Tuesday, June 17, 2008

La Traición, Mon., June 16- Soledad is stupid; Hugo is crushed; Arturo is arrested; Alcides is in funds and Paquito is trying to clean up

In the mine, Hugo tries to get Soledad back

Antonia asks Eloisa where she got the pearl necklace

Alcides tells Hercu-less to go find Dr. Dan's wife

Doña Gladis lowers herself to visit Margót

'Houdini' Hugo steals Soledad's engagement ring while kissing her hand

Soledad pulls away from Hugo’s kiss:
S: I can’t. It’s not fair.
H: Of course, it’s not fair. You think two people who love each other so much should be separated? It’s not fair.
S: Hugo, don’t you realize? I’m wearing the engagement ring of another man.
H: A man that you don’t love!
S: Hugo, please. We have to end this. Let’s try to make new lives for ourselves.
H: Yes, let’s do it, let’s do it together. With our daughter we could live far, far, far away.
S: I can’t do that, Hugo. Daniel has been so good to me. He’s never treated me badly. On the contrary, he’s been wonderful.
H: If he’s a good man, he’ll understand. I don’t want to lose you. I don’t want to and I can’t (“no quiero y no puedo’).
S: Don’t you realize that every time you kiss me, it reminds me of the kisses you gave me when you were pretending to be Alcides.
H: Why? Why do you insist on making me think that you can’t forgive me?
S: It’s not about forgiving. We can’t be together. Please don’t pressure me any more.
H: I love you. Even if you run from me, do what you will, no matter what happens, I will never stop loving you. I adore you.
S: Stop! (She runs away.)
H: Where are you going? Soledad?

Eloisa can’t believe that Ursula has told her that Hugo kidnapped Soledad. Ursula says that it is true. It caught them all by surprise. Eloisa says that they have to notify the authorities. Hugo might hurt Soledad. Ursula says Hugo is a not bad person. He was upset at learning that Soledad had gotten engaged to Dr. Dan since he is still in love with her. The Obragon witches and Lucas come in. Eloisa again says that the authorities should be notified about Soledad. Ester says that Dr. Dan and the guards went after Hugo. Antonia’s eagle eye spots Eloisa’s new string of pearls right away. She flashes back to asking Eloisa why the door to Soledad’s bedroom was locked. She tells Eloisa that when she saw her a few minutes ago, she wasn’t wearing this necklace.

Arturo tells that judge that the mere suspicion that he had anything to do with Aurora’s kidnapping is an insult to his reputation, his military career and his name. It’s crazy. The judge says that he doesn’t see any problem with Arturo showing them the sole of his boots (‘la suela de sus botas’). The judge pulls out a drawing of the footprints that he wants to compare Arturo’s boots with. Arturo says that this is truly humiliating. The judge says that we can do this the easy way or my men can force you to do it. Arturo shows the judge the sole of his boot and the judge compares it to the drawing.

Alcides repeats the information that he has just received with evident satisfaction – Dr. Chirac is a married man. “That’s to your benefit, isn’t it?” ask Hercu-less who is always a little slow on the uptake. Alcides says that for some obscure (‘turbia,’ literally, ‘like a muddy stream’) reason, Dr. Dan hasn’t divorced his wife. He tells Herc that he has an important mission for him. “At your service,” responds Herc. Alcides turns around and looks at Herc saying that he seems to be in a very good mood today. Herc replies that it is true. Margot came back to him. “You took her back from Arturo without my help. I congratulate you,” says Alcides, “You are one up on that idiot.” He asks for his bowl of nuts and tells Herc to listen carefully. He has to find Dr. Dan’s wife.

Dr. Dan is still riding around looking for Soledad.

Hugo runs after Soledad and grabs her.
H: Don’t go any farther. Don’t go deeper into the mine. It’s dangerous.
S: Let me go!
H: Listen to me. There’s no way out that way. This is an unstable mine. It’s dangerous.
S: It’s dangerous being near you.
H: Don’t say that. I would never hurt you.
S: You wouldn’t hurt me. Hugo, you’ve hurt me so much.
H: That’s in the past, in the past. I made mistakes because you married my brother. I was jealous and confused but that’s in the past. (He kisses her hand.) It’s in the past.
S: Even if I forgot everything that happened in the past, you still hurt me today, right now. Don’t you realize that every time you speak of love, it’s as if you stab a knife right into my heart (‘es como si me clavaras un puñal en el corazon’)? Your kisses hurt me. Hugo, your touch kills me because I love you and I don’t want to love you.
H: You see. We can’t run from our destiny. We can’t run from our feelings. Our love is stronger than everything. It is. If this ring is keeping you away from me, then let me take it off for you. (Hugo starts to take the ring off Soledad’s finger but she snatches it back.)

Ester and Lucas scold Antonia for being rude to their guest but Antonia holds her ground. She insists that Eloisa was not wearing that necklace when she came in to Soledad’s room earlier. Eloisa tells Antonia that she hopes that Antonia isn’t accusing her of stealing the necklace from Soledad. Ursula confirms that the necklace is not Soledad’s. Eloisa says that she had the necklace in her hand because it fell off when she lay down in Soledad’s room. Eloisa says that Antonia is confused just like Eloisa was confused when she thought that Antonia was related to the pianist at the club. Antonia backs down immediately and apologizes. Eloisa says that she has to leave. She will do everything she can to find Soledad.

Gladis comes in and asks what is going on. The judge says that he is on a criminal investigation. He puts Arturo under arrest for suspicion of kidnapping Aurora. Gladis is impactada and Arturo protests his innocence. The police take him away. (They didn’t put handcuffs on Arturo. When Hugo gets arrested, he always politely holds out his wrists for the handcuffs.) Gladis says that there has to be a mistake. The judge tells her not to interfere with the workings of justice. If she wants to help her son, she should do it through legal means. That’s what lawyers are for. He leaves.

Hercu-less says to Alcides that this means he has to travel and find von Chirac’s wife. Alcides says that he wants Dr. Dan’s wife here in San Marino. Herc says what if she doesn’t want to come. Alicdes says that they will resolve that with money. Alcides looks at his watch and says to himself that if Eloisa doesn’t show up in half an hour, he’ll have to go after her. He tells himself to relax. She can’t have betrayed him. He tells Herc that they’ll discuss what to do when he finds Dr. Dan’s wife.

Dr. Dan has found Hugo’s horse and deduced that he took Soledad into the mine.

Hugo and Soledad in the mine-
H: If you don’t love von Chirac, why are you doing this?
S: Because one day I will love him.
H: That day will never come.
S: That day will come when I tear you out of my heart. That day I will really be free, Hugo. Please, find Michelle. I am going to keep my word with Daniel.
H: I can’t go find Michelle because she left me.
S: It was our fault, Hugo!
H: Because she realized that I could never stop loving you.
S: Let me go, please. (Hugo releases her hand.) Hugo, I’m so sorry. I’m engaged to Daniel von Chirac and I’m going to get married. Find Michelle. Make her happy. She deserves it. (She leaves.)

The Obragon witches are worried about what has happened to Soledad. Lucas says Hugo would never hurt her. Ester and Lucas leave the room. Ursula says to Antonia that it is strange that Eloisa would lock herself in Soledad’s room. Antonia agrees. She found Eloisa there before Hugo came. Antonia says that she doesn’t trust Eloisa. She is up to something.

Hercu-less says that he needs money to go on this trip. Alcides says that he will have it this afternoon. Eloisa slithers in and she’s not wearing the necklace. Alcides asks why she is so late. “Did you think I betrayed you?” asks Eloisa. Alcides sends Herc away. Alcides asks if she brought what he asked. Was she in the treasure room? Eloisa asks him to check for himself. She raises her skirt to show one of the gold bars.

Soledad is walking out of the mine alone. She looks back. She starts to go back but Dr. Dan appears. He asks if she is ok. She says that she is fine. He asks about Hugo. Hugo appears and sees them together. He calls Soledad’s name really loudly. The mine collapses. Dr. Dan and Soledad are ok. Hugo doesn’t answer. Soledad and Dr. Dan start to move the rubble to find Hugo.

Antonia tells Ursula that whatever Eloisa was looking for in Soledad’s room, they won’t find it. They should concentrate on finding Soledad. Ursula hesitantly volunteers that she might be able to find out something. She is friends with Hugo’s servant, Boris. She can go ask him. Ursula asks Antonia not to mention this to Ester. Antonia agrees and Ursula leaves.

Boris is in the workshop when Manrique and another guy come in. They ask for Hugo and Boris says that he isn’t there. The guy is a weapons collector and Manrique has told him that Hugo makes good swords. Boris has the one that Hugo made for Michelle and shows it to him. The guy has never seen a better sword. He offers to pay a lot of money for it.

“I will get about 50 thousand pesos for these two gold bars and with that I will be able (‘podré’) to survive for a few days,” says Alcides. “You mean we will be able (‘podremos’),” says Eloisa. Alcides says that he will give Eloisa her share this afternoon when he exchanges the ingots for cash. He asks if anyone suspected anything. Eloisa says no, everything went fine. Alcides asks if she buried Michelle’s body and Eloisa says that it was horrible but she put it into the catacombs like he said. Alcides asks if there is anything Eloisa wants to tell him. She asks what he is referring to. Alcides says that if she could have stolen anything from the treasure vault and if that’s the case, she should tell him.

It’s nice to see Arturo in jail for once. Gladis comes to see him. She is babbling about how they have to get him out of the prison before everyone finds out. Arturo tells her to shut up. If she wants to help him, she has to go get Margot and bring her to the jail. Margot is the only one who can get him out. Gladis shakes her head and walks away.

Soledad hopes that nothing bad happened to Hugo. Dr. Dan says that they will get him out. Soledad says that she doesn’t hear Hugo’s voice. Dr. Dan should hurry. Soledad starts screaming Hugo’s name and Dr. Dan tells her to be careful or she will cause another collapse. Finally, she sees Hugo under the rubble. Dr. Dan digs him out. Hugo says that he is ok, just a few bruises. Dr. Dan says that he should be checked out. The impacts could have after effects. “At this point,” says Hugo, “nothing worse could happen to me.” Dr. Dan offers to help him crawl out of the rubble but Hugo says he can do it alone. “I’m used to having my world crash down around me." (‘Ya estoy acostumbrado a que el mundo me caiga encima,’ literally 'fall down on top of me.') Soledad says again that Hugo should go to the hospital but Hugo replies that he should go to the police station because he tried to kidnap Soledad.

