Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #159 7/5/11 Just FF>> to the end....trust me.

  • Maria tries to convince Fer that Cruz loves her and she shouldn't be pushing him away. Fer says no. Ever since the recording career started things have been different. Hardly home, stopped coming with her to therapy. Fer says she even saw Fer and Diana-ho kissing.
  • Millie gets the word about the operation. Jarochas come back from someplace with the gossip rag. Millie mini-freaks.
  • Cruz storms into Diana-ho's office. He's peesed.
  • Os is leaving the house. He has no other choice. He tells Vic she has every right to be happy. Vic is confused. Os says she won't forgive him. She says no, she's forgiven him. She forgave him a long time ago and just didn't realize it. For her part everything is forgiven (srsly? We put up with all that crap and you say you forgave him a long time ago? grrrrr. Damn you TdA...I can't quit you!) He was right, she can't be forgiven if she is not capable of forgiving. Os asks if she has forgiven him with all her heart. She's not just saying words into the wind? Yup she really has. No bitterness or anything. She doesn't remember how much he hurt her (or something like that.)
  • Cruz is still fussin'. I don't pay close attention to what Diana-ho has to say. She slimes on him. She tells him she can make him a big star or ruin him. His choice. He gives her the stink eye, pushes her away and leaves. Diana-ho tells herself he will eventually fall for her "charms." pppht.
  • Maria asks Fer is she's talked to Cruz. She says no. Maria holds up her story with Max as an object lesson. Confront and Clarify is her motto....yeah...riiiight.
  • Don Tonto Joel and Jarochas while Chente convinces Napo to declare himself to Millie.
  • Os asks about Dr. Voice. Vic is happy when she's with him. Warm fuzzies blah blah blah. She's just not sure if it's love. Os won't stand in her way if her happiness is with Dr. Voice. (I'm Team Os....just sayin')
  • Vic flashes back to the good times and the bad times with both Os and Dr. Voice. She decides to go talk to PJP.
  • Dr. Voice is thinking of Vic. He lerves her. He cancels the rest of his appointments. He's gonna....
  • Napo is still muy pollón, but he wants Millie to marry him. She has to think about it.
  • ....take a walk and remember his first wife who conveniently told him to find someone after she goes. Since his wife died, he hadn't found a woman that could make him feel the way Vic did. I think he's gonna make her choose between him and Os (I'm team Os, this means Vic will end up with Voice.)
  • PJP tells Vic to let her heart guide her.
  • Voice is back home after his walk and Leo comes to visit.
  • Gui is whining to Burnie about Os screwing up his premiere. Gui kinda has her by the you know whats because of the DVD. She sort of hopes he goes to jail and gets a taste of what she suffers. She hates traitors like him. Gui reminds her about her role in the kidnapping. Burnie finally dismisses him. Gui makes a threat as he leaves. Burnie just says they'll both go down. After he leaves she tells her letter opener that no one can destroy Burnie de Iturbide.
  • Max visits PJP for some counsel too. Max is torn between his two moms. They talk moms for a bit. PJP says we've both got crazy moms, but we need to be grateful they gave us life.
  • Leo whines to Dr Voice about hurting Max and  her problems quitting alcohol. She tells Dr. Voice he doesn't understand what it's like. He says he does because he to was once duhn duhn duhn an alcoholic!
  • We get a  random scene with the thugs who have a phone video of Linda-ho's "accident." He's talking about it 'cause he saw a girl that reminded him of Xi (but she was disguised, right?) He says he would totally remember/recognize her if he saw her.
  • Speaking of Xi. She and Gui blah blah in the parking deck. She gets all "how was the premiere?" He pulls out the dagger that is supposed to be a prop. Xi cuts her self, bleeds. They get turned on. Ewww. 
  • Dr. Voice helps Leo with her affirmations so she won't be a drunk anymore.
  • At a magazine stand, Max sees the article about Diana-ho and Cruz at...who conveniently walks up. Max yells at him. Cruz says it's a lie. Max reminds Cruz that the whole Linda business was a direct result of fame. People will prey on Cruz. Max will not stand by and watch his sister suffer like his mom did. Cruz says he's headed over to get everything cleared up if Max wants to come along.
  • Burnie hears about Os' accident on the set. She says it's divine punishment that he deserves.
  • Max and Cruz are in the magazine offices and they want a retraction. The editor tells Cruz Diana-ho was the "source." Cruz wants them to print that he is happily married to his florecita. Later, Max asks Cruz  if sacrificing his happiness with Fer is worth the fame.
  • Vic and Fer are gabbing in the hospital. Max brings Cruz in and asks Vic if she will give them a little privacy. Fer asks who's side Max is on. Max says the side of truth. Before Max leaves, he tells Fer not to be impulsive and to listen. Cruz tries to explain. Fer sings her "I'm a cripple" song. Cruz begs. Fer tells him to leave. He leaves. They each cry on opposite sides of the door.
  • After the commercial break, Nati and Maria are talking on the phone. Nati is telling Maria that Cruz is packing and getting ready to leave forever. Maria repeats this info... that he's leaving for Rancho Childe (?) Luckily Fer eavesdrops and hears that part before Maria continues the convo outside Fer's room. Fer drags herself out of the bed and into the wheelchair. She dresses and sneaks out of the hospital. The takes a cab to the bus station. We see her begging to get past security. She is denied, but a passenger with a question distracts the guard. Fer wheels her way to the terminal where Cruz is sitting in his bus waiting for it to leave. Of course, he doesn't see her. She keeps screaming "Cruz!" She decides to get up out of the chair. Several minutes of struggling, falling, crawling and me sitting on the edge of my seat screaming inwardly "Cruz!!!! Look!!! Loook!!!!" (Hubs was asleep, I couldn't yell out loud.) Finally Cruz turns around and sees Fer struggling. Several minutes of Cruz begging the bus driver to open the door. I'm screaming too. Finally Cruz gets of the damn bus and runs to his florecita. Smoochies, mi riqueza and love talk. I'm squeeing and ginning like a fool. 
Sweet Mush Mouth Levy in a Kayak!

  • Vic is gonna triumph
  • Max and Voice face off
  • The cat fight we've been waiting for!!


Friday, July 01, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #158 6/30/11 A triumph of that skank-ho producer.

So, Fer, Maria, and Vicky have their little magic hand-holding moment, which leads to…absolutely nothing. Vic leaves and Maria and Fer begin the sisterly bonding session.

The asshat director calls Os to summon him to film a scene. Since Fer is ok, what's the harm in filming the scene? Os really doesn't want to go, but his work ethic gets the better of him. Max and Cruz side with Os and besides, Os has his cell phone in case they need him.

The Padres confab about Fer's recovery and their hopes for the recovery of her marriage. And also, Burnie is determined to be evil, awww, isn't it sad. PJP thinks he's going to end up on a cross before this is all over.

Os looks good in a vest. Well, so does Gui, but whatever. And where is Leo? Better ask Gui about that since he's the one pulling her strings. The director takes exception and Os warns him that he's gonna make Gui's life hell.

Cruz tries to console Vic by saying that Maria's gotta be confused, what with finding out her daddy's a priest and her grandma's an evil bitch. Leo shows up drunk as a skunk. Vic tries to send her home, but Leo accuses her of stealing her husband. Oh, it's happy fun drunk time. *sigh*

"While I was in jail, you stole my husband and my son!" Leo says she wants back everything Vic took from her. Vic wants some alone time with Leo and Max and Cruz, ever the dumbasses, leave her to it. Vic tries to guilt Leo into sobriety. "Easy for you to talk! You have everything, including my husband and my son! And you've left me with nothing!" Vic tells Leo to quit embarrassing her son. Vic drags Leo to the caf for a coffee.

The director knocks on Os' trailer door and asks him to please let the stunt guys do the stunts. Os doesn't like it. They talk about it long enough that I'm sure either Os or Gui will be getting seriously hurt. Os says Gui doesn't know how to do action scenes and he's going to end up getting hurt. And the problem with this is what, exactly? And since when do actors dictate to a director how a scene is going to go? Hey, maybe I'm just not big-league enough for that. Or maybe that's how they roll at Televisa. Which would explain a few things.

Leo drinks her coffee while Vic lectures her. She tells Leo she's acting like a child and being a coward and ruining Max's life. Vic pays for the coffee and leaves her with her thoughts.

The stunt guy gripes about wanting to use doubles, but Os and Gui insist on doing it themselves. The stunt guy says fine, as long as they follow his instructions exactly. He refuses to take responsibility if something goes wrong.

Cruz and Max get ready to support Fer as Doc Heriberto gives her a pep talk that Mr. 5ft doesn't understand, but makes him crack up laughing. The music guys get in on the action, making everything seem overly dramatic. Lots of close-ups on faces as we go to commercial. Mr. 5ft griped about the stupidity of this scene. If you want to hear the whole rant, you'll have to move in with us. I don't type quite that fast. Yes, dear, we all know there's no question it's going to end up working and Fer will walk again and kick Cruz's producer's ass.

Leo's amazingly late, they can't wait any longer, so they need to rehearse and then film.

Heriberto keeps giving Fer a pep talk. He tells Max and Cruz to let go slowly.

The infamous dangerous scene is Gui chasing Os and throwing him to the ground. The director announces they're going to do the most dangerous part next.

Cruz's producer fed a line of bull to some magazine and they're going to be pissed when they find out it's not true. She assumes Fer will just believe it.

Fer falls over and gets upset. Vic has to walk out, as does Doc. Cruz tells her she just needs time.

Os is hanging off a cliff with Gui holding him. Gui releases the safety line, then he lets Os fall. Everyone bitches at the stunt guys. Gui assumes he's gotten rid of Os for good.

Vic cries and Heriberto consoles her. I'm not even listening. Why am I still watching this show? Mr. 5ft thinks the smoochies should be withheld since he didn't actually fix Fer. Some nurses walk by in slow-mo, grab some popcorn, and watch the action.

When Vic and Heriberto finally pry their lips apart, Heriberto tries to convince her they have feelings for each other. But Vic thinks maybe she's just feeling gratitude and is confused. She breaks away and Heriberto contemplates a cold shower. He flashes back to the kiss that happened about a millisecond ago.

Max and Cruz have a word with Heriberto in the waiting room. Max wants to know WTF the problem is. Heriberto says it's just muscular atrophy and it will take some time. At the same time, he thinks her inability to walk is psychosomatic. If Fer doesn't make up her mind to walk, she won't walk.

Os is fine. He's in good shape and he knows how to swim. The director claims Gui was really, really worried. What. Ever.

