Tuesday, November 21, 2006

HERIDAS DE AMOR - Monday, 11/20/06

Nuria is sweeping around the couch and finds Lizania’s necklace,figures it is finders-keepers and puts it on. Cesar is leaving and tells her not to make noise because Fabricio is back and is resting in the guestroom. He leaves and Fabricio comes out of the guestroom and asks if Cesar had her come over to take care of him. She confesses then that they have gotten married. She asks if Fabricio has told his wife yet and he says no, that Cesar says she needs time because right now she wouldn’t be able to handle the news of his return. She wonders if he saw the people who did this to him but he says he doesn’t know anyone and didn’t see anything. (He is obviously petrified of El Guapo and Bertha.)

Miranda and Rebeca are talking in Rebeca’s living room when Cesar slithers in like the snake that he is and pretends that Fabricio is still in the hands of his kidnappers. He tells his mother to give him all her jewelry and any cash she has around to pay Fabricio’s ransom off since they want a million pesos or they will kill him. Miranda says she’ll go with him but Cesar-the-Sleezer says he must go alone to rescue Fabricio. Rebeca comes in with her family heirlooms and cash and throws it into a bag while Cesar turns to Miranda and says, very dramatically, that he doesn’t know if he’ll come back alive so not to get upset for what he is about to do. He grabs her and plants a big lascivious smooch on her mouth (gagging here), then takes the sack of jewels and cash and exits, stage right, through the doorway. Rebeca, ditzy and tactless as ever, tells Miranda that nobody could love her like her boy, Cesar, so if ever she should leave Alejandro she has to give Cesar an opportunity. Miranda stands there practically wiping her mouth off, but not quite, and assures Rebeca that it will never happen. It is plain though, that Miranda is ......impactada from all Cesar’s heroics.

Juan is telling his father and Amparo about his fight with Renata the night before and his problems with Bertha’s constant interfering in their marriage. He swears that he will fight to keep Renata and will not let Bertha hook him in the way she does the everyone else.

At the hospital, Gonzalo tells Florencia and Fernanda that the past is unimportant. She is his daughter and nothing will ever change that. Then he tells Fernanda and her that he’s going back to the cocoa plantation and when he returns from there everything will be explained away. He gives Fernanda a long meaningful (?) stare and walks out.

At the same time Cesar returns to the apartment with his bag of his mother's loudly jangling heirlooms, valuables and cash. He orders Nuria to put it in the closet while he and his brother are seated on the couch. He and Fabricio talk then and he asks if they did anything to him. Fabricio sheepishly lies and says they did absolutely nothing to him. He asks Cesar who paid the ransom and how much it was, and how was it raised.

Cesar lies that it was from both his mother and himself. Fabricio thanks him and says he someday will somehow repay him. Cesar says he definitely will repay him and he will do it by telling Florencia to sign him over "The Manglars". Fab objects saying Alejandro gave it to her, but Cesar says he bought it from him through deception.

Gonzalo has called Alejandro at the office to tell him to contact everybody in the family, including Cesar and Bertha. Luis Alberto, Luciano and Vicente are there with Alejandro. They are all to come to the house but at different times throughout the evening and Luis Alberto is to get Cesar to call him. Luis Alberto leaves to get hold of Cesar and Vicente then lets the other two men know that Gonzalo kept him out of the loop regarding Cesar’s activities with the Investment House over in London. Luciano figures it was to protect Vicente from Cesar. Vicente tells them what he knows, that Gonzalo found the best computer systems analyst to hack into the bank's computers to determine what happened to the customers’ accounts and how the bank there had combined the funds and so on.

Miranda later comes to visit and lets Florencia know that Cesar paid the ransom. Alejandro comes a bit later and finds out from her also that Cesarwas going alone to rescue his brother with the ransom. He tells Florencia that Daira went back to Italy to go on a personal retreat and both women are told about Gonzalo’s meeting with the family that evening. Miranda is to bring Renata and Fernanda with her.

Gonzalo calls Bertha and she gets agitated when he demands she come to the meeting at the time he’s set for her. He tells her that he knows everything now and hangs up. Bertha cries to the dog and says she’ll give Gonzalo the whatever. She's wondering just what and how much he really does know.

Gonzalo goes back to the plantation house and remembers how things happened that night. Green memories: He knocked Fernanda unconscious and she fell down. He fights with Alfredo then and the gun shoots up into the ceiling. He didn’t shoot, let alone kill, Alfredo so when and where did Bertha enter and where did that shot in the back that Alejandro’s father told him about come from?

He works it back and remembers that Tomasa said to him and Bertha the night she died, “She also shot. She also shot.” He realizes Tomasa meant Bertha and remembers Bertha hid Alfredo’s back and immediately began to accuse him of murdering Alfredo. He also realizes that Bertha took Tomasa’s granddaughter away to keep Tomasa from ever telling anybody the truth. So then he asks himself who was it she was really trying to kill that night.

Renata and Juan argue over her not being able to come to Amparo’s birthday party, but Renata says she simply cannot be there because of this important family meeting at the house that evening. She leaves him standing in there alone in the hallway of the Jimenez house and it really hurts him. (It is because of those large puppy-dog eyes of his.)

Alejandro gets upset with Gonzalo while talking on his cell because Gonz refuses to allow Alejandro or Vicente to handle certain financial transactions a certain way. He and Miranda fight about her “perfect father” and he leaves.

Fabricio confirms with his mother how much she gave for his ransom and that the kidnappers (whom he secretly knows to be Bertha and El Guapo) had demanded a million pesos.

Luis Alberto has warned Cesar that something big is about to happen at that meeting.

Fabricio shows up finally at the hospital and Miranda gives Cesar a squeeze and a smile. When Florencia and Fabricio are alone he tells her he never wants to talk about the incident again and he promises to keep her and the baby safe. (I was wondering from the look in his eyes if he was planning to wait until the perfect time to take vengeance or if he is going to remain the silly, cowardly jerk he was in the kidnappers’ shack.)

Gonzalo gets back to the city house that night and is surprised to see Bertha sitting on the couch a few hours earlier than he’d told her to arrive. She says no way was she going to let him boss her around. She was going to come when she wanted to and not vice versa. Charo walks by and hears the argument. She hides behind the door to the living room and she continues to listen.

Bertha tricks him into telling her what it was that was so important. He gets on his high-horse with her thinking he finally has the upper hand because he has figured it all out. (Darn, Gonz. You never did learn anything from all of this!) He tells her he’s going to expose her tonight in front of everybody. (Stupid thing to do with Bertha). She whips out a gun and points it at him. (Now why would anybody let their guard down around Bertha, after figuring this all out and knowing how dangerous this murdering witch could be? I could see this coming a mile away, but he is clueless.)

She tells him it is her version of the truth that counts. “Shoot me, then!” (Wasted breath here.) Gonz tells Bertha he’s figured out exactly what happened that night with the gun and that Tomasa knew it too, so it must have been Bertha who threw her down the stairs. Bertha says no, that it was Lucas who chased after Tomasa, though of course, it was at her command. Bertha confesses to him that she had wanted to kill Fernanda first and then him. He asks her why she destroyed their lives. Bertha replies that Fernanda had stolen everyone that she loved away from her. Yes, she wrote the anonymous letters, although Fernanda did love Gonzalo. It was she who let Alfredo Luque into the main house that night. She couldn’t kill Fernanda so she determined to take away everything that meant something to her and of course her "dear Miranda, pretty Miranda".

He asks about Florencia. "Oh, the condition was found in time, but well, too bad she never took her medication. It was all placebos." She continues aiming the pistol at him as El Guapo has positioned himself outside the glass doors, just behind Gonzalo. He is aiming a second gun at Gonzalo’s back. (Now that was something I didn't expect!) Just then Cesar arrives and makes a snide aside about Bertha's timing. He turns his face toward Gonzalo and admits he did take all his money and smirks that he should be certain Cesar will have both of his daughters, Renata and Miranda for his own, soon, too. Gonzalo rushes furiously toward Cesar in an attempt to grab him, but El Guapo fires the gun, shooting Gonzalo in the back.

Alejandro is coming up the walkway in the dark at that moment and hears the gunshot and the breaking glass. He starts yelling for Gonzalo and running towards the house. El Guapo runs in and tells Bertha and Cesar that he will handle Alejandro and take care of things. They tell him they’ll just blame Alejandro and they run to hide off somewhere in the house.

Alejandro sees Gonzalo lying motionless on the floor and El Guapo then comes out of nowhere and the two of them fight and wrestle for the gun. Alejandro gets the gun away from El Guapo and shoots him in the shoulder as he is running towards the kitchen. El Guapo drops a bloody handkerchief and grabs at Charo, yelling at her to show him a way out to escape.

Alejandro drops down, moaning over Gonzalo, when Cesar and Bertha re-enter the room. Fernanda, Miranda and Renata are coming in at the same time and Alejandro points at Cesar and blames him. Miranda runs over to Alejandro as Bertha and Cesar claim it was him. Alejandro yells at Miranda, “You have to believe me, it wasn’t me! I didn’t do it!” Miranda grabs him and says, “ I know, I believe you, Alejandro." She looks accusingly over at her aunt and says, “Bertha!” Alejandro answers back that it wasn’t Bertha, but that man, El Guapo. Fernanda drops down and examines Gonzalo as the others are crying and moaning over his body. (This is one big Greek tragedy being played out here, except that it is Mexico and everyone is speaking Spanish.) Wait, though! Fernanda says he is still alive! Gonzalo moves his head a tad. (Will he mouth anything to his sobbing daughters or wife? No.)

Gonzalo hitches a last breath and dies. Fernanda and their two daughters begin to sob inconsolably. Cesar and Bertha look at one another with just the hint of an evil smile on their faces, but mask it so subtly. They turn to each other with a shared gaze of amazement, shock and pity --and triumph. (This is why Diana and Sergio get the big bucks, because they have managed to capture the essence of these two characters’ malicious cunning and connivance in a single glance.) Yep, it looks as if Bertha and her younger protégé, Cesar-the-Sleezer, will once again skate and literally get away with murder.

Back in the neighborhood, the birthday party is about to begin. Carola and Erica have decorated. Carola says she’s glad Renata won’t be around. Nobody can relax whenever she’s in the room. Erica defends Renata as her friend and says Carola just needs to get to know her better. Ramon brings Amparo inside a dark apartment and everyone shouts “Surprise!” Juan gives her a book on pastry and confection making and then the Mariachis arrive.


Sunday, November 19, 2006

Heridas Friday Nov 17

After Alejandro finally falls asleep, Miranda talks to Luciano. His part in everything is mentioned, Miranda says he owes her an apology and he gives it, they decide to forget about it and move on. This is the first sensible conversation anyone has had in a long time. They decide to leave Al and Daira alone to sleep, he’s going to give her a ride. Miranda tells him to check out Pamela while he’s out, basically throwing Pamela at Luciano’s feet on her behalf. Luciano likes the idea. This is a very easy idea to like. Miranda says Pamela loves him. He says really? She says if you don’t believe me ask her yourself!