Alcides is waiting for Eloisa to answer. He asks if she took any jewels from the treasure. Eloisa says that she is offended. Alcides points out that there are so many valuable things in the vault. Eloisa replies that they are partners and she wouldn’t risk him cutting her throat by stealing what doesn’t belong to her. She says that instead of suspecting her, he should listen to what she found out at the Obragon house. It is a barrel of gunpowder about to explode (‘un barril de pólvora a punto de estallar.’) Alcides asks her to tell him. She tells him that Soledad accepted Dr. Dan’s proposal and Hugo kidnapped her the moment he found out. She says that she isn’t telling him this so that he will go crazy but just so he knows what’s going on. She says that Hugo kidnapping Soledad isn’t the problem but Soledad accepting Dr. Dan’s proposal is. Alcides says that marriage will never take place. Dr. Dan is a married man. Eloisa is impactada.

Someone is knocking at Margot’s door. It’s Gladis. She tells Margot that although she can’t stand her, Arturo needs to see her. He’s in jail.

In jail, Arturo tells himself that he has to persuade Margot to help him. She is the only one who can get him out of jail. He flashes back to putting the baby in the cabaña. He castigates himself for not realizing that he had left footprints. He tells himself to relax. He knows what he has to do.

Boris says that the sword is not for sale. Hugo made it as a gift for someone very special. Manrique says that they are offering him a lot of money. Boris says that he is sorry but only Hugo can make the decision to sell the sword and he’s not here. The guy leaves money for Hugo to make a sword exactly like that one. Boris takes the commission. Manrique and the guy leave. Ursula comes in and asks if Boris has any news of Hugo and Soledad. Boris says no. He tells Ursula not to worry. He is sure they are fine.

Dr. Self Righteous says that there is no need for the police. What Hugo did was terrible but sometimes people act on irrational impulses. Hugo says that nevertheless he deserves to go to jail. Soledad says that she won’t file charges. Hugo takes Soledad’s hand and kisses it. “Forgive me,” says Hugo to Soledad, “Forgive me. It won’t happen again.” Dr. Dan says that he ran into the judge at Hugo’s cabaña and told him what had happened. Now he has to see the judge and tell him everything is ok. Hugo says that the judge was at his house investigating Aurora’s kidnapping. Hugo says that he wants to find the guilty parties. Dr. Dan asks if Soledad is ok. She says yes. To herself she says, “My God, why must I give up the man I love?” (why indeed?) She asks Hugo again to go to the hospital. “No Soledad,” responds Hugo, “no doctor will ever be able to cure my wounds.” Soledad and Dr. Dan go off hand in hand. Soledad looks back at Hugo. “Why, Soledad? Why?” asks Hugo, “I love you.” He says “Yo te amo,” to her silently like he did on the gallows and then we see that he has Soledad’s engagement ring.

Hugo looks at the engagement ring and gets on his horse. The guards show up and ask where Soledad is. Hugo says that she has gone home. They don’t believe him. He starts to ride away but they fire a warning shot. Hugo returns, gives them his gun and rides off.

Arturo has a visitor. It’s Margot. He is glad to see her. She asks him to tell her that he did not commit this atrocity. Arturo says that she can prove his innocence. She asks him again to tell her that it isn’t true. He asks her if she thinks he is capable of kidnapping a baby. She doesn’t think so (you don’t know Arturo very well, Margot and he didn’t tell you he didn’t do it). Arturo tells Margot that she has to help him prove his innocence by going to the cabaret and stealing one or more of the boots of police officers who frequent the place. All guys in the legal field wear the same kind of boots. Arturo will be able to show that his boot print is not unique. (Couldn’t a lawyer make that argument, Arturo?)

At the cabaret, Paquito is trying to clean the couch where Deborah’s body was but the stain won’t come off. Eloisa comes in and gives him a fright. She asks if he can’t afford someone to clean the furniture. She realizes his hiding something from her and finds the bloodstains. She asks who he killed.

Ester is worried that it is so late and Soledad hasn’t returned. Lucas announces that Dr. Dan has brought Soledad back. Soledad explains that Hugo took her to the mine. Ester says that the mine is a dangerous place. Dr. Dan says that Hugo was the one in danger. There was a collapse and Hugo was trapped but he and Soledad got Hugo out. Lucas asks if Hugo is ok and Soledad replies that it wasn’t anything serious. Ester wants Soledad to file charges against Hugo. Soledad says no and Dr. Dan agrees. He says that Hugo acted on impulse and has already admitted he was wrong. Soledad wants to go take a bath but Dr. Dan asks if it is ok if they have a celebration of his engagement to Soledad that evening. Ester and Lucas think that is a fine idea. Soledad asks where Ursula is.

She’s kissing Boris in the workshop. Boris says that her kisses taste like honey (‘saben a miel’). Ursula likes Boris’ kisses too but that’s not why she came. She came to find out about Soledad. Boris says that Ursula knows that Hugo and Soledad love each other very much. Ursula agrees. Boris says that his how he is starting to feel about Ursula. Of course, Marina comes in and sees them kissing passionately. She leaves a card and goes out.

The police put Hugo in jail. I guess they only have one cell because he is put in the same cell as Arturo. Hugo says that he needs to speak to the judge. Hugo turns around and says to Arturo that if he is in jail, it is because he kidnapped Hugo’s daughter. Arturo says that he didn’t do it and he’ll prove his innocence. Hugo asks how Arturo is capable of committing such cruelty against a baby that can barely walk. Arturo repeats that he didn’t have anything to do with it. Arturo stands up and Hugo punches him a couple of times and discovers Arturo only has one hand.

Paquito explains how the stain got on the couch. He found Deborah there dead. Eloisa asks Paquito where the body is. She asks if the police took it. Paquito asks if she is crazy. If the police found that that there had been a murder on the night of the inauguration of his cabaret, he’d lose everything. He hid the body. Eloisa commiserates Paquito on the bad day he is having while she thinks to herself that she has just had the best moment of her life while looking at the giant treasure. She regrets that she can’t tell Paquito about it.
Paquito notices how happy Eloisa is. She says that Alcides gave her money and she wants to spend it at Paquito’s cabaret. They kiss and Paquito closes the door.

Soledad is in her bedroom. Antonia comes in and tells her that Eloisa was in her room while she was out and even more strange, she locked herself in. Soledad is not very concerned. Eloisa is her friend. Then Antonia notices that Soledad doesn’t have her engagement ring on. “The ring,” says Soledad, “I’ve lost my engagement ring.” The credits roll.

Tomorrow: Dr. Dan’s lie is exposed.


Yo Amo a Juan, Monday June 16 - More Birds: Swan Song or Game of Chicken?

Thanks for checking in. This is my last Monday night carrying the torch for our Juan Q one last round. I'll be around for the Grand Finale Sunday night as part of the swell tag team we have set up. Hope to see you here on these pages for that too. The best information we have is that it will be a three hour extravaganza Sunday the 22 of June.

We return to the amiable breakfast scene in the hospital cafeteria with NIdia and Pastor assuring each other of their family-like feelings but Pastor presents the news that she should really see him as the uncle of her daughter Yadira. Then drops the bomb of the positive results of the DNA test that proves that Angarita and Yadira are father and daughter. Nidia has an instant hot flash while we switch to Angarita back in his sick bed with Yadira practicing saying daughter and papa to each other.

In the garage things aren't so cozy. Alirio has to learn that for certain crooks like Gutierrez, apparently there is honor among thieves. Even though Alirio has replaced the money to the accounts, Gutierrez gives him the boot from the scheme. Alirio can't quite believe that he is being fired from being a worthless crook but see for yourselves. Guttierrez can't lower himself to continue with such a dishonest man. He hopes to never see Alirio again. Alirio protests (always a good word for his outburst) that he couldn't risk losing the one woman in his life. Gutierrez hopes he has learned his lessons (escarmientos) and looks for a woman that loves him. Another unheeded reality check for our verbose one. Alirio is determined (decidido) to fight for his woman.

Julia has baby Nidia Micaela in the lizard lounge of Farell where Ivonne listens to Julia talk on about what a perfect pair she and Kike would make. Ivonne dryly asks if he has made any declarations of his love? No, but.. Well come down from the clouds then.

Juan is thinking they are all dropping jaw bones (quijadas) and indeed we see Juan, Marely, and Kike are facing Pastor and Yadira with gapping jaws while they deliver the DNA test news which is decisive (contundente) that Anga is Yadi's papa. We get a classic astounded Kike reaction: soup of bald parakeets! (¡sopas de perico calvo!). We're in a movie. Juan goes on to explain to Ivonne and Paula who have just piled into the hospital lounge that the news is that the defunct Samuel Cachon is not Yadira's father but none other than Angarita is. Marely comes forward to ask Yadira if she is feeling like her half sister and assured by the less than logical Yadi that she is a sister and a half, Paula sneers on the side.


Marely fondly caresses her new desk and swivels in her new chair in her office.

Angarita in spritely form and sporty workout clothes kisses Nidia in the hallway

Paula looks askance as Juan and Marely go all kissy face in the lizard lounge. Sandro2 looks doubly askance at Paula's pouty looks and the kissers. Switch to Paula pouting in her bed.

Yadira takes over and becomes more bossy at the market as the crown princess of veggie world.

Juan looks thoughtful in the semi-dark room of the sleeping Juanito

Kike and Julia assemble their business office with a fine new sign.

Ivonne emerges from cancer treatment to be hugged by Fernando

Juanito is getting his fantasy family meal as Juan and Marely fondly touch hands almost landing in his plate.

Nidia helps Angarita pack up as they pledge to stay together but she insists on her house not his. They won't separate until death.

Yadira advises little (half) sister Marely that she should be more aggressive and fashionable to appeal to Juan and needs to change her look. Yadira is going to have her matriculate into the University of Seduction making her bare her shoulders. She needs to work on her lower passions, the ingenue Marely begins to do NIdia chomichomi's nad wiggle about the room.

Only Ivonne has to hear Paula continue to whine about losing Juan to Marely. Paula insists she isn't going to interfere with the big engagement (noviazgo). But she can't avoid being sad and hurt. Now she struts out the door declaring that she is going to what she should have weeks ago. Eek, what's that says Ivonne.

Laura who can whine with the best of them is in a rage about having to see Juan and Marely together in an office. However, she doesn't realize she is raging at a mask which is delighted behind it. Sandro2 points out that THEY are engaged. He pictures an exasperated Paula beginning to chew her nails. An irritated Paula has made it across the hall and demands that Laura leave them alone. Sandro2 observes that she seems sad does she need to talk? Yes, she does but about business. She offers him the sale of her shares in Farell. He is left squinting while we all count how many times he has been offered his company back...

Nidia tells Anga she will go up to prepare his little bed. While she wiggles up the stairs, Pastor observes that he won't insist that Anga go home with him as he can see how happy he is at Nidia's. How considerate on you part, quips a pleased Angarita. Just then the office door opens and oops, Alirio is still in the house, he demands how can Angarita put his dirty feet in HIS house.

