Tuesday, December 19, 2006

HERIDAS DE AMOR - Monday, 12/18/06

Nuria from the hallway listens to the two Sisters of Satan discuss their worry at being found out to be excommunicated nuns. She realizes then that these women are accomplices of Bertha’s.

Juan wakes up that next morning to find Renata has driven off and left him at the resort. (Guess he’ll have to take the bus or hitch a ride.)

Roman pays a visit to Amparo and she delights in showing him how many orders she has gotten from area bakeries and restaurants for her confections. While they talk in the kitchen, he admits to her that he is finishing a pending case connected to Fernanda.

Pamela offers to lend Miranda money to keep the business and the family afloat. Miranda thanks her for her friendship and tells her how worried she is about her sister and finding a market for the chocolate she plans to export.

Some parish women tell Santiago about a school and infirmary that is connected that is in the area. Certain parents have their children there and they had noticed how strange the nuns there seemed. They didn’t wear the normal habits of the Church and although they always smiled to your face, once the doors were closed you could hear them yelling worse than jail wardens. Santiago tells them he will have the police investigate. Once they leave, he says it must be the one where Bertha sent Nuria, so he wants to see it for himself.

Miranda and Florencia have a serious discussion. Florencia asks Miranda to forgive her for taking Fabricio away from her. She tells her that because she took Bertha’s advice she had purposely set out to become happy by way of Miranda’s misery. Dying like this, she thinks, is her punishment. Florencia also asks her to take care of her husband and son and to make sure he knows how much she loved him. She also asks Miranda not to let Fabricio do anything foolish.

Roman suggests to Amparo that she and Francisco think about buying their own little house now that they seem to be financially back on their feet. In particular, it would be a good idea because, in case they all didn’t know it, Cesar de Beltran owns the property all around there, including her building. He says that there are some new places going up nearby and they might even end up neighbors. Roman kisses her on the cheek and leaves then. Amparo thinks seriously about what he’s just said.

Padre Santiago surprises the “mother superior” of Nuria’s former school. He tells her that he’s heard some talk of various schools that claim to be religious schools sponsored by The Church and really are not at all. These parents don’t know the half of it and never bother to investigate these places. These places dirty the good name of The Church and he wants to assure his parishoners that this is not one of these. Therefore, he wants all the information about the operation given to him as he assures her that the police now know of her school and are investigating it. For once, she is impactada and starts to sweat and wring her hands a bit.

Florencia tells Miranda that she is no longer afraid of Death. It just is. Just then, Bertha arrives and asks Miranda to speak to Florencia alone. Miranda warns her that if she does anything to cause Florencia’s death she will see to it that she is put in jail herself. Bertha says she is not going to harm Florencia so she can leave. (NO! Miranda don’t do it!)

Miranda leaves and Florencia sneers at the site of Bertha at her bedside. She tells her aunt, “If I could take you with me I would do it without a second thought.” Bertha’s evil and smiling response is, “Unfortunately, the only one dying here is you, and I am more alive than ever!” Florencia starts to breathe faster as she gets more upset. Bertha begins to press her advantage here and drives the knife in even farther. “Don’t agitate yourself, my dear, you are speeding up your death and I have so much to confess to you!” (I don’t think I have ever seen a character as seriously vile and slippery as that of Bertha, nor played to such perfection.)

Outside her room, Fabricio is pacing and he tries to enter. Fernanda stops him and Alejandro tells him its best to leave them alone since that’s what his sister wanted. Miranda assures him that Bertha has been warned against harming her because she’s told her she’ll put her in jail. (Nice try, but a waste of breath at this point.) He then turns to her and starts to sympathetically caress her cheek. Miranda turns away and suggests it is better if they don’t “start that up”. Alejandro asks her if she thinks she will ever pardon him. She tells him she already has, but adds, “It is not so easy a thing to forget.” He asks her if she means she wants to separate for the length of time it will take her to forget. (Duh!) She just stares at him. (Just what does this self-centered ex-playboy expect?)

Back inside Florencia’s bedroom, she tells her aunt how much she despises her because she is nothing but a monster. Bertha smiles back at her. “Ha! The kidnapping was nothing!” She begins to tell Florencia how she is now dying because she, Bertha, purposely didn’t give her the drugs for her heart condition all these years –“That is monstrous” Then she tells her how she convinced her to take Fabricio away from Miranda so her sister would suffer. “That is monstrous.” Then she tells her how she now will be the guardian to her son’s fortune as the first-born grandchild of Alfredo Luque after getting her to sign him away in front of a notary. “But I didn’t do that.” “--Yes you did and I have the documents.”

At the SOS school the “mother superior”/director is making up some lame-brain excuse not to give Santiago information. Right then Santiago hears the “nun” and Nuria screaming at each other. He demands she hand over Nuria and the baby immediately or he’ll call the police. Nuria is brought to him with the baby when the so-called mother superior refuses to let her go with him. The director says she has Bertha’s authorization to hold her. Santiago clears this up for her immediately. “Nuria is not a minor and she is not Bertha’s daughter. Bertha stole her and then gave her to you!” Santiago says she’s going to be accused of kidnapping as well as fraud. This scares her assistant “nun” into confessing their story. “I am not going to jail for this! This is your doing. Ines was excommunicated from the convent because she was seen as too violent and refused to follow God’s way. So Ines suggested we could start this school with the money she stole!” He calls Juan to have Francisco come to the school in the taxi. He then has him rush the baby and Nuria to Fernanda’s house in case they are not too late to have Florencia see him one last time.

Juan rushes out once he returns home and realizes that Florencia is on the verge of dying.

In the meantime, Sofia begs her mother to call Alejandro and invite him over for the day since it is Sunday. Liliana tries to explain he is married and cannot come there any more. Sofia asks for Liliana’s cell phone and runs out of her bedroom. Liliana prays for the intelligence to deal with her child and explain how things must be. Sofia finds her mother’s phone and somehow knows enough to find Alejandro’s number. (How is this possible? I thought the kid was 3 or 4, not 7 or 8!) Liliana the Lady Lawyer is a legal genius, but she apparently hasn’t a clue about what her daughter is doing or how to lock up the keypad on a cell when she is around a little child.

Luciano gets a phone call and tells Alejandro that the man buying his mansion is making an offer. Apparently, he knows Alejandro is in a financial bind and is trying to take advantage of his situation. Fabricio says he will sell the Manglars, but Alejandro refuses. “That is your son’s familial home and I don’t want you and him to be left in a state of poverty.” He tells Luciano to sell the mansion at any price. It doesn’t matter.

Florencia tells Bertha she forgives her. Bertha calls her an idiot and says she doesn’t need her forgiveness nor anybody else’s. Florencia says she will anyway because she now knows that Bertha has never and will not ever arouse the love of a man. “You know why? It is because you are filthy and disgusting and you have the smell of death in your blood! You are not a woman and like that you will never even be desired.” (Finally) Bertha becomes agitated herself and she begins to scream and shake Florencia who, in turn, has another heart attack.

They hear her screams from out in the hall and rush in. Fernanda pushes Bertha out of the way. Bertha tries to sneak out the door in the confusion but Miranda grabs her and tells her she is not going anywhere. Fernanda yells at Florencia trying to get her to open her eyes and respond. Nuria and Charo are walking down the hall in slow motion towards the bedroom with the baby. Fernanda tries to get Florencia’s attention by repeatedly yelling at her to hold on because the baby is coming. Miranda and everybody’s eyes are turned toward the tragedy taking place on the bed while Bertha looks on --and I am wondering along with her-- will Florencia regain consciousness long enough to see her baby? Or will she even have a chance to blurt out to everybody everything that Bertha has just admitted she’d done to her? Florencia does open her eyes just as Fabricio rushes in with little Enrique in his arms and screams at her to look at him. They all start yelling at her to “Look! Look! The baby is here!” She just stares into space and for a single second it appears she’s heard and then her head slides down the pillow, lifeless. With the exception of Bertha, everyone begins to scream and cry, realizing that Florencia is gone.

Fernanda walks over to Bertha and screams at her. “What did you say to her, Bertha!” Of course she answers back, “Nothing, absolutely nothing! We were saying our good-byes. Then you come in and tell her that about the baby. It was your lack of a brain that was the blame.” Fernanda slaps Bertha so hard she might have gone down for the count. “How dare you tell me this is my fault.”

Alejandro gets a call on his cell right in the middle of all this bedlam. It is Sofia and he asks her to get her mother. The little girl says she won’t because she doesn’t want her to cry again. Then she hangs up. (Miranda cannot be a happy camper here.) They all turn towards the bed and one by one, we see their individual grief. Bertha breathes a sigh of relief. She closes her eyes and literally orgasms as she experiences everyone else’s pain. She looks around, a smile of self-congratulation on her face, and exits the room unseen.


Sunday, December 17, 2006

Heridas Friday Dec 15

When Miranda is telling Al to get lost, she sure has lots of spit and stuff flying out of her mouth, not very attractive. Cesar arrives and tells her not to believe anything Al says.

Francisco, Amparito, and Carola gossip about the San Llorente house being stripped clean, Carola pretends to think it’s such a shame, then Raul comes running in. I think what he said was that Renata was at the hacienda and Juan took her aside to talk to her but is kind of keeping her locked up, like he won’t let her leave without talking to him. If that’s wrong somebody please correct me. I’d ask my wife, but she has long since grown tired of watching novelas with muchas pausas while I write. We only watch together when I’m not recapping. Either that or she doesn’t really like this show. Anyway, after Raul says that, Carola has a look on her face like she could pull a Bobbit on Juan.

Juan and Renata (wearing a nice short skirt) are in Valle de Bravo, I’m not sure where that is or why they are there. They act pissy towards each other and finally Renata tells about Charo and the bloody handkerchief. Some more talk about Miranda not having her house any more, then back to their fractured relationship. Juan wants to walk and talk, but not before getting in a dig about not being able to take her to New York. Renata says something bitchy and they almost kiss, but then laugh and go for a walk. What?

Somehow everyone else showed up before Al challenges Cesar to fight. Cesar says he’s not guilty of anything, especially about Al kissing Babe Lawyer, Cesar goes on to talk about what a loser Al is. Miranda convinces Cesar to leave, Fab goes with him. Miranda wants to know what happened. Al says Vicente might be able to negotiate with the banks, Flor whines, Fern says she has a little money set aside. Flor whines some more and they take her to her room to rest, leaving Al and Miranda behind. Al says he sold his watch to pay for a couple things to be left behind for Flor and the baby. Al asks if the time has come when they can talk, Miranda says yes. Somehow that question and answer gets the ominous music treatment and long impactado stares. Forced drama. Like “are you thirsty?” “Yes.” Dum dum dummmmm.

Back to Juan and Renata – Juan has his shirt unbuttoned all the way to his belt. Renata whines about everybody bossing her around and being confused. Juan disses Bertha and Renata changes the subject – “what’s going to happen with us?” Juan doesn’t want a divorce, Renata says she won’t ever live poor, Juan cries. He walks away to stare at the water. For effect I think.

