Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Heridas de Amor, Tuesday 1/02/07 In which Miranda is happy, snotty, angry, smiling, fuming, paralyzed with grief, suspicious, dying, and sympathetic.

Aloha everybody! First of all, thanks again to Chris for recapping last week's episode for me and thanks to the rest of you for recapping during the holidays. I was up quite late last night catching up on all the antics in Heridasville. Chris, I loved your detail about the chocolate "adult" party favors, nice touch!

Lead in from last night: Liliana crashes Alejandro's freedom fiesta at the very moment he and Miranda are about to kiss and make up. Miranda gives Liliana the stink eye.

Miranda thanks Liliana for all her hard work but tells her that her services will no longer be needed. Lil says "No no no, there is still a lot more work to do with Cesar and Bertha regarding Gonzalo's death...right Alejandro???" He squirms and more or less agrees with her, saying it would be imprudent to change lawyers at this stage of the game. Lil gloats behind her glass of bubbly. Miranda crosses her arms and says "OK Sure Fine but as of now Liliana will report only and exclusively to ME." She wants to see Al alone in the library.

The small victory has made Liliana bold and imprudent. She asks Al if Miranda is always this domineering, then proceeds to comment that Miranda lives in a crystal bubble, not the real world. Miranda should try earning her own living for just one day instead of being such a queen. Al finally sticks up for his wife. He says Lil is wrong, Miranda has worked the earth (in a clean, white gauze dress and espadrilles) with her own (perfectly manicured) hands; she has fought not only for her family but for the families of her hacienda. To him Miranda IS a queen and Lil should watch what she says.

Miranda fumes in the library and asks Al how long she has to put up with that cheeky lawyer. Now Al is on Lil's side and says without her he would never have been exonerated. They have a stupid argument. Miranda's phone rings, she answers and is suddenly very sweet, "Why hello, you need something? Oh wonderful, I'd love to, just tell me where and when. Big kiss to you too."

Al is jealous. Miranda says it was someone special but won't tell him who. She's all smiles and ushers him back to the celebration. He sighs, resigned to the fact that he's stuck between Bitch Rock and Bitch Hard Place.

Aha! Apparently it was Sofia who called Miranda. Miranda tells Fern in private that Sofia wants Miranda to attend the mini olympics at her school and Al is competing with her. She doesn't know what to think about Al playing the role of father with Sofia. Fernanda says it's a bad idea but she has no doubt that Al loves Miranda. Miranda says she only knows one thing, if Al can't make a decision about what he wants then she, Miranda, will make it.

I guess the boring lovebirds made up because now the entire family is laughing while Lil sulks in the corner. Fern approaches her and they exchange a few sarcastic words. Fern asks Lil what she would do to ensure her daughter's happiness. Lil says she'd take on the whole world of course. Fern says how wonderful that they understand each other because at the moment they are in a celebration that is 100 percent family and she doesn't want to see her daughter unhappy, got it abogada? Lil flips her hair and spins, clickety click click click, she sashays out on her spiky high heels. Say what you will about Lil, she's got that move mastered.

Amparo doesn't want Raul to go to Spain even though it's only for two years. It makes no sense to me but I think Amparo tells Carola that she (Amparo) wishes she (Carola) would go with Raul. At least Carola has a head on her shoulders (?!?!?!), not like that dimwit (points to Raul). I think Amparo's been chugging the vanilla extract. Francisco says he'll also miss Raul but the boy must have his own life. He points out that Amparo will probably eventually leave with Roman anyway. Amparo wails some more and asks what will Francisco do if she marries. He says he'll booze it up and hang out with the ladies, ha ha just kidding sis.

Huh? In the short time we visited with the Jimenez family Al and Miranda are mad again. Al asks Fern what's up with Miranda, she's locked in her room. He thinks Lil and Miranda are behaving like a couple of adolescents. Miranda is really pissing him off and why did Fernanda kick his lawyer out of the house? Au contraire, Fernanda says she "explained" that it was a family occasion and Liliana "understood" and left on her own.

Al tells Fern that he needs her to be a "margin of objectivity" between him and Miranda. Fern reminds him that Miranda is her daughter. He counters by telling her not to forget that Miranda is his wife. I fail to see the logic of how these could possibly be mutually exclusive but OK.

Pamela and Andrea arrive. Fern wants Pam to talk to Al.

Marisol, corruptress of young children, picks the young child Sofia up from school. Sofia is worried that her mom will be angry with her for calling Miranda. Marisol reassures Sofia that she did the right thing and if Sofia admits what she did to mommy then mommy might not let her see Al. Sofia says she wants Al to be her daddy. Marisol says it will be so; she's going to help her friend with this pesky Miranda business.

Have you noticed that this stupid episode is about nothing but Miranda's self-centered angst over that bitch Liliana, naughty Sofia, and her gigantic wimp of a husband?

Pam is at Miranda's door: "Let me in!"
Miranda: "I'm paralyzed with grief, I need to be alone!" Sniff, sniff.

Sanson calls Cesar and tells him his building is being watched. He keeps rubbing his neck, probably to signify that he's already got HIV-induced swollen lymph glands, or perhaps Cesar had the dog collar on just a bit too tightly.

Pam says her honeymoon was a dream come true. I guess there weren't any babes around for Luciano the horndog to pant over. Fern wishes her daughters could be as happy as Pam. Fat chance.

Pamela enters the library as Al hangs up his phone (someone wants to meet him). Pam asks Al how he is. He says nothing has changed except that he was found innocent. She asks why he and Miranda aren't celebrating this most important day. She advises him to dump Lil to save his marriage, she now has the wisdom of a married woman. Als says she's right, he's going to fix things right now, thanks Pamela. What in the hell just happened?

Oh goodie, Renata is talking to herself in the mirror. That usually means crazy things are going to happen. Blurry Mean Mirror Renata says Juan will never accept Cesar's baby. Non-Blurry Renata says the baby isn't Cesar's, it's hers and Juan's. Blurry snickers and tries to put doubt in Non-Blurry's heart. Fast Forward through Renata's flashback of doing the nasty with Cesar. Juan enters and asks what's the matter. "Will you love me forever? My baby too?" she asks. He reassures her that he will love her and her child forever. Kiss kiss.

Fernanda checks Julio's pulse and announces he needs a pacemaker. Wow, she's good.

Miranda, no longer paralyzed with grief, tells Pam she has a suspicion that is killing her. She's sure Sofia isn't taking Al to the mini olympics as her friend or uncle but rather as her father. However, raised as a motherless child she understands all too well how Sofia feels having only one parent. She lived it and understands Sofia better than Lil does.

Al is at Lil's house. He's an idiot. She is in a fit about Miranda and Fernanda ganging up on her. Marisol, holding Sofia in front of her, eavesdrops. Al says Lil is right, it's got to stop. "Great," says Lil, "we'll confront them and tell them we intend to continue working together." Al corrects her, when he said the situation had to stop he meant her employment, this will be the last time they see each other. Sofia runs out, hugs him and begs him not to leave them.

Sofia asks Al doesn't he love them anymore? He explains the nature of his and mommy's relationship as Lil sniffles off to the side. Sofia is distraught and says the mini olympics is for fathers only. Lil answers in that case she doesn't have to go to school. Sofia tells Al he's bad and she runs to her room. Lil says "Excuse me but I must go and reconstruct my daughter's shattered world." I'm not a parent but I suspect the grownups are handling this situation very badly.

Raul tries to comfort Amparo. Carola announces that she has thought things over and she's going to accompany Raul to Spain. Oh boy, a whole new country full of people to whom she can brag about her past as a whore!

Juan tells Renata that early tomorrow he'll take her in for a gynecological exam. "What for? she asks. He says he wants their child to have the best care that is offered. Renata seems suspicious, "Are you sure that's the only reason?" Juan asks what other reason could there be? He asks if she wants to go to Raul's goodbye thingie with him. She glances momentarily at her talking mirror of self doubt...then agrees to go.

Julio and Fernanda talk about his pacemaker operation. He wants to make arrangements to take care of Rebecca and sons in case, in case... Fabricio enters with little Enrique and immediately hands the baby to Rebecca. Julio gives him the news about his heart. Rebecca believes his deteriorated condition is due to Cesar and Bertha.

Fab says the time has come to denounce Cesar and Bertha. Fern says they are trying but so far they don't have enough hard evidence against them. Fab says he will denounce them himself...they were accomplices in his kidnapping!

"No puede ser!" cries Rebecca. Uh oh, somebody grab the baby. "I gave Cesar all my jewels for your ransom," she wails as she starts to teeter. Fab tells her that Cesar deliberately robbed her and she must denounce him too. Rebecca is impactada and falls onto the sofa before she can drop the baby.

Previews for tomorrow show Al and Sofia competing in (and probably winning) the mini olympics. Bad witches Liliana and Marisol look happy, Good Witches Miranda and Pamela look angry.


Monday, January 01, 2007

Heridas de Amor - 01/01/07

Cesar is still screaming about Luis Alberto having stolen every dime of his as Liliana rushes into Alejandro's office and interrupts Alejendro's conversation with Fernanda. She lets him know that the judgment is now ready as they've moved his cased up. He asks if this means he will be free of all charges regarding Gonzalo's murder. She says yes. He wonders if they will need Charo's testimony and she answers they will for the countersuit regarding Cesar and Berta's involvement in his death. Therefore she insists they not let Charo go out by herself even in the street for anything to insure nothing happens to her.

Fabricio is on Florencia's bed holding the baby and telling him how his mother gave all the strength she possessed to make sure he would be born. At that minute there is a bright light in the doorway and Florencia appears in it like the Lady of Fatima. She tells him that she will always be there for the baby and him, but he should rest. While he takes a quick nap with the baby in his arms the apparition of Florencia takes the baby and puts him into the bassinet. As she walks out the door he asks her to stay and then wonders if he was dreaming.--Ok. I admit I had to break with reality here and shift into a miracle mode to appreciate this whole scene. So Fab, the baby was on the bed and now it is in the bassinet, and you didn't sleepwalk, so what do you to think? --He sniffs the air and her perfume is heavy and lingering apparently. He asks God to give him a sign that she was really there. At that moment Charo knocks and enters and starts sniffing. She tells him the room really smells like Florencia's perfume. He tells himself, “I knew it. I knew it.”

Alejandro leaves for a couple of files and Lilliana tries to start a friendly conversation with Fernanda. (Big mistake!) Fernanda doesn't even turn around to acknowledge her. She simply answers back that Lilliana's work is finished now. Since she was hired for the murder trial only, she is sure Miranda will not want her continuing on the case. Lilliana cannot understand why Miranda's mother is treating her this way. “What have I done to you to get this treatment?” (Ah, come on, Lilliana. You aren't that dense, are you? I could expect this from Marisol, but even I was as blown away by that idiotic question as Fernanda.) Fernanda tells her that she's seen the pictures of her kissing her daughter's husband and when her daughters are involved that sort of thing tends to become a problem for her. Instead of being humble and apologizing for a complete lack of judgment or saying he forced himself on her Lilliana gets obnoxious. “Ah, now I know where Miranda gets it from, Fernanda.” Fernanda shoots her down darn quick and reminds her that she is Doctor to her and her daughter is to be referred to as La Señora Luque when she's in her presence. (Hot damn.)

