Monday, July 19, 2010

Club Gancho... relax, have a cool drink, and tell us about your Summer

Good afternoon, Ganchodores. Sylvia and the rest of the crew of the Cinnabar are safely in Hawaii, celebrating and preparing for their voyage home. Hoping for detailed accounts of their adventure on the high sea. I was hoping to find a picture of them at the finish, but so far , no luck. This week's featured drink is... what else?... a Blue Hawaiian..

Here in Houston, Lois, our local stink flower is still being a shrinking violet. Some here are becoming very restless and a few are calling for an investigation. I believe they have taken to playing Barry White tapes to create the proper mood. Perhaps a well-made martini or some chocolates would loosen her inhibitions a bit.

Food is a popular topic here at CG so I'm happy to tell you about a dish the Lovely Linda prepared Saturday evening. It was grilled flank steak, which in and of itself was delicious, but it was the relish that she topped it with that was, well, awesome. It was a mixture of sweet corn, red onion, jalapeño, red pepper flakes, olive oil, honey, lime juice, and sea salt. It was one of the tastiest and most refreshing things I've ever tasted and was the perfect companion to the flank steak. Who would have guessed something so simple could taste so great? Wow!

Rain today. Gentle, cooling, and welcome.

I hope that you are all having a great summer. I found this group picture of the cast of un Gancho al Corazón. Notice that Coni seems to still be in character. Several are missing, including Oscar, Marcos, Isabel, Coni's shrink, Lobo, and others.

Cast of un Gancho al Corazón

Nieves and Cesar... never too old for lovin'

Coni and Beto... still my favorite telenovela couple... and the hottest

Beto... ahhh! Downy fresh

Fans of Lois... she's finally loosening up

Mauricio and Lobo... buff boxers

Gabriela... pretty lady, pretty clothes



Monday, July 12, 2010

Club Gancho... raise your hand if you think the CCs are fine

Welcome Ganchodores. This week's featured drink is the Tequila Sea Breeze as we continue tracking Sylvia's amazing voyage while struggling to stay cool in this heat which most of us are enjoying in varying degrees.

Let me take this opportunity to update you on my efforts to try to encourage Univision to improve the quality of the CCs. I filed a complaint with the FCC and did stimulate a lot of attention from our local Univision provider. To make a long story short, a lawyer for channel 45 sent a response to the FCC which asserted to the investigator that they had looked into the matter and found that... surprise surprise... that they were in compliance with the law. He said that there were lapses of 6-8 seconds, which he thought was fine and apparently so did the FCC lady. I received a letter from her today declaring the matter resolved unless I pursue it further. I did get a phone number to call if I disagreed or had other questions. I've sent another Email to the lady representing Univision and am waiting for her reply. I plan to call the FCC lady, Cheryl King, if I don't hear from Ms Oliveres at channel 45 in a few days.

Meintras tanto... if you guys would like the phone number or Email address of Ms King, I'll post it in the comments. Now, once more, let's see a show of hands of those who think the CCs at Univision are just fine.

Elna June, you asked about the effect of the oil spill on our seafood from the Gulf. Thursday I had some oysters that were very good for this time of year, but learned that in a very short time, all the oyster beds along the Louisiana and Texas coast will be closed. The gulf shrimping appears to be close behind. I'm afraid that they'll not be back within my lifetime, so for me, and even more so for those whose livelihoods depend on Gulf oysters and shrimp... it is a very sad thing.

Now a few pictures representing young love

Luisa ... lamb

Andres ... wolf

Aldo ... puppy

Estrella ... Cougar?

Dani ... crowd pleaser

Ximena ... making a point

This has nothing to do with anything but for some reason I love this picture... one of those Walmart shoppers

Estrella... mama bear?

el Fantasma Vengador and Friend

Paula and CristianGabi and Coni... serious accusation



Monday, July 05, 2010

Club Gancho: a Mexico State of Mind

Welcome Ganchodores. Come on in, have a cool drink, and take a moment to enjoy the quiet, then tell us about your Summer.

As I mentioned, my TV conked out, icemaker died, and at the moment, the yard is a swamp. Tomorrow a guy is coming to check the TV (fingers crossed), the new ice machine is to be installed, and the rain has stopped, though more is due Wed. I've worked out a deal with the Lovely Linda for TV sharing (bless her heart)... for now at least. Bonnie Belle and Jack are thriving. Things are looking up.