Paula assures Sandro2 that she will sell her shares for whatever Juan's offer was that Sandro2 was disposed to accept just a few episodes ago. The important thing to her is to get far away as soon as possible. She wants to get away from the executives of Farell even though Sandro2 says it would be a shame for her to leave. He pokes the sore point, isn't this about the engagement of Juan and Marely? Yes, she admits yes but wonders why he keeps bringing it up. He insists that her presence in the company is strategic. She starts to slam out the door saying if he isn't interested she will find someone else to buy her out. No, no, he just needs to study the paper work a bit so he can move forward. She asks him to be quietly discreet and he sites Ivonne as a known leak. No, no one else knows about this offer so just keep it quiet. BREAK

Alirio argues with Angarita and Pastor about his house when NIdia gets into it and cheers on Anga and then Pastor takes the lead as words get stronger to chase Alirio around the staircase while Alirio calls him a homosexual (invertido) but said invertido gives him the bum's rush and they slide right out of the house. Outside Nidia announces her intention of getting a divorce this very day. Pastor and Nidia laugh at him and return to the house arm in arm, saying a dog that barks doesn't bite.

Paula repeats her demand for discretion and speed on this transaction to a grinning Sandro2 who assures her she can count on him. Juan comes out of his office as Sandro2 leaves Paula's office still sporting his grin. Juan demands to know why Sandro2 is always in Paula's office and a widening grin assures him that it is principally for work but there is more between them and Juan must know that it is difficult to keep just to business between such people. He give the famous Juan chin flipping gesture to the master himself. Juan is momentarily trumped and barks at Marely but quickly recovers and promises her a night out on the town as she wishes.

Alirio is in a store without money. Paula is interrupted again by Sandro2 who wants to meet for dinner to review the papers and get answers to some doubts he has.

It is Juan's turn to whine about how much attention Sandro2 is paying to Paula, he can only tell Kike at the new trucking office about how it irks him. Kike's advice is that a dead dog isn't ferocious anymore. Juan decides he will go back to his deal to sell his shares to Sandro2. It isn't fair to Marely for him to hang out in an atmosphere of old loves. (Gee, lots of places he can't work, huh?)

Speaking of the rose garden, she has been tarted up astoundingly by sister Yadira in buckets of makeup which balances the very low cut dress she is squeezed into. This Yadira means business at the University of Seduction! BREAK

Marely feels like a another person. (she sure isn't any Marely that we know) Yadi assures her she is more Cachon than ever and so precious.

Kike and Juan discuss Juan's options of other work, getting away from bad love and selling the shares.

Alirio reveals that what he was after at the second hand store seems to be a large ugly tent. NIdia protests his trashing the yard but he has a sign, "afuera Calvo, adentro Perafan" which he waves at her as they argue about whether he will leave the yard or not. NIdia threatens that the garbage truck will come at 7 AM and it wont' be her fault if they mistake the tent for garbage and haul him away for her.

Kike enthuses about all the pieces put into place for their business, then smells something delicious which we are told is a special family recipe of paella (wish we had the directions) He is ready to tell her something more he wants to say about them but is interrupted by the smell of burning paella.

Ivonne on the arm of Fernando tells Ana and Paula thanks and goodbye as she prepares to go back to her own life.

Juanito and Juan do telescope eye gestures at the bonbon Marely in her sexy "let's go to Paradise tonight, Juan" costuming from U.Seduct. central wardrobe. BREAK

Ana and Paula argue about the dinner with Sandro2 which Paula insists is only for business and doesn't mean anything else. Ana knows better but Paula tells her about wanting to sell her shares and get away from the company and especially Juan.

Angarita tells Nidia he has doubts about the engagement (M and J's ) He knows that he and Juan are a lot alike in that when they find the one woman they really love in life, they are hooked for life no matter what time and distance and different roads. Like I love you, he loves Paula Davila. Nidia insists that Marely can erase this foolishness (desatinos) with Paula. Anga says I hope so but doesn't look like he believes it. Because there are going to be three unhappy people not just two.

Ana and Willy plan a fun trip to Italy for months (I'm packing) while Ana continues to worry about Paula's silly decisions and mistakes she is making. The indulgent Willy says let's take Paula with us to Italy. Ana likes this to give Paula a new direction in her life. AND they can marry in Venice. (I'm packing, I tell you)

Paula and Sandro2 are meeting at the restaurant with a lawyer he has brought to ask questions. She agrees to hire him to take care of certain paperwork that is all wrong but Paula hasnt' had tie to change names and file papers after Cesar Luis' death. This lawyer is only too glad to help her with all that. As he leaves in comes the ENGAGED COUPLE. Everyone acts surprised and annoyed at this encounter. BREAK

Paula and Sandro2 get up to leave while Marely asks to toast as she acts rightly jealous at the rubber necking Juan does to keep looking over at what Paula is doing. Sandro2 doesn't look so happy either.

Ivonne and Fernando continue examining the evidence of coincidence of Sandro2 and CesarLuis both keeping everyone else thinking there is just Sandro left. They get distracted from the sleuthing to kiss and decide to spend the night together.

Marely is finally whiny about wanting Juan to look with deep love and lust at her just like he always has with Paula. He must be bored with her. She wants to spend the night with him.

Ana invites Paula to Italy with them. When she agrees to come for the wedding but will sell her interests in Farell first, Ana tells her to wait until she comes back but she doesn't intend to come back, ever.

Marely begins to channel NIdia and suggest Juan should make passionate love to her and not stand back and respect her like he insists he must. She really takes off on a quest but is soon collapsing drunk in Juan's arms. We see them come into Marely's bedroom in a silly drunk scene that inlcudes Juan's indecision about putting her into her scanty pajamas. She wants kisses and passion but the room is whirling so. He ends by covering her with his jacket. He thinks he is not ready to wake up in this bed so escapes as she protests weakly between wanting to hurl or be passionate.

Sandro and CL discuss the success CL can just taste. Both Paula and Juan are about to fall. He is the victor. Sandro tries to point out that Juan isn't going to fall over Paula, he is engaged to Marely. But CL is sure he is about to deliver the coup de grace with Paula's help. She has offered him her shares of Farell. He beams as we end dreaming of money and power and a vanquished Paula and Juan. Hmmmm...

Escarmientos = lessons, punishments

Decidido = determined, committed, decided

Quijadas = jaws, jawbones

Contundente = decisive proof

Sopas de perico calvo = soup of bald parakeets! Wow! This is too precious, and probably on this list before but don't try to make it like some other phrase.

Noviazgo = engagement

Invertido = homosexual, upside down

Desatinos = foolishness, blunders


Fuego, Monday 6/16 (#35): All roads lead away from home

It's morning in the city of Serdán, or is it Lerdán - I told you I can't read those curly letters. If I knew something about agriculture I'd tell you what's planted in the field we're looking at too, but as far as I can tell it could be anything from tires or gophers or anthills or some type of small tree.

Eva wakes Sofía, who reports that she feels great, but quickly adds that she hasn't forgotten Eva's problem. She asks if Eva found out anything about her child. Eva says she's not sure whether it's real or a just a dream, but she's just sure that Rosario is hers. Sofía gapes. Eva says Rosario keeps rejecting her and won't let her near - so she can't find out whether it's true or not. Sofía excitedly offers to help Eva find out for sure. Eva happily bustles off to get Gabi's breakfast.

Feo is also having a healthy breakfast - tequila, I believe - at the nightclub. Armando proudly reports that the hacienda accounting records are all fixed up - Sofía and Gabriela won't be able to detect the embezzlement. Feo grumbles that he still needs to find those incriminating notes that Bernardo left behind. Armando says perhaps it'd be better to find some money, because Feo's got a lot of debt. If he doesn't pay up soon, he'll be in trouble. Feo says tomorrow he'll try to get Gabi to make her father sign those papers; if she can't do it, he'll have to gamble for big bucks. He picks up a knickknack with two roosters and gives it a shake; one of the roosters falls off. (If there's going to be a cockfighting scene, I don't want to see it.)

Armando warns Feo not to trust his luck too much; he could lose, and then he'll be worse off. Feo hollers that people who don't trust their luck are worthless; and instead of giving useless advice, Armando should think of a way to snare the Reyes brothers and get rid of them. (I am wondering if it's just a matter of time before Armando gets tired of Feo's abuse and poor judgment, and turns on him.)

The Reyes brothers are sitting outside the cottage, killing time trying to throw small things into a bigger thing (I can't identify any of the objects, but none make their target) and staring at the hacienda. Oscar says that within those walls are the women who have stolen their hearts. They came to the house for vengeance, but instead they were given a lesson of love. Franco says, "who would have thought that we would have ended up in love with the daughters of Bernardo Elizondo?"

"Of Bernardo Elizondo, and Gabriela Acevedo - our worst enemy," Juan adds, "but those girls aren't guilty." He tells Oscar he's going to give him something very important and valuable tonight, and jokes that Jimena was very nice to him last night. Oscar gets suspicious and asks what happened. Juan says Jimena helped him avoid getting caught when he came to visit Sofía. He tells them that he and Sofía are back together.

Inside the house, Jimena is telling Sofía how she helped Juan get away without being seen. Sofía is worried that Jimena took such a risk, but Jimena says she did it for a woman in love. On the one hand, she feels sorry for Feo, but on the other hand Sofía's happiness is more important. Their mother is still pushing men on them that they don't want, so Jimena understands Sofía's situation well.

Jimena also confides that she and Oscar spoke with Fr. Tadeo to get married as soon as possible. Sofía does not react to this news with the kind of delight that Jimena should expect, but Jimena urges Sofía to follow her example and not put her happiness at risk.

Franco is sanding something at the cottage when a little man in a tweed suit comes ambling along. Ooh - sorry, it's Sarita, sneaking around and peeking. Franco sees her peeking and and asks if she's come to help him. "Of course not," she answers tensely. "How could you think that?" Instead, she's come by to explain yesterday's kiss. He says she doesn't need to do that - he knows she loves him, and that's what's important, right?

"You think a little kiss is proof of love?" Sarita asks.

"The way you did it? I think so," Franco answers.

Sarita asks if he thinks of Rosario when he kisses her. He gets offended and says of course not. He knows it's hard for her to understand, but he loves her, and he loves Rosario too, both of them, she can't accuse him of lying because he's always been honest with her. Sarita says his heart is lying to him, because he can't love two people at once. His heart is fooling him, and he wants both of them to be fooled, but she won't permit it. So she wants nothing with him! Nothing! (At least, nothing she can't get by sneaking and peeking.) He grins and sings her back to the house, "If you don't love me / That's okay / I'm not going to die over love."

Eva's now telling Sofía that she's glad she's not going to sleep forever like some fairytale princess. Sofía says she was awakened with a kiss. Eva says she knows Juan was there last night. Sofía worriedly asks Eva not to judge her. "I couldn't do that - you know my secret!" Eva points out.

Sofía tells Eva that Juan wants them to run away. Eva says she never had the courage to fight for what she wanted, and she has paid dearly. "Don't make the same mistake I did! For the love of God, be brave! Defend your love against everything and everyone!" Sofía bravely says she needs her grandfather's advice.

