Thursday, March 06, 2025
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): La Jefa, Sed de Venganza y más: Week of March 3, 2025
Here's Page 2 for the week. The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Standard Time):
- 10-11PM - La Jefa
- 12-1AM - Sed de Venganza
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.
By common agreement, this group DOES NOT DISCUSS previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!
Labels: jefa telemundo venganza
I'll be posting my personal thoughts on the upcoming Gran Final sometime tomorrow morning or tomorrow afternoon.
Be on the lookout!
Thanks SO much, dondi, for the excellent recap. That was much more than "highlights". Loved "stupid Erna". Guess Mathilde knows her daughter well, thus the "twist" we see later.
Bolillo is a classic young criminal. Sometimes the cartels grab them up and force them into a life of crime or be shot on the spot. Other times young men with no sense of decency don't need much forcing. Bolillo murdered his own friend.
Kind of hard to believe Olga trusted Maribel. Surely working under that monster would have caused more suspicion.
I've seen something like this before. In Vuelve a mí our protagonist moves to CDMX under tragic circumstances and immediately finds friends who go to great lengths to help her. Yadira is right in this mold.
Thanks, dondi, for putting in a really good dicho that I missed. Vas a ver los flores desde abajo. And your "pushing up daisies" is a perfect translation.
There were two nice twists that reminded me of ones we've seen in dizis. There's a scene that leads us to think one thing: Sebas is going to be killed in the elevator. But he has outsmarted Duque's guys and gets away with the bag of money and Sonia. I guess he took her so she couldn't immediately call Duque. The other twist was getting Viewerville to believe Mathilde had innocently trusted Erna with her plans to go to Gloria. I was steaming when the two sisters arrived at the bus station. But, instead, Mathilde is off to CDMX with Sebas. I was wondering when Sonia would start screaming, maybe tonight. Sebas said there were tools in the trunk. So, if all she does is kick the sides of the trunk, well...the tools are shifting around.
I’m finally catching up to this show and thanks for all the recaps making this possible. But I have some confusion. Do we know why Gloria’s sisters hate her so much? Seems pretty extreme. And Sonia hates her too for why? Otherwise, Sonia is just a terrible person who is married to Sebas who is JJ’s brother, and for some reason Sebas has’t murdered her yet even though she deserves it based on the one or two chapters I’ve seen her in. Why is even still married to her?
Sebas looks familiar but I looked up the actor and don’t think I’ve seen him in anything before. Torres (? The good cop) looks like someone I should know too. But so far, this show might be interesting except for the violence and the kids held captive. If that doesn’t get to be too much, it’ll be fun to watch for some new vocabulary!
#12 – Part 1 of 3
Oh my God! That music that is played at the end of Casas de los Famosos is one of the most awful sounds I’ve had to endure until the novela starts. If they played it while I was held captive, I’d give up all my passwords right away.
We open with Eduardo Torres offering Gloria some insulin. He says he knows her name. She’s suspicious and says she saw him with a dead man yesterday. “And you’re armed.” He introduces himself and extends his hand, which she does not shake. He says she’s heard some mistaken gossip about him. He only wants to help Daniel.
Matilde is explaining to Sebas about telling Erna not to say anything about her trip and look what happened. She’s sure Erna will also tell Jacinto. Sebas gives her the money for Gloria. [How far back on that road did he go picking up cash? They were going pretty fast when Sonia was throwing it out.] He warns her not to answer her phone. They could then trace the call.
The kicking starts from the trunk. Matilde is startled. Sebas says it’s the muffler about to fall off. And the road is full of baches (potholes).
Jacinto tells Fernando that Sonia is a piece of work. Anyone capable of killing her husband is capable of anything. [I am reminded that Sonia told Jacinto that the money he would give her was just to trap her husband. Sebas would be killed.] The big baby winces when Fernando touches his shoulder. [I want to see El Duque push on it again.]
Tamayo, the new, crooked replacement FGE head, calls Jacinto saying he has information about Gloria.
Gloria feeds Daniel, who insists he’s not a baby anymore.
Yadira comes to Brillante and trades barbs with nasty Ramona, who appears to be the receptionist. Yadira goes to her station, opens a box with beauty supplies, and takes out some money. [Pretty sure it’s to help Gloria.]
We are treated to a conversation with two men that would each be the last men on earth I’d spend any time with. Tamayo has come to tell Jacinto about an agent [think he means Torres] who is asking about Gloria Guzmán’s history in Tijuana. He says that Gloria is in Mexico City. Jacinto grins wolfishly.
