Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Querida Enemiga Tuesday Sept. 9, '08 Nothin' Says Lovin' Like Empanadas From the Oven

Sure, there was a lot of pathos in this segment but let's focus on the important stuff...Lorena and Ernesto get together in the kitchen. First they cook and then they kiss...three nice little nibble kisses (kind of like those fish who nibble your feet during pedicures). But hey...I'm way ahead of myself. Let's start as usual with the rehash.

The little girl, Gina, is crying and asking if her parents can come back from the "cielo" (heaven in this context) to see them. Of course the answer is "no" but Ernesto assures her that her parents can see them from heaven and can watch over them from there.

At the mansion, Chalo has showed up , informing Sara that money isn't enough, he wants to live in grandeur like she does. And once again, Sara has to improvise quickly when Barbara asks about him. He's the new chauffeur. But we already have a chauffeur! Didn't like him, fired him. This is the new guy. Barbara looks him over like she's measuring him for..... what, a uniform? Well, we'll see.

Meanwhile, Nurse Ratchet (her actual name is Augusta) is cooing over Hortensia like she's a newborn babe. (I can't wait till the day Horty recovers her voice and lights into this unctuous lady, but she is doing her job protecting her from Sara.) Barb is grateful because she knows she'd go absolutely crazy trying to take care of the old bat.

Now a tender scene of Lorena reading to the children while Ernesto looks on like the besotted galan that he is. Little Gina is still wondering if they'll ever see their parents again and adds that she doesn't want to be alone. Ernesto assures her that she'll have him. Ivan, still lashing out, reminds Ernesto that he couldn't stand them when their parents were alive, how does he think he's going to become their dad now !? Ernesto assures him that no one could ever take their father's place but he will be there for all of them.

Lorena tries to moderate the dispute so then Ivan lights into her. The only thing that matters to you is my uncle! (True for Monica but not our Lorena). She reminds Ivan that she's an orphan herself and understands what they're feeling. Not sure if it works with Ivan, but she's reeled in Ernesto hook line and sinker. It's all over but the shoutin' for our chef.

What do I care!? ripostes Ivan. I don't want to know anything about your life! With that he storms out the door. Lorena imagines that he's probably off somewhere by himself grieving and adds that she has to get to class. But she'll stop by after work at the restaurant. Ernesto tells her he needs her and they hug. We get a glimpse of Lorena's eyes and they seem to be saying "Where is all this going to lead?" We're wondering the same thing.

Rossy is going through that dreadful female ritual (attention guys!) where women try on a gazillion outfts for the Big Moment, all the while protesting that they feel fat and ugly. She's worried about the "monuments" (read silicone- enhanced sculpted models) that will be surrounding Julian. Mom tries to reassure her that she's cute and gorgeous. Rossy says what we all think at those times....You're only saying this 'cause you're my mom!!! (ugh, brings back a lot of miserable teenage memories) Maruja assures her that she means it, but then ruins it by calling her "mi changuita" (my little monkey). Come to think of it.....but still, Rossy's a cute little monkey.

Sara has found Lorena at the school and is tells her to quit meddling in her life or she'll carve up her face. (does Sara still have the knife set? just sayin') Lorena fires back that she's not afraid (Lordy, I would be) and gets in a couple of more good shots like He's no longer of interest to me. If he doesn't believe in me, that's his problem. He'll never love you like he loved me. And so forth. Sara knows that Lorena is the one that ratted her out, but all she seems able to do in this episode is yell at people. No schemes are being pulled off (other than putting some more money in her account for Chalo) and no one seems to be falling for her stories anymore.

After the ads, we find ourselves in the office with Jacqui and Ickturo. She's whining about being all alone in the hotels. She's nervous. Be nice to me. Gimme a little sugar. Which he does right when Barbara walks in the door. Big impactado look from Barbara. Jacqui vamooses. Ickturo, taking the high road as usual, tells Barbara to get out of HIS office. When she threatens exposure , he assures her that her reputation will suffer more than his. After all, he's a MAN. And besides, whatever was...WAS. She slaps him, hurls a few insults, exits and he closes the door with a half-smile on his face. (Would love to know what he was thinking. Guys? Any clues?)

Julian's workplace is a lot more interesting. (So sorry, Ferro, this should have been your episode). We've got a couple of models, spilling out of their bikini tops ,draped all over Julian. Elenita criticizes one for wearing the wrong swimsuit. Our gal hoists her pair up for inspection and says, Gosh I thought this bikini looked really good on me. They brush off Rossy (We need our space. Only models here please) and then some lucky assistant gets to rub oil on Julian's pectorals. He's clearly been shaved or waxed within an inch of his life and is wearing some miniscule piece of fabric that is no larger than a decorative jock strap.

Alas, we break from this fetching scene for a little confrontation between Valeria and Barbara. Actually, it's a great scene so who cares? Barbara's at the clinic trying to rat out Jacqui 's affair with Icturo and Valeria could care less. So what if Jacqui's married!? So are you Barbara and you were sleeping with him too. And if you had a speck of dignity you'd leave. He's not worth the trouble. And neither are you. Vamoose! Excellent excellent scene.

The runway modeling takes place. Julian is clearly the best-looking and does gleam like a perfect sculpted statue while the young gals in the audience ooh and ahh. To his credit, he tries to call Rossy over to pose for photos with him afterwards but Elenita shoos her off and chides Julian when he tries to follow her. Don't go running off after your novia! Act like a professional.

Chalo meanwhile is earning his first day's pay dragging in a multitude of bags and boxes from Barbara's therapeutic shopping spree. Other than extramarital sex and whining, this is her only mode of existence. She launches into a big pity party which Chalo just doesn't get. How can you be miserable in all this luxury!? He moves in close and personal to assure her that life can bring some sweet surprises but she waves him off. I gave you no reason to speak to me that way, she huffs. And don't tell my son Vasco. However, since she tells him where her bedroom is so he can take the packages up....we are left wondering. Some mixed messages going on there, folks.

Nurse Ratchet is finishing up a bed bath for Hortensia while the maid looks on. So strange to see her so quiet and peaceful, marvels the maid. Mind you, she was no angel! (Better hope she doesn't recover lady). Tough nurse says she loves her job....old people are so defenseless (hmmm) and reassures Horty that if she really tries, she can recover.

Vasco arrives in mom's bedroom and wonders what the heck this guy (Chalo) is doing there. Barbara doesn't want to get into the trivial details of who gets hired and who gets fired but Vasco is concerned about who calls the shots around the house. As well he should be.

His concern, Sara, is at the office computer, speculating what money she could safely transfer to his blackmail account and decides the embassy money is too risky but she can take from the profits of the school graduation parties.

Don Toribio's apartment. Knock at the door. Old friend of Amalia's last husband looking for her. Last husband!? Well, you know she had five....died, every one of them ! My friend was the fifth...told him the fifth would be the winner, but hey, he died too. You might be next. Ha ha. Give her my regards. Impactado look from Torby.

After the ads, we're back with Julian, who's tracked down Rossy at the restaurant and is wondering why she left without saying good-bye. We have a sweet little scene where he reassures her that she's special to him, that he thinks she's beautiful inside and out, and that includes her lungs, heart, kidneys and liver! Rossy ends up laughing and they kiss. She decides she doesn't need to break up with him after all.

Not so good a scene as Tori confronts Amalia about her lies and her attempts to exploit him. Forgive me. No, it's over! And the worst part is, I'm a psychoanalyst and I didn't even figure out that you're a mythomane (chronic liar) After he storms out, she looks at her five pictures and snaps, "What are you looking at!" But the music cues us that this is a comedy scene, not some dark finegling....so I'm going to assume that they get back together somewhere down the

Alonso is at the table studying. Cellphone rings. He looks and sees who it is. Rolls his eyes (Hey, that was ACTING guys. He's communicating that he doesn't like the caller. Way to go!) And as if the body language weren't enough, he's very brusque with her. I'm studying. Just want to ask you to attend a function where I'm filling in for my grandmother. Alright...if I have time. Flat voice. No affect. And for once, it's appropriate.

Don Toribio rolls in and Alonso asks him what he thinks of Sara. ( Jeez...your dad has already told you he doesn't like her! ) And when Alonso adds he wants to break up with her, dad shouts hallelujah! Of course, Alonso feels guilty because Sara's going through a tough patch right now, but dad pooh-poohs that and tells him to go ahead and end things.

