Friday, April 13, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #77 Thursday 4/12/12 The Woman Who Couldn't Manage To Get Rid of Her Sister-In-Law

As Cinthia ponders the snake I ponder the reasoning behind her endless array of hideous, ill-fitting chokers.  Did Susana Gonzalez get a bad neck tattoo?  Constant hickeys?  Inquiring minds….

Gustavo apologizes to Ernesto for being an ass the night before.  Ern tells him he understands, but he's got to chill.  Ana's already had one nervous breakdown, so it's best they avoid another.  Ernesto tells Gus it's official that he and Mercedes are together.  They're going to live together and everything.  She'll find out about the toothpaste on the sink and the way he leaves his socks about two feet from the hamper.  Good times.

Cinthia's pretty nervous about the snake.  They're common in that area, so it won't be a big surprise for it to turn up in her bed.  They'll get rid of both Ana and the baby.  They plan to do the deed tonight.  With the snake.  I mean the murdering.  OK, probably the sex too, knowing those two.

Gus says Ernesto better treat it as seriously as he would being married and not make his sister suffer any more.

Rosaura and Maria face off yet again.  Rosaura wants posole…for Ana Paula.  With lots of oregano.  Maria gets highly pissed off and says she knows what Rosaura is up to and she won't do it!  I actually looked it up and oregano and/or oregano oil can cause miscarriage, but it doesn't sound like it's terribly common.  Ana Paula and Ernesto come in, happily chatting and AP says Ernesto will give them good news at dinner.  She asks Rosaura to help Maria make a really good dinner.  Predictable facial expressions ensue.

Night falls.  Macaria is sadly remembering Maripaz.  She and Consuelo bond.  Efrain comes to the fonda, saying he's just checking on Macaria and Ulises.  He leaves and Consuelo admits she still has feelings for him.

Ernesto starts off his big speech by thanking AP for "lending" them the house.  Cinthia gets just about as tacky as Rosaura about there being too many people there and it not being AP's house, etc., etc., etc.  Ernesto moves on to singing Mercedes' praises and then announces that he and Rogelio are opening a clinic in San Gabriel.  AP's drinking a big 'ol glass of water.  Gee, that's not too obvious.

Macaria tries to talk Consuelo out of having a thing for Efrain.  Unforunately, Macaria understands how Efrain can charm a gal's pants off.

Cinthia starts in on Ernesto about how some of the money he's planning to use is hers.  Mercedes doesn't like that he'll have to deal with Rogelio.  She blames Ana Paula for all the mess.  Chio asks Esteban to forgive her and she hopes they can still be friends.  Esteban adds his voice to the "and if you hurt her," chorus.  Vanessa comes in and Cinthia welcomes Vanessa to *her* house.

Ulises tells Macaria things are going to get ugly when Rogelio gets home, since AP is pregnant.

Vanessa asks for a drink and Cinthia rivals Rosaura for TACKINESS by saying if anyone deserves a drink, it's Vanessa.  Vanessa moves on to insulting AP's family.

Macaria can't believe it.  Ulises says better she's unfaithful so Rogelio will kick her and her family off the hacienda.

AP tells her to shut it about her and her family.  Cinthia pipes up again with the "half of this is mine" chorus.  Rosaura picks on her for not being able to snag a man.  Cinthia brags that she'll get back what's hers and AP and family will be gone once Rogelio finds out….  Gustavo interrupts her.  Esteban is sick of listening to Vanessa's attitude.  She turns her ire on him and Chio.  Since Chio stands up to her, she moves on to Miguel the murderer, Rosaura the Mooch, and starts to go back to Chio when Mercedes interrupts her and says Chio's there because she's her friend.  Maria declares the party a bust.  AP tells everyone to go in to dinner, except Vanessa.  AP swoons again and Gus tells Vanessa to please leave, if not out of respect for Ana, then out of respect for Ernesto and Mercedes.  Cinthia asks Vanessa to come with her and they leave the room.   Chio can't figure out why Esteban would have such a hard time forgetting a bitch like that.  Esteban looks like he can't figure it out either.

Vanessa is pissed that Cinthia didn't defend her.  Cinthia says she couldn't expose herself in front of Gustavo.  She wants Vanessa to be nice to Mercedes because Mercedes is going to be her sister-in-law.  She says AP will be out of their way soon.  Vanessa is also pissed that Esteban was there with Chio.  Oh, not that she wants him back or anything…she just hates seeing him so happy when she's still unable to get her hooks back into Rogelio because of Ana Paula.  Gee, and to think he let a great gal like her get away.

Efrain sneaks into AP's room and puts the snake in her bed.

AP retreats to Rogelio's office.  The phone rings.  It's Rogelio and she's happy to hear him.  She says she's worried about him.  "You really care about me?"  She tells him not to doubt it.  She's taking care of the water problem and she keeps learning.  Rogelio says he knew she'd handle it, although he doesn't figure Cinthia took it well.  AP asks him how he's doing.  Rogelio says he has good news--the last test went well and as soon as Ernesto gets back to San Gabriel, he can operate.

Efrain goes to Cinthia's room to report that the deed is done.  She tells him to be careful and not call her "my love" in front of everyone else.  Cinthia hopes the snake gets to biting quickly.  She invites him to spend the night so they can both hear AP scream.  Efrain can't believe what he's capable of for her.  Cinthia looks both disgusted and turned on.

AP wants to see him soon, but Rogelio doesn't want her to see him until he's all healed up.  She wants to talk, but has to settle for it being after the surgery.  She says she'll go to the chapel and pray for him.  Rogelio is looking forward to them spending time together after he's back on his feet.

The next morning, Cinthia and Efrain wake up and realize they didn't hear any screaming the night before.  Presumably not even from each other.  Cinthia grins, wondering if the snake bit her in her sleep and she's already dead.  Efrain calls her the "new" boss lady, earning a rebuke.  Cinthia can't restrain her curiosity and goes to see what happened.

It looks like Ana Paula didn't sleep in her bed, nor did anyone else.  Cinthia fumes.

Rosaura finds AP in Rogelio's bed.  She just really missed Rogelio and couldn't resist coming into his room last night instead of going to her own.  Rosaura looks hopeful.

Cinthia is still standing in AP's room when she sees the snake on the floor.  She walks out, avoiding it and runs back to her room to report to Efrain that AP's not dead.  She sends him to retrieve the snake and wonders if AP spent the night in Gustavo's room.

Cinthia runs into Rosaura and AP in the hallway.  She demands to know if AP spent the night with Gustavo.  Rosaura tells her she spent the night in Rogelio's room.  Cinthia scolds her and tells her to have some respect for the house and leave Gustavo alone.  AP looks like she's ready to keel over any minute now.

Gustavo overhears Ernesto talking to Rogelio about which clinic he'd like to use to operate.  Dun, dun, dun…

Vanessa and Cinthia have Product Placement Tea.  Cinthia was pissed to think AP spent the night with Gustavo.  They bitch that AP's just hoping someone will tell Rogelio that she slept in his room later to curry favor with him.  Bruno comes in and they bitch at him for David's behavior, wanting to put him on a leash.  Bruno says he'll talk to him.  Yeah, right.

Gustavo wants AP to delegate some responsibility.  AP says as much as she'd like to share responsibility with Cinthia or Vanessa, since they both hate her, that's not going to happen.  Gus is ready for them to run away together, but AP won't shirk her responsibilities.  And she won't run away again.  Gus tells her that whatever happens, he doesn't want her to forget that he loves her.  That sounded pretty final.  AP noticed it too.

Ernesto and Mercedes talk about their living situation.  He wants to make sure she can have a house with a garden like she's always wanted.

Gus sees Cinthia in the living room.  He says he's going to see Rogelio to confront him.  He refuses to take Cinthia with him or tell her where Rogelio is…but he thinks she has the right to know where he's going.  That made a lot of sense.

Bruno plays the good guy to AP yet again.  No important info is shared.

Maria cooks while Rosaura drinks tea and complains about having to keep watch over the cows.  Maria hopes guard duty ends soon so Rosaura will actually help her out in the kitchen.  Rosaura is offended at being relegated to assistant status.  Maria breaks it to her that Consuelo doesn't work there anymore.  She tells Rosaura to put down the coffee and help her make more "tostichilaquiles" (chilaquiles made with Tostitos?  Tostitos is definitely the product placement here).

