Monday, August 14, 2006

Heridas De Amor - Friday August 11

Renata is at the mall shopping with two friends. Friend 1 is putting jewelry in Renata’s purse when she isn’t looking. Renata is being extra bitchy to the clerk while Friend 1 continues to feed jewelry into her purse. Renata gripes to Friend 1 about not having money, F1 suggests asking Bertha for cash. Renata snaps “what part of ‘all San Llorente family funds are frozen’ don’t you understand?” F1 says “dummy, Bertha is De Aragon, not San Llorente.” Renata replies “oh, you’re right” and leaves to try on a dress. Friend 2 starts getting on Friend 1’s case. “I thought we were all friends, why are you being mean to Renata?” “She has considered herself better than us for so long, now she’ll get brought down a little.” Friend 2 doesn’t like this and leaves.

Miranda and Cesar are talking in Gonzalo’s office, Cesar is acting quite obsequious. Miranda is telling him that some transactions look strange. The screen goes green, daydream/flashback time…… Cesar is leaning over Miranda’s shoulder, telling her he loves her, she is smiling back and says she loves him too…… Cesar snaps out of it as Miranda is yelling at him. “huh wha? Oh uh there’s nothing strange about that, those are normal transactions.” Miranda says (I didn’t get this exactly) “they all moved money through the London account RIGHT BEFORE we had trouble there?” Cesar is saved by Vicente the abogado entering. He says that Gonzalo wants to talk to Cesar. The men leave. Pamela arrives at the same time. She tells Miranda she has to go to the hospital for some test, Miranda says she’ll go with her. Pamela stutteringly tells Miranda “uh, well, uh, I can’t go to the hacienda with all of you because of this.” Miranda says the others can go, then Pamela and Miranda will go later when Pamela’s tests are completed.

Back at the mall – Renata is really laying into the clerk, who apparently wasn’t kissing her ass enough or the right way. Friend 1, who was putting the jewelry into Renata’s purse, gets a phone call and bails in a hurry. As Renata stomps off, a security guard stops her and asks to look in her purse. Renata refuses, using the tried and true “don’t you know who I am?” defense. Does that ever work? You only hear that from people who are being carted off by the cops, denied entry to some place, stuff like that. You never hear “oh yeah I do know who you are, sorry.” Anyway, the guard takes her bag from her and opens it, finding all the stolen jewelry. Renata stands there with her mouth open, genuinely shocked.

Florencia enters Fernanda’s office, looking down her nose at her she tells her that she’s only there because someone forced her. “Who?” Fernanda asks. Bertha makes her grand entrance, like she’s Streisand coming on stage. “I did, Florencia didn’t want to see you but I told her she had to.” Bertha makes lying look so easy.

Cesar walks into Gonzalo’s jail cell grinning like a complete idiot. I only see that particular grin on really really drunk guys. What a tool. Gonzalo grabs him by the lapels and says “I will kill you, infeliz!” Cesar snidely asks, “why?” Gonzalo replies “you and Julio planned this! You are going to pay me back every peso!” There is more chest puffing from both of them and many threats issued back and forth – “I’ll get you” “You don’t know anything, I know more than you about this and that” “You will pay” etc. It doesn’t even matter who said what, we get the picture that these two are now mortal enemies. Cesar asks the lawyer to leave. He then tells Gonzalo, “Finally you are getting what you deserve after all the years of yelling at us treating us poorly!” He must say ‘us’ to mean employees at the company.

At the hospital – Florencia is still looking down her nose at Fernanda. Fernanda asks why she doesn’t want her as her doctor. Before Flo can answer, a guy shows up with a wheelchair to cart her off for tests. On her way out she says “when I get back, if Bertha can’t stay in here with me, I’m leaving.” Okay….. Bertha sweeps in and talks down to Fernanda. “you are pitiful trying to get your daughters back. It’s a lost cause.” Fernanda asks “why are you here?” Bertha says that Gonzalo ordered her to bring Florencia here. The two women then have a catty insult fight, like Cesar and Gonz did a few minutes ago. Battle lines are being drawn everywhere.

At the mall again – Renata is pleading with the clerk, now calling her Usted and trying to convince her that she didn’t know the stuff was in her purse. That’s true, but this clerk who she crapped on a few minutes ago isn’t having it. She wants Renata to hang. Miranda and Pamela JUST HAPPEN to wander by. Is the place Pamela needs her tests done at in the mall or what? Anyway, Renata begs Miranda for help, since Miranda is so gullible she defends Renata unconditionally and pays the store for the merchandise. 5000 something pesos, so not horribly expensive. I guess there if you just pay for what you got caught with you don’t go to jail. Renata pointedly does NOT take the jewelry and they storm out.

Mama Amparito is talking to some woman who appears to be her friend, a younger blond woman. There is some jewelry on the table between them, the woman is trying to talk her into selling the jewelry. Amparito thinks she’s too busy already with the tacos. The woman keeps working on her and appears to convince her to give it a try. Is this jewelry based on Alfredo’s designs? That would be another case of it being a small world.

Back to Cesar and Gonzalo’s chest bumping session – time to go to script format.
Cesar – You can accuse all you want, but you signed everything.
Gonzalo – There is no perfect crime, I’ll find a way to prove you did it.
C – By the way, I have an agreement with Miranda. (I think I missed some subtlety here)
G – You are prohibited from entering the company’s premises.
C – You can’t prohibit anything. If you try to, I’ll tell the girls what you did to their mother all these years!
They sneer at each other and some cops come in and cuff Gonz to take him away to prison. Gonz starts yelling “don’t treat me this way! I’m not a killer or anything! Let me go!” He is led out. Alejandro shows up at the same time. Gonz’s lawyer tells Alejandro that he needs money and is going to call Miranda, but Alejandro tells him that he’ll take care of everything. Cesar stomps over and issues my favorite Spanish phrase – “De Ninguna Manera! I will take care of it, that’s why I am here!” I don’t know why I love de ninguna manera so much but I use it as often as I can. I just love the way it sounds. So much better than “No way!”

Fern and Bertha again-
Fernanda says she has much to say to Bertha, who responds with “whatever, I couldn’t care less.” The test results arrive, the baby is fine but Florencia’s heart is dying. Carrying the baby to term would be a miracle.

Renata is back home crying in the phone, later we find out that it was Lasagna on the other end of the line. She hangs up and is comforted by Tomasa, Miranda, and Pamela. Tomasa floats the idea that the clerk set her up. Miranda decides to believe this. Miranda would be a disaster in charge of the business, she has the worst instincts. She believes all the wrong things from all the wrong people. Miranda compares the shoplifting with what is happening to Gonz, they were both set up. Well, that part is true. Miranda and Pamela leave for the hospital. Again. Weren’t they on the way there before they mysteriously got lost in the mall? Tomasa comforts Renata who says something about being a klepto. What?

Bertha and Florencia rehash everything from recent events. Flor asks Bertha why she likes Alejandro, Bertha says just to piss off Miranda. More chatter. Let’s go home and rest. Ok. Bertha says while Flor rests, she’ll prepare her medicine. Yeah right!

The street gang is talking at some bar, they decide everything is ready for their heist or whatever they are planning. Everyone but Sanson leaves and some chick arrives. Sanson mistreats her a bit to show how macho he is. Que macho.

Lasagna gets off the phone and tells Daira the whole story. Did you ever notice how this house is blindingly white while Cesar’s apartment is totally black? Gee I wonder who the good and bad guys are. Alejandro shows up, the three of them rehash recent events. The ladies beg him to help the San Llorentes, especially for Flor. Alejandro says why? She’s not even Gonz’s daughter anyway!

Miranda and Pamela at the doctor – Miranda, as usual, thinks everything is her fault. Pamela tells her to knock it off already, cripes. Fernanda enters and Miranda starts telling HER that Julio’s heart attack is her (Miranda’s) fault, Fern also tells her to knock it off. Julio has a history of heart problems and has had a heart attack before. Pamela says “see? The problems of everyone in the world are not all your fault.” Fern also tells them about Flor’s test results.

Lasagna shows Alejandro info she got for schools. Ok DAD? Will you get off my back now and not treat me like a girl? Alejandro says ok, as soon as you start acting like a woman. Lasagna whines MOM! Daira ignores the exchange and tells Alejandro to be careful of Bertha. Alejandro says how do we know who is lying and who is telling the truth? (Good point, from his perspective anyway) Daira tells him to listen to his heart and that Bertha is a demon!

Cesar and Bertha are at Cesar’s apartment, he pours wine from a decanter. There were zero product placements for wine or alcohol in this show, all drinks are poured from clear glass decanters, never bottles.
Cesar – What did you want to talk about?
Bertha – Your money. And what part of it is mine.
C – Why would I give you a quinto?
B – Because I know EVERYTHING and you don’t want me to talk!
At this point I almost threw up – they attack each other and start making out like drunk college kids at a basement kegger. I can even imagine Cesar the next morning being so ashamed in front of his frat roommates as his ‘date’ Bertha walks out the next day. GROSS GROSS GROSS GROSS GROSS. If you didn’t see this I can’ explain how nasty it was. Ugh.

Fern’s office with Miranda and Pamela again –
Pamela leaves to take a phone call. Fern asks Miranda about her mother, Miranda goes on a tirade about what an incredible bitch and slut she is. Fernanda says “don’t say that. I….” but she’s interrupted by one of the taco vendor’s kids coming in and saying “Julio is slipping into a coma, he had a cerebral hemorrhage!” Fern rushes out and Pamela returns. Miranda whines and outlines the worst case scenario of everything, what will she do? In the end her decision is to wait and see. Way to take action. Pamela calls Angel’s ex-girlfriend to find out where he is, to tell him about Julio’s condition.

Angel and his brother enter a hotel room with tons of stuff they bought. Angel’s phone rings, it’s Miranda on the other end. I guess they tracked him down. He thinks it is about Gonzalo and tells her to call his lawyer. She tells him about Julio’s health and he says she should be paying the bills for it since it’s her fault. She says no it isn’t! (didn’t she just tell everyone it WAS her fault?) Angel says “please” and hangs up. The boys discuss everything and decide that Miranda is lying, didn’t Cesar tell them to trust only him?

Cesar and Bertha again ulp I just threw up in my mouth. They flirt and argue at the same time while they get undressed and head into the bedroom. Oh I feel sick.

Fab makes an appearance! Flor is jealous again, there is much drama, she demands that he tell her he loves her! He doesn’t, he starts kissing her. Miranda appears in the background and for some reason hangs around to watch. Go rent a porno or something Miranda! Fab breaks the kiss and then tells her, in 100 words, how he loves her, Miranda hears everything. Finally she says “excuse me” and says they will be leaving in the morning. “Flor did you take your medicine?” Flor laughs and says Miranda was the same even when they were kids. There is a green flashback of when they were kids and Miranda bossed Flor around and told her what to do, but nicely. How sweet. Miranda leaves crying at the memory and immediately calls Alejandro. She asks him about Gonz, Alejandro fills her in and then asks why is she crying? “I don’t know.” (perhaps it’s because she is this novela’s designated cryer? Like Hipolita from Alborada?) She says she doesn’t know why she called him, he says he was thinking about her and she must have known. He says he’ll be there to see her right away. She gets all teenager and is nervous and giggly about seeing him. Next they are at a restaurant, they do a shot of tequila and are by all appearances on a date. He tries to comfort her, but she has some whining to do first.
Alejandro – What help do you need? Nothing! You have it all. You are so awesome and strong, etc etc.
Miranda – When you try, you really are enchanting. Now I know why Bertha likes you! How can you like Bertha? If I were a guy she’d be the last woman in the world I’d look at!
A – If I tell you the truth, no more questions?
M – Si.
A – She has something of mine and she is going to return it!!! (dum dum DUMMMM!!)

