Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Cuidado Tues 2-3-09. My best friend’s sister’s boyfriend’s brother’s girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who’s going with the girl...

who saw Ceci pass out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it’s pretty serious.

At the jail visiting room, Blanca swears to Juan Miguel that she had nothing to do with her sister’s death. Apropos of nothing, JM responds to that by mentioning that he has a friend staying with him, a guy who’s had some bad luck. He wants Blanca to meet him. Blanca looks baffled by the non sequitur. However, she’s used to being baffled.

Patricio and Estefanía sit in the garden. Pat tells Stefi that he doesn’t want her to leave because of Marichuy. If Ceci brings Marichuy back, he’ll pretend to be all nice to her for Ceci’s sake even though he thinks she’s a nasty brat. Martirio brings the phone out; the Red Cross is calling to say Ceci’s been in a serious accident. They all run off.

Marichuy tells Cande how she drove Ceci away. Cande thinks she did the right thing, but notes that it must have really hurt Ceci.

Pat and Stefi arrive at the hospital and ask about Ceci. Thus commences an overly long chat with the medical staff about whether they want her moved to a fancier hospital since she’s got medical insurance and why they aren’t allowed to go into the treatment area to see her, which seems like a waste of time when people need urgent medical attention. Pat surprises me by saying the Red Cross hospital is fine; he doesn’t want her moved.

Maite Perroni was totally sick when this episode was filmed. Her voice sounds painfully scratchy. She and Cande chat in Marichuy’s bedroom, which Amador has decorated rather like I imagine a bordello looks. Cande’s heading out to visit Olga. Mari mentions that she wants to talk to Olga also about helping her with her wardrobe and such at the theater. Amador told her she could hire an assistant, and who better than Olga? Cande looks offended by that, but Marichuy laughs and says Cande can’t do it because she takes care of the baby. Someday maybe they’ll be able to afford a nanny, though. Cande is skeptical about the quality of care a nanny would provide. She’s happy to be with the baby. All is well.

Pat continues to argue with the nurse about wanting to see Ceci rather than letting her care for patients. Finally the nurse escapes, and Stef points out that Ceci could die and not even have Patricio by her side in her last moments. Thanks, Stef, so helpful. Pat’s look of horror/disgust/pain doesn’t stop her, so she continues along this pessimistic line with comments about how it’s a shame Ceci will probably die just because she wanted to go find that worthless Marichuy. Try to use the words “die” and “death” a little more, Stefi, I’m sure it will really endear you to Patricio.

Marichuy talks to BabyJM, worrying that she may have been too harsh with Ceci.

The nurse finally says that Ceci can have a visitor, but only one. She asks Stefi if she is Ceci’s daughter, because the whole time Ceci has been asking for her daughter. Pat goes to see his wife, and Stef gets the grim details of the accident—Ceci hit a concrete barrier near the theater.

Ceci lies in a hospital bed, all scraped up. The doctor tells Pat that her condition is very delicate. Pat hovers over her and pleads with her not to die.

Meanwhile, in the waiting room, Stef hopes that Ceci dies, because then she won’t have to worry about that guacha claiming her rightful place in the Velarde family.

Cande and Olga sit in the courtyard at the old building. Some neighbor lady comes by and gives Olga a big slice of cake. I want to live in a neighborhood with cake service like that. None fer Cande, though, which displeases her. She tries to continue the conversation, but is distracted by the cake and insists on trying it, to make sure it is okay. Olga lets her eat cake. Cande mentions the job helping Marichuy, and Olga says she’s happy to do it, even for free. That settled, Cande starts squealing about the baby, when suddenly Juan Miguel appears. He tells Cande he wants to see Marichuy. They have a staring contest. Is it just me, or does JM look especially like a funeral director today?

Ceci mumbles for Marichuy through her oxygen mask. She mumbles a bunch more stuff, and tells Pat she’s atolondrada (confused). Regarding her condition, Pat tells her, “te sacaron unas placas” and I’m not exactly sure what that means, put together in this context. They extracted something? Had to pull pieces of metal out of her, maybe? Ceci tells Pat that she went to the theater to see Marichuy. He’s all mad.

