Sunday, November 05, 2006

this is the t-shirt everyone is talking about, I did this a a joke in the other forum and now I have everyone wanting one


Thursday, November 02, 2006

Heridas de Amor - Wednesday November 1

The meeting between Alejandro and Miranda is worthless. He tells her that if she asks he will go forever. She acts upset and asks him why are you giving me an ultimatum? He tells her he has the right to be heard. She doesn’t hear him and they part both crying.

Bertha implants herself on the couch in Francisco and Amparo's house. She tells the family that they can count on her. The family welcomes her in saying they not only open their doors but they open the doors to their hearts. Bertha claims that she is touched and wants to be considered part of the family. Roman questions Bertha about why she never married since she is so pretty and quite the lady. Bertha laughs at his question saying she won't marry. Bertha asks to have a moment with Renata.

Barely three steps from the rest of the family, Bertha exclaims her shock that Renata is living and sleeping in a place like this. Renata replies she likes it, so Tia unmask yourself and tell me why you really came. Bertha says she wants Renata to help her because everyone is ganging up on her. She claims she is not an assassin. Everything she has ever done has been for the girls. Renata has a green flashback to Bertha claiming that she was securing an inherited piece of property for Renata. Renata looks like she is putting things together in her mind. Renata asks what Bertha plans on doing with Juan’s family. Bertha replies that she only wants Renata to not live like a beggar (pordiosera). Bertha goes on a long tirade about how she lives in luxury, but it’s hard, knowing how Renata is living. The women hug with Bertha looking freaked out that she might be loosing Renata, while Renata looks as if she is figuring things out.

There is a brief scene with Julio and Cesar in a restaurant. Angel arrives to tell them that he believes that Danielito has told Gonzalo everything. Julio wants to know what everything. Angel goes on to explain what they said during Miranda’s wedding. Julio tells Angel to call Daniel immediately while Cesar slithers off.

Fernanda and Flor discuss how Juan became a guard dog when Bertha came to visit. Juan comes into the hospital room and tells the women that he has made a wild guess that Bertha is suffering from a wicked psychological structure. Juan gets a call from Renata who tells him she is going to go out with Amparito, Erika and Bertha. Juan looks impactado.

Miranda gives Pamela a few more words of advice. They discuss Fermin Padilla and his safety and kindness. Miranda says she intends to ask Fermin for a loan. Pam leaves and Miranda finally remembers the envelope that Flor had told her to get. She talks to herself about whether she should open it because the contents have to belong to Alejandro’s father. She vacillates and wisely decides to wait, stuffing the envelope under her pillow. The safest place in the world to hide and important item.

Fab brings Flor some chocolate, the only thing that she wants to eat. Fab re-warns Juan saying Bertha is a wolf in lambs clothing (lobo con piel de cordero). Juan states that Bertha better not mess with his family.

Alejandro and Luciano go to Padilla’s office. They want to make sure that the money they transferred from Al’s accounts are safe in Lucianos’ accounts, and that the accounts haven’t been frozen. They haven’t.

Miranda goes to see Florencia, but Flor is asleep. Fab is there and he fills Miranda in on what has been happening with Juan and Bertha. He explains that Flor doesn’t want to have contact with Bertha anymore. Cesar arrives and is barely there a second before he goes off with Miranda to talk. Fab talks to himself after they leave saying he doesn’t know if he should trust his brother or not.

Fernanda goes home and see the flowers that Renata brought her. She knows the flowers came from Renata and feels strengthened that she has her daughter back. She talks to herself daring Bertha to do something against her now.

Roman and Francisco are alone talking over whether to trust Bertha or not. Roman advises to not trust her. Fernanda arrives. Roman asks her if she knows that Bertha has an illegitimate daughter. Fern states that Bertha can’t have kids so she can’t have a daughter. Roman tells her that he will take her to talk with the monastery where he found Nuria's papers.

Padilla fills Alejandro and Luciano in on what is going on with Pamela’s family. Fermin tells the men that el tipo Magnate is to blame for what is happening. Al tells the men that they have to go check on Pamela immediately.

Andrea answers her front door to find three men. The men tell her Hi! Remember us? You were supposed to give us the book with the numbers. Andrea faints.

Cesar tells Miranda that Daniel lied to her and that they are really brothers. Cesar goes on to say the whole world lies, even Alejandro. He then starts in on his old story of how he loves her, always has. She rolls her eyes. He unexpectantly grabs her throat and starts to French kiss her, bending her backward as he does. Just at that moment Lisania arrives asking Am I interrupting you?!

Commercial break that opens back to Lisania confronting Cesar and Miranda. Lisania tells Miranda how great that you promised fidelity to my brother Miranda. I am gong to tell him everything. Miranda is frozen like a deer caught in headlights. Cesar gives Lisania a death look and tells Miranda that what Lisania said has no importance. Right Lisania? Lisania caught in his death ray agrees with him. Miranda grabs her purse and flees. Cesar grabs Lisania's arm and sits her down. He asks her to explain what she is doing there. Lisania is there to meet Fernanda, she hasn’t been feeling well. Cesar momentarily freaks that he might have fathered another child, but Lisania thinks not. She has dizziness after exercising. Cesar tells her to stop exercising so much then and begins to scold her for not making steps towards repairing her relationship with Daira. They kiss.

The fake agents have Andrea revived and sitting on her couch. The main agent reminds her that he asked her for the book with numbers many years ago. Well why didn’t she give it to him! He taunts her that before they were two but now they are three. She better get back their money and give them all of Leonardo’s documents. Two of the men sandwich Andrea and kiss on her while she screams. They leave and she falls to the couch hysterical.

Florencia tells Miranda, who obviously has recovered unaffected from her run in with Lisania and Cesar, to give Fern an opportunity. Miranda thinks to herself that Flor wouldn’t be telling her this if she knew she was sisters with Alejandro. She tells Flor she will do what she can. Flor wants Miranda to convince Renata to like Fern too. Flor tells Miranda to OPEN the darn envelope alright already! Miranda tells Flor they are going to unmask Bertha.

Al, Luciano and Fermin arrive at Pamela’s. Andrea is babbling that the bad agents want to violate Pamela just like they did to her many years ago. Pamela arrives as does the fake Leonardo, El Magnate. They all ask who are you to El Magnate. Al threaten to call the cops. El Magnate goes into a story of how he was cellmates with Leonardo for many years. They looked alike and were thought to be twins. They became close friends and Leonardo told him all about his family. He saw Leonardo die and couldn’t do anything about it. After many years of hearing about Leonardo’s family, and since he had Leonardo’s diary he decided to do something to help. The money in the account he wanted Andrea and Pam to have because Leonardo wanted them to have it to make up for his abuse of Andrea. Leonardo really loved her, and El Magnate cares for them too.

Fernanda, Francisco and Roman go to talk with the Mother Superior who ran the school/orphanage where Nuria grew up. The Mother shows them Nuria’s paperwork but they want more info. The Mother claims this is all she has. The Mother walks away to talk with another nun. This nun claims that the third grade girls are tired of kneeling for two hours saying the rosary without being able to move. The Mother says well they need to learn discipline so no food for them today! Tell the sixth graders to get the hose ready to give the third graders cold baths. The women talk about Nuria and Bertha. They relish in the memories of the punishments that Bertha would tell them to do to Nuria. They decide to call Bertha to see what is going on, what with all these people asking about Nuria.

Amparo, Erika, Renata and Bertha arrive from shopping. Bertha has bought them all tons of gifts and clothes. Bertha claims she has to leave to prepare a surprise for the family. Renata pulls Bertha aside and asks (after the fact) why did Bertha do all of this. Bertha claims it is because she adores her. Bertha then sidles up to Amparo to tell Amparo in an icky sweet voice to not wear her fine new clothes while selling tacos. Instead she should save the clothes for a special occasion. She is sure Amparo will know when is the right time to wear them. After Bertha leaves Renata claims that Bertha is always like this. Erika expresses a little doubt but not much. They have been bought.

El Magnate goes on to say he did all of this to help them. He hands over to Andrea a diary that belonged to Leonardo that has all the movements, names and numbers to the corrupt agents. This is about arms and drug trafficking.

Miranda tells Flor to keep fighting for her health. Flor goes to sleep and Miranda talks to herself that she is envious of Flor for being pregnant. Miranda would love to be pregnant.

Pam tells El Magnate that she has lived all her life without money and in peace versus what he has brought to her life. El Magnate claims he just wanted to help. Al and Pamela commend him for doing such a noble act. They want him to save himself. He claims that he cant, the bad guys know who he is. Al tells him to take his private plane and escape while they go to the cops. Al then asks Fermin Padilla to check what accounts are connected to the account that Magnate drained. Al wants to know what businesses are involved. Fermin says it’s complicated but not impossible.

Nuria calls Luis Alberto crying. She tells him that Cesar knows how to hurt her. Cesar asked her to move to his place, she did bringing all her stuff. Now Cesar wants her to move back to her old place. Wha! Boo Hoo! Luis Alberto tells her to come and live with him. She can’t. Besides she is pregnant. She then tells Luis Alberto that Cesar told her she is the illegitimate daughter of Bertha de Aragon.

Renata fills Erika in on Veronicas blackmailing attempts of Fab. Erika claims she knew all along but didn’t say anything because Veronica would threaten her. Renata wants to confess something important to Erika but wants no one else to know. Fernanda is her mother.


Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Heridas de Amor, October 31

We are reminded of… Fernanda finally figuring out what a creep Cesar is (apparently the flashing sign on his forehead wasn’t enough of a clue);...Gabino finds weird dirt in the hallway outside Miranda’s room;...creepy noises in Miranda’s room.

Renata brings some more juice to her mom...but not because she loves her. It’s Fernanda’s birthday and she says this juice is the best present she’s ever been given. They both tear up, but no resolution is reached in their relationship. Renata leaves…Carola shows up and tries to comfort Fernanda by giving it to her straight…everyone, including Fern herself, blames her for leaving and abandoning the girls. Dr. Phil, I mean Carola, has solved Fern’s problem and now she finally sees that she’s not to blame at all. Carola even remembered Fernanda’s birthday, which must have made Fern forget all about that wonderful orange juice that sits untouched on the coffee table as they leave the room.

Pamela & Sr. Padilla is still trying to figure out what’s going on with her ‘father’ and the mystery account—which turns out to be a line of credit. Per her request, the leader of Leonardo's former gang is on his way. This guy suggests she reopen the account so that the guy who is pretending to be her father doesn’t have to repay the money. She asks him how he knows this guy isn’t her father. He tells her it’s because he saw his father get killed and knows where he’s buried. When Padilla & Pamela ask some questions about what’s going on, the guy threatens them (and their families) that they better just do what he says.