Sansone is calling everywhere but cannot locate the hotel Luis Alberto is hiding in. He gets sick and wants to use Cesar's bathroom but Cesar sends him to find one outside, somewhere else. Berta comes in just then and Cesar assures her that he is going to get every centavo back from Luis Alberto before killing him. It will be nasty and he will let her watch what happens to Nuria when he gets hold of her, too. Her eyes light up like Christmas trees. She says let El Guapo do it because he really knows how to squeeze out the last drop of fear. Then he tells her to get ready to flee the country. She wants to know where and worries about Lucas for a second and then where they're going. Cesar says he won't tell her till they're ready to leave because he doesn't want her betraying him also. He grabs her and threatens that if she does, he will be harder on her than with anybody else.

Renata and Juan argue over her possible pregnancy. (They both sort of forgot to take precautions in Valle de Bravo.) She lies saying she 's not pregnant, but finally she admits that what bugs her is that if it is Cesar's it will separate the two of them forever. Juan says it will be no different for him than it was for Gonzalo and Florencia. The child will be loved no matter what. Renata wants to get a DNA test to be sure but Juan refuses. (Hey, once the kid is born you'll know who the daddy is pretty darn soon just by looking at it. Who are we kidding here?)

Charo is thinking she will testify to make sure Tomasa and Gonzalo's souls can be at rest. At that instant Bertha surprises Charo in the kitchen by coming in the backdoor. She tells Charo she looks like she has just seen the Devil. Charo answers, “Close enough!” and Bertha slaps her around for being insolent. She continues to pull on Charo's hair and to pinch her. She threatens her not to say anything against her in court. Veronica walks in behind Bertha silently and witness this but signals to Charo not to say a word or to let Bertha know she's in there watching the abuse and the threats.

Veronica returns to the living room to get Renata since she had called her to come by. Juan wants to go with her, but Renata tells him to check in on Fabricio and the baby. Veronica will be there with her and Renata has a thing or two to say to Tía Bertha.

Juan goes and chats with Fabricio. As soon as he enters the room he comments that Fabricio had a good idea putting some of Florencia's perfume around the room to remind Enrique of his mother's scent and to calm him. Fabricio says he didn't and tries to get Juan to believe that her spirit was just there; that she visited and spoke to the baby and him. Juan tries to convince him it was just a dream, but Fabricio says he isn't able to account for her scent everywhere. Even Charo commented how strong the perfume was.

Renata comes into the kitchen and confronts her aunt. She tells Bertha the back door or the kitchen is the only place for a person like her to be received. Bertha pretends to be the victimized and mistreated aunt again. Renata tells her to take her mask off. She demands Bertha tell her why she had Veronica get her involved with drugs and asks her why she tried to drive her crazy and convince her she needed treatment for cleptomania. Bertha finally admits she did it to hurt Gonzalo and even more, to hurt Fernanda. Renata asks how she could have since she loved her like a mother and had always wished she could have been. Renata gets really angry then and calls her aunt a murderer because she killed her sister and she can prove it. About then Bertha starts nervously rubbing her forehead again and swears she can't have proof. She tries the “but I adore you, how can you treat me this way” routine to divert Renata's train of thought. Renata answers that Bertha doesn't love anybody and doesn't know how to love anyone. She tells her aunt that the next time the two of them will see each other again is when Bertha is behind bars listening to Renata's statement to the court against her. Charo and Veronica are watching from behind the door in the hallway just in case Bertha tries something deadly.

Fabricio suddenly gets it into his head that Florencia's visit was to let him know she was giving him the go-ahead to marry Miranda once she is divorced. After all, Miranda is great with Enrique and would be a terrific mother. Juan wonders if he's forgotten his great love for his dead wife so soon. Fabricio explains he never stopped loving her. He loves them both but in very different ways. Juan isn't so sure and wishes he'd give it a rest.

Veronica enters the kitchen. Charo is afraid something horrible will happen and they'll get hurt. Bertha warns Renata against trusting Veronica because she's always hated and envied her. Veronica tells her she already has confessed that to Renata. Bertha gives up and starts to go but Renata calls her back and demands she hand her the house keys. Bertha throws them at her. As she leaves she tells her niece that she is no different from her. When she thinks about her she can think of the baby in her belly, knowing it will be Cesar's and not her husband's. (The witch always knows just where to drive the knife in somebody.) Renata is definitely wounded by this remark.

Roman tells Nuria and Luis Alberto that they cannot continue hiding like this any longer. LA has him try to call Cesar to pester him again, but Cesar doesn't answer (considering he threw his cell against the wall and broke it). So Luis Alberto decides he will now confess everything to Alejandro and he wants Roman to set up a meeting. Nuria wants to give all the money away to charitable causes to get Cesar's goat. (Earth to Nuria. It isn't yours to give. It is Miranda's company's money and needs to be returned to her.)

Miranda finally arrives home and is surprised to see all the furniture and artworks back in the house. Renata comes in with Veronica from the kitchen and admits that it was Alejandro who managed it by selling his own house but that he didn't want them to tell her. She is thrilled and promises not to let him know her sister told on him. Juan and Fabricio come in. Miranda takes the baby. Miranda mentions finally to Renata that she brought the bottles of Florencia's medications that she had been hiding back with her. Juan wonders what in the world Renata was hiding them for. She just looks sheepishly back at him.

Julio is at Rebeca's house complaining about Cesar's trying to get him to resign his position and his bossing him around like a regular employee. Rebeca makes excuses for Cesar and says it was the way she used to treat him when his father got mad. She always felt badly and told him to pay no attention to his dad (the authority figure here). Julio gets on a roll and tells her the trouble with young people these days is precisely due to their upbringing, and Rebeca is a perfect example of the wrong way to do it. Once a punishment is dealt , the child has to know that it was due to breaking the rules. (Good public service message here for once, however, I would say that Julio is the last person to gripe about how children are being brought up. He raised a couple of doozies himself.) He continues along that Rebeca's treatment of Cesar caused him to end up wicked person. “What?” she asks. He yells at her, "Wicked! Wicked!" Then, speak of the Devil and who should appear? Cesar walks in just in time to hear that.

Raul tells Carola that he's gotten a scholarship to study business in Spain. He doesn't want to leave his parents in the lurch like Juan almost did. Carola explains that Juan didn't leave to do something worthwhile like take a scholarship in a foreign country. He was attempting to go illegally into another foreign country (the States) as a “wetback”/mojado. He is very upset and wants her to come with him to enter a University over there in Spain also. Just then his dad and aunt walk in and she doesn't give him an answer. (Uh, don't tell me the kid brother is now thinking of getting serious with Carola, too. After what he told Erica, this is the last female he should be getting serious with.)

Cesar begins blaming Julio for their losing all their biggest and best investors. Julio, who is rubbing his arm more and more during this argument, reminds him that those high-risk clients were LA's responsibility and he'd warned against it, but Cesar wouldn't listen. In fact Cesar, he continues, used his and his two son's money to start the company and is acting like it is his alone. All Cesar really does is stay away and play --and mostly with Bertha! She walks in at that moment and tells them she is tired of being blamed for everything wrong there.

Fernanda walks up to Miranda who is holding Enrique and suggests it is time now to give Alejandro another chance. She actually agrees. Alejandro comes walking in with a huge smile on his face right then and tells everybody he has been cleared of the murder charge completely. He and Miranda embrace. He tells her that he'd told her he did not kill Gonzalo and she replies, smiling, that she never doubted him. He is about to kiss her when Lilliana comes running in with a big bottle of champagne yelling to Alejandro about how they've won and should offer a toast to his freedom. (Darn! How did this brilliant woman ever become so successful? She apparently is so socially tone deaf.) She seems totally ignorant of what is going on around her and the scene she has just made. As for Miranda, if looks could kill, Lovely Lilliana would be pushing up daisies at this point.


Heridas December 29

Miranda gets Cesar to back off by biting his lip, or tongue, or something. I guess the “but but but I’m just trying to help you” Cesar is gone, he has shown his true colors. He says “are you crazy?” Uh hello dude you were raping her. She says if she yells Gabino will come in and kill him. He whines about why does it have to be this way? He has loved her since they were kids. She says he doesn’t know love. He says Al stole her love with his money and he (Cesar) can offer her a different world. She says thank you, but she’s not interested, get out. If he feels anything for her, he’ll get out. He has the nerve to even sniffle and try to be a sympathetic figure. He says it’s the last time they’ll see each other, then he hits her and knocks her down. He starts choking her and says that if he can’t have her, nobody can. Finally she appears to have stopped breathing and he lets go of her neck. He tells her body “sorry.”
Miranda says “I’m telling you to leave” and Cesar wakes up from his fantasy. He again says something stupid about what a great life he could give her. Whatever. You’re a loser. Get out. By the way, Miranda’s dress is waaay ugly. Cesar leaves and Gabino then runs in to see if Miranda is ok.

Babe Lawyer is telling her daughter that Al can’t come to her mini-olympics or whatever. Evil friend says “no I can’t go” as bitch as possible. Then daughter doesn’t want to go to school. Daughter claims to not have friends, she says kids don’t like her because she doesn’t have a dad, then says she doesn’t love her (B.L.) and she’s bad, daughter runs off to her room. Evil friend has nothing better to offer as advice than “well then you have to get Alejandro.”

Francisco and Amparito are talking about Roman, she thinks he has some secret. Married? Nonono, something else. Francisco teases her. Juan and Carola come in with Raul, Juan says Renata and family got all their furniture back. Carola pulls Juan aside and pretends to hate to have to tell him, but Renata might be pregnant, who is the father, you or Cesar? Juan runs off, Carola still pretends like she didn’t enjoy delivering that news. She tries to justify to the rest of them that she had to tell him. They are all appalled and leave the room, leaving her there alone. She deserves it.

Al is working and Renata comes to visit him. They discuss Al and Miranda’s relationship a bit. They rehash how he doesn’t want to have kids due to the hereditary heart condition. Renata says it’s in his head. He says “what if it isn’t?”

Miranda does some business with another plantation owner. They make some sort of chocolate agreement. Now she’s happy, she should be on the phone filing an assault charge against Cesar. Ha my wife explained to me that the guy has a chocolate business for wedding showers and things, so he’s going to use her chocolate to make little chocolate bachelorette candies, little penises or whatever.

Al gets Renata some coffee. She says he’s killing Miranda, he says Miranda can go marry someone else and have a family, he’ll fix up the company like he owes them, then he’ll go back to Italy. Renata says the only thing he owes Miranda is to make her happy. She thanks him for getting all their stuff back, how did he do it? He sold his house, but he better not tell Miranda. She is overcome with gratitude and Al smiles.

