Thursday, January 05, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #3 Wednesday 1/4/12 Apparently not dining with the boss is a whipping offense at the Hacienda del Fuerte

Apparently not dining with the boss is a whipping offense at the Hacienda del Fuerte

(I am tired after an evening out and haven't fully corrected this recap. Will try to do that later tonight or sometime in the morning. But this is mostly done!)

NOTE: I tried very hard to keep my comments and speculations limited to what I recall thinking the first time I saw the episode. (And a lot of times, I found out new things about the characters after just now finally seeing the episode with CCs!) Please let me know if you think I'm giving away spoilers, because I truly do not want to do that!

Picking up where we left off:

Ana Paula is at the rushing water in the river with little Margarito and he falls in. She is able to pull him to safety but in the process she is swept away, while an anguished Margarito yells after her.

Miguel (Ana Paula's somewhat dipsh*t brother), and Tia Rosie are having a discussion about Ana Paula's whereabouts. Miguel is concerned about why they haven't heard from her, wants to start looking for her, but Tia Rosie doesn't seem concerned.

There's a knock at the door. It's Don Rogelio and his sister Cinthia. He announces himself as Paula's boss as Miguel and Tia Rosy look a bit astonished.

Poor Ana Paula is still being swept away by the rushing water and it doesn't look good! She's managing to keep her head up, but just barely.

Miguel wants to make sure that Ana Paula is okay. Of course she is! Don Rogelio says in his typical arrogant-annoyed-jerkwad tone of voice. Tia Rosie doesn't miss a chance to whine about their poor, impoverished circumstances. Don Rogelio gives her a curious, assessing look as she carries on. He has a very well-tuned BS meter and Tia is setting it off, big time.

Don Rogelio's BS meter is going off big time in the presence of Tia. (Click on all images to see a much higher quality version)

Miguel astutely asks, well, if Ana Paula is okay, how come she didn't come too? Don Rogelio shows a brief moment of alarm and sputters, "Well . . . " but Cinthia jumps in to save him and explains that she and Don Rogelio came alone to Tuxla and that, what a pity, they were supposed to deliver a letter from Ana Paula but it was left at the office (while the truth is, that JERK Don Rogelio opened it up and read it and then crumpled it up because it said that Don Rogelio was, you know, a JERK!). Ahem.

Miguel seems to find this a little fishy and still wants affirmation that Ana Paula is, indeed, okay. "Of course she is!" Don Rogelio laughs, a little nervously. Then Tia starts to suck up to Cinthia and Don Rogelio and mentions their concern for Ana Paula because Miguel is currently out of work.

Don Rogelio pauses, shrugs, smiles smarmily, gallantly takes off his hat and says that hey, he might be able to help with the job thing. Miguel perks up.

We cut back to the river, where a group of men are walking along the bank, headed by a cute, fresh-faced guy with long eyelashes. He admires the river and then sees in the distance a young woman (Ana Paula) being swept along in the water. He quickly jumps in to rescue her.

"What do you know how to do?" Don Rogelio asks Miguel. "Carpentry." Miguel adds that there is other stuff he can do too. As it happens, Don Rogelio has a friend who runs a construction company.

Rosy says they haven't got any food in the house to make a meal (I think?) and Don Rogelio sends Cinthia out to get something. Miguel goes with her, which leaves Don Rogelio alone with the scheming Rosy, which I think is what Don Rogelio wants. As the saying goes, "You can't bullsh*t a bullsh*tter" and Don Rogelio, being full of it himself, totally has her number. He keeps his eyes fixed on her, with this constantly skeptical/amused expression.

Don Rogelio is bursting with curiosity about the family's relationship with Bruno. As soon as Cinthia and Miguel have left, Don Rogelio bursts forth with an abrupt question about how they know Bruno. (Jealousy, thy name is Rogelio!) Tia more or less gives an accurate but brief assessment of the troubles they've had and how Bruno helped, as Rogelio listens intently.

VIDEO CLIP: You can't bullsh*t a bullsh*itter: Don Rogelio asks how they know Bruno. (Link goes to streaming Flash clip hosted on my site. File is high-quality, so if it stalls, wait for it to fully load before playing.)

Cute young guy gallantly carries a now-unconscious Ana Paula out of the river. He does some CPR on her and soon she is spitting up water and is okay. (Note, Ana Brenda looks especially pretty here, with no makeup and with mud in her hair. Very fresh and natural. Not that she looks bad or overly-made-up usually, or bad without mud in her hair. I'm just saying.) When Ana Paula stands up, she seems to have an immediate connection with cute young guy, who turns out to be Gustavo Duran (played by Jose Ron), an engineer of hydraulics. Gustavo notes that she got some scrapes on her arm, but she says she's okay. She keeps smiling and gazing at him with unfettered happiness and he smiles back.

It's unfair that someone be so pretty when she has mud in her hair. I'm just saying.

Meet Gustavo. (It's a waste for men to have lovely eyelashes like this. Well, I think so.)

Tia Rosy continues the story about Bruno helping, and says something about how concerning it is that they owe Bruno now. Rogelio says, with a flick of his wrist and an almost sarcastic tone, don't worry, he'll take care of it all. Rosy is grateful, but then laments, this will mean that her niece will now be in debt to Don Rogelio! (Which I suspect is the whole point in Don Rogelio's offering to cover the debt, am I right?) Don Rogelio replies with a expansive sweep of his hands, "No, you guys owe me NOTHING!" (Yeah right!) He has this wolf-in-sheep's clothing smile on his face.

This prompts Rosy to start sucking up to him, telling him what a great guy he is, how lucky Ana Paula is to be working for him, yadda yadda. Rogelio then says (smarmily) that he knows he's got a difficult personality (NO REALLY?) and that Paula seems to be a very good nurse. At this Rosy starts listing off all the virtues of Ana Paula, that she's a hard worker, very serious, and she doesn't have time for a boyfriend, oh no no, not our hardworking Ana Paula. Rogelio gets a gleam in his eye in reaction to that last little tidbit about Paula not having a boyfriend.

He seems to like the idea that Ana Paula doesn't have a boyfriend.

But the boyfriendless status may be of short duration, if we judge how Ana Paula is getting along with that cute Gustavo guy at the river bank. Their conversation yields several important facts: She's a nurse, his sister is a nurse, wow, what a coincidence. Ana Paula mentions that even though she's currently employed, she's looking for other nursing work and Gustavo says his sister can probably help with that. Wow, more coincidences! They chat some more and there are many happy, innocent smiles of the young and idealistic.

Rosy and Miguel are fixing a meal and Don Rogelio is on the phone with his friend David (the actor looks a little bit like a younger Tom Berenger to me) about getting Miguel a job. David runs a construction company in some fancy high rise building. David is happy to go along with this. Don Rogelio gives a business card to Miguel and tells him to go see that guy about a job. Miguel thanks him. Just then Rosy starts carrying on about the Ana Paula's doves, and how much they miss Ana Paula. (Since Rosy doesn't like the doves, is this her way of hinting around that she'd like to unload them on Cinthia and Rogelio?)

Bruno is greeting an older man named Federico in a courtyard. They start talking business about Hacienda del Fuerte and Don Rogelio. They're talking about a contract that Rogelio's dad made 10 years ago. There was a special agreement that Rogelio's company would supply Federico's company with the best quality cattle. But now Don Rogelio may not renew the contract. Bruno says that Rogelio has never forgiven Vanessa for dumping him when he was still in his hospital bed after the accident, but he thinks that Rogelio never stopped loving her. Federico thinks it's a shame what happened, but what can he do, his daughter couldn't handle Rogelio's paralysis. Bruno asks after Vanessa, she's doing okay, has been married for three years but doesn't have any kids.

Federico and Bruno talk business.

We cut to Don Rogelio rolling down the window of his black car to look at a young woman (Vanessa) getting into a car parked across the street. He has a brooding look on his face. As soon as her car pulls away he tells Hugo (his driver/assistant) to go as well, and something about seeing Cinthia.

Ana Paula and Margarito are in town, Ana Paula still looks a bit soggy and she has those scrapes on her arm. Bruno approaches them and is concerned over her appearance. She explains about the river and says she's fine. They all agree to return to the hacienda.

We're at the mall in Tuxla and Cinthia and Don Rogelio are at a restaurant. Cinthia is drinking something and (it seems incongruous to me) Don Rogelio is nibbling on strawberries. "Don't lie to me," Cinthia says. "This is the same as always." "I don't know what you're talking about," Don Rogelio replies, between bites of strawberry. She says that he often will manipulate people through their relatives, like what he's doing now with Ana Paula's family. Rogelio arrogantly says that Paula has to know who's boss (more or less) and once she learns that, she can be cut loose. (He is SUCH a jerk!)

