. It seems like the beer got to him. She informs  him they only had about four beers.  He admits that’s the problem. He can’t keep up with that pace without having a hangover for like two days. She smiles and admits having  missed all this. He asks what? He doesn’t remember them suffering from hangovers together. She says it’s not the drinking but  it’s more like the trust that they have between them the silly conversations. . . She ends up telling him to just forget it. He gets it.  She asks what happened with Malena. He wonders if she’s asking him because of his poor little broken heart or because of her exhibition contract. She says a little of each but it's mostly her contract. That is exactly what he imagined  and they both laugh. He explains that recently Malena‘s been very busy with personal issues so he couldn’t speak with her but the two of them can go ahead with the contract  if she’s ready. She asks if he’s sure? Yes, he is.

Diana quietly enters her place. Malena ask her if she got the results from her DNA studies. Diana says that she’ll talk with her later about that but now there’s somebody who wants to talk to her. She leads Emiliano  in. Melina is shocked to see him. She calls him "papá". He says hello to her. Delfina is chattering on about what they can do tomorrow as she enters the room where her ex and her two daughters are. Emiliano greets her. Diana tells her mother to please give her father a chance to explain.  Delfina shakes her head and goes back upstairs. Diana follows her and leaves  Emiliano alone with Malena in silence.

Shortly thereafter, Emiliano is seated at the table, eating some food that Malena has prepared. He compliments her by telling her that she inherited her mom‘s talent for cooking. The quesadillas are very tasty. Malena  ignores the small talk and gets right to the point: Why did he go away?  It’s been 30 years so she’s not there to talk to him about the quality of her quesadillas. He agrees and explains that when her sister was a baby, he had a conflict going on inside of himself. It had been  a long time since  he had  felt good within himself or felt like  the father that she and her sister deserved. Malena asks if that  gave him the right to leave. He admits that it didn’t, but at the time he was convinced  and was convinced that his absence would do them good. Malena asks by leaving them alone? He clarifies his answer and explains it was by  putting  distance between him and them. She makes the point that  his ambiguous answers are useless to her. She needs him to tell her the truth. Why did he leave them all alone? He answers because there’s something dark inside of him that he could not manage at the time.  Now, at least, he has  learned to control it to some extent but he has hurt people. She reminds him  about boy that he killed. Emiliano explains that  that he was trying to help him but,  yes, he did kill him. He took responsibility for it. He adds that sometimes we are looking all over for a solution when the solution is right in front of us. Malena asked him about the message that he sent to her via Diana about the two hearts. He sent it to her because he loves her and  wants her to be happy.   Everything right now might seem to be very confusing to her, but it’s very simple. She knows what she wants. He tells her to accept it.

After a 17th century montage,  Gustavo asks Inez, what she means exactly about exonerating her husband. She says that her husband discovered that Otalora  had been cheating the crown out of its due basically, stealing from king. It is necessary that she talks to the Royal Guard so Otalora is arrested and her husband freed. She is carrying an order directly from Philip the fourth personally pardoning Edgardo. Gustavo understands but the fact of the matter  is that her husband is thought to be dead. Lorena walks in on them and is shocked to find out who the visitor is. Inez is so overwhelmed by the bad news that  she faints.  Gustavo calls for Ofelia to help her. Lorena looks panicked.

Inez is placed on a couch and Lorena puts cool compresses on her forehead. She finally regains consciousness. Ana asks her how she’s feeling. She insists that  that Eduardo cannot be dead. She asks how did he die? Gustavo says, evidently he was killed as he was being moved from one jail to another to be tried. She sees that as  murder. She wants to know who did it. Lorena thinks  it surely must have been one of Otalora‘s men. Gustavo gives his daughter a look of displeasure.  Lorena quickly backpedals saying it’s only a guess.   Gustavo invites  Inez to  stay at their home  for as long as she needs to. She thanks them goes to lie down for a while before she needs to take care of business. Diana recognizes a ruby ring that Inez is wearing on some jailed person’s hand that they take off and drop outside some where. Diana awakens with a start in the present. Her hands are shaking. She takes deep breaths, trying to calm herself down.

Joaquín calls Diana saying that he’s made contact with a woman who is an expert in 17th Century Mexico. He got them an appointment with her at her office. He’s going to see her at five. Diana doesn’t know if she can make it or not. Joaquín has to see her now because she’s going to be out of town and  who knows when he'll  be able to make contact with her again. Diana tells him to go ahead and take care of it. She’s going to talk to Irene to see what kind of information she can get from her. Joaquín suggests that she not be  too direct with Irene because she knows how people get when they talk about the things that they do. Diana remembers how she reacted before and smiles. He says exactly. She wishes him good luck.