They dance and giggle and act all romanc-ey for a few minutes. Then the credits rolled.


La Fea Más Bella #75-79 8/7 -8/11/06 Lety has a birthday, and a monkey wrench appears

I want to thank everyone for all the encouraging comments. When I started doing these, I wasn't sure anyone was going to read them. I'm really glad to be appreciated.

On the other hand, these are taking way too long to write up, so I may need to cut back a bit on the level of detail.

Some handy vocabulary words for the week's episodes:

Circo (circus); payaso (clown); espuma (bubble bath); farsante (fraud); romper (break).

Now, on with the recaps.

Life of El Cheque

El Cheque is Lola's ex-husband. I don't know why they call him that. Maybe because both Lola and Yazmin need his money. Anyway...

Saimon has taken Yazmin out to lunch to get a new phone. I can't tell if Yaz really likes Saimon or not, but Saimon seems to think she does. She picks out a new phone, and walks away, leaving Saimon to pay for it (even though she already got the money from Lola).

Meanwhile, Lola & El C's kids are stranded at school. El Cheque was supposed to pick them up, but he didn't. (Remember, he fell into a manhole last week.) She goes to the school to pick them up. PM and PM Jr. (who are technically homeless) talk about how awful it is for Lola's kids that their parents are divorcing.

Lola's kids eat a late lunch in Luigi's editing room, and they beg Lola to let PM and PM Jr. stay with them (I'm not sure if that hadn't already been decided).

Yaz and Saimon come back from lunch. Saimon makes a big point of waving Yaz under PM's nose. He loudly tells Celso (in front of PM) that they will be having lunch at a fine restaurant tomorrow. Fortunately, PM Jr. interrupts him by yelling "Santa, Santa!" Saimon and Jr. take off to play together and Yazmin goes to do some work.

Luigi is shooting a commercial with Yazmin, and it's not going well. He's angry because she's just jerking her head around when she is supposed to be like something in a breeze. He tells her they're doing an ad for a romantic perfume, not a migraine remedy. She says she's worried about El Cheque. He tells her to take a break. She thanks him and hugs and kisses him, which grosses him out.

Lola is stewing about El Cheque's whereabouts. Then Saimon comes in wearing a Santa hat, carrying a pink Christmas tree made out of cotton candy and gives it to the kids. The kids are thrilled, but Lola rants and raves about the cell phone. She thinks that must be where El Cheque was - he took Yaz out to get her new phone. Saimon says no, he went with her. Lola wonders, where the hell is her ex?? Lola asks Yaz, but she doesn't know either. Saimon flirts with Yaz in front of Lola and Paula Maria. Moments later, El Cheque comes in on crutches, with a cast on his leg and a neck brace.

Yaz pretends to be sympathetic, but Lola seems to think he's faking. The three of them argue about money. The kids run in to sit on his lap, which hurts his leg. Saimon lures the boy off of dad's broken leg, but then Lola has her daughter put her legs across his lap, hurting him again. Saimon coaxes her off too.

The next day, Lola comes to work in a nice new outfit. She has some sort of meeting (counseling, I think) with El Cheque later. Alicia says something rude, and Sara (Omar's secretary) says who asked you, airhead? Downstairs in the front lobby, Yaz tells El Cheque that she'll be sad if he reconciles with Lola. (Actually, Yazmin, the word is "homeless." Oops, was that crass?) But as soon as his back is turned, she rolls her eyes!

Later that morning, Yazmin and Luigi try the commercial again. He keeps demonstrating what he wants her to do, which is hilarious. He's rolling around on a bed, making googoo eyes at the perfume bottle, etc. She can't seem to get it right. It just looks silly when she does it. She's over-cheesecaking it like she always does. Fern is not happy that the commercial is taking so long.

Luigi tells her it's not that complicated, what she has to do. She tries again, but she's getting worse, not better. He has a tantrum. She says she is tired - an excuse that enrages him. He says he needs to take 5 in his office.

Lola approaches Irma (Luigi's assistant) during the break. The two of them go into the dressing room to talk. There, Yaz is recalling El Cheque's mushy words. She looks at her phone (which Saimon paid for) and doesn't feel like calling El C. She overhears Irma and Lola talking. Lola needs to borrow an outfit for some reason (what's wrong with the awesome new suit she's already wearing?). The skirt on the suit she borrows is extremely short.

She puts it on in the restroom with the feas' help. She looks awesome! The feas try to psych her up for her meeting, but Alicia comes in and with one cutting remark and a laugh, completely bums her out. (Since when do they care what she thinks?)

After shooting is finished, Yazmin asks Luigi if it's okay to take the clothes for personal use. Luigi is offended and asks if she's crazy. She says Lola took a suit. Irma shows up and Luigi asks her about the clothes. He's horrified that his precious clothes are being worn by the likes of Lola. He concludes in English, "Okay? Excuse me" and storms out. Irma scolds Yazmin for being a little tattletale, but Yaz smiles.

Luigi finds and reprimands Lola. Irma tells Luigi she gave Lola the clothes. He yells at Irma and she says okay, she'll pack up her things. Reluctantly, he backs off. Wow. Irma must be some incredible assistant!

At the family court, Lola and El Cheque meet with a counselor or mediator or some sort. Lola and El C argue bitterly, and the counselor watches disapprovingly. It goes on for a while, and the counselor doesn't say much. Some counselor. Eventually Lola storms out of the meeting. El Cheque immediately calls Yazmin, right there in front of the counselor, who laughs at him.

Meanwhile, at lunch, Yazmin tells Saimon that she worries that El Cheque will reconcile with Lola and then she'll be without a boyfriend or a place to live. Saimon eagerly offers to let her stay with him. She moves to kiss him, but then hurriedly pulls away as if consumed by guilt. She worries some more, then makes as if kiss him again, but this time they are interrupted by the arrival of the check. She thanks Saimon for lunch. Saimon is shocked by the amount of their bill. It takes all of his money.

Back at the office, Marcia asks Lola how it went. Lola says it went okay, but privately, she tells the feas it didn't go well at all. She cries and cries.

Yazmin and Saimon come back from lunch, and Sara yells at Saimon for flaunting Yazmin in front of Lola.

Life of Tomas

Last week's episode ended with Tomas hyperventilating on the phone when Alicia answered.

He stammers "Alicia? Alicita?" and she haughtily replies, "Alicia, por usted!"

He mumbles something about a car phone and yells for someone to get his car. RoboPapa gives him a funny look, but Alicia's entire demeanor changes. She softens her voice and starts stroking her hair. Tomas also gets a grip on himself, speaks in a deeper voice, and tells her he's from Filmo Imagen (the shadow company), and needs Lety to call him back. He tells Alicia it was a pleasure speaking to her. (He keeps saying tu instead of Ud., and then correcting himself.) She agrees that it was a pleasure. They hang up, and Tomas goes crazy hugging RoboPapa. He wants to have the telephone enshrined. RoboPapa asks if he's ill.

Lety returns Tomas's call. He starts to tell her whatever it was that he was going to tell her, but she yells at him for mentioning Filmo Imagen to Alicia. Just the mention of Alicia's name sends Tomas into orbit. She gets impatient with him, but he doesn't understand why. She says it's DANGEROUS to mention Filmo Imagen, especially to Alicia. He is excited to know that Alicia asked about him! He assures Lety that FI is all legit and perfectly legal, there's no danger. She spells out the problem to him: she is the official novia of the owner of FI! This is news to Tomas. She hangs up on him.

At dinner, Tomas brings Alicia's picture to the table. Lety comes home. Dad (seeing The New Lety for the first time) says that he likes her clothes, but not the makeup. She admits the look hasn't worked out for her, and she's not hungry. She goes to her room. Mom says to RoboPapa that she seems sad. Tomas follows Lety. Mom and RoboPapa talk about Lety's looks. RoboPapa thinks she's beautiful.

Lety tells Tomas she's had enough comments for today, thanks, but he actually wants to ask how he happens to be her novio? She explains it's all fake, to make it easier to hide her relationship with Fern. They joke about what an ugly couple she and Tomas would make. Tomas wants to know if they will kiss in public. This amuses both of them. Then Tomas realizes this will be an obstacle in his quest for Alicia. Lety asks him to please don't complicate matters by pursuing her. He sadly agrees. He tells his photo of Alicia not to feel too badly. Lety tells Tomas she loves him. He goes back to the dining room and tells Lety's parents he's not hungry (shocking!!) and says love is complicated. Then he wraps up some food to take home. (Where the heck does he live, anyway, and why doesn't he spend more time there??)

The next day, Mom reminds Tomas to call Lety and wish her a happy birthday. Tomas thinks this is a great idea - it'll give him a great excuse to talk to Alicia again.

He calls (more about that later), and after speaking to Alicia, he nearly has a meltdown. Mom wants to know what that was all about. He admits he didn't speak to Lety, but he says the woman he spoke to was just a friend. He tells Mom to check on the beans, and when she turns her back, he steals a very yummy-looking piece of cake.

Life of Alicia

After speaking to Tomas (in Fernando's office), Alicia asks Marcia if she's ever heard of Filmo Imagen, but Marcia is distracted. She has found that model's photo underneath some papers on Fernando's desk. She is sick with jealousy, thinking it's Fern's girlfriend.

When the feas get back from lunch, Alicia laughs at them (don't forget, it's still The New Lety). She also complains about having to answer everyone's calls. She has a whole two messages. One, Lola's kids called from school. Two, some dude named Tomas from Filmo Imagen called for Lety. Alicia's jaw drops when the feas tell her that Tomas is Lety's rich boyfriend, but then she recovers and scoffs. She says he can't be rich AND be Lety's bf. She tells the feas that she's got great clothes, etc. and can easily snag herself a great boyfriend with a snap of her fingers. Ariel has been listening to all this and sneaks up behind her, then starts insulting both Alicia and Lety. She tries to laugh it off and tattles on Lety for getting calls from her novio from Filmo Imagen, but he ridicules her for her snap-of-the-fingers remark and leaves.

Alone, Alicia gloats over her good fortune of discovering Tomas. She goes to Marcia and tells her all about Lety's rich boyfriend. She sorta denies that she would try to steal Lety's bf, but also says that he's too good for Lety, what with the chauffered car and all. Marcia warns Alicia that what she's thinking about is a bad idea, but her words fall on deaf, self-absorbed ears.