Miranda is now crying, sitting at her desk. She opens the letter from Florencia, finally. Flor says if she divorces Al, she should consider getting back with Fabricio. Big shocker there. She also begs Miranda to take care of Enrique, the baby. Flor will be at peace, because of Miranda, Flor was happy at the end. She then goes on to tell Miranda to fight for her relationship with Al, nobody will lover her like he does. Also, there is a little tray of chocolates on her desk, they look like little dog droppings or something. Not very pleasant. Miranda declares her love for Al to the empty room.

Al tells someone on the phone that he needs the reports on his desk first thing in the morning. He’s going to make some investments in the morning when the Tokyo market opens. Vicente arrives. Al gets another phone call, he starts telling the person on the phone about this awesome woman at this hacienda who makes chocolate, etc. Babe Lawyer is at the door and hears the whole thing. When he gets off the phone, Vicente says “how much you love Miranda.” Al says with all his soul. Babe Lawyer comes in and says she needs to speak with Al alone for a moment so Vicente tells Al everything is ready, ok see ya, bye. B.L. says she has two things – first, his verdict will arrive next week. Second – she doesn’t know how to ask, Al thinks it’s money, he’ll deposit something into her account, she says no no….. She wants to ask him a personal favor. She tearfully tells about the mini-olympics, it’s just for kids and their fathers, Sophia doesn’t have a father, etc etc. Al gives her a hug, wife and I both say “somebody will come in now” but it doesn’t happen. She apologizes and goes to leave, Al says wait, he will go to her little school event. Al thinks to himself that it’s not the girl’s fault what happens between adults. This will come back to bite Al, I’m sure, Miranda will see it as proof that he’s sleeping with B.L. or something.

Babe lawyer is back at home with Evil friend, she feels bad for manipulating Al that way. B.L. says Al said he would go, Evil friend almost rubs her hands together like evil masterminds do, she is pleased that her plan is coming along. Evil friend tells B.L. that when she and Al make their relationship formal, Al will tell her not to see Evil friend any more. B.L. doesn’t know what to make of this, so she goes to make dinner. Daughter comes down, Evil friend starts brainwashing her. “you want Al to be your daddy right?” She tells daughter that one day before the mini-olympics, take mom’s cell phone and call Miranda San Llorente. Tell her to come to your school the next day because you have a surprise for her. If she says no, cry to get her to say ok. Daughter says she can do this. Evil friend thinks to herself “I’m going to marry Liliana to a millionaire and I will be a beneficiary of that.”

One month later –
Fern and Juan are at the police station. They are filing a complaint about Cesar and Bertha. Juan shows all the blood evidence. A mini public service message about how the police are here to protect. They say however, that they should have come in right away, not months later, the proof doesn’t stand up as well that way. The blood samples could have come from anywhere. Juan says it isn’t fair that the police won’t act, the cop says “what if it were two other people coming in here and denouncing you without enough proof?” Juan says he understands. The police say that they will open an investigation. The proof Juan and Fern brought is circumstantial, but enough to start an investigation.

Slutty says “are you sure Renata?” Renata says yes, she took three tests, they all said yes. She’s pregnant. What are you going to say to Juan? Slutty blames herself for letting the Renata/Cesar news leak, not Juan is suspicious. Slutty turns her thoughts to Enrique, who Renata is holding, and coos over him. Slutty says “what will your baby look like?” Renata says like his dad. Slutty says “oooh imagine Juan’s skin color and eyes, how handsome!” Renata says “I said like HIS DAD.” Oooops, guess who she thinks is the father. She is sure, she tells Slutty. You didn’t take precautions? No. Slutty tells her how stupid she is for not using protection. Coming from the AIDS victim, this is true. “Are you mental?” Slutty tells her to beg God that she is only pregnant, not infected. Renata asks her to come with her to get HIV and pregnancy tests at the doctor. So why is she so sure it’s Cesar? She says she was with Cesar in New York, a week later with Juan. But she’s sure it’s Cesar’s. Of course it won’t be, I think. She says that in truth, though, she doesn’t want to be a mother.

Miranda and the Gabinos come in the house, Miranda says finally the moment they have been waiting for! Tim to unleash their chocolate on the world. Nati comes in too, they are all happy, Miranda says Nati is the one who made it all possible. The Gabinos declare their love for Miranda. She thanks them all for their loyalty. Nati gives Miranda something for Renata, something will happen to her and she needs them. Miranda can’t eat any of it, it is all for the one with the sky eyes. Miranda leaves, Nati talks to Gonzalo and tells him he’ll be at peace soon.

B.L. and daughter are eating breakfast. She wants to go to work with mom after school to remind Al that tomorrow is the thing at her school. B.L. says we’ll see.

There is another commercial at Carola’s grocery store. “is this store a Mexican owned company?” “yes of course!” And on and on.

Cesar and Sanson are at Cesar’s place. Cesar says LA can’t be allowed to disappear. Sanson says he can’t find him. He talked to the airline, no luck. Their friend at the airport will call them with any news. Cesar thinks maybe they drove to the U.S. instead of flying, but Sanson thinks they are hiding in a hotel here in Mexico City. Cesar says yes, that’s it! He tells Sanson to look in all the hotels. No, better, look for their licence plate on cars. Sanson is sweating and Cesar becomes suspicious. Sanson says it’s just hot. Cesar says no, he’s lying about something. Cesar says he looks skinny. Sanson says he hasn’t been sleeping well. Cesar says if he has some stinky disease he’s going to fire him. Cesar calls somebody on the phone and gives his name and a password. He wants to transfer some money. “What? That can’t be. He gives another number. He repeats it, yelling. You’re crazy! It can’t be! My balance can’t be zero! I’m yelling because you are an imbecile! Hello? Hello?” He tells Sanson to look everywhere for that infeliz, he’s going to kill him. He took all his money. I assume he’s referring to Luis Alberto.

Slutty tries to cheer up Renata, “you’re going to have a baby!” Guess who overhears the conversation? Juan. “Is it true, are you pregnant?” Renata just cries. Juan has a strange look that is kind of smiling or something, I’m not sure what.

Al tells Vicente on the phone that everything is in order, Vicente has the proof they needed, etc. Fern comes in and tells about the visit to the police station. Al says not to worry because Vicente has all the financial proof. Babe Lawyer runs in and interrupts. She says that he needs to go see the judge right away because the verdict is ready. Al smiles like she told him he is innocent but she doesn’t have that kind of news, he’s awfully confident.


Sunday, December 31, 2006

Heridas de Amor: ends January 12. Duelo de Pasiones: starts January 15

So they say over at telenovela-world.

We could use one or two more recappers for Duelo. Email me if you're interested.

Blogmom Melinama

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Friday, December 29, 2006

Heridas de Amor december 28

Naty and Miranda are having a conversation, Naty tells Miranda that if Bertha knows that Miranda has what she wants she will will go to the ranch to tell her her what she wants to hear; that she hasthe gun she was looking for.She also tells Miranda she knows who killed her dad and who tried to rape her that night.

Alejandro tells Fermin that he is gratefull for what he has done and that if he looses his job there will be a place for him at san Llorente inversiones, that he's going to talk to his superiors and that if anything happens he'll have a job for him. He thanks him and tells him if he needs anything else from him he'll be glad to help. Alejandro tells Vicente to make sure Fermin has a job with them if he's fired. Alejandro tells Santiago that he admires him and asks him for his blessing. Miranda wonders if what Naty told her to do is correct and says her father would have wanted it that way. Arcadia arrives with the chocolates she made and when she savors one she recalls the good times she and Alejandro shared. She asks Arcadia when she got there and she looks at her all confused. Alejandro talks to his friend and when he tells him that he is sharing San Llorente's presidency with Miranda his friend say that he always liked her and that she is one of the most desirable women in Mexico, Alejandro gets annoyed and tells him she just married him and cuts him short.

Fernanda and Juan arrive. He asks her about Charo and she tells him she's fine but doesn't want to testify anymore. He gets a call from Miranda telling him he has to come to the ranch with her mother and Berta. He says he doesn't think Berta would go and Bertha stands by the door and asks why not.Miranda tells Alejandro he wants to talk to Berta and tells her that Naty gave her what she wants. She tells her she'll think about it as Miranda tells her she and Alejandro will only be spectators but she repeats to her she'll think about it. Alejandro asks her why she's there and she tells him they'll talk alone about his inheritance.

Liliana recalls Alejandro taking her home and she kissing him. He pushes her away as she tells him she's like Miranda. She tells him to take advantage of her but he tucks her in to sleep. Fernanda and Alejandro argue over when to report Berta and Cesar. He asks Juan if he's right and he tells them they're both right in a way, she as a mother and he as a husband. Alejandro begs his mother-in-law time to resolve his case and then they'll take the next step. Marisol arrives home with Sofia and asks Liliana if she and Alejandro made love and she says no, she tells her that the only way to get a married man to commit is to get him into bed, Liliana says that she tried but he did not want to she tells her she will keep saying Sofia and Alejandro apart. Marisol informs her that her daughter signed up Alejandro to go with her to the mini olympics at school,
Marisol tells Liliana that she can't separate them because Sofia will be devastated.

Miranda gets her first client forthe gourmet chocolates and she congratulates all those who helped her. Renata tells Miranda what she was able to do with the fabric she gave her when Fernanda arrives home with Charo. She informs them she's leaving towm as Fernanda asks her if it was Berta who shot her but she says she doesn't know and leaves. Fabricio arrives and tells Fernanda that he's going to the ranch and he asks him if what Alejandro says is true; if he's after Miranda. Days later, Carola, Raul, Francisco and Amparo offer to support Veronica in her program. Veronica by mistake says something to make Carola think that Renata is pregnant and Carola tells the family if she is the baby isn't Juan's.

Luis Alberto tells Nuria that when she divorces Cesar they'll get married. They kiss when Roman arrives with the papers for her to sign. LA tells Roman he wants to talk to Alejandro and give him all the proof he has on Cesar concerning what he did to Gonzalo. Roman tells him Cesar left no trail but LA tells him he did and that Alejandro deserves to get all the papers he has on his former friend. Fernanda tells Renata she looks good with a baby and she says it's because he's not hers. Charo informs them some men have arrived. Miranda is able to convince another client to sell her chocolates and when celebrates with her partners Cesar arrives. The official tells Renata and Fernanda that Alejandro Luque bought all their furniture and returned it to them.

Alejandro tries to convince new clients to invest with the firm and he's able to convince all 3 to join him. Fabricio arrives and tells him if he needs anything from the ranch and he becomesannoyed, Fabriio asks him why he gets mad with him for going to the ranch, Alejandro tells him because he is using his project as an excuse, becase he is really going to see Miranda, fabricio says , so what if he is, he is going to divorce her, Ale says she is still his wife.