Amparito and Carola have a conversation about what strong independent women they are. Amparito then fills Carola in on all the recent drama in the San Llorente family. Then they talk about people from different classes and Carola thinks Juan and Renata will never last.

Miranda and Renata talk about how disconsolate Al and Daira are. This is the most boring episode ever. So far I don’t think I’ve even seen anyone standing up. Sitting, talking about how sad or dead people are. Booooooring. Charo comes in and says that Carola was there earlier looking for Renata, ooooops she forgot, Charo says it’s ok they spent hours in the kitchen talking. The excitement never stops around here. Renata goes to her room and has a Gollum/Smeagol conversation with herself in the mirror about whether to stick it out with Juan or not. As much as I liked watching Renata acclimate to Juan’s household, that’s how much I hate this whole extension of that story where she keeps thinking about leaving him to go back to the San Llorente house. He’s always at work anyway, just hang out there with Miranda. Jeez. And then, to top it all off, Juan arrives. She doesn’t need to leave him to spend time at the rich house. It’s a very contrived and silly plotline.

Daira comes to Al and they discuss how they dreamed that Lasagna was smiling and happy, maybe that means she’s content in the afterlife. Al begs her to stay in Mexico, but Daira says she can’t. Al begs for forgiveness, Daira says it’s not his fault. She says there isn’t anyone who can stop a girl from becoming a woman and making her own decisions. Something like that. Basically Lasagna messed up and there’s nothing they could have done about it.

Miranda tells Gonzalo that she left Al with Daira, she’ll see them tomorrow. Charo comes in to tell her something about Bertha. She has a message for Bertha from someone that called from Italy. I think it said “The thing about Alejandro is delicate, he’s there but he has important allies, call me when you can.” Miranda thanks Charo for telling her.

Fab’s cell – El Guapo is getting chewed out by Trinidad for what he is doing, his mother would be ashamed. He says he’s just helping someone teach Fab a lesson. Then he comments on how good-looking Fab is. Oh please Guapo let’s not go there. She tells Guapo that she did NOT call Fab’s mother like he begged her to. She tells Guapo also that this is the last time she’ll help him with something like this. He says he has something else for her to do and she disgustedly leaves. Guapo wakes up Fab by pouring water on his head. He tells him that it’s time to go. Where? To your destiny! Guapo calls someone on the cell phone. Bertha, presumably –

Bertha and Cesar are sitting opposite each other at a nice table at Casa San Llorente. Bertha is telling Guapo on the phone “Ok thank you for your work” and hangs up. There’s a knock on the door, Charo enters and gives Bertha the rundown on who is in the house, and that Juan came to be with Renata. Cesar says “Charo..” and she stops but Cesar says never mind and lets her go. Weird. Maybe he was checking her out, he needs a new amante to replace Lasagna after all. Charo has the personality of a child, though, that would be strange and creepy. Bertha is furious that Juan came, Cesar agrees that they need to scare him off and refers to him as “Juanita.” Bertha says, “Renata. That’s all I can think of” and grins at Cesar, who smiles shyly like he just received a present. He says he totally agrees. Bertha has just told him to try and seduce Renata. Or perhaps to take her by force. I’m not sure but Cesar the dog likes the idea. She says she has to be very firm with Fab as well, Cesar says he understands.

Miranda has a bland conversation with Al on the phone, rest up, yeah you too, tomorrow I’m going to the office, yeah great, I’m going to stay home and talk to some people, sounds great, I’ll see you tomorrow I love you, you too.

Juan tells Renata that he’ll be with her wherever, be it at his house or here at the rich house. Pleeeeease tell me that this means the whole thing about leaving Juan and the endless conversations about it are over. This plot needs to die. Bertha interrupts their kissing by barging in. Bertha claims that she thought Renata was alone. Renata starts to make an excuse for Juan being there but Juan talks over her saying that he’s there because Renata is his wife and he has the right. Gonzalo walks in and says “you heard it, Bertha.” Bertha is muy impactada. “uh uh Gonzalo, when did you get here?” Gonzalo doesn’t answer, he just tells her to get out. Awesome. Bertha has bug eyes and we see her bugging out in slow motion leading to the commercial. After the commercial, she asks Renata to defend her to Gonzalo, which Renata half-heartedly does. Bertha goes on a hyper rant about being treated unfairly, how Gonzalo doesn’t treat the women correctly, etc. She was the parent for the girls, not him, not Fernanda, not Tomasa. Juan interrupts and says “whatever Bertha that’s not what we’re talking about here.” Gonzalo agrees. Renata comforts Bertha. I think she is the only one left who is nice to Bertha, she’s losing her grip on this family. Juan says “Renata, aren’t you going to greet your father? He’s waiting.” Renata leaves Bertha to go to Gonzalo and Bertha runs out of the room. Juan for the first time ever changes his facial expression and cracks a smug smile. He knows he’s in control.

Bertha runs into her room and starts ranting to Lucas – “He’ll be sorry!” Juan is now her #1 enemy. She swears vengeance for making her look foolish. Then she uses Lucas as a pillow and lays on the floor. Lucas does not look like he approves of this arrangement and fidgets a lot.

Gonzalo says he’ll leave Miranda to rest and first thing in the morning he’ll call Alejandro. Renata gets up suddenly and says she wants to check on Bertha. Juan looks stunned, or is that just his normal look back again? Gonz tells him that he’ll get this and more dealing with Bertha, Juan agrees and comments that Gonz doesn’t seem to like her any more than he does. But above all, nobody is getting between him and Renata. Gonz tells him that maybe Renata doesn’t love him the same way, many things are different between them. Oh GOD NOT THIS AGAIN I THOUGHT IT WAS OVER. Juan says whatever they love each other, period. Thank you Juan for trying to give this plot the death it deserves. I apologize for mocking your inability to move your mouth. I take all back, please kill this plot. If you do, I will tell everyone how you emote like no other. Please I’m begging you. Juan tries hard – Gonz starts a sentence with “She is my daughter” but Juan cuts him off and says “With all due respect, she is my wife. Please allow me to take my rightful place.” Gonz appears to acquiesce, pats him on the arm, and leaves. Juan heaves a huge sigh, that took some guts.

Bertha is laying on Lucas and whimpering pitifully. Somebody shoot her. Lucas has apparently given up trying to free himself. Bertha starts whining about Juan and Renata says that he came because she wanted him here. Bertha claims that Juan is practically acting like he owns the place. Whatever. Bertha says he’s trying to displace her, he’ll come in here and take over. Everyone treats her like garbage. Waa waa waa, cry cry cry, rant rant rant. She starts rubbing her forehead and tells Renata to order Juan to treat her with respect. Renata nods. Good luck with that Renata, Juan appears to have grown a spine, it won’t be easy. I sense that there will be a fight, and the whole “should I stay or should I go” (darling you’ve got to let me kno-oow, should I stay or should I go – R.I.P. Joe Strummer) plot will live again. Like a bad cold, this will just not go away. I’m going to cry.

Gonz has apparently decided that Miranda doesn’t need to rest after all and he goes to see her. She is happy to see him. He says he had to give her a kiss before going to bed for the night. Gonz is now on a mission. He is going to clear everything up. Starting first thing in the morning. He has said “first thing in the morning” three different times now, does that mean he’s going to die in his sleep before having the chance to do anything? We’ll see. Miranda says she and Al have started to put the puzzle together. Gonz says he’s just missing a couple pieces and they’ll have it all together. They declare their love for each other, Miranda delivers some of her contractually-obligated daily tears. He tells her that she was always closer to him and he’s not supposed to have a favorite daughter, but her happiness means more to him than the others. More hugs, more tears. He tells her to rest, tomorrow is another day. Another reference to tomorrow. Something is going to happen, I’m telling you! Also, Miranda cries some more.

Renata is going to reproach Juan. Thin ice, girl. She says that Bertha can be the worst kind of monster but he has no right to treat her how he does. Does this make sense to anyone else? Ok good thought it was just me. He defends himself admirably, finally she has to say “she’s my family so you have to treat her nice.” He says he’s going to his house, she asks him to stay, she wants to be near him. He says come with me then, to the only place I have to offer you right now. She just asks him to stay again. He tells her, “it doesn’t matter to you that they humiliate me? You want me to stay anyway?” She says yes, he says “screw this man I’m outta here” and opens the door – “tell me, are you going to stay or go?”

The new day has arrived, I wonder how Gonzalo is? First we go to the supermarket where Carola is now training new people. This is basically an extension of the commercial break, it’s a big commercial for the store where she works. Chedragui I believe it’s called. Her boss comes up and tells everyone how great Carola is. Carola talks about how great the store is some more.

Nuria is cleaning Cesar’s apartment. Her apartment too I guess now, right? What a life. “I can give you all this – now clean it.” Cesar laughs at her as he walks into the room. The dumb bimbo thinks he’s smiling at her and is happy. He grunts that he’s got things to do and she says she’s going to church and to see Florencia. He tells her to hurry and be home when he returns. Then something about how she better keep the place clean and he gets a little rough with her, she says fine fine I’ll make sure everything stays clean. He kisses her roughly and bites her lip. She complains that it hurt. He says where there is no pain there is no love, right? She nods. NO SAY IT he tells her so she says “yes.” This guy is a textbook abuser. He sure seems able to find weak women easily. What on earth keeps this woman from just taking off and never coming back? Instead she gets to cleaning like he ordered her. She stops, she sees something, Lasagna’s necklace!

Luciano is complaining that things look worse as he looks on the computer. Al emerges looking good as new. He says talking to Daira helped him feel better. Luciano asks if he’s going to open an investigation of Lasagna’s death, Al says no. Fernanda said it was a natural death, Daira signed off on it, she wouldn’t want to keep things stirred up. So we’ll have to wait for dummy Nuria to tell somebody about the necklace before the investigation starts. Daira walks in to interrupt and tells Luciano that it wasn’t murder so drop it. He apologizes and asks if she has decided what she is going to do. Yes, she’s going back to Italy for some spiritual retreat. Al doesn’t like the idea of her being out of contact. She says she’ll be fine.

Nuria returns to the apartment and Cesar is already there. She says hello and he shushes her. She seems oblivious to his short temper, how can she not have that figured out by now? He tells her that Fabricio is there so she has to be quiet, don’t ask how he rescued him. He tells her that she can tell Fab that she is his wife now, etc. Cesar leaves. Now we see that Nuria is wearing Lasagna’s necklace! She looks at it as Fabricio comes out of the back room. Fab says he’s happy to be back. He isn’t going to see Flor right away because Cesar told him it would kill her from surprise. He asks why Nuria is here, she tells him that she and Cesar are married. He looks stunned by this.

