Thursday, May 21, 2009

Las Tontas Wed 5/20 - Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, Pau played the game, but her hand was a bust

Kris and I traded nights so no pictures tonight, sorry.

Last night reminders: Al annoys Pat by telling him she asked Candy and Santi to be the little duck's godparents. After all Candy's doubts Santi provides prescription pad proof that Amanda lied. Sergeant Rossini tells Santi that his PI was hit by Gambino Luco Estevanes.

Christian tells Lulu that some guy out front is very interested in the chef at the restaurant and in fact offered him a little money if he could convince the cook to leave. Lulu runs out front. She's taken aback to see it's Cuau and she confronts him with the truth that he only wooed her to get a cook. He hems and haws and admits he forgot a couple of little details, he's married with three little ones. She gives him a well-deserved slap in the face and for a brief moment he looks enamored.

Santi and Candy actually talk and share theories about how they might have been double-crossed...amazing! Sole tells them Pat is outside and after all this time with no kisses they suddenly decide that it's a good time for a smooch. Pat sees them and is super irritated. Santi lets Candy and Pat talk alone and she aks him what new lies does he have about Santi now. He says he wants her to go to the lawyer's with him to discuss custody of Chava. "Get out of my office and my life," she replies. He makes a pouty face.

The unhappy Lozano takes Gabino and his henchmen (esbirros, I learned that from Doña Barbara) to the grave of his father. Gabino tells Lozano to dig.

Candy complains to Greg that she doesn't have the strength to fight for Chava, she's paralyzed. Greg bucks her up and says certainly she has the strength. They are interrupted by a weeping Lulu and surprisingly Candy stops her whining to give moral support to Lulu. Greg calls Cuau a muerto de hambre, meaning (I think) he's stingy to the point of wooing a cook with love instead of offering a competitive salary.

Donato shows Jaime the pic of Zamora's mom and Jaime claims he doesn't know the woman in the picture. Zam rushes in and Donato tries to hide the pic from him but Zam sees it and asks what is Don doing with a picture of his godmother/aunt?

The grave has been dug and clothing is exposed. Gabino recognizes a dirty but strategically placed bracelet as his dad's. Then he conveniently finds a letter in a plastic bag saying Mario paid Lozano a million dollars for his silence. Lozano is in deep doo doo as the henchmen pull their guns and Gabino states "You betrayed the memory of my father." (I think I recognize the scary-looking esbirro as a character actor from Alborada.)

Christian is in the midst of instructing Toño to call him Señor Christian and saying he has Meño's highest trust when Charly arrives and overhears. He's not too happy about Chris and he tells Candy. Candy gives Charly the crappy advice that she's not sure how Meno feels about Chris but Charly should chill out and see what happens, it'll all be fine. Then she runs away. Nice job Candy.

All guns are pointed at Lozano. They force him to call Paulina and say he shot Gabino in self-defense and he needs to see her right away. After he hangs up Gabino points his gun, turns his head and shoots. We hear a few more shots and I think it's safe to assume that Carlos called it yesterday; Lozano must be dead.

Donato tells Isa in a long and convoluted way that the woman in the photo is not Zam's mom but rather his aunt. He suggests Isa check Zam's birth certificate to see if Don Jaime's name is on it. But he has already given Isa a headache and she wanders off.

Isa informs Pau that she's decided to stick around to protect her family from Pau's lies. Lucia eavesdrops as Pau insists she has the power to kick Isa and Jaime out and adds Rocio isn't Santi's kid. "Que?!?" Lucia blurts out loud. Pau smirks as Isa admits to Lucia that Santi isn't the papa and she isn't the grandma of Rocio.

Pau gleefully tells a shocked Lucia that Mario is Rocio's dad and then she's really rude to Luc. Pau tells them not to forget she currently has the upper hand (tengo la sarten por el mango). Isa admits to Luc that she hasn't told Santi because it would kill him. They are crying on each others' shoulders when Rocio walks in and wonders why they are crying.

Margarita and Pat have a long conversation about Art being involved with the mafia and how she never bothered to ask questions about Art's money because she loved the good life. She adds if Art is a danger to his family it's good that he disappeared. She asks if Pat is going after Chava to hurt Candy. Pat tells her it's because Santi is also involved with these mafia guys and since Candy is Santi's novia then Chava is in danger. Margarita is impactada.

