Monday, July 05, 2010
Club Gancho: a Mexico State of Mind
As I mentioned, my TV conked out, icemaker died, and at the moment, the yard is a swamp. Tomorrow a guy is coming to check the TV (fingers crossed), the new ice machine is to be installed, and the rain has stopped, though more is due Wed. I've worked out a deal with the Lovely Linda for TV sharing (bless her heart)... for now at least. Bonnie Belle and Jack are thriving. Things are looking up.

So, what's going on with you guys? Sounds like Vivi had one of those perfect July 4ths. And in Washington DC no less. Wow!
This week's featured drink is Pimm's Cup. A light refreshing drink, chock full of fruit, popular in Britain.
May I get you one?
Labels: gancho
Hope everybody had a lovely 4th.
For fireworks, we did something off the beaten path, literally. Nearby City has fireworks most years, but afterwards there is a 2-hour traffic jam, unavoidable. But the little ag town just down the road from us has lots of people who bring back illegal fireworks when they visit family in Mexico. We're talking the big, mortar-fired sky-show fireworks. They fire them off all over town. So we park on a farm road outside town
and watch the skyline.
A. The "show" lasts an hour or more.
B. Generally about three airblasts going on at any one time.
C. We can sit in the car if we want (the nights are cool here).
D. No traffic.
E. No rowdy drunks.
1. Zoomie is a slang term for a member of the Air Force. It's not particularly derogatory. It's more convenient than "member of the Air Force," and I never felt comfortable calling my female zoomie friends "airmen."
2. Day room. The barracks buildings each had a day room. It had couches, a TV, and often pool tables and pinball machines. Back in my time, men could not enter the female barracks, but the day room was open territory. It was the place to hang out.
When I was at language school, I always preferred to hang out in the zoomie day room, even though I wasn't a zoomie, I was a grunt (army). It's where most of my friends were, and even the zoomies I wasn't friends with, were people who I liked being around. The conversations were usually more interesting there, too. Much more likely to spin off into one of those talk-until-3-AM discussions. Also the zoomie day room had a seperate TV room, so in the main room there was no conflict between rambunctious ones, and those people who were into the serious business of watching TV.
Well I never watched Gancho, but I like hanging out here, just like this ex-grunt used to enjoy hanging out in the zoomie day room. Bob Bissett, Jeff Keller, Bob Sugden, and my other zoomie friends, here's to old times.
Paula thanks for those clips of Billie Joel. It was nice. By the way, I read about your desire for jamaica in the last thread. My mom always has a jar of jamaica water in the fridge so you are welcome any time.
Did anybody watch the Germany-Argentina game? 4-0. Wow.
We had elections for governor, representatives and mayors yesterday. Unfortunately it was the dirtiest elections in the history of Veracruz (diversion of funds, stealing of ballot boxes, threats, violence, bribes, spying, two murders, etc.) so I was very bitter about the process and the results. Apparently most of the other states had it worse though. Sigh.
I had no idea they would be in it. They will be relegated for age appropiate actors once they get to the main story twenty four years later but it was great to see them again. I thought Magaña was particulary good in her role.
Paula, love your "zoomie" story. And love it even more that you like hanging out in our day room. We like it too.
No fabulous Fourth events to report but this afternoon my Baby Jack telephoned me for the first time and said "Hi Nonnie". Who needs fireworks!? I'm walking on air.
Yes, I watched Germany v. Argentina. It was quite a game! What struck me as strange was that Arg had posession through most of the first half, but Germany was clearly dominant the whole time. It was like a 7 year old wrestling with his dad!
Well, our Independence Day here in Seattle was cold and rainy. That definitely cut into the barbecue action but there were still fireworks. Today was a little better. It was cold and rainy still most of the day, but late in the afternoon it got sunny and relatively warm so I went to the locks and watched the boats go through for awhile.
Jarocha, the typical Independence Day celebrations include barbecues and fireworks. A lot of towns also have parades or concerts. The fireworks are a big deal because in most places, you aren't allowed fireworks most of the time because of the fire danger. Even for the few days around the holiday when some are allowed, many cities and counties ban the exciting ones that shoot in the air (except for shows put on by professionals) and whatnot so certain pyromaniacs are always driving to other states and tribal reservations to buy the "good" stuff. Then, inevitably, a number of people end up in the emergency room and the fire department stays busy.