Santiago comes into Flor’s room, like he’s about to give last rites. OH oh she wants to confess. All the dialogue is whispered and Santiago gives her God’s forgiveness. Flor feels better. Santiago gives his usual keep your chin up speech. She gives the padre an envelope to give to Miranda after she dies. Santiago says he’s going to go to Nuria’s school to see if he can find anything out about where she might have gone. Flor says no, she knows that it was Bertha who took Nuria.

Al and Miranda are talking in the big empty house. Al said after Miranda accused him of having feelings for Babe Lawyer after saying her name in bed, so he thought maybe it was true. Then he says Vicente tried to get him to hire Babe Lawyer for months but Al said no, eventually he decided she could help his case. Miranda says “tell me the truth – did you like it?” Al says Babe Lawyer is hot, no point in denying it. He then gives her the “I had to see if I felt something” excuse, then saying “I felt nothing.” Give me a break. This is the lamest thing I have ever heard. Unfortunately, I have heard friends of mine try to pass this same crap along to women. Even worse, sometimes they believe it. Whatever. Miranda then tells Al that for sure Babe Lawyer set this all up for Cesar to show up, she fell in love with him so she tried to find a way to piss off Miranda.

Fab explains to Fern that he has to stay close to Cesar so he can hear if anything slips and he can get info. Fern calls Bertha to ask her to move back to the big house. I think to keep her and Cesar apart. Bertha says she’ll think about it. Fern and Fab agree that the important thing is to stay in contact with Bertha to keep tabs on her.

Back to the Valle. Somehow Juan and Renata have ended up on a sailboat and Renata has found time to change into shorts. The last conversation didn’t seem to say “let’s go sailing” but here they are. They just sit there and look at each other, look away, nothing. Finally Renata says she loves this place. The A+ #1 sound technician has decided that right on the waterline would be a great place for a microphone. We can barely hear the actors but we REALLY HEAR THE WATER LAPPING UP AGAINST THE BOAT SPLASH SPLASH. Renata says she would like to live there, Juan says yeah right. He says he doesn’t believe it, she says something about what if she said she didn’t want to divorce him would he be convinced, he says prove it (or something like that) and they start making out. Then there is a montage of them sailing and having fun. They don’t show the part where suddenly he has a vision of her making out with Cesar, because you know that is going to happen at some point. They can act happy all they want, someday laying in bed after sex he’s going to think “that bastard Cesar was there too” and not be able to sleep for days. Trust me, this will happen. I’m also not sure where Juan learned to sail in the ghetto, I don’t remember seeing the barrio boat club.

Pamela has come to visit Miranda (finally, we need more Pamela. Unless she’s being a bitch like she has been lately.) Miranda says she has to outsmart Babe Lawyer. Miranda says she wants a man who can tell her that he has eyes for nobody but her and for her to not doubt it. Al hears this part, but just says “uh there’s coffee ready in the kitchen if you want some.”

Renata and Juan play around in the pool. Who is paying for the room here? Not pobre Juan. Uh oh, Renata is distracted, is she having second thoughts? She says no, happy happy kiss kiss forever etc etc.

Everyone agrees Al should stay at the house tonight, Luciano says that tomorrow Al is selling his own house.

Juan and Renata are having sex, he’s sure to have the ugly Cesar vision any minute. In the morning he wakes up and Renata isn’t there. She’s long gone. Juan runs outside and she’s not anywhere. We see her driving somewhere else, no idea where. Now Juan is running on the same street where we just saw her driving, she must have just left. Juan in his white white white clothes sits down on some very dirty stairs. Renata is driving and crying, Juan cries too, everybody cries.

Miranda is telling Al not to sell his house, why not the cars? Fab runs in and says that something is wrong with Flor, he can’t get her to respond. She said she didn’t want to go to a hospital again, so Fern is on the way. They run in and try to wake her up. She has a pulse but won’t wake up. Fern walks in and tells them all to move over. Fab has an amazingly pained look. Fern prepares some injection and sticks it into Flor’s arm. Al says Miranda was right, they should call an ambulance anyway. Fern says forget it, it’s too late. Everybody cries.

Charo has a mental flashback about Gonz getting shot and what she did with the bloody handkerchief. She thinks maybe she should just leave before she gets fired, now that the SLs are poor and don’t need her.

Miranda, Al, and Fab all try to comfort each other. Fab and Al get into an argument about who is suffering more. Miranda says the most important thing is that they are all together. Pamela comes in and Miranda goes to her for comfort, Al isn’t please about that. Fab cries about it being unfair that Flor will die without seeing her son again.

Somehow Flor is awake again and talking to Fern. Flor asks that they keep looking for her son. Flor says she’s tired, so so so tired… but she wants to see Bertha – call her, get her over here. Fern says ok and goes to call her. Flor prays to the virgin while she waits.

Fern tells the others that she has to call Bertha, everyone loves that idea of course. Bertha answers the phone at Cesar’s house. Bertha rattles on a bunch of whatever, finally Miranda manages to tell her why she called, Bertha agrees to come. Cesar tells her to wait a minute first and talk to him. He wants to know what Bertha will do when Flor dies. About what? About Fab’s son! Ah, she’ll tell him later. She says this death better not mess up her plans. How inconsiderate of Flor to die without consulting Bertha first.

The SOS (I like that too) are being really mean to Nuria.


Friday, December 15, 2006

Heridas de Amor Thursday 12/14

Luciano tells Alejandro that none of his contacts want to do business with them. He tells him to sell his house because is worth a lot of money and he needs cash, as he blames Berta and Cesar for their problems.

The bounty hunters have arrived and are taking everything from the San Llorente house, Renata argues with the notary and then calls Alejandro telling him that they are taking everything away to come to their rescue and make it quick!!

. Juan arrives and reads the document telling her everything is legal, she says it isn't fair and threatens the notary and says she will call the police, he tells her to go ahead that he will ask them to take her with them because she is obstructing justice.

Naty gives Miranda chocolate and tells her she needs all the strength she needs for what's coming.
Gabino tells Miranda that Florencia is calling her and she tells her everything that's going on at the house.
Berta insults Sanson as he tells her and Cesar about the San Llorente family. She tell shim that for some reason he annoys her, just by looking at him she is disgusted and he says he's never done anything to her to make her feel that way, she says it doesn't matter she still can't stand him.
The bounty hunters continue to take everything from the house, Florencia begs the men not to take the bassinet when Fabricio arrives and she tells him they didn't take the bed because Alejandro gave them his watch. Fabricio tells the men not to take the bassinet , take everything else but that , he assures his wife that their son is fine. She tells him that Nuria is Tomasa's granddaughter.

Vicente tells Alejandro he did the right thing in telling Luciano to take all the computers out the office building saying they'll repossess everything at the office also. Cesar orders Rebeca not to let Julio give any money to the San Llorente family. The superior informs Berta that she had to punish Nuria.

Naty tells Miranda that she'll soon have a son in her arms so she can care for him. She asks her if she's going to be a mother but she tells her not yet as she tells her to be prepared for the worst blow she's going to receive. As she leaves she tells her to be strong; that she's going to fight the final battle. Juan tells Renata to go with him. Berta tells LuisAlberto about the scandal that's about to come. She senses he has changed somehow when he gets a call from Nuria begging him for help. The superior catches Nuria calling Luis Alberto . The sister tells the superior not to tell Berta what happened as Berta calls and she denies that anything happenned or Nuria calling her. They then talk about her punishment being an example to the other girls.

Alejandro tells Juan he can't leave at that moment as he explains his reasons. He tells him to try to reconcile with Renata as he tells him to do the same with Miranda. Fabricio begs a sleeping Florencia not to leave him when LuisAlberto arrives and tells him of Nuria's call and decides to call Roman.

Vicente questions Charo as Alejandro tries to calm her down. He tells Vicente to leave as Charo asks him for forgiveness. He tells her he understands why she lied as she recalls the night that Gonzalo was killed. Liliana plays with her daughter and asks her why she didn't want to go out and she tells her because Alejandro wasn't with them and begs her mother to tell him to move in with them. Fabricio and Florencia thank Al for his help. As he leaves she becomes worse.

Vicente tells Alejandro that he needs Miranda's approval to travel to London saying he knows where Gonzalo left the proof he had on Cesar. They talk about Charo as they wonder how El Guapo got into the mansion.

Charo tells Renata she fears Tomasa and Gonzalo's ghost will come after her as she shows her the hankerchief with El Guapo's blood on it. Renata asks her why she didn't tell the police and she tells her that Berta threatened to cut her tongue off. Renata blames her for Alejandro being in jail and tells her to tell the truth.

Samson vows to get back at Berta as she calls El Guapo. Miranda arrives home to an empty house. She cries as Alejandro tries to console her. She tells him she doesn't want his help and asks if he shouldn't be reading stories to someone else's daugters and kissing them,he tries to explain why he kissed Liliana. He tells her he was going to tell her what happened that he knows he made a mistake but that he was going to tell her anyway picture or no picture when Cesar arrives and tells her not to believe a word he's saying.


Thursday, December 14, 2006

Heridas de Amor - Wed. December 13

Wednesdays episode begins with a short replaying of Al and Lilliana talking about their predicament. I am not a talented musician like Melinama but I swear I recognize the music they are playing as a song from “Love Story”. Oh please let me be more disgusted. Anyway Lilliana tells Al that it would be better if they go back to their old roles of lawyer and defendant. We see Miranda win over her neighbors and be granted the responsibility of the chocolate harvest for all their plantations. She is truly the chocolate heir now.

Luciano and Alejandro go over Al’s problems. Luciano thinks the kiss wasn’t that big of a deal. Gosh Al it was just a kiss he argues. (Granted Luciano is an admitted womanizer who, I have a hard time believing he has settled down enough to be engaged to Pamela. Wasn’t it Luciano after all, who was the instigator for Al kissing Lily? I think so yes.) Anyhow Al tells Luciano that he doesn’t agree that it was just a harmless old kiss. He says it shows a lack of principles besides bad timing. He claims he will head to the hacienda because he can’t wait any longer for word of Miranda. Luciano tells him that in his opinion Al needs a mediator, Pamela to be exact. Someone to talk to Miranda and help things along. Al agrees. Way to take the bull by the horns and keep up with the principles.

