Monday, February 09, 2009

Cuidado: Friday 2/6/09 - "I Read the News Today, Oh Boy!!"

Onelia comments to Balbina how quiet it is in the house. Balbina tells her that Rocío & Juan Miguel are out and Mayita is upstairs, playing with Cuate. Onelia comments about how much time Mayita spends upstairs and then she says that Juan Miguel must be at the jail visiting the murdering governess. Balbina is quick to inform her that JM is actually at the theatre with a his friend (amigo). Onelia is surprised to hear this--- since when has he had any interest in the theatre?, he never would go with my daughter--- and then Balbina tells her that Marichuy is the principal actress. Onelia sputters in shock.

Juanmi and Marichuy stare at each other in the corridor of the theatre. JM says--other than the casual passing they had on the street, it has been so long since they’ve seen each other. It seems as if years have been centuries, when compared to the little time they were actually together. At least for me, he adds. MC asks him what he’s doing there and he says he came to see her. MC launches into how no one should be allowed to see her and after her performance, she needs to rest. She heads into the dressing room and JM touches her on the shoulders as she attempts to walk away and asks her to wait. She says you know at times I’m “pelada y corriente” (specific meaning anyone?); to which he answers yes and then he lets her pass him to go to the dressing room.

MC slips into the dressing room, and Olga is there. She’s excited about the amount of flowers that people have sent to Marichuy. She gushes over all the attention that MC’s getting---the flowers, the applause, the standing ovation. MC can’t seem to enjoy it all because JM’s just outside her dressing room door. She tells Olga he’s there and they talked. Olga decides to go check if he’s still there, but he’s gone. She informs MC of this and then questions why MC is so affected and MC says the shock of it all. Then MC wonders how he knew where to find her. Olga reminds her that he knows her stage name, so it is logical he found out that way. MC starts to look at the flowers—she’s gotten some from Amador and a small bunch from Olga. She gives her friend a hug in thanks. There is a beautiful bouquet and MC reads the card and is very affected. Olga asks if the flowers are from JM, but MC reads the card aloud to answer that question “I wish you luck, your mother”.

JM comes home and speaks to himself so that the viewers are let in on what he's thinking....he says that she looked beautiful, but she’s changed. She’s more of a woman, more steady and harder. He thinks how she warmed to the applause and shouts of the crowd, but she was short with him. She’s now someone else, someone he barely recognizes.

Isabel and Estefania read the paper, which is full of praise for Marichuy. They discuss what Amador’s motive is, working with MC. Isa comments that he treats MC like she’s an angel, but that she, herself, just can’t see it in MC. The conversation switches to Ceci and her recovery and that Stefi doesn’t know how she’s doing. Isa prays that Ceci will succumb to her injuries. Stefi hopes she’ll then be the heir to the Velarde fortune. Dollar signs dance in front of Isa's eyes (well not really, but you get the point).

JM reads the paper and sees pictures of MC. He notices a telegram on the table and Balbina tells him it is for Leopardo/Omar.

Isa and Stefi discuss how they sent a telegram to Omar with information on how to find Marichuy.

Omar opens the telegram and is happy to see the info on how to find Lirio(MC). JM questions who sent it to him. Omar doesn’t care. JM wonders if it could be some sort of practical joke. Omar is sure that’s not the case, at least his heart is telling him it isn’t so. He wants to leave right now to find Lirio. He asks JM to accompany him.

Ceci wakes to find Stefi hovering over her bed in the hospital. They discuss how today Ceci is feeling much better and how the doctors have been astonished at her improvement. Ceci questions Stefi about MC’s theatre debut. Stefi tells her that it appears that MC was quite the success. Ceci’s delighted to hear it. Stefi can’t seem to fake enthusiasm as well, but she does tell Ceci that all she cares about is Ceci getting well.

Cande and MC pour over the papers. Cande’s happy to see that MC was received favorably. She tells MC she’s getting as much press as the stars, like Shakira and then does some chest adulations for emphasis. MC laughs. Cande is happy to think how green with jealousy Casilda will be when she sees the papers (she’s assuming that Casilda reads) and how MC’s success will bother Isa and Stefi too. They have a good laugh thinking over what might be their reaction.

Casilda (curlers and all) are at the news stand and she sees the papers, but comments to her friend that she won’t waste the money on buying them. She’s obviously jealous.

MC and Cande discuss the flowers she got from her mother. MC says is her mother thinks a gift of flowers is going to make her offer up forgiveness, well her mother is mistaken.

Patricio goes to see Ceci in the hospital. Ceci tells him she’s feeling better, she heard the news about MC’s success. Pat is upset to think that Ceci is only getting well because of MC and not because of him (basically he's being a whiny baby, jealous of his own child).

Omar and Juanmi arrive at MC’s door. Cande opens up and Omar is delighted to see “La La”. JM is shocked to see it is Cande on the other side of the door. Omar sees MC and rushes to her, spouting out how he’s finally found Lirio. MC looks over Omar’s shoulder and sees JM standing there. After the commercial break, Omar shows MC the telegram and goes on about how he’s been going crazy looking for her everywhere because she left without talking to him, how he returned to the hacienda to find her gone. She left when they were supposed to get married. A pained look passes over JM’s face. Omar tells MC he needs an explanation, why did she leave that way, why did she run away. MC has tears running down her face and Omar continues to insist on finding out why she took off. He wants her to look him in the eyes and tell him the truth. She can’t get the words out, and Omar wants her to know his anguish. He pulls JM forward and says that his friend can attest to his looking everywhere in D.F. for her and how crazy he was to find her. MC can’t look him or JM in the eye. Cande offers physical comfort to MC and provides a barrier to the intense onslaught from Omar. Finally he slows down and questions if there is another man, is there someone between us? MC looks at JM.

Pat bemoans to Stefi about how he feels about Ceci wanting to live for MC. He tells Stefi how he’d prefer that she were his real daughter. He adds that MC has caused nothing but pain for Ceci since she’s entered their lives and as far as he’s concerned, he doesn’t want her back in their house ever again. He was happy to hear nothing of her and now she’s returned as some sort of actress. Stefi assures Pat that she has faith that MC will not return to interfere in their lives again.

MC can’t answer Omar’s demands and she leaves the room. Cande begs both men to leave, now is not the time for them to be there. They actually listen and leave, both with their heads hung in sadness.

Onelia reads the reviews in the paper, and throws out some insults about what passes as an actress today. She asks Balbina if JM read the paper yet. Balbina’s not sure, but she thinks he did. Onelia is upset to realize that JM now knows how to find MC.

Marichuy cries on Cande’s shoulder. She’s upset to realize that JM and Omar are friends, that Omar’s been saying in the castle.

Omar is mad at how Lirio received him. He wanted answers and things are worse than they were before he found her. He notices that JM is quiet and he questions his friend about it. JM says he had nothing to say.

Blanca wonders what’s going to happen in court today. She realizes that she’s got to have the charges dropped or they’ll go after Juanmi as well. She needs to save him. She feels the key to her success is finding someone from before who knew her as Ivette. She thinks of Omar and questions where he can be found. What meaning did he have for Ivette and why is he the only name she can remember. Her lawyer arrives and tells her that Balbina’s to be in court today to testify. He tells her that Juanmi hasn’t arrived for the hearing yet and every other day he’s been here. He wonders what’s going on and Blanca says he’ll probably arrive later.

Omar says that now he knows where to find Lirio, he’ll go back and talk to her. He speculates that Lirio might have been hesitant to talk because he’d brought a friend along. She was probably ashamed.

At the hair salon, Isa’s getting her hair colored. Stefi fills Isa in on Ceci’s improvement and the conversation she had with Patricio. Out the window she spots JM and Omar talking. She continues to spy on them and notices the anguished look on Juanmi’s face. They wonder what’s going on between them, did Omar get the telegram?

Marichuy laments that this is a terrible situation—that Omar and JM know each other. She wonders if Omar’s mentioned the baby to Juanmi and she questions what she should do. Juanmi can’t find out about the baby. Amador arrives with the wolf and ends up scaring Cande out of the room. MC comments on the dog (perro) and Amador says he’s no dog, he’s a wolf (lobo). MC picks up the baby protectively. Amador raves about how successful the performance was. He questions if she saw the papers and fails to notice that MC is upset. He reminds her that the actress is nothing without the director, so she’s nothing without him (he has the classic abusive personality).

Juanmi and Omar return to the castle. Omar questions who sent him the telegram. They had to know not only where to find Lirio, but that Omar was staying at Juanmi’s house. Omar asks JM what he thought of Lirio, isn’t she nice and pretty. JM thinks to himself that all that time MC was hiding out and she never mentioned his name to Omar. She hid, using another name. JM realizes that his friend is in love with the same woman he is and he vows to hid that information from Omar rather than let him find out. Just then a light bulb flashes, JM remembers Omar telling him that Lirio was pregnant (he conviently forgets the part about what Omar said about her husband and that relationship, if he did remember, he might be able to process things and discover that one and one do indeed equal two---but then we'd be at the end of our novela and I predict we've still got a bumpy road ahead).

MC tells Amador she’s got a problem and then fills Amador in on the visit she got from Omar and Juanmi. Amador assures her that those men aren’t the boss of her (subtext, I am), but hastily adds that her only boss is her art. He notices the pictures of himself that MC covered up and he questions what happened and that ends the discussion (because it is, after all, all about Amador).

Omar thinks that he’s got to go see Lirio now, without JM. He has to see her again. Juanmi asks Omar about his story with Lirio. Omar is only too happy to talk about it and he fills JM in on how they met and how at first she was timid and how soon they began to get along. He tells JM that she blossomed before his eyes. Omar remembers how scared she was the day he discovered she was pregnant. JM asks about this in more detail. Omar tells him that he was there when she gave birth, he delivered the baby. JM questions if the baby was alive and Omar says yes, a healthy baby boy. He goes on a bit about how MC/ Lirio took to motherhood.

Stefi and Isa are in the car and Stefi gets a call on her cell. It is Israel.

Cande comes in to talk to MC and she’s upset, too upset to get the words out. She finally tells MC that Juanmi is there to see her. MC says to tell him to go away and not come back. Cande goes out and tells him that Marichuy doesn’t want to see him. JM threatens to go look for her in the other rooms of the apartment, but then MC comes out and says she’ll give him a minute. Cande leaves them alone and JM questions who’s apartment this is? MC says it is Amador’s. This upsets JM and he wonders what significance Amador is to MC. She says he’s her director. JM laughs bitterly and says that she doesn’t need a director because she is a brilliant actress both on the stage and in real life. He says she’s always been a liar, but he didn’t come there to talk to her, he came there to see his son. END OF EPISODE (with no previews for Monday night).

asombrar- to amaze, astonish
consagrar- to establish (artista/profesional)
escabullierse- to slip away
escenario- stage


Friday, February 06, 2009

Cuidado Thursday, February 05, 2009: The Best New Face of 2009 award goes to…. the chalk outline!

Sorry, I couldn’t help it. That thing just cracked me up. Besides, Mari’s acting was so mannered. But I get ahead of the story, so let’s rewind to the beginning…

We start with Mari on the phone saying kinder things about Ceci to Dora, the nice maid at Casa Velarde, who gives Mari the number of the hospital. Mari tells Cande that Dora wouldn’t tell her what Ceci wanted to say to her when she came to the theater to find her.