Later, at her desk, Alicia has a loud telephone conversation about her car payments. She reminds her creditors of her six semesters of finance at a very good school (she doesn't say which one) and that she will certainly fulfill her obligation. Some of the feas overhear this conversation, which is taking place in the executive lobby. Alicia asks Marcia for money, but Marcia says no, she hasn't even paid back the last loan yet. Alicia says "pleeeeeeeeeeze, Marcia." Marcia tells Alicia to ask Fern, and she is desperate enough to do so. As she goes to his office, Sara and Juana (the cleaning lady) snap their fingers at her.

Next, Alicia accosts Omar. (By the way, she did indeed try to pull a pregnancy scam on both Omar and Ariel, which is why neither of them wants to be with her now.) She assures him, she just needs a moment of his time, not his whole life. She tells him she needs 500,000 pesos (at the moment, this converts to a little over US$46,000). Not surprisingly, the answer is no. She asks Luigi, who makes a show of looking through his pockets, then he's like, um, no, are you crazy? He gives a probably amusing explanation as to why he doesn't have that kind of money to lend. He also complains that there are kids in his office.

Then she asks Fern for money. He laughs and offers her a sobriety test. Marcia says she's cuckoo. Fern does a Carlos Mencia impression. Fern and Marcia laugh and walk away. Alicia tells herself it must be a conspiracy to send her into Ariel's arms. She calls him and starts whining. She tells him she needs 500,000 pesos. Using a calculator (is he really that bad at math??), he says it would take her 100 nights at 5,000 pesos each, which he would find difficult. (That's $462.28 - I don't know how that compares to a standard nightly price for an "escort.") He picks on her some more and she hangs up in disgust.

Next, Alicia calls her father. (She has parents??) The answer is no. Then Carolina (I don't know who she is, but apparently everyone else does) shows up and Alicia tells her she needs 500,000 pesos worth of dollars. Carolina misunderstands and thinks it's for business, so she says okay, just write a Conceptos check. Carolina calls a bank or something for the cash.

When the cash arrives, Alicia self-consciously writes a check for it. She cannot believe it's going to be this easy. Meanwhile, in Marcia's office, Carolina hands Marcia a stack of wedding invitations that she has done for her. Marcia thanks her. As they leave Marcia's office, Marcia sees Alicia hand the delivery guy the check. When she sees what is happening, she gets mad and makes Alicia give the cash to Carolina. (I'm not sure if Carolina understands what is going on.) Alicia invites herself out to lunch with Carolina and Luigi, but Marcia says no, she and Alicia have too much work to do. Carolina and Luigi go to lunch. Marcia explains to Alicia that they need to investigate in Fern's office while Lety is gone.

In Fern's office, they argue about Alicia's car, while Marcia looks through Fern's desk. (That's right - Alicia's attempt to steal 500,000 pesos from the company is already forgiven and apparently forgotten. Amazing. Marcia is the most bestest friend in the whole world!!) Alicia answers the phone (whining), and it's Tomas. They flirt. She starts calling him "tu." He yells to his chauffeur to get his car again. They commiserate over the difficulty of finding good help. Marcia rolls her eyes (but doesn't blink). (Did I hear them agree to meet at 6??) Tomas doesn't want Alicia to tell Lety he called.

Marcia and Alicia talk about Tomas. Marcia again warns Alicia to be careful.

Later, Ed (I'll explain about him soon) asks Alicia where are the feas. They are in the restroom consoling Lola about her dirtbag ex-husband, but Alicia says he can't go in there, it's not allowed. He laughs and goes in. Lola is crying, but he gives them all the sketches he did of them (more on those later), which cheers Lola up. Alicia follows him angrily, but they ignore her and she leaves. Actually, she just listens outside the door. She is intrigued to hear of the lavish, expensive lunch he treated them to (really, I'll tell you all about it). Naturally she goes running to Marcia, telling her that the mariachi band and champagne (later, I promise!!) were wasted on those "nacos," but Marcia is skeptical that Ed's really so rich.

Life of Conceptos

After coming back from lunch and picking on Alicia, Marta, Sara, and Lety talk briefly. Marta talks about food, and Sara wants to know what Filmo Imagen is. Doesn't Conceptos do some type of business with them? Lety stammers and gives a vague answer. She says it's her boyfriend's company but she doesn't want word to get around too much. They promise to keep her secret, and she goes into Fern's office.

Ariel comes in behind her and says he's not happy because he hasn't received his stock dividend yet or something. She apologizes and says he'll have his money tomorrow. That's not good enough for him, though. He says she's not the assistant to the president, she's the assistant to the circus. Fern is a clown, and the whole thing is a farce. He criticizes her appearance and says she's bad for the company and she shouldn't talk about her boyfriend in front of everyone. (She protests meekly.) When he's president, she'll be gone because he wants someone normal as his assistant. He sits in Fern's chair and airily picks lint off of his jacket. Ha. Like lint would want to touch his stupid jacket.

Fern has been listening at the door. He comes in and Ariel excuses himself. Fern wipes the Ariel germs off his nameplate (which Ariel had manhandled during his tantrum) and tells Ariel to show more respect to his assistant. Ariel makes more obnoxious comments and Fern orders him out. Fern tells Lety he doesn't like that kind of talk, but she says don't worry and goes into her office. Fern dusts away more Ariel germs from his chair.

Lety is sad that her new look has upset so many people. She tells Fern she did it all for him. He says it's very nice, but to be honest, he liked her much better before. She says she feels the same way. He says she's special because she's not like other women. She puckers up for a kiss, and he dings her nose with his finger and goes "bing!" She giggles, and he leaves her office. She caresses the door. He looks at a photo of Marcia to feel better.

At going home time, Marcia suggests a sexy bubble bath to Fern. Lety hears them and leaves in a hurry. Fern tries to say no, and Marcia asks, would you rather do something with Lety? He asks, what is your problem with Lety? Whatever, he agrees, the bubble bath is fine, and they leave. On their way out, they runs into Luigi, who has removed the children from his studio. Fern teases the kids and shares some of their surplus cotton candy with Marcia.

That night, Lety writes in her diary, using a regular (non-lighted) pen. She writes about how the new look didn't work out the way she had hoped, and beauty just isn't for her. She's frustrated with her relationship with Fernando, too - there's something weird about it. She stares at the moon. A few nights later, she writes some more - this time with her Jedi pen. She's happy that she has plans with Fernando for tomorrow night.

Next night, they are on a date at a club. She keeps thinking about the night they danced and about what PM keeps telling her. Fernando has trouble keeping up the conversation because of the adoring way she's looking at him. He thinks about what a disgrace he is, and she wants to go someplace else, someplace private, she keeps saying. She's getting amorous and aggressive.

During the date, he keeps getting strange, vaguely threatening text messages on his phone. Things like "you're a disgrace" and "you're a fake" and such. They make him feel even worse about what he is doing to Lety. Soon it's 12:30, and time to leave the club.

Later, outside her house, Lety says be careful, Dad's always watching out the window. Fern gets a third text message. "Are you ready? I'll be coming." Eek! They try to figure out who has his number that would be sending him those kinds of messages. She thanks him for the evening, and tries to kiss him, but he protests. He's nervous about those messages, plus, last time he kissed her in the car in this neighborhood, they got attacked by a gang of ruffians. He tells her, next time we can go someplace romantic. It's late now, but we will go someplace where we can be alone next time.

Mom and RoboPapa have been waiting up for Lety, but they don't seem upset or worried (I think they believe she has been working late). Mom reminds him of how he used to sneak up to her window when they were courting. He denies this. :-) When Lety comes in, they wish her a happy birthday! RoboPapa wheezes a lot. They talk about giving her a party, and she doesn't want one, but they REALLY want her to have one. And RoboPapa wheezes that Fern should come too. Lety says he probably doesn't even care about employee birthdays. Mom says RoboPapa used to give his secretaries perfume on their birthdays.

Marcia has waited up for Fernando, too. She's mad. It's 1:30 by the time he gets home. She asks about Lety again, and he teases her about being jealous.

Meanwhile, Omar is in bed with some model (sleeping) and gets a phone call from someone looking for Fernando. Omar tells the caller to try Marcia's. The phone rings at Marcia's, and Fern teases her who's calling her at 1:30 in the morning, eh? Pretends to be jealous. Marcia tells the person that Fern is asleep and please just call the office tomorrow.

Next, the mysterious caller tries Ariel, who is still in his office (must be looking at internet pr0n since he obviously has no actual Conceptos duties). Ariel yells at the person and says try at his sister's.

Omar's phone rings again, and Omar tells the person something about Marcia (prolly her address).

It's very late. Marcia and Fern are asleep. The doorbell rings. Then a knock on the door. Marcia doesn't want to get up. The ringing and knocking continue. Finally Fern gets up. There is loud, creepy whistling out in the hallway.

Fern opens the door. It looks like some artistic hippy type of guy. He's got a drum and a backpack. Fernando greets this man as his brother, although he's actually a close friend. Anyway, they talk. This brother-like person (Eduardo, henceforth "Ed") has something important to say - he's engaged. Fern seems upset about it, disapproving. But he's just joking. They talk seriously about life and Conceptos. I wish I could shed more light on their conversation, but it was over my head.

Eduardo throws a bit of a monkey-wrench into our story. Not only is he the first significant departure from the Colombian version that I know of, he also messes a little with Fernando's head. I suppose that's because, plotwise, Fern really needs a counterbalance to Omar as a voice of reason. But anyway...

Marcia is not happy to find some hippie on her sofa, but Ed says he'll only be in Mexico for a few days.

Lety's alarm goes off. She wakes up with her glasses on and stumbles into the bathroom, which is full of balloons. There's a music box with a ballerina; it plays Fur Elise. Mom and Dad give Lety some flowers to take to work. She says she's happy.

Ed, Marcia, and Fern go to Conceptos. Ed acts like he's totally in love with PM at first sight. Yazmin fishes for a compliment, but he cuts her down! He says she is NOT what he is looking for. Ed and PM play his drum and some bongos (it's really weird). Omar disapproves. Ed apparently makes Omar grumpy. PM tells Omar privately that she likes Ed a lot.

The feas all love Ed. Apparently, he's been in Guatemala. Alicia walks in, takes one look and starts insulting him. She figures he must be a friend of theirs. He asks her who she is, and she snottily gives her name and tells him how beautiful and smart she is. She insults him again and Sara tells her he's visiting his close friend Fernando, and Alicia's demeanor changes.

Ed shows the feas a photo of a woman - his intended. They swoon over the romatic things he says about her. Lety runs in, yelling, and trips over his drum. He pretends to be angry, and she timidly shows him that it isn't broken. He says something very nice to her, and Martha introduces her as the head of the feas' club. He asks, what does she do at Conceptos? And the feas answer in unison, what DOESN'T she do?

Omar complains to Fern about Eduardo and for some reason they talk about a bicycle. They discuss Omar's concerns about Ed, whatever they are, and then Fern tells Omar of Lety's scary passion last night. Omar warns Fern that he's going to have to Do It with Lety soon. It's crucial for the relationship's survival.