JM wants Cande to tell him where to find Marichuy, and she refuses. He goes up the stairs to knock on the door of the old apartment. Cande tries to sneak away while he’s up there, but he sees her. She screams and tries to run away from him, which was the best tiny moment of comedy I have ever seen on this show.

Meanwhile, Marichuy is walking toward the building with the baby.

Juan Miguel catches up with Cande, obvio, and Cande begs him to let her go, because if she brings him to Marichuy, Mari will “me pone como lazo de cochino” (literally, she’ll make me like a pig’s rope. She’ll yell at me; she’ll tear me apart). Juan Miguel doesn’t believe that Mari doesn’t love him anymore, so he wants to talk to her. Marichuy walks up right behind him, and nearly flips her lid when she sees him. Cande, who fortunately is not a poker player, makes the most comically exaggerated astonished expression when she sees Mari, then badly tries to turn it into a forced grin at JM. JM doesn’t react to the hammy gasp, but even he isn’t dumb enough to buy that Cande is really smiling at him, so he turns around. Mari must have run off. He looks at Cande, puzzled (as usual).

Mayita visits Abuela Mariana and tells her about Beatriz’s baby’s upcoming baptism. She mentions again how much she wants a little brother like Marichuy promised her, so granny brings her a flying cartoon baby with wings, which is actually much less weird than that dancing baby on that one show with Calista Flockhart. Mayita tries to catch the baby like it’s a butterfly. Which also, I guess, is not any weirder than having kids believe that storks bring babies. I’m getting to sort of enjoy these odd little forays into Mayita’s mind.

Ceci tells Pat that Marichuy rejected her, so she left the theater feeling destroyed, then had the run-in with Amadork. As she was driving she decided to go back and tell Marichuy everything, no matter what, but she was too nervous to drive and thus crashed.

“What’s up with you?,” JM asks Cande. “Me? Huh? What’s up with you?,” Cande waffles. Cande tells him Marichuy never wants to see him and she’s going to marry someone else soon. He says he’s also going to marry soon, to a good woman who needs him and will be a good mother. “Yeah, a good woman who’s in jail because she goes around killing people!,” says Cande. JM has no clever comeback for that. Marichuy has ducked into a store and wonders aloud why JM is following her everywhere when he’s already replaced her. BabyJM looks indignant.

JM walks right past Marichuy in slo-mo, and even turns back, but of course doesn’t see her. Sigh.

Pat returns to the waiting room and Stef hopefully asks whether Ceci died. Nice, Stefi.

Cande, Olga, and Marichuy have a boring rehash conversation while Cande munches on a loaf of bread bigger than her head. Possibly even bigger than a breadbox. Why does Cande have to be constantly eating so much? It seems kind of rude on the part of the writers or directors to me, like they’re just trying to draw attention to the excess weight of a great actress. Cande assures Mari that JM won’t look for her anymore, and Marichuy looks sad and says she’ll never be able to forget about him.

It’s now Thursday, which we know because Rocio talks to Balbina about getting Mayita ready for the baptism.

Pat tells Stef he has decided to move Ceci to a different hospital, but he’s going to give a big donation to the Red Cross because if not for them his wife would have died. Stef looks disgusted with the Red Cross and their blasted lifesaving ways.

In the loft, Vicente is standing (!) and getting ready for the baptism. He seems to have no trouble using his legs, but apparently needs the physical therapist to do his tie for him. He quickly sits back in the wheelchair when Mercedes appears at the door. She’s delighted to see her son looking so happy, but he won’t let her come closer to give him a hug. Instead, he stands up and walks to her, and there is much rejoicing.

Rocio and Mayita are ready to go to the baptism, and they’re all happy, which means it’s time for our least favorite ogre to make an appearance. Ornerylia says that Mayita can’t go to a party and have fun after what happened to her mother. “Screw you, witch!,” says Rocio, although out loud she only says, “Let’s go, Mayita.” Ornerylia gnashes her fangs and spits poison.

Vicente tells his mom that he didn’t tell her he was learning to walk again because…the PT who really missed his calling as a jolly ice cream man chimes in that it was a surprise. For mother’s day, just a little late. She says it’s the best surprise ever, and they hug some more and cry and grin and Vicente pinches her cheeks, which oddly does not seem to annoy her. She’s just THAT happy.