Rutilio scopes out Consuelo as she sets the tables on the patio at the fonda.  He tries to give her a flower and she tells him to get the hell away from her and take his damn flower with her.  He still won't back off.  Macaria comes outside and he says he was just stopping by to say hello.  He leaves and Consuelo wonders who he is.  She gets a bad vibe off him.

Cinthia confronts AP about not telling her that the Cattle Association wants to kick Rogelio out.  She rubs it in AP's face that Gustavo went to confront Rogelio.

And there he is.

AP freaks out and says it's impossible since Gus doesn't know where Rogelio is.  Cinthia says it's all AP's fault for causing this.  "If you really loved him you wouldn't have married my brother!"  She whines that she loves Gustavo and doesn't want Rogelio to kill him.  Cinthia gets in the last dig that what ever happens will be AP's fault.  She starts to leave and AP cries that she doesn't feel well and begs her to get Maria.  Cinthia just grins.

Rogelio asks if Cinthia is ok and Gus says she is.  "Then it's the water?"  Gus admits Ernesto didn't tell him where Rogelio was and says no one else knows.  "Ok, then.  What's so important?  Are you here to ask for my sister's hand?"  Lol…no, but if Gus can't get a word in he's going to leave with Cinthia's hand whether he wants it or not!

Tomorrow:  AP may have lost the baby; Cinthia takes up the whip.


Thursday, April 12, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #76 Wednesday 4/11/12

There will be a recap later on this day. Until then, feel free to talk amongst yourselves.


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #75 Tuesday 4/10/12 Two deluded men, an insecure freak, a (maybe) reformed alcoholic.

La que no podía amar, April 10, 2012, Cap. 75

Two deluded men, an insecure freak, a (maybe) reformed alcoholic

Hello again, I'm starting to run on empty, so will try to give you a run-down on tonight's episode and flesh it out when the video capture has finished processing. I won't promise anything heroically thorough, though.

Let's start us out with a screencap of Rohell.

Rohell has a heart-to-heart chat with Cupcake, unaware that she's got plenty of drama that she's not sharing with him. (This scene was shot during Jorge Salinas's recovery from near death, and had to be filmed in his very real hospital room.   You can see that he still looks thin and gaunt from his ordeal.)

A synopsis of tonight's episode (not in complete perfect order):

* Gus doesn't understand why Cupcake doesn't fall into his arms, now that she's got a mini-Gus in the oven, but she says she needs to talk to her husband and sort things out. She also is afraid of Gus confronting said husband, for fear that he will do violence. She couldn't live with that. Gus isn't sure if she'd feel guilt or love if something happened to him? (Or I want to add, fear for her husband if he were to lose it and do violence?)

Delusional Gustavito tries to convince the Cupcake that all she feels for Rohell is "gratitude," but Cupcake (and Viewerville) have their doubts about that.

* Gus stupidly tells Sin that he got the Cupcake with a bun in the oven. He assures Sin that the Cupcake impregnation happened when he and Sin were not together (so he wasn't cheating on her), but this does nothing to make Sin feel better. She begs him and wants to marry him, but he's pretty much decided that it's Cupcake all the way for him.

A tip for Sin: Being so transparently desperate and needy is not a good tactic for snagging a man.

* Vainessa has a talk with her mom's doctor. It's official, mom is off her rocker. Later Vainessa has her mom committed (or put in a rest home or some sort of facility) which makes her feel no better. She even confesses to Sin that she was wrong in blaming Cupcake for her father's death, now realizing that it was her bonkers mom who caused papa's demise. But ever-bitchy Sin urges Vain to not apologize to Cupcake, that'll just embolden Cupcake to demand her half of the dad's inheritance.

* Miguel is still sober.

* Little Margarito stands again. Ernesto is there to make sure he is okay. This delights the whole hacienda. Margarito will have to keep his oh-so fetching neck brace on for a while and do exercises, but he'll recover.

Margarito is on the mend, and is into groundbreaking fashion with a fetching neck collar.

* Miguel has a confrontation with Ulysses and Macaria. It doesn't go well. They still are mourning their daughter and think Miguel is the culprit.

* Consuelo gets "permission" to work with Ulysses and Macaria from Cupcake. She tells Cupcake that she doesn't want to see Miguel, the supposed murderer of Maripaz. Cupcake tries to set Consuelo straight about Miguel's innocence, but Consuelo politely says she doesn't believe it, yet is grateful to Cupcake.

* Some bullcrap scene with Chio seeing Esteban and Mersnotty yukking it up at the San Gabriel restaurant and accusing them of being a couple behind Chio's back. No amount of explaining helps. Go away, Chio, go away. I'm just saying.

* After more lather-rinse-repeat handwringing and worrying about Cupcake's pregnancy, what will Rohell do, blah blah blah, Maria says she used to think that Cupcake coming to the Hacienda was a good thing that would make everything better, but now she's not so sure! She's worried about Sinthia's happiness.

* In a rather gobsmacking amazing turn of events, Ernesto's bratty daughter is brattily snooping through his letters in his office and finds a letter written by Mersnotty which basically advises Ernesto to forget about her (Mersnotty) and that his daughter is the most important thing. This completely changes bratty daughter and she regrets giving Mersnotty a hard time and believes (finally) that there was never anything inappropriate between them when Ernesto was married. She gives Ernesto the green light to be happy with Mersnotty.

The little snot actually sees the light. Now if Ernesto marries Mersnotty, he can have a snotty wife and a snotty daughter!

* Ernesto tells Cupcake that Rohell is wanting to have an operation so he can walk again. It has its risks, but he's a good candidate and has hopes of walking again. This delights Cupcake, but she's worried because of the risks. Also, it seems like Rohell's got it in his head that he wants to do this for Cupcake, as he will now be a "complete" man, even though Cupcake has repeatedly said that his malfunction isn't in his legs, it's his sometimes crappy personality and horrible temper.

Maria is elated at the news that Rohell may walk again and is over-the-top with her effusive excitement, hugging and kissing a bemused Ernesto.

* Ernesto urges Cupcake to not tell Rohell anything that will distress him—this surgery requires that the patient have a good frame of mind, and some distracting drama (like, you know, a man's wife being PREGNANT BY HIS SISTER'S NOVIO) might be detrimental to the success of the surgery. Okay, so now we have an actual doctor-sanctioned excuse to keep Rohell in the dark about what's going on! LOL.

* Ernesto also stresses that if the surgery is a success, that there will be a long, arduous recovery time, like months and months.

* Rohell calls the Hacienda and we have another Jorge Salinas hospital room scene (and we see that he still looks pretty thin, haunted, and gaunt after his near-death illness). Rohell tells Cupcake that he wants to walk again, to be a "complete" man for her—that maybe they can have kids of their own now! At this Cupcake places her hand over her already-occupied womb and has a look of extreme guilt. Rohell blathers on with childlike hope and optimism (so we know the anvil is poised over him fer shure) about how she is his whole world (anvil! anvil! It's just about to drop!) and how much he loves her, blah blah blah. Well, what can a girl do, but keep silent about the guy's sister's novio knocking her up—I mean, I ask you, what to do, what to do!

Rohell gives some lame-ass excuse for disappearing in the middle of the night with no warning. He says that he wanted to walk so bad and come back to her on his own two feet. Or something. They had to come up with something to explain Rohell's sudden disappearance, after poor Jorge Salinas fell so suddenly—and critically—ill, so we'll cut them some slack.

Cupcake is happy to hear from Rohell, finally.

A guilt-ridden gesture of holding her pregnant, mini-Guscake-filled belly, while Rohell obliviously prattles on with optimism, bless him.

* Rohell and Cupcake also talk about the recovery time of this surgery. It would extend past the contract duration. At first Rohell sighs and resignedly thinks that she'll bail when the year is up, but she assures him it's not that, and she'd stick around to look after him, but it's just that . . . but of course she can't tell him that she'll be in an "interesting" state herself, since she's got a mini-Guscake in her oven. Then Rohell talks about how she's given him hope, and he thinks that being a whole man again will help him win her. She stresses to him that he should do this surgery for himself only, not for her sake. (Again thinking of the mini-Guscake and what his reaction might be to that.)

Rohell talks animatedly about his hopes for the success of the surgery.