At the church, Fr. Tadeo is having an animated debate... with himself. Should he be quiet, or should he tell Gabi the whole story? (It's not a very good debate.)

At the moment, Gabi is telling Sofía of course she can have permission to go visit Grandpa, and hopefully she'll get him to see reason. "Remind him that this is his house, and he doesn't have to live on someone else's charity." Sofía says he's only living where he can get some affection.

Predictably, Gabi has palpitations and has to go to bed. "Didn't I tell you that your defiance is bad for me?" She tells Sofía to bring Grandpa back to the house, to bring peace back to the house, because every day she feels worse. She can't sleep, from all the suffering of seeing her family divided. "Destroyed," she murmurs dramatically. "Go get him and convince him to come back! It's your DUTY!" (If you ask me, Gabriela's the one who needs a nice hot cup of Super-Sleepytime Tea... so she'll shut up for a few hours.) Sofía slinks out, horrified with guilt.

Eva is now at the cottage, trying to get Franco to explain his relationship with Rosario. Franco says there's no reason he should. Yes, he likes Sarita too, but that's his business, not Eva's. Eva says it is her business, and tells him she's not going to let him fool around with EITHER of them!

Grandpa is glad to see Sofía. She tells him that love is the best medicine for the soul. He heartily agrees. She hesitantly tells him that she's been miserable since she was raped, couldn't stand to be touched by a man, and didn't think she'd ever feel anything for anyone... until Juan came into her life, and now she's given herself to him, for love - something that never happened with Feonando. She never let him touch her, and there's never been anything between them, she's never been his woman, never. Grandpa says nothing, but there is joy and encouragement in his face.

Feo, the cure for joy throughout the world, prowls the hacienda's halls until he spies Gabriela, who is happily (the private kind of happy) admiring herself in the mirror and the feel of her own skin after a bath. Feo opens the door open a little wider and pushes his hat out of the way for a better look. Gabriela really is liking her neck and shoulders a whole lot. Feo seems to be liking them a lot from afar.

"Your mother won't die if you decide to be happy," Grandpa is telling Sofía. "On the other hand, you could die from renouncing your own happiness. It's your own life." He tells her not to throw away Juan's love because of her indecision and fear, and to learn from Jimena, who's willing to do anything to be happy at Oscar's side.

Someplace outdoors, Oscar is thanking Jimena for helping Juan last night. She says she did it to make Sofi happy. She's worried about her and Juan. Oscar is too. Jimena fears that Sofía will never dare leave their mother, especially now that she's sick.

The poor, dying woman who likes her own "shoulders" is sitting at her desk. Feo drools silently at her from the doorway; she notices him and is startled. "I was admiring you in silence. You're still a very attractive woman."

"I don't think so, but thanks anyway," she replies. "I'm just telling the truth - you've always been one of the most attractive and distinguished women in the area. If you put your mind to it, you could get married." Gabi says no, because first she'd have to find a truthful man who knew how to be worthy of her - absurd!

Feo says it's impossible not to notice her beauty and distinction, and even if she doesn't think so, he's sure there would be lots of men who'd gladly wish to be considered.

She holds his gaze a little too long and then pretends not to be flustered, saying she just wanted to review the hacienda's accounts. Feo says great - speaking of which, if Grandpa doesn't sign that paper soon, they'll have to give up the year's crops. Gabi says that mustn't happen - her father must sign at any cost. If one wants something done right, one must do it oneself.

Outside the cottage, Franco rants and raves to his brothers that he knows they think he's crazy for being in love with two women, but that's none of Eva's business. Oscar says Eva loves Sarita as if she were her own, and is worried about her. But that doesn't explain why she's so concerned about Rosario. Juan says "we'll find out!"

Inside the house, Sarita rants and raves to Jimena about Franco. She thinks Franco is humiliating her because he knows she can't compete with Rosario. Jimena says it's Sarita's fault - she has her own charms, but doesn't want to show them off! "Which charms?" asks the clueless Sarita. "You really want to know?" Jimena asks... oh goody, a makeover!

Quintina is doing bakery stuff, with her back to the door, when Gabriela gets impatient and slams something on the table to get her attention. (I agree with Gabriela - there probably isn't a man in the world who deserves her, but there might be a gorilla or two.) Quintina says they don't have any of the kind of bread she wants there. Gabriela scolds her for being disrespectful. Grandpa wheels in and tells Quintina not to worry - he'll take care of this fine customer. She agrees and tells him to whistle if he needs anything.

"How low you've fallen," Gabi says to Grandpa. "I've come for you." Grandpa laughs, but she insists. He tells he's staying here, no matter what. She rubs her forehead (Gabi-fake-sick-style, not nervous-Bertha-style - anybody remember all of Bertha's forehead-rubbing in Heridas?) She asks, "what are you trying to do, kill me?" But Grandpa tells her those stories won't work on him, he doesn't believe in her so-called illness, and he's going to tell his granddaughters that she's only faking to get them to bow to her will.

"Don't you dare!"
"Why not? And look how quickly you recovered, huh?"

She threatens to have him declared insane if he pushes it, and that "those workers" kidnapped him. Her face lights up - "better yet, I'll knock you off that pedestal my daughters have you on. Come back to the hacienda immediately, or I'll tell them you killed my mother!"

This gets the desired response, as he protests fearfully and she taunts him that her mother's death was his fault. He turns away, but she insists, "You were driving drunk when that accident happened where she lost her life, and that's why you're stuck in this wheelchair! If you don't want my daughters to find out that you're a killer, come back to the house right away."

As she stalks out triumphantly, he rubs his hands together and tells her she's lying. "I didn't kill her and you know that very well!" But he's crying and doesn't seem very sure. "I swear I didn't kill her," he cries as Quintina rushes in to comfort him. "That isn't my fault, I loved her! How would I have killed her? She's making that up."

Father Tadeo catches up with Gabriela as she's getting back in the car. He says that they urgently need to talk in the church, and it won't take long. She tries to put him off. He says it's about Jimena. She interrupts and says she's resolved things with her daughters. If Tadeo really wants to help, he should get Grandpa to return to the hacienda. Then they'll talk. Until then, nope.

Grandpa is angrily telling Quintina that of course he's sorry he made "her" (Gabi? his wife?) suffer, but he can't regret something he didn't do. He says he wasn't driving when that accident happened, even though Gabi says he was. He does remember being totally drunk, but GABRIELA was driving. It was SHE who caused that accident! And now she puts the blame on him, but it's a lie, it was Gabriela!

At the San Jose Home For Eccentric Grandpas And Crooked Doctors, Gabriela has handed another envelope (ice cream coupons?) to Dr. Gomez, aka Dr. Matasanos, aka Dr. Quack, aka Dr. Ratched. "I'm going to ask another favor, and I know you won't deny me!" Dr. Scumbag opens the envelope, and big surprise - it's full of cash. Gabi has to pause for a moment while the doctor admires each note in its individual cashy goodness.

Franco watches, but can't hear, Juan trying to get some info out of Eva. She repeats that she's looking out for Sarita. "But what about Rosario?" Juan asks. Eva admits that she had a daughter with Bernardo (the news that Bernardo procreated with yet another woman doesn't seem to impact Juan at all) and she's almost positive that it's Rosario.

Rosario is putting on makeup when Sofía shows up. Smiling, Sofía announces that she's here to speak with her about something important of interest to both of them. Rosario looks interested, but then seeing the doomy shadow of Feo's hat outside her doorway she nervously puts on a half-hearted hostile manner and tells Sofía to leave her alone and never come back.

The Feo hat shadow scurries away just in time for Sofía to leave Rosario's room - but then Sofia hesitates and turns back. Yay! Go Sofía, go! We can sort all of this nonsense out within a week or two and spend the next few months with hot sex, stunning landscapes, and pretty singing!

But Sofía chickens out and leaves for real. Boo! Feo asks himself what reason Eva, and now Sofía, could possibly have for seeking out Rosario.

Juan wants Eva to tell him how he can help her with Rosario. She says just tell Franco to leave both of them alone. Juan says he's encouraged Franco to clarify his feelings, but he's confused, he's in love with both of them, but he'll talk to him. Eva thanks him. He apologizes to her for distrusting her, because of what happened to his sister, but hopes she can remember some little detail of what happened that night at Bernardo's wake. She says she's already told him everything. Libia was upset when she found out that Bernardo had been married, but she suffered even more when Gabi humiliated her and treated her like a tramp. Juan says he's sure that someone from the hacienda killed his sister. Eva says that can't be.

Franco is wandering around aimlessly with a detached door when Rosario comes along, having just had her implants removed. Ooh - sorry, it's Sarita! This poor girl needs to deal with her identity crisis! Her hair is down and a bit poofy, her glasses are off (I think they mentioned once that she has contacts but just doesn't wear 'em), and she's wearing some makeup and a most untweedy-unsuity-like red dress. Franco circles her for a good look to convince himself that it's really her. "What did you do? You look rechula!" (glamorous? luscious? not sure)

An angry screech spoils the moment as Gabriela gets home from her blackmail and bribery errands. "SARIIIIIITA! What did you do? You look like a hussy!" Jimena runs up and says they just got rid of the braids, put on some makeup, a more modern dress... Gabi whirls on Franco and tells him to go back to work. He reluctantly backs away, not taking his eyes off of Sarita.

"Sarita! You want to kill me too, don't you!" Gabi's voice is full of dry crocodile tears. "I truuuuuuusted you!" Sarita says she didn't think it would bother her so much, but she'll put hair back up and dress like before. (Hopefully Jimena has already burnt all the tweed suits.)

Gabi gets an attack of the vapors. Franco disgustedly pretends not to watch Jimena and Sarita walk Gabi back to the house. They throw guilty looks back at Franco while their mother continues to mutter that they'll be the death of her. (I can't believe they aren't tempted to take her up on that offer by now.)

At the nightclub, Feo is trying to shake the truth out of Rosario, what does she have to do with Sofía, but he can't get anything out of her because she has no idea why Sofía was there. He warns her not to mess with his family. "It's time you paid the consequences. Your child is the one who will pay!" She begs, but he's already gone. The door rattles as he locks her in her room. She gets on her knees and prays and prays.

Sofía is visiting Mr. Ed (Bernardo's old horse) by the stables when Juan surprises her with a hug from behind. (Potentially bad idea with a rape survivor, as someone pointed out during Pasion.) "Every moment I'm away from you, I feel as if I'm dying." "And I am always thinking of you - always!" He tries to get her to run away with him. She says she needs time for her mother to recover some of her health, and then they can go. Kiss kiss kiss.

By the time Jimena and Sarita get Gabriela back to the house, she seems quite recovered and waves them off. "They're just little attacks. But someday one of those attacks will be enough to bring me to my death." Jimena again tries to explain that they didn't do this to make her sick - Sarita just wanted to make herself up a little - see how pretty? "You're a bad influence, like Sofía!" Sarita tries to take all of the blame for the death-defying makeover. Gabi sighs and says "fine, it's good that you want to look more attractive, and I give you permission to do it, but only when you're out with your fiance." Gabi says they're going to visit the Uribes right now! Raquel is waiting for them. "At least you're made up," she says to Sarita as she rushes back outside.