Back at Ernesto's apartment, Ivan continues to be unreachable. He's texting and making no eye contact when Ernesto tries to talk him into going to bed (early day tomorrow...school etc.) But when Lorena arrives, Ivan is clearly disgusted and heads out of the room. She's brought food for dinner but the kids have already gone to bed. Ernesto, speaking about half a millimeter from her nose, is thanking her for her thoughtfulness. You'd do the same for me, she says. Not so sure, he breathes, I've been pretty egotistical, avoiding commitments all my life. I really don't know the children. Well, life is giving you a chance to show them some tenderness now, she replies. (I'd say his tenderness is aiming in a different direction and I think Ivan agrees with me...but hey. I know Lorena's thoughts are pure)

The adorable little Gina comes out at this point. She's having bad dreams. She wants Lorena to sleep with her but she's wet the bed. Don't worry, everybody does that, reassures Ernesto. You too Uncle!? Lorena promises she'll put special clean happy dreams sheets on the bed and off they go. Ernesto assures her he didn't want to "compromise" her by asking her to spend the night. If you'd asked me, no, she replies, but if Gina asks...that's different.

Brief bedroom scene with Zulema and Omar. He still can't confess his problem and she's depressed thinking that her life as a woman is over. From now on it's just mothering and grandmothering.

Now we're at the nightclub where Elenita and the statuesque models are celebrating the show. They sneer at Rossy when Julian walks in with her, saying "Ah, he's brought the waitress." And here Rossy shows her mettle. She greets them in a friendly manner, pulls Julian in close, marks her territory with a big smooch and an "Oh I'm so proud of you" and then pulls him off to dance. We get a nice glimpse of boss Elenita looking at Rossy with new respect, while the brainless broads sulk. Rossy scores a solid 10 and gets the gold medal for this one.

Ernesto goes in to check on Gina and finds both Alex and Gina nestled in Lorena's arms, the three of them sweetly asleep. Big smile. Ernesto's a goner. It's official now.

Well, we're going from bedroom to bedroom here. Now we're at Horty's where Sara sneaks in with mayhem in mind, no doubt. Nurse Ratchet appears out of nowhere, gets between Sara and Horty and reminds her that there's to be no physical contact. Sara yells to no effect and our stolid nurse tells her she'll throw her out of the room bodily if she has to. We'll see how long you last, threatens Sara as she storms out. Nurse leans over Horty and coos, "Your granddaughter is a bad person but don't worry, I'll protect you."

Sara wants to pitch another fit in the dining room where Barb and Vasco are breakfasting but they ignore her completely. She's so undone she leaves without eating anything.

Back at Ernesto's, little Gina is balking at going to school. Lorena, hugging her while Ernesto keeps a safe distance, talks her into going by reminding her that mom always wanted her to be at school unless she was sick. And she's not sick. Ivan ,as usual ,is being impossible, declaring that his parents always let him go on his own. Ernesto reminds him that he's in charge now. However Ivan does go off on his own while the Alex and Gina ride in the back seat of the car with Lorena. She's calmed Alex' car fears by saying Uncle will drive really slow and he can get out if he's truly scared. She bonds with them over soccer, Gimme five for the America team!, and upon arrival, walks them into school with her arms encircling both, kisses them good-bye and oh my, Ernesto is just watching the whole thing in a puddle of tenderness. He is signed, sealed and delivered.

Ominous stalker watcher Monica is observing this scene also.... but with quiet rage. He said he didn't want to be a couple with anyone but look at this!!! Lorena is scoring points with the man who really should belong to me! To think he rejected ME for HER!!!!

Toribio's run over to Paula's to talk about his discovery of Amalia's black widow past and how she talked him out of his money. He'd like a loan, thank you very much, but Paula has all her money invested in her cosmetic products. He'll have to fess up to Alonso and frankly, she wouldn't want to be in his shoes.

Valeria and Alonso are now conferring over his patient's need for a bone marrow transplant. Clearly the school health insurance won't cover such a treatment but he's determined to go ahead with it, counting on finding the money somehow.

Sara, meanwhile, is furious to find Vasco at the office, all spiffy in a suit and fresh from a shareholder's meeting to which she wasn't invited. But she's the granddaughter, she yelps. Yeeeess, but not a shareholder. And the shareholders voted in Vasco as general manager. He's there to protect his father's interests and she might as well get used to it.

Now we're at Ernesto's apartment where our galan is protesting the movers' treatment of his carpet...at least take off your shoes! They pretty much ignore him, he pays them off, and then he looks around at the mess of boxes and sighs that he's going to go crazy.

Lorena has just the solution. Do what you love in order to relax. And the answer is.....you know....cook! He's putty in her hands, for now, and off they go to the kitchen for some nice sensual scenes of mixing and rolling out empanada dough (shades of Fuego, but at least Ernesto has his shirt on. Hey, actually that's not better from my point of view)

She drops an egg into the nest of flour. He drops in another. They look into each others' eyes. She rolls out the dough. He watches her. More eye contact. The kitchen's getting hot and it ain't just the oven. Now we stir up the filling, plop it in each little crescent, pop the tray in the oven. Then out it comes, nicely browned and baked, smelling good, looking even better.

Ernesto is giving her one of those just-melt-me-down-and-take-me smiles and Lorena says, See, you feel so much better now don't you? Yes indeed he does....but it's not the cooking but because being with you makes me happy, he replies.

Slow, slow, slow move in for the kiss. One kiss, (nibble nibble) two....pause....and three. Mmmmm...now we're cookin' folks, we really are. Here's hoping for more action tomorrow night....and no, I'm not talking about gambling. Or maybe I am. Love is indeed a gamble for our little gal from the small town orphanage come to the big bad city. Stay tuned.


arisco = angry, unfriendly (how Ivan is with Ernesto and Lorena)

gandalla= Mexican slang for crook, swine (what Sara accuses Chalo of)

embaucadora= trickster (what Toribio calls Amalia)


Pasión de Gavilanes, Tues, Sept. 9 - Body count to 11, Adiós Dínorah

Dínorah gets bitten by a snake or something while rolling around in the mud with Juan and spends most of the episode chewing up the scenery before Feonando finally shoots and puts her out of her misery.

She has visions of the men she killed, her father and Belinda.
She tries to get a kiss from Juan but he won't oblige.
Finally Feo shoots her...
and she rolls into the water.
Otherwise, the police are doing nada, as usual. The Elizondo girls are cleaning up Grabi's Hacienda and de-Feonanding it. Hortensia finally comes to terms with Libia/Ruth and Franco offers to invest in Hortensia's business. Ruth offers to partner with Benito on a chain of hamburger restaurants. Rosario wakes up and wants to know where Armando is.


Al Diablo Con Los Guapos #160 - Monday 9-8-08 The power and the money, the money and the power, minute after minute, hour after hour

The title is a shoutout to Constancio, Damian, Federico, Flor’s dad whose name I’ve forgotten, and now Rosario/Rosela, who have spent so many months obsessing over both and using them to destroy the lives of others. Lyrics courtesy “Gangsta’s Paradise” by Coolio, which I heard about one hundred and seventy thousand times from the stereo of the guy upstairs during my freshman year in our poorly sound-insulated gothic tower dorm (also: eight floors, no elevator).

Also, I am not your usual Monday recapper. My name is Julia, and this is my very first recap ever. I am by no means fluent in Spanish, so everyone please fill in any important or interesting details I miss.

We begin by rejoining Luci and Ros in the little house. Ros is prepared to avenge herself for the fab life she’s missed out on by not getting to marry Constancio those many years ago. Luci fills her in on just how fab life with Connie has been, implying that she should just be glad it wasn’t her. Ros ain’t buying it. She wants to get even with Constancio, and she’s got the means. Connie, with all his power, should fear her.

Well! Look who is at the door! It is Constancio, and he wants to see Mili. Ros is standing right there in plain view, but with her back to the door, but when he asks who she is, Luci says she’s a neighbor and he goes for that. Now, I’d be a little suspicious. Who resolutely faces the other way from everything that’s going on in the room? Anyway, Mili isn’t there and Luci doesn’t want to talk to him. Luci says she’ll come to his office later, and he leaves. Ros doesn’t want Connie to know she’s alive (she doesn’t know it’s too late for that). Luci, who now acts like a sane person, can’t understand why Ros won’t just tell Mili the truth, but she reluctantly agrees to keep quiet.