JM asks Rocio if she wants to come see Mari’s opening night. Rocio is excited for Mari but has a date with Vicente. She tells JM to be extra handsome. He thinks to himself I already am, which they don’t actually show but we can read his mind.

People are lined up at the box office to get tickets. Maybe this is a community theater, as some are wearing jeans. Mari is going through her costumes and Amador comes in and tells her to have everything ready so no last-minute panics. He says good actresses usually have big nerve attacks, and she says don’t get me started up. They discuss last-minute details and then Mari asks if she can use his cell.

Amador wants to know who she wants to call and she tells him Ceci. He tells her he said to stay away from those people and Mari said but she’s had an accident. Amador says this is no time to get yourself upset. Just focus on your debut.

JM and Leo are walking down a street in a hurry, and Leo says give me the car keys, I’ll see if I can park closer. But it’s not the theater they’re heading to we discover because JM walks in and there’s Stef sitting in a lobby under a drawing of a police chalk outline of a body which was apparently human roadkill as the road stripe goes right through it, so we gotta be at the hearing. She says she has to testify and JM asks what are you going to say? Stef’s idea of how to dress for a summons is a flimsy low-cut top with sparkly spaghetti straps.

Mari is telling her dresser, namely Olga, that Amador wouldn’t let her call Ceci. Olga says he’s just trying to protect you – she doesn’t hear the cellos fire up in the background. Probably years of prostitution have given her hearing loss in the dastardly-men range.

Stef says she doesn’t know why she was summoned, so she doesn’t know what she’s going to say. She’s called in and here comes Omar who only sees her retreating behind, not her face. JM says that’s Velarde’s kinda sorta daughter and Omar says oo la la, you have good taste. JM says but she’s very bad. He wants to wait to hear how things came out, so Omar says he’ll go for a nice walk in the neighborhood, which means probably that he wants to wander wraith-like through the streets of the DF looking for Lirio. Oh, that restless heart!

The doctor tells the judge that if Ceci’s internal hemorrhaging needs to get under control tonight or else….

Stef tells the hearing people that she met Blanca and that she thinks it was a good idea for JM to hire a nanny as the mother-in-law is a real problem and the child was hearing things a child shouldn’t, and that it gave JM someone on his side. She says Blanca was devoted to JM. The lawyer asks if Stef thinks Blanca would have done anything that JM asked and Stef says I believe so. Even help him get rid of a wife? Stef says she doesn’t want to make that kind of statement, but then she ends up saying yes.

The lawyer asks if she ever saw Blanca go all Ivette and Stef tells about the time she walked in on Ivette tied to the bed (we see the flashbacks) with Rocio there and how evil Ivette looked, and how she attacked Rocio and could have killed them all. She looked like she wanted to, says Stef.

Mari finds a payphone in the theater. The nurse can only tell her Ceci’s critical. Amador comes up and tells Mari off for calling. He takes a fit, throws down a folder and says she disobeyed him. What am I, your slave? says Mari. Amador says you have to give up a lot of things in this line of work, you can be replaced, you know. Fine, says Mari, I’m off!

The lawyer asks if Stef thinks it’s a matter of mental illness and Stef says I think Blanca’s a great actress – it’s all faked. Afterwards, Stef comes out and tells JM she said what she saw and what she thought. JM says he’s waiting for a friend – Omar Contreras. Stef’s eyebrows go up.

The judge is telling the padre that tonight is the critical night, they’ll know whether she’ll live or die. (Not too smart to say those things bedside – who knows what she could hear?) The padre tells him to go home and get some rest, what if there’s a moment when she really needs you and you’re exhausted? Go home, I’ll stay here and call you if she wakes. The judge acquiesces and gives Ceci a kiss on the forehead. The captions say beep beep beep.

JM tells Stef Omar is staying in his house and that he’s almost like a family member. The lawyer comes out and thanks Stef for her testimony. She says she believes that it’s not ethical for a lawyer to thank a witness for their testimony, and that’s she’s impartial and just told the truth. JM says you testified against Blanca? The lawyer says to Stef that she said Blanca was a faker. JM is shocked. Stef says she can’t perjure herself and why should she defend a murderess? She leaves and Omar is back, having conveniently missed her, and he and JM head for home to get freshened up.

Amador has followed Mari into her dressing room and is still yelling about her disobedience. She says bite me. The veins are standing out on his neck while he bellows at her that she can’t get upset and wreck her performance. Olga melts into the costume rack.

The Padre is reading his Bible and Ceci awakes and recognizes him. She tells him to let the judge get his rest, and she remembers this is Mari’s opening night. She wants to ask him a favor.
Olga tries to steady Mari and reminds her that she can’t walk out on the production - it’s for her future, plus she needs to understand that Amador has a lot invested. Mari says Ceci is critical and Olga says there’s plenty of room for hope, then. She points out that people have already bought their tickets… do it for your son!

Granny tells Mayita a sweet story about a little boy who went up to the heaven where all the babies who are waiting to be born are. He picks out his own brother. Mayita loves the story. Granny says one day, that baby brother you’ve been wanting will appear.

Amador comes into Mari’s dressing room and asks her if the show is going to go on. Mari humbly asks his forgiveness for disobeying and says he knows more about these matters than she does. For his part, Amador apologizes for going all jack-boot Gestapo on her. They shake. Cande (who, we recall, saved her from the street, gave her a home, faithfully followed her all over and was by her side through thick and thin …. but doesn’t even get to see her on her big opening night) calls his cell to wish her good luck. She and Mari talk sweetly. Showtime!

Stef and Isa are eating in a nice restaurant. They think probably JM has been too taken up with the hearings to notice the announcements about Mari’s play in the paper. Stef tells her aunt that she made it very clear at the hearings that she doesn’t like Blanca. Isa hopes and prays that Blanca will go to jail and JM too. And what will he do when he finds out Mari had his child?

Stef is philosophical and says who knows what the future will bring? For instance, Ceci hasn’t croaked yet. Too bad, says Isa, who prays some more. Stef then tells her guess what! That handsome hunk Leo is JM’s friend and he’s staying at his house! Isa is impactada. No puede ser! Stef says Leo’s looking for Lirio and maybe I’ll just tell him where she can be found.

Last minute rushing in the dressing room. Mari goes into the shower and then in burst the press who want to scoop others with an interview. Olga politely shooes them out. Olga, who is very impressed, tells Mari, who is all smiles. Olga says this is the biggest night of your life and she dances around.

At castle San Ramon, JM and Leo are all spiffed up, ready to go. Balbina tells Leo that a woman called while they were out, but didn’t identify herself. Leo’s antennae shoot up. They head out for the theater.

Olga, who wears no makeup, is apparently Mari’s makeup artist. Mari has on a fluffy pink chiffon number that makes our tiny actress look a bit pudgy. Mari is all wound up about going on, but she remembers that Amador told her when the curtain goes up, she should just pretend no one is there.

We’re at the theater and people are going in, all dressed up. So the jeans people earlier must have been just buying their tickets in advance. Leo says it’s an exciting night, and with all these people, wouldn’t it be something if he saw Lirio? Naw, she wasn’t interested in theater, he says. Time to go in! They sit down and Omar looks around, saying he has a premonition that he’ll see her there.

Four minutes to curtain! Mari is pacing, nervous. Why doesn’t she have the blond wig on? Two minutes! Olga says she’ll be behind the curtain with a script, okay? And be her prompter, okay? Mari says yes! (Just now they’re thinking of this?) Amador comes in and gives Mari a little kick in the rear – for luck, he says – and gives Olga one too. Olga picks up the towering blonde wig and runs out after them.

The doctor is checking Ceci and the judge is there pleading save my wife! Don’t let her die! The doctor says we’re doing everything we can. Ceci starts to come to. She asks for the padre who just then walks in. The judge breaks down and says do something padre. Science has done all it can, now she’s in the hands of God. The judge leaves to cry in private and the padre tells Ceci he did what she asked.

The curtain goes up and there is Mari posing in profile with that ridiculous piled-high wig. The Master of Ceremonies or whatever the character is starts up while Mari is frozen in position, so it’s hard to make her out. Omar hasn’t caught on yet.

The padre takes the tough love approach and tells Ceci that when Mari gave birth, she was also very ill and she told herself that she couldn’t die and leave her child alone. And now I’m telling you the same thing. Don’t leave your daughter alone in the world again. (You know, this might be the workable alternative to a national health plan, the Heal Thyself plan. It sure worked for Vicente.)

The play is only about 2 minutes in and Omar is already bored, having already scoped the audience. He tells JM he’s not used to being stuck in one spot for two hours and he wants to leave. The lady behind them shushes them. He and JM scoot out. JM gives him the car keys, and Leo turns his back to leave just as Mari turns to face the audience. Up the aisle he goes in slo mo. JM stands there, smiling, but I feel totally ripped off.

Curtain call – Mari is the last one out and the crowd leaps to its feet. Amador is ecstatic. Backstage, the press mobs Mari and wants to know about her business relationship with Amador and he says we’re a team! Mari, wig in hand, turns a corner and there stands JM smiling at her bee-sting lipped beauty.

Avances: somebody (Stef, natch) sends Omar a note saying she knows where Lirio can be found. Omar comes into their apartment and says Lirio, at last I’ve found you! Oops – JM is in the background, puzzled.


Thursday, February 05, 2009

Cuidado con el Angel, February 4, 2009

We start off with a repeat of last night’s episode with Vicente standing in the doorway looking for Rocio and finding her with Humberto the doctor.

Amador tells Marichuy that Eduardo can stay with Beatrice, but that child is his and should be carrying his name. Marichuy tells him that the baby needs a mother and father and who will raise him in a happy home. Amador tells Marichuy to be careful because JM could find out about the baby and with all his money can take the baby away.

PA is reading the article in the paper about Ceci’s accident to Cande. The paper said that the airbag did not deploy in the vehicle and doctors say that she has internal injuries.

Vicente walks to a nearby table while Humberto the doctor toasts to love with Rocio looking uncomfortable.

Marichuy tells Amador that JM will not be taking her baby from her. JM Jr. only has her and no one else. Amador tells her that he will take his baby away from Beatrice. Marichuy tells him that Beatrice will not allow that to happen.

JM goes to visit Patricio and Ceci in the hospital.

Marichuy goes on to say to Amador that before anyone takes her baby away, she will kill them. You have no idea what I am capable of doing to protect my son. Amador tells her that JM is a man and much stronger than her. He also has what you do not and that is money. He can pay anyone to take away your child. She tells Amador the only way JM will find out is if he or Estephania tells him.

Patricio tells JM that Ceci suffered internal injuries and her prognosis does not look good. JM asks if there is anything that he can do. Patricio tells him the doctors are doing all they can. JM asks him how the accident happened. Patrricio tells him that Ceci was upset and that she wasn’t really paying attention and crashed the car. All because she wanted to see her. JM asks who she wanted to see.

Humberto the doctor asks why Rocio is not toasting with him. Rocio tells him that she does not love him, but Vicente. She doesn’t want to hurt him. The whole time Vicente is listening and goes up to her and asks her to dance.