(That woman is 100% gall! Maybe her gallbladder will kill her!)

"At least you're made up," the sisters mimic to one another through clenched teeth, then go out to join their mother.

At the Uribes', poor Eugenia - I think that's her name, the maid who's Benito's girlfriend - leaves a plate of snacks for the awkward gathering and hides behind a tree to spy. Raquel tells Gabi how cute her daughters are and tells Sarita not to be so shy around her future husband. Sarita and Benito share a dry, unpleasant lip-bump as Eugenia's face furrows in misery. (I know Benito has tried to reassure her, but I don't think he's done a great job.) Raquel wants to get to the business of planning their wedding-for-four. She and Gabi agree to announce it as soon as possible and plan a big dinner.

Raquel is giddy with happiness. They all drink (Sarita very reluctantly). Eugenia sneaks away quietly, heartbroken and possibly plotting revenge?

Sofía is back at the hacienda, telling Eva about her ill-fated visit to Rosario. "The same thing happened to me. I don't understand why she refused to listen to me," Eva says. Sofía says she thought she saw fear in Rosario's face, that something very powerful was impelling her to act that way, but they can't figure out what.

A henchman is restraining Rosario in her room. Feonando is holding Luís. He says her crying and begging won't work; her son will pay for her disobedience. He puts the boy down. "Say goodbye to him, because you're not going to see him again." Rosario protests and begs some more.

"You don't want to say goodbye? Let's go." Feo grabs the boy by the hand and leaves with him under his arm. The henchmen laugh as Rosario cries.

Juan is making some bread. Grandpa says, "A sane and healthy grandfather would tell you that you'd be crazy for wanting to steal his granddaughter, but in this case I AUTHORIZE you to do it. Follow the impulses of your heart!" Juan asks if he's serious. He says he loves Sofía and she loves him, but Gabi's in the middle. Grandpa says Juan will have to free the young princess of the dragon's clutches. A really dangerous dragon. Set her free and take her VERY far away!

Juan shakes his hand. Grandpa says he's sure she'll be happy, because she'll be with Juan, and he'll love and protect her para siempre.

Back at the hacienda, Feonando is pretending not to want to show Sofía the bookkeeping. Gabi comes in to join the ruckus; Feo says "Sofía still doubts my honesty." Sofi says Gabi told them to share the responsibility. Gabi tells Feo to show her the books. "Show her she has no reason to doubt you." He fake-grudgingly hands over the books that Armando recently "edited" for him. "I hope you'll be satisfied."

Juan removes a small pink bag from the Trunk of Destiny Past and tells Oscar, "the promises of our mother were always pacts with God. This is for you." Inside the pink bag is a great big engagement ring that their mother wanted to give to the first son to marry. (I think we have to assume that it belonged to their grandmother, since their mother was presumably wearing her own when she was murdered.) Oscar thinks Juan should have it because of all he's done for them, but Juan insists that he was only carrying out their parents' wishes. Oscar's getting married, so the ring belongs to him.

Oscar kisses the ring and says it was their "viejita's." OK, I thought this meant Mom, so maybe Mom did take it off and give it to Juan along with lots and lots of other last wishes before he and the other kids got away and she and her husband were killed?

Despite seeing her son taken away without saying goodbye, Rosario still has to sing tonight. She's wearing a big red sombrero with gold embroidery, a bra, a mini-bolero, a long skirt, and a long gold coat. The men in the crowd howl happily. She looks around uncomfortably and climbs down from the stage and out of the club, tying her coat closed as she slips away into the big world.

Sofía finishes reviewing the hacienda accounts. Apparently, Gabi has been sitting there watching her, and Feo has been reading over her shoulder, the entire time. She says it's all fine. Gabi says "I told you so, you just made a fool of yourself. Now you owe your husband an apology." Sofía says she has nothing to apologize for, because she was just asking for something that she has a right to. "But, if I offended you, forgive me," she tells Feo.

"Of course I forgive you my love" Feo says, grabbing her and giving her a rough-looking kiss. "Let go of me!" she says, pulling away. "Don't touch me, much less kiss me! I forbid it!" Feo puts on his bewildered, wounded puppydog face (I have a feeling he's wounded a lot of puppies in his day) and Gabriela looks disappointed as Sofía leaves them. Feo tells Gabi he should find himself a woman who loves him, as she suggested.

The Brothers Reyes are visiting Libia's tomb. Oscar says he wants to ask Juan in front of Libia's tomb to go away and find happiness in love. Franco agrees; Juan has their blessing. Juan promises to come back soon, so they can get the justice they promised for Libia.

Franco says they're going to miss him, because it'll be the first time they've ever been apart. Juan warns that he's going to make him change his mind! Franco says no, they want him to be happy even though it pains them to see him go; he's their older brother, and he's been like their parents, has always cared for them, etc. etc. Oscar speeches more of the same. Juan takes a concha out of his pocket and puts it on Libi's grave.

Still in her new dress, Sarita paces anxiously in Jimena's room and complains that while their mother is making them marry someone they don't love, J is singing happily and painting her nails. Jimena calmly says she's definitely not marrying Octavio, and resumes singing. Offended, Sarita stomps out. J whistles at Sarita and yells, "¡Que guapa!" "Thank you," Sarita replies, a little less offended now. Jimena gets her jacket and sneaks off the balcony.

Oscar and Franco have their horses on the street in front of the bakery; Oscar is saying that it's okay with him that Juan wanted to stay behind with Libia. Franco wants to go to the cantina; Oscar wants to go with him (after a stop at the mill) to make sure Franco avoids trouble. Franco promises to stay out of trouble, and leaves without Oscar.

Oscar looks up to the sound of loud clumpy shoes and sees a long gold coat, a big red hat, and a gigantic pair of... earrings. Rosario asks for Franco. Oscar says he just left to see her. Rosario tells Oscar that something happened to her son and she doesn't know what to do. He gives her a comforting hug, just at the right moment for Jimena to drive up and see.

She is not happy.

Next time:
Fr. Tadeo takes his anti-Feonando crusade to Grandpa.
Juan and Sofía ride away on a Whim, or at least a Capricho.


Saturday, June 14, 2008

Yo Amo a Juan – Friday June 13, 2008 - In Which Good Things Happen on Friday the 13th

Okay, gentle readers, this episode aired on Friday the 13th and that’s always a lucky day for me (reverse superstition, I guess). Lots of good things in my life have been attached to Friday the 13th. So, as I begin to watch Juan, I am hopeful at least ONE good thing will happen tonight. Of course, the one good thing could just boil down to the lovely glass of red zinfandel I have while I recap.

Our Thursday review: Delirio and Marely have stayed in the master bedroom, one of the major scenes in this novela from Day 1, after Nidia has rolled her suitcase over him and left for Angarita. Delirio has gotten himself up off the floor and his pity party is in full swing. He hopes Marely’s Mami will have mercy on him. Marely points out she never felt that way about him, why should she now? She tries to convince him it’s O.V.E. R. and he just moans and grumbles. She furthermore points out how he’s always been in some cheating scheme or trick. Delirio whines that Nidia and he are birds of a feather, flying in the same direction. Marely gives him a final blow—you’d best get your stuff and get out of here. She stalks out while he mourns his fate. [Hm. This could be the First Good Thing for my Friday the 13th.]

Papi Paris is still strangling the stuffing out of Juan, who really could be tossing him off with no effort, IMO. Maybe he doesn’t want it to look too easy. Hillary and the ineffective majordomo are yelling for Papi to stop and yells for Macario (the majordomo) to get his escopete (shotgun). Finally, Papi lets Juan breathe. Juan wants to know if they’ll let him explain. Seeing there’s not going to be help to get up, he scrambles up on his own. Juan shouts that he knows he’s got plenty of explaining to do. Plutarco lunges at him again and Hillary holds him back. They fuss about whether he’s going to get his chance to explain and Macario says he’ll go for the rifle—but Hillary stops him. Juan asks Plutarco to just calm down. Plutarco isn’t calming down when he sees a Don Nobody rejecting his daughter. Juan is a Dead Man. Juan protests that he isn’t rejecting anyone. Least of all does he want to hurt Hillary! He tells them that he began something lovely with a [insert list of great qualities: beautiful, good, pure in heart, generous, etc.] wonderful woman. She’s a woman like few I’ve seen in my life! Juan has the attention of the crowd. Juan continues ---believe me, Don Plutarco….and makes a faux pas with the wrong gesture and tone of voice. Plutarco lunges again. Juan pleads with him to understand—how could he possibly be putting down a woman who is so perfect? Plutarco barks back that it’s too late. Juan stammers that he’s realized that he found himself in a situation that….Hillary chimes in, a situation that we basically forced a little. Plutarco barks at his lovely daughter. Whose side are YOU on? She’s on her own. She lets go of Papi, whom she’s been restraining, and moves to Juan. She retorts gently to Papi that he only wants the relationship for appearance’s sake. Hillary turns to Juan and asks if it’s another woman? Paula? He acknowledges it’s a woman, but it’s Marely. Plutarco screams it’s not one woman, but TWO! Hillary confronts him. She wants to talk to Juan. Alone. Plutarco and Macario fume away while a worried Juan faces Hillary.

Juanito and the step-mama of his dreams are engaged in a heart-to-heart. He’s hoping Papi will come up to scratch and ask her to marry him fast. Marely chuckles about the idea. Juanito earnestly tells her that he and Papi are both lacking something in their lives. Juanito feels the need for a Mami. Marely smiles, impactada for Juanito’s benefit, in pleasure. Well, if that’s what she wants….he shyly adds. Of course! She tells him that before they get married, they have a few things to work through. [Like Paula.] Plus, she needs to get back to work. Juanito wants to know why she can’t work in Farell and Marely sidesteps—she prefers to work someplace else. She smiles, with the net effect of distracting Juanito.