Outside in the garden of the Mexico City mansion Florencia and Renata are having an early breakfast. Flor tells Renata that she didn’t sleep much the night before because she spent much of it throwing up. Renata talks of her indecision of what to do with Cesar, go to Paris and Milan or not. Flor tells Renata not to loose a lot for a little. Renata answers that it is easy for her to say but from where she is, things are different. Flor decides to prove her point and asks Charo what she would prefer; a rich man or someone she loves. Charo tells them neither, she would prefer to have someone who makes her laugh. She thinks that if a man makes you laugh then happiness is not too far behind. Bertha walks up at the end of their conversation asking if there has been any word of the baby. Flor looks at Bertha in disgust. Bertha asks Flor how long she is going to be mad at her. Flor quips that if Bertha had any embarrassment she would not be asking her that. Bertha takes the opportunity to get on her grandstand, after all Renata is there to impress. Bertha tells Flor that she prays to God to let them return to how they used to be. I love you, Bertha continues. I loved you with all my heart when you were younger. Flor is unimpressed. Bertha goes on to tell Flor that she has little time left and she doesn’t want Flor to feel uncomfortable having her around. So she will pack her things and leave the house immediately. Really could it be true?

Back at Lilliana’s house we see Lilly and Sophia talking. Lilly tells Sophia that she won’t work today because she wants to use the whole weekend to do things with Sophia. Sophia suggests inviting Alejandro along. When asked why Sophia responds that it is because she wants her friends to see her with Al so they will think that she has a father just like they do. Lilly is touched and sad. What is a single mom to do?!

Cesar sits on his couch yelling into his cell phone with a lit cigarette in one hand. He tells the phone “This is the third message that I’ve left you tonight imbecile. I pay you to be at my disposition. If you don’t call me in an hour get ready to say goodbye idiot.” And then he angrily hangs up as he sneers at Sanson who is also in his living room. Sanson tells Cesar he will gladly go look for LA at his house. Cesar says NO. We will wait and see if he comes and gives me and explanation. Luis Alberto is like an open book. Cesar has only to look at him to know if he is going to die or not, depending on how Cesar feels. Cesar berates Sanson to light him a cigarette, as he pauses to figure out his evil plans. Cesar wants Sanson to follow LA so that Cesar will know with whom where LA goes. Cesar continues his rant stating that if LA has left his cage then he won’t be happy at all! Sanson suggests for a second time that he will take LA out. No! We are going to give him some time. W aren’t going to kill him just to kill him. First we will make him suffer and then later we will make him feel the truth of things. He He He. Snort Snort Snort.

In the hacienda Fernanda tells Miranda that she doesn’t know what to say to her to make her feel better. Miranda goes on about her pain and indignancy. Fern suggests crying because only tears cure the wounds of love. Miranda, like most of us, seems tired of hearing this expression. She tells Fern she is all cried out. Fern suggests calling Alejandro. Miranda is impactada with this suggestion. She tells Fern that she doesn’t need to call Al to get his side of things, when she has Cesar’s version of things. Cesar told her what happened and he is the only one who has ever told her the truth. Fern tries another angle of how Alejandro must be confused, having been in jail for so long, having only contact with that woman, and with seeing her as his savior. Miranda is impactada again with this suggestion. She tells Fern that everyone thinks Al is a saint and the whole world thinks Al is justified! Boo Hoo! He wounded me. Boo Hoo.

Amparo questions Juan about what he did the night before. Juan claims he just had a few drinks. Amparo is haughty and tells him well it’s the last time that you have a few drinks and come home. Juan tells her to hold her high horsey. He isn’t a criminal it was just a little tequila for gosh sakes. Francisco laughs at this statement. Buoyed on by the noises Francisco is making Juan goes on to tell how he just had a few drinks, then the mariachis came, then the lawyer and then then then. He’s not sure how he got home. He asks his parents to not to wake him; he wants to sleep all weekend. He leaves to get rest and Amparo tries to imply that Juan is an alcoholic to Francisco. Francisco, with bloated head, states that won’t happen because he, Francisco, is there.

Flor is still sitting outside in the garden, but this time she is alone. Renata walks up to her and tells her she has been looking for her. She wants Flor to know that Bertha is packing her things. Flor tells Renata to let Bertha go. Renata says No, if Bertha goes then she will go with her. Flor seems not to be bothered to hear this, and tells Renata "Whatever. I just don’t want to see that woman in this house again." Way to go Flor! Charo comes over to Flor after Renata has left to see if she can leave with Bertha. Charo tells Flor to not let Bertha go. If she does Charo assures her that she will never see her son again. Flor is surprised to hear this and asks if Charo knows where her baby is. Charo says she doesn’t know but she knows Bertha does. Don’t let her go.

Fab, LA and Roman meet in a restaurant. Fab and LA beg Roman to help find Nuria and the baby. Fab tells Roman he will pay whatever to find his son. LA says that Nuria left under Berthas instructions. Bertha knows where they are hidden. Roman asks them what makes them think he will help them in this. LA tries to threaten Roman saying that if he opens his mouth he assures Roman that he will be judged without mercy. Roman tells him he can say the same. Plus its best to not begin with threats. Fab interjects I don’t care about my brother. I just want to recuperate my son before my wife dies!

Luciano tells Al that he had to work hard to get Pam to agree to talk with Miranda, but she will help. AL seems pleased. Vicente unexpectantly shows up saying that he just found out something terrible. If his informant is right, someone has started an order of embargo against the San Llorente family enterprises.

Miranda tells Fernanda that she has thought it over; she is going to give Al a divorce. Interestingly enough, they are talking outside the chapel that is in the hacienda. There are stained glass windows of the chapel in the background making this a strange place to discuss divorce. Miranda goes on to say that Al is free to make his life however he feels like it. Fern accepts the news by telling Miranda she has something to tell her. Flor doesn’t have much time left; she could go at any time. Fern furthers the conversation by saying that she will talk to Bertha to make some agreement about Flor. Miranda doesn’t understand why Fern has to do this. Fern explains that she feels that Bertha had something to do with the kidnapping. Therefore Fern is ready to give Bertha the house so that the baby will be returned. Miranda tells Ferns she can do whatever she wants with her house. Fern asks Miranda to go into town with her for breakfast. Miranda tells her she is there to work not to have a vacation. Upon hearing this Fern suggests staying there and she will make them something. Miranda is happy and they hug.

In the concrete mansion around a round table Al continues talking with Luciano and Vicente. AL is having a hard time understanding that they have no money left. He wants to find enough money to stop the embargo. At one point Al tells the men that he and Gonzalo were very rich men, he can’t believe they can’t find enough cash to avoid the embargo. Vicente tells him that’s the way it is. There is not a bank that will give him or the San Llorentes a line of credit. Al is stubborn. He tells them that he doesn’t care if he has to sell his soul to the devil he has to find some money no matter what! Vicente continues with giving bad news by telling Al he has to inform Miranda what is going on. Al begs for more time. Luciano meanwhile gets a look on his face like he sees what Al is thinking. He tells Al to not think of that. “If you are thinking of appealing (resorting) to Bertha forget it! You would be selling your soul, heart and life to that woman.

Roman tells LA and Fab that he will investigate but he isn’t doing it for them. He’s only doing it because it’s about the daughter of Fernanda de Aragon. The men go over the details with LA disclosing that he has the papers that say Nuria is Berthas daughter. Fab stops LA telling him that’s not possible. LA pulls out the papers to prove his point. Fab reads it and then shakes his head looking pitiful at Roman. “It’s not possible. It’s a lie. It’s fake or it’s proof of a miracle because Bertha is sterile.” He goes on to tell a little story his mommy told him (that gossip) that when the women were young Bertha wanted to have a baby. Bertha got sick with some disease that Fab can’t remember but it ended up where Bertha had to have a complete hysterectomy. She was 18 and they took everything out of her. The men look at each other bewildered by the news. Fab tells them that they should be looking for the parents of Nuria. This sparks LA’s memory who tells them of how Nuria spoke of her memories of the hacienda, and of her youth. LA believes Nuria’s parents have to be someone from the hacienda. Fab and LA look at Roman with question marks in their eyes. Roman looks back at them then he stares at the sky as if looking for the answers.

Vicente tells AL that if he involves himself with Bertha that he will be committing a grave error. Al starts to look for another angle saying he has rich friends who can help him. He tells Vicente to call the owners of the Soft Drink company and the owners of the Consultant company and ask them to dinner tonight. Vicente is negative thinking the owners won’t accept (some friends they are) and that Al doesn’t have the money to be paying for dinner. Al then jumps to the idea of getting the last jewels he gave to Miranda to raise money. The jewels were exclusive designs of Al’s father. They should get a lot of money for them. Luciano weakly tells AL to forget that also. Miranda sold the jewels to pay for his defense. AL is impactado.

Bertha is dressed to go wearing a long black plasticky leather coat. She has her luggage on wheels steering it towards the door. Flor begs Bertha to not leave. Bertha tells her to stop insisting. She is tired of being run out of the house. Flor begs her again to please don’t leave. When Bertha doesn’t seem to be listening, Flor summons up some hidden inner strength. She yells at Bertha that if she takes one step outside she will press charges against her for kidnapping, for being involved in it or whatever. Bertha won’t be free until she returns her son! Bertha stops her rolling luggage and whips around. Her eyes are as big as an owl, she screams “What proof are you going to accuse me with! Stupid girl!” Flor continues saying this would not be the first time Bertha has been involved with kidnapping someone. Bertha did the dame thing with the granddaughter of Tomasa. They have all the proof they need that shows that that granddaughter is Nuria! Berthas eyes narrow and beam onto Flor like a viper. She tells Flor that no doubt her heart works less now. It must not be getting enough oxygen to Flor’s brain. Poor Florencia. Bertha imagines that Flor must be suffering a lot for her baby. Flor snaps yelling at Bertha that she knows nothing about the suffering of a mother because she is dry inside! Bertha is pissed to hear this and slaps Flor in the face. She slaps Flor so hard that Flor stumbles backward and falls into the bar chairs behind her. Bertha tells Flor that if for some minute she had hope she would see her kid again to forget it. Surely the next time Flor will see her son it will be in an urn. Bertha grabs her rolling luggage and tears out of the room. Charo leaves her hiding space where she has been listening to the fight and helps Flor sit down in a chair near by. Charo runs off to get help and Renata saunters into the room. Surprisingly enough Renata missed the huge fight between Flor and Bertha.

Raul argues with Carola and Amparo about getting involved in the Juan Renata deal. Amparo is stuck on the idea of talking to Renata. Raul doesn’t think it is a good idea. Carola goes off to work and Raul goes off to have breakfast with Erica. Juan comes out of his sleeping chamber to tell Amparo he doesn’t want her to say anything to Renata either. Amparo refuses to respect his wishes. She is going to talk to Renata. Renata will listen to 2 or 3 truths from Amparo.

Renata calls Fern for help. Fern directs her to take Flor’s blood pressure, and to give her some medicine under Flor’s tongue. I guess just by being married to Juan Renata has turned into Florence Nightingale. Fern tells Renata she will return to Mexico on the next flight. Renata calls Juan for help in the meantime. Juan argues with Renata when Renata tells him to come to the house right away. He tells her he is not there to come on her demand. He has no idea Flor is ill because Renata doesn’t tell him. Instead they fight over how Renata treats Juan. Juan hangs up on Renata only to stare at the phone waiting for her to call back. He talks to himself saying if she calls back it means she cares. Renata does call and she finally tells him Flor has passed out and needs his help.