Sebas gets Sonia out of the trunk. He ties her up, saying she’d get him killed again if he gave her the chance. He goes on to say he’s going to die soon. But before he goes, he’s going to do a deep cleaning. And he’ll take all the garbage to hell with him.
Gloria calls Yadira on Yadira’s own phone. Yadira lent it to her, saying she had another. Gloria says that she needs to go to Tijuana, that maybe the money she needs is there. Yadira says she’ll look after Daniel. Gloria goes on to say that she needs a new look. [That word seems to have crossed over to Spanish; I’ve heard it quite a bit in TNs.]
Maribel bursts in on Yadira while she’s in the bathroom talking with Gloria. She grabs Yadira’s hand, reminding Yadira (and novelera) that Yadira owes her money. [This is the third doll-hair like wig Maribel has worn.] Maribel gives her two weeks to repay the rest.
Tamayo and Jacinto agree to a mutual aid plan. Tamayo thinks Jacinto will become President. [God help Mexico!] Jacinto wants to grill Matilde but is told she’s escaped. Cackling evilly, he says he knows she’s in Mexico City.
Gloria asks Daniel’s doctor about the insulin Torres gave her. He says it’s a top brand, but he’ll analyze it. She says she’ll be gone for 24 hours. When told there must be a responsible adult for the child, she says that her friend will be there. Just then Matilde rushes in and they embrace.
Sonia says she now understands Sebas’ bravery with Duque. He says that this is why he’ll get rid of her. He won’t leave her alive to torment Gloria. He puts a piece of wood into a vise and cranks really hard. Not sure what this is meant to imply. Sonia says he can’t kill her just because he’s about to die. She breaks the news that she’s pregnant and it’s his. [Sebas, use your head. She’s been screwing El Duque and Jacinto. Not that likely it’s yours.]
Matilde gives Gloria the money Sebas gave her and says that he promised more. Gloria says it’s enough to pay the rent on the apartment. [Hmmm. Supposedly there was 100,000 in pesos. That’s $4,930 U.S. And we don’t know how much went into the wind thanks to Sonia. From the looks of Gloria’s digs, it can’t be that much rent. Maybe she means more than one month.] Gloria tells her horrified mother that she’s going to Tijuana.
Sebas tries to remember the last time they did the deed. He figures it could be 3 months, and her body looks the same. Then he gets furious. If this is true, why did you hide it and then try to kill the father of your child. He tapes her mouth shut and goes for a pregnancy test.
Butter not even melting in her mouth, Maribel announces to the stylists that Olga won’t be back. Her sister (the one Maribel killed off with awful injections) is pregnant. And the evil father insisted she abort, or he’d kill both of them. She has the gall to say she lent them the money to get away.
I also forgot Facundo’s mother’s name, the one who works for Matilde. She is watching her son on television saying that the chemists were kidnapped by narcos. The new synthetic drugs require more skill to produce. The police aren’t doing anything. He’s created a hashtag #quimicossequestradosporel narco.
Marlin and El Duque are, of course, tuned in. Marlin says the kid has more than a million followers. Duque tells him they can’t kill him. He has too many eyes on him. But there may be a way to get him out of their hair.
Gloria has come to Brilliante to get a new look. Yadira introduces her to the others. Yadira has just put a black wig on Gloria when Eduardo arrives to get the haircut he had to forgo when he got a call. Gloria is aghast. Bolillo is there and moves out of sight.
Eduardo spies Gloria’s reflection in the mirror. She blows up at him. ”¿Qué traes conmigo?” (What’s going on here?) “Why are you following me?”
Luisa is angry her mother won’t pick up. She asks Ernestina if Matilde said anything else (besides what she blabbed to Luisa despite her mother begging her not to). She remembers that Daniel is very sick. They start calling public hospitals in CDMX.
#12 - Part 3 of 3
Maribel is ruining some other woman’s face. Bolillo tells Maribel that a cop is there, the same one who interrogated Ivancito. Because of that he killed him so he wouldn’t talk.
Torres insists he had an appointment to get a haircut. Yadira agrees with Gloria that he might be an acosador (stalker). He fires back that Gloria might be changing her appearance so people would not recognize her, say, in the north.
Sonia wants to go to the bathroom for the test. Sebas: “You always thought I was an idiot.” He insists she pee on the pregnancy test while still tied to the chair.