Olga comes to visit Marichuy and they talk about her visit with Purita. Cande goes in out of breath and tells Marichuy that Ceci was in an accident and is dying.

Patricio tells JM that it is all her fault. JM asks who he is talking about and finds out its Marichuy.

Marichuy asks for more information from Cande and takes the paper away from her to read the paper herself. She asks if it’s her fault.

JM tells Patricio that he does not understand. Patricio tells him that Ceci went to the Threate Principal to talk to her and tell her the truth, but Marichuy did not want to listen to her. Ceci went back to talk to her again and the accident happened. If Ceci dies it will be on Marichuy’s conscience forever.

Rocio asks Vicente if she is dreaming. She starts dancing with Vicente totally forgetting about Humberto the doctor. Eduardo sees them and smiles along with Elsa, Nelson and Becky. Humberto the doctor not so much.

Marichuy suffers a pain in her chest.

Rocio wants to know how Vicente did it. He tells her that he wanted to regain her love and that it has helped him to get better. Humberto the doctor finally stands up and says to Rocio that he wants to tell her that one knows when they have lost and hopes that they will be happy and shakes Vicente’s hand. Elsa goes out to the balcony where Nelson is observing the party and says that she’s happy to see Rocio and Vicente together again. Nelson tells Elsa that Rocio and Vicente have the rest of there lives to be together, but they don’t. He asks her to love him till the end.

Omar questions JM on Ceci’s prognosis and confesses to JM that it is absurd to think that he can find Liria (Marichuy) in the streets. But that is all he can do. JM tells him that he found Marichuy. Tomorrow he will go and talk to her.

Eduardo asks Beatrice where the baby is. Beatrice says he fell asleep after eating. She thanks him for defending her from Amador. Also for making him believe that he was going to marry her and that you were going to take care of the baby. Eduardo tells her that he was serious. She says that it cannot happen. When he questions her as to why, she tells him that she doesn’t need to tell him. But thank you for doing it. He looks sad.

Omar asks JM why he is concerned about Ceci and JM informs him that she is the mother of Marichuy. That Ceci went to see her at the theater. Marichuy became an actress after our separation. Omar also asks him about Estephania. He tells him the story. (which I will not go into since we know it all)

Ceci is lying in the hospital bed and Patricio is looking on as the doctor examines her. He asks the doctor if there is anything more that can be done.

Marichuy is talking to JM Jr. She tells him how bad she feels about treating Ceci and recalls her harsh words to her. She prays to god that she can see her and ask for forgiveness.

The doctor tells Patricio that Ceci suffered massive internal injuries and they have to wait. To have faith. PA comes in to see Ceci and tells Patricio that he found out what happened thru the newspaper. He asks Patricio how she is. Ceci says PA’s name.

Isa asks Estephania how Ceci is. Estephania says very badly and she could die. Isa says this cause for a celebration. Because if she dies, Patricio will be alone and in our hands. (what an evil witch) Isa puts music on and pours wine. She fantasies herself back at the Velardes house living the grand life again. They toast to a bright future and the death of Ceci.

Rocio and Mayita come back from the party. Mayita is tired and Rocio says she has a lot to tell him. JM wants to put Mayita in bed first, but Rocio says she will do it. JM wonders what happened at the party to put Rocio in such a good mood.

Ceci tells PA that she wanted to talk to Marichuy and tell her the truth, but she could not. Marichuy did not want to listen to her. PA asks if she wants him to bring Marichuy to her.
Marichuy confesses to Cande that she could not sleep because of the bad way she treated Ceci. She says that the accident was her fault because Ceci left upset. Cande tells her that it was not her fault.

PA tells Ceci that he will go get Marichuy immediately. Ceci tells him that she wants Marichuy to forgive her. If she dies, he wants him to tell Marichuy about her and how much she loves her. Ceci suddenly becomes unresponsive and Patricio breaks down crying.

Isa is drunk and says that they will spend the rest of there lives living in comfort. Aren’t you happy? Estephania says that Patricio will be in there hands and that she always gets what she wants from him. Suddenly Estephania grabs her arms and Isa asks her what’s wrong. Estephania says that suddenly she felt strange. Like something just happened. Isa thinks that it’s because Ceci may have died. They toast again.

Marichuy is trying on her wig and thinks that it looks weird. Cande asks her if she is nervous being in front of a lot of people. Marichuy tells her that she is very nervous. She keeps trying on wigs and keeps rejecting them. Cande asks her why Amador was so upset yesterday. She explains to her about what happened the day before with Beatrice and the baby at the baptism.

The lawyer wants Blanca to act different. She seems to into herself, timid.

JM bought tickets to Marichuy’s first play and wants Omar to go with him.

Cande tells Marichuy that she should not be sad, but happy. Cande tells her to call the Velardes house and ask how Ceci is doing.

Patricio curses the day they found out about there daughter.

Marichuy calls the Velardes house and asks how Ceci is doing. She tells the maid (the one that was nice to her) how bad she feels about the way to treated Ceci. The maid tells her that she should have listened to what Ceci had to tell her. It was very important. Marichuy wants to know if she will tell her what it was that Ceci wanted to tell her.

Tomorrow: JM and Omar head out to the theater to see Marichuy’s (Liria) play.


Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Cuidado Tues 2-3-09. My best friend’s sister’s boyfriend’s brother’s girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who’s going with the girl...

who saw Ceci pass out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it’s pretty serious.

At the jail visiting room, Blanca swears to Juan Miguel that she had nothing to do with her sister’s death. Apropos of nothing, JM responds to that by mentioning that he has a friend staying with him, a guy who’s had some bad luck. He wants Blanca to meet him. Blanca looks baffled by the non sequitur. However, she’s used to being baffled.

Patricio and Estefanía sit in the garden. Pat tells Stefi that he doesn’t want her to leave because of Marichuy. If Ceci brings Marichuy back, he’ll pretend to be all nice to her for Ceci’s sake even though he thinks she’s a nasty brat. Martirio brings the phone out; the Red Cross is calling to say Ceci’s been in a serious accident. They all run off.

Marichuy tells Cande how she drove Ceci away. Cande thinks she did the right thing, but notes that it must have really hurt Ceci.

Pat and Stefi arrive at the hospital and ask about Ceci. Thus commences an overly long chat with the medical staff about whether they want her moved to a fancier hospital since she’s got medical insurance and why they aren’t allowed to go into the treatment area to see her, which seems like a waste of time when people need urgent medical attention. Pat surprises me by saying the Red Cross hospital is fine; he doesn’t want her moved.

Maite Perroni was totally sick when this episode was filmed. Her voice sounds painfully scratchy. She and Cande chat in Marichuy’s bedroom, which Amador has decorated rather like I imagine a bordello looks. Cande’s heading out to visit Olga. Mari mentions that she wants to talk to Olga also about helping her with her wardrobe and such at the theater. Amador told her she could hire an assistant, and who better than Olga? Cande looks offended by that, but Marichuy laughs and says Cande can’t do it because she takes care of the baby. Someday maybe they’ll be able to afford a nanny, though. Cande is skeptical about the quality of care a nanny would provide. She’s happy to be with the baby. All is well.

Pat continues to argue with the nurse about wanting to see Ceci rather than letting her care for patients. Finally the nurse escapes, and Stef points out that Ceci could die and not even have Patricio by her side in her last moments. Thanks, Stef, so helpful. Pat’s look of horror/disgust/pain doesn’t stop her, so she continues along this pessimistic line with comments about how it’s a shame Ceci will probably die just because she wanted to go find that worthless Marichuy. Try to use the words “die” and “death” a little more, Stefi, I’m sure it will really endear you to Patricio.

Marichuy talks to BabyJM, worrying that she may have been too harsh with Ceci.

The nurse finally says that Ceci can have a visitor, but only one. She asks Stefi if she is Ceci’s daughter, because the whole time Ceci has been asking for her daughter. Pat goes to see his wife, and Stef gets the grim details of the accident—Ceci hit a concrete barrier near the theater.

Ceci lies in a hospital bed, all scraped up. The doctor tells Pat that her condition is very delicate. Pat hovers over her and pleads with her not to die.

Meanwhile, in the waiting room, Stef hopes that Ceci dies, because then she won’t have to worry about that guacha claiming her rightful place in the Velarde family.

Cande and Olga sit in the courtyard at the old building. Some neighbor lady comes by and gives Olga a big slice of cake. I want to live in a neighborhood with cake service like that. None fer Cande, though, which displeases her. She tries to continue the conversation, but is distracted by the cake and insists on trying it, to make sure it is okay. Olga lets her eat cake. Cande mentions the job helping Marichuy, and Olga says she’s happy to do it, even for free. That settled, Cande starts squealing about the baby, when suddenly Juan Miguel appears. He tells Cande he wants to see Marichuy. They have a staring contest. Is it just me, or does JM look especially like a funeral director today?

Ceci mumbles for Marichuy through her oxygen mask. She mumbles a bunch more stuff, and tells Pat she’s atolondrada (confused). Regarding her condition, Pat tells her, “te sacaron unas placas” and I’m not exactly sure what that means, put together in this context. They extracted something? Had to pull pieces of metal out of her, maybe? Ceci tells Pat that she went to the theater to see Marichuy. He’s all mad.

JM wants Cande to tell him where to find Marichuy, and she refuses. He goes up the stairs to knock on the door of the old apartment. Cande tries to sneak away while he’s up there, but he sees her. She screams and tries to run away from him, which was the best tiny moment of comedy I have ever seen on this show.

Meanwhile, Marichuy is walking toward the building with the baby.

Juan Miguel catches up with Cande, obvio, and Cande begs him to let her go, because if she brings him to Marichuy, Mari will “me pone como lazo de cochino” (literally, she’ll make me like a pig’s rope. She’ll yell at me; she’ll tear me apart). Juan Miguel doesn’t believe that Mari doesn’t love him anymore, so he wants to talk to her. Marichuy walks up right behind him, and nearly flips her lid when she sees him. Cande, who fortunately is not a poker player, makes the most comically exaggerated astonished expression when she sees Mari, then badly tries to turn it into a forced grin at JM. JM doesn’t react to the hammy gasp, but even he isn’t dumb enough to buy that Cande is really smiling at him, so he turns around. Mari must have run off. He looks at Cande, puzzled (as usual).

Mayita visits Abuela Mariana and tells her about Beatriz’s baby’s upcoming baptism. She mentions again how much she wants a little brother like Marichuy promised her, so granny brings her a flying cartoon baby with wings, which is actually much less weird than that dancing baby on that one show with Calista Flockhart. Mayita tries to catch the baby like it’s a butterfly. Which also, I guess, is not any weirder than having kids believe that storks bring babies. I’m getting to sort of enjoy these odd little forays into Mayita’s mind.

Ceci tells Pat that Marichuy rejected her, so she left the theater feeling destroyed, then had the run-in with Amadork. As she was driving she decided to go back and tell Marichuy everything, no matter what, but she was too nervous to drive and thus crashed.