Flor tells Renata to call the Padre because she wants to confess. I guess the end is near.

Sanson talks on a cell phone as Cesar works on a laptop at his place. Sanson hangs up and tells Cesar that Rafis and Chakiras are getting out of jail. Someone has put up the finances to get them out. Cesar asks if an Abogado or Abogada (Male or Female lawyer) is helping them get out. Sanson doesn’t know. Cesar motions for Sanson to come near. He slaps Sansons face lightly three times as he tells him to Investigate it fool! That’s why he pays him; to investigate and surprise him with well founded news. There is some more chit chat when Cesar waves Sanson near him again. He blows smoke in Sansons face this time and tells him to find another way to investigate who is helping the gang members. Cesar doesn’t think they will tell Sanson who is helping them. So instead he wants Sanson to follow them. When they are out Cesar wants Sanson to take charge of them and kill them.

Charo tells Renata that some men have arrived with trucks. They are there to seize the house property (embargo). Renata tells her not to let them in. We hear Charo scream.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Heridas de Amor Tuesday 12/12 - In which your recapper is dying to feature Casa de SOS (Sisters of Satan) in her recap but she is denied.

Fabricio and Luis Alberto have rendezvoused at the bar. Fab tells LA that he is his only hope to find kidnapped Enrique, ( heir to the Luque fortune). LA, not wanting to get involved says, "Dude go ask your brother Cesar about this" but Fab doesn't want to because he knows Cesar won't tell him anything. (Oh yeah, and Cesar let Fab get kidnapped, beat up, tortured and almost killed. Nice brother.)

LA tries to change the subject, "By the way, how is your wife?" "Bad, she's dying," sobs Fab. Oops, now LA feels guilty so he throws a bone Fab's way. LA says that the night Enrique was kidnapped he arrived at the house in time to see Nuria jump in a truck with a baby and behind her ran a man with a suitcase and the guy had a deformed hand. Fab gasps,"That's El Guapo! That means Bertha has my son. That guy not only kidnapped me but he killed my father-in-law Gonzalo!" Fab is frantic. LA says he tried to follow them but he lost them. He thinks Cesar has something to do with all this, "Your brother is not what he seems."

Bertha, Charo and Cesar file into Bertha's room. Cesar fondles Charo's braid. She tries to leave but Cesar stops her and, I kid you not, checks her teeth. Charo tells him hands off, stop treating her like a horse. As she leaves Cesar tugs her apron tie and hoots. Bertha tells Cesar to leave Charo alone, she's not good enough for him.

Bertha tells Cesar she's recovered from her morning funk. Of course Cesar feels better too and we know why. He wants to show Bertha something that will make her feel MUCH better. "Look what Miranda received in her email today," he holds up his phone and shows Bertha the pic of Al kissing Liliana. Oh yes, it's the real deal, live and in color, not a fake. Yep, Berta's pretty happy; Cesar delivered as promised.

Fernanda plans to leave in the morning to visit Miranda and Juan will arrive to care for Flor. Renata hems and haws and finally admits that she doesn't want Juan to stay at the house. "Why not, hija?" asks mom. "Because I don't want the life that Juan can offer me, he's boinking the neighbor, and it will be really weird with him here," sniffs Renata. Fern feels guilty, she should be able to do something for her unhappy and miserable daughters. She suggests that perhaps it would be better if she went away for good. Lady, it's that attitude that got you in this mess in the first place. Renata cries, "Mama, forgive me for every terrible thing I ever said to you. Please let's start over and try to regain the time we lost."

Alejandro and Juan are in a restaurant drowning their sorrows with tequila shots. Al tells Juan that he kissed Liliana on an impulse, he doesn't know why, well...OK, he was just seeing if he felt anything for her. "And what did you learn?" asks Juan. "That I'm an imbecile," sputters Al. No sh*t.

Al says he's going to tell Miranda what happened, even though it will hurt her he must be honest. She has to hear that Al feels nothing, nothing do you hear me, nothing for Liliana. Now they are really starting to get drunk. Al wants Juan, buddy old pal, to go with him to Tabasco but Juan says he has to stay so that he can tell Renata that he loathes her with all his soul. Al sucks his lime and looks unconvinced. Juan admits it would be easier to die than to forget Renata.

Al is doing that thing that drunks do...getting loud. He says he loves Miranda, MIRANDA, MIRANDA (turns around to shout to other patrons), "I said Miranda, NOT Liliana, MIRANDA is the only woman I love." The other patrons are mildly amused. His cellular rings and he answers, "My love, my love, forgive me!" But it's not MIRANDA, it's Liliana. She asks, "have you been drinking?" He gets belligerent. She asks where he is. He tells her the name of the restaurant but when she asks the address he giggles and hangs up. Al and Juan laugh hilariously at the prospect of Lil coming to retrieve Al.

The Mariachis are making the rounds and approach our hero's table. Juan decides to sing with them and Al congratulates that decision with another shot. Juan sings like a lovesick drunk and, as he sings, continues to pour shots for Al and for himself. These guys are doing a great job of acting like drunks. Really. I'm convinced. As Juan sings (badly I might add) we see flashbacks of happier times with Miranda and Renata.

Naty soothes our heartsick heroine with a cup of cocoa. Miranda says Al is in love with another woman and her daughter and there's nada she can do about it. Naty goes all cocolbosh and tells Miranda she will be a mother, she is fertile and her children will be big and strong. Miranda says Al doesn't want kids but Naty says nothing can get in the way of nature, "they will come, nobody will be able to avoid it, nobody, not Jade Eyes nor Serpent's Tongue. Those two are bad, they come from the bowels of hell."

Miranda tells Naty of her pain and Naty tells her to drink more chocolate, drink, drink. Arcadia and Gabino bust in, upset because Naty got away from them. They ask her how she got from the harvest house to the hacienda. I guess it's far away because the magical Naty music plays, Naty shrugs and gives a wide, rather hallucinogenic grin like she's got some big secret. I stand by my theory that she laces the cocoa with peyote or magic mushrooms or something.

Luciano and Pamela are talking wedding plans. Things go fine until Luc suggests inviting Vicente and...Liliana. Pam scowls. Luc asks,"What, I don't even get to choose the only two guests I'm allowed?" "Not That Woman," says Pamela. Luc tries to look innocent, "Every time I mention her name we get in a fight." Dumbass, meet Bridezilla.

LA tells Fab that Nuria was so in love with Cesar she would do whatever he asked her to do at SRI. Fab figures out that basically LA and Nuria did everything Cesar told them to do in regards to ruining Gonzalo's business. He tells LA that if it hits the fan Cesar will blame LA for everything. LA knows and he doesn't want to give Cesar the satisfaction, he doesn't know where Nuria is (Casa de SOS, Casa de SOS!!) but there might be someone who does if they can only find him. Fab looks hopeful.

Cesar is gloating in his victory over Al and Bertha congratulates him. They are eating a plate of cookies that Charo brought. Everything is going just the way Bertha wanted it to; now that Al and Miranda are apart the important thing is to keep them from getting back together. Cesar tells her not to worry, he has something up his sleeve, and by the way these cookies are absolutely pukey. (Hmmm...Bertha and Cesar abuse, slap, insult and harass Charo, Charo brings them a plate of cookies, the cookies taste pukey, hmmm...)

Cesar says they have to do something definitive to separate that damned pair of Mongols that have always despised them, sooner or later they will reconcile. Bertha agrees, but definitive how...kill them? Cesar's not sure, but in the meantime he decides to call Miranda. When she answers he admits that he was in the office, saw Al and Lil kissing and took the picture. When he confronted them Al defended Lil "with cloak and sword." Cesar tells Miranda he wants to visit her but she says no, she'll call him later. Cesar tells Bertha that Miranda's pain is so immense he can almost see it. Now all that's missing is Alejandro's. They snicker.

Juan and Al are drunker, sloppier, and sagging lower onto the table. Juan says Renata will never change but Al tells him to fight for her, just like he intends to fight for Miranda. "Do you hear that everybody?!?", (Al turns around and yells at the other patrons), "Miranda, she is my woman! Hey, what are you laughing at you big jerk? (Grabs innocent patron.)" Pushing ensues, guy calls Al a drunk, Liliana arrives in time to break it up. Juan, always the gentleman, tries to give her a shot of tequila in the midst of all this. She pushes it away, Al snatches it and kills it in one gulp as Juan pours another.

Raul has a surprise for Amparo he has put all her recipes on the computer they wonder where Juan is he's never out this late last they heard he was going out with Alejandro Luque. If they only knew.

Bertha has left the room and Cesar is talking with Lucas. What is it about this dog, was he a psychoanalyst in another life? Cesar tells Lucas that he has an ugly dog face (well duh), and without a doubt he looks just like his master Bertha. Heh heh. Lucas lays down, satisfied.

Renata enters and wants to know what Cesar is doing in Bertha's room. Uh oh, he kisses her and bites her lip. Renata immediately slaps him and tells him not to bite. Cesar says, all together now, "If it doesn't hurt it isn't love." Renata scoffs and says he would have made a perfect match for Lisania. She has a flashback to when Lisania told her about her sadistic mystery man, she said Renata knew him but Lisania wouldn't reveal his identity. Renata gives Cesar a funny look and asks if he remembers Lisania. Cesar says no he doesn't remember and, oh yeah, he needs to go to Paris on business. Renata asks, "are you telling me or inviting me?" "Both," he says and pats her rear. Run like a bunny Renata, before he takes his glasses off!

The tequila bottle is almost empty and Lil is trying to reason with Drunk and Drunker. Al and Juan bicker with her, stalling for time so they can guzzle the bottle. They finally agree to let her drive them home and they stagger out leaning on her as the other patrons jeer at them.

LA tells Fab he's sure this guy, Ramon Alvarez, will ask for lots of money but will be able to help them. Ramon agrees to meet them in 15 minutes in a nearby park. LA thought bubbles "When we find Nuria, with or without Florencia's son, I will take her far away from here where nobody will find her."

Dumbass and Bridezilla have made up and all is well until you-know-who calls. Lil tells Luciano that Al is drunk and she's driving him home but they get cut off before she can complete the call. Pam wonders what in the hell Al is doing with That Woman. They decide to go to Al's house.

At her place Lil has made Al a coffe and he is miraculously sober. She tells him that his case is very complicated and any little thing he does wrong will cause his conditional freedom to be revoked. Their conversation is impossibly long, boring and predictable so I will try to summarize. Lil shares responsibility for The Kiss, she could have stopped it but didn't, he went where he was allowed to go. Al asks, what does she mean "allowed?" Lil can't deny her feelings for him. He asks, huh,when did she start to feel that way? (What kind of a stupid question is that?) It began when she realized Al's wife was so very distant with him. Oh dear, what a misunderstanding, it was he, Al, who asked that Miranda not visit him in jail, can they fix things and go back to how they were? Lil says it will be easy for him but not so easy for her, you can fix "things" but not feelings. Al says well thanks very much for everything and I'll be going now. Alone, a tear falls down her cheek and she says "this can't be happening to me." Yawn.

