Friday, January 13, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #9 Thursday 1/12/12 The Woman Who Couldn't Get Away Fast Enough

So, Paula's gone, but she left a goodbye note for Rogelio. He backs away from the breakfast table for the tiny bit of privacy that affords: "Dear Numbskull, hey, I tried to talk to you, but nooo. I'm not putting this job above my dignity and you've been a total ass. I'll pay you back the money you used to pay off Bruno, starting with this month's salary, but you're not the boss of me no more! I'm too nice not to end things on a positive note, so, puppies, butterflies, go be happy. Kisses, AP." Rogelio crumples up the letter. Bruno walks in and Rogelio greets him by telling him that Ana Paula has left and he wants Bruno to get her back, ASAP!

Out in Boca del Cielo, Gustavo calls David and lets him know things are all ready, but there's a fishing village nearby. They're worried about the water from the hotel contaminating their fishing waters. He's talked to them and they are ok after hearing about the water treatment process, but one of them will be unofficially supervising the work. David doesn't really care, he just wants to get started on this multimillion-dollar project, ASAP! (No wonder he gets along with Rogelio!) Gustavo gets praised for going the extra mile to get things done, which is exactly why David sent him out there.

The bus Ana Paula was traveling on has broken down. They don't know how long it will be before another bus comes along that can pick them up. Our plucky heroine drags her pigeons and her luggage away from the bus.

Rogelio starts taking his anger out on Maria and Cinthia and says they'd better hope Ana Paula comes back, especially Cinthia since she'll be the one stuck taking care of him. He demands Cinthia take him out to the terrace and they meet Margarito on the way. Rogelio starts interrogating him, insisting he knows when Ana Paula left and where she want, but Margarito doesn't know. Efrain interrupts the torture session and says "ya estuvo, patron" (that's enough, boss). He tells Rogelio that he went to town to run an errand and he took the nurse. He's almost bragging about it and that earns him a lashing from Rogelio. Cinthia tries, ineffectively, to intervene.

Gustavo is driving down the road when he sees the broken down bus, and Ana Paula standing by the side of the road in her sweet little pink dress. Hey, AP, is that a broken down bus, or are you just happy to see me?

Cinthia is cradling Efrain in her arms and yelling at Rogelio that it's not Efrain's fault! "He should have asked my permission before taking her anywhere!" Efrain gets the hell out of there, leaving Cinthia to get manhandled by Rogelio again. He yells at her not to question his authority in front of the help or he'll conveniently forget she's his sister. Um, and that would be different how?

Gustavo and Ana Paula are just sooo happy to see each other again. Gustavo says he was going to find some pretty place to hang out and he'd like her to join him. Especially since they never did get their date.

Bruno calls Rosaura, trying to find out where Paula is. He tells Rosaura that she abandoned her post and didn't even talk to him about it. Rosaura whines about losing the money. She assumes that Ana Paula must be headed back to the house. She hesitates to agree to let Bruno know when she gets home, but eventually does and asks him to also let her know if he hears anything. As soon as she gets off the phone, she starts cursing Ana Paula for a fool. "Don't even think I'm going to work again because of you!"

Ana Paula is trying to call her loving aunt, but there's no signal. Gustavo suggests they try to call her from the next town. I roll my eyes at their small talk about the pigeons.

Margarito goes crying to Maria about his mistreatment at Rogelio's hands. He snuck in her window last night and saw her crying and telling the pigeons that if the boss smacks everyone else around, sooner or later it will be her turn, so she'd rather leave before that happens. Margarito agreed she should leave and go back to her family, who loves her.

Gustavo asks why she quit her job. She says she couldn't handle her patient and thinks it would have driven her crazy to stay. The only one she'll miss is Margarito.

Cinthia tends to Efrain's wounds. He cries that he figured the boss had fired her, just like all the others. How was he supposed to know she quit? Cinthia calls her a "maldita esquincla" (damn brat) and says she got Rogelio even more upset than usual. Efrain figures he'll take it out on them. Cinthia didn't even see him get that bad over Vanessa. She feels bad about Rogelio hitting him. "Oh? Why should you care? I'm just one more worker who smells of cow. I heard you talking." Cinthia gets a little weepy and says even if they're never going to have a serious relationship, she does care about him and it hurts her to see him like this. They cry on each other's shoulders.

Bruno lets Rogelio know that her aunt didn't even know she'd left. "What do you want her back for?" "Because no one leaves here without my say-so!" Bruno laments that he thought Paula was more professional than that, but she does have a grouchy streak. Rogelio tells him to offer her double her salary, even triple if he has to, but he wants Paula back! Bruno grins speculatively.

Gustavo took Ana Paula back to Boca del Cielo. He's covering her eyes as they walk along the sand. She can hear the ocean, which she's never seen. He uncovers her eyes and she's predictably enchanted. Well, I mean, it is the ocean. Gustavo laughs about how water has always brought them together--first the river and now the ocean.

Bruno points out to Rogelio that he's never taken such an interest in an employee before. Rogelio sticks to his story--he just wants to make sure everyone knows that he's the boss, damnit! He demands that Bruno go to Tuxtla, so as soon as she gets there, Bruno will be waiting for her.

Gustavo tells Ana Paula she can probably call home from the fishermen's co-op. As they're walking in that direction, they meet up with Fermin. He's in a hurry to get to his granddaughter, who cut her hand on a piece of glass some careless tourist left on the beach. Well, isn't it luck, then, that Ana Paula is a nurse, so she can win the crotchety old guy over (and the cute little pink dress probably won't hurt). He tells them she's bleeding a lot and they all head out to see her.

Margarito is worried about Rogelio being angry with him. She distracts him by telling him to bring her the "libro de recetas" (RECIPE book, dear captioner, not "book of receipts") and reading her one. Margarito finds a letter tucked in the book and recognizes Ana Paula's handwriting. "Maria, I can't take it anymore! I know the next time Rogelio hurts anyone, I won't be able to take it and he'll end up hitting me. I tried to talk to him, but all I got in return was rudeness. I'm going, but please don't let him stop taking his medicine. And I hope you can convince him to continue with his physiotherapy." Margarito comments that Ana Paula is a good person, and worries about the boss. "Yes. And here I was starting to think that because of her, we'd get the old Rogelio back. But it looks like that won't happen."

Ana Paula treats little Melina's cut. She thinks a bandage will be sufficient and she won't need stitches. Fermin tells them that ever since his son died, he and his daughter-in-law have been raising Melina. Ana Paula finishes bandaging her hand and praises her for being brave. Fermin is searching his pockets with something to pay Ana Paula with. Ana Paula insists it was her pleasure, but being a wise man Fermin says "I'm glad it was your pleasure, but work is work and it must be paid for." Ana Paula and Gustavo both continue in their refusal to accept his money and Gustavo says he has another idea about how Fermin might pay.

Fermin takes Gustavo and Ana Paula out to fish. They horse around a bit too much in the boat for my taste before getting to the fishing. Fermin doesn't seem to mind. They appear to be using shrimp as bait. Gustavo says live bait is the only way to go. He gets behind Paula with his arms around her to show her how to do the thing with the fishing pole…yeah, obviously I don't fish. Casting? Is that what it's called? Anyway, as she's, uh, handling his rod, I begin to wonder if there's any sport that doesn't present a viable backside-to-crotch teaching opportunity? Pobre de Fermin for having to watch this up close! "Are you sure you know how to fish?" There's lots of giggling and rocking the boat, in a perfectly clean and innocent way, given Fermin's watchful eyes.

They get back to shore and Ana Paula thanks Fermin for taking them out so she can show Gustavo that women are quick learners. Fermin tells Gustavo you've gotta be nice to the ladies, but careful too, cause they're smart and one day when you least expect it…"What?"…"Eh, nothing. Just saying." He hands them their catch and Gustavo says it's time to cook them. "What? You think engineers are only good for doing calculations?" Fermin begs off and says he's got to get home. Gustavo offers him the biggest fish to take home. "I'll accept, but only if you accept some advice from me. There aren't a lot of girls like this one. If you've got her, don't let her go." Gustavo won't tell Ana Paula what he said.

Vanessa is thrilled to hear that Ana Paula left. Cinthia's glad she's gone too, but upset that Rogelio smacked Efrain around because of it. Vanessa noticed those looks the other day and teases Cinthia about her concern. She tries to cover by saying "that peon" could have turned around and taken it out on her if she didn't show some concern. Vanessa doesn't buy it.

Dany is hanging around with Miguel, but just for a bit. She hates to leave her boss alone. She feels sorry for him and says he seems like a nice guy, but it makes her think that there's really no point to having a lot of money. What's it good for? "All he does is fight with his wife, his daughter's far away…she does whatever she wants, and there he is all alone." Miguel acts a little jealous and Dany laughs at him. "Please, he could be my dad!" "But he's not! You can trust men! You told me his wife is jealous, right? There must be a reason." Dany says she thinks the wife is just a grouch. She doesn't want to talk about her boss anymore, she wants to talk about them. Miguel won't drop it, though, and says it's odd that he hired her just like that. "Are you freaking kidding me?" "Shyeah! I don't like you being near other guys!" "Don't be an insecure chump. You're my guy. Now get over here and kiss me!" And you know what? The dumbass won't do it! Seriously, Miguel…we knew you weren't the sharpest tool in the shed, but this is just ridiculous!