* Cupcake seems genuinely loving and happy to talk to Rohell, unlike her somewhat queasy and guilt-ridden exchanges with Gus.

* Evil Skelator tells that one Cattleman Association guy that Rohell spiked his beef with the clebuterol crap or whatever it is. Cattleman guy is appalled and angered that Rohell (who is usually so on the up-and-up) would do anything so underhanded. An emergency meeting is planned on what to do about this, as Rohell's (supposed) misdeed could besmirch the reputation of all the cattlemen in the region.

A fellow rancher is incredulous at the suggestion that Rohell would dope his cows with an illegal substance, but evil Skelator works hard to convince him.

* Ernesto is so happy to see Mersnotty in San Gabriel, but she snottily gives him the cold shoulder, because she thinks he never left a note telling her where he went. (When in fact he left it in her room but it fell in the floor.)

* Sin is freaking out over being dumped by Gus. She tells Vain that she really, really, super-really loved Gus and wants to marry him forever and ever.

* Some sort of FF scene where Tia goes outside and is repulsed by all the creepy crawlies, like insects and snakes, that are on the hacienda grounds. Efrian is on hand to taunt her and tease her about her squeamishness.

Efrian teases a squeamish Tia about all the unsavory critters that will be surely crawling up her leg any minute now.

* Skelator and Tia have a conversation about Rohell's surgery and possible regained mobility. Tia thinks it's great—now Cupcake won't have any "excuse" to reject Rohell, because he'll be rich, handsome, AND able-bodied! As soon as they can deal with the little inconvenience of the baby . . . Skelator is not happy, because he doesn't want Rohell to be happy (and walking certainly would make Rohell happy) plus Rohell would be out and about and not as easier to fool if he could walk. Skelator is still hoping that with Rohell gone, Cupcake has the right to sign documents for Rohell or something? (I am forgetting something here.) Anyway, the two evil ones conspire and plot.

* Gus acknowledges that Rohell is a good guy and ordinarily he'd like him, if it weren't that he's taking Cupcake away from him (Gus). He thinks it's a good thing that Rohell may walk again, because then they both can fight for Cupcake, man-to-man!

* Earlier in the episode, Gus overhears Hugo lament that even though he loves Dani, she's got a thing for that loser Miguel, and no matter what a guy does, if a girl isn't into him, she isn't into him . . . Gus has a thoughtful look after overhearing this bit of wisdom, as it echoes what may be happening to him—the Cupcake just ain't into him as much as she should be.

That's all, folks. I am tapped out for this week! END OF RECAP!!!

Avances: Something with Sin wanting to conspire against the Cupcake. She's becoming unhinged in her freaky neediness.


Monday, April 09, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #74 Lunes 4/9/12 Another child is waiting... for the Sword of Damocles

That which has passed
Lady Ana Paula has apparently discovered that she is pregnant. Tia MentiRosa loses what is left of her mind.
Current Happenings
Lady Chatterley's Bedchamber: Efrain attempts to distract Lady Chatterley with kisses and caresses, but she is not of a mind for this now. He does not like that she will be marrying Sir Gustavo, declaring that she belongs to him. He doesn't like the idea that she is hiding things from him. He is somewhat relieved when she informs him that the marriage will not take place (He will not marry her for money), but disconcerted when she tells him that this is because Sir Gustavo loves another. He states he does not understand how another woman could be regarded as superior to her. Finally, he suggests the possibility that when she receives her inheritance he might take some of it to start a new life with his ex-fiancee.
Parlour: Maria speaks with His Lordship on the phone – he still does not reveal his whereabouts – then goes running for Lady Ana Paula, leaving a confused Lady Sneerwell alone with the waiting telephone.
Lady Chatterley's Bedchamber: Efrain is truly convinced that he wishes to remain with her. He wishes to approach His Lordship regarding his intentions, but Lady Chatterley tells him he cannot, as her brother would kill him. He does not wish to hear this, stating he has waited forever to have her share his life. Indeed, he may have truly predicted the outcome of this irregular situation as he emphasizes his feelings with some rather brutish kisses.
Miguel's Bedchamber: Tia MentiRosa and Lady Ana Paula have a disagreement regarding the situation. Maria enters to inform Her Ladyship that His Lordship wishes to speak to her. She has to inform him of what has been happening at the ranch. She tells her aunt once and for all that she will do what is best for her child.
Ana Paula: But, Aunt –
Rosaura: Of course it's my business. At least you haven't told Gustavo yet. Wait a little longer.
Ana Paula: Why? For what?
Rosaura: Didn't you hear Maria say that the relationship between Gustavo and Sinthia is serious? They are going to be married.
Ana Paula: No, Aunt. There will not be a wedding.
Rosaura: I don't believe it. Why not?
Ana Paula: Gustavo doesn't want to marry her because he doesn't love her. He still loves me and wants to fight for it.
Rosaura: What does that mean? You can't leave with him. If you do we all have to leave. Miguel, me... where to?
Ana Paula: To begin with, neither he nor Rogelio would care for you and Miguel. That's my problem.
Rosaura: Well. For all that he love you why didn't he think of all that? (Sits on the bed in Fred Sanford mode again) We are your only family. (clutches her chest) And I have a heart condition. And Miguel, well, you know –
Ana Paula: Ay, Aunt, enough! Don't start this over again.
Rosaura: I only tell the truth.
Ana Paula (truly harta): You know what? Leave me alone. Don't start up. Leave me alone, please.
Rosaura: Ay, don't raise your voice. I will help you in any way it suits you.
Ana Paula: All I have to think about is what is best for my child. This I will not discuss with you.
Maria (entering in a hurry): Paula, Paula!
Rosaura: What rudeness! What a way to enter.
Maria: It's Rogelio calling you!
Ana Paula: What? Rogelio has returned to the manor?
Rosaura: No, he's on the telephone.
Rosaura: Let me get my things. Don't argue with me, girl. (stars to exit)
Maria: Vamos! (exits past Rosaura, who prevents Ana Paula from following Maria)
Rosaura: That's a fine thing you've done, Ana Paula. Are you going to tell him that Gustavo broke up with Sinthia for you? Do you think you can be happy with Gustavo and the baby you're going to have?
Lady Ana Paula shakes her head and exits, leaving Tia MentiRosa behind.
Lady Chatterley's Bedchamber: Lady Sneerwell knocks, interrupting the tryst. Lady Chatterley lets her in as our foreman hides in the water closet. Lady Sneerwell informs Lady Chatterley that dinner is ready and that His Lordship has called Lady Ana Paula. Upon hearing that she is not yet on the phone with him, Lady Chatterley runs for the door, hoping to get to the telephone first. After her departure, Efrain speculates that His Lordship will consent to him marrying his sister once he knows that Margarito is his son and heir. We shall see.
Parlour: Her Ladyship picks up the telephone, but the line is dead. Poor service reigns in Chiapas. Just as Maria tells her she still does not know His Lordship's whereabouts the telephone rings again, but it is a wrong number. Lady Chatterley enters, demanding to speak to her brother, but is informed that the line went dead. She then orders Maria to send for her first the next time he calls before exiting with Lady Sneerwell. She pointedly looks at her unwanted sister-in-law during that exchange, obviously delivering a nasty snub. Lady Ana Paula then suggests to Maria that they continue their conversation in a less public place.
Miguel's Bedchamber: He finally acknowledges that he is an alcoholic because of his blackouts. She assures him she knows he didn't kill Maripaz. He is willing to go to AA. He tells Lady Daniela he loves her. They kiss as a new love song is played. He promises to become a better person for both their sakes.
Galván Mansion: Sad music plays as Vainessa cries. She is looking at the photo of her father, wishing he were there to help her in her current problems.
Corridor: Her Ladyship informs Maria that she is in a delicate condition. Ominous music plays.
Miguel's Bedchamber: Consuelo knocks, interrupting the next kiss. Lady Daniela excuses herself to get some secretarial work done for Skelator and exits. Consuelo enters with a food tray and refuses to speak to Miguel “I don't talk to killers.”
Corridor: Her Ladyship is worried about Maria's opinion, but it isn't an issue. Maria is only concerned that she care for herself and the baby. And that His Lordship not find out that Sir Gustavo is the father.
Ana Paula: You must be thinking the worst of me.
Maria: No. What I think isn't important. Now what you have to do is take care of the baby.
Ana Paula: What do you want to say, Maria?
Maria: That you have to take care of yourself.
Ana Paula: I don't know. I only know I can't do anything to put my baby's life in danger.
Maria: It is also important to think about what you are going to do.
Ana Paula: I have to tell Rogelio what is happening.
Maria: Don't leave.
Ana Paula: No, Maria. I have to tell him as soon as possible. The next time he calls I will.
Maria: But, Paula, if you do that there will be tragedy. Please don't tell him that Gustavo is the father.
Miguel's Bedchamber: He tells Consuelo that other people's opinions of him matter not, but hers do. She is angry at having lost her dearest friend, who had been like a sister to her. She parcels out the guilt in abundance, citing Maripaz's ambitions, how she was loved, and the pain her parents are experiencing. Because of him. They cannot sleep, have no desire to run their business or do anything because their only daughter is dead … And he has his previous girlfriend back. She insists that he tell her what happened, but he still has no memory of that night. Consuelo is then completely fed up, convinced that he must be guilty, and leaves the room.
Corridor: Moments of truth take place.
Maria: Think about it, Paula. Please.
Ana Paula (crying): I know this is a very precarious situation.
Maria: Sinthia told me Gustavo broke up with her over you.
Ana Paula: That's it. Gustavo doesn't want to marry Sinthia because he doesn't love her.
Maria: And because he continues to love you. (sad music beings) You're having a baby and this will destroy Rogelio and Sinthia.
Ana Paula: Ay, Maria, I don't want to be the cause of that.
Maria: Then don't tell Rogelio that the baby is Gustavo's. Tell him it's your ex-fiance's but not his name. Not his name. (opera music begins)
Ana Paula: But I don't want to deceive him any more. Every time it gets worse. I can't do this anymore, Maria, because I can't take any more. Besides, where is Rogelio? Doesn't he think that's important to me? How could he leave without saying anything to me? (Maria hugs her)
Maria: Remember he wanted to surprise you. We don't know where he is but of course he's thinking of you. That's why he just called you.
Ana Paula: In all things I thought the same. But once he knows I'm pregnant he won't want anything to do with me.