Luc and Isa try to convince Rocio that everything is OK but she ends up crying anyway. They say they're crying over Luc's novio. Rocio says she has a novio too, no it's not Chava, it's her papa.

Candy is surrounded by the chattering Institutas. They are talking about the PSA du jour, violence against women. Barb says they don't have to look far for examples and reveals that the reason she divorced her first husband is because he was beating her. The institutas are impactadas.

Later Meño gives his dance class, Chris seems to be having a great time, and Candy watches and smiles. Charly watches and snarls.

Charly bitches about Chris to Candy. Her advice is to invite Chris to dinner and to relax, everything will be fine. Sheesh. He then excitedly updates her on his HIV work, he plans to make a documentary about young people like him and how they live after finding out they are HIV positive. He'd love to ask Lucia to help but he doesn't like her boyfriend.

Rocio continues to weep and talk to Lucia in her perfectly trembly little voice. She begs Lucia to help her convince her papa to let her mama stay with her. Santi overhears and Rocio accuses him of kicking mom out so Candy can move in. She cries until he agrees to talk to Pau.

Charly tells Meño they should invite Chris to dinner. Meño will cook of course. Meño entices them with a menu of Chicharrones con Verdolagas (purslane) y Salsa Roja with tortillas made by hand and rice pudding for dessert, yum! Candy's already licking her big chops and Meño adds, "Actuallu, I'm not going to do anything. You cook or we'll see what happens."

Gabino comes across Art talking on the phone in some hotel. He wants to know how Art's little project is coming along. He threatens that Art had better not betray him and by the way give his regards to Chava, Beto and Patito.

Santi scolds Pau for scaring Rocio. He says she can stay but she has to lay off Isa and stop making Rocio cry. Rocio was fine until Pau showed up and started turning her against him marrying Candy. Pau caresses his face and tells him Candy left her first husband, what makes him think she'll stay with him? She tells him Candy doesn't love him. He mutters that she's crazy.

Pau goes to meet Lozano and is intercepted by Gabino's henchmen. "Surprise," says Gabino as she gets into his car, "Lozano couldn't make it because he had to bite the dust." (Se tuvo que quedar a morder un poco de polvo) He asks if if a rat has her tongue, he knows she's been playing him. It's Pau's turn to have her face caressed by a predator. He'll let her live if she'll make a little deal with him. He informs her she will be his lover and everytime he calls she has to come right over and satisfy him, deal? In fact right now he's feeling a little sad about his father's death. She agrees but her eyes bug out and she doesn't look like she thinks this is foreplay.

Candy and the girls (and Santi) are on the air. She blabs about all the traits she like in a boyfriend as she allows Santi to kiss her arm Gomez Addams style. They all giggle. Bleck.

I guess Chayo wasn't there because she is at home trying to study while Lalo tries to pick a fight. He says he knows when a man (her teacher) is going after a woman. She says sure he does because he wrote the book. He says he's had it with her flirting and he's serious. I think if he's really worried about losing her then pissing her off is probably the wrong approach.

Now it's the Abandonado's turn on the air and Candy gets to sit in. Santi has an important question to ask that he wants all of Mexico to hear, would she like to marry him? Over on the other side of town Pat listens in anguish as, in split screen, Santi proposes. Quick cuts of a happy Candy are juxtoposed with Pat's tears.

Next day Babs talks to some woman about menopause. The woman is suffering from hot flashes, she's not interested in her husband even though she loves him, etc. Babs says she'll make an appointment for the woman. It's a new day and a new PSA.

Over at the office Lalo complains about Chayo while Santi snores on his desk. Santi tells him not to be immature, so what if his woman wants to work and study, is that so bad? Lalo complains because all she wants to do in the bed is sleep. They used to do it 3-4 times a week but now only once and even then quickly. "Sunday morning," adds Santi. Lalo is impactado, how did he know? OK, sorry folks but I'm done with this conversation.

Now Babs is counseling Raul about his relationship with Beto. She says before he works on his relationship with Beto he needs to define his relationship with Beto's mother. Soledad has suffered a lot with relationships and she's looking for something for the rest of her life; what's Raul looking for?