Rosaura complains to the jewelry lady about what a terrible girl Ana Paula is being. She regrets ever telling her sister she'd take care of her kids. "Oh, don't say that! Children are always a blessing. Who else will take care of us when we're old? Besides, she left you the money Federico left her." "It didn't last. That's why I'm so angry that she left her job, just like that. She's been too spoiled, but I'm not letting her get away with it!"

Gustavo cooks the fish on a spit over an open flame. Ana Paula waxes rhapsodic about her pigeons. They mate for life. Isn't it romantic. Gustavo's parents have been together for 32 years and they still love each other. Ana Paula says once she finds love, she's not letting it go. I'm unmoved by all their loveyness. It's just so…bland!

Rogelio stews. Vanessa comes into his office to ooze all over it. She talks smack about Ana Paula. "But don't worry…I'll take care of you." Rogelio appears to be won over by her neck massage.

Ana Paula tells Gustavo they've got to go. It's getting late and she still hasn't been able to call home yet. They talk about the pigeons some more. If you love someone, set them free, etc.

"I can take care of you better than any nurse, because I've known you for years. You'll see what a good time we have." "I need a professional nurse, and you're not one." Vanessa whines and begs, but Rogelio tells her that her little game won't get her anywhere. He won't renegotiate with her father.

Fly free, pigeons. Thanks for the memories. Ana Paula gets weepy about how she loves them and wants them to be happy. They release the pigeons, Ana Paula cries, smoochies. Meh.

Vanessa is practically crying with rage. She complains to Maria, who won't stop calling her "Mrs. Vanessa." "I called you by your first name when you were Cinthia's friend, and the boss' fiancée. But now you're a married woman and I need to keep my distance." She whines that she's getting divorced for Rogelio, but he barely acknowledges her. Maria reminds her that Rogelio was really hurt when she left. "Payback's a bitch." Vanessa yells at Maria, calling her nothing more than a servant and Rogelio comes in right then and tells her to shut it! "She's not a servant, she's the woman who raised me and you don't get to walk in here and insult anyone, especially not her. Now, apologize!" Heh!

Ana Paula and Gustavo stop kissing and he apologizes for doing it. You're sorry? No, I'm sorry I had to watch it! This relationship is like a can of watery tomatoes and I want some freaking salsa! Gustavo tells her she's soooo pretty. As pretty on the inside as on the outside. Ana Paula hasn't been this happy in a long time, but she thinks he's moving too fast. Gustavo doesn't think time is important, it's about feeling. "I've never felt this before!" Ana Paula still hesitates. She wants to go slow. Gustavo can live with that, as long as he gets to be close to her. They hug. YAWN!

Vanessa can't believe the way Rogelio is treating her. He still insists on an apology or she can leave the hacienda forever. Maria tries to say it's no problem, but Rogelio says she can either apologize or leave. Cinthia walks in and asks what's wrong. "Rogelio doesn't want me to take care of him," says Vanessa, and walks out, Cinthia hot on her heels. Maria is awed that Rogelio defended her. "You don't know what that means to me, son. I love you. I love you as if you were my own son. That's why it hurts to see you suffering." Rogelio has had enough and tells her she's being too sensitive and cut it out. But Maria knows Rogelio's just a big softy.

Dany is still at work when Miguel comes in. He looks like he's trying to get a look at the boss. Dany panics, saying he knows the boss' wife is very picky and he's going to get her into trouble. He shows her the rose he's holding behind his back, but she still thinks he's just there checking up on her. Federico comes out of his office to ask Dany what's going on.

Gustavo drives Ana Paula into town. He offers to buy something to eat for the trip. Ana Paula admits she's broke, but Gustavo insists on buying some mangos. Ana Paula gives in and suggests the vendor give them some napkins as well. Melina's mom comes running up saying she looked all over for them…Melina is running a fever. Ana Paula tells Gustavo to get her luggage out of the truck and they take off.

Dany tells Federico that Miguel is here to pick her up. She introduces Miguel as "Miguel" and Federico as "my boss." Miguel belligerently introduces himself as Dany's boyfriend. "I hope you don't mind my being here, or would you rather I wait downstairs?" Federico indulgently says he doesn't mind Miguel being there as long as he doesn't interfere with Dany doing her job. "I think it's nice that you came to pick her up and that you're taking care of her." He bids them both goodnight. Dany is still pissed off. "It seems like you came here just to warn my boss that I've got a boyfriend!" "Yeah, and what's wrong with him knowing that?" Dany says there's nothing wrong with it, but there is something wrong with the way he did it.

Ana Paula says Melina's fever is too high. She gives her an "antipyretic" (and yep, that is the actual term for a fever-reducer), but wants to take her to a doctor. So the plan is, Gustavo will take them in the truck and they'll pack some ice to make cold compresses with along the way. Melina whines about her head and eyes hurting. Aw, geez, don't kill the kid!

Miguel brings Dany back to his house, but she's still pissed. She says she'll just grab her keys and go. She thinks he's showing that he doesn't trust her. Rosaura comes in. She cries to them that she was out with Elena. She needed to talk to someone because she can't take the stress! Ana Paula quit her job and left the hacienda and no one knows where she is. Just like everyone else who's heard the story, Dany says there must be a good reason for her leaving, cause she's not a flake. Rosaura just complains that it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Dany suggests Rosaura calm down and find out what happened first. Miguel says the need to find out where she is and if she's safe. Rosaura keeps complaining that she was so upset she nearly fainted. And now she's going to go outside for some fresh air because she feels like she's suffocating! Miguel is now convinced he was right not to want Ana Paula to take that job! He hopes she's ok and so does Dany.

Melina's going to be fine. Gustavo says it's thanks to her, for insisting she get treatment even though she was supposed to be getting back home. Ana Paula says anyone would have done the same. She asks if he's getting a signal on his cell phone and borrows it to call home.

Dany picks up the phone and is relieved to hear from Ana Paula. Dany lets her know how angry Rosaura is. She wants to know what happened. Ana Paula says it's a borrowed cell phone, so she'll give them the details tomorrow. "Please don't say anything to my aunt. Just that I'm fine, but I'll explain the rest in person." Rosaura comes in and realizes Dany is on the phone to Ana Paula, so she rushes for the phone, but Ana Paula hung up already. She lashes out at Dany and Miguel asking where Ana Paula is and who with.

More googly eyes between Ana Paula and Gustavo.

Vanessa explains about Rogelio's demand that she apologize to Maria. Cinthia backs him on that, saying Maria was their nanny and she raised them after their mother died. Vanessa knows that, but she's angry that Maria said she's paying for what she did to Rogelio. "Doesn't anyone care about what I suffered?" Um, no. Not really. Cinthia reminds her she was going to be patient and careful. Vanessa keeps whining, saying she only offered to take care of Rogelio because that stupid nurse left. Cinthia has to break it to her that Rogelio "asked" (I would have gone with "demanded"…"insisted"…"ordered") Bruno to bring her back. Vanessa whines like an adolescent who just got grounded…"Nooooo! What for?!" Rogelio comes outside and reminds her that he told her if she didn't apologize to Maria that she needed to leave. Vanessa gets a desperate look on her face and glues her lips to his. From this angle, it doesn't really look like he's responding.

Tomorrow: Vanessa tells Rogelio she loves him; Rogelio can't stop thinking about Ana Paula; Ana Paula thinks she's in love with Gustavo; Bruno comes to drag Ana Paula back; Bruno goes back to Rogelio with Ana Paula's conditions for returning.


Thursday, January 12, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #8 Wednesday 1/11/12 Rohellio suffers with women problems.

We start with a rewind of MentiRosa chit-chatting with Bruno about how she wants him to be in Paula's life, not that pipsqueak Gustavo. Bruno smiles and is all for it.

At the Hacienda, Vainessa struts past Ana Paula and says, "Tell your boss that I want to see him." She has this bored smirk on her face, as if Ana Paula is a bug she should squash underneath her feet.

Ana Paula says, nope, she won't do it, she warned her before and she's not going to let her see Rohellio.

At this moment, a grumpy Rohellio rolls in and cuts Ana Paula off—it's not Ana Paula's place, as his nurse, to tell him who can visit him. (See now Ana Paula, if you hadn't made that dipsh*t remark before about feeling "useless" because of your lame foot, he probably wouldn't be acting this way. But then again, he's still a total jerkwad anyway, so whatever.)

Ana Paula looks crestfallen and embarrassed and replies that it is precisely because of his health that she doesn't want Vainessa visiting him. Rogelio grumpily replies "Nothing will happen" and dismisses her with a curt "Vete." Abashed, she walks out of the room.

Vainessa, of course, thinks this means she's in Rohellio's favor. Not so. As soon as Ana Paula is out of the room, he quickly rolls up to her, as if to run her down, and and with a thunderous expression, and asks her what she's doing there. Vainessa looks shocked and surprised.