Elsa’s parents’ backyard is all done up for a party, and Beatriz is greeting the guests and hoping Amador doesn’t make an appearance. Padre Anselmo tries to be comforting and priestly to Nelson, who is lounging under a blanket and stewing pessimistically about his chances in the hereafter. Eduardo arrives and looks way hot. Rocio and Mayita arrive with slimy Dr. Humberto and steal the baby. Ed asks Beatriz why she seems scared, just as Amador walks in. How hard would it have been to spend a little money on security, Party Planner Elsa? Eduardo tells Amador to leave. Amador just stands there, and they grin at each other and have the following silent conversation:

E: You look like a dork. I shall burn you to a crisp using only the fact that I am hot as hell.
A: I am evil; hell is my home base. Fire does not hurt me.
E: Loser!
A: If I just keep grinning maybe he’ll think I won the fight.

Martirio calls Castle San Roman and leaves a message with Balbina about Ceci’s accident.

Ed and Amador turn verbal and Ed tells Amador to leave because he has no reason to be there. The baby’s father is Eduardo.

Olga goes to the convent to visit Purita, who is wearing nun clothing and has angel music following her wherever she goes. She gives Olga some kind of tchochke as a gift.

Ed and Amador’s argument devolves into fisticuffs when Ed says he’s going to marry Beatriz and adopt the baby, but Elsa’s dad breaks it up right away and throws Amador out. On the one hand, I’m glad mi querido Eduardo is too much a gentleman to stoop to Amador’s level, but on the other, I really wish someone would give the jerk a good pounding.

Olga tells Purita that things are much better for her around the neighborhood, and asks if Purita if she’ll come back, but Purita says she’s happy where she is and is going to stay forever.

Balbina tells JM and Leo about Ceci, and JM leaves to see her. Leo asks Balbina who Ceci is, and Balbina tries to fill him in, although she lies outright when she calls Stefi “a friend of the family.” Leo rolls his eyes at JM’s complicated life.

Ed apologizes for the scene, but Elsa’s parents are like, “Whatever! Let’s party!” Elsa remarks that Ed was quick, making up that story about marrying Beatriz to get rid of Amador. OMG, is she really that thick? Beatriz named her baby after Ed, they went to Acapulco together, and they are pretty much attached at the hip. Ed and Beatriz exchange sly looks but don’t bother to tell Elsa it’s true.

Amador rants to Marichuy about having been thrown out of the baptism party, but he came to the wrong lady for sympathy. Marichuy reams him out and says he never wanted the baby and is only trying to claim him now because of ego, not love, so he should stay away and let Beatriz marry Eduardo.

The baby is baptized; everyone claps. Humberto is sticking to Rocio like a leech (sanguijuela, FYI), which means it’s time for Vicente to turn up. Sure enough, there he is standing (!) in the doorway looking hurt.

Mari tells Amador he should stay away from the baby; he just needs a mother and a father for a happy home and he’ll have that, so naturally Amador says that Mari’s baby doesn’t know his father. What if Amador told JM about his son? “It wouldn’t matter,” says Marichuy. Amador says JM would take the baby away from her.

Avances: Pat tells JM that Ceci went to visit Marichuy at the theater. Hmmm…will JM try to find her there also (preferably without the follow-up medical trauma)?


Julia...every recap is funnier and funnier. You're getting dangerous! I especially loved your imagined conversation between Eduardo and Amador. (Well, maybe Eduardo brings out the best in you)

Now seriously, what has happened to Juan Miguel's eyes?..for the last month at least it looks as if they're under attack. Do you suppose he's putting in irritants in order to be able to cry on cue? Man, our hunk is looking bad (eye-wise anyway).

I too am enjoying Mayita's little forays into la-la land. I did a lot of that myself as a kid, and still do, as a distraction, when deeply troubled so Go Mayita! no side effects from imagination...unlike drugs.

And looks like you fixed your double post problem, no? Or did Melinama fix it?

Julia: Thanks for the witty recap. I've been out of the country for two weeks and could not watch this novela. If I hadn't known that Mari was the sweet little barrio kid, I would think that she's just another villain. She yells and screams and was just plain mean to Ceci.