Cruz doesn't want to tell Fer about the psychothingy. He says they've just got to give her pep talks. Max says he's going to try out his technique on mom first. The nurses walk in and spread the gossip about Doc Heriberto macking on a patient's mom in the hallway. Max is pissed. The nurses are hungry and start talking about where to go for lunch.

Max goes to Heriberto's office and asks why Heriberto was kissing his mom. Dude, you kiss someone in the hallway where everyone can see you, what the hell do you think is gonna happen?

The medical professionals on set walk out of Os' trailer. The director wants the truth--was it really an accident? Os says it was. "Or what do you think happened?" "Maybe Gui took advantage of the situation and…." Os insists it was just an accident.

Max reads Heriberto the riot act for smooching on his mama in the hallway. Heriberto doesn't think it's any of Max's business, given that he and Vic are consenting adults. Max says that his mother's love life is a matter of discussion for the whole family. Heriberto says Os knows what's going on, not that he's happy about it. Oh, and also, Os gave him free rein to mack on Vicky as long as she's happy about it.

Geez, 10 more minutes of show left and it feels like NOTHING has happened! I'm dying of boredom! And wishing I hadn't started watching the show so close to when it started recording or I'd at least have been able to FF through the commercials!

Fer is upset she can't walk when Heriberto said the operation went well. Cruz and Maria try to pep her up. Fer sends Cruz out for a drink so she can have more sister alone time with Maria. Fer lays on the guilt trip about how Vic always seemed to be a workaholic, but she didn't know it was all to hide her feelings. Poor Vic, how she suffered for Maria. Maria says she'd really rather not talk about it. "But we have to! Think of your son and Jimena's son…if you keep raising them, they'll grow up like brothers. You and I are also sisters, daughters of the same mother. If you accept me, you have to accept our mother too." Maria sighs.

Vic sits in the cafeteria, thinking about holding hands with Maria and Fer. She sees the news of Os's accident on the TV and calls him to find out how he is. Then she changes her mind and decides to go see him.

A nurse comes in and starts Fer on some physical therapy exercises. The nurse moves Fer's legs around, which hurts her back. The nurse gets to cause the pain and Maria gets to soothe. That's enough torture for now, so the nurse leaves. Maria tells Fer she has to get better, so she can stop feeling insecure and stop fighting with Cruz. Um, no, how about she just stop feeling insecure regardless of whether or not she can walk and tell Cruz what his producer is up to? Fer says she can't keep herself from feeling jealous. Cruz has returned with juice and a magazine…that includes an article where that bitch claims to be in a relationship with Cruz. Fer says Cruz is cheating on her. He says it's all lies and he's going to fix it. Well, Fer doesn't want to see him ever again.

Gui gives an interview, saying the accident was only an accident. He says he does feel bad about not doing what the director wanted and using doubles. Oh, and also, he has nothing but respect for Os and this has nothing to do with the theater.

Vic runs home to see how Os is. He says it was just a fall, no big. He came home to change clothes and then go see Fer. He insists he's fine. Vic, despite the scare, is having trouble clarifying her feelings about Os and Heriberto. Os says he knows he made a mistake and he'll be sorry for the rest of his life. Vic says maybe it was a little tiny bit her fault too for ignoring him….

And then my DVR cuts off. Not even a Sweet William Levy in a Kayak. What have I done to deserve this?!!!


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #157 6/29/11 More Bare Bones: Sure doesn't feel like últimas semanas

Hey everyone, due to some minor but time-consuming dental issues today I didn't get to do the full-on, take-my-time dailymotion recap. Had to go old-school, notes-while-watching. I may have missed a metric sh!t ton a little.

  • Max, Maria, choppy editing of luvin'
  • Os is about to tell Vic the latest Gui/theater news when Fer and Cruz enter and tell them about today's surgery.
  • Gui pitches a fit about the closure. It's Os's fault.
  • Cruz will always be with Fer.
  • Gui still trippin'. Os my have won the the battle, but the war continues. It's a battle to the death. He'll either win or die. Leo realizes Gui is nuts.
  • The family heads for the hospital.
  • Maria is still being stubborn about Vic. Max still defends mama. William Levy still a mush mouth. Same whiny dialogue. I had not mommy wah wah wah. Vic makes me mad blah blah blah. But Max reminds her they're gonna get married and be happy. Os calls and tells Max they about operation. Max head to hospital. Maria goes with him....for her sister.
  • Gui runs into Felipe (?) the director. Scandals help the ratings, but he needs to know all the crap won't affect taping.
  • Dr. Voice is off to operate. Vic's motherly love with guide his hands.
  • Max and Maria arrive at hospital. Vic seems pleased Maria is there. Maria looks dubious.
  • PJP has finally arrived at the vecindad. He, Millie and Naop re-hash the last two or three episodes. He's gonna to to the hospital to see Maria. As he leaves he meets up with the "new, hip and improved idiot Don Joel" (a Jarocha make-over) who now has a motorcycle. He offers to take PJP to hospital. FF>>
  • Pip and Toni work and hope the operation is a success FF>>
  • PJP and Don Joel on moto. FF>> 
  • Maria is praying in the chapel. She can't forgive Vic 'cause we still have 15 episodes to go. (And Univision is gonna make sure we're watching this basura until August.)
  • Vic comes and prays for a miracle.
  • Leonela monologues about her trouble with alcohol.
  • Os and and PJP talk miracles. Everyone hopes for miracles and that Maria forgives Vic and Leo leaves the liquor.
  • Leo continues to monologue. 
  • Vic joins the hopin' for a miracle crew and tells them she is going to be patient with Maria and just continue to shower her with motherly love. Os tells her she's a brave warrior and gives her a kiss on the forehead. Max thought bubbles something about them being in love.
  • Leo is still monologue-ing. At least she isn't in the tub or in her skivvies.
  • PJP goes to the chapel and tries to convince Maria to forgive. Open your heart, let the Lord work. All the usual priestly platitudes.
  • The operation: dramatic close-ups and cotton balls painted red.
  • Leo attends an AA meeting FF>>
  • Fer is back in her room, but still conked out.
  • Dr. Voice and Dr. Underling talk about the operation. He thinks it will be a success. For Dr. Voice, medicine is an act of love. He flashes back to his dying wife. She asks him to "abrázame muy fuerte" (wink wink) and dies in his arms. Then he flashes back to the accident that killed his kids.
  • The family gathers around Fer in her hospital room. The prognosis is good. Os tells Fer she's a warrior like her mom. Fer can't wait to run and dance; to enter the church on her own feet, kneel and pray to the Virgencita.
  • On her way home from the AA meeting Leo finds herself in front of the liquor store. She repeats what was said in the AA meeting: nos hundimos o nos levantamos (we sink or we get up. I'm thinking "we sink or we rise above" sounds a little better.) Viewerville does not get to find out this episode if she enters the store or not.
  • Vic catches Dr. Voice in the hall and thanks him. She is sure Fer will walk again and Dr. Voice thinks so too. He wants her to know there is nothing he wouldn't do for her. He says something romantic I'm sure but I didn't catch it. A nurse calls him away and Vic chastises herself for acting like a silly school girl with her heart beating out of her chest. No puede ser!
  • Max and Os yammer about the theater and the battle with Gui. 
  • Gui and the director yammer about ...is the director in on the destroy Os plan? Did I hear that right? Damn the crappy CC's!!!
  • Max and Os still yammer about the theaer. 
  • Fausto preaches and teaches in jail. Burnie visits him and asks what happened to his vow to be loyal to her. He doesn't want to hear it. She gets snide about him being in jail. He says "feh. My soul is free which is more than I can say for your soul."
  • Fer is glad Maria is there at the hospital. Cruz and Maria say they will take care of Fer. The Sandovals can go about their business. As Vic leaves she says Adios hijas and touches their clasped hands. Dramatic pause
A partir de hoy and flashback of early days of love.

  • Leo wants her family back.
  • Os falls (looks like a period TN)
  • Fer....walks????


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #156 6/28/11 The Bare Bones edition

El Refrito

  • Vic still wants to be there for her hija.
  • Her hija still wants to be alone to think, cry and tilt her head.
Tonight's offering
  • Os tells Heri that he won't stand between he and Vic...'cause Os really loves her and when you really love someone you sacrifice. (This plan has worked well, Os?)
  • They throw us PJP bone. He finds out about the boda and tells Jer he's going to see Maria...but he doesn't make it there in this episode. In fact, it's the last we see of PJP tonight.
  • Burnie wants a copy of DVD from Gui. Gui says she can have the edited version. He'll keep the unedited one for security.
  • Pip, Toni, Oscar, Fab, Luci, Millie and Vecindad gossip and conjecture. Everyone wants to know what will happen with Max and Maria. No, they aren't all together. We had two separated scenes taking place in the office and vecindad. I streamlined. You should too. FF>>
  • Pips eyeglasses consist of bug eyes and each ear thingy is a fish-net clad leg. It looks weird.
  • Fer packs. Cruz begs. She loves him, but they have to separate.
  • Gui monologues about money and theatre.
  • Burnie wants to visit Maria. We are treated to Burnie as religious tableau vivant.
  • Gui and Leo talk theater. He tempts her with booze.
  • Joel asks Millie to marry him. She says no, breaks up and says she loves another. Later Napo debates whether to make his move while the Jarochas convince Joel to come dancing with them at California Club. Again, I streamlined. FF>>
  • As Heri ruminates on Os's gallant gesture, Leo arrives. She is at least 1 3/4 sheets to the wind.
  • Fer and Max talk. She wants a baby. Max can't believe she's back home. blah blah. 
  • Leo drinks coffee with Heri. He yells and asks how she can stand herself this way: pathetic and all.
  • Fausto is visited by the Obispo. When he pays his debt he can be a priest. Have faith. blah blah FF>>
  • Burnie is watching the kidnap movie. She's got more ammo to sink Vic.
  • Pip and Toni talk about winning bienal and getting back on top FF>>
  • Max and Fab talk. Max wants to take Maria on a trip. They discuss the fact that Xi is still BSC and is still a threat. (Foreshadowing?)
  • Burnie has gone to visit Maria and feeds her a bunch of lies. She would have paid the ransom. I'm your family. Vic paints herself to be a victim. She probably told you she gave birth alone in some garden. Don't let her deceive you. She tells Maria "You are my blood, the daughter of my son Juan Pablo. You are an Iturbide!" She will take care of Maria and her bebe feliz if Maria will never see Vic again.
  • Maria doesn't know who to believe. She's gonna go see Max.
  • Gui has a press conference. He's asked about the ownership of the theater and the rumors that he backstabbed Osvaldo Sandoval to get it. He smooths things over.
  • At the same time Osvaldo is on the phone with Oscar talking legal stuff I didn't catch. Injunction maybe?
  • Vic fusses at Max about Operation Alonso. She tells Max to make Maria happy. Maria overhears and wants to know why Vic is asking Max to make her (Maria) happy. Shouldn't this be good news, Maria?
  • Max assures Vic that nothing will keep he and Maria apart again.
  • Cruz serenades Fer. They smooch...they make the luvin'. They've barely finished and Fer calls Dr. Voice and asks to be operated on....TOMORROW!
  • Opening night of Othello. I gather that due to some legal wrangling from Os the theater is now being closed. Gui assures the gathered crowd of patrons that they will get a refund on their tickets.
  • Max and Maria make the smoochies and the luvin'
No kayak. Flashbacks of all the engagements and smoochies.