The pictures to start off the week are, I'm pained to say, all too representative of our star-crossed couple. Thank goodness for all the other participants who kept us entertained and enthralled as these two resolved their conflicts.



Nieves and Costeño anyone imagine Benita flirting like this?

Coni & Beto She simply can't resist his charm

Cinnabar our Sylvia's boat... good luck to Tom, Tom, Rich, Bruce, Michael, Synthia, and Sylvia

our Sylvia looking good before setting sail... who could resist that million dollar smile?

Nieves y Marcos enjoying a Happy Meal

So, what's going on with you guys? Sounds like Vivi had one of those perfect July 4ths. And in Washington DC no less. Wow!

This week's featured drink is Pimm's Cup. A light refreshing drink, chock full of fruit, popular in Britain.

May I get you one?



Monday, June 28, 2010

Mon. 6/28/10 Club Gancho Is Open...Drinks Are On Me

Ganchodores, I know that we've all scattered to various other shows, but I'm missing the old gang. I found the keys so I thought I'd open up Club Gancho an see if anyone wanted to drop by for Happy Hour. I found a few pictures of old friends, so pull up a stool or find a comfy chair and tell Old Doc Carlos what's been going on.

Coni under a bit of stress

Nieves before getting a job as a nanny

Anyone remember this girl?

I thought that Julia would enjoy this nice shot of Jimmy with one of the boxers

A couple of typical Mexican cuties

Isabel fortifying Valentina's drink

Because Emilia asked

M&M... show and tell

Dani sighting!



Monday, June 14, 2010

Monday 6/14/10 - Club Gancho and School's Out for Summer!!!

Ahoy all,
Since I attended a number of high school graduations last week the Alice Cooper song kept running through my head. It was fun to see all the kids very excited about the next step of their lives. Most were looking forward to going to college, some were looking forward to traveling, and some were planning to go directly to work. I vividly recall that time in my life, feeling both excited and nervous about the future. I thought I knew it all. Ha!!!

I'd love to know what everybody has in the store for the summer. Is anyone planning any trips? Planting a garden? Having company for a visit? Watching a Harry Potter or Star Wars marathon? Planning to make a purchase? Read a book?

I know Elna June is up to her earlobes in remodeling. I have always found any sort of redecorating to feel like a new beginning. Out with the old and in with the new, eh?

I think you all know what I have in store for the summer. We just got the boat's watermaker working for the first time yesterday so it looks like showers all the way to Hawaii for us, hooray!!! We set sail on July 8th and I probably won't be back until the end of August. Ten days or so to get to Oahu aboard the vessel Cinnabar, a week to fool around and provision for the return, then a leisurely sail back.

What's up with the rest of you?


Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Gancho clubhouse, no ghouls allowed.

All others welcome!

So, fellow Ganchitos...any news? Funny stories?

Share it all here.


Monday, May 31, 2010

Club Gancho is Open for Busines

It's sunny out, the sky is blue
Last night we had a barbecue
With dogs and burgers on the grill
We ate until we had our fill

Today we shopped, hit every store
We walked until our feet were sore
So now it's time to rest our bones
Put up our feet, shut off the phones

We'll sip a cool refreshing drink
Relax our brains, not even think
Of course we still can go online
To see if our friends are feeling fine

So how was your vacation, folks?
Heard any new corny jokes?
How's it going? ¿Como estás?
Tell us todo, then tell us más!

Tell us how the time has gone.
Here in Club Gancho Corazon.


Monday, May 24, 2010

Ganchettes y Gancheros - Your virtual gathering awaits!

With tequila, some cochinita pibil and what were those corn on the cob thingy's?
Heh, that'll get 'cha thinkin'!

Hope all are well, I'm hanging in there, busy with work and other stuff, haven't watched a TV in ages...sigh, guess I've broken my addiction, but I haven't forgotten my buds. Hello to all!

More may come later!


Monday, May 17, 2010

Mon 5/17/ 10 Livin' la Vida Gancho

Good morning Ganchodores. Club Gancho is once again open for comments, reminiscences, and frivolity. Here's a playful picture of Ximena, just one of the many attractions of our happy little show.

Yesterday was Bonnie Belle's birthday.
She celebrated it quietly with a few close friends.