Diana approaches Irene  who was standing in the doorway of her office. She asks her how she’s doing. Irene looks at her suspiciously and says fine. She’s just doing her rounds. Diana says to her that she feels like they’ve never really talked to each other especially after this Mario thing. Diana. says that she’d like to go out for a cup of coffee with Irene are you agree that would not be a bad idea since Mario is still very worried about her. Diana asked what she’s talking about. Irene says, of course she knows,  it’s all about the DNA tests. He’s uneasy about them and more. Diana is no longer smiling and asks what did Mario exactly tell her. Irene says she’ll talk to her later about that. She then puts Diana on warning that if she allows  her "curiosities' to start affecting her work, she will have to act. Diane is left angry.

As Emiliano pours himself a cup of coffee, Delfina comes into the kitchen. He offers her a cup of coffee or some eggs that he made for breakfast. Delfina refuses both.. Emiliano  knows that they’ve got a lot to talk about  but he doesn’t even know where to start. Maybe he should start by apologizing? She looks at him wearily. He explains  that at first he thought he was doing the right thing. Even when he was in jail. He asked God to leave him there so that he wouldn’t hurt anybody but what was happening inside of him was so much bigger  than anything that he’s ever confronted in his life. Fate made it impossible for him to know that he should’ve handled things in a different way.  He doesn’t know how he would’ve done that without hurting them all.  Delfina explains to him that an apology is not an explanation and leaves. . 

Diana is a woman on a mission in search of Mario. She goes to the lab. She finally finds him in the refrigerated lab and knocks on the glass door for him to open it. She demands that he explains  why in the hell  he told  Irene about the DNA test results. He apologizes.  He was worried and wanted Irene's  professional opinion. Diana tries to explain to him that it was something personal to be kept between the two of them. She doesn’t understand why  he thinks he had the right to share that information with anybody else, especially Irene. He agrees she’s right and apologizes. He didn’t think. Diana can agree with that.  As she gets more and more worked up about him talking about her business,  the electricity in the lights short circuits.  Diana asks what happened? Mario says it was a blackout and the independent generators should kick in to keep the refrigeration going. He tries to open the door from his lab to the outside. The lock on the door is not working so, he tries to open it mechanically. He takes the back off of the lock and sees that indeed it was a short circuit. Diane asks what are they going do? Is Gael is there? Mario says no.  He was worried about Malena. Diane asks if there’s anybody else. No, it’s just the two of them. They are stuck.

Molly goes to visit Gael who was not expecting her. He is polite and offers her a refreshment which she turns down.  they both admit to feeling only so so lately.  She says that she’s been thinking and everything that happened and he stops  her saying he doesn’t want her to rush into anything. He admits that he made a mistake. She cuts him  off saying that her dad came over. He asks if  she talked to him? Yes, she did. Her father had really been thinking about things a lot. She realized how much she had missed talking to him. they were talking and  he said something to her that opened her eyes. He talked to her about being a mother. She reminds Gael that she’s never had this need to get pregnant and have children but that all changes when it becomes a possibility or a reality. Gail finally realizes that she’s talking about being pregnant and asks her if she is. She smiles and answers yes. She tells him that if he’s doubting who the father of the baby is, it is him. Suddenly, he doesn’t look so excited. How she can be so sure?  She answers  because she keeps very close track of these things. He finally smiles and wonders what they are we doing? She wants to have the baby. She also wants to to give them another chance as a couple so that the baby can  grow up in a family with his mother and with his father. Gael smiles through his tears.  She asks if he wants to do that.  He answers that, of course, it is. It is what he wants the most. They kiss. He says he loves her.

Diana and Mario keep getting colder and colder. The thermostat is out of control because of the short circuit. Mario is doing everything he can do to fix it but he temperature control has been completely melted on the inside.  In the middle of all this, Mario apologizes to her and says that he never should’ve told Irene anything. She tells him that they need to focus at the task on hand. She ends up cutting herself. She asks if he has an antiseptic. He put the antiseptic on her hand. She looks at him and asks now what are they going to do. He’s going to try to take some plaque off  but that doesn't work. Suddenly,  fans turn on automatically. Mario explains that  the fans are cooling fans and will lower the temperature by 5° immediately. Diana starts to get upset. She just can’t take it. Mario grabs her and hold her in his arms.

Joaquín talks to the 17th century scholar. She says that she has the same information that he has about the Santiago family with Gustavo being a wealthy man who owned mines. There is no mention of a Leonor Santiago. What she can do is get in contact with other historians who study events  closer to where all of this happened. Joaquin says he would be very grateful if she were to do that. What she did find out was information about the last name Carbajal.  In a fragment of a document, she found information about a man called Carbajal who lived in Zacatecas around 1640. He was absolved by the high court for some crime but he was ultimately stripped of his titles and properties. Joaquin wonders why. She says there’s nothing clear. Only that he ended up in ruin. Joaquin asked if he got married again. She says there’s no register showing that he had another marriage. He was married once and that was to the Countess Inez Betancourt, Joaquin is clearly surprised and asks if he can take a photo of the documents that she found the information in.

Irene comes back to Mario's place and finds that he is not there. She tries to call Mario but is sent directly to voicemail. She finds Mario's laptop and looks through  his collection of photos of his wife.