Juan explains to Hillary that Marely has always cared for him and he has for her. He asked her to try him out as boyfriend, but she decided to go to Spain instead. At that moment, he was pretty ….”vulnerable,” Hillary supplies. Yeah, vulnerable. She asks if that was when he decided to accept a commitment to her. Yes, he sadly tells her. Hillary stands up and walks in the garden with Juan following, as he continues that she came onto the scene, with her lovely smile, her great heart, and was so good with him, and he was knocked flat (fell finished- caí redondito). He stayed quiet with the bankers around. He accepted because an angel like her had taken notice of him. Then Marely, who had always said no, decided not to go and take him at his word. No? Hillary nods her understanding, and finally turns to face him, sad. Juan continues that Marely changed her plans for him and turned back her scholarship. Juan didn’t want to hurt Hillary, but at the same time he can’t give her false hopes. He asks her forgiveness. Hillary is sad and a little impactada—she thought Paula would be the danger. She never thought he could exchange her for someone he didn’t love. Juan struggles to assure her he does care about Marely. Hillary tells him not to fool himself. She can eventually accept this, though it hurts. At the end of the story, their relationship was barely beginning and she appreciates that he’s been honest with her. They stroke each other’s cheeks and say their goodbyes gently to each other. She tells him not to say more; what happened between them was so lovely and she’ll always have it in her heart. He tells her it’s the same for him and they give each other a gently kiss of farewell. Juan thought bubbles that at that moment, really he said goodbye to Hillary, and took a piece out of that big heart, but he also was finally forced to be sincere with himself—a very big task. Hillary goes to sit in her garden and reflect on the vagaries of life while Juan is left to reflect on the same thing.

Sandro wonders if CL is going to spend the rest of the afternoon drinking himself into a stupor. CL retorts that, and the evening, too, and plops into a chair with his bottle and glass. Sandro scolds him gently for destroying himself. What are you---er, we---going to do? Conquer her! CL is defiant with a full bottle of booze in his hand. [Ed. Note: Why did he bother with the glass? He doesn’t need it to drink out of the bottle.] CL complains that he’s given her another chance and if she’d accepted he would have forgiven all. All those offenses, humiliations, betrayals. [Ed. Note: Sheesh.] But no, the miserable harpy! [Ed. Note: Has he been reading our recaps?] Sandro points out he’s drunk and with or without Juan around, she just doesn’t love him. CL stares at him and tells Sandro that he’s going to destroy her so she feels as bad as he does. While there’s anything left of César Luis Farell, those two won’t end up together. Is there a plan? Not yet, but before long he’ll give Paula Dávila some of her own poison. He’s still defiant and whew, are his eyes bloodshot.

In the lovely Paris castle Juan strides out purposefully and Plutarco is waiting to yell at him—you’ll pay for my daughter’s tears with blood, Juan Dominguez! Juan does a u-turn and faces off with Plutarco but wisely leaves a few more feet between him and the old despot. Juan yells that they can resolve this right now—where’s the rifle? He heads for Macario who has it in hand and looks terrified as Juan grabs it. But, Juan hands it to Plutarco and tells him to take his best shot (agárrela-hold this!). Okay, here I am—or do you want to shoot me in the back? Plutarco is completely bemused. Look, I was totally sincere with Hillary, asked for her forgiveness, and now I’m asking yours, but go ahead and do the Daddy thing and just kill me already. Plutarco, thoroughly at a loss, hands the gun back to Macario without even looking behind him. He stares at Juan, who urges him to let his daughter live her own life. Let her learn from her own mistakes. It wont’ take long before she finds a good man, a sincere man who’ll respect and love her, with all his heart! This is a woman for whom the ONLY ugly thing she has is a father like you! Macario motions for Juan to shut the heck up and someone—could it be Plutarco ?? -- bellows. With your permission, Juan gingerly turns and gets the heck out of dodge before anyone realizes they could be shooting him in the back. He thought bubbles that with those Sunday words (palabras domingueras—Sunday words—high-falutin’ words) he’s left Plutarco more paralyzed than a cat in a high tree. He watches over his shoulder, musing that at any moment now they could decide to end his wretched life with a bullet. He gets around the fountain and spins so he can rip and tear out the front entrance while the two bemused dragons who guard Hillary are left to wonder what the world has come to. Macario salutes Plutarco and goose-steps off while Plutarco is still in a state of shock—get while the gettin’s good.

CL continues his drunken self-pity orgy. Maybe he and Delirio could hitch up and moan in harmony. CL is hopeful in an ugly sort of way that Paula will suffer every minute of every day until she can’t handle any more. Sandro wisely tells his twin that if he thinks Sandro’s going to loan himself to this scheme, he’s totally nutso. Sandro thinks he’s behaving like an infant and Sandro won’t see folks treated like this. CL says Sandro doesn’t have to be the champion of justice (paladín de justicia). Actually, Sandro can be the test pilot for CL’s schemes (aprobar mi idea – approve of my idea). Sandro, predictably, looks worried.

Papi Plutarco finds Hillary in the lovely garden. Macario has shouldered the rifle, but he stands at the ready to protect and serve. Hillary tells her Papi if he has something to say, make it quick. What does he expect? He can rub it in her face that she chose the wrong man. Papi unexpectedly tells her that HE was the only wrong person here. Okay, he was a jerk [not literal at all, but the general concept], but I have to concede he had guts (tuvo pantaloncitos—he was wearing pants). He told me a thing or two that took me down a peg (lowered me a bit - me calaron). I have to tell you something, my daughter, from today on, I’ll never meddle in your relationships. Plutarco takes Hillary’s hand and looks her in the eye. Really? Hillary is very hopeful. Yes, I give you my word. They hug. He adds that regardless of who she wants to talk with, if something’s not going well, he’ll always be there for her. If she lets him, he’ll begin today! Hillary smiles at her beloved Papi through her tears, nods, and hugs the old Poop again.

It’s night at Santa Rita hospital and Yadi isn’t feeling so dizzy from the bloodletting, so she tells Pastor she’s going to go now, and thanks him for the sandwich. The second shift of Cachónes is arriving as Nidia trots up. She wants to know what’s happening with Angarita. Yadi tells Nidia Anga is in his room. They’ll operate early tomorrow. Pastor remarks there’s not much to be done now and Nidia retorts that there’s something to be done—she’s staying with the sick guy. Yadi and her presumed Uncle exchange fond looks. Yadi sticks in a comment about Nidia’s….uh….hubby. Nidia doesn’t want to hear any mention of him. This farce of a marriage is OVER. Since very recently, she’s officially in the process of divorcing the Licenciado Delirio Perafán Roaches etc. ;-) Pastor snaps his fingers in Just the Right Place with her and grins slyly. Nidia mumbles nonsense about Pancho Villa and both Yadi and Pastor stare, bemused. Nidia proceeds to give Pastor directives about paying the taxi driver, getting her suitcase, etc. She has no thought to be far away from her man for even one more second. Where’s the room? They both point down the hall and off she scoots.

The nurse makes Angarita more comfortable as Nidia sails in. The nurse asks Nidia to please speak softly (bajito). And if you really care about him, don’t go near the equipment. [Ed. Note: Apparently the Word has gotten out.] Nidia is ashamed and assures the nurse she won’t touch it as the nurse leaves. Nidia draws a stool over to sit by Anga, who is sleeping, oxygen on and all his cords intact for the moment. He rouses and sees Nidia. Anga wants to know what she’s doing here, and Nidia tells him she’s gone through the darkest afternoon of her life thinking he had died and taken all her fantasies of a life with him. He smiles and tells her “see, I’m still alive.” He’s not sure why, though, he teases her (a little). She retorts it’s so he can spend the rest of it at her side. What about your husband? You didn’t want to leave that nobody (pelagato, from earlier lists). She tells Anga to listen up, even if it gives him fits…..she’s just abandoned the Licenciado Perafán. Anga is muy, pero muy, impactado and muy, pero muy, contento (pleased).

Our lead-in after the break is a very healthy and happy looking Angarita polishing the apples at the market stall he owns. This is a Very Good Sign of Things to Come. Pastor jumped to Nidia’s orders and got the suitcase and the taxi taken care of. Yadi and he stand by the nurses’ station chatting. Pastor wonders if he can drop her at home. She gladly accepts the lift (aventón, earlier vocab list from months ago) because she feels like a lump (estoy en calidad de bulto—I have the quality of a lump). Not so fast, folks. Here come Ivonne, Paula and Fern. They greet the newcomers. At their question—how are you, Pastor responds that they’re worn out and expecting a tough day tomorrow. They ask how his brother is and Pastor responds that he’s stable, but the surgery doesn’t save everyone. Fern tries to reassure him. Ivonne wonders if they’ve left him alone and Yadi tells her that her Mami is with Anga. The look around at each other awkwardly as Yadi adds that it looks like her mother has given the boot (le dio cuello - given the collar, my best guess) to that useless Don Delirio. She exchanges a glance with Pastor who makes a modified Delirio Perafán de Roaches, etc. hand gesture and Ivonne and Paula exchange something that looks like a meaningful glance.

Nidia is lecturing. She’s actually lecturing herself and explaining to Anga how she ended up with Delirio. Pure ambition. But the sin brings the penitence—all those lies, inertias. Anga smiles indulgently. Nidia tells him she wants to leave that all behind, if Anga will still accept her. Nidia comes close and sits on the side of his bed. She wants to be at his side every minute to the end of their lives. They can marry or shack up (arrejuntarse). She doesn’t care. Whatever he wants. The hold onto each other’s hands—his with wires coming out. He mumbles an endearment and asks why she had to wait all these years to get around to this—but he’s smiling fondly. She asks forgiveness and tells him to kiss her because time’s flying. And Die Eltern* kiss, much to Paula’s, Ivonne’s and Fern’s fond amusement. Angarita’s monitor show a nice steady resting heart rate of 62. [Ed. Note: The machine was made in the US of A since it says “hr/bpm” on it. I’m just sayin’.]

*German for the Oldies--which is New Zealand for the Oldsters--which is US. Is that sufficiently vague? ;-)

Kike and Delirio are holding down the fort, if you can call it that, in the Casa Cachón living room. Delirio continues his pity party and Kike is the scolder of the hour. He’s shameless, Kike tells him, and Nidia’s never going to pardon him. He shouldn’t have done it! [Ed. Note: I missed something. When did Kike hear about Delirio’s perfidy?] Delirio cries that he doesn’t want to lose her. [Ed. Note: Not to put too fine a point on it, but can one lose what one never had?] Kike scolds that he should have thought of that before he did those dumb things. The bell momentarily saves Delirio, Kike and us. Kike answers the phone—after a struggle for it. It’s his new “wife,” Julia, wondering where he is and why the heck he’s not answering his cell phone. He explains that he’s with his daughter since Yadi’s at the hospital. Delirio sinks back into his “poor-me” stupor. Julia asks how it’s going and Kike updates her—it’s better, but he’s not going to make dinner with her. She guilt’s him by making sure he knows she’s fixed some healthful (dietéticas) enchiladas. Kike swears to her he’ll hurry and get home to eat. He hangs up and Delirio tris to engage him again but Kike isn’t having any part of it.

Paula’s made it home to sit ramrod straight on the bed and chat with Ana, who is painting her nails. If we look closely, Ana’s LEGS are showing! Wow, Ana asks Paula if Nidia’s decided to leave Perafán? Yep, and never leave Angarita’s side. Well, it’s about time. With that news, Ana is sure, Anga will get well in no time (en un dos por tres). She looks over her shoulder in the mirror at Paula, whose dress still leaves me cold where work attire is concerned even if it did impress our male commenters. Ana notices Paula’s quiet—what’s wrong? Paula can’t stop thinking about “Sandro.” Ana approves that she made things very clear for “Sandro.” Paula says Ana should have seen what Paula saw in his eyes—a profound sadness. Ana thinks she’s exaggerating. Paula thinks that he took the rejection so sharply that it affected him so much. Ana applauds her for thinking about it and acting with maturity—there’s a first—and Paula agrees that she’s satisfied. They exchange loving looks.