Cesar is getting the daily report from Baldy (Sanson)…who is not a wealth of information. He doesn’t know anything about Roman, Nuria hasn’t told him anything…what’s he doing anyways? He also tells Baldy to watch Renata closely. Asking Baldy’s advice about Lisania, he suggests they get rid of her. Great idea, Cesar says, and to hell with the risks, it’ll be great to see Alejandro crying over his sister’s grave.

Florencia is asking Miranda to come back from the hacienda. Flo tells Miranda that there’s an envelope in the library that she needs her to bring. Gabino comes rushing in, warning Miranda that she should leave because they think El Guapo broke in (apparently CSI: Tabasco analyzed the weird dirt and it came up….El Guapo). Miranda gets all bug-eyed.

Bertha & Fernanda are arguing about whether or not Bertha can visit Flo. Fern starts to correct Bertha’s account of ‘that night’…she didn’t leave, she was run out. Bertha tries to send Fern on a guilt trip but Fern’s not packing her bags. As with all arguments between these two…they end up comparing who loved Alfredo more. Alejandro shows up and tells Bertha to get the heck out of there. Miranda admits that Bertha always seems to find the right button to push with her. Miranda tells Alejandro that she believes Cesar and Bertha are accomplices.

Alejandro is visiting Flo & Fab and they are all discussing evil Bertha, the woes of Fern and Miranda’s sulking in another state. Juan comes in and again Flo warns him to watch out for Bertha.

Pamela & Sr. Padilla is in a crypt, looking for Leonardo’s burial place. The leader of Leonardo's former gang arrives and shows them where it is. He reiterates his threats, and gives her a 48 hour deadline. Sr. Padilla is up for banker of the year, as he promises to help Pamela figure out her family problems and talk with ‘El Magnate”

Gonzalo is on the phone, telling Miranda to get her tush back to Mexico. He tells her, as he is twirling around his gun, that he has to go to London to take care of some personal business. Daniel shows up and tells Gonzo that he and Angel did what they did because of Cesar’s advice and promises. Gonzo tells Danny-boy that they’ve done a lot of damage to both he and Julio. Gonzo asks, if he knows they’re brothers, why is he tattling on him (oh, I thought that’s just what brothers did). Daniel answers it’s because Cesar almost caused the death of Julio and then lied to them about Julio even being in the hospital.

Carola gets the good news that she’s going to be a cashier. Joel shows up and Carola starts in with, “This show is brought to you by…Chedrau…a great place to work and shop!” I guess since this segment is mostly for product placement, my original, more novela-like idea, that Carola’s manager hired her so she could be more like her personal business manager (i.e., madam) will not come to fruition.

Bertha is trying to see Flo. Juan is proving to be a formidable guard dog and could care less about Bertha’s little digs about his marriage and social class.

Renata goes into Fern’s apartment and leaves a cake and some flowers…but she wants it to be a surprise. She starts crying when blenderhead asks her about it. Roman shows up, looking for Amparo.

Alejandro & Fern realize they have a big problem if Cesar & Bertha are playing together. They need to get everyone on the same page as soon as possible. Alejandro goes to talk to Gonzalo & Miranda.

Pamela is crying and Miranda finally gets to be a good friend…offering a little sympathy rather than just taking it. Pamela’s a good crier…she’s not afraid to be all ugly and drooly when she’s whining about her problems. Even her voice is wonderfully hysterical. Apparently, though, Miranda's had enough and gives her some tranquilizers.

Gonzo receives an envelope from Luis Alberto (a gift for Renata). Alejandro shows up to talk and Gonzo starts fondling his gun menacingly again. He pulls the trigger, showing there are no bullets in it. Alejandro relaxes a little. Gonzo tells him about last night’s intruder and asks him to protect Miranda. He tells him that he’s going to London and has Cesar within reach. He gives Alejandro the gun and tells him the intruder was “El Guapo”.

Amparo & Francisco are discussing her getting married. He seems to have come around to the idea (finally). Roman arrives. Bertha shows up too.

Back at the house, Charo tells Miranda that Alejandro’s there and wants to see her. Just as Miranda tells her to tell him that she’s asleep and doesn’t want to see him (what a great line!!), Alejandro walks in…tell me yourself… Flashback to happier times… tell me you don’t love me and I’ll leave.


HERIDAS DE AMOR - 10/30/06

Cesar and Bertha are literally crying in their beers over their loss of Miranda and Alejandro. Bertha moans about how Alejandro made fun of her and despises her just like his father. It occurs to Cesar to ask Bertha if she killed Alfredo because of that. Bertha howls drunkenly that she had wanted to kill Fernanda, but missed. “I missed! I missed!” Bertha runs down the hallway to get a kleenex before leaving. Right at that moment ther is a knock at the door and Lizania is standing in the doorway dressed to the 9’s and ready to smack Cesar. She walks in and gripes to him that Cesar didn’t answer a single call all afternoon and had his cell off apparently. Lizania runs on, nonstop, and tells him that Alejandro and Luciano have found a way to block Bertha from getting his fortune.

Cesar has tried to get Lizania to leave before she blurted something out and Bertha hears, but she won’t pay attention. He says they’ll talk later. She sneers, “Well, fine, since I’m not interested in having you touch me when you’re drunk!” (Little Miss High-and-Mighty is so full of herself!) She begins for the door. However, Bertha prevents Lizania from leaving and demands, at the point of a long, sharp knife, that she explain what plan Alejandro and Miranda have to block her from taking control of his money. Berta assures her that Alfredo’s documents were unsigned and undated, so she put the date as that before her father’s death which gave her possession of everything. Lizania explains there was a clause that went into effect once they got married, and that clause states that as long as Miranda gets pregnant within the first year, the funds are frozen until the baby is born. Bertha goes nuts and tells Cesar that he has to stop that pregnancy from happening at all cost and then shoves the knife into his hand and leaves the place. After Bertha leaves the apartment Cesar throws the knife onto the floor and takes his belt off and he uses it as a strap. He begins to beat Lizania with it because she told everything she knew to Bertha instead of waiting and giving that information to him instead.

Naty warns Miranda that if she doesn’t leave in the morning right away she will be running a great danger. Gabino arrives and requests Miranda to lock herself in her bedroom that night, and hands her over a gun for her protection.

Fernanda is certain that she will never recover her daughters and tells this to Juan. He’s worried that Renata has said something insulting to her again. Fernanda says she only told her about her suffering as a little girl and that it has now turned into the resentment of a grown woman. So, she cries that Gonzalo was right when he said she should never have come back to reclaim them. Juan says he’ll make Renata see reason, and that if she’s learning to accept the life of a poor man then certainly she’ll come to accept her as her mother. Fernanda disagrees and says as soon as Florencia recuperates she’ll be leaving to go somewhere nobody will ever find her.

Miranda, Arcadia and Naty are frightened while staying locked in the bedroom when they hear someone trying to open the door. It is El Guapo, the pug-ugly, who is hiding somewhere inside the wing in another bedroom. Miranda asks Arcadia if this could be the same troublemakers as before and what they could possibly want from her. Arcadia and Naty discuss the history of the people wanting to grab possession of the various plantations over the decades. Miranda remarks that she couldn’t get hold of one of the nearby neighbors. Arcadia says the property is abandoned and run down and the owner is always in the city. Meanwhile, Pug-ugly is having a grand time frightening these dopy women. He’s scraping the door and then shaking the knobs. Finally, Pug-ugly hears Gabino returning and leaves the hallway to hide. Gabino comes back and opens the door to the bedroom. Miranda pulls the gun and nearly shoots him as he enters.

Daira and Alejandro are discussing their finances and his sadness over Miranda’s rejection of him. She suggest he sell the mansion but he assures her things are not that bad yet. Alejandro mentions to Daira that he now understands what Miranda meant when she said that the wounds of love are healed by tears. Alejandro next asks Daira what she thinks he should do to win back Miranda. Just then Luciano walks in and suggests that rather than asking a woman, he should try to think like one. Alejandro decides that makes sense and figures that Miranda would want to explain things to her father so he decides to go see Gonzalo and tell him everything from the beginning. The others agree that would be best.

The women tell Gabino about the noise at the door, but Gabino swears he saw nobody and nothing. Miranda sends him back out to search the premises again, every little corner he can think of.

Lizania is lying in pain on the couch with very noticeable welts on her arms and chest. (About then I’d be looking for that knife and slipping it under the cushion for when Cesar was least expecting it.) Cesar is in another room, but he comes back in and continues to hurl insults at her. She cries pitifully to him: she’s sorry and she cannot take it back or correct this mistake. He threatens to beat her again and she squeals out in panic not to hit her anymore. She promises she will never let it happen again! Then he warns her that she’s got a number of punishments coming for the way she acted, particularly complaining to him about being drunk. He asks her if she is willing to stay with him and she says yes, she’d do anything for him. She jumps up and tries to kiss him but he pushes her away. (One sick puppy—no, make that 2 sick puppies here!) He yells that he wants her to “Get out!” She can stay with Daira in order to find out more details about the clause in the will. Lizania should “make nice with mommy again”. He tells her, “Act respectfully around her now. Our argument isn’t with Daira, only Alejandro.” He explains that they need Daira on his side so that if wins her over then it will be easier to get Alejandro to accept him. He kisses her and pushes her unceremoniously out the door. He closes it, goes back to the couch to retrieve his belt and wipes it down, presumably wiping off the blood and sweat from the beating he just gave her. (Gag, gagging here--and this is being shown at the dinner hour?)

While Florencia is sleeping Fabricio arrives and Fernanda tells him that she’s done all she can; there is no hope for his wife and she shouldn’t give him false hope. Fabricio cries and says she must save her. Fernanda changes the subject and asks him how he’s getting on with Julio; is he comfortable with the situation. He answers that Gonzalo was more like a father than Julio and he’ll never be comfortable calling him “Dad.” Fernanda reminds him Julio had no idea or things might have been different. Fabricio answers he is more angry with his mother for hiding the truth from him and Julio all these years. (Aren’t we all?) Fernanda replies that parents aren’t taught how to raise children, they just do what they feel is best which causes them to make mistakes.

Carola and Raul agree to purchase a computer together. He’ll teach her to use it to better her career skills and he’ll use it for school projects.

Nuria knocks at Cesar’s door later that same evening. He opens it and she is upset and sour at him for having sent for her. (What a surprise! I love it when she shows some backbone!) He asks why so glum and she says because you only call me if you need some ironing or sewing on a missing button to one of your shirts. Cesar tells her she’s now going to live with him. Nuria literally jumps for joy and squeals excitedly. (Wait! Wait! What happened to the other Nuria?) He says she needs to stop for her things at Miranda’s and in the meantime he is dropped off at the hospital to talk with Fabricio and Fernanda.