It's sunrise in Tabasco and Miranda is meeting with her young neighbors. She's offering them a great opportunity to sell their chocolate for export and production. She has arranged everything with the banks, all she needs is their signatures. They drag their heels, they don't want to have to come back to the farm every 15 days to check on their pesky harvests. Miranda volunteers Gabino to supervise their harvests and process their cacao. Bet he'll love that. They decide to accept her offer so that they don't have to feel guilty about trashing everything their parents worked so hard to build. They shake hands and sign the papers. Miranda smiles, proud of her achievement.


Tuesday, December 12, 2006

HERIDAS DE AMOR - Monday, 12/11/06

Cesar takes a picture of Lovely Liliana and Alejandro in a magnificent liplock. Then he says “Hello!” Oops! Liliana breaks away and the blush on her cheeks matches the bright red of her blouse, and then some. Among other snide asides, Cesar tells them he came right on in out of habit from the good old days and anyway, Alejandro, don’t you believe in closing the door, imbecile? (For once, I find myself agreeing with.... Cesar?) He is grinning from ear to ear. He taunts Alejandro and Liliana, about what Miranda will think when she finds this lovely photo on her computer because, now that Liliana is supposedly being so rude, he is going to e-mail it to her. Cesar has one heck of a good thrill rubbing the “high and mighty” lawyer lady’s nose in her shame at being caught in her moment of abandon.....and asks how this is going to look from an ethical standpoint, being the lover of her client. “What a shame. Poor Miranda! Just what do you think she will have to say when she finds out? She is the only one who still believes in being faithful to her mate.” Alejandro threatens to kill him if he says anything to his wife. (Uh, sorry, Alejandro. The horse is out of the barn. That train has left the station. It is spilt milk.........) Liliiana says something lame to defend herself and but well, he’s already sending the photo to Miranda. Alejandro lunges for him and stops as Liliana warns him off. Cesar says one word from him and he goes back to the slammer if he even touches him. She accuses him of having the judge in his pocket. Then Liliana tries to warn Alejandro off again but too late. He punches Cesar in the mouth. (Yeah, Cesar deserved it, but Alejandro just sucks when it comes to an instinctive sense of self-preservation.)

Nuria is wondering if she can climb over a high wall there at the nutty nunnery, in order to escape when one of the nasty nuns forces her to take her pill without any water. “Just use your saliva.” Nuria complains it is choking her, but the nutty nasty nun just laughs at her and leaves. Nuria is one step ahead of this sister of Satan and pulls out the pill from inside her cheeks and pockets it. “I am not crazy and I don’t need this medicine.”

Back at Fernanda’s newly reclaimed manse, people are wondering where Bertha is. Apparently, she hasn’t bothered to come down or to walk the dog. Fernanda is determined to get everyone out of her clutches by finally kicking her out of the house. Fabricio says not before he has his son back, safe and sound. Bertha might do anything to that baby. He and Florencia then ask Charo if Nuria ever confided in anybody and possibly this might let them know where she could likely have gone. Charo says Louis Alberto or Santiago are the only two she ever spoke of. So Fabricio eventually calls LA to ask him to meet him to give him any information about Nuria. LA says he’ll call back with a place and a time. Afterward, Florencia tells her husband that she wants only to see her child returned before she dies. She says that she knows her end is close because every day she can look in the mirror, her eyes are more circled, and she is weaker. At least she has the consolation that Nuria is with Enrique and will not let anything happen to him. Fabricio is having a hard time handling this.

Still nobody has heard from Miranda and the family figures she might have rested over night somewhere along the way. Miranda, on the other hand, is selfishly keeping her whereabouts from them all. (Hiding from Alejandro I can understand, but why hide from her immediate family? This character should wear a sign on her back that says: "Kick me. I deserve it.")

Renata gets a visit from Erica and Veronica and Raul. They compliment Veronica on her talk about AIDS. Vero definitely has her head on straight now. The conversation turns to Juan’s proposition and Renata admits she thinks it is idiotic. Anyway, now the lawyer is in the middle of getting the papers for the divorce put together. If he will not give her one willingly, then she will go to court.

Miranda is getting everything organized at the chocolate plantation ("I am woman, hear me roar"). She still selfishly refuses to let anybody know she is there or when she arrived or anything. Gabino tells her he is a bit worried about Naty’s crazy-lady predictions. He tells her that Naty is sure her father’s dead ghost will come “to reclaim his steps.” He adds that she has predicted Bertha will return there soon and will bring death and dishonor with her. Alone, a bit later, Miranda recalls the night in bed shortly after Alejandro's return from jail when he called her “Liliana”. Again, the painful memory racks her.

At San Llorente Enterprises, or what passes for it now, Alejandro apologizes to Liliana the minute Cesar leaves. He says he’ll take full responsibility for what just happened there. (--Just what does that mean? Besides, Liliana was just as involved in that passionate saliva swap as he was.) Liliana gripes at him for having taken advantage of her. (Not so much from where I sat!) She is upset because Miranda will attack her for wrecking their marriage. (Well, aren’t you?) She also wants to know just why he kissed her. (Wasn’t it obvious, lady? That is your natural-born daughter, isn't it?) He explains that he wanted to know exactly what he feels for her, and that she is an ideal woman that any man would love to have for a wife. (What a stinking load of fresh cow pie!) She asks, “What about you? What about you?” Alejandro, scum bucket that he apparently is, refuses to answer her. He simply says it is only for him to know, but no one else. That is too much for her. She runs out of the room flustered and angry. .--(Weren’t we all about then?) She still needs a job too, we know.

Veronica finds Fabricio and gives him back the money she blackmailed him to get. She apologizes and explains how rotten she was feeling back then. He says he knows that he was just as nasty and in a weak moment tried taking advantage of her as well. He asks her forgiveness.

Miranda is on the phone with one of the neighbors who has sent her an e-mail. She opens the wrong one and it is (ruh-roh!) a ringside seat view of the lascivious lip lock, courtesy of Cesar. She is very impactada and closes herself up in her library for the remainder of the day, refusing either to leave or to eat. Gabino eventually comes in to check on her and becomes worried.

Bertha calls Italy in order to inform her attorney there about there being an heir now to Alfredo Luque’s fortune. She gives him the information about Florencia and Enrique, his first-born grandson.

Florencia assures Fernanda that she knows she’s dying and that she is ready for this. She only wants to see her son return before she dies. She tells her mother that she appreciates what she has done for her. Fernanda says she is sorry, that she tried to get her the transplant, but she was unable to. Florencia says let the heart go to somebody else who needs it more. Bertha sneaks behind the door and listens as they talk. She thinks to herself how she warned Fernanda that she would personally see to her suffering through the pain and suffering of her daughters. Bertha says to herself, “Florencia’s end is the first of a long list of things that will happen to you, Fernanda; and Florencia is dying because I, Bertha, have wanted and caused it to happen.”

Miranda cries out in her heartache that if Naty is right about Gonzalo returning then she says he needs to pick up the pieces of what her life now is.

Carola comes to visit Juan’s family and she and Francisco have a heart to heart about her relationship with Juan. She assures him that they will not be going to sleep together. She is anxious for the divorce though. Francisco asks her what she will do if Juan never gets divorced or if he and Renata reconciles. (Hmm. Hard question. Let her think about that one.)

Raul and Amparo come in. She leaves to help Raul set the table. Amparo and Francisco then discuss Carola and Juan. She says she wants to have a talk with Renata but hasn’t found the opportunity. He says forget it because it will only make things worse.

Renata tells Fernanda that Gabino called to let them know that Miranda is at the plantation house, and in fact arrived there the day before. He is worried because she has not eaten nor come out of the library all day. Fernanda believes she has become depressed with everything that has happened over the past few months. (Do ya’ think so? Miranda should probably be on valium so much has happened. The fact she isn’t must mean she is Superwoman, just like she has always thought she was). Fernanda tells Renata she plans to leave the following day to check on her other daughter. Renata worries about Florencia being left alone. Fernanda says she will have Juan come stay with her and besides she has Fabricio there to help too. Renata hesitates and asks if it might not be better to put her back into the hospital. Fernanda says no, this is better. (We all know Renata is trying to avoid having Juan so uncomfortably close by, and watching every guilty step she takes, but she won’t be able to wriggle out of it apparently.) First, though, Fernanda has to tell Renata: Florencia is very close to the end and knows it now. Renata stares at her mother.


Sunday, December 10, 2006

Heridas Friday December 8

Juan is dressed up to go see Al, Carola tells him that she doesn’t care what the others said about their relationship, she isn’t trying to get Juan to marry her (YET is what she forgot to say – not YET). Basically she volunteers to be his slut. What a winner this girl is. Don’t forget she has that great supermarket job!

Miranda strokes Flor’s hair as she sleeps, gets up and takes a pillow out of the empty baby crib and starts crying. She is getting her obligation out of the way EARLY this time. She is crying that she lost Alejandro, then has a green memory of when Al got out of jail and she met Babe Lawyer for the first time, seeing the three of them standing together like a family. She thinks it is her fault for paying too much attention to the hacienda and her sisters.

Al apparently ignored Babe Lawyer’s request to leave, he is sitting in her house reading a story to her daughter. The girl looks bored. She says she’s tired and asks Al to sing to her. Babe Lawyer goes to take her to bed, she asks for Al to take her. Boy this is all laying it on a bit thick. Babe Lawyer tells herself “no no no not him no” when Al leaves the room. Whatever that means. Al comes back in a bit later and Babe Lawyer is crying, the crying is really going strong today, she tells Al how she tries to give everything to her daughter that she never had but realizes that she doesn’t have a father figure for him. Cry cry cry. Al asks her what happened to the girl’s father. She just says “the papa of my daughter is me.” So perhaps she was raped or something like that.

Fab is drinking at Cesar’s house, accusing Bertha of kidnapping him. Cesar says he’s full of it. Fab says yes it was her, to teach him a lesson. He says he’s telling Cesar this because he has no one else to tell, Flor with her heart condition – Cesar interrupts and says that he has seen Flor survive so much, don’t go on saying she has a condition. Fab says that yes, she really is sick, he doesn’t want to stress her with his problems. Cesar tells him he’d love to listen, etc, but he has other things to do. Fab is a bit insulted and says fine, whatever, I’ll get out of your hair. Cesar tries to placate him, that his things to do are REALLY important, maybe he could go talk to Padre Santiago, or maybe a professional, a psychiatrist. Cesar opens the door to let Fab out, and who appears in the doorway but Bertha! Fab is… all together now… Impactado. Muy impactado. He backs up a few feet just from the sight of her. Bertha says how nice to see him! How is your wife? Fab doesn’t answer, he blurts out “YOU HAVE MY SON!” Bertha slaps him and tells him not to yell at her. She tells Fab that Fern wants her out of the house but if that happens, listen up stupid, if that happens, nobody will ever see Enrique again. Fab says he won’t let anyone evict her. Cesar walks up and Fab looks back and forth and finally figures it out – “You are her accomplice, Cesar?” He can’t believe it, they are brothers, same blood, same mother, etc etc. Bertha tells him to save the drama. Fab says to give their mother back all of her money and jewels. Cesar doesn’t respond.

