Friday, May 29, 2009

Las Tontas Thurs 5/28 - Clash of the godparents

We start with a brief recap of yesterday's fun in the sun but when the happy foursome arrive home the brats Chava and Rocio say that Santi and Candy fooled them into acting like a happy family and...oops we're in Guadalajara..and they don't want to be a family. They run up to Chava's room. I swear these cut-ins of "Guadalajara" are getting weirder and weirder.

Over at the restaurant Zamora and Toño fret over Don Meño's credit card problems. They're worried he'll go to jail. He shows up and is worried they'll laugh at his hair.

Santi and Candy are frustrated and Santi can't figure it out. He and Candy love each other, Chava and Rocio love each other, why can't they all just get along? Why do the kids think they adults will abandon them? Who put that idea into their heads? They kiss and console each other.

Raul and Sole come home from a movie and she invites him for coffee. He says he'd rather have kisses so they start making out and stop themselves...better have coffee!! Raul tells her Pato is a great guy but he's got a great big problem in that he's still in love with Candy.

Candy puts Chava to bed and tries to say what a great guy Santi is. "But my daddy is better," snips Chava. Candy tries to tell him that's Chava's problem, he keeps comparing when in truth everyone is different. She counsels him about fighting in school. What? She's just bringing this up now? The only time I ever fought in school I was immediately grounded. That's when I pushed Timmy Wilson's face into the tanbark for being a jerk and then sat on him. However when my parents found out I did it because he tormented Clark until Clark wet his pants and then mocked him for it I was in a little less trouble. I was still grounded but my parents weren't so mad. Bullies look a lot less threatening with tarnbark stuffed up their noses...but I digress.

Meanwhile Pau puts Rocio to bed. Rocio tells her mami that at first she and Chava thought Santi and Candy abandoned them but then they showed up and had a great time. Pau is irritated.

Santi tell Isa he thinks that Pau is manipulating the kids and brainwashing them. I guess Jaime was out of town or something because all of a sudden he shows up and Isa hugs him like he's been gone a week. What's up tonight, are the regular editors on strike or something? OK, it sounds like he visited his kids and grandkids. Whatever.

Meño reveals to Candy why he's wearing his do-rag. When she sees his red hair Candy's mouth drops about 12 inches and no I'm not exaggerating; you've seen her chops. Candy asks them if they think Pato is capable of turning Chava against her relationship with Santi.

Later on Pau wakes Rocio from a deep sleep to "tell her a story". The wicked witch of Guadalajara looms over poor little Rocio and begins, "Once upon a time there was a terrible papa who mistreated his daughter..."

The story theme continues as Patricio tells Beto a story in front in front of a scary drawing of Beto that takes up the entire wall. Who in the hell could sleep in front of that monstrosity? Yikes, we then get another camera angle of the horrible Beto drawing. Beto falls asleep and Pat sits on Chava's bed in front of a scary wall-size Chava drawing. He verbalizes his moral dilemma about whether or not he should rip Chava from Candy's arms.

Rocio greets her daddy as he comes home. It looks like she has another tomato rash due to stress from Pau's nasty stories. He confronts Pau and asks "what did you tell my daughter?"

Pau tries to deny it but Santi presses until finally Rocio breaks in and tells him "my mama didn't tell me anything." The young lady doth protest too much me thinks.

Pato plays and talks with Patito about how awesome Candy is. Al walks in the room just then and it's weird trips incorporated as she tries to figure out what's going on. She's not quite as excited about feeding the little champion as Pato is.

Santi sneaks Pau out of bed and renews his argument with her. He's a doctor and he knows stress can cause a rash. Why is she telling Rocio that Santi will abandon her? He tells her to leave. "And if I don't, then what?" she demands.

Well, we see "what" when he drops her off in front of a hotel. She can protest but he's made up his mind! His tires squeal as he puts the pedal to the metal. See ya!!

Next morning Santi wakes up Rocio with a tickle to the ear. All is well until he ruins her morning by telling her that mommy left the house. Rocio cries hysterically and tells Lucia that papa kicked mama out of the house. She breaks out in yet another nasty rash.

Over at the Pato house it's a happy scene with Pato, Patito, Alicia and Margarita. They blab about Patito's upcoming baptism.

Chava wakes up Candy, even though it's Sunday he wants to get up early to visit his papa. She tries to lure him with games and hamburgers but he rejects her. Yesterday he was with her and today he wants to visit papa. As usual Candy folds and gives in to Chava.

Al and Margarita fuss over Patitos' baptism gifts. They are crosses with the names of his godparents, one with Santiago's and one with Candy's.

Meanwhile over at Sole's house Party Padre Pato (thanks Genevieve!) acts out the childhood he never had by playing light sabre with the boys while Sole and Raul watch. Pato suggests they their being the godparents to Patito! (Eh...what about Candy and Santi?) Sole thinks it's odd. Raul accepts. Coffee's not good enough so they toast with tequila. Good idea dad, have a few shots before your lad's baptism. On second thought you're going to need it.

Santi visits Pau at the hotel and tells her due to Rocio's bad reaction she needs to come home. She smirks the Pau smirk. She scolds and nags him all the way home about Rocio.

Isa tries to put salve on Rocio's rash but Rocio has a full on tantrum and runs to her mommy.

Margarita talks to Ali and asks why she chose her worst enemy Candy and her boyfriend to be Patito's godparents. Al says #1 Santi is rich, #2 Candy's a "good person" and a good mother and her sister. Mags tells Al not to lie, she asked Candy so she could rub it in Pato's face, right?

Candy and Santi walk in the park and talk about the witch Pau causing poor Rocio's rashes. Speaking of witches Santi mentions Marissa. They share horror stories about their children's illnesses then they make out.

At breakfast Pau seems pleased that her presence annoys Isa and Jaime. Isa and Jaime decide to leave rather than get into it with Pau and Isa's parting shot is "my son won't let you stay here."

During Meño's dance class he and the mujeres happily bump and grind until he pulls his bandana off in excitement and the ladies giggle at his cherry hair. He leaves the room in shame. Chayo grabs him to work her magic.

Pato calls Raul and gives him details about the baptism that evening. I think they are supposed to show up at some kind of talk or rehearsal or godparent training.

Over at the big house Pau answers the phone, it's Al calling for Santi. She wants to tell Santi where and when the baptism is. Al laughs and tells Mags she sent Patricio to another church and doesn't want him to see Santi and Candy until after the baptism. Mags sits there and laughs like "oh that wacky Alicia!"

Pau actually calls Santiago to relay the baptism details to him. I thought for sure she would deliberately ignore the message just to be a witch.

Thanks to Chayo we're looking at the old Meño. Luckily she understands the personality of hair. Chayo's thinking that maybe she wants a makeover and Meño warns her against doing anything drastic. He and Lulu tease her about her teacher.

Isa and Jaime dine in the kitchen to Tina's delight. Donato interrupts with a phone call for Isa. It's Doa Felipa who wants to talk to her son Carlos, i.e. Zamora. Isa and Don have conniptions until finally Don grabs the phone and invites her to the house. Doña Felipa is thrilled and Isa frets at the possible outcome.

Santi calls Candy about the baptism. She can't come because of work that's more important than her new nephew's baptism.

Isa asks Don if they are making the worst mistake of their lives. He accuses her of being jealous and she pooh poohs him. The doorbell rings and he tells her to take a deep breath. The funniest part about this scene is it takes place right in front of a cherub's genitalia, but it's art so that's OK.

Isa goes into the bedroom and sees Jaime looking out the window. He scowls pensively at the closing door.

Al talks like a chipmunk about the baptism. Pato joins her and she brags how organized she is as she shows him her baptism to-do list. She's such a brat, after he leaves she giggles "Hee hee what will you do when you discover that Santi and Candy are the godparents? Patricio...... hee hee!!"

Isa greets Doña Felipa warmly and tells her Zam is such a hard worker he's not around. Isa and Doña Felipa have similar hair.

Isa steps out of the room just as Jaime sneaks downstairs. He comes up behind Doña Felipa with and "Hola mi amor." He sees Isa across the room and realizes his mistake. "Jaime" gasps Isa. "Jaime" gasps Doña Felipa. She and Jaime recognize each other and Don blurts out Zamora is Don Jaime's son! Jaime begs Felipa to say nothing otherwise Zamora will kill him.

Everyone meets at the church. Pato greets his padrinos in one church. Elsewhere Al sits with her padrino who happily and tenderly holds Patito. It makes my heart hurt.

Unfortunately my Tivo stopped here but according to youtube this happened next:

The padre starts the baptismal sacrament and asks the parents to approach, then the godparents...Sole/Raul and Santi/Candy bump into each other in the aisle. "Who are the godparents?" asks the padre. "We are!" respond the four in unison.


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Tontas no van 5-27 Wed. - Nothing a few spankings can't fix....

We start off with Candi finally acting like a parent. She finally thinks someone may be behind his attitude change.

Chava and Beto continue to fight over the lunch. The teacher finally tries to stop them and yells at them why are they fighting. Chava gets mad and decides to throw his chocolate milk at Beto. Whoops, he hits the teacher who is wearing light colors.

Rocio calls it. He’s going to get punished now!

Pato shows up to talk to Santi about this Chava business. He thanks him for calling off the mafia dogs but wants to know why he did this. Santi said for Candi and her son. Pato says fine, thanks, but says he’s concerned about his son’s unhappiness.

Candy gets the call from school. Yes, your kid is one of those…..

