Saturday, June 18, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #150 6/17/11 If It Weren’t For The Guilt Trips, I’d Never Get To Travel At All!

Tonight handsome Dr. Heriberto makes his play for Victoria and Max feels honor-bound to make the case for his papa. First, here’s the review in two: Victoria is in the visiting room at the prison and suffering through further insults and threats from “Burn-Baby-Burn!” Bernarda, who, it seems, gets Vic’s goat as well as the last gloat. Across town at the bishop’s office, meanwhile, Padre Juan Pablo and his superior discuss the great irony in the way his mama successfully raised him to be a perfect curate and conduit for others’ salvation while breaking every commandment herself along the way; and Maria Desamparada and her kidnappers are racing through the barrio to their fat-rat-infested hideaway in the basement of some abandoned building.

On the Televisa set, the director bawls out Lush-ous Leonela for coming on the set drunk as a skunk for rehearsals. She swears someone substituted vodka in her bottled water, but nobody sympathizes, let alone, believes her. The director fires her while Guillermo takes a call on his cell from the kidnappers informing him that Maria is ready and waiting for him.

Osvaldo takes pity on Leo and asks the director to give her another chance. He says he’ll fill her full of coffee in the cafeteria. The director says Oz can’t because he’s got to tape a scene, so Guillermo offers to do it instead. The director gives in and allows it.

Maria asks if it was Jimena who ordered her kidnapping and who told them not to harm her. The kidnapper tells her it could have been, but he can’t say. He’s only following orders. She asks if they’ll be asking for a ransom. Again he doesn’t know, but he doesn’t think so. They put the blindfold over her eyes again and leave. She worries about JPito.

Fernanda rolls in the front door to her casatita as Cruz is setting out dinner. She’s still angry at him over seeing his producer, Diann, and him in kissus-delicti, but he still doesn’t know she saw them. Fer gives him the cold shoulder, refuses supper, and tells him she’s not having the operation after all. ¿Qué?

PJP tells the archbishop that he’s failed every attempt to save his mother’s soul from perdition. The archbishop says the Church will never pardon her and that will be her worst punishment, because now it will be left up to Dios alone to decide--admittedly, quite a few levels above their pay grade. JP tearfully accepts his earthly defeat and worries over Mama’s immortal soul in the afterlife. (Don’t worry about that old gal, JP. She’ll probably be sitting next to Lucifer, sipping an iced sherry, and ordering him around just daring him to cross her! I’d be more upset knowing that I was her demon spawn.) He bows his head in piously tearful despair.

Max is at the lake and some hunky coach (I’m not familiar with him or the tennis player they were chatting up) is asked to kayak that morning for a women’s cancer benefit. Viewerville gets to salivate over WL’s perfect pecs for a couple of minutes. FF>>


Meanwhile, Ste. Burnarda continues to pray alone in her cell. The prison matron comes to get her for her yard time and to assign her some prison job. Burnie refuses to leave her cell till the matron warns her it’ll be a living Hell if she doesn’t obey. The matron sticks a couple of billy clubs together over her head and uses the shadow it makes—that of a cross--as a threat. (Viewerville figures if they’re threatening to crucify her forget it. She’d hop on and pound the nails in herself!) Anyway, the not so subtle message is understood and she goes out with the guards.

Dr. Heriberto drives Victoria back from the prison. He finds out who it was she visited there. Vic explains how Bernarda de Iturbide is the one person responsible for all the rotten luck in her life and then explains the family connection to PJP and thus to Maria.

A bit later, PJP drops by to visit with Fausto. The padre asks Fausto where they have Tomasa’s body buried so he can go there and pray for her soul to be at rest. Fausto explains how they burned her body in the chimney that morning they first met. PJP remembers it clearly and throws up a little in his mouth.

Over at Casa Bernarda’s, Jimeana is having a great time throwing her weight around and abusing everyone she supervises. She gripes one too many times, though, at Eva. This time it’s about a dress design. When Eva pushes back and disagrees, Ji gets nasty and throws the whole pile of pictures at her. “--Do what I say or be fired!” She can either like it or she can lump it! She doesn’t like it then feel free to walk! Eva resigns and tells Ji that she’s going to make it a point of telling Dona Burnie what’s going on there and says she doubts she’ll be very happy about it! Jimeana threatens Eva, saying that if she dares say a word to Burnie she’ll find out darned quick what Ji is capable of! Eva says she could give a flying flip. Ji would be better off worrying about Dona B.’s reaction once she gets back!