MentiRosa is still chatting with Bruno on the phone, plotting of ways to keep Ana Paula away from that boy Gustavo. Bruno's so happy that MentiRosa wants him for her niece. I guess MentiRosa hasn't noticed the Skelator resemblance. MentiRosa says that he treats Ana Paula nice and helps her, and her whole family too. (This is the key thing with MentiRosa—what is she going to get out of it?)

Bruno with some interesting architecture behind him. (Click on all photos to see a much larger version.)

Ana Paula hobbles into the kitchen in tears. Maria wants to know what happened and she relays how stupid she was in forbidding Vainessa to see Rohellio, and how Rohellio put her in her place and went ahead and agreed to see Vainy. Maria, in protective Mama Bear mode, wants to rush off to confront that bruja Vainessa but Ana Paula stops her.

Vainessa is beseeching a fierce-looking Rohellio. Whine whine whine, please understand, please forgive, whine, cry, whine. Rohellio doesn't look any less p*ssed after hearing her pleas and whining. He astutely says that this is just about her again—she wants him to stop hating her. She says how she lost him, lost his sister (her best friend) because of what she did. Rohellio reminds her that SHE abandoned HIM and she's talking about what she lost? She says she couldn't deal with him being paralyzed and unable to give her kids. Yeah, you can see that bringing up his paralysis is really helping Rohellio feel better.

Yeah, be sure to bring up the cripple part. That always helps.

She then keeps on whining and saying that she's still in love with him. He seems to soften as he takes her hand. Does she really mean it? "What more proof do you need?" she asks as she kneels down again so she's looking up at his face. She's getting a divorce and everything. His eyes take on a softened, sad look.

Ana Paula is still crying about what a fool she made of herself, and how she really thought that Rohell was changing. He was so rude to her, in front of "that woman." Little Margarito basically says, whatever, so Rohell is a bad guy. She laments that Rohell was so nice to her when she fell off the horse. Well, says Margarito, you should see what he did to the lawyer! This gets Ana Paula curious, but Maria tries to shut him up, but Margarito lets slip that Rohell hit Bruno. (HIT? That is an understatement!)

Vainessa, still on her knees, starts caressing Rohell's hands in a somewhat serpentine manner, as she reassures him that she really means it. Her marriage was a failure from the start because she couldn't forget him. She reminds him of the good times during their courtship, as Rohell starts to smile wistfully, like he's being caught up in all this. Then he says he also remembers how after the accident she wasn't there, and he kept on wondering, why couldn't she support him? She assures him she was immature but she's changed now. "So," he says, acting like he's taking her seriously, "you're inclined to get married to me? The way I am now? An invalid?" He watches her as she slowly slithers her perfectly manicured hands over his and looks up at him.

Trying to convince Rohell that she's sincere.

Ana Paula wants to know more about what Rohell did to Bruno, but Maria chases Margarito off before he can spill the beans. Maria tells her not to get into it.

It seems like Rohell has put Vainessa on the spot. He wants to know if she'd marry him as soon as she divorced, and she starts to give excuses about how it's too soon for that, stuff to do, blah blah blah . . . He explodes with, "MENTIRA!!!!" (Lie!) She's just saying that she'd marry him, but she has no intention of following through, because she doesn't love him. And maybe, he muses, she's not even getting a divorce at all! She's just here to get him to sign her father's contract. "You're even worse than I thought!" he yells, as he repeatedly tells her to get the heck out. After some further whining, she finally takes her huge-ass purse and starts to leave, but finishes with, "I will return so you realize I'm telling the truth." At this he cracks his whip on an unsuspecting chair and tells her to go to hell.

Sinthia rushes in, asking if it's Vainessa. He doesn't want her to go after her, but she goes anyway. He yells after her, and after getting no response, switches to yelling after Paula. Neither of them materialize, however.

Sinthia meets up with Vainessa in the courtyard. Vainessa complains about Paula, saying that Paula thinks she has a right over Rohellio. Commence more griping about Paula, and Vainessa warns Sinthia to keep an eye on Paula, because she thinks Rohell favors her. Sinthia notes that ever since Paula arrived, Rohell has changed. Vainessa tells Sin to put Paula in her place now, or soon Paula will be giving Sinthia orders too! Sinthia soaks all this up and says she'll do that.

Sinthia then asks if she can visit Vainessa in town. Vainessa says sure, but she's staying with her parents now because she's dumping her husband.

Maria advises a depressed Paula that Rohellio is not the same as before his accident. Basically the accident is why he's such a jerkwad all the time.

Sinthia comes in to confront Rohell. Why isn't he as elated with Vainessa's return as she is? She's just not getting it. She then says that she wants to visit Vainessa and complains that Vainy was her best friend before she became Rohell's novia. Rohell, as usual, yells and tries to forbid her to do anything. Finally he says that sure, she is free now, go to town. Sinthia for a moment is hopeful, but then Rohell finishes by saying, she'll go with just the clothes on her back, nothing else, no car, nothing. We have another screaming match about what a jerkwad he is, and how she has an inheritance that he won't let her touch yet, lather, rinse, repeat.

Trying to reason with an unreasonable brother.

If Sinthia leaves now, she only leaves with the clothes on her back. Who could refuse such a generous offer?

Now he has one more screaming woman to deal with.

At this, Ana Paula comes in and starts defending Sinthia. Now Rohell has two angry, screaming women to contend with, but I don't feel sorry for him in the least. Ana Paula tells him that the bitterness in his heart is due to Vanessa and he needs to get her out of his life. This prompts him to crack his whip again in anger as he tells her to shut up.

More whining Vainessa. I don't know if I have the strength to repeat all the whining. This time she is complaining to Bruno at his house in town. Lather rinse repeat, why doesn't Rohell see how awesome I am and be immediately be grateful that I'm offering him some crumbs of attention after getting years of only my neglect and apathy. Okay she doesn't say that, but that's my interpretation. WHAT. EVER. LADY. Bruno says supportive things. Then Vainessa relays how Rohellio put that "tipa" (Ana Paula) in her place and Bruno finds this interesting.

During Rohell's therapy session that night, things are decidedly chilly. Rohell comments that Ana Paula didn't say much during dinner. She replies that she had not much to say. He notes that she didn't make that cake. She says she never intends to make another cake. "Why?" he asks, perhaps feeling a bit hurt. "Because nurses don't cook and bake." He accuses her of being too dignified or proud, but she corrects him and says she's just completing her work and never again will she forget her "place" in the house. Ouch, dude, you had that coming. She then finishes by saying that she was just thinking of him (referring to her trying to chase Vainy away) but now she realizes she was wasting her time.

With the conversation finally on Vainessa, Rohell says with a half-laugh that he doesn't understand why Ana Paula is so bothered by Vainy. It almost seems like she's jealous. Ana Paula cuts him with, "In order to feel jealousy, you'd have to care for that person, and that's not the case here." Oooh, ouch again. Not what Rohellio was hoping to hear. So he plays the pity/victim card. "Of course, you don't think I'm worthy of being loved." She says that as his nurse, her opinion isn't important. But oh my, Rohell isn't going to leave it at that—he really wants to know. He demands she answer his question and repeats it: "Do you think I'm not worthy of love?" (Dude, seriously—do you really think this kind of personal question is appropriate to ask your mere nurse? Especially since you keep on reminding her how she must stay in her "place"? You can't have it both ways, you know.) She evades answering by merely saying that's a question only he can answer for himself. This prompts him to throw his water glass against the wall in anger.

Not the answer he was hoping for.
He really wants her to answer this somewhat personal question.
But again, not getting the answer he's hoping for.

She's going to get him another glass in order to give him his medicine (drops, of course) but he basically throws her out. After she's gone, he replays in his head what she said about in order to be jealous, she'd have to care for someone, and that's not the case here. Ouch, ouch, ouch!

Rewinding that one part about her not caring about him in his head.

All alone.

Back to whiney Vainessa. Bruno asks her if she really loves Rohell. "It's complicated." He's changed so much, she remembers the good times, blah blah blah. She says that during her visit today, Rohell took her hand and it was like it was before. She even felt like kissing him.

She starts to leave for the night, but Bruno offers him his guest room. She thanks him.

Back to Rohell's room, where Maria is giving him his drops and he tells her what happened that day with Vainessa. Maria is relieved to hear that he didn't buy Vainy's BS, he doesn't believe she loves him, etc. Then Rohell relays the bit about touching Vainy's hand. His reaction was different than Vainy's was, though. When he touched her it wasn't like it was before, and he adds, with some surprise in his voice, not like when. . . [flashback to the meaningful "moment" when Ana Paula landed on his lap] He smiles and then says, "Ah, nothing." Maria bids him goodnight and we see him thinking and remembering, all alone in his big bed in his big room.

[LOOK FOR BLOOPER IN VIDEO CLIP] Rogelio recalls how having Ana Paula accidentally fall on his lap gave him more of a reaction than Vainessa slithering all over him. (Notice how Rogelio's leg moves in the "flashback" scene.)