Karla is dancing in the club, still in the maid costume, poor thing. She doesn’t even get variety?! Not even a harem outfit now and then? HomelessHugo is now sitting in the club, drinking and whistling and drumming on the table, looking like every wannabe hippie drum circle guy the whole world over. Also he is very into Karla’s dancing. Might he be interested in her after all, now that she passed the giving-money test?

The young gentlemen plus Horacio (who is young at heart, and also doesn’t have any friends his own age) hang out in the street. I don’t know where they’ve been, but apparently they’re outside Bobby and Lina’s place and they have strict orders not to intrude on the women’s get-together upstairs. I think they decide to go play billiards, and Bobby calls Lina to make sure that’s okay with her. Then, in accordance with the laws of dudedom, the others must tease him about being whipped.

Meanwhile, upstairs, all the ladies are having a convo. They are discussing their new business. Hey! The previous blatant hints were not deceiving! They want to start a women’s wellness place like Candy’s. But BIGGER. Val wants a good spa, Gloria is into the dance classes, there is discussion of food and consulting with Candy. The guys can build the facility! Meanwhile, weird wordless maid stands at the corner of the table staring at them all. That would drive me nuts. The maid’s name is apparently Kimberly, and since she is now in the opening credits, I’m thinking she will have a bigger role at some point. Socorro once again laments the unknown dondeabouts of Karla. She needs this kind of help! And a swift kick or two besides, but they don’t say that out loud.

While Mac sings, Karla sits down at HomelessHugo’s table. He talks in a weird growly voice. She wonders why he is in there if he has no money. He asks why she gave him money on the street. Lo and behold, Karla now grasps the Golden Rule! She says that could have been her on the street if she hadn’t found a job, and she did for him what she would have liked for someone to do for her. Soy muy impactada. HH wants to pay her for a private dance, but she tells him he should use the money for food or something. He says he has everything he needs. He will come back tomorrow and she will dance for him like a spinning top (pirinola). She tells him to bathe.

At ABR, Ros brings some drawings, and they have a contract ready for her to sign. Now, I don’t see how they came up with a contract without having the site information and a thorough discussion of what she wants, but whatever. Anyway, she loves the tacky sign on Al’s office door. Rocky gloats, and Bobby still thinks it’s awful. I’m with Bobby. These guys are having a hard enough time being taken seriously.

Luci drops by Connie’s office and gives him crap about the sexy new secretary. Alas, Connie is not hitting that; Damian hired her and thus has first dibs. I think it’s only a matter of time until they’re sharing her, too. Getting a woman who hasn’t already been passed around the family is way too much trouble. But, getting down to business, Connie is a little sobby. He wants his family back! Luci is surprised.

Ros signs the contract with a great flourish. She is left-handed. Al still can’t get over his qualms. Why us?, he asks. Oh, your granny said such good things about you, so honest, so talented. Al is not convinced. Um, I want to help you and Mili. Why, lady, what is your game? He knows she is hiding something.

Meanwhile, Mili and Lina have dropped by and are in the lobby. Mili pops into the meeting just in time to overhear Ros admit she wants to destroy Connie’s business. It was always the most important thing to him, much more than love or family, so that’s what she’s taking. Back in the lobby, Mili is sad, but won’t tell the others why.

Connie is still ranting about how lonely the big house is now that he’s driven everyone out. He wants them to come back. Everything will be different now, I promise! She is flabbergasted that he really thinks they would want to live with him. He is all, not fair! Not fair! Connie whines about his ruined party, then tells Luci that Rosario is not dead. She is surprised that he knows, but, unknown to him, not actually surprised, of course.

Al tells Ros they need to wrap up the meeting; he and his betrothed have a soccer match to get to. Ros is very interested that Mili plays. Al says, if granny told you so much about her, how could you not know she plays? It is her passion! He manages to look all swoony talking about Darling Mili, like a proper young gent in love. Ros says, okay, I lied, I hadn’t been writing with Regina, but you and Mili have to trust me! Really! You won’t regret it! Trust me! If Al wasn’t already really suspicious of her intentions, he should have been after that. People are usually trustworthy in inverse relation to the amount they try to convince you they are. By the way, Ros’s clothes are somewhat less trampy today, but not more flattering. The tunic and leggings thing is not working for her, and she needs to fire Paolo for letting her go out like that.

Luciana and Constancio are still fighting. Luci recites the same old rehash of his sins, with the added twist of: if Rosario is still alive, she will never forgive all that. Connie cries, saying, “wasn’t me. Daddy did it.”

Back at the manse, Hugo (now in normal clothes) signs some papers, and Damian gives him a check. What!?! That is not the direction the money flows! Oh, Hugo is selling Damian his shares in the business. Still, I’m surprised Damian is actually giving him money for them. Hugo jokes about whether the check will be any good. Damian tells him now he can devote himself to painting, or travel (like he’s really been going to work anyway). Hugo says he’s got other plans. He admits he’s still thinking about Karla; Daddy Dearest advises him to forget she exists. “That leech (sanguijuela) will never change.” Hugo says to himself, “That’s exactly what I have to verify.”

Karla is crying in an empty club, wondering why Hugo hasn’t come back. Mac advises her to go back home; she says she can’t; she doesn’t matter to him. What about your mom? She lied to me, and she’s better off without me.

Mili and Al are at the soccer field, talking about Ros and her plot. Al wants her to promise not to tip off Constancio. She agrees but isn’t happy about it. He says Ros must have a good reason to hate Connie so much, and he’s not exactly a “blanca paloma” (white dove, innocent). He’s desperate to get married; she says be patient. Why is it that they have to wait a year? He thinks kisses will help him wait. Smoochy-smoochy.

Damian and Constancio talk about rich lady Ros and her need for construction. Apparently the land is some they had thought of buying, in a very good location. She already signed with our archrivals, says Damian. What?!? She is a friend of Peralta! Connie is impactado.

At the game, there is soccer action. The whole fan club is there spectating. Ros is also in the stands, with her own hair instead of the wig and without glasses, but wearing the same outfit she wore in the office. Brilliant disguise, lady. Padre Manuel recognizes her from the convent, and she takes off. He chases. The kids win the game and do a goofy dance.

Constancio is very angry. He wants Al to come back to work (begging, with his tail between his legs), and to come back to the house and bring Mili. He won’t let Val leave; he’ll offer Rocky a job as a messenger. He wants control of his family back! Control! Oh, Constancio. Ruthless dictatorship is such hard work. You and Fidel and Kim Jong Il and that Burmese dude should form a support group. Connie is confident he can steal Ros from AB&R.

PM catches up with Ros on the street. My child, those hideous dominatrix hooker shoes are ugly as sin, and you should burn them and repent immediately, he says. Well, he should have.

Mili tells Lina and Gloria about Ros’s evil scheme. They don’t know what to do, either. Protect Daddy, because she cares about him even though he killed Mommy? And betray Al?

Ros tells PM that she needs vengeance before she tells her daughter the truth. Priests usually encourage that sort of thing, I’m pretty sure. Especially if you can find a way to blaspheme and fornicate at the same time.

Mili goes to the big house to tell Connie to be careful. He looks confused.

And that’s where we leave off.

Avances: Al dramatically rips up the contract, saying he won’t do business with someone who is trying to destroy them. Ros asks, “would you do business with Mili’s mother?”


Doña Bárbara - Mon., Sept. 8 - La Reina del Arroz con Leche y dos huevos crudos

Lots of food flying through the air in last night's episode-

Marisela serves Luisana some rice pudding (arroz con leche) that she has made.

Luisana trips Marisela and the rice pudding ends up on Marisela. Luisana's dirty trick backfires when Santos goes to comfort Marisela and in a very sweet scene tries the pudding by picking the rice grains off her and telling her the story of the Rice Pudding Queen (La Reina del Arroz con Leche.)

The ranch hands bring Orestes back to Altamira and tell Santos that DB is going to kill him. DB decides to kill Orestes with rattlesnake venom and she doesn't just order some from the Internet. She catches and milks the rattlesnakes herself. Santos warns her that if Orestes dies, no matter how innocent it appears, he will know that she was responsible. Orestes wants Santos to represent him in his claim to ownership of El Miedo but Santos refuses. DB plots with Melquíades and Balbino Paiba to kill Orestes at the Feria de los Flores, the Flower Festival in Progresso.