Juan tells Florencia, Fabricio and Fernanda that he’s worried Bertha will turn Renata against him. Florencia tells them that she remembers a number of things from that night she wants to tell them. It was Bertha, who, for instance, for all those years turned everybody in the family against Fernanda. Florencia and Fernanda then discuss her early years and the funny timing of the doctors’ deaths. Fernanda explains that if she’d been treated all those years ago her condition would never have advanced. Florencia swears that she always took her medicine. Afterward, Florencia tries to get Fernanda then to tell her how it could be that she has an inherited, congenital heart condition if absolutely nobody in the family suffered from this same problem. She wants to know if she was adopted, but Fernanda says no and tries to avoid the rest of the questions. Instead, she gives her extra sedative to make her sleep.

Juan and Fabricio are talking outside Florencia’s room and he requests that Juan keep Renata far away from Bertha. Juan refuses saying Bertha is her aunt and he has no right to do that. Fabricio warns him that despite that she is evil and has a way of deceiving people and then hurting them, and she will probably try to harm his family as well. She is an evil woman. Cesar walks up on them in the hallway about then. He hears Fabricio and Juan. He says, “Yes, Bertha is evil.” “Don’t look at me that way. I am only trying to be your friend. Bertha doesn’t need a reason to finish off someone. She does it because she enjoys it.” Fabricio adds, “Juan, don’t be naive. Bertha plots against somebody and enjoys it. She does it just to see you suffer. Just to see you suffer.” (Ok, Juan. Here is when that class in psychoanalysis/psychotherapy you took in med school should start sounding alarm bells.) Juan asks if she is as bad as Cesar and he quips back that he’s far worse than Bertha. Fernanda comes out of the room then and Cesar takes her to dinner.

Miranda is sleeping deeply when Pug-Ugly/ El Guapo takes a key from his pocket and enters her room. He walks towards her, runs his fingers up and down her arms and then licks his fingers. He gets onto her bed and lies down next to her. After a bit he gets up and leaves a little carved monkey’s head next to her feet at the foot of the bed and walks out, leaving the door wide open. Miranda wakes up to find the carving. She is of course spooked, so she starts to dial Alejandro on her cell, but she gets mad at herself for always running to him whenever there is a problem. She puts the phone down. Of course, at the other end is Alejandro with his cell in his hand thinking of her and wanting to call her, but neither does. While in their individual beds they both remember their honeymoon, making love and their promises to each other.

At dinner, Cesar tells Fernanda that Miranda and Alejandro should never have been allowed to marry. She answers that well, they loved each other so, there was no reason to object. He replies that if they really loved each other they would not have separated. She admits she ought to have told her the whole truth. Cesar talks next without thinking and shoots off his mouth, ”You ought to have told her that Alejandro came to avenge himself on Gonzalo!” Fernanda stops in mid-chew and asks Cesar how he knows this. Cesar realizes he’s said too much, “Some time ago Fabricio says a few things and I knew then that was what up.” She thinks to herself, “Fabricio just finished learning this himself recently and could not therefore have told Cesar. So, who else knows this and could have told him?”
They finish eating and he says good-bye. He acts so strangely by coming back and hugging her an extra couple of times before actually leaving, and telling her how he needs her to know that he just loves his madrina enormously. Once he is gone, Fernanda realizes she can no longer trust Cesar. She then plans to tell Alejandro about what just happened and about her suspicions.

Miranda calls back in Arcadia and Gabino. She tells them that she had locked her door specially, but there it was, open with the monkey head sitting on her bed. She orders them to examine every nook and cranny, and to lock every room and all the windows. Gabino and Arcadia begin looking for clues in the hallway. They find dirt and sand tracked onto the floor and determine to follow any more signs of that to wherever the intruder might be hiding.

Miranda talks with Pamela on the phone and plans to meet with her the next morning. She returns to bed and secures the gun near her pillow. Then she tries to sleep with at least one eye open.


Sunday, October 29, 2006

Heridas Friday Oct 27

Fermin just told Pamela that her father is dead. She says that can’t be! When they guy claiming to be her father came back, he looked just like the photos she and her mother had, but now with white hair and a beard. She kept reassuring her mother that it was really him. Fermin says whatever, I needed to tell you, I need someone to back me up to say that I’m not the one committing fraud here, that we didn’t know he was using false identification. She says she will help him. Then she wonders why this guy is pretending to be her father, what, to get the money and then kill her and her mother? Fermin says I hope not, “I have a wife and kids, I don’t want to be involved in something like that.” Apparently he doesn’t care what happens to Pamela and her mother, just his own family. Pamela says that the first thing to do is confront her ‘father’ and find out who he really is. Did he do something to her real father?

Fernanda is praying at Santiago’s church and crying. She tells him that she has lost her daughters and it’s Bertha’s fault. She then goes on and on about a pain in her chest. I know that the feeling of loss would account for this but there was such an emphasis on her chest pain – is this a hint at some health problem in the future? Probably not, it’s just some extra drama. He tries to compare her situation to the Virgin, how must she have felt when she lost her son but still survived it? Fern says “but she is the Virgin, I’m not.” He says they are both mothers and that’s what is important. She tells him that all three daughters know who she really is now. “Great! The hard part is over, everything forward will be in your favor.” Fern explains that now they hate her, especially Renata, and Miranda now despises her. Santiago says to not worry about Miranda, she’ll come around. And what about Florencia? Fern feels sorry for herself some more “Flor doesn’t want to know anything about what happened.” Santiago says if she keeps trying to communicate with them they’ll come around and lose their hate.

Bertha is trying to play innocent with Alejandro, asking “what else do you want to know? I’ll explain everything!” Al still has the drunk signal/untucked shirt tail going. He tells her that he doesn’t want any of her explanations, and furthermore, she never meant ANYTHING to his father. “He never loved you. He only spoke of you once or twice, and when he did, he spoke as if he despised you, like I’m talking to you now.” Bertha tries to look hurt. I don’t know if she’s putting that on for him or if she’s stupid and thought Alfredo loved her. It might be the second one, she has this strange idea that men like her when they don’t. Hell, the only regular action she was getting for a long time had to get drunk first to face her. Daira and Luciano are watching from the other room, Daira says “I’m not sure he’s in the best state to be negotiating with Bertha.” Luciano says “with her, there is no negotiating.” Daira agrees. Bertha whines to Al, “why are you treating me this way, like garbage? You don’t have the right and that’s not what I am.” She says she only ever offered him love and he misunderstood her. “No Bertha, you only offer pain but I’m looking for happiness. And that happiness can only be given to me by Miranda.” Bertha starts crying and calling Al names. She goes on about their love causing wounds or something, at this point she’s just being like one of those people that get unhinged when they get dumped. The only appropriate response is “whatever.” Al says something about the wounds being “heridas de amor” and she doesn’t understand. I thought with that being the name of the show I should put that in. Bertha cries some more and swears that Al will regret this, he should take that as an open declaration of war!

Fern explains to Santiago what happened when they tried to confront Bertha. He says that’s how it is with the devil, he/she can twist words around. He says next time someone has to be in charge, to keep order and keep Bertha quiet. But who, says Fern, who can keep Bertha quiet? Santiago says someone with knowledge of the law to run things like a trial or something like that, to keep order. Fern says “well what then, I’m sure we’re not going to have a policeman there?” Santiago says of course not. He thinks he knows the perfect person but doesn’t say who. He asks her if she looked at the papers from Tomasa. She says yes, nothing more. Ominous music.

Daira and Luciano tell Al he should have been more diplomatic. He says no way. The other two are a bit afraid of her declaration of war. Al says he isn’t afraid, because that’s what she wants. She wants her victims to feel fear so she has them in the palm of her hand. Daira says they need to be alert for her first strike. Al says yes, and when that comes, then they’ll know what they are dealing with. Then he flops down on the sofa to finish sleeping off his hangover.

Pamela and Fermin continue talking about her ‘father.’ She says she’ll talk to Alejandro Luque, he can help us! Like he’s Underdog or something. “Crap we have some random problem, who can help? I know – Alejandro Luque. He can fix anything.” Like the old Life cereal commercials – Alejandro is Mikey. This shows that Pamela hasn’t been brought up to speed by Miranda that today they hate Al. I wonder if she gets a daily report on whether Al and Miranda are on or off. “Today’s forecast – Al is ok but don’t get too close. Tomorrow – We hate Al.” Fermin’s phone rings and he answers it. His secretary tells him that the government agents who came about the false IDs before are back, can they come in or should they wait until Pamela leaves? Extra-ominous music. Time to go to the old conversation style –
Fermin: When I’m done here I’ll come out for them.
Secretary: They said it’s urgent.
F: Tell them I am with a CLIENT and they’ll have to wait. If they have a court order they can come in, otherwise they have to wait.
S: They said they’ll wait.
Pamela confides in him that she and her mother don’t know where the money came from, basically they don’t know anything. Fermin says they might be in quite a situation here, Pamela says further “I don’t have the slightest idea what may have really happened.” She is afraid because now this guy is in her house and she doesn’t even know if it is her father or not. Fermin says he’ll investigate and help when they find out more. She thanks him profusely and he says no problem, now he has to figure out how to put off the agents waiting for him, she says she doesn’t want to deal with them either. They thank each other and Fermin goes off to distract the agents so Pamela can leave.

Florencia tells Fab that she’s going to die, so she doesn’t want to spend time learning details about stupid things from the past, she wants to use her time to try and do something. Fab says “You’re totally right, tell me what you’re going to do.” Flor says it is sooo important that Bertha doesn’t know what they are going to do or she will finish them off. Flor is also sure that Bertha killed the doctors in Germany, there is no limit to what she will do to reach her objectives. Renata arrives. Flor says she’s fine, but how are YOU Renata? Renata cries. Some more.

Miranda is doing some math, wearing her work clothes. One of the other ladies brings in Gabino, turns out he and some of the others want Naty to leave. It takes forever to get out of him why, he finally says that the things that she does with the chocolate make them think she’s some sort of witch. This whole scene is funny since the lady who brings Gabino in keeps hitting him in the back of the head to get him to talk. Miranda is stunned, like everyone else is all the time about everything.

Fern says that the stuff from Tomasa doesn’t mean anything since they don’t mention Bertha by name. She thinks Bertha got away with the perfect crime. Santiago says no, the devil makes mistakes, he knows who her granddaughter is and who has her.