At Burnie’s manse, the CSI-D.F. has now found definite proof that a body was burned in her chimney. They also have fingerprints on something that will prove who actually killed their victim.

In the Televisa cafeteria, Leo is sober again and she tells Gui that she’s certain he was the one who switched the vodka for her bottled water! She wants to know why he would stoop to such a thing! He decries his innocence, but she calls him on it. She tells him she thinks he did it because he couldn’t handle her leaving him for a second time, and he wanted her dependent on him again. She gets panicked now, thinking she’s going to suffer another professional and personal failure like she did twenty years ago--all because of her addiction to alcohol! She tells him she needs him to support her efforts rather than trying to destroy [hundir=lit. sink, destroy, take down] her! He admits he did it because of what she did to him leaving him years ago. He tells her that his life after that was full of bitter disappointments. He wants her back with him or, if not, he'll make sure her life becomes a Hell on Earth!

While Eva cleans out her desk, she gives Burnie’s so-called defense lawyer what for and how to! She warns him that if he doesn’t actually do something to free Burnarda, then some other lawyer will. He tells her to watch her mouth, but she’s like a small dog nipping at his ankles. He insists Ji promised to pay him. Phhhhht! says Eva and gives him the low-down. Ji would have to get approval from the accountant to give him any money; she’s poor as a church mouse and hasn’t got a dime to her name! In fact, she lives in a room at Burnarda’s like a poor relation. So, if he’s paying close attention now, there’s still time to mend his ways. But, it better be fast!

Heri drops Vic off now outside Casa Victoria. Apparently she’s had time to tell him the preamble to her life post-pregnancy. “--It’s been years of disappointments, failures and all punishment from God for getting involved with a man who was off limits.” He tells her she did nothing wrong because, as she says, it was all done so innocently. Heri admits too, that he admires her even more for the great things she’s accomplished in spite of all these obstacles. She’s overcome so much to triumph as she has! Vic whines again that all of it was useless in the scheme of things, since none of it made her happy. In fact, she’s been unhappy for so long and these days she feels she’s surrounded by an ever-deepening darkness.

Heri does an on-the-spot-diagnosis of depression. Yep, she’s been clinically depressed all these years and never knew it! He prescribes (wait for it...wait for it...) getting therapy!! (Now why didn’t Viewerville think of that?) She can, of course, come to his place…er…to him anytime things get to be too much for her, uh, now that she knows where he lives. She thanks him. Suddenly his eyes are like two powerful magnets and she’s mesmer-eyezed. Heri goes in for The Kiss--and…Houston, we!

Max sees Vic and Heri kissing fron the other side of the parking lot and frowns.

Vic pulls back from Dr. Voice and mildly objects. (What a middle-aged tease!) Heri apologizes immediately and profusely. (Vic’s in Seventh heaven now that someone else is again groveling at her feet. It’s that decades-old power-trip/control-freak thing. I’m surprised Heri didn’t diagnose that neurosis along with the depression.) It’s just that he and she clicked, he explains, and they’re so much alike [identificarse= to feel similar, alike, relate to]. Both of them have suffered painful experiences that have marked their lives, he quickly explains. However, he says, she has nothing to be ashamed of (as in you’re a divorcee and I’m a widower). She should just let herself go [dejarse llevar] and--it was marvellous! She says she can’t  discuss it right now and doesn’t want to! She rushes off. Heri is mortified and wants to just kick himself. He tells himself that he can’t deny any longer that he’s fallen in love with Victoria! ¡Ay! Victoria!!

Up in the design studio, Pepino and Antioneta are excited about some new creations. Toni sweet-talks hubby Oscar into laying out some hard to get company cash for them. He agrees to it in hopes of trouncing Casa Bernarda at the gala.

Vicki starts back through the gate and runs into Max who’s seen all and calls a time out. Once the two of them are in the privacy of her office, he wants to know where his father fits into all of this, and whether she’s in love with Heriberto. Vic says hey, it was just a kiss and, yes, he’s brought a lot of light back into her life recently. As for his father, the two of them are divorced, remember? Yeah, he says, but the poor shmuck has spent the past gawd knows how long now begging her to forgive him. After all these years of marriage is she saying she doesn’t love his father? Vic isn’t sure, she says. The one thing she does know is that she did love Osvaldo intensely, but now whenever they get together she can’t get the picture of him pawing another—a younger--woman out of her mind. Max reminds her that she’s the one to blame for that because when his dad needed her most she was A.W.O.L.!!