In the morning, Ana Paula cheerfully greets Sinthia. Sinthia is on the warpath and rips into Ana Paula, basically saying to keep out of their business, and that NO ONE is going to change Rohell but Vainessa! Ana Paula is befuddled and after Sinthia leaves, says to herself that everyone in the house is crazy.

We are at a beautiful seaside location called Boca del Cielo and Gustavo approaches an old fisherman about renting a boat. When the fisherman finds out that Gustavo works for the company that wants to build a hotel, he tries to chase him away. This is not the reception that the perpetually cheery Gustavo was hoping to get.

Stone him? Seriously dude?

Paula sees Bruno at the hacienda. He wants to resume their uncomfortable talk about whether they should move their relationship to a more personal level. She doesn't want to talk about it, especially not at her place at work. Then she asks him about what Rohell did to him after her fall from the horse.

There's lots of screaming and yelling over the expanse of several scenes, but to sum it up, she's able to strip Bruno of his shirt (he didn't seem to fight this too hard after a certain point), sees the horrific red whip marks on his back, is suitably outraged and appalled that Rohell did this. Bruno says that working for Rohell has been a "living hell."

I chose a screenshot which shows off Bruno's (Julian Gil's) bare chest, because, frankly, I'm shallow.

But that begs the question, why does he stick around to take the abuse? Ana Paula wants to know. He tries to explain (his big eyes bugging out even more) that wants to find evidence against Rohell in order to recover his land, but Ana Paula brings up the point that he's been working there for 5 years and hasn't uncovered anything yet, what are the odds that he ever will? And what about his dignity, for crying out loud? He's a lawyer and good at his job, surely he doesn't have to put up with this! Bruno says it's the first time (that he was whipped). His eyes get buggier and buggier as he tries to explain why he feels he HAS to stay, but Ana Paula cannot fathom how a man in his position could stick around for this kind of indignity. "I would have left after the I was hit for the first time!" she tells him. When he repeats that he wants his lands back, she asks him, "But at what price?"

Bug-eyed Bruno.

Yeah, dude, good question.

Gustavo doesn't know why the fishermen are so angry. I guess they've been burned before by companies building and then rendering the fishing spots unfishable. Gustavo tries to convince him that it's not going to be like that, that he's a hydraulics engineer, and it's his job to make sure that the water is cleaned and processed, so they can continue to fish. The scenes with the fishermen continue throughout the episode, with Gustavo making some progress in convincing them that he's sincere. They set up a group meeting where he can talk with all the fishermen at once and a chalkboard diagram is shown of the work he's going to do. The nice old guy, Fermin, whom he talks to the most, is set up as the unofficial "leader" of the fishermen. FF>>>

Meet Fermin.

Ana Paula goes to Rohell and rips him a new one over his savage treatment of Bruno. Rohell seems, frankly, a bit bored by the whole thing at first. He says if Bruno makes the same mistake again (regarding the riding accident) it'll be even worse. Rohell tells her she should be thanking him for punishing Bruno, because she might have become paralyzed like him in the riding accident. She can't believe what she's hearing.

"Things don't get fixed by force or by hitting people" she cries, and he says that sometimes that's the only thing that people understand. She amps up the screaming and yelling at him, and he says it's enough. Finally he snaps his whip on his desk in anger. "Are you threatening me?" she asks. "Take it how you want." he answers. He tells her not to interfere with how he deals with his employees. She snatches the whip away and then offers it back to him, asking if he's going to hit her next. After a long staring match, he snatches the whip from her outstretched hands and rolls out of the room.

There he goes with that whip again.

Offering his whip back, so he can whip her next.

Rohellio is not amused at the direction this conversation is going.

Elsa la Vaca (thank you for that, Sara) is talking with the long-suffering Federico about Vainessa divorcing that hottie Esteban (okay she didn't say that, but we all know that's true). She wants Vainessa to try to patch up the marriage but Federico says it ain't gonna happen. More discussion about Vainessa and Rohell, blah blah blah, FF>>> (I notice that Elsa also has a big-ass purse. Like mother, like daughter in many ways.) After Elsa leaves with her big-ass purse, Dany comes in with coffee and they have a little bonding chat about how he loves his daughter. I think Dany is starting to see Federico as a father figure, as her own father abandoned her before she was born. (As she tells Federico in a later scene.)

Ana Paula is talking to one of her doves in her room, and saying to herself that she won't get trapped in this place by Rogelio Montero. Ana Brenda looks especially pretty in this scene.

Ana Paula talking to her doves.

Vainessa has returned to the hacienda and is visiting Sinthia. She's wearing an extremely form-fitting, short dress. I don't think she could bend over in the slightest wearing that dress. The big-ass purse is still big-ass.

Vainessa and Sinthia are talking about the divorce, and Rohell rolls in and repeats that she's not divorcing her husband for him. Of course Vainessa disagrees and we go over that ground again.

Vainessa offers to prove to Rohell that she's sincere in her feelings, by taking the contract with her father off the table. She'll tell her father that Rohell is not going to sign, once and for all, and then Rohell will know that she's there for personal reasons, not to talk him into signing. Rohell says fine, let's go to my office to make the call. Vainessa stands still and has this confused look on her face, as if she's thinking, "Oh hell, he took me seriously, what am I going to do now?"

Rohellio calls her bluff.

Cut to Rohell's office, where Ana Paula is trying to use the phone. Maria walks in and wants to know if her call went through, but Ana Paula says that the phone worked, but no one answered at home. In bursts Rohell and Vainessa. Rohell wants to know what she's doing in there and Maria says that she (Maria) told her to use the phone to call home. Vainessa asks for coffee from Maria, and Ana Paula, with a sullen expression, asks Rohell if he needs anything. Nope, he doesn't, so off she goes.

A bonding moment between Dany and Federico (as I mentioned before). A phone call comes in from Vainessa.

You can see that Vainessa doesn't want to drop the bomb about the contract to her dad and is trying to delay it under Rohell's perceptive, steely gaze. But finally she does and tells her dad the news—no new contract for you. Poor Federico does not look happy.

Ana Paula complaining to a weary Maria about what a jerkwad and douchebag Rohellio is. Poor Maria just wants to not hear it. She's worried that Vainessa is going to mess with Rohell's mind some more and make him even worse than he is now (if such a thing is possible!).

So it's been definitely established that Rohellio is a jerkwad.

"See, Rohellio? I did it, and do you see that you can trust me?" Rohell does look a bit unsettled and his eyes roam up and down her slinky, trampy dress.

Dany gives Federico some pills and commiserates with him over the bad news about the contract. He's worried about his company and all the employees too.

Vainessa makes a production of slinking over in her slutgarb and telling an increasingly hormone-addled Rohell that she'd like to visit Sinthia every day that she's staying in St. Gabriel. Rohell's eyes move downward to admire her . . . errr . . . necklace. (Seriously though, some of the jewelry worn by the women in this show is hideous. It's like someone thought if they had some Ultrasuede [fake leather] and a glue gun, they can make jewelry, but it doesn't work like that.)

He can't keep his eyes from her . . . errr . . . necklace, that's it.

Rohell gulps nervously as he rolls away from Vainessa. "Do as you like, don't waste my time," he says, as he places himself safely behind his desk. Vainessa picks up her huge-ass purse and as she slithers out the door, leaves with, "I hope you invite me over for dinner." Dream on, bruja.

Could the dress be any shorter without showing too much of her behind? I don't think so.

Rohell sighs and looks stressed, but he's not to get any rest, because there's a knock on the door and this time it's Ana Paula. She calmly tells him she's leaving. Leave where? The hacienda. He doesn't get it. He didn't tell her to leave. She knows. She's quitting, for real. "No one quits on me!" he says. "But I already did," she replies. Time for another nervous gulp from Rohell.

Today is not Rohellio's day when it comes to successfully dealing with women.

Face it, dude, she's sick of your douchebaggery and she wants outta there.

Vainessa is telling Sinthia about her discussion with Rohell, and how she figures that Rohell had already decided not to renew the contract anyway. Sinthia goes over the old ground of not understanding why Rohell isn't just elated that Vainessa has finally decided to grace him with her super-awesome presence after all these years of neglect. Vainessa says that he hasn't forgiven her yet, but she smugly adds that she knows he will.

Sinthia is glad to see Vainessa and repeats all her complaints about being stuck on this ranch, so boring, nothing to do, no one to see, no one to talk to, all there are are workers who smell of cows. Efrian is hearing all of this from the door and decides to make his presence known by saying he needs to see the boss. You know he's thinking, "What am I, chopped liver?" after hearing Sinthia complain about how dull the ranch is. Sinthia dismisses him by saying Rohell is busy, come back later. She's eyeing him like, "Take the hint! Out out!" and Vainessa, completely clueless about Sinthia's inappropriately close relationship with this dark, hairy, and probably smelling-of-cow employee, smirks and looks disgusted that he's even daring to be in their royal presence. [Edit: Very likely Vainessa was picking up on the "vibes" between Sinthia and the cow-smelling employee, as several posters pointed out.]