Al says that he needs to talk to Gonzalo and tell him what he suspects, to say that his father was shot in the back. I have to mention that Al looks good as new here, cleaned up and in clean clothes, though it appears that about five minutes have passed. Luciano says they should go talk to him right away. Luciano gets a call and after listening says “are you sure? Maybe we’ll fly to Italy today.” Al says please for the love of God Luciano, no more bad news. They all looked concerned and look around at each other for what feels like five minutes.

Santiago says he can’t tell her but he knows the truth, it was confirmed by Mother Superior. He also knows that someone else is investigating and finding out the same thing. Fern knows that it must be Bertha and that the perfect way to disguise it is to register the girl as her own daughter. He says that Nuria’s birth name was Norma. They don’t know how to prove anything, though, so they aren’t sure what to do. Santiago says that because they can’t prove anything, the can’t tell Nuria yet. Fern thinks that they can get Bertha to confess, but of course not she’s crazy. Fern thinks that Miranda is the only one that can help but she won’t talk to her right now.

Luciano tells Al and Daira that Bertha’s lawyer called and said that Bertha took over all of Al’s businesses and investments, he only has left what is in his checking account. Luciano runs off to get his laptop, maybe he can transfer some funds out before it’s too late. Al rants and raves.

Miranda tells Gabino that he’s crazy, Naty isn’t some witch, she just prepares the chocolate with love and that’s why the other women are so inspired to work. Then she asks if any of the men have tried the chocolate. Gabino says no. Miranda gives him a look that says “Well then?”

Flor tells Renata to imagine one day in their mother’s life, Renata says no that’s dirty! She ran off with another man! Flor says no, she didn’t. Flor remembers everything about ‘that night’ perfectly now. She tells about how Fern was crying and Bertha came in and took Flor and insulted Fern. Then she heard Gonz from the other room say “tell her I’ll kill her daughters too” (that part is new, we haven’t seen that before). Flor tells Renata that she thinks Fern is being honest with them. Renata still thinks Bertha is a saint, she’s so wrong. Flor says that she is dying so she has no reason to not seek the truth, it’s all she has left. Renata swears to not ever give Fern a chance, never ever.

Sanson is telling Cesar at his place that Nuria got a call from Miranda saying that Miranda is going to the hacienda and returning later. Cesar asks how he knows that? Did he find a way to tap her phone? No, he just listened at the window. Cesar is proud of Sanson, they have some conversation about who will pay somebody, or if Sanson will get paid, it sounded like Cesar told him that the experience itself was his payment. I didn’t quite understand it all. Somebody knocks on the door. Sanson opens the door to find Bertha, she wants to speak with Cesar. Cesar laughs at her, he knows that she’s mad about Miranda and Al getting married.

Fern and Santiago are still walking and talking, they discuss how evil Bertha is. Fern vows to make her pay for all the trouble she has caused. Fern flashes back to when Bertha swore to ruin the daughters’ lives if Fern gave her trouble. Now she is worried about the other two, she already caused Miranda and Al to break up. What next? Santiago preaches his usual sermon – patience.

Luciano is having good luck getting the money out of Alejandro’s accounts. He is transferring everything into his own accounts in Nassau. Al says he feels like he’s stealing from himself. Luciano says it’s more like Luciano is stealing from Al, now everything is in his accounts. Al jokes that he’ll have to treat him differently now so Luciano doesn’t take off with his money. Luciano laughs. Al says he needs to de-diversify his portfolio to keep it under control. He might lose everything, but he says that’s better than Bertha getting her hands on one single peso. Maybe I didn’t understand quite right – now Luciano says everything is locked up and he hopes that Al and Miranda have a baby because that child is the only one who can touch the money.

Cesar and Bertha agree to help each other in exchange for a cut of each other’s monetary gain. They have a drink to celebrate declaring war on Al. Bertha says they will start with Lasagna and Daira. Then she says she wants to make Miranda hurt even more than Alejandro. Cesar looks uncomfortable about this, Bertha tells him that Miranda teased him for all these years, married someone else, etc. Cesar gets into the plan.

Another scene at the hacienda, Naty says she puts the spirits of the gods into the chocolate, she’s going to show Miranda how.

Flor reminds Renata that she discovered Bertha lying about going to Germany too, Bertha told Renata that she was buying her houses when she got caught. Renata says that the doctors dying was a coincidence. Juan and Fab enter the room. In spite of this, Renata wants to know what’s going on. I sense her being the weak link here. Flor begs her to not say a word to anyone, to go get Miranda at the hacienda and tell her to come talk to Flor. Renata is supposed to go somewhere with Bertha, so they ask her to be careful and not make her suspicious. She leaves. Fern walks down the hall and she and Renata stop and look at each other. Renata asks Fern, do you know why I always hated school? She was the best speaker in her class and every mother’s day she had to get up and welcome all the other mothers and keep her eyes closed, hoping that when she opened them that her own mother would be there. Fern begs forgiveness. Renata goes on some more about bad things at school because she had no mother. She storms off and Fern cries.

Cesar is crying about Miranda. It’s pitiful. Bertha is crying with him. What a couple of losers. He says that if Miranda suffers, Al has to suffer just as much. She says of course, because his father was so bad to her. Cesar asks, is that why she tried to kill him? She says no, she was trying to kill Fernanda, but I missed! Bertha gets up and goes to the back room; the doorbell rings. It’s Lasagna, bitching that Cesar won’t answer his phone. She tells him that Al and Luciano found a way to take everything away from Bertha. Everyone is impactado.

Naty shows Miranda how to make the magic chocolate. Gabino runs in and gives Miranda a gun and tells her to go straight to her room and lock the door.

Cesar tells Lasagna to leave, it’s not a good time. She says fine, she doesn’t like him when he’s drunk anyway. Bertha says wait – my queen, you can’t leave until you explain what you just said. Cesar says another day, and pushed Lasagna to the door. Bertha grabs one of the swords and threatens to hurt Lasagna unless she explains NOW. Lasagna tells Bertha about the clause in her father’s will. If Al’s wife gets pregnant in less than a year, all the money is protected and will go to the baby when it is born. The important thing is that Al and Miranda have a kid. Bertha flips out at the thought and leaves. Cesar calls her stupid and she should have never said anything to Bertha. He takes off his belt and swings it at her….. I guess we’ll find out Monday if she really likes getting hit.


Thursday, October 26, 2006

Heridas de Amor Thursday 10/26 - Honeymoon is over

Berta tells Renata that Fernanda is her mother and not her. She doesn't want to believe it as she recalls the times she insulted her during Florencias wedding Alejandro comes over to consoles her and she tells everyone they are all liers. Gonzalo says he has a couple of things to explain but she does not want to hear it. Roman explains to Francisco that Amparo needs to live her life.. Fernanda orders Berta to tell them what happened that night.

She begins by saying Alfredo's name and everything comes out in the open. Gonzalo tells Alejandro that now he knows and he understands everything, the man he shot was Alfredo Luke and it was his father and he came to town to destroy him. Alejandro tries to explain things but Gonzo refuses to listen. Gonzo runs over to Ale and Fabricio comes between them, Gonzo tells him to move out of the way. All hell breaks loose at the San Llorente's. Nuria cries as Cesar tells her about Bertha's money. Both Miranda and Gonzalo don't want to listen to anything Fernanda or Alejandro have to say.

Miranda thinks Alejandro only used her as Gonzalo asks Fernanda if she knew Alfredo was alive. All the while Berta gloats over her victory and also tells them now they know who Florencia's father is. Gonzalo throws them out but Alejandro refuses to leave. Miranda does not want to listen to Alejandro and asks Ale and Fernanda what kind of monsters they are. Berta orders Renata not to let her mother get near her, and that to be carefull because she will pretend to be nice to her, she tells her she has something else to tell her that she did not hear, she starts telling her something but there is no sound.

Miranda tells Ale and her mother to leave as Gonzalo thinks Fabricio was also their accomplice. Alejandro tells Gonzo that he will be back, he tells Miranda that he loves her and that again Bertha turned things in her favor, Miranda tells her father she's filing for divorce from Alejandro as he tells her not to to do it because Alejandro was right on one thing: Berta was the one to blame for what just happened.

Miranda tells him all she did was opened their eyes. Miranda cries as she recalls her honeymoon and their wedding bows, (BTW they showed some of the missing scenes in the flashbacks) saying she lost Alejandro since the wounds they caused each other are too deep. She thinks he never loved her and only used her to get to Gonzo when Renata tells her she's going home and tells her how she feels she does not want to cry anymore but she will have to see Fernanda everyday.

She tells Renata to watch out for Bertha calls Berta a snake when Bertha enters to defend herself and tells them she did nothing it was everyone else that did wrong all she did was protect them.(that Bitch) Miranda throws her out and begins to cry as she begs Renata to stay the night with her she needs to be with her.

The next morning Alejandro drinks one after another he is blasted as he tells Daira what happened. Because of Bertha he lost Miranda and nothing else matters now. She tells him he can't let Berta win as he tells her nothing matter anymore. He says he wants to get so drunk that so that when he wakes up all will be gone, she gets him a cup of coffee to sober him up Gonzalo tells Miranda they'll meet at the ranch so they can talk. Alejandro apologizes to Daira and tells Luciano that without his wife he doesn't care about anything including his finances.

Daira tells him it's not over; someone's going to die, Luciano tells Daira, that all that stuff is nonsense, but Ale says that if Daira says so it will happen. Miranda arrives at the ranch much to the surprise of Arcadia but not Naty. Bertagoes to Alejandro's house and Daira insults her, Ale tells Daira to leave them alone. Arcadia and Miranda go into the kitchen Naty tells her that she needs to let it out, Miranda starts to stirr the chocolate and cries as she says she's lost Alejandro. Naty tells her to let it out and to heal her spirit, She tells Naty that she loves Ale with all her heart as she eats a piece of chocolate, she says it is food for the Gods. Is magical, is to fight good and evil between love and hate.

Gabino tells Miranda that everything is returning back to normal. Alejandro tells Berta off and calls her a monster, she pretends to be a miss goodie two shoes, he says she will not get him involved in her game, she is evil and she make sure to spit all her venom to him and Fernanda Florencia learns from Juan what Berta did as she says she needs to talk Gonzalo and begs him not to let Berta near her. Juan tells Fabricio that Florencia asked not to let Bertha in to see her tot ell her she is dying, she only wants to see her dad and sisters, Fabricio says he knows what his wife is planning to do.

Miranda is praying as she thinks of the honeymoon with Ale. Gabino tells Miranda not to be sad, that everything will be ok. he tells her that the Hacienda nearby is up for sale and someone is buying it to put a some sort of industrial plant, Miranda gets alarmed. Fermin tells Pamela that all the apapers they used to withdraw the money were fake that Leonardo Altamirano is dead.