Back in the bowels of the barrio, Cruz and Fernanda are still in the middle of a tiff. He wants to know why she’s being so stand-offish [arisco/a=gruff, unsociable] with him. (Hmmm. It’s like this, Big Guy. If you want to have a conversation, take off that idiotic, beat-up straw hat and those shirt and jeans that are probably rank enough to stand on their own, and then bury ‘em! Next take a shower and get a shave. Then, if you can approach her downwind without her knowing it from twenty feet away, she might consider it! –Oh, that’s just me. Sorry.) Fer admits feeling that Mama used being with her during her therapy sessions just to make time with her doctor. So she’s refusing to have anything more to do with Dr. Heri and, if Mama continues going out with him, she won’t see her again either. Cruz (like the rest of us in Viewerville) considers that a bit short-sighted as well as (pardon the pun) LAME! He says her mama has a right to start over with her personal life. Just then there’s a knock at their door. It’s Dr. Heri wanting to talk some sense into his lame-brain patient.

Back in Vicki’s office, Max reminds her how his daddy stuck with her for veinte anos through thick and thin (not to mention her bout with breast cancer and her resultant disfigurement). Vic says she’s grateful, but gratefulness does not a marriage make. Besides, she wasn’t the one who went on the prowl. He did! Max can’t argue with that. All he can say is that nobody’s perfect. There are oodles of divorced couples, he reasons, who reconcile and get remarried after a while. Why won’t she consider that? Max then adds that he doesn’t believe he can ever accept her with a man other than his father, period.

Back at the vecindad and once they’re alone, Dr. Heri admits to Fer that he’s fallen in love with her mother.

Upstairs, in Milagros’ apartment, Millie notes it’s gotten pretty late. She’s still looking after JPito and starts to get worried because Maria hasn’t come back yet or called.

At the kidnapper’s hide-out, Maria’s still blindfolded and tied up. Guillermo arrives. (OMG! Retch alert!!) He walks over and (skin-crawl alert!) paws lasciviously at Maria all the while keeping quiet so she’s unable to identify him by the sound of his voice. (I need a shower!) The head kidnapper tells her right before the men leave that soon she’ll have some enjoyable company.

Back at Fer’s place, she and Heri are still having it out. How does he dare come there to talk to her about her mama? He loses his temper and angrily says it’s because he’s the kind of guy who takes responsibility, not that he has anything to be ashamed of! (Whatever he’s got, this guy needs to bottle it and sell it!) Fer backs off and tearfully admits that she’d hoped her parents would reconcile. Too bad, says hubba-hubba-Heri, cuz her mama doesn’t seem to want that. How childish of Fer, he adds, to insist on punishing Vic by refusing to have her operation! And, who does Fer really think she’s punishing in the end? Certainly not her mother! Why does Fer really want to condemn herself to a lifetime in a wheelchair and her mother to a lifetime without luuhhhv? What kind of cowardly, miserable behavior is this? (Atta-boy, Heri!)

Vicki is eager to tell Toni about her new admirer and the yummy kiss he gave her. Toni asks if she’s in love with Heri. Vicki won’t deny there’s definitely a spark there. Well, then what about Ozzie? Vic won’t ever forgive him. She can’t. Toni asks if that doesn’t seem a bit selfish on her part. Vic admits it is and says it’s really no different from the way Maria is acting in refusing to forgive her. Both Max and Fer are opposed to the new relationship, but she’s drawn to him, she says; they’re connected in some way because they’ve both suffered throughout their lifetime. (Sorry, but that seems the sickest reason to be emotionally attracted to somebody!) Vic admits she feels conflicted. She thinks she wants to talk to Padre JP about it. (Oh that makes a lot of sense now that the guy’s up to his neck in emotional alligators since finding out he’s got a homicidal maniac for a mother!)