Jarocha - I saw the Germany vs. Argentina game. Wow, if the Germans keep playing like that I believe they will win it all.
Jarocha, La Mentira was my favorite novela of all time. What characters do Magarita and Sebastain play? Veronica is Sylvia, Jessica Coch Is Virginia, who plays Demetrio? Who do Magana and Sebastian play? I'm worried about Jessica as Virginia, that character was played in an understated way in the original. Is the remake showing in Mexico yet?
Carlos sorry about the swampy back yard, the sharing of the TV, and the death of your ice maker, you seem to have a good sense of humor about it all, that's helpful!
Anyway, glad everybody had such an exciting Fourth. Jarocha, I am so sorry about your turbulent violent elections. Sounds like the wild wild West.
Paula, love your "zoomies" story and you know you are an Honorary Gancho-ite, always welcome in our rec room or anywhere else we happen to be. We love you and love your lists!
Carlos, thanks again for a cute intro and nice pics. Hope the ice maker will be whirring along soon and there'll be a fabulous new TV in your abode.
Last night I got my first phone call from Baby Jack. Mostly it consisted of "Hi Nonnie, Hi Nonnie" but I was thrilled beyond measure. In fact, still walking on air.
It sounds as though everyone made the best of a very hot weekend. Cool sailing, cool drinks and cool company.
Paula, so enjoyed your comments - you always educate and inspire.
Jarocha, thank you for the update -Margarita Magaña continues to be one of my favorites.
My brother returned home from a convention to find his house (his apartment, his business and 2 retal apartments) still smoldering from a fire. As no people were home at the time, there was no loss of human life. However, his tentant (and friend) lost 2 dogs. You were all so generous in your wishes for his battle against cancer, please keep him in your thoughts and prayers for this as well.
Sounds like everyone had exciting Fourths. I mentioned Vivi's. Mike and Emilia's day sounded great, and Paula's sounded very similar to some I've enjoyed in the past.
Jarocha, I'm very sad for what is going on in Mexico right now. Problems there seem to be getting worse and worse. Please stay safe.
Diana, I'm so sorry about the fire at your brother's place. That is so sad. He is in my thoughts and prayers.
I just spent a relaxing weekend, going in the pool each day, watching some movies on TV (in Spanish, of course), watching the World Cup matches (also in Spanish), generally doing nothing. And loving it. The internet was out for a day, but it eventually came back. I'm really enjoying that reality show, Desafio, Guerra de Batalle on Sunday nights. Anyone else watching that?
Paula, thanks for the zoomie stories.
Jarocha, sorry about the problems in the elections. Hopefully things will get better.
Diana, so sorry about your brother. Hope things get better for him, too.
One of the things I watched this weekend was the Linda Ronstadt DVD, Canciones de mis Padres, where she sings traditional Mexican songs, with beautiful costumes, dancing and mariachis. I had never seen this before, and it's a wonderful DVD.
Julia thanks for letting me know about the Independence celebrations. Yeah, fireworks are dangerous, we had a fire years ago in the city because of those. Hopefully people were safe last sunday.
Karen: Germany is my favorite team so I hope they win. I'm also hoping the best for Uruguay.
Sandy: I think they added to the backstory although I can't remember how much since parts of that did belonged to La Mentira and weren't shown at the begining of that story but revealed through out the novela. Remember the issue with the mother of Verónica? and the characteres played by Blanca Guerra and Rosa María Bianchi?. Rulli played the father of the girls and Magaña was the mother of Roberta (Jessica Coach) and her role is the role of Bianchi in the 1996 version. I don't know how they will flesh out Jessica's character but the previews I have seen doesn't show her as being evil (yet?), just a little envious of her sister. The Demetrio role is being played by Juan Soler.
Judy: The wild, wild west sounds more fun right now.
Thank you all for your concerns about the elections. Carlos, don't worry. There's not much violence happening here where I am, besides that day of course and those were only between the people that were on charge of the election ballots and that belonged to the parties fighting for the power. Thankfully, we are still far from to the point the northern areas are in.
