Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Heridas de Amor Tuesday 12/5 - In which one suspects the viewers have been the victims of serious bedroom-scene editing

Lead in from yesterday: Alejandro has gotten out of jail, he surprises Miranda and Pamela, Miranda and Alejandro embrace, Liliana and her little girl Sofia show up and Miranda is bugged because Al picks up Sofia and tells her that she has the best mama in the world.

When Liliana says she and Sofia have to leave Pamela gets hit with the bitch stick and says "Good, go then!" Liliana calls her on the bad 'tude and tells Pamela she can talk to her like that but if she talks down to her daughter then she (Lil) might forget she's a lady.

Meanwhile Miranda is making nice with Sofia and promises to be her friend. Lil tells Al she'll address the cases of Chaquiras and Romeo tomorrow.

Luis Alberto has come to visit Nuria at the depressing San Llorente estate. Berta intercepts him and wants to know why he's there. She tells him Nuria doesn't remember the tragedy of her baby's death. Anyway, Nuria is heavily sedated and can't see him (Luis Alberto) now. Berta asks LA if he's in love with Nuria. He admits it and says he'll return tomorrow.

Berta calls "Cesarin" to tell him that only he can help with this new development. She asks him why he never noticed this "little problem" of LA loving Nuria before.

Flor and Renata are lazing on their chaises and discussing love. Flor wants Renata to go back to Juan since he said he'd give Renata another chance. Renata doesn't know what she feels or what she wants. Here's the situation: Just imagine, Juan leaves his free clinic and over the years he reproaches her, or even worse, he doesn't say anything to her and instead hates her in silence. Or she goes to live with him, reproaches or hates him. Dear God are those the only scenarios this self-absorbed twit can imagine?

Vicente and Luciano are meeting with Alejandro and Miranda to give Al some bad news. Julio and Cesar have stolen the last of their shareholders (a cement factory and a toy factory?) and this has dealt a mortal blow to the company. Al won't be bummed out by this news, he just wants to be alone with Miranda.

Al thanks Miranda for being with him in all these difficult times. They will decide tomorrow what they're going to do but tonight they are going to be together.

Alejandro and Miranda are in the bedroom, alone at last. Al is bare chested, a treat for the ladies. He tells Miranda the thought of this night is what saved him while he was in prison. She is his, all his, until death parts them. Slow camera pan down, past the towel around his waist, and it drops at his feet. Now we are in slow motion, always a good sign, and they kiss passionately... AIEEEEEE!!!! Scene change to a close-up of Cesar's face!

We are in the Hades that is Cesar's apartment. He's smoking and drinking (of course) and someone is relentlessly pounding on his door. It is Sanson and he is bringing the bad news that Alejandro Luque is out of jail.

Cesar wants to know how this could happen. He gave a simple order, kill a high profile inmate as he is leaving a heavily armed facility, is that so hard to carry out? Cesar calls Berta in a snit and demands she come to his apartment. She can't because she's waiting for Guapo to come for Nuria. He wants her to check to see if Miranda is in her room. Charo reports to Berta that Miranda isn't home. Berta tortures Cesar, "They'll separate eventually. Don't forget Alejandro never had a conjugal visit." Cesar says he doesn't appreciate her stupid joke. His sputtering anger amuses her immensely.

Al and Miranda are basking in the afterglow of their love...of which we missed at least 95% I might add. Their love talk consists of plans to countersue Berta and Cesar and to go after Berta for Fab's kidnapping.

Florencia is feeding bebe Enrique and gets a pain in her chest. Renata comes in with the news that Al is out of jail and that perhaps now things can return to normal. We will let the concept of "normal" in this freak show remain undefined. Renata wants a snack but Flor's not hungry. Renata tempts her with a promise of jello and milk. Urk...I did say freak show did I not? Flor puts Enrique to bed (No...don't do it!!) and departs with Renata.

Amparo tells Ramon she's busy with her classes and doesn't have time for him. It was a much longer conversation but that's the gist of it. He leaves, a tear rolls down her face.

There is a knock on Carola's door. Could it be our long lost hunk Daniel? No, it's Doctor Dull making house calls. He struck out with Renata so he's stopping by Carola's for some sympathy and hoochie koochie. He has the nerve to ask her if she loves him! Then he tells her like it is...she has to love him but he won't lie to her he doesn't love her he hopes they can be friends and that she will stay by his side in this one-sided relationship where he gets everything and she gets nothing. Amigos, yes? She nods "yes" and then he kisses her, engulfing her face.

Nuria and El Guapo kidnap bebe Enrique and drive off. Luis Alberto sees them, "That was Nuria, I'm sure of it, but she had a baby with her." He jumps in his car and drives after them, or somewhere.