Renata tells her mother that she wants to tell Miranda what Alejandro did for them but Fernanda tells her not to. Berta calls Renata and Charo tells her not to go meet with that demonm renata agrees to meet with her. Cesar comes over, Miranda calls hym a cynic as she recalls that Naty told her that Jade Eyes was the one who tried to rape her that nite, Cesar starts yelling and pounding on the desk telling her not to insult him, he only came to offer his help. Miranda tells him that her people told her he was looking everywhere in the hacienda, and asks what he was looking for, he says her people are lying , he went straight in the house, she tells him she knows who he was looking for, Nuria and LA. He grabs her and as he forces himself on her tells her he is going to go over her body inch by inch..........what a disgusting beast

Happy new Year everyone


Thursday, December 28, 2006

Heridas de Amor - December 27

Veronica sobs asking Renata for forgiveness for what she did with Bertha. Renata is angry as she finally puts together in her small head exactly what Bertha has been doing to her. She realizes out loud that Miranda was right, her aunt had her and Flor hypnotized. She hangs her mouth long and open as she shakes her head in denial. She yells how she wishes she could have Bertha in front of her to yell at her what all she deserves. The gun shots interrupt Renata's pity party. Veronica wisely surmises that the shots came from inside the house and they should go. Renata grabs the baby and they head for Gonzalo's bedroom because there is direct access to the garage from his room.

Bertha and Guapo argue in the kitchen over Charo's body. Guapo squats over Charo's body and fiddles with his gun. He holds the gun so the tip touches the back of Charo's head. Bertha, who is upset, tells Guapo he should have a machine gun so that he can be heard from ten blocks away. When Guapo checks for Charo's breathing they find that she is not quite dead. Bertha didn't want gun shots fired. She calls Guapo stupid and scolds him for doing what he wants. He is making her tired. Guapo undeterred by her words goes looking for the baby. Bertha, with briefcase/purse in hand, follows him from behind.

Veronica and Renata, both in heels, stumble into the kitchen and begin ugly crying when they discover Charo's body. The noise they make it is a wonder Guapo doesn't hear them. They touch Charo’s back and learn from that quick touch that she is not dead, just hurt. They head out for the street.

Amparo, Carola, Raul and Francisco talk over the Sanson incident. Francisco wants to report Sanson to the police. The others argue that he can’t do that, it will be dangerous. Finally Amparo stands up agreeing that he is right. Francisco gives a lecture that he has to do what's right to serve as an example for them and for their children. The law is the law and without it you can’t pass through the arc of triumph. Francisco and Raul leave to report Sanson with Amparo's blessing that the Virgin watch over them.

Veronica and Renata with baby in arms head outside to immediately hail a taxi. They are off for an undisclosed place. Meanwhile in the mansion Bertha and Guapo enter the library. Bertha can’t believe that Charo was right that no one was in the house. The house phone rings while they are there and they listen to the answering machine take the message. It's Miranda leaving a message that Gabino has given her proof against Bertha that he had kept hidden away. Guapo wants to know what Miranda is talking about. Bertha denies knowing but her hand is at her forehead showing her distress. She wants to go before the police come and find them there. Guapo reaches out to touch Bertha. She yells No and slaps his good hand away. She dares him to touch her or she will break his teeth. She threatens that if he tries to put his dirty hand (singular hand that is, the good hand) on her again she swears he will regret it, as he already knows.

In Gonzalo’s old green office Santiago pleads with Al that he can’t do anything against Cesar and Bertha. He asks Al to put himself in his shoes. Al yells that he can’t, Bertha and Cesar are always steps ahead of them. They have to do something. Santiago says he cant, the evil duo have his hands and feet tied. Fab, who has been sitting in the back of the office, joins in agreeing with Santiago that Bertha and Cesar and their henchmen (secuaces) are dangerous. Al suggests that they come up with a trap for C and B. Santiago says they don't have corrupt enough minds to think up a trap like the evil duo. As the men are about to leave the office Al comes up with the idea to have Santiago's bank account available for him. Al thinks it's the best way to get the evil duo in their hands.

Roman waits outside Santiago’s office. When Santiago arrives Roman tries to get Santiago to agree that he won’t tell anyone that he has spoken with Nuria and Luis Alberto. Ramon wants an agreement before he will let Santiago see them. Santiago, under duress, agrees to not say anything.

Marisol baits Lilliana to drink too much and to talk too much about Alejandro. From the lightning and paintings in the background they appear to be in a French restaurant during the day. However Lilliana is drinking like it is New Years Eve. There are 3 or 4 empty margarita glasses (one the rocks, not frozen) in front of Lilliana. Her hair is perfect but she speaks as if she is drunk. After some prodding and encouragement from Marisol, Lilliana stands up in the room and yells that she loves Alejandro Luque. Marisol grins, her plan is working. Lilliana leaves for the restroom and Marisol picks up Lilly's cell phone to call Al. She tells Al that Lilly is drunk and he needs to come and pick her up. After a few words Al agrees to come get her. Lilliana returns from the bathroom none the wiser to Marisols little phone game. She tells Marisol she is dizzy and wants to go home. Marisol tells her to drink another drink.

Bertha yells at Guapo to leave the house. He wants to know why she is staying but she doesn't tell him. He asks if she is still angry about what happened. She answers that every time that she remembers she is repulsed, he raped her! He taunts her to show him even one bit of proof of violence, one bruise; something that shows that he raped her. The only thing he did was to follow the rules of her game. With wide eyes she tells him to go and he does. She walks around the empty mansion looking in amazement at the empty rooms. She makes sounds as if she is having orgasms as she tours the rooms. She starts to talk to herself saying that all of this was mine or no ones. The mansion San Llorente will never be what it was. The days of glory for this family have ended. Ghosts! Ghosts! She continues with her noises and states I did it! I achieved it. She then reaches for her cell phone and calls for an ambulance saying there was an injury.

Al arrives at the restaurant to find Lilliana passed out on the table. He asks Marisol why she let Lilly get like this. Marisol claims Lilly was like this when she arrived. She leaves the passed out Lilly with Al. He orders coffee and after I guess some time we see Lily sitting up straight again. Wow I never knew coffee worked that fast! Al asks Lilly why she drank so much. She tells him she did it for him, because she loves him. She tells him to forgive her; she still doesn't know what she is saying. He is sweet to her and he tells her he will take her home. He pays the bill and they leave.

Santiago and Ramon chit chat on a bench outside his office. Santiago has been debriefed about all of Ramon’s actions for Gonzalo. Santiago believes he is a changed man and encourages Ramon to go after Amparo. Nuria runs up claiming that Florencia’s death was her fault. Santiago calms her down by stating the facts, Flor died from heart disease. Luis Alberto stands by Nuria and claims he has tried to tell Nuria the same thing. Nuria tells Santiago that they are going to leave the country. Santiago tries to get them to stay because they are fundamental witnesses against the evil duo. Luis Alberto tells Santiago that he doesn’t understand how bad B and C are nor does he understand what they will do to retaliate if Nuria and LA report them. Santiago looks over his shoulder at Ramon.

Fernanda wants to report Bertha, Guapo, Cesar and Sanson. Her daughters are at risk. Juan tells her when she wants to he is ready to help her report them. Veronica and Renata plus baby burst into the office.

Fermin and Vicente talk about Santiago’s account. Vicente wants to know if the original documents have Berthas handwriting on them. Fermin thinks they do and suggests that they need to compare the documents to others written by Bertha. Vicente wants to get Mexico's best hand writing analyst to review the documents. He will ask Lilliana to contact the analyst because she works with the analyst all the time. Lilly’s involvement with this family never ceases.

Veronica and Renata tell Juan and Fernanda about the shots. Veronica is still sporting toilet paper on her mouth where she was injured by Sanson. I want to wipe it off. Anyhow they tell how they left in a hurry leaving their purses and cell phones. They wanted to call an ambulance for Charo but couldn't because they had left all their stuff. Renata calls from Ferns office to find that someone else has already called for an ambulance. The ambulance is bringing Charo to Ferns hospital, of course. Never mind that Mexico City is the largest city in the world, there is only one hospital that counts for these folks. .

Gabino, Arcadia, Miranda and Naty talk about the harvest. According to their records they will have a high production volume for the harvest. Naty tries to add that they make the best chocolate, gourmet chocolate but she stumbles on the word gourmet. She can’t get the word out and Miranda laughs helping her say the word. (Was this an ad lib contribution?) They believe they will recuperate what they have lost. Gabino needs more wrappers so Miranda tells him to sell another car. Fernanda calls with news about Charo. Miranda pleads for Fern to help Charo because without her testimony Alejandro will be lost. Commercial time. Miranda wants Veronica, Renata and the baby to come to the hacienda for safety. Fern has to tell her that they are with Andrea because they do not have money for the trip there. Fernanda ends the conversation telling Miranda that she is going to file an act against Bertha and Cesar. There is hesitation from Miranda but she relents. Fern tells Miranda to hold on for one more thing. The blood on the handkerchief is the same type of blood that Cesar has. (Which Cesar admitted to having when Flor needed a blood transfusion.)

Fabricio enters Florencia's bedroom talking to himself. No one is home and he is scared about the baby. He calls Al, who, still does not know about what has happened to Charo. Al tells Fab to not touch anything and to come to the office right away. Al calls Fern and gets the scoop. He tells Vicente and Fermin that another witness is injured.

Naty advises Miranda to not worry, death won’t come there. Arcadia tells Miranda to believe her. Miranda asks Naty who hurt Charo. Naty says it was the serpents tongue. Miranda immediately jumps to thinking it was Bertha. Naty tells her no but Bertha saw what happened. Miranda asks for advice on what to do. Naty tells her that the law will arrive in front of Bertha, the law of men and the law of the Almighty. (altisimo) Spooky music and spooky eyes look back at Miranda.

Fernanda talks to Juan about Charo. Charo is stable; she had a bullet behind her shoulder and one to her leg. What's more Charo won’t say who it was and she won’t report anything. She's terrified. Juan asks if Fern suspects anyone. Fern tells him she doesn’t suspect, her soul is screaming that it was Bertha. But it’s her sister! What can she do?!?! It’s her sister! Juan advises that even though it’s her sister Bertha is threatening everyone; everyone is in danger, including the baby. Juan continues saying It’s possible that Bertha went to the house to get the baby but Charo stopped her. Fern keeps asking Why?!

Fabricio sits on the floor of Florencia's bedroom talking to Renata by cell phone about what all he knows. He will go to the office and then to Andreas house to see them. He hangs up the phone to have a green memory of Flor dying. Fab gets up and goes to the bed asking where is Flor and why did God take her? Why is he being punished in this manner? He promises to get ahead for her, him and for their baby. He asks that Florencia, wherever she is, that she help him and that she won’t go far from him ever.

Alejandro talks with Vicente and Fermin in his/Gonzalo’s office. Santiago enters asking that Al not insist he report Bertha. Al tells him he won’t, but at the same time he doesn’t want Santiago to renounce his vocation. Fermin agrees, saying he is taking responsibility for his actions. Years ago he committed an error and if he gets fired he doesn’t care. He has hands to fight and he can get ahead in another way. Al tells Santiago that Fermin has brought the application that Bertha signed with her handwriting in his name from when she opened that account. Santiago tries to find an excuse saying but Fermin has a family! Fermin brushes him off and Vicente pipes up with some legalese. Vicente tells him that they need for him to advise his superiors about the scandal when the story breaks and everything comes to light. Santiago finally agrees. Al promises to never violate Santiago’s rules of confession. Vicente looks off after Al's statement as if he doesn’t believe they will be able to do that.