At the same time, Mario is  trying to break out of the lab. He picks up a stool and tries to break the glass with it but it  just bounces off of it.  Diana is looking like she’s given up. He tells her that they have to stick together. He grabs and hugs her. Her head hurts. He tells her that they have to hold on for as long as it takes. He offers her his own light jacket. Sooner or later security or the cleaning staff is going to come by.  Diana starts losing consciousness. He gets her to sit down and hold her near the floor.

Back in time, Governor Otalora is arrested for embezzlement against the crown. He thinks the test be some sort of joke and demands to know who the woman is accompanying the guard. She introduces herself as Eduardo’s widow. The governor demands to talk to the Inquisitor General. Irene tells him he won’t have much luck there because although Mario may be dead, she is determined to clear his name. She gives the sign. The soldiers grab him as he tells them not to touch him since he is the governor.They drag him off anyway. 

 Inez leaves the governor‘s office and meets with Gustavo and Anna outside. They ask  her how she’s feeling. She knows it’s impossible to really feel strong at a time like this, but Eduardo deserves justice. She thanks them for coming with her. What really bothers her is that she has no idea of what her husband  was accused of. She asks if they could take her to the Inquisitor General. Gustavo and Anna exchange glances. Gustavo thinks that Inez is looking a little weak. Maybe it would be better if she were to rest before expanding any more energy  and then later she can decide what she wants to do next. Inez agrees that perhaps they are right. As the get into the carriage, Gustavo, Ana and Inez witness the governor being removed and placed in the jail wagon. The governor is screaming for justice and that he didn't act alone. He shoots a glance at Gustavo.

At the same time, Lorena and Edgardo give their whistling sign in the mine as she proceeds with a basket of food for him.  Oblivious to the appearance of his wife, he talks about longing to hug Lorena and kiss her but he knows how terrible he looks and smells. Lorena has a blank expression on her face and  has nothing to say. He’s confident that the wait will be over soon. She says the wait is over already. What is she’s referring to? She tells him that Otalora  was arrested thanks to his investigation. He is overjoyed and thanks God. He knew that this would happen. The problem is there is no smile on Lorena’s face. Eduardo says it’s all due to her, he never would’ve been able to have done it without her. As he goes to kiss her hands, Lorena tells him that his wife was the one who  brought the papers. She thinks that he’s dead. Leonor says she couldn’t keep looking her in the eye and endure that she has to know that he is alive and that he has to return to Spain with her. It's his wife and she loves him. She saw the love in her eyes. Eduardo protests that he doesn’t love Inez. Lorena says that’s not his wife's  fault. Lorena leaves and starts walking through the forest back to town. She doesn’t realize that a man in a hooded cloak watching her.

Later as they are strolling,  Lucas asks her if she made the right decision. Lorena said she could not have lived with the alternative. Was she to keep Eduardo and trapped in a cave just to be with her forever? Lucas says love by kidnapping is always a possibility. They both laugh. She looks at Lucas and says that she’s never had what she has with him: absolute complicity. He says it would be better if it was mutual. He knows all of her secrets, but she knows none of his. She asks what kind of secrets could the count have? He says the darkest that she could ever imagine. She asks if they are  better than hers having hidden a man  accused by the holy inquisition of adultery? He has to admit that his or not that bad.  His most serious crime up to this point has been leaving the mass at his sister‘s wedding. He laughs explaining  it was mainly out of extreme boredom. That’s what he confessed afterwards. Ofelia call to her. Leonor thanks Lucas as they turn around and go towards Ofelia. 

At dinner, Gustavo toasts to the presence of Inez, as well as to the memory of her late husband who was a proper man with ideals, principles . . . As Gustavo continues to list Eduardo‘s virtues, Eduardo enters the dining room room telling Gustavo not to kill him off yet.  Inez gets up to greet her husband as Gustavo asks how is this possible? Everybody is astonished. Inez reaches up to touch your husband‘s face. She’s overjoyed that he’s alive. She felt he still was when they told her that he was dead. Eduardo and Leonor exchange glances. Gustavo asked where he’s been all this time. Edgardo says it’s a long story for another time. Right now, all he wants to do is take a bath. Ana says, of course! Leonor comments that it’s good to see him again. He says the same to her. Lucas stands up and introduces himself as Lucas de Treviño at his service. Eduardo is pleased to meet him and the two gentleman shake hands.

Back in the lab, Mario and Diana are suffering the effects of the unrelenting cold. They are seated on the floor. She calls out his name. He says he can’t concentrate. She tells them that they have to stay awake. What happened between the two of them cant be explained.. She tells him to save his strength. He says no he has to say something. He fell in love with her like he never did with anyone before. He still is in love with her. She admits she fell in love with him, too, and they kiss.

Back in time,  Ana asks  her husband what are they  going to do? Are they going to just pretend that Eduardo had nothing to do with her daughter Leonor? Or that they had nothing to do with Eduardo's arrest? Gustavo thinks the less said the better. He suggests that  they don’t talk about it anymore because there’s no reason that Eduardo would want his wife to know that he was an adulterer. Otalora is in jail and their daughter is going to get married to the count. There’s nothing else to be done. Ana is worried about Eduardo finding out about their involvement. Gustavo says that they will continue to be civil with Eduardo and his wife letting them stay there for a couple of days. Then Leonor will marry the count and Eduardo will have to return to Spain once and for all. Ana hopes he’s right.