Flor bursts into Berta's room, Berta who is STILL THERE taking up space. Flor demands, over Lucas's barking, that Berta get up that instant, Nuria has taken her baby, and shut that damn dog up. I don't know why these people don't carry around doggie treats, have they never known any dogs? I could have Lucas on my side in about 10 seconds, as long as it takes to heave a steak his way. This is a new snarlier Lucas. He looks like he really wants to lunge at Florencia and when Berta pokes him he takes a snap at her. Good doggie.

Al and Miranda are in bed but Al is even more covered up than before; no fair. Al says he's going after El Guapo and will work on getting his inheritance back. Miranda wants to go to the hacienda to check on her chocolate. Al says, (NOW PAY ATTENTION EVERYBODY), "No I won't permit it, (kisses her shoulders), I don't want you to go, (kisses her neck), I want you to stay by my side, to be mine always LILIANA, all mine." Yes, he called Miranda Liliana! Miranda is impactada and who can blame her? Al, how are you going to get out of this one?

Cesar tells Sanson he's sure his stupid friends gave his (Cesar's) name to Al. Sanson swears no way because they know things would go very badly for them, but now that Al is free what will Cesar do? For the moment Cesar will squash Al's business. He swore he would end "Senorita e inversiones" (a play on San Llorente Inversiones I presume) and he intends to do it. He still wants Miranda but he has patience, la pa-ci-en-cia (he poofs smoke in Sanson's face) and will bide his time. For now Renata is eating out of his hand which makes them all vulnerable. "You didn't forget our agreement, right boss?" asks Sanson. Remember, he gets Renata when Cesar is finished with her.

Flor is freaking out about Enrique's disappearance. Renata and Charo confirm that Nuria and bebe aren't in the house or garden. Berta starts to call the police but Flor shakes her and blames her for everything. Just then Faby arrives home and hears the news that Nuria stole the baby. Flor yells that she's going to kill Berta for stealing her son, she must tell Nuria to return Enrique immediately. Of course Flor collapses with heart pains. Flor weeps, Fab gives her a magic pill, Renata and Charo look confused. Berta walks over to the crib, lifts the baby pillow and looks under it, throws it back in, shrugs and walks out.

Uh oh, we're back in the bedroom, Al is still wrapped in a sheet and Miranda is fully clothed, not a good sign. He begs her not to go, it was only a mistake, nothing more. She says if he had called her Liliana over the phone or while they were signing papers she would understand (I don't believe her but OK), but while making love, while holding her in his arms, no she cannot understand that. He swears, (looking extremely fetching in his VERY snug little shorts), that it meant absolutely nothing. They go on and on (and on and on) until she says "OK fine, CESAR, you're right." "What did you call me?" Al asks, incredulous. Do I even want to go on with this adolescent conversation?

Thank God, saved by the cell, but oh dear it's Liliana for Al. She's so sorry to interrupt (their first night together...bitch) but it's muy importante. Miranda throws the phone and blasts out.

After getting his rocks off Juan tells Carola he doesn't wish to hurt her. She decides to make a snack but as she talks Juan sees Renata's face and he recalls the happy times when they were together. Then she turns back into Carola. She's all happy and he's...not. She says the pain will pass. Oops, he sees Renata's face again which allows him to kiss Carola who Juan thinks is Renata but who we know is Carola. Just then Raul enters with Veronica and Erika and it's weird trips incorporated in the apartment with pink walls.

Miranda is leaving and Al is running after her, begging her to stay. He grabs her, throws her over his shoulder and carries her back up to the bedroom. She's even beating his back just like in the Popeye cartoons when Bluto steals Olive Oyl. I don't usually go for the caveman routine but anything that moves this plot line along is OK by me.

Back in the pink apartment Erika tells Raul she never thought his bro would cheat on her friend. Veronica reminds her about all the stuff Cesar bought for Renata in NY, "What, you thought it was all for free?" Juan announces that yes (he puts his arm around Carola) he is starting a relationship with Carola because Renata doesn't believe in him and is afraid of loving him. Veronica asks if he is going to divorce Renata. Juan says if she wants a divorce she will have to pay for it by spending a weekend alone with him. Veronica says Renata won't do it. Juan says she will. He says all this in front of Carola who clearly has no pride.

Al throws Miranda on the bed and tries to weasel his way out of his major faux pas. "Blah blah just a mistake!" "Blah blah while making love to me?" He finally tells her that the call was essential, he has to go to court tomorrow and every week to register while he is out on bail. If he doesn't show up they will arrest him. Now doesn't Miranda think that is important enough to call about? I'm thinking yes, so important I'm surprised Liliana didn't mention it sooner instead of waiting until nighttime when Al and Miranda were sure to be in bed, but I digress.

This conversation gos on ad nauseum until finally Alejandro asks, "Don't all the obstacles we conquered together count for anything?" She tries to leave but he holds her (pins her down really) and tells her he's going to prove his love to her, body and soul. She cries, "Don't! Stop! Don't...stop...don't, stop, don't stop. Don't stop! And the romantic music reaches a crescendo as the closing credits roll over numerous scenes of Miranda and Alejandro together and in love.