Chris is negotiating a 3-day work week with Meño, however Meño is absorbed in a phone conversation and not paying attention. When Meño says "Si Señorita" into the phone Chris chooses to believe that Meño is on board with his three day working and four days going to the gym and salon. Chris then suggests that Meño should do something about his grandfatherly appearance. It's time for a Meño makeover.

Charly grumpily brushes by Chris and tells Toño he needs money for a camera for his documentary. Maybe this will be important later.

When Meño gets off the phone he asks Toño if he looks old. "Si Señor!" Toño responds..."er No Señor!" he back pedals until Meño excuses him, he's heard enough.

Babs is having a busy day. Now she's back talking to the menopausal woman. Menopause is only a phase in a woman's life, blah blah blah. Another quick PSA and another quick cure.

Meño and Chris are at the Antua Salon. They are choosing a new hair color and style for Meño. He gets color, a frosting, then a moussing. Chris loves it and Meño is impactado at his new frosted and spiked hair. "Wow, what a look," exclaims Chris, " Tibis, tibis, tibis!" (What in the heck does that mean?) He thinks Meño looks thirty. "Oh no," corrects Meño humbly, "thirty-two!" He admires himself in the mirror.

Over at the big house garden Santi and Candy blithely stroll under the anvils discussing their wedding plans while Lucia and Pau argue nearby. Lucia warns Pau "You'd better not say anything to my sister! She'd die if she learns..." Naturally Santi overhears and asks what's so serious that Rocio can't know? What are they talking about?

Mañana: Chava the little dictator acts out in a restaurant.

esbirro = henchman, minion
un muerto de hambre = a skinflint (Lit. someone dying of hunger)
tengo la sarten por el mango = I have the upper hand (Lit. I have the pan by the handle)
Se tuvo que quedar a morder un poco de polvo = He had to bite a little dust


Thanks Sylvia. Love your style..."PSA du jour, new day, new PSA, okay, sorry folks but I'm done with this conversation".....yep, this was one of the more annoying episodes, plus Candy's always vapid advice and the radio smooching with Santiago while all the institutas admired the happy couple. Blech.

I'm seriously worried about Meño. Both his credit cards are already maxed out and this sneaky little Christian is dragging him into more expenditures. This doesn't bode well. I think we're due for a big PSA on credit card debt!

Outstanding vocabulary...especially loved "esbirros", a new one for me, and "se tuvo que quedar a morder un poco de polvo". Gracias, amiga.

Sylvia, I loved your recap. Your title perfectly encapsulated the full gamut of events in this interesting episode. Thank you for the vocabulary as well.

Thankfully Cuau's selfish motivations were revealed before Lulu got in deeper. Loved the slap - you go girl! Hoping this clears the way for Toño (or Eduardo Yanez) and the happy ending our lovely Lulu deserves.

Paulina is destroying everyone in her orbit. It's so sad to see Isa, so formidable and intelligent, being forced into inaction and silence. The sad truth is that Paulina is Ro's mother. I hope nothing terrible happens to her only because Ro would be devastated. However, Paulina's life is no longer her own, it is now Gambino's.

It's too bad Chris is a selfish user and abuser. He's making Meño feel young and alive again although he is digging into Meño's wallet to do so. Enjoyed your capturing of the dance session: "Candy watches and smiles. Charly watches and snarls." Charly has good intuition - he doesn't like Fred and sees Chris for who he is.

Diana in MA

Good job, Sylvia. I kinda enjoyed this episode and really enjoyed your recap. I snickered to myself when Chris welcomed and patted a reluctant Charly, and then Charly disgustedly brushed himself off. A hint of irony?

Things may be looking up a bit for Santi. What with her new duties and all, Pau may have her hands full, so to speak. I'm not really sure that was a wise decision on Gabino's part,However. Not so good to mix business with pleasure in his line of work. Might come back to bite him.

So ugly guy was mute guy on Alborado? Good to see him getting work.

Meño's new look? Don't like it. Don't like Christian. Earth to Meño!


Good morning all and thanks for your comments. I kind of hit the jackpot on dichos with this one. I didn't think the episode as a whole was annoying, in fact I was interested throughout and it had several pivotal moments. I hope my sense of ennui at Candy's insipid self-help advice didn't make me sound too sarcastic. It's so easy to slip into that mode with these crazy shows.