We beam back to Fer and Heri. So does Dr. Heri think he can make Mama happy? He’s certainly gonna try! Vic has a right to happiness like anybody else! How can Fer ask Maria Desamparada to forgive and forget, he asks her, when she herself can’t and chooses to condemn her mother to a different kind of pain? Fer says she is certain her parents still can reconcile if given the chance. Dr. Heri says fine. If he sees that’s the case then he will back off. However, if it isn’t, then let her mother decide for herself, ok?

Meanwhile, back in the abandoned building, Maria is still blindfolded, still wondering who ordered the kidnapping, and still guessing about who it is they’re going to put there with her. She prays to the virgencita to protect her and JPito.

A bit later, while waiting for PJP to return to the sacristy, Vic takes a call on her cell. The menacing voice at the other end of the line tells her they have kidnapped “la pequena Maria”! If she ever wants to see her again she must do what they order her to do and keep quiet about it! Vic gasps. However, we are spared another “M’ijaaaaaaaa!!” from Meh-jiaaaaa since Uni mercifully ends the episodio at that point.   Cue the credits!


Hilarious recap of a so so epi. Spot on with Cruz the Rube and that ghastly hat. How on earth Di or anyone else can automatically assume he will become the next hot thing based on that grubby look is beyond me.

Major points to The Voice for ripping into Fer and pointing out what a selfish brat she is being. Then again she IS a Sandoval and probably feels that lashing out at people and laying eternal guilt trips on them is perfectly normal behavior.

It occurred to me during the first tie up in the basement scene that those actors must be better than I thought since no one even flinched when a rat ran around and later was up on a box close to them. I would have been seen running for my life. Obviously Maria's new companion will be Mama Vic which will give them an enforced chance to bond - the one thing Burnie isn't counting on.

So now Max gets on his high horse and pleads for cheater daddy Oz complete with the mandatory Sandoval Guilt Trip du jour. Now her last remaining child is lining up to reject the only mother he has ever known.

I really am having trouble trying to figure out how anyone can find Max admirable enough to be the galan. He apparently never works, pimps out "the love of his life," into a pity marriage with a dying man, doesn't seem to consider that she is probably going to pushed into sleeping with her new husband and now is issuing ultimatums to his mother.

So the good doc makes his choice and his move. Wonder how Leo will feel about that, losing out to Vic yet again.

Tks Jardinera, great title.

I'm liking Eva more & more.

Thought we were at the end when we saw Max in the kayak.

Victoria can't forgive Bernarda, can't blame her for that.
Victoria can't forgive Osvaldo.
María can't forgive Victoria, we can probably add Max to list since he was caught being kissed by Jimena.
AND NOW we have another unforgiving AH, Fernanda, Just when we thought she was the best of the bunch, can't forgive Victoria. And it will take awhile for her to forgive Cruz for being kissed by the producer.
And Bernarda can't forgive anyone, she just kills them.

TG, Las ultimas semanas

Jardinera, I am just cruising through, I don't watch TdA but your title is PRICELESS, amiga. I am laughing so hard it's not easy to write this Thank You. You're the best!

Dr. Voice is everywhere you want to be!

Televisa must keep those rats on retainer. Last time they worked was when Val got kidnapped on STuD.

So why is Xi/Ji's name "Ximena" in the credits, "Ximena" in 99% of the closed captions but "Jimena" on the glass name thing?

Oh Jardinera! You had me with the title. Thank you for a great recap full of classic Jardinera snark. ;o)

That was a nice gratuitous sweet William in the kayak interlude.

I wanted to give Dr. Voice a standing ovation for his discussion with Fer.

I can't see the forest, for the trees. Why would Eva want the lawyer to get Burnie out of jail? So she can take care of her, permanently, herself?

Another thing that caught my eye last night (forgot to mention it in my post above) was Ximena removing Burn-arda's cross from the desk. One could read more than one meaning into that action.

I can't remember why Fausto is in jail.

Guillermo will burn right next to Bernarda for this. Props to Maite Perroni for these scenes; I would have been freaking out.

Kudos to Dr Voice about giving Fer a reality check.

Now that CSI-DF has found evidence of a corpse in the fireplace someone needs to figure out how to get Burn-arda to confess -- actually brag -- during interrogation. I'd love to be the prosecutor who goads her into this in the trial.

But we won't get that far and yes, Eva wants the pleasure of personally finishing her off.

The rats could actually be somebody's pets and/or trained for this work.

What is it lately with guys not taking their hats off indoors? Just when I thought Juan del Monte was the only one with this quirk...