Maria embraces her comfortingly as the music swells to opera-level anguish.
A (real) Hospital Room in D.F.:* His Lordship looks disappointed as the telephone line goes dead. Dr Ernesto enters with an envelope of X-Rays and the news that he can operate on him. There is the possibility that the operation will enable him to walk again. Dr Ernesto warns him that there is a chance it will not be efficacious, but he is willing to try. He wants to be whole again... for Her Ladyship. They discuss returning to San Gabriel to inform everyone of their plans, including establishing a proper clinic there.
Ernesto: Have you spoken with Paula?
Rogelio: No. The call was cut off and without communication capability I can't find out what's happening at the estate.
Ernesto: I see. (taking out an x-ray sheet) Rogelio, I came to talk to you about your test results. (hands it to him)
Rogelio (looking at it): And?
Ernesto: What we were hoping for. I can operate and with good fortune you will regain the use of your legs.
Rogelio (laughing): By Jove! I'm..I'm... happy to get an opportunity I didn't think existed.
Ernesto: Well, I have to have to make you aware that after the surgery you still be the same. You might not recuperate movement.
Rogelio: Yes, I know, but at least for now I have hope. I want to take the risk.
Ernesto: You're doing this for Paula.
Rogelio: Of course. I want to be a man. A whole man for her. For my Paula. (Their love theme plays as he smiles.) Can you imagine how surprised Paula would be? I'm sure this will change many things. I know once she knows she'd come with me through all of this.
Ernesto: So, therefore let's go back to the estate tomorrow to give her the good news.
Rogelio: No; I can't go. I want you to see Margaro. I know it's some time before we know if he can walk or not. Check up on things, let me know what is gong on, and I'll stay here for the test that hasn't been done.
Ernesto: Of course; I agree. Before I go I'll have to stop off at Tuxtla to get the radiologist to take him to the estate and also to see my daughter.
Rogelio: So all should go well.
Ernesto: It would give me great pleasure to tell Mercedes of our association.
Rogelio: And we can begin building the clinic in San Gabriel. (They exchange a slight conspiratorial look, Rogelio rubs his hands together in delight, but then both look slightly apprehensive)
*This clearly is a scene shot in Jorge Salinas' hospital room; we can see from his paleness and the tired pain in his eyes he is not well. Pero, que actor; que hombre.
Kitchen: Lady Sneerwell has prepared Lady Chatterley's favorite meal and as Lady Chatterley praises it, asks her how she can help. Lady Chatterley informs her of the broken engagement and how she doesn't understand how Sir Gustavo can do this, as she could make him forget Lady Ana Paula.
Lady Ana Paula's Bedchamber: Sad music plays as Margarito still lies in bed, clad in his plaids and neck brace. Her Ladyship enters. He asks what she talked about with His Lordship and she tells him that the call was cut off. The boy is worried about his adoption. Her Ladyship tells him that she does not know what will become of her marriage to Lord Rogelio. Margarito asks about Sir Gustavo, but Lady Ana Paula says not to say more of this. Finally, she lays on the bed next to him, telling him she loves him and wants to take care of him (Margarito). He tells her that he would want to go with her if she leaves.
Kitchen: Maria sits at the table pensively drinking her afternoon coffee as Consuelo enters. They discuss Miguel. Maria is certain that Consuelo is in love with him. Maria herself is certain that Miguel had nothing to do with Maripaz' death. The police have found no proof so they can draw no conclusions.
Miguel's Bedchamber: Lady Daniela enters, happy that Miguel has decided to get treatment for his drinking problem. He is still anguished at Consuelo's condemnation. Lady Daniela proclaims her love and support. Their music sounds optimistic but then bittersweet.
Lady Ana Paula's Bedchamber: Sad music underscores Her Ladyship looking pensively at her reflection in the full-length mirror.
Ana Paula (with a maternal gesture): My love, if you were here I'd tell you everything. Forgive me for having to do this. But I love you and I want you to be happy. I swear to you I will fight for this.
Corridor, then Parlour: Underscored by opera storm music one evil pair attempts to plan.
Bruno (almost charging into the parlour): No, no, Rosaura, this can't be. This can't be! Paula can't be pregnant!
Rosaura (following): I had hoped not. She is an unthinking fool. By God, she's a nurse. She should have taken care of herself!Bruno (grabbing her arms and staring bug-eyed into her face): This can't be! How could she have had sex with that idiot Gustavo? We will lose everything!Rosaura (breaking his hold): Yes! I kept telling her that. What do we do?Bruno: Knowing Rogelio, this is something he will not forgive. Ever.Rosaura: Then we will lose everything. Home, accomodations...Bruno: Of course, of course. Me, too. Everything I've sacrificed, everything I've done –Rosaura: That fool. I don't know what she wants with that filthy brat.
Tia MentiRosa will surely face the fires of hell for that.
Galván Mansion: On the telephone, Vainessa attempts to persuade Lord ShadyDeal to remove the dam at Negra Manor, which he flatly refuses to do. She warns him that her former husband is a water commissioner and could get him arrested. He refuses to back down, determined to ruin Lord Rogelio. He thinks he has time before the charges are actually official. He also thinks that Lady Chatterley was in agreement with hitting her brother from all sides. We suspect that Lady Chatterley is also a target, in view of the fact that she had jilted Lord ShadyDeal for Sir Gustavo. Lord ShadyDeal is sure that when Lord Rogelio finds out about his sister's involvement, she'll come running to him for assistance. The conversation ends on a bad note, and Vainessa looks more worried than ever.
There is a full moon over Chiapas that night.
Galván Mansion, morning: Elsa wanders around, looking for Vainessa. She is still in pyjamas and robe and appears to be hallucinating, telling an unseen being to go away.
Ulisses' Café: Lady Sneerwell informs Sir Gustavo that she will be returning to Tuxtla. She wishes to see their mother. She asks him to reconsider marrying Lady Chatterley and he responds that he will not marry without love. “That can come after,” she tells him, citing Lady Ana Paula as an example. Before this conversation can go farther, Lord Esteban arrives.
Galván Mansion: Vainessa returns home to find her mother hallucinating that Lord Federico is sitting in his favorite chair in the very room in which she had murdered him. Elsa continues to whine, plead with the invisible, and display her madness.
Ulisses' Café: Lord Esteban hands the documents to Sir Gustavo, stating he would rather not enter Lord Rogelio's property. Sir Gustavo mentions the formal accusation against the owner of Negra Manor, whom he does not realize appears to be Vainessa.
Study: Maria asks Her Ladyship's permission for Consuelo to work temporarily for Ulisses and Macaria; Lady Ana Paula grants it for as long as necessary. There is more discussion of Consuelo's attitude toward Miguel for all the aforementioned reasons.
Galván Mansion: To horror-film notes in minor keys Elsa continues to hallucinate, expressing regret at having killed her husband. She imagines his ghost is following her around the house. Her madness is becoming worse and Vainessa's anguish increases. Truly she should send for the nice young men in their white frock coats.
Study: Skelator is truly at his despicable best.
Bruno: Every animal will have to be tested. To see if the clenbuterol –
Ana Paula: No; no. We will have to sacrifice them. It's horrible, but we need to find someone from whom to buy more cattle. (He turns his back and rolls his reptilian eyes) Bruno, I paid the contract penalty for the US deal and with this water problem have to buy mineral water. No, no, no, Bruno, we must think of solutions. I can't let Rogelio find the estate like this.
Bruno: Yes, yes, yes. I believe you're taking on too much, as before. But you would know that.
Ana Paula: Thank you very much, Bruno. I think that's all. Thanks,
Bruno (deliberately, while putting his hands in his pockets): Paula, are you sure you have nothing else to tell me?
Ana Paula (folding her arms): Such as?
Bruno: What your aunt told me. I know you are having Gustavo's baby.
Ana Paula (momentary expression of annoyance): But why do you –
Bruno: Because she's worried. I'm also –
Ana Paula: But why? (a knock on the door) Come in. (Gustavo enters with the file from Esteban. Bruno turns away)
Gustavo: By your leave --
Ana Paula: Bruno, will you allow me to talk to Gustavo?
Bruno: But –
Ana Paula: Please, Bruno. I ask you, please.
Bruno (angry, but only able to conceal it from her): As you say. (exits, pointedly closing the door behind him. The music takes on an impatient character.)
Gustavo (a little awkwardly): I guess I need to talk about this with you alone. Here are the papers about the water, for your signature. (hands her the file)
Ana Paula: Thanks. (opens the file as she goes behind the desk and picks up the pen) Here, right?
Gustavo: Yes.
Ana Paula (signs, closes the file, and hands it back to him): It's ready. Here.
Gustavo: Thanks.
Ana Paula: Gustavo, wait. We have to talk. Today I told you I had doubts about my feelings.
Gustavo: Yes, yes; I know. But I don't understand what you have doubts about. (ominous music begins)
Ana Paula: Listen to me because now more than ever I want you to know I'm being honest with you. I'm going to tell you something very important.
Gustavo: What's up, Ana?
Ana Paula: I'm... I'm pregnant. I am going to have your baby.
Gustavo: Are you sure?
Ana Paula: Yes. Of course yes.
Gustavo: I can't believe it. My baby? You're going to have my baby! (embraces her to the sound of sad opera music almost like Puccini's. She embraces him somewhat less ardently and releases him). What is it? Doesn't this please you? (releases her)
Ana Paula (going back to the desk): Of course it pleases me.
Gustavo: Then what is it?
Ana Paula: For all that I want this baby it isn't planned. In these circumstances although I'm happy I'm very worried.
Gustavo (kissing her hand excitedly): It's our baby. Made from our love. Doesn't that matter? (tries to turn her face toward him)
Ana Paula: Yes, yes. This baby was made from much love, but –
Gustavo: But what? Other things don't matter to me. For you and the baby I am capable of anything.
Ana Paula: Gustavo, it's not just that I'm married –
Gustavo: This baby is mine. I am the father and I will assume responsibility. That will be. Ana, forget about Rogelio. Marry me, please.
We see that she has been crying.
Ulisses' Café: Lord Esteban and Lady Sneerwell share coffee and speculate on the reason for Dr Ernesto's sudden departure. He suggests that it may have to do with the good doctor's daughter. She agrees, but thinks it could also be about their disagreements. However, Lord Esteban thinks that this will be resolved in a surprising may. He also tells her that he is aware that everything Vainessa does is about Lord Rogelio and that has led to a massive legal problem. He wishes to help her, but not if it makes him run afoul of the law.
Study: Notwithstanding that Lady Ana Paula remains uncertain of her feelings, Sir Gustavo is becoming possessive.
Ana Paula: I agree that you should know our child
Gustavo: I want to be present for his entire life.
Ana Paula: Yes. But I can't marry you.
Gustavo: What?
Ana Paula: That I can't marry you because I don't know my own feelings. That wouldn't be fair.
Gustavo: What isn't fair is you doing this.
Ana Paula: Gustavo, you are my first love, the father of my child, and all that I have felt for you can't be compared to anyone or anything. But if I have feelings for someone I can't have them for anyone else. Not until I can define what is in my heart.
Gustavo: And when do you think you will do this? (sarcastically) When our baby is born?
Ana Paula: Ay, no. Of course not.
Gustavo: It's certain that the baby is mine. I will not permit anyone else to take care of him or you. At least while you're pregnant.