I hope all of you are now getting to enjoy the Spring at last. It is glorious here in Texas. Everything is blooming and the really hot days have yet to arrive, though there are already hints of Summer in the air.

Finally, a shot of downtown Isla Mujeres... nightlife.

Sit down, have a shot of Tequila, and relax a bit.



Monday, May 10, 2010

Monday May 10, 2010 Livin' La Vida Gancho

Hi Gancholanders. For those of you who bonded in friendship over the long haul, we can still get together throughout the week on this keep-in-touch blog. So bring us up to date on what's happened since last we gathered 'round Carlos' wonderful gran finale recap. My highlight was seeing our son graduate from college this weekend. Since I had him later in life, and he graduated later than usual, a nice lady from church saw me and asked if I was there to watch my GRANDCHILD get his degree! Yikes. Another humbling experience. Botox anyone?
yours truly,


Tuesday, May 04, 2010

un Gancho al Corazón Mon. 5/3/10 Por Fin, el Fin

Ganchodores, the recap of the final episode of Gancho was interrupted last night by a failure of the power cord to my laptop (I hate computers). I finished the recap in longhand and am transferring that to the office computer while I wait for Kathy (my loyal secretary) to arrive with a new cord from the Apple Store so I can retrieve the first part of the recap. I can't believe this happened at this critical point. Feel free to comment or complain. The recap will be posted one way or another later today. Meintras tanto, hurray for Coni, she met all my expectations and then some.

All good things come to an end, and so it is with un Gancho al Corazón, one of the most consistently entertaining telenovelas ever. On June 15th last year, Melinama (our beloved den mother) kicked it off with a short plot synopsis setting the stage for our daily gathering to review and discuss the show from the previous evening. The first episode was recapped by the incomparable Nickster and the very first comment was offered up by Jeff. With one exception, the recappers have remained the same throughout. Nickster dexterously manipulated Monday's episodes. JudyB taught us on Tuesday. Gancho de los Dedos, formerly Fuego de Rosca de Reyes, aka Kris interrupted her whirlwind schedule to handle Wednesday's chores. Cap'n Sylvia Sharkbait anchored on Thursday, and el Hombre de Misterio mystified us on Friday. In July, Nickster's hormones began raging, struggling to express themselves as he was preparing to embark on the university experience at Ohio State University and simultaneously discovering comely coeds. He was released from his contract and replaced by a completely unknown doddering old physician named Carlos who made a rather inauspicious debut on August 3. There have been two guest recappers, the famous Stephe and the perky Elna June, both eloquent yarn spinners who offered the occasional respite from the tedium of old Carlos. Thus it has been until today when we gather for the last time to revel in the final episode. So take a moment to prepare a tall cool beverage, take a comfortable seat, and let's put this horse in the barn one last time.

Valentina and her evil mom have taken to the road. Our Monita, starved for the affection of this reptilian parental unit, is blithely unaware of the awful fate that that this vindictive vicious vile venomous viper has planned for her. Isabel has already attempted once and failed to off her oblivious offspring. Hot on their heels are Mauricio, the pretty but vacuous hunk who has pursued, won and lost and won and lost the affection of the hopelessly fickle, vacillating Valentina. He is accompanied by his charming odiferous sidekick, Beto.

We join Isabel as she consults with a very unkind mirror which, instead of truly presenting her visage as others might perceive it, reflects the hideous depth of her irreparably damage soul. Not a pretty sight. With Moni momentarily away, she sits on her bed and dials her cell phone.

As penance for past crimes and naughty deeds, Constanza has been relegated to the role of apprentice hausfrau under the tutelage of that stern taskmistress Nieves who is not convinced that she is worthy of her son, that paragon of manly virtue, Beto. She has reluctantly accepted the fact that said paragon will not be happy with any other consort so she has dedicated her efforts to training this recovering pampered princess in worthy wifely ways. Thus we join Coni on the barrio patio as she answers her cell phone. I'm surprised that Nieves hasn't confiscated that device. It's Isabel the Snake who is a little peeved at Coni for botching and revealing her failed murder attempt on Monita. Now she insists that she join her and her sister somewhere on down the road. If she does not... well it's adios Monita. Cautioning her not to tell nor bring anyone else, She gives her directions, "Take the highway to Pachuca. I'll call you later with more directions," and abruptly hangs up. Coni wants more information "¡Isabel!" Isabel's gone but Nieves overhears that last shout. She is scandalized, "Whom were you talking to? It was Isabel, ¿Verdad?" Coni of course denies it, "No, Nieves." As Nieves forcefully responds, they are joined by Marcos. Nieves tells him that all this time, Coni has been allied with Isabel. Coni tearfully denies this.