He checks his phone and tells Cinthia he has things to deal with. Then their discussion goes to David, the construction guy, and I think Cinthia might like to go out with him ("he's single, handsome . . . ") but Rogelio nixes that, saying that David is his friend and a business associate and he doesn't want trouble. Cinthia again starts in with the old complaint about how Don Rogelio doesn't want her to have her own life, yadda yadda, and then up comes the handsome David to join them.

Back at the hacienda, Ana Paula is telling Bruno that she's made up her mind. She doesn't want to deal with that jerk Rogelio Montero (she always uses his first and last name, I notice!) and she wants to look for work in Tuxla. She apologizes because she knows she owes him money, but she swears she'll pay it all back. He tries to convince her not to go, while also saying it's not the money that concerns him. She cuts him off and again explains she has her standards, her strong character, and that Rogelio Montero guy is such a total jerk to everyone, she can't tolerate it.

Bruno starts to tell Ana Paula a story about how his father and Don Rogelio's dad were associates, but that his dad lost all his land to Don Rogelio's dad due to "bad management," but that he (Bruno) doesn't believe it. Bruno wants to stick around and get proof that there was wrongdoing and then get his land back.

Then we cut to Bruno and Ana Paula by that same river, riding horses. It seems like Bruno has a lot of time to take Ana Paula on nice outings. As he helps her dismount there seems to be a fleeting moment where he holds her too close/too long and she glances at him nervously. They go to admire the river. Bruno stands close as she smiles and looks dreamy, I suspect thinking about that cute Gustavo guy she met yesterday.

Still lovely without the mud in her hair.

And speaking of that cute Gustavo guy, he's talking to that handsome David guy at the high rise office building. Turns out that Gustavo works for David. Small world, isn't it? Gustavo has some studies (or something) on San Gabriel (the little town nearest the Hacienda del Fuerte). David is keen to see the papers. David says that some owner (I think Don Rogelio?) is interested in a commercial district? [I MISSED A LOT HERE] Anyway, it seems like their meeting went well. As Gustavo leaves David's office, in walks our own Miguel, brother of Ana Paula, to see about the job that Don Rogelio set up for him. (My my, the world gets smaller and smaller!)

A brief conversation between Handsome David and Miguel. David is friendly and can get Miguel work, even if it won't be carpentry. Miguel thanks him.
Handsome David is able to offer Miguel work.

Tia Rosie has invited a friend over, the same lady who was selling her jewelry in the last episode. She tells the friend that she has a lot of news to tell her, but first needs a favor. She hands over Don Rogelio's business card and asks that the lady ask her kids (who use the INTERRRRRNET—she loves to roll those RRRRRs!) to look up more info on him.

Dany, Ana Paula's sweet blonde-haired friend, is showing her nursing paperwork and qualifications to Mercedes, and attractive woman with strawberry blondish hair who is in charge of the nurses at the local hospital. Mercedes is very pleasant and says if they have a need for a nurse with her qualifications, they'll let her know! As soon as Dany walks off, in comes cute Gustavo, who (AMAZINGLY IN ANOTHER COINCIDENCE!!!!1!!!) is the brother of Mercedes! He gives her a kiss on the cheek and tells her he's so thrilled because he met the most wonderful girl, and she lives in Tuxla.

Back at the hacienda, Ana Paula is chatting with Maria (the housekeeper played by Ana Martin) in Don Rogelio's office, about her owing money to Bruno, and how she'd like to get work in Tuxla and be closer to her family. The phone rings and Tia Rosie for Ana Paula. Ana Paula tells Tia that she's quitting because her boss is not a good person. "What makes you say this?" Tia trills. "Your boss is enchanting!" Then it all comes out, that Don Rogelio and Cinthia visited and how great they were. Miguel gets on the phone to say how he's pleased with his new job that her boss got for him. As Ana Paula is trying to adjust to all of this, in comes Hugo (Don Rogelio's driver/assistant) with the big birdcage with the doves. She's delighted with the doves but is obviously overwhelmed with all this new info. Tia puts more guilt on her about remaining there, and you can tell that it's a lost cause, Ana Paula is going to *have* to stay now!

Cinthia tells Ana Paula how Rogelio helped out her family and got Miguel a job. She indicates [I think] that this is a way for Rogelio to show that he is sorry for his bad treatment of Cinthia. Cinthia wants Ana Paula to assure her that she'll say. PLEASE. (You can see the desperation in Cinthia's face, like she's thinking to herself, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't make me be the caregiver for my jerkwad of a brother again! PLEASE!!!) Ana Paula looks thoughtful.

Tia is assuring Miguel that Ana Paula is doing fine, or does he doubt that Don Rogelio, the guy that got Miguel a job, is anything less than totally awesome and wonderful? Miguel is naturally grateful to Don Rogelio, but at the same time has suspicions. Why did he cover their debt to Bruno? Tia tries to assure him that all is fine.

At the hacienda, Ana Paula comes to Don Rogelio's room. It's daylight but he's seated up in his bed. She says that she is not going to accept Don Rogelio covering the debt to Bruno, that she will continue working in order pay off Bruno herself. She wants to know if this is okay but if not, she can leave the job. He gives his best dark, jerkwad expression, and they both tilt their chins up defiantly, as if to indicate that they're both not going to take any BS from the other.

We cut back to Tia, who has gotten a visit from her neighbor friend again. Neighbor delivers the info her kids found out about Don Rogelio on the INTERRRRRRRNET. Turns out that Don Rogelio is super-rich, one of the richest men in Mexico. Tia excitedly flaps her fan at herself, in almost orgasmic glee at this news.

So . . . Ana Paula says to the grumpy-looking Don Rogelio. Do I stay or do I go? He sighs and is silent and brooding for a long moment, then shrugs and says, "Okay, stay." (Did we really doubt that he would say anything else?) He tells her to start working. He points to some paperwork and instructions on how to do the therapy on his legs.

Pretending that he has the think about whether he wants her to stay or not!

She starts massaging his hairy legs with lotion as he watches. The "Corre!" song plays and we see him look very un-jerkwad and just plain . . . I don't know . . . infatuated? Sad? Soulful? Brooding? Probably all of these, as he watches her doing her therapy. He comments that this is the first time in a long time that anyone has touched him. They discuss the fact that he still has sensation in his legs, but can't move them. She says that she looked up his case and talked with her teachers about his particular treatment. He seems almost embarrassed or abashed and says that she is very professional. There's a wistful tone to his voice as if he thinks "professional" is also kind of "impersonal" and he wishes for a more "personal" attention from her. (Upon re-viewing this scene, I'm not sure if his reaction is him hoping for more "personal" attention, or that he's just impressed/flattered that she was so thorough.)

Taking a break from being a butthead for a moment, Rogelio looks on wistfully as Ana Paula performs therapy on his legs.

She then says that he would have done better to do his therapy/exercises earlier, because the tone in his legs would be in better shape now. This angers him, and he says that nobody tells Rogelio Montero (love how he refers to himself in the third person!) what to do. He reminds her, harshly, that she is simply an employee and she should know her place. (Wow, the jerkwad side of him didn't take long to resurface!) She replies that she knows her place as an employee, but in matters of his health, it is her duty to tell him the doctor's instructions.

VIDEO CLIP: Ana Paula gives Rogelio therapy as he looks on.

Tia Rosy's friend continues with what was learned on the INTERRRRRRNET about Don Rogelio. He has this enormous hacienda that he inherited from his grandfather (?). He is one of the principal suppliers of meat in the country. "Rogelio Montero isn't just rich, he's a millionaire!" the two ladies cackle. Also a big part of his companies are in construction (??). At this point, Miguel comes out of another room to say that he got a letter from Ana Paula. (Or is sending one to her?) This is when Tia Rosie lays on about how she can't work anymore because of her ill-health (bad heart). Of course it's BS, but Miguel can't know that and is very concerned. Says he'll work harder to take care of her.

That evening at the hacienda, Ana Paula admits to Maria the housekeeper that basically she's not leaving like she'd wanted, because Don Rogelio helped her brother get a job. Maria is (I think) trying to point out that bringing Ana Paula's doves to her was a nice gesture on Rogelio's part, but Ana Paula figures that was Cinthia's idea.