Fausto is an accessory after the fact to Tomasa's murder; he stuffed Tomasa in the chimney and burnt her up.

Padre JP came over later and remarked that he smelled burning flesh and either Fausto or Burnie told him maybe an animal got up in the chimney and died.

That's why El Equipo was poking around the chimney.

Jail is actually the safest place for Fausto right now.

Doris - I thought the same thing. Why would she want Bernardo out of prison? That caught me by surprise?

Thanks for the recap! I don't know what I'd do without you—I'd have to watch all of this through! My hat is off to all the TdA recappers. Thank you for your great sacrifice in recapping this show! LOL! Though it does have its moments, of course.

Loved Doctor Voice's speech. Finally someone with some sense.

I agree, Fausto is safest in jail. I hope he makes it out of this TN alive.

Bernie just cracks me up, she is something else! LOL.

Thanks, Jardinera. Great recap and wonderful title. We couldn't get through this without a kidnapping, could we? Hilarious that we had a kayak scene with Max to balance Leo's gratuitous undressing/dressing scene the other day. At this point, we could almost give each character a number and let them draw for their final life partner. Hard to care much at this point.
La Paloma

Hola all........I find Max's suits too tight....really does anyone else think he might be a tad uncomfortable in the tight jackets and pants........way too small....i find nothing sexy about that.......I am still watching....hopefully it will get better now that its ultimas semanas.....i don't like Dr. Voice he too reminds me of Alonso......they come into the novela and go for the girl right away.....i know its a novela and all will end well.....thanks Jardinera love your recaps as always.....BNinCA

BNinCA - I agree with you about Max's suits not fitting properly. Sheesh! He is from a fashion design family. They're not poor and shopping at GoodWill. He could/SHOULD have custom made suits for his shape. It drives me crazy to see those sleeves too snug around the biceps. Get that guy a suit that fits, porfis.

Jardinera great title and recap thank you.

Finally Ultimas Semanas onward to Capitulos Semanas.

I think they make Max wear tight suits to accentuate his body but i do feel for a guy who works in a fashion house that the look is so not working.

Ximena was going to leave Bernie locked up in the big house huh?

Definitely Eva talked the lawyer into doing his job especially when he learned that Ximena is flat broke. Eva wants to deal out her own brand of justice to Bernie.

Fer so let me get this straight you don't want to do the operation to help you walk to punish your mother for supposedly falling for your Dr. instead of reconciling with your father.

The Sandovals great looking family really smart but certainly not the next candidates for Mensa not so much. It seems like the light bulbs are barely flickering in this entire family. Oh well at least they are good to look at.

Hola! Yeah, ITA Max's suits, but it really galls me to see the turned up collar on those suits! Just me....Maybe the tight suits are to overemphasize those bulging pecs.
I'm also very tired of the continual whining. So much misery, so little time. (Yay!)

Yep, lots of beauty and very little brains.......

Jardinera...I was laughing all the way! Thank you. :)

I've barely been able to catch capitulos on DailyMotion and reading the recaps has been hit or miss, but it seems that for every step forward we take on TdA, there are at least TEN steps backward! OY!!

I know we have long since passed these capitulos, but in my frantic race to catch up this weekend, I just HAD to go back and see the Fer/Cruz wedding and the (I can't believe I did this) Nathi and BlockHead JuanJo wedding.

UA...I know you love Pablo, but my word...this man has a very, very hard time singing in TUNE! He just needs to forget singing 'Ave Maria'. He slid up into every pitch because he is ALWAYS flat (this was during the Nathi/BlockHead wedding). That was a most painful 'Ave Maria', but nothing, I mean NOTHING could match the HORRIBLE duet with poor Chente (who stood there looking at Montero like he was ready to choke him)!! It was Cruz/Pablo who did not hit one pitch...not one! They were just singing in thirds apart and Montero could not hear it. I am really stunned that both singers actually allowed that horrible piece to be left in the scene.

Cruz/Pablo's newer 'hit' and the one that the Floozy Diana (is that her name) is peddling is tons better. I don't hear any sliding up into the pitch or missing things altogether. Even on 'Riqueza' he starts to strain his voice a bit for musical emphasis, but it does not work. He should stick to what he does well. Just my .02, but had to get that one off my chest. Thank you for bearing with me.