Rohell feigns boredom again and asks Ana Paula, what does she want? More money? No, she's quitting over a matter of basic human dignity. She wants fair treatment for the workers. He scoffs and says they're willing to humiliate themselves in front of him for a little more money. He doesn't want to hear her as she's ripping him a new one, but she demands that he listen. "Enough!" he yells. He dismisses her claim that she's quitting; she's got a contract and she'll fulfill it. The thought that she'd actually leave is so beyond his realm of comprehension. She's not leaving, he doesn't want to discuss it again, THE END. He rolls out and she has this expression like, "Yeah, we'll see about that."

The thought that anyone would leave his wonderful employ is beyond his comprehension. Because we know what an awesome employer he is, after all.

But yet, unfathomable as it may seem to him, she seems to still want to leave.

More with Gustavo explaining his plans for water treatment to the fishermen. The men select Mr. Fermin (the nice old dude) as their fishermen spokesman. It looks like they're starting to warm to Gustavo. FF>>>

Bonding with the fishermen.

Vainessa talking with her dad, apologizing for the phone call, telling her dad that there's still time to work on Rohell about renewing the contract. Her dad doesn't want her to get mix business with personal matters and he says he'll try to sort this out later with the contract. He advises her to try to work things out with her husband too. After the phone call, she tells Bruno that didn't expect Rohell to call her bluff and actually have her to call her dad in the first place. But, she tells Bruno, since we know that Rohell hasn't signed any contracts with the competition yet, Bruno must do "his part."

Maria is giving Rohellio his drops. She comments that he didn't get his therapy that night, the therapy that Paula says should be done daily. Rohell says, with his usual dark expression, that "that woman" needs to understand that only what he wants gets done, not what she wants.

It's morning and Rohell is rolled onto the terrace for breakfast. He absentmindedly swats away mosquitos as he cranes his head for Paula. "Where is she? I'm hungry." "She's not here" replies Maria. "Look for her!" he snaps. There is an awkward pause as Maria approaches Rohell and gives the news: Ana Paula has left the hacienda. Like, LEFT THE HACIENDA AND LEFT YOU, YOU BIG INSUFFERABLE BUTTHEAD. Only she didn't say that last part.

Rohell has this really delicious-looking stunned look on his face. Like he's frozen in disbelief for a moment. Awesome.

Muy, but muy impactado that Ana Paula actually left. AWESOME!!!



Rohell has a snit because Ana Paula left. Wants to get her back. Lots of yelling.

Ana Paula meets up with our sweet-faced Gustavo. They share romantic moments worthy of Hallmark cards. At least Ana Paula is dealing with someone who is not a total butthead for a change.


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #76 Wed 1/11/12 Pepe waterskis and Enzo shaves.

Moni is impressed by Pepe's ability to excel at many expensive hobbies (he may have friends in Valla Brava, but surely they didn't give him all those free water ski trips, parasails etc?) and is sad to go home, back to school - and to talk to her papa. She wishes they'd talked to Enzo before escaping to their love nest by the ocean.

Enzo drinks himself to oblivion, draining a crystal decanter, smashing a picture of him and his wife. "My daughter with a lowclass dude - just like you and me 20 years ago."

The little righteous posse nosily trying to find out how Tomas got hold of that expensive watch sends Alex into Pina's house to ask where he is. Alex gets to watch Pina yell at Adoracion, doped dog in her arms. Begging for his discretion, Pina admits to Alex: "I gave Tomas that watch because he was always good to me... but we had a scene and he'll never come back into this house." Alex didn't intend to tell the posse, but they figured it out.

Rebe, in a rage that Pancho had a schoolyard fight with Vince in front of the whole room, is leaving - she's never been so embarrassed in her life! Pancho promises it will never happen again. He suggests he should pull out of the empresario-of-the-year competition, he doesn't care about the prize, but she says she does - so he says he'll win it for her sake if she'll pardon him. He sinks to his knees. She thoughtbubbles how uncomfortable she is hiding the truth from him about the rigged contest.

Vince arrives home and, looking at the drugged dog, wants to hire a professional nanny since Adoracion and Pina are not up to the job of safeguarding Abeja. He pours a drink and complains about Pina's miserable mood: "And on top of it all, my wife is a rag, a wreck." Pina goes in another room and weeps over her callous husband.

Tomas is really drunk when the posse arrives and nosily asks why Pina gave him the watch? "I thought she loved me!" He sends Lupe and Alex away; Lupe rats him out to Pancho, who sends her back to ask Tomas to come talk to him.

Candy does a product placement for some hair gunk as she gets ready for her radio pilot program.

Is that Tomas hungover in the shower with gratuitous headless shots of his six-pack abdomen? No, turns out that's Enzo's abdomen. Then, eeew, we see lots of his hair in the tub as he shaves his beard, he's going for a new look.

Ez and I thought Chacho might choke on his lollipop while running on the treadmill, instead he falls off the back. He reminds us he's still mooning over Chela.

Los Lopez exclaim over Candy's fancy car, which she doesn't know how to drive. "I got it because I'm a star and when I drive it everybody will want one... and I have the best driving teacher in the world."

Pina and Vince sit on their floor with Abeja and a hired master of Asian medicine, yoga, karate, and "psychoprophylactics" who makes housecalls. They are preparing with respiration and visualization for Abeja's upcoming labor contractions. Candy arrives. Pina: "I thought I made it clear you're not welcome in my house." Candy: "I've come to tell you I have a new car," Vince jumps up and says he has to go to the office. They meet in the driveway. "I'd like to give you your first lesson now but I have to go to work. Can we see each other tonight?" Candy tells Vince she and Pina aren't friends any more.

Rebe is in her sugar-sweet mode at work and tells Pancho she dreamed they were together, his kids were there, and "I was expecting your baby, it was a beautiful dream. Wouldn't you like to have a child with me?" "No." She has a temper tantrum and then melts when he says "Not one kid - I want us to have lots of them." I like how misunderstandings in this show get resolved so quickly.

Moni and Pepe confront Enzzo at work; he grabs Pepe and shakes him in front of the multitudes! "She went of her own free will," soothes Pancho. "I love him," Monica confirms. Enzzo and Pancho threaten each other, then Pancho suggests they part to avoid a bloodletting. Pancho goes off with Pepe but Moni won't talk to her dad. Rebe consoles Moni and congratulates her: "If Pepe's half as loving as his dad, you'll be really happy." Rebe smirks and admits she and Pancho are an item. Spying behind the door, Arnoldo sneers and thought-bubbles, "Why, Rebe? *I* love you." He comes out and says, "Oh, a grocer and a mechanic, how nice," and prances out.

Pepe says he is going to rise in the world so Monica will be proud of him.

Avon wants new talent for new projects, Rebe says, and Moni will be good for the new campaign.

Pancho tells Tomas he can't solve his problems with tequila. Tomas admits he and Pina have been circling each other and that he has feelings for her. What great gossip! Pepe and Pancho are impactados.

Enzo wants Vince to help him destroy Pancho. Vince complains: "You've been acting like a 10 year old since you shaved your beard." Vince gives Enzzo the phone number of another influential friend (since the last dastardly plot went so well). Arnoldo: "You, Enzzito, are acting like the villain of a telenovela."

Moping, all in black, Pina forbids 'Preguntacion' to ask a question. She monologues about Tomas and reminds herself: "I am a lady." "Yes, a lady who's alone, sad, abandoned," the maid points out. "But I'm married - and I can't get involved with a plumber... But I gave him signals by mistake. And he's so nice and respectful." Considering her boss's alone, depressed state, Adoracion asks: "Are you going to be like this forever?"

Finally, Monica is in the doorway when Enzzo reveals to his pals that Violeta is not dead. Moni comes in. "My mother is not dead?"


Una Familia Con Suerte #75 Wed 1/11/12 In which all characters act like babies

We open on Tomas revealing his feelings for Pina. She protests - Yeah he's from a different class, but she's also married and has a son his age. She tells him to leave and never come back. Good thing he just finished fixing the plumbing. She looks kind of funny being so harsh in such a silly dress.

Candi drags Vins into Zumba, and allows them to start the music again. He shuffles around, but keeps his hands on his thighs, all bent over as though constipated.

Oh lord, Ana thinks Fred is her fairytale prince.

Lupita has made a shirt of her and Alex. It's awful. She sends him one, and I wonder if she'll be able to make him wear it.

Pepe and Moni are still having fun at the beach

Ana is playing mournfully on her accordion (probably moping over Fred). Candi enters, wearing a blouse that looks like an oil slick. She wants her own show now that PinOpina is off the table, and they brainstorm a bit.

Pancho bursts in with Rebe in tow to deliver the news of his nomination. Chela hugs him and Rebe looks muy incomodo. She wants to take him upstairs to pick an outfit for the nomination dinner. Wow, Chela is being really catty (Pancho, you don't need those fancy trappings).

Pina vents a bit to Adoracion and then wonders... "why do i tell you these things?" she cleverly replies "because you don't have anyone else." the only other friend she can name is abeja. Speaking of which, Pina orders Ado to give the dog 12 of these medicinal drops for stress each hour (this dog will be drugged to heck), and she decides it means 30 per half-hour, and gives some extras for good measure. She takes a few herself, and before long Abeja is hallucinating and the screen is wobbling and changing color.