Santi says Pato is mal. He says this is crazy you are going to try to live with Candi so Chava can live with his Dad? Many kids can be happy with new partners of parents. Pato says he had the opportunity to live with both parents and was happy and doesn’t know any other way to live. Huh, what about those first 7 years of his life when he didn’t even know he had a Pa… Santi says the kids are throwing tantrums and we need to set them straight by explaining to them. Pato says fine but he’s not going to suffer, so make your decision and talk to him.

Pato stops Candi to complain about Chava and say he needs to be with Pa again. Candy can’t talk right now, but she neglects to tell the Dad his kid is in trouble at school.

Candi talks to the headmaster who notes a change in his attitude. She asks her if she is going to cancel the wedding that bothers her son so much - in a very accusing way? Que???? Isn’t she supposed to be trained in managing children? Blah.

Meno comes back to the restaurant muttering about his recent disgrace. No one can help him, he has to pay the bills. Gogo and the boys tell him to just put his old clothes back on.

Santi good hellos to Candi. She says she’s made a decision that affects them both.

Roci tells Ma about the day's events. Of course Pau takes advantage of this and says that Chava is suffering with that Mom of his, and that she might even throw him out of the house, she is like the witches in the fairy tales.

Candi talks to Santi who assumes that she is not going to marry him and goes off on an ad lib rant about the kids needing a few spankings and so forth and Candi finally says um can I say something, I decided to fight for our relationship. He switches gears and loooves her. She says it won’t be easy, but it can be done. She tells him what happened today at school and he thinks one should never play with lunch.

Pato talks to Beto and Chava and wants to know what’s up. He tells them superheros don’t fight with each other so no fighting. He wants to know why the lunch landed on the teacher. Chava says everything makes him mad. Pato asks him if he is acting up or really bothered by all this and he runs off. Pato laughs with Beto about how bad the teach was soiled, and that they kind of need to support poor Chava.

Santi and Candi are looking at the wedding invitation books again worrying if all will work out and Santi invokes the tenets of “The Secret” or “El Secreto” and tells her to just ask the universe and it will be…ahh what the hell. A bunch of folks running around thinking positively and asking the universe for things can probably only be so bad for humankind, right. What’s the worse that can happen, you don’t get what you want? If anyone has read this and tried it out, let me know what your results have been. Many folks swear by it. Folks used to swear by smoking too, and well, we can see what a mess that made, but apples and oranges, my friends.

Ok, so now we are lunching at Pato’s house and Ali says she thinks it’s great that Candi wants to get married and that Santi is a great guy. Chava doesn’t buy it, and of course Pato’s blood boils as she says this. The kids begin to fight again. Pato quells it.

Santi and Candi discuss a possible trip with the kids so maybe they will see how much they are in love and magically everything will be ok.

Meno can’t fuera the dolor. He hates the hair and wants to throw out all the mirrors. Gogo surprises him with hair dye. She knows how to use it even though he doesn’t. He’ll look 10 years younger, well maybe three. He agrees to let her try.

Pato suggests a trip for all of them boys over the weekend and of course they are thrilled. Candi calls, at just the right time to propose her trip idea, and Chava says nope sorry I can’t I’m going with Dad. Candi remarks that he doesn’t have permission and to that he says the hell I do and hangs up. (OK, well maybe not in those exact words). Pato asks him what that was all about…

Pau is chatting with Roci in her room when Santi busts in and Pau gets all miffed as she was talking to her daughter (read spreading poison) he drops his outing plan and Pau says nope she has too much homework. He tells her to go to her room and give him some peace. She tells him not to talk bad to her. Roc believes yes, he was rude. Caught.

Gogo puts on dye for Meno, she gets a call from Arturo and turns into a pubescent girl chatting him up for hours. Meno freaks out that his hair will be in trouble.

Candi is typing her column and Santi shows up with a light bulb. This must be some kind of inside joke, he uses it to massage her…and they chat about their outing to the park.I'd be afraid that thing would break in my hand. Thanks gosh they have like monsters and little wooden guys with faces on them...

Split screen expose of parenting skills.

He makes comments here about Corico and Cornelio and these went over my head.

Meno comes out with a towel covering his head so we know the tinting outcome is not going to be good.
Of course when it finally comes off his hair is cherry red. He makes the remark that she has made him look like one of RBD…Christian for sure…

Candi and Santi accidentally on purpose meet in the park, I couldn’t tell which one.

Meno is at breakfast and wearing a bandana. Charly makes fun of him that he looks like a gypsy and she thinks he looks like Zorro and he wants to see what Pa’s hiding. Gogo takes off the hat and Meno yells for Charly not to laugh.

Pato goes to pick up Beto at Sole’s and runs into Raul who has a great realtionship with Beto, and Beto wants him to come along with them. Things get awkward for Raul and Sole runs interference taking Beto to collect his things. Raul asks Pato for some time to chat.

Kids want to ride horses and Santi knew this because there is just something about horses and kids. Candi is surprised and we see everyone mount up. New words suki suki show up.

Ok what’s weird here is Pato was supposed to be picking up Beto, but the next thing you know they are in a café having coffee or something. Raul wants for them to become friends and chats with Pato about Sole and Beto they are great and he’s jealous right, and Pato says maybe a little.

Kids decide they are having a great time…should they let their parents marry after all? Yeah speaking of parents where are they? Chava knows, they brought us here to abandon us!!!

Raul thinks outside of the box and tells of his sad days after his wife passed and that he thinks Pato might be wanting Chava to live with him because he wants Candy to live with him. He essentially says that he was sad for so long and wouldn’t let himself be happy, but once he decided to let go, he became happy. That’s a big hint. He wonders if Pato is really still in love with Candi.

Kids mull over their new freedom and Roc wants to go home maybe but Chava thinks they could stay there and work to make money, maybe renting out the horses. The parents finally show up and the kids give them hugs but then want to know why they were going to abandon them.

Pato tells his side. Yep he’s still in love. He thought she was dead and then he found out she’s alive, and gave him a son no less. He doesn’t want to give the divorce, he was given hope to be with her.

Meno is behind a closed door and won’t come out until his hair grows out. Gogo and Charly try to extract him. Finally Go guilts him that he’s not responsible after all, and turns out vanity is more important. This works and he emerges with his bandana still on.

S & C wonder where the kids got this idea. They think it must be the TV, Chava says no it’s real life. Candi wants to know who told them that and in unison they say someone… Santi and Candi look at each other and immediately decide it must be Pau. Ya think? This will be fun.

Pau is pissed off because she can’t find Rocio and she barges in on Lu who is chatting with Fede on phone. Lu is less than sympathetic and tells Pau they left, and so sad you weren’t invited. Pau wonders why folks wake up so early on Sat! Because they are not part vampire like you maybe???

More park scenes riding ATVs…no handed with no helmets...never happen in litigious USA… rowing in a boat and fishing all in the same body of water it seems. Rocio is the only one who caught a fish.

Pato chatting with Beto who wishes Chava was there and complains that he let Chava go with his Mom.

Back at the park the kids go swimming with adult life vests on that clearly swallow them.

They all jump on into the river on a swing except Chava.

The funny thing is when they get home they have none of their swimming stuff or anything with them.

Ok, here’s where they screwed up. I kept sitting there saying…don’t do it …don’t do it….shut up!!!! Ugh, Santi and Candi say, see, we all went out together to show you how much fun the four of us can have, just like a family. Oh no you di’n’t !!!! Rule one of manipulating children…NEVER TELL THEM WHAT YOU ARE DOING, DUHHH!!!!! Of course our young geniuses forget about all the fun and focus on the funny that has been put over on them and don’t like it one bit yelling we are not a family, you betrayed us and that‘s why you invited us!!! Ah, another opportunity for practicing parenting skills arises. Hmmm….


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tontas Tuesday May 26, 09 There's Good News and Bad News Tonight

Well, the good news is that Gambino's lovely daughter came out of her coma and Santiago is not only saved, he negotiates safety for his family and Patricio's family. The bad news? Paulina didn't get popped like we hoped. Oh well, it's a comedy. No real bloodshed, right? Not so far anyway.

So here's how it went (Just in case you got a big phone call during the show and missed all the drama.)

We begin with the big threat. Gambino's in Santiago's office, telling him if his daughter doesn't recover, nothing in the world can save the good doc. And evidently that goes for Hortensia and Eduardo too. They try and leave, pretending to be man and wife, and with a passel of kids waiting at home, but no dice. Nobody leaves until Gambino gives the word.

Santiago, meanwhile, is tenderly talking to the comatose patient. He gently tells her that he has a daughter her age as well, and if anything happened to her, he would be crazy with grief. She's a very special being and he and her dad both want her to get better. As he gently strokes her finger, she moves hers in response. Can you hear me? he asks, if you can... move your finger again. She does. Can you open your eyes? In spite of some very heavy eyelashes (I'm jealous) she does.

Bingo. Gambino goes in (after heading into an empty room first...a little suspense there) and reassures his daughter that she's going to be just fine. Happy ending no. 1.

Back to more mundane matters. Isabella is worried about Santiago. It doesn't make sense that he's been incommunicado all day. Donato tries to calm her down (no es para tanto= it will turn out to be nothing) but she's worried. So off they go together.

When they arrive at Meño's house there's still no word. Candy is out trolling the streets for her little guy. Santiago isn't with her. The mystery deepens. Mama Gregoria wants her to come home and eat before searching more but Candy won't hear of it. Well in that case, have faith, ask God for help and go to the Virgen as well. Good advice as it turns out. No sooner does Candy kneel at the feet of the Virgen, then she has a vision of Chava falling out of the treehouse and...Bob's your uncle! (a British expression) she finds him.