Lalo still bugs me. He's cute but remains a self-centered, immature brat. Oh well, it's hard to change overnight.

Pau's involvement with Gambino is extremely ominous. She is now inextricably wound into his life so that means anyone associated with her is too. I fear this does not bode well for her family. By the way, the guy playing him is a wonderful actor. I just read Carlos's comment that Gambino may be in too deep with Pau. I think this will be an interesting relationship.

With all Christian's obnoxious posturing he's lucky someone hasn't popped him in the nose.

Thanks for the recap Sylvia. So true, another day, another PSA. I agree Carlos, "Earth to Meño!" Candy has to open up her eyes and get with Charly and get rid of Christian. Unfortunately, they follow Candy's advice.

Ruh, roh, might not be good when your local mafioso knows the names of your nietos! Chilling that Gabino could rattle off the names so easily. But... Gabino may not be all bad... he looked a little squeamish when Lozano bought the farm.

Pau will be a little busier than before. Maybe she shouldn't have tried to burn that Mario Bridge and got out of there, too. Even though she is now Gabino's amante, she's still stirring things up with Lucia at the end. Sheesh, she's a regular energizer bunny of nastiness.

Also, Thugly didn't look so bad. Getting used to him. :)


Jeff, energizer bunny of nastiness, cute, and so apt.


Carlos, Carlos, Carlos...."Paulina will have her hands full, so to speak". Merciful heavens! Well, it couldn't happen to a nicer broad. She's used sex to get her way and now it's payback time.

Sylvia...forgot to say...Great title also.

Judy, the girls(sorry)here at the office would urge you not to encourage me. I, on the other hand, appreciate the appreciation.


Sylvia, thanks for the excellent recap. I also loved all of your humorous observations. By the way, the word mango means "handle", so tengo la sartén por el mango means I have the frying pan by the handle (I have the upper hand, as you said). They also have another phrase ¨agarrar la sartén por el mango¨, or to grab the bull by the horns, or to take control of the situation, literally, to grab the frying pan by the handle

I don´t think Paulina is going to take this new arrangement with Gabino ¨lying down¨:). I wouldn't be surprised if she gets her own gun, and maybe that's how the Gabino problem could be solved.

Jeesh and Carlos are a pair! (oh dear, even that sounds suspect).

Thank you, Sylvia. I kept having interruptions during the show last night, so I appreciate the recap.

Yes, things are looking up for Santiago, bit by bit.
1. Tues he got to hold his son again.
2. Gabino now knows Santi is out of the loop on Rocky's death (doesn't he?).
3. Lucía the Brave is privy to Isabel's awful secret - Isa won't feel so alone, and maybe Luc can run interference - that girl don't take crap.
4. Pau might be a little distracted from torturing Roc. A little.
5. Candy isn't angry at Santi at the moment.

Paula: "5. Candy isn't angry at Santi at the moment."... But, if Candy isn't angry, then Candy and Santi may end up together... I thought you said things were looking up for Santi? ;)


Jeff, you got it! And by the same token, I'm tired of Patricio's sniveling over "losing" Candy. Time for that boy to get over it and press on.

I was contemplating whether Gabino would subject Paulina to all sorts of vile depraved sexual practices - or will she subject him?

BTW, mi esposa is delighted to learn the Spanish phrase for wielding the frying pan...

Hombre, thanks for your help with the frying pan dicho. I just fixed it on the recap. You guys are the best. I'm so glad Emilio can now weild her pan multi-lingually.

hee hee, haven't seen this yet, but read anyway since I have to write tonight...loved the line "walking blithely under the anvils" great stuff, as is the title.

OK, now curiously I know what a muerto de hambre is in Spanish...what is the English? "Skinflint"? What does that mean and how is it derived? :)


never ceasing to learn her own first language after many others...

By the way I went to a friend's citizenship swearing in yesterday and the INS director guy was amazing. He spoke with a very good accent like 6 or so languages. I Suppose that's part of his job, but he was impressive. French, Spanish, Russian, Tagalog, Chinese, Hindi, oh yeah and English.