Cinthia is in Don Rogelio's room and he's seated in his bed. Cinthia mentions that Ana Paula's doves are called "Romeo and Juliet" which they think is really corny. In a rare moment of levity for Don Rogelio, he genuinely laughs and takes great amusement that the nurse has such a romantic streak. They both laugh for a bit. Maria comes in as Cinthia leaves the room, still laughing.

Maria queries Don Rogelio about all the things he's done for Ana Paula—bringing back the doves, getting her brother a job—was all this done out of pride? (Because Ana Paula has stood up to him and wants to leave?) He doesn't answer her, he just asks for Hugo to come in and help him with something.

Ana Paula and her doves.

It's nighttime and Ana Paula is talking to the doves. She misses her family and doesn't like this "insupportable" man, but she's going to stick it out. Little Margarito sneaks in through the window and gives her some flowers. Maria then comes in. Margarito says it's time for dinner they are going to head for the kitchen to eat with the other servants, but Maria stops Ana Paula and says that Margarito can join them in the kitchen, but Ana Paula . . . no. There is ominous music playing as Maria delivers the dire news—Ana Paula is expected to eat all her meals in the dining room, with that odious Rogelio Montero! (Okay, Maria didn't say that last part, but you know that's what Ana Paula is thinking.) Ana Paula looks impactada.

Dany has come to visit Ana Paula's doves and must be reassured by Miguel that they're now with Ana Paula at the hacienda. He then tells her that he got a job and decides this is the time to declare himself and tells Dany that he loves her ("te quiero"). Dany is very receptive to this and they hug.

It's mealtime and Cinthia sits down at the dining room table, declaring that she's hungry. Don Rogelio says they can't start eating until Paula is there. (He seems to enjoy informing Cinthia of this.) At Cinthia's surprised reaction, he adds (with maybe a trace of defensiveness?) that he wants Ana Paula to attend to him much better than "las otras" (the many previous nurses that he seemingly went through like Kleenex). Maria then informs him that Paula is eating in the kitchen. Don Rogelio seems a bit surprised by this, asking, "Wasn't she informed that I want her here?" Maria says, "Yes, but she said she is eating with the other employees." Don Rogelio gets this amused look on his face, as if he's thinking, "Oh, she thinks that, does she?" He's looking forward to having it out with this señorita, it seems to me.

Miguel instructs Dany to close her eyes, he's got a surprise for her. It's a delicately carved wooden heart with "D" and "M" on it. (After all, Miguel is a carpenter.) Dany is delighted. Miguel says that he's been wanting to give it to her for a while but was afraid. Dany says some sweet things to him and they kiss.

Miguel's gift to Dany.

In the kitchen, Consuelo is serving up food for Margarito, Ana Paula, and Efrain. Ana Paula offers to help but Consuelo wants to be the one serving Efrain as she places a possessive hand on his shoulder. We hear a thump of a door and in wheels Don Rogelio, who was probably looking forward to this confrontation with Ana Paula. He scowls and says she is to eat with them in the dining room. Ana Paula replies with some boldness that she is staying in her place which is with the other servants. (This is obviously in reference to the conversation they had earlier where Don Rogelio nastily reminded her that she was just an employee and to remember her place.) Oh my, this does not go over well at all. Don Rogelio snaps his whip on the table, which frightens little Margarito. He growls that as an employee it is her place to do what her employer says! Then he rolls out. Everyone is pretty alarmed and Ana Paula hugs little Margarito and apologizes to the other employees for the upset.

Spoiling everyone's appetite in the kitchen.

Hey dude, she's just trying to remember to keep in her "place" like you told her to.

It's morning and Cinthia asks little Margarito what happened the night before when her brother stormed into the kitchen after Ana Paula. Margarito relates everything and also makes some mention about how Consuelo is flirting with Efrain like she often does, and that she obviously likes him. Cinthia seems interested/jealous to hear this.

In the dining room, Ana Paula and Maria are preparing the table and Rogelio comes in. Ana Paula says something about how Hugo helps Rogelio dress and asks if Rogelio would prefer that she do this task instead? Rogelio says no. Then Ana Paula steps back a bit, as if to take a place standing in attendance, like the servant that she is. But Rogelio gestures that she is to sit down and eat at the table. Rogelio tells Maria to serve them; Maria is a bit confused and asks if they are going to wait for Cinthia to come, Rogelio says no. Maria brings over a pitcher of juice and starts to pour it for Paula, but Paula stops her and says to pour it for Rogelio first—she is the employee and he the employer, after all. Maria does so, as Rogelio gives Ana Paula a long, steely, assessing look, with some measure of respect (or something) in it. Maria senses the vibes going on there and leaves to get breakfast. The "Corre!" song plays so we officially know there's a "moment" between Ana Paula and Rogelio going on. Rogelio gestures that Ana Paula give him her glass, and he pours juice for her, all the while giving her that same stern, assessing, and admiring look.

Having their little "moment" as he fills her juice glass.

VIDEO CLIP: Ana Paula's and Rogelio's "moment" at the breakfast table.

At the construction office building of Handsome David, we see that that cute Gustavo guy is meeting none other than Miguel. Miguel is going to do work for him as a driver, delivering sometimes delicate items, I think.

Ana Paula and Margarito are at the river again, which sort of surprises me, considering how well their last time at the river went. They stay safely away from the water, and Ana Paula seems to be enjoying sitting by the river as she obviously thinking back to meeting that cutie Gustavo there earlier.

Gustavo gives some papers to Miguel to deliver. He calls Tia Rosa's house and I think he talks about helping Ana Paula get work in town and Tia is not at all pleased about that. Tia Rosy is upset and hangs up the phone and curses Ana Paula and says she won't do this.

Ana Paula is talking to Margarito about continuing his studies/education. She then remembers that she was supposed to meet someone that weekend (Gustavo) but that was before she decided to stay working at the hacienda.

Don Rogelio is asking Bruno about helping Ana Paula's family. Bruno says he didn't think it was something worth mentioning before. Don Rogelio asks Bruno if he has any particular interest in Paula. (Oh Don Rogelio, you are so transparently jealous!) Bruno has a weird google-eyed look as Don Rogelio keeps staring at him, waiting for an answer.


VIDEO CLIP: Univision's avance for Episode 4.

I know I went a little nuts with the screencaps, and if I have a chance, I will post some video clips (like I did sometimes with Eva Luna). Hey, what can I say, I'm all excited about this new novela!


Cuando Me Enamoro #180 Wednesday 1/4/12 Au-gre finally falls to his death... love is in the air, on the food, at the church, etc... but one last move by evil ones might spoil the cheese, i mean, the happy ending