Eduardo says it looks like he’ll never get that haircut. He asks Gloria if the insulin helped. She thanks him. He asks for her phone number. She agrees to give it, but his phone is out of battery. He asks for a pen and pulls out a wanted poster of Bolillo to use to write her number. He starts asking why they recognize the guy. Maribel asks if he’s a cop. He says he’s in forensic medicine. “I work in the hospital where her son is a patient.”
Susana runs out, beginning to cry. Maribel says that the guy left her for someone else.
Gloria tells Eduardo she’s sorry. She didn’t know he was a doctor.
Luisa calls the right hospital eventually, discovering Daniel Cruz is there.
Maribel grills Yadira about Eduardo Torres. “Is he police?” Yadira says that they both heard him say he was a forensic doctor. Yadira thinks he may le está tirando la onda (flirting or hitting on Gloria). But she thinks that Gloria no se pele (is not responding). Maribel threatens Yadira that, if she says anything about Bolillo to that guy, she’ll send her to el panteón (the graveyard).
Susana, the youngest stylist, is upset. As hard as it is to believe, she’s the girlfriend of the merciless Bolillo. Laura is trying to comfort her. She reminds her that Bolillo is uña y mugre (lit. the dirt under a fingernail, i.e., very close) with her husband, Perrón. Susana asks why Laura lets Perrón hit her.
Bolillo comes to see Susana. He calls her my love and asks what was up with that guy (Eduardo).
Erna is talked into pretending to be Gloria asking to speak to Matilde. When Matilde picks up the hospital landline, she asks if Gloria is in Tijuana yet. Looks like Erna hangs up. Jacinto’s eyes get big.
Sebas looks at the test. “If only I’d never met you. You’re pregnant.”
Eduardo tells his sidekick that Gloria is too pretty to wear wigs, unless she needs a disguise. The sidekick has photos of the women who work at Brillante. Ed wants to interview Susana.
Yadira is styling Gloria’s wig. She thinks Torres is attractive. Gloria wonders why they are looking for Bolillo. When she goes on to ask what Bolillo would have to do with Maribel, a shadow falls on Yadira’s face. “Better not to ask.” Gloria says she looks like another person.
Novelera: Awesome job with the recap of last night's episode. The villains are still upping the ante even further.
The thought of Jacinto becoming President of Mexico scares the SHIT out of me.
Kat in SC: Looking forward to seeing your recap of last night's episode.
I will be posting my personal thoughts on last night's Gran Final sometime this morning or this afternoon.
Sorry Steve you will not get an in depth recap. I read the subtitles to the show in bed last night without sound so my husband could sleep. It was the biggest dud of a finale I've ever watched! No wedding though the promise of one in 3 months for Marcelo and Brenda in Monterey was thrown in as a crumb. Also Claudia and Ignacio are formally engaged.
So Fernanda is sentenced to death for the murders of Manue and Maria Laura. The show never explained what was Marie Laura's anguish. Perhaps it was that she married the devil when she could have had a happier life with Adelberto.
She manages to escape from prison on the transfer by exchanging clothes with one of the guards and leaves in a car that was there. The switch gets discovered as the guard walks in wearing a COVID style mask. When it is removed the alarm is sent out and the chase is on.
Fernanda's not content with an escape. She wants to kill Elisa. In a black wig and with a carpetbag style purse she is on the hunt. Richards is telling her she is being stupid. Elisa is at the del Pino house. She talks with Francisco then leaves her cellphone on the table and goes upstairs to pack her clothes for their Monterey move. Have they been staying there all along or did she just not do a good job of moving?
Fernanda arrives, shoots her in the chest spills some gasoline which she had in a metal water bottle then pulls out her signature matches and poof, fire in the bedroom creeping towards Elisa. Where are Alonso and Tania, I wonder.
Francisco to the rescue as the police informed him of the prison break. Elisa can't be warned as her phone is downstairs. He rushes in and saves her from the flames. Fernanda is making a getaway with the police in pursuit. She is caught.
Elisa will be ok. I almost wish she hadn't for something different.
Ok Mirna refuses Fernanda's money and leaves town on a bus. Moni is the beneficiary. She accepts it as it will help her child and the family bizz.