Ulisses' Café: The two friends lament their ill luck in love. Lady Chio's name comes into the conversation. She is supposed to be on a buying trip for her shop. For the moment Lord Esteban wants to be a bachelor.
Study: Sir Gustavo is prepared to fight dragons.
Gustavo: Neither you nor my child will be anywhere near Rogelio.
Ana Paula: And do you think Rogelio would want me to be with you once he knows I'm pregnant? No, Gustavo. He will hate me and that is not the worst. You don't know what he would do to you if he knew you were the father. Don't think about me, Gustavo. It's better not to say anything now. It's better he doesn't know you're the father.
Gustavo: And what do you want me to do? To be grateful you're worried about me? Who are you, Ana Paula? I swear I don't know you.
Ulisses' Café: Lady Chio arrives, asking directions. She is staying nearby and the concierge recommended this Café. Macaria converses with her but without any enthusiasm. She then sees Lord Eseteban with Lady Sneerwell. And is not pleased.
Study: Sir Gustavo is determined to speak with His Lordship; Her Ladyship fears he would kill him and she doesn't want that to happen. He seizes her hand and inquires whether this is out of guilt or love.
Ana Paula: Gustavo, I am the same as ever. I am just telling you I want to be free of my doubts, of everything.
Gustavo: Do you think that this baby gives us another opportunity?
Ana Paula: I think that before we talk about this I need to speak to Rogelio when he returns. Then we can find the solution.
Gustavo: I will talk to Rogelio.
Ana Paula: No, no, no, please. He will kill you. He will kill you and I will die because I can't live with that.
Gustavo (seizing her hand and looking into her eyes): For guilt or for love?
Impatient opera music closes the scene.
Lady Ana Paula hears some good medical news while Sir Gustavo tells Lady Chatterley about Lady Ana Paula's condition. Surely he cannot know what havoc this will wreak.


Saturday, April 07, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #73 Friday 4/6/12 A Million Dollar Baby or Babycakes' Mistake Leads To Mini-Cupcake on the Bake

[First half only]

Capítulo 73

Lo del Passado:

Viewerville returns to the patio de los Galván to find Vanessa is still in a horrified state of disbelief as Elsa, aka Elsie La Vaca, suffers a Lady MacBeth moment.  The old gal is exhibiting signs of mental decay.  Elsie gloats maniacally about having done more than most mothers in protecting her daughter’s patronage from the hands of grabby bastard siblings.  How?  Why she intentionally kept the medicine Vanessa’s daddy, Federico, so grave-ly needed from him in the end.  Vainessa should minimize the guilt associated with Mama’s premeditated murder most foul, scoffs Mama as she puts bug-eyed emphasis on the need to have Nessa chalk it up to necessity.  However, Nessa (much to the b!tchy babe’s credit) is suck-it-in-OMG impactada and cannot handle the jolt to her somewhat questionable moral fiber.  She rightly blames Feddy’s widowed crazy cow, for his death. [¿Qué dices? ¡Entonces, mi papa murió por tu culpa!] “--What do you mean/What are you saying?  Then it’s your fault Daddy died!”  [Kudos to La Dupeyrón for making her kind of crazy muy convincing!]