Eduardo and his wife re-enter the dining room. Eduardo is all cleaned up and in fine clothes. Gustavo welcomes Eduardo and his wife, Ana.  Lorena,and Lucas are also there to resume their dinner. Gustavo tries to start a conversation by saying that he’s sure that Eduardo has a lot to tell them or maybe not. Gustavo says if he doesn’t want to talk about anything there’s not a problem. The truth of the matter is that they are all very happy to have him back. Eduardo explains that he was in hiding until the documents that implicated the governor could arrive in Spain so that he Edgardo could be safe from prosecution. Edgardo says  that’s his story. Gustavo is really pleased to have him back. Lorena and Lucas exchange glances. What Eduardo doesn’t understand is how Otalora knew about the investigation because he’s sure that is why they came after him but that it really doesn’t matter anymore.  Gustavo puts on a great big smile and suggests that they toast to that. Everybody does.  Lucas congratulates Eduardo for doing such a good job against corruption. What Eduardo‘s wife Inez  doesn’t understand is what kind of crime they cooked  up to accuse him of.   

Before Gustavo can answer, the arrival of the General inquisitor Rodrigo is announced. Rodrigo laughs as he comes in saying that he is surprised that he wasn’t invited to this get together. He says that’s fine but  notices that even "the reborn" like Eduardo have found the path back here. Inez notices her husband grow tense and puts her hand on his to calm him..  Rodrigo says there have been some long and laborious journeys and  he’s there to bring some things to light like  women visiting mines when they shouldn’t. He stares at Leonor. Then there are men who break agreements. He runs his hand over Gustavo's back. Then there are the common  brothers with not the best morals.  He stares at  Lucas and puts his hand on his shoulder. . He is there to talk about all those things at the table that are  hidden. He unceremoniously  grabs a pice of bread and munches on it. He tells Inez  that her husband was accused of and pardoned for committing adultery.  Isn't that  something that she should know? Inez looks at Eduardo. Lorena and Lucas look at each other. Nobody knows what Rodrigo is going to say next.

Back in the lab, Diana tells Mario that she fell in love with him 400 years ago. But he was already married to Irene. Diana‘s breath escapes through her mouth freezing on her lips.

Back earlier in the 17th century, we see Lorena's ’s lips as she poses for her wedding portrait. The artist  gives her some water as they rest for a moment. Eduardo is impressed with the portrait saying it is dazzling  even from the doorway. The artist agrees to take a break as Eduardo talks about the eyes in the portrait and the way that they look. Leonor smiles.

Back in the Lab, Mario and Diana have fallen asleep. Gael and somebody else finally arrive. They open the door and call for help.

Joaquín has arrived at the hospital and asks her assistant Margarita if Diana has arrived at work yet. She’s sorry to say that Diana is currently in intensive care. Joaquín is shocked.

Another doctor is telling Irene that Mario is responding to treatment, but Diana isn’t. The doctor explains that EKG is not very reliable because of her state of hypothermia. Irene determines  that her blood pressure is too low and that if it stays that way, her organs will start to fail. Diana needs hemodialysis to warm her blood.

In her unconscious state, Diana relives the horrors of the 17th century, one more time. After hearing that her husband is an adulterer, Inez warns  Rodrigo to watch what he’s saying. He tells her she can be sure he is taking care with what he saying more than she takes care of her husband. Lucas angrily comes to her defense accusing his brother of  mouthing off. Eduardo answers that, with all due respect, he will privately talk about that personal subject with his wife. Inez looks around the table and wonders out loud why she feels that she’s the only one that doesn’t know what’s going on. Rodrigo apologizes for bringing up a topic that everybody in Zacatecas  knows  about already but if they want him to be quiet about it, he will. Since he  is a confessor, he knows how to keep a secret. Lorena's  eyes start to glow a brilliant golden color. They go back to normal as she gets up and leaves. Lucas goes to follow her. Rodrigo stops him by grabbing his arm and smirking. Lucas wrenches his arm away excuses himself to everyone.   Rodrigo excuses himself,  throws his half eaten bread back on the table and is gone. 

Inez turns to her husband, but Eduardo motions her to be quiet. Leonor runs out to the garden, Lucas goes to follow her, but it stopped by Rodrigo. Lucas asks him why in the hell did he do what he did. Rodrigo gets high and mighty and explains that he’s a servant of Christ and a lover of truth. He thinks that it’s necessary that Eduardo‘s wife knows the truth. He tells Lucas that Leonor is  not the woman for him. She’s a serpent. Lucas asked his brother to do him and himself a favor: stop meddling in his life.The only person that can stop him from marrying Leonor is Leonor herself. Lucas thought that Rodrigo was interested in doing business with Lorena‘s family. Rodrigo says he was and he is but it could affect his reputation as the general inquisitor. Lucas called him a cynic. Rodrigo apologizes for just trying to take care of his brother. Lorena is going to cause him big problems and Rodrigo fears that it will soon be too late for him.  Even he will not even be able to defend his little brother.