Weird scene with Tania and Alonso. He calls her stupid. She is tied to him for life or else he will send her to jail for what she did to him. Next time you spill your guts, make sure the door is closed. I heard it all. While he is sleeping she goes to the kitchen and gets some nasty looking meat scissors from a drawer; she stands next to the bed and pulls the sheets down. Next morning we see she did not go through with it, the scissors are on the counter bar as Alonso asks what's for breakfast, slave. She just stares blankly into space.
Ana and Joseph attend the execution of Fernanda. Joseph doesn't understand why they have to be there. For Ana it is personal, she needs to see that she is really and truly dead.
Richards is caught for helping Fernanda escape. So the bad lawyer does not get to live in luxury with her payout.
All in all, an awful episode. So glad this show is over and my recap job is over ...
Kat in SC: Thank you very much for your wonderful & amazing recaps of this chaotic Telenovela. I strongly agree with you, it was a huge EPIC FAIL & left way too many loose ends.
My personal thoughts on last night's Gran Final.
195.) Elisa! Elisa! Elisa: You're STUPID. Leaving your cell phone & packing your clothes upstairs when Crazy Goldie Locks lurked & shot you in the chest, then tried setting the mansion on fire.
196.) Francisco & the Miami PD arrived on the del Pino family mansion grounds, when Goldie Locks drove off; He runs upstairs & Elisa is rescued.
197.) Congratulations to Ignacio & Claudia on your engagement. I hope Claudia keeps her mouth shut & stop putting people in danger; Ignacio: Good luck because she's a handful.
198.) Patricia hadn't gotten a new job yet? Too bad we never saw what her new path forward was though: Oh well.
199.) I wasn't shocked that Goldie Locks was sentenced to death for the murders of Maria Luisa & Manuela. Considering that FL is a hardcore death penalty state, this wasn't shocking that she was getting the death sentence.
200.) Marcelo & Brenda packing up & moving to Monterrey. I anticipate Francisco & Elisa will be joining them along with Fermin, Erika & their son, Francisco Marcelo.
201.) On Manuela's residence (which was revamped & fixed), I am assuming Ignacio & Claudia will both be moving into it?
202.) Glad that Mirna FINALLY left Miami on a bus & never came back. You lucked out lady.
203.) Had no idea that Richards was arrested for helping Goldie Locks escape. Guessing he will likely get disbarred & sentenced to prison.
204.) Monica accepting Goldie Locks' money: helping her kid & the family business: Sebastian taking over the del Pino family business wasn't that shocking considering he's calm: Nice seeing Sebastian & Monica getting their happily ever after.
205.) Francisco & Elisa in their happily ever after scene near the Yacht, where they were busted 10+ years ago by Crazy Alfredo.
206.) Kat in SC: Can we assume that Tania used the scissors to stab Slick Alonso to death? She was staring at the scissors for a long time.
207.) Ana & Joseph being the only ones attending Goldie Locks' execution. Strongly agree with the comment "For Ana, it is personal, she needs to see that she (Fernanda) is really and truly dead." Glad we never saw Goldie Locks getting the lethal injection (unlike Gabriel's).
Ana was always the ONLY person that I was interested in & my strong personal favorite character overall. I am also glad this chaotic Telenovela is also over & now onto "JEFA".
Steve (and HC) thanks for sticking with it even after the midnight time slot,and commenting, though my life would have been easier if I just watched it and didn't recap. I did that with Nadie Como Tu and it was sad I had no one to chat with about it, I did just get to watch and soak in the characters and action. You probably would have enjoyed that one, there was a fair amount of death and karma's in it.
I doubt I'll follow La Jefa. Unlike you, I prefer the lighter TNs without all the death and destruction.
I'd like to see the actress that played Ana again. I felt she was the prettiest and best developed female character. I never did understand why Alonso wore that bandage type sleeve after the sort of castration. Were some of his tattoos too offensive and they decided to cover them up?
I kept hoping Eugenio would arise from the dead (the actor had good part in Nadie Como Tu). So many loose ends. I guess we can imagine our own anvils.
I hope Tania flees the country and lives off her parents wealth and maybe they will become parents to her and give her the love and affection she obviously missed out on growing up.
Kat in SC: You're referring to Maria Jose Camacho (who portrayed Ana del Pino) correct ? I think she'll be in more Telenovelas from here on out either on Telemundo or Univision.
Novelera, thank you for bringing us every moment .
I am glad that Gloria will have some support now from good hearted Yadira and Torres since her sisters and brothers in law are working against her .
Looks like all the beauty shop girls are linked to scary bad guys. Yikes.