Babe Lawyer has apparently told Al a long story, so he understands how difficult her life has been. Al says that she was there for him in his most difficult times, Babe Lawyer says only because that was her job, she isn’t some saint, he paid her for her professional services. Furthermore, she was there and Miranda wasn’t because he wouldn’t let her. He should be with her 24 hours a day. Al says he understands but wants to still be friends with her daughter. Uh NO Babe Lawyer, that’s how pedophiles talk. I don’t care if everyone has decided that Al is so perfect or whatever, a grown man wanting a relationship with a little girl even if not with that girls mother is creepy talk. CREEPY talk. Babe Lawyer stands up so I can admire her form, I mean so she can tell Al to go find his wife and straighten things out with her. She tells Al to tell Miranda everything they discussed, to tell her that Miranda is the only one he has eyes for. Al leaves, she sits back down and cries some more.

Cesar and Bertha are having a drink, celebrating how much they scared Fab. Oh crap. If this ends with them going to the other room, or reminiscing about the last time, or any talk of toys, I just may lose my lunch. Bertha asks him how he could extort his own mother, he just said that the opportunity was there so he took it. He wanted the money for his company. Bertha is sucking on her finger throughout this conversation. I agree, that has been going on too long for it to not mean anything. She says she has a question and wants a real answer. Her question is “when people talk about wounds of love, what are they talking about? What is a wound of love?” Cesar stares at nothing and starts to tear up, apparently. Whatever. Any attempt to humanize Cesar will be ignored by me. Let me say again – whatever.

Fern, Flor, and Renata are chatting. Al knocks and enters, looking for Miranda. Renata says she left. Where? She ran off because of what he said about not wanting kids. Al says he explained his reasons. Yeah good one Al, that is sure to go over in a room full of women. Fern tells Al that Miranda also may not ever be able to have kids. Al says he loves her with or without kids, he doesn’t care. He gives a long speech about how much he loves her. Renata says she wishes all men thought like him. It turns out that she left to go to the hacienda, driving by herself in her car, which is very dangerous. Al rushes off to go find her and save her.

Cesar says he doesn’t have words to explain words of love. He takes off his glasses, doesn’t this mean any women around are supposed to run? He cries. Give me a break. They have a conversation about loving or being loved but I really didn’t understand the details. I think they were mostly feeling sorry for themselves. Some scary music plays, I’m waiting for something to happen. Cesar squeezes his glass so hard it breaks. Again, I won’t be able to see him as human. It isn’t working at all.

Juan comes home, Al cancelled. Francisco wants to talk to him, he says about Renata? No no sit down. Fran says how do you feel? Juan says bad, really bad. He’s still very upset about the Renata thing. Fran says don’t lose her. Juan says he did all he could, she’s confused. Fran says to help her understand. Juan has a green flashback of Renata kissing Cesar. He starts crying, Fran wants to know what’s so upsetting. Juan just gives him a hug and leaves.

Bertha comes home to Lucas. She whines that Lucas is the only one who loves her. She whines and cries for a bit. She also rubs her forehead a lot. She cries herself to sleep, in the morning she talks to Lucas some more and says she doesn’t want to get up, she doesn’t care what happens. Her phone rings. It’s Cesar, they agree that they are both sad. Lucas snorts. They’ll talk later. She hangs up and cries some more. She also talks to Lucas some more. Hey – if she doesn’t get out of bed all day like she plans, who takes Lucas out to go to the bathroom?

Slutty McSlutterson is giving a talk about AIDS. Lots of facts and figures. A girl in the crowd asks her how she felt when she found out she had AIDS. Slutty says she was very angry. Others ask typical questions. Big public service message portion of the show. Let’s move on.

Al and Luciano are in his office, Al is telling Gabino on the phone that he’s worried sick. I thought he went after her? I guess not. We see Gabino, with Miranda sitting RIGHT THERE, telling Al “yeah as soon as I see her I’ll let you know.” So I figure he’ll lie for her for so long that Al will be convinced something bad happened and rush out to find her, then other problems will occur. Al says to Luciano that she should be there by now, Luciano says maybe she just stopped to rest. Luciano thinks that Miranda is exaggerating, Al says he agrees but she might have a point. He admits to Luciano about saying Babe Lawyer’s name by accident right after sex. Oh guess what – Babe Lawyer is eavesdropping and heard that! She is impactada. Of course. Luciano asks if he likes Babe Lawyer. He admits that he does a little bit. He’d like to be able to say that he only has eyes for Miranda, but Babe Lawyer is so hot and so awesome that he likes her a little bit. Luciano says he looves Babe Lawyer. He shares a little fantasy about her, Babe Lawyer is impactada again, finally she says “Buenos dias” and marches into the room, probably to just break up the conversation.

The commercial that came on just now insinuates that Tomas is finally going to live his dream of nailing Alicia on La Fea. She decided that if it takes that to get the money to save her car, so be it. I just thought that might interest some of you, back to the show.

Miranda tells Gabino that if ANYBODY asks, she isn’t here. Anybody. Nati and Mrs. Gabino come in, the new age music starts playing. I wonder if it is called “Naty’s theme” or if it is just “new age crystal chakra feng shui whatever #4.” Nati has something important to say to Miranda. She tells Miranda that Gonz has settled his affairs, or something like that, the time of the cocolbosh is close. I really don’t understand this stuff. I’m not very ‘earthy’ or whatever. I’m more comfortable with numbers and science. Miranda asks to be alone with Nati and asks Nati if she’ll help prepare the cacao, Nati says of course. Miranda remembers her cocolbosh cure, but the memory isn’t green. Does that mean anything? I thought all flashbacks and memories were green. It’s a really long flashback. She finally remembers how Nati cured her, it was the cocolbosh!

Slutty finishes up her talk about Aids. Again. Renata and Erika congratulate her. Remember kids, always use a raincoat.

Two nuns discuss how they are ordered to discipline Nuria, so that’s what they’ll do. These nuns look like lunch ladies, I can’t believe they are really so vicious. Shouldn’t they be more like the nurse from “One flew over the cuckoo’s nest” or something? They don’t have any evil feel to them. Nuria is just sitting there like she is drugged, oh she was asleep. They take the baby away from her, wake her up, and start being mean to her.

Vicente has also arrived in Al’s office, they discuss how to proceed with the various lawsuits. Luciano and Vicente leave Al and Babe Lawyer alone. As she gets some stuff off the desk, Al pretends to be thinking of what to say to her, but I know he’s really just checking out her butt until she finally turns around, then he starts to talk to her. He asks her if a man ever called her by the wrong name, would she forgive him? Babe Lawyer says no, she never would. She knows that if a man did that it means that he loves the other woman. Al says so, that means I’m in love with you? Because it was your name I said to Miranda. He says “let’s remove any doubts” and starts to kiss her. She pretends to resist but kisses him back. As they make out the door opens and Cesar appears! At first he is impactado but then he smiles, this is to his liking.


Saturday, December 09, 2006

Heridas de amor Thursday Nov 7

Alejandro wonders why he called his wife by his lawyer's name. Nuria cries as the superior of the convent slaps her. Berta arrives at that moment and asks what's going on.

Veronica informs her friends she's been asked to give a conference on AIDS. They leave as Renata talks to herself as she recalls when she and Cesar slept together. Her alter-ego tells her she's worse than Carola; she sold her self out of necesity ,to survive while she did it for brandname clothing and make-up and that she's worth nothing. She also tells her to pray she's not pregnant.

Berta tells Nuria she's not crazy as she tells her that her son is dead. The nuns tells her they'll put her in her place and mistreat her and then give Enrique to Berta. Fernanda talks to Santiago and tells him about the atrocities that Berta has committed. She also tells him that Florencia's end is near. Cesar arrives to see FLorencia and Fabricio. He insinuates to Miranda that there's something between Liliana and Alejandro.

Miranda asks Cesar why he has so much poison in his mouth and he becomes angry and insults her. Fabricio tells his bother to calm down. He tells him he's tired of Miranda's insults. She orders him to leave and he says that his treatment towards her is going to change for the worse as Florencia begs him not to talk to her sister that way. He apologizes to her and tells her it was something he had to let them know.

Berta tells the superior how she has to treat Nuria and she lies about Florencia's state. Luis Alberto arrives at Cesar's looking for Nuria. Renata and Pamela learn about the situation between Cesar and Miranda when Alejandro arrives. As he leave he tells him he knows he bought the judge while Cesar tells him it isn't over yet. Renata goes after Cesar as Florencia greets her brother. They leave as Alejandro talks to Miranda. Luis Alberto finds Nuria's papers and hopes he finds a clue to where she is. Renata tells Cesar to understand Miranda's attitude; he's accusing Alejandro of killing their father. He tells her he's not lying as she says maybe he and Berta saw something else. He yells at her and she tells him she's not going to allow he yell at her. He apologizes as she tells him she fears she might have gotten pregnant and that might complicate her divorce. He tells her he'll marry her but she tells him she doesn't want any children, his nor anyone's.

Alejandro and Miranda argue as she tells him she's the one to blame for what happened and he did nothing wrong. She also tells him she wants a separation as he tells her he's done everything for her to forgive him as he asks her what else she wants from him. She tells him she wants a baby but he tells her no, that Berta can keep the inheritance since he doesn't want a child fearing they might have the same disease as his father and his sisters. He admits he's afraid but she tells him that's what being a parent is all about, to confront any situation but if he prefers to read stories to another woman's child to go ahead and she leaves.

Luis Alberto talks to Santiago about Nuria when Charo arrives and tells them about Florencia. The priest realizes that the man LA described to him was the same man he once helped. Alejandro gets a call from Juan. Francisco gets after Juan for his relationship with Carola and the respect he owes himself and Renata. The sistersw bring Enrique to Nuria to quiet him down. Miranda explains to Florencia why she has to go to the ranch as she begs her sister to reconcile with her husband. Raul tells his parents to let Juan and Carola live their lives but they make their argument that they have their beliefs. Alejandro arrives at Liliana's and she tells him she's going to work from home from now on. He answers his phome and Miranda hears when Sofia calls out his name and she hangs up. She cries and tells Florencia if Alejandro changed his mind about having children she might not be able to even if she could, Sofia is a child and she can't compete with her.

Alejandro realizes that Miranda called him and asks Liliana why she's acting childish. She tells her it's a natural reaction and now realizes she made the right decision to work at home. He tells her Miranda's attitude will change as she tells him if she was in her place she would act the same way. He tells her she wouldn't since she's stronger and can handle any situation better than Miranda. She becomes uncomfortable and tells him to leave her house.