Wow, even more of Pepe/Moni's expensive vacation. There's a weird parachute ride,
and no new information is delivered.

Lena is cleaning the house and whining to Lupita, and Alex shows up with some gifts (not wearing the shirt Lupita sent him). Anyway, she's getting grumpy, cleaning and watching the kids smooch, and goes snooping in her brother's stuff. She finds the ridiculously expensive watch, jumps to an unkind conclusion (he stole it) and takes advantage of an opportunity to stop Alex and Lupita from cuddling. They all begin to run around and tell half of Mexico about the watch and pry pry pry.

Meanwhile, Tomas sits in a bar and mopes about Pina.

Pancho and Rebe are upstairs. Ana is all ready to rush up and interrogate them ("no funny business, guys"), but Candi and Chela tell her that's not how it's done. Pancho is in love and that can't be stopped. Ana asks "Why?" which is funny, coming from a girl who's swooning over the no-redeeming-qualities Freddy.

Upstairs, Rebe vetos the soccer-ball tie. Rebe suggests a boring tie and he
says it's like an American politician. They kiss. I yawn.

Now Vins is courting/brown-nosing Ines. We learn that he holds shares in her company (competitor to Avon), and he learns that Fernanda's followers in the business bureau (or whatever) back Pancho. They vent together about Pancho. She tells him that she's suggesting *him* as the competing candidate, and he is utterly thrilled and commences another round of brown-nosing. But there's a problem: the votes will be tied. They're going to have to think of some kind of dirty trick. Also, it turns out that the two old ladies have an ancient feud.

Candi still doesn't know what to name her show. She will do interviews, and cooking, and beauty tips, and is just generally all over the place. They will let the public choose the name. Sounds like a trainwreck.

As soon as she hears about Ines' arrival, Fernanda flies back from Germany just to meddle. She reveals the source of the fight to Rebe: She had a relationship with Ines' dead husband. She is aware of the immaturity of this feud, but that doesn't stop her: "It's a game, but I have to win it." She doesn't want Pancho to know about any of this. She wants him to think that he's winning for his own merits, (rather than winning just to stick it to Fers' old rival). They also seem to be planning some funny business with the voting.

The Prying Posse is still fretting about the watch, and now Chela and Candi are in on the fun. They try to call Tomas, but he's busy getting smashed. They schlep the watch over to Pina's and find out the truth.

Fers and Ines meet each other at the nomination cocktail, and bicker and backstab like a bunch of 13-year-olds. "Did you fly here on your broomstick?"

Pancho finds out that Vins got nominated. Vins berates him for not being a career businessman. They shout at each other in a fit of playground bickering. They tear off their jackets and raise their fists. Rebe intercedes and scolds them for being such children in front of the press (she's finally showing a little character). She wisely threatens to cancel both nominations.


Una Familia Con Suerte #74 Tue 1/10/12 In which Candy GLOWS in her zumba class

We have a new blogger, Jim, who took the second hour last night. Let's welcome him heartily! Here's his recap...

Hi everyone. I’m pleased to join the ranks of recappers. Hopefully, I’ll do a good job with the recaps. I am fluent in Spanish and understand the slang and dialect well. Here we go!

I’m going to start off a bit before the second hour actually began.

Let’s begin with a visit Pancho and Rebeca receive. The visitor is a very rich, arrogant, and snobby woman named Inez De La Borboya Y Ruiz (Maria Rubio). Some of us might remember Maria Rubio for her legendary villain roles. This time, she comes as a rich business woman who seems to be Fernanda’s rival. I’m sure we’ll find out more about this rivalry in future episodes.

The reason for Inez’s visit was to inform Pancho that he has been nominated for a very prestigious award...Businessman of the year! Pancho, humble as always, can’t believe it. Rebeca continues to be his biggest fan and cheerleader!

At the Lopez home, Elena finally confessed that there was no pregnancy, and that it was all a lie to get revenge on Freddy. Elena is in tears, and Chela, Tomas, and Lupita are there to comfort her. Tomas is fuming and ready to commit murder. Leave it to wise Chela to put order to the chaos and put everyone in their place…with love, of course!

Pancho and Rebe celebrate at a restaurant. Rebeca tells Pancho they are celebrating his future win. They continue talking and celebrating with champagne. Of course, the topic of their love comes up and becomes the main focus of conversation. Romantic couple, huh??
The second hour truly begins at the Irabien household. Pina is having a mother to daughter chat with her doggie, Little Abeja. She’s basically justifying Freddy’s actions. There’s a knock at the door, and who should it be but the one…the only…Candelaria Candi Lopez! Pina is not too happy to see her, but Candi is there and she’s on a mission. She’s there to talk about Elena and how she’s not pregnant. The conversation turns into a heated argument, and truths begin being told. Pina talks bad about Elena, and Candi comes to Elena’s defense. They then begin talking about Candi and her work on Pina’s show. Pina actually does a fine job of putting Candi in her place, chiding her about her irresponsibility regarding the radio show. Candi really didn’t have much to say because she knew that Pina was right. In fact, Candi felt a sense of compunction after leaving the Irabien home.

Next, we have a scene with the newest sweet couple on the show…Alex and Lupita. Alex brings Lupita flowers, and Lupita is thrilled. They make an ice cream date for the following evening.
As they’re saying goodnight, Tomas sees them and is impacted. First he asks how long they’ve been a couple. He then has a heartfelt moment where he lets them know how foolish and bad he felt when he realized he lost Lupita’s love. He tells Lupita he is happy for her and asks Alex to make her happy and not hurt her. Alex tells Tomas not to worry. Nice scene.

We then go back to the Irabien household where Pina and Vicente are arguing. What a surprise! Pina is telling Vicente about her argument with Candi, and Vicente could care less. Once again, we see how Vicente’s indifference affects Pina. You can’t help but feel bad for her. One can feel the pain in her voice when she speaks.

At Avon, Pancho and Fernanda have a phone conversation, and of course, she’s thrilled that Pancho has been nominated for businessman of the year! She lets Pancho know that someone else will compete for that award. She doesn’t know who it is. Of course, we can already imagine who it will be, right?

There’s a very sweet scene with Pepe and Monica. They gaze at the stars, and Pepe tells Monica how he learned about star gazing from his mom. Throughout this scene, it is quite noticeable that Monica was affected by a comment her dad made in the previous episode dealing with Monica’s mom. Hmmm. Is anyone else beginning to do some foreshadowing here?

Back at Lopez manor, Ana is beyond thrilled that Elena is not pregnant with Freddy’s baby. Chela wonders why, and Ana is about to give herself away. All of a sudden, Candi comes in fuming after the argument she had with Pina. She lets the family know that the war is on…The war between the Lopez and Irabien families!

The family gets Candi to calm down and talk about what happened. Candi feels bad regarding what she told Pina. She also feels bad because her opportunity to be famous was shot. After all, Candi did work for the most popular radio show in Mexico, right? Of course, idealistic and positive Ana gives Candi a suggestion. “Why not do your own show? Design it, record it, send it to a producer, and become famous!” Hmmm, all of a sudden, Candi doesn’t seem so bummed or feel so guilty any more, does she?

We see another sweet scene with Pepe and Monica. Monica is sad because she knows her dad is having a hard time with Monica’s and Pepe’s relationship. Pepe tries to make Monica see that she’s not at fault. He ends up comforting her.

Back at Avon, Rebeca encourages Pancho to take a public speaking class. Pancho wonders why. After all, he’s good at giving speeches. Rebe lets him know that although he’s a gifted and natural speaker, his method could use some polishing. Pancho is convinced.
Rebeca and Pancho talk more about the importance of the award. Rebe tells Pancho that if he wins the award, his life will change! Even more??! No way! No manches!

We then have a breakfast scene with the entire Lopez clan. Everyone fills Pancho in on the goings on between Elena and Freddy and Candi and Pina. There’s a knock at the door, and it’s the lovely Rebeca coming to pay Pancho a visit. Things become a bit tense. Some of the family is still pretty cold to Rebe. She’s just there to pick Pancho up so that they can go work out at the company gym. Candi joins them and takes the opportunity to let Pancho know about her upcoming radio show.

Things get even more tense when Freddy shows up and asks to speak with Elena. Elena is encouraged to talk to him. Big Brother Tomas is worried but lets his sister handle things.

At the gym, Rebeca introduces Pancho to his new personal trainer…a big tough guy named Roque. Pancho is a wee bit intimidated by this big guy. Rebe is amused. She lets Roque know that Pancho is in his hands so as to get in shape as soon as possible.

We also see glimpses of Candi at her Zumba class. Vicente is fully engaged in watching her. Candi discovers him and stops everything so as to call attention to him. Hmmm, will she make Vince join the class?

The final scene is at Pina’s house. Tomas el plomero tells Pina that he has to leave for another house call. Pina gets a bit jealous when she finds out that he is going to see her friend Katalina. Tomas wonders why both of them are acting a bit weird. Will feelings or thoughts of feelings be revealed tomorrow? Let’s tune in and see!