Monday, June 27, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #155 6/27/11 Triumph of Sex, Lies and Videotape... Just Kidding about the Sex

Capítulo 155: In which Alonso learns the truth

Reprise: The Sandoval family gathers in María’s hospital room. She holds one baby in each arm, the infants so placid one wonders if someone might be dipping their binkies in great grandma’s sherry.

Part One: Alonso’s Story

Beware of Grinches Bearing Gifts
Alonso is in his studio admiring the generous bouquet of red roses he plans to bring to his ternura when an unexpected – and unwelcome – visitor appears. It’s Ximena, in full Grinch mode. She just stopped by to give him a little wedding gift, she tells him. And she smilingly places an envelope within the bouquet. Her parting shot:
Disfruta tu boda y vive y goza cada uno de tus días como si fuera el último. Bye!
(Enjoy your wedding and live and enjoy each day as if it were the last. Ciao!)

The envelope, please.
When she is gone, Alonso opens the envelope. As he reads its contents, his eyes widen. Then we watch as all his joy vanishes and is replaced by uncomprehending horror. Now he knows the truth: he is dying. In the light of this truth, he makes new sense of María’s apparent change of heart. Now he understands why she chose him over Max and why Max stepped aside unprotestingly. His response? Rage and anguish. He sweeps his photos off the table and repeatedly slams the bouquet of roses until the petals carpet the floor, all the while screaming with increasing violence: ¡No puede ser! (It can’t be!)

Alonso sinks to his knees and appeals to heaven:
¿Qué hice? ¿Qué te hice yo para castigarme de esta manera?
(What did I do? What did I do to you to make you punish me like this?)
It was all a lie! God, no!

He curls up on his side, claws at the floor and sobs as he holds a photo of María: ¡Todo fue una mentira! (It was all a lie!)


A wedding that feels like a funeral
The wedding guests gather outside the church. They chat in small groups.

Millie knows there’s something fishy going on (A mí me huele muy mal, it smells bad to me). Why is María marrying that photographer when she’s obviously in love with Max? Both Napo and Millie turn to Nati: You know something, don’t you? But Nati just chatters nervously and feigns ignorance.

The vecindad gang is there, laughing and flirting, oblivious to the dark undercurrent.

Fabián, accompanied by Luci, asks Cruz and Fer how married life is going. Mal. Muy mal, answers Fer (Badly. Very badly). And then she adds unpleasantly: I suppose that makes you happy.

Luci is stung by Fer’s unexpected nastiness and hastens to assure her that neither she nor Fabián would take pleasure in her unhappiness. Fer’s response: ¡Tú cállate hipócrita! (Shut up, hypocrite!) Cruz squirms.

Leonela straightens Max’s tie. He looks so handsome, she tells him. She can’t understand why he isn’t the groom. He brushes off the remark so irritably that she wonders why he even bothered coming to the wedding. Then Osvaldo walks up, puts an arm around Max’s shoulder and tells him he’s very proud of him. You don’t really know what a great person your son is, Os tells Leo.

Victoria holds Dr. Voice’s arm and laments that María has still not forgiven her. Heri advises Vic not to judge her – remember how much María has suffered . Yes, Vic readily acknowledges. And unfortunately she herself was her tormentor (verdugo, literally executioner).

Toni offers an interesting theory to explain why Victoria didn’t sense the llamado de la sangre when she met María: Bernarda jammed the bloodlines. (Se interpuso volviendo sordo tu corazón, she came between you and deafened your heart.)
[For a moment, I’m distracted by an image of a shrunk-down wet-suited Bernie speeding along the superior vena cava directly to Victoria’s heart where she places a small signal jammer. Raquel Welch in Fantastic Voyage, anyone?]

Vic still can’t understand why Bernarda, the most perverse human being she has ever known, isn’t in jail for Tomasa’s murder. It’s because they saddled all the blame on Fausto, says Oscar.

Fausto, in his jail cell, has heard that today María marries Alonso. He prays for their happiness.

Bernarda lets her hair down.
When Juan Pablo comes to call, his mother is still in her jammies, her hair loose down her back. (Maybe she’s so depressed over Victoria’s and María’s escape that she no longer has the energy to put her hair up in its scary Doña Demente rolls. Hold the phone... Is that a half-empty carton of Chunky Monkey she kicks under the bed when he comes in?) Each expresses surprise that the other isn’t going to María’s wedding but neither is willing to say more than “I have my reasons”. Juan Pablo is there to ask two things:

His first question: How does she feel?
Her ill-tempered reply: How do you think I feel after being in that terrible prison?
JP doesn’t blink. He reminds her she was there for good reason, but that’s not what he wants to talk about.

His second question – and he wants the truth: Did she have anything to do with kidnapping María Desamparada and Victoria?

This question unleashes a torrent of self-righteous rant – How dare he ask such a thing! She raised not a priest (sacerdote) but a crow (cuervo), a vulture to pluck her eyes out! [cuervo vulture, specifically ‘crow’ or ‘raven’ can also be a derogatory slang term for ‘priest’.]

JP is impervious to the rant and not susceptible to her emotional blackmail. Unfortunately, he knows the extent of her wickedness even if he is constrained by the seal of the confessional from speaking out. In the end, it's not he but God who will be her judge.

Bernie raises a hand to smack him but he grabs her wrist and tells her: You’re not going to lay a hand on me again. I won’t permit it. It’s a failure of respect for me as a man, as a son and as a priest. She jerks her fisted hand back and glares at her son.

Now we’re back at the church in time to see Alonso drive up in the wedding jeep. Max watches sadly as the smiling groom walks jauntily towards the church only stopping to greet Dr. Heri with a handshake and a hug. Alonso is ready to marry ‘til death do us part’, he tells the doc. And he thanks him for everything. Heri senses something isn’t quite right.

Meanwhile Fabián and Luci try to make sense of Fer’s earlier outburst. It reminds Fabián of the old, snobby, bratty, capricious Fer. She and Cruz must be having problems. [Obvio, Fab! Sheesh.]

Pip dances up to them (and brings his silly song with him). You’d think this was a wake, not a wedding, he says. Check out the long faces! Fabián says he feels for Vic – after everything she went through to find her daughter and now the girl rejects her.

Toni tells Vic to be strong.

Osvaldo and Heriberto agree they need to talk. It’s time for them to stop behaving like a pair of adolescents.

Cruz asks Max why he let María get away when it’s obvious they still love each other.

All eyes turn to the black car decorated with white flowers that pulls up in front of the church. Max steps forward, opens the door and extends his hand to help the bride out of the car. But Alonso moves in: Allow me, Max, he says. This is my moment. Max steps back. The small crowd applauds at the appearance of the bride. I’ll see you at the altar, says Alonso and he leaves María with Nati.

María explains to her friend that Juan Pablo won’t be officiating – he wouldn’t lend himself to this farce, he said – but Padre Jerónimo was more understanding. He’ll be performing the ceremony.

Now Osvaldo steps up, and, telling María how lovely she looks, offers to walk her down the aisle and give her away.

The two proceed slowly and gravely to the altar while we hear an instrumental (thank God!) rendition of Ave María.

Rox and Xi slip into the back of the church just as Jero begins to read the vows. First he addresses the bride:
María, ¿aceptas por esposo a Alonso, para serle fiel y estar a su lado en lo prospero y en lo adverso hasta que la muerte los separe?
(María, do you accept Alonso as your husband, to be faithful to him, to be at his side in prosperity and adversity until death separates you?)

There’s a long pause. For a moment, Max looks like he’s going to charge right up to the altar to reclaim his woman but Cruz puts a reassuring, “down boy” hand on his shoulder and he subsides. Finally we hear María’s response: Sí, acepto.

Alonso’s star rises... and sets.
Now it’s Alonso’s turn. The question is read. There is an even longer pause as he looks at María, then upward, then turns away. The Alonso song plays (♪Ya no puedo quedarme un minuto más sin ti...♪). And then at last we hear his answer: No. No acepto.

Gasp! Jaws drop open all around the little chapel, except at the very back where Rox and Xi giggle. Jero, incredulous, thinks maybe Alonso didn’t hear the question. But Alonso assures him he heard just fine: You asked me if I wanted to marry María Desamparada and I answered ‘no’.

Then Jero gets angry. How dare Alonso answer so cynically! Why did he agree to this mockery (farsa) in the first place?

Because of ignorance, Alonso answers, and he holds up an envelope. I didn’t pay attention to some lab tests. And then a friend (and here Rox and Xi can barely control their delight – oh, this is going so much better than they expected!) did me the favor of cluing me in to what was going on.

He goes on:
Thank you, friends, for being here and for sharing an unforgettable day with me. I’m sorry I didn’t say anything before but then Max and María’s sacrifice wouldn’t have the value it does right now. This envelope contains a terrible (horroroso) truth.

For a long time, I was estranged from God. I rebelled against everything. But now I feel at peace. I’ve accepted Him. And I’ve moved beyond all feelings of evil, anger and rage – anything that blackens and taints the soul.

(These words of light and faith send Xi and Rox scurrying out of the church like roaches. They grouse about the stupid turn of events.)

Al continues:
I know now that a person’s destiny is guided by designs that many times are beyond our comprehension.

If I’m not marrying my ternura, it’s not because I don’t love her –

Here he turns to María and brushes a tear off her cheek: I adore you, he says. And I know you love me – although not the way I would have liked.

Still addressing María directly he breaks off for a goofy aside, a mishmash of literary allusions:
You weren't alone in your odyssey. You had your faithful companion, your Sancho Panza – and that’s Max: the person I thought was my enemy, my nemesis. I never gave him a chance to show me the goodness of his heart. I’ll always be grateful to him.

[What does this crap even mean? But by now even the normally curmudgeonly Mr Maven is ferklempt and willing to cut the guy some slack: “I know it’s shlock... and yet ... sob...” And that, Ladies and Carlos, is when you know you’re being manipulated by the best – You know it’s shlock ... and yet... sob]

Turning back to the congregation:

-- The real reason I don’t want to marry María Desamparada is because I don’t want to do this couple harm. Theirs is love’s real triumph.