OK Gloria, we can take it, just how much of the good stuff was left on the cutting room floor?


My apologies to Susanlynn, but "garcias", Sylvia, for a hilarious recap! ....and I am hoping Luis Alberto catches up with "casi-moto" to rescue his beloved Nuria in the nick of time. Maybe Luciano needs to try the caveman trick to shut Pamela up, too. She has been getting on my last nerve recently.

This proves my point that the worse a novela is, the better the recaps! Garcias Sylvia!

Great recap Sylvia.

Personally I thought Miranda deserved rougher treatment but I was glad they didnt do that. We wouldnt want the world to think its ok to man handle a woman. But man! Miranda sure needs a few good slaps.

Also I wondered if Juan and Carola really slept together. At first they are shown undressing Juan, then there is a break and then they are both seen sitting on a couch fully dressed. Carola was in a stupid large bead necklace that I thought would have been hard to work around if she didnt take them off. So you can tell where my mind was .... I was thinking how uncomfortable it would be to be wearing that horrible necklace and have it get in the way during the love scene!

Also the recaps on esmas seem to be for an hour show. So I think we have about 28 more episodes. Hopefully some action will take place instead of these stupid self indulgent spoiled little girl problems that the show has revolved around.

As always, much funnier than the actual show. Thanks. :)

Magnificent recap, as always! Could someone please tell me the name of the music that's played whenever Miranda and Alejandro are happy and not arguing? It played during their honeymoon scenes and it played at the end of last night's (Dec. 5) episode. Thanks in advance!

Great job Sylvia, I couldn't agree more with Babe Lawyer's timing on giving Al that important bit of news. That never came up before now? Cripes. I joked in my recap that fight #465 or something was getting ready to happen and now it did - I should have kept count for real. How many times have Al and Miranda had arguments like this? 10? 15? 20? It is the plot device that will not die. Crap things are getting slow, let's get Al and Miranda fighting again.

Wow... Miranda makes me crazy, but I've got to side with her on this one. Being called another woman's name... while in bed... just after making love...OUCH...NOT GOOD. I called hub by the wrong name for the first week I knew him. Cleverly, he started wearing a tie clip with his name on it. However, one does not have this option when one is in bed. Perhaps Miranda should invest in some lingerie embroidered with her name ..or , at the least, her initials. This could prevent a reoccurence of this unfortunate situation....I'm just saying. I enjoyed Al wearing the terrycloth robe and carrying Miranda up those stairs using the old fireman's carry...way to go, Al...Miranda probably doesn't weigh much, but she is long and wiry. That couldn't have been easy...I was impressed. As for Juan and Carola,,,if she is stupid enough to go for his proposition...have at it, Juan. He is so smarmy. Let's just say that I am very relieved not to have Juan as my doctor...or mailman...or mechanic...etc. Although I once had a student from Argentina who was married to an equally smary doctor...they have divorced. Maybe Renata should do the same with Dr. Smarmy. I wish Sanson would have punched Cesar in the nose when he blew the smoke in his face....It appears that Sanson has been neutered . And, finally, what was Bertha doing looking under the pillow in the bassinet???...Did she think the baby was under that tiny pillow??? These people are getting me down. ~~~Susanlynn, rocking and reeling

thank you silvia! your recap was really funny.

i could see liliana's indiscretion coming up. from the beginning she seemed jealous of miranda and al's relationship, so maybe miranda's bad vibe with liliana was based on intuition. to miranda's defense, i would be bothered if such a beautiful lawyer who's conviving with my husband every day for all these months is present at every private moment i have with him... even when the guy is in jail and gets permission to visit his dying wife we get liliana waiting with him the the hospital room until they are finished... i mean, she has watched every single kiss they have had... plus, since when is a lawyer and her child present to celebrate during the very first personal reunion of a client and his wife at his home? no privacy... it's just not healthy for any relationship.

silvia, you did a great job describing the love scenes! the 2 seconds of love that we were provided got extended to 2 minutes in our imagination, thanks to your creativity :)

Thanks, you all are very kind. I lucked into a good episode last night, lots of material to work with, that's for sure.

Cesar and Berta have a serious problem with calling people names and slapping people around. Don't they know that the moment things get tough their abused minions will turn on them? People can take being called stupid, imbecile, and worse for only so long...imbeciles!

I can't imagine what would happen if I said the wrong name to my wife in bed. Certainly carrying her back upstairs wouldn't be an option. Never mind I don't want to think what she might do.

25 episodes--Wow, We certainly have a ways to go before seeing any justice done!
I have seen a couple of teasers/coming soon for Duelo and boy does that look DARK! I cannot bear those telenovelas that are mostly dark with very few feel-good scenes. Anyone else get this feeling?

i hear you on that one carole! :)

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