Monday, January 01, 2007

Heridas de Amor - 01/01/07

Cesar is still screaming about Luis Alberto having stolen every dime of his as Liliana rushes into Alejandro's office and interrupts Alejendro's conversation with Fernanda. She lets him know that the judgment is now ready as they've moved his cased up. He asks if this means he will be free of all charges regarding Gonzalo's murder. She says yes. He wonders if they will need Charo's testimony and she answers they will for the countersuit regarding Cesar and Berta's involvement in his death. Therefore she insists they not let Charo go out by herself even in the street for anything to insure nothing happens to her.

Fabricio is on Florencia's bed holding the baby and telling him how his mother gave all the strength she possessed to make sure he would be born. At that minute there is a bright light in the doorway and Florencia appears in it like the Lady of Fatima. She tells him that she will always be there for the baby and him, but he should rest. While he takes a quick nap with the baby in his arms the apparition of Florencia takes the baby and puts him into the bassinet. As she walks out the door he asks her to stay and then wonders if he was dreaming.--Ok. I admit I had to break with reality here and shift into a miracle mode to appreciate this whole scene. So Fab, the baby was on the bed and now it is in the bassinet, and you didn't sleepwalk, so what do you to think? --He sniffs the air and her perfume is heavy and lingering apparently. He asks God to give him a sign that she was really there. At that moment Charo knocks and enters and starts sniffing. She tells him the room really smells like Florencia's perfume. He tells himself, “I knew it. I knew it.”

Alejandro leaves for a couple of files and Lilliana tries to start a friendly conversation with Fernanda. (Big mistake!) Fernanda doesn't even turn around to acknowledge her. She simply answers back that Lilliana's work is finished now. Since she was hired for the murder trial only, she is sure Miranda will not want her continuing on the case. Lilliana cannot understand why Miranda's mother is treating her this way. “What have I done to you to get this treatment?” (Ah, come on, Lilliana. You aren't that dense, are you? I could expect this from Marisol, but even I was as blown away by that idiotic question as Fernanda.) Fernanda tells her that she's seen the pictures of her kissing her daughter's husband and when her daughters are involved that sort of thing tends to become a problem for her. Instead of being humble and apologizing for a complete lack of judgment or saying he forced himself on her Lilliana gets obnoxious. “Ah, now I know where Miranda gets it from, Fernanda.” Fernanda shoots her down darn quick and reminds her that she is Doctor to her and her daughter is to be referred to as La Señora Luque when she's in her presence. (Hot damn.)

Sansone is calling everywhere but cannot locate the hotel Luis Alberto is hiding in. He gets sick and wants to use Cesar's bathroom but Cesar sends him to find one outside, somewhere else. Berta comes in just then and Cesar assures her that he is going to get every centavo back from Luis Alberto before killing him. It will be nasty and he will let her watch what happens to Nuria when he gets hold of her, too. Her eyes light up like Christmas trees. She says let El Guapo do it because he really knows how to squeeze out the last drop of fear. Then he tells her to get ready to flee the country. She wants to know where and worries about Lucas for a second and then where they're going. Cesar says he won't tell her till they're ready to leave because he doesn't want her betraying him also. He grabs her and threatens that if she does, he will be harder on her than with anybody else.

Renata and Juan argue over her possible pregnancy. (They both sort of forgot to take precautions in Valle de Bravo.) She lies saying she 's not pregnant, but finally she admits that what bugs her is that if it is Cesar's it will separate the two of them forever. Juan says it will be no different for him than it was for Gonzalo and Florencia. The child will be loved no matter what. Renata wants to get a DNA test to be sure but Juan refuses. (Hey, once the kid is born you'll know who the daddy is pretty darn soon just by looking at it. Who are we kidding here?)

Charo is thinking she will testify to make sure Tomasa and Gonzalo's souls can be at rest. At that instant Bertha surprises Charo in the kitchen by coming in the backdoor. She tells Charo she looks like she has just seen the Devil. Charo answers, “Close enough!” and Bertha slaps her around for being insolent. She continues to pull on Charo's hair and to pinch her. She threatens her not to say anything against her in court. Veronica walks in behind Bertha silently and witness this but signals to Charo not to say a word or to let Bertha know she's in there watching the abuse and the threats.

Veronica returns to the living room to get Renata since she had called her to come by. Juan wants to go with her, but Renata tells him to check in on Fabricio and the baby. Veronica will be there with her and Renata has a thing or two to say to Tía Bertha.