Does anyone else here watch So You Think You Can Dance? I've watched Alex's hip hop routine probably 30 times since it first aired last week. It's seriously good. And he has no experience in hip hop; he's a ballet dancer!
I get out my inner chanteuse when I teach. People are nice enough to put up with my singing as I put them through their paces. My one shining moment was when a friend from Paris sent me a record by a singer named Barbara. When my mother heard it playing, she thought it was me singing. (this was from an old beau so I like to think that's why Barbara was his favorite singer.)
Ah, delusions, illusions and so forth.
Carlos, thanks for stopping by Dinero again. I thought your quips about driving were the funniest I've ever heard. When are you going to start recapping again?
Ooh! That sounds like a great Club Gancho topic, doesn't it? Judy shared her sining moment (though I suspect it's one of many for her). What about the rest of you? What are your shining moments?
A. Those before the glitch. They posted just fine. That includes my oakie fireworks post, and the zoomie dayroom post.
B. The glitched ones from last night. I posted some, and Judy posted some, and they didn't show up last night, but they appeared this morning.
C. The after-glitch ones that were posted today.
It appears that Group A has disappeared. But consider that group B disappeared and then reappeared this morning. So maybe Group A will reappear. Cross your fingers.
I added a new photo which should bring back memories. Our saucy Nieves has transformed into a fawning nanny in STuD. There's still that twinkle in her eye at times.
Judy, actually I'm itching to recap again though I'm not sure I'd be a good fit with any of the current shows. If you decide you need a break, let me know. Of course it wouldn't get posted until about Midnight. At the moment, I'm hanging on by a thread TV-wise. TV guy didn't show today although I arranged for someone to be here. He says he'll come tomorrow. The expert opinions at the office all agree that I need to start looking for a new TV.
Karen, be sure and tell us about your trip.
Sandy, Yes we have Arnold Palmers. Fresh Louizianne Tea and fresh lemonade made from giant lemons from my neighbor's Meyer lemon tree. Of course you may be called on to climb the fence to gather the lemons. We'll distract his dog with some of Bonnie Belle's Milkbones. You do run pretty fast... don't you?
Glad to hear you're itching to get back. Actually, y'know, Melinama is trying to off-load her Tuesday nights. Private 057 has offered to do half of ' could do the other halves. Think about it.
Julia that was a fantastic clip. I don't even like hip hop but I can appreciate how well those dancers were. Oaxaca's elections were very important, all the oposition parties (from the extreme right to the extreme left) were joined together as one and had their own candidate to dethrone the party that had the power for more than 80 years.
I saw Uruguay lose today against Holland 3-2 but I was very proud of them as a team. They kept going 'till the end.
Wanted to tell Jarocha that the elections in Mexico are big news in these parts. They were the news feature nearly every day on NPR last week.
Diana, I'm so sorry to hear about the fire at your brother's place. It can be very devastating to see one's "life" go up in flames. It's a blessing that there was no loss of human life; I feel sad for the doggies though.
Carlos, I love the pic of Nieves and Costie!
Julia, what an amazing video! So glad I watched it because the energy will keep me up for another hour at least.
JudyB, so great to hear about baby Jack, what fun.
Paula, thanks for your explanation about the zoomies. I'll admit I didn't know what you were talking about but duh, it makes total sense.
Miss you all, wish I could stay and chat some more. We set sail on Thursday, gah!!
I'll have a Pimm's Cup please. Yum, haven't had one in years.
* Ponderings on "Coming back from the dead."
Did you ever notice, when people are resuscitated from clinical death, they always describe a heaven-like experience, never a hell-like experience? Did you ever wonder why? Here's my proposed explanation. Hell let just one guy escape YEARS ago, and they haven't heard the end of it, since!
Sylvia, bon voyage!
The TV guy came and took the TV away. Something about a power board or some such. He says a week to ten days so I figure at least 3 weeks.
More rain... the swamp grows. Well, better'n the dry weather last summer.
Lots of ice with the new icemaker, however.
Hombre, what movies did you watch?
I really enjoy watching the old BW western-style movies on Cine Nostalgia. Much like I watched in my misspent youth... only in Spanish. No CCs but the dialogue is surprisingly comprehensible.