Thursday, December 07, 2006

Heridas de Amor - Dec 6

Wednesdays show begins after we see Miranda give in to Alejandro's kisses. We see Roman leaving the barrio where Amparo lives. Francisco asks Amparo how she feels. She tells him that its good to have said goodbye to Roman before she regrets things. Amparo talks about how she is getting her life together, going to study, so that she will find a better paying job. This bit goes on for too long until its obvious we are being treated to another public service announcement. The announcement is that as women, if we do these things and value yourself, then you won't need a man.

Miranda looks at the sleeping Alejandro. She tells herself that she can't forget, she can't forget what he called her. She has a flashback to him saying “Quiero que seas mia, Lilliana.” I want you to be mine Lilliana. She buttons her pants, grabs her jacket and shoes. She leaves while he sleeps, none the wiserto her escape.

Fabricio asks Fernanda if they should take Florencia to the hospital. (Florencia is passed out or asleep in bed as Fern and Fab discuss the situation.) Fabricio thinks they should call the authorities. Fern is a little on edge as she scolds him for not having called the authorities sooner. Fab says he didn’t call the authorities because he thought Nuria would return. Fern quips don’t you realize that Nuria is deranged? Fab snaps at her for scolding him and she apologizes. Charo and Renata enter the room telling the pair that they looked everywhere and can't find Nuria. They also report that they can't get a hold of Miranda.

César's doorbell rings and he goes to answer. It's Luis Alberto. César mocks him as he enters and Luis Alberto snaps at him. César is not happy that his employee has come to his house to snap at him. César begins to taunt Luis Alberto by saying Let me guess.... You are in love with my woman.

Bertha enters Flor's bedroom. Fernanda immediately starts to yell at her asking where has she taken Nuria. Before Bertha can answer Miranda rushes in and begins a verbal assault on Bertha. Miranda demands to know where Nuria has gone and if Bertha doesn’t tell her right now then she is going to call the police. She admits to knowing that Bertha has Nuria registered as her daughter. Bertha cries that everyone blames her but she doesn’t know where Nuria is. Wha! Miranda isn’t deterred and tells Bertha that everything bad that has happened to them is because of Bertha. Miranda starts to snap her fingers telling Bertha to pack her bags and leave. Fab interrupts the women and says it's not necessary to make Bertha leave. Bertha goes to stand by Fab thanking him for standing up for her. Fernanda picks up the torch and starts to yell at Bertha too. Fern tells Bertha that she knows that Bertha is involved in Nuria's disappearance. Fern reminds Bertha that the house is hers and for Bertha to leave. Bertha laughs at how quick Fern is to reclaim her property when she hasn’t even put one peso into the house.

César tells Luis Alberto that he is his only friend and this is what Luis Alberto does to him. Luis Alberto isn’t fooled and tells César to knock it off, he knows that César only feels pity for Nuria. César answers “Something is something.” Luis Alberto ignores this sick answer and goes on to ask if César knows about Nuria. He recounts how he went to see Nuria to give her condolences for her baby's death and how Bertha wouldn’t let him see her. César tells Luis Alberto that he deserved the condolences not stupid Nuria who killed his baby. Luis Alberto ignores this and he keeps talking out loud trying to figure out what happened to Nuria. César listens and thinks to himself What is Bertha up to? The men figure out that it was El Guapo who took Nuria and Florencia's baby.

Bertha laughs saying she knows, because Rebecca told her, that Gonzalo's father gave Fern the land, but Gonzalo built the house. Gonzalo constructed all this, she says as she waves her hand around the room, and you have no moral right to throw me out. Bertha claims that part of her is in the house. She goes on to say she is Ferns sister and they can't treat her like this. She cries to the group that she is the same blood as Fernanda and then she leaves the room. Fernanda laughs and tells Miranda that the only true thing Bertha said is that yes she is Berthas sister.

After all the yelling and discussion in the room Florencia finally wakes up. Flor is distraught about Nuria taking her baby. Fern reminds her that Nuria will looks after the baby like her own, and for her to relax, it will all be ok. Miranda tells Fabricio that they know it was Bertha who kidnapped him. Fab flips his lid hearing this. He tells everyone that now they are ALL in danger. He threatens them that if anyone insinuates the smallest aspect of his kidnapping to Bertha then they will be putting his child's life at risk. It that happens then the person who says this to Bertha will be finished by him. Miranda tells Fab that she understands what he is saying but to not talk to her like that again.

Lilliana and Alejandro discuss the terms of his release from jail. Alejandro can't leave the country and he has to be always ready to see the judge at a moments notice. They go on to discuss how Lilliana needs to be paid punctually. She is mother and father to her daughter and she can't be late on her bills. Alejandro asks her if she remembers telling him that after his case is finished that they won't see each other again. Lilliana tells him that is how it goes but with him, with him, things are different and she doesn’t know why. Alejandro shares that his mother was named Sophia just like her daughter. Lilliana freaks on the shared coincidence. Alejandro tells her how his mother loved Greek mythology and Lilliana freaks that Sophia does too! Can you believe that! Lilliana tells Alejandro that it wasn’t her intention to bother Miranda last night.

Renata, Veronica and Erika laugh about Bertha packing her bags and leaving the mansion. Renata weakly laughs telling the girls to not make fun of her family. Veronica tells her that what's going on with Bertha is not the only scandal. They saw Juan with Carola last night, they are dating. Veronica goes on telling Renata that Juan will give her a divorce if Renata will agree to spend a weekend together. Renata tells the girls she will accept his proposal.

The husband and wife Francisco and Amparo, laugh together about how much Francisco earns driving a taxi. Who would’ve thought being a taxi driver could be such a good job?! Amparo kisses him goodbye as he goes to work for the day. Carola enters soon after he has left. She is very happy to share the news that she is Juan's girlfriend. They are a couple! Amparo is sad to hear the news. (Here comes the second part of the public service announcement of how women are to better their lives and to be valued people.) Amparo tells Carola that she is Juan's lover not his girlfriend. That is not the way for Carola to do things or for things to start well, undercover instead of out in the open. Amparo tells Carola that she would like nothing better for Carola to be with Juan but in the right way. If we women want people to respect us we have to start with respecting ourselves. Carola tries to leave several times as she listens to Amparo's lecture. Needless to say she is not happy to get scolded and not happy to be told that what she is doing is immoral.

Alejandro and Lillian continue talking as they sit next to each other on the couch at his house. They have a silly conversation where they share ideas, psychological insights and their inner feelings. Lilliana tells him how she would be in the same place as his wife. She too would be upset and she understands Miranda for that. Alejandro asks if this means Miranda is insecure. Lilliana says no. She tells Alejandro that she is the same as Miranda, they are identical. Alejandro asks what does a woman want? Lilliana tells him everything and more if that’s possible. Even Freud said that no one knows a woman. Alejandro wants to know what Lilliana wants. She tells him she is happy with what she has. They agree after this discussion to call each other by their first names. Alejandro goes to get some books for Sophia.

Fab has left to report Nuria's disappearance with the baby. Fern and Miranda comfort Flor who whines that she cant believe that Nuria did this to her! Its not fair! Flor continues her whining saying why cant she be happy with the little time she has left?! Wha! After calming Flor down a little Miranda decides she needs to call Alejandro and let him know what is happening. She picks up her cell phone and dials his number.

Alejandro's cell phone rings. Lilliana calls for Alejandro to answer his phone as she waits for him to get the books. Alejandro doesn’t answer her so she answers Al's cell phone for him. She says bueno and no one replies back. We see a scene of Miranda standing in Flor's room with a face best described as impactada. Lilliana talks into the phone saying that she knows it's you Senora Luque. Miranda tells her that she didn’t speak because at first she thought she had dialed the wrong number. Now let me talk to MY husband. Alejandro walks into the room talking to Lilliana about the books he wants to give to Sophia. Lilliana holds the phone out and tells him it's Miranda. He grabs the phone and says yes my love. Miranda tears into him telling him Excuse me for bothering you but Nuria stole Florencia's baby.

Amparo talks to herself while she bakes a cake. She is mixing ingredients in the worlds smallest bowl, making a wedding cake. She thinks how she can't wait to sell wedding cakes if this recipe turns out right. Juan comes in the kitchen. Amparo asks him what does he know about Renata? Are you divorced from her? What are you doing with Carola?! Juan motions to leave but Amparo isn’t done. She asks him what kind of values does he have to going out with Carola while married to Renata. Juan leaves looking like he has been whipped.

César asks Bertha in his apartment what Bertha plans to do with Nuria. Bertha counters what are you going to do with Renata? I hope its not what you did with Lizania. César answers that Miranda has always despised everything about him and now she is going to be groveling at his feet. She is going to ask him for clemency for her sister. The evil duo laugh about this together and begin to dance close to each other, stepping side to side. César says lets go to the room when the doorbell rings. They look at each other as César goes to open the door. It's Lilliana.

Lilliana sits on a stool as she talks to César and Bertha. Bertha lounges on César's couch and César stays in the background fiddling with a large decanter of brandy and his ever constant cigarette. Lilliana tells them that if the judges order is against Alejandro she will file a right of protection the first chance she gets. That order will go to the supreme court of justice. César interjects What do we care? Lilliana snaps that if they have to go for a third round then the court will be prejudiced against Bertha and César. And when the Supreme Court sends out the final sentence she will immediately thereafter start a lawsuit for defamation of honor and for moral damage against them. She will also start an investigation with the Public Minister for corruption and traffic of influence against them. Bertha smarts off How terrible, but I didn’t understand anything you said. Lilliana tells her yes she did and if they are trying to extort the judge then they are wasting his time and hers, and them wasting her time bothers her. César begins to motion like he is going to kick her out but ends up exhaling smoke from his mouth and then quickly refilling his mouth back up with brandy. He tells her when she has proof to come back. Lilliana replies she doesn’t need proof, everything will come to light. César then tries another tactic by asking if she will work for them. Lilliana tells him his attempt to buy her failed. They have confirmed to her that they are lying in their sworn testimonies.

César and Bertha tell each other after Lilliana has left that she wont intimidate them. They laugh and talk confidently. Bertha promises César that she will go and talk to Lilliana again. She will leave something for Lillianas daughter, a stuffed animal (peluche). Bertha grabs César's cigarette and takes a drag as she smirks at him. César asks if she would like to see the toys he bought for her in New York. Bertha smiles saying she would as she grabs his hand and glides with him to his bedroom. Gross!

Raul goes to visit Amparo. They chat about putting some of her bits of paper on the computer. She asks if he knows about Juan and Carola. Raul tells her he does, Juan is a grown man. He also tells her that Juan saw Renata with César. Amparo is shocked. She tells Raul that she is going to go talk with Renata.