“What’s up with you?,” JM asks Cande. “Me? Huh? What’s up with you?,” Cande waffles. Cande tells him Marichuy never wants to see him and she’s going to marry someone else soon. He says he’s also going to marry soon, to a good woman who needs him and will be a good mother. “Yeah, a good woman who’s in jail because she goes around killing people!,” says Cande. JM has no clever comeback for that. Marichuy has ducked into a store and wonders aloud why JM is following her everywhere when he’s already replaced her. BabyJM looks indignant.

JM walks right past Marichuy in slo-mo, and even turns back, but of course doesn’t see her. Sigh.

Pat returns to the waiting room and Stef hopefully asks whether Ceci died. Nice, Stefi.

Cande, Olga, and Marichuy have a boring rehash conversation while Cande munches on a loaf of bread bigger than her head. Possibly even bigger than a breadbox. Why does Cande have to be constantly eating so much? It seems kind of rude on the part of the writers or directors to me, like they’re just trying to draw attention to the excess weight of a great actress. Cande assures Mari that JM won’t look for her anymore, and Marichuy looks sad and says she’ll never be able to forget about him.

It’s now Thursday, which we know because Rocio talks to Balbina about getting Mayita ready for the baptism.

Pat tells Stef he has decided to move Ceci to a different hospital, but he’s going to give a big donation to the Red Cross because if not for them his wife would have died. Stef looks disgusted with the Red Cross and their blasted lifesaving ways.

In the loft, Vicente is standing (!) and getting ready for the baptism. He seems to have no trouble using his legs, but apparently needs the physical therapist to do his tie for him. He quickly sits back in the wheelchair when Mercedes appears at the door. She’s delighted to see her son looking so happy, but he won’t let her come closer to give him a hug. Instead, he stands up and walks to her, and there is much rejoicing.

Rocio and Mayita are ready to go to the baptism, and they’re all happy, which means it’s time for our least favorite ogre to make an appearance. Ornerylia says that Mayita can’t go to a party and have fun after what happened to her mother. “Screw you, witch!,” says Rocio, although out loud she only says, “Let’s go, Mayita.” Ornerylia gnashes her fangs and spits poison.

Vicente tells his mom that he didn’t tell her he was learning to walk again because…the PT who really missed his calling as a jolly ice cream man chimes in that it was a surprise. For mother’s day, just a little late. She says it’s the best surprise ever, and they hug some more and cry and grin and Vicente pinches her cheeks, which oddly does not seem to annoy her. She’s just THAT happy.

Elsa’s parents’ backyard is all done up for a party, and Beatriz is greeting the guests and hoping Amador doesn’t make an appearance. Padre Anselmo tries to be comforting and priestly to Nelson, who is lounging under a blanket and stewing pessimistically about his chances in the hereafter. Eduardo arrives and looks way hot. Rocio and Mayita arrive with slimy Dr. Humberto and steal the baby. Ed asks Beatriz why she seems scared, just as Amador walks in. How hard would it have been to spend a little money on security, Party Planner Elsa? Eduardo tells Amador to leave. Amador just stands there, and they grin at each other and have the following silent conversation:

E: You look like a dork. I shall burn you to a crisp using only the fact that I am hot as hell.
A: I am evil; hell is my home base. Fire does not hurt me.
E: Loser!
A: If I just keep grinning maybe he’ll think I won the fight.

Martirio calls Castle San Roman and leaves a message with Balbina about Ceci’s accident.

Ed and Amador turn verbal and Ed tells Amador to leave because he has no reason to be there. The baby’s father is Eduardo.

Olga goes to the convent to visit Purita, who is wearing nun clothing and has angel music following her wherever she goes. She gives Olga some kind of tchochke as a gift.

Ed and Amador’s argument devolves into fisticuffs when Ed says he’s going to marry Beatriz and adopt the baby, but Elsa’s dad breaks it up right away and throws Amador out. On the one hand, I’m glad mi querido Eduardo is too much a gentleman to stoop to Amador’s level, but on the other, I really wish someone would give the jerk a good pounding.

Olga tells Purita that things are much better for her around the neighborhood, and asks if Purita if she’ll come back, but Purita says she’s happy where she is and is going to stay forever.

Balbina tells JM and Leo about Ceci, and JM leaves to see her. Leo asks Balbina who Ceci is, and Balbina tries to fill him in, although she lies outright when she calls Stefi “a friend of the family.” Leo rolls his eyes at JM’s complicated life.

Ed apologizes for the scene, but Elsa’s parents are like, “Whatever! Let’s party!” Elsa remarks that Ed was quick, making up that story about marrying Beatriz to get rid of Amador. OMG, is she really that thick? Beatriz named her baby after Ed, they went to Acapulco together, and they are pretty much attached at the hip. Ed and Beatriz exchange sly looks but don’t bother to tell Elsa it’s true.

Amador rants to Marichuy about having been thrown out of the baptism party, but he came to the wrong lady for sympathy. Marichuy reams him out and says he never wanted the baby and is only trying to claim him now because of ego, not love, so he should stay away and let Beatriz marry Eduardo.

The baby is baptized; everyone claps. Humberto is sticking to Rocio like a leech (sanguijuela, FYI), which means it’s time for Vicente to turn up. Sure enough, there he is standing (!) in the doorway looking hurt.

Mari tells Amador he should stay away from the baby; he just needs a mother and a father for a happy home and he’ll have that, so naturally Amador says that Mari’s baby doesn’t know his father. What if Amador told JM about his son? “It wouldn’t matter,” says Marichuy. Amador says JM would take the baby away from her.

Avances: Pat tells JM that Ceci went to visit Marichuy at the theater. Hmmm…will JM try to find her there also (preferably without the follow-up medical trauma)?


Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Cuidado con el Angel - Monday, Feb. 2 - Change of heart, change of scenery, same old game of hide and seek

* JM and Omar are talking in the study - Leo tells JM that he is searching for a young lady.

* Beatrix walks out of the house and is confronted by Amador, who checks out her notebook with all the information about her son's baptism. He starts to become very interested in HIS son (Yea, right, now you want to be a daddy). Nelson watches as Bea y Amador go toe-to-toe over the whole paternity issue and whether or not Amador is welcome to come and about his new found interest in HER son. He steals a kiss and Bea is totally disgusted. (Baptism will be on Thursday).

* Omar and JM continue to discuss women - they need them but at the same time they run away from them. Omar and JM then discuss Viv's death and the trial.

* At the hearings, the prosecutor (Lic. Villar) grand stands his objections to Padre's testimony in the case.

* Omar and JM talk about Blanca, the nanny, standing accused of the murder. JM tells Omar her name is Blanca Silva.

* At the theater, MC is sitting in the audience focused on learning her lines. Ceci walks down and sits right next to MC. Ceci is happy to see her again. MC doesn't feel the same way - she's impacto and wants to know why Ceci is there?

* JM tells Omar about Blanca's role in the murder and about Viv faking her own death so she could be free and single, when her money ran out, she came back and faked mental illness. Leo is intrigued. JM then mentions Marichuy by name.

* Ceci explains that she wanted to see MC again. MC is still hurting from the way Pat and Steffie and Tia Isa ganged up and forced her to leave the mansion. Ceci tries to explain and apologize. MC doesn't want to hear it and spouts off against Ceci, Pat and everyone - especially Ceci who MC says just stood by and said nothing. MC continues to rant against Steffie, saying Steffie is her daughter and she's only a street kid that they let stay at their house. MC tells Ceci never to return to see her again. Ceci cries.

* JM tells Omar about his continuing love for Marichuy.

* MC continues to scold Ceci about Pat's attitude towards her and that she should tell her husband about her life now, it's good, it's just, she's not stealing anymore, and repeats all the insulting nicknames that Steffie and Pat had used against her. Ceci cries and her heart break even more.

* Ceci cries and asks if there's any chance that MC will forgive them. MC says no. MC isn't interested in listening to Ceci anymore and asks her to leave. Ceci gets up and walks to the aisle. Ceci turns to look at MC, cries, and leaves. MC looks towarsds the stage and covers her face to hide her tears.

* JM and Omar continue their conversation. Leo says that he's staying at a local hotel; he's trying to stop thinking about someone. JM asks about the lady.

* Nelson is laying on the sofa inside the house. Elsa is rocking Bea's son in her arms. Nelson is melancholy over his illness in impending death. He thinks that some time in the near future another man will be in Elsa's life.

* At the door to the theater, Ceci and Amador talk about the visit with MC. Ceci is disillusioned. Amador gives her some advise about MC. Amador goes into the theater.

* Amador walks over to where MC is still sitting in the audience chairs. He talks with her about Ceci's conversation. MC is still fuming against Ceci and the harsh treatment she received in the past. Amador changes the subject with news about her career plans.

* Omar mentions to JM the lady that lived at his hacienda and recently gave birth. Omar mentions that they were happy and planning their wedding. Omar calls her "Liria".

* Amador talks with MC about interviews and classes in acting, and leaving town.

* Omar continues to tell JM about Liria and her son. JM comments about dreams. Omar mentions the reality of how Liria left and he really wants to confront her to find out why she left so suddenly. He thinks it's hopeless to find her and thinks of giving up. JM advises him that if he loves her, he should continue to search. In fact, JM offers to help Omar in the search of "Liria."

* JM's lawyer brings him the paper - and the news about Blanca's insanity defense may just be accepted. JM is happy about the news.

* Vince is sitting in his wheelchair, looking out the window. He thinks about his life and that Rocio is now with Doctor. Mom stops by to visit. She does her best to cheer him up and convince him to move back home - she and his dad have fixed up a room for him to use as his studio and everything. She admires his paintings. He asks her for help tomorrow. She agrees.

* Rocio talks on the phone to Doctor. She hangs up and thinks about Vince - she prays for a way to get back together with him. Rocio makes a call on her cell phone. Vince reaches for his cell phone and answers it. Rocio says hello, vince, it's me, Rocio.

* Elsa and Bea are outside in the garden discuss Amador's badgering about the baptism and him attending as the father. Bea wonders about Ed's feelings. Elsa thinks Ed will understand.

* Rocio asks Vince if she can visit right now. Vince pauses and says no she can't visit him. He thanks her for the phone call and hangs up. Vince celebrates because he knows she still loves him.

* JM and Omar meet Rocio at the stairs in the front hall of the castle. Rocio is sad and runs upstairs. JM asks Omar to go to the jail and visit Blanca with him.

* MC thinks about Ceci's visit at the theater; about her mother and her son. Amador comes over with career news.

* JM and Omar leave the castle to visit Blanca.

* Ceci is in her car, driving, and thinking about Amador's advice. Ceci can't forget about MC and promises herself that she needs to see MC again - she needs to talk with her. Ceci drives recklessly on the streets and makes other motorists honk at her.

* Backstage at the theater -- MC and Amador are in the middle of a photo session. MC isn't in the mood but goes along with it for Amador's sake.

* Omar and JM meet with the attorney in his office. The attorney remembers Blanca mentioned "Omar" during one of their visits.

* MC shouts to a director on the landing above her. Director leaves. Amador gets her ready for a television interview with a "La Oreja" reporter. Amador informs the reporter about the trip planned for Alejandra Robles and that she is a true professional that the audience will adore. Amador does most of the talking.

* Omar talks with the attorney and JM about Blanca Silva.

* Rocio snaps and argues with Nellie in the front hall.

