Sunday, December 10, 2006

Heridas Friday December 8

Juan is dressed up to go see Al, Carola tells him that she doesn’t care what the others said about their relationship, she isn’t trying to get Juan to marry her (YET is what she forgot to say – not YET). Basically she volunteers to be his slut. What a winner this girl is. Don’t forget she has that great supermarket job!

Miranda strokes Flor’s hair as she sleeps, gets up and takes a pillow out of the empty baby crib and starts crying. She is getting her obligation out of the way EARLY this time. She is crying that she lost Alejandro, then has a green memory of when Al got out of jail and she met Babe Lawyer for the first time, seeing the three of them standing together like a family. She thinks it is her fault for paying too much attention to the hacienda and her sisters.

Al apparently ignored Babe Lawyer’s request to leave, he is sitting in her house reading a story to her daughter. The girl looks bored. She says she’s tired and asks Al to sing to her. Babe Lawyer goes to take her to bed, she asks for Al to take her. Boy this is all laying it on a bit thick. Babe Lawyer tells herself “no no no not him no” when Al leaves the room. Whatever that means. Al comes back in a bit later and Babe Lawyer is crying, the crying is really going strong today, she tells Al how she tries to give everything to her daughter that she never had but realizes that she doesn’t have a father figure for him. Cry cry cry. Al asks her what happened to the girl’s father. She just says “the papa of my daughter is me.” So perhaps she was raped or something like that.

Fab is drinking at Cesar’s house, accusing Bertha of kidnapping him. Cesar says he’s full of it. Fab says yes it was her, to teach him a lesson. He says he’s telling Cesar this because he has no one else to tell, Flor with her heart condition – Cesar interrupts and says that he has seen Flor survive so much, don’t go on saying she has a condition. Fab says that yes, she really is sick, he doesn’t want to stress her with his problems. Cesar tells him he’d love to listen, etc, but he has other things to do. Fab is a bit insulted and says fine, whatever, I’ll get out of your hair. Cesar tries to placate him, that his things to do are REALLY important, maybe he could go talk to Padre Santiago, or maybe a professional, a psychiatrist. Cesar opens the door to let Fab out, and who appears in the doorway but Bertha! Fab is… all together now… Impactado. Muy impactado. He backs up a few feet just from the sight of her. Bertha says how nice to see him! How is your wife? Fab doesn’t answer, he blurts out “YOU HAVE MY SON!” Bertha slaps him and tells him not to yell at her. She tells Fab that Fern wants her out of the house but if that happens, listen up stupid, if that happens, nobody will ever see Enrique again. Fab says he won’t let anyone evict her. Cesar walks up and Fab looks back and forth and finally figures it out – “You are her accomplice, Cesar?” He can’t believe it, they are brothers, same blood, same mother, etc etc. Bertha tells him to save the drama. Fab says to give their mother back all of her money and jewels. Cesar doesn’t respond.

Babe Lawyer has apparently told Al a long story, so he understands how difficult her life has been. Al says that she was there for him in his most difficult times, Babe Lawyer says only because that was her job, she isn’t some saint, he paid her for her professional services. Furthermore, she was there and Miranda wasn’t because he wouldn’t let her. He should be with her 24 hours a day. Al says he understands but wants to still be friends with her daughter. Uh NO Babe Lawyer, that’s how pedophiles talk. I don’t care if everyone has decided that Al is so perfect or whatever, a grown man wanting a relationship with a little girl even if not with that girls mother is creepy talk. CREEPY talk. Babe Lawyer stands up so I can admire her form, I mean so she can tell Al to go find his wife and straighten things out with her. She tells Al to tell Miranda everything they discussed, to tell her that Miranda is the only one he has eyes for. Al leaves, she sits back down and cries some more.

Cesar and Bertha are having a drink, celebrating how much they scared Fab. Oh crap. If this ends with them going to the other room, or reminiscing about the last time, or any talk of toys, I just may lose my lunch. Bertha asks him how he could extort his own mother, he just said that the opportunity was there so he took it. He wanted the money for his company. Bertha is sucking on her finger throughout this conversation. I agree, that has been going on too long for it to not mean anything. She says she has a question and wants a real answer. Her question is “when people talk about wounds of love, what are they talking about? What is a wound of love?” Cesar stares at nothing and starts to tear up, apparently. Whatever. Any attempt to humanize Cesar will be ignored by me. Let me say again – whatever.