Marisela gets back at Luisana for the rice pudding incident by throwing raw egg on her at breakfast.

Cecilia decides that she will just enjoy the sunset by the new schoolhouse and Melesio guesses she is waiting for Antonio.
And so it is. After getting rid of Federica, Antonia runs to Cecilia and kisses her. First, she resists but not for long.

Marisela is going to compete in the Queen of the Flowers beauty contest at the Fiesta. A la Pygmalion, Mauricio is going to make her into a lady before the contest. I think Mauricio is very clever and may be working against his cousin. He tried to divert Luisana's attention away from Marisela and direct it to DB because he sees that Luisana's real rival for Santos is Marisela.


Fuego, Monday 9/8 (#94): Wringing of hands and gnashing of teeth

There's a replay of Pablito's heartbreak and the sisters' confrontation with Tadeo, and the sisters leave. Juan tells his remaining audience that they've completed their vow to Libia, and now it's time to move on.

But that night, he rides into the darkness calling Sofía's name. He throws himself into the swimmin' hole, fully clothed. I think he's trying to drown himself, but maybe not, as he rises to the surface and shouts "No more pain! No more tears! I'm a dried-up tree!" (I know this is an odd thing to say, but if you Google "árbol seco" you get tons of hits - I think there's some cultural significance.)

The full moon shines through a tree that isn't completely dried up, but has probably seen better days.

Sofi meets Tadeo at the church to donate all of her clothing to the health clinic. (Interesting, because she left most of her clothes behind when she left the hacienda too - and Gabi planned to burn them.) She doesn't want the clothes to remind her of the time she spent at the Reyes' house. Tadeo warns her not to make this decision all by herself. She and Juan have a sacred bond. "Love is of two." Sofi says "betrayal is of one," and if it had really been love between two, it wouldn't have been destroyed with deception and lies.

She hands him bundles of clothes, old and new, and recognizes the wedding dress Juan bought for her. (Tadeo watches hopefully as she flashes back to when Juan gave her the dress; Juan turned away so that he wouldn't doom them with bad luck by seeing her hold it up to herself.) Sofía gets weepy but doesn't change her mind. "How wrong I was. The lie destroyed the strongest love." She hands him the dress.

Meanwhile, Oscar looks at his mother's ring that he gave to Jimena and remembers giving it to her in their heart-shaped outdoor honeymoon suite. Meanwhile, while playing the guitar and singing a sad song, Franco remembers some of his various early run-ins with Sarita, none of which seem very promising in my opinion.

The sisters tell their grandfather what happened. "all that time, they were just lying to us! And to think that you protected and defended them!" He apologizes to them, but says they fooled him too, and he's a fool, and he's lost the most important battle of his life, which was to protect the girls instead. That's what hurts the most. They gather around him and commiserate over having been deceived by vengeance.

Juan gets home, still wet, and scolds his brothers for their long faces. They need to move on and get back what's theirs - the hacienda, their land, their origins. Oscar asks why. Without their women, why bother? Franco agrees. He doesn't feel like fighting. Juan says they need to start over again. He makes them do the "Reyes are united" thing.

Eva goes to the bakery. Quintina stops her and says it's best if she doesn't go in - the girls have left, but first they and the boys exchanged a lot of terrible words and it's going to take a long time for them to forget.

Still at Grandpa's, Sofi tells her sisters that if there's one way that they're similar to the Reyes, it's that they're always united. "From now on, we'll be more united than ever!" Grandpa applauds.

Gabriela shows up. "Such a moving scene." Grandpa tells her not to spew any venom, "because this time I'm up for anything!" (Yeah, like what?) Gabi whines that he's always up for defending them against her, but not from "the strangers." She blames him for what happened. "Only you!"

Sofi defends him. "If you came here to enjoy our pain, go ahead, Ma, do it!" They're suffering and they won't hide it.

Gabi puts on her earnest face and says no, no, in no way does is she pleased about their pain. They've always accused her of not loving them, of being a bad mom, but all she cares about is protecting them. "A mother never makes a mistake, but you've never given me a break. They've been laughing at you. Now you can understand my pain when I found out that your father had cheated on me, but there's no grudge in my heart. So you can move back in whenever you want. It's still your house, and I'm your mother."

Sofi asks what will happen if they move back in? Will she make them bow their heads in subordination? Gabi sadly declares that Sofi's still defiant even after suffering the worst humiliations a woman can. Sofi says Gabi knows more than anyone that she's lost everything, not just her dignity. Gabi says she'll respect their decisions, when they respect her opinions as their mother, they'll all go back to normal if they each do their part.

Grandpa expresses doubt. She scolds him because he's always nagging her to be nice, and now that she's finally doing it, he's doubting her. "Is there no way to please you, Father?"

Sarita steps forward and says she believes Gabi and totally agrees with everything. They hug and make up. "I expected no less from you," Gabi says proudly.

"I'll come back too. I hope you can follow through on what you just promised," Jimena says.

"What do you say, Sofía? What's your decision?" Sofi says she appreciates the offer, but she isn't sure why she should go back to the house - "you continually make me feel as if I'm not your daughter."

Eva is at Rosario's, saying she deserves all of Grandpa's hate, and she's afraid to face the sisters. She thinks she should find them and ask for forgiveness, but she feels too badly. Rosario tries to comfort her and offers to go with her if she wants to talk to them, but asks her to be strong and not let them win. "That's what you've taught me." Eva wants to go alone, so that her problem with them doesn't interfere with Rosario's relationship with them.

The cantina crowd is cheering in anticipation, so Rosario goes to her public. Eva prays and practices asking the sisters' forgiveness. Rosario sings a sad song about things going wrong, and breaking a mirror and getting bad luck. "Then, and only then, you'll cry." Eva watches proudly in the audience.

Sofi follows her mother into her study, demanding to know whether she's her daughter or not. "Of course you're my daughter! What happened is that... look, we'll save this conversation for another time. I told you you're my daughter and that I welcome you with open arms. Isn't that good enough?"

Sofi says fine, but we're going to have that conversation, preferably real soon. Gabi impatiently agrees and asks how such a dainty girl as Sofi could have fallen in lough with that coarse brute? Sofi sits down and says she'll speak woman-to-woman. Juan awakened in her feelings that she had thought were dead. She goes on to describe all the feelings that Feo has awakened in Gabi - albeit in twisted form - helping her conquer her fears. Gabi looks thoroughly nauseated and says "I never thought that one day I'd hear one of my daughters speak like a... a slut." Sofi is not fazed and says that if a slut is someone who dares to love, then indeed that could be her. She lectures her mother some more about the glory of love. "Too bad you'll never get to know this."

Gabi seems overwhelmed by... it's hard to say what, but she's not happy. Sofi excuses herself.

Sofi has changed her clothes (I don't know where this dress came from) and restores her bell collection. Then she sits on her bed and remembers some happy times she had there when Juan snuck up to see her. "Why, Juan? Why?"

Grandpa chastises Juan for abusing his goodwill and taking advantage of him after he stuck up for them. "And all that for what? So you could repay me with betrayal." (Like the time Oscar scoured the countryside trying to spring him out of the old folks' home and later saved him from a snake? Or the time Juan saved him from falling down the stairs in his wheelchair? The time all three of them hoisted him, wheelchair and all, down from his balcony so that he could harrass Gabi? Yeah, what a bunch of jerks!!) And of course Juan disappointed him the most. "I thought you were gallant, but now I see you're a coward." He tries to get Juan to answer. "Even the worst delinquents find some words to defend themselves." Juan says he doesn't want to defend himself. Grandpa's right; they were wrong and now they must pay for their mistake.

Grandpa asks why. Juan says it was for the pain of losing their sister. Oscar adds that it's also for Bernardo tricking them. Grandpa insists that Bern really loved Libia. Oscar says Bern never told them he was married and had a family. Juan says Bern tricked their sister, and that's why they tricked Grandpa's granddaughters. "Bernardo deserves to be pardoned, but not us?" Grandpa has no answer. He pats Juan's arm. Juan pulls away.

Now Sofi is visiting her father. She's mad at him. "If you'd been honest with Libia from the start, none of this would have happened! Now we're paying for your guilt, Dad!" Then she begs his forgiveness for speaking to him that way and prays for him to help her.