Those scenes of Sebas and Sonia were weird . I don't understand why he put that piece of wood into the vice QTH???? Susan
Gracias, Novelera. All your comments were welcome asides from the horrible happenings last night. Fine recap.
Just when I thought we might be rid of Sonia, she pulls the "I'm having your baby!" card. No doubt she was planning an abortion, but now she's gonna tug at Sebas's heart. I'm sure that ploy wouldn't work on El Duque or Jacinto.
Torres' claim that he's in forensic medicine sounded too fishy to be believed by Maribel and Bollilo to me.
About why Gloria's sisters hate her, we know that Luisa is mad because she wanted Gloria's husband. So far why Ernestina is mad at Gloria is unknown. What awful aunts they are not to have an iota of concern about Daniel being hospitalized.
I laughed at the super tight closeup of Gloria's eyes at the end, as if we haven't already seen the opening credits with her in the asymmetric-cut wig.
Thanks for bringing the snark and the vocabulary, novelera. Great recap. And yes, OMG on that theme from Casa de los Famosos. Sometimes I am treated to the last minute of the show, too. I can’t believe anyone watches this.
Jacinto should get a beating in each episode.
The way things are going, Maribel might have to kill her entire staff including henchies.
Too bad Sonia is pregnant.
For K: Niece told you why Luisa hates Gloria. I don’t think Erna really hates Gloria, in fact I think she still cares deep down about her and Daniel. She’s a very weak-willed person and she can’t stand up to Jacinto and Luisa. I also think she’s afraid of what the narcos would do. Sonia resents Gloria because Sebas cares so much about her. She previously complained that it was all about JJ and Gloria for him. She’s jealous.
I’ll have the Friday recap up on Saturday.
Thanks for the extra info. Even though Sonia is still terrible, I do have to appreciate that she’s not going down without a fight. I laughed when she tried to kick Sebas as he was demanding she pee on the stick. I would have tried to kick him too. Also, ewww. I hope he washed his hands.
Ta-da! Gloria’s new look. No one will know it’s her [yeah, right]. Yadira asks, are you wearing a wig so you won’t be recognized in Tijuana? Gloria doesn’t mean to be ungrateful, but she tells Yadira there are things she’s better off not knowing. Yadira asks, so this trip could be dangerous? Gloria denies it and says no one can know she’s going to Tijuana. Yadira zips her lip.
Jacinto uses his connection to Tamayo to find out what flight Gloria is taking.
Sebas is devastated by the pregnancy news. Why now? You were never able to conceive before. Sonia answers, that’s life. It doesn't ask when you’d like to conceive. It’s terrible timing. Why didn’t you tell me, Sebas cries. Sonia replies, our marriage was going from bad to worse. You were always focused on your brother, and I felt alone. After JJ died, it got worse. Gloria… you and I weren’t communicating. I considered an abortion.
Bolillo wants an answer from Susana, who was the guy out there? No idea, Susana replies, he came in yesterday to get a haircut with Olga. Bolillo asks, did you know he’s a cop? Susana answers, no he said he’s a medical examiner.
He’s a cop, Bolillo says, and if he asks about me, watch what you say. Susana tells Bolillo that the guy is looking for him. He had a flyer with his pic. She asks, what did you do Oscar? Bolillo grabs Susana by the throat and tells her MYOB. I don’t want to hurt you. How about a kiss? He lays one on her.
With Facundo in the lead, a group comes to the FGE office demanding justice. We want our classmates back! An agent comes out to meet them. He tells them to file a formal complaint. Facundo says they have but no one believes their classmates are missing. Do your job! The agent says it takes time.
Tamayo shows up. He tells the group this is no way to behave. Calm down or I’ll have you detained. Facundo dares him to do it. You arrest victims and let narcos walk free! The FGE is on the side of justice, Tamayo replies, if you have filed your complaints, then we are working to resolve them. A woman comes forward and says her son has been missing for 6 months. They took him. It was caught on a campus security camera. Tamayo slinks away and leaves the agent to handle the crowd.
Tamayo gives Jacinto the flight information. Jacinto tells Fernando they have to surprise Gloria at the airport.
Sonia asks, did you ever love me? I always loved you, Sebas replies, but you never noticed it. He laments, I’ll never get to meet our child [is it his?] Sonia begs to let her go. She’s hungry. Sebas has a flare up. He tells Sonia he has malignant multiple sclerosis. [I looked it up. Most patients die within 5 years of diagnosis. Poor Sebas was only given a couple of months!] He swears that before he dies, he will find out if she’s really carrying his baby.