* Omar gets a phone call - he needs to leave for the hacienda, it's an emergency. Omar tells JM that maybe another time he can meet Blanca. JM walks him out the door so Omar can return to the castle.

* Rocio and Nellie continue their debate in the front hall.

* Outside on the patio, Pat and Steffie discuss Steffie's obsession with marrying JM and seeing every lady that comes in contact with JM as her rival. Pat suspects that Steffie had something to do with Blanca being in jail.

* In the prison visiting room, JM meets with Blanca. He tells her about how the hearing is progressing, her defense strategy. He asks her something and she starts to stutter and get really nervous.

* Pat scowls at Steffie, as she whines about his accusation. Pat apologizes. He sits down and wonders where Ceci is. He shocks Steffie with news that Ceci went to visit MC at the theater.

* In the apartment, MC is at home with JM Jr. and Cande. She and Cande discuss her work and her wish to hear JM Jr. call her 'mama'. MC then talks with Cande about all the interviews she had to do. Also, MC tells Cande about Ceci's visit at the theater.

* Steffie and Pat discuss Ceci's visit with MC at the theater. Steffie doesn't approve. Pat supports his wife. Steffie wonders if Pat is trying to offend her so she will leave the house voluntarily.

* JM tells Blanca about his good friend, who is almost like a brother to him.

* Pat and Steffie continue to discuss Pat's decision to recognize MC as his daughter. Martirio brings the phone out to Pat. Pat talks with the Red Cross employee about Ceci being in a serious car accident. Pat and Steffie are impactado.

ADVANCE: Decisive moments tomorrow -- Will Ceci survive her car accident? What happens when JM finds Cande, MC and JM Jr. on the Mexico City streets?


Monday, February 02, 2009

Cuidado: Friday 1/30/09 "Padre Anselmo takes the stand and Vicente makes a stand"

Due to my unplanned attention to the SuperBowl game, here's a very rushed recap of Friday's episode. Please fill in anything I missed or correct anything that I got wrong. I'll try to add the vocabulary I gathered to the comments later.

Adrian is escorted into Marichuy and Cande’s apartment by Cande. She is very excited to point out that the building has an elevator. Once up in the apartment, Adrian is surprised to see a baby and Marichuy fills her friend in on the history of her marriage & annulment with Juan Miguel, all due to the return of Viviana from the dead. And now, she tells him, it is a year later and Viv’s been murdered (dead for real now) and JM apparently prefers the company of the murderess to me.

Nelson is reading in the garden and Ed shows up. They exchange comments about how they think the other doesn’t like them, all because of Elsa. Ed says that Elsa is her own person, she doesn’t belong to either Nelson or Ed (how very enlightened of him). Nelson believes he lost Elsa. What, questions Ed. Yes, I lost her when we couldn’t have a child.

Mercedes is at Vicente’s and learns he’s ready to paint again. She happily throws off the dust covers from his easel.

Padre Anselmo is still testifying on Blanca’s behalf. He tells the court that Blanca wasn’t responsible for the crime which was committed.

Marichuy and Adrian discuss Purita and Adrian lets her know that he blames his mother. I think MC was encouraging him to not be so hard on his mother, which makes me think she needs to practice what she preaches. I might have gotten that wrong, let me know if I’ve messed up on translation. MC asks Adrian to keep it a secret about the baby and he agrees.

Stefi and Isa arrive at the hacienda. They find Nacho hard at work and start to ask him about Leo. Since they haven’t read the book “How to Win Friends and Influence People”, they just end up insulting Nacho and he’s not willing to give them any news on Leo’s whereabouts. Mica shows up and tells Nacho she’ll take care of the “ladies”. She tells them that Leo’s not at the hacienda and they tell her they need to leave him a message. They tell her to tell Leo that the woman he’s looking for is not named Lirio, it is Marichuy. If these two were any good at reading people, they’d be able to tell this wasn’t brand new information for Mica, who pretends she’ll pass the message along to her employer (at least I think she’s pretending, since she’s known how MC can be found and hasn’t told Leo as of yet). They leave a note about where he can find MC. They head back to town and seem pretty confident that Mica will deliver it to Leo.

Humberto is at the castle and asking Rocío for news about Beatriz’s baby’s baptism. He finds out the date and is excited because he doesn’t have appointments that day. Pretty presumptuous to think he’s invited, but what do I know, maybe he is invited. He gets up to leave and tells Rocío to remember that he loves her. She doesn’t reply.

Becky visits Vicente and they talk about Israel a bit and then they start to talk of Marichuy. Becky tells Vic that she heard about MC from Rocío. Vic looks moved to hear Rocío's name and we see he’s been working on her painting. Becky says she thought he was trying to forget her. He doesn’t respond to that directly, but instead shows Becky that he’s got some slight movement in his legs.

Rocío flashes back to some of the happy times with Vicente and then hears Humberto say he loves her. She's conflicted.

Vicente works with some dude in hospital scrubs, named Sergio. Vicente gets Sergio to help him stand up from the wheelchair. Vicente waves his arms to keep his balance, but he succeeds in standing on his own.

Padre Anselmo says that Viviana did not live the purest life and perhaps what befell her was a form of punishment from the Lord. The Lawyer is shocked at what the priest is insinuating (as am I, I have to admit). The Lawyer asks about PA’s relationship with Juanmi. PA says he admires JM and knows him pretty well. The Lawyer questions JM’s involvement in Viv’s death and PA says that all JM tried to do was protect Blanca from unjust punishment, he had nothing to do with it otherwise. He adds that he knows Blanca, as two people—first he met her as Blanca, but soon after saw her as Ivette. They are two different people, the priest tells the court. The fact that the priest seems to think she's suffering under this disorder seems to rock the courtroom.

Ceci cries to Patricio about how PA was not at the church. Pat reminds his wife that PA is testifying for JM. They talk about Ceci’s conversation with JM and how JM thinks that MC might have been back in town to get papers for her wedding. Ceci is upset to think that their daughter might be getting married without them.

Marichuy talks to Olga about Purita and Adrian. Olga asks about Leo and MC tells her about how Leo got his nickname. Olga asks about MC leaving him, when they were to get married. MC says she hopes he’ll find someone new, who can really love him.

Stefi visits JM and he asks why she’s always coming around and why she failed to mention that MC was at the house. Stefi says she thought Rocío would have given him the 4-1-1. He says she didn’t, not until recently. He runs through what he knows and Stefi says she’s got nothing more to add other than MC telling her that she’s leaving D.F., to go some place Far, Far Away (perhaps to hang with Shrek and Fiona). To be with whom?, JM asks. Stefi says, “Come on, you know that we don’t have that kind of relationship, there’s no way MC would tell me.” He buys that answer. Then, Stefi asks about Blanca’s case and JM fills her in on the latest, and how the court isn’t accepting the idea of her having multiple personalities.

Padre Anselmo tells the court (with accompanying flashbacks) about meeting Blanca when Rocío brought her to the church for help. He says that she confessed to him that she killed Viviana. The Lawyer questions why the priest hadn’t come forward with this information and PA reminds him that confessional secrets are binding.

Leo goes to visit JM at the castle. The two men are happy to see each other and hug. They talk about how many years it has been since they've seen each other and JM asks Leo what he’s been doing. Leo talks about his travels, and how he’s there today because he’s looking for a woman.

Marichuy tells Cande how Amador has suggested he might have her wearing a wig. She goes on to tell Cande how her name will be on the marquee and Cande clarifies that it will be MC’s professional name, Alejandra Robles. MC says how her picture will be in magazines.

Meanwhile, Pat is reading and comes across an article about the play MC’s doing, along with her picture. He goes and shows it to Ceci. Stefi appears to be shocked that MC might be located with such ease. Ceci is happy to know that they’ll soon be with their daughter. Pat basically tells her, hey I’ve shown you how to find MC, which you want so badly, but don’t ask too much from me, I’m not the one bound and determined to be reunited with her. Pat leaves and Stefi asks her what she’s going to do. Find her, Ceci answers. What if she rejects you? Stefi questions.

MC adds her personal touch to the apartment. She takes photos of her, Cande, and the baby and puts them up over the photos Amador has of himself around. She thinks of Juanmi and how Padre Anselmo’s been wanting to tell her who her parents are.

Amador visits Nelson and gets some news about the upcoming baptism of his son. He learns that Beatriz named the baby Eduardo. He’s not too happy to hear that his son is being named after Ed. Nelson tells him that Ed is adored by everyone at that house, and that Nelson, himself, doesn’t think Ed’s such a bad guy. Just then Beatriz comes outside and sees Amador talking with Nelson.

Marichuy’s in the theatre, sitting in the audience during a rehearsal. Ceci walks in and spots her. Ceci comes up to Marichuy and says her name. Marichuy looks up and says “Usted?” END OF EPISODE


Friday, January 30, 2009

Cuidado 1-29-09. A Dearth of Gentlemen Callers.

Eduardo, where are you? I miss you!

This was a little weird. I guess Tontas ran long or something, because we jump right into the show without the usual previouslies and credits.

Padre Anselmo and Ceci drink tea in the garden at Casa Velarde. Ceci repeats her usual lines. Padre Anselmo tells her he is going to try to talk to Marichuy again and things will change. Let’s hope so. Ceci is a nice lady and she deserves some new dialogue.

Marichuy has fallen asleep at the table while studying her script at the new apartment. Amador lets himself in (should have changed the locks first thing, ladies!) and creeps over to her and sticks his lips right in her face, and it serves him right when she gives him a solid smack in the face as she is startled awake. She tells him she’s having a hard time learning the part because the character talks a LOT and it’s hard to focus because she keeps thinking about Blanca’s trial. Amador is disgusted that she’s still concerned about Juan Miguel’s life.

Purita mopes about chez mamá and stares at a picture and remembers Clemencia telling her to ditch Adrian because they’ll never be happy. Adrian walks in and they stare at each other, wordlessly and with much great significance, for sure.

Padre Anselmo is back at the church and receives a summons to appear at Blanca´s trial.

Purita is telling Adrian goodbye, and assuring him that she´s not leaving him because she doesn´t love him; just the opposite, in fact. Adrian is not happy with this and begs her to stay so they can be together and make their dreams reality. He kisses her, but she says he shouldn´t because she is a nun in spirit if not yet in actuality.

Padre Anselmo visits Marichuy and wants to talk to her about her parents. He´s going to tell her who they are, even if she doesn´t want to hear it.

Stefi wonders if she should have told Patricio where Marichuy is. Isabela says of course not.

Olga is seeing her little girl off at the summer camp convent bus stop. Purita says she´ll pray for her. Adrian runs up, still hopeful that she’ll be overcome by his awesomeness and persistence and reconsider, but is rebuffed. On the plus side, she says she’ll pray for him, too. A nun pushes her toward the convent van and they’re off.

Padre Anselmo goes on and on and on in classic telenovela major important news-sharing fashion about how he is really going to tell Marichuy, he didn’t before, but now he is, for sure, and she shouldn’t try to stop him or refuse to hear him, because it’s important, and he’s going to tell her, and before when he was going to tell her she was still upset about having been so badly treated, but that was then, and this is now, and so much time has passed, and so he’s going to tell her, and besides, now that she’s a mother herself she will understand better how much mothers care about their children, so he’s going to tell her who her parents are, and by now she should be ready to hear this important information, so he is going to tell her. Needless to say, the scene ends without PA telling Marichuy who her parents are.