Next Grandpa proceeds, in front of Pablito, to scold and fire Quintina for her loyalty to the Reyes. He fires her. She begs him not to and says it's hard for a squire to serve two masters. She doesn't even mention that time when they were in that crash and Grandpa was unconscious. She ran back to the Reyes', presumably on foot, to summon help.

He doesn't even want to see her again. "What am I going to do without you?" she asks tearfully. "I'll die of sadness."

Pablito salutes and asks if he's demoted too, if he can't be his general any more. "Kids have nothing to do with the problems adults. You can visit as often as you want."

Quintina begs a little more, but is rebuffed. "Bye, Quintina. Goodbye forever."

Jimena remembers getting the ring in the heart-shaped ring of candles and rose petals, and then she remembers giving it back.

Oscar washes dishes at the bakery. (The neck brace and sling are for real, by the way; Jorge Salinas fell off his horse.) He flashes back to Jimena giving back the ring too, and saying "save it for your next revenge."

Juan looks at the Robles-Reyes baptismal gown that Sofi left behind. He throws it into the Magical Mystery Trunk and slams it shut. Oscar says Juan's not eating or sleeping, just drinking coffee. He'll get sick. He tells Juan to pull himself together. Juan says he's nobody without Sofía. He has no reason to smile or to cry. He's a dried-up tree, he's got a dried-up soul and a dried-up heart. He has no hope of Sofía forgiving them. He's got nothing to lose. He has no tears (he says, wiping his eyes). He'll never cry. Never! Oscar pats his shoulder.

Sofi talks to her still-flat belly and promises that she'll be both mother and father to him. Feo comes in and humbly offers his help and support. He wants to show that he's not the bad person she thinks he is. Since they're still married, he's willing to register their child in his name. He'll promise to care for him as if his own. Sofi nixes this and asks, "how can you imagine yourself as father? You treat your true child Luisito so badly. I don't need you."

He promises to be a better dad from now on. "I hope so," Sofi answers, "for the good of your child. Good night!" He humbly and politely leaves.

"You don't need a father, my dear," she tells her belly. "You've already got one... though perhaps you'll never know him." She sighs.

Next day, Quintina is distracted and knocks over a sheet of rolls. Juan angrily chews her out. "I'm not annoyed, dang it!" he screams. "Just pay attention. That's all I ask!" Oscar and Franco pat her shoulder as she slinks out, hurt. Oscar and Franco ask him to calm down and remind him that they're going through the same thing he is, but it's unfair to take it out on others. Juan seems determined to jealously guard his pain. Then he has a mood swing and says they've got to put all their energy into getting their stuff back. They've already avenged Libia. Now it's time to avenge their parents.

They start by going to the lawyer and asking him to hurry up and resolve their claim. The lawyer explains that these things take a long time, they need to be patient, plus they haven't even brought him all the required documents yet. Oscar says they've been looking. Franco says they need an answer. The lawyer says they can have their answer after they complete all the legal proceedings. If any documents are missing, justice will be delayed, he won't be able to continue, and regrettably they'll lose their land.

Meanwhile, Raquel gripes to Benito that Ricardo's "famous friend" still hasn't shown up. Not even any news of him. Benito weakly suggests that she be patient. Panicked, she reminds him that the Reyes could win the judgment and throw them out of the house. Benito says they need to find the documents that prove the hacienda belongs to them. Raq says she's looked everywhere. They've got nothing to show that Ricardo acquired these lands legally.

Sarita's all recovered from her heartbreak, angrily saying she's not going to cry over those bricklayers because that'd be just like giving them the pleasure of vengeance all over again. Jimena is not quite ready for this stage of mourning yet. She tells Sarita to look her in the eye and say she's not suffering for having lost Franco. She reminds Sarita that he could go back to Rosario.

Rosario runs into Franco. She tries to express sympathy over what happened. He apologizes for all the hurt he caused her. She apologizes to him for his two brushes with death, which she feels were her fault. (Why blame Feo?) He says maybe those were to show her how much he loved her. He says he's still married to Sarita and will respect that even though they're separated now. Still, he'd like to know why she dumped him.

"I never stopped loving you. I stayed away from you because I'm not the right woman for you. So I decided to sacrifice my love for you so that you could be happy with Sarita. But I never stopped loving you, never." She totters off in those crazy shoes.

Juan shows up at Father Tadeo's office. "Why'd you send for me? Supposedly it's urgent?" Sofi is two steps behind him. "Good afternoon, Padre..." She and Juan stare at each other. "Why'd you send for me?" she asks, but she already knows the answer...

"To save your love, my children! To save your love!"

Nice try, Padre.

Mexico airdate: 29 de Mayo
Word of the day: Trámites - Steps, formalities, procedures, proceedings

Next time:
Feo acts like a jerk, giving the sisters a new, improved version of his last conversation with Bernardo. Granpa questions some of the details.


Monday, September 08, 2008

Querida Enemiga Monday Sep 8 - Chef Ern cries a lot

Chef Ern is trying to figure out a way to use his niece and nephew to score with Lorena when he gets the call that his sister and brother in law died in a car crash. He asks Lorena not to leave him alone. They all get in the car and head back to his house. He leaves Lorena in charge of the kids while he goes to the morgue to identify the bodies. He tells Lorena to call his other nephew Ivan, who gets out of school later than the little ones, and to call Raimundo and fill him in.

Arturo finds Valeria on the street and tries to sweet talk her, she gives him the hand and tells him to keep on walking.

Jaime finds Maruja and they chat, she gives him a big hug and then thinks she is being too intimate, Jaime says except for Vasco that was the first hug in a looooong time that he has received that had any real feeling behind it. They go inside somewhere and chat for a while, Jaime says he’s getting divorced and starting over, which includes Maruja’s friendship, if she allows it. Maruja has a look that says she’ll allow more than that but she’s trying to appear demure.

Lorena calls Ivan, who is pretty rude to her and tells her “whatever lady I’ll come home later don’t call me any more.”

Alonso makes promises he can’t keep to Florencia, then fumes about it in his office. Valeria tells him to chill out and tells him that it’s working out well for her and her kids staying at Paula’s house.

Ivan shows up at Paula’s house and is told that the little kids are Bettina’s cousins. Ivan and Bettina talk about Lorena and can’t figure out if she’s cool or not.

Chef Ern returns home and has a good cry. When he goes to the other room to see the kids, the doorbell rings and it’s Monica. I guess Raimundo filled her in too and she’s here to take advantage of Ern’s state, I mean, she’s here to help. She immediately kicks Lorena out of the house. I guess she can’t carry out her inappropriate seduction with her there, right?

Vasco and his mother interview a nurse, her previous experience is in a psych hospital. Vasco thinks she’s all wrong until Barbara tells him that Sara is crazy, maybe this lady will recognize it and be able to protect Hortensia. Vasco buys it and they hire her. Nurse Ratchet has even less personality than Alonso and she walks like a robot. I predict that Sara will make short work of her.

The director lady of Clinic #23 calls in Alonso, she tells him that she made a big mistake before giving Bruno the promotion, as of right now Alonso is the new boss. Alonso’s expression doesn’t change AT ALL. I mean not even a twitch. Maybe if she made him a bad sandwich she could get a reaction. Nothing. He looks as confused and constipated as ever. He goes back to his office, where Sara is fuming that he had the nerve to not just stay chained to his desk. He needs to dump her, and quick. He proudly tells her of his promotion, she immediately craps all over it saying that it isn’t as good as being a director or going to a hospital, but whatever. He manages to emote his annoyance in this scene, so he is alive after all, not a robot. If this were a real life buddy, this would call for the old take him to a bar under false pretenses and spend hours hammering into him that he needs to dump his girl treatment.

Monica is very unsympathetic to Ern, who wishes she wasn’t there. Eventually Ivan shows up and Ern takes him to the other room and tells him his parents died in an accident. He stops being a typical pain in the ass teenager for a minute to look impactado.

Ivan has quite a meltdown, directing much of his anger at Ern. Understandable considering his age, his bad attitude about everything, and the situation. Raimundo eventually shows up and saves Ern from Monica, he takes her home with him.