Bertha finds Charo to get the scoop on who had breakfast, where they went, etc. Charo tells her about Gonzalo going to the hacienda to look for proof of something. Bertha wonders what proof that is. Renata comes in looking sad, Juan didn’t stay the night. Bertha tells her something self-serving, “I never did anything blah blah he made me feel bad I don’t like him.” Charo comes in but Renata doesn’t want to eat. This plot will not die and I swear if we weren’t getting near the end of this novela it might be enough to make me stop watching this show.

Miranda is talking to Mophead and telling her to not worry about being such a disaster with Florencia. Cesar walks in and tells his mother that the kidnappers have demanded a million Pesos to not kill Juan. Everyone is impactado.

Also, all the foreshadowing about Gonzalo not seeing the morning appears to have been for nothing.


Thursday, November 16, 2006

Heridas de amor Thursday 11/16

a brief summary, please feel free to add what i missed,
today I'm sick...

Alejandro cries as he hugs his sister's urn. A nurse mistreats a poor patient when Juan intervenes. Erica, Veronica and Renata witness it all as the nurse says it's a private hospital and isn't going to help the lady despite Juan telling her she has symptoms of a heart attack. Renata goes for a stretcher as the lady passes out and Veronica and Erica help Juan. He tends to her as the nurse tells Renata she's going to report Juan. Miranda explains to Alejandro what the police told them what happened to Lizania. He says his sister was healthy and denies to believe she had the same disease as his father. He cries and says he let his father down and never had a chance to say goodbye as Miranda consoles him.

Dr. Escalante tells the nurse what Juan did was correct and fires her. Juan tells him superior he'll pay for the elderly lady's stay and offers his resignation. He turns him down and sas he reminds him of himself when he was younger. Renata tells Florencia of her sister's death and Veronica asks her for forgiveness. Juan learns of Lizania's death. Rebeca freaks out when she receives a box of chocolate fingers (sent by Berta). Cesar arrives and sees his mother hysterical and asks Berta if she told her about the death. Rebeca faints as Berta eats the fingers. Juan tells Renata that Alejandro needs to have an examination done as she tells him to stay with her at her house.

Fernanda checks on Florencia and runs out crying. Cesar tells Rebeca that the one who died was Lizania as she blurts out how much she loves him as Berta looks at him. Juan tries to calm Fernanda as she worries about Daira. Renata hugs her mother as she tells her she hasn't lost her or her sisters. Alejandro tells Miranda that Lizania was like his daughter and plans to investigate further.

Daira tells Alejandro she wants to return to Italy the following day as he begs her not to. Rebecas says that Lizania was in love with him ,Cesar tells Rebeca not to repeat what she just said about Lizania because it could get him in a lot of trouble, Bertha agrees with him and as Rebecca cries, she hands her the bosx oc "fingers" and tells her to eat one, she freaks out. Cesar calls the maid to stay with his mother, he tells Bertha that he wants to see in person, how much Alejandro is suffering and She tells him not to miss any details when he tells her all about it.

Daira explains to Alejandro her reasons for wantint to leave and he reluctantly agrees. Miranda and Santiago support her as Miranda tells her to return when she feels she's ready. At that moment Cesar arrives and Alejandro confronts him. Daira tells him how he's helped them and he asks his wife and family to leave him alone with him. Fernanda tells Juan it's time for Florencia to go to the ranch. He asks her about Renata's hug as she says it was only a moment saying Renata doesn't love her. She also tells him to beware of Berta. She also donfides in him that Lizania suffered before she had her heart attack. Erica and Veronica tell Renata that hugging her mother was a first step.

Cesar arrives at Alejandros' house and gives his condolences, they exchange a few words and Cesar lies again about some girls seen a guy beating Lizania Alejandro thanks Cesar for his help but tells him to never return to his house ever again. He fegns his sadness and hugs Lizania's urn as he recalls how she died. Amparo tells Roman she wants to make something of her life before she settle down. Cesar and Berta enjoy the suffering that Alejandro is going through. They also makes plans for Cesar to get Miranda pregnant.

The Jimenez family plan a celebration for Amparo's birthday. Alejandro cries as he thinks of the day his family arrived in Mexico. He tells Miranda that Daira knew this was going to happen and that his need for revenge has cost him his fortune, his sister and her. She tells him he'll never lose her and kisses him.


Heridas de Amor - Wednesday Nov 15

Bertha and El Guapo are seen talking with each other. Bertha tells Guapo that perhaps she smells his fear, Egberto. They giggle together. In the hospital Flor whines to Fernanda and Miranda that she fears that Fab is dead. She goes down a list of what if’s? What are we going to do? I’m afraid Fab won’t return! What if they ask for too much money?! Miranda tells Flor she is going to talk to Daira but she tries to calm Flor as much as she can before she leaves. Fernanda follows her out of the room to find out what is known about Lisania. They worry that something bad has happened to Lisania.

Flash to a scene of a slum neighborhood that is hung to the side of a mountain where Fab is supposedly hidden. Guapo walks into the room where Fab and the caged rats are staying. Guapo taunts Fab telling him he looks ready for a party. Fab wants Guapo to send a photo of him to his family. Guapo says no we have a visitor for you. Fab immediately answers Bertha and voila… there she is all dressed up in her super sleuth outfit of a London Fog rain coat and dark glasses.

In Daira’s tomb of a home, the Concrete Mansion, she cries with Santiago who is there to comfort her. Miranda arrives hoping to calm her. There are no new notices about Lisania. They try to think out where could have Lisania gone? If only they knew who the man was that she was seeing. Santiago asks what about Cesar? Doesn’t he know the girls who saw Lisania? Daira fills Miranda in on Cesar’s little white lie about Cesar and his friends seeing Lisania being beaten. Miranda looks as if she is putting two and two together but I’m sure that she isn’t. Miranda says she just needs to ask Cesar the names of the girls, she after all, knows everyone at the club (country club that is).

In Cesar’s apartment Luis Alberto is loosing his cool with Cesar about what Gonzalo has found in London. LA claims that Gonzalo now has proof to send him and Cesar to jail. Cesar, always the gentleman, shakes LA by his suit lapels and calls him an imbecile demanding to know what LA is talking about. LA says that Gonzalo knows about the parallel accounts plus he has proof of the deposits to the bank and stock market that were made in Cesar’s name. Semi hysterical LA says that they have to leave Mexico or at any moment they will be arrested. Cesar drinks his brandy stating only cowards flee. Cesar draws some more strength from his drink and tells LA how things will go down. Cesar believes that had Gonz wanted them arrested he would have done it already. Cesar thinks instead that Gonzalo wants to face him in person …. so Cesar will wait for Gonzalo. After another swig of brandy Cesar seems to realize another option. He tells LA that he is going to play THE ultimate card.

Back in Fab’s dungeon/holding cell, Bertha explains to Fab how he got in this predicament. He obviously didn’t believe her and she doesn’t threaten. He says he gets it now, so how much longer is this going to last Auntie? She tells him that she brought him there so that after today he will be converted into her defender in front of everyone. Fab tries to snap some sense into her saying could she get any crazier? No one will believe him. He tells her he will denounce her for this and for the death of Flor’s doctors. Bertha pretends that the caged rats bit her hand by hissing and sucking on her finger. She then starts in on an argument that is hard for Fab to ignore. Bertha promises that if he dares to denounce her she will torture his little woman or Rebecca (please will you) in front of his own eyes. Fab’s lips start to quiver. Boo Hoo Not my mommy!

Daira and Miranda continue talking about Lisania and their worries. Miranda calls Cesar and leaves a message trying to find out who the women were that saw Lisania.

In Cesar’s apartment Cesar listens to Miranda’s message and talks out loud saying stupid Daira told Miranda about Lisania. Louis Alberto listens to him and asks why Cesar said that to Daira. Louis Alberto tells Cesar he is to blame for telling this lie to Daira and for wanting to be the hero. He asks him how do we win with that?! Cesar tells LA that he had to control Lisania and he never thought she would die right there in his apartment. LA seems confused. He thought that Lisania died of a heart attack so what was the fight about? LA goes on saying to Cesar that Cesar goes from one problem to three. He doesn’t understand why Cesar didn’t call the police?! Cesar says how do you think I would explain to all the people that Lisania died here with Bertha present?! LA appears shocked to hear that Bertha was there. LA tells Cesar that he is cold blooded to do what he did with the body. Cesar answers that he told LA all this so that LA would know what Cesar is capable of. Louis Alberto seems clear on who Cesar is and just how far Cesar will go.

Cesar’s doorbell rings. Surprise It's Nuria! Cesar grabs her and pulls her in calling her his love. Louis Alberto says goodbye and exits the apartment. Cesar cradles Nuria’s head calling her his love and his life as he kisses her. He tells her he needs her now more than ever. “Whatever happens happens. You have lived with me since we married. Last night you were with me and no one came to see me. You understand what I’m saying right?” Zombie Nuria stands there staring into Cesar’s cold eyes.

Carola tells Francisco how much her life has changed and that it will continue to change more. She is happy and she owes his family thanks for taking care of her. She tells him she wants to tell him something she has never said … Just as she is about to say this important thing Renata and Amparo walk in. Carola doent finish her sentence and the converstation turns to all sorts of chit chat about Amparo who is sick with a cold.

Nuria sets the dinner table at Cesar’s house walking around in one of Cesar’s shirts and nothing else. He sits on the couch smoking some nasty cigarette while she looks clean and innocent. She goes over to him to tell him about her happiness. He kisses her with his ash tray mouth. Nuria wants to talk about something that is troubling her. It’s that Bertha wants Nuria to make a will leaving everything to her, Bertha. Cesar tells Nuria that Bertha wants her to do that because she wants Nuria dead, he has seen her do it. Nuria is impactada. Cesar quickly laughs saying he is joking, it’s not true. If Bertha suggests something then it should be done. He tells Nuria that when they are finished eating he wants her to pick everything up and to clean the kitchen. Nuria seems happy to hear his order to do housework and not to have to think of serious things anymore.

Flash to Francisco, Amparo, Renata and Carola telling stories of when the kids were young. Renata seems slightly amused while Amparo and Francisco laugh it up. Francisco leaves to buy medicine and Amparo goes back to bed. Carola takes the opportunity to ask Renata to help her learn how to dress and do her makeup in a classier way. She says in a more natural way but what she really means is so she doesn’t look like a cheap callejera. Renata agrees to help her and tells her to come to her house tomorrow.

Miranda tells Alejandro what is going on with the missing Lisania, nothing. Daira has read her own tarot cards and was shocked with what she saw. Miranda had to give her a tranquilizer to calm her down. As Daira sleeps Miranda has flashbacks to her honeymoon.

Guapo shoots Fab up with a tranquillizer. As Fab passes out Bertha tells Guapo that she wants Fab to have psychological wounds not physical ones. She prescribes a recipe of torture that Fab will feel in every cell of his body. Guapo seems pleased. Guapo tries to play flirty mind games with Bertha. She pets his crippled hand as she listens then tells him he is insupportable. He needs to get rid of the rats, this isn’t the inquisition.