Maribel is finishing up with her latest client. The woman looks disfigured. Maribel directs her, use ice day and night and you’ll wake up looking great tomorrow. She asks the woman to recommend her to her friends. The woman pays and Maribel immediately counts the money. The woman complains of pain. Maribel says that’s normal. Beauty hurts. The woman leaves and Maribel feels she’s been shorted. Now she’s glad she botched her procedure!
Maribel threatens Bolillo with a syringe. Tell me why the police have a flyer with your face on it. He doesn’t know. Maybe he was caught on camera. I didn’t see cameras, he says, I wore a hat. I didn’t think it could happen. Maribel is furious. You brought a cop to my door at the worst possible time! Leave!
Marco and Torres talk about the people at the salon. Laura Rojas—she’s undocumented, from Colombia.
We cut to Laura looking for Maribel in the back room. Laura notices a tablet open on the desk. It has Maribel’s schedule on it. She sees Carolina had work on her nachas—her butt. Oooh, that’s Olga’s sister! She thinks back to Maribel saying Olga and her sister went back to Xalapa.
Next up is Ramona, who schedules appointments and collects the payment. Torres thinks she probably knows if Brillante’s is a salon or if it hides something else.
Back to the salon. Laura is visibly shaken and Ramona notices. She asks if Perron knocked her up. Laura says don’t even joke. Laura wants to speak with Susana but that will have to be later and out of earshot of Ramona.
Torres says that Maribel is the big fish. The salon owner. She has no priors. But only because she’s smart and hasn’t been caught yet.
Uh, oh. Breaking news—the bodies of two women buried in Tlalpan forest were found by a dog on a walk. Maribel hisses at Perron, you said the ditch was deep. You swore they wouldn’t be found, but a dog found them in 24 hours! Perron has no idea how this could have happened. Maribel is further enraged because the dog was a Pomeranian!
Perron says, even if they found the bodies, how will they link it to us? Use that hollow head (cabezota hueca) of yours, Maribel replies, when they identify Olga they will find out where she worked. They will come here! Maribel gives them the script to follow. They went back to Xalapa because one of them got knocked up by some bastard. Bolillo adds, yes and the guy killed them.
Maribel turns to Bolillo and tells him, say goodbye to Susana because she’s going to testify against you. Bolillo leaves and Maribel asks Perron to keep an eye on that fool. If he doesn’t disappear, make sure he does. She adds—and be sure to dig a hole deep enough for you to fit in it!
Erna asks Jacinto, why go to the airport for Gloria? I’ll talk to her. We know that Mom is fine. Jacinto tells Erna she’s not capable. Someone has to stop Gloria. She can’t keep having your mother bail her out. Fernando agrees. What will Gloria’s enemies do if they find out Matilde is with her? Erna begs Jacinto, please don’t hurt Gloria. Jacinto tells Luisa to call him if Gloria shows up at the house. The men leave.
Fernando asks a flight attendant if everyone has deboarded from the CDMX flight. Yes. He calls Jacinto—there’s no sight of Gloria. Gloria, who has added sunglasses to her brilliant disguise, passes nearby. Jacinto is sure she was on the flight, Tamayo confirmed it. Ah… Fernando spots the woman with the black wig and sunglasses. He follows her to a van.
Fernando gets into his car and tells Jacinto that he found Gloria. He almost didn’t recognize her with that wig. Fer tells Jacinto that Gloria rented a van. Jacinto is sure Gloria came back for the 5 million. They follow the van.
Torres and Marco look at the bodies found in the woods. Carolina had vegetable oil injected into her buttocks. Torres recognizes Olga from the salon.
Gloria calls her mom to thank her for watching Daniel. She tells her that she will come back with something that will save Daniel and then she will be able to stay with them. Matilde asks her why she dropped the earlier call. Gloria doesn’t understand, she didn’t call before now. Matilde thinks the nurse must have been confused then. Gloria asks, who called—was it a man or a woman? Matilde says she doesn’t know.
Fer asks Jacinto, what if Glora tells Duque we took the money? Jacinto replies, who says Gloria’s going to live after we take the money?
Tamayo meets with Duque. His bosses want someone to blame for kidnapping the chemistry students. Duque tells him that it has been resolved but he needs a favor from Tamayo.