At the restaurant, Rosy and Lorena talk about how bad it is for these little kids to lose their parents this way. On a side note, I have to say this is the calmest restaurant kitchen of all time. I have worked in some aspect of the restaurant business for most of my career and let me tell you – no kitchen on earth is like this. Even when it’s a slow day, there is noise noise noise. Usually there is some horrible Mexican music blasting away from the dishwashing/prep area, then lots of yelling between the kitchen staff and wait staff. I guess that wouldn’t fit in right with the scene, so they didn’t keep it real.

Sara tries to tell Alonso about her big plans for Hort coming home and how she’s all that and everything else too, he is starting to get tired of her and it’s obvious. She tries to distract him with some nookie but he says no thanks, and leaves. She fumes. I would congratulate Alonso on waking up but I’m not sure he really is waking up, he’s just tired of her because she doesn’t fawn all over him all the time.

Lorena comes to Ern’s house after closing the restaurant, he’s up in arms about what to do with the kids. Ivan comes out and confronts him again, did he tell the younger ones that their parents are dead? He swears that if Ern doesn’t tell them, he’ll do it himself. Much crying from everyone. Ern’s crying isn’t ugly at all, Ivan’s is a good 6 on the scale. He’d be higher except he has a damn good reason to be crying. Stay tuned for some blubbering that ranks higher on the scale.

In bed, Zulema and Omar talk about what a disappointment Sara is. Zulema tries to start something up with Omar who (I’m not kidding) physically pushes her back away from him. Obviously, she is offended by this and says he doesn’t find her attractive any more and she feels horrible. He tries to kiss up to her but she isn’t having it and she turns out the lights.

Valeria is with the girls, crying about leaving home. She is worried about harming the kids, the others say the kids will survive, they are the voice of experience with divorce. Greta tries to steer the conversation to pity about her own divorce but Maruja very adroitly nips that in the bud and calls her out on being a drama queen. They are here for Valeria today, not for Greta. They all pledge their support to Valeria.

Meanwhile, Arturo is in his t-shirt and pajama bottoms, on the phone with Jackie telling her that he isn’t going to come meet her. She gets bitchy and he tells her to quit calling him and hangs up on her. Stupid blonde mother comes in, pulling an 8 on the ugly crying scale, whining about the kids being gone. I hope this isn’t the beginning of an attempted redemption of Arturo – he defends Valeria, saying she wouldn’t ever keep the kids away from them, and that she is right and he is wrong, he’s stupid, etc. Oh no you don’t – no sympathy from me you dirtball.

I guess Vasco didn’t tell Sara that they were hiring a nurse, because Sara is getting info from Alonso about taking care of Hortensia. Of course Sara just wants to kill her so I guess she wasn’t thinking about a nurse. Alonso says she needs to hire someone, it’s a big deal to take care of her. He gets an emergency call and leaves, Sara worries about him being so distant. Um, maybe because you are an evil, self-centered bitch? Just a thought. Sara walks out to the front desk, Vasco is there. Let me recap this conversation old school style –

Sara – ok I have the papers to take Grandma home. If you have a problem with it tell the doctor.

Vasco – nope, no problem.

S – ok I’ll take her in my car.

V – ok, I’m coming with you.

S – Enough already!

V – No it isn’t enough. You are capable of doing anything, like pushing her out of the car and saying it was an accident. I’m coming with you and staying at the house. I won’t leave you alone with her for one single minute!

S – You’re coming back to the house?

V – Yes, why so surprised? Did you think you’d get rid of me that easily?

Vasco does a good job in this scene – he has the upper hand and he knows it. He’s calm and cool. Sara just flares her nostrils and fumes.

Barbara moves back into the mansion and is glad to be home. The maid asks about Jaime, Barb says he has other plans.

Jaime gets turned down for a job, he’s overqualified. He says he doesn’t care, he’ll take whatever. Is he being turned away because of all the nasty business? The guy, who looks like a troll, says no no nothing like that, hey if I find something I’ll call you, good luck. He didn’t add “don’t let the door hit you on the way out” but it was there, unsaid.

Zulema tells Maruja that she thinks Omar has another woman, because they almost never get busy. Maruja asks a bunch of questions, like does he come home late, is he wearing cologne, is he trying to look younger? No, no, and no. Then he isn’t cheating! This makes Zulema even sadder, because it means he just isn’t interested in her.

Omar appears to be having trouble at work, he doesn’t know how to use a computer. His smarmy boss talks down to him and makes him feel stupid.

Hort finally comes home. Vasco and Barbara wheel her into her room, with Sara close behind. The nurse presents herself, Sara is more confused than ever. Vasco and Barbara present a united front – they hired her, she is in charge of Hort 24 hours a day. Sara stomps off, looking like she’ll start crying. After she’s gone, Vasco tells the nurse that Sara isn’t allowed near Hort for any reason.

Sara yells at her empty room, Vasco comes in and tells her to shut up. She gets indignant about him hiring the nurse, he says her protestations make her look that much more guilty. She says she won’t allow him to keep accusing her, he says he won’t allow her to kill Grandma!

Ern has finally broken the news to the little ones that their parents are dead. The little girl is crying like her REAL parents are dead, I wonder what they told the poor girl to make her cry so realistically. Ivan looks on from the other room.

Sara finds Chalo in the mansion, she wants him to leave but he wants to live there. Barbara comes in and sees him, Sara says he’s some guy looking for work and Chalo butts in saying that Sara already hired him, he’s the new chauffer. Sara looks nervous, Chalo looks satisfied, Barbara looks suspicious. I would be too, most people don’t go looking for jobs in shirts open to their belly buttons like Chalo’s shirt.

Tomorrow – Alonso wants to dump Sara (woo hoo! Please go through with it), Chalo squeezes Sara some more, Sara threatens Lorena not to tell about her and Chalo but Lorena isn’t afraid of her. Looks like Sara’s web of lies is slooowwly starting to unravel.


Sunday, September 07, 2008

Querida Enemiga Friday September 5, 2008 Two divorces and a funeral


Hi everybody, this is your substitute recaper. As always I wish I could be faster, but alas English is my second language and takes me a while to construct readable sentences. Enjoy!

We begin with our detectives extraordinaire gaping at Jacky and Ickturo kiss. Greta fumbles with the camera and takes a picture. Paula is extremely happy; she knew that Jacky would betray Dario, but she never thought that she would do it so soon. She can’t wait to give Dario the news.

In the hotel room, Jacky and Ickturo are talking about their work. Ickturo is almost certain that without Hortensia, Sara will bankrupt the company. Jacky is worried because she doesn’t want to lose her job. Ickturo reminds her that “a rio revuelto, ganancia de pescadores” (if the river is whirling the fishermen will catch more fish) He plans to clean the company up before Sara. Jacky likes this plan.

Ray tries to have a civilized conversation with Dario; he asks politely if he thinks that Paula will take long to come back. Dario tells him that he is sure that Paula will take a loooong time. Ray tells him that he will wait for her. Betina comes into the room, and Ray tries to break the tension by introducing himself to her. Betina (as always) goes straight and to the point; yes, I know who you are; yes, my mother has talked about you; but, no she doesn’t love you because she still loves my father. She then turns to Dario and asks for help with her homework thus leaving Ray with no option but to leave. When he leaves, Betina tells her father to divorce Jacky and come back home with them. Dario tells her that he would love to do that.

At the hospital Barbara is whining (so what’s new). She tells Vasco that she is tired and wants to go home. Vasco tells her that they will leave as soon as he has heard from the Doctor. Barbara is relieved because she thought that Vasco wanted to stay with Hortensia. Vasco tells her that Hortensia is safe right now because she is in the emergency care unit, but he is sure that Sara will try to kill Hortensia later. He wants to hire a nurse to take care of his grandma, but not just any nurse; he wants somebody tough, somebody that won’t get intimidated by Sara. He asks his mother to see if she can find somebody like that. Alonslow comes in and tells them that Hortensia’s situation is the same.

At the restaurant, Ernesto thanks Lorena for recommending Maruja. Lorena tells him that she was sure that they would get along because they are the same. Rosi comes in to pick up a salad and a steak for a costumer, but she is not her usual happy self. Lorena wants to know what’s wrong. Rosi tells her about the photo session and how ugly she feels. Lorena tells her to cheer up; she has something that the other girls don’t have: Julian’s love.