He holds up the envelope:
It says in here that I’m dying. I understand that you two just wanted to give me a few more minutes of happiness. And you accomplished that, ternura, and I’ll be forever grateful to you both. He ends:
Con eso me quedo... y discúlpame, con eso me voy.
(With that I’ll abide and... excuse me, with that I’ll leave you.)

Alonso walks slowly back up the aisle, pausing to exchange a tearful, filial hug with Dr. Heri -- Dr. Heri the father Alonso never had, Alonso the son Dr. Heri lost. Flanked by shadowy images of his best times with María, he walks toward the light and fades into whiteness.

Part Two: A few pesky details still outstanding

Grrrr....Why did I let you talk me into leaving María?
After that tearful epiphany in the church, it’s a little anticlimactic to get back in the car with Osvaldo, Vic and Fer.

[Pues, ni modo. Pull yourselves together, would you? There are still lots of cranky, cruel, crazy and confused people running around in this novela and they are counting on us to sort them out.]

Vic grouses that Os convinced her to leave when she should have stayed back with María. Fer notices that Os didn’t seem all that surprised by what happened. He admits that Max told him about the plan from the beginning – although he never thought it was a good idea.

Victoria asks the driver to take them back to María’s place. Her daughter needs her. Fer chimes in that she wants to be with her sister too.

Meanwhile, Max brings María back to the vecindad. He gets the curious neighbors to back off. He’ll be there for her whenever she is ready, he assures her. He understands she needs to be alone right now. Nati will help her change out of the gown.

Sadistic Girls Just Want to Have Fun
Rox and Xi are in their car too. Xi suddenly cracks up – What a hoot that was! Mama’s reality check: with Alonso out of the picture, there’s nothing to keep Max from marrying that girl. Xi’s not worried. She’ll think of something.

Rox thinks they should head to Bernarda’s and give her an update. She’d be glad to hear the latest. And it's worth the effort to keep her happy; after all, they are still living with her. Xi grimaces at the thought.

All Sales are Final
As it turns out, Bernie isn’t home right now. She’s closeted with Gui in his retreat and the two are watching a movie together. It’s a private screening of the doctored DVD he sent to the police, the one incriminating the three thugs for hire – and only them.

She appreciates his gift for placing blame but isn’t distracted from her own agenda. Before he can ask if she wants her popcorn buttered or plain she tells him she wants her money back since his kidnapping plan tanked. No can do, says Gui. It’s all invested in the opening of Othello. Not my problem, says the Bernster (who, by the way, is back in fighting trim, hair rolls, pearl earrings and all). Pay up!

In that case, says Gui, I guess I’ll just have to be honest with the authorities and give them the other DVD, the one that shows who was behind the whole thing.

And here he plays the version starring La Dementa.

You’re trying to blackmail me? she asks.

Take it however you like, he replies. It’s not in your best interest (no le conviene) to pressure me.

The Bernster looks at him appraisingly, perhaps mentally measuring up his coffin size: You’re cleverer than I thought.

Gui looks satisfied with himself.

No hubo boda (There was no wedding).
When Jerónimo gets back to the parish church, Juan Pablo asks him how the wedding went. There was no wedding, he says. Alonso refused to marry María Desamparada.

The eternal ebb and flow of Sandovals and their groupies
And back at the vecindad, Max leaves and Victoria arrives. Fer hangs back a little to give her mother and sister some time alone.

María hears a knock at the door and tells Nati that she doesn’t want to see anyone. Not even your mother? asks Vic, poking her head inside. María turns away.

Back outside, Osvaldo takes the opportunity to ask Fer what the heck is going on with her and Cruz. She wheels away, telling him she doesn’t want to talk about it. And she’d prefer to be alone.

Now Dr. Voice comes along. Os wants to know what he’s doing there.

♪A partir de hoy...♪
Victoria tries to console María. She knows it’s not the first bad patch in her life and she’s sorry she couldn’t be with her for those hard times in the past.

Now she sits down across the table from María and takes her hands. She says:
Pero a partir de hoy quiero ser parte de tu vida. Puedo brindarte todo el amor y todo el apoyo que en tantos años no te di.
(But from this day on I want to be part of your life. I can offer you all the love and support that I didn’t give you during all those years.)

I want to be alone. I think...
María insists she wants to be... needs to be ... alone. So much has happened in such a short time. She needs time to think.

Victoria respects her decision. She’s her mother and she’ll be there waiting for her. Always.

Victoria quietly heads for the door, dabbing away a tear. María looks up and for a moment it seems as if she is going to call her back. But she says nothing, just lets her leave.

Credits roll over scenes from the past and we realize how much we have aged since this all began.


Saturday, June 25, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #154 6/24/11 Free At Last! Free At Last! Thank Gawd Almighty! They’re Free At Last!

As Viewerville steels itself for another night of angst at the Scandal-val mansion now beset by exorbitant ransom demands to allow for Maria Desamparada and Victoria’s return, Dr. Heriberto has offered Osvaldo his life savings to use.  Ozzie accepts the money as a loan so now everybody in the room can stop examining the dirt on their shoes and counting the cracks in the floor. 

Guillermo, who apparently is having delusions of grandeur involving Machiavelli, calls Jimena and orders her to put on a disguise and pick up the ransom as the only way to regain his trust.  He even sweetens the deal by offering to share some of the cash he got from Bernarda. 

The crooks argue over whether they’ll get paid or get skunked and stuck in jail for life.

The Sandoval posse worries over Maria’s fate. The kidnappers call with instructions.  They don’t want to see Oz anywhere in the park and there better not be any police!   Max grabs the phone from Oz and tells them that they have the ransom money but that first Victoria has to be let go or there is no deal.  (Now that’s a first!  Maybe he’ll start a trend.) He hangs up and they call back.  Head Kidnapper agrees to let Vicki loose the next morning and to come for the money.  If they have the money then they get Maria back.  Max finally has a brainstorm of an idea: why not call the police?  They agree to call the cops and take a chance that the cop put in charge of their case will be honest.

The next day, Gui calls the police station anonymously and tells them that a woman looking like the girl who was kidnapped will be at the park to pick up the ransom. 

The kidnappers throw Vicki into the back of the car, but the girlfriend of one stops to take Vicki’s earrings and necklace for herself.  This gives Vic a chance to peek underneath her blindfold and get a glimpse of the landmarks. Along the way she hears them argue about missing an intersection and then how they left Maria doped up on sleeping pills. 
Heri, Oz, Alonso and Max wait anxiously in the SUV at the park and grouse amongst themselves about whether the plan will work and what to do if the kidnappers don’t show.  Suddenly Oz’s phone rings.  (Good, cuz I was about to doze off.)  They’ve called Oz and Max again to tell them they’re on their way.  Oz wants proof Vicki’s with them.  They stick the phone in front of her mouth.   She bray’s into the receiver that they’re freeing her.   Nicolas(?), the head crook, tells Oz to pick Vicki up past the crossroads near the warehouse.

The crooks dump Vicki in the middle of nowhere, still tied up and blindfolded.  Somehow she manages to wriggle free.  Remembering the clues, she kicks of her heels and walks barefooted all the way back to the abandoned warehouse. 

Cruz comes by the next morning and surprises Fernanda who’s been daydreaming about him. He serenades her.  FF>>  

The kidnappers arrive at the designated drop site in the park before Ji does. She watches Operation Starsky and Hutch go down just as the police are nabbing the Keystone Crooks.  (Honest to gosh, where did Burnie find these bozo’s, in Siniestra’s little black book?) Gui sees the news report about the kidnapping and rescue and figures that Ji should be cooling her heels in a cement 8x4 about now while the other dudes are long gone. 

Bernarda listens to the news also that morning.  Ooops!  The news says they’ve captured all the Sandoval kidnappers!  Darn it all!   Another screw up!

Back at papa and mama’s manse, Fer asks Cruz to forgive her for the way she treated him while she was under the influence of her little green-eyed monster.  Smoochies.

Oz’s SUV pulls up to the place the kidnappers dropped off Vicki.  They find her shoes and the rope and follow her bloody tracks.

Ji heads back to grinning Gui’s place to tell him where to get off, and, what he can do with himself once he does.  She walks in and slaps the crap out of him.  She then commences to b!tch him out for lying to her and trying to get her thrown in jail.  Not to be undone by the weaker sex, Gui, guilty as charged, slaps her upside the head and tells her he’s still the one giving orders here.  She warns him that when she’s out to get even, she can be just as dangerous to her enemies as he is, if not more so.  It’s now kill or be killed and she’s declaring war!  He smirks.  Ji walks out of the house, fuming.  

Bernarda now calls Gui.  He ignores the call.  He’s not answering till he knows he’s got some ace up his sleeve to use against her, he says.

Burnie gets pissed because Gui isn’t picking up and decides to teach the impudent jackass a lesson in obedience of avenging angels.
Vicki walks all the way back to the warehouse.  She miraculously recognizes it as the area she managed to get a peek of through her blindfold.   Conveniently, there’s a crowbar lying around outside and she breaks a window with it.  Eventually she makes her way back to the pillar where they were tied up.  Vic’s feet are blistered and bloody –especially after crawling through the broken window and landing on shards of glass. (Nice pedi, Vic!)  However, she’s in self-sacrifice mode and the only thing on her mind is finding “m’hijaaaaaaa!” and saving her.  She spies Maria still tied to the pillar and note she’s drugged, an unconscious lump. Vic is afraid the kidnappers will come back at any moment.  

Vicki hears a car pull up and immediately panics, thinking it must be the kidnappers coming for Maria.  However, it’s just Oz and his posse.  (The virgencita wasn’t out to lunch after all!!)  Dr. Heri confirms the worst, though, and wants Maria taken to the hospital to get her stomach pumped ASAP.

A bit later, Gui is back at the kidnap site to pick up his camera.  Once he’s back home again he decides to head for the studio to do some editing.  

Meanwhile, Ji is driving back from Gui’s.  Mama Rox calls Ji to check up on her, thinking she might have been arrested along with the others.  Ji says she’s fine but she has a few things to do before coming home.  Ji hangs up and starts thinking about Maria and why she’d suddenly be marrying Lonnie.  She remembers watching him come out of a clinic with an envelope that must have had some test results in it. 

Back again at Casa Scandal-val, all is forgiven and forgotten, says Cruz.  More hugs and smooches.  Just then Diana shows up screaming orders at him, like some drill sergeant, to get his sorry backside moving cuz they’re late for rehearsals.  Cruz heads out reluctantly.  Diana snatches his hat off Fer’s head, puts it on her own, then proceeds to smirk at Fer’s wheelchair before strutting out of the living room.  (Viewerville considers that b!tch-broads like her should survive being run over by a freight train and end up actually legless, like the character in Kings Row, if not just stuck in a hospital bed with only her eyes to blink yes and no to show “she’s still in there”.)  Fer frowns and unhappily tells herself that she’s losing the babe-battle over Cruz. 