Miranda wants to know if Naty knows who the man was that attacked her. Naty looks off in her own green memory. She remembers Cesar talking with Sanson as Sanson dressed Cesar's wound from Miranda's gun shot to his shoulder. Naty tells Miranda that it was “Jade Eyes” who attacked her; it was his blood that fell in the house and that is why her father can't gather his footsteps. Miranda wants to know if her father is resting in peace. Naty tells her no, everything began in this place. Here Gonzalo San Llorente forged his disgrace. Only she and Tomasa knew the truth. No one else. Miranda asks her if she remembers what happened "That Night". Naty tells her she remembers like if it was yesterday. But she won't tell Miranda until Bertha, Al and Fernanda are all at the hacienda together. That is the day that Miranda’s father will rest in peace. Miranda whines that Bertha won’t come. Naty tells her to tell Bertha that she has the pistol that Bertha has been looking for.


Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Heridas Tuesday December 26

Since Sylvia is in Hawaii (grrrr jealous) you get an encore performance from me. At the end of Friday's show Juan and Miranda find out that the blood from the two shootings are from different people. The curtain rises -

Fabricio and Julio are sitting on the front steps of the San Llorente house. Does anyone else think it’s strange how they all continue to hang out here even though the house is empty? It’s creepy. Julio says he’ll be there for Fabricio, whatever he needs. Fab says if not for his kid, he’d run far away. Julio says they need to bring Bertha down, Mophead is also very concerned about Bertha and Cesar getting busy. Fab wasn’t aware of this, he tells Julio about Cesar taking money and jewels for his ransom, and here Cesar is with Bertha the whole time. Julio makes a face like he’s having a heart attack, he says fathers close their eyes to what their kids are really like, he suddenly realized what kind of person Cesar really is. They both start to realize just how depraved Bertha and Sleazer are. Julio feels guilty for helping Cesar bring down Gonzalo, even though he didn’t intend to do that. They share a manly hug and Julio leaves.

Fern has the baby again, talking to Renata. Fern is glad that Renata is giving Juan another chance. Juan and Miranda come in with the news that the two blood spots were from different persons. Juan asks who could have attacked her at the hacienda, she says besides El Guapo, she has no idea. She rehashes that night and says that whoever it was didn’t know she had a gun and she surprised him. Juan has a memory of fighting with Cesar over Renata and seeing blood on Cesar’s shirt as he walked away. He tells the women what happened, he only hit Sleazer on the front but he had blood on his back. Juan calls the hospital to see if they could verify that the blood matches Sleazer.

Nuria plays with her rosary and prays/cries. I believe the contract to cry on a daily basis has expired with Miranda so they signed up Nuria. She cries more than anybody on TV, ever. She begs Flor for forgiveness. LA comes back in, he might be regretting running off with her about now. “dang she’s hot and all, but cripes what a head case. What did I get myself into?” As I predicted before, Nuria wants to go back to Mexico to talk to Santiago. I knew something stupid would bring them back to be discovered. LA tells her no way, Jose. Nuria says fine, whatever, like a kid who doesn’t like what she was just told. LA caves in and says he’ll try to find a way to talk to Santiago. Don’t do it! They’ll go back, someone will find them, they’ll get killed or something. I knew it would happen but I’m annoyed anyway.

Back at the hacienda, which still has all of its furnishings, Nati and Mrs. Gabino are lighting a bunch of candles. They are trying to light the way for Gonzalo’s return or something like that. Nati is wrapped up in a white robe like she’s about to go ride a camel through the desert.

Carola comes in to talk to Amparito, who fills her in on Fern’s pain. Carola says she wants to go see her, Amparito says she shouldn’t go in order to avoid Renata. She then has to break the news that Juan and Renata have gotten back together. Carola cries. Miranda is really getting some help with the crying requirement. Amparito says Juan is coming the next day to get his stuff and is going to go live with Renata.

Mrs. Gabino hears a loud noise and Gabino runs in to see what’s going on. Mrs. Fills him in. Nati comes in to say Flor has gone to the light. Then she turns around and says “come Patron, come!” The Gabinos are freaking out and the candles all flicker a lot. The ghost of Gonz is in the room, apparently.

Juan says they’ll call him back later with the blood test results. Miranda announces that she is going to the hacienda. Renata says that Juan is bringing Amparito’s sewing machine so she can make clothes, they’ll stay in the house with Fab and Charo. Fab comes in and says he’s going to go to SLI the next day to work on the oil project, or whatever it is. We’d all get fired for missing this much work so far.

Nati continues to light candles and freak out the Gabinos. Nati says that she knows Miranda is coming the next day. The birds told her. She asks them to help blow out the candles, they are very happy to do that and end the spooky ceremony. Nati, I think, needs to go check on her camel.

Babe Lawyer tells Vicente that she needs Charo to testify. The subject changes to Miranda and Vicente says it’s her fault, not her friend’s, for letting that happen. They talk about the case and think that they can get Al declared innocent. Vicente then drops the bomb that the two blood samples are from different people. Babe Lawyer is pissed that the information leaked, this is an investigation dammit, that was confidential information. She won’t say it but she is jealous that Miranda has that information, thinking that it should be privileged between her and Al. Get a grip woman, what are you, twelve?

Juan goes home to get the sewing machine and Carola is waiting for him. She starts to say something about loving him in silence but Raul and Slutty come in and interrupt.

Bertha and Santiago are out having a drink, Guapo is there too. Guapo asks Santiago if today is a good day to die. They say they have the biggest surprise of his life for him.

Juan says he’s going to get money from the ATM, because when you use an ATM the national banks give money to charity! It’s a public service message. They read details of this program off of a card and pretend like they care.

Santiago says the law is going to get Guapo and Bertha. They laugh. This same exchange happens about ten times in slightly different forms. You’ll get caught, don’t be stupid. The law will get you, ha ha ha. Bertha tells Santiago that the bar they are in is full of cameras, so tell Al that if he stays against them they’ll show the pictures of Santiago there with them and tell all about his bank accounts.

Al meets with Vicente and Roman. Al asks for Babe Lawyer immediately, she’ll be along later he is told. Roman explains that he was Gonzalo’s investigator but when Gonz was in jail, he did some work with Cesar. To the point Senor Luque, do you know the circumstances of your sister Lasagna’s death? Al stands there impactado, then turns around to see Santiago rush in doing his best Julio impression, hand over his heard like he’s going to have an attack. Al rehashes how Lasagna was found. Roman says LA and Nuria know the real story. He also explains that they are hidden far away. Al says he needs to talk to them. Vicente says they can’t come back, they are in the same situation as Charo and need to stay safe. He says he doesn’t know where they are, they only talk by cell phone. Now Santiago is holding his left arm, he’ll collapse any minute. Roman says he’ll tell Al the next time he talks to them so they can get in touch. After Roman leaves, Al spits that Roman knows perfectly well where those two are and wouldn’t say! Santiago raises his arm to say something, it reminds me of the guy on the corpse cart in Monty Python’s Life of Brian who keeps saying “I’m not dead yet.” He starts to say something, then keels over.

Amparito comes in and talks to the virgin on the wall, then Sanson walks in behind her. He says he’s not going to do anything. He’s looking for Juan, who proceeds to walk in with Carola and Slutty. Sanson says he was looking for Carola too, and grabs her. Juan punches him in the face and knocks him down, giving him a bloody lip. Sanson jumps up and pulls a gun on Juan. Everybody yells. He yells at Carola, “you still love this guy, right?” Carola says she will love Juan forever. Techinically she yelled it, everyone is still yelling.

Renata is holding the baby and her phone rings. It’s Fern, Renata fills her in on where everyone is and where they went. She talks about her great clothing designs she’s going to make. She sits down and has a green memory of a conversation with Bertha. She was telling Bertha about how Fern insisted on examining any medication brought for Flor. Back in the present she starts talking to herself, she is starting to realize how Bertha messed with Flor’s medications.

Slutty yells at Sanson, she ends up moving between Juan and the gun. She insults Sanson, calling muy macho when he has a gun, huh? Sanson finally puts the gun down, then hits Slutty with it. Now she’s bleeding. He kisses her on the mouth, remember they are both bleeding, she eagerly kisses him back, she even bites him to get him to bleed some more. He throws her away and curses at her for doing that. Everyone else knows what is going on of course and they stare at him in shock. “what are you looking at me like that for?” Sanson issues some threat about killing her, she says she’s going to die anyway, she has AIDS! Sanson freaks out, saying it isn’t true. He leaves, swearing that he’ll take everyone with him when he goes! Everyone moves to comfort Slutty, she says to get away since she’s bleeding. Juan thanks her for saving him and calms her down.

Renata calls Gabino at the hacienda. She asks him to go to her room there and get a bag with medicine in it and to give it to Miranda as soon as he sees her, then tell Miranda to call her right away. Gabino and his Mrs. talk about how spooky it is that Nati actually knew that Miranda was going to be there that day. They think that Nati knows when they will die, Mrs. wants to ask her, Gabino says don’t be crazy!

Juan and Slutty arrive with the sewing machine, Renata is in shock at Slutty’s face. Slutty and Juan explain what happened. Juan leaves to go to the hospital, he thanks Slutty again for saving his life. Slutty swears to Renata that she never intended to infect anyone but the situation got out of control and it happened. Renata thanks her also for saving Juan. Slutty says she has many things to ask forgiveness for, Renata says whatever it is you’re forgiven, we’re friends! Slutty says no, then confesses to being in cahoots with Bertha for a while because she wanted to hurt Renata. Renata is impactada.

Santiago is awake and drinking some water. Vicente says he has to go, Al says that starting right away, they have to figure out how to get his fortune back. Vicente says he has the passwords and whatever for the accounts in London. Al can’t leave the country, but Vicente will go right away. He leaves. Al says to Santiago that he knows him, his bad feelings aren’t health related, what’s going on? Santiago says he’s quitting the church. Fab walks in at the same time and is impactado.

Slutty tells about how she set her up to get busted stealing jewelry way back when. Renata is angry now, Slutty is begging forgiveness but now Renata is mad. She realizes for sure now how Bertha had her hoodwinked but was really evil all along. They hear gunshots and the baby starts crying. They say the gunshots were from downstairs, Renata grabs the baby and says to go to Gonz’s room. In the hall they hear another gunshot and start really freaking out and run down the hall.

Wow, a really good cliffhanger for once! Unfortunately the preview for tomorrow’s show tells us that El Guapo and Bertha killed Charo, Babe Lawyer announces to somebody else and then later to Al himself that she is in love with him. I’m guessing that since we are in Ultimos Capitulos they are holding nothing back in the previews to get people to watch the ending.


Monday, December 25, 2006

Heridas Friday December 23

Miranda is sitting on the floor working on her laptop and Fernanda comes in, Miranda says she couldn’t keep up her happy face any longer at the party. Renata runs in complaining that Gabino brought old clothes from the hacienda, the others tell her they aren’t even a year old! This is to show how shallow Renata is I think. Miranda says she’s putting a plan together for the chocolate at the hacienda. She wants Renata’s help to put together some outfits for her from some fabric in storage. Renata is appalled at the suggestion but Miranda insists.