Lucas meanwhile has been waiting for Bertha on her white bed in the Mexico City house. Bertha chats with her dog as Charo comes in to give her the run down of who is in the house. Charo also brings Bertha a message from someone who called Bertha from Italy. The person said that things were delicate because Alejandro was there and because he has very important friends. Charo leaves the room and Bertha immediately calls someone telling them that Alejandro will return to Mexico tomorrow. She hangs up to talk to herself saying so that is what Alejandro was doing in Italy, he was there to fight in front of the courts. You can’t touch the money, not you nor me. Tee hee.

Renata is seen chewing out Juan in her house. She tells Juan that she wants to live there in the mansion and not in his poor house. Yes she is a rich girl and this is how she wants to live. Juan is mad and tells her he loved her. Well they will never see each other again! Renata wakes from her nightmare screaming Juan’s name and saying she would die if he hated her.

Miranda comes into Renata’s room and they talk about where could Lisania and Fab be? Could they be locked up together? Miranda asks Renata if she has any idea who Lisania was dating. Renata says she doesn’t know but she remembers that Lisania said she liked being hit. Renata then remembers that Lisania also said that the guy she was seeing was someone that Renata had introduced her to. The only person Renata introduced to Lisania was Cesar!

Cesar’s doorbell rings and he goes to answer. It’s Miranda asking him why he has not returned any of her phone calls. Cesar starts in on how he was busy and he was advised by his anti-kidnapping friend to not answer any phone calls. Miranda asks if Lisania has been with him just as Mirandas cell phone rings and just as Nuria walks out in the shirt that she had on the night before. Miranda answers the phone to hear Daira telling her that the police have found a body with characteristics of her daughter.

There is an ad and Heridas opens to a new scene with the title of Heridas and one line of blood dripping onto white paper. How Foreboding.

Cesar and Miranda talk over how or why Miranda thought that Lisania would be with him. He claims his innocence and how could she believe he would hit women?! She apologizes and says she didn’t know he had married Nuria on the same day that she married Alejandro. How great of him to marry Nuria to give her baby a father. He wants to use this as an opportunity to show Miranda what kind of man he is but an official walks in and asks for someone to identify the body. Miranda says she will go and of course Cesar tags along, big strong help that he is.

Nuria and Louise Alberto talk over how Cesar told Miranda that they were married in front of her. Nuria is so happy! LA tells Nuria that Gonzalo has proof to throw them all in jail. He warns her that knowing Cesar as well as they do he doubts that Cesar will go down without taking them with him. Nuria answers that well they have done some bad things to help Cesar.

Rebecca whines non-stop to Flor about Fab. Flor asks Rebecca if the kidnappers have beaten Fab a lot, but Juan gives Rebecca look that shuts her up. Juan then hints to Rebecca that she needs to go and she does. No sooner has Flor’s mother-in-law left than Juan starts talking about her. He says that Rebecca is weak in all senses. He says the point is not that she is rich but that she relies on others for everything. This lecture gives Flor hope to get stronger so that she can make sure her baby will be strong.

Miranda and Cesar return to the waiting room of where they were to let Daira know that the body is Lisania. Daira weeps and Santiago prays. Daira asks why did they kill her! Cesar immediately tells her that Lisania died of a heart attack.

The opening page to Heridas now shows a pretty white rose being dripped with red red blood.

Guapo is seen talking to Fab supposedly giving Fab psychological wounds. Fab looks like he is scared while huge shadows of caged rats hang over their heads. Fernanda tells Daira that Lisania died of the same heart problem as that of Alfredo. Fern goes on to say that Lisania had an anti-symptomatic version that when stressed caused the heart attack. She died quickly.

Veronica tells Erika and Renata how great Renata’s mother is. Blah Blah Blah. Renata gets a phone call from Miranda telling her that Lisania is dead.

Back in the Concrete Mansion Daira is near catatonic in an easy chair, while she is comforted by Miranda and Santiago. They have Lisania cremated and stored in a white marble box that is on one of the coffee tables. They discuss who has Alfredo’s heart disease and if Alejandro is next. Santiago believes that Alejandro is safe from the disease because his sister had tests done when Alejandro was a child.

Alejandro returns to the Concrete Mansion asking for news of Lisania. No one answers but Daira points to the white box. Alejandro sees it and throws himself (his arms) around the box crying for Lisania.


Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Heridas De Amor, Tuesday Nov. 14

In which there is much sniffing, but very little discovering...

Daira shows up at Cesar's door. He says it's not a good time but she insists. She wants Cesar to put her in contact with His Friends who saw the boyfriend hitting Lasagna. Cesar pretends to be impactada, "Don't tell me that wretch did it again?!?" Daira says Lasagna hasn't been home since she lied about meeting her girlfriends for coffee the night before. Luis Antonio eavesdrops, looking suspicious. Cesar says he doesn't have His Friends' numbers, but he'll contact Daira if he sees them again. After she leaves Cesar is flushed and relieved.

Luis Antonio tells Cesar that he knows the date and flight number of Gonzalo's return.

Julio arrives at Mophead's house and sees her histrionics over Faby's kidnapping. (If one wondered why nobody told Julio about Fab's kidnapping, one might recall that these are the same people are are doing nothing about said kidnapping, so it would make sense.) Mophead tells Julio not to report the kidnapping but he says he can't just wait around, he has to do something. He has a friend in the AFI, they should call in the experts to handle this. Finally!

Dohhhh! Bertha arrives to snoop and express her "concern" for Faby. She sees Julio calling the AFI and without anybody seeing sprays him with stupid gas. We don't actually see her do this but it must have happened because seconds later she talks him out of calling the cops. She tells him Cesar talked to the kidnappers and Julio should talk to Cesar before calling anyone. Julio agrees and hangs up.

Trinidad arrives with food for Faby, the hungry rats are chirping like birdies in the background. She gives him a pill for the pain and fever then tells him she spoke to Rebeca the night before. Even though Rebeca cried Trini could not tell her Faby's location because it would endanger her children. Fab sobs and says he's going to have a child, his wife is pregnant, in the hospital and dying. If he doesn't return right away they will both die.

Miranda promises Santiago that she won't let Bertha's machinations come between her and Alejandro. He asks what else is on her mind. After disclosing the most important news, that she and Alejandro are back together, Miranda adds that Fabricio has been kidnapped and Lizania has been missing since yesterday.

At the hospital Juan sees Veronica and tells her to get out. She asks about Flor and says it's her fault that Flor is doing badly. She vows that she had nothing to do with Fab's kidnapping. Juan says he knows, then he notices that she has a big skeleton head on a stick body. He invites her to lunch and she agrees because a piranha's gotta eat.

Miranda talks to Gonzalo on the phone and says she will try to look into the parallel accounts. Then Alejandro calls and she tells him that Daira is worried because Lizania didn't come home last night. She tells Santiago that she needs to try to find out the account passords for Gonzo and Santiago reccomends she visit Fermin for all her banking needs.

Cesar tells Julio that a violent gang has kidnapped Fabricio. If they call the police before the ransom is demanded then they will become even more violent. Julio, still stunned by the stupid gas, agrees. Bertha reassures Mophead and leaves. Cesar follows her to the door and asks when she plans to release Fabricio. He warns her that he wants Fab alive.

Bertha asks Cesar if he's heard any news of Lizania, did Ulises follow their instructions? Yes, SANSON followed them perfectly. After she leaves he thought bubbles "I'm not even going to tell you that Daira already came looking to me; that pleasure I reserve only for myself."

Close up of squeaking rats, and Fab tells Trini that he heard the bad guys say they are going to kill him, it's just a matter of time. She says when the ransom is paid they'll let him go. He tells her he was kidnapped not for money but to teach him a lesson. Trini tch tches that they are bloodthirsty.

Fabricio faints and dreams that he visits Florencia in the hospital. He looks good in blue and without all that blood. He kisses her and tells her he's fine, don't worry, they will be together forever, united for all eternity. They kiss.

Florencia wakes up with a start. Fabricio visited her in an identical dream. She yells to Fernanda that it wasn't a dream, Fab was there to say goodbye to her. They killed him. Fernanda convinces her to calm down and be strong, not only for herself but for the baby.

Outside the room Fernanda weeps to Juan that Florencia and the baby are weak. They need a miracle. Juan reminds her of some advice she once gave him, #1 we are doctors and we swore to save lives and #2 don't lose faith until after death takes us, not before.

Fabricio moans for Flor; Bertha slithers into the hideout. She tries to wake him. Trinidad tells her he's delirious with fever, the guy outside said he wouldn't live much longer. In front of Trinidad Bertha calls El Guapo and reams him big time for putting a bunch of demons in charge of Fabricio. Dumbass, she wanted him alive and conscious of his pain, not delirious. Fabricio in his current condition does her no good, sheesh! She tells estupido that when she returns she'd better find Fab bathed, fed and recuperated. She gives Trini some money to fix Fabricio up. "Pack of asses," she mutters, "this is no way to inflict pain!" She tries once more to wake Fab then leaves in a huff.

Miranda is in Fermin's office. He calls a bank on the Cayman Islands about the accounts. For some reason, because he swore he wouldn't tell anyone, they provide the passwords to the accounts, including the fraudulent parralel ones. When he logs on he tells Miranda that the fraudulent accounts are in the name of...Gonzalo San Llorente.

Santiago is with Daira who has called the hospitals but to no avail. There is still no sign of Lizania. Just then a policeman arrives with Lizania's purse. Daira is impactada and wants to know where it was found. He says they found it in the Tasqueña area. Daira cries that Lizania has no business in this area, what if she was kidnapped? The policeman isn't interested in helping her find her daughter, he just wants them to sign for the purse so he can meet his buds for bunuelos and cafecitos. Daira finally decides to call Alejandro.

Miranda tells Gonzo that the fraudulent accounts are in his name. There is some silly small talk regarding Juan and Renata, then Miranda gives him the account number. He plans to return to Mexico soon, he says everything will be different when he gets back. Fermin then tells Miranda he will help her get a loan.

Fernanda and Juan are having lunch with Veronica the piranhica. Fern asks how her treatment is going, Veronica is steeped in self-pity and says if her parents find out she has HIV they won't want to be near her and will throw her out. Fernanda tries to comfort her and says she wants to help.

Trinidad arrives with meds for Faby. They have the same conversation for the fifth time with the only addition being that Fab wants Trini to visit Florencia in the hospital to tell her that he's OK. Like that won't be the final nail in Flor's coffin. He begs her again to help him escape. She says no, the elegant woman who was there before will surely return soon. Fab realizes it must have been Bertha.

Miranda calls Gabino; she wants to know what the owners of the neighboring haciendas told him. He said they don't want to meet with her. He tried to convince them but they don't have time to take care of the earth so they plan to sell. They don't want to spend the rainy season there. Miranda says that she, too, is worried about losing the second crop.