At the police station, Oz and Heri find out that the police can’t really hold the kidnappers because they haven’t got definitive proof.  Those three could have seen the bag and grabbed it out of pure curiosity.  However, just in the nick of time, an anonymous DVD arrives.  One of the detectives brings it to the head detective for a look-see.

Ji pulls up outside the clinic she remembers seeing Lon come out of.  She walks in and pretends to be his fiancee coming in to get some information he’d misplaced or some such.  The receptionist tells her to make sure he sees the doctor immediately.  Ji  walks out with a copy of the results and discovers that Lon’s terminally ill [deshuciado/a]!

At the hospital, Maria wakes up to find Vic sitting in the chair next to her with her feet all bandaged.  It’s obvious that Vicki came back to get her.  After a few questions, she learns that Vic’s feet were hurt during the attempt to rescue her.  This seems to soften her up a little.

Back at the police station, meanwhile, Oz and the gang review a portion of the DVD with the head detective.  It shows their three kidnappers in the abandoned warehouse, walking and talking around Vicki and Maria who are tied up.  Cheers and back slapping!!  They have their proof now!! 

Outside again, Lon says he’s got to leave for something at his studio, and then he plans to buy the biggest bouquet of flowers for his “prometida” [fiancee].  Max bites his tongue and hides his frown.  The others leave for the hospital to see how Maria and Vic are managing.  Dr. Heri feels the urge as a doctor, he confesses, to tell Lon about his condition but Max reminds him of the deal they made.  He talks him out of it.

In Maria’s hospital room, now, Max and Maria snuggle and smooch.  They lament the fact that the next time he sees her she’ll be marrying Luckless Lon, but they agree that the (ugh!) sacrifice (swallow) is worth it to make the poor schmuck happy, if only for a few days.  Just then there’s a knock at the door.  Oz rolls Vic in with the two babies and hands them over to Maria.  We end on a picture of a smiling nuclear family just like Maria always dreamed of.  Free At Last!  Free At Last!  Thank Gawd Almighty! They’re Free At Last!


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #153 6/23/11 There must have been collective writer's block

Wow. A triumph of filler....and what a llorathon. AY!

Here goes!

Baddie Burnie and crew have arrived to take Maria somewhere. Vic and the echo machine want to know where they are taking her hija. She cries. She begs them to let her hija go. She will do anything they ask. Hiiiiiiiiiijjaaaaaaa! Mariiiiiaaaa, I just lost a girl named Marriiiiiaaaaa! The sound of gunshot! Noooooo! Burnie looks on and smirks. (Maria is ok. The bad guy makes a show of pointing to a bullet hole in a box.) Vic continues to cry buckets. Burnie b!tch slaps her (was that a cheer from Viewerville? Heaven knows *I* wanted to slap her.) Vic's cries drown out the lines of the kidnapper.

Let's throw mama under the bus
Gui has Xi and her mother at gunpoint. He asks why Xi is robbing him. Xi blames mom and the meds. She didn't know what she was doing. She reminds Gui that they are both on the same (anti-Sandoval) side. Gui doesn't trust them. It would be easier to just get rid of them. Xi and mom beg. Gui will give them another chance, but they better be careful not to double-cross him.

Leo and Os
Os can't believe Leo took such liberties. He reminds her that he doesn't love her, that he loves Victoria (He's is so hopeful...that's why I like him.) She apologizes. Os says he just wants to try and help, but she can't keep being a flake. She asks him not to distance himself from her. She begs. He gives her another chance, but reminds her to cool it. If his family had seen it would have been a huge mess. er..too late

Fer rolls into the kitchen and thinks about the Os vs Voice face-off. Then she thinks about the Os vs Leo lip-lock. She cries. Her parents don't love each other. Her family is being destroyed.

Back to the Kidnapping
Vic has calmed down but only minimally. The kidnappers have her calling the Sandoval Manse. O-o-o-s-vall-d-d-d-o-o hiccup sob... She sobs about her niña. They toook heeerrr. Who? Asks Os...who did they take? Where did they take her? Vic says she doesn't know and sobs some more (Burnie, hon, could you slap her again?) Vic continues to sob. She heard shots. She doesn't know if her niña is dead or alive. The head baddie gets on the phone and tells Os to hurry it up with the lana (money.) Probably because he's tired of listening to Vic, too.

Commercial break: So what does everyone think of La Fuerza del Destino????

Voice, Max and Lon have found what the presume to be Maria's clothes. They walk in circles. Voice rallies the torpid troops. They have to find out if the blood is human (aaaand we add CSI Officer to the doctor's resume.) Max should head home where the kidnappers will be calling they head back for Casa Sandoval.

Everyone searches for Vic and Maria Desamparada. Dramatic music and facial expressions. FF>>

The head kidnapper, Nicolás by name, is being berated by the Maria stand in. She isn't happy. Things are turning out more complicated than they should be. She knows the Sandovals will do anything (mover el cielo y mar y tierra? move heaven, sea and the earth) to get the ladies back. More browbeating from her. Shut ups! from him.

Os paces. Leo tells him everything will be fine. Fer looks on and stares daggers. Leo tries to comfort Fer...who reacts icily. Millie and the searchers begin to arrive. More dramatic music, facial expressions and flailing (Pip mainly.)  Really, it starts to look like bad comedy....like a squillion clowns popping out of a tiny car. Do you think the writers couldn't think of any dialogue?

Whew! Finally some talking. Max arrives and asks if there's any news. Os tells everyone they have to be strong. Please note: there are no representatives from law enforcement. Those Sandoval's are fiercely independent I guess. "We don't need no stinking police." He tells the group about Vic's phone call. Max asks about Maria. Os explains how Maria was taken away and how later Vic heard shots. It's not supposed to be funny, but everyone's reaction makes me laugh. NO! NO PUEDE SER! Max squints and puckers. Holy crap that's funny! We get a close up of each character to savor: Pip, Alonso, Toni, Nati, Voice, Fer y su papá. Cruz asks about the stain on the clothes and wants to know if it's blood. There is a mini bull-snort from William! He must be crying.

Millie spies the clothing and proclaims she has seen Maria wearing those clothes before. William Mush mouths and Fer frets. Alonso wants to know exactly what was said. More re-hash from Os. Vic doesn't know if Maria is alive or dead. More crowd reaction. Os mentions the kidnappers want money. Pip is all "give it to them" and Oscar is all voice of reason and is all "the business has no liquid assets." Somehow Pip is to blame. I'm sure he spend too much on fabric or something. (I didn't listen closely.) Pip pitches a fit. Toni soothes him. Everyone offers to pitch in the pesos they've saved and Os mentions selling some of Vic's jewelry. Millie is going to rally the vecindad. She takes her leave.

*annoyed sigh* Cruz offers to take Fer home and she says no, thank you I will stay here at MY house (emphasis added.) Os tells her her house is with her husband. Fer whines that there is no love in her house or in the Sandoval house. whine whine. She made all that progress and now she's just back to spoiled brat. Cruz won't stand in her way.

Heri is going to head to the lab and find out if the stain is blood or not. Leonela is leaving, too. She tells Max she's sorry....there's really nothing for her to do there. Max objects and Fer says to let her leave. Leo and Heri go.

Max wants to know what's up with Fer's attitude. She says she saw Leo kissing Dad.

Vic and the llorathon FF>>

Heri wants the lab results, pronto.

Os and crew pull the jewelry from the safe. They are all quite pleased and feel that they will be able to sell them and get the money they need. Surely we all see what's coming next?

Toni arrives to tell Os that the jewelry is all fake. Vic sold the real stuff and got copies to try and save the business.

The kidnappers move the still sobbing Vic.

Back at the Sandoval's everyone discusses the rise of violence in Mexico. These people have no values or morals. Max says "Poor Mexico" (and this recapper agrees. I've attended three workshops this Summer about the subject. It's very sad.) Voice arrives with test results: IT'S PAINT! HOORAY!

Maria is tied back up to the pillar. She wants to know where mom is. Woman kidnapper says her lines and leaves. Maria screams and cries. "Don't leave me here!"

Cruz has a sad. He sings an entire song and flashbacks. Writer's don't have to come up with dialogue. FF>>

Vic is tied to a chair. The crying continues FF>>

Maria flashbacks the almost the entire dialogue between she and Vic since they were tied up together. She tilts her head. Then she remembers all the nasty stuff Vic has said to her. Maria will never forgive her.

Millie is asking the vecindad for donations for the rescate (ransom.) The Jarochas don't mind helping Maria, but they don't give a rip about Vic. FF>>

Gui still wants to know why Xi and her mom would rob him. Mom kind of wonders why Burnie gave him all that money. He did her a favor. Xi comments it must be something pretty nasty (?). Gui lets them go. He reminds Xi that she owes him big now. He let her live.

At the vecindad we get a granny donating dentures and Napo saying they need "en efectivo. CASH MONEY."

Burnie is in bed. Jail is hell, but God will reward her for her having gone through this Calvario (Calvary.) Eva brown noses. Burnie wants to get some sleep. As Eva leaves she tells her that she doesn't want to be bothered at all. No visitors EXCEPT Gui. She's sure he'll have good news for her. She plans a good rest. She expects thing aren't so calm at Casa Sandoval.

At Casa Sandoval, Heri offers Os money for the rescue.

Alonso is back on the chopping block: we get the montage of doom.


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #152 6/21/11 Dona Victoria and her Three Studs or The Good, The Bad , The Ugly and the Morally Ambiguous

[HIghlights recapped by Dani and NovelaMaven--posted by jardinera654]

The scene with Os, The Voice and PJP was a masterpiece of understated acting. As PJP watched stunned the other two spent time showing their tail feathers like peacocks while Os accused The Voice of being Vic's lover and the Doc ripped into him for destroying Vic with his infidelity. PJP"s double take was priceless and he then had to chide the pair of them to tone it down and act like adults. Meanwhile Leo lolled around in a semi doped up stupor.

Vic finally seemed to be getting her story through to Maria but did snipe at her for not loving Max by getting together with limp Lon. Maria did finally confess that it will be a pity marriage since he is dying., Vic looked suitably shocked (and I suspect sympathetic).

The whole gang gathered in the barrio to fret and do nothing over the double kidnapping although someone did mention bringing in the cops.