At Castle San Roman, Juan Miguel asks Rocío why she didn´t tell him that Marichuy had been there. Rocío says she didn´t want to upset him, with everything else that was going on. (What could be more upsetting than having someone you really care about, who makes you happy even when she’s making you crazy, around in times of trouble?) He looks skeptical but she can’t think of any better reason than that because even though Rocío doesn´t know she’s a telenovela character, she recognizes when her actions are just lame and pointless plot devices. She tells him that Marichuy left after she told her JM was marrying Blanca, and that she asked about Mari’s wedding and learned that it hasn’t happened yet. Hmmm…JM´s little pea brain (90% of its functions are devoted to maintaining hotness, and most of the rest to self-destruction) works away and wonders how to make use of this good news that she is not married yet. Although, that news is like a week old, and in telenovela time that’s a full engagement plus a few days’ honeymoon.

PA begs Marichuy to give her parents a chance and allow them to get close to her and explain things. BabyJM plays with the curtains and is adorable. Marichuy is still stubborn and says if her parents weren’t poor and starving like she was, then she wants nothing to do with them.

Rocío tells JM that Marichuy just fled, so she didn’t have a chance to talk with her more. JM tells her about running into Mari on the street. Rocío is wearing the most hideous hair bow. Also she appears to be wearing sweats with high heels. An excellent side plot would be to send her on one of those “What Not To Wear” shows. At the very least, there should be a group hair accessory intervention. The glare off that shiny hair bow is making it very hard for me to focus on JM’s hotness, which is the real crime here.

PA tries to remind Marichuy that her mother was alone and thought she was dying. Marichuy is pitiless and says she, too, didn’t have the father with her when her baby was born, and she nearly died also. PA says that was different, and Marichuy had lots of help, and her mother had no one. Mari curtly says she doesn’t want to hear any more about it and walks out of the room.

Adrian arrives back home (where he lives with his mama, in a much nicer place than the other neighborhoodlums live in, and I love the shade of blue their walls are painted) and tells Clemencia (with barely suppressed hostility) that Purita has gotten herself to the nunnery, so tomorrow he’s leaving too, and that’s that. Clemencia is stunned that her brilliant plan backfired. Ha, I hope next time Adrian comes back, he brings home a girl of the sort they say you would never take home to your mama; that would show her. Judgmental twit.

Estafa is still at Isa’s place and getting ready to go find Marichuy at the theater and ruin her life some more. She’s wearing her detective trench coat so we know she’s serious about tracking things down. Isa wishes her good luck with her evil plans. The two witches cackle.

JM visits Blanca at the jail. Surprisingly, he does not seem to have thought to bring her a file baked into a fruitcake so that she can break out and murder more people, even though she totally deserves that because she’s a good person and would be a great mother and all, except for those pesky little homicidal episodes. She says Licenciado Losada doesn’t think PA’s testimony will be enough, and that they need to find someone from her past who knew her as Ivette. JM begs her to try to remember someone.

Marichuy is onstage at the theater, repeatedly giving bad line readings of “I’ve never danced in my life!” to Amador, who is getting a little frustrated and trying to get her to wave her arms and emote more. They continue with the rehearsal as Stef sneaks in the back. Amador praises Mari’s progress and Stef claps loudly and rudely. She tells Marichuy that she saw Leopardo. Marichuy thought he had gone back to the hacienda. If I understand Stef’s threatiness correctly, she is saying she’ll tell Leo where to find Marichuy. Which is lame, because Mari told PA she was willing to see Leo. Stef should get her information straight before she formulates a plot. Marichuy asks how she knows so much about Leo. Estafa smirks smugly.

Patricio drops by Isa’s place and she invites him to make himself at home. He looks around skeptically like that would never be possible. He stiffly and stuffily tells her he wants to know where Marichuy is. She plays stupid. He tells her Stef offered to get the brat out of the way, but he reacted too soon, before he could get more details out of her. Isa insists she knows nothing of this whole messy affair. Pat isn’t buying it.

JM tells Blanca they need to try everything possible to help her, so she’s going to be placed under psychiatric observation so they can make a scientific study of her case. She says she is renuente (reluctant), which makes him sigh and rub his face. He’s so fortunate to not be acne-prone. Or unfortunate, because if he was he would learn to stop doing that. Blanca looks catatonic for a moment and JM thinks she’s switching to Ivette, but she snaps to and says that Ivette must not be coming out to play lately because she doesn’t want to be locked up in jail.

Marichuy tells Stef to stay out of her life. As Mari leaves the theater in a snit, Stef mutters to herself that she’s going to get that orphan out of town whether she wants to go or not. Then she poses grandiosely on the stage and fancies herself a great actress.

Isab!tch insists to Patricio that Stefi would never ever be capable of doing anything bad ever, and especially not to him because she loves him like a father, and they really have no idea where Marichuy is, for realsies, no way do they know anything about it. Patricio still doesn’t believe her because of the whole Stef-offering-an-offing thing, and says he’ll never forgive her. Oh, we can only hope. At the very least he should cut off her allowance for a week or two.

Beatriz is at Castle San Roman with Elsa and her parents to invite Rocío and JM to the baby’s baptism. Francisco and Luisa will be the godparents.

Marichuy rides her bike back to the apartment, where Cande is playing music and dancing. Cande is not happy to hear that Stef found and annoyed Marichuy. “You’re never going to be free of that monserga (gibberish)!,” she says. Cande is even more impactada to hear that Stef ran into Leopardo. Mari fills her in on Stef’s nasty meddling.

The coven holds a briefing to get each other up to speed on the progress of their various cursings, lies, and evil deeds. They go on and on discussing their whole nasty history in great detail, all of which we already know so I won’t repeat it, to the point where I really hope Patricio planted a bug while he was there because it would be really awesome if they were both caught, filleted, and served to Amador’s wolf. They decide they need to focus on using Leo to get Marichuy out of Dodge para siempre. Isa smacks Stef on the shoulder so hard that she nearly falls out the window, which is really funny.

Cande agrees with me, that they need to change the apartment’s locks, because it’s just too convenient that Amador has moved them here into this place for which he has a key. She knows what he’s like, and makes an impassioned political speech about who they are and why they need to protect themselves. Marichuy can’t really hear this argument all the way from her cruise on de Nile, and thinks it isn’t necessary. She thinks Amador is only interested in her as an actress, even though Cande reminds her of the previous times Amador tried to rape her and pretended to be blind to take advantage some more and all that. Thank you, writers, for remembering! Marichuy blithely says that was a long time ago, like rapist tendencies are something that passes like a 24-hour flu. She leaves to feed the baby so she doesn’t have to talk about it anymore. What’s the big deal? Just change the locks!

Stef and Isa discuss how to go about stalking their prey. Then they leave the apartment, and Isa rudely leaves her garbage by a neighbor’s planters rather than hauling it all the way to the dumpster.

Padre Anselmo visits Nueva Casa again and tells Mari and Cande about Beatriz and Amador’s baby’s baptism. “Amador’s?!?!!,” says Marichuy. Yeah, I can’t believe PA would be so rude as to associate that sweet baby with that jackass either. They invite him to stay for a finger-lickin’-good lunch, but he has to go to the tribunal. He tries to explain to them about the double-personality French woman, but they don’t really understand. PA invites Marichuy to drop by the church sometime to talk about baptizing BabyJM.

Ceci visits JM at the castle and is shocked to hear that Marichuy has been by the house. He tells her he didn’t talk to her, but he understands that she is in the D.F. for something to do with her wedding. Ceci is impactada. JM mentions that he ran into Marichuy in the street and she confirmed she is getting married, but he does not know which lucky gentleman is the winner. He suggests PA might know.

Beatriz and Elsa work on baptism-party planning. Elsa thinks hard booze isn’t appropriate, so they should have champagne. Beatriz worries that it’s inconsiderate to have a party when Nelson is so sick, but Elsa thinks it will entertain him; what he doesn’t need is more free time to think. I think Nelson will just be bummed that they’re having champagne instead of hard liquor.

PA defends Blanca at the tribunal.

Ceci goes to the church, but is told that PA is out and she should come back tomorrow. She is muy upset.

Marichuy laments that no matter how hard she tries, she can’t forget Juan Miguel. Flashback to the greatest hits of their courtship, and then my reception turns to psychotic black and green fuzz so I have no idea if there were avances or anything.

So, JM and Mari still didn’t talk, and no Leo, no Eduardo, no Vicente. Sigh, woe is me. On the plus side, Juan Miguel did not cry, not a once!


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Cuidado con el Angel, January 28, 2009

We start off with JM in traffic thinking of Marichuy. Marichuy pulls up beside him and at first they do not see each other. While I am yelling at the TV for JM to look to his left he finally hears me and sees her and mutters Marichuy?!

Rocio tells the judge the truth of Viv and how she pretended to be dead and then all of a sudden she’s alive. She made up a story of having amnesia so that she did not have to say where she was while she was away. I figured I have to tell you the truth since my brother would not tell you.

JM wants to talk to Marichuy, but says they have nothing to talk about. She peddles away and JM follows her. He yells out again that they need to talk. She tells him that all he’s going to say is that he thinks about her and has not forgotten her. You probably tell that to all the woman. You are engaged aren’t you? How do you know that replies JM.? I read about it in the paper. He asks her if she wants to know the truth and when she says no he laughs and says of course not.

Rocio goes on with her testimony defending Blanca.

JM asks Marichuy if she is really going to get married and with who. She tells him that it really doesn’t concern him. She points out that he will be getting married for the 3rd time. JM asks if it’s true what she said on the phone about not caring about him anymore. Marichuy replies that she does not care about him like he does not care for her. And that he is going to marry another like she will be. JM gets out the car and tells Marichuy to look him in the eye and tell him that she does not love him. Marichuy tells him that she does not have time to talk and a car is honking its horn at them. He turns around and tells the driver to stop and she takes her opportunity to ride away. He gets back in the car and pulls it to a side street, gets out and runs after her. But she has disappeared. She starts crying and worries what Amador will think when she sees her cry. JM is sitting on the steps thinking about Marichuy. He reaffirms his commitment to Blanca.

He goes to see her to find out how things went with Dr. Soto. He knows that she did not go to court pleading that she was sick. He goes on to say that he wanted Dr. Soto to psychoanalyze her. Why did you not let him asks JM.

Amador is going over the script with Marichuy. He yells out “Bravo” at her performance. He wants to go over it again, but she tells him that she has to go.

Rocio tells the judge that PA will back up her story about Blanca.

Blanca apologizes and JM says he doesn’t understand her. Blanca tells him that the Dr. was terrorizing her with questions. She finally could not take it anymore. JM asks her what happened to her sister?

Cande and Olga are talking about Marichuy. Olga tells her that Omar came after her and that PA said that he is waiting for Omar to come back to visit with him so that he can bring Omar to see Marichuy. Cande changes the subject when she hears Marichuy coming in. Marichuy sits down to read the paper and Olga asks her if there is anything good in there. Marichuy wants to read about the trial. Olga asks her if they find Blanca guilty and she goes to jail, that will leave JM alone. What will you do?