They step out into the executive lobby, where Ed is playing the drums and singing a birthday song for Lety with the feas, Saimon, and Celso. Ed gives her a necklace. (Amazing that he just happened to have a gift for her.) Fern and Omar are like, um, oops, it's her birthday, umm... the feas cheer for their boss to kiss the birthday girl. He kisses her quickly on the cheek.

Ed visits briefly with Fern in Fern's office. He suggests that Fern isn't happy with Marcia. I don't know how he knows that, but we're to believe that Ed is a man of great wisdom and deep sensitivity, because he wears beads and a t-shirt and cowboy hat (also some type of pants, just in case anyone's wondering). In any case, he's right, though Fern doesn't want to admit it. Ed settles down on the sofa in Fern's office to take a nap.

Omar and Fern pass through the lobby again and the feas make Omar kiss Lety. Luigi complains about the horror. While he's doing that, Lety kisses him and he screams. (BTW, I finally figured out what it reminded me of last week when Luigi bumped into The New Lety and they both screamed. You know the scene in "ET" where Elliott sees ET for the first time in the toolshed? It was like that.) Marcia gives a frosty but civil birthday greeting and leaves.

Fern says "we" are buying Lety something (I don't know what). The feas all pat their elbows. I don't know what that's all about. As Fern and Omar walk away, the feas ask Lety what did her novio get her - she says nothing, she hasn't seen him yet. They discuss plans for the evening.

Omar and Fern discuss Lety again while Ed sleeps on the couch... or does he? They hear him snoring and the go into the boardroom. Omar demonstrates a striptease while singing "happy birthday" in English. He says, now that it's Lety's birthday, it's even more important that Fern go to bed with her. They argue, and Lety bursts in. Omar leaves, and Fern and Lety go into his office. He wants to know why she didn't tell him it was her birthday. She tells him it's no big thing; it's dumb. She had a party once (I think) and it sucked. She just wants to go back to work. She seems not to be upset at all, but Fernando is feeling really bad about it.

Ed has heard the whole conversation. He "wakes up" and describes Lety as "hermosa" (kind of a garden-ish sort of beautiful). He asks Fern about her. He tells Fern things that seem to get under Fern's skin. Then he draws some pictures. He says something about MOMA (the Museum of Modern Art, in NY) which impresses Fern, and would probably impress us too if we knew what he said about it.

The feas come in to invite Lety to lunch. When he hears where they are planning to go, Ed suggests another place. While everyone else waits in the lobby, Fern tells Lety that he wants to go out with her tonight, but Lety is worried - two nights in a row? What about Marcia? He tells her not to worry.

Hanging out in the downstairs lobby, the feas brace Lola for her meeting. Yaz comes by on her phone yet again, and Marcia loudly wishes Lola luck on her family court meeting. Yaz practically knocks Sara and Lola over on her way into the elevator. Lety finally shows up, and says she was just talking to Tomas. They're going out tonight. They go outside to wait for taxis.

Marcia tells Fern and Omar that Ed went out with the feas. Fern asks Marcia to lunch, and Alicia wants to go along too, but Marcia says no, it will just be Fern and Omar, because she and Alicia need to work on the commercial. (Huh?) After Fern and O leave, Marcia and Alicia scheme about catching his amante.

Saimon gives Lety a birthday kiss. He greets all of them except for PM, and refuses to shake Ed's hand. Saimon and Yaz leave on Saimon's... is that a Vespa?? Huh. Ed laughs at S & Y. PM calls Saimon a clown. A taxi comes and takes Lola away - they all wish her luck. PM nags Lety about tonight, what is she going to do with her boyfriend, hint hint? They and Ed all crowd into a taxi and go to lunch.

Ed takes the feas to an awesome place. He says it's one of his favorite places in the world. There are swans, waterfalls, even an albino peacock. They are stopped by the vigilant headwaiter, but when he sees Ed, he greets him by name and says if they're with him, they are certainly welcome.

Lety exclaims to herself about her good fortune and takes a plate. There's an incredible, lavish outdoor buffet. They thank Ed. There's champagne. They do a toast. Lety says it's the best birthday in her life. A mariachi band comes and serenades them all.

THEN there's a lavish dessert. Lety and the feas worry that it's too expensive, but Ed serves more champagne. He gives an even nicer toast and they line-dance with the mariachis. (Lety is a terrible dancer.)

After lunch, the feas talk about boyfriends with Ed. PM flirts with him. They gossip that Yazmin is doing to El Cheque (with Saimon) what El Cheque did to Lola.

Ed shows them his fiancee's picture again. They ask why is she still in Guatemala, and he says she's very independent, and not jealous or clingy. For some reason that gets Lety all dreamy.

Fern comes back from lunch and finds Ed in the boardroom, finishing his sketches of all the feas. They sketches are beautiful - even Lety's. He also has a group picture of them dancing with the mariachis.

Later, in Fern's office, Omar shows Fern the gift he will give to Lety - a stuffed animal (either a llama or a giraffe; I'll call it a girama) and card. Omar does a silly stuffed animal voice. The card says something about having many more years together. Fern complains that it's all so sick, but he gives them to Lety anyway. He goes into her office, and Omar leaves.

Lety is delighted with the girama. She kisses Fern chastely, and Ed overhears the whole thing. He asks Fern afterwards if he's always so mushy with her. Fern says, well, she's so important to the company. Ed says he's not interested in lies. (Yikes!) Ed says something again about happiness. He lists Lety's good qualities: she is intelligent, sensible, loyal, and noble. Fern adds, ugly, with big braces, clunky shoes, etc. Ed cuts in with something about Marcia. Fern talks about three years with Marcia and getting married, then stops himself and asks, why do you ask? Ed shakes his head, and asks Fern about his feelings for Marcia. Lety passes through, and after she leaves, Ed tells Fern she's the one he could spend his life with. Fern tells Ed he's made his decision (to marry Marcia), and Ed needs to accept it.

Ed says he accepts it, but he'll never be convinced.

I wish the preceding didn't have to be so vague, but that was the most I could glean from what I understood. I don't know how Ed can be so sure about Lety after the extremely brief time they spent together. Sure she's a great gal, but does he know Marcia well enough to know she's wrong for Fern? And how much does Ed know about the Lety/shadow company/fake love affair stuff?

Will Lety get laid?
Will Alicia lose her precious car?
Will Tomas clean up nice for Alicia?
Will Yazmin suffer some horrible disfiguring accident? We can only hope! Tune in next week to find out!


Friday, August 11, 2006

A reader writes...

From our mailbag here at CarayCaray...


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Heridas, Thursday, August 10

Lasagna, Al & Daira are having a meal at “the club.” Lasagna says that Padre Buenaventura is nice and asked her to call him “uncle.” Al agrees that he is a great guy. He and Al’s mother were very close. Al doesn’t know why they separated and he hasn’t seen him since his mother died. Now that he is in Mexico, Al is going to ask the Padre why he didn’t stay near his sister.

Lasagna points out other girls at the club who are doubtless ‘dissing’ Renata. Daira says that when things are going well, no one dares to say anything but when things go badly, everyone yells to the four winds and chops you up like firewood from a fallen tree.

Al asks Lasagna how she is doing with finding a place to continue her studies. She says that she isn’t sure what she wants to study, maybe fashion design but she isn’t sure. Daira says that she will surely find something. Lasagna has a thought bubble about something that I didn’t really get.

Gonzo is meeting with his lawyer. He wants to know what the delay is in getting him out of the holding tank at the police station. He says that he isn’t a serial killer or a terrorist – this is just about financial dealings. The lawyer says that he is trying. Gonzo wants to see Rebeca and Alejandro. Gonzo tells the lawyer to find out where Cesar sent the money he stole from the firm but not to let Cesar know what is going on. The lawyer gets a call. Bad news, Gonzo is being sent to prison.

Alejandro is at the San Llorente house waiting for Bertha. Miranda appears and greets him nicely. She wants to talk to him. ‘Fine,’ says Al, ‘but I didn’t come to see you.’
‘Oh, you must have come to see Fab,’ says Miranda. ‘No,’ says Al, ‘but speaking of Fab, don’t forget that he is your sister’s husband and I ask you to not hurt Flor.’ Predictably, this sets Miranda off, ‘You don’t have the right to ask me anything. What I don’t or don’t do with Fab isn’t your business. Why the sudden interest in Flor? Does she interest you?’ ‘Yes,’ says Fab, ‘Flor interests me more than you can imagine.’

We continue with this conversation after the commercials. Miranda says, ‘You change your mind a lot. Yesterday, you offered to help me and today you’re interested in my sister. What kind of game are you playing?’ ‘What I feel for Flor is clean and sincere,.’ says. Al, ‘I would never play with her affections.’ ‘What is clean about this? You are a hypocrite,’ responds Miranda, ‘what kind of man would fall in love with the sister of his best friend?’ Al makes the obvious response: ‘What kind of woman is pursuing and harassing her sister’s husband?’ Al and Miranda are within kissing distance and he must have put his hands on her although the camera is too close to see this. ‘Let me go’ she says without meaning it, ‘my feelings are not a subject for discussion.’ ‘Mine either,’ says Al. ‘You’re trembling,’ says Al, ‘Are you afraid of me?’ ‘I’m not afraid of anyone or anything,’ says Miranda, ‘Let me go..’ They seem to be about to kiss when Flor and Fab come down the stairs. Flor is angry with Fab. Al greets Flor with a hug and Miranda stalks off.

At the breakfast table, Miranda orders economies in food purchases and Bertha reminds her that she is in charge of the household and will do what she can to save money. Squeaky then launches into a tirade against Miranda saying that she will also have to stop giving money to the poor. She is sure that their father wouldn’t approve.

Back with Flor and Fab, Al says that he can tell the newlyweds are having a spat. Tell Uncle Al what the problem is. Flor tells him about Fab’s unenthusiastic response upon being told that she pregnant. Fab tries to say that he made a mistake. Al tells Flor that Fab was only concerned for her health and he would have done the same thing. The couple are reconciled. Flor thanks Al and stares lovingly at him while Fab looks uncomfortable behind them.

Once again his lawyer tells Gonzo that he is going to the pokey since everyone is up in arms about losing their investments. Gonzo tells the lawyer to see some minister who is a personal friend to try and get him released. Rebeca arrives. Gonzo tells her that he doesn’t need tears now. All that has happened is Cesar’s fault but there isn’t sufficient proof. Rebeca can’t believe it, ‘Where did I go wrong with my son?,’ she laments. Gonzo says, ‘All this can be remedied.’ ‘How?’ says Rebeca.

Back at the breakfast table, Miranda tells Squeaky that her charitable donations are made from her own money and are nobody’s else’s business. She tells Bertha to get rid of Renata’s bodyguards. Squeaky protests that now she will totally unprotected in the streets. Miranda says that her father got the escort to keep Squeaky from getting drugs, not to protect her. If she wants to destroy her life, that is up to her. In comes Flor, raving about what a great guy Al is. Flor says whoever marries Al will win the lottery in every sense. Flor suggests that Miranda and Al would be a perfect couple and she should go after him. ‘That’s not a bad idea,’ responds Miranda looking at Bertha, ‘I’ll think about it.’