I'm reading 2 books right now. El Juego del Ángel by Carlos Zafón, a popular Spanish author, with my profa, Adriana, very Gothic (the book, not Adriana) and Sangre Azteca, a Spanish translation of a sequel to Aztec and Aztec Autumn by Gary Jennings. It is a guilty pleasure that I've been reading off and on for over a year.
Paula, I love your Zoomie story and understand exactly what you mean. A lot like hanging out in the surgery lounge.
Cap'n Sylvia, estoy muy celoso! Pero, thoughts and prayers go with you and Tom and the rest of the crew for a fun and uneventful sail! None of that Abby Sunderland crap, now, hear?
Julia, I managed to watch about three mins of the video but become profoundly fatigued...
Diana, your brother has had a terrible year. Sounds like he's a survivor though, so I hope the recovery from the fire goes well.
Carlos, thank you, Honorable Sir, for tending bar here! In fact, my Word Verification tonight is "barmint" and you can bet that puts me in the mood for a julep.
Mike, there's plenty of room and we packed way too much food. Just sayin'...
Aloha amigos!
Dr. Carlos, you are just too kind. Another picture. A smoldering one. Mind you, I'm already smoldering here in the back room. Surprised that the computer and the tv still function...much less me. But have great hopes of your old tv coming back with an amazing power board and better than new.
And please...send some rain our way, even though I keep forgetting to call the gutter cleaning man and we have a Hoover Dam at one spot in our system.
Another scorcher yesterday. I must have gone into and out of air conditioning about 10 times, counting the car. The body eventually isn't sure what to do. Cooler today, if you can call 80s cool. We even have 20% chance of rain, please, please, please. We haven't had any since late May. I just saw two trees fighting over a dog!!!
Thoughts and prayers go with you and your crew, Sylvia.
Judy, sounds wonderful hearing your grandson say hello to you on the phone.
Diana, so sorry to hear about your brother's troubles. Prayers for him and his friend. So sad to lose pets...
He will have pork chops, green beans and corn, so we'll have no pouting at the Martin house!
Today's picture is of Sylvia's boat. Here are a couple of links of interest:
Pacific Cup website
Pacific Cup tracking map
Sylvia's boat the Cinnabar is in Division D
Wow, your dinner sounds like our dinner Sun night. We had pork chops, fresh sweet corn on the cob (from HEB- excellent) and pinto beans. I love fresh green beans and have had great luck in the past growing Italian bush beans. Today, I think we'll go for oysters before the oil spill invades the oyster beds.
We finally have summer weather here! It is OVER 80*F right now!!! I'm so excited I can hardly stand it. Last night after work I went down to the beach for some skating. It is just killing me to have to be in the office.
In more depressing news, my beloved Alex is injured and is probably out for the season on SYTYCD. Good thing I have the sunshine to cheer me up.
We had fresh corn on the cob last night (farmer's market) and will have green beans tomorrow night (same market). I pick up a weekly provision from late April/early May through about October, doing a contract with a local farmer. Get stuff that ordinarily I don't cook, but wonderful to get early small turnips and such. Since we're on a heart healthy diet I abstain from putting butter on the corn, but there's no way I'm giving up salt. The corn is still delicious. Sweet and tender. Mother Nature is good, isn't she? Too bad we humans can be such pills sometimes.
Right now an apple crisp is in the oven. Not for me, alas. For a former student whose birthday we're celebrating tonight. I could eat the whole durn thing myself, but then my face would break out in red splotches the next day. Not fair to be AARP and still have face breakouts. On the other hand, if this is the worst health problem I have to deal with, I am mucho blessed.
Wow! So much to read and catch up on!
Paula H you are a new treasure to me. How do you do? I, too, live in Northern California.
JudyB: How exciting about Baby Jack!
Colonial Yorktown sounds divine. May be the hubster and I will visit some time...
Jarocha: I have been in retreat and missed the election news as it was happening but it's still in the news in California, daily. I am so glad Veracruz is not having the violence of the Northern states but I am sorry that you are so disappointed by the local election results.
I am following your progress with bated breath. Your boat is beautiful! Can't wait to meet in person when you get back. Safe and fast journeys to you and your crew.