Heridas de Amor - Wednesday October 25

Daniel finishes his self therapy by equating that money and love are related for him. He needs to pay for love because of lessons he learned as a child from his parents (Julio and deceased wife). He runs off to explore these thoughts in greater detail. Erika comes over to Raul's wanting to have a cafecito with him. Raul instantly kisses her.

Bertha and Fab continue their discussion. Fab thinks Bertha killed Flor's doctors in Germany because he had asked them to send Flor's records. Bertha laughs. She isn't sweating so there must be a loop hole in his thinking. Bertha tells Fab that she can do things that are beyond his imagination. Because he knows so much she is going to convert him into her accomplice, little boy (nene). He tries to laugh saying not to threaten him. Bertha tells him that she doesn’t threaten she promises.

Fern thanks Juan for stopping her from giving Flor the adrenaline injection. If he hadn’t been there she would have done something stupid. (Weird that a world class heart surgeon would need the help of an intern but ….) He says she is not only a doctor but a mother. She goes on to admit that the mother aspect of her is what caused the problem with Flor. See Flor woke up and realized that Fern was her mother and that is what provoked Flor’s heart attack. Juan leaves the room and Fern gives confession to the passed out Flor. Fern tells why she left the girls. Their father said that if she didn’t leave he would kill the girls, and her. She left to protect them. Flor should understand, more than others, what a mother would do to protect her kids.

Charo reports to Miranda and Alejandro what Bertha has been doing since her arrival. Charo says that Bertha is different than before, she is scarier. Al and Miranda tell Charo to continue being Berthas stooge. Al and Miranda talk of looking for a place to live. Miranda wants to live in the Mexico City mansion while Bertha is there. Al agrees.

Bertha tells Juan and Fab that she wants to see Renata. Fab is offended that Bertha is inviting herself over to Juan’s when Juan has not asked her. Juan scolds Fab for being rude. She makes a tsk tsk sound to Fab. She says that “Juan is showing that although he is poor he is a gentleman not a louse (patan). The same thing can not be said about you (Fab).” Fab looks as if he could bust out in anger, clenching his jaws. Juan looks like this might have bothered him but at the same time it’s hard to tell with him. Then Bertha tops it all off by starting to call Juan Johnny. She asks if it's ok to call him Johnny and Juan says Tia Bertha can call him whatever she would like. They head off for Juan’s.

Erika and Raul talk over why he kissed her and how they should start to be boyfriend and girlfriend. Carola comes in and says she hopes Erika will not be like her friends Renata and Veronica. Carola welcomes Erika into their happy family. They celebrate.

Miranda tells Gonzalo that she and Al would like to live with him while Bertha is there. He is OK with that. They discuss meeting with Bertha to confront her.

Renata is sweeping the house while wearing an apron tied around her waist. Juan brings Bertha in to see her. Bertha is impactada to see Renata dressed like this in these surroundings. She tells Renata that even Charo doesn’t dress like this. Renata just stands there with wide tearing crocodile eyes and takes in what Bertha has to say. Bertha tells her that she will help her leave this. She will leave this place because Bertha says so. After Bertha leaves Renata finally speaks and whimpers that Juan is not going to accept this.

Fern reports to Fab that Flor is stable, and the baby also. Miranda calls while they are talking and tells her of the plan to confront Bertha asking her to join them. Fern tells Fab to not tell anyone. He agrees.

Bertha meets up with El Guapo in a restaurant. He tells her they burned the fields and the workers’ houses. No one died. Bertha acts as if it is a shame that no one died. Guapo smokes a cigarette and tells Bertha that it’s bad to wish harm on your fellow man. Remember that what you ask for you might just get. She tells him to get ready to ask Miranda for a second time to sell the hacienda. Guapo interrupts her to say he wants Miranda for himself.

Flor wakens and Fern tells her to stay calm. Fern will leave and send Juan in. Flor tells her Mama don’t leave. I need to thank you for giving me life. I don’t want to lose you. Forgive me mama.

Bertha laughs and asks El Guapo if he has ever looked in the mirror. There is no way that Miranda would ever be interested in him. Guapo doesn’t want Miranda to be his wife. He just wants her for a night. He wants Miranda to know what a real man is like, not just some Ken doll like the one she carries around. Bertha smirks and tells Guapo to take her, she doesn’t care what he does or doesn’t do with Miranda. El Guapo tells Bertha that if Miranda disappoints him then there will always be her, Bertita. Bertha bristles at this, acting as if she is nervous. She tells him a dicho I liked. "La miel no se hizo para el hocico de los cerdos Herbert." Honey isn’t made for the snouts (muzzles) of pigs. (Also by her calling El Guapo Herbert, her familiarity with him tells me that she has known El Guapo for a long long time.) El Guapo continues focusing on Bertha. He tells her that she STILL (aun) awakens passions and fantasies in him. Bertha tells him to never her call Bertita again as she puts on her glasses. She also tells him to stop undressing her with his eyes. She tries to regain control of the conversation and tells him that she wants to teach Fab a lesson. She wants El Guapo to do exactly as she says.

Fern tells Flor that she has nothing to pardon Flor for. Flor wants no one or anything to separate them again. Fern wants to know how Flor remembered that she was her mother. Flor doesn’t know. She doesn’t care about what happened she just wants to be happy that they are now together. She won’t permit anyone to say anything bad about her mother anymore. She understands s what Fern did for her daughters. They thank each other and cry together.

Daira and AL talk over the honeymoon. Daira gets mad at Al for not telling Miranda the truth and for leaving so much for later. Daira feels that something bad is going to happen. She is very upset about her bad premonitions. Luciano enters bringing news that the plane had a mechanical problem (*what plane?). That isn’t what she has been worried about, it's something else. They start to talk about Lisania. Al wants Luciano to find a woman to follow Lisania. Miranda calls and tells Al of the confrontation plans. She and Gonzalo want AL to be there. Lisania eavesdrops on ALs phone conversation. After they hang up he repeats what Miranda has said to Daira, Luciano and Lisania who is still spying on them. Luciano warns that Bertha knows of why Al came to Mexico; to avenge his fathers death. Luciano believes that most likely Bertha will tell this to everyone. AL agrees. Finally Lisania comes out of her hiding space to say what’s bad about Bertha saying that since it's true?!

Flor tells Juan about her new feelings of not wanting anything bad to be said or done to Fern. How she wants to do good with the time she has left.

Nuria wants everyone to know that Cesar is her husband. He has excuses. Bertha rings Cesars doorbell. Cesar sends Nuria to the guest bedroom but she leaves her purse on a table for Bertha to see. Cesar immediately starts to threaten Bertha as she enters his place. He tells her he knows a lot about her. He warns her to not leave him out of the money she has taken from AL. She laughs and tells him that they are even Cesarin. She leaves and Cesar mocks what she said to him.

Lisania yells at AL about getting their money back. She is semi hysterical but AL doesn’t help because he is yelling too. She asks Luciano if AL is really her brother or maybe her father? Luciano tells her that she is showing a great lack of respect. She then starts to rant to Al about how Al wants to hit her. She says no one hits her but who cares because it’s her body. She reminds everyone how she hates them all as she leaves. Al tells Daira that Lisania needs to go back to Italy.

Carola goes over to Juan’s house to give Renata a message that AL will be coming by to pick her up. Renata is walking around the house lighting candles in an outfit that can only be described as a modern interpretation of a French Maids costume. She is wearing a short pleated skirt, her belly showing with a tied ruffled shirt. Perfect outfit for cleaning/ lighting candles. Renata’s cell phone has been turned off. Carolas there because Miranda called Rauls looking for Renata. During their exchange Carola tries to show off that she knows Daniel. Renata is unimpressed. Carola tells Renata that Daniel called her a spoiled rich girl which is the same thing Renata had just said about Daniel. The girls continue smarting off to each other until Carola leaves steamed at Renata.

Raul tells Carola that he told her he would deliver the message. He knew Renata would not be nice to her. Carola continues to lament about Renata. She asks Raul if she is prettier than Renata. Raul says they have equal bodies, equal faces but Renata wins for having prettier eyes, and for being a rich classy girl. Carola is pissed to hear him say this. Raul says look I’m joking. You have to stop comparing yourself with others and be happy with yourself. Carola doesn’t understand this and elicits some more advice from the wise teenager. Raul gives a few more wise pointers then goes back to his ruler. Is he an architectural student or a psychologist?

Veronica and Renata talk by phone. Veronica is not tolerating her HIV medicine and is feeling sick. Renata advises Veronica to get a job. Fab comes over to Renata’s as they talk. Veronica tells Renata to tell Fab to do what she has said (give her the money!). After the girls hang up Fab tells Renata that Veronica is blackmailing him.

Fern and Al meet in the same restaurant that Bertha and Guapo were just in. Fern goes over her happiness with what has happened with Flor. They then move on to the topic of the confrontation of Bertha. Fern says that Bertha surely has reserved evilness for them, but they have to confront her and find the truth.

Renata tells Fab that he can’t pay Veronica anything. She scolds Fab for messing around with Veronica in the first place. Then Renata communicates that Veronica will continue to ask for more and more money. Fab has to tell Flor. They leave together to go to the confrontation.

Cesar and Nuria talk about Bertha. Nuria tells him that Bertha hit her a lot when she was younger. Nuria has learned to fear Bertha. Nuria must have left the doll at the hacienda in another life. Cesar laughs at the idea of another life. He explains to her that the only explication is that she lived in the hacienda when she was a little girl. He tells her that she is the legitimate daughter of Bertha de Aragon.

Alejandro and Miranda talk while getting ready for the confrontation. Al tells Miranda that the reserved stock and the business is a gift to her. Miranda is happy but says he can’t give her those kinds of gifts. They signed a contract, the stock and business belongs to him.

Gonzalo tells Fern in his living room that this is the best moment for Renata to learn the truth. Renata walks in to hear the last of his sentence and asks what truth dad? Renata tries to dismiss Fern from the room saying this is a family event, and although you are my father’s lover, you don’t need to be here. Renata actually gets a little sassy about the subject making Fab nervous. Gonzalo gets mad and tells Renata now is the time for you to know the truth of who your mother is. Renata pleads that her mother be Bertha. Please be Bertha!

Bertha walks into the room to hear Renata saying this to Gonzalo. She says I’m sorry darling but your mother is her, Fernanda de Aragon.


Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Heridas - Tuesday October 24

Alejandro and Miranda are STILL making love and Ricardo Montaner is STILL singing with gusto. Miranda tells Alejandro she has never met a man as romantic and passionate as he. He became a part of her the moment they met and now he is everything to her. He says nice stuff to her too.