At casa pobre Julian is talking to his parents. He tells them how happy he is with his new job. He likes everything especially the girls. His mother reminds him that Rosi is the jealous type. He tells her that he is being extra careful; he even took Rosi to his photo session. He changes the conversation and asks Oscar about Hortensia. He tells him that he doesn’t have any news.
At Alonslow’s house, the black widow (I’m still hoping against hope that she is just an unlucky person and not a murderer) brings Toribio into her house. He is blindfolded and tells her that he won’t complaint if she takes advantage of him. She then takes the blindfold off and shows him the food that she prepared. Toribio wants to know where she got the money to buy everything. She tells him that she used part of the money that he gave her. She says we'll eat the right way today and she implies that tomorrow the'll figure out something else.

Alonslow and Sara are at the evil mansion. Sara wants some love, but Alonslow is not in the mood. He tells her that he can’t do the deed there, besides he is very tired and wants to rest. He kisses her good night and leaves. Sara has a flash back of Chalo telling her that Alonslow doesn’t love her, and she tells us with clutched teeth that she doesn’t find any satisfaction in having everything if Alonslow doesn’t belong to her. Cut to commercials.

Back from commercials. Lorena is closing the doors of the restaurant and looks pensive. Rosi wants to know what the matter with her is. Lore tells her that she saw Alonslow at her school. Rosi asks if she felt something (“te pudo?”). Lorena tells her that no, she didn’t feel anything, but she is a little curious; she doesn’t understand why Chalo didn’t tell Alonslow. She believes that Sara and Chalo share more than just the bed. They must share a very dark secret.

At the kitchen, Maruja is telling Ernensto that they are going to need to expand the fridge. Monica walks in and wants to know what they are talking about. Maruja tells her the idea. Monica is all smiles and tells them that she thinks is a great idea and she would like to hear more about it. Maruja leaves and Ernesto wants to know what the reason behind her attitude change is. Monica tells him that she wants to make love not war and since she is a very determined woman, she has decided that she will get Ernesto back. She calls him my “amorcito”. Ernesto tells her that he is not her “amorcito” and he also is a very determined man, however because he wants peace in the restaurant, he won’t argue with her. He leaves the kitchen and Monica looks hopeful.

Alonslow arrives to his house. He feels guilty because he thinks he is deceiving Sara. He tells us that he can’t stand being with her. He starts looking for his father and can’t find him.

Toribio is still at his neighbor’s house. The black widow tells him that she had forgotten how fast the champagne goes to her head. She tells him that the last time she celebrated was at a funeral. Toribio asks her if she celebrates at funerals. She tells him that at the beginning she didn’t, but then she got used to celebrating after burying so many husbands… oops she realizes her mistake when Toribio asks her what husbands. She tells him that she is talking about her friend's husbands. –Didn’t you say that you didn’t have any friends? She changes the conversation and tells him that he is not as drunk as she tought. Toribio says that he is not drunk and to show her, he stands up and tries to walk in a straight line. He promptly fells and doesn’t get up. Black widow goes to check on him and realizes he is asleep.

At Rosi and Maruja’s house, Rosi is measuring herself. She is very unhappy with her body. Lore tells her to stop it because she is very pretty. Julian comes in and when he notices that Rosi is in a bad mood. He tells her that he would rather leave and come back another day, he doesn’t want Rosi to dampen his mood. He is still remembering the photo session when he receives a phone call. It is “Elenita” and she tells him that he looks kind of overweight in the photos. He needs to start a diet. Now Julian is the one worried about his body.

Paula arrives at her house and finds Dario sleeping in the couch. He wakes up with a start, and Paula runs to hug him. Dario misinterprets, he thinks that Paula wants something else and tries to kiss her. Paula tells him to stop it; it is not what he thinks. She needs him she is going to show him something that he needs to see. She hugs him again and Dario tells her that she drives him mad. Paula looks at him with pity and tells him that he will go mad once he sees what she has to show him. She pulls him by the arm and they leave.

The other half of the detective team is at Valeria’s house. After making sure that “La fiera” (the mother in law) is asleep, she tells Valeria everything about Ickturo’s affair. Valeria can’t believe it. She knew that something was wrong, but now she doesn’t know what to do. Greta tells her that she should take a decision. And if she decides to leave Ickturo, she and all of the other friends are there to help her.

Meanwhile Paula took Dario to his house; he goes into a defensive mood. Is she trying to get him into trouble with Jacky? (I can’t believe Dario, just a few minutes ago he told his daughter that he wanted to come back with Paula and now he doesn’t want to upset Jackeline?) Paula tells him that no, she is way over that, what she wants is to help him open his eyes. He wants explanations. She tells him that she’ll explain, but they have to go into his house.

Alonslow is looking for his father; he goes to the neighbor’s house and asks her if she knows where his father is. She tells him that he is sleeping, but when she tries to explain, he tells her that he doesn’t need an explanation, that his father is an adult and can do whatever he pleases. He then tells her good bye and leaves. She thinks to herself that it is better that he things bad of her than for him to know that his father is drunk.

Back at Dario’s house, Paula sits herself in the couch and tells Dario to relax. Dario tells her that it better not be another of her scandals. Paula tells him that she is not like that anymore. She tells him that before, she used to dream with the day when he would know what kind of woman is Jacky, and today is that day.

At Ickturo’s house Greta is holding a sobbing Valeria, she still can’t believe it, however she has the proof now; she can’t denied it anymore. She suddenly toughens up and tells Greta that she won’t let him deceive her any more; she needs a copy of the picture because she will divorce him. Greta tells her that she’ll get it for her and excuses herself she has to go, but she tells Valeria that she has all their (Maruja, Paula and Greta’s) support.

Dario is very nervous; he is drinking and still thinks that Paula is trying to create problems with Jacky. Paula asks how much money she(Jacky) has spend. He acknowledges that Jacky likes to spend more money than what is reasonable. Paula laughs and tells him that he has always been a penny-pincher. Dario says that she never understood that it is good to save for the future. Paula says that his future was with “her”. Dario drinks more, Paula tells him not to drink too much, and he needs to be sober for what is coming. Jacky walks in right then and throws a hissy fit when she sees Paula. She orders Dario to kick Paula out. Paula smiles and tells her to sit down and shut up. Dario backs Paula and tells Jacky to sit down and asks her where she is coming from. Jacky finally understands that something is wrong and is at a loss for words. Paula doesn’t hesitate, she tells Dario that Jacky is coming from a Hotel, she has been with her lover and she (Paula) has the proof. She pulls the camera out and shows it to Dario. Dario can’t believe what he is seeing. Jacky starts stammering and telling Dario that it is a big fat lie. She even asks God to kill her right where she is standing if she is lying. Paula tells God to please answer Jacky’s request but to wait just a little longer before killing her because seeing her suffer is so much fun. Jacky can’t take it any more she tries to hit Paula, but Dario stops her. Jacky then turns to Dario and swears that what Paula is saying is a lie. Paula says that that is enough; it is time to leave the love birds by themselves, if they want a copy of the picture, she’ll provide it, and she will even give them an enlargement if they want. She leaves the house.

Ickturo is arriving home without even imagining the storm that is waiting inside. He looks at himself in the mirror to make sure that there is no evidence of his rendezvous with Jacky.

Back at Dario and Jacky’s house they are still arguing. To make the long story short, when Jacky realizes that Dario won’t believe her, she confesses the truth. Yes, she has a lover and it is all Dario’s fault because he has been a terrible husband. When Dario insults her and tells her that Paula was always right and that she is “una cualquiera” Jacky finally tells him the whole truth. –Did you think I married you because of your looks or because I loved you? I did it for the money. Dramatic music plays in the background.

Ickturo enters the house and he sees Valeria waiting for him. He asks her if she is waiting because she is jealous. Valeria tells him that no, she is done with jealously and also she is done with him. Ickturo doesn’t understand. Valeria shoots with both barrels. –I gave you my whole life, two children and for their sake I’ve put up with your mother and with your ravings of grandeur. I even forgave you for stealing my money, but no more; I want a divorce. Ickturo tells her that he doesn’t understand. Valeria tells him that she knows that he has a lover and she also knows he is coming from the hotel where they were together. Cara de impactado de Ickturo.

Jacky is not having it easy either, now that she took her mask off she lets Dario have it. She tells him that he is not man enough for her. Dario can’t believe he destroyed his marriage because of her. Jacky tells him not to blame her, he is not a victim, he saw what he liked, and he took it. And she is not cheap; she knows what she is worth. Dario tells her that she is not even worth the coins that he has in his pocket. He pulls those coins, throws them to her and tells her to pick them up and leave. She offends Paula and provokes him by telling him that he is not a man. He wants to hit her, but contains himself, instead he kicks her out of the house.