Inez addresses her husband Eduardo. She asks him to tell her the truth. She wants to know what woman they are talking about. He goes to grab her hands. She backs away telling him not to touch her. She wants to know why she’s the only one who doesn’t know the identity of the woman hat he threw her away for,  who he exchanged her for.  Rather than answering her, he reminds her that they did not marry out of love. It was an arrangement between their families and she knows it. She does but  claims to love him now. Eduardo recognizes  that but he was always clear about how he felt. She knows it. She thought that maybe time and distance would change all that and he would end up missing  her. He shakes his head and apologizes for not being able to give her what she deserves. He  apologizes for having failed in their  marriage. She forgives him. She asks him to please go back  to Spain with her so they can forget all about this. He is hesitant in answering her. She says that she can do this just like her mother and grandmother did before her. She understands that he’s a man and he has his needs. She begs him for them to just go back. He finally  tells her that he has no intention on going back to Spain with her. She backs away from him.

Lucas finally finds Leonor. He apologizes for his brother‘s behavior. He is going to file a complaint. She says there’s no reason to. He has done a lot for her. He’s risked life.  His brother is a man with power and he could hurt him. Lucas isn’t worried about that. What is really important to him is her happiness. What she says and what she thinks all he cares about.  He longs to feel that skin of hers that makes him burn.  There’s no greater wish that he has in this world than to marry her but only if it’s something that she wants also. She smiles and kisses him on the mouth. Lucas asks if he can take that as a yes? She says yes to his proposal.  Again, they are being watched from a window.  Lucas tells her that he loves her.

Diana opens her eyes in intensive care. Irene asks if she can hear her. Diana closes her eyes again.  Irene tells the nurse to continue her treatment. Irene goes over to Mario and whispers that she’s there and won’t be leaving him alone. Mario thinks that she’s Diana and thanks her.  Irene backs away obviously disappointed. She looks at the two of them and leaves the room. 

Joaquin sees  Irene.  He remembers Inez from the 17th century, introducing herself to them. He approaches her saying that she must be doctor Irene Allejos.  He introduces himself as a friend of Diana‘s.  He asks what happened to Diana. She explains that Diana was admitted in a critical state of hypothermia Irene looks at him and asks him if she doesn’t know him from somewhere. He says he doesn’t think so but maybe he’s wrong. He introduces himself properly as Joaquin Nuñez. After hearing his name, she recognizes him as Diana‘s psychologist. She heard about him from Mario and they  finally they get to meet each other when the two of them are going through this event. Joaquin is puzzled by what she’s saying. Irene explains that Mario is with Diana in intensive care. They were together in the refrigeration room in the lab where Mario works. They got trapped. Diana‘s mother appear and starts to ask Irene about her daughter. Joaquin is left with his thoughts.

Emiliano tries to help his “daughter” Malena move a painting.  She complains saying that she’s pregnant  not ill. She also asks him to call her Malena and not "daughter." He asks if this painting is a new assignment. Melina doesn’t answer him. He looks around the apartment and looks at the portrait of  Lorena  that is covered by a cloth. He asks Malena if that’s her picture. Melina asks how could he know that. She covered the painting. He explains there are things that you only feel. He closes his eyes and touches his forehead. She asks  if he’s OK? He says he is and apologizes. He tells Malena that nothing was her fault. She says that she already knows that. The doorbell rings. Emiliano looks closer at the portrait.

Malena  finds out that it’s Gonzalo at the door.  He’s there because she hasn’t answered his phone calls. Nobody sees Gael coming down the street.  Gonzalo reminds her they have  pending issues about the gallery that need to be discussed.  She starts to make excuses. Gael arrives and  comments that he can’t remember the last time he saw Malena when Gonzalo wasn’t there. Gonzalo is not there to argue. Malena explains that he’s only there to deal with some business from the gallery.  Gael says that’s good because it would really be in bad taste if he was coming around for something else even more now since Malena is  pregnant. He leaves them to chat and kisses Malena as he goes in. Gonzalo is quiet in his shock. Malena starts making excuses saying that she was going to talk to him and explain what was going on. Gonzalo assures her that she doesn’t have to explain a thing. He now understands why she hasn’t been answering his phone calls. Malena says it’s not so simple as that. Gonzalo cuts her off and says yes,  it is that simple. He says no matter how much it hurts him, she’s made her decision and that’s fine. He only would’ve liked to have heard it from her own lips. He congratulates her on  the baby. He leaves. Malena is left crying.