Recap By Marta Ivett
We left last evening with Jeronimo totally worn out and wounded looking like a Jesus Christ in a wet suit, on his knees, with Au-gre behind him ready to decapitate him with one final swing of his sword… Renata pleading hopelessly for Jero’s life… Matt totally exhausted and in pain, Anibal too upset/shocked…
But wait! Jeronimo gathers enough energy to bend down and make Au-gre miss his swing! Then Jero grabs the sword and from a very weird angle over his shoulder is able to use the time Au-gre takes to back-swing his sword again to cross Au-gre through the belly… funny thing the sword through Au-gre’s back is clean as a whistle… Could Au-gre not have blood in him at all? But he is spitting blood…
We have more effect where the whole frame around them is basically frozen with Anibal sad but also relieved, Au-gre laying on the floor (NO BLOOD ON FRONT OF HIS SHIRT) of the ship and Nata hugging and crying along with Jero… Nata telling Jero over and over again that she loves him very much.
Days later, at La Bonita, Jero is waking to kisses by Nata… they are extremely happy to wake up together… best part of the day, seeing your pretty face… lets do this forever… they reminisce on the last few days being tough… lets think of something nicer… want to have boy or girl?... and baby names: Nata wants boy. Jero wants anything as long as healthy and happy with us… Jero would like to name it Rafael if it is a boy… Nata says Gonzalo Rafael (NOOO!!!) if girl, lets name her (Jero says Gonzalo is too much name…) .. just Regina… strong but sweet.. its my mom’s name… Jero adds that it is Nata’s true name… the real name of my princess… smooches…
Anibal is bringing flowers to Au-gre’s grave… appologizes but he did not agree with what Au-gre was planning to do. So he had to help prevent it even if Au-gre was his dad.. would have liked for things to have been different between us, but your selfishness and ambition made you lose everything. None of what you said will last.. government took all your assets, there won’t be any memory of yours around here… you lived such a pointless empty life… goodbye father…
To texmex banda music, Carlos and Mati are having lunch … Carlos is loving Ensenada’s views, people and food… he loves the lobster tacos from Puerto Nuevo (what a beautiful place for lunch!! I want to be there right now!!). Carlos proposes to Mati again… she accepts again.. .love you so much… she confesses she never thought she would fall in love with him. She thought he was a bland guero. She wants to get married right away. They will go see Padre Seve right away.
At park Gonzo and Matias all dressed up in suits are enjoying popsicles and reminiscing when Matt was a boy and he used to gobble on popsicles. Then Matt gets REALLY cheesy saying he is very proud of having Gonzo as his dad. Gonzo says its love. There are bonds stronger than blood itself, the bonds of love. Gonzo says having Matt was a blessing in his life…  they vow their love for each other. Matt says nothing would make him happier than having his own son feel as proud of him as he feels for Gonzo. Gonzo says it will be so. He is so proud of Matt, MR through and through… Matt says proud to be.
At a restaurant, Hono and Connie’s turn… Hono says love you.. kiss… he is fortunate to have her. When she was in jail or distracted by the baby, he felt crazy as if he was losing her… he wants her that she is his life… ever since he saw her he fell in love with her and it has not changed at all with time. Connie confesses she always feared that because she could not have kids she could lose him. He says that would never have occurred. he does not need anything other than her. Especially now that Adri is in their lives. Connie says she would have wanted to be a mom but his presence in her life is enough for her to feel a complete woman. Love you. kiss…
At La Bonita kitchen, Lazaro and Kari come back from seeing their house in construction. Alfonsina comes in with baby in arms, she is crying to see them happy, she can’t help but miss Ezeq… Manuela says its not strange. They did have a good marriage despite the ups and downs. Alfo says it gives her peace to realize Ezeq was a good man, she still loves him even if he is not around anymore. Lazaro confirms Ezeq was a great man. Wherever he is he still loves her and his children. Alfo feels bad for having doubted him… she could not have married a better man.
Somewhere in a ladies room Berta is nagging/whining with Pepa… Pepa says be patient, just wait until we have the money and we can leave. Pepa asks her to ask Regina to organize a huge birthday party for her and Nata… Berta says not in mood for big birthday bash… Pepa says you will have to be… because that will be last time you see her (Nata). Berta turns around and seems a bit taken aback by pepa’s plan.
At church, Marina tells Padre Seve she already requested transfer to work at Ensenada with the doctor (I think Solorzano is the O.B. that is attending her pregnancy). Padre Seve is glad she will stay close by to him. She says its partly for you, so I and the kids will be close to you. Padre celebrates it, family is the biggest treasure anyone could have.
Jero and Nata tell Anibal and Allison that they will pay for their college education as long as they decide on a career and put their best effort to it. Jero is kissy kissy while Nata is trying to speak. Allison says she is beginning to heal from the anorexia. Allison says this place is magic. Jero says places are not magic, it is the people who live there… Anibal is thankful to them for helping the son of the man who hurt them so much. Jero and Nata don’t want to hear about that…
Nata says you are you, and you helped rescue me, to be with my hero now… he is Dartag’nan!
Group hug!!!
Carlos and Mati are seeing Padre Seve about marrying them, how about Friday, Padre says that is same day of Alfonsina’s daughter Luz’ christening… ok, Friday there will be wedding and christening all at once… happy Carlos and Mati hum the wedding march…
At jail, Antonio is visiting Alvaro.. Alvaro is putting together a recovery group of alcoholic men there. Antonio says don’t give up, some of them will give up some will benefit… keep it up.
Alvaro joins his group, he admits to them that he is alcoholic, even though he used to be a doctor with a brilliant career and loyal patients…
They are inaugurating the ‘nadie se rinde’ center FINALLY!! … this was a long time coming!
Berta congratulates Regina on the inauguration… proud of you, you are a great woman and I am proud to be your daughter… (hugs her but Berta puts a disgusted face away from Gina)…
Julieta tells Matt and Adri that Chema’s dad is sending her to the bakery course in Paris for 6 mos, the same course Chema was going to take. She invites Matt and Adri to visit there sometime.
Berta has told Gina and Gonzo about wanting a huge party for her and Nata’s 25th bday… it will be first time we celebrate it together. Gonzo and Gina are all for it.
Meanwhile somewhere in a wig and hat store, Pepa is thinking to herself that this time they won’t escape her vengeance.. even if she has to enter the wolf’s den to do it. Can’t wait for my daughters’ bday bash…
Days later…
Wedding and christening day… everyone very happy… nata has a simple but gorgeous red dress. Marina is showing a decent belly, with a bright yellow dress, both women look great. Jero loves having them both in good terms. They talk about Alfonsina and kari finally over their diffferences and are great friends again. Padre Seve says just like the two of you… friends finally despite the unconventional relationship among the three of you… Jero is proud of both of them. Padre says tolerance is a great virtue to master… both have accepted that love is the greatest union possible.
Adri and Matt are talking about their own wedding… a palm reader comes by and predicts a perfect loving future for them even if they both were scared to let her read their hands… she says they are ‘twin souls’.
Matt tells Adri that what he feels for her does not fit in his chest. Love you my little princess. Love you too my mustached teddy bear… CUTE…
At Hono/Connie’s… they are talking about Berta, Connie says her asking for the birthday bash proves that she is teamed up with Fina. Hono says the investigator told them that Berta even has bought a plane ticket to switzerland the day after she gets her money… Connie asks about Pepa… chances are they will leave the country together… Gina is sure the police will stop Fina at the airport. Gonzo says will be a big blow on Berta to know we are tricking her. Gina is still hopeful Berta will confess before its too late. Hono says don’t count on it, she has a tough heart. You will never see a noble gesture from her.
Pepa is trying on a fake beard / mustache.. .is she trying for a job as the bearded woman at a circus?... she says she will stop being Fina to be Izakuri!! LOL!!
The birthday bash day is here… the carp is set with the tables and chairs and stage…  Fina has a bright purple tofee candy wig on… Nata and Jero are joking around and running around happy… Fina is thinking ‘we will see how long this happiness lasts you Renatita…’
Nata and Jero enter the MR house to meet up with Gina and Gonzo… Gonzo is awed by Nata and Jero’s looks.. hugs and kisses all around…  Gina and Nata are so excited this day has arrived. Gonzo and Nata get cheesy.. thank you for everything you did for me, having adopted me… It is me the one thankful for the blessing… Gina has to break the moment saying it would be a great moment if it were not for Berta’s issue. Gonzo says they still hope Berta will meet up with Fina before they leave the country so they can catch her. Nata suggests they tell Berta the truth. Gonzo is not so sure, they don’t know how she will react. It would be a heavy risk due to Fina being involved and Berta putting her on notice. Nata insists Berta could be a victim. Jero doubts it, he thinks Berta is very aware of what she is doing. Nata reminds him she lived with Berta many years… she still has the hope against hope. Gina agrees with Nata. She thinks Berta deserves one last chance… Gonzo asks what do they have in mind. Nata says to tell Berta the truth, that would be her last chance… then it would not have been on our account. Gonzo insists it is a heavy risk, but if that is what your mother and you want, we will talk to Berta tonight after the party.
At Connie/Hono’s the two ladies are driving Hono crazy… Adri asks Connie to let her call her mom (it was not to borrow a necklace as Connie thought at first) … her mom will always have a special place in her heart but so does Connie so… Connie says ok with one condition, if you let me call you ‘hija’… Hono just sighs and says ‘you will make me cry now’… you both look beautiful.
Nata and Gina in bedroom, Gina gives Nata her (Nata’s) ‘R’ dije (necklace)… Nata asks why do you have my ‘dije’. Gina says it was one of the ‘evidence’ items Pepa sent her. Nata says it is so important for me. Gina tells Nata that Roberto designed them himself. Shows her the mark/signature on the R. He gave it to you on your first birthday… I love you ‘hija’… Did you say I love you.. what? … Nata insists on hearing the last word again… Gina repeats… Nata happy ‘love you love you so much!’ … that is, until the door opens with Berta questioning ‘why do you call her hija and why was Nata calling you ‘mama’?’ … sounds like the conversation with Berta will not be after the party but NOW. (credits)
Gina: You are not my daughter…
(Jero hugging a Nata deep in pain in the back seat of a SUV/truck.. looks like labor pains)
Berta (on cell phone): you don’t know how I hate her!!...
Marina in bed, Nata on wheelchair and Jero also in scrubs at door calling for help, and Nata begging ‘Marina don’t leave us please!!’ (that does not sound good)
Nata giving birth (pushing)…
At birthday bash, Pepa is thinking ‘the time has come for my final vengeance’… Berta hugging Nata as Nata is giving her back to stage and Berta is looking straight at Fina…
(This angle does not look good for Berta)
A gun, shot fires…


Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #68 Wed 1/4/12 Plans are made, but little is done

Candi reiterates her brilliant plan to solve all of Wince's problems: go back to the exact same plan as before (pretend they're not seeing each other, but actually see each other).