Later the same group of do nothings gathered in Sandovalville and apparently had come up with a plan and several sets of people set out on their assigned tasks. Os was left to field phone calls while Leo took him down a short trip to their shared happiness. She was not pleased when Os told her he loved Vic tons more than he had ever loved her. She then planted one on him just in time, wait for it, for pouty Fer to arrive and see Daddy kissing (he wasn't participating) another woman. Guess she is going to have to reject him now which leaves her - alone.


Evil Woman was sprung from the pen and returned to her business and ripped into Xi. Gui arrived mid rant and the two gloated over his having completed his assignment. Burnie gave him a suitcase full of money which Xi's mother caught while peeking through the window. The two twits then went to Gui's house that night to steal the money but got caught by our gun toting actor.

Max, The Voice and Lon were directed to a dump where in the dark of night they somehow found a couple of items of Maria's clothing which Burnie had sprayed with blood. Suitable hysteria ensued.


Burnie crossed the line from murder to sadism when she and her henchmen arrived at Ratsville and took Maria away while the men made sure Vic knew it. Later two shots rang out and Vic had a predictable screaming, sobbing response.


Fausto will be serving a long sentence for Tomasa’s murder. Eva tells him it serves him right for punking out on avenging his mother’s death.


Bernarda gets her kicks:

Bernie’s back in full Doña regalia. On her way out of jail, she kicks a prisoner who says she saved her life; and then she kicks Eva, who was expecting to be thanked for orchestrating her release.

At Casa Bernarda, she lets Xi know she’s on to her attempted double-cross and kicks her out of the throne room.


Napo tells Juanjo he wants to marry Millie.

Won’t Get a Life Alonso is offered a great career opportunity in Buenos Aires. When he runs to tell his ternura about it, he finds out about the kidnapping and grumpily muscles his way in.


Leonela tells Os he was the love of her life. He says he did love her once but he loves Victoria infinitely more.


Monday, June 20, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #151 6/20/11 Sweet has Turned Sour; Team Evil Gains Power; Max’s Darkest Hour. Rats!

Come. Come inside the tent, my friends, and partake of the bizarre, the brilliant, the bathetic that is MejíaWorld. ¡Ultimas semanas! You’ll miss it when it’s gone!

Reprise: While Victoria is waiting in the sacristy for Juan Pablo, she gets the fateful call: María has been kidnapped! She must do exactly as she is told or she’ll never see her daughter again.

The Padres – Juan Pablo and Jerónimo – are strolling through the park, Jero doing his best to encourage and console JP. His life trials have made him a more effective and sensitive pastor, he tells him. Small comfort, says JP, if he can’t save his own mother’s soul. He fears she will never repent and the fires of hell await her. Jero is sure that God has heard JP’s prayers and will enlighten him ; he’ll find a way...

They laughed when she sat down to pray...
The other prisoners mock Bernarda when she walks by, collar and nose turned up. One woman takes her aside and warns her to watch out; the prisoner Siniestra is planning to get even (desquitar) with Bernie for making a fool of her. But Bernie’s not afraid of anyone.

The trick is on Vic...
Victoria hurries to keep her rendezvous with the kidnappers, never thinking to ask for help or call the police, natch. She sees a black pick-up truck and then... oh no! It’s María Desamparada and they are forcing her inside. Vic rushes to her defense. She pushes María’s captor aside and leans in to pull her daughter out. The thug then gives Vic a deft push and in she tumbles, like the witch falling into the oven in Hansel and Gretel. And now we see that the girl is a decoy. The María Desamparada impostor steps out and the truck drives away with Vic inside, the second victim.

I don’t do windows
Bernarda is disdainful when ordered to mop the floors. She’s a lady, not a vulgar criminal like the others. Translation: she’s prepared to pay for what she wants. The gnarled little guard pricks up an ear: Why didn’t you say so before? What would you like? Bernie’s reply:
Quiero que esa haga mi trabajo
(I want that woman to do my work.)
And she indicates her latest enemy, Siniestra. The guard, now happy to oblige, orders Sinestra to do la Señora’s cleaning chores (fajina) – unless she wants to miss out on conjugal visiting day.

Max has two mommies...
Sitting at his desk at the Nueva Casa Victoria, Max broods over catching Dr. Voice and Vic smooching. He’s on his way out of the office to look for his father when Osvaldo himself walks in looking for Max. Os needs to talk to him about his mother. Victoria... begins Max. No, Os corrects him. He means Max’s biological mother, Leonela. She got drunk and made a spectacle of herself at Televisa and she’s probably lost her job.

That dress is radioactive – Danger of fallout!
Leonela, still wearing the purple dress bomb, weaves through a liquor store and thought-bubbles to herself that she’s a coward and doesn’t deserve anyone’s love. She picks up a bottle.

Fer rolls into Millie’s place looking for María. Millie sees she’s upset and invites her to stay with her until Cruz gets back. She can help look after little Juan Pablo. Millie’s a little concerned that María isn’t back yet but Fer tells her not to worry – she probably had to stay late at the Casa de Modas.

Something has to be done about Leonela, agree Max and Os. Os has done all he can. What now? Max knows exactly what to do, he says, but right now he just needs to find her. He is almost out the door when Osvaldo stops him to ask if Vic is in her office. Max’s answering expression gives him away and Osvaldo knows something is wrong. Max needs little encouragement to spill the frijoles: He saw Vic and Dr. Ríos smooching.

Towering tacones and all...
Leo makes her way carefully down a steep stairway and staggers over to a park bench. I’m the great Leonela Montenegro! A great actress! she announces to no one in particular. Then she kicks off her shoes and steps up on the bench. Holding the liquor bottle high in one hand she declaims: No one understands me but I am the great Leonela Montenegro!

Two scuzzballs have been watching and now they applaud her. Bravo! We understand you! One of them puts an arm around her. Let go, howls Leo. And she slams him hard, knocking him to the ground. The other scuzz grabs her and she screams for help. Two cops come running. The scuzzballs say she’s a crazy drunk who tried to assault (agredir) them. The cops – ignoring the fact that it was a woman’s screams for help that brought them there in the first place -- get ready to haul Leo into the police station for public use of alcohol.

He saw him hit on Vic at CRIT...
Os isn’t too surprised by Max’s revelation. Vic and Dr. Voice looked pretty cozy at CRIT. Well. If Victoria has found someone to love, he’ll have to accept it. They’re divorced, after all.

Max can’t understand his father’s attitude. Doesn’t he love Victoria anymore? Of course he does, says Os. That’s why he’d sacrifice his own happiness if she found hers with the Voice. But right now they need to focus on finding Leo.

A good walk spoiled.
Jero and Juan Pablo are interrupted in their moral ruminations by the spectacle of Drunk as a Skunk Leonela struggling with the cops. Padre Jero reminds the officers that public drinking isn’t a crime (un delito); it’s just a misdemeanor (falta administrativa). And JP tells them he knows the lady and he’ll take care of the problem. But she has to come in and pay a fine, insist the cops. Jero tries again, this time using the big guns: Allow us to help the lady, he says. And pointing skyward he adds: Heaven will reward you. Here one cop takes off his cap and his partner says: Well only because you are padrecitos.

PJP takes the bottle, Jero takes the purse and along with Leonela, they set off for the parish.

Nati and Juanjo. Oh no.
Yup. They’re back. And Nati is pregnant! Fer touches her own flat belly and tries to look happy about the news while the others – Napo, Chente, Alma and Millie jump up to congratulate the feh-cund couple.

Luci walks down the street, looking a little wistful, cardboard box under her arm. When Fabián calls out her name and runs to catch up to her, she gives him back his keys and thanks him for helping her when she needed it. He tries to convince her to come back to the apartment to talk things over. He’s so... confused. But Luci has had it with words. Love lives in the heart, she tells him, not the mind. You feel it or you don’t. Forgive me, says Fabián. On one condition, answers Luci: That you forget that this foolish woman was ever hopelessly in love with you.

More tsuris for Max...
Juan Pablo has called Max to tell him about Leonela and now the three are back at her suite at Casa Vieja. Leonela has a blanket draped over the purple dress. (It covers her shoulders and frames her impressive cleavage.) She makes for the door and when her protectors hold her back she tells them she feels ashamed and she doesn’t want anyone to see her like this. She just wants to disappear.

Then suddenly she starts to shake uncontrollably and pulls the blanket tightly around her. JP and Max are alarmed. Max steps out to call Dr. Voice. But before he can do so, he gets a call on his cell. An anonymous voice – we can see one of the kidnappers talking on a public phone while Gui stands silently by, arms folded – tells Max: We have your mother and your woman. If you want to see them again, you’ll have to come up with $10 million pesos – and soon!

Fer nurses her hurt feelings...
She tells Millie and Nati she’s not going to have the second operation – the one she hoped would permit her to get pregnant. Even little Juan Pablo looks open-mouthed impactado at this announcement. Then Millie guesses that she and Cruz are quarreling. Fer explains why she’s unhappy with him:
Lo vi besándose con su productora musical.
(I saw him kissing his music producer.)
Millie is indignant. Cruz is gonna get it!

Cruz’s comeuppance will have to wait because right now he is making a training film on sexual harassment in the workplace:
(You have a better explanation for this scene?) Cruz, the picture of domestic innocence, a market bag in each hand, is on his way back home when he hears someone calling his name. It’s his producer, Diana, and she runs up to him. She comes on strong and ignores him when he tells her very clearly that he’s not interested; he’s a married man. Tú me gustas (you turn me on), she tells him. And I always get what I want!

She touches his chest and bends down -- for a moment I wonder if I am watching a different kind of channel – but then she’s back up and biting into an apple that she took from his shopping bag and saying:
Los hombres prohibidos son los más sabrosos.
(Forbidden men are the most delicious.)
Cruz sighs disgustedly and continues on his way home, oblivious to the troubles awaiting him there.

Fer continues to pour her heart out to Nati and Millie. She felt so bad when she saw Cruz and Diana. Then she realized she was standing in the way of his success. That’s why she doesn’t want the operation. But there’s another reason, too. She hates – hates! – Dr. Ríos!

Back at the Casa Vieja, sweet William is like... acting
Max comes back inside and, his face now a mask of anguish, tells Juan Pablo:
María y mi madre están secuestradas.
(María and my mother were kidnapped.)

Leonela is confused. I’m your mother, she protests. I’m your mother and I’m right here. She grabs at Max’s arm and sobs.

JP says they have to verify the story.

Max calls Os and tells him to come at once – it’s an emergency. Then he calls Dr. Voice and asks him to come to Leo’s suite right away – she’s in very bad shape.

And she is. But when she starts crying for a drink, something in Max snaps. No more alcohol, he screams. All you do is drink and drink! You’re destroying yourself! She looks bewildered and just cowers and sobs. Max sits down next to her and puts an arm around her. But he can’t control his desperation. ¿Por qué? ¿Por qué? his voice increasingly ragged. Why?