Pamela and Miranda go over Miranda's problems with Alejandro and Lilliana. Pam tells Miranda that all Luciano does is talk about Lilliana too. The women decide they have a worthy opponent. Lilliana is smart. Miranda tells Pam that you have to understand your adversary and put yourself in their shoes. Its like a chess game. Hmm what will the girls come up with?

Alejandro fills Daira in by phone on his release and everything else that has been going on. Daira is going to come back into town. Santiago calls after Alejandro hangs up with Daira. Sanitago tells Alejandro he has some very important things to talk to him about. They decide to meet tonight. After AL is finished with that phone call he talks to himself on what he said to Miranda. He has a flashback to calling Miranda Lilliana. He gets mad at himself for his mistake and then starts to psycho-analyze his behavior. Why did he call her Lillian he asks?

Nuria is seen outside squatting in a corner. A nun walks up to her and tells her to get up and go eat. Nuria doesn’t want to eat she wants her baby. The nun tells her she can see her baby but first she has to eat. Nuria is resistant. The nun tells her that she should know the punishment that happens when you break the rules. Nuria is pitiful, and continues to resist the nun. The nun slaps her just as Bertha walks up sweetly saying Is something happening Madre?


Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Heridas de Amor Tuesday 12/5 - In which one suspects the viewers have been the victims of serious bedroom-scene editing

Lead in from yesterday: Alejandro has gotten out of jail, he surprises Miranda and Pamela, Miranda and Alejandro embrace, Liliana and her little girl Sofia show up and Miranda is bugged because Al picks up Sofia and tells her that she has the best mama in the world.

When Liliana says she and Sofia have to leave Pamela gets hit with the bitch stick and says "Good, go then!" Liliana calls her on the bad 'tude and tells Pamela she can talk to her like that but if she talks down to her daughter then she (Lil) might forget she's a lady.

Meanwhile Miranda is making nice with Sofia and promises to be her friend. Lil tells Al she'll address the cases of Chaquiras and Romeo tomorrow.

Luis Alberto has come to visit Nuria at the depressing San Llorente estate. Berta intercepts him and wants to know why he's there. She tells him Nuria doesn't remember the tragedy of her baby's death. Anyway, Nuria is heavily sedated and can't see him (Luis Alberto) now. Berta asks LA if he's in love with Nuria. He admits it and says he'll return tomorrow.

Berta calls "Cesarin" to tell him that only he can help with this new development. She asks him why he never noticed this "little problem" of LA loving Nuria before.

Flor and Renata are lazing on their chaises and discussing love. Flor wants Renata to go back to Juan since he said he'd give Renata another chance. Renata doesn't know what she feels or what she wants. Here's the situation: Just imagine, Juan leaves his free clinic and over the years he reproaches her, or even worse, he doesn't say anything to her and instead hates her in silence. Or she goes to live with him, reproaches or hates him. Dear God are those the only scenarios this self-absorbed twit can imagine?

Vicente and Luciano are meeting with Alejandro and Miranda to give Al some bad news. Julio and Cesar have stolen the last of their shareholders (a cement factory and a toy factory?) and this has dealt a mortal blow to the company. Al won't be bummed out by this news, he just wants to be alone with Miranda.

Al thanks Miranda for being with him in all these difficult times. They will decide tomorrow what they're going to do but tonight they are going to be together.

Alejandro and Miranda are in the bedroom, alone at last. Al is bare chested, a treat for the ladies. He tells Miranda the thought of this night is what saved him while he was in prison. She is his, all his, until death parts them. Slow camera pan down, past the towel around his waist, and it drops at his feet. Now we are in slow motion, always a good sign, and they kiss passionately... AIEEEEEE!!!! Scene change to a close-up of Cesar's face!

We are in the Hades that is Cesar's apartment. He's smoking and drinking (of course) and someone is relentlessly pounding on his door. It is Sanson and he is bringing the bad news that Alejandro Luque is out of jail.

Cesar wants to know how this could happen. He gave a simple order, kill a high profile inmate as he is leaving a heavily armed facility, is that so hard to carry out? Cesar calls Berta in a snit and demands she come to his apartment. She can't because she's waiting for Guapo to come for Nuria. He wants her to check to see if Miranda is in her room. Charo reports to Berta that Miranda isn't home. Berta tortures Cesar, "They'll separate eventually. Don't forget Alejandro never had a conjugal visit." Cesar says he doesn't appreciate her stupid joke. His sputtering anger amuses her immensely.

Al and Miranda are basking in the afterglow of their love...of which we missed at least 95% I might add. Their love talk consists of plans to countersue Berta and Cesar and to go after Berta for Fab's kidnapping.

Florencia is feeding bebe Enrique and gets a pain in her chest. Renata comes in with the news that Al is out of jail and that perhaps now things can return to normal. We will let the concept of "normal" in this freak show remain undefined. Renata wants a snack but Flor's not hungry. Renata tempts her with a promise of jello and milk. Urk...I did say freak show did I not? Flor puts Enrique to bed (No...don't do it!!) and departs with Renata.

Amparo tells Ramon she's busy with her classes and doesn't have time for him. It was a much longer conversation but that's the gist of it. He leaves, a tear rolls down her face.

There is a knock on Carola's door. Could it be our long lost hunk Daniel? No, it's Doctor Dull making house calls. He struck out with Renata so he's stopping by Carola's for some sympathy and hoochie koochie. He has the nerve to ask her if she loves him! Then he tells her like it is...she has to love him but he won't lie to her he doesn't love her he hopes they can be friends and that she will stay by his side in this one-sided relationship where he gets everything and she gets nothing. Amigos, yes? She nods "yes" and then he kisses her, engulfing her face.

Nuria and El Guapo kidnap bebe Enrique and drive off. Luis Alberto sees them, "That was Nuria, I'm sure of it, but she had a baby with her." He jumps in his car and drives after them, or somewhere.

Flor bursts into Berta's room, Berta who is STILL THERE taking up space. Flor demands, over Lucas's barking, that Berta get up that instant, Nuria has taken her baby, and shut that damn dog up. I don't know why these people don't carry around doggie treats, have they never known any dogs? I could have Lucas on my side in about 10 seconds, as long as it takes to heave a steak his way. This is a new snarlier Lucas. He looks like he really wants to lunge at Florencia and when Berta pokes him he takes a snap at her. Good doggie.

Al and Miranda are in bed but Al is even more covered up than before; no fair. Al says he's going after El Guapo and will work on getting his inheritance back. Miranda wants to go to the hacienda to check on her chocolate. Al says, (NOW PAY ATTENTION EVERYBODY), "No I won't permit it, (kisses her shoulders), I don't want you to go, (kisses her neck), I want you to stay by my side, to be mine always LILIANA, all mine." Yes, he called Miranda Liliana! Miranda is impactada and who can blame her? Al, how are you going to get out of this one?

Cesar tells Sanson he's sure his stupid friends gave his (Cesar's) name to Al. Sanson swears no way because they know things would go very badly for them, but now that Al is free what will Cesar do? For the moment Cesar will squash Al's business. He swore he would end "Senorita e inversiones" (a play on San Llorente Inversiones I presume) and he intends to do it. He still wants Miranda but he has patience, la pa-ci-en-cia (he poofs smoke in Sanson's face) and will bide his time. For now Renata is eating out of his hand which makes them all vulnerable. "You didn't forget our agreement, right boss?" asks Sanson. Remember, he gets Renata when Cesar is finished with her.

Flor is freaking out about Enrique's disappearance. Renata and Charo confirm that Nuria and bebe aren't in the house or garden. Berta starts to call the police but Flor shakes her and blames her for everything. Just then Faby arrives home and hears the news that Nuria stole the baby. Flor yells that she's going to kill Berta for stealing her son, she must tell Nuria to return Enrique immediately. Of course Flor collapses with heart pains. Flor weeps, Fab gives her a magic pill, Renata and Charo look confused. Berta walks over to the crib, lifts the baby pillow and looks under it, throws it back in, shrugs and walks out.

Uh oh, we're back in the bedroom, Al is still wrapped in a sheet and Miranda is fully clothed, not a good sign. He begs her not to go, it was only a mistake, nothing more. She says if he had called her Liliana over the phone or while they were signing papers she would understand (I don't believe her but OK), but while making love, while holding her in his arms, no she cannot understand that. He swears, (looking extremely fetching in his VERY snug little shorts), that it meant absolutely nothing. They go on and on (and on and on) until she says "OK fine, CESAR, you're right." "What did you call me?" Al asks, incredulous. Do I even want to go on with this adolescent conversation?

Thank God, saved by the cell, but oh dear it's Liliana for Al. She's so sorry to interrupt (their first night together...bitch) but it's muy importante. Miranda throws the phone and blasts out.

After getting his rocks off Juan tells Carola he doesn't wish to hurt her. She decides to make a snack but as she talks Juan sees Renata's face and he recalls the happy times when they were together. Then she turns back into Carola. She's all happy and he's...not. She says the pain will pass. Oops, he sees Renata's face again which allows him to kiss Carola who Juan thinks is Renata but who we know is Carola. Just then Raul enters with Veronica and Erika and it's weird trips incorporated in the apartment with pink walls.

Miranda is leaving and Al is running after her, begging her to stay. He grabs her, throws her over his shoulder and carries her back up to the bedroom. She's even beating his back just like in the Popeye cartoons when Bluto steals Olive Oyl. I don't usually go for the caveman routine but anything that moves this plot line along is OK by me.

Back in the pink apartment Erika tells Raul she never thought his bro would cheat on her friend. Veronica reminds her about all the stuff Cesar bought for Renata in NY, "What, you thought it was all for free?" Juan announces that yes (he puts his arm around Carola) he is starting a relationship with Carola because Renata doesn't believe in him and is afraid of loving him. Veronica asks if he is going to divorce Renata. Juan says if she wants a divorce she will have to pay for it by spending a weekend alone with him. Veronica says Renata won't do it. Juan says she will. He says all this in front of Carola who clearly has no pride.

Al throws Miranda on the bed and tries to weasel his way out of his major faux pas. "Blah blah just a mistake!" "Blah blah while making love to me?" He finally tells her that the call was essential, he has to go to court tomorrow and every week to register while he is out on bail. If he doesn't show up they will arrest him. Now doesn't Miranda think that is important enough to call about? I'm thinking yes, so important I'm surprised Liliana didn't mention it sooner instead of waiting until nighttime when Al and Miranda were sure to be in bed, but I digress.

This conversation gos on ad nauseum until finally Alejandro asks, "Don't all the obstacles we conquered together count for anything?" She tries to leave but he holds her (pins her down really) and tells her he's going to prove his love to her, body and soul. She cries, "Don't! Stop! Don't...stop...don't, stop, don't stop. Don't stop! And the romantic music reaches a crescendo as the closing credits roll over numerous scenes of Miranda and Alejandro together and in love.

OK Gloria, we can take it, just how much of the good stuff was left on the cutting room floor?


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