As for the BlockHead and Nathi...wowsers. I thought that Nathi would wake up and get a clue, but I assume the writers were determined to let their national football hero get some glory in this story. Listen up writers, get over this BlockHead once and for all! I only hope that we are not stuck seeing little BlockHeads as it would be TOO much!! Basta!!

My poor JP...looking at hot as ever, but taking this long to realise that his mother is utterly sick. Bernarda is pure the point that it's not too believable anymore, but it is my hope that the Bishop from the Inquisition will help sent her to her just rewards.

I am going to miss JP...such a hunk.

I saw the gratuitous strip tease performed by Lush Leonela. Your point, Mejia, was??

I literally laughed out loud when I saw the Max and his Six Pack scene! Honestly, other than to show us Maximiliano that scene was clearly just stuck in there for no reason!

...and Maria D...actually agreeing to this bizarre plan that Max has to get her married of to Alonso?! PUH-LEEZE!!!

As for Alonso...can't they just make him leave now? His delusional begging is becoming too much.

On another note...I made a trip to a major metropolitan/cosmopolitan city to see 'my' Luis Miguel in person! I was so happy I did! I do love 'Tres Palabras'. Luis Miguel did not disappoint. I had wonderful seats and got to see him so up close that when he sang this song, my heart could have cried. Some man sitting next to his novia looked over and asked me if I was 'Maria D'. I nearly died laughing, but he was clearly enjoying the song as well. LM did it beautifully. The huge crowd really cheered when he sang it. All in all, LM gave an hour and a half song after song (mostly boleros) programme with fantastic musicians. The sax soloist was primo. LM has a million dollar smile that lights up that stage.

I was happy!

Thank you again to all of our wonderful recappers from our wonderful website. As someone who has missed so much of our TN, it is always good to 'come home' when I can.



Here is an interview with Livia Brito & Pablo Montero on Todo Mujer. Damned if he doesn't have the hat on.

Obviously when God was passing out brains and common sense the Sandovals were standing behind a door admiring themselves in a mirror while Max was flexing his muscles and unbuttoning his shirts (another tacky look) and poor Maria was hunting for more F me shoes.

..and one more thing...Maximiliano is looking a tad too scruffy. I know that Levy is losing some hair, but that constant bed head look is getting old SOMETHING about it.

Ok...I think that's it for now.


Susanita wrote: "He just needs to forget singing 'Ave Maria'. He slid up into every pitch because he is ALWAYS flat (this was during the Nathi/BlockHead wedding)"

Oh yes yes yes, that was driving me nuts too.

My mom is a singer and the sliding into pitch thing drives her nuts. I was telling her about this with the "Singing Gardner" (my name for Cruz). I like the actor, but sometimes his singing is painful.

OMG Susanita! Tell us what you really think! LOL! Glad you're back,--or is it still to be spotty at best? We miss you!

I laugh every time PM sings. I've never cared for his singing, but he is at least bearable as an actor-IMHO. He can carry his part of a novela for sure.

Hola, Jardinera! I'm afraid it will still be hit or miss for the next month or so. Gads. I know I'm terrible about pointing out these little 'issues', but Cruz/Pablo needs to see and hear that wretched duet one more time! LOL! It was like fingernails on the chalkboard!!

Elvira: Give me a 'high five'!! Give one to your mother as well! :))

I have to say one more thing about my wonderful Luis Miguel concert. Many ladies in the audience were channeling either Maria D with heels so high I thought some of them would topple forward or X-factor with...wait....a SCARF around the neck!! That's was fun to see. I so love shoes with lovely high heels, but some of the shoes I saw were so high, they looked dangerous. Ha! At least, they were wearing the appropriate short, tight skirts that barely covered the bottom. The men in the audience were enjoying the show! :))


I don't understand the Pablo Montero singing problem. All the pros tape & retape until they get it right. He has a nice voice, just off key muchas veces.
Maybe the producer can straighten him out.

Vario: Agree. Pablo has a very nice voice. I think a good voice coach would help a nice voice become a super voice. Of course, he was successful long before I came along and criticised that wretched duet!! :))

Plus, a good coach helps a singer preserve and maintain that voice. Colunga still takes acting lessons, so I don't think voice lessons would be out of order (and, yes, it's always easier for this armchair quarterback to make the calls!).