Al and Vicente are eating, well Vicente is, Al doesn’t have any appetite after selling his house. Al tells Vicente that he wants to make a horse race against a former rival of his father’s, if Al wins he wants this guy to put some money into SLI. This scheme is straight from Laverne & Shirley or something.

Nuria, LA, and Roman say how sad it is that Flor died, poor hijo, etc. They move on to talk about how they can lay a trap for Cesar by calling and pretending to know all the details about how he killed Lasagna and disposed of the body.

Cesar chats with his mother and Julio. His parents, actually. He mentions that Daniel and Angel are out looking for clients, that solves the big ‘where are those two losers’ mystery. Cesar is trying to get Julio and his mother to get out of town on a trip or something. Julio says no, that’s final. Cesar’s phone rings, it’s Roman telling him in a disguised voice that he knows that Lasagna died in his apartment. Cesar is impactado, he starts clenching his jaw and all that other stuff he does.

Fern leaves to go see the baby. Renata is trying to figure out what kind of designs to make. Charo and Santiago enter, Charo is crying. Babe Lawyer’s evil friend was trying to pump her for info on the San Llorentes, when she wouldn’t say anything, the evil one yelled at her and insulted her. Renata takes her to kitchen for a cafecito. Santiago asks Miranda how she is doing in order to be able to give her his patented “keep your chin up” speech. Miranda is scared to open the letter from Florencia because she thinks Flor might be asking her to get back with Fabricio. Santiago manages to slip in “time will take care of it” in his response, which is part two of the “keep your chin up” speech. Miranda says she feels alone, Santiago finishes his patented trilogy with “you have strength inside you.”

Babe Lawyer, evil friend, and daughter are having dinner and they call Charo, then discover she is gone. Babe Lawyer is made at her friend for asking her so many questions and scaring her off. Evil one says for sure Charo ran back to Miranda, call her and ask her! Babe Lawyer does. When Miranda answers and discovers it’s B.L., she goes off on her. REALLY off on her. B.L. can barely get a word in edgewise before Miranda yells some more and hangs up. B. L. is really mad now at Evil one. Then her daughter asks her, “Mom is it true that you are going to make life miserable for Alejandro’s wife?” Evil one takes a drink and tries to act innocent. This lady is trouble. B.L. sends daughter off to bed, then yells at her friend “we’ll talk as soon as she’s in bed.”

Al and Vicente try to figure out how Lasagna’s necklace ended up with Flor’s baby.

B.L. gives a lecture to Evil one that is hypocritical. Babe Lawyer pretends to not have any interest in causing Al’s marriage any trouble. Yeah right. Evil one tries to talk her into being a troublemaker anyway, “think of you daughter.” Have you seen this house Babe Lawyer lives in? I think she’s doing ok. Really.

Charo leave Renata alone in the kitchen since she’s tired. Renata has daydreams about being in bed with Juan. We see how hairy Juan’s arms and legs are, so he is definitely a chest waxer. Big time. This guy is a gorilla and tries to pull off the hairless chest. Back in real time Juan himself finds Renata in the kitchen. He asks how she feels and gets a long whiny speech in return. This is the same conversation they’ve had before, really nothing new to add. Memories of doing the dirty deed float around both of them, then in the kitchen right now they start making out. So next I expect sex, then her driving away crying.

Al tells Miranda he’ll change lawyers, he doesn’t care, whatever he has to do. Fab runs in and says that he was talking to the baby about Flor and the baby smiled. He pulls the family portrait pose with Miranda again and Al feels sorry for himself, thinking “this is what she wants, but I don’t want any kids!” For some reason then he starts flicking the light on and off. I have no idea what that is about. While the others continue to coo over the baby, he leaves unnoticed. Fab says “Al come see” but he’s gone. Miranda goes to find him, then tells Fab that “he doesn’t want to see the baby.” Fab realizes that Miranda loves Al, he wants to go get Al and bring him back so they can work it out. Miranda says no. Outside, Al has a flashback to when Fab said he would get Miranda back when Flor dies, then storms off. Fab tells Miranda to not be stupid, go find Al. Fern returns for the baby. Miranda leaves and Fab explains to Fern what they were talking about. Fab convinces her to leave Miranda alone for now.

Juan and Renata are still making out in the kitchen. Miranda walks in on them, in the middle of her contractually obligated crying. Renata asks what’s wrong, Miranda says she wants to run to Al and tell him that she loves him but can’t get the picture of him kissing Babe Lawyer out of her head. Renata tries to convince her that she isn’t alone, they are all together. Juan and Renata give kissy eyes at each other. Whatever. These two are wearing me out.

Babe Lawyer tells the Evil one that she thought Evil one was a friend, but she obviously isn’t. Evil one tries to convince her that she is right, B.L. should steal Al. B.L. says she wants Al, but not like that. Evil one uses B.L.’s phone to call Al, she tells him that daughter is upset and calling for Al, Al says he’ll be right there. B.L. tries to take the high road and says she won’t participate in lies and tells Evil one to leave.

El Guapo has a drink and a smoke after raping Bertha. She calls him a brute and asks how he could do that. This from the most evil woman in Mexico. He says “remember how you hurt my hand?” He starts in like he’s going to rape her again, she tells him to leave, she could kill him right now! Yeah right. She actually looks like she’s enjoying it a bit. He goes on about how she smells. He has a real smell thing. Then he leaves and Bertha whimpers and cries.

Amparito and Francisco arrive with food for Fern. Fern is crying, so they all hug and cry. Fern feels like she could have done something more to save Flor, the others say of course not, it’s nobody’s fault. Fern says she knows that Bertha is responsible for Flor’s death. They force Fern to eat something.

Cesar returns home to find Bertha on the couch under a blanket. She asks Cesar what happened? He says you know, Nuria disappeared. She says she didn’t know. Cesar says for sure she’s with Luis Alberto. He tells of the phone call about Lasagna and the only people who know about that are Cesar, Bertha, and LA. So he has to be involved. Bertha says those two are a time bomb, they know too much. She rubs her forehead, gets up, and limps towards to back. Cesar says what happened? Bertha says nothing important to you. She doesn’t want to talk about this stupid stuff. Cesar says who was here and she answers that it was El Guapo. Cesar says what a Quasimodo he is, if you were with him I’ll never touch you again. Bertha says she didn’t want to, he raped her, and he will pay dearly! Cesar sits down on the couch and appears to sniff the air over the sofa where the deed happened. He takes a sip of his drink but it all appears to have grossed him out so much he throws up right there on the floor.

Fern, Amparito, and Francisco have pulled up some folding chairs, it looks like an AA meeting. Julio arrives and pulls up a chair. He offers his condolences. He wants to see Fabricio and leaves the room. The others continue to talk about, well, nothing really. Then Francisco tells Fern that Sanson has returned, he should warn Al.

Al arrives and is greeted by the Evil one. Evil one is pretty hot too I have to mention. Babe Lawyer plays innocent and basically throws Evil one under the bus. Al tells Evil one to not ever call him like that again, it is basically like crying wolf. Evil one has the nerve to be offended by Al. B.L. says whatever, get the hell out of my house.

Juan tells Miranda that Al loves her more than anything. He says he’s seen Al cry over her. Juan’s phone rings and he gets some news, he’ll be there right away. The results are in on the blood tests for the blood at the hacienda (when Miranda shot Cesar) and the blood on the handkerchief that Charo had from Gonzalo’s murder. Miranda says “they are the same type right?” Juan says no. Needless to say, Miranda is impactada.


Friday, December 22, 2006

Heridas de Amor Thursday 12/21

Miranda asks Liliana why she's using Sofia to manipulate Alejandro. Luis Alberto tells Nuria he's going to use Cesar's money to help those in need. Rebeca tries to comfort Fabricio as he begins to drink. She tells him he has to be a man when he passes out. She realizes she was never really a mother and promises to help him.

Miranda tells Liliana she saw the picture and that to her it means she's trying to steal her husband. Liliana fights back telling her she's pushing Alejandro away with her attitude and obviously she will be waiting for him. She tells her she doesn't believe her as Liliana tells her she can judge her after she tells her about her life. She tells her of the affection that her daughter and Alejandro have that she couldn't avoid. Miranda asks her if she couldn't avoid it or didn't want to and she says both and Miranda calls her a cynic. Liliana grabs her as she's leaving and explains that Alejandro gives Sofia what she can't. Miranda asks her if she's in love with her husband. Berta feels lonely and calls out for Lucas.

Cesar arrives and tells her that Luis Alberto has disappeared. He tells her to be ready to leave town as he fears LA will talk. Liliana tells Miranda that her relationship with Alejandro is lawyer-client but she doesn't believe her. Miranda tells her she doesn't want Sofia to get hurt and explains what a father really means and not to use her daughter for her own personal needs when Alejandro arrives and learns they were talking about him. Liliana tells Alejandro what Alejandro what Miranda told her as he asks her if she was right and she says she doesn't know. He tells her he made it clear what he felt for her as she says if Miranda really loved him she would be fighting for him. He tells her she doesn't have to because she knows of her feelings and of his. He continues talking and tells her to concentrate on her case. Pamela and Luciano get married, and I can proudly say I was invited to that wedding by Luciano, (pictures below) Raul's family worries about him as he tells them he has bad luck with women. His father advises him to move on with his life.

Luis Alberto and Nuria ask Roman for his help as he reveals to them he thinks Cesar wanted to kill him but was able to escape by using a disguise and that he saw Lizania entering Cesar's apartment that night. LA tells them Lizania died in Cesar's apartment as Roman makes a plan.Cesar talks to Berta about Rebeca and LA. He also makes plans to have Alejandro see him and Miranda in bed together. Luciano tells Alejandro how Berta planned to use Enrique. He also tells him Miranda has 3 months to get pregnant or Berta will get his fortune. He tells him that could be impossible as he says he can work hard to make his fortune again but wants to save his marriage but is worried about Fabricio's interference.

Fermin cousels Vicente on Alejandro and Miranda's finances. Rebeca apologizes to Fernanda for believing in Berta. They decide to come together to beat Berta at her own game as Rebeca says she's already gotten started. Juan tells Veronica and Renata not to be so hard on Erica. Sofia tells Marisol (Yessica Salazar) about Alejandro's visit to her school. Marisol tells Liliana to get to Alejandro through Sofia.

Pamela tells her mother to help Miranda financially if she needs it. Miranda tells Alejandro to open his eyes, Liliana wants him, not for Sofia but for her own needs. Fabricio arrives and Alejandro tells him to leave them alone to talk. She tells him not to talk to him like he did as he says he's critizing Liliana but she's doing the same thing with Fabricio and walks away. Cesar asks Berta if she killed Alejandro's mother but she tells him cancer beat her to it. Juan offers Alejandro a place to stay as he tells him he'll stay at Pamela's until he decides if he'll return to Italy or not. Rebeca asks Julio for another chance. Cesar arrives and learns Nuria is missing and tells them LA is also missing. Berta tells El Guapo she never loses and he tells her everything she's done has failed. He grabs her and rapes her(well deserved)


Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Heridas de Amor - Wed Dec. 20

Amparo and Francisco talk over Ferns problems. They wonder how she can stand it all. She is strong they decide. Carola comes in with Raul with what is supposed to be a bloody mouth, but instead looks like he has lipstick smeared all over his face. He tells his parents that he has some news they aren't going to like. Sanson is back and he wants Juan to pay his debt by taking his wife Renata.