She takes advice from all the wrong people, e.g., Amador, and has this wild notion that JM is going to steal the baby. She must be suffering from some post-partum delusion. Speaking of JM and Mari, the lack of togetherness is getting tiring. What's the point - the literary tension is now long gone. It's just plain annoying.

Thanks for the space for my rant.

Julia, you did an excellent recap with another dreary episode. I am really enjoying your humor: "Blanca looks baffled by the non sequitur. However, she’s used to being baffled."

Patricio has now reached villan status. Choosing a murderous lying schemer instead of his own daughter? Also, if anyone deserves a loving, supportive spouse, it's Ceci. He is clearly incapable of being anything of the sort.

Mari's character is evolving and not for the better. The "old" Mari would never have abandoned Leo without a word (let alone no afterthought or guilt) and would never have been so terribly cruel to Ceci.

Any sympathy I would have felt for Vincente dissipated after his coldness to Rocio on the phone. People can only be rebuffed so much - they usually get the hint and move on...

I've seen the actor playing Amador in other things and he can act. However, his continual smirk makes him appear one-dimensional.

Sorry. This show needs a shot of adrenaline - how about something happy for a change? Diana in MA

Didn't Rocio look pretty without those ridiculous bows and/or barrettes? What a remarkable recovery for Vicente, too. So quick, what a miracle worker that physical therapist is! Wonder how long Purita will last in the nunnery.

Last week when they did scenes at the apartment with Mari wearing her yellow, belly-bearing shirt, she had laryngitis. They must've shot those scenes (duh, obviously) in one day. Pan to her and Ceci in conversation in the theater, and her voice was fine; back to the apartment, viola, back to laryngitis.

Patricio is a nasty, evil jerk. Stefi wishing Ceci to die?! Of course, I had no clue she was saying that as I don't understand Spanish much at all. So, was shocked by reading the recap.

JM has always looked tired to me with dark circles under his eyes. Even when I didn't watch this show, I can remember flipping through channels and seeing him and thinking, "he's cute, but he has dark circles like me!"

Again, Julia, you are awesome, so clever and funny.

Just had a total brain infarct..does JM know that MC is Ceci's daughter? I cannot remember! Violet

I am pretty sure that "te sacaron unas placas" Means the took some X-rays..

Julia thanks for the fab. recap!

Mauni in Wa.

X-rays...thanks, I'll have to remember that one.

JM does know that the Velardes are Marichuy's parents. LOTS of people how long until Marichuy finally finds out, and who will tell her?

Vicente is just making me sad. I think he's actually a nice guy, but like most men on this show he's just clueless about relationships. When he tells Rocio he doesn't want to see her, how does he think she'll react? If he wanted to surprise her, he could have at least said, "I can't see you now but would love to on Friday" or something.

About the X Ray thing. I am almost positive that's what it means. However I began to second guess myself and looked it up online... The literal translation is "they took some plates form you" and that makes no sense to me.. I lived in Mexico for awhile and I have found that literal translations often make no sense (and I often find myself thinking in spanish). So, does anyone else have any insight? I don't want to be giving out bad info :)

Mauni in Wa

Mauni in Wa

Oh Julia! Your JM/Ed exchange had me falling out of my chair. And your title was a hoot too.

This show seems to be an ad for the Red Cross. In this one, the judge praises the Red Cross and says he’ll leave a nice check. Earlier in the show, the Red Cross got some plugs too.

You mentioned Amador’s décor – what became of the scene a few weeks back when Mari and Cande decided they were going to redecorate? They were taking down some of his masks on the wall and they had a can of paint. Since then, the place is still painted white and last night some masks were still grouped on the wall.

Ceci didn’t seem to be real near the theater – she was already gone from there and out in a traffic circle. Well, maybe it was a few blocks away.

I couldn’t believe Cande eating that bread (which she was obviously faking). I mean, who would take a munch out of a big loaf like that? A person would tear off a piece…

I feel sorry for wheelchair-bound people watching this show which seems to be promoting the idea that if you just want to and try hard enough, you will rise and walk.

oops - make that Ed/Amador exchange..