Pina is in hysterics over Candi's popularity, and chews out her producer.

Fernanda is, surprisingly, not surprised to hear that Pancho and Rebe are becoming a unit.

Wince tells Candi he's going to tell her a huge secret (which, as we know, will soon become known to half of Mexico): through some strange "misstep," which he won't reveal, the house and everything else are in Pina's name. If Pina finds out about his no doubted insufficiently clandestine affair-in-the-making, she'll squash him like a cockroach. He is in bad shape (despite Candi's brilliantly simple plan) and describes his situation as a dark, damp hole.

Beto is still in his own, protracted crisis (seriously, how is this guy not exploding with ulcers), and once again tries to get it into Pancho's head that stuff is terrible, and terrible is terrible no matter how you look at it. Pancho informs him to think outside the box, which Beto doesn't really get until Pancho repeats it in English. The lightbulb clicks on, and he runs off in delight. I wonder how many episodes till we find out the idea.

Pina gazes through her telescope at Tomas primping and dancing after a shower. Adoracion (Pina has started calling her ignoracion) yelps that the dog is having contractions! much ado. Pina demands that Igno gather Abeja's birthing outfit, and then she gets on the line to the vet and books the biggest suite they've got.

Conveniently, Pina happens to run into Tomas just as she's leaving to take Abeja to the hospital. He tells her she's in no state to drive and enters from the driver's side. His hand rests on her calf (suggestively draped over the gear-shift lever), and they have what is probably the sexiest moment ever shared in a car while driving a pomeranian to a delivery ward.

Pancho and Rebe are still smooching like goons, but this time Rebe is telling him how to raise his kids. Clearly her judgment of what's feminine is a little off (look at what she's wearing), but Rebe thinks that Ana lacks a feminine side.

Chela has a terrible fever, and I hate to say it, but this is better than watching her sobbing over Pancho. Candi wants her to come back to live with the family, but she refuses, so Candi takes the opportunity to plot with Ana. Apparently, the plot is to bring in a cute kid and guilt-trip the deathly-ill Chela. A bit below the belt. Candi calls Pancho and informs him that Chela needs to spend more time at his house. No sooner does he put down the phone than Rebe walks in and tells him that, with Chela out of the house, maybe *she* should spend more time at Pancho's house with his kids. Pancho looks like his head is going to explode.

Alex gets a kiss from Lupita... he loves her essence and integrity.

Pina and Tomas at the clinic: The vet complains that he can't hear anything through his stethoscope, which is understandable because Pina (still in her pink multi-tiered bag thing and matching pumps) is in total hysterics. Tomas looks a little embarrassed to be there, but he hangs tight. Apparently, the pooch is still suffering from stress. Pina reveals to Tomas that, really, this dog is her only love and her only true friend and company. They hug and, surprisingly, Tomas looks moved. Ado looks on from upstairs and basically flips her lid.

One more awesome scene with Wins and the gang. They've dragged him to Dr. Silva, a kooky psychiatrist who supposedly helped Enzo (but Enzo's still a mess, really). The office is filled entirely with creepy bong-ing and ticking clocks of all sorts, and Dr. Silva appears to be trying to convince Wince that he's actually insane.