Ivonne lets Fern know the latest, that Paula gave Sandro the brush-off, or CL, whoever it is. She’s serving coffee as they finish dinner in a quiet at-home evening. She warns that this could have its consequences because that guy won’t stand by quietly for it. Fern comments that he’ll have to be more cautious (pendiente) in his movements or he’ll give himself away. Ivonne changes the subject—she’s been looking for lifesavers at various stores that sell sporting goods (deportivos-sports). She’s not sure—something that would explain how he survived. Well? Nothing so far. Fern thinks they need to shift their focus—they need to hire someone to watch over CL’s apartment. With what money, Ivonne wants to know. Fern has a friend he thinks won’t charge a lot. [Ed. Note: with onlythismuchtimeleft, we’re going to get a new character???]. Ivonne is worried about how much he’ll have to tell his friend about why they’re spying. He tells her not to worry.

One of the twins has come to see Marely. It appears to be Sandro, but who knows? Kike looks at him in shock as Sandro asks for Marely, who is coming down the stairs. He apologizes for dropping by without any warning but he has to see her. Kike is looking muy impactado. He’s so glad she didn’t go to Spain….Marely interrupts—why the heck is he here? He’s come to ask her to return to Farell. He wants her to work directly with him. Marely is not pleased.

She challenges Sandro—she thought his personal assistant was Laura Berrocal. Yes, but Marely is much more qualified than Laura is. Kike watches this all from behind Sandro very warily. Sandro tries to convince Marely that she and he could make a great team. Marely is wary. She doesn’t understand why he would offer this. He wants her to grow professionally, have a great salary—Kike is gesturing wildly behind Sandro to get Marely to refuse. But, Juan comes home to save her. What the heck is going on here? He rushes in, greets Kike, ignores Sandro, and kisses Marely. Juan muses to himself about how been p.o.’d at what he found here (mosquearme la sopa – be offended at the soup? Juan must be mixing some metaphors here?). He kisses Marely and she welcomes him, still looking warily down the stairs at Sandro. Kike grins—his hero has shown up to save the day yet again. [Ed. Note: Juan protecting Marely from the big, bad wolf really gives the sense of how good they might be together.] Marely tells him he can’t imagine….yep, Juan assures her, he heard. He faces off with Sandro—how interesting, Sandro beat him to it, as he himself had been thinking about doing this very thing. Sandro points out that Juan hadn’t said anything to him, and he’s in charge of the Administrative VP things….so he thought…..Juan interrupts—he’s in charge of all the hiring, ultimately, so what part of that doesn’t he understand? Marely tries to interrupt and break up the P***ing Match the boys are having, while Kike grins in glee over the match. Marely thanks Sandro for coming, but as he heard, Juan’s taking care of it. Wait a minute, Juan, Sandro counters—perhaps you can consider having Marely work in my area. Sandro needs a person like her working with him. Juan thought bubbles—do you want me to gift wrap her, Papá?) Juan retorts that he’s the only one, the exclusive one, dealing with his girlfriend/sweetheart/fiancée. Sandro argues that they need to be practical—he has very few personnel in his area. Juan spits back that by some coincidence, his presidential area needs well-qualified folks, too. Marely rubs her brow –what a headache! The two break into full-scale yelling and Marely yells to quiet them. She thanks Sandro again and hustles him to the door. Sandro leans in to her and whispers that he’ll expect to see her in the morning, with Juan giving him an A+ stink eye from the stairs. Sandro goes with a glance back and Juan brushes under his chin in derision. Kike gives him the cutthroat sign and quietly slinks off upstairs while Juan gives him a pensive look. Marely returns—Juan, had you really considered having me back at Farell, or did you just say that because Sandro offered me work? He assures her he’d been thinking about it, but what with Angarita’s emergency he hadn’t had time to address it. Marely wonders if it would really be correct for the two of them to work in the same place. Juan tells her it would, of course. She’s worried it will cause problems with their relationship in the workplace. What problems? With such a lovely, intelligent woman there could never be a problem. He gallantly kisses her hand, then hugs her, as she looks worried. [For a girl who frowns in worry all the time, she doesn’t have the wrinkles she should. Life is SO unfair!]

Delirio is back in Gutis’ rat hole, carrying on his pity party. Gutis just wants to know if he’s put the money back. Delirio can’t think about such mundane things when the holder of his heart has dumped him. And, it’s all Gutis fault, by the way. Gutis doesn’t give a rip about Delirio’s problems. Why hasn’t he done it? Delirio hasn’t had time, and how could he, when his heart’s been ripped in half—in fourths—in eighths? All he can think about is his terrible grief!!! Hablablablabla…llorababababa. Gutis puts a stranglehold on Delirio to help him focus on the real issues in life. The clients will kill them if they don’t get their money back. They know where he lives and they’re dead men. [Ed. Note: Not to put too fine a point on it, but Delirio doesn’t live there any more. He got evicted.]

Yadira sadly tells Kike the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth as they sit in her bedroom with the baby. Kike is predictably muy impactado. Kike can’t imagine where Anga got the idea that Yadi was his daughter, but now it’s clearer and Kike owes the Don a major apology. Yadi reminds him it’s not visiting hours now. He’ll go the next day, and thanks her for telling him. She gently thanks him for taking care of her “gorda” [Ed. Note: I had a chat with our pastor from Mexico recently about how calling someone “Tubby,” “little fat one,” “Chubs” or other nickname that talks about fat might be seen as insulting in the US and he was impactado. It’s obviously a cultural thing!]. He tells her no thanks are necessary because he could spend lots of time with his daughter. They both glance at the crib fondly. Yadi thinks it’s late and he could stay and sleep over. Kike tells her nope, he doesn’t live here now and anyway, Julia has a nice healthful supper ready. He comments on his figure and she makes a fond little joke “your figure? Go figure.” Though Yadi doesn’t explode with jealousy this time, she’s profoundly sad as he says his farewell and goes off to the new life she pushed him to.

Juan and Marely eat their late dinner and chat about Nidia going to stay at the hospital with Anga all night. Really? Whew, he can only imagine the Licenciado Delirio’s expression at that. Juan, what you can’t imagine is what happened! She tells him about the newest revelation that Delirio never really went to jail in order to keep Nidia out of it like he led her to believe! Marely describes the theatrics that ensued and how Nidia threw Delirio out of the house. Wow, your Mamá even got rid of this albatross around her neck (carga de encima—burden hanging over her). Marely remarks that the need to get some rest so they can get up early. Juan thanks her for the coffee and they fondly say their good nights. She loves him so much and wants to make him very happy. Juan tells her she does make him very happy. A gentle kiss and lovely hug seal it.

Sandro reports on his field trip to his drunk twin, whose glass is still in hand, and who is barely sitting up in the chair. Marely will return to Farell and that’s what matters, right? What difference did it make that Sandro himself wasn’t the one who did it? CL agrees that it’s important for Marely to return so Paula will suffer more. Sandro reminds CL that he’d promised that Marely wouldn’t be hurt. CL scoffs a little. Sandro warns him that if Marely is hurt, CL can’t count on Sandro any more. He’d better not go back on his word. CL looks up from his stupor. That got his attention.

Nidia and Anga have a lovely mini-reunion with the machine cords well out of her reach. Anga chuckles that it seems like a dream to have her there, without the need for rushing out or worrying. Nidia gives him a lovely big smile. That’s over. Anga tells her that no matter what happens the next day, he’s a peace with his life and at the end of the story, she’s by his side, and in spite of everything, she chose him. They both sniffle. Nidia tells him he’s wrong and he looks up, startled. She works to convince him they’ll be together a long time—it’s not the end of the story, it’s the beginning. They’ll grow old together! (envejecer) Will you look at that? It doesn’t even make me afraid to say it! I know you’re going to be here with me, looking at me like you did when we were kids. Anga tells Nidia he loves her so much. She tells Anga she loves him, too, and kisses him. Without disconnecting anything. He tries to talk about tomorrow, what if not…..Nidia puts on a brave smile and tells him through her tears that tomorrow when he’s come through the operation successfully, they’ll have a couple of little shots of tequila to celebrate like crazy folks because everything is going to come out well. He nods with a hopeful smile on his face and misty eyes.

Morning has arrived and the hospital hall outside Angarita’s room is filled with loved ones he never had before this last year—Pastor, Nidia, Yadira, Juan, and Marely. Juan leans on Marely’s shoulder and wants to know how the sick guy (patient) was when he woke this morning. He’s good, Nidia tells Juan. They’re prepping him for the O.R. (quirófano, from our list months ago when CL was going in for his little procedure). Juan wants to go in, but Kike and Remolacho are in there.

The monitor beeps, the nurse moves around, and Angarita groans. Kike moves in humbly to ask Anga’s pardon for thinking the worst. He acknowledges he was plenty ugly with Don Angarita. Anga scoffs gently; Kike had his reasons, Anga tells him. Kike says he shouldn’t have judged him so harshly, Anga didn’t deserve that. Anga asks him to return to the central market—he doesn’t want to run the shop without Kike. Kike is shyly proud as he tells Anga he’s starting his own transport business and hopes Anga will be one of his first customers. Anga’s wit is intact—he asks for a big discount on Kike’s services. Remo exults that Angarita is about to go under the knife and he’s still making jokes. Kike gives Remo the stink eye for being such a tonto. But, they all smile. The nurse asks their pardon—it’s time. The guys with the gurney come in and she tells Anga they’re going to transfer him to the gurney (camilla, stretcher).