Miranda makes an announcement. Gonzo wants them all to go to the hacienda (in Tabasco) right away. Miranda says that she didn’t want to go but Gonzo insisted. Squeaky comes right out and says that she isn’t going to be stuck in the middle of the jungle.

Rebeca the mop head says that she can’t set a trap for her son like he is an animal. ‘You’re turning your back on me?’ asks Gonzo. ‘No,’ wails Rebeca, ‘but I can’t be my son’s executioner. He’s a dirtbag but he’s my son and I’m his mother. Don’t ask me to do this.’ Gonzo says he has nothing more to say to her. Rebeca goes on and on about parents protecting their children regardless of what they have done and says Gonzo would do the same for his daughters.

Out on the lawn, Al is telling Fab how to handle the Flor situation. Not surprisingly, Fab is annoyed. ‘Everyone is giving me advice,’ he says, ‘but put yourself in my shoes. I have to pretend a happiness that I don’t feel; I have to show a confidence that I don’t have. You think it is easy? The woman I love is going to die and I can’t do anything about it.’ Al gives Fab some more platitudes about fighting the good fight and Fab says, ‘you are one to talk. You have never loved. You never spend more than one night with a woman. Who are you to give me lectures about love?’ ‘All I’m saying,’ says Al, ‘in the months she has left, give Flor all the love you would have given her for a lifetime.’ Now Fab asks, ‘Why the sudden interest in Flor?’ ‘I just want her to be happy,’ says Al. ‘If you are so concerned about the happiness of women, find one and start a family but stay away from me and mine, including Miranda.’ ‘I get involved in things when I have to,’ says Al. ‘Flor isn’t your business,’ says Fab. ‘Oh yes she is,’ responds Al, ‘don’t forget that I took her to see Dr. Fernandez. Her treatment should not be delayed for even one day.’

At the office, with Nuria and his associate in evil, Cesar is getting information about something from the director of a bank. He is pretty pleased with himself but his associate is concerned about the risks he is taking. Cesar says it’s all under control. A person named Roman Alvarez arrives to see Gonzo. Cesar dismisses Nuria and the evil associate. Cesar tells Alvarez that Gonzo isn’t around and he can handle whatever the issue is. They spar a little bit and finally Alvarez says that he has come about Fernanda.

More incredibly boring whining from Rebeca about why she can’t help Gonzo get the goods on the son who has been so nasty to her. Gonzo tells her that he understands that she won’t help him but he is going to do everything in his power to make Cesar pay for what he has done. Gonzo says that he doesn’t want to see Rebeca anymore. Their only contact will be through Fab and once Flor is a goner, Fab will be persona non grata, too.

It appears that this Alvarez was hired by Gonzo to make Fernanda’s life miserable. Sometimes he wondered why Gonzo was so set on harassing her. Cesar says that only Gonzo knew that. Alvarez gives Cesar an eviction order for the place where Fernanda is living. She can be thrown out anytime. ‘Now what?’ says Alvarez. Cesar tells him to find out everything about Fernanda – where she goes, who she sees. Be her shadow.’ Alvarez agrees and Cesar gives him money. Pouring himself a drink, Cesar has a thought bubble that everything Fernanda told him has turned out to be true. Now, all he needs to find out is who is the man that Gonzo killed. He will get that information out of his mother.

Julio is in intensive care. Juan goes to find the neurologist and Fernanda has a thought bubble about how long it has been since she has seen him and she asks, ‘what has happened to us? What happened to us when we has so many years of happiness?’

Fab bursts into Cesar’s office and says how could he throw their mother out of her house? ‘MY house,’ growls Cesar. ‘I’m going to kill you,’ says Fab and they start fighting like six year olds.

Back at breakfast, Al suggests that Lasagna could go to the hacienda with Squeaky so it would be less boring for her. They can all use his plane too. She is happy with that suggestion. Miranda starts to refuse but Bertha interrupts and says that Al is always such a gentleman and they accept his offer. She tell Al that she is ready to go. ‘Where are you going?’ says Squeaky. ‘To see Gonzalo,’ responds Bertha. As it says so oftern in the resumenes of the capitulos on the Esmas website, Miranda is ‘impactada.’ Viewing this scene, Squeaky figures out that Miranda is jealous and is interested in Al. Squeaky tells Flor that she needn’t worry about Miranda paying attention to Fab anymore. Miranda says that she only considers Fab as Flor’s husband and as for Al, he is more Bertha’s type.’ ‘Oh Bertha can’t get together with Al,’ says Flor, ‘Daddy is going to marry her.’ Naturally, Miranda won’t hear of that. Squeaky calls her father a delinquent and Miranda slaps her. ‘Don’t ever refer to you father by that name again,’ she says.

Back at the little boys fighting, Fab asks why and Cesar repeats the ‘mama always gave you everything’ litany. ‘I am better than you and we both know it,’ says Cesar to Fab, ‘you are nothing.’ ‘You are wrong,’ say Fab, ‘I have Miranda and there is nothing you can do about it while I exist. Leave our mother where she is or I’ll turn Miranda against you.’ Fab leaves the office.

Miranda and Tomasa are alone in the dining room. ‘It’s all falling apart,’ Miranda says ‘and I can’t stop it. What bad thing did I do? All I want is for my family to be united. Look at them: Flor took my financé, Squeaky is bad, Dad’s in prison. What kind of family is that?’ ‘You left Bertha out,’ says Tomasa. ‘I have never been able to defeat her intrigues and manipulations,’ says Miranda. ‘What are you going to do?’ asks Tomasa. ‘Save them,’ says Miranda pompously, ‘no matter what it costs me and what obstacles Bertha puts in my path.’ Miranda leaves to apologize to Squeaky and go to the office. When she is gone, Tomasa says that now she has to tell Fernanda everything that has happened with her daughters.

Bertha tells Gonzo that things are going badly for his daughters since he was arrested.

Miranda tries to apologize to Renata but she isn’t having any. She tells Miranda that the only thing she cares about is that Flor took her boyfriend and now Flor always will wonder whether Fab is thinking about her or Miranda. Squeaky doesn’t care about either of her sisters or her father.

Miranda goes to the office and tells Cesar that they are all going to Tabasco. He is not happy about that and is less so when Miranda tells him that Alejandro has put his plane at her disposal.

Tomasa tells Fernanda what is going on with her daughters. She is worried about how they are suffering. Tomasa says that the only one who is suffering is Miranda. Squeaky is more obnoxious every day and Flor is in her own world. Tomasa is also afraid that they will all be thrown out of the house. She has read about similar cases in the paper. Fernanda says no, the house is in her name. It was a present from her father in law. Tomasa is relieved.

Rebeca tells Fab that Gonzo is right. Fab and Cesar have stabbed him in the back. Fab says there is no comparison between what Cesar had done and what he did. ‘He will make you and your brother pay,’ says Rebeca, ‘you don’t know him.’ ‘I know him,’ says Fab, ‘I want you to tell me who he killed.’ Rebeca is surprised and Fab tells her about his conversation with Gonzo on the subject of Flor. Rebeca asks how Fab could betray Miranda. If she were in Gonzo’s place, she would have done the same thing. Fab says that sooner or later he will marry Miranda. ‘How can you say that,’ yells Rebeca, ‘it’s crazy.’ ‘No, mother,’ says Fab, ‘I’ve been thinking. If Flor has the baby and dies, Gonzo will make me go away. That is ok with me but I’m sure that he won’t let me take my child. I won’t tolerate that. I’ll kill him myself.’ ‘How can you say that,’ sobs Rebeca, ‘I heard that before you left on your honeymoon, you told Miranda to wait for you.’ ‘Listen mother,’ says Fab, ‘Gonzo is capable of anything. Miranda still loves me. She would be a good mother to my child.’ Rebeca is hysterical now. ‘Don’t do it, don’t do it,’ she cries over and over, ‘What did I do to deserve you two?’
That’s where the TiVo stopped.


Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Heridas de Amor, Wednesday August 9

Squeaky complains about Juan and calls him a "pobre naco". Lasagna says in these times there are very few people with honor. Squeaky doesn't fall for it. But she does fall for the shock she receives when two girls bring her news of her jailed father.

By phone Gonzalo tells Miranda to count on Alejandro. Miranda is doubtful of Alejandro and she hasn't been able to tell her sisters. No friends have called to help. Gonzalo tells Miranda to open two safes, to remove their contents, the jewels and give the contents to Pamela for her to guard. After they hang up the phone she tells Pamela that she is investigating who bought the stock. The owner can save us or ruin us.....

Alejandro tells Fernanda that he bought the stocks that are in question. Fernanda finally spits out to Alejandro that Alfredo was her first love, but Gonzalo conquered her. Gonzalo is her true love. Alejandro is a little upset to hear these revelations after everything that Gonzalo has done to her and his father. He asks her if she still loves Gonzo. She runs off not answering but saying Think of what your revenge will do to my girls!

Squeaky, wearing a hot stripped pant outfit is having a nervous breakdown to Tomasa. She wants to leave the country where no one knows her. She cries how this is the most shameful thing that has happened to her in her whole life. She left almost fleeing the CLUB! Bertha, Florencia and Fabricio walk up at the end of her hissy fit to hear Tomasa scolding Squeaky to think of her father. Florencia immediately asks What happened to my Dad?!?!?! Tomasa tries to change the subject but Bertha sends Tomasa away. Squeaky (without thinking of the delicate health of her sister) spills the beans. He’s been jailed! We are the laughing stock of everyone! Not only are we in ruin but we have a vulgar delinquent for a father! Florencia faints.

Gonzos lawyer Vincente fills him in on Julios health and tells him that he hasn’t found Julios sons. Vincente tells Gonzalo that the sons represent the clients who are accusing him of fraud. Gonzo calls the sons parasites. Vincente wants to put together a special counsel meeting. Without doubt the business is going to fail. Gonzo asks about finding who is the owner of the reserved emergency stocks. He wants to finally know if the owner will give him a hand of a final blow.

Tomasa yells at Squeaky that Squeaky should not have told her sister about their father. Miranda was supposed to do it. Squeaky copies Berthas maneuvers and tells Tomasa to go to the kitchen. Miranda walks in and finds out about Florencia and starts to yell at Squeaky and Bertha. First though, she hugs Faby and tells him she has been waiting for him. Miranda tells Squeaky and Bertha that it is she who is the only one who decides what is to be done in the house. Bertha stands up and says “No you are wrong Miranda. For that I am here!” She smiles an evil grin. Commercial break. Bertha reminds Miranda that she returned with a few conditions. One is to be the head of the house to give orders and make decisions for the family. If Miranda doesn’t respect that she will leave. Miranda doesn’t believe now is the time for these kinds of disputes. Squeaky freaks that Bertha will leave and threatens Miranda. She wants Miranda to be the one to leave. Fabricio steps in and says Florencia wouldn’t want them fighting. Renata then starts to freak on how poor they are. Miranda says they have to watch what they spend but that she has enough money for their current bills. Renata goes on about how people will talk about her. Wha! Bertha protects Renata when Renata speaks ill of their father. Miranda wants them to be united. The women call a truce. Fabricio offers financial help. Miranda tells him she needs him now more than ever. Renata grosses out on Miranda’s obvious adoration of Faby.