Fern, Flor, and Renata are chatting. Al knocks and enters, looking for Miranda. Renata says she left. Where? She ran off because of what he said about not wanting kids. Al says he explained his reasons. Yeah good one Al, that is sure to go over in a room full of women. Fern tells Al that Miranda also may not ever be able to have kids. Al says he loves her with or without kids, he doesn’t care. He gives a long speech about how much he loves her. Renata says she wishes all men thought like him. It turns out that she left to go to the hacienda, driving by herself in her car, which is very dangerous. Al rushes off to go find her and save her.

Cesar says he doesn’t have words to explain words of love. He takes off his glasses, doesn’t this mean any women around are supposed to run? He cries. Give me a break. They have a conversation about loving or being loved but I really didn’t understand the details. I think they were mostly feeling sorry for themselves. Some scary music plays, I’m waiting for something to happen. Cesar squeezes his glass so hard it breaks. Again, I won’t be able to see him as human. It isn’t working at all.

Juan comes home, Al cancelled. Francisco wants to talk to him, he says about Renata? No no sit down. Fran says how do you feel? Juan says bad, really bad. He’s still very upset about the Renata thing. Fran says don’t lose her. Juan says he did all he could, she’s confused. Fran says to help her understand. Juan has a green flashback of Renata kissing Cesar. He starts crying, Fran wants to know what’s so upsetting. Juan just gives him a hug and leaves.

Bertha comes home to Lucas. She whines that Lucas is the only one who loves her. She whines and cries for a bit. She also rubs her forehead a lot. She cries herself to sleep, in the morning she talks to Lucas some more and says she doesn’t want to get up, she doesn’t care what happens. Her phone rings. It’s Cesar, they agree that they are both sad. Lucas snorts. They’ll talk later. She hangs up and cries some more. She also talks to Lucas some more. Hey – if she doesn’t get out of bed all day like she plans, who takes Lucas out to go to the bathroom?

Slutty McSlutterson is giving a talk about AIDS. Lots of facts and figures. A girl in the crowd asks her how she felt when she found out she had AIDS. Slutty says she was very angry. Others ask typical questions. Big public service message portion of the show. Let’s move on.

Al and Luciano are in his office, Al is telling Gabino on the phone that he’s worried sick. I thought he went after her? I guess not. We see Gabino, with Miranda sitting RIGHT THERE, telling Al “yeah as soon as I see her I’ll let you know.” So I figure he’ll lie for her for so long that Al will be convinced something bad happened and rush out to find her, then other problems will occur. Al says to Luciano that she should be there by now, Luciano says maybe she just stopped to rest. Luciano thinks that Miranda is exaggerating, Al says he agrees but she might have a point. He admits to Luciano about saying Babe Lawyer’s name by accident right after sex. Oh guess what – Babe Lawyer is eavesdropping and heard that! She is impactada. Of course. Luciano asks if he likes Babe Lawyer. He admits that he does a little bit. He’d like to be able to say that he only has eyes for Miranda, but Babe Lawyer is so hot and so awesome that he likes her a little bit. Luciano says he looves Babe Lawyer. He shares a little fantasy about her, Babe Lawyer is impactada again, finally she says “Buenos dias” and marches into the room, probably to just break up the conversation.

The commercial that came on just now insinuates that Tomas is finally going to live his dream of nailing Alicia on La Fea. She decided that if it takes that to get the money to save her car, so be it. I just thought that might interest some of you, back to the show.

Miranda tells Gabino that if ANYBODY asks, she isn’t here. Anybody. Nati and Mrs. Gabino come in, the new age music starts playing. I wonder if it is called “Naty’s theme” or if it is just “new age crystal chakra feng shui whatever #4.” Nati has something important to say to Miranda. She tells Miranda that Gonz has settled his affairs, or something like that, the time of the cocolbosh is close. I really don’t understand this stuff. I’m not very ‘earthy’ or whatever. I’m more comfortable with numbers and science. Miranda asks to be alone with Nati and asks Nati if she’ll help prepare the cacao, Nati says of course. Miranda remembers her cocolbosh cure, but the memory isn’t green. Does that mean anything? I thought all flashbacks and memories were green. It’s a really long flashback. She finally remembers how Nati cured her, it was the cocolbosh!

Slutty finishes up her talk about Aids. Again. Renata and Erika congratulate her. Remember kids, always use a raincoat.

Two nuns discuss how they are ordered to discipline Nuria, so that’s what they’ll do. These nuns look like lunch ladies, I can’t believe they are really so vicious. Shouldn’t they be more like the nurse from “One flew over the cuckoo’s nest” or something? They don’t have any evil feel to them. Nuria is just sitting there like she is drugged, oh she was asleep. They take the baby away from her, wake her up, and start being mean to her.