Televisa rat wranglers gear up for their big scenes
The thugs drag a blindfolded and gagged Vic through the warehouse where María is being held. They tie her to a square pillar. María is bound to the other side. Their hands are tied so they can reach one another. Their hands touch and come together. The thug takes off Vic’s blindfold and gag and leaves mother and daughter alone together.

Victoria hasn’t seen her but she knows it’s María on the other side of the pillar. She knows she is touching her daughter’s hands. Then something scurries close to them. María recoils in horror and tells Vic there are rats in the place and she’s so afraid of them. Vic reassures her. Now that her mother is there, nothing bad will happen. She’ll take care of her. María is silent but thinks: I’m with my mother and nothing is going to happen to me.

This you call merciful?
Max asks again, his voice cracking: Why? Why is God doing this? He paces frantically and dismisses Juan Pablo’s assurances that God is merciful. Now Dr. Voice rushes in, black bag in hand and takes in the scene. He tells Max to calm down and starts to examine Leo. Max tells him how Leo went on a drunk and then got really sick. (Se puso muy mal.)

And then Max drops the bomb: María and Victoria have been kidnapped.

Dr. Voice looks up, shocked, and asks if they called the police. I'm going to, says Max. But right now Leonela needs attention. And he’s going to the vecindad to make sure the story is true.

Bernie gets spooned. And not in a good way.
The prisoners mock Siniestra. Bernie stands idly by, hands steepled. The furious Siniestra confronts her. Bernie tells her smugly that money can buy anything (con dinero, baila el perro) so she can just carry on with her cleaning and leave her in peace. I’ll leave you in peace, says Siniestra, but first I have a little gift for you. She pulls out a prison-made knife – a sharpened spoon. Te voy a matar, infeliz! (I’m going to kill you, sucker!) Bernie struggles but Siniestra manages to drive the weapon home. Bernarda’s face contorts with pain and she sinks to the floor. She holds a bloody hand over a wound in her chest.

This is why no one calls the police...
CSI – DF has completed its investigation. They checked Bernie’s fireplace for fingerprints and the only ones found were Fausto Candela’s. This means he -- and not Bernarda de Iturbide – murdered Tomasa Hernández. Morons.

Back in Rat City...
María rejects all of Victoria’s overtures although most of the time, she lets her hold on to her hand. Vic explains how she tried to come to María’s rescue, got tricked and ended up captive. She wants to tell María their whole story – maybe that will affect how she feels. María is uninterested. In fact, she’d prefer if Vic didn’t talk at all. If she can’t talk, then she’ll sing, says Vic. María’s reaction: Sing? That’s absurd! Sing what?

We hear the tinkling notes of “Rockabye Baby”. And Vic replies:
La canción de cuna con la que yo te dormía. Quizá la recuerdes, quizá no, pero en este momento me va a dar mucho paz.
(It’s a lullaby -- I used to sing you to sleep with it. Maybe you remember it, maybe not, but right now it will give me a great deal of peace.)

She begins a heart-breaking recitativo --
Cuántas estrellitas en el cielo están
(How many little stars there are in heaven)
Son cual perlas finas que te da mi amor
(They are the fine pearls my love gives to you)
Mira como brillan
(Look how they shine)
Cuan hermosas son
(How beautiful they are)
Son cual perlas finas que te da mi amor.
(They are the fine pearls my love gives to you.)

María joins very softly, almost inaudibly and a tear rolls down her cheek. The camera pulls back and we see the two women back to back separated by the pillar, their hands tied to the same cord; a fat rat sits in the foreground. Then María’s face tightens and she forms a fist with the hand Vic was holding and tries to pull it away.

Back to the two-legged rats in prison...
Bernie sits on the floor and swears that Siniestra will pay for what she did – she’ll burn in hell! The other prisoners mob Siniestra – the hated cellblock bully -- and attack her. The now bloodied spoon drops to the floor. And when the mob backs away, we see Siniestra is dead. Gnarly guard comes running...

A red electronic eye blinks in the rat-infested warehouse.
María denies remembering the song. [Here Mr. Maven elbows me: What the...? She totally remembers the song!]

Cut the sentimental blather (cursilería), lady, and try to figure out who could have kidnapped us, she says. Vic doesn’t know but she blesses whoever it was for giving her a chance to be with María. Even if she can’t see her, at least she can touch her hand.
[Seriously, ladies. You don’t know who’s to blame? You don’t see the cloven hoof prints all over this? Okay, I get it. You’re both right-brain, creative types. Or morons.]

Not here Not there Not Anywhere
You can’t forgive me... even in circumstances like these? asks Vic. And María replies stonily (although her words have an oddly Seussical lilt):
Ni aquí ni en algún lado.
(Not here nor anywhere.)
And she pulls her hand away.

This time Bernie really didn’t do it...
but the circumstances point to her guilt. The gnarled little guard orders the others to take her to the infirmary and then the Hell Cell. It’s not my fault, protests Bernie, who seems to have escaped almost unscathed by her spooning.

Close-up of a disgusting bug -- in case you were tired of rats...
Don’t call me ‘daughter’ says María. And Vic answers: Deny it all you want, but you carry my blood – and so does your son. And so will all your descendants.

Over María’s protests, Vic tells her about the night she was born; how she gave birth outside, behind a tree in a garden; she reminds her of the indescribable pain of childbirth – she’s a mother now and can understand; she describes how she cut the umbilical cord by biting it (whoa! Very. Disturbing. Detail.) and then put the newborn María on her chest and caressed her little head; she was so fragile; they were so vulnerable (desprotegida).

--Here again we see the red blinking electronic eye.

Victoria continues: She raised her eyes to heaven to thank the Virgin for protecting them; that’s why she named her María – in gratitude to the Virgin.

María interrupts her again: I don’t want you to talk any more. Would you please just shut up? (Cállese por favor)

[Now that is harsh. Maybe we should call you María Desalmada.]

But Victoria goes on with the story: They spent the whole night there -- she lay on the grass, her baby at her breast. Her little girl. Her little María, whose eyes were bigger and more luminous than all the stars. She became a mother with only nature to protect her – a miracle! María was a miracle. A miracle that later she was blind to.

Again María tells her to stop talking about her memories. At this point I’m ready to smack María upside the head but Vic takes her daughter’s downright churlishness with good grace. She intends to keep telling her how much she loves her, how grateful she feels being close to her daughter even under these conditions.

Bernarda is about to be left stewing in the Hell Cell when another guard comes running up with a judge’s order: Bernarda de Iturbide va a quedar en libertad. (Bernarda is going to be released.) Cue the Gregorian chant. Bernarda looks upward, does a quick brow sweep. Her face is bathed in light.

Cruz is back.
Milagros – still holding baby Juan Pablo -- and Nati get up to leave so the couple can have some privacy but Fer stops them. What she has to say isn’t a secret:
Cruz, quiero que nos separemos.
(Cruz, I want us to separate.)
Millie and Nati shake their heads.

Vic remembers
You were such a well-behaved little girl, so calm. You loved your doll and you played with her for hours. And María remembers: Fer gave that doll back to me... my little sister Fer.

Cruz’s heart is broken
He is stung by Fer’s words. And after everything he has done for her -- she never appreciated his love! He has been holding her hands tightly but he drops them abruptly and runs out. Now Millie turns to Fer and tells her: Cruz is right. He does really love you and you don’t appreciate his love. You’re not being fair to him!

We don’t get to hear Fer’s answer because just then there is a knock at the door. Millie is happy to see it’s Max. She hands over little Juan Pablo and tells him his sister needs her ears pulled back. Then she notices the look on his face...

The ear-pulling will have to wait.
Max gives them the terrible news: Victoria and María have been kidnapped!

Kayakless credits roll. Lástima.


Saturday, June 18, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #150 6/17/11 If It Weren’t For The Guilt Trips, I’d Never Get To Travel At All!

Tonight handsome Dr. Heriberto makes his play for Victoria and Max feels honor-bound to make the case for his papa. First, here’s the review in two: Victoria is in the visiting room at the prison and suffering through further insults and threats from “Burn-Baby-Burn!” Bernarda, who, it seems, gets Vic’s goat as well as the last gloat. Across town at the bishop’s office, meanwhile, Padre Juan Pablo and his superior discuss the great irony in the way his mama successfully raised him to be a perfect curate and conduit for others’ salvation while breaking every commandment herself along the way; and Maria Desamparada and her kidnappers are racing through the barrio to their fat-rat-infested hideaway in the basement of some abandoned building.

On the Televisa set, the director bawls out Lush-ous Leonela for coming on the set drunk as a skunk for rehearsals. She swears someone substituted vodka in her bottled water, but nobody sympathizes, let alone, believes her. The director fires her while Guillermo takes a call on his cell from the kidnappers informing him that Maria is ready and waiting for him.

Osvaldo takes pity on Leo and asks the director to give her another chance. He says he’ll fill her full of coffee in the cafeteria. The director says Oz can’t because he’s got to tape a scene, so Guillermo offers to do it instead. The director gives in and allows it.

Maria asks if it was Jimena who ordered her kidnapping and who told them not to harm her. The kidnapper tells her it could have been, but he can’t say. He’s only following orders. She asks if they’ll be asking for a ransom. Again he doesn’t know, but he doesn’t think so. They put the blindfold over her eyes again and leave. She worries about JPito.

Fernanda rolls in the front door to her casatita as Cruz is setting out dinner. She’s still angry at him over seeing his producer, Diann, and him in kissus-delicti, but he still doesn’t know she saw them. Fer gives him the cold shoulder, refuses supper, and tells him she’s not having the operation after all. ¿Qué?

PJP tells the archbishop that he’s failed every attempt to save his mother’s soul from perdition. The archbishop says the Church will never pardon her and that will be her worst punishment, because now it will be left up to Dios alone to decide--admittedly, quite a few levels above their pay grade. JP tearfully accepts his earthly defeat and worries over Mama’s immortal soul in the afterlife. (Don’t worry about that old gal, JP. She’ll probably be sitting next to Lucifer, sipping an iced sherry, and ordering him around just daring him to cross her! I’d be more upset knowing that I was her demon spawn.) He bows his head in piously tearful despair.

Max is at the lake and some hunky coach (I’m not familiar with him or the tennis player they were chatting up) is asked to kayak that morning for a women’s cancer benefit. Viewerville gets to salivate over WL’s perfect pecs for a couple of minutes. FF>>


Meanwhile, Ste. Burnarda continues to pray alone in her cell. The prison matron comes to get her for her yard time and to assign her some prison job. Burnie refuses to leave her cell till the matron warns her it’ll be a living Hell if she doesn’t obey. The matron sticks a couple of billy clubs together over her head and uses the shadow it makes—that of a cross--as a threat. (Viewerville figures if they’re threatening to crucify her forget it. She’d hop on and pound the nails in herself!) Anyway, the not so subtle message is understood and she goes out with the guards.