La Que No Podía Amar #2 Tuesday 1/3/12 La Que No Podía Callarse

The Joe Friday version:
  • Ro-hell butts heads with….pretty much everyone.
  • Ana Paula butts heads with Ro-hell…and he likes it (hubba hubba)
  • Bruno woos Ana Paula.
  • Ana Paula insists numerous times that she's not staying and everyone tries to convince her to stay…each one has their own selfish motives.
  • Costuming for Susana Gonzalez is bizarre. Also, she and Efraim fondle their belt buckles as much as they fondle each other.
  • Miguel gets fired because his boss found out about his “part” in the robbery..
  • Viewerville finds out about Ro-hell’s ill-fated romance with Vanesa Galván (no relation to the Alamos Galváns.) She dumped him after he was paralyzed in a freak cow-stampede accident. Ana Pau looks a lot like Vanesa.
  • The phone finally works
  • Tia Rosa counts a wad of cash.
  • Everyone is obsessed with eating breakfast on the terrace.
  • Efraim is a snake….Srsly.
  • Ana Paula is swept away…by the river. It seems she is also La Que no Podía Nadar.
The Herman Melville version:
  • Margarito is afraid to confront a horse and Ro-hell yells and threatens him with a beating. Ana Pau arrives and demands that Ro-hell not to scare the boy. Ro-hell wants to know who the hell she is. She introduces herself and says she’s the one who was going to be his nurse. She could never work for someone who is “un poco hombre” (not much of a man.) She leaves. Ro-hell tells Bruno to fetch her back. (an aside apropos of nothing: at the beginning of LFdD there was a dog named Max that reminded me of guy named Max from TdA. Now there is a guy named Bruno who reminds me of a dog named Bruno in LFdD.)
  • Miguel is worried about his sister. Tía Rosaura says not to worry. She’s sure Ana Paula can defend herself (just ask Maximo.) Even so, Miguel wants to work hard and make a lot of money so Ana Pau can come back home. Tia Rosa tells him to be more positive. She’s sure Ana Pau is very happy with her new job.
  • Ana Paula tells Bruno her new boss isn’t difficult… he’s evil. Bruno thinks she should give the guy another chance. Ana Paula doesn’t get how a good guy like Bruno could work for such a jerk like Ro-hell. Bruno says he has a good reason why he’s working there. One day he’ll tell her. She thinks it’s for money. He asks her to stay. He wants to be near her. This recapper thought that a bit forward and he definitely leered. Ana Paula was right to back up.
  • Efraín comes in through the window of the boudoir of the damned. Cinthia tells him she’s busy (practicing her seductive pose against a bed post I assume.) He tells her about the new nurse. She hopes her brother will leave her alone now. She’s tired of Rogelio and the hacienda. Nothing is worth it. Efrain asks: doesn’t he have anything she’s interested in? (¿..tampoco tengo algo que valga la pena para ti?) She says he’s really just a “distraction” for her. Surely he wasn’t taking things seriously? Ouch. He sarcastically apologizes to his “patrona.” He just thought she’d like to know the new nurse isn’t staying, so Cin is still screwed.
  • Bruno tells Ana Pau she’s become important to him. She’s grateful, for all he’s done, but she’s bull-headed and won’t be able to stand by if Rogelio is being a jacka$$. Bruno will just have to find someone else. Ro-hell says he wants to talk to Paula. He says she isn’t going to leave until they’ve talked. He starts rolling up his sleeves which I find mildly threatening.
  • Ana Pau tells Ro-hell she wants to work and admits this is her first job out of school. Ro-hell belittles her and reminds her that real-life work is tough. Ana Pau says she’s not afraid of work. She just doesn’t want to work for him. What he did to the boy was not fair. Ro-hell tells her life isn’t fair. He’s in a wheelchair! Ana Pau says spit happens and the fact that he can’t walk doesn’t mean he can be a jerk. Ro-hell responds by saying at least he faces it. All she’s facing is a tough boss and her first inclination is to quit.
  • In the house Ro-hell tells Efraim to show Ana Pau to the nurse’s room. She’ll be staying the night since during the premiere the writers made a huge deal of letting Viewerville know they are out in the boon-docks no one can take her to San Gabriel. She’ll leave tomorrow.
  • Miguel finds out he’s been fired from his job at the lumber shop (maderería) Leandro knows about the robbery. Miguel wants to explain. He’ll get paid the money he’s owed, but he’s not to come back.
  • Ana Paula is shown her room. She finds out from Efraim that Ro-hell pretty much owns and runs the puebla.
  • M-garito is climbs up the trellis with a bouquet. He thanks Ana Paula for saving him from the patrón. Since Ana Paula is there he won’t be afraid him anymore. M-garito begs her to stay and not leave him alone. He’s interrupted by a knock on the door. It’s Maria who introduces herself and gives Ana Pau a from-the-bottom-of-her-heart welcome. Looks like there will be no doily fondling in this one. Not a lacy collar to be seen.
  • Ro-hell wants to know more about the nurse. Ro-hell likes her, despite what she said to him. She stood up to him. She’s got spunk. He likes that. Unlike everyone else who just hangs their head, she confronted him (perhaps if you wouldn't smack people around they might be less afraid...just sayin'.) He wants Bruno to convince her to stay.
  • Dany catches up with Miguel who tells her he’s just been sacked. Miguel explains the boss knows about the theft and doesn't trust him anymore. Miguel berates himself. He asks Dany to believe in him. He promises to be an honest man and not be an idiot. She kisses his cheek and says of course I believe in you.
  • Ro-hell has a nightmare. Ana Pau tends to him. Ro-hell says she should make fun of him. As strong as he is he can’t control the nightmares. She tells him maybe if he was nicer he would rest better. He asks if she really thinks that. She tells him to give it a try; he’s got nothing to lose. Philosophical ramblings about the weak and how life treats them. Ro-hell tries to convince her to stay. He tells her he gets someone to help him and she gets a good paying job. Win-win for both.
  • The cows are coming home. M-garito asks Ana Pau why she has a sad. She tells him how much she misses her family. M-garito tells her he doesn’t even have a family, except for Maria who takes care of him and feeds him. They go for a walk.
  • Cin says she heard Ro-hell screaming and was going to help but that the nurse had already seen to him. Ro-hell wants Ana Pau to eat breakfast with them at the table from now on. Cin is not pleased—an employee here at our table?? Ro-hell wants this nurse to attend him better than the others. Cin takes this as an opportunity to tell that if he’s going to start harassing (hostigar—which can also mean to whip a horse) the nurse is going to leave. Cin says Ro-hell doesn’t get how hard it is with him. They can’t even eat breakfast on the terrace. Ro-hell doesn’t like the terrace. She says he doesn’t like anything and storms out with Ro-hell hot on her heels.
  • Maximo is not pleased that Tia let Ana Pau go to the highest bidder. Tia brags that Ana Pau will be rollin’ in the dough and the rent will get paid on time and Tia will get to have a little extra for goodies. Maximo feels bad for Ana Pau for having an aunt so willing to sell her out. He would love to tell her that it was Tia that left them alone! Thanks to Bruno, Ana Pau is gone. Tia muses that Bruno is pretty guapo and she likes him in the role of son-in-law (yerno.) She slams the door in Baldy’s face.
  • Ana Pau and M-garito witness he argument between Ro-hell and Cin. Cin reminds Ro-hell that part of the hacienda is hers. He reminds her that their father left him in charge of administering her half until she found a good man. She yells. He yells some more. Ana Pau demands that Ro-hell let go of his sister. Cin wonders how long Ana Pau will  be able to handle her brother. Ana Pau says not a minute more. She tells Ro-hell to go find another nurse. If looks could kill Cin would be dead.
  • Ana tells Bruno about the latest argument with Ro-hell and that it’s a mistake for her to stay. If he treats his own sister like dirt, he doesn’t respect any woman. Ana Pau figures out Ro-hell is the reason all the other nurses left. She ain’t sticking around.
  • Miguel wants to know if Tia Rosa has gotten in touch with Ana Pau. Since she hasn’t he wants to go look for her. She disagrees. He needs to look for work. He really wants to know how Ana is doing. Tia mentiRosa admits she told Ana not to call because it costs too much. They argue. Miguel insists he’s going to go look for her. Tia mentiRosa forbids it.
  • The cows continue to come home. Ro-hell stares at Ana Pau (in a tight dress and sky-high heels) from afar. Ro-hell takes a picture out of his wallet. He looks at picture, he looks at Ana Pau. (We later learn the lady in the pic is Vanesa.) Jorge Salinas is so expressive. He breaks my heart and I feel so bad for Ro-hell.
really sad
I haz a sad
  • Ana Pau notices his spying and huffs away.
  • Ana Pau enters the kitchen and Maria says Ro-hell was just asking about her. Ana Pau tells Maria that she saw him and hopes it’s the last time she does. Maria is impactada with a dash of aw hell! and asks why. Ana Pau says she’s leaving. Maria asks why? Really, Maria?
  • Cin tells Ro-hell the phones are working. Ro-hell and Cin discuss the upcoming trip to Tuxtla. She wants to shop, he wants her with him. She pouts and whines. Since it's her fault the nurse isn’t staying, Cin is official helper…as she always is until another nurse arrives. Ro-hell doesn’t think he will hire another nurse if this one leaves. Cin's the one who's supposed to be taking care of him anyway.
  • Maria desperately tries to get Ana Pau to stay. Cin of the distracting abdomen arrives to plead her case. She begs, she blames herself for Ro-hell’s mistreatment, she agrees working with Ro-hell is hard. She cries. She tells her Ro-hell wasn't like this before the accident. Ana Pau says it's useless for her to say if she and Ro-hell are going to argue all the time. Cin asks Ana Pau, woman to woman to stay. She wants Ana Pau to take advantage of Ro-hell being gone. Get to know the area, their house in town. blah blah. Ana Pau will stay a few days so another nurse can be found, but then she’s finding work closer to her family. Cin reminds her no one will pay the big bucks like Ro-hell. Ana Pau says she already quit. Cin says she'll talk to her brother. 
  • Ro-hell thinks Bruno chose Ana Pau because of her similarity to Vanesa Galván, Ro-hell’s former fiancée…she split when she found out he was paralyzed. Flashback to happy times and Ro-hell’s proposal, the stampede accident, Vanesa’s rejection. Xtreme close-up of glycerin tear.
  • Better tear
  • Bruno swears he didn’t mean to bring up such bitter memories. He really didn’t see the resemblance. 
  • Cin arrives and reports her conversation with Ana Pau. She convinced her to stay a couple days, but doesn’t think the nurse will be stupid enough to stay. Bruno asks: does he want Ana Pau to stay or not? Ro-hell likes her rebelliousness. He wants to tame her (domesticar.) Aaaannd back to no pity for Ro-hell.
  • Cin, Efraim and Consuelo in the stables. He tries to make Cin jealous. He makes Consuelo swoon. He makes me throw up in my mouth a little bit. Consuelo and Efrain head off to the "big house" together.
  • Bruno tells Ana Pau that Cinthia has the right idea. Get to know San Gabriel. It’s a nice place. He offers that they go together. Maybe grab a bite, walk around. Ana Pau seems fine with that.
  • In Tuxtla, Miguel convinces Dany (who has such a squeaky little girl voice) to talk to the head nurse. It seems Dany really wants to work at the hospital. It goes well. Later Miguel says he wants to visit Ana Pau, but he’s broke. Dany says isn’t your sister supposed to share her salary (sueldo)? Miguel says Tia said she'll put the money in the bank 'til the end of the month. Riiiiight.
  • Oh well lookie there. That’s a whole lotta lana Tia mentiRosa is counting. Wonder where that came from? This recapper can’t help but think of Mel Brooks and Harvey Korman “Count de money! Count de money!” Her friend arrives to sell her some jewelry…on installments. Tia mentiRosa tells her friend about Ana Pau’s remesas and how much she misses the girl. I'm not sure if her "mi niña" was for Ana Pau or the necklace.
  • Ana Paula asks Cin to send a note to her family. Cin will do it, but she wants Ana Pau to think about staying. After Ana Paula leaves Cin asks Maria to help her convince Ana Pau to stay. Sure it’s for the good of her brother, but she wants Ana Pau to stay so she can find a man to pull a Calgon and take her away. Maria reminds her that Ro-hell is more likely to make the man stay and live at the hacienda. What Cin wants is to leave for good!
  • Bruno takes Ana Paula to San Gabriel for tamales de chipilin. Viewerville meets Maripaz. This one is much sweeter. Her mom, Marcaria is marred to Ulises and together they own the market. Marcaria is the one to see if you need anything…including info on all the goings on in town.
  • Tia mentiRosa nags Miguel about finding work. Miguel whines about not finding work. She muses about how different Miguel and Ana they are. No doubt they each resemble their respective fathers (oh, my! They have different daddies!) 
  • Ana Pau tells Bruno her sad tale. Dad left and died in a car accident. Mom died of pancreatic cancer. Tia took care of them. Bruno asks if she would like to have a family. She says yes. He wants the same. For now what Ana Pau wants is to help her family. Bruno is her for her if she needs anything. 
  • The next morning Ana Pau tells Maria what a nice time she had. Bruno is eating breakfast with her today. Discussion about where they will eat breakfast. The terrace comes up again. Quick conversation with M-garito about their plans to go to the river. Later Ana Pau and Maria discuss his sad fate. He was left on the doorsteps of the hacienda and no one knows who his family is. And no, he doesn’t go to school.
  • Cin and Ro-hell at the Tuxtla Hospital. The are arguing about his physical therapy...which Ro-hell thinks is a waste of time. Cin talks to the head nurse about hiring another nurse. Ro-hell is against the idea. She drops Ana Pau's letter and since Ro-hell is all about boundaries, he opens it and reads it. Ana Paula likes the hacienda and speaks well of Bruno (methinks Ro-hell haz a jealous.) The patient on the other hand is another story. Ana Pau wants to get used to him and work, but it seems it will be impossible. She’s will be at the hacienda two more days and she’ll let them know if she’s staying. Ana Pau mentions the family’s debt to Bruno so that Ro-hell and Cin both know it now (Cin is reading over Ro-hell’s shoulder....she's all about the boundaries, too.) Ana Pau tells her family she’ll find other work. She’ll take care of anyone but Ro-hell. Cin digs at her bro about that one. He tells her it’s in her best interest that Ana Pau stay.
  • Bruno and Ana Pau are actually eating breakfast on the terrace. She’s really enjoyed the last two days and Bruno is glad. Bruno has business in San Gabriel and he asks Ana Paula if she’d like to come with him, but she has a previous engagement with M-garito. Bruno says they can meet up later. They plan to go horseback riding. Did Ana Brenda really just clap her hands like a five-year old?
  • Consuelo goes to visit Efrain in the stables. They talk about Bruno and Ana Pau eating alone together on the terrace. The boss isn't going to like that! Efraim kisses Consuelo. Ass.
  • While M-garito and Ana Paula are at the river, he slips and falls. She saves the boy then slips and falls and is swept away.