La Que No Podía Amar #7 Tuesday 1/10/11 In which a case of footinmouth disease stops Ro-hell's campaign for change

The short and sweet
  • Bruno continues to mack on Ana Pau
  • Ana Pau confronts Vainessa and tells her to stay away from Ro-hell.
  • Ro-hell’s approval of the building project means Gus has reason to be in San Gabriel often. Gus continues to pine for the Ana Pau…despite his sister’s objections.
  • Ana Pau—la que no podia andar: Thank heaven Ro-hell was there to catch her!
  • Ana Pau—la que no podia hablar sin meter la pata: Hello mouth, meet dislocated foot!
  • Crazy Elsa is a shrew…with shares of the company. Don’t mess with her!
  • Cin and Bruno double team Vainessa…each for their own selfish reasons.
  • Tia mentiRosa is set on keeping Gus away from Ana Pau.
  • Ro-hell puts Ana Pau in her place…and in front of Vainessa, too. Jackwad.
The long and lugubrious
Dimples (Ana Pau) and Skeletor (Bruno) discuss alternate ways to have fun, considering they will no longer be horseback riding. Ana Pau sighs that there is so much to do and her thoughts once again turn to the river. She tells Bruno that she and M-grito were going to go swimming. She invites Bruno to come along. He was thinking of maybe just the two of them doing something. He wonders aloud if they will ever be more than “just friends.”

Meanwhile Macaria (I can never remember this woman’s name. I keep thinking Macarena) says there is much more to do in the city, but Miguel likes San Gabriel just fine. Gus interrupts and tells Miguel the proposal has been accepted. Maripaz bats her eyelashes and asks Miguel if he’ll be staying. Methinks she has a crush.

Bruno pushes Ana Pau to answer him. She stalls and is saved by the arrival of Ro-hell. Bruno and Ana Pau promise to talk later. Ro-hell wonders about what they were doing together. Ana Pau says just chatting. She has all the ingredients needed to make the cake.

Maripaz is giving Miguel the tour of San Gabriel…what there is of it. It’s a small place and they don’t get a lot of visitors. She hopes he’ll be in town often. Miguel wants to go to that little street where they were selling bracelets. Maripaz is unhappy to find out he wants to buy one for his novia.

Back at Hacienda Hell-Fuerte Ro-hell confesses it’s been years since he’s actually done the rounds in San Gabriel. Sure he’s talked to people from his truck, but he never went around in the wheelchair. Ana Pau asks why and he tells her that the people just looked at him with so much pity. The first time he showed up in the wheelchair, he just felt like everyone was whispering (cuchichear.) He decided then that instead of their pity, he wanted them to fear him. She on the other hand neither pities him nor fears him…what’s up with that? Well, at first she was furious he treated M-grito the way he did, then she saw him as a man in denial, and now... Ro-hell wants to know how she sees him now (heartbreaking look from JS.) Now she feels a lot of hope and she likes to see him smile. Dimples all around and a little chuckle from Ro-hell.

Cin and Efrain rollin’ in the sheet F-U-…er…nevermind. They discuss the linens (not a euphemism…they really are talking about the satin sheets.) Effer mentions he could never offer her such finery and Cin agrees that’s why he’s not a keeper. A noise interrupts their tryst and Effer is forced to make a hasty exit. Cin hopes it's not Ro-hell coming to make nice. He's changed so much lately. Effer says the word on the street is it's the nurse's doing. Cin says Effer acts like Ana Pau’s arrival is such a great thing. Effer says Ana Pau is pretty hawt (bien chula), but he only has eyes for his “patroncita.” Neither of them notice he’s left his bandana behind.

Ana Pau talks to the palomas about their monogamous nature. She wants a love like that. She can’t stop thinking about Gus. Neither can he. Flashback and FF>>

Maripaz has a mopey about Miguel. Mama Metiche thinks Maripaz should see the world. Papá tells Mamá to stay out of it; he doesn’t want his only daughter leaving San Gabri-hell. Maripaz disagrees. Papa thinks the city is a big, bad place. Maripaz wonders if she’ll ever get married. Mamá has her sights on Bruno in the role of son-in-law. Maripaz thinks he's too old.

Ro-hell is finishing up his therapy with AP. He can’t believe how time flies when you’re having fun. She says they can add more time. He likes the idea. AP plans to go pick up more medicines. Ro-hell says sure thing. Right after we eat…on the terrace. Dimples all around.

Cin is wearing another abdomen bearing ensemble. She decides not to make the bed. Consuelo arrives to clean the quarters. She finds Effer’s bandana. Dramatic music, agonized face, and bandana sniffing ensue.

Face off in the plaza! Ana Pau runs into Vainessa (wearing María Desamparada’s and Judith’s shoes.) Vainessa is not surprised Ana Pau knows how she is since Vainessa is “kind of a big deal around here.” Ana Pau asks Vainessa not to bother Ro-hell any more. Ana Pau, you go, girl! Vainessa sneers and says oh, you’re one of his servants. Ana Pau corrects her and says she’s he’s nurse. Vainessa calls her arrogant (altanera.) Ana Pau tells Vainessa Ro-hell doesn’t want to see her. Vainessa thinks that remains to be seen. Ana Pau reminds Vainessa how Ro-hell treated her during her last visit. Vainessa says that was just because he was surprised to see her (with a gesture the seemed to imply “in all my marvelous glory”. This recapper cannot do justice to the conceit conveyed in that move.) Vainessa seems to think that when Ro-hell finds out she’s still in love with him, he’s gonna come running back. Ana Pau tells her that the last visit really hurt him and for his health, Vainessa really shouldn’t show her face. Vainessa wants to know who’s gonna stop her and flounces off.

Gus and David talk about Ro-hell’s investing/approving the project. Since Ro-hell seems to NOT be difficult when dealing with Gus, Gus gets the honors of dealing with him on a regular basis…thus putting him in San Gabriel more often. Quite frankly it’s a FF>>

Ro-hell is annoyed Cinthia went off riding. She always seems to be gone when he needs her. María tries to get him to see reason when it comes to his sister. Let her study! She’s young, she wants to marry and have a family. She’s young and beautiful. Somebody will be interested in her. Ro-hell reminds her that Cin and Bruno had a thing, but nothing happened. Anyway, Bruno is no nothing more than one of Ro-hell’s cats and can’t offer Cinthia anything. Ro-hell has no intention of maintaining Bruno. There's no one for Cin to marry...just the riff-raff.

Consuelo confronts Effer and slaps him around with his own bandana. He gives her a “Consuelito” and a weak excuse (moving furniture and looking for earrings) and kisses her. I’m already tired of him and his “chula” crap. Consuelo doesn’t fall for it.

Vainessa asks Bruno about “esa tipa” that’s working for Ro-hell. Ah, you two have met says Skeletor. Vainessa is still amazed that Ana Pau dared to forbid her royal self from visiting Ro-hell. Bruno tells Vainessa that Ana Pau takes her work pretty seriously and he giggles a little which really pisses off Vainessa. I think it’s awesome. She doesn’t find it funny at all that an employee treated her like that and wants to know where Ro-hell found her. Bruno wonders why she’s asking. Vainessa says Ana Pau looks like her. She’s pretty pleased to find out that Ro-hell thinks so too. Vainessa thinks it must mean Ro-hell still wants her (despite the vein popping out of her forehead.)

Macaria tells Ana Pau she was shocked Ro-hell had come to town...but then she realized it was just for bidnez. Marcaria badmouths Ro-hell. Ana Pau defends him. Ana Pau thinks he’s changing. Marcaria thinks Ana Pau should be careful... a leopard can't change his spots (genio y figura hasta la sepultura)

Bruno tells Vainessa that he thinks all of Ro-hell’s bitterness is because she broke up with him and that only she can help change Ro-hell. She wants Ro-hell to listen to her and she thinks Cinthia can help. Bruno says she’s coming later, but meanwhile he wants to talk a little more about the offer she made him. I didn’t catch everything…something about money exchanging hands for his help with Ro-hell’s contract. Vainessa thinks she could convince her father to give him a little “commission”. As long as it’s cash and there’s no signature of receipt, Bruno says. If Ro-hell finds out he’s helping Vainy, Ro-hell will kill him.

Cin finally shows up from riding and Ro-hell wants to know where she was. He thinks she needs to be at his beck and call, too. Cin says that’s the nurse’s job. Ana Pau arrives and Cin leaves (Susana and Jorge have the best facial expressions in the biz.) Ana Pau tries to tell Ro-hell what happened in the park, I can’t tell if she’s talking about the face-off with Vainy or Marcaria’s gossip, but Ro-hell doesn’t want to hear it, he can just imagine what they said. He invites her to go outside with him.

Vainy thinks Bruno is exaggerating about Ro-hell being capable of killing him. Ro-hell isn’t like he was when he and Vainy were together. Bruno isn’t the same either. If he and Ro-hell are so buddy buddy, isn’t this little deal a betrayal? Bruno says Ro-hell was the one that betrayed the friendship long ago. If she thinks he’s the bad guy maybe he should leave. Veiny tells him she was just making sure Ro-hell wasn’t just using Bruno to cause more problems for her dad. Bruno says this is between him and Veiny. He needs to be sure there will be no problems. Veiny concedes, but she needs some assurances that Ro-hell will not sign with the competition. Bruno is the middle-man in the negotiations, he finagle all sorts of things…make crazy demands that make the competition backs out....meetings can get postponed.