Dr. Heriberto drives Victoria back from the prison. He finds out who it was she visited there. Vic explains how Bernarda de Iturbide is the one person responsible for all the rotten luck in her life and then explains the family connection to PJP and thus to Maria.

A bit later, PJP drops by to visit with Fausto. The padre asks Fausto where they have Tomasa’s body buried so he can go there and pray for her soul to be at rest. Fausto explains how they burned her body in the chimney that morning they first met. PJP remembers it clearly and throws up a little in his mouth.

Over at Casa Bernarda’s, Jimeana is having a great time throwing her weight around and abusing everyone she supervises. She gripes one too many times, though, at Eva. This time it’s about a dress design. When Eva pushes back and disagrees, Ji gets nasty and throws the whole pile of pictures at her. “--Do what I say or be fired!” She can either like it or she can lump it! She doesn’t like it then feel free to walk! Eva resigns and tells Ji that she’s going to make it a point of telling Dona Burnie what’s going on there and says she doubts she’ll be very happy about it! Jimeana threatens Eva, saying that if she dares say a word to Burnie she’ll find out darned quick what Ji is capable of! Eva says she could give a flying flip. Ji would be better off worrying about Dona B.’s reaction once she gets back!

At Burnie’s manse, the CSI-D.F. has now found definite proof that a body was burned in her chimney. They also have fingerprints on something that will prove who actually killed their victim.

In the Televisa cafeteria, Leo is sober again and she tells Gui that she’s certain he was the one who switched the vodka for her bottled water! She wants to know why he would stoop to such a thing! He decries his innocence, but she calls him on it. She tells him she thinks he did it because he couldn’t handle her leaving him for a second time, and he wanted her dependent on him again. She gets panicked now, thinking she’s going to suffer another professional and personal failure like she did twenty years ago--all because of her addiction to alcohol! She tells him she needs him to support her efforts rather than trying to destroy [hundir=lit. sink, destroy, take down] her! He admits he did it because of what she did to him leaving him years ago. He tells her that his life after that was full of bitter disappointments. He wants her back with him or, if not, he'll make sure her life becomes a Hell on Earth!

While Eva cleans out her desk, she gives Burnie’s so-called defense lawyer what for and how to! She warns him that if he doesn’t actually do something to free Burnarda, then some other lawyer will. He tells her to watch her mouth, but she’s like a small dog nipping at his ankles. He insists Ji promised to pay him. Phhhhht! says Eva and gives him the low-down. Ji would have to get approval from the accountant to give him any money; she’s poor as a church mouse and hasn’t got a dime to her name! In fact, she lives in a room at Burnarda’s like a poor relation. So, if he’s paying close attention now, there’s still time to mend his ways. But, it better be fast!

Heri drops Vic off now outside Casa Victoria. Apparently she’s had time to tell him the preamble to her life post-pregnancy. “--It’s been years of disappointments, failures and all punishment from God for getting involved with a man who was off limits.” He tells her she did nothing wrong because, as she says, it was all done so innocently. Heri admits too, that he admires her even more for the great things she’s accomplished in spite of all these obstacles. She’s overcome so much to triumph as she has! Vic whines again that all of it was useless in the scheme of things, since none of it made her happy. In fact, she’s been unhappy for so long and these days she feels she’s surrounded by an ever-deepening darkness.

Heri does an on-the-spot-diagnosis of depression. Yep, she’s been clinically depressed all these years and never knew it! He prescribes (wait for it...wait for it...) getting therapy!! (Now why didn’t Viewerville think of that?) She can, of course, come to his place…er…to him anytime things get to be too much for her, uh, now that she knows where he lives. She thanks him. Suddenly his eyes are like two powerful magnets and she’s mesmer-eyezed. Heri goes in for The Kiss--and…Houston, we have...contact!

Max sees Vic and Heri kissing fron the other side of the parking lot and frowns.

Vic pulls back from Dr. Voice and mildly objects. (What a middle-aged tease!) Heri apologizes immediately and profusely. (Vic’s in Seventh heaven now that someone else is again groveling at her feet. It’s that decades-old power-trip/control-freak thing. I’m surprised Heri didn’t diagnose that neurosis along with the depression.) It’s just that he and she clicked, he explains, and they’re so much alike [identificarse= to feel similar, alike, relate to]. Both of them have suffered painful experiences that have marked their lives, he quickly explains. However, he says, she has nothing to be ashamed of (as in you’re a divorcee and I’m a widower). She should just let herself go [dejarse llevar] and--it was marvellous! She says she can’t  discuss it right now and doesn’t want to! She rushes off. Heri is mortified and wants to just kick himself. He tells himself that he can’t deny any longer that he’s fallen in love with Victoria! ¡Ay! Victoria!!

Up in the design studio, Pepino and Antioneta are excited about some new creations. Toni sweet-talks hubby Oscar into laying out some hard to get company cash for them. He agrees to it in hopes of trouncing Casa Bernarda at the gala.

Vicki starts back through the gate and runs into Max who’s seen all and calls a time out. Once the two of them are in the privacy of her office, he wants to know where his father fits into all of this, and whether she’s in love with Heriberto. Vic says hey, it was just a kiss and, yes, he’s brought a lot of light back into her life recently. As for his father, the two of them are divorced, remember? Yeah, he says, but the poor shmuck has spent the past gawd knows how long now begging her to forgive him. After all these years of marriage is she saying she doesn’t love his father? Vic isn’t sure, she says. The one thing she does know is that she did love Osvaldo intensely, but now whenever they get together she can’t get the picture of him pawing another—a younger--woman out of her mind. Max reminds her that she’s the one to blame for that because when his dad needed her most she was A.W.O.L.!!

Back in the bowels of the barrio, Cruz and Fernanda are still in the middle of a tiff. He wants to know why she’s being so stand-offish [arisco/a=gruff, unsociable] with him. (Hmmm. It’s like this, Big Guy. If you want to have a conversation, take off that idiotic, beat-up straw hat and those shirt and jeans that are probably rank enough to stand on their own, and then bury ‘em! Next take a shower and get a shave. Then, if you can approach her downwind without her knowing it from twenty feet away, she might consider it! –Oh, that’s just me. Sorry.) Fer admits feeling that Mama used being with her during her therapy sessions just to make time with her doctor. So she’s refusing to have anything more to do with Dr. Heri and, if Mama continues going out with him, she won’t see her again either. Cruz (like the rest of us in Viewerville) considers that a bit short-sighted as well as (pardon the pun) LAME! He says her mama has a right to start over with her personal life. Just then there’s a knock at their door. It’s Dr. Heri wanting to talk some sense into his lame-brain patient.

Back in Vicki’s office, Max reminds her how his daddy stuck with her for veinte anos through thick and thin (not to mention her bout with breast cancer and her resultant disfigurement). Vic says she’s grateful, but gratefulness does not a marriage make. Besides, she wasn’t the one who went on the prowl. He did! Max can’t argue with that. All he can say is that nobody’s perfect. There are oodles of divorced couples, he reasons, who reconcile and get remarried after a while. Why won’t she consider that? Max then adds that he doesn’t believe he can ever accept her with a man other than his father, period.

Back at the vecindad and once they’re alone, Dr. Heri admits to Fer that he’s fallen in love with her mother.

Upstairs, in Milagros’ apartment, Millie notes it’s gotten pretty late. She’s still looking after JPito and starts to get worried because Maria hasn’t come back yet or called.

At the kidnapper’s hide-out, Maria’s still blindfolded and tied up. Guillermo arrives. (OMG! Retch alert!!) He walks over and (skin-crawl alert!) paws lasciviously at Maria all the while keeping quiet so she’s unable to identify him by the sound of his voice. (I need a shower!) The head kidnapper tells her right before the men leave that soon she’ll have some enjoyable company.

Back at Fer’s place, she and Heri are still having it out. How does he dare come there to talk to her about her mama? He loses his temper and angrily says it’s because he’s the kind of guy who takes responsibility, not that he has anything to be ashamed of! (Whatever he’s got, this guy needs to bottle it and sell it!) Fer backs off and tearfully admits that she’d hoped her parents would reconcile. Too bad, says hubba-hubba-Heri, cuz her mama doesn’t seem to want that. How childish of Fer, he adds, to insist on punishing Vic by refusing to have her operation! And, who does Fer really think she’s punishing in the end? Certainly not her mother! Why does Fer really want to condemn herself to a lifetime in a wheelchair and her mother to a lifetime without luuhhhv? What kind of cowardly, miserable behavior is this? (Atta-boy, Heri!)

Vicki is eager to tell Toni about her new admirer and the yummy kiss he gave her. Toni asks if she’s in love with Heri. Vicki won’t deny there’s definitely a spark there. Well, then what about Ozzie? Vic won’t ever forgive him. She can’t. Toni asks if that doesn’t seem a bit selfish on her part. Vic admits it is and says it’s really no different from the way Maria is acting in refusing to forgive her. Both Max and Fer are opposed to the new relationship, but she’s drawn to him, she says; they’re connected in some way because they’ve both suffered throughout their lifetime. (Sorry, but that seems the sickest reason to be emotionally attracted to somebody!) Vic admits she feels conflicted. She thinks she wants to talk to Padre JP about it. (Oh that makes a lot of sense now that the guy’s up to his neck in emotional alligators since finding out he’s got a homicidal maniac for a mother!)

We beam back to Fer and Heri. So does Dr. Heri think he can make Mama happy? He’s certainly gonna try! Vic has a right to happiness like anybody else! How can Fer ask Maria Desamparada to forgive and forget, he asks her, when she herself can’t and chooses to condemn her mother to a different kind of pain? Fer says she is certain her parents still can reconcile if given the chance. Dr. Heri says fine. If he sees that’s the case then he will back off. However, if it isn’t, then let her mother decide for herself, ok?

Meanwhile, back in the abandoned building, Maria is still blindfolded, still wondering who ordered the kidnapping, and still guessing about who it is they’re going to put there with her. She prays to the virgencita to protect her and JPito.

A bit later, while waiting for PJP to return to the sacristy, Vic takes a call on her cell. The menacing voice at the other end of the line tells her they have kidnapped “la pequena Maria”! If she ever wants to see her again she must do what they order her to do and keep quiet about it! Vic gasps. However, we are spared another “M’ijaaaaaaaa!!” from Meh-jiaaaaa since Uni mercifully ends the episodio at that point.   Cue the credits!


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