  • José Ron saves Ana Paula. 

And I will leave you with this: do a Google image search of the current Barry Manilow. You will see his and Julian's hair were separated at birth.



Dateline: Ensenada, Mexico
Present time: Preantepenultimate Episode
Live Feed to Caray Caray Newswire

Jeronimo Linares, Matias Monterubbio and Anibal Linares have accepted the apparently impossible assignment of attempting to rescue Renata de Gamba Monterubbio de Linares from a shrimp boat off the Pacific coast of Mexico. Renata, 24 and pregnant with her first child, was kidnapped yesterday by a gang of several men in a terrifying ambush on the road from Tijuana airport to Ensenada. According to eyewitnesses, the attack left Renata drugged and taken by unknown henchmen to a waiting shrimp-boat trolling in International waters off the Baja California Coast. 
Anibal, the young driver of the vehicle in which Renata was riding was dragged from the truck and shot in the leg with an automatic weapon. Two other young women known as Alison (a minor) and Adriana were terrorized by the kidnappers but left unharmed.

Shockingly, television cameras were actually able to catch the live action as it happened on board the Buenaventura VI shrimp boat. The wood-hulled Buenaventura VI, valued at three and a half million pesos, measures 98 feet in length and has an output of 300 horsepower. She has a huge freezer for storing shellfish. 

Renata was delivered unconscious to the boat where wanted fugitive Augustin Dunant was waiting on-board. Dunant, who is suspected of involvement in multiple dirty-dealings and homicides, received her unconscious form with an unwelcome kiss and had her placed below decks in a small cabin. Upon awakening, Renata found herself in a lower bunk of an unfamiliar and smelly boat but she was unbound and able to make her way around the cabin, exploring possible means of escape. There were none. 

Miraculously, as Renata explored her prison she discovered a plastic sleeve enclosed image of the La Virgen de Guadalupe taped underneath the top bunk of the cabin and after multiple plaintive “Por Favors” the Virgin answered Sra Linares’ prayers. and, back on-shore, the rescue mission was planned and put in place.
The hastily made plan appeared simple but was complicated in its execution. Monterubbio, stepbrother of the kidnapped woman, Linares, and Anibal Linares, the young driver who was injured in the ambush and the natural son of Dunant, all took part in both the surveillance and active operations of the attempted rescue. In addition to Anibal’s leg wound Linares went into he rescue effort injured—with a battered appearing face and probable broken ribs due to an earlier attack by Dunant’s henchmen. Some at Televisa questioned Linares’ fitness for the role, but as the main protagonist in this telenovela, the job was his to refuse.. Presumably, Linares’ ribs were taped-up by his ex-lover, Marina, a physician who is also pregnant with twins by Linares. 

Back on the Buenaventura VI, as Augustin Dunant is moving in on Renata he is observed drawing air sharply into his nose with a sort of “sniff”. According to Dr. Elna Jung Freud, a psychologist who has never treated Dunant, Augustin may have a serious problem with cocaine abuse or, more likely, may be suffering from “snifferous odorus underwearus” an inevitably fatal form of obsessive-compulsive disorder focused on Renata Linares.

In addition to his obsessive relationship with Sra Linares, Sr Dunant is also obsessed with his fencing swords. Sure enough, Augustin has thought to bring a pair of these aboard the Buenaventura VI, fencing being such a common activity performed on ones shrimp boat. 
File by your girl reporter on the scene, EJ.

Our reporters were also covering the action on shore at the Hacienda La Bonita. The Kitchen Cabinet of La Bonita—Laz, Kari, Manuela, Mati, and Alfonsina—were convened. All want to find out about Renata—and they want to know the truth abut what happened to Ezekiel. Just at that moment Melesio is brought in (unwillingly) to the living room at La Bonita. The Kitchen Cabinet runs into la sala to see a shocked Melesio as he is confronted a bruised but still standing Jero! Jero asks if Melesion is surprised to see him alive. All in the room confront Melesio about Augustin’s dirty plans—Where is Augustin holding Renata??? Alfonsina said he has Renata on a ship. Gonzo, Matias and Regina chime in to tear Mel a new one. Regina just wants him to tell her where her daughter is! Melesio claims he doesn’t know. Of course no one believes him and they retrieve his cell phone from his pocket—this is how he communicates with Auguie. There is a ray of hope! Melesio finally says that he is supposed to get some documents to Augustin so he can leave the country. Lazaro takes Melesio out and secures him while Jero to Regina that he will find Renata.

On board the Buenaventura VI nights falls as Regina prays desperately for help in her cabin while Augue enjoys a self-congratulatory glass of wine on the deck of the ship.
Next day, en la sala, the handsome investigator has something new to tell the group. There is a boat that Dunant may be on (I am still going to call it the Buenaventura VI). However pinpointing the location of the boat may be very difficult. And another problem! When the boat is international waters nothing can be done by the Mexican police. It looks like our heroes may have to go commando and take matters into their own hands.

Out in the barn, where Melesio is being held, Lazaro is interrogating him when Alfonsina saunters in dressed in her high boots and camisole dominatrix outfit. Melesio, that lying dog, claims he knows nothing about Ezekiel’s demise. Alfonsina (whom I suspect may have worked her way through Ag University as a part-time guide to S&M) screams “Habla!” as she slaps Melesio hard across the face. Seeing Alfonsina’s avenging fury and knowing that she is armed with testimony from Dr. Nesme, Melesio spills the beans. He claims he-himself-personally didn’t have anything to do with Zeke’s death, but Don Augustin witnessed everything. Everyone is muy impactada.

Jero is in the living room with Regina, Adri, Matias and Gonzo when the guys and Alfonsina drag in Melesio in the house. Jero plans on contacting his ‘folks’ in Ensenada and in the Cost Guard to find Augustin and Renata. The investigator takes his leave. Now Laz tells Jero that Melesio confessed that Ezekiel was murdered by Augustin. Alfonsina explains that ‘Zeke knew many things’ (about Augustin’s behavior) and for this he was murdered. Jere, who still has Melesio’s phone in his shirt pocket sees that at this very moment Augustin is calling. He tells Mel to take the call and not give anything away. Augustin confirms that he is sending his guys to meet Mel and get the documents he is expecting to Pier Five on the embarcadero in Ensenada in two hours.