The following morning brings us beautiful panoramas of Los Cabos, Baja California. Al's in his cute red shorts when "Dormilona" (sleepyhead) Miranda joins him. She says it's the best day of her life. Everything is a different color and texture. They are Baja's beautiful couple. She says she's dying of hunger and Alejandro says, "Finally, you're mine, all mine." Then he kisses her and tells her it's better than breakfast.

Renata, in her bathrobe, visits Dr. Fernanda and brings her a cup of orange juice. She warns the oranges were a little sour. Fernanda gets all emotional and breathy and says because Renata brought it the juice will be sweeeet, very sweeeet. Renata gets the "HUH?" look and asks Fern if she's feeling ill. After Renata leaves Juan arrives and Fernanda tells him all about the fabulous sour juice that Renata brought, the juice clearly being a metaphor for the intuitive and undeniable love that an abandoned daughter must feel for her mother. Juan's big moment...he tries to smile and tells Fernanda she will recoup her daughter.

Back in Baja we get more great scenery. Miranda wonders if Bertha has returned yet. Honey, you just got married and you should NOT be thinking about your wicked aunt! Al worries about Daira and Lasagna. These two are hopeless. Alejandro tells Miranda he has something to tell her; they need to talk. She refuses, saying they are in paradise and she only wants to think about them. Then she says she's hungry. Al, let that girl eat!!!

Bertha is in her room with a bouquet of treacherous looking thistles. Guess she still has Lucas because she tells Charo that Lucas is arriving soon, no doubt to resume his reign of good-natured terror. When Bertha asks, Charo confirms that Miranda and Alejandro looked for the portfolio. Bertha smirks because the location of the money is still up in the air.

Gonzalo enters and tells Charo to leave. Bertha asks, "Aren't you afraid to be alone with a woman like me?" Gonzo tells her he doesn't fear her, he pities her. She tries to slap him but he pushes her down. They glare at each other with malice.

Lots of sexy love-in-the-sun scenes with Alejandro and the pool, on the beach, on
the rocks, laughing and hugging, splashing and swimming, Al plays shark and chases her. Blessed relief, this is a scene with no talking!!

Gonzolo asks Bertha why she played stupid when she knew Flor's disease was hereditary. He says a Dr. Escalante told him that Flor wasn't responding to her treatment. Why didn't Bertha tell him? She says it was because he ignored his daughters and the task of caring for them went to her. She became a slave to Florencia, but it was Tomasa who was in charge of Flor's meds. Gonza doesn't believe her, but speaking of that, what did Bertha do with the granddaughter that she stole from Tomasa? Bertha says Tomasa got depressed after her sons' deaths and lost her own granddaughter, who knows where? She tells Gonzo he has become an expert at accusing half the world without verifying anything. After Gonzo leaves she calls El Guapo and tells him to burn the cacao fields and don't leave anything standing. She smirks and mutters, "Your wedding gift, my dear Miranda."

More Baja scenery with Al and Miranda taking a tour on a small boat. They are on the bow and are kings of the world. Later that afternoon Miranda is wearing a hot pink halter outfit. She asks Alejandro what he expects in her as a wife. Shouldn't they have had this conversation earlier? Like BEFORE the wedding? Al says he wants a lover, a companion, a friend and above all an accomplice because they're going to do many crazy things. Miranda tells him that she wants a companion, an equal, someone who will put up with her crazy ideas, who will let her be wrong, who will accept her impulses and help her realize her dreams. Good thing she married a millionaire.

Juan is examining a pale and wheezy Florencia. She's sleepy. He tells her no more exercise as it's not good for the baby. She says she knows what's going on, the chances of her baby being born have reduced considerably, right? He admits yes, the chances of coming to term have diminished but she must be stronger than ever.

Daniel comes to Carola's apartment, not to visit Carola but to talk to Raul. He needs Raul's help because he loves Carola and wants to marry her. "Help me Raul, or I'll to go crazy." Raul nods.

Alejandro and Miranda have gone for a swim fully clothed, those crazy kids. Then they roll in the sand. I'll bet the actors loved that scene. Miranda starts the absolute stupidest conversation known to human kind..."Have you had many girlfriends?" Al says yeah, but he doesn't remember any of them. (Good answer! Lie like a rug!!) But Miranda's like a terrier with a rat, "Name one." (Dude, DO NOT go there.) "I had a dear friend called...I don't remember, she was a lawyer from a political family." (Uh Oh.) "But truthfully, I don't remember her name." (Dohhh!) "You just don't want to tell me," Miranda coaxes, "Remember!" "Oh yeah, her name was Carla." "Carla what? Tell me." (No Alejandro, DO NOT TELL HER.) "Carla Aranda, but she was nothing more than Good Friend." "How good? How good? Hey, why are you running away?" Run Alejandro, run!! But she catches him, he swings her around and they kiss. This will, of course, come back to bite him in the butt big time.

Francisco and Amparo are enjoying a cup of coffee when Ramon walks into their apartment. What happened to knocking? Francisco says he told Ramon to stay out of his house. Ramon asks Amparo did she talk to Francisco yet about what they discussed. Amparo gets all tongue-tied and blabbers incoherently. Francisco demands, "Talk about what?" Ramon tells Amparo that if he goes away she will never see him return. She'd better think hard about this. She wrings her hands and whimpers.

Back in Baja Miranda is in yet another outfit, this one very 60's. They plan to go yachting and whale watching. Mirands says when she recuperates financially she's going to invite him to travel north. He says he'll follow her anywhere. She says she has some business ideas pertaining to their chocolate (which is of course burning up as we speak). She wants to get into the candy and export business.

Oh dear, Alejandro's phone rings. It's Gabino calling to say the plantation and all the harvester houses have burned up into cocoa krispies. Alejandro and Miranda must return to Tabasco immediately.

Florencia is having a green, sweaty nightmare of the night her mama left. Her heart moniter speeds up and out of control as she remembers her mama sobbing. Fernanda rushes in, "Hija, hija!!" The flashback little girl Florencia is begging "Mama, don't leave me!" Present grownup Flor opens her eyes, looks at Fernanda and whispers, "I know who you are...mama." Fernanda is impactada and Flor goes into cardiac arrest. They get a faint heartbeat and Fern wants to inject Flor with adrenaline. Juan talks her out of it because it would kill the baby.

Arcadia, with Nati in Villahermosa, is talking to Miranda on the phone. Miranda wants to make sure that nobody was hurt. Arcadia comments to Nati that Miranda is a good boss because she cares more about the people than the crops. Spaced-out Nati says "That's good, because she's the heiress. The heiress of the cocolbosh." (Oh gawd, here we go again.) "I'll tell you a secret, the chocolate will save Miranda. It's true. When she finds the cocolbosh within her it will lead her to happiness." In the meantime Nati will make chocolate for everybody. Maybe chocolate is the word for peyote in her secret language.

Miranda and Alejandro arrive home. Fabricio calls to tell them about Florencia but she's in ICU and can't have visitors. A knock on the door; it's Charo. She tells them that Bertha arrived home just after they left for their honeymoon. For some reason Alejandro and Miranda are impactados.

Daniel tells Raul that he used to go out with other girls but when he met Carola he could only stand to be with her. Raul is Daniel's mini-psychologist..."And those other women you tried, were they prostitutes?" Daniel is insulted, "No, how could you think that? I only went out with women of my own class." Carola was his first prostitue. Suddenly a light bulb goes on over Daniel's head. He was talking to his analyst about this very subject but now all of a sudden he gets it...the crap relationship between his father and mother was always conveyed in terms of money. Love equals money. If he wants to feel good then clearly he has to pay. Raul recommends he get back to his analyst, pronto. But Daniel is on a mission, or maybe he's miraculously cured, "I've just seen Carola in a completely new light. Tell her I'll come back later. I have something to do." Raul is fascinated by Daniel's psychological epiphany. If he wants to be a shrink he's living in the right place.

There is a knock on Raul's door. It's Blender-Head (Erika) and she's brought Raul a piece of cake and wants to invite him out for a coffee. Raul kisses her.

Bertha arrives at the hospital where Fabricio is praying for his wife. Bertha slaps him and calls him stupid. She demands to know how long he's knows Alejandro and Florencia are siblings. He wants to know why she killed Florencia's doctors. She denies knowledge of this but he insists he knows she did it. Bertha says she's glad he thinks she's capable because this is no game. She threatens Florencia, his mother, and all he holds dear. (I think.) She says if he's really known the truth then that makes him an accomplice. Fabricio tells her not to make threats. Bertha tells him he only needs to understand one thing, "I don't threaten, I promise!"

Note to all: I will be out of town next week but Nora is recapping for me.


Tuesday, October 24, 2006

HERIDAS DE AMOR - Monday, 10/23/06

In Gonzalo’s office Juan is angrily about to leave with his family but Renata yells for him to stop. Renata had hesitated for just a moment before telling her father that she loved Juan and that she will follow him wherever he goes. She asks her father's forgiveness but wants Gonzalo to understand that she married for love and not just to defy him as he thinks. Gonzalo tells her that she should remember he is her father and this is her house (but he is rudely ignoring Juan in all of this). He then just turns and walks out on the two of them. Renata tells Juan she loves him and her place is with him now and his family.

Daniel has just asked Cesar why he told him and Angel that Julio was faking his heart attack. Cesar is thinking fast and trying to explain his way out of the corner Daniel’s question has trapped him in. (Finally Dannyboy is using his noggin' for something besides collecting dust.) Cesar gives a really lame explanation why he told Julio’s sons that Julio was just faking it and that everyone knew it. Supposedly, he just figured it was all a trick (heh-heh) considering (heh-heh) what had happened with Gonzalo and the jail and the business and all (heh-heh). In the end Angel says what’s past is past and he just doesn’t care. Cesar agrees and then shuts Daniel up by offering to take them into the new business and teach them everything he and Julio know.

Fabricio apologizes to Alejandro for his actions earlier during the wedding reception. Alejandro accepts and explains to him that he had bought the Manglars specifically to keep Cesar from selling it to an outsider and that it was immediately put in Florencia and Fabricio’s name. Fab really feels like a jerk then, and he lets it slip that Cesar had suggested something else entirely. Alejandro realizes then that it was Cesar who’d told Fabricio about his plans for taking vengeance on Gonzalo and other twisted tales. Fabricio admits that it was Cesar. They both wonder who could have told everything in such detail to Cesar though. Alejandro then says that he has no choice but to explain things fully to Miranda but they agree it will be best after they return from the honeymoon.