In the meantime, we have a little drama going on with Santiago and Gambino. Our Señor Mafioso is no longer concerned with Mario. What the good doctor did for him has no price, adds our grateful father. Here's a piece of paper, write down what you want me to pay you, he suggests. Santi writes a big fat zero. ¿Qué? That's right. He's a doctor. He saves lives. There's no cost for that. But what he does want is peace and safety for his family and for Patricio's family as well. "Ah, ya apareció el peine" (now it comes out!) smiles Gambino. But he concedes. From now on, he'll leave both families in peace. Happy ending no. 2.

Chayo and the sexy tutor arrive home to find Eduardo's table set for a romantic dinner (although the tutor qvetches that HE would have put out candles as well). But no Eduardo! Well, we shouldn't let this dinner go to waste, let's eat it ourselves, advises the little snake. Chayo looks conflicted but she goes ahead. Fortunately the soup poor Lalo slaved over is horrid. Neither one can really choke it down. Serves 'em right, sez I. For some reason, I like the little rat bastard Eduardo. Go ahead, throw tomatoes. I like him.

Santiago finally drags home. Let's not forget that he's been beaten badly, scared out of his wits, and performed major emergency surgery. Without giving any details, he admits he's had a horrible day and is bewildered when Donato tells him he found his cellphone under a chair. Our portly butler is also clamouring for an escalator in the house but Isabella tells him a diet would be a lot easier.

Outside in the playhouse, Rocio is putting arnica on Chava's wound while he winces and carries on a bit. (My new age friends always recommend arnica for all kinds of problems. I've never used it but it seems to be a favorite remedy south of the border.) Candy arrives, following her virgencita vision, and wants to take him home but the unrepentant little punk refuses, loudly shouting NO!!! After a brief hug from Santiago, Candy gets ready to do battle with her offspring.

We break for a short scene with Gambino and Arturo. The latter can hardly believe that Mr. Mafia is going to let him off the hook but the jefe assures him it's for real. He'll look for other associates, thanks to Dr. Santiago Lopez Carmona. They shake hands and it's a deal. Happy ending no. 3.

And now our poor Eduardo arrives home, having had a big scare himself to find, yowsa, the sexy tutor sitting in HIS chair, eating HIS soup, with HIS wife! Ay yi yi, our little doc is not having a good day. And let's not forget, it's been TWO weeks since he's had any lovin' from his beloved mujer. (I know, you're thinking the little rat bastard deserves that kind of punishment and more, but I can't help it...I like him.)

Gambino's having lots of conversations today. This one is with Paulina. A few kisses, a passing reference to philosophy and then the real goods...He has a question. What would she do if someone betrayed her? P- "Vengarme" (avenge myself) she quickly answers.G- Okay, and where did you bury Mario?P- I told you where, Lozano and I did it, per your orders. G- Fine, I'll see you tomorrow and you can help me pay back that person who betrayed me. Some ads come on and I suppose we're supposed to be worried about our little Paulina, but are we really?

Santiago and Candy have brought Chava home, dragging his heels all the way...until he sees Patricio. Then it's hugs and happiness and all kinds of joy. Candy looks like she swallowed a frog. But she finally asks Santiago about the cut on his face (she'd like to take care of him but maternal duty calls elsewhere) and he brushes off his tangle with Gambino as "I fought with 15. Killed two." There's a little teasing back and forth, he calls her "pilla pilla" (you rascal you!) and exits.

Upstairs Patricio's having a heart to heart with Chava, telling him how worried he was about him and asking him to never do it again. Chava, all cozy and nice with dad, asks forgiveness. When Candy enters, Patricio says they need to talk. You know a big confrontation is coming when you hear those words!

But the writers keep us waiting, switching us back to Eduardo, who's still bemoaning his busted romantic meal. He worked all day, slaved over the stove, burned himself and for what! to find another man in his chair eating his food, and let's not forget, no sex for the past two weeks. Chayo suggests a "do-over". But with different food this time.

Okay. Big storm building here. Candy sends Chava to his room and lights into Patricio big-time. How dare he imply that Chava is not safe with her! She's been mother and father to this child for 7 years, provided for him, been "pendiente" (devoted) to him, and Patricio has absolutely NO IDEA how she feels! For my son, I'm capable of anything! So this was Candy's big scene. Pretty intense. She pulled out all the stops and evidently it impressed Patricio. However, upstairs, Chava is being as much of a brat as ever. When Candy tells him no more running away, he smarts off and snarls that she can't make him live with Santiago. At this point, she decides to leave the rest of the discussion 'till morning. Probably a good idea. Otherwise real mayhem could occur.

But on to happier scenes. Arturo and Gregoria have met at a restaurant to "brindar" (toast) the happy ending. Arturo is off the hook with the mafiosos and Gregoria's grandson has been found. Happy ending no. 4.

And Patricio arrives home to find Alicia snacking again and pretending to be interested in Chava's welfare. You didn't care before, he snaps, and besides, I'm not in a very good mood. A- Oh, did you fight with my sister? What did the model mother say? P- You're right about one thing. She IS a model mother...the best mother there is. Pow! Take that Alicia. She looks like she's choking on her snack. I'd call this happy ending no. 5. Alicia deserves a little payback.

Santiago is having better parental luck with Rocio, up to a point. They've read a cozy little prince/princess "happily ever after" story even though he's sure she must be bored with the same old thing. Nope, and she's not bored telling him she loves him either. Awwww. But the mood shifts when he brings up the idea of a trip. With mom? No. With Chava and, er, Candy. No no no...won't go with Candy. No how. No way. Checkmate. Santiago is left muttering about "un par de nalgadas" (a couple of spankings) but we figure he's really not up to it.

No how. No way. That's Eduardo's evening also. When he bounces in the door with a pizza and big plans, he finds his wife asleep on the couch. Can't rouse her. Does pick her up and carry her off to bed, but one gets the impression there won't be a lot of action tonight. Poor baby. (Awright, kill me. I can't help it. I like the guy.) No happy ending here. Or is there?

Arturo, meanwhile, is giving Patricio the good news about Santiago saving not only his family but Patricio's from the menace of the mafioso. Pat looks conflicted. And puzzled.

Gregoria is trying to get Meño to drop the George Michael look but he's partial to his black leather jacket. The squabble could have gone on for a while but first he opens his bill and finds that horrors! that snake Christian has used his credit card number to order a ton of items over the phone. Meño's in debt up to his ears.

And Chava is up to his ears in bed. Won't come out from under the covers. He's in full rebellion against mom. She's losing her patience and losing her temper and telling him he'd better get up now "y de buenas!" (I mean it!)

And another mom seems to be in trouble. Gambino has brought Paulina up to a rooftop, ostensibly to "show her the city" but she isn't fooled. Something's up. Right, he knows she didn't kill Mario. And he's not going to forgive that, he adds, pulling out a gun.

Okay, who didn't want to see Paulina blown away? Granted, I'm not for violence but still..... However, our smart little witch, sensing that something was afoot, alerted the police and they're there to haul all the bad guys away. Hard to believe these guys are so easy to trap. Paulina must be better in bed than we suspected.

Patricio's still worried about Santiago but Arturo assures him the good doc is not involved in any illicit way with the mob. He saved Gambino's daughter's life and negotiated safe passage not only for his own family but for Patricio's as well. Now Arturo can retire, be peaceful and happy and live!!! Happy ending no. 6.

Patricio is remembering Candy's passionate defense and how she was "pendiente de todo"( took care of everything) and says to himself that she's an admirable woman. His mom catches him talking to himself and does a quick analysis of his feelings. He's remembering the adolescent Candy he fell in love with, but now he's dealing with a strong, mature woman. Motherhood will do that to you. Yes, all that's true, he concedes, but he's still worried about Chava. The little tyke is terribly unhappy at the prospect of his mother marrying Santiago. And it's killing Pato to see his son suffer.

Back to Meño. He finds Christian at his apartment and confronts him over the credit card bills. Our smarmy ratero denies everything (in a much deeper voice than he used before) and suddenly a protective woman emerges from the kitchen. And who is she? Why, Madeleine, his WIFE. Okay, did anyone else see that coming?

Our three little musketeers are at school and it's lunchtime. However that detestable little churl Chava refuses to eat his lunch. He's not touching anything his mom made. First, he demands Rocio's lunch. Nope. Then Beto's. Nope again. So he fights him for it.

While this is going on, Candy's consulting with Barb. She feels bad about taking a tough line with Chava but really!.....No, you have to be an authority figure, advises Barb. It's all very well to be affectionate and build up your child's self-esteem but you also need to "marcar limites" (set boundaries). Hear hear! Well, he's never been like this before, muses Candy. I think someone's getting to him....Alicia maybe, or Paulina.

The episode ends with Patricio arriving at Santiago's office saying one of our favorite phrases. WE NEED TO TALK.

Previews: Pretty scanty. Guess they're busy advertising the show to come. All we know is Patricio's telling Santiago that his son is suffering and papa ain't happy about it.