Nuria and Cesar kiss and tell each other how much they love each other. Cesar tries to talk her into not getting married. He changes the subject, he wants the information he asked her about. She hands him what looks like a business card. She tells him with this key you can track (Rastrear) the banking movements. You can search by name, date, business, or folio but you need a contact in a bank. She says it is almost impossible to get this information. He grabs the card. Cesar gives Nuria money and promises to give her a similar amount to buy things for the baby. She wants to pay for the hospital to even things out but Cesar tells her to worry about other things. She brings up getting married, and he starts to get mad. She then tells him that Bertha knows she is pregnant. With this news he gets mad. Nuria then sheepishly admits that Bertha is her godmother who has taken care of her since her parents died. Without Bertha she wouldn’t have studied to be a secretary and she wouldn’t have her job. Cesar likes this. He has something on Bertha! Bertha doesn’t give charity without a reason! He calms down and tells Nuria they will do two things. First don’t tell Bertha that he impregnated her. Second he will investigate who were her parents but not to say anything to Bertha about it. He doesn’t want her to trust Bertha anymore. Additionally he doesn’t want Bertha to know that he knows she is Nurias godmother. Hug Kiss.

Gonzalo is given information that it looks like Cesar committed all the frauds. Gonzalo is mad. He cant believe he was so blind. Vincente tells him that every operation was authorized by him, the fraud looks like he committed it but they believe it was all Cesar. Don Julio might be involved too.

Raul calls Lasagna. They agree on a coffee/ice cream date. Alejandro goes home and talks with Daira and Lasagna. Alejandro is going to investigate Berthas necklace that was his fathers design.

Miranda and Florencia talk about why Flor is mad at Faby. Miranda tells her that Faby acted that way because he is worried about Flors health. Flor thinks one baby wont kill her. Miranda tells her to stop being so emotional, she needs to be calm for the baby. Flor then asks Miranda to swear not to get close to or talk with, unless necessary, with Fabricio. Miranda swears on what is most sacred that she wont. Miranda cries alligator tears and sobs into her pillow.

Bertha, the dog, and Flor talk about how Flor did what Bertha asked. (That Flor ask Miranda to cut off contact with Fabricio.) Flor doesn’t feel right about doing it but Bertha tells her she only did what any woman in love would do. Flor then tells (she doesn’t ask - she tells) Bertha to get rid of the dog because of her allergies.

One of the sons tells Amparo what a great mother she has been to them. She talks of her sacrifices for them and they laugh about how lucky they all are to have each other. Raul overhears and is guilt ridden. He comes into the room and hugs her asking for forgivness. But for what she asks? He runs out.

Bertha and Alejandro talk by phone. She fills him in on what is happening at their house. She tells him that Miranda came home and threw herself at Fabricio. Alejandro is jealous. Alejandro tells Bertha he will come by tomorrow for breakfast.

Miranda has flashbacks to telling Alejandro that she isn’t alone. Then she thinks how she is alone and fragile. She needs his help. Wha! Cry. Cry. Tomorrow she will talk with Alejandro. If her father believes in him she will too. Flash to Alejandro who looks angry.

Rebecca is crying to Fabricio about Cesar and her fear of Cesar. Fabricio acts strong and says that he will force Cesar to stop trying to kick her out of her home. Angel (Don Julios son) calls and wont tell Rebecca where they are. They seem to not believe her that their father has had a heart attack. They tell her they are mad at him for losing their fortune that THEIR mother left them. They hang up. We see the boys discuss if Rebecca is lying to them about their fathers health. They decide that the best thing to do is call Cesar. Cesar tells them that he saw their father the day before and he looked healthy. When they hang up the phone we see Cesar snicker that he doesn’t care if Julio dies.

Miranda grabs Alejandro’s hand, she straddles him and starts to kiss him. Love music plays and Alejandro admits to being in love with her. She tells him that she too loves him FABRICIO. Alejandro wakes up from his dream angrier at Miranda saying she won’t play with him anymore.

Tomasa complains to the other maid that they need to not waste so much food as they set the table for breakfast. Bertha and Renata sit down for breakfast. Renata is going on about Miranda wasting money on the poor and the poor should be paying them back because the money Miranda gave away was theirs. The companies money thus hers. Bertha sends Tomasa to the kitchen but not before Tomasa asks for a favor from Bertha. Renata wants to know what for? Bertha says it’s a pay raise but she wants to know more about what Renata knows about Miranda. Renata says she found out all this information from the Padre Santiago de Buenaventura, the uncle of Alejandro, Alejandros mothers brother. Bertha said she met him when either she or he was losing faith.


Heridas de Amor, Tuesday August 8

As Gonzalo is being arrested he tells Miranda to call the lawyers and to ask Cesar to investigate the fraud. Oops, bad idea. Gonzo orders Miranda to stay behind, Alejandro will accompany him. Miranda believes this is Julio's doing.

The big drooling Rottweiler threatens Daira as a smug Bertha calls him off. She's come to talk about that thing Fernanda told her at the hacienda. Lucas barks, it's dog talk for "you'd better tell her or else!"

Cesar tells Rebecca for the umpteenth time to move out of the house. She tells Cesar that she's going to tell Gonzalo on him. He smiles and informs her Gonzo's in jail. Thanks to her beloved Julio Gonzo is accused of fraud.

Bertha tells Daira not to defend her sister, Bertha knows what she's capable of...
Bertha: Fernanda made up this story that you were Alfredo's wife. Lasagna's too young, I don't believe she's Alejandro's sister. Possibly she is someone's daughter, but not Alfredo's because I myself saw Alfredo die too many years ago.
Daira: And I guess you know because you threw his body in the river, eh?
Bertha: Don't be so sure on a subject you know nothing about. I paid some guys to give him a sacred burial. So there.
Daira: You should have turned in the murderer of poor Alfredo.
Bertha: Don't talk about this subject with me. Are you accusing me of killing Alfredo? You owe me an apology.
Daira: You and I both know I do not. But before you leave I want to ask you something. Why haven't you told Alejandro that you also were in love with his father? Why haven't you told him it was you who always came between Alfredo and Fernanda?

Cesar arrives at the office. He asks Nuria if she has looked into the portfolio of stocks that he asked her about. "Yes, the secretary of the president of the investment house is going to give me the information later." Cesar tells her to call the hospital and find Fernanda. He wants to meet her but he doesn't want anyone to know anything about it.

At the taco stand Juan tells Squeaky (Renata) that he's tired of trying to explain himself to her. He wants her to go away and let them work. They exchange insults. She calls him a thief. Lasagna is embarrassed and drags Squeaky, still squeaking, off to see the Padre.

Miranda is looking through some paperwork and tells Cesar that according to those records a fraud was committed with some of the investor's money some time ago. She says it's a good thing he removed all of the executives because she wouldn't want the employees gossiping about her father. He says as soon as the head controller began reading the reports he decided the information should only be between himself and Miranda. Hmmm... "Gosh, I don't know what I'd do without you Cesar. Forgive me for all my past rudeness. Clearly my papa shouldn't be in jail." Cesar agrees that Don Julio is responsible but the legal representative and owner is Gonzalo. Miranda points out that coincidentally, the fraud was committed only on Cesar's investors. Cesar defends himself, "Yes, but I have witnesses and testaments that Don Julio signed off on them..."

Cesar flashes back to Don Julio telling him that "the transactions" are already closed and Cesar needs to pass the reports on to the comptroller; they have to make everything legal that very day. Cesar hands him piles of papers that all require his signature with hour and date. Don Julia says, " my day we didn't have to sign so many papers." After Don Julio leaves Cesar tells Nuria and his evil partner that they are witnesses of what just transpired. After the flashback Cesar shows Miranda, "See, here are all Don Julio's signatures with hours and dates. He was trying to defraud the clients."

Lasagna scolds Squeaky for treating Juan badly. Squeaky says the poor folk are used to being treated that way by "us". Lasagna says don't include her in "us", she has never treated anyone like that, it's discrimination. A nun arrives to help the girls. When she finds out Squeaky is Miranda's sister she goes on and on about the marvelous Miranda, one of the kindest benefactors they have. Renata wants to hear more about this, allegedly so she can follow Miranda's example...NOT! She doesn't know how her father will like it when he finds this out, and she's going to find out everything. I'm not sure what this has to do with anything.

Lasagna is waiting in the church for Padre. Raul enters. They both know that she recognizes him as her thief with the beautiful eyes. He's sorry about what happened and he wishes they could have met under better circumstances. She wonders is he going to return her documents or will his "accomplice" do it? Raul says Juan is his brother and had nothing to do with the robbery. Juan didn't return her stuff because he didn't know where to find her. "Why did you do it?" she asks. "It's a long story," Raul says, "and I don't think you'd be interested in hearing it. I have to help my family's situation." She doesn't want him to go before she gives him her card, "call me?" (Oh dear, I suppose that means he's going to be shot in the bank heist, but I'm jumping ahead of myself.) "Are you going to turn me in," he asks? "I don't know." I thought this scene was sweet and muy romantico!

Daira says she and Alejandro have been friends since childhood. Fernanda was Alejandro's great love, not Bertha. Alfredo never mentioned Bertha, and when Alfredo's wife died Fernanda was a support not only to Alfredo but also to Alejandro. She made him laugh again so Bertha had better not come between Fernanda and Alejandro or she'll lose. Bertha tells Daira not to threaten her because it agitates her, and Bertha recommends that once Daira agitates Bertha she won't soon forget it. Lucas barks, "Yeah, what she said!"

Alejandro tells Gonzo that because Gonzo's clients have all ganged up on him the judge won't set bail, so Gonzo is stuck in jail. "It's a lie," Gonzalo insists, "I'm irreproachable!" Alejandro says if that's true then they will figure out a way to get Gonzo out. Gonza tells Alejandro that from the time they first met he knew he could trust Alejandro.

Sqeaky, Lasagna and the two bodyguards leave the church and walk by the taco stand. "Ooh goodie, tacos," squeals Lasagna! She wants some, potato please. But Squeaky has a hissy fit and says many horrible things. Lasagna tells her "Fine, so you don't want a taco, shut up already and quit being rude!" But Squeaky won't shut her yap, "These people are filthy, you'll get all sorts of bacteria, you have to be very careful..." She gets louder and louder then Sanson shows up with his cronies. There is a chest-puffing contest between Sanson and the body guards. The girls leave. Raul is sad.

Back at the office Alejandro tells Miranda that the accusations against Gonzo were lodged by Angel and Daniel. "So then all this is Don Julio's fault," concludes Miranda. Don Julio enters, Miranda accuses him and tells him he is vile and despicable. Alejandro explains to DJ that Gonzo is accused of fraud by a group of disgruntled stockholders led by his sons. Don Julio immediately has a heart attack.