Juan goes and chats with Fabricio. As soon as he enters the room he comments that Fabricio had a good idea putting some of Florencia's perfume around the room to remind Enrique of his mother's scent and to calm him. Fabricio says he didn't and tries to get Juan to believe that her spirit was just there; that she visited and spoke to the baby and him. Juan tries to convince him it was just a dream, but Fabricio says he isn't able to account for her scent everywhere. Even Charo commented how strong the perfume was.

Renata comes into the kitchen and confronts her aunt. She tells Bertha the back door or the kitchen is the only place for a person like her to be received. Bertha pretends to be the victimized and mistreated aunt again. Renata tells her to take her mask off. She demands Bertha tell her why she had Veronica get her involved with drugs and asks her why she tried to drive her crazy and convince her she needed treatment for cleptomania. Bertha finally admits she did it to hurt Gonzalo and even more, to hurt Fernanda. Renata asks how she could have since she loved her like a mother and had always wished she could have been. Renata gets really angry then and calls her aunt a murderer because she killed her sister and she can prove it. About then Bertha starts nervously rubbing her forehead again and swears she can't have proof. She tries the “but I adore you, how can you treat me this way” routine to divert Renata's train of thought. Renata answers that Bertha doesn't love anybody and doesn't know how to love anyone. She tells her aunt that the next time the two of them will see each other again is when Bertha is behind bars listening to Renata's statement to the court against her. Charo and Veronica are watching from behind the door in the hallway just in case Bertha tries something deadly.

Fabricio suddenly gets it into his head that Florencia's visit was to let him know she was giving him the go-ahead to marry Miranda once she is divorced. After all, Miranda is great with Enrique and would be a terrific mother. Juan wonders if he's forgotten his great love for his dead wife so soon. Fabricio explains he never stopped loving her. He loves them both but in very different ways. Juan isn't so sure and wishes he'd give it a rest.

Veronica enters the kitchen. Charo is afraid something horrible will happen and they'll get hurt. Bertha warns Renata against trusting Veronica because she's always hated and envied her. Veronica tells her she already has confessed that to Renata. Bertha gives up and starts to go but Renata calls her back and demands she hand her the house keys. Bertha throws them at her. As she leaves she tells her niece that she is no different from her. When she thinks about her she can think of the baby in her belly, knowing it will be Cesar's and not her husband's. (The witch always knows just where to drive the knife in somebody.) Renata is definitely wounded by this remark.

Roman tells Nuria and Luis Alberto that they cannot continue hiding like this any longer. LA has him try to call Cesar to pester him again, but Cesar doesn't answer (considering he threw his cell against the wall and broke it). So Luis Alberto decides he will now confess everything to Alejandro and he wants Roman to set up a meeting. Nuria wants to give all the money away to charitable causes to get Cesar's goat. (Earth to Nuria. It isn't yours to give. It is Miranda's company's money and needs to be returned to her.)

Miranda finally arrives home and is surprised to see all the furniture and artworks back in the house. Renata comes in with Veronica from the kitchen and admits that it was Alejandro who managed it by selling his own house but that he didn't want them to tell her. She is thrilled and promises not to let him know her sister told on him. Juan and Fabricio come in. Miranda takes the baby. Miranda mentions finally to Renata that she brought the bottles of Florencia's medications that she had been hiding back with her. Juan wonders what in the world Renata was hiding them for. She just looks sheepishly back at him.

Julio is at Rebeca's house complaining about Cesar's trying to get him to resign his position and his bossing him around like a regular employee. Rebeca makes excuses for Cesar and says it was the way she used to treat him when his father got mad. She always felt badly and told him to pay no attention to his dad (the authority figure here). Julio gets on a roll and tells her the trouble with young people these days is precisely due to their upbringing, and Rebeca is a perfect example of the wrong way to do it. Once a punishment is dealt , the child has to know that it was due to breaking the rules. (Good public service message here for once, however, I would say that Julio is the last person to gripe about how children are being brought up. He raised a couple of doozies himself.) He continues along that Rebeca's treatment of Cesar caused him to end up wicked person. “What?” she asks. He yells at her, "Wicked! Wicked!" Then, speak of the Devil and who should appear? Cesar walks in just in time to hear that.

Raul tells Carola that he's gotten a scholarship to study business in Spain. He doesn't want to leave his parents in the lurch like Juan almost did. Carola explains that Juan didn't leave to do something worthwhile like take a scholarship in a foreign country. He was attempting to go illegally into another foreign country (the States) as a “wetback”/mojado. He is very upset and wants her to come with him to enter a University over there in Spain also. Just then his dad and aunt walk in and she doesn't give him an answer. (Uh, don't tell me the kid brother is now thinking of getting serious with Carola, too. After what he told Erica, this is the last female he should be getting serious with.)