Carlos, Sandy, Emilia, Mike, JudyB, Julia, Vivi, Karen, Hombre, Diana, JeffMn and anybody else I forgot to mention—I am back in the speaking world after retreat. Hello to all. Wow. It's a big world out there when you leave the monastery...more later.
Sending you all my kindest wishes,
Elna June
Judy, for your corn, go to a latino market and ask for Tajin. It's a Mexican seasoning - a mixture of salt, chile, and sour, but mostly sour (probably dried lemon juice or something). The chile is hardly noticable. It's WONDERFUL on corn, and you end up using less salt. Also great on brocoli, or green beans, for that matter. If they look at you blankly when you ask for Tajin (many people don't know its name), tell them it's the stuff you sprinkle on fruit like oranges, etc.
Elna June, mucho gusto. That makes three of us here from NorCal.
retreat. How about a cool Pimm's Cup? It loosens the tongue. Judging by my calculation, Sylvia and her crew must have just gotten underway.
Julia, skating at the beach? Cool. Glad you are getting a taste of summer. Sorry about Alex.
Judy, I hope your fresh corn is as good a that we just had was. No butter needed. I enjoy fresh sweet corn raw. Just shuck'n eat. Great on a salad as well. Linda makes a great cilantro-lime salad dressing. Add a little fresh jalapeño and slices of jicama... great.
I miss Jeff this week. Hope he checks in.
Paula, it's great that you've joined us here. I'm still trying to think of a shining moment. I do have more than my share of the sinning ones.
Paula, thanks for the tip on the Tajin, sounds interesting. I googled Tajin and that is the company name. There is a wikipedia entry for it. They mention chile, salt, and lime. So lime must be the sour.
"Its most popular product is a tangy, spicy "fruit seasoning" powder (called salsa en polvo in Spanish) consisting of chile peppers, salt, and dehydrated lime juice. It is available in small plastic shaker bottles and is commonly found as a condiment on the tables of many Mexican restaurants and is widely used as a seasoning in micheladas, a beer cocktail."
Perhaps Carlos can add that to next week's drink specials? :)
You all remind me it is getting close to sweet corn time. It may be early this year since we had an early spring and everything is ahead. Yeah, a little later here than some other places. :) Once the corn starts, we usually have our vegetable Saturday suppers. Buy corn, tomatoes, and potatoes at the farmer's market. Saturday night, grill up the corn, and potatoes and also have some tomatoes. Have to get some of the Tajin to try it out. But, the butter (yes, Judy, butter, butter, butter! Mmmm) and salt will always work. :)
Jarocha, sorry, looks like you jinxed your teams. Both Uruguay and Germany lost. The nice thing, there will be a first time champion. Netherlands and Spain always fall short, but for one, not this time.
Carlos, thanks for the Pacific Cup links. Go Cinnabar!
I hope Baby Jack gives you another call and cheers you up. :)
Hombre, the Linda Ronstadt DVD sounds good. We do have one of her CDs where she did the old songs and like it quite a bit.
Carlos, is the TV under warranty? Hope the fix isn't costing you an arm and a leg.
Paula, I did get that seasoning some time ago at a Latino market when I was showing Nickster around Columbus. Loved it, loved putting it on apples (it was labeled Chile para Frutas) but again, resulted in big red face blotches. I can't win! But since I don't have high blood pressure, seems I can load on the salt without any problem. Good genes and bad genes. What can you do?
Elna June, so good to have you back. Was this a Buddhist retreat? Well, we could use some higher vibes around, I mean. So keep grounded but keep elevated too...if that makes sense.
Jeff...yes, I'm sorry LeBron is leaving. The headlines in this morning's Dispatch were HUGE.
'Nuff said.
Actually I'm impressed with how cleverly this high school graduate has managed his career. So far he hasn't blown it on wild women or drugs. He's living with his lady, supporting his children and making a name for himself. For anyone in the big-money world of pros, that's an accomplishment. For a boy from a poor background with just a high school education, I believe it's pretty fine. I wish him well.
Jeff, thanks for your concern. I thought the TV was a couple of years old, but the ladies in the office pointed out that we had it during the Super Bowl that was in Houston which was 6 yrs. ago, so I think the warranty has likely expired. It will only cost an arm to repair.