Another irritating conversation with the whiny Veronica. She's bitter, they try to get her to join an HIV group, be a member of society, yackety yack. Veronica asks Fern if she'll go with her, Fern says absolutely and calls her "hija." Veronica cries and says it's been a long time since anyone called her that.

After Gabino hangs up Arcario asks him why he didn't mention Nati's premonitions of death and destruction to Miranda. Ummm...maybe because telling Miranda the ravings of an addled glassy-eyed mental patient would seem, well, unprofessional?

El Guapo walks round and round in circles laughing and smiling while Bertha scolds him. She calls him stupid and he smells her hair. She's not happy about that lady feeding Faby but Guapo says he's known her for a long time. She asks what happened with the call to Miranda and Alejandro. He says whenever he calls it's busy or he gets voice mail. She says that when he's with Miranda she's going to give him a signal to speak with her. Then she says something about smelling his fear but I didn't understand what she was saying. They talk about smelling fear a lot.

Fabricio is cleaned up when Guapo arrives to torment him some more. Fabricio wants him to take a photo to prove to his family that he is OK. Guapo shows him his reflection in a broken mirror. So maybe the photo isn't a good idea after all. Guapo tell Faby he has a visitor. "Bertha," mutters Fab. She strolls in grinning, "That's right, your dear auntie Bertha."

Oops, I forgot to add the backside of my last page when I posted last night! Here it is:
Daira sobs in Santiago's arms as Miranda arrives. She's talking to Alejandro on the phone and tells him to hurry home. Daira shows Miranda Lizania's purse and says she's sure Lizania went to see her violent boyfriend but she doesn't know who he is.

"Doesn't Cesar know?" asks Santiago. Miranda asks why would he know and Daira tells her the story (as told to her by Cesar). Miranda says she will ask Cesar herself for the information.

Luis Antonio rushes into Cesar's apartment in a tizzy. They are lost. Gonzalo knows all about their roles in the fraudulent account scheme and has proof that Cesar's name is on the deposits. He says they have to leave Mexico and at any moment they are going to be arrested!


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

HERIDAS DE AMOR - Monday, 11/13/06

Bertha and Cesar are surprised and not a little disappointed by Lizania’s quick death. Cesar and she argue over whose fault it was that she died and what the best thing to do with the body would be. Bertha tries to slink out of helping him with the body, but Cesar prevents her from leaving and tells her that the two of them will take care of this predicament together. He mentions how ironic that first she got rid of the father’s body and now she is getting rid of the daughter’s. Bertha has a green flashback and remembers telling a cute little Mirandita that her evil mommy left and would never come back because she didn’t love her or care about her.

Eventually they wrap Lizania up in a sheet. Bertha suggests that they can dispose of the body somewhere that neither Alejandro nor Daira will find her. (At the same time they’ll protect themselves from being fingered.) Of course, Daira and Alejandro will suffer more because of it. He agrees and calls Sanson to take her body out of the apartment and to dump it.

Fabricio begs Trinidad nonstop to help him get out of there. She finally tells Fabricio that she’ll see what she might be able to do to help him, but she won’t promise anything because it is so dangerous to cross the kidnappers.

Fernanda tries to calm Daira down because she is worried that she hasn’t heard from Lizania and cannot get her to answer her cell. Daira is having some kind of presentiment and feels a pressure in her chest she cannot explain. She goes home to wait for Lizania and to make some phonecalls.

Trinidad does make a call to Rebeca to let her know Fabricio is alive, that she fed him and that he’d asked her to call his family for him. She hangs up before Rebeca can get anymore information out of her. Rebeca’s housekeeper wonders why she doesn’t report this to the police now but Rebeca says she won’t because Cesar doesn’t want to and “He knows how to deal with these things.”

Miranda gets a call from Alejandro about the little black box Daira left for her. They go on about their getting back together while Renata listens at the foot of Miranda’s bed. When Miranda and he hang up Renata tells her that she bets the box holds a diamond bracelet and then she says she figures Juan will never be able to give her a bracelet like that ever. Miranda tells her life holds more value than money alone. If she loves Juan like she says then it shouldn’t matter. Renata is depressed and says she misses her life of luxury, especially every time she comes back to the mansion and is reminded of how everybody lives and then returns to the neighborhood to a little house that seems to close in on her. In the end she shocks Miranda when she confesses that she’s thinking she might just ask Juan for a divorce.

Bertha and Cesar conclude that Lizania suffered from the same ailment as her father and her sister, Florencia. They also conclude then that the chances are good that Alejandro probably suffers from a serious heart condition like the others in his family. They start scheming to kill him by frightening him.

Veronica speaks to Juan outside Florencia’s room about her disease. She says she doesn’t have the money to pay for medicine and wants assistance and he says he’ll see what he can do through an acquaintance in some government health department . Juan advises her to tell her parents about her having AIDS especially because she could infect them if she cut herself and began to bleed badly and they stepped in unprotected, etc. He also suggests she get help from various community organizations to learn more about her problem, etc. She’s ashamed and won’t tell her parents, and she’s not interested in the other because in the end she’s going to die anyway.

Then Veronica goes in to visit Florencia. Florencia is angry and tells her the jig is up so don’t bother with blackmailing her because she knows already that she and Alejandro are brother and sister and why. Veronica gets upset and says she isn’t sorry because she needed the money and would do anything still. That sets Florencia off and she gets it in her head that Veronica then has to be responsible for kidnapping her husband. She begins screaming accusations at Veronica who is taken off guard and keeps screaming back that she doesn’t know what she is talking about. Fernanda and Juan come in and try to calm Florencia down and Juan blames Veronica for getting Florencia so upset. Veronica is so angry she tells them all off and says she doesn’t care that Fabricio has been kidnapped, he deserves to be. “So what?” It doesn’t matter to her because she’s dying. Juan scolds her and says that doesn’t give her the right to destroy other people’s lives. Veronica leaves in disgust.

Sanson apparently has come to take out Lizania’s dead body. Bertha says good-bye and hasn’t it been lovely. We must do this again sometime, but I suppose not, etc., etc. and they both laugh and do a kissy-kissy on their cheeks! Just as she’s opening the door to go out, they see Nuria is standing there in the hallway all doe-eyed and forlorn-looking. They invite her cautiously into the apartment. She mentions some loud strange noise in the elevator as she was coming up the stairs. Cesar invites her in. She acknowledges Bertha but Cesar requires her to hug Bertha and call her "Mother" since "Bertha is your mother." Nuria looks sick at the thought as Bertha plunks her down on the couch and Lizania’s locket falls in between the cushions unnoticed behind her. Cesar eggs Nuria on by asking her if she doesn’t feel great at having Bertha for her mother. Nuria asks her why she never mentioned this to her in all this time, but Bertha changes the subject and says they’ll all three talk tomorrow after they buy Nuria a nice new house for her and the baby, one with a nice garden to play in. Nuria is obviously tired and confused about all of this.

Rebeca does call Miranda to let her know about the phonecall she received from “some woman who has been feeding him” and that she claimed Fabricio was alive. Miranda gets off the phone and mentions this to Renata as Bertha enters the hallway behind them on her way to her room. She overhears their conversation and "innocently" asks them what they’d just heard about Fabricio. (So she of course now knows that the woman broke the rules to call Rebeca for Fabricio.)

Daira anxiously calls around to Renata, Veronica, and Erica since Lizania told Daira she was going to see a friend to say good-bye. None of the girls has seen or heard from her, however. One of them suggests she may have gone to see that guy who she’s been seeing who beats her.

Trinidad calls back a second time that day to give Rebeca more information. She says Fabricio is still alive but badly beaten. She will be going back there again to check on him to make sure they haven’t killed him. Rebeca begs to know where he’s being kept but Trinidad won’t tell Rebeca and hangs up.

Miranda and Renata go to wait with Daira a bit at Daira’s house. In the meantime Lizania’s dead body is seen lying spread-eagle on the sidewalk. People from the neighborhood begin to come and set down lighted votives around it. Somebody throws a small blanket on her head to cover her face. Cesar gets worried and calls Sanson to check if he has followed his directions and dumped the body as he was ordered to do. Sanson is supposed to make him aware of any newspaper articles or bulletins about Lizania that might appear.

After Trinidad hangs up on her, Rebeca immediately starts screaming hysterically to her housekeeper that they cannot kill him, not her son, Dear God, over and over as Julio drops in unexpectedly, unannounced and asks to be told what all the fuss is about and what is happening.

Luis Alberto warns Cesar that now Gonzalo has enough proof of their banking shenanigans in London, but Cesar says it doesn’t matter because he’s gotten rid of the parallel accounts. Then there is a knock at the door. It is Daira asking to speak with Cesar.


Sunday, November 12, 2006

Heridas de Amor - Friday Nov 10

Luis Alberto listens in on Alejandro's conversation with Gonzalo as he tells him he has the proof against Cesar that he needed. He also tells him he's coming home to recuperate his family. Rebeca enters Florencia's room and reveals Fabricio's kidnapping thinking she already knew and Florencia becomes hysterical. She blames herself when Juan runs in and throws Rebeca out. Luis Alberto tells Nuria what he learned as they wonder what to do. Cesar insults his mother when Juan arrives and tells Rebeca that Florencia got worse and blames her. Cesar insults him as Juan defends himself. He throws him out as Rebeca says she's reporting him tothe hospital manager. Santiago talks to Nuria and tells her to clear her conscious. Luis Alberto calls Cesar.

Alejandro tells Miranda of Gonzalo's plans. He asks her when are they going to solve their problems. He tries to explain but she tells him he doesn't have to. He tells her she's going to listen even if he has to tie her to the chair. She laughs and agrees to hear him. He begins by telling her of the anonymous notes that his father received from fernanda and she says what that wasn't true. He tells her he knows that now and wants to put the pieces of the puzzle together. He tells her of the last letter his father received. She tells him she wants to drink something and he tells her he'll get it. She stops him and asks him if his bruise hurts and he tells her not as much as her coldness towards him saying the wounds of the body heal easily but not the ones in his soul. She touches his face and he starts tokiss her, in the heat of passion she pulls awayand goes to the window and closes the curtain, she grabs Alejandro and they kiss and make love on the floor of the study.

Fernanda and Juan try to calm down Florencia as she tells him she wants to be by hersself and she cries for Fabricio. Fernanda thanks Juan for being present because she would have gone crazy. He tells her of Cesar and she realizes Juan is the person who will put Berta in her place. Cesar tells Luis Alberto he'll kill Gonzalo when he returns to Mexico. Miranda tells Alejandro they shouldn't have made love and he says why not; she's his wife and they love each other.

They plan to keep putting the puzzle together when Daira calls. He tells her that he and Miranda are talking things out(is about time) he kises her and tells Daira that he will call her later becase right now he is busy.