JM wants to know what part if any Blanca had with her sister’s death. Blanca begs him not to push. He tells her he just wants the truth. He presses on and she cries out that she can’t.
Onelia’s attorney asks her what she happened after she and JM ran into the room and found Viv dead.

Mayita is visiting Abuela and she finishes telling Mayita the story about The Little Mermaid or something like that.

JM comes home and Rocio tells him about the trial and how she told all the truth and defended JM and Blanca. Rocio asks him why with the face. JM tells her that he is concerned about Blanca and says that she had a sister that died. When Dr. Soto asked Blanca about it she became hysterical. He thinks that Viv was not Blanca’s first victim.

Marichuy tells Cande about her rehearsal and how great she did. Cande wonders if Marichuy will be nervous. Marichuy tells her that she does not because she gets in character. Marichuy admits to Cande that she saw JM.

Olga and Purita are walking down the road and she wonders if Purita has talked to Adrian about entering the convent. Purita tells her that he was sad just like her.

Adrian tells him mom about Purita’s decision to enter the convent. He wants her to retract everything she told her.

Patricio complains to Estephania that all Ceci thinks and talks about is Marichuy. He doesn’t want to think about how the house will be if Marichuy comes to live with them. Estephania asks him if it can be avoided for her to find her. Patricio doesn’t understand her. Estephania says what if I knew where Marichuy is and figured out a way to get rid of her forever….

Marichuy tells Cande what happened when she came face to face with JM.

Estephania admits that she does know where Marichuy is and Patricio asks her how she can keep it away from Ceci knowing how she is suffering.

Onelia confronts Rocio and says that her attorney told her how she defended Blanca and JM at the trial.

Patricio cannot believe Estephania’s behavior. She tells him that she thought that he did not want Marichuy around. Patricio does not care as long as Ceci is happy. Where is she asks Patricio.

JM tells Onelia to leave the house. She refuses until the trial is over. She says the double personality angle will not salvage Blanca. She then tells Rocio that she cannot believe that she talked bad about Viv at the trial. JM questions Rocio what she said. When she tells him he asks her why you did that. Sorry replies Rocio but they needed to know the truth about Viv.
Patricio demands Estephania tell him where to find Marichuy. Estephania tells him that she does not know that it was a joke. She wanted to know how he would react. He does not believe her. She reiterates that she really does not know where Marichuy is.

Balbina tells JM that she received a summons to testify against Blanca and JM.

Estephania confesses to Isa what happened when she told Patricio that she knew where Marichuy was. Isa yells at her.

Omar and Cosme are having lunch and Cosme wants to know what happened with Marichuy. Omar tells him that he has not found her yet. He hopes he will find her soon. In the same restaurant Amador, Estephania and Isa come in. Omar recognizes Amador and goes up to him and asks if Amador remembers him.

Olga and Marichuy are talking about Purita entering the convent. Marichuy offers to talk to Purita.

JM tells Balbina not to worry. The truth will not hurt him. Balbina prefers not to go, but JM tells her that she must. They are trying to find out everything that happened. Balbina asks is that why Marichuy came? (don’t know how that fits in all this) JM is impactado and asks if Marichuy was in the house.

Omar asks Amador if he knows where Marichuy is.

JM asks Balbina if she saw Marichuy. Yes, I thought someone told you. She was here for a short time and left. JM thinks to himself why she was there and didn’t tell him when he saw her in the street.

Omar wants to talk to Marichuy and asks if Amador knows where she is. Amador says he doesn’t know where she is. Omar then asks him for Marichuy’s husband’s name.

Marichuy wants to know why Purita wants to be a nun. Does she think that this is really what she wants?

Omar grabs Amador and demands to know where Marichuy is. Amador keeps insisting that he does not know where she is. Isa and Estephania comment how attractive Omar is.

JM pours himself a drink and angrily wonders why no one told him that Marichuy was at the house. Why did Marichuy not tell him that she came to see him? He wonders out loud where she could be.

Tomorrow: PA insists on telling Marichuy who her real parents are


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Cuidado 1-27-09. Sisters make everyone crazy. What more proof do you need?

Marichuy buys ten jugs of milk and a big box of assorted cookies for the orphans. She puts the change in her wallet, but we don’t see her try to stash it in her tight skimpy clothes. As she hauls away the heavy bags, the store clerk calls to her, “Tu vas a sombrita!” Does anyone know what this means? “Sombra” can be slang for jail, so is he saying she’s headed to the clinker, like this is some joke between them? I don’t know.

Juan Miguel reminisces on the times when he was less tragic-looking and smiled more, because he and Marichuy were in lurve. Those were happier times for us all, I think. He is elated to have found out that she lied to the judge so he could keep his daughter (although, not really. She just told the judge that JM didn’t hurt her and nothing big happened, which is true even though she was scared and had nightmares) and muses that he would love to find her again, even though she said she’s over him. He tells himself out loud that he can’t help being jealous that she’s marrying someone else, because he still loves her. “I love you,” he says to his empty study, as tears and snot run down his face.

Marichuy hauls the snack into the orphanage kitchen and the noisy kids crowd around like they haven’t eaten in days. The nuns praise Mari’s generosity and say that even when she was there as a child, she would always give some of her food to someone who was hungrier. Marichuy says she’ll keep bringing them things; she would never forget about them because this was her first home. She tells the kids that life doesn’t get easier when you leave the orphanage, so they should study hard now.

In the courtroom, Onerylia is telling everyone that Blanca seemed timid and reserved, but obviously that was just a mask because really she is a murderous flirt. The defense attorney says that Ivette killed Viv, not Blanca, and Onelia snarls at him to stop trying to sell that ridiculous story. “What was Viv doing in Blanca’s room?,” asks the attorney. That slows Onelia down. Blanca looks sad.

Olga is still trying to figure out what’s going on with Purita. Purita follows the Lorena School of Communication method (as hilariously described by Ferro; see Querida Enemiga recaps) and goes on and on, thusly: “I have decided what to do. You are going to be very surprised. It is not the usual thing to do. I don’t know whether you will support me. It sort of has to do with Adrian. Do you really want to know what it is? Okay, I will tell you. If you really really insist, I will tell you what I am going to do.” Finally, the angelic music starts up, and, like the musical cues to boot Oscar winners offstage, this finally prompts Purita to wrap up and tell her mother she has decided to become a nun. Mom is muy impactada.

Over at the orphanage, the Marichuy lovefest continues. The nuns marvel that she brings them food when she can’t have very much money herself. She says she does what she can because she remembers what it’s like, always to be in need of something, and soon she’ll be able to give them lots more. She says she has to leave, and the girls beg her to stay. She gets them all to dance as she exits. They should sing “It’s a Hard Knock Life” and do flips.

Onelia tells the court that Viv was searching Blanca’s room because she thought there was something strange going on. Blanca would come and go at odd hours and hide in the dark, and other witnesses will testify that she was with Juan Miguel in a bar and in her apartment. Viv caught them together one night. Again, the defense maintains that it wasn’t Blanca, it was the other personality, and Onelia gets fed up. “There is no double personality! It’s a hoax (patraña)!” Onelia starts yelling at everyone that it’s all a lie; Juan Miguel hated his wife and got Blanca to kill her and then invented the double personality as a cover. Various lawyers and court personnel roll their eyes. Onelia tells them to find another doctor who is NOT Juan Miguel to confirm that Blanca is ill. Umm, yeah. Why have they been listening to Onelia for so long? Everyone has agreed that Blanca or at least Blanca’s body killed Viviana; the only issue at question here is whether Blanca is mentally ill. Get rid of the raving lunatic mother and get some qualified expert witnesses, by which I of course do NOT mean Juan Miguel. Onelia senses that she’s gone too far with the yelling, and begs the judge to forgive her because she is just a grieving mother who wants justice. “Do you really want justice, or just revenge?,” asks the defense attorney (is that Villar? Losada? I can’t keep them all straight.)

Juan Miguel explains the insanity defense to Rocío in kindergarten terms. Rocío looks at him like, “I know! Just because I wear childish outfits and hair accessories doesn’t mean I’m stupid!”

More of the same from Onelia. Then Mr. Defense Lawyer says he’s going to prove that Blanca is ill, not a murderer. So do it already. Mostly I spend these scenes trying to figure out where I’ve seen the actor who plays the judge before. The court takes a break and Onelia and her henchman lawyer say more of the same old same old in the hallway over coffee. The lawyer doesn’t think the insanity defense will work.

Beatriz and Elsa sit on the lawn to gossip. Elsa says the same thing happened to Rocío that happened to her; she fell in love then was disillusioned because Vicente turned out to be weak. Beatriz thinks it’s too bad, because they seemed so in love. Elsa, now the expert on relationships, says that love is strong in some things and weak in others, and if Vicente had tried to recuperate Rocío would have admired that.

Vicente, looking rosy of complexion and fluffy of hair despite it all, thinks back to happy days with Rocío. Then he remembers the fateful motorcycle ride and gets all agitated, then angry. He blames the motorcycle for everything. We get a few close-ups of his trembling feet while he clenches his teeth, so I suspect one of these days his anger will propel him to walk again.

Beatriz asks Elsa whether she still loves Nelson. Elsa does not care to examine her feelings on the matter. In another word, no. She says she will be loyal to him until the end. “Then what?,” asks Beatriz. “Do you still want Eduardo?” Elsa doesn’t grasp that Beatriz just wants to be with Ed without feeling like she’s betraying Elsa somehow. Beatriz says she just wants Elsa to be happy, with whatever man would be best for her. Perhaps it would be more tactful to wait until her current husband actually dies to say that.

Amador hands Marichuy a script and she looks it over as they walk down the street. It’s something about a delicate girl who dreams of a world of glass where she is in control and can break all the figurines in her hand or some such. Amador says it’s very romantic. He wants her to have blond hair and wear see-through clothes. She’s not too keen, but he says it will be very spiritual. Is that what the kids are calling it? Anyway, this is not for television, it’s in the theater, and will help her to improve. He is going to make her a big star. She agrees to take the part.

Juan Miguel visits Blanca and tells her that the petition to have her judged insane and moved to a psychiatric place for treatment has been rejected. Things are going to remain bad for her.

Vicente is doing his exercises with the physical therapist, and says it hurts him much less now. He asks the therapist to help him: he is going to try to stand.

Juan Miguel tells Blanca that he’s going to get one of his colleagues to examine her and find out exactly what’s wrong with her, so she should be very honest and not hide anything even if the questions are embarrassing or shameful. She agrees.

The therapist gives in and tries to help Vicente stand up, even though he thinks it’s too soon. Vicente hangs from his shoulders with his legs buckled under him. It looks ridiculous.

Blanca asks JM if he still wants to marry her. “Why do you ask that?,” he stalls as he thinks back over the possibility that Marichuy doesn’t hate him. Blanca thinks he’s given up on her being freed. He says no, things are complicated but he’s going to get her out and cure her. “And then we’ll get married?,” she asks again. “Um, yeah, for sure,” he mutters as he looks shifty-eyed and fidgety. She beams.