Yadira arrives at the hospital in time to speak with Gloria on the phone. Gloria says if Sebas calls, tell him I need to talk to him.
Sebas returns with food for Sonia. Sebas picks up a blade to cut open the bag, but he has another attack and drops the blade and falls. Sonia tries to pick up the blade with her feet.
Gloria arrives at her destination. She thinks back to their trip. She looks around. Where is it?
Fer and Jacinto arrive, and they spot Gloria digging. Jacinto tells Fer to get out of the car and as soon as Gloria gets the money, take it from her and I’ll catch up to you. He gives Fer a gun. I know we told our wives about Matilde and so on, but we both know why we are here.
Luisa spews, if Gloria hadn’t manipulated Mom into going to the Capital, we wouldn’t be worrying about her and our husbands wouldn’t have to stop Gloria. Erna wonders, could they be doing something else and keeping it from us? Why did Jacinto take a gun with him? For protection, Luisa reasons, they don’t know if there are criminals following Gloria. Why would they keep anything from us? Luisa gets smug. Fernando tells me everything, there are no secrets between us. [another delusion of Luisa’s.]
Erna asks, are you insinuating that Jacinto lies to me? Luisa laughs, it doesn’t take a genius to see that Jacinto does what he wants with you. But I don’t know why. Mom raised 3 strong, independent women. When did you become a submissive woman who doesn’t dare raise her voice to her husband? Erna answers back, I’m sorry I’m not like you or Gloria. You don’t have to be like that bitch, Gloria, Luisa says. She destroyed our family.
Torres recalls how upset Olga was that day in the salon. The ME report says that Olga received a strong sedative. She was drugged so she wouldn’t struggle while they buried her. ¡Qué horror! Olga was buried alive!
Gloria hits paydirt! She cries. The $5 million exists! She screams, I hate you JJ! I hate you! But I also love you. Daniel will be treated thanks to this money.
Sebas is passed out and Sonia manages to get hold of that blade. She cuts herself loose and tries calling Duque on a phone. Answer, damn it! Sebas wakes and grabs her. But he can’t do much in his condition. She holds the blade to him—give me the car keys! I’ll kill you! He pulls out a gun. Sonia warns him to be careful, he could kill his baby!
Gloria’s got the $5 million scattered about. Fer comes up behind her and claps. Felicidades, Gloria! You found the money! He points the gun. Welcome to Tijuana! She asks, how long have you known I was here? He answers, when will you realize that Jacinto has eyes and contacts everywhere?
Gloria explains that Daniel is sick. She needs the money for his treatment. Fer admits he cares about Daniel, but he can’t help her now. You’re not like Jacinto, she begs, please don’t tell him about this. Do it for Daniel, please!
Fer backs Gloria away from the cash and he starts to gather it up. She picks up her shovel and whacks the gun away from Fer. He shouts, it’s not yours. JJ stole it! [well, it’s not his either.] Gloria takes a few swings at Fer and lands one, but it’s not enough. He knocks her down and picks up the gun. She hits him with the shovel again. If I have to choose between you and Daniel, she promises, I won’t hesitate to kill you.
Jacinto appears and fires a shot in the air. He calls Gloria “comadre”. He laughs about her wig. Gloria warns him, wait until Duque hears you want his 5 million. Who’s going to tell Duque, Jacinto asks her. I see 3 people here. Fer and I won’t tell him And the dead don’t speak, Gloria. We’ll use that shovel to bury you.
Sebas tells Sonia, we are going to die together. He can’t hold the gun, but he manages to trip her as she runs past him. She gets away, opens the garage door, and runs. Sebas hobbles to his car but he crashes it. [hard to watch him struggle.]
Gloria is tied up at the van. She wants to make a deal with Jacinto. Daniel has diabetes. He was in a coma. I need to take care of him. Please let me go. Jacinto doesn’t answer her. He tells Fer to finish loading the money and then take the van to the house on Juarez Ave. Kill Gloria when you’re done. Bury her where no one will find her [not even a Pomeranian?]
Fer’s not too thrilled about that. He asks Jacinto, why don’t you kill her? Because I’m the governor, Jacinto replies, and I want to run for president. He can’t get his [already dirty] hands dirty[-er]. Don’t complain, you’re getting a big cut. You won’t get paid if you mess up. Fer’s getting 1 million out of this.
Jacinto has parting words for Gloria. I have to admit you were “un hueso duro” a hard bone. But I beat you in the end. Thanks for the 5 million. She spits at him. He laughs—a goodbye kiss. Say hi to JJ when you meet him. Jacinto leaves.