Ickturo is desperate; he swears to Valeria that he is coming from the office. She tells him that she has proof; she has a picture of him and Jacky. He wants to see it. She tells him that she’ll show that picture to the judge. Ickturo changes his tune. He asks her not to do that, the judge could take away his visitation rights. Valeria says OK, but I want my money back. He agrees. She says that since everything is settled she is going to wake up the kids because they are leaving.

This was one of the most rewarding scenes of the chapter. Dario goes into their room and takes all of Jacky’s things and throws them out the window while telling her to get out because the house is his and she is not staying a minute longer.

Ickturo is now on his knees, he is pleading with her not to take the kids. The-mother-in-law-from hell comes downstairs and tells Ickturo to get up. He tells her that Valeria knows that he has been unfaithful. La suegra justifies Ickturo and tells Valeria that Ickturo had to get from somewhere what he was not getting at home. –Besides, Barbara is a real woman. Valeria realizes that Ickturo has more than one lover, slaps him and leaves.

Maruja, Greta and Paula congratulate themselves in a job well done. Paula is worried about Valeria.

Ickturo is crying, when his phone rings it’s Jacky she tells him that her husband found out about them and kicked her out of the house, she wants him to help her. He tells her not to bother him and to go to a hotel. His mother comes and tells him that Valeria is taking the kids. She wants him to stop her; she’ll die if Valeria takes the kids. Ickturo tells her that it’s all her fault because Valeria would have forgiven him eventually, but now she won’t. He cries like a baby in her mother’s arms.

Valeria arrives at Paula’s house and asks her if she can stay. Paula tells her she can stay as long as she wants.

Sara is trying to get the money for Chalo. She checks the accounts and finally finds out that a customer is going to make a payment for a big amount. She calls the costumer and tells him to deposit to a different account. She gives him her account number.

Jualia, Rosi and Lore are talking about what happened to Hortensia. Lore is worried about it. Rosi says that it is Divine justice. Julian tells them that Vasco thinks it was Sara. He asks Lore if she thinks that Sara would be capable of killing somebody. Lore tells him that no, she doesn’t thinks so, but when he leaves she tells Rosi that she believes that Sara is capable of that and more.

Alonslow calls Sara to let her know that Hortensia is doing much better; Sara feigns that she is happy about it and asks Alonslow if she can take her home. Alonslow tells her that she’ll be able to do it very soon.

Jacky goes to Ickturo’s office to asks him why he didn’t help her last night. Ickturo is moody and tells her that he is not feeling well. After talking back and forth about whose fault it was that they got caught. Jacky tells him that the silver lining is that now, once they divorce their current spouses, they’ll be able to marry each other. Ickturo looks like he just swallowed something really bitter.

At the black widow’s house, Toribio just woke up and wants to know what happened. BW makes him squirm a little, but finally tells him that nothing happened, he was just too drunk and went to sleep. She also tells him that Alonslow came to look for him. Toribio is embarrassed.

Alonslow comes to Paula’s house. He wants to know how Valeria is doing. Paula tells him that she is showing a tough exterior, but in the inside she is hurting. Valeria comes out and greets Alonslow. He tells her that she can count on him. Valeria asks him to help her find a good lawyer. Alonslow says that he has a patient that is a lawyer; he’ll ask her for her help. Valeria leaves to her room to get ready to go to work, and Alonslow and Paula are left to ponder about the damage that Jackeline has done to their lives.

Sara checks her bank account and sees that the deposit has been made. She is happy and thinks that with that money she’ll be able to keep Chalo quiet for at least a month. She goes to the bank.

Ernesto receives his sister’s unexpected visit. She asks for a minute and calls him little brother. He knows that whenever she calls him little brother is because she needs a favor. She tells him that she is receiving an award and wants to invite him to the ceremony. He is very happy for her and wants to celebrate, but she tells him that she doesn’t have the time because she has to go pick up her kids. They kiss goodbye and she tells him how much she loves him. Ernesto tells his sister that he loves her too. She leaves.

Dario goes to see Paula. He is very sorry for what he did to her. He can’t believe he left Paula for Jackeline. He asks for forgiveness. Paula tells him that she suffered a lot, and that there was a time when she hated him, but now she forgives him. Dario cries and swears that he’ll never hurt her again. They hug.

Ernesto is driving when he receives a phone call. It’s from his nephews’ school. They tell him that the kids have not been picked up, can he come? He says he’ll call his sister and if he can’t find her he’ll pick up the kids. He tries to call her, but she doesn’t answer.

Chalo is counting the money that Sara brought him. 50,000 pesos. Sara tells him that it was not easy to get the money and Hortensia is still alive and kicking. Chalo tells her that that is her problem. He doesn’t care, he just wants the money. Sara tries to seduce him but Chalo doesn’t let her touch him. He tells her that he won’t let her deceive him again, they only have a business relationship. Sara is upset and leaves.

Vasco is at the only hospital in Mexico to take off his cast. As he is leaving he finds Alonslow and he informs him that his grandma is better and she’ll be ready to leave tomorrow. Vasco is worried and as soon as Alonslow leaves he calls his mother to tell her to hurry up looking for the nurse, they need her for tomorrow.

Lorena is selling her panquesitos in front of Ernesto’s nephews’ School. She sees Ernesto come out with the kids. The kids are happy to see her, but she notices that Ernesto looks tense. He tells her that he is worried because when he saw his sister in the morning she told him that she was coming to pick up the kids. Right then his phone rings we only hear his side of the conversation. He tells whoever is on the other side that yes, he is Ernesto Mendiola. His face changes and we know he has received bad news. Lorena is worried. He tells her that her sister and husband had a car accident and that they are both dead.

The end


Saturday, September 06, 2008

Doña Bárbara - Friday, Sept. 5: Santos has doubts about DB: Luisana gathers intelligence for her plan to defeat DB and Marisela returns to Altamira

Cecilia angrily leaves Antonio with his 'prometida.' Antonio tells Federica that he doesn't love her and he only promised to marry her to keep her from jumping off the bell tower. Federica says that she will kill herself if he doesn't marry her. Antonio says to go ahead. Josefa listens to all this behind Antonio.

Juan Pablo Shuk's character is named Gonzalo and it turns out he is an old school friend of Santos and knows Cecilia, of course. He is also apparently involved in politics. The police come to arrest him for treason but he manages to escape from them.

Luisana admits to Santos that she went to El Miedo to provoke DB. She can't accept that Santos would prefer DB to her. She shows him the merchandise but Santos is not interested. Later Luisana goes to town to find out all the dirt she can on DB.

Santos and DB have some river sex and then DB scares Santos by suggesting that she would like to have his baby. He leaves her in disgust.

At Josefa's urging, Federica makes good on her threat to try and commit suicide again. She drinks bleach ('lejía'). Josefa summons Cecilia, Antonio and Marisela to the hospital. The next day Cecilia and Marisela leave San Fernando without Antonio.

Orestes demonstrates very poor intelligence. First, he arrives drunk at El Miedo and accuses DB of murdering his father. Then he finds out about his father lending money to DB to buy El Barquereña on condition it was paid back within a year. Since that didn't happen, he decides that El Barquereña, or El Miedo, as it is known now belongs to him. No matter that with Pernalete in DB's back pocket, Orestes is very unlikely to succeed in a legal claim against DB's ownership of the Hacienda. Orestes boasts to everyone in the tavern (including DB and Melquiades that he is now rich and owns El Miedo.) I predict the remainder of Orestes life will be quite short.
In a very sweet scene, Marisela asks if Santos has been thinking about her while she was away. He says that when she isn't there, he missed the sunlight of each day and the sugar in his coffee. Santos says that he doesn't know why but when Marisela isn't around, he doesn't smile. And then the witch Luisana comes and demands to know who this 'girl' ['niña'] is that Santos misses so much - another rival?


Pasión de Gavilanes, Friday, Sept. 5 - Glub, glub - adios to Juan's beloved truck!

Well, I can't let PdG end without doing a memorial to the demise of Juan's beloved truck. Here are some pics as it sinks into the swamp in Friday's episode.

Camioneta - en paz descansa.


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