Joaquín has just gotten  something from a vending machine in the hospital waiting room. Irene comes over to him and apologizes for being so direct. She thought that he knew that Diana was at the lab with Mario.  He says it is no big deal. He offers to share his treat from the vending machine. She gladly takes some. She doesn’t remember the last time she ate.  Irene tells him that there has been no change in Diane‘s condition and if her condition doesn’t change in the next hour, they will have to change her treatment. As Irene is enjoying the cookie, she starts to laugh saying that now she knows that he is the famous psychologist. He laughs too. She hates being  direct again, but she has heard about how he deals with the problems of his patients. Joaquín concludes that she must think that he’s crazier than his patients are. She laughs and says that she thought that at  first, but now she doesn’t know. Alternative medicine doesn’t seem all that bad and Diana must trust him for some reason. Joaquín didn’t think that she would react that way. He had a different image of her. She asks if it would have something to do with her ambition at the hospital? She tells him not to believe everything that he hears. They toast with their half eaten cookies to that. He says now that they’re on the subject, has she any idea of what Diana was doing at the lab with Mario.

A nurse removes the thermal foil blanket from Mario. He is fully conscious. He notices Diana in the next bed. He calls out to her. He asks if she’s hearing him.There is no response. 

Diana is back in the 17th century. Leonor is in her bedroom and Eduardo comes in. She asks him what he’s doing there. He shouldn’t be there. He says that he shouldn’t have done a lot of things . . . like he shouldn’t be thinking about her all the time. She asks him how dare he come into her room the way he did. Is he crazy? He asks if Romeo was crazy when it came to Juliet? She half smiles suddenly mesmerized by him and answers maybe a little. Ever since he heard that she was going  get married to another man he started to lose his head. She asks him not to do this to her. Lucas is a good man. He suggests that they escape from everybody and everything. He’s also told Inez that he’s not going back to Spain with her. Lorena is the only woman for him,  his only destiny. He just can’t stand losing her. If she tells him that she doesn’t love him, if her lips say those words to him, he swears that he’ll leave and she’ll never hear from him again. Leonor says that she can’t do this to Inez or Lucas.  Eduardo tells her that tomorrow before the religious ceremony. he will be waiting at the stream for her. He loves her more than his own life. He kisses her and leaves.

Down in the dungeon, Otalora tells Rodrigo that he should help him. Rodrigo tells him that he doesn’t have to do anything. Otalora says that he can’t go down  by himself. Gustavo knew absolutely everything. Rodrigo starts to find that interesting. He explains that Gustavo worked with him to get the documents from Eduardo that implicated him in the crimes. Rodrigo says he really can’t do anything about that. The governor says if nothing else he can expose his lack of morality. Gonzalo did it to cover the dishonor of his daughter. He’s talking about the same woman that his brother is going to marry. Rodrigo looks upset, but keeps walking.

Back at the hospital, Mario looks at Diana. Diana opens her eyes and looks back at Mario. She calls his name and asks him if he believes her now. Her eyes roll back into her head and she loses consciousness again. She starts to go into a seizure. Mario calls for help. Her heart  has to be shocked back into rhythm. In his head, Mario sees himself grabbing her hand and kissing her forehead as he keeps calling out her name.

It is the day of the wedding and Ofelia goes to see Leonor who is in tears. They are not tears of joy. Leonor doesn’t know what to do. Ofelia gives her a hug.

Rodrigo asks his spy if he sure about what he’s told him. The spy says that he heard it all. His brother and that woman have decided to get married. He asks if his brother has gone to the chapel. The man says he has. He tells the spy to go to his brother‘s room and to throw out all of his belongings into the street. He won’t be setting  a foot in his house again.

Inez appears on the scene wanting to talk to Rodrigo. He’s all ears. She has a favor to ask of him.  She recognizes that he’s the only one that has been honest with her. Now she wants to know who  the woman is that her husband had the affair with. He says the the woman who committed adultery with her husband is none other than Leonor. Now that he has granted her a favor, he is asking her to do him a favor as well. He is asking her to stay at the Santiago household for a while. She says that she has no other business to do here. He offers some other enticements like annulling her marriage so that she could get married in the Catholic Church again.  He also could see that all of her joint property with Eduardo becomes Hers. That would leave Eduardo in ruin. She asks why would he want her staying on at that woman’s house. He thinks that they have a common enemy. He has suspected Leonor of heresy for quite some time now but he has a fundamental need to get evidence. That is why he needs somebody at that house. Somebody that he can trust; somebody to be his eyes and ears.

Irene has news for Delfina and Joaquín. They have stabilized Diana  but she’s still not out of danger. The only thing that they can do for her now is to get her a blood transfusion  that would hopefully help regulate her blood temperature. Joaquín says that sounds like craziness. Irene says it is, but it’s an alternate method that she expected  Joaquin might understand better than her. That is the only option they have available to them. Delfina is all for it but  there’s a problem and  that is Diane‘s blood type. Diana is RH null. (rarest blood type in the world)Her mother calls it “golden blood. ”  When she was a child, Diane had appendicitis and they were fortunate that she did not need blood during her surgery.They have none of that blood in their blood bank at this hospital.  As a matter of fact, Irene ays she is the only one she knows of that has that blood type at the hospital. 