Cesar and Bertha arrive home from the funeral. Cesar is sporting a pair of sunglasses that make his eyes look like those of a snake, or say... Eurotrash. He keeps them on even though they are inside. Bertha tells him that she is worried about what Nuria will say. She also worries that the nuns will involve her in their problems. Guapo calls Bertha on her cell phone and tells her that the nuns did not report her to the police. Bertha tells Guapo to find Nuria and make it so she can’t and won’t be able to talk. He is told not to fail. After she hangs up with Guapo, Bertha tells Cesar that she needs to get the kid (Enrique) back. She wants him to help her think of how to get the kid back. Sanson enters the apartment and Bertha calls him another pet name, Espartaco (Spartacus). Sanson gets visibly upset and tells her to not make him feel obliged to hurt her by her inability to say his real name. She dares him to try; he won’t live to do it. Sanson gives up on the Bertha issue and turns to Cesar to let him know that he has been to Luis Alberto's place. LA is not there, and there are only some clothes and boxes left. Cesar tries to reach LA by phone, but LA doesn’t answer. Hmmm. What could this mean?

Lilliana reads a letter to herself in her house. She reads that the gun was acquired in Stuttgart and used to kill two prominent cardiologists, one in Stuttgart and one in Düsseldorf. She calls Al telling him she needs to talk with him urgently. He has just arrived at Miranda's so he suggests meeting for coffee, which I'm sure Miranda would appreciate. Lilliana doesn't like that idea. Al asks if she is calling about Sophia's phone call. Lilly doesn't know what he is talking about. Al fills her in about Sophia's phone call. Lilly doesn't like hearing what he has to say and quickly hangs up, upset, rubbing her temples (not quite like Bertha) and crying.

Fernanda and Miranda talk over Fab's condition in the empty kitchen. Miranda sits on the counter next to the stove as a tea pot steams directly in front of the screen. Is it a message that someone is about the go off like a tea pot? The women are worried about Fab and how he is handling things. Miranda declares she won’t leave Fab alone. Alejandro walks in. He wants to know what they are doing in the empty house. Miranda tells him the house is what they are used to and it’s all they have left. Fernanda exits when she hears Miranda say she wants to talk to Al about their divorce. Al asks for her forgiveness and she talks on about how she believes a divorce is for the best. AL gets a little irate and yells at her Who is the divorce best for? You? ME? Fab? He forces her to kiss him. She seems to melt into his arms but they part. She looks at him saying that was their goodbye kiss. Miranda splits and Al is left leaning on the counter looking like he will die. Charo comes in telling Al she has something important to give him.

Next scene after the commercial break we see Al talking on the phone to Lilliana in his office. Vicente and Luciano are there also. Al tells Lilly that Charo was upset and that they need to get her out of the house. Al tells Luciano and Vicente about Charo and how he doesn’t want anything to happen to Charo like what has happened to Nuria. He tells them how Charo is scared and nervous but he asks for Charo to come into the room to share her story, never mind that she is scared. Charo tells them she was scared that Bertha and Cesar threatened her and hurt her. She has a green memory to Cesar holding her by the neck after Gonzalo was killed. Vicente wants Charo to report this to the judge so Al will be declared innocent. Instead Charo snaps and yells at the men telling them she won’t say anything!

Father Santiago and Miranda walk the grounds outside his cathedral. They discuss how the nuns were able to get away with their sordid little school/convent for so many years. Santiago believes Cesar and Bertha are behind it. He tells Miranda how he can’t believe Charo kept quiet for so long. He asks Miranda about Alejandro. Miranda doesn't want to talk about Al. Perhaps her silence has something to do with the car alarm that is going off in the background ruining this whole scene.

Lilly rushes to Sophia's school. She sees Sophia on the concrete school yard and runs to talk with her. Sophia runs around the gate to jump into Lilly’s arms while Sophia's friends watch through a large iron gate. Sophia's friends start to taunt her by saying she is a liar because Sophia doesn't have a father. Just as the girls say this Alejandro walks up saying he is sorry he is so late. All the eyes turn to him. Sophia tells the girls here is my Papa! AL and Lilly look at each other.

Santiago gives Miranda a letter to read when she is at home and not distracted. Pam arrives and hugs Miranda, apologizing for being away. Santiago wants to know when Pam is going to get married in the church. Her civil wedding is two days away. Pam says that Luciano wants to marry in Italy with his family for the church wedding. Santiago is happy just as long as she gets married in the church and not with just a civil wedding.

One of Sophia's friends runs out to ask if this is Sophia’s father. Sophia, in Al's arms, pipes up that Now no one can make fun of her anymore. Sophia runs off to play and Al comforts Lilly by saying that these are just the hopes of a little girl, these feelings will pass. Al tells Lilly that Charo won’t report anything because she is scared. Lilly thinks Charo might be in danger either at Miranda's or his house. She wants Charo moved somewhere safe, to her house, to protect Charo.

Raul whines to Francisco why can't he talk with Erika? As he is talking Renata arrives, wearing THE HAT. She tells them that Erika has left to Canada with her sister and that Erika won’t return. What is up with Canada and these telenovelas? Erika is pregnant. Everyone looks at Raul as if he knocked her up. Renata calms them down saying it was an old boyfriend of Erika's who did the deed. Erika had always liked this guy even though her parents had forbidden her to go out with him. They reconnected and Voila she got pregnant. Amparo rubs Rauls back as he sobs. Amparo tells him that a woman who cheats on her partner is trash and not worth anything. Right Renata? She turns to glare at Renata.

Rebecca visits Cesar and Bertha at his apartment. She gossips to them about this and that until Cesar asks why is she there. She tells them that there are rumors from people about Bertha living at Cesar’s place. The people are saying that Bertha is Cesar's lover and that cant be possible true, right? They all laugh with Rebecca laughing nervously. Rebecca stumbles on saying that Bertha can’t please a man at her age much less a man of her Cesar’s age. Bertha tells her that she understands why Julio always had a look of dissatisfaction on his face. Rebecca stands up telling Bertha not to be gross, she is trying to protect Berthas reputation. Cesar is a man but all the people are talking about Bertha, not him. Bertha kicks Cesar out to keep the talk going with Rebecca, woman to woman. Cesar leaves and the women stare each other down. Bertha starts the new discussion by saying the only old woman who can’t satisfy a man is Rebecca. She is not Cesar’s lover right now but he lost his virginity to her. Everything that Cesar knows about the art of love he learned from her, she has been his teacher. His Maestra.

Commercial break that ends with the screen flashing images of Bertha and Cesar with the words hate and vengeance scrolling down. Vicente tells Luciano that he is ready to go to London. He is sure that the same documents that Gonzalo had will help him get the information they need. Lilliana walks in and the men ask her if it is true that she wont be returning to work there anymore. She tells them that is right. Do either of them know of Bertha taking a trip to Europe 8 months ago? Luciano faintly remembers Bertha leaving and asks why Lilly wants the information. She tells them about the two prominent doctors who were killed with the gun.

Nuria and Luis Alberto talk while they both lie on a bed fully clothed. Nuria is crying asking where will we go?! LA promises Nuria that they will be safe in Brazil. Nuria cries asking why she can’t tell anyone goodbye? LA tells her she can’t because he wants them to be safe and start a new life where no one can find them. Nuria worries about how they will survive without money. LA tells her that Cesar doesn't have any money but he does, Yo si! He smiles at this thought.

Al and Miranda fight over Charo living at Lillianas house. Miranda puts a gold necklace on the baby. Al asks Miranda where did it come from?! Miranda thinks Nuria must have given it to the baby, the baby was wearing it when he was returned. AL tells Miranda that it was Lisania's necklace. Look there is an inscription on the back with Lisania's name and birth date! Where is Nuria?! I need to know where this necklace came from! Fab comes into the room from buying diapers. He walks up to Miranda who is holding the baby. He kisses the baby and the three of them look like a happy family. Al, however, is left standing by himself. You can almost see the anger steaming out of his ears.

Bertha and Rebecca continue their conversation. Rebecca tells her that she has heard enough. She thought they were friends. Bertha tells her to sit back down, and be quiet, she isn't finished yet. Rebecca tells Bertha that she is bad and cruel, you are really an ugly person, without scruples and shame (Verguenza). Bertha snickers. "Shame. How dare you talk to me about a word whose significance you don’t know. You are more cynical than me. You talk of shame when you let Gonzalo support you and your kids for years. You talk of shame when Fab dropped Miranda and you were incapable of going to help her, for not even one day. After everything her father gave you! You talk to me of shame when you haven’t presented yourself to your son who has just become a widow. In place of seeing him you come to talk about what the people murmur. . . because I live with Cesar. You are cynical or an idiot or both. How dare you try and reproach me!" Rebecca sits through this tongue lashing making little uncomfortable faces taking it in. She finally stands up and tells Bertha how easily she hurts people, and agrees that Bertha is right in everything she said. "But get this, without wanting to Darling Bertha, you have opened my eyes. Listen to me well, at least I was loved by a lot of people, my children, Julio, and Gonzalo. In exchange you have never awoken the love of anyone except for your dog. And that is because he can’t speak and tell you who you are. Like I told you, my son is a man and he can do what he wants, but you, you are trash. I swear to the whole heavens that is how you will be treated." Bertha starts to rub her temples in the way she does when she is sweating something out. Bertha doesn’t like what she is hearing. She weakly tells Rebecca to leave and that she is going to regret it. Rebecca turns to face Bertha and tells her that she "can have a 100 men in her bed but at the end of the day, at the very bottom of her heart, she is recognized as simple and vulgar. Bertha is just a Messalina (Messalina is a reference to a loose Roman woman) with pretensions to be a lady." Rebecca flips her mophead and flounces out of the apartment with Bertha looking like she could melt away.

Amparo chews out the crying Renata. Renata, who has lost the hat, claims she is leaving Juan because they think differently. Amparo points out that Renata is just a pass of time for Cesar. Renata insists that Cesar will give her whatever she wants, the life she is used to. Amparo argues how a person can’t take material things to their grave. Blah Blah Blah. The boring conversation ends with Renata telling Amparo that Juan doesn't deserve her because she was with another man. Juan can never forgive her. Cry Cry Cry. Amparo is shocked and Renata leaves with her tail between her legs.