Lo del Nuevo:

Meanwhile, at the scene of another crime, i.e., Hacienda del Fuerte which, now that I see it in the light of day, could really use a couple of coats of quality whitewash--Ana Paula is in the office discussing the results of her talks with California cattleman, JR Ewing Williams.  He, who, after seeing the sincerity in the little lady’s eyes and the determination in her dimpled countenance, took Pau at her word that Hubby Rogelio didn’t intentionally taint his stock by feeding them clenbuterol.  (And BTW, I thought JR’s flat syllablization was rather convincing as a gringo bidnezman who’d spent enough time dealing in Mexico to have lost much, tho’ not all, of his accent. JMO.)  Bruno chauvinistically compliments AP for her unimaginable prowess in minimizing the damage he and David Romo were intent on causing the Montero ranching enterprise.  Paula explains how JR agreed not to sue or go to the police as long as she would put half of the million dollars’ worth of damages into his account after noon as her good faith gesture.

Bruno says he’s brought the check with him.  Pau is smart enough to ask him to show her the bank’s payment receipt and then, how all the bookwork is organized so that she’ll know when something isn’t right –as in Bruno’s case, when the books are being cooked.  Bruno raises his eyebrows in a momentary show of surprise and unanticipated street smarts on Pau’s part.  The Cupcake is no SnoBal snow-job like Sinthia. Meanwhile, Hugo and Danielle can assemble the hacienda employees for a big staffers meet on the patio grounds.  Bruno immediately tries laying the blame on Ro-Hell for supposedly being known to cut corners at times.  Pau shuts Bruno down immediately, saying she knows it couldn’t be Rog, whom she trusts emphatically, particularly since Rog has discussed its use in cattle to her and explained how it’s a public health hazard.  Ro-Hell, she insists, would never use it.  Now, stop wasting time and teach her the hacienda books already! 

Back at Nessa’s, Elsie swears Nessa’s daddy was already sick so it wasn’t her fault the disloyal dirt-wad kicked the bucket.  Things are as they are now, she sneers, so Get. Over. It.  Nessa is reeling-from-the-revelation impactata and remains unrelentingly unforgiving, even though Mama’s hysterical confession makes evident she’s legally non compos mentos--or, rather, that Mama’s mind is now compost.  (In other words, to sum it up for the lesser literati of Viewerville:  Elsie’s nutty as a Navidad fruitcake!)
Outside in the yard, as all the employees gather, Sin shrilly gripes to Efrain and Mercedes that she can’t believe her “idiot SIL” is organizing this.  Rosaura hears Sin and immediately defends Pau.  “—Don’t badmouth my niece!  She’s no fool!”  “—Oh no?”  “—Yeah!  She got the problem with the Americans resolved--and where were you, huh?”  (Rosie is gaining a few points with me here.)

Pau walks commandingly through the crowd at that point.  She tells everyone she’ll be brief.  (Unfortunately, the espadrilles she’s sporting were a definite minus.  Someone needs to drop a dime on Paula and let her know that Stilettos are the Power shoe.)    Paula explains to the employees that somebody on the hacienda has fed the animals clenbuterol; she wants people to think back about whether they remember anything out of the norm then to tell her. 

In the stalls, meantime, a stray doofus employee who didn’t get the word to be at the meeting tends to the cattle in the stall.  Bruno appears out of nowhere.  He tells the guy to go join the others.  Once the ranch hand’s gone, Bruno pulls out another bottle of the illegal drug and secretly pours it into the cattle feed again.

Back outside the barn, Paula is of course, totally unaware of Skelator’s skulduggery while she instructs everybody to start working in pairs to keep better watch on what happens around the hacienda.  Suddenly Sin tries pulling rank as sister of the hacendado and part owner; Pau offers to listen to any ideas and acknowledges that sin   is part owner.  No! None of this also stuff. Sin IS a land owner and Paula, as everyone there knows, doesn’t own a thing!  Paula pulls even higher rank as La Sra. Montero and says she is taking control.    All there seem to agree.

At los Galván, Vainessa still tries to reason with unreasoning Mama, saying that she’d have preferred to have handled her inheritance problems with Paula her way.  (No doubt Feddy would have preferred it also.  JMO.)  At least Daddy would still be alive!  Finally Nessa comes to the conclusion that her daddy’s death was all Mama’s fault and had nothing at all to with Paula.  Bug-eyed Elsie pooh-pooh’s Ness’s concerns and goes on another rant.  “—Don’t be such a drama queen!  What’s the matter with you?  You wanted it this way and now you regret it?”

Meanwhile at Hell-Fuerte, Paula politely suggests that if Sin wants to help with the strategery she’s free to.  In the meantime there are schedules set up. (That’s the way to smack down the opposition with class!)  Rosie starts griping at Bruno about what will happen if Rog is left without a thing to his name.  Just then Pau’s ears prick up and asks what she wants to add to the discussion.  MentiRosa says she was only wondering what she was doing out there since it’s none of her problem!  (Diversion is MentiRosie’s strong point as we all know.)  AP tells her everyone including La Suegra esa will have a shift. 

Gus walks over to Pau and tells her they need to talk.  He just came from the river and the water is way down.  He then tells the crowd that La Negra’s workers are putting barriers in the river and blocking the flow so that now the harvest [la cosecha] is threatened.  Bruno slips Sin a secret glance of success.  

Elsie is still ranting back at los Galván.  She’s accusing Nessa of having water in her veins rather than blood.  “--Get with it!  Fedrico died expressing his love for his bastard daughter!  You haven’t done ANYTHING to get back at that bastard girl!!”  (Ehh.  Obviously, Mama was kept out of the loop like just about all the others.)     

Once the big meet is over,  Sin storms into Ro-Hells office (?) and gripes to Bruno about the way La Usurpadora esa is giving herself airs as grand mistress [ama y señora = lit.    lord and master, i.e., señor] of the hacienda!  Everybody knows, Sin says, that she and Bro-Hell are still the only owners of this place.  No, corrects Bruno, Sin still is not.  Sin yells back that it doesn’t matter whether the properties are formally in her name or not.  They do belong to her!  Bruno clarifies for her.  “--If you’d ever bothered with the day-to-day around here you’d be the one in front of the employees today, and the one Rog would have to thank would be you.”  Sin can’t argue with that kind of logic.  So she angrily points her finger and to change the subject demands an explanation about his and Big Dave’s connection with the Clenbuterol poisoning of the cattle.   Bruno (the rat-faced varlet) swallows hard and searches for a way to disengage his…er…tootsie-toes out of this particular mousetrap.

Back outside, once the workers have all left, Guscakes gives a jealous verbal jab to Paula in hopes of getting a little smidgen of hope.  “—My, my!  Who’d have thought you’d enjoy being the grand dam of the manse?”  She takes offense and quickly corrects him.  “—I’m the one in charge here while Rogelio’s gone, and I won’t allow the place to be brought down while he’s away.”  “—Oh, it’s very clear to me how important it is for you to help him out.”  Paula replies that he’s doing the same thing by his just telling the employees about the river problems.  It’s just part of the job, he counters.  On the other hand, she seems to have become enamored of the place.  Cupcake smooths her frosting and says of course she has learned to love and to value the land here; and it’s the least she can do for Rogelio while he’s not around.  Well, Gus chides, maybe she needs to decide whether what she’s doing is out of affection and gratefulness for what Rogelio Montero has done for her—or whether it is out of love.  (Zingo.)

Inside Rog’s office (which nobody is supposed to be in but which everyone invades continually) Bruno agrees he might hate Ro-Hell for having taken possession of his daddy’s rancho; but plainly he fought to protect her interests when she agreed to damming up the river--but that doesn’t mean he’d be stupid enough to put Clenbuterol into the cattle feed!! Sin grabs him by the collar and pushes him around a bit.  (Good goin’, Sin.  Ugh!  This kind of vermin makes me yearn for the Terminix Man!)  “—Yeah?  Isn’t it convenient that this happens to hit just when Rogelio’s not around?  And just who else could it be since it had to be somebody coming on and off the property without a problem?” 