Vicente has also arrived in Al’s office, they discuss how to proceed with the various lawsuits. Luciano and Vicente leave Al and Babe Lawyer alone. As she gets some stuff off the desk, Al pretends to be thinking of what to say to her, but I know he’s really just checking out her butt until she finally turns around, then he starts to talk to her. He asks her if a man ever called her by the wrong name, would she forgive him? Babe Lawyer says no, she never would. She knows that if a man did that it means that he loves the other woman. Al says so, that means I’m in love with you? Because it was your name I said to Miranda. He says “let’s remove any doubts” and starts to kiss her. She pretends to resist but kisses him back. As they make out the door opens and Cesar appears! At first he is impactado but then he smiles, this is to his liking.


Al ,you crumb bum!!! So much for your eternal devotion to Miranda..yadayadayada...turns out you are a smarmy guy afterall...a closet smarmy guy and good guy clothing ...but smarmy nonetheless...You just couldn't resist the goodlooking lawyer babe. So, let's do a smarmy count : 1]Cesar 2]Fab 3]Juan 4]Al I am impactada. p.s. Did you hear Lucas snoring????~~~Susanlynn, losing faith in these telenovela hombres

Yes I heard it, I believe I made a note. I prefer to think that he was 'snorting' like making 'sheesh whatever' sounds at Bertha while she talked like an idiot. I never even considered that he was asleep, but that may be true. Even if Al is a smarmy guy, the whole thing at the end just didn't fit. I love my wife so much yada yada oh hell let's make out.

It is fun to get the male perspective on these storylines. --

Poor Al, wants to have his cake and to eat it too. Of course, Lil cannot be that pure. Look at the way she fought his advances. (NOT!)
--I was thinking if I were Liliana, I'd have just kept listening to all the flattering things these two hunks were saying about me until Vicente came in and I was forced to make a quick exit from behind the door. Watching this storyline progress, I kept thinking to myself: doesn't anybody know how to close a door there?????

Is it possible that Al was daydreaming? It'd be nice of one of these guys wasn't a cheater.

It is very possible that Al was dreaming. Or that Babe Lawyer was dreaming.

I am impactada! Al how could you?
I heard Lucas snorting too, he always snores, snorts, whatever. Chris, we are sitting around the computer here at work laughing hilariously at your recap. You are a very bad influence on us. Thank you for that.

Excellent recap, I laugh out loud.

I am changing my mind about that ending being someone's dream. Cesar showing up at the end like that just doesn't fit in with a dream sequence. I think it turns out that Al is kind of dumb after all. Although, as I pointed out last week, Babe lawyer is hotter than Miranda and according to Al, so totally awesome.

Could be cesar too. Cesar could have been dreaming. Or Miranda, I supose.

thank you chris! very nice recap...

to clarify on your comment about why cesar and bertha were crying: i think they were crying, because they realized that they have never loved or been loved...

Auxilio!!!! Can anyone help me????--Today, I watched ''Navidad Sin Fin.'' Fernando C. played a working class guy , a truck driver. This is all I could understand with my very limited Spanish --- He is driving past an accident scene in his big truck...a car is burning--the cops tell him to keep moving---one cop seems to be a good guy, and the other is a creep---then, F.C. sees to little boy and girl walking down the road--he takes them home to his mama---then, he is driving his truck, meets the same 2 cops,AND somehow, he is arrested and put into jail. That's where it ended. I guess this show will be on every day from 1.00 to 2.00. I would appreciate anyone who could shed a little light on this story for me. Gracias. Susanlynn, wondering why Fernando was wearing a fake nose..and thinking it was to mask that muy guaypo face and let him slip into his simple, rough character more convincingly

My curiosity got the better of me so I did some quick digging - here is a pic of Colunga from that show. I find the mustache more distracting than the nose, with that big soup strainer I can't tell if that's his real nose or not at all.

I havent read the recap yet but Im setting aside quiet time so I can get the most out of it based on the glowing reviews!

The Navidad sin fin thing peaked my curiousity, so I went to look at the pictures. Fernandos nose! What a pity to see his face marred by that thing and the 'stache!

I also think the guy who plays Casimiro looks a lot like Hugo Chavez. Could it be?!

I actually prefer Fernando with facial hair---my favorite look is the way he appeared as Luis in ''Alborado'' ...but...that fake nose is like marring a masterpiece. ~~~Susanlynn, art lover

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