Malena is telling Gael that it was not his place to tell Gonzalo that she was pregnant. He apologizes but says she has to take some of the responsibility. If she hadn’t slept with that a**h**e he wouldn’t feel like punching him in his face every time he sees him. Malena asks what are they going to do? Gael is getting sick of having to apologize all the time for a mistake that she made. She doesn’t see how they will ever get over this. He doesn’t know if he can, but he will give it a try. She’s not sure if she even wants to try. He’s tired of her talking in circles and asks her if she  wants to  have this baby with him or not?   He adds that she better not be even be thinking that Gonzalo would raise his child. He is going to be the baby‘s father. He wants to make that clear.

Emiliano tries to comfort her.

As they move Mario to a regular hospital room, he asks the nurse to let him know when Diana is out of danger.

Joaquín goes to visit Mario. Mario says if he’s there to argue  about the complaint he filed… Joaquín puts his mind at rest. He’s not there for that. Joaquín wants to know how they can leave all this behind. Mario doesn’t quite know what he means by this. Joaquín says the constant fight to win Diane‘s heart. Joaquín understands that Mario is now with Irene. Joaquín says Mario should’ve believed Diana when he had the chance to. Mario doesn’t think it’s that simple. Joaquín says that he treated Diane as if she were a crazy person. He didn’t give her beliefs any kind of respect because they weren’t rooted in science. Joaquín doesn’t believe that what happened in the laboratory would’ve happened if Diana wasn’t furious with him. Joaquin asks how his assessment sounds. Mario says better than he thinks. Joaquín doesn’t care if they're friends or not. He wants to make it clear that what he has with Diana is something real and he’s never going to hurt her. Mario says, maybe he won’t hurt her on purpose, . . ,. Joaquín has some advice for him: stay with Irene so everyone can be happy. Without even saying goodbye, Joaquín leaves the room.

Irene starts to transfuse blood to Diana.

Malena sits crying on her couch. She gets a call it’s from Mario. Mario asked if she still has that painting that Diana got the DNA samples from. She has it at home with her. It is the original painting that was under the portrait of the nun; the one  that ended up looking like Diana.  He remembers looking at the portrait and looking at those eyes in another time. He wants to see it with his own eyes. He would’ve asked Diana, but since she is intensive care. . . . Malena had no idea. 

Olga tells Gael that the registration of the patents are in process.  He says that after working at the lab, it was very easy to get Mario’s documents.  By the time that Mario gets to Stanford, Santelmo is going to have to pay for those patents. Gail has something else to propose to her. He thinks that this would be a perfect time after what happened with the refrigerated lab,  to bring Santelmo down a peg or two. Olga looks like she is considering it. 

Emiliano and Malena arrived at the hospital. Malena is angry with her mother for not telling her about Diana‘s accident. Delfina didn’t tell her just because of what she’s seeing in front of her. She didn’t want Malena getting all upset considering her state. Malena says she’s pregnant. She’s not sick. She says G**d*** it! They don’t have to treat her like that. Emiliano says that Malena can feel like that, but her mother was just looking out for her. Malena is angry that he’s taking her mother side but  wants to talk to the doctor. Her mother tells her that that’s not possible because Diana is getting treatment at the present time. Malena asks who the doctor is that’s attending her. Her mother tells her that it’s Renee Vallejo. Melina doesn’t know why she’s allowed her to treat her sister. They don’t get along at all. Her mother asks how was she supposed to know that?Anyway, in this case, there was no other choice.

Back in the dungeon, A hooded man is being tortured as Rodrigo asks if he knows Diana to be a witch and a sorceress. Diana is telling him to just say yes to save himself. She is branded with the sign of the cross on her chest. The hood comes off of the man and it’s Eduardo. 

In the present, Diana awaken suddenly calling out for Eduardo.

Irene calls to Diana  from the other bed. Diana calls her Inez. Irene says no she's Irene. Diana thinks about what she said and asks what happened? Irene explains that she suffered from severe hypothermia. As Diana looks worriedly for Mario, Irene tells her that Mario is fine. Diana notices the transfusion.

Irene gets disconnected from the transfusion and goes to talk to Diana‘s family. Diana has finally been stabilized.   Diane is to have no visitors until tomorrow  but Irene ends up having a soft spot in her heart for Delfina and lets her go see her daughter.

Diana, thanks her mother for coming. Her mother says that she gave them all a scare. Diane asks how Mario is. Her mother says she knows that he’s OK. Joaquín is outside. He has been there for her all the time. Diana tells her mother that she’s really being bad mentioning  Joaquín. Her mother sheepishly smiles.