Berta arrives. She sees clothes scattered all over the room, and asks, what is going on here? as she throws Miranda's shirt on Ale's face (loved that scene)Miranda with a big smile on her face tells her, do you want me to tell you every detail of what happenned or do you want to use your imagination?She tells Miranda that Alejandro is using her to freeze his fortune, that all he wants is to have a child, she can't have any of his money. She's surprised when he tells her his fortune is already frozen.Miranda surprises Berta telling her she knows about the clause and that she signed a pre-nuptial agreement. Bertha is pissed when Ale tells her toleave because they're busy, Miranda says we'll talk later as she kisses Ale , as he tells Miranda not to believe what Berta tells her. He also tells her of his plans to travel to Italy to settle the case once and for all as they kiss and he asks for his shirt back, Miranda says she is not giving it back, so Ale say ok they I'll take it myself to which she just laughs and he kisses her again saying it looks that you won't mind that at all!!

Juan tells Renata what Rebeca did as he denies to go be with her at the mansion. Miranda enters and comforts her. Berta wonders what other clause is in Alfredo's will when El Guapo calls her. She tells him to beat Fabricio but not to kill him. Florencia worries about her husband as Fernanda tells Juan that he should stay with his wife and has her permission to enter her house. Miranda tells Renata that she and Alejandro haven't reconciled just yet saying they need to talk but she's happy they are together. Renata tells Miranda not to be so harsh on Berta as she says that despite finding something negative, an argument supports the positive part. Berta asks Lucas what Cesar has planned. Renata arrives and Berta humiliates her and puts her down by insulting Juan. Daira brings a gift to Miranda from Alejandro. They talk about Rebeca and Liazania. Berta tries to manipulate Renata and makes her feel inferior. Fabricio meets Trinidad, a lady paid to take food to him. Berta arrves at Cesar's. They talk about Lizania when the doorbell rings. Lizania tells Cesar she came to say goodbye. She tells him she's leaving Mexico and that Alejandro is already in Italy. When Berta asks her why he's there she tries to run off but Cesar grabs her. Fabricio begs Trinidad to help him. Berta smothers Lizania with a pillow as Cesar tries to hit her. She cries and struggles to tell him not to hit her when she drops her necklace and falls into the couch holding her chest. Cesar tells Berta that Lizania is dead.


Heridas Friday

I apologize but due to being extremely ill I haven't had a chance to write up Friday's show. If anyone can cover for me this time I'd greatly appreciate it, otherwise I'll put the recap up late. Sorry everyone and thanks.


Friday, November 10, 2006

Heridas de Amor Nov 9

Alejandro tells Miranda that it was probably a mistake to have talked and to call Cesar instead. Miranda tells her mother she wasn't defending Berta but she tells her she felt she was. Miranda tells her things would be cleared up if they sat down and talked things through. Fernanda reminds her that she and Alejandro asked her for a chance to explain things but she didn't let them so to ask for something she didn't do isn't fair. She defends herself saying things were different.Renata argues with Carola over her being rich and Juan being poor. Cesar makes Rebeca suffer and later asks her to learn about the San Llorente sisters and Gonzalo.

Fernanda tries to defend herself to Miranda to no avail and she then looks for Renata. Carola suggests to Renata to leave Juan. Raul arrives and tells Renata that her sister is looking for her. Alejandro tells Daira and Luciano what Miranda told him and Luciano tells him she's right; Berta never hurt then physically but emotionally therefore there's no proof. Lizania arrives and asks Alejandro why he was talking about Cesar and he tells her that he's always been in love with Miranda. He thanks Luciano for opening his eyes and tells them about Fabricio's kidnapping delaying Daira and Lizania's trip(bad mistake)Miranda begs Renata to stay with her but she does not want to. She begs her as Amparo tells her to go.

The next morning Berta chastizes Renata for eating in the kitchen when Cesar arrives. Francisco talks to Fermin. Fabricio offers one of his captors money to escape when Egberto arrives and tortures him. Cesar tells Berta he knows she has Fabricio. They talk about making Miranda and Alejandro suffrer when Miranda and Renata arrive and ask them what they said about Alejandro.Cesar and Berta cover as Miranda tells Cesar to let Florencia decide to call the police or not. Berta asks her if she can see Florencia when Alejandro arrives and tells her she doesn't want to see her. Cesar and Alejandro start arguing and get into a fight. Santiago tells Fernanda to tell Florencia and Nuria's the truths. Francisco tells him family of his plans. Cesar eggs on Alejandro and he knocks him out cold, fists flying everywhere, Alejandro fall over the couch, while Miranda & Renata are screaming and yelling to stop, . Fabricio realizes Berta is capable of anything(what planet has he been on?).

Berta tends to Cesar and says Lizania will pay for what Alejandro did to him. Miranda tends to Alejandro as he tells asks her if he cares about him being hurt, she says of course she does, but he is too stubborn and always has to have the last word, he tells her he knows she still loves him. Cesar arrives to say good bye and the go at it again and Miranda tells the men if they want to fight to take it outside. Amparo tends to Carola when Juan arrives. Carola kisses Juan but he backs away saying he loves his wife, Carola tells him, she never thought his lips would taste so bitter.. Miranda talks to Gonzalo and he tells her to have Alejandro to go to his office and get the codes he had in his safe, when she is telling Alejandro what Gonzalo said, Alejandro grabs her and kisses her passionately , Berta comes into the room and sees them, she storms out furious. Florencia rests as Rebeca wonders if she will raise Florencia and Fabricio's baby and makes plans to visit her. Alejandro arrives at Gonzalo's office and receives a call from him as Luis Alberto listens in on the phone


Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Heridas, Tuesday Nov. 7th

In which many of our characters, including Lucas, stop acting like themselves...

It was fun to see a repeat of Bertha gnashing her teeth, then petting Lucas, then falling into a tormented sleep. Cut to Nati, "Bertha...death and much disgrace" as the lightning cracks in her pool's reflection.

After that excitement we go to boring old Andrea and Padre Santiago. She says she always knew it..."it" being that El Magnate was not really Leonardo I suppose. They agree that she blocked the traumatized past from her mind. I guess this explains why she did not know her own husband's imposter. Now she is worried about Pamela, so to keep her mind off tonterias she will help with the annual church fiesta.

El Guapo sneaks up and surprises them. He tells Santiago that the word in the town is that Padre Santiago is coming for a visit and they want to know so that they can prepare a guajalote = turkey (I think) and receive him in the manner he deserves. Santiago says he's coming after the church fiesta. (It seems to me that El Guapo is always talking in riddles and double-entendres, but I don't understand well enough to get them. Am I imagining things or is this supposed to be his inscrutable style?)

At the hacienda little miss Fauntleroy (I'm sorry, but I hate Miranda's outfit) and Pamela ask Charo to see Tomasa's clothing. They want to know if Charo found anything important. Tomasa died months ago and they are asking now? Charo, who looks much younger than Miranda, keeps calling Miranda niña. Charo remembers that she found some papers about Tomasa's granddaughter but she gave them to Padre Santiago and he gave them to Fernanda. Suddenly the volume on the TV set gets very loud as if by magic. The news is about the fall of the drug cartel and the death of El Magnate. Pamela sobs that she must tell Fermin.

Cesar is in a bar pissed off as usual, smoking as usual, drinking as usual, and throwing his matchbook around in a snit. He's a real chick magnet. Luis Alberto shows up late with excuses. Cesar tells him to shut his snout, (look who's calling whom pig), Luis Alberto is obligated to arrive 15 minutes prior to his own arrival. I repeat, pig. He demands to know why LA didn't tell him that Gonzo went to London. Ummm...cuz he didn't know anything about it? Cesar says that's no excuse. He blames LA for everything. Luis Alberto asks what will they do if Gonzo suspects the parallel accounts? Cesar says he'll make Gonzalo disappear, then he gets an eager and menacing look on his face.

Bertha is lying on the bed snoring. No, it's Lucas who is snoring and he wakes her up. She feels much better and sees things more clearly after her little nap. She wants to go for a walk but Lucas won't budge. He snores some more and she telephones El Guapo.

Florencia is sleeping while Fern and Al watch protectively. El Guapo approaches the window to her room and beckons to Fernanda. Alejandro cannot see him. Fern goes out and recognizes him as being with Padre Santiago at the church. He leers at her and kisses her hand, holding it longer than she likes. He tells her his name is Egberto. She excuses herself and he leers some more.

Juan arrives home with flowers and kisses for Renata. I know he has only two expressions and he is a scary face-sucker when he kisses but he's still a hottie. They jump on the bed and yes! she's going to take off his shirt. Uh oh, a knock on the door. It's Carola and she tiptoes up to their door and sees them making out. Juan is shirtless (thank-you!) and Renata is about to join him. Carola is impactada and runs out. The lovers never even see her.

Nuria goes to the hospital for her appointment with Dr. Cohen. He's not there so Fernanda will see her. Nuria asks if she is Fernanda de Aragon, mother of Miranda San Llorente. If so then Fernanda is her aunt. Nuria faints after revealing this to Fernanda.

Bertha has gotten Lucas off his lazy butt but he's cranky, or a stand-in, because when they walk by Miranda he barks at her. Miranda tells Bertha to shut the dog up. Bertha says "Don't yell at me stupid! Nothing would give me more pleasure than to see him attack you!"

Fabricio, on his way to get Flor's treats, is talking to Al on his cell phone when he is struck on the head by thugs. It is Guapo and a couple of his bozos. These guys are so lame that when they grab the unconscious Faby to drag him to the truck one of them pulls off Fab's shoe and almost falls over backwards. Then he throws the shoe off to the side which will be future evidence of course. Then they scratch their heads and stand around trying to figure out how to get his limp body into the truck.

After the commercial break they are still sitting in the truck. In the midst of kidnapping a full-grown man they have nothing better to do than sit around looking at Fabricio's cell phone, giggling at it ringing and saying "hmmmm...it's Alejandro Luque." Losers.

Bertha is having a morbid fantasy where Lucas attacks Miranda. Blood is spattered all over Miranda and the wall behind her. As she slides down the wall in a slump Lucas licks his bloody chops and Bertha looks like she's about to have an orgasm. No, really. She opens her eyes and Miranda is there, still in one piece. Miranda tells Bertha if Lucas attacks her then Bertha will go to jail. Bertha says no, if Lucas attacks Miranda then he will kill her. "Like he killed Tomasa?" asks Miranda. Then we get to see the Tomasa "no Lucas no no no no no" scene again.

Bertha accuses Miranda of turning Florencia and the rest of the family against her. She goes all "I gave my life for you three girls, took care of you during your formative years and never once hurt or injured you." I guess she's not counting the mental anguish, kicking their mom out and the copious lies. "Florencia would have died years earlier had I not taken her to the doctors." Again, not counting subverting the meds and murdering said doctors. Eventually Pamela shows up and needs to take Miranda's car to pick up her mom. She and Miranda will meet later. Bertha wants to show Miranda something in the library.