Magically and mercifully we suddenly find ourselves at that trendy new in-spot, Mararvigua. Gee... how the heck did that happen? If you recall, Sal has welcomed his bride-to-be only to discover there's been a bait-and-switch. At this point, our favorite flatfoot, Officer Cristian, decked out in natty plainclothes, confronts the substitute bride. I must admit to having been worried about our favorite-daughter-of-the-moon, Loriloca. Clearly, she's been resourceful, having survived in the wild for the past few days. Christian offers to escort her to the nuthouse where the reception is to be held. Lorenza, decked out in a bridal gown of purest white, is tracking well enough to know that she hasn't even said her wedding vows yet. Sal intercedes and pleads with her to reveal what she's done with Gabriela, the originally scheduled bride. She answers by humming the Wedding March from Lohengrin. Not much help there. An officer spirits her away. Aldo suggests that they check the bodega. Sal joins him. While he has a free moment, Cristian orders the apprehension of a rather fey looking Jero who had been transformed by the modestly talented plastic surgeon, Dr. Isqierdo, into a striking likeness of a notorious and dangerous drug trafficker who has escaped prison and for whom there is a generous bounty. Jero objects and pleads with Ximy to recognize him. Does she? Nopis. He is hauled away shouting that he is a victim of Isabel's deviousness.

Back in the "hood, Marcos is very disappointed in Coni for aligning with Isabel. Poor Coni, a few errors in judgement along the way, and folks are willing to believe the worst. No time for this, she has a sister to save. As Marcos rants and she verbally spars, she stealthily filches his car keys, bolts past him and heads for his car. He makes chase but she's too fast (been training as a boxer don'cha know), and leaves himstanding by helpless as she drives away in his black Mercedes. He consults briefly with colorfully clad Cesar and Nieves, then suddenly has an inspiration, "The chip!" He remembers the GPS in his car. The flamboyantly color-coordinated couple (She in lime green dress with matching feather boa and he in a royal blue suit with a lime green shirt open at the collar and his ever-present gold chain) feign comprehension, "Of course the chip!" He hails a cab.

In Mao's bat cave, Sal and Aldo discover A very annoyed and frightened Gabi bound to a chair. She complains bitterly but Sal helps her focus, "¡La boda, la boda, la boda! No one can prevent us from getting married."

We take a moment to check on the soul brothers, Mao and Beto. They are vainly searching for Moni and Issy.

Meintras tanto (sigh, the last), an impatient Marcos is trying to get Charly from las Tontas (good to see him with a job) to hurry up with a rental car and I suppose the GPS tracking device.

Four cars, containing Moni and Issy, Coni, and Marcos, Mao and Beto, are all headed for a rendezvous somewhere on the road to Pachuca.

The first to arrive at their fateful destination in the mountains NE of Mexico City are Isabel and Moni. Issy parks on the edge of a sheer cliff overlooking a beautiful view (paisaje) of the surrounding mountains and the beautiful valley far below. Well isn't this special? A prominent feature of many of my best nightmares is just such a vista. It certainly doesn't take a lot of genius to see where this is headed. Issy directs Moni to walk ahead, "I'm tired and need to rest a bit. I'll catch up with you in a moment." Moni strolls to the edge of the precipice and looks out at the valley stretching out into the distance far below. Dazzling and dizzying. Moni sits on a boulder, thinks of Mao and takes advantage of this moment of solitude to give him a call. She tells him that instead of punching him last night, she should have told him that she loves him. "Where are you?" he asks.

Still driving, Coni gets a call. Surprise, it's Isabel also taking advantage of the time alone to place a call. She asks Coni where she is. She's taken the mountain detour, just as she was instructed. "You're very close. Don't delay."

At Maravigua, Nieves has filled Cristian, Pau, and Estre in on Coni's alleged treachery. They aren't really surprised. At another table, Ximy and Lalo are communing. Ximy can tell that Lalo is disappointed that his prospective new love turned out to be a drug lord. "Yes, I'm unlucky, and we won't be having the banquet because of the rat poison we found in the kitchen.