Mario is in his hospital bed as Irene strokes his head. He opens his eyes and she tells him how much she scared her. He asks how Diana is doing. She says fine.  He says that she saved his life. She says it’s her work.  She has one question for him that keeps going around and around in her head.  She wonders what Diana was doing there in the refrigerated lab with him. He says that Diana appeared when he was there already and she was furious. She had found out that he had shared the information about the DNA test with her. Irene says so now it’s her fault. Mario says not at all. It was his. He did it. Sometimes he’s afraid to say things. She apologizes for her immature reaction. She says what really hurts is always being the last one to know. She asks  about the Stanford thing. He says she’s right on that one and he’s sorry he didn't tell her. He was only analyzing the proposal. She says what’s important now is his health. She’s only asking that he let her know what his plans are. His health is very important to him because of the promise that he made to his wife before she died.  He then talks  about  having this conversation with a person that he least expected to give him any answers but who  turned out to show  him that the answer  was right in front of him. She questions if  she’s the person that he least expected. No he was  not talking about her. He’s talking about Joaquíin. He came by and they talked. Mario says he’s going to Stanford to finish his research. He’s asking her to come with him. Irene smiles and puts her head on his shoulder.

It is the next day and Diana  going to be going home.Diana says that she owes Joaquín a lot of answers. He says that she owes him nothing. She wants him to listen. She went to complain to Mario because of what he told Irene about the DNA test. The truth of the matter is she lost control. He says well at least now they know that Mario can’t keep his mouth shut. She says not everybody has Joaquín‘s qualities. He asks what happened in the refrigerated lab. They were arguing and there was a short circuit.  It made the lights go out and the lock didn’t function. Joaquín says it’s just another example of her abilities again. He thinks that the pattern is clearer all the time.  He knows that she’s afraid because she provoked what happened. She’s not afraid of that but what she did realize was that she hasn’t gotten over Mario yet. She’s sorry that she has to tell him that.  He thanks her for telling him upfront. She’s telling him because she really loves him but she’s confused.  She is just as confused as Leonor so that’s why she’s asking him to forgive her. He says he has nothing to forgive her for. He thinks that she probably feels that way because she’s repeating Leonor’s pattern. She knows. She asks if he’s been able to find out anything about Leonor.. Does he know who the love of her life was? He’s not sure but he did find out some interesting information about Eduardo. She is surprised that he actually existed. Before they can discuss anything else, Irene comes in. She hopes that she’s not interrupting anything, but Diana needs peace and quiet for a full recuperation. Joaquin understands and leaves.

Diana tells Irene that the situation can’t be easy for her knowing that she loves Mario. Irene tells her not to be dramatic and that she is sounding delirious. What she gave her will help her sleep a bit. Diana says to please tell her the truth.  She asks if she loves Mario or only wants to take revenge on her. Diana falls asleep

Workers are emptying all of Lucas‘s belongings and putting them in a cart. While they are doing this, the spy seizes the bag with the idols in it. He is curious to find out what’s inside. He opens it up and sees the pagan idols.

Eduardo is waiting for Leonor in the countryside. He remembers what he told her to do,  where to meet him and when. She is a no-show.

Lucas is waiting nervously at the church at the altar for Leonor to arrive. The bride finally arrives on the arm of her father. All of the guests stand. The service begins, but is cut short by Rodrigo shouting STOP! The wedding cannot go on! Rodrigo de Treviño  the General Inquisitor of the Holy Church accuses Count Lucas de Treviño of heresy for worshipping false idols. 


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Please forgive any typos. A computer mishap cut my editing time.

A few thoughts:
-Typical telenovela: Is there only one hospital in Mexico City. Irene is an ob/gyne. Since when is she a specialist in emergency medicine?
-Malena and Gael are the only two characters into heavy swearing. Another sign they deserve each other.
- both Malena and Diana can't make up their minds about which man they want. It seems to change episode to episode.
-Mr. Busy Body Mario exudes sex appeal but nobody could never trust him with his inability to stop meddling in other peoples' lives. Talk about a lack of common sense.
- Malena is insufferable. I want to FF through her crying/ bitchy scenes.
-Rodrigo was as disgusting as ever munching on the bread and throwing his half-eaten slice onto the table.

More mañana.


Jarifa, a masterpiece; your perfect translation of spoken words and overt and covert actions were amazing. I am in awe.

Diana and Malena's flip flopping is confounding. There isn't a sliver of doubt that Joaquín and Gonzalo are the better choices, (actually Gonzalo being the only choice) yet Diana remains blinded by Mario, who feels no guilt about drifting into a relationship with the loathsome Irene. Oh, and spilling Diana's deepest, darkest secrets too.

Malena is even more puzzling. The unappealing, lying Gael holds no charm or appeal whatsoever. As Malena wears her misery as a badge of honor, choosing Gael is certainly keeping her in character. Gonzalo, be grateful you dodged that bullet...

"Diana is RH null. (rarest blood type in the world)". Of course it is and naturally, Irene is the only person in the free world to be a match.

The Leonor/Eduardo/Lucas story was done extraordinarily well; I was on the edge of my seat to see what would happen next.

Rodrigo is inhuman in his greed and icy countenance. What a dramatic ending!! We knew it was coming but now the condemnation and damning evidence are revealed with tragedy surely to follow.

Jarifa, thank you for all of your careful and time consuming work on this. I enjoy your comments which brought the highlights and lowlights to vivid life.


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