At Sanson's place, Sanson's friend tells him that someone recognized those chicks at the taco stand, they were the same ones that were robbed in the restaurant, the ones that Raul defended. Sanson notes that judging by their car and bodyguards those babes "have a lot of wool," i.e. are rolling in dough. Raul arrives; Sanson wants to know where those two taco stand chicks live. Raul says he doesn't know, rich bitches like that always act familiar towards you. Sanson doesn't buy this excuse.

Cesar shows up at the hospital and has a reunion with Fernanda. He says he has no ulterior motives for looking her up after all this time and nobody knows he's there. He wants to know why she left her kids and hordes of godchildren long ago. Why hasn't she told her daughters who she is? He tells her her name is taboo not only in the San Llorente house but also in his. Why is that?

Don Julio leaves the office on a gurney receiving CPR. Nuria must locate his sons immediately. Alejandro wants to help Miranda but the only thing she wants from him is his distance. He says she shouldn't feel alone. "I'm not alone," she retorts, "Fabricio comes home today." Just as Alejandro starts to make some sarcastic remark Rebecca arrives in full hysteria mode.

Fernanda tells Cesar her story, that Gonza kept her from her kids and tried to sabotage her career. Cesar says he never imagined Gonzo was capable of such treachery. Wait until his daughters find out, they should know Fernanda was his victim. Fernanda says they must never know because 1) Florencia's health is too delicate and 2) she doesn't have proof yet but she knows the person behind it all was...Bertha! She needs to find a way to reveal Bertha's treachery for all to see. (I thought everybody already knew.) Cesar wants to help her. Those who caused this situation will pay. In fact it has already started because Gonzo is in jail for fraud and speculation.

Sanson punches Raul but Raul insists he doesn't know where the rich girls live. Sanson stops beating Raul up because he remembers he needs Raul; they are going to rob a bank and Raul has to help. Sanson menaces Raul, "There's no quitting now, if one leave's Sanson's gang then one leaves forever. Now get out; I'll call you when we're ready." Sanson's pal wonders why Sanson let Raul get away with lying to him. Sanson is only pretending to let Raul off the hook. He makes a funny remark about the girls being "Shakiras," probably because of the way Squeaky is dressed. "That stupid idiot Raul sure isn't like his brother," thinks Sanson.

Rebecca can't believe her beloved Julio would betray Gonzo. Miranda says she knows now isn't a good time, but, er...she needs some information. Does Rebecca know of a stock portfolio that Julio sold without her dad's authorization? Rebecca said it was a mistake. Ever since Julio's wife died he has subjected himself to the whims of his sons who have burned through the fortune left to them by their mom. They don't work, all they know how to do is spend money lavishly. They pressed Julio and he folded, he sold the packet to some guy in New York, an agency called Investment Marketing Business.

Fernanda gets paged and she dashes off. Cesar muses that Gonzo and Bertha have a "black history" that everybody ignores. He wonders what the daughters will say when they find out what kind of man their beloved papa really is.

Pamela is trying to console Miranda when Nuria arrives with more bad news. All accounts of the company and the San Llorente family have been frozen. Nobody can have a single penny.

Don Julio's heart has stopped. Juan and a nurse are working on him when Fernanda arrives in the nick of time to de-fib his heart. Fernanda and Juan have saved him. Rebecca and Alejandro arrive and Fernanda tells them Don Julio's condition is very delicate because his brain was without oxygen. He's in intensive care and his sons (who are no doubt out spending money lavishly) must be located.

Squeaky and Lasagna are at the club, sunbathing and bickering about Squeaky's nasty disposition when two more rich bitches walk up. They ask Squeaky hasn't she heard that her daddy has been arrested? Really? She hasn't? The rumour has already spread throughout the entire club.

Alejandro has a rendezvous with Fernanda. She cannot even think that Julio would have sold those stocks. One day her father-in-law told her about those stocks, they had many provisions and concessions within them for moments of crisis such as this. That's why she doesn't understand, why would Julio sell something that her father-in-law set up specifically to protect the company's capital? Furthermore, who would have bought such stocks?

"I, Fernanda," states Alejandro, "I have those stocks in my power."


Monday, August 07, 2006

Heridas de Amor, August 7

Friends, I will be away from the blog for the next two weeks teaching singing at Village Harmony summer singing camp for grownups. Our new pinch-hitter will be recapping the next two Mondays, and I'll be back after that...

From last week: Squeaky (Renata) sends cute Mr. Poor-But-Honest packing. Miranda pouts upon seeing Alejandro plant a kiss on Bertha (in exchange for borrowing that made-in-China necklace). Although I could try caring about Miranda's hurt feelings, really all I noticed was her perfect lipstick. She's going to have to work mighty hard to win me back.

  • Pamela reviews: because her mother's illness is hereditary, she is afraid she herself will end up hearing voices, all alone in a mental hospital. Miranda offers feeble comfort: "we'll come visit you." Pamela says she doesn't think she'd love an adopted child. This gets Miranda talking about her grisly plan: she'll adopt Flor's baby and marry Fab, the widower, when Flor expires.

    When Pamela seems taken aback by this outburst, Miranda counters bitterly: "Oh woe, Julio is a crook, my sister is dying, she married my sweetheart, Renata is a pain in the butt, and Bertha and Alejandro are lovers, cut me some slack here!"

  • Alejandro's flirting escalates as he calls Bertha pretty, smart, passionate, and funny - then asks: "how well did you know my father?"

    Bertha: "Your mother and my sister Fern were school chums. Suddenly your parents (Alfredo and his first wife) married. When Fern met Alfredo, oh how sexy he was, a gentleman, so strong (Bertha drools a little, remembering). She fell in love.

    "When your mother got cancer, Fern thought she'd take her place at your father's side, next to you ... our dad was going to send her to Europe to study, but since she wouldn't stop thinking about Alfredo, he married her instead (to Gonzo). It ended in tragedy and it was all Fern's fault.

    Later this conversation continues. Alex: "My mother knew she was being betrayed?" "Of course, and it hastened her death. ... it wasn't your father's fault, he loved your mother." Concerning a more recent part of the mystery, Bertha queries: "At Flor's wedding Daira said she married Alfredo, but I know that can't be true, because I saw Alfredo dead." She makes googoo eyes at Alejandro as he leaves and asks to exchange telephone numbers. She gets another kiss.

  • Gonzo and Fern have a disjointed exchange. G: "If you won't give me a divorce, at least let's call a truce." They talk about Flor's situation. F: "I wish I could give her my life," G: "I always loved you, you and our children, that was my idea of happiness - and you betrayed me - now you must pay."

  • Cesar eggs on Marcos and brother: "Do exactly as I say and you'll get your money back." He suggests they round up all the investors who have money in Gonzo's business and get Gonzo charged with fraud. "But keep my name out of it." He thoughtbubbles that the brothers are beasts and all they will achieve is more misery for their own father.

  • Amparo and her brother Francisco are buying onions, etc. "So what if the economy is bad? Hungry Mexicans will never resist a taco!" Did he then say, "With closed eyes the flies don't come in" ??

    In comes the son who was reamed by Squeaky. He has certainly taken umbrage. "Why do the rich humiliate us? When we're poor they think we're delinquents."

  • I can't bear to blog the idiot immaturity that is Miranda mooning over Fab. She tells Pamela that Padre Santiago's sister was Alejandro's mother. I suppose this will be important at some point.

  • Alejandro yells at Dayra. "How could you and Fernanda screw up like that? How could you tell Bertha you married Alfredo? Now she wants to know everything and we're at risk. And Fern seems reluctant to help [with my plan to destroy Gonzo]."

    Pointing out that Fernanda might not want her own daughters ruined this way, Dayra counsels: "Give it up. To destroy the love between parents and children is a crime." Al asks if the things Bertha told him were true. "Did you actually believe that woman?" "What she said jibed with my memories of Fernanda always being at my father's side." Dayra says he should ask Fern, she'll tell him the truth.

    Changing the subject, Dayra asks about Miranda. Alejandra feels very discouraged. Miranda is impossible and still in love with Fab. "And then just when I have my hands around Gonzo's neck he offers Miranda to me on a platter!" Dayra says he should abandon vengeance and go with love. "If I mess around with Miranda, it will just be to get even with Gonzo." Dayra says to his departing back, "No, your fate is to love."

  • Rebecca, with a dustmop glued to her skull, holds hands decorously with Julio on the sofa. "I can't believe my son Cesar took everything away [what did he take?], now I don't know what to do." "At least we're together."

    Cesar catches them kissing, says it's ridiculous for old people to be necking, and demands that Julio leave. He says it's Julio's fault that he (Cesar) was run out of the company like a thief, and that Julio smells bad and even his own sons can't stand him. "Stay away from mommy!"

    Later Rebeca says "From now on, Cesar, please don't come here. You have your own apartment." He says both places are his. Mom: "What happened to you? You were such a cute baby..." Her sniveling recollections jog his memory: "I remember, Doc "Fernandez" is actually Fernanda, my godmother!" Gee, she was godmother to an awful lot of kids.

  • Miranda enters the house and finds herself looking down the snout of the evil dog Lucas. She tells Bertha: "Flor's coming back and is allergic to animals, the evil dog has to go." Bertha is happy to hear about Flor's pregnancy and says: "No wonder you're so bitchy, Flor's going to have the baby you wanted to have, hah-hah-hah."

    Bertha sics Lucas on Miranda - he tears pieces out of her dress! "I'll tell Daddy!" Bertha tells Lucas: "We are an invincible pair."

  • Francisco's two nice sons mull over their encounters with the rich bitches. "They have bodies of angels and souls of devils." The third brother, Raul, is in Sanson's gang - he was one of those who robbed Squeaky and Lasagna.

    Amparo and Francisco come in with Fern (who is godmother to the two nice sons) and with big bags of stuff. Joel works in the Doc's shelter, and Juan (he who got reamed by Squeaky), who works in the hospital, will have more responsibility rehabilitating patients in the shelter starting tomorrow.

    Raul enters with even more big bags of stuff. Francisco asks where he got the money and he says a teacher paid him to look for things in the HEMEROTECA, he spent all day looking for info and didn't even go to class. "Hemeroteca? What's that?" Nobody ever tells us.

    Amparo is so happy that Raul brought cereal and deodorant. What a thoughtful guy!

    The viejos go to bed and Joel and Juan yell at Raul. He shouldn't buy deodorant with stolen money. It turns out, Raul says, that he DID buy the stuff with money from a teacher - Sanson actually did not give him any of the money from the robbery - it had just been his "initiation," he'll get a percentage next time. "There won't be a next time or we'll run you out of the house, better the olds should suffer once than die of anxiety every time you walk out that door." After the good brothers stomp away, Raul squeezes out a tear and paws Lasagna's credit cards. "No address! I'll never find you again. I wish I'd met you some other way." You think?

  • Miranda is brooding in her bedroom, yet again, over Fab's despicable "Wait for me!" remark.

    I like these new green flashbacks to things that happened only a few minutes ago - they cut down on the amount of recapping!