And must add, I started a lot of sentences with conjunctions tonight. A big grammar 'no-no" that was discussed over on the Mañana line. As the country song goes, " I ain't sad, I ain't sorry, and it'll probably happen again". Sorry grammarians, I just have a very casual writing style and I'm as unrepentant as Chava.

ya apareció el peine = lit. now the comb came out. Aha, now we get to the heart of the matter.
no va a ser para tanto = it's going to turn out to be nothing, no problem
brindar = to toast (as with a drink)
un par de nalgadas = a couple of spankings
y de buenas = for real now! or I mean it!
estar pendiente del niño = to be devoted to the child (Candy with Chava)
a estas alturas = by now, at this stage of the game
pilla, pilla! = you rascal you!
marcar limites = set boundaries

Dicho of the Day:
Dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres = lit. tell me who you go around with, and I'll tell you who you are. One is known by the company one keeps. (Take that Paulina!)


Monday, May 25, 2009

Las tontas no van #118, Mon 5/25, On Memorial Day we remember fallen heroes. Let's hope Santiago's not among them.

Note, this cap is #118 by Mexican numbering, and #120 by US numbering. The series as 139 caps (MX), plus #140 which is almost an afterthought. As we're counting down to the end, I thought the Mexican cap numbers would be more useful.

Rocío brings her X-Box out to the treehouse for Chava to play with. That idea has a few minor problems:
A. It’s useless without a monitor.
B. It’s useless without electricity.
C. Girls, even rich girls, don’t usually have an X-Box. If Roc did have one, what games would she have for Chava? Hello Kitty’s Island Adventure?
They plan how to keep him hidden.

Santiago grabs his orange sweater and heads out of his room. We see his cell phone which Pau has hidden under his chair. This has to be a happy episode if he wears his orange sweater. It sure makes me happy!

Pat and Meño are at the police station (or possibly a neighborhood government office, like a courthouse extension office) to report Chava missing. Pat is at his wits’ end. The clerk tells him that if the boy doesn’t appear in 48 hours, they will start to investigate.

Candy goes to Santi’s house and talks to Isabel while Pau spies. Then Candy looks for Chava at school, but he didn’t show up today.

Santiago, looking fabulous in that orange sweater (I think I’ll thank Wardrobe with a box of See’s chocolates), has breakfast with Raúl. He’s astounded that Raúl is talking marriage already. But isn’t Santi getting married? “Yes,” he answers, “but if this were a TV show, Candy and I are at Capitulo 80, and you and Sol are at Cap 5.” By the way, about 80 cap’s ago, Candy told Santi, “I’m in love,” and Marissa burst into the room and said, “I’m pregnant.” Also about 80 cap’s ago, Santi was wearing my favorite sweater. Raúl and Soledad started their romance 18 cap’s ago.

Santiago waxes poetic with advice for Raúl. He says a woman is an exotic fruit whose texture should be enjoyed with every bite. Because if you don’t have a mouthful, you won’t understand anything. Okey-dokey. Raúl notes that Santi is quoting a Mauricio Garcés movie, and Santi confesses that he has the complete Arroz collection.. Then he realizes that his cell phone isn’t in his pocket.

Note, Mauricio Garcés, who looks like Clark Gable, was a very popular actor during a low-quality phase of Mexican cinema. He typically made six movies per year between 1959 and 1971. This picture indicates his style of film. According to Wikipedia, Angelica Vale’s grandmother, Angélica Ortiz, helped launch his career. Interestingly, while Tontas was filming last year, Jaime Camil announced that he was in talks with Sony to remake Garcés’ Arroz trilogy. I think that project never materialized, but I’m sure this scene with Raul was prompted by those talks. I rather wonder if it was just an invention of Tontas’ publicity department.

Sad violins play while Pau hustles Chava out of the treehouse because his mother might find him. Chava is starting to feel homesickness and regret for running away, so Paulina recharges his fear with another dose of propaganda.

Pat calls Candy and finds out there is no news. Art tells Pat this is the time to call favors from his good buddy Gabino who has powerful connections everywhere. And besides, this should strengthen Pat’s case for custody. Pat tells Art, “No way, no how.” Art insists. Pat forbids it.

Candy’s household and friends are searching the neighborhood for Chava and asking everyone they see.

Pau is at Gabino’s office, very satisfied with herself for being such a good mama. Gab isn’t sure about that, but he knows she’s a great mistress. A call comes on her cell, and Pau says it’s from Candy, but Gab sees it’s actually from Mario. He doesn’t let on. They start to get busy on the couch, but Gab stops suddenly and sends her home.

When she’s gone, Gabino tells his goon, Augustine, that Mario isn’t dead and that Pau lied to him to protect Mario. Augustine the goon actually answers and his face doesn’t crack, so I guess his face isn’t made of plastar. Gab is determined to find Mario and make him pay for killing his father. He won’t ask Pau because he doesn’t want to alert her to the kind of death that awaits her after he finds Mario. And how will he find Mario? He knows of someone who is sure to know his whereabouts.

Gabino shows up at Santiago’s office and asks where to find Mario. Santi looks nerveous. He clarifies – we quit being friends. Gab can’t believe that such a long, close friendship would suddenly end at the stroke of a pen (de un plumazo). Santi says Mario left without saying goodbye. Santi doesn’t know where he is and doesn’t care. He also suggests that Gabino not walk into his office as if he owns the place; it might disturb the patients. Gab suggests that he doesn't care what Santiago wants.

Candy meets Beto and Rocío coming out of school. In tears, she begs them for any info they have about Chava. Roc is nerveous about lying to Candy.

Santi is consulting with a new patient and, putting on a gringo accent (note the drawn-out vowels), he asks where she’s from. Las Vegas. He gets a phone call from Gregoria and first learns that Chava disappeared. He tears down the road, chiding himself for not having his cell phone whan Candy needs him most. Looking in the mirror, he realizes he’s being followed. He pulls some evasive maneuvers. (Note, early in the series, Pat was taking anti-kidnapping driving lessons. I suppose it’s a wise precaution for those with money in Mexico.) Despite Santiago’s evasive driving, they box him in. It’s just like Jaime Camil’s scene from “7 Dias.” I hope this one turns out better for him. Gabino’s goons, all guns drawn, throw Santiago into their car.

They take him, blindfolded, into a smokey concrete cellar with bright naked lights, and force him to his knees. When they saw Santi tear down the street, they assumed he was trying to hide from Gabino. Santi still says he doesn’t know where Mario is, and Gabino still is sure he does. His boys will help Santi’s memory. They strap him into a chair in another room with bars on the door. Gabino rolls up his sleeves to start to work.

Another of Gab’s boys comes in and says Arturo Lizarraga wants to talk to him. Gab steps out to talk to Art, but first he gives the still-blindfolded Santiago a surprise whack in the face to help him decide to cooperate. That was hard to watch. Santi is stunned to realize that Pat’s dad has mafia ties, as he overhears Art tell Gab he owes him a favor for all the work Art did for the family all those years.

In what feels like the other side of the world, Raúl walks into Santi’s waiting room with a bounce in his step like a man in love. Hortensia reports that Santi left quickly when Greg called, and he’s not answering his cell. Another patient shows up. Horti tries again to locate Santi, this time by calling Isabel. Isabel assumes he’s with Candy. She’ll ask Santi to call the office when she talks to him.

Candy is back at the house, devastated. She goes back out to look for him. Isabel calls and is surprised to hear that Santi isn’t with Candy.

Art goes to Family Court and informs the judge that Candy is a bad mother, as evidenced by the fact that her son disappeared.

Raúl and Ed are at Bar Bonker. (What a name! I guess their motto is, “Liquor’s Quicker.”) They are talking about their women. Ed’s getting nowhere with Chayo. Raúl tells him to be romantic. Ed says that’s not his style.

Roc and Beto bring Chava some food. They say his mom was looking for him. Chava intends to live in the treehouse forever. Isabel asks if Don knows where Santi is. She’s starting to be concerned. As she should be.

Back in the cellar, Gab can’t get any info out of Santi so he tells his goons to work on him. You see the first punch in the gut, and you hear the sounds of spitting blood. Gabino returns and tells Santi this is his last chance to fess up. Gabino picks up his pistol and cocks it. Santi, still blindfolded, looks desperate at the sound. Gabino puts the gun to his head and Santi pulls away as much as his bound wrists permit. Gab gives him five seconds to answer. The camera shifts to the goons in the other room of the cellar, and we hear the gunshot.

Lucía wonders why Isabel looks so worried. Isa explains that Candy can’t find Chava, and now nobody knows where Santiago is. Luc suggests that she is exaggerating (exegerar) the situation.

Back in the cellar, Santi is still alive. Gab tells him the games are over. The next bullet has Santi’s name on it. Gun at the temple, he demands to know where Mario is. Just then Gabino’s phone rings. It’s the governor! Gab says, “Sorry, wrong number” and hangs up. Oops! Wrong movie.

Gabino decides to take the call before terminating Santiago. He finishes the call and says, “Doctor, I need you. Release him.” In the car, Gabino tells the caller to meet them at Santiago’s clinic. With Augustine’s gun still at his neck, Santi asks Gab why his clinic. Gab tells him to shut up. But Gab does address him as “usted.” Nice to know he’s a polite murderer.

In the treehouse, the kids have a globe and they’re looking for a place for Chava to live. How about the Yucatan Peninsula. No, that might take five hours to walk there. Chava decides he can only walk that long if he’s kicking a soccer ball.

Ed calls Horti from his kitchen. He’s trying to make a dinner for Chayo, but he can’t read the recipe, he doesn’t know which knife to use, and he doesn’t even know what to do with a carrot.

Horti hangs up. Santi staggers in, holding his side in pain. He tells her to prepare an operating room for emergency surgery. Two orderlies bring in Gabino’s daughter on a stretcher, surrounded by his goons. Gab grabs Santi and says, “Save her. Please. She’s just a child.” Now it’s Gabino’s turn to look scared and helpless. Santi stumbles down the hall to his surgery, cringing in pain with every step.