Bruno says doesn’t know, but Rog has plenty of enemies.  (Hisssssss!  Snake in the grass alert!)  It could be David!  If she wants, he’ll investigate Big Dave.  Perhaps he managed to get back in somehow, but he doubts it (big CYA here) since Rog banned him from ever coming back onto the hacienda grounds again!  “—It better not be either one of you, because this does affect my financial interests; and I only agreed to the water business because it was temporary!  However, the clenbuterol would finish off the cattle business permanently!” 

Bruno tries throwing the blame to Effer now since recently Rog fired him.  Sin discards that idea because he got his job back and Sin—for reasons only Effer and she know—says absolutely not, period!  Bruno then suggests Sin would be better off offering her SIL support at this point.  No way, José!  She’ll never accept orders from that social-climbing, money-grubbing gold-digger!  No, Sin has her own means of getting rid of that wench!

Outside, Gus is still pleading his case to Ana Paula.  “—Perhaps if you’d have said you love Rogelio I could have stepped aside; but knowing that you still feel something for me and that you are still in doubt, I simply will not give up [rendirse= give up/accept].   AP insists he doesn’t truly understand what’s going on right now and he has no idea how much it pains her to hurt him.  He says no matter; it’ll all be fixed eventually.  She’ll get her divorce; they’ll get back together and get married; they’ll have a family.   “—I am not marrying Sinthia.  I cannot marry her because I am in love …with you!  I know that you’ll get it together [reaccionar= get yourself together, react, wake up and smell the coffee] because I love you and I know …that you love me.”  He moves in for an embrace and The Kiss but….she recoils from his touch and then tries to explain that  “first I’ve got to know—“.  She stops herself in mid-sentence and walks away, claiming she refuses to be pushed any further!   Cara de blue-balled frustration de Guscakes.

Sin has called Nessa.  They’re discussing Elsie’s break with reality during and after her murdering papi—though who knows since the editing here sucks again.  The doctor wants to commit her [internar] says Nessa.  Oh, that’s not so bad, says Sin.  (Excuuuuuse me?  The woman is criminally insane!)  Nessa knows and admits that Mama is sick, really sick.  “--Otherwise how could she have done what she did to Papi?”   Sin reminds Nessa that she’s talking about her mama here and to be respectful. (Say what?  We’re not exactly discussing the latest case of the flu or the measles!  The old broad has just admitted to murder!!)  Nessa tells Sin she’ll never ever forgive her mama for it, either.

In another part of the hacienda, Dani (whose wardrobe budget has apparently increased a good percentage along with her taste since she’s been working for Bruno) listens to Pau and tries bucking her up.  Pau feels she’s failed at becoming the strong woman she’d hoped to be.  Dani misinterprets and says Pau has succeeded in being exactly that, especially after how she handled the cattle problem with the Americans and the hacienda employees.  No, says Pau, she meant Gustavo!  Gus is after her again to get married and have a family.  Dani says then it’s time to face the inevitable and take the pregnancy test she’s been avoiding.  What if it’s positive, asks Pau?  Dani suggests running away since things have been resolved. (Not the river, dearie?) Cupcake wouldn’t dream of running away from the hacienda at this point, she says. 

Marciel races in to Pau’s bedroom to report that there was barely enough water to fill the watering troughs and that there’s now not enough to water the grounds. 

In San Gabriel, Effer stops in to visit with Macaria.  She refuses his company.  Consuelo shows up and Effer explains he’s trying to get Macaria out of there to help her forget her grief.  (We can imagine what he’s got in mind…..)  Macaria’s in no mood to see anybody and tells them both to go home.  She heads off and leaves them standing there.   Effer mentions that Michael gets out of jail that morning since there’s not enough proof to arrest him.  Connie is irate.

Sin is apparently unloading to a commiserating Vainie about Paula now, and how El Gusto Was Mío backed out of marrying her and the whole relationship.  Yep.  Sin admits she was boiling mad and would have loved to go running to Bro-Hell with the news right then, but obviously she couldn’t.  Nessa asks if she isn’t worried what Rog would do to Gus.  Naw, the idiot earned it by refusing to marry me!  Well, advises Vainessa, tell him as soon as he returns.  I’ll be grateful to you if you can separate him from that broad by doing it, too!  “Count on it!” says Sin.   As for Elsie, says Nessa, she’s still in a drugged sleep and Vainessa isn’t in the mood to confront her again.  She can’t stand the thought of having to deal with Mama anymore she’s so disgusted and angry.  (Time to call in the men in white coats, dontcha think, Nessa?)  

Big Dave gives Nessa a call.  She tells him the cattle deal with the Americans fell through for her.  He gives her his best imitation of sympathy.  Nessa has sense enough to ask if he had anything to do with the Clenbuterol.  Dave lies shamelessly–a man who really does have no shame.  He tries throwing the blame back on Rog, suggesting Rog could have been interested in ruining her reputation.  Nessa says don’t be ridiculous cuz his reputation and prestige would be at risk as well.  “--Oh, yeah, I guess so.  (Snake in the grass alert!)  But, I swear on my love for Sinthia, whom I love most in this world, that I didn’t harm a single animal.”  That’s enough of Naïve Nessa.  He hangs up and chuckles to himself that he really didn’t lie to her since it was Bruno who did the actual poisoning. 

Just then Pau storms into his office to yell at him about damming up the river water.  (Oy vey!  Enough with the espadrilles, already!)  He tells her he doesn’t know what she’s talking about; she says he darned well does and it’s the dike he’s built.  Now there is no water flowing through!!  Dave imitates feigned concern.  “--Oh!  Hubby will have to do something!”   He chuckles, dripping with male chauvinist insolence.   How sweet of the little ingénue coming here trying her best to handle a problem while her hubby is away gawd knows where and entertaining himself with gawd knows who.  (The women in Viewerville are clawing at their t.v. screens in living rooms everywhere to get at the slug!!  Trust me when I say this guy would be wise not to be caught asleep alone in my part of town, or he risks being hog-tied, force-fed green beer and later being sent home with his nether-regions Naired!!)  No, she trusts Rog. 

Good for her, Dave says snidely, but eventually Rog’ll go looking for somebody who thinks he’s worth their time and doesn’t have any doubts.  Pau isn’t put off by this attempt at trash talk and warns him the Water Commission will have something to say about this business, as well as the authorities.  What he’s doing is a crime.  He had better think twice or he could end up in [ir a dar] jail!  She turns on her espadrille and plods back out the way she came: cool, collected and sure of herself—either that or she’s a natural-born poker player.~~~~~

[end of first half]
[Second half]

Sin runs into Maria outside and tries avoiding her.  Maria grabs hold of her and gets that the gal is hopping mad inside thanks to presumptuous Paula.  Maria wants to give her a bit of friendly woman to woman advice like in the old days, but Sin ungraciously declares Maria unable to, being nothing more than a simple servant doncha know (which has Viewerville fervently wishing ol’ Sin would suddenly slip on the nearest fresh manure pile on her bony ass).  “—I’m furious.  How couldn’t I be after being dumped by Gustavo because he prefers Paula!”  Maria shows no emotion, says nothing, and makes it pretty clear to Sin that Maria already knew the scoop.  

A bit later, Mikey gets out of jail.  Happy, happy.  Joy, joy.  Paula and Dani are there to give him an all-in-the-family hug.  Suddenly Ulises races in demanding justice and warning him that if the cops don’t do it the townspeople just may (I think he means that.  Can’t tell really.  Jarocha, call your office!)  Mikey still insists that it wasn’t him, that he misses her as much as anybody.   

Gus calls Esteban to tell him about his angst over Ana Paula’s emotional misgivings.  He’s worried that the longer she’s with Rog, the more likely she’ll decide to dump Gus.  It’s almost too much to bear and he doesn’t think he can continue working on Rog’s water project.  Steve reminds him he’s got to separate his personal feelings from his professional duties.  Gus says he’s trying to, and that despite it all, he admires Rogelio as a man’s man.  However, it’s inevitable that once the two of them confront each other over Ana, the two of them will never be able to see or meet with [verse nunca más] one another afterward.  Steve, disgusted big time by Big Dave’s conceited scoff-law attitude, decides to come down there himself to check things out.  First thing Gus asks him to check out, tho’, is whose name is really on the deed to La Negra, and whether Dave is acting on his own or doing somebody else’s dirty work.