Juan and Renata have just made love and are saying sweet things to each other. He sings to her and while they laugh in bed Carola sobs alone in the churchyard. She asks God why Juan has to love Renata instead of her. Padre Santiago sees her and is happy at the return of the prodigal son. I know she's a girl but he said son. She tells him her tale of woe and Santiago, recognizing an easy mark, invites her to mass.

Nuria tells Fernanda that she always thought her parents died and that Bertha was her godmother, but she just found out that Bertha is her mom. Fernanda asks Nuria if she really believes this.

Alejandro, in Flor's room, is still unable to reach Fabricio's phone. Flor tells him she wants him to make up with Miranda. Then she wonders about her biological father, did he know about her? Al says certainly not. Gonzalo is like a true father to her but Alfredo Luque was also a great man. Flor asks if Gonzalo didn't shoot Alfredo then who did? Tia Bertha? Alejandro thinks so. Flor says she remembers "that night" but it was dark and stormy. Al keeps trying to reach Fabricio's cellular.

Guapo and his thugs have dragged a bound, blindfolded and bloody Fabricio to a filthy hideout. Faby demands to know who and why. El Guapo tells him to listen up...rule #1 is that he hates people who ask stupid questions, rule #2 is that Fabricio will speak only when spoken to and he will tell them exactly what they want to know. Every time he breaks a rule he'll get punished. El Guapo punches him in the huevos as a demonstration. Then he punches him some more. Maybe Fabricio is the guajalote.

We must be in some alternate universe because Bertha is pouring a couple of brandies and Miranda is flipping through a photo album reminiscing about childhood trips to Disneyland and Paris. Bertha tells Miranda that the photos are proof of how she dedicated her life to the girls and how much fun they always had together. Does Miranda see any sadness and tears in these photos? (Well no, because who takes pictures of sadness and tears? But I digress.) For some reason Miranda seems to be buying this gigantic load of bull.

Nuria is sobbing in Fernanda's office. She says she loves Bertha (what?), says she doesn't care if she's godmother or mother, Bertha is all she's had in her life. (Didn't she have the sadistic nuns in addition to the abusive Bertha?) Fern thought bubbles that this probably isn't a good time to tell Nuria the truth. Nuria mention's Bertha's grave heart condition. Fern is surprised at this tall tale but pretends she knows. She calms Nuria but ushers her out of the office pronto so that she can scowl about Bertha's lies.

After the lovemaking Juan is asleep and Renata is all hyper. Typical. Francisco and Amparo arrive home and tell Renata how happy they are to have her in the house. Francisco says it's like having a daughter and he has a surprise for her, it's a cheap hideous doll! However Renata is thrilled and says for the first time she really feels like she's part of a family. Francisco asks Renata wouldn't she like to call Fernanda mama? Renata doesn't know. She cries that she can't forget that she was left alone and until now never knew what it was like to be sung to sleep.

Pamela has come to the church to pick up Andrea. Fermin shows up and offers his condolences. Pamela cries that it's horrible that he had to sacrifice himself so that nobody would do damage to them. By the way, he left a letter for Fermin and she'll bring it to him later on at the bank.

Francisco and Amparo encourage Renata to give Fernanda a chance. Renata says part of her wants to be in Fernanda's arms and another part loathes her. She can't forget all those years as an orphan (huh? what about dad and her sisters?) Anyway, her mom abandoned her, she heard a bunch of lies and she doesn't know what to believe.

Fernanda is happy that Alejandro and Flor have bonded. He says his dad would be happy. The phone rings and it's Luciano. Alejandro tells him to try to get more information out of Lasagna; probably about who is beating her up. I hope she spills the beans. Fern wants Al to make up with Miranda. Alejandro is starting to go crazy worrying about Fabricio.

Bertha cries crocodile tears and tells Miranda she's sorry for her role in Flor and Fabricio's relationship. She had no idea that the Fernanda/Bertha saga would repeat itself with Miranda and Florencia. She asks Miranda, "What was my crime?!?" What about being a big fat liar for starters, oh yeah, and that serial killer thing that spans decades, and the child abuse? But before Miranda can answer her phone rings. It's Fabricio and he tells her that he has been kidnapped. She cries "but how, where are you? Please tell me!" Bertha tries to look impactada but we know darn well she really wants to look orgasmica.


Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Heridas Monday 11/06/06

(I’ll begin with the new scenes after Carola comes to warn Renata not to make Fernanda cry again, and after a shot and bleeding El Magnate finds out from the government SWAT team that the head honchos of the narco-trafficking mobsters are all in police custody.)

El Magnate dies peacefully with a look of relief on his face in the arms of the real government agent.

Cesar is now ordering even Bertha around in his apartment. She scoffs at him and says, no he’d better listen to her first as she has important news for him. He says he’s all ears and she asks him if he knows any reason Gonzalo would know enough to go to London. Cesar is surprised as heck to hear about this.

Alejandro is discussing Leonardo on the phone with Luciano when Lizania finally appears in the hallway asking where her mother went so early in the morning. Alejandro looks at his sister and suddenly realizes she’s wearing those ugly sunglasses for a reason and it isn’t the so-called migraine she’s complained about.

Cesar says Gonzalo has no reason at all to know about his activities in London and he says somewhat menacingly that he hopes she had nothing to do with it. Bertha tells him she’s not that stupid. So he asks her to get hold of Luis Alberto and have him meet him at the usual restaurant but she tells him she’s not his secretary. He goes off half-cocked and warns her not to get him crazy, and spits at her that he said it was “a favor, a favor!” She actually gives in and goes to make the call. In the meantime he calls Daira back a second time and asks her again not to tell Alejandro that he called about Lizania or told her anything about it. She promises to be discreet and asks to meet the girls that saw Lizania like this. He agrees to arrange a meeting with them. She hangs up and tells Santiago what Cesar had called about and that she was going finally to talk to some girls who realized Lizania’s problem and had told Cesar.

Alejandro takes off Lizania’s glasses and is shocked to see how bad the bruises are, and immediately wants to know who did it to her. Lizania starts crying, but she refuses to tell him, says it was an accident, just games – “What kind of games are you playing?” It finally comes out that she actually enjoys it, which just floors Alejandro. She still refuses to tell him who beat her because she’s afraid her brother will send somebody to beat him up or go himself and beat him up. (Talk about your “twisted sister”.....) He tells her that she and Daira are leaving in another day for Italy. She doesn’t put up an argument. (I guess she needs a break – I mean a rest.)

Gabino, Arcadia and Nati are cleaning out the pool area when he says he plans to tell Miranda that all the hacienda owners around except her and the Manglars’ are eager to sell out. He calls Miranda and she says to use the fact that he’s well known and a trusted employee to get them to come to a meeting with Miranda there.

Cesar insults Bertha again and broadly hints about “her daughter”, then tries to blackmail her. Sansone comes by and tells him that Nuria hasn’t been heard from. Cesar tells him to return to her apartment and get out of her who she was with and where she went. He has orders to beat her if need be. Sansone leaves and Bertha asks how he knows about Nuria but he says it’s enough that he knows. Bertha tells Cesar to back off or she’ll let people know he’s the father of Nuria’s baby and then walks out. For whatever reason Cesar doesn’t up the ante before Bertha goes.

Fabricio finally works up the nerve and tells Florencia how and why Veronica has been blackmailing him. Florencia says she loves him and forgives him but never wants the girl around them ever again. He leaves to get her some treat she’s craving.

Pamela and her mother read El Magnate’s final letter to them and cry over his self-sacrifice. They lament the fact they'll never know his name.

Renata invites Veronica over to Juan’s to warn her against blackmailing Fabricio anymore. Veronica has a great laugh at Renata’s expense over Renata’s “new reality” and standard of living. Veronica eventually breaks down and cries about her rotten situation with her illness and her rage. Renata tries to console her and tells her destruction of one’s self or of others is not the answer.

Alejandro brings Pamela to see Miranda and when she finds out he’s there the two argue about everything and nothing. He asks her when will she allow him to speak to her and she says perhaps never. He tells her how fussy and demanding she always is (You said it, Ale!) and she answers that it takes one to know one. (This masochistic thing obviously runs in the family. --Enough already, Alejandro! This woman has been nothing but rude, mean, arrogant and demanding from the moment you met. Where's your sense of self-respect.)

He turns to leave and Miranda stops him long enough to warn him that if he goes to visit Florencia she now knows they are brother and sister. He is bewildered by this news and asks why she didn’t seem to realize she was risking her life. Miranda says because just like her she was tired of lies and half truths. He leaves in disgust to see Florencia. Pamela suggests Miranda go after him and tell him she loves him, but Miranda just swats away that idea saying there’s no reason to. Pamela tells her after that it was Luciano who, on Leonardo's orders, took the proof of the mob's activities to the police and saved her and her mother and her father's money.

Florencia and Fernanda are chatting in the hospital room and Bertha rushes in. Florencia tells her to leave, that she isn’t wanted there. Bertha wonders what’s going on and why she’s so mean. Florencia tells her she remembers everything from that fateful night and what she and her father both were saying to each other. Bertha tries to shock her by telling her that Fernanda is her mother. Florencia says she knows and that she’s extremely happy to have her for a mother.

Then Bertha tries to shock her again by telling her that Gonzalo isn’t her real father and that she’s Alejandro’s sister. Florencia shoots back that she knows all that too, so get out and don’t come back. Bertha attempts the “how do you dare to judge me when I cared for your needs and raised you as my own” speech. “All I ever did was to do exactly as you wanted.” When that doesn’t work she blames Fernanda and starts hitting her. Juan finally comes running in and pulls Bertha off Fernanda. Bertha, finally speechless, screams her frustrations like a wild animal, and she runs out of the room.

Renata is still trying to console Veronica, but in the end Veronica tells her that she has no idea where she’s going to find money for her treatments next month and if she knew something about Renata she would definitely blackmail her as well. Renata tells her to get out of her house then, and Veronica has the last laugh telling her, “I wouldn’t call this place a house! It’s a pigsty!” Then she stomps out.

Luis Alberto and Nuria are eating lunch together and she explains that she had to cancel their meeting last night because she was so tired. He wipes away all of her tears and tells her she can count on him and that she knows he loves her. He would be a loving father to her baby. She thanks him and says no because she loves Cesar and is married. Then she tells him how Roman found out about her being registered as Bertha’s daughter and got copies of the documents. She says Bertha always told her that her parents had died and had her put in charge of her as a foster mother. Luis wants her to talk to Bertha and to get the truth but Nuria is afraid to confront her. The whole idea of really having Bertha as her real mother is frightening to her.

Bertha goes straight to the convent and is angry to find out that the Mother Superior gave Fernanda the copies of the entire file. The nun says the files are open to anybody who wants information. Bertha warns the nun that since she turned against her there will be consequences. The nun has things to hide also. She knows enough to worry once Bertha leaves.