They do call the x-ray films "plates." At least that is what the x-ray tech I used to work with for an orthopedic group called them. So, that must be what they mean.

Great recap, Julia.

I "think the plates" does mean taking x-ray pictures. The dentists use it when they say "we'll save the picture plates of your teeth and gums for your lab record".

I think the writers are being pretty consistent with Mari. She always has a hard time forgiving people. It took her forever to forgive JM about the "attack" and now it will take her forever to forgive Ceci for her supposed lack of support when Mari was living at the Velardes. I think she's not guilty about leaving Omar because she feels that she actually did Omar a favor by not going ahead with their wedding and subjecting him to a loveless (at least on her part) marriage.

I think they filmed the scenes after Maite came back from a weekend concert with RBD which is why she barely had a voice. Also, I read somewhere that they had a "graveyard shift" shooting because they had to wait for Maite to travel back from Argentina after a weekend concert with RBD and they couldn't afford to miss a day of shooting. This may explain why JM had tired eyes.

I still laugh by myself when I think of Cande trying to run away from JM.


I guess they just dropped the redecorating after getting out a can of paint and boxing up a few things. Mari did stick other pictures up over Amador's shrine to himself, but that was it.

I think it's going to take a real shift in Marichuy's thinking for her to realize that people who "have everything" (money, families, etc.) suffer too. Currently she treats those people (JM, Ceci, Leo) like the things she does to them don't matter. On the other hand, she's very generous with people she sees as being more vulnerable, like the orphans.

I don't know how Maite stays looking so good when she's working such long hours and doing concerts on the weekends. How does she ever sleep?

the scene with Cande and JM was so funny. it's too bad he didn't see Marichuy when he was walking away although i'm sure Marichuy would've just went off on him and told him to go away and then cry about how she loves him later. and cande's comment that blanca is so good and she goes around killing people was a nice slap for JM.

i didn't know Beatriz and Ed were engaged. their relationship is so vague and when a few episodes back Bea said she named the baby Ed i guessed they probably were together, but they didn't show any romantic bond between them. so are they even in love or is Ed mostly doing this for her baby and because he sympathizes with her? Elsa doesn't seem to be jealous but maybe that'll change??

Hilarious recap as usual, Julia. Thank you. I was laughing out loud throughout but especially liked the line that Stef was "disgusted with the Red Cross and their blasted life saving ways".

By the way, I've noticed that the Red Cross in Mexico seems to actually operate hospitals offering emergency treatment to people who cannot afford to pay, which is why Patricio said he'd transfer Cecilia so someone else could have her bed.

And that was a good point you made about Mari having a different standard of tolerance for rich people. I remember she asked Padre Anselmo if her real parents were poor, and hardened her attitude when she found out they were not, and so had no mitigating circumstances in her view. When Mari is at her kindest it is with wounded birds, stray dogs, orphans, and small children. So yes, she is identifying with their vulnerability. Still, I can't understand her treatment of Leo after all he'd done for her. He may have been rich, but he had also suffered emotionally and had shared that with her. It was the way she did it that was so cruel, as was her harshness with Cecilia. But at least they showed her feeling a little remorseful about that and she hasn't even heard about the accident yet.


Julia thanks for your hilarious recap of a dreary episode. I can't believe I fell for the preview of JM and Mari seeing one another and her with HIS baby. I totally agree with Pasofino (welcome back from your travels) that their separation is just tiresome and rather pointless. There seems to be little purpose in having two actors with such great chemistry and keeping them apart so much. End of my rant.

I was shocked to learn Steph was wishing Ceci died. Can't wait to see how things will end up for her and her continued delusion that JM will marry her. Stop it already.

ITA with Diana about Pat, Mari, Vincente and Amador. At least Cande trying to run away from JM was funny.

Sorry... that's for the great recap and comments

This was recap gold. "How hard would it have been to spend a little money on security, Party Planner Elsa?" Ditto, and I too would have loved to see one of those guys sock Amador in his smirky face. But even better would have been to see Julia's imagined convo between Amador and Eduardo, word for word, on screen. I wish I could give these comments a thumbs up. Especially love the character analysis that was going on, so on point. I should have known they weren't going to actually let Mari and JM make contact! But JM and Cande make for some great banter!

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