Ed gets the table ready for his romantic dinner, when Horti calls. He needs to return to the office for an emergency surgery.

Gabino asks, “How is she?” Santi says she’s okay. She has cuts to the face and embedded glass shards. She probably went through the window. Gab wants him to hurry, but Santi explains that she lost a lot of blood. They have to stabilize her before they can operate. Gabino is used to getting his way. He orders Santi to save her life, or Gabino will kill him.

Gabino was god back in his cellar, but they are not in his kingdom anymore. Santi the victim is replaced by Santi the doctor, responsible for the fate of his patient, and he isn’t going to let Gabino interfere with that. Santi asks Gab, “Are you threatening me?” He is. Santi continues, “I don’t think you are in any position to threaten me. I’m a father too. I understand the pain you’re going through. Don’t fear.”

Pat finds Candy at the soccer field. He ponders, “Where is our Chava? Why is this happening? Don’t you think you did something wrong?” This does not endear him to Candy. She goes to the police station, cuts in front of the people waiting in line, and demands that they start looking for her son now instead of waiting 48 hours. This does not endear her to the clerk. He tells her to wait her turn like everyone else. He apparantly doesn’t know that Candy is Miss Centro Universo.

Pat gets home and asks Ali if anyone came to the house. She wouldn’t know; she went to the salon. This makes an impression on Pat, but not a positive one.

In surgery, Ed asks what’s going on? Why don’t they have nurses? Who is this patient? Santi says it’s better if he doesn’t know. When they finish surgery, Ed should try to leave and take Hortensia with him. Santi’s nerves, and several blows to the gut, are making his hand shake as he fixes the girl’s face. He takes a breath, stretches his hand, and reassures the unconscious girl that she will be fine and she won’t have any scars (cicatriz) from the surgery. You get the feeling that he’s talking to himself as much as to her.

After surgery, Santiago drags himself down the hallway to talk to Gabino, with all the burdens of his sleepless night and horrendous day pressing on his shoulders. He starts to give the anxious Gabino a report: “The reconstruction went well, the injuries were major, it could take months to heal..”
Gab cuts him off. ”HOW IS MY DAUGHTER?”
Santi carefully begins, “There are times..”
Gab grabs him by the collar and yells in his face, ”¿CÓMO ESTÁ?”
Santi finally answers, “She went into a coma. She had a reaction to the anesthesia.”


Saturday, May 23, 2009

Tontas no Van Friday 5/22 Heading for the Cliff(hanger)

Santi and Candy have been doing a pretty good job of supporting each other while trying to persuade their kids to accept the upcoming marriage. But that’s all out the window tonight, as Paulina takes off the gloves, and aided by some amazing luck, skill or maybe just creative writers, gives our love wagon a possibly fatal push. It’s like a perfect storm, as the brakes have come completely off the wagon, it’s picking up steam, and careening out of control towards the cliff (hanger). (Sorry for all the metaphors :))

Things begin quietly enough, as we revisit the scenes in which Candy and Santi were telling their respective kids (fast asleep at the time) that the kids would always be the most important things in their lives.

We also see the tender scene between Raúl and Soledad, where they both say “te amo”. At least someone’s lives are looking up.

Morning in Guadalajara. Candy fell asleep on Chava’s bed. She wakes up, tells Chava to hurry, get ready quickly ‘cause he’s a little late for school. Come right down for breakfast, she adds. As soon as she leaves, he says to himself, not right now, I’m mad at her (Candy).

At Santi’s house, he apparently didn’t sleep too well, as Donato has to rouse him with a rooster imitation. They have their usual banter, Santi saying turn out the light, Don saying it’s millions of miles away (referring to the Sun), Donato noticing Santi’s red mustache, Santi telling him he’s a cat.

In the restaurant, Meño is looking for something, while Christian is complaining about the noise, and the sound of the gas being delivered in the restaurant where he’s been living, can’t Meño do something about it? Meño is mainly worrying about the woman on the phone he’s talking to, but tells Chris he’ll see what he can do. Chris smiles in evil glee.

Chava tells Pat he didn’t even give Candy a goodnight kiss, he’s so mad at her. But why? Pat wants to know. Because she’s going to marry Rocío’s papá! Pat is impactado.

So Meño the softy is inspecting a vacant apartment, asking the landlord if it’s quiet there. It is, and there’s no problem with the gas delivery, because they use hot water heating. The landlord thinks Meño’s “friend” is a little demanding, and Meño doesn’t like this guy’s attitude.

It’s time for the kids to solve the world’s problems with their little cabezas. Rocío and Chava agree that they don’t want their parents to marry each other.

Candy is at work when a single rose appears at her office door. It’s followed by another, then a third, then Santi. Candy appreciates the thought, but confesses she didn’t sleep well. She’s still worried about the kids, and suggests postponing the wedding. Santi reassures her the kids were just having a tantrum (berrinche), and eventually they’ll see how happy the adults are, and the kids will be happy. Candy never thought being happy would hurt so much, but Santi sneaks a little kiss to cheer her up.

Christian informs the staff he has invited a group of friends to the restaurant, and will close the restaurant for their private party. Lulu, Gregoria, Zamora and Toño try to protest, but Christian claps his hands, tells them of course “Don Manuel” knows about it, it was even his idea! He tells them they’d better get to work, or he’ll fire them all, and they nervously scurry away like little mice. Christian gives a whistle, and a parade of completely over the top stereotypes of gay guys enter jumping, hugging and spinning their wrists.

In a hotel room, Paulina puts her earrings back on and coolly reapplies her makeup as her sexual blackmailer Gabino reads the morning paper, drink in hand. What’s her hurry? Well, she has things to do. She has to stop Santiago from getting married. How? asks Gabino. By killing him, as with Mario? No, it’s much easier. All I have to do is put his kids in opposition to him. Oooo, what a bad girl you are, says Gabino, showing her with a little kiss on the cheek that he likes her style.

The outraged restaurant staff has retreated to the back steps of the restaurant, all complaining at once about Christian. Meño comes up, signed lease in hand (from an apartment he has rented for Chris), and wants to know what’s going on. They say they needed some air, it’s polluted inside, and although he says let’s get back in there and work, they agree to let him find out for himself. Inside, Christian’s friends are dancing on the tables, swinging napkins and drinking as Christian tells a buddy that first he got free clothes, then an apartment, and guess what’s next? A new car, then a round the world trip! It’s like winning the lottery! You know what, with this fool, it’s as if I have a chicken who lays golden eggs! In the shadows, Meño heard everything. He rips up the lease in disgust.

Santi has his first patient of the day. This time it’s not a luscious lady seeking a lift, but a bald guy with a big beak and a long black beard. He gives Santi a profile shot, of course you know what I need, right? Santi says sure, a nose job. Not at all, it’s his chin (note, the word barba means both beard and chin. Another word for chin is mentón). He has to wear the beard to hide his weak chin. Imagine all the nicknames (apodos) he has to suffer because of it. Santi can imagine. Superchin (mentón superhéroe), Johnnie Bravo, Barba de Pompa (bubble chin), the guy shushes him, and Santi’s phone rings. It’s Agent (I forget his name, something like Abrosino, but Santi calls him Barbino), and trying not to laugh, has to cut off the name so he won’t offend the patient. The patient asks if Santi can help him. Of course, first cut off the ridiculous beard, it’s totally out of style, the days of peace and love are long gone. Then, I’ll operate on your nose, which will result in your chin looking better, because your face will be more balanced. The guy pushes up on his nose and scrunches up his beard, trying to imagine his new look.

Back at the restaurant, Zamora, Toño, Gregoria and Lulu are reviving a dazed Meño by fanning him with a little straw basket. He finds out that they all knew Christian was using Meño, but Meño never noticed it. Greg asks what they’re going to do now. Fire him, of course! However, Meño doesn’t want to do it, and sends his two greatest amigos (Zamora and Toño) in to do the honors.

Agent whatever his name informs Santi that before he died, Leonardo had found Marissa. Well, let’s go, says Santi, filled with hope. Unfortunately, when they went to the location, Mari must have known they were coming, and has now vanished. Also, no news in finding the baby, but they’re working on it, he says to a now deflated Santi.

Zamora and Toño go back into the restaurant, not sure how they’re going to deal with stopping the gay parade and fire Christian. Zamora thinks these guys could beat them up, but Toño thinks they’re pretty harmless. The two summon up their courage, Zamora taps Christian on the shoulder, and presents him with the bill. Christian says we’re not going to pay, this party is on the house. Toño gets tough (after all Christian’s only about 3 inches taller than he is), puffs out his chest, and says Meño said you’re fired, and you’d better leave now. Zamora adds, or we’ll call the police. Meanwhile, outside, Lulu, Greg and Meño are awaiting he results with baited breath, taking turns fanning themselves with the little basket.

At the Institute, receipts are down, expenses are up, and Chayo and Candy are juggling bills. Candy is worried, but Chayo reassures her that they have several things coming up, and they have three more days before the rent is due, they’ll be okay. Candy, of course, is not just worried about the rent. Chayo sees her ashen face and assumes it was a fight with Santiago. She tells Candy about the argument with Ed about choosing between school and marriage, she chose both, so what was Candy’s fight with Santiago? No, it’s Chava. He didn’t say one word to me this morning, just went directly off to school with Patricio. She touches a photo of herself and Chava with a trembling finger, and the tears start coming.