Alejandro visits Florencia and she greets him as her brother. They all say they’re relieved not to have to walk on eggshells about all these things now. Florencia wonders where Daira and Lizania are. He explains Lizania is going through a bad spell and is about to leave to return to Italy. “In fact,” he explains, “she’s hooked on a masochistic relationship and you’d be shocked at the beating this guy gave her!” (Why send her to Italy? Ship her off to a psychiatric hospital somewhere for treatment!)

Once Bertha gets back home, she tells Lucas that she has to rest and think things through. She tells herself, “I never lose.” She calls up El Guapo and tells him to meet her. Then she lays down and takes a nap (What an image: two vicious dogs together.)

Arcadia asks if Gabino is going to ever tell Miranda about killing her horse, Chocolate. "Miranda won’t like it a bit, not to mention that it was an order of Bertha’s," she adds. Gabino figures he’s got no choice but to tell Miranda the truth. The two discuss the likelihood of Bertha returning. Arcadia suggests they ask Nati. Nati looks into the water of the pool and tells them that Bertha will be coming back and she will bring misfortune and death.


Sunday, November 05, 2006

Heridas Friday November 3

Fermin says the last company to have the money (or something like that) was Raytheon. Luciano says this means drug trafficking. What? Raytheon is a government contractor, they make missle guidance systems and things like that. How that means drugs is beyond me. Fermin doesn’t understand his reasoning either. Luciano explains it away somehow, the end result is that they are in great danger and need to get the info to Alejandro muy pronto. They leave.

Alejandro tells Pamela to just accept the money and say thank you, or if she doesn’t want any part of it say no thanks. The conversation steers towards Miranda and Pamela tells Al that he broke her heart and won’t listen to his explanation.

Sanson tells Cesar that the only thing he heard Nuria say was that she was never coming back to Cesar’s apartment, or he should never come to hers, I couldn’t figure out which. Sanson tells Cesar about Renata going shopping with Bertha and buying many things. Cesar tries to figure out what Bertha wants with that family. The doorbell rings, Cesar tells Sanson “what are you, deaf?” and Sanson gets the door. It’s Lasagna in a really great tight shirt and she wants to talk to Cesar. She walks right over and accepts a kiss. This woman is insane. She even smiles at him. What a nutjob, tight shirt be damned.

Miranda is in Flor’s hospital room. Flor wants to ask Miranda a question, Miranda swears she will tell the truth. That takes a full minute for the two of them to work out. Then we have to wait for later to hear the question.

Pamela’s family and Alejandro, despite the earlier argument, are sitting down having coffee. Man, everyone on this show lives in a palace. Even the pobres have a nice house by poor people standards. The doorbell rings, Pamela answers. It’s Fermin. He has news that “you aren’t going to like.” He looks at Pamela’s ‘father’ and says to tell the truth please. He says that he told everything he knows, there’s nothing more to tell! Fermin says that the companies that used that bank account manufacture weapons, so Alejandro assumes that the account was used in arms trafficking. Remember how Fermin said it was going to be so complicated to get this info? It took him what, five minutes? Anyway.

We see a piece of art on Cesar’s wall, it’s a white outline of a woman on a black background. The woman is nude and lying down on her front, using her arms to push herself up. So, we see her backside and a side view of her front side. It’s horribly tacky and I think sums up Cesar completely. It reminds me of all the Nagel posters people in the U.S. always had about 15 years ago. Naked women disguised as art. I don’t have a problem with it, but oh my god 10/10 on the ‘naco’ scale. He’s telling someone (presumably Lasagna) that she’s stupid and this is what she deserves. The camera pans over and shows Lasagna with a face that actually shocked me. She has been beaten badly. It may be the first time this show has gotten a genuine reaction from me. He beat her up pretty good. For some reason though, she’s STILL THERE. You dumbass, get out of there. Cripes. He goes on about how her cries of pain grated on his ears. He tells her that tomorrow when she calms down she should come back, he has many things to go over with her. She says she’s leaving but isn’t coming back. He grabs her and says “You’ll be back. I know full well that you’ll be back.” Then he forcibly throws her out of the apartment and goes back to drinking.

Finally back to the hospital for whatever important question Florencia has to ask. She goes through her reasoning. She has a hereditary condition that nobody else in the family has, but she isn’t adopted, so which parent isn’t really her parent? Miranda wants to bolt from the room but promised to answer, and she does. “My father.” She tells her that to Gonz it doesn’t matter, to him she is his daughter. Flor asks, “He knows but it’s ok with him?” Miranda says yes, and it will always be that way. Flor says she wants to see him, to give him a hug. Miranda explains that he went on a trip, but he sent his love and kisses to Flor before leaving. Miranda says that Flor needs to know something else. Flor and Alejandro are brother and sister. Flor continues to cry. I don’t know if she’s happy or sad anymore at this point.

Everyone is saying thank you and see you later to Fermin and Pamela’s ‘father.’ He tells Al that he needs to go to a friend’s office first tomorrow, then he’ll go to the airport to leave the country. Al says ok and leaves. ‘Father’ tells Pamela and her mother that it feels like he has known them forever. Lots of hugs.

Flor cries a lot, so does Miranda. They decide that they both know what they have to do now. More crying. Sniff sniff. Flor remembers Miranda always being so strong when they were younger, now they cry more than ever. Flor says she’d give her life for them to just be young girls again. They recall some happy memories. This feels like a death scene, with the long speeches and all, but it’s really just a long crying scene. I guess the whole Fab thing isn’t a problem between them anymore.

Renata tells Juan on the phone that she sounds funny because she was talking with Erika about her mother. She sends greetings and kisses to Flor and says to tell Miranda that she’ll call her later. She tells him to get some sleep and eat something, all in a little kissy kissy voice that sounds very strange coming from her. Renata finishes telling Erika the long story of her mother. Erika rightly tells Renata that Fernanda deserves a chance to tell her side of the story.

Miranda cries some more and looks at the sleeping Flor and then leaves the room. Flor wakes up a little and cries some more, she thanks Miranda for being her sister. More crying. This still feels like a death scene even though it isn’t.

Lucas is back! Bertha comes into her room to find him on the bed. She welcomes him home warmly and starts talking to him like he’s a person. She tells him all the things she did and what she is going to do next. She tells him that she needs to make Flor dead, end Renata’s marriage, and make sure that Miranda doesn’t get pregnant. She also is going to use Daira and Lasagna to torture Al. He will be introduced to HER concept of love. Dramatic music.

Pamela and her mother bemoan the fact that ‘father’ wasn’t really who he said he was. Now they are alone. ‘Father’ enters and apologizes for causing so much pain. The women ask why he did things the way he did. Their father always planned to get the money to them when he got out of jail, but he was killed. He doesn’t really explain further. They have a long goodbye, the women go to bed.

Charo tells Miranda the latest Bertha movements. Charo then tells that Veronica came looking for Bertha but she (Charo) turned her away because Bertha wasn’t home. Miranda says good, when Charo is alone, nobody is allowed in the house. She says something about watching the chocolate and excuses herself. Miranda then thinks “I don’t care if it’s Alejandro’s or not, I’m opening it!”

‘Father’ calls Alejandro on his cell phone. He wants to go see someone before leaving the next day, something about nobody taking the blame for something they didn’t do. Al says sure, I’ll call Luciano in the morning and give him his orders. Then he tells ‘father’ that he is quite a gentleman. After Al hangs up Daira asks him what he’s going to do. Al says take him to the police, that’s what ‘father’ asked him to do. Then he asks if Lasagna knows yet that she’s being sent back to Italy. Daira says no, she’s hiding in her room. Al swears he’ll tear her door down tomorrow if he has to in order to talk to her. Daira says he’s grumpy because he misses Miranda and that he should call her to patch things up. Al says he can’t. He asks why Heridas De Amor don’t just kill so ther isn’t so much pain?

Miranda is looking through the envelope, they are Nuria’s personal papers, what is Bertha doing with them? She is going to discuss with Nuria when she sees her. She’s glad she didn’t call Al (why?) but she wants to see him. She goes on about wanting him for a while and there is more crying. We are treated to a montage of the honeymoon again. And more crying.

The next morning Miranda tells Charo to not put out any breakfast, she isn’t eating and Gonz is gone. Charo says sure, but what about Bertha? She’ll have a fit if nothing is out. Miranda says to tell Bertha that the woman of the house is Miranda, if Bertha has a problem she can come see her directly. Charo says ok, she still has a glass of orange juice on her tray, she says she has to go deliver it to the devil.

Fern and Roman are talking to Santiago about Nuria being registered as Bertha’s daughter and the orphanage where she grew up. Roman says he knows where Nuria lives, Santiago says to go get her, he needs to talk to her urgently. Fernanda asks Santiago to visit her later at her house to talk.

Bertha tells Charo that the juice is bad. She wants to know where Gonz went, finally she gets it out of her – London.

Carola comes into Renata’s room, Renata frostily asks her what she wants. Carola tells her that she saw Fernanda crying because of her and that it would be the last time Renata makes her cry. Renata says “is that all? Goodbye.” Carola begs her to be nice to Fernanda. Renata says really? Tell me. Carola goes on to tell Fernanda’s story from Fernanda’s point of view. More crying. Renata begs her to say it wasn’t really that way. Carola says her mother died when she was young, Renata shouldn’t waste the opportunity to be with her mother. Renata decides to be nice and asks if Carola would accept some of the extra clothes she bought without being insulted, she takes them. Raul busts in and announces that now they have a computer!

Santiago tells Daira that Lasagna must be under the influence of someone who hates Alejandro, it’s the only explanation. Her phone rings, it’s Cesar. He tells her some story that he knows someone who knows Lasagna and saw her being beat up by some guy, basically covering his butt for when everyone sees how she looks. Cesar’s doorbell rings, it’s Bertha. He isn’t very happy to see her.

The thugs are walking and talking, one is on the phone, he tells the others that ‘El Magnate’ has put all the money where they wanted it, now they can let him go.
‘Father’ is walking along, thinking that he has taken care of everything and now he can be free. The thugs phone rings again, the guy on the other end tells him that the suitcases were empty, El Magnate lied. Head thug says now the women (Pamela and her mother) and the guy from the bank are going to die. El Magnate is coming up the escalator right behind him. As El Magnate walks past him, the thug pulls out his gun and follows him up the next escalator, then shoots him in the back. Then he rides up the escalator behind him, just standing there like an idiot. He asks where the money is, holding his gun out, then some police lean over the wall above and tell him to freeze! Thug starts to move away and the police gun him down. They rush to El Magnate/’father’ and call for an ambulance. They tell him that they rounded up the entire gang of criminals. El Magnate slumps over, apparently dead. We hear some slow, depressing music and a long shot of El Magnate dying. I suppose he might not be dead, but it sure appears that he is.


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