Ana Pau wants to visit the horse she fell off. She and Ro-hell have a little race. Cute, but FF>>

Tia and Miguel talk about his trip. He’s pretty sure it’s near where Ana Pau works. He tried to call but the phone didn’t work. He just wanted to say Hi and give her a hug; tell her he loved her. Tia tells him not to worry. Ana Pau called her and said everything was fine. Miguel tries to remember the name of the Hacienda. Tia mentiRosa acts like she can’t remember. Tia asks about Gus. Miguel talks about the business and the girl Gus met near the river. Tia connects dots. I am hypnotized by the unibrow. (Bonus word: pinzas-tweezers)

Gus is with his sister, Mercedes. He’s still trying to figure out how to find Cinderella…er Ana Pau. I guess he plans on camping out at the river until he runs into her again. Sis says not to waste so much time on a girl he hardly knows. Blabbity blah love at first sight. Sis thinks it’s odd that this girl hasn’t told him where she works. Maybe she’s fighting with her aunt. Sis doesn’t trust this girl.

Ro-hell and Ana Pau talk about horses. Ana Pau pets Tamarindo. She's glad nothing happened to the horse when he heard the shot.  Ro-hell tells her about his fine horse Achilles. A horse only Ro-hell could control. Achilles had to be killed after the accident. Ro-hell leaves abruptly. Ana Pau follows and trips…right into Ro-hell’s lap. “Corre” and meaningful stares ensue. *ahem* TEAM RO-HELL!!!!

Ana Pau apologizes profusely for being so clumsy (torpe.) She could have hurt Ro-hell. He’s more than ok with her clumsiness…until she says something stupid like “with my foot like this I feel useless.” He reminds her it’s only been a few days…imagine a lifetime of not being able to walk. Well, I suspect we’re back to square one with Ro-hell. Yup, despite Ana Pau’s repeated apologies and pleadings Ro-hell is back to being a jerk.

He throws Hugo out of his office. Ana Pau follows Ro-hell into the office. She still wants to tell him about what happened in town. He shouts her down and throws her out of his office. Ro-hell calls for Hugo (dude, make up your mind) and tells him he wants to go skeet shooting.

Dany, Miguel smoochies, talk about work. Dany has an insecure. Bracelet and te amos FF>>

M-grito reads laboriously. Shots are heard. No worries, though. It’s just Ro-hell. Maria and M-grito explain how much Ro-hell likes to shoot things when he’s angry. Anger management skillz….ur doin it rong.

Elsa freaks out about Vainy’s trip to San Gabriel (again, she is inappropriately dressed, though not as badly as yesterday.) According to Federico, there was bidnez to be done. Elsa knows Vainy wants to get back with Ro-hell. Federico reminds Elsa she used to like him. Well, now she hates him. She knows Ro-hell isn’t going to sell them cattle. She has shares of the company, too. Federico can’t do anything without her finding out.

Cin finally arrives for her visit with Vainy. It wasn’t easy to get away from the hacienda. She had to make up a bunch of stuff to tell Maria so she could get away. She took advantage of Effer’s trip to the pueblo. Bruno wonders if Effer will spill the beans. Cin assures him he won’t. Vainy can’t get over the drama. Yeah, sure Ro-hell doesn’t want anyone to have anything to do with her, but srsly. Cin explains that Ro-hell won’t let her do anything. He wants her around all.the.time. She can't even get her part of the inheritance. He’s not happy and he doesn’t want anyone else to be happy either. He’s been that way since the accident.

Ana Pau confronts Ro-hell on the firing range. She now knows it was his shot that scared the horse. Ro-hell says ultimately it was Bruno’s fault. He should have known how skittish horses could be. Is this scene even important? FF>>

Cin and her sob stories. Ro-hell took control of everything and he wants her to live “locked up” just like him. Vainy just can’t belive he’s changed so much. Cin and Bruno are sure Vainy can change Ro-hell. Vainy is not so sure. But he still loves her! He hired a nurse that looks like her! Long story short: Vainy can kill two birds with one stone: She can help out daddy, get Ro-hell back and help Cin all at the same time (oh. That’s three birds.)

PT with AP (I think the nurse's uniform covered her up better.) Exercises hurt in his right leg. They stop for the night. What are these drops he has to take? Sleeping aid? There is a distinct chill between them.

The architect made the changes to the project per Ro-hell's "suggestions". Gus will apply for the permits tomorrow. David asks Gus to do him a favor. He needs him to take another trip and he knows he can trust in Gus.

Dany shows off her bracelet to Tia MentiRosa. Miguel is off again with Gus. Tia asks if they’re going to San Gabriel again. Miguel doesn’t know. Dany whines a bit about him going so far away, but Migui reminds her his fam needs the lana. Tia seconds that. Ana Pau can’t do all the supporting, now can she? Migui offers to walk Squeaky to work. They are barely out the door and Tia mentiRosa is calling Bruno. She is very worried about her sobrina…no, no, not about the fall….she’s worried about this stubborn, blockhead doofus (necio?) that Ana Pau met. Bruno thought the guy was in Tuxtla. Yeah, he lives there, but he’s working in San Gabriel and he’s been nagging tia for Ana Pau’s contact info. Of course, she didn’t give him the info. She wants someone better for her sobrina; someone mature, established…like Bruno.

Ana Pau (in teal and an ace bandage) is tidying a bit in the living room and comes face to face with DUHN DUHN DUHN….Vainessa (in royal blue and a bad attitude.) Vainessa orders Ana Pau to announce her arrival. Ana Pau says no way. Ro-hell arrives and tells Ana Pau she’s just his nurse and tells her to leave. Smug face from Vainy. Angry face from Ro-hell and Pouty face from Ana Pau.

Me querías ad nauseum


  • Vainy begs
  • Ro-hell throws a glass
  • Ana Pau and Ro-hell butt usual.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #73 Tue 1/10/12 Shit begins to get real

So Speaking of families, I noticed that the actress who plays Gloria in Modern Family is doing State Farm ads now.

We're treated to a brief re-hash of Pepe's well-prepared room full of flowers, candles, and a greasy sleaze-ophonist (seriously, how did he pull all of this together? When he got to the bus station he didn't even know what time the bus left. Maybe he had the entire love-party on standby). Yes, those two kids got it on, and the episode opens on them naked in bed. Monica wakes up the snoring Pepe, and calls her Dad. He's been worried sick: he wakes up in sweaty pajamas on the couch, all wrapped up in strange fabrics. He blows another gasket, and demands to know where she his. She lets on that she's been with Pepe, and Enzo doesn't even have enough gaskets left to below. He slips up and tells her that she's just as crazy as her mother. We get some ominous music, suggesting that some revelations regarding her mother may appear in the coming weeks.

Vins, Pina, and Freddy (still bearing Tomas' knuckle marks) discuss the pregnancy situation, and Vins decides to drag Freddy over to la casa popular to find out if the girl really is, you know, pregnant. While there, they demand proof, and Fred ges to Lena's room and calls her a liar.

I continue to marvel at Ana's ability to crush on Fred (with absolutely no basis for crushing), as she just *happens* to run into him in the hall with her accordion on.

Pepe and Moni are trying to snuggle, but Enzo's repeated calls are ruining the mood.

Fuming, Enzo refuses to believe that Moni actually loves Pepe. It's his turn to have a breakdown, turning red and sweating because his daughter has been seduced by a "pelele."

Candi is summoned to a Benz dealership, where, due to her success on PinOpina, she has been chosen as a model. They will scare up some business by giving her a free car and letting men drool over her. Not a sound business model, but I've heard of worse. It turns out Vins is behind the whole thing, and he basically bullied the owner/salesman (Vins has a similar relationship with this poor guy to what he had with the balding reporter from the other episode. Problem: she can't drive, so Vins gets to teach her. She has her first accident before she even manages to get out of the dealership.

Alex and Lupita are now novios. These dull mushy scenes are boring, but they give me a great opportunity to catch up with my note-taking.

Enzo, redder than ever, has a shouting confrontation with Pancho as the secretary bites her nails.

Lena is sobbing again, but *nobody* believes her. They all want her to get tested for real. Tomas shows up with a test kit and says he won't leave the spot til she uses it. Sobbing more, she confesses. Everybody has an opinion.

Some very unusual people show up outside Avon. A tiny old lady in a yellow suit and hat and her two minders are here to give some grave news. The old lady yells at everyone, and Pancho is starting to look worried. It turns out that they're from the cosmetics society and they're going to give him the "businessman of the year" award. Man, they must not have listened to Beto. Or Vins. Someone remarks that this award is better than an Oscar. Basically this lady, Ines de la Burbulla, thinks they're a pack of yokels, but has no choice. I honestly can't tell if we'll see her again.

To be continued...


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