Back at the police station Uli attacks Mike again, forcing the captain/comandante to intervene.  He tells Uli to get hold of himself or he’ll be the one in jail next!  Uli is uber-pissed and warns Mikey that the long arm of the law may have pulled his chestnuts out of the fire this time, but his day with Devine Justice is coming due very soon.

The employees are standing around again in the front of the hacienda as Mikey, Dani, Bruno, and Paula walk past the staring, indignant crowd towards the entrance to the main house.  Mike tells Pau it seems they all believe he murdered Maripaz.  He stops a minute to ask if Connie really believes he did it.  She says all of them there, including her, believe he did it.  He addresses them and says he may be an alcoholic, but Maripaz didn’t die because of that.  It. wasn’t. him!  Dani and Pau drag Mikey into the main house, still screaming about his innocence.

That night Uli swears to Macaria that if he didn’t love her as much as he does that he’d have already made Mikey pay for what he did to their daughter.   She wants it to end now and there.  It won’t bring their daughter back.  If he won’t let it die and goes after revenge, she threatens to leave him!

At Hell-Fuerte, Mike tells Pau he’s uncomfortable the way the people are treating him now.  Let people talk; it doesn’t matter cuz you’re innocent, she tells him.  He suggests that they should take the fact that her hubby is absent to absent themselves and make their getaway.  She refuses.  She has to speak with Rog and resolve things –and there’s that pregnancy test to take as she now knows she can’t keep putting it off.  Mike asks her if things were not so grim, who she’d choose to stay with.  (Note: neither he nor we get an answer to that one!)

Back in town at Uli’s plop ‘n shop, Effer tells Uli that it’s not going to be comfortable for Rog’s BIL after what he’s done.  Uli admits he’s so enraged that he’d have killed Michael himself if the police commissioner hadn’t stopped him.  But, then there’s Macaria, the bestest, most loving and faithfulest of wives—and Effer, of course, supporting him the way he has, is the bestest and most faithfulest of friendses…..

Mikey is sober and is starting to see through his mental haze enough to begin to reason through a few things.  He tells Pau he knows he’s the reason she’s in such a bind emotionally, but there’s something he still doesn’t understand.  Yeah, he’s slim pickin’s when it comes to marriage material, but still and all, Dani hasn’t stopped loving him.  Dani’s in it for the long haul.  On the other hand, both Gus and Rog have lots going for them.  Pau laments.  “—Gustavo and Rogeliio are both important to me and I only make them suffer.” Mikey continues. “—A person loves another for who they are.  They recognize when they’re in love.  It’s something ones just feels.  How could you not comprehend whether you’re in love with Rogelio or still in love with Gustavo?  I think you are refusing to recognize how you truly feel about things.”  Could be, she agrees.  Mikey figures it’s due to the possibility of the baby that she doesn’t know whether she’s coming or going right now.  (Could be….)

Rosie barges in on Pau and Mikey, eagerly filling the room with her own special brand of cheer…..”Free at last!  Free at last!  (hug) Ana Paula’s getting herself together now, taking to being La Sra. Montero!  Certainly that’s why you’re free now!”  Mikey fights back, tho’ and insists again he’s not guilty of murdering Maripaz!  What will they do if even she doesn’t believe he’s innocent?  “-- It’s the truth, tho’, knowing your parentage and the way you repeatedly fall back into drinking all the time!  Who can deal with you?”   Besides, she adds, how could he know if he was drunk out of his mind like that and can’t remember anything? 

In town, Esteban is waiting to speak with Vainessa.   No, he’s not there as the ex-hubby, just as a government official investigating La Negra and the diversion of river water.  “—I got a report and in investigating it, I’ve discovered the land is yours and that you’re the one diverting water from Rogelio Montero’s land! (Damn!  Considering Bruno’s involved, Steve better have his life insurance paid up!)  “--It’s in your father’s business’s name!  Don’t deny it either, because you know I know all about your father’s business dealings!”  She admits it and Steve accuses her of getting evenism: because she couldn’t get Rog back she planned to get even by denying the water to his ranch.  She lies that she only bought the land because she wanted to invest in the cattle market...little by little.  Esteban doesn’t know whether to believe her or not and loses patience.  “—Why did you ever get involved in a mess like this, really?  Sheesh!”  (Snake in the grass alarm #3!)  Cara de inocencia de Vainessa.  She throws the blame onto Dave who is “simply remodeling the place” for her.  She had no idea!  How awful!  Steve believes her--for now.  (Rats!)  “—I hope what you’re saying is true, Vainessa, because what David is doing is a crime!!”  (That extra male appendage is such a mind-number!)

Meanwhile, Maria and Mersnottys make nice.  Maria’s thankful to Ms. Mercy’s main squeeze—Ernesto--for coming so quickly to take care of Margarito.  They decide to make a late night snack of enchiladas and make girly talk over Sin and Gus and gawd knows what else while we get another shameless plug for some food sponsor.  (No!  I will not give them free advertising on this blog!)  FF>>

Back in town, the more Nessa lies, the more Esteban seems to believe in her naivete rather than in her ability to plan and plot—that appendage thingy, remember?  Nessa says tho’ she had no idea it seems believable because David and Rog are fighting.  “—And that’s the reason you went into business with him!  I told you not to do it!”  Nessa still plays innocent.  Doesn’t matter whether she knew or not, she’s still in it up to her neck, says Esteban.  “—You are in, Vanessa!”  “—Wh-h-hat do you mean?”  “—That even you could go to jail for what your business partner did!”  Nessa is wide-eyed-gulpified impactada.  (Yeah, swallow hard, you do-do of female dogs!)  

Vainie continues to drip with honey and syrup, swearing she had no idea what was going on there.  (Thwack! --Er… That was my sandal hitting the tv screen.)  How could she not know what her partner was doing asks the… er…incredulous male appendage.  After all, she was the one who sent David there and put him in charge of the things he’s been doing at the ranch!  Vainessa’s eyelashes bat in mock female confusion.  “--Oh, then it’s not so bad!  If it’s that Rogelio isn’t getting water, then I’ll go ask David what to do to insure that that doesn’t happen, ok?”  No. Steve says he will go and speak to the guy himself.  (Man, can’t you just imagine what life must have been like for this dude all these years?  And this putz put up with it????  Still does!  Chauvinistic fool!)  She agrees, but asks Steve NOT to say a word of any of this to Rog. 

Steve gets pissed and says he can’t believe that she still is worried what Rog might think of her!  “No, it’s just that we’re business partners, you know? Why complicate things?”  He shakes his head in utter disbelief.  She begs him to remember all their years together and to comply with her request.  She needs his help out of this jam, really she does since she’s totally innocent.  He says he can’t promise her anything cuz   he’s got to act fairly--in his awfully offal official capacity, that is…..   “--CU L8-er!”  He leaves.  She stews.

Next day at lunch in town, Bruno advises Dave to play it cool around Pau.  She’s got a temper, he says, and not only does she want that river channel [cauce] opened back up, but she’ll send Big Dave to the Big House if need be!  Dave just scoffs.   “--Ah, what can she really do about it?”  “--Hey, she keeps looking to get the name of Gus’s superior.”  “--Oh!  The return of Esteban, eh.”  Snicker.  Bruno sees there’s a call from Nessa coming in on his cell, but he ignores it thinking she’s only calling to complain about him and Dave possibly having something to do with the Clenbuterol mess.  The two toast to their ingenious and flawless plotting on that account.  Bruno laments how Pau’s come down hard.  “—Unfortunately, we can’t manage it again because Paula’s posted guards all around the cattle feeding area.”  Dave doesn’t think Rog’s little missus will keep the interest up for long, tho’.   Bruno doesn’t look so sure.

Back at Hell-Fuerte, Paula finally takes out the pregnancy test.  She makes a quick prayer for guidance just as Rosie rushes into her room.  Paula chides her for seemingly having no faith in Mikey’s innocence.  Before she can finish her response (totally ignore-worthy) Rosie notices the test pack in Pau’s hand.  Time to face the music and to have a while to make plans calmly, says Rosie as encouragingly as she can.  (The winch above squeaks as the anvil is raised.)

There’s a call from Ro-Hell for Maria.  When’s he coming home?  “What--??”

AP comes out of the bathroom with the results plainly written on her face: the pregnancy test came out a positive pink.  The next anvil falls.  Cara de angst on both of them.


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