I do agree that he has done a super job of bringing life to this TN. I've enjoyed his character very much. After all, he was the one who has made Fony Fer 'real'.


Una vez mas: I think that the producer/director is making him sing off-key. I have all of Pablo's CDs and have heard him live a half dozen times. He sings beautifully.

My guess is that actors can't overrule directors or producers in these situations. US soap actors always had authority over their characters if a writer wrote something that wasn't right in their eyes and this must have been due to so many of them playing the same characters for their entire careers.

Pablo needs to work with a female producer who won't mess with his voice on camera.

I have to laugh, however, at the comment about the Inquisition: Back in the day people like Dona Dementa led the Inquisition!

Y una vez mas, UA. My question is: WHY? Why make him sing off key and to make him sing so badly off key as during that duet? Why?


I am so over Ms. Victoria and Dr. Know-It-All who comes out of nowhere to tell everyone where to get off.

Give me Oz, the guy with a heart, brains, and no attitude. ALso love Max, tight suits, turned up collars, messy hair, pecs ---the whole package.

These two guys are at least living their lives, not controlling their lives and everyone else who comes in contact with them. ----> This convinces me that it's not just this novela, Pablo has a pitch issue. I think it has more to do with his incredibly slow vibrato more than anything. Slow vibratos waver the pitch=no bueno. In all of the videos where he was singing live it was the same issue that he seems to have on the novela. Decent voice but he needs training.

I find myself laughing at Max often. Between the raging bull exhale he does when he cries and the tight suits he's like a little Cuban sun burned Hulk.

This novela seriously should have been over YESTERDAY! It's like they're pulling storylines out their ass now. BASTA!

little cuban sunburned hulk.....tierre, too funny.....If they want max to wear his suits tight and collars lifted on least put a nice fabric underneath collar....ugly...he looks like he got dressed in a hurry

Tierra, I think that is where Mejia gets all his novelas.

I don't think any singer would purposely sing off key, unless as a joke. Not very good for record sales.
Too bad PM isn't more dedicated to perfecting his craft if he wants to sing. A voice coach sure would help, the basics are there.

Your appreciation of a person can cloud the issue, like me with FC, he can do no wrong & he's perfect. Well, except for his early Mejia novelas, that Mejia got from his ass.

Great stuff, Jardinera. Thanks! So many terrific lines and descriptions, but I especially loved your advice to JP:

"Don't worry about the old gal...she'll probably be sitting next to Lucifer sipping an iced sherry..." LOL.

And you nailed Gui's vileness with this description:
"Guillermo arrives. (OMG! Retch alert!!) He walks over and (skin-crawl alert!) paws lasciviously at Maria all the while keeping quiet so she’s unable to identify him by the sound of his voice. (I need a shower!)"

Susanita, Terrific post. I'm glad to have you confirm what my untutored ear was telling me about our otherwise endearing jardinerito desafinado.
PS: Glad you finally got to see Luis Miguel in concert. Sounds like you had a blast!

Thanks for the recap, Jardinera!

Poor Milagros. Baby JPito is kidnapped on her watch then the very next time she's brave enough to try babysitting again, MARIA is kidnapped! I'd just call it a day if I were her!

Aren't Max and Fer a little old to be a)living at home (I know Fer recently moved out) and b) having tantrums about their parents getting back together? It seems like adolescent behavior not 20something.

And ITA re: Max's look. When they flash back to him at the beginning of this series with his short, brown hair he looks SO HANDSOME! This crazy processed hair, fake baked skin and gigolo clothing is NOT flattering!

My personal theory on Eva is that she's fallen under Burnarda's spell and the lines of good and evil have become very blurry for her. I think she still wants to kill her but I think she likes hanging out with her too.

I'm going to be sad when this TN ends. :)


I guess if Burn-arda can have iced sherry in Hell she will be Satan's bride after all....

As to Max and Fer living with their parents at their ages, I would guess that this is a cultural thing. It wasn't the norm in the US for the longest time, but perhaps it's more common in Mexico?

Doesn't mean I'd be on board with that. One of the must amusing posters I ever saw was entitled "Everything I need to know about life I learned from Princess Diana" and the one item I remember from it was...

When you live with his mother 400 rooms are not enough.

For them to freak over their parents splitting up isn't unusual either. I know people in their 30s who couldn't handle the idea of widowed parents marrying again.