I thought the LeBron thing was a bit much. It'll be fun to see how Miami does with three prima donnas.
Finally figured out how to look at that tracking map. When I look at it, everything is all bunched up, can't separate them. I think, what good is that. But, hey, duh, just zoom in! I'm getting a little slow I guess. Looks like Cinnebar is looking for some good wind right now, but sure they'll pick up. Estimating getting there sometime on the 20th. Sylvia's probably having a lot of fun.
Jeff, I had a bit of trouble with the tracking map as well but then saw the zoom to racers at the top. Apparently the updates are delayed to prevent the boats with Internet access from getting some sort of advantage.
Micheledas are very popular here. At Cap'n Tom's, my favorite seafood restaurant (actually just an oyster bar... there are no tables) the favorite drink is a micheleda. There an oyster is added to the drink. It's a fascinating place. Most of the servers as well as a large number of the customers only speak Spanish. They have the freshest seafood that you could find anywhere. It's in a small structure that looks like a boat. Everyone sits at the bar that surrounds the cooler bins and there are usually about 5 or 6 guys who shuck and serve the oysters, as well as shrimp, crawfish, and fried seafood platters (my favorite is a whole catfish, butterflied) that are cooked to perfection by a young woman (always the same one, who also speaks very little English) who is always smiling. There are no bills, you tell the guy at the cash register (one of the servers breaks free for a moment) what you had to eat and drink and he rings it up. It's usually around 2:00pm when we arrive, and even then people, are lined up waiting for a stool to become vacant. The food is excellent and it's a great place for people watching.
Your oyster bar sounds wonderful Evidently a saint is doing the cooking and blessing it with all her good will and good vibes. Lucky customers.
Thanks for another nostalgic reminder of good times and a much better role for both our actors.
Yesterday's game between Germany and Uruguay was soooo exciting. Today, not so much.
I didn't see any plays that particularly excited me. Whereas (was it yesterday's game?), the overhead back kick was spectacular! That's why I like to watch World Cup. The flying kicks, the twisting mid-air, and those marvelous ballet moves where they float in the air with their body horizontal, then the leg comes around like a thunderbolt, and sends the ball 50 yards. Barishnikov, you've been outdone.
I managed to do some online shopping and order myself a new kayak during the breaks.
So Julia...this time you weren't doing two hours plus on the elliptical trainer I take it! Good move.
España, fancy that.A pretty boring game but the players are divine, no? Paula H. your descriptions of the athletic feats of soccer players was just perfect.
Well, Carlos, your oyster bar sounds grand. I'd like to pull up a stool and enjoy—if i hadn't developed that dratted allergy to shellfish! I will at least have a drink—without the oyster, of course. How is your part of the coast doing with this oil spill business? is it affecting the seafood harvest in your part of Texas? Don't you and the loveley Linda live close to the Gulf?
As you can see, I have recovered my voice and I am back in the world of everyday life. JudyB, to answer your question, yes, it was a Buddhist retreat that I attended but we hold it at a Catholic nunnery. It is a beautiful setting, with lovely devotional pictures of the Christ, Mary and the Saints decorating an old Spanish style building with an enclosed walled garden. Gorgeous and very peaceful.
I am a devoted follower of the Tour de France. Is anybody else watching? The hubster is very involved in our local bicycle club and rides a couple of hundred miles a week for "fun". Our hometown Sonoma County boy, Levi Leipheimer, is now in 8th place and as a GC contender with Lance out of the way will probably be the "Big Dog" rider for Team Radio Shack.
I adore the race commentary, especially by Phil Ligget and Paul Sherwen, two Brits who live most of the year in Africa and American Bob Roll, a droll former racing pro who lives in Durango, CO, when he is not providing color commentary for international bike races.
Such a demanding sport!
Speaking of sport, how about our Sylvia, out there on the deep blue Pacific? I love the race tracker and find myself checking in several times a day. Although I can be a bit of a Luddite about cell phone use (I HATE talking on the phone!) sometimes technology knocks my socks off.
Out weather here is mild (70's-80's) and lovely right now. We get no rain from May to October so I had best go water my potted plants. Sending you all the best of wishes and hope to hear about you and yours soon.
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