Across the room a whiny Iván is apologizing again to Luisa for his thoughtless behavior with Alejandra. She says that she is tired of all romantic relationships for the moment. He asks if she is in love with Andres and she replies that she really doesn't know. She is trying to find that out.

Sal, meanwhile is eager to get on with the proceedings. He and Gabi are anxious to get this show on the road. It's decision time for Ximena. You mean to tell me that she still hasn't announced her selection? OK, it's the last episode, I'll play along. Rolu and Arnie ask in tandem, "The moment of truth has arrived," Rolu begins, "Which of us are you going to marry?" Arnie finishes. She tells them that they are both the best Klunders she's ever met. Rolu has taught her that to gain love, one must fight with all that one has. Arnie has taught her that love can change the way one views life. She is, however, truly and hopelessly in love with one of them. "Eres tupi."
Only we don't get to see whom just yet. A little suspense to keep us involved.

Up on the cliff, Moni is perched on a rock with Isabel standing behind, stroking her hair and rubbing her shoulders.Isabel observes what a spectacular view it is. Moni agrees. Issy thinks that Alicia would have loved this view but she never brought her here because she couldn't stand her. Moni doesn't trust her ears, "Qué?" She is taken aback. Run little Monkey, things are about to get very ugly. "Why do you say that?" Well, Isabel is dying and has grown weary of her deception, so now she begins to puke the vile poisonous contents of her evil mind all over Monita. She tells Moni that doubtless Mauricio is hot on their heels and that Moni is so stupid that she would forgive him and welcome him back. "Mauricio has been telling you the truth all this time." Moni's desperation for a mother's love has blinded her to the way Issy truly feels about her. "I feel an immense and profound hatred for you." Moni is stunned. Issy continues, "I hate you with all my being. I've always hated you and ill hate you forever. Do you know how long forever is?" Even after hearing it directly from the serpent's tongue, Moni is not willing to believe. Now I'm so frustrated with Monita's stupidity, I'm almost ready for her to jump. She actually argues with her mom, pointing out that she even took a bullet for her. Issy tells her that she planned that with Oscar and had she known at that time that her disease had returned, "I would have had him kill you right then and there." Moni contines deluding herself as Isabel sinks deeper and deeper into a dark madness. She begins enumerating her crimes telling Moni of the murder of Alicia because she overheard her recruiting Coni into her plan to poison Monita.

While Isabel continues her unbonding with her daughter, the wedding back home in DF continues. Happy faces abound. Aldo smoiles at Estre, Sal and Gabi look ecstatic, Cristian and Paula kiss, Nieves snuggles with Cesar, Lalo, ever resilient, flirts with a waiter across the room. Papers are signed. Ximy picks up the pen and with a flourish, marks a bold X. That seems just right. Hers is followed by a masculine hand. As others sign we still don't know whom Ximy chose. She smiles winningly, beckons to Dani, and they sweetly hug.

The increasingly insane Isabel proudly continues her litany of sins, leaving nothing out. "Who are you?" Moni sobs. Isabel goes on and on and on... Moni still can't believe it. Issy tells her about the Jero tape and of the elaborate joke she pulled on Jero.

Speaking of Jero, we are treated to a brief glimpse of him, a changed man, pleading that it was all a big mistake, "I'm Jerónimo Sermeño!"

Finally the truth sinks home. "It's all been a huge lie! Why do you hate me so much?" Isabel explain about her impossible, unshared love for Marcos. He rejected her after making her pregnant. The thing that irks her the most is how Moni is surrounded with love. Moni says that Isabel is envious. Isabel briefly considers this, then continues her raving. Bottom line, Moni won't be able to apologize to all thosw whom she refused to listen to because Isabel has brought her to this spot to accompany her in death.

At this point, Coni arrives. More talks. Issy rebukes Coni for backing out of the deal to poison Moni. She calls Coni a traitor. Coni offers to trade places with Moni. The snake who has morphed into a spider entices Coni into her deadly web. Now completely BSC, she has entered a murderous frenzy. Now both sisters will join her in death.

It's about time! Marcos arrives,"Don't do it!"