Alejandro and Miranda leave on their honeymoon for Los Cabos and the parents-in-law are left to chat amongst themselves. Fernanda is about to take advantage of Daira’s presence to have the courage to finally tell Gonzo who the man was that he found her with that night long ago, but just then Bertha swoops in on her broomstick and tells them to call in Alejandro and Miranda as she has something for them all to hear. (Every time Bertha appears in a scene I feel like somebody has let all the air out of my tires.) Fernanda and Daira try to tell her that they aren’t there, and she rudely says that she’ll just wait till they return. Daira replies that she’ll be waiting a rather long time since they just left on their honeymoon. Bertha is stunned (she starts with that brow rubbing and sweating thing) and accuses Daira and Fernanda of joking but Fernanda and Gonzo say they in fact got married earlier in the day and just left a few minutes before. Bertha is choking back her anger and swigging down her whiskey and soda. She threatens Daira about she and her daughter having to live the rest of their lives on the on the street now. (Somebody slap that witch, already!) Daira shoots back not to be so sure of that since there was a special surprise for her: a clause in those documents she took from them that could void any of her false claims. Bertha says “could” is the operative verb here. She then asks if they just got married on purpose then (because of the clause), but Daira says, "NO!". It was because of their deep love for one another. Gonzo has had enough and tells Bertha to just pack it up and leave. She says no and if they try to force her she’ll tell Florencia the truth even if it means Flo dies from the news. Afterward, Bertha lays the blame of all the nasty things that have happened to the family on Fernanda’s shoulders, then snidely taunts Fernanda about finally ‘fessing up about the man she was going to flee with that night, and who Florencia’s father really is. Fernanda backs off and, when Bertha leaves the room, agrees with Gonzo later that Bertha still has the upper hand.

Francisco complains to his sister about how arrogantly Gonzalo acted concerning Juan and Renata’s marriage. He felt the man treated them like servants. He yells that his is a close family and that is something that Gonzalo, who acts like he owns the whole world, does not have. At the same time, Renata is telling Juan her father is who he is and won’t change. She admits also that she had been tempted for a while to return and to try to convince him to go with her because they’d have no worries about food and rent. They could save to buy him some nice things and she could also teach him some useful things that would help him enter into important social circles. He gripes about being a "kept man" but she finally gets him to see things from her point of view.

Fabricio goes to visit his mother and lets her know that Cesar told him by cell what had happened concerning Julio being their real father. Rebeca whines that she was made to feel like a criminal for having kept the secret about Julio all these years. Fabricio says she’s suffered enough and it doesn’t matter anymore. He explains about the Manglars still being theirs and she is thrilled. "Bless Alejandro!" Fab asks her not to tell Cesar what she's learned about the Manglars. She obviously thinks it won't matter telling Cesar, but Fab emphasizes he doesn't want her to mention it at all. He then suggests she and Julio go there for a few days away and he leaves for the hospital. Julio comes out a bit later, angry and with his bag packed. He says he’s leaving her for good and not to come looking for him again. He goes back to his own place.

Daniel visits Carola and Raul. He tells them the news about Fabricio and Cesar being his and Angel’s brothers and that it was Cesar who’d lied about their father’s heart attack and who convinced them that to sue Gonzalo and send him to jail. He has no problem with Fabricio, but he considers Cesar a lying coward. He says he is going to tell Gonzalo everything Cesar had asked them to do against him. (You go, boy!)

Fernanda must return to the hospital to check on Florencia because her blood pressure has gone back up, so she promises to answer all Gonzalo's questions next time they get together. Daira wants to be there then too and explains that even though he might not believe it, she also was a victim of what took place that night, but the one who really owes him an explanation is Bertha.

Fernanda and Florencia are comparing the two weddings when Bertha swoops into the hospital room, even though it is after visiting hours are over. She glides right over to Florencia and kisses her forehead, lying about her coming just as soon as she heard Flo was sick. Then she purposely turns to Fernanda with that evil, self-satisfied smile of hers. Fernanda just glares at her.

Gonzalo later on goes looking for Bertha and is banging on her bedroom door. (Where's Lucas these days?) Charo sees Gonzo and explains Bertha left for the hospital to see Florencia. Gonzalo tells Charo to keep track of everything Bertha does from now on. (It's about time!) He walks off and Charo calls up to Tomasa in heaven to have them send her an army of angels as now the Devil has come back.

When Florencia is again asleep Bertha warns Fernanda to be careful how she speaks to her because she won’t hesitate to kill Florencia. Fernanda answers the same way she didn’t shudder at shooting Alfredo. At first Bertha denies knowing what Fernanda is referring to, and insists she’s just gone crazy, but Fernanda continues that she knows Bertha brought Alfredo there that night, and wasn't it too bad that Bertha wasn’t counting on Gonzalo’s reaction. Bertha then stops lying and smiles evilly again as she answers back that the one she had aimed to shoot that night was really Fernanda.

Miranda and Alejandro check into the resort at Los Cabos and he says he’s giving her a church wedding fit for a queen.

Juan tells his father and aunt that he’s going to let Renata return home if she wants. It is not his decision. Amparo gets frustrated and gets the wad of money that Renata gave her the day the taco sales had been so meager. She explains that this is proof that Renata feels a part of the family and had true concern for their welfare. She explains that Renata isn’t interested in money because she’s had more than enough, but what she’s never had is the love and affection she feels from them. Francisco urges Juan to go to Renata and to not let his wife leave them. (Yeah, Juan, you self-righteous twirp!) Renata hears all this from the bedroom doorway and she runs back into the room and tries to pretend she’s asleep. Juan knows better and they begin to discuss the problem. She asks him to help her keep from losing her nerve and running back home. Juan promises to be there to support her always. (...and please allow her to do the same for you. It's a two-way street, ya know? This guy is such a male chauvinist and it grates on me......)

At the hospital Fernanda asks Bertha how she can be so shameless. (By now you'd think a doctor could have spotted sociopathic and/or psychopathic tendencies and been more proactive about it.) Bertha admits she’s always despised Fernanda and hates her to her very core. She says she came back to make her and Miranda suffer even more. She is going to make the two of them pay for having taken away everyone she has loved (presumably Alfredo and Alejandro?). Fernanda finally gets to rub it in that Miranda is happily married (and it's to Alejandro! Yessss!!!) Bertha threatens to harm her daughters and to make their suffering unbearably painful. Fernanda threatens to stop her but Bertha laughs and says she won’t be able to avoid it. Fernanda says Bertha has no idea what she is capable of if it comes to protecting her 3 daughters. Bertha tells her these aren’t idle threats but promises and Fernanda and her daughters will pay for having crossed her. Then she gives another feigned affectionate kiss to the sleeping Florencia to emphasize no one, especially her daughter, would believe any of Fernanda’s claims against her and glides back out on that broomstick of hers.

Miranda and Alejandro finally consummate their vows and we get to feel like voyeurs with all that glass and not a single shade!


Sunday, October 22, 2006

Heridas Friday Oct 20

After Cesar and Nuria’s wedding, Cesar tells Sanson to take her to her place. He says to remember that she belongs to Cesar, so hands off. Then he tells Sanson that when he’s bored with her, he’ll leave her to him. What a swell guy. Sanson smiles at the idea. Must be the only way he can get girls.

Cesar tries to make a move towards Miranda when she comes down the stairs, his mophead mother and Julio (so his PARENTS we have found out) stop him, saying, “what are you going to do?” Cesar says she can’t marry this imbecile. And why didn’t they tell him this was happening? Nobody knew, they were just invited for an important reunion with everyone, nobody knew. Alejandro says he thought this moment would never come, Miranda says me neither, they kiss and everyone claps. Cesar tries to push past his parents to get to the happy couple and make a scene, he threatens mophead “let go of me or I’ll forget you’re my mother” and then raises his hand to hit Julio. Gonzalo steps in and says no – he will not allow this Monster to raise a hand against his own father. Mophead screams “Gonz what did you do!” Gonz tells her that she should never let her son raise a hand against his father. Cesar is impactado of course. He demands an explanation from Mophead. Julio yells at her too, “answer him!” She just runs away cying. Cesar and Julio stare at each other, then Julio runs off to find Mophead.

Fab is thinking (I know!) – He is sure that Bertha was involved in the death of Flor’s German doctors. But why, he wonders? Slutty comes in. She asks Fab why he hangs up when she calls him? Fab tries to get her out, she says we can talk and starts talking to Flor to demonstrate that she won’t wake up. Fab finally puts his hand over her mouth to shut her up. Flor wakes up a bit, Fab says “nothing nothing go to sleep.” Slutty tells Fab she tested positive for AIDS, he says he didn’t know and he’s sorry to hear that. She says whatever, she needs money and lots of it. 50,000 pesos. He says he doesn’t have it, what do you want me to do? She says she doesn’t care, sell his soul to the devil, whatever, get the money. She leaves him there looking confused, as usual.

During the wedding ceremony, I notice Renata and Juan in the back looking like they are getting along just fine. Then Pamela and her mother, hello Pamela! Then Lasagna looking bored, then after Al and Miranda both say “I do” the priest does the “anybody here have any reason that these two should not be married, speak now or forever hold your peace” we see Cesar begin to walk to the front. He pulls out a gun and shoots Miranda in the back! “I told you Miranda, if I can’t have you then nobody can.” Then……. Cesar comes out of his fantasy and hears the priest finish up. The ceremony wraps up and everyone is happy and claps. Cesar approaches Miranda and says “I don’t know if should congratulate you or offer my condolences.” What an ass. Ha ha ha oh Cesar you’re so funny. She tells him to just congratulate her. He then goes to give Alejandro a hug. Alejandro looks as if he would prefer to have bamboo shoved under his fingernails than be in close proximity to this guy, but you know Al, he always does the socially acceptable thing. Cesar whispers to him, “I swear to you that you’ll be sorry, you will pay dearly for this.” Al whispers back, “I swear to YOU that if you do anything against me, I’ll kill you.” They stare each other down.

Next we see Cesar dragging Lasagna by her hair down some back steps to a private area. He calls her estupida and gets in her face, “why didn’t you tell me about this?” She says she didn’t know. They argue about it and he slaps her face a couple times. She says she didn’t want to come but her mom made her. Cesar then accuses her “you and your brother are against me aren’t you?” She swears that Al knows nothing about the two of them. He grabs her hair again roughly and says “I don’t want to see one single tear. One tear and I’ll hurt you.” She whimpers for him not to hurt him. Then Cesar starts whining. “I knew she would hurt me, she mocks me, tell my why Lasagna? Why? I want to be dead to end the suffering.” Then Lasagna STUPID STUPID STUPID girl, instead of running away from this basket case as fast as she can, says “no Cesar don’t be that way! I love you more than anything! Please believe me!” He says fine, he believes her, he whines some more and dumbass Lasagna plays to his craziness some more. He tells her to get back to the party, then come to his place later. Of course she agrees. He tells her to not be a bad girl or she will receive her punishment. Then he kisses her roughly and bites her lip again. “Get your shoes and get out of here.” Bah every time I see him acting like this with Lasagna or Nuria it pisses me off. It takes me back to high school and college when the assholes got all the hot girls. Ah well, that was a long time ago, at least one hot girl wised up and married me. I don’t care about the rest.