Out in the hall, the crowd continues to gather and chat. Paula has come and Fern and Ivonne hover down the hall a bit, waiting, also. ATTENTION, GENTLE READERS!!!! For the first time in history, Paula is wearing a TOTALLY appropriate business pantsuit, in a lovely ivory color, with a red cami that gives her FULL coverage!!!!! Someone sound a trumpet! [Ed. Note: This is the Second Good Thing on Friday the 13th.] I’d hire this professional! She greets them and glances briefly at Juan, whose arm is completely around Marely from behind her. She, too, asks to see Anga and Pastor tells her they’re about to take him to the O. R. On cue, the nurse opens the door and out comes Anga on the gurney. Pastor pats Anga and tells him “it’s going to be okay, brother.” Yadi jumps in next, and then Marely and all the rest, giving him words of encouragement and comfort. Kike and Remo follow the gurney out and throw their words in. Nidia adds her thoughts for Anga, and Juan takes his turn, then Paula. Anga simply glows at all the positive energy coming his way. This, from the old cynic! He tells Paula thanks for coming, too. As he’s wheeled down the hall, Ivonne tells Anga they’ll be waiting right there for him, and Fern adds his words. The crowd draws in together, united in the cause of supporting Angarita. Yadira notices Kike and wonders qué the heck he’s done with the baby if he’s there and so is everyone else. Well, he’s left the baby with Julia and Yadi has a mini-meltdown. She doesn’t like it one little bit. So much for her sad and mellow mood. She calls him an idiot and inconsiderate. He yells back that she shouldn’t be talking to him in that tone. Nidia pulls the boxers apart and sends them back to their corners. She tells them to knock it off, there are sick folks here. Kike says the sick one is this one (Yadi). The fight begins again….this time, it takes Nidia and Remo both to get them separated. [Ed. Note: Even Yadira has a Totally Tasteful and Unrevealing top on today. Imagine this! Both of them at the same time! Now that I’m thinking about it, Ivonne is pretty restrained as well.] Nidia scolds Yadi—is she a blockhead or what? This is no way to try to get her hubby back. Yadi fumes and ignores Mami’s wise words. Nidia tries to get her to breathe in, breathe out.

Yadi stalks off while the other half-sisters come to the fore. Guess who came to see me, Marely asks Paula. I don’t know, who? Sandro. He offered me a position in the VP Administrative area, with him. How nice for you, Paula remarks. What does Juan think? Well, he wants me to work in the President’s office, and you’re a partner, so you have to agree, right? Marely watches Paula’s face hopefully for her reaction. Paula hedges…no, I’ve told you you’re welcome, wherever you choose to work, it’s fine with me. Marely comments that it might not be healthy to work with the boyfriend. Paula tells her that it depends on how you manage the situation. Juan watches Paula’s face from behind Marely and Paula makes eye contact nervously with him. She thinks it won’t be a problem for Marely. Juan thought bubbles about his Palomita and his little rose garden are talking like the two friends they are, sisters, even. He edges toward Kike and Remo, both leaning on the nurses’ station. Juan continues thought bubbling—there they are—my future and my past. Paula keeps a wary eye on Juan while Marely is oblivious to the unspoken interaction.

Kike notices Juan and sends Remolacho off for a drink of water—whether he wants it or not. Kike whispers to Juan. What happened with Hallary? Hillary, Juan patiently responds. Well, did you resolve it? Yeah, they almost strangled me and beat me to death, but it’s resolved. Wow, it was that ugly? No, it wasn’t the princess, it was her Pop. She’s mannerly and knows how to conclude a relationship. The father, though, wanted me dead. Juan makes the cut-throat gesture. Kike is impactado. Paula comes over; she wants a piece of Juan. ;-) He tells her if it’s what he’s thinking, it got resolved the night before with Hillary. Paula confronts him—you sure? Or is this another of your lies? Juan is incensed. He hands her the cell phone and tells her to feel free to call Hillary. Paula retorts that it’s not necessary –for now-as Marely hovers behind, looking wary and concerned.

Nidia sees Marely’s expression and grabs her by the elbow to zoom her away from the interaction. “Despabílate, mamita.” Buck up! Marely doesn’t look too bucked up. Nidia reminds her she’s the girlfriend, and has the rights and privileges. Marely frowns yet again. My counsels tell me that when it feels so bad, it isn’t love. What do YOU think, gentle readers?

The doctora, dressed in Very Blue operating clothes, strides into the nurses’ station area where they’re all waiting. They all wait while she spits it out—the operation was a total success. [Ed. Note: This is the Third Good Thing on Friday the 13th.] He’s stable though fragile. He’ll be transferred to his room soon. Nidia hugs the doc, then Pastor. He needs rest; once he’s transferred we’ll let you all know when he can have visitors. Pastor follows the doctora as she goes to the nurses station. No one except Yadi notices since they’re all busy rejoicing. Yadi scoots up to them. Pastor asks about the DNA test. The doc tells him that they need to see her in her office in a few minutes and goes off. Pastor tells Yadi they need to invent something so as to not raise suspicions. So, they do implement their grand escape plan—Yadi loudly announces she’s off to the bathroom and rushes away-- and Pastor chimes in that he’ll go with her and trots off on her heels. Looks are exchanged all around.

The envelope, please. Yadira and Pastor mentally debate who will take it out of the doc’s hand and open it. Yadi decides it’s her and joyfully grabs it. Pastor agrees it should be hers. Yadi opens and reads it. Pastor sits, frozen in his seat and unable to look up. It says….positive. ?? The doc explains this means beyond the shadow of a doubt that she is the daughter of Mr. Angarita Calvo. Yadi is commercial impactada. [Ed. Note: This is the Fourth Good Thing on Friday the 13th, depending on your perspective.]

Delirio strides through the Farell lobby for the first time in ages. He notes that Rosi is hard at work reading a magazine. He hates to interrupt….Rosi gives him the stink eye but slaps the magazine shut. [Ed. Note: Now that Rosi has a real desk, the lobby lizards don’t hang so much. They just walk back and forth through the lobby.] Delirio wants to see Juan, who is surely right there in his office. Nope, he’s not there. What? Delirio will wait right here in the lobby. Well, he’ll be a while because he’s at the hospital for the operation of Don Angarita Calvo. Delirio mutters that Angarita Calvo should eat s*** and die. [Ed. Note: Okay, I took liberties with that translation.] Rosi is impactada at the venom.

Yadi, whose earrings should be dragging her lobes to the ground, stands at the nurses’ station with Pastor, in awe that she’s actually a Calvo. What did he tell her, he responds. Despite looking like a Cachón. Like her Papa, Yadi remarks—well, the one she thought was her father. Really, she has nothing of him. Yadi babbles on about this new info—she’s more like her mother, but Marely is more like her father. Now, Yadi understand so many things. She bites her finger, deep in thought. Pastor looks like the indulgent and proud uncle he now is, and chimes in that he doesn’t understand anything now.

The rest of Don Anga’s supporters are still in the waiting area. Paula is the first one to decide she needs to go and tells Nidia goodbye. She asks for them to tell Pastor goodbye for her. Nidia tells her goodbye; Nidia is staying with the young lovebirds while Anga gets out of the recovery room. She smiles widely at Paula. Juan and Marely watch, standing close enough that Juan’s arm is around Marely -- again. Paula almost makes it out when S2 shows up a day late and dollar short. He wanted to come personally to see how it went for Pastor’s brother. Paula tells him it went well and Anga’s in recovery. S2 is so pleased to hear it. Juan thought bubbles—chinches bravas! He mutters to himself about S2 showing up late and his Palomita’s reaction. [Ed. Note: Jealously doesn’t become you, Juan, when we’re talking about the one who is NOT your fiancée.] Juan turns to Marely and tells her they need to be going to the office to see where she’s going to work, and gives her a little kiss on her head. Marely smiles shyly. Paula uncomfortably occupies herself with “Sandro.” Marely, Nidia and Juan say their farewells. Juan wants Nidia to let them know if there’s anything that comes up. He hustles Marely off, leaving Paula with S2. Paula makes a gesture to S2 and charges off after them, leaving him with Nidia, Kike, Ivonne and Fern. Kike says his farewells, looking at his watch. He’s going after the baby and gives Nidia a message for Yadi that he’ll be at the house with the baby later. They exchange kisses and he goes. S2 comes to say goodbye to Nidia, who suddenly gets a sense that something’s not right and gets a strange look. Ivonne and Fern look uncomfortable about S2 as well.

Juanito comes out of the school to find Flor. Flor wants to know what they called for him. Juanito tells her that they called him because his father wanted him have the message that Don Angarita’s operation went well. Flor thinks that’s great (suave, from my Mexican slang dictionary). She knows that Jito was way worried about it. Jito tells her that he liked Anga when Anga came to Achichipico, and he wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to Anga. Flor tells Juanito that when he told her, she let her mother know so she could light a candle for Anga to get better. Juanito thanks her and kisses her on the cheek, pleasing Flor.

Marely, S2 , Paula and Juan hold a pow-wow in Juan’s office to seal Marely’s fate at work. Paula’s got Juan’s chair, which leaves Juan standing. S2 thinks they should put Marely into his area; he thinks her skills would be put to the best use there. Paula politely disagrees—a manager’s post in the office of accountability would be much more appropriate. Juan chimes in, and the bottom line for him is that Marely’s happy with the assignment. They all sound good to her, and she likes working with numbers. Juan’s got the best idea of all—why not make her the Vice President for Finance? How does that sound? S2 rolls his eyes. Marely protests mildly. Great, hearing no opposing votes, Juan’s appointing her the VP for finance. Marely is muy pleased-impactada. Even Paula smiles in the most sincere possible way. [Ed. Note: Is this the Fifth Good Thing on Friday the 13th?]

Yadi has come to share the good news with Anga. You said you would have liked it if I were your daughter, right? She starts hesitantly. He gets misty. More than anything in the world. But you were right in lots of those things you said to me. I had such fantasies that I invented the story and fell for it myself. He looks hopeful that she won’t reject him again. Yadi looks a little sheepish and sad. Well, it’s about that she’s come to talk. He assures her that even if she isn’t his daughter, he’ll always look on her as that—the daughter he would have loved to have, but never had. Yes, you had her, Yadi tells him. What are you saying? Yadi explains that she donated the blood he needed, and oh, by the way, I had a DNA test performed. I’m your daughter. Anga is delighted-excited impactado. [Ed. Note: This is the Final Good Thing for this Friday the 13th.]

Pastor shares breakfast with Nidia. He needs to tell her something. What? Don’t tell me you’re not going to eat with me? No, it’s not that. I want to thank you for what you’ve done for my brother. Really, I didn’t expect it and now we feel like family. He beams at her and Nidia is equally pleased. How tender! You’re like my….brother-in-law! Well, he tells her, it would be even better if you see me as the uncle of your daughter Yadira. Nidia puts her fork down and stares at him, impactidíssima. And why that? Pastor spits the news right out. The doc did a DNA test to see if his brother is indeed Yadira’s father. Guess what? He is this girl’s real father! Nidia is beyond impactidíssima. And, we knew this, but they remind us that any similarity to reality is purely coincidental.


Escopete - shotgun
Champion of justice - paladín de justicia
He had guts - tuvo pantaloncitos—he was wearing pants, and the “-cito” is a contradiction in terms, because it literally means little or short pants but is used to suggest very big pants
Me calaron - Lowered me a bit, brought me down a peg
Bajito - softly
Le dio cuello – given the boot (given the collar, my best guess)
Arrejuntarse - shack up
En un dos por tres - in no time
Mosquearme la sopa/mosquearme – get ticked off, p.o.’d at something (and sometimes way stronger translations)
Carga de encima—Albatross around the neck, burden hanging over her
Envejecer – grow old
Camilla – gurney, stretcher
Despabílate – buck up, wake up, and several other definitions



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