Meño and crew have recovered enough to reenter the restaurant, where Meño finally gives Christian a bit of his mind, Christian is sent packing, and Meño says they’ll celebrate with the food and drinks those (he uses a cussword for gay guys or freeloaders, I think, it was bleeped out) guys left behind.

It’s time to pick up Chava from school. Candy waits outside the class, as Paulina saunters in. Pau turns the screws, asking if Candy thinks Chava will stay with her, Pau thinks Chava would rather spend more time with Rocío. Pau continues how the kids were so upset about the marriage with Santiago, that a rash broke out all over Rocío’s face (salió una roncha en toda la cara). Here come the kids. Rocío runs to Paulina. Beto greets Candy warmly, but Chava coldly brushes past her, asking Rocío if he can eat at her house. Candy tries to protest, but Chava insists, and Paulina takes Rocío and Chava away, taunting Candy by saying Pau knows what the children really want.

Ed and Santi are comparing problems. They recall the glory days, when they had no worries. Santi sounds as if he’s going a little nuts, forgetting what he’s saying a few times, and holding his sneaker-clad feet up like a kid, while Ed is still obsessed with whether he can have a kid with Chayo, since they rarely do it anymore. Ed leaves before Santi can get his hug.

But we do see a hug between Charly and Meño. Charly is happy Meño finally saw the light about Christian. Meño says he sort of knew all along that Christian was trying to take advantage, but he’s a generous guy who gets pleasure from giving. That’s great, says Charly, since you’re so generous, I could use a motorcycle, okay? In your dreams.

In typical novela fashion, when all else fails, pray. Candy has a bouquet of pink flowers for the virgencita, kneels in the church in front of a candle, clasps her hands, asks the Lord to help with her pain, to give her the balance, the force to make Chava happy. Her cell rings, it’s Santiago, maybe her prayers are answered.

In the garden at Santi’s house, it’s story time, as Paulina tells Rocío and Chava one, which ends up with the lady and the man marrying, but the man was very bad, and made his wife kick the children out, and they were “in the street” (the typical worst punishment for anyone in a novela). Chava thinks it’s “just a story”, but Paulina corrects him, she read it in a newspaper, this is what happens in real life. And you know what, it happens to many children like you two! She leaves the frightened kids to play in the playhouse, smiling to herself. The kids discuss things, Rocío thinking Candy will kick her out, Chava thinking Rocío’s dad is bad, both of them say they’re afraid, as Paulina secretly observes how well her scheme is working.

Santi and Candy are trying to cheer each other up over lunch in a French restaurant. Santi wants to forget the kids for just two hours, and try to be happy with Candy for that short period of time.

Meanwhile, Raúl has brought Beto and Soledad to see some of the color copy machinery that makes his magazine. I think Beto wants his own magazine. They’re having a good time.

Candy is back from lunch, and guess who’s waiting in her office? Pat. He half-heartedly congratulates her on her engagement, he’s glad she’s happy, but once again, he thinks Chava should be with him, there’s no other option, Chava has to be safe. Candy says no way. Pat flashes back to when Lozano told him he was taking pictures of Santiago. He implores Candy, what more can I say? It’s a rhetorical question, as he leaves Candy in stunned silence. Candy is destroyed again (this is about the third or fourth time today she’s essentially been hit with a brick). I guess she is supposed to read Pat’s mind.

We get a little fun, though, as Raúl, Soledad and Beto are now bowling. Raúl shows Beto how to roll the ball down the center of the lane. Beto launches the big bowling ball with two hands, it veers off toward the gutter, but in a miracle of editing, Beto gets a strike! Raúl wants a rematch (revancha, also means revenge), Soledad doesn’t think so, but the two boys beg her, and she can’t resist. Raúl seems to be aiming for a perfect game, this bonding with Beto is right down his alley.

Back to sad. Candy came home from work a little early, but Chava’s already in bed, so she isn’t even going to get to talk to him. Gregoria consoles her, saying things have been changing fast for Chava, give him time.

At Santi’s house, he examines his patient, Rocío’s rash is all gone. He asks if she likes Candy, she responds that she loves her mother. But the question was do you like (or love) Candy? No, not at all, in fact she can’t stand her (me cae gorda). She runs out, leaving Santi frustrated.

At Soledad’s, Raúl and Beto make tiger faces at each other, reveling in their maleness, can’t wait for tomorrow, and Beto goes off to bed. Soledad is overjoyed at how fast Raúl has gained Beto’s trust. And you know what, adds Sole? Every day, I’m liking you more (cada día, me caes mejor). How much more? Raúl wants to know. She answers him with a kiss.

The rest of the episode is like a perfect storm. Each little event is perfectly timed to throw our characters’ lives in turmoil. How did the writers do it? Let’s see.

Step 1. Cut to Chava. I think it’s time for a nightmare. Sure enough, Santi has left him in the street (looks more like a forest, tho) as he screams for his Dad! He wakes up, puts on his shoes, and sneaks out of his room.

Step 2. Candy, unaware of this, is on the phone with Santi. He has an idea, let’s take the kids on a vacation, if the four of us are together, it’ll be fun. Candy wonders how they can persuade the kids to go. Santi says the important thing is to get them all together, even if they have to use force to get them to go on the trip. Candy doesn’t think Chava will want to be taken by force. Guess what – Chava is outside the half-opened door, hears the words Santiago, taken by force, and realizes his fears are confirmed.

In the morning, Candy comes in to wake Chava, and he’s gone! The note on his pillow says “Mommy, don’t search for me, because before you two kick me out of the house, I’m going out on my own. Chava”. Candy is frantic, Charly notes that Chava’s backpack and clothes are gone.

Step 3. So where is he? Apparently he was able to find Santi’s house, and Rocío has him hiding behind the drapes. The coast is clear, and he hides under the piano. Eventually she gets him up to her room (very conveniently, there’s no sign of Lucía, Donato, Isabel, etc.) Chava tells Rocío he’s not going back to his house, and he wanted to go to his Dad’s house, but it’s too far away. He tells Rocío about his nightmare (pesadilla) in which her Dad ran him into the street, and she defends her Dad, but agrees he can live in her room, and she’ll bring him some breakfast. Just then,

Step 4. Paulina comes in (the only person who is NOT going to return Chava to his house). Pau hears Chava’s story, and reminds the kids that she’s the only one who can protect them, but they have to promise not to tell anyone. They do. But Pau says Chava can’t live in Rocío’s room, he has to be in a safe place where Santi won’t find him. Rocío has an idea, and they go off together, as Pau gives her evil smirk again.

Candy has called Pat, but Chava isn’t there, and Pat will come right away to help search. He tells Alicia to stay home, he has to be able to reach her at any moment. She doesn’t care a bit about poor Candy, and after Pat leaves, she tells Patito, let’s go to the beauty salon.

Back at Candy’s, they’re all dressed, Charly has searched the park, and no Chava. Candy figures that Chava must be at Santiago’s house. She calls, and

Step 5. Guess who happens to answer the phone? Paulina, who sees the caller ID, hangs up, then dials and puts down the phone. On the other end, Candy says it went dead, now it’s busy. So she’s calls Santi’s cell, but

Step 6. Santi’s in the bathroom, and Paulina just happens to have walked into his bedroom just in time for this call. She presses ignore, hides the phone under the chair, smiles again, and calmly exits Santi’s room.

Back at the house, everyone is going crazy, Candy is going to go over Santi’s house, but when she opens the door,

Step 7. Pat is right there. He tells Candy that Chava is gone because Candy didn’t keep him from Santiago. Candy, I warned you many times, Chava should have been with me. Why didn’t you pay attention and listen to me! Candy’s eyes get big, as she sees the edge of the cliff approaching at maximum velocity!

Monday: Santi is kidnapped, as we’re not just in últimas semanas, we’re in últimos capítulos!


un berrinche - a tantrum
una barba - a beard, or a chin. Other words for chin are barbilla and mentón
roncha - a rash, or measles type spots
apodos - nicknames
revancha - a rematch, or revenge
me cae gorda - I can't stand her


Friday, May 22, 2009

Las Tontas no van Wed - 5-21 - PSAazo, Meno with new do, Charly with new cam, and Pau with old tricks

Pau is threatening again to tell Rocio that she isn’t a member of this family, but Lu tells her she better not dare. Santi and Candi, arriving from their walk under the anvils wonder what Lu is talking about. Isa arrives just in time to blow it all off as Pau just making too much of a literal situation, that she’s just egging Lu on, and Roc isn’t her blood sister, but that doesn’t matter. Santi agrees and says you are more than sisters and are even twin sisters and don’t listen to Pau. Isa begs Lu to come with her. Candi notes Pau is worsening and Santi wants to throw her out but says he can’t.

Tono visits Charly and gives him mucho dinero to buy a camera for his HIV film. The money Tono saved for two years to buy a motorbike. Charly is impacted and Greg listens off in the distance. Charly says he can’t accept, but Tono insists and says he could help with the film, so Charly says fine then they are a team and they will do this together.

Babs and Candi agree they need to do something on menopause, because of what the woman came in talking about. Chayo runs in announcing Mary Boquitas. Holy sh*t. I can’t believe they have this chick on the show. She is one of the Trevi-Andrade scandal and fled with them from Mexico, accused of being involved with maintaining a ring of underaged sex-slaves. Here’s a link if you don’t know this whole story. This is another situation where real life is a telenovela. Que extrano. She tells her story that she was married at 15 for love and thought it would last, and later, forgetting to sew on a button meant beatings for her.

