Thursday, April 26, 2007
La Fea Más Bella #261 4/25/07 A proposal, a pizza suit, a he-she and a he, he, he
Lety stomps past the cuartel. The cuartel talk to Omar. He flatters them as queens of gossip and masters of intrigue. They are about to tell him a secret, what Caro told them. They give him the address and the time that he can “run” into Aurora.
Old man from the sea rescues Lety in her office from her horrible deed of stabbing Fer’s heart. She thanks him for coming and hugs him. She said she’s very sad, and he says he knows it will take a while to get over him. She says that she has to, and he tells her she’ll have all his love to do it with so don’t worry. She asks if it will bother him that Fer is her assistant. Like the proper control freak he is, he says yes, but he qualifies it, that having Fer near isn’t going to help her get on with things. I’m thinking maybe it will help. Maybe it will help her fall back in love with him like she’s supposed to. She says she can’t kick him out though as he still needs his family's trust restored in him and she needs to separate the work stuff from the love. She tells Aldo she can handle anything with him around. Darn it Lety!! You should be able to handle anything. Period. No Aldo or anyone else needed!!!!
Caro goes to see her old friend Luigi. He resents being called old. She asks him if he would help her play a trick on Omar. He agrees delightedly.
Aldo & Lety are still talking and Aldo thinks they should start thinking about the future. She figures he’s not talking about the business. He says he is, but he isn’t, because she knows he doesn’t want to keep Conceptos and it’s only going to be a brief part of his life. She remembers of course that his life is the sea, and his own restaurant. She promises she will do everything she can to get him back his money so he can fulfill it. He says our money. How sweet. Baby talk and babble ensue. He offers to cook her dinner.
Omar is telling himself Aurora won’t escape him. Fer comes in screaming and says that he’s done lamenting. He can’t let Lety get away and he's going to do something. Omar is traumatized by his sudden screeching entrance. They mock the saying "voy a ponerme in Shock" a political slogan from a campaign in 1973.
Fer is mad; he is looking for someone to release his fury upon and Omar is just sitting right there there on a silver platter for him. He asks if O will lend him his face. Omar likes this idea of the old bully of Conceptos coming back and reminds Fer of the qualities of his former self. Fer says what he needs to do is pay off the debt and get rid of Also once and for all. Omar wonders how he would get all that money. We can see dim light bulbs going off in Fer's head.
Tommi seeks more advice from Aldo. He tells him he wants to propose. A asks T if he is sure about it. He says the surest. Aldo tells him if he is talking to a man that is completely sure of what he wants then advice is worthless. He wishes him luck and congratulations him. Tomas isn’t sure if Aldo agreed with his plan or not.
In a random park the cuartel and Caro are hiding behind some trees. Omar shows up looking for Aurora. He sees her silhouette in the distance. He is blindly filled with anticipation of lust. He approaches her. He sweet talks her and puckers up. Aurora turns around and it’s Luigi!!!! He says it's about time Omar wanted this and he tries to kiss him back. They dance around while the cuartel and Caro laugh. Luigi wants more kisses!
Fer writes in his diary. He reflects that Lety gets relief from hers, so maybe it will work if he writes too. He starts: Today something awful happened. AD took away the love of my life. I handed her to him on a silver platter. I'm very stupid. I didn't think it would happen to me. Really, it shouldn't happen to anyone. I should tell the world about this so that nobody makes the same mistakes that I did.
Caro is telling Lety about the Trampa. She laughs hysterically. I guess Fer is out of her mind. She definitely was more worried about Aldo when he found out about her and Fer. Oh well. She says now she’ll never be Aurora the justice seeker again. Caro tries to convince her that Aurora is her, that she is that beauty and she should let herself be beautiful. She says no, I’m Lety the Fea and that’s how I like it and that’s how I’m going to stay.
Fer continues that he should write a book for this purpose, to tell everyone. A book about the memories of a Don Juan Region 4, Pirate. What should the title be? The flavor of sadness. Ha Ha
Lola watches a commercial while retrieving a tape for someone and realizes that the mysteriosa lives in Lety’s area!