Miranda enters Gonzalos old office. She caresses his large green leather desk chair. She cries as she talks to herself about missing him. She wants him to give her strength to continue. Blah Blah Blah. Vicente calls by phone and Miranda tells him she is looking for the papers she needs for a bank loan. (Didn't one of the previous shows tell us that no bank will give a San Llorente or AL a loan? So why is she applying for one now? How is this possible?!) Lilliana enters like she is looking for someone, certainly not Miranda. The women stare at each other and make excuses on why they are both there. Finally Miranda tells Lilly to sit, she wants to talk about her husband, about Lilly and about Sophia. Why, Miranda asks her, are you using your daughter to blackmail Alejandro?!
I forgot to say Merry Christmas Everyone! Please have a great holiday no matter what religion you do or don't practice. Best! Lynn


Heridas Tuesday12/19 - In which Flor's no more, Carola's full of crapola and Juan's still a yawn

Florencia's coffin stands highlighted in a stark landscape. It is attended by a weeping Miranda holding bebe Enrique. Padre Santiago tries to comfort her while Fabricio sobs and Alejandro watches.

Miranda says that Florencia didn't get to see her baby before she died, that's what gives her the most pain. She runs through the list of those she loved who have passed away...Tomasa (fell down stairs thanks to Bertha), Papa Gonzalo (shot dead by Bertha), and now Florencia (blame Bertha). Luckily she didn't know Lasagna better (shared blame between Bertha and Cesar), Tomasa's sons (also Bertha) and Florencia's European doctors (yep, Bertha) or she would really be crying.

Tally so far Victims = 0, Bertha = 8, unless I have forgotten somebody. Do we add Alfredo Luque to the tally? Even though she shot him in the back she didn't kill him...immediately that is. Anyway, back to the recap...

Al (who, by the way, looks smashing in black though perhaps a bit like Blonde, James Blonde) tries to console Miranda, "The important thing is that we're together my love." Ha! She's not biting, "Don't call me My Love." She doesn't want to deal with the "us" issue, it's all she can do to think about her loss and take care of Enrique and Fabricio who is destroyed, just look at him. Camera pan to Fab, weeping and destroyed.

Fab embraces Miranda holding Enrique. Al scowls. He thought bubbles "Dear God take away these stupid thoughts I'm having about them." Serves you right, blondie.

Santiago begins the service. Flor's friends and family are graveside and Fernanda's arms are around her two remaining daughters. The camera pans up to Cesar and Bertha who observe unseen from the hillside. As Santiago speaks of salvation Cesar comments that his soul can still be saved "but what about you Bertha, how many deaths have you caused?" See current tally above.

Fab refuses to let go of the coffin although he's happy enough to let Miranda take Enrique off his hands.

At Carola's apartment she, Raul and Veronica are talking about Renata and Juan. Veronica says Renata was hiding out at her house after she left Valle Bravo. Now she (Renata) is upset and guilty to have missed Flor's rosary. Carola seems to think that since Renata spent the weekend with Juan then abandoned him that their divorce is imminent. Veronica and Raul are doubtful and tell her so. Veronica says she's not trying to hurt Carola, she's just trying to be honest and up front. (NOTE: whenever someone says that, they are about to deliberately hurt you.)

Liliana tells Sofia that she will see her at school but Sofia wants Al to pick her up. She told her friends that her papa is coming for her today. Lil says Sofia shouldn't be such a liar. Sofia says if she had a daddy then she wouldn't have to lie, so there. Lil tries to call Al but no answer. "I'll bet he's with HER and she asked him to turn his phone off." Sounds like Lil is starting to get a little possessive.

Al and Luciano try to console Fabricio but he is inconsolable. Al calls him brother and tells him to be strong for his son and Flor's memory.

Miranda, still at the funeral, scolds Renata for going AWOL at the very time Flor was sickest, what was she thinking? Renata cries hysterically and says she'll never forgive herself for not saying goodbye to Flor. She was at Veronica's house because she needed to talk to somebody. (Veronica????) Miranda says they were all worried when Juan reported that she left Valle Bravo and she wouldn't answer her phone. Fernanda imagined the worst. Renata begs her sister's forgiveness. Miranda says they will talk later.

The camera pauses on every face at Florencia's funeral. They are all sad or weeping, even Cesar, all that is except Bertha who wears gigantic sunglasses and no expression at all.

Carola tells Raul and Veronica that Juan was imprudent to take Renata away for the weekend when Flor was at her sickest. Veronica says Renata was at fault for hiding out at her house and turning off her phone, but what Renata REALLY feels guilty about is that she slept with Cesar in New York. (Whoaaaa! Way to spill the beans...FRIEND.)

Carola, who takes every opportunity to remind the world that she used to (very recently) be a whore, is thrilled to be able to compare herself to Renata, "I had sex out of necessity, Renata did it for designer clothes and a life of luxury. We're the same but the only difference is geography. I sold myself in dives and she sold herself in 5th Avenue boutiques." Carola, shut up now before that stupid stick beats you to death.

Raul doesn't look convinced but Carola feels triumphant after her asinine tirade.

Sofia the cute but bratty kid refuses to go to school until Lil promises to call Al. Remind me, who is the mother and who is the kid?

One by one Flor's friends and family throw a white rose into her grave.

Cesar asks Bertha what she intends to do about Nuria. Bertha doesn't know but whatever it is needs to be done quickly, if Nuria denounces them they are lost. Cesar gets a munched up piggy face, "What do you mean US?" "Yep, you're in the middle of this too," says Bertha. Cesar says their current mess is stupid old Santiago's fault. He rescued Nuria and brought the police and scandal down upon the school resulting in disgrace for all. And those crazy ladies weren't even real nuns! Bertha claims she just found out too (lie); too bad because they were great allies.

Cesar says it's time to throw their flowers and have a thought of Florencia. Bertha vividly recalls her last conversation with Florencia. Take Flor's deathbed green pallor, add the green hue from the flashback, and poor Flor looks quite Grinchy. Bertha tells Cesar her last conversation with Flor was terrible, "It's what killed Florencia, now let's get the hell out of this circus."

At the end of the commercial break they show a montage of Bertha and Cesar's huge heads transposed over Lasagna's body and Al crying over her coffin while the words HATE and VENGEANCE flash on the screen.

Surprise! Carola says she's going to blab to Juan about Renata doing the horizontal bop with Cesar. Raul's not happy, he says in the best case Juan will kill Cesar. Carola says, "And in the worst case he'll kill them both." Veronica says "Great, he'll go to jail for your stupid imprudence." Hmmmm, whose stupid imprudence?

Veronica tells Carola that Renata said when they were at Valle Bravo she spent a marvelous night of love in Juan's arms. Carola says she believes it because SHE TOO felt the same thing with Juan, so ha! Veronica and Raul are impactados at this news.

Vicente calls Lil to tell her of Flor's death. She asks him to tell Al that Chaquiras and Rafias will be set free tomorrow. Also, she has discovered the origin of the gun used to kill Gonzo.

Lil calls her friend Marisol because she has "a ball of knots in her head that she can't untangle." She says Sofia has been hell all weekend with this Al-is-my-daddy biz. Her friend Marisol tells her to make a play for Al. A man is never so vulnerable as when he is grieving. It's now or never. (Are we in some alternate universe where girlfriends give each other THE WORST possible advice and tell them things that are guaranteed to screw up their lives, possibly forever?)

Veronica snickers about Juan not being a complete gentleman. Carola admits that she believes Juan was imagining Renata in her place when he was with her. Carola wants to change the subject and walks into the bedroom. Suddenly Sanson walks in and demands to know where Carola is. Raul says he doesn't know. Sanson doesn't believe him but neither does he search the apartment or even look behind the closest door, the one that Carola is peeping around.

Back in the empty San Llorente house Flor's family wonders where Nuria is. Everybody thought she was with somebody else but nobody knows where she is. Miranda is very worried and hopes Cesar and Bertha haven't done anything to her.

Renata says she saw Nuria after Cesar left in his truck. Al says maybe she escaped. Fabricio and Renata are glad she's gone because she kidnapped Enrique and contributed to Flor's death. The family seems to be taking sides for and against Nuria.

The telephone rings and Renata thinks it might be Nuria but no, it's somebody asking for Flor. "You're asking about what? Huh????" asks Renata. "I'm sorry, she passed away but the SON of Alfredo Luque is here. Would you like to speak to...hello? Hello?" They hang up. Alejandro wonders who it could have been.

Sanson is mean and nasty and punches Raul in the mouth. He demands to know where Carola is. Then he asks Raul if he tipped off the cops about the bank robbery way back when. No? Well if it wasn't Raul then it must have been Carola. Carola hides while Sanson threatens Raul. (slap, slap) "Tell your brother Juan that Sanson is back and that I like his old lady; (slap, slap) I'll settle the matter of my brother's death with her, got it?" (slap, slap) Veronica, trying to help Juan, sticks her face into their business. One look at her mug and Sanson is off like a shot. At least that's what it seemed like.

Al wonders why the Italian authorities want samples of Florencia's and Enrique's DNA. Maybe to prove they are Alfredo's daughter and grandson? Nah, nobody in Italy knew he had another daughter, nobody except...Bertha! She must be behind this! He needs to get a hold of Luciano so they can review and protect Alfredo's will.

Juan consoles Fabricio by letting him rant about his favorite subject, Fabricio. Juan is sympathetic and they bond with a man-hug as Fab weeps.

During the commercial Lety la Fea weeps for Fernando while he cries over his screen-saver of her. I'm sad for them and I don't even watch the show. Gosh, I hope those sweet kids work it out.

Renata is wracked with guilt and wants Fernanda to yell at her for not saying goodbye to Flor. Fern says there is never enough time to say goodbye to those we love. Renata, beginning to squeak hysterically,insists. Fern refuses, she waited too long to be united with her daughters, she lost Flor and she's not going to lose Renata or Miranda. Renata opens the floodgates and my boyfriend off in another room begs me to mute the TV, it seems Renata is giving him a headache. We continue with closed captioning only.

Renata says Fern may forgive her but she doesn't forgive herself. Flor told her that she hated looking pale and sickly, after she died she wanted Renata to make sure she was made up to be beautiful and wearing earrings that her papa Gonzo gave her. Renata failed her. Renata is really going to town on the crying which I know is supposed to be sad, but is kind of funny with the sound muted. Fern tries to calm her down.

Juan arrives and wants to take her for a stroll to the library, but is it still a library if all the books are gone? I digress.

Juan asks Renata why she left Valle Bravo. She asks about the divorce. Juan says forget it, she's a liar because she still loves him so no divorce. He says her lips say one thing but her body says another. Renata says she intends to continue their separation. Juan tells her to open her eyes, he's richer than she is now. (Mild gloating from Juan.) "You have always been richer than I," she responds. Ooh, smack down.

She asks him why he's humiliating himself like this. He says that true love is stronger than any old humiliation. Good parry Juan! But Renata goes for the thrust, she cries "No more, listen to me, no more!" Her words falter but she summons up resolve, "In New York, I...I...I made it with Cesar!"

Juan is impactado and her words echo in his head, "With Cesar...with Cesar...with Cesar!"

Tomorrow: Al can't control his jealousy over Miranda and Fabricio, heh heh.

Dear friends, fellow recappers and beloved readers: The scintillating Chris (Ferro) will recap for me next Tuesday while I have the week off warming my toes in tropical seas. Thank you Chris, for doing the Heridas double-down next week. I sincerely hope each and every one of you manages to squeeze as much enjoyment out of the holiday season as possible!!


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