A long white limo pulls up tom the reception. The driver opens a gull-wing door fo Ximy who gracefully steps inside after blowing an enthusiastic kiss to the well-wishers. Sal and Gabi are ready to depart next, even though Lalo asks them to wait and enjoy the pizzas he has ordered. Salvador smirks and emits a naughty laugh. He and Gabi have a matter pending, "Know what I mean?" Most do. Gabi says that at last she will have her wedding night. Dani points out that it's still daytime. Gabi reminds her that the sooner to bed the sooner to rise. Poor Dani, "I don't understand."
Marcos is trying to dissuade a rabid Isabel to release his daughters. He confess that he concocted the deception that Isabel is dying. "You are healthy. You don't have leukemia. The tests were faked." Isy's unconvinced and says that it wouldn't matter. She doesn't want to die in prison. He pleads,"Por favor, Isabel, por favor!" As he reaches for her she backs off the precipice dragging the sisters with her. Marcos grabs both daughters, one in each hand. He clings to them for dear life as they dangle from his hands. Both see that he can save only one and each pleads for him to drop her and save the other. Fortunately, the soul brothers arrive and each takes ahold of his favorite sister.

Now we're really voyeurs.We find ourselves in the limo with Ximy and her new spouse. The camera lovingly pans up those impossibly long legs wrapped in white patterned stockings. They are sharing Champagne. She offers up... what else? ...tres cosas. It was worth the trouble to wait. Dos. You must have known for a long time that it was going to be you. Tres. Tell me that you don't have another brother." Now it's Rolu's (yes Rolu) to say tres cosas. "Una. I knew for a long time that I wasn't the man you hoped for but I you in order to learn how to love. Dos. I'm very lucky and proud that you chose me to share your life with. Gracias for being so maravigua. Te amo. Tres. I have you tattooed on my heart. The looks Ximy gives him (and us) make this scene one of the cutest ever. Big kiss.

Our girls are rescued. Marcos is sorry he doubted Coni. Moni is sorry that she rejected Marcos. Beto tells Moni that she has had a mom who loves her all along... Nieves. Hugs and kisses all around.

Semanas despues

We find ourselves in a beautiful landscape for the big boda. Aldo talks with Estrella. He's leaving tomorrow to enroll in UCLA. Pau is hungry and wants refried beans and creama marmalada (?). Whatever it is she wants it now. Sal is telling Beto about their honeymoon in South Africa. Beto wants to get married in Las Vegas. By Elvis. Nieves flirtds with Marcos as Cesar tries to break it up. Everyone is Happy. The wedding proceeds accompanied by the hauntingly beautiful Que Hago Yo by Ha Ash. Very nice, but strange words for a wedding.

¿Qué Hago Yo?

Entraste como un rayo de luz
Como un aire encantador
Liberaste con tu hechizo
A mi recluso corazón

Tu dulzura corrió por mis venas
Creí en tu intención
No pensé que fuese un engaño
Ni una mentira tu amor

Me dices que te esta llamando
Te vas sin un adiós
Sé muy bien que harás en sus brazos
Dime que hago yo

Que hago con mis labios
Si me ruegan tus besos
Que hago con mis manos
Cuando suplican tu regreso
Que hago con mis noches
Que hago con mis días
Que hago con tu esencia que se aferra a la mía
Dime que hago yo

Hablamos solo cuando puedes
Te abrazo al esconder
Que no haría para tenerte
A mi lado al amanecer

Mis amigos dicen que te olvide
Que antes de ti no era igual
Antes de ti mi vida no tenia sentido
Antes de ti no sabia amar

Coro x 2

Que hago yo
What do I Do?

You entered as a ray of light
Like an enchanted breeze
With your magic you liberated
My reclusive heart

Your sweetness coursed through my veins
I believed in your intentions
I didn't think that your love
Would be a deception or a lie

You say that she's calling you
You're going without a goodbye
I know very well whom you'll have in your arms
Tell me, what do I do


What do I do with my lips
If they beg for your kisses
What do I do with my hands
When they plead for your return
What do I do with my nights
What do I do with my days
What do I do with your essence that clings to mine
Tell me what do I do

We talk only when you can
I hug you in secret
I can't have you by my
Side when I awaken

My friends say forget you
That I was different before you
Before you my life didn't make sense
Before you I didn't know love

Chorus x 2

What do I do

The priest intones, " En el nombre del Padre, el Hijo, y el Espiritú Santo..."The camera takes us away.




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