Al and Miranda are standing by themselves at a table drinking champagne. She tells him that he looks extremely happy, he says it’s because he has a surprise. He tells her about the clause in her father’s will (or wherever that clause is) that will make the documents that Bertha has worthless. He says they have to have a kid before the year is done… then it fades out and we don’t hear any more. Miranda looks somewhere between happy and confused.

Fernanda calls Gonzalo over and says that they need to finish their conversation, but Bertha needs to be there for it. He says she’s in for quite a surprise when she returns! Fernanda says there is something else…. Gonz says not today, I just want to think about my daughter. He is sad because he always thought he would be happier on her wedding day but she is with someone he doesn’t like. Fernanda of course says that Al is a great guy and will make Miranda happy. She goes on to say that a person remembers every detail about the day they fall in love but they don’t remember what day the love goes away. She asks Gonz if he knows when he stopped loving her, and don’t say ‘that night.’ He just looks at her. It is more and more apparent that these two will end up together again before this novela is over.

Flor finally puts two and two together. She tells Fab that the only explanation for her having a genetic condition that nobody else in her family has is that she’s adopted. That’s why she’s so different from her sisters, etc. Fab tells her to quit thinking about that, those are fantasies, then he correctly states that it doesn’t matter, she’s still Florencia San Llorente etc etc. She smiles, he actually said the right thing for once, even if he was lying about not knowing the truth.

El Guapo tells someone on the phone that Gabino has to be alone for the plans. Santiago comes out and El Guapo gives him some food, what a nice guy. He tells the padre that his name is El Guapo, the father laughs. El Guapo gives him a sob story about coming here to look for work but he misses his hometown, Santiago says that when he gets some free time he’ll take him back home. El Guapo says he’s going to love the little town so much he’ll never come back. Some scary music says that El Guapo will kill him, that’s why he’ll never come back.

Renata tells Lasagna that she has to get used to the economic reality of her new life, but she won’t ever leave Juan and she’ll have to figure out how to improve their financial situation. She wants to know all about Lasagna’s new flame but Lasagna won’t tell her anything. Finally she says “someone you introduced me to.” Then she gets a little psycho. “I’m the happiest woman in the world. Let me tell you something – he hits me!” She says this like saying “he buys me diamonds!” or something. She’s a freak. And not in a good way. Lasagna is off her rocker.

The happy couple and the non-crazy people are talking, they ask the couple about their honeymoon, Miranda thinks they are going to the hacienda but Al says he has a surprise. “Tell me!” “No, then it isn’t a surprise!” Ha ha ha. Then someone asks Gonzalo what he thinks about all this. “what can I say? They already signed the papers.” Ha ha ha some more. Fab shows up and announces that Flor is sleeping and the doctor let him go for a while. Then – “oh Miranda? Why do you look so pretty, it looks like you’re getting married!” “uh yeah, I just did.” Fab is impactado. Miranda gets all kissy face with Alejandro while Fab looks confused some more.

Julio demands an explanation from Mophead, before she can answer Cesar walks in. He goes down the list. “same eyes, same skin…” Julio swears he didn’t know either, Cesar believes him. Then he asks his mother, when were you going to tell? She says she was waiting for the right moment. When that would be, who knows. Cesar said “I was about to kill Julio before. Were you going to tell me after, you killed your father?” Julio agrees with him and says that Gonzalo was right to think so badly of her. They are really letting her have it. They want the whole story and they want it now. She says that when her parents made her marry Javier and leave Julio, he never loved her and she never loved him. Then it turned out Javier was sterile. Everyone asked them when they were going to have kids so they finally decided to have someone else father the kids, they decided on Julio. Julio is pissed at hearing this, of course. “You just used me as a donor? You could at least have told me!”

Fab the idiot confronts Alejandro about Miranda. He says he’s not afraid of Al, but Al says he should be. Fab says Al stole her away from him with his money, deep in her heart she still loves him (Fab). Al tells him that he’s a stupid kid and doesn’t know anything. Al says “you know what? I’m going to forget what you just said but if you say it again there will be trouble.” Fernanda comes up and asks if something happened. Al says “yes. Talk to him and see if you can talk some sense into him.” Fab tells Fern, “What do you think Miranda will say when she finds out about Al’s plans to avenge his father and that you knew about it?”

Daniel and Angel wonder why Julio and Rebeca ran off so fast. They discuss the surprises of all the marriages lately. Miranda approaches and says thank you for coming, I hope we can put behind us all the ugliness from when your father was sick. Daniel says “Yes we can, now that we know that he really was sick.” Miranda bristles. “We told you, do you think we were all making a story and only your other source told the truth?” Daniel says “Well, your father was in jail because of us.” Angel said “Yes, and you got Renata’s husband to help support your story.” They are accusing everyone of putting on a big show just to get back at them. Don’t flatter yourselves boys. So basically they still think that the whole thing was a production. Alejandro walks up. Miranda says “Who told you all this, that we just put you on about Julio being sick?” Daniel says “Cesar.” Angel agrees.

Francisco’s family dreams about having a place as big as the San Llorente house when Gonzalo walks up, introductions all around.

Miranda says it can’t be, Cesar isn’t capable of something like that. Daniel says that anything he says about Gonzalo is because Cesar told them. Miranda obviously doesn’t want to believe Cesar could do that, she’s so dumb sometimes. Al says this proves that Gonzalo was right, Cesar is trying to hurt him. Miranda asks the boys if they have any proof that Cesar told them this, they say no, but that’s how it happened. They say they could never invent that themselves. Al says “See? SEE?” but Miranda won’t believe it and they argue. She says another day they’ll get Cesar and she’ll ask them to repeat what they said, they agree and say that Cesar won’t deny it. She storms off. Al asks if Cesar asked them to do anything else, Daniel says they already told Miranda everything and the boys leave.

Gonzalo asks to speak to Francisco alone. Juan says “I’ll go with you.” I guess he doesn’t understand what alone means. Gonz says no, just your father. They walk away to talk.

Miranda and Alejandro argue some more. The details aren’t important, he believes that Cesar is evil and she thinks he’s a saint. Finally they decide that it’s their wedding day, smile, peace and love.

Fern talks Fab down. He’s all worked up about things and she talks and talks until he calms down. He still thinks Alejandro stole Miranda. Fern tells him that Al has decided not to seek vengeance. That calms him down a bit. He says he’ll talk to Al again to smooth things over. Then he tells Fern about Bertha lying about Germany, saying that she really went to New York.

Mophead says Gonzalo will pay for telling Cesar and Julio the truth. Cesar says no, it was only fair, Mophead was the one who told about Flor not being Gonz’s daughter, now they are even. Julio is furious, “Where was your head, doing all this?” He is holding his hand over his heart like he’s about to have another attack. Daniel and Angel are brought in by the servant. Cesar says how nice, if Fab were here, the whole family would be together. Julio says "Not now!" but Cesar says yes, Pandora’s Box has been opened, let’s get it all out. Angel yells at Julio, “What are you talking about?” Cesar says from this moment forward, he will not allow anyone to yell at his father! The boys are confused, obviously. Julio grabs his left arm, he’s having another heart attack I think. His brilliant trio of sons stands there looking at him like pendejos. Help him you idiots!

Gonzalo tells Francisco that he wouldn’t ever have agreed to the wedding of Renata and Juan; Francisco says they are old enough, what can be done about it? Gonz says they’ll never agree on that since Francisco has sons and Gonz has daughters, they’ll never see that the same way. Gonz says that they need to help the couple, Francisco says how? He has nothing more he can give them. Gonz says he wants them to come live at his house. Francisco is stunned. I’m discovering how often I type that someone is stunned or impactado. That’s the code for switching to another scene. “Ok, we’ll switch by having him look stunned, then go to the other location.”

Fab tries to convince Fern that Bertha killed the doctors in Germany. They plan to investigate further. They are now a team.

Francisco’s family wonders what is going on, Al and Miranda come up to them and offer a toast, Juan decides to find his father. He still doesn’t understand what alone means, I guess. Renata goes with him.

Daira tells Lasagna she’s being a bitch. “At least go congratulate him!” If she can’t shape up, she should go home right now. Lasagna whines “Why do you always take his side?” What a complete whiny bitch. She gets younger and more immature each episode. She sasses back at her mother and insinuates that maybe Alejandro isn’t her brother, but instead her father! Daira slaps her. Now I’m confused, she likes when Cesar hits her, does her mother slapping her turn her on too? Does it confuse her? She’s so wacky now I don’t know what to think. They argue some more, Lasagna says something about forgetting that Daira is her mother and leaves.

Turns out Julio is ok. Why is he ok? Because Mophead said “Calm down, you’re ok.” I think with someone who was in a #$%$#%@# coma from a heart attack not too long ago it might be prudent to get him checked out when his left arm goes numb again. Don’t you think? What the hell is wrong with these people? The boys start in on Julio again, “Why didn’t you tell us?” Mophead says he didn’t know, Cesar says yes that’s true. Things have to change now that they know they are brothers. Daniel says forget it, he’ll never see him as a brother. Cesar says fine, but he intends to make them a family. Julio agrees that they need to move forward as a family. Mophead whines about how she didn’t know how to tell them. Daniel says fine, but I can’t promise anything. Cesar acts glad. I’m sure he has an angle. Cesar tells Daniel that as his older brother he’ll show him things and together they’ll go far. Daniel says “Fine. Tell me though, why did you say that Julio wasn’t really sick and that everyone agreed to pretend he was?” Cesar has no answer as they all look at each other.

Francisco says it isn’t their business where the couple lives, they are a couple, just two people, there isn’t room in a couple for three or four people, they should decide for themselves. Juan and Renata come in, Francisco insists that they were just discussing politics and excuses himself, Juan goes with him. Renata says “What did you say to him? They are treating me very well.” Gonz says because they have to, not because they want to. Gonz asks why she married Juan, just to hurt him (Gonz)? She says no, because she loves Juan, that's why she married him. Gonz says that she belongs in this house, she should stay here. Juan comes and says “Let’s go.” She doesn’t answer and he says “I’m talking to you.” She can’t decide what to do.


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