Fede continues with his pressure and Luc continues refusing him. He tries the old show me you trust me by proving it. Lu says oh no, my Abue taught about tests of love. Good on Abue!! He says not love, just trust. Bastard, she kisses him. Ugh I wanted to punch this guy.
If there are any youngish girls reading this, here’s my PSA…don’t fall for this BS. If a guy really loves you, he will wait, and his every conversation will not be, when can we do it. Don’t get me wrong, young boys especially, have a really strong biological impulse that is hard for them to control when they are in close kissy contact with girls, but sometimes they need us to help them with that, by seeing their weakness and not giving in to it. A guy wanting to have sex with you does not = the guy loves you. If you feel even a little weird about it, trust your instincts, they are probably right and you’ll wish you didn’t do it later. OK, I’m done for now. Can I start my own instituta? Hell, I think I just did!

Ok, Mary gets to tell more of her story, that she was prohibited from even saying hello to another man, much less with a salutary kiss, and that she kept on believing she was in love, and that he would change.

Ma and Don talk about Tina’s treatment. He also wants to know about Jaime’s son. She shushes him that the walls have ears. Don thinks she should just invite Zam’s Ma to visit and see how nice he lives. Every Ma likes to see her kid living in a decent place. Isa thinks this place isn’t so decent with THAT woman here. She tells him to get back to work.

Now it’s time to hear more about Mary, so the girls ask what a typical day was like for her. Now this part I think she isn’t acting anymore, and this is taken from her days of subjugation under Andrade, that she would have to write down on a piece of paper what time she would get up, what time she would bathe and for how long if that day it was her turn to bathe, and how long it would take her to cook a meal without having the right to taste anything she was cooking. If she received a phone call and was given permission to answer it, she had to repeat everything the person asked her or said to her and what she answered, and if in that conversation she wished the person well, and it was a man, that meant beatings for her, because she was a slut for saying so, why else would she wish a man well? She goes on to explain that if he was mad at her for not sewing on a button, or not doing the yard nice, she would be forced to eat only bread or water, or whatever his leftovers were. Here she is crying something fierce, and you notice in the editing, the next sentence she has dry eyes and her voice has lightened a bit. I think they cut the first take out here and let her recover a bit and started over again. Later you see Candi with a tear, and then it’s gone in the next instant so the continuity here is lacking quite a bit, but I think it really shows you this scene was emotionally charged in reality.

Mary continues that the beatings would get worse each time, first with the hand, then with a chain (like a necklace) then a belt, then cables, and she was naked. Sole asks her how she felt when the scandal started. She says she has never talked about the root of the scandal and the only reason she is here is because aside from wanting to get things off her chest and feel better, she wants everyone not to take this as a scandal. She lived such harshities, difficulties and rude things that she wishes on noone. She suddenly felt so alone and everything was handled with the celebrity names, that she was in jail, but she wasn’t in jail, Maria Raquenel (her birth name) was in jail. She felt free there actually because she could at least actually go to the bathroom without asking for permission, she could eat, and she could talk to people with less fear, even though they were accused killers. Her soul started to feel free and her faith was free to exist, and in secret, in her cell, she could at least talk to the God that they had taken away from her for so long. Wow, that’s heavy. Here's where Candi begins to cry...

Now the boys and Pato are chatting about futbol around Ali who is showing off Patito's baptismal clothes and Ali says she doesn’t care about futbol, and Pato says yes, she cares, she just doesn’t understand so explain it to her. The kids begin to tell her and she screams she wants a girl!!

Mary continues that God didn’t forget about her, and when she reached rock bottom, mind and body in the dirt as low as she could go, she started realizing that she had worth and value, and she would use little pieces of Cds, because mirrors weren’t allowed in jail, and she’d think she’s not so bad after all, and eventually she was able to cleanse her dirty soul. It was like a trash can full of disgusting garbage, adding a few drops of holy water doesn’t make a difference, you have to empty the trash can all the way first; start to wash it from the inside, and then start to put in clean things. Very nice analogy.


Candi thanks her for sharing her story with them and reiterates to the group that they don’t have to stand for violence. End PSA.

So I have to put this in for the guys...not too long ago she posed for the magazine H Extremo, and you can gather from the cover that, yeah, she's not so bad after all.

After commercial, Candy is now at home and chatting with ma and tells her they picked a wedding date and are arranging the details. Ma is happy they decided, but curiously doesn’t ask when? Wouldn’t that be your first question? Anyway she tells Ma they are planning a dinner out tonight to tell the kids. Now, knowing the kids reservations, why would you do this in public? Hmmm….

Chris and Meno go shopping as do Charly and Tono. Chris is trying to spif Meno up and Charly picks out an expensive small camera. The two interesting things about this montage were Chris taking off his nose bandage to scratch and Tono seeing them in the store and rushing off Charly so he doesn’t see.

Jaime and Ma talk about going to Monterrey. Donato wants to know when he should pack his stuff. Jaime wonders how Don knows all this stuff, and Issy shrugs it off the the walls with ears again.

Meno tries out his George Michael look on his posse.
He and Chris come in with the two on one IPOD trick. Lulu, Greg and Zam were calmly breaking for lunch. They are less than impressed with the new look and act like they saw him in the public mens room, you know, doing what GM did.

Lalo is jealous and yells at Chayo. My studies or you? Chayo chooses both. She says if he’s going to be crazy, he should at least be mature crazy and not childish crazy, and she storms off.

Chava with Pato, he has to take a bath and doesn’t want to Pato sort of indulges him, but Greg keeps him in check.

Candi comes home and asks again for a divorce. Pato maintains he is not mad, he’ll give the divorce, but he’s still doing this for Chava, not to keep her from Santi.

Chava comes back down with the wet washcloth look, but Candi doesn’t buy that he took a full bath and takes him by the ear back upstairs.

Rocio comes up to chat and Santi says yes, we are going to dinner with Candi and Chava, and no your Mom can’t come. Turns out she was put up to it by Pau. Pau wants to know the goods and pitches a fit when she finds out and tells Rocio that Candi wants to be her Ma, of course Roci doesn’t want that, so cries for her Mom not to die.

Sole wants therapy from Babs re Raul, are they going to fast? She’s worried about Beto rejecting Raul. Babs basically says, talk to him about it and give him lots of love.

Tono and Charly start filming their masterpiece.

Chava is talking with a mouthful, at dinner and they tell him they’ll wait for him to finish, he shouldn‘t talk that way. They then lay the news on the kids, they are going to marry. Chava shouts at Santi, you aren’t going to marry my Ma. Bet they wish his mouth was still full then.

Candi tries to convince him that he’s not getting a new papa, but he keeps on with his screams until he notices Rocio turning red.
He thinks she’s so mad she turned into a tomato. Rocio appears to have reaction to something and Santi runs off to get medicine.

When they get home Chava runs up to bed, and Santi says good bye, they’ll be ok eventually. Chava continues to be a snot and wants to live with his Pa, grabbing his picture. Candy cries as she goes to make him something to eat so he’s not to bed on empty stomach.

Tono is drinking with Charly and they are chatting about the film.

Santi brings Rocio home and promises her she won’t turn into a tomato like Chava said. Pau sees this and wonders what he did to her daughter. He explains and she asks what he knows and his reply is that he’s a doctor, uh, duh, so he knows what he’s doing. She accuses him of not caring and wants to take Rocio up to get cured by her Mama.

Santi pulls Pau aside and tells Roc to go upstairs. He tells her extremely seriously never again to say he doesn’t care about his daughter again. He stomps off. Pau winces.

Candi brings Chava food, but he’s sleeping already.

Pau asks what they gave her to eat and she starts crying. What did Candi do to you. She replies both of them did it to me, they are going to marry.

Candi sweats this same thing in her bed flashing back to Chava’s outburst.

Rocio is sought by the black gatito. Pa has painted himself, but he finds no Ro, only scares Lu who tells him Rocio went ot see her Ma. He seeks her out over there, and manages to get her to want to sleep with the cat. He likes that and Pau pouts again.

Tono is drinking un monton of tequila.

In his drunkeness he freaks out when he finds out his bar bill is 5000 pesos, not 500. Um, that’s a lot of tequila. He has no money and right on cue Meno comes out with the cleaning implements.

Candi climbs into bed with Chava and tells her she loves him and could never hurt him, and Santi is so great and they could be happy, but she doesn’t know what to do if he isn’t happy. Oh please.

Santi tells Rocio of when she was born and how she was like a wet rat.

In the other bed Candy is doing this with so much more drama. Santi tells Ro she will always be the most important even if he marries Candi. Ro has fallen asleep. Santi complains all the girls fall asleep on him. Uh, I seriously doubt that.

Sole and Raul are sucking face and I guess he feels that thing I was talking about earlier, but being a slightly more mature boy, he knows to walk away before he can’t stop. He tells her he hasn’t you know with anyone since his wife died, and well he just wants all the passion to build up so that when they actually do it it will be amazing. Yeah, that would melt me. Waahhhhh!!!


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Las Tontas Wed 5/20 - Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, Pau played the game, but her hand was a bust

Kris and I traded nights so no pictures tonight, sorry.

Last night reminders: Al annoys Pat by telling him she asked Candy and Santi to be the little duck's godparents. After all Candy's doubts Santi provides prescription pad proof that Amanda lied. Sergeant Rossini tells Santi that his PI was hit by Gambino Luco Estevanes.