    Gonzo comes in and reassures her: if Bertha's dog chomps on anybody again, the both of them will get their marching papers. More unbearable sulking from Miranda. Gonzo reviews his troubles. They mutually wonder if they're being punished by God for their mistakes.

    Miranda what-a-baby says if she can't live her life by Fab's side, she'll have nobody. What about Alejandro? Oh, no, never.

    About the trouble at work, Gonzo lies and tells her everything's going to be fine in a couple days. She intends to hock the hacienda to bail him out.

  • Squeaky and Lasagna discuss their mugging. Lasagna says Squeaky is too hard on the poor, and then asks her to go to church the next day (Lasagna wants to see her uncle the Padre). "OK but after that we're going to the mall," bargains Squeaky. Lasagna dreams about the thief's beautiful eyes behind his mask!

  • Alejandro does some important international business via cellphone and asks "Nola" to find out how much Gonzo's hacienda is worth. He has a green flashback to a few minutes ago and rhetorically complains, "Miranda, you're ruining my plans!"

  • The tacos are selling like hotcakes outside the church when Lasagna and Squeaky (wearing, is it leopard-fur and striped capris cut down to the pubic bone? Is this the way we dress to go to church?) pull up - they are, remember, coming to visit the Padre. There is a big moment of recognition between the girls and the boys. Busted, Raul! Lasagna recognizes him with a languid, somewhat lustful eye.

  • Alone, Dayra is talking to some "Jorge" on the phone. "I can't leave, Alejandro is on this crazy vengeance kick. If love doesn't triumph..." The doorbell rings. It's the evil dog Lucas, come to bite her! Little bits of his anticipatory drool sully the marble floor!

  • At the office: all the clients are suddenly downstairs, demanding their money back! Cesar's plan worked! Alejandro appears and says: "You're in trouble with the bankers and investors..." and then a bunch of people show up and Gonzo is arrested for fraud.


Sunday, August 06, 2006

Heridas, Friday, August 4

[I had a problem with getting my TiVo remote to work Friday night. If you have TiVo, you know that without the remote, it is just a box with lights on it. I went out and got a universal remote, with which I was able to watch Friday’s episode with some difficulty.]

Fernanda continues to ask Alejandro to give up his plan of vengeance for Gonzo. She doesn’t feel the need to make Gonzo pay, she is only concerned about her daughters. Alejandro says that she is entitled to her opinion but it won’t change his plans. ‘Oh by the way,’ he says, ‘I spoke to Benjamin at the hospital and he said Gonzo called and asked him to fire you.’ ‘How long?’ cries Fernanda, ‘how long will this go on?’ ‘Until he gets what he deserves,’ answers Alejandro.

The padre will have something to say when he confesses his sins. He lies to Miranda and says that all the information that he had about Dr. Fernandez was her name and phone number. Miranda seems to have lost her curiosity. [Don’t doctors have to be licensed in Mexico? Isn’t it going to be awkward when Fernanda’s id tag, name on the door and everything else is in a different name? When they are better friends, is Miranda going to keep calling her ‘Dr. Fernandez?'] ‘In reality,’ says Miranda, ‘I don’t know what I expected to find out. It is enough that we are friends and I want to help her in any way that I can.’ The padre approves of this. He says that the support and care one gives to others, God repays 700 times 60’ [I think – in any case, the idea is a large number].

The padre runs right to the church and begs God to forgive him. [the Schubert Ave Maria starts to play in the background.] The padre lied but he did it to keep Miranda, who is an innocent victim, from more pain. Fernanda was a victim of circumstances but she sinned for entering the sacrament of marriage when she loved another man.’ He asks God to help this messed-up family.

Cesar and his associate in evil are in the office. Cesar is speaking to one of the company’s clients assuring him that his investments were with Cesar and are fine. The associate says that now the clients will regard him as a person they can have confidence in. Cesar is annoyed, however, that the clients still ask for Gonzo. The associate is concerned about what might happen when and audit might discover that Cesar is dealing on his own with money invested in San Llorente investments. Cesar blows him off. Everything will be fine, they just need a little more time. The associate is not convinced. When he is gone, Cesar stares creepily at a photo of Miranda and says, ‘soon you will be mine, darling.’

In Gonzo’s office, Julio is criticizing Gonzo’s decision to take Cesar back. Gonzo says, ‘if you don’t want to be here, the door is wide open.’ Julio says that he doesn’t want to break their long friendship with a business dispute but Gonzo says, If anyone has betrayed our friendship, it was you. Do you deny it?’

Cesar sneaks up behind Nuria and makes nice with her. Why? Because he wants something, of course. After chatting a little, he tells her that Gonzo, himself, asked him to come back to the firm. He sends her off on an errand so he can sit at her desk and listen through her phone to what is going on between Gonzo and Julio.

It appears that Julio’s big sin was to sell some private stock in the company without telling Gonzo. Julio said he needed the money. Gonzo believes that by selling the stock, Julio was stealing the capital that his family had put into the firm. Julio says, ‘I’m a partner in the firm, too.’ Gonzo asks Julio to whom he sold the stock and Julio says that he doesn’t know – it was someone in New York. [the most obvious candidate would be Alejandro, of course, as part of his plan to ruin Gonzo.] Cesar says something about Gonzo having an eagle’s talon but I didn’t get what he meant. Nuria comes back and Cesar convinces her to bring him the information on the private stock that Julio sold.

Miranda arrives at the office. Nuria is telling her that her father is busy with Julio when Julio leaves the office, furious and without speaking to Miranda. Miranda asks Gonzo if he is fighting with Julio. Gonzo says he doesn’t want to talk about Julio. At this moment, Alejandro arrives and Gonzo takes an urgent call. When he hangs up, he tells Miranda and Alejandro that Florencia & Fab are coming back to Mexico. Why, asks Miranda. ‘Flor has found out that she is pregnant.’ Only Miranda is surprised since Gonzo and Alejandro already knew about it.

Miranda asks how Fab could do such a thing knowing about Flor’s condition. Alejandro says that it happened before Fab knew. [Why isn’t she angry that Alejandro, who is not even a family member know about Flor’s condition and no one told Miranda?] Miranda then says that they have to tell Flor about her condition and maybe she could terminate the pregnancy. ‘No,’ says Gonzo, ‘what would you do if you were in Flor’s situation?’ Miranda acknowledges that she would try and have the baby even it resulted in her death. ‘No more tears,’ says Gonzo, ‘we have to try and pretend to be happy for Flor.’ Then Gonzo asks Miranda to leave him alone with Alejandro so they can discuss his investments. Miranda leaves.

The vet has brought Bertha the guard dog she wanted. Renata appears and ask why this breed – it smells bad and attacks its master. The dog shows that it has good judgment and growls and barks at Renata. The vet says no, the dog doesn’t smell bad and always knows its master.

Miranda goes to see Cesar. She asks him how things are going. He tells her that he is having some success in persuading clients to wait before demanding their money. Miranda says that now they must raise money. Cesar responds that a great deal of money is needed – more than a bank will lend her. Miranda says that, if necessary, she will mortgage the hacienda and the house. She will not abandon Gonzo. She has a flashback to the conversation she had with Gonzo about Flor only a few minutes ago. Miranda changes the subject. Does Cesar know why Alejandro is meeting with Gonzo? He tells her that Alejandro’s contract with Gonzo has big interest penalty for each day construction of the hotel is delayed. Since Gonzo can’t get the permits to build, the project is delayed. Miranda says that she wants a copy of that contract. Cesar doesn’t have it but he suggest maybe Nuria could get it for her.

When Miranda is gone, Alejandro says maybe Gonzo was a little hard on her. Maybe, says Gonzo but this was the only way to handle the situation. If I didn’t say what I did, Miranda would fall apart and I can’t face losing another daughter. Gonzo starts to write out the check for the interest and then asks Alejandro what his feelings are about Miranda. Alejandro says that he can’t deny that he is attracted to Miranda but she still loves Fab.
G: Do you think you could make her love you? [he actually said, ‘do you believe that you could conquer her?’]
A: Would that be ok with you?
G: I never thought that I would be having this conversation. I don’t want my daughter to suffer. I think that you could make my daughter happy and forget about Fab. That would be your task.
A: In that case, forget about the interest penalty.
G. Don’t get the wrong idea, Alejandro, I’m not selling my daughter.
A. I’m not buying her.

Back in Cesar’s office, Miranda has discovered some irregularity in the accounts. She asks Cesar who was responsible for these transactions and Cesar points the finger at Julio while appearing to be reluctant to do so.

Gonzo tells Alejandro that Miranda is very important to him so he should treat her as she deserves. Alejandro has a flashback to Gonzo telling him to find the vulnerabilities of the person who killed his father – vulnerabilities like his children. [Ah, the irony here. Gonzo tells Alejandro how to do the most damage to his victim without knowing he himself is the target.]

In come the sons of Julio and one, named Daniel, is our Marcos from Alborada [yippee!]. The other one is named Angel. Miranda is happy to see them.

More new characters: Pamela’s mother hears voices and is in an asylum of some kind and the good Dr. Fernanda is helping her have neurologist look at her. She has had this problem for a long time and it caused Pamela’s father to run off and she doesn’t know who he was [but since this is a novela, he is almost certainly someone we already know.]

Bertha is pleased with her purchase of the guard dog.

Gonzo meets with Daniel and Angel. They want to take their capital out of his company. Gonzo says that they will have to wait a few weeks. Angel, who doesn’t appear to be very angelic, says nastily, ‘in that case, be ready for the consequences because my brother and I..’ Gonzo interrupts and chews out Angel for speaking to him in that manner. Outside his office, Cesar is buttering up Nuria with promises of an apartment and all manner of baby stuff if she gets in the information he wants. Gonzo throws the brothers out of his office. They make threats and Gonzalo says go ahead. When they leave his outer office, Cesar runs after them and says that he must speak with them if they want to get their money.

At the asylum, Fernanda gets a call from the neurologist. He can’t release Pamela’s mother because he wants to redo her tests or something like that.

Juan brings Renata the stuff that Raul stole at the restaurant. He says that he found it in the subway. She immediately accuses him of being the thief and says that she will call the police. Raul protests his innocence and says he was a medical student who works at the hospital. As evidence, he gives her his identification. Renata mocks his name and address but finally agrees to let him go provided he never comes back.

Alejandro has asked Bertha to meet him at a bar. He tells her that he wants the necklace that she wore to the wedding. She says, ‘what will you give me for it?’ ‘Whatever you want.’ Alejandro answers. ‘Really?’ says Bertha. Meanwhile Miranda is coming into the bar. Bertha sees her but she is behind Alejandro. Bertha leans over and kisses Alejandro. Miranda has a flashback to Alejandro telling her that he could help her start anew after Fab. She feels betrayed and drags Pamela out of the bar.

Gonzalo has asked Fernanda to come and see him. He wants a divorce and has drawn up the papers. She rips them up. ‘Once,’ she says, ‘I would have signed them without hesitation but now things have changed. I want something in return.’ ‘What do you want?’ says Gonzo. ‘My daughters, the years I have lost, money…’
At this point, the TiVo recording stopped.


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