I know what you mean about missing this mess when it ends. I always have a twinge or two after a novela ends. We have come to know, like, loathe or mock the characters and when they waltz off into the sunset or rot in jail they leave a hole in our lives - at least until the next group of twits arrives to fill the space.

As for PM, I come from a family with generations of singers and musicians and his off key renditions are like fingernails on a blackboard. He may make records and tour but then he has the benefit of engineering and big background music that can disguise his lack of technique and his sloppy habits. The ever present tendency of many singers to slide over notes drives me nuts as does the habit of embellishing everything in an effort to show off.

When I hung out with Jarocha this weekend in DC, one of the things she said amused her about our comments on this site is our constant confusion and indignation about grown people living with their families. She thinks it's funny because this is absolutely true to life in Mexico. If you aren't married, what purpose is there in finding another home? And if you do get married and your family has a hime big enough for all, what purpose is there in finding another one? It's cultural. FYI, Jarocha, who is unmarried, still lives with her family. Only now that she's in a grad school program in DF, while her fam is in Veracruz, is she living away from them. This caused lots of heartache amongst many in her family.

Thanks for a great recap, Jardinera. I just sat down to watch it today. I wonder if the rat with Maria is the same one that was with Valentina in STuD. (And I mean real rodents, not human rats.)

This comment has been removed by the author.

Great job, Jardinera, and the title is magnificent.

I'm late getting here, but I wanted to say thanks and add that not everyone was wowed by Dr. Voice. I sympathize with Fer, but even so, Dr. V. has been less that admirable as a physician.

#1 his first surgery on Fer... a flop though I think the post op assessment of the results was questionable: "Here stand up... oops fell down... too bad... didn't work... next!"

#2 the Alonzo Project does anyone think that this is a good idea?

#3 maybe a 2nd opinion is in order he's busy hitting on his patients mom, why attack Fer? I'm sure someone else is capable of doing that surgery.

#4 sterile technique? Fer is lucy that she didn't get a wound infection... he reached up and adjusted his headlamp with his bare glove and then resumed operating.

#5 what kind of Dr. is he anyway? pain management?, physical medicine?, surgery?, psychiatrist?

He does have a nice voice and kind eyes...


Don't forget oncologist.

Thanks again to all of you late-comers, as well as the early ones. As long as we all get to party hearty.....

Really an enjoyable list of comments again. Definitely a cultural learning center is this blog.....

I was thinking that maybe production should just try mice instead of rats. That one they keep using is so tame and so huge, I kept waiting to see if it would meow or start purring.

Has anyone seen promos for the replacement? We only have till #165 for them to start advertising it.

And I think the rat looks suspiciously like the same huge rat in Llena de Amor when Nereida got herself locked up in the cellar. I think Jardinera called's totally a pet or trained "stunt rat". It doesn't scurry it just eats its "Rat Chow" and poses for the camera. He probably has an agent!


"That one they keep using is so tame and so huge, I kept waiting to see if it would meow or start purring."


I've been wondering about TdA's replacement as well. Usually we've seen something by now!

Haven't seen anything about a replacement except on Wiki, Dos Hogares with Carlos Ponce, he's cute.
No FC however. I have never seen him in anything.

*If* that is true I am intrigued. Sergio Goyri is in it. I know nothing about Carlos Ponce and I've only ever seen Anahi in a few episodes of the first season of Rebelde.

Vivi, I did not know Jarocha was here in DC. Perhaps I could have met you guys, but I'm really,really so busy that It would not have happened. Plus the traffic in the beltway is getting worse and worse.

Agreed about the staying with the the parents/family as a cultural thing. It is the same with Italian,Filipino, Asian, Middle Eastern and other non Mexican Hispanic families. They have a lot more empahisis in the closeness of families whereas we have a more stronger emphasis in independence. It is a North American/Western European thing I guess.

Then again all these people are very rich and they could live in the many compounds within the main house like in American soaps like the Young and the Restless and The Bold and the Beautiful. ***Shrugs shoulders***


Carlos Ponce was that dude in Perro Amor right? Interesting they have Anahi's show after Maite Perroni's....


Ibarramedia- This past weekend was really the only time Jarocha had free during her two week program at Georgetown. It would have been great if you could have joined us! That's the two of us in my new profile picture.

Wow, That's a great shot. You both look awesome. I wish the pic was bigger.


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