Gloria starts to work on Fer. Aren’t you tired of being Jacinto’s doormat? He’s willing to do it for a million bucks. She asks, what if he doesn’t give you the money? You have the van and the 5 million. Why settle for 1 if you can have 5? If you let me go, I swear I’ll disappear forever. Puedes ir al gabacho, you can go to the US. You can forget about Luisa. She never respected you. Are you going to waste the opportunity to be a millionaire? Fer’s gotta think about that one.
Meanwhile, Luisa tells Erna that Fer would never leave her and she would never leave him. Fernando came into my life at my lowest because that slut Gloria took JJ away. When will you stop saying that, Erna asks. You fell for JJ, but he didn’t love you. Luisa dismisses that. Her point is she got over the betrayal thanks to Fernando.
Erna’s not buying it. After all this time, it’s the same old thing. JJ is dead, and you behave like you want to take him from Gloria. Luisa, it’s time to move on. Learn to live with the love Fernando gives you.
Luisa replies, I have plenty of time. Fernando will always be with me. I have something that Gloria does not. A husband.
Susana sees the news item about the bodies found in the woods. Laura comes over and Susana shares. They move away from Ramona and exit the salon. Laura says, remember I had something to tell you? I went into Maribel’s office and saw something awful. Did you believe some guy threatened our friends? Wouldn’t Olga have told us? Maribel operated on Carolina. What if they are dead? Don’t say that, Susana replies.
Laura begins to piece it together. Maribel operated on the same day Olga disappeared. What else does the article say? Susana reads, “one of the bodies had injuries to the glutes, the result of an illegally done cosmetic procedure.” Laura says, Maribel did the surgery and killed Caro. And she silenced Olga, she killed her, too. They are the women buried in the forest.
Daniel asks Matilde if she’s going to stay with them. It would make her happy, but she doesn’t know yet. Daniel remembers the old house. It’s a shame Dad and Grandpa aren’t here anymore. Yadira hears and tells Daniel they are still around. They look after him. Her grandpa died when she was young, but she feels him with her, and she knows he looks out for her. Matilde thanks Yadira for all her help.
Money is loaded and Gloria baits Fer again, will you continue to be Jacinto and Luisa’s errand boy (achichincle)? Fer says he’s letting her go because he feels like it. He’s setting the rules. He unties her. He points his gun and says—go. Gloria realizes, you’re going to shoot me as soon as I turn, aren’t you? You’re non man enough to shoot me while looking me in the eyes.
Gloria picks up her jacket along with a handful of dirt. She throws it in Fer’s face. He shouts, you asked for it! She turns and runs. There’s a gunshot.
And we are out!
Fantastic recap, dondi. So many descriptive phrases: Tamayo “slinks away” from the protesting family members of chemistry students.
I thought it odd that the $5 million was right there in cash, not to mention Gloria figuring out where to dig in that wooded area. But Mr. Google tells me narcos often had huge piles of money lying around because banking it was a problem. Wonder if we'll discover exactly how JJ got it. Something was mentioned about a raid.
Sebas answered my question. He said she’d never been able to conceive before. I guess his discomfort from the disease didn’t get him to the obvious; it’s someone else’s bun in the oven.
I’m finding it hard to believe that two of the stylists are involved with thugs as disgusting as Perrón and Bolillo, especially Susana. She seems sweet and innocent.
The missing chemistry students reminds me of the awful case in Mexico in which 43 students were murdered. It’s never been solved.
I’m wondering. Are Maribel and Duque connected in any way? She seems too sleazy and low-rent for him to be involved with her, but we’ll see.
I’m trying to think of a punishment serious enough for Jacinto. How about he becomes some big, muscle-bound prisoner’s girlfriend in a Mexican prison?
Gloria knew what to dangle in front of Fernando besides money, getting away from Luisa.
So we get another cliffhanger. A shot is heard. Besides being the protagonist and la jefa, we know from the opening scene that Gloria survives. Does Fernando?
Dondi, thank you for bringing us all the drama .
I hope Torres followed Gloria and shot Fernando .
Gloria shouldn't have wasted time throwing all those bills around and just gathered it up speedy quick and hustled out of there .
It is heartbreaking watching Sebas struggling and in pain .
So, Sonia runs off in her wet skirt . This girl is a survivor.. Susan
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