Cesar begins blaming Julio for their losing all their biggest and best investors. Julio, who is rubbing his arm more and more during this argument, reminds him that those high-risk clients were LA's responsibility and he'd warned against it, but Cesar wouldn't listen. In fact Cesar, he continues, used his and his two son's money to start the company and is acting like it is his alone. All Cesar really does is stay away and play --and mostly with Bertha! She walks in at that moment and tells them she is tired of being blamed for everything wrong there.

Fernanda walks up to Miranda who is holding Enrique and suggests it is time now to give Alejandro another chance. She actually agrees. Alejandro comes walking in with a huge smile on his face right then and tells everybody he has been cleared of the murder charge completely. He and Miranda embrace. He tells her that he'd told her he did not kill Gonzalo and she replies, smiling, that she never doubted him. He is about to kiss her when Lilliana comes running in with a big bottle of champagne yelling to Alejandro about how they've won and should offer a toast to his freedom. (Darn! How did this brilliant woman ever become so successful? She apparently is so socially tone deaf.) She seems totally ignorant of what is going on around her and the scene she has just made. As for Miranda, if looks could kill, Lovely Lilliana would be pushing up daisies at this point.


Good work!

Ha! That's funny! Sleazar feels free to throw up right in his living room, but won't let his esteemed guess even do it in the bathroom?

While Renata was confronting her dear aunt, I kinda wondered what Veronica and Charo would do if Renata actually needed help. They've only got three arms between the two of them, and no weapon.

I thought it was hilarious that Liliana was so eager to drink in front of Alejandro, given how badly she acted last time. :-)

Anyone notice how Bertha is bringing back the Annie Hall look?

Was Sanson drinking something when he got sick to his stomach? Is Bertha poisoning Cesar's drinks now??

I think that young Rual, boy psychotherapist, is going to end up with good old Carola unless Julio's magic disappearing sons Angel and Daniel suddenly reappear---then, she's up for grabs. As for Liliana, she may have a high IQ, but her emotional IQ seems dangerously low...get a clue Lil...he's just not that into you...time to move on, Counselor...this hombre is taken..gotkick out of seeing AngelicFlo in her tight jeans and long, flowing angels have changed, n'est-ce pas?????~~~Susanlynn, looking for her stilletoes and her halo

I think that young Rual, boy psychotherapist, is going to end up with good old Carola unless Julio's magic disappearing sons Angel and Daniel suddenly reappear---then, she's up for grabs. As for Liliana, she may have a high IQ, but her emotional IQ seems dangerously low...get a clue Lil...he's just not that into you...time to move on, Counselor...this hombre is taken..gotkick out of seeing AngelicFlo in her tight jeans and long, flowing angels have changed, n'est-ce pas?????~~~Susanlynn, looking for her stilletoes and her halo

Carmel - Sanson is showing some early signs of being infected with HIV, courtesy of Veronica.

Aha, Ferro, thank you for explaining -- I didn't realize (or just don't remember) any involvement between Sanson and Veronica.

Veronica bit Sanson when he was threatening to kill Juan for the umpteenth time, for the death of his brother long ago and for keeping Carola from working for him. I think he had already hit her or something so she was already bleeding and so their blood co-mingled. I don't think HIV works that quickly though. The next scene with him in it had him feverish and ill. It isn't ebola.

I liked Veronica's refering to it later, when Juan asked if she and Renata needed protecting from Berta. She said she was a specialist in protecting people and showed her teeth, as if she were a vampire.

I also liked Cesar walking on on the word Julio yelling Pervert. Truer words were never spoken!!

Oh, of course -- I never even thought about the incident when she bit him because it was so recent. I really don't think he could develop symptoms of AIDS so fast. Maybe he's just so scared that he's made himself sick.

I thought Julio called Cesar "pervert," too, but my dictionary doesn't translate "perverso" that way. Is it used to mean the same thing, anyway?

Carmel: I stand corrected and have made the correction. It was late and I didn't think it through. Thanks.

No, thank you, because I didn't know what "perverso" really means. (And pervert would have fit Cesar very well.)

Did he say cesar was perverso or "un perverso?" It seems to me perverso=perverse, un perverso=pervert. But that is just my guess

Margaret/Carmel: apparently it can be both.....
"Word Reference" Spanish Dictionary online says wicked and evil. Both my "Webster's" and "Harper Collins'" hard copy Spanish dictionaries say "wicked, or depraved". The way the next two episodio's continue along, I do think Julio meant more evil and wicked than depraved/perverted (pervertido).

"Meriam Webster" English dictionary online defines/explains depraved this way: DEPRAVE implies moral deterioration by evil thoughts or influences[i.e.]"the claim that society is depraved by pornography".


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