Kris, thanks again for trading nights with me. I think "muerto de hambre" is pretty literal, meaning "dead of hunger", implying one would rather die of hunger than spend money on food. I don't know if this comes from a fable as many of our proverbs do or if it's just a saying.

Sometimes they use "muerto de hambre" to just refer to some little nothing's a derogatory expression...meaning someone poor and not worth noticing also.

Right, like a loser.

Thanks much, but it seems my point was misunderstood...I know what a muerto de hambre is - yes, usually a class insult, that someone is poor and a marginal being of society.

I do NOT know what a "skinflint" is...I never heard that before?! I can guess based on the Spanish, but how does it originate in English? :)

Thanks again!!

According to The Word Detective, it just means someone who would skin a flint (stone used to create sparks) to use every little bit, which seems like a lame concept to me.

Thanks Julia...I could not find it at word detective, but you made me decide to look it up and here's what wikipedia has to say:

A skinflint is a person considered so miserly that they would even "skin a flint" to save something of it. A flint is a small piece of flintstone used to strike a spark in the tinderbox. The flints in modern day lighters aren't made of flintstone, but rather of Ferrocerium.

A 'skinflint' dislikes spending money and is also sometimes referred to as a 'tightwad', a 'miser', a 'niggard', a 'piker', and a 'penny pincher' or 'a Scrooge'.

The term originated in Old England when the most prosperous citizens built their house walls of solid flint blocks, the most costly building material of the time. Imitators who wished to have the cachet of flintstone without the expense began to build their walls of brick with a facing of flintstone. The facing became known as skinflint, and the builders became known as skinflints.

Honestly, I'm not sure this is the same as the spanish/mexican muerto de hambre...usually someone dying of hunger isn't doing it not to spend money, they are doing it because they are forced to as they have no money, hence are poor, and are forced to beg so hence are the lowly man of society that all of our wealthy European decended rich telenovela villains love to disdain... :)

I guess I'd have to watch the show to see how they used it in this context, eh?

Thanks everyone!

Kris, a skinflint is a miser. Julia beat me to it. My favorite source for etymologies (including idioms) is the Online Etymology Dictionary.

That INS director sounds truly impressive. I'm a language geek, and I've spoken to one or two Europeans who know five languages, but all from the same subgroup, e.g. Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin. I spoke to one who knew languages from four different Indo-European (IE) language SUBGROUPS, e.g. Russian, English, French, and Greek. But the man you refer to knows languages from four different IE subgroups (one of which, Hindi, is from the Indo-Iranian side) PLUS languages from two other FAMILIES: Tagalog and Chinese. Wow! And creeme, Chinese is not easy.

Of course they say that every language you learn is easier than the last, and you can learn your fifth language in fifteen minutes. Maybe not.

Actually, Captain spelled out the context really well, and yes, in this case I think they are calling Cuau like a beggar and hence a bum and disdainful person for trying to steal Lulu over. He's not an innocent poor person being called a muerto de hambre, but I think it's because he's low class for what he's doing to her (lying and cheating), so it is essentially the same concept.

OK, can you tell I'm really not liking my work projects today and looking for any little distraction to excite me???

Thanks again!!

Indeed Paula, I didn't know the formal terms for it, but yeah, if he knew all the romance languages, eh, mediocre impressive, but all these different types, and he did them all with really good sounding accents!!! I'm sure a native speaker would have noticed an American tinge of course, but he was really close sounding!

I think the whole room was in awe with him too, as everytime he said something everyone clapped, not just those who understood him!!

OK back to work...sigh....

Kris, I heard the phrase muerto de hambre early on in my novela days. I asked my tutor about it and she said that she that she knew of no single English equilivalent, but it's basically a worthless bastard not worthy of consideration but rather disdain. That's my precís of what she said, we talked about it for about 15min. Such is our sessions. You should have heard our discussion of the word cursi. Carlos

Cursi has always baffled me. I would love to hear your tutor's (and your) take on it.

To confirm what Carlos said, my big Oxford Spanish dictionary says a muerto de hambre is "a nobody".

The same dictionary says cursi means "affected" or "twee"

Sylvia, we decided that our mutual friend, el Dr. Rivas, pretty well embodies the word cursi. Tacky and chismosos of us, no? Carlos

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