But wait! Our cameras on board the Buenaventura VI caught the action between Sra. Linares and her captor, Sr Dunant. When Dunant came to Sra Linares cabin he asked her why she had not changed clothes. She asked why she would change and Dunant answered, “For me! So that you always look beautiful. Look, here is your favorite perfume.” He sniffs the bottle and tosses it on the bed. Renata, with a disgusted look on her face throws the dresses back in Dunant’s face. “Enough of your tantrums!” Dunant tells Renata. “You will put them on!” “What if I don’t want to (change)?” asks a still defiant Renata! “Do not force me, my love!” screams Dunant. “You will not like it, not later!” he threatens.

On shore in Ensenada, Jero has contacted the Coast Guard and they think they can track and locate Augustin’s boat with their GPS systems. Jeronimo, the handsome Inspector, Gonzo, and Matias, set up a system to spy on Melesio as he receives docs in a manila envelope. They check out the docs and see that Augustin is pretending that Renata is his wife! 

Carlos and Anibal meet Jero and Matias on the dock as a small motorboat comes in to dock. When they tell Carlos and Anibal what is going on Anibal proclaims, “My father has no limits!” Melesio meets the launch coming in from the sea and gives the sailors Augustin’s documents (passports). They get back in the launch and had out to the shrimp boat after making sure they have everything. But wait! Our cameras caught sight of Anibal stowing away on the little launch. O my!

On board Buenaventura VI, Auguie is drinking wine as Renata comes in dressed in the new red silk dress. She asks Augustin to let her go. He says no. She tells him she hates him—he says he prefers her hatred to her indifference. When he steps out of the room for a moment Renata sees the telephone left on the table, tries to make a call and gets only a voice mailbox. Augustin, hearing the phone beep, comes back into the room, grabs Renata, turns her around and gives her a tremendous slap across the face. “You are not going to leave my side”, he says. “Then kill me”, says Renata.

Auguie’s henchmen sailors go back to the Buenaventura VI to take the passports back to Augustin. Augustin comes back into the galley and asks a ragged-looking Renata, “Perdoname.” But Renata is not happy and she walks away from Dunant holding her belly. Back on the embarcadero Jero sends Carlos, Gonzo and the dirtbag Melesio to the authorities where Melesio is told to spill his guts. Matias and Jero meet with the Coast Guard authorities who invite them to go on the coast guard boat to locate the Buenaventura VI and Dunant. 

Meanwhile Renata grasps on to her sweet memories of Jero. “All will be well”, she tells the baby in her belly and herself as she puts her face in her hands. She continues to hold her belly as the coast guard guys speed toward the shrimp boat.

Augustin is back in Renata’s cabin telling her that, “Now we start our new life as husband and wife as he fondles the false passports. He tries to kiss Renata and she turns away with a mumbled, “Don’t touch me.” After examining the passport Renata says that she is not Fina’s daughter nor is she Augustin’s wife, when she spots Anibal behind Augustin! QTH! After seeing Anibal Renata tries to distracts Augustine by apologizing to Dunant while Anibal hides somewhere in the engine room of the boat. Anibal begins pulling apart wires to damage the boat’s engine. After a very short time Anibal is caught in the engine room by a sailor—O no! 

Now Jero and Matias pull on wet suits (trajas de neopreno) leave the Coast Guard vessel and board a tiger-striped tiny zodiac boat to come toward the Buenaventura. Meanwhile, while Augustin is babbling to Renata about how they are going to travel the world, Anibal is dragged by the accosting sailor in front of Augustin and Renata. Anibal, in the manner of most teenagers, chooses this inopportune time to confront Augustin in front of Renata with the news that he has proof that Augustin tried to get his Mother to abort him. Renata is appalled but as this very moment the Coast Guard calls and tells Augustin’s crew that they have them located on GPS. Augustin orders the crew to make for international waters as sailors drag Renata and Anibal up onto the deck. Augustin grabs a sword —one of a pair he happens to have hanging in the galley. 

Jero and Matias jump off the Zodiac about a half-mile from the Buenaventura VI, and swim toward to shrimp boat while Auguie menaces Anibal with the saber he is now wielding. Impulsively, Anibal picks this time to confront Augustin about how he treated Ani’s mom, with the info that he has the check signed by Auguie for a abortion. Renata is witness to all of this. Auguie screama at Anibal and cuts his face with the tip of the sword while Jero and Matias, reach the deck of the shrimp boat after their long swim (QTH) by climbing the anchor chain. Pretty slick commando behavior, I say. Jero comes upon a bad guy trying to attack Matias and tips him overboard. Good guys one, bad guys minus one but Anibal and Renata are still in BIG trouble.

Renata pleads for Anibal’s life while Auguie slowly stabs Anibal in the chest with a sword. Matias locks several bad guys in the engine room and then fights with the captain while Augie spies Jeronimo as he calls out “Dunant!” Augustin attacks the unarmed Jero him with his blade. 

Renata remembers the second hanging sword in the galley, grabs it and runs to give the sword to Jero. Anibal is now attacked by a bad guy with a gun, whom Matias then tips overboard. Matias is the real commando here; he is everywhere at once! 

Augustin chases Jero and strikes him two blows—one in the right front shoulder where he had the ugly injury from being beaten nearly to death by Auguies’s bad guys. As he tries to escape Dunant, Jero is dealt a terrible slash on the back of his right shoulder. Renata reaches Jero and gives him the second sword. Jero and Augie continue to fight. There is nothing romantic about this sword fight. Jero looks like he is having a hard time holding on to the grip of his sword as the fighters thrust and parry, advance and retreat while Jero bleeds copiously from his various wounds. Augustin is clearly the better fighter here and he is not injured. Soon he scores a terrible sword slash that knocks the sword from Jero’s hand. Augustin shoves his thumb into Jero’s right shoulder wound and Jero drops his sword. Augustin goes in for the kill but Jero recovers his sword and begins fighting left-handed! .” Matias nurses a smashmouth from several violent hand-to-hand fights and watches helplessly as across the boat Augustin’s stunt-double jumps up and with a tremendous martial arts high-kick to Jeronimo’s jaw knocks him to the ground. 

Jero falls to his knees in front of an insane Auguie who raises his sword overhead as if he is going to smash a helpless watermelon or decapitate the now-helpless Jeronimo Linares. Renata pleads, “Augustin, Augustin”, as the sword heads in on a perfect arc for Jero’s neck.

Cue the music. “Cuando me enamoro…” Yep, that’s where they left us. Lordy, lordy is this a cliff-hangar. 

The avances are the same as they have been the last couple of days. I’m not going to talk about them because they are too close to being spoilers!


Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #67 Tue 1/3/12 Vins totally loses his shit

[This episode was two hours long, but even less happened in it than in a normal one-hour version]

Candi is still sobbing in Chela's lap about her Vins predicament, and Chela reminds her that the man has publicly denied loving her on several occasions. This seems to make at least a bit of an impression.

Pancho is on Vins' case again, a prelude to the breakdown. He gives Vins his meanest squint and extracts a promise to never see the Bombon again.

Vins is already breaking up. He's with Enzo and his other friend, and they're dishing like it was Sex in the City. They warn him not to get too close to Candi, which obviously makes no impression whatsoever. They tell him that Pina will eat him alive if she finds out, and we learn that Pina actually owns the house and everything.

The next morning, we're treated to a hilarious breakfast with Pina and breakdown-Vince (let's call this neurotic side of him Wince). He's talking gibberish, pouring orange juice on his ham, and slathering his toast with butter, raw egg, and strawberry yogurt. As if he weren't enough of a wreck already, Candi shows up and Ado hollers like she always does when someone arrives. Pina says WHAT? Wince says oh, that's Nandy. He chokes on his delicious breakfast and both ladies start pounding on his back, ostensibly to clear the blockage. Pina leaves on some business or something, and Wince tries to tell Candi that he can't see her anymore. She freaks, and informs him that he's going to lose this "mujeron," this gypsy body (?), this caramel bonbon. Nice to see her with such a positive self-image.

Pancho is getting rock-bottom-nothing done at work, thanks to barfy-cute flirting with Beca, throwing kisses and such crap.

Ana lays the guilt on pretty thick with Pancho, blaming him for Chela's departure from the household.

Similarly, Candi is getting very little done at the radio station. She's distracted, and Pina chews her out. Then she decides to take the call from Vins, something sure to calm her down.

At his office, Wince has begun to hallucinate, seeing Candi posing on his monitor, in his address book, and even in the test patterns on the television. Predictably, the real bonbon shows up and he proclaims her to be a phantasm ("are you radioactive?").

We see what a terrible show Pina Opina really is, as the host steamrolls her poor guest into supporting some weird black-hen diet.

And that's just about it!


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