Rocío visits Elsa and Nelson and reminds them of when they were all laughing and joking all the time. “Well, those days are past. Now life has brought suffering and bitterness,” says killjoy Elsa. Nelson looks annoyed to be labeled that way, but he can’t exactly deny it. “Life brought it, or we brought it on ourselves?,” he asks. He says they chose their paths, and now he’s at the end of his. Rocío looks like she wishes she’d picked someone else to visit.

Vicente manages to stand briefly. Then he falls to the floor (like a sack of potatoes, says the therapist, which is exactly what my mother used to tell me I sat like when we rode horses. It was not complimentary), but he is elated because now he knows he can be cured. Now he’ll be able to walk to find Rocío!!!!!

Juan Miguel arrives home as Rocío is coming down the stairs and tells her that she has to go to the tribunal tomorrow to testify. You’d think the lawyer or someone from the court would have officially requested her presence, rather than relying on her flaky brother to remember to give her the short notice. He assures her that all she has to do is tell the truth, though as he says it he looks her up and down like she might also consider putting on some appropriate clothes for once.

Oh no! If I’m not mistaken, the psych consult guy is slimy Ickturo from QE, looking greasier than ever! This doesn’t bode well. At any rate, he’s a better shrink than JM, because he starts asking Blanca logical questions and listening to her answers and taking notes. He gets about ten questions in, regarding her sister who died, before he switches over to JM’s “tell me your secret! Tell me tell me tell me!” method of shrinking. Blanca looks stressed. He stands up and hovers over her, asking if she was jealous of her sister, if she loved the same man, if she killed her own sister. Blanca denies it, crying and screaming. Shrinkturo is yelling at her angrily now: “You killed your sister, didn’t you!” Ah, he is more clever than JM; he’s deliberately trying to stress Blanca into switching personalities.

Purita tells Adrian that she can’t be his novia any longer. He thinks she doesn’t like him, or is in love with someone else, but she gets to the point a little faster this time and tells him she’s going to be a nun. He thinks she’s joking but she assures him she’s not. Forever?!?!!, he asks, like she was just thinking of going to nun summer camp. Purita walks away while he stands there stunned.

Shrinkturo switches to good cop mode. See, he can have two personalities also. He tells Blanca he’s just trying to help her, and he’s sure the double personality has something to do with her sister, because she feels responsible for her death. Blanca shrieks and tries to get away from him. She begs the guard to take her back to her cell.

Shrinkturo, whose name here is apparently Raúl, drops by Castle San Roman to report to JM that he wasn’t able to finish the examination, so he can’t certify that Blanca has a double personality, but he will recommend that she be placed under observation. He warns JM to be careful because she could be very dangerous, which, DUH, but JM seems surprised by that. Certainly it never occurred to him when he left her under his little sister’s care with his wife’s dead body in the house. JM is looking good in his striped shirt, but the lip-rubbing gesture is getting tiresome.

Marichuy rides her bike down the fancy apartment building hallway to the elevator.

Rocío gets sworn in as a witness. She has worn Capri pants rather than a miniskirt, but otherwise her attire is as usual. Blah, blah, blah, more rehashing of the case and who she is. Rocío takes control of the discussion and the prosecutor looks annoyed.

JM sits in his car at a stoplight and wonders whether he is doing the right thing, marrying Blanca when he doesn’t love her. His reasoning is that only a shrink can help her, and Mayita needs a mother. Someone needs to go back to remedial logic class. I can’t believe he got through shrink school with these reasoning skills. Marichuy pulls up beside his car on her bike. They see each other and gape.

Rocío tells the court that Mayita needed a governess because she (R) was in the hospital, Onelia was a totally toxic presence in the household (they look like they believe that), and Viviana had faked her own death and only recently returned. The old guys are suddenly looking more alert and interested in the case.

Through a weird editing choice, we see Marichuy pull up alongside JM again. They both look astonished again. Marichuy looks happy; JM looks like he’s going to cry. He clutches his chest.

Avances: Juan Miguel still loves Marichuy.


Monday, January 26, 2009

Cuidado con el Angel - Monday, Jan. 26, 2009

Episode 86:
* With JM Jr in the carry seat, MC and Cande discuss being together as a family. A knock at the door - they hesitate answering it.

* Leo argues with Padre in the church office - Leo wants to see MC and find out from her directly why she left him and his house like she did, right before they were to be married. Padre finally gives in and agrees to take Leo to MC.

* MC opens the apartment door. Amador waltzes inside and makes nice pleasantries to Cande and MC, and reminds MC of all the wonderful things he will do for her and her career. Cande doesn't trust the 'wolf king' one bit.

* Video loop - Cande and MC and Amador are packing up and preparing for their move to another place.

* MC, still with JM Jr in the carry seat around her front, Cande and Amador carry out everything and leave the old apartment again.

* At the new building, MC and Cande scrunch in the elevator as Amador pushes everything including MC's bike in the elevator and then himself as the door closes. Going Up!

* JM meets with his attorney in the castle office. They discuss the defense strategy for Blanca's case. JM needs to be on the witness list, as expert to testify about Blanca's mental disorder. They argue over finding other witnesses to back up the claim.

* Finally at the apartment, Amador plays welcoming host as Cande pushes the basket into the living area. Amador brings in everything else as MC holds the sleeping JM Jr. Amador points out where Cande and MC's rooms are. Cande goes to check them out. Amador talks with MC and assures her that no one knows where she is.

* Balbina interrupts JM and his attorney to tell them Lic. Villar is there. JM gives her a message. Lic. Villar enters the office. Balbina leaves.

* In hallway, Balbina tells Nellie that JM doesn't want to be disturbed, he is in a meeting with both his attorney and Lic. Villar. Nellie is impactado.

* In the office, the lawyers are discussing the case as Nellie enters and scolds Lic. Villar for agreeing to this meeting without her knowledge. JM's lawyer explains the reason.

* Padre and Leo walk to the apartment building and up to MC and Cande's apartment door. Padre knocks. No one answers. They look at each other, intrigued.

***** UNIVISION PROMO - MANANA ES PARA SIEMPRE, MUY PRONTO ON UNIVISION -- This one was all about opposites, like good and evil, love and hate, friendship and vengeance. With video clips of Lucero, Dominika Paleta and Fernando Colunga. ******

* In the office, Nellie is still irate and adamant in prosecuting MC; Villar and JM's lawyer convince her that pursing this is a waste of time because MC hasn't been in town for months. Nellie shocks all three men with the news that MC is back in Mexico City.

* Padre continues knocking with Leo at his side. Olga comes over to the stairs. She tells them that MC and Cande left awhile ago.

* Nellie explains to JM and the lawyers that she is going to continue with her charges against MC and is convinced that she will win, despite Villar's objections.

* Cande and MC talk at the sidewalk taco stand, as MC holds JM Jr.

* Nellie and Villar grumble together in front of JM and his lawyer - they discuss MC. Nellie goes melodramatic about MC and her problems with MC over the years and blames MC for defending JM and therefore foiling her attempt at getting custody of Mayita. JM snaps back.

* At the church, Padre tries to assure Leo about the frustration of MC and Cande disappearing again. Leo will be staying in the city and continuing his search for Liria and Lala. Leo leaves.

* JM argues with Nellie. Nellie turns to grumble with Villar again, then excuses herself, her nerves are really acting up and she can't deal with the discussion anymore. Before she leaves, she tells Villar that she to never permit MC to testify in this trial. She leaves the room. Villar soon follows her out of the room. JM and his lawyer discuss JM's worries and desperation to find MC, where is she? where in the city could she be?

* Cande and MC, with JM Jr, are at the sidewalk taco stand eating and talking - MC is convinced that she can give her son whatever he needs and won't depend on anyone else to help. (little miss independent)

* Ed and JM sit at a local cafe and Ed tells JM that Viviana was never pregnant. Apparently there was a mix-up at the lab and Viv's test results were switched with another lady's. Viv was never pregnant - the other lady was. JM is very relieved, especially after what Nellie told him about MC at the custody hearing. JM then tells Ed that MC is back in the city.

* At the grand jury hearing, the judge starts the proceedings and the lawyers continue their cross-examinations of Nellie's declarations against Blanca. Villar starts first.

* JM talks with Ed about his never-ending love for MC. JM wants desperately to find her, but is also worried about the trial and the problems he has in his life right now.

* MC calls Padre to assure him that she, JM Jr. and Cande are fine - she will go to the church soon, she promises; she assures him that she is being a good mother to her son. Padre talks with her. She gives him her new address. He knows where it is and will be there ASAP, they need to talk.

* JM's lawyer starts with his counter-arguments. Nellie snaps - she stands up and yells at the judge "THAT'S A LIE!"

* Cande, MC and JM Jr. are wearing paper hats made from the newspaper. MC and Cande are redecorating Amador's apartment as they discuss the articles that MC has been reading in the paper about JM and Blanca's court trials. MC is on the side of JM and Cande is intrigued by Blanca and Ivette. Cande then mentions Leo and what he might've thought to return to the hacienda and find them gone. The doorbell rings. Cande goes to answer it. Cande startles MC with her shouts of welcome to the visitor. Padre enters with Cande and immediately scolds MC for leaving the hacienda without notice to him and then to move out of the apartment without telling him ahead of time. MC apologizes. Padre asks whose apartment is this? MC says it's Amador's. Padre isn't too happy.

* Blanca stands behind bars and listens to the proceedings. Nellie argues with JM's lawyer. Villar's associate stands and asks about new witness. Lawyer says the expert's name is Dr. Juan Miguel San Roman. Nellie can't believe it.

* Padre talks with MC, as she holds JM Jr. in his carry seat. They discuss her life and choices she's making. They discuss JM and Blanca's trial, and Padre wonders about MC's love for JM, her son and her decision to marry Leo and then abandon him to return to the city. MC explains her reasons for returning and hopes that Leo can forgive and forget her. Padre says that won't happen, Leo is in town now.

* The hearing continues - They debate JM being added as an expert witness.

* Padre continues to talk with MC.

* Judge tells the lawyers that he will allow JM to be added to the witness list then they mention MC's name on the list.

* Padre and MC finish their talk and start to play with JM Jr.

* Olga enters the apartment and talks with Purita - Adrian hasn't been by in several days, what happened, daughter? Purita explains that it was her decision to break up with Adrian.

* Steffie meets with Amador in a local sidewalk cafe. Amador smokes his pipe as they discuss MC; Steffie hopes MC would just disappear forever. Amador questions why Steffie wants MC to disappear? Steffie explains and says that Ceci is still searching for MC and may just return to the hacienda to look again. Amador assures Steffie that MC won't go back there. Steffie asks why is that? Amador then tells her that MC is staying at Amador's apartment right now.


* Villar explains to the judge his problems and objections to MC being on the list of witnesses. Nellie agrees that MC doesn't have anything to do with this case. Judge permits MC's name to being struck off the list. Villar sits down and mumbles to his associate about MC.

* MC is at the local store alone, buying groceries and milk.

* JM is sitting alone in his office at the castle - praying, crying and remembering MC. He wonders where she is. FLASHBACKS of MC wandering and riding her bike around the streets and meeting her with Padre. JM cries and mumbles that he really misses her.

ADVANCE: Padre takes Leo to an alleyway to meet MC. MC is waiting in the church rectory hall. Amador tries to keep MC with him. JM prays to be with MC again.


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