Christian tells Lulu that some guy out front is very interested in the chef at the restaurant and in fact offered him a little money if he could convince the cook to leave. Lulu runs out front. She's taken aback to see it's Cuau and she confronts him with the truth that he only wooed her to get a cook. He hems and haws and admits he forgot a couple of little details, he's married with three little ones. She gives him a well-deserved slap in the face and for a brief moment he looks enamored.

Santi and Candy actually talk and share theories about how they might have been double-crossed...amazing! Sole tells them Pat is outside and after all this time with no kisses they suddenly decide that it's a good time for a smooch. Pat sees them and is super irritated. Santi lets Candy and Pat talk alone and she aks him what new lies does he have about Santi now. He says he wants her to go to the lawyer's with him to discuss custody of Chava. "Get out of my office and my life," she replies. He makes a pouty face.

The unhappy Lozano takes Gabino and his henchmen (esbirros, I learned that from Doña Barbara) to the grave of his father. Gabino tells Lozano to dig.

Candy complains to Greg that she doesn't have the strength to fight for Chava, she's paralyzed. Greg bucks her up and says certainly she has the strength. They are interrupted by a weeping Lulu and surprisingly Candy stops her whining to give moral support to Lulu. Greg calls Cuau a muerto de hambre, meaning (I think) he's stingy to the point of wooing a cook with love instead of offering a competitive salary.

Donato shows Jaime the pic of Zamora's mom and Jaime claims he doesn't know the woman in the picture. Zam rushes in and Donato tries to hide the pic from him but Zam sees it and asks what is Don doing with a picture of his godmother/aunt?

The grave has been dug and clothing is exposed. Gabino recognizes a dirty but strategically placed bracelet as his dad's. Then he conveniently finds a letter in a plastic bag saying Mario paid Lozano a million dollars for his silence. Lozano is in deep doo doo as the henchmen pull their guns and Gabino states "You betrayed the memory of my father." (I think I recognize the scary-looking esbirro as a character actor from Alborada.)

Christian is in the midst of instructing Toño to call him Señor Christian and saying he has Meño's highest trust when Charly arrives and overhears. He's not too happy about Chris and he tells Candy. Candy gives Charly the crappy advice that she's not sure how Meno feels about Chris but Charly should chill out and see what happens, it'll all be fine. Then she runs away. Nice job Candy.

All guns are pointed at Lozano. They force him to call Paulina and say he shot Gabino in self-defense and he needs to see her right away. After he hangs up Gabino points his gun, turns his head and shoots. We hear a few more shots and I think it's safe to assume that Carlos called it yesterday; Lozano must be dead.

Donato tells Isa in a long and convoluted way that the woman in the photo is not Zam's mom but rather his aunt. He suggests Isa check Zam's birth certificate to see if Don Jaime's name is on it. But he has already given Isa a headache and she wanders off.

Isa informs Pau that she's decided to stick around to protect her family from Pau's lies. Lucia eavesdrops as Pau insists she has the power to kick Isa and Jaime out and adds Rocio isn't Santi's kid. "Que?!?" Lucia blurts out loud. Pau smirks as Isa admits to Lucia that Santi isn't the papa and she isn't the grandma of Rocio.

Pau gleefully tells a shocked Lucia that Mario is Rocio's dad and then she's really rude to Luc. Pau tells them not to forget she currently has the upper hand (tengo la sarten por el mango). Isa admits to Luc that she hasn't told Santi because it would kill him. They are crying on each others' shoulders when Rocio walks in and wonders why they are crying.

Margarita and Pat have a long conversation about Art being involved with the mafia and how she never bothered to ask questions about Art's money because she loved the good life. She adds if Art is a danger to his family it's good that he disappeared. She asks if Pat is going after Chava to hurt Candy. Pat tells her it's because Santi is also involved with these mafia guys and since Candy is Santi's novia then Chava is in danger. Margarita is impactada.

Luc and Isa try to convince Rocio that everything is OK but she ends up crying anyway. They say they're crying over Luc's novio. Rocio says she has a novio too, no it's not Chava, it's her papa.

Candy is surrounded by the chattering Institutas. They are talking about the PSA du jour, violence against women. Barb says they don't have to look far for examples and reveals that the reason she divorced her first husband is because he was beating her. The institutas are impactadas.

Later Meño gives his dance class, Chris seems to be having a great time, and Candy watches and smiles. Charly watches and snarls.

Charly bitches about Chris to Candy. Her advice is to invite Chris to dinner and to relax, everything will be fine. Sheesh. He then excitedly updates her on his HIV work, he plans to make a documentary about young people like him and how they live after finding out they are HIV positive. He'd love to ask Lucia to help but he doesn't like her boyfriend.

Rocio continues to weep and talk to Lucia in her perfectly trembly little voice. She begs Lucia to help her convince her papa to let her mama stay with her. Santi overhears and Rocio accuses him of kicking mom out so Candy can move in. She cries until he agrees to talk to Pau.

Charly tells Meño they should invite Chris to dinner. Meño will cook of course. Meño entices them with a menu of Chicharrones con Verdolagas (purslane) y Salsa Roja with tortillas made by hand and rice pudding for dessert, yum! Candy's already licking her big chops and Meño adds, "Actuallu, I'm not going to do anything. You cook or we'll see what happens."

Gabino comes across Art talking on the phone in some hotel. He wants to know how Art's little project is coming along. He threatens that Art had better not betray him and by the way give his regards to Chava, Beto and Patito.

Santi scolds Pau for scaring Rocio. He says she can stay but she has to lay off Isa and stop making Rocio cry. Rocio was fine until Pau showed up and started turning her against him marrying Candy. Pau caresses his face and tells him Candy left her first husband, what makes him think she'll stay with him? She tells him Candy doesn't love him. He mutters that she's crazy.

Pau goes to meet Lozano and is intercepted by Gabino's henchmen. "Surprise," says Gabino as she gets into his car, "Lozano couldn't make it because he had to bite the dust." (Se tuvo que quedar a morder un poco de polvo) He asks if if a rat has her tongue, he knows she's been playing him. It's Pau's turn to have her face caressed by a predator. He'll let her live if she'll make a little deal with him. He informs her she will be his lover and everytime he calls she has to come right over and satisfy him, deal? In fact right now he's feeling a little sad about his father's death. She agrees but her eyes bug out and she doesn't look like she thinks this is foreplay.

Candy and the girls (and Santi) are on the air. She blabs about all the traits she like in a boyfriend as she allows Santi to kiss her arm Gomez Addams style. They all giggle. Bleck.

I guess Chayo wasn't there because she is at home trying to study while Lalo tries to pick a fight. He says he knows when a man (her teacher) is going after a woman. She says sure he does because he wrote the book. He says he's had it with her flirting and he's serious. I think if he's really worried about losing her then pissing her off is probably the wrong approach.

Now it's the Abandonado's turn on the air and Candy gets to sit in. Santi has an important question to ask that he wants all of Mexico to hear, would she like to marry him? Over on the other side of town Pat listens in anguish as, in split screen, Santi proposes. Quick cuts of a happy Candy are juxtoposed with Pat's tears.

Next day Babs talks to some woman about menopause. The woman is suffering from hot flashes, she's not interested in her husband even though she loves him, etc. Babs says she'll make an appointment for the woman. It's a new day and a new PSA.

Over at the office Lalo complains about Chayo while Santi snores on his desk. Santi tells him not to be immature, so what if his woman wants to work and study, is that so bad? Lalo complains because all she wants to do in the bed is sleep. They used to do it 3-4 times a week but now only once and even then quickly. "Sunday morning," adds Santi. Lalo is impactado, how did he know? OK, sorry folks but I'm done with this conversation.

Now Babs is counseling Raul about his relationship with Beto. She says before he works on his relationship with Beto he needs to define his relationship with Beto's mother. Soledad has suffered a lot with relationships and she's looking for something for the rest of her life; what's Raul looking for?

Chris is negotiating a 3-day work week with Meño, however Meño is absorbed in a phone conversation and not paying attention. When Meño says "Si Señorita" into the phone Chris chooses to believe that Meño is on board with his three day working and four days going to the gym and salon. Chris then suggests that Meño should do something about his grandfatherly appearance. It's time for a Meño makeover.

Charly grumpily brushes by Chris and tells Toño he needs money for a camera for his documentary. Maybe this will be important later.

When Meño gets off the phone he asks Toño if he looks old. "Si Señor!" Toño responds..."er No Señor!" he back pedals until Meño excuses him, he's heard enough.

Babs is having a busy day. Now she's back talking to the menopausal woman. Menopause is only a phase in a woman's life, blah blah blah. Another quick PSA and another quick cure.

Meño and Chris are at the Antua Salon. They are choosing a new hair color and style for Meño. He gets color, a frosting, then a moussing. Chris loves it and Meño is impactado at his new frosted and spiked hair. "Wow, what a look," exclaims Chris, " Tibis, tibis, tibis!" (What in the heck does that mean?) He thinks Meño looks thirty. "Oh no," corrects Meño humbly, "thirty-two!" He admires himself in the mirror.

Over at the big house garden Santi and Candy blithely stroll under the anvils discussing their wedding plans while Lucia and Pau argue nearby. Lucia warns Pau "You'd better not say anything to my sister! She'd die if she learns..." Naturally Santi overhears and asks what's so serious that Rocio can't know? What are they talking about?

Mañana: Chava the little dictator acts out in a restaurant.

esbirro = henchman, minion
un muerto de hambre = a skinflint (Lit. someone dying of hunger)
tengo la sarten por el mango = I have the upper hand (Lit. I have the pan by the handle)
Se tuvo que quedar a morder un poco de polvo = He had to bite a little dust


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