Caro is telling Omar he deserved the joke because he bugged her first. She tells him to accept that MM (Mujer Misteriosa, aka, Aurora, aka Lety la Fea) doesn’t want to see him anymore. He can't understand why someone wouldn't want to enjoy his fine specimen. She leaves his office in a huff after telling him he needs to change his habits of conquest, she doesn’t want to discuss the subject anymore, and perhaps it’s necessary that she doesn’t see him anymore. Just then Fer comes in and wonders what did you do to Caro, she’s an angry woman? They jest a bit, then Fer tells him there is going to be a committee meeting at the house
Tomas buys the ring and believes Ali will love it.
Lety is looking for someone during which time Lola runs up saying she knows who MM is. Lety is impactada and covers by wanting to know who. Sara is suspicious of her interest in the gossip. PM surmises it's because she already knows this woman lives near her. Lety says she's seen her but doesn't know who she is. The cuartel get frustrated with her.
Martha’s husband brings Tomi up with a bunch of flowers in his taxi. He goes in. In the meantime, Celso and Gordo Lobo discuss buying houses because Tomas could do it and Lobo decides he's going to buy his wife a house because it's maybe possible for him to financed too then.
The cuartel is talking again about MM and Sara begins putting two and two together, that if the woman lives near Lety, and is a friend of Caro then maybe Lety is Aurora!! Hey wait a minute. Juana is supposed to be our closet genius with the prophetic clues. What happened?
Anyway Sara figures it out. Everyone laughs in certain disbelief. Omar says there is no way his lover could be Lety. There is nothing alike about them. PM questions that they are really together. He says yes we are lovers. Lety comes up behind him and laughs that he really presumes they are lovers. She says we women have plenty in common and maybe there's even a little of me in your Aurora. She walks away, but listens through her door crack. Omar rejects that idea and says his love is elegant and beautiful and the gargolita is a monster and is fea, fea, fea. To this Aldo walks up. Uh oh.
Waldo can’t decide if he’s going skiing or wandering inside an office. Sorry but that’s a little long and striped to be a Valentino. He wants to speak to Omar alone in his office. Aldo tells him he will never call Lety ugly again, and what’s more, he will apologize publicly. To this Omar protests and calls Aldo crazy until Aldo gets in his face and requires it. He then tells him to get the heck out of his office. Twice.
The journalists ponder Aurora’s picture.
Tomas calls Ali into his office, He comes out from the tree of roses and pops the question holding up the ring. Ali gets plenty wide eyed at the ring.
Fer calls a meeting at home and the whole family shows up. Even long lost Ana Leticia. She thinks it's ok if he wants to get some surgeries, as no one really knows what he wanted and they all speculate about his reasons for calling them together. He tells them he wants to pay the debt as soon as possible and to do that he’s going to sell all of his belongings. The “family” is impactada.
Lety is mad at what Omar said. She wishes she could get back at him somehow, she decides she will serve justice again as she draws more on her eyebrows.
Back at Casa Mendoroel, Ariel tells Fer that he ruined the business so he’s got to fix it. On his own. They fight like usual. Humb says they won't get anywhere like that.
Fer knows this decision will leave him out in the cold, but he has to do it. While they are discussing this, Bozo seems to be trying to figure out what all the belongings are.
Omar says even if they sell everything it’s not going to pay it all, Fer says he knows, but at least it will reduce the amount owed quite a bit.
AL worries about selling her house. Fer says well if you want to support me it’s ok, you don’t have to sell your house. You have to sell your house, your car, your jewelry and more. She asks if she even has to sell her implants! He says, well, if you can get them out and sell them then sure that would be great! In fact, we could sell them by the liter because we'd probably make more money that way.
Fer says he knows doing all this is a risk, but it's something that will help them all.
Somehow Ali turns up at her desk again. Tomi wants to know what her answer is. She whispers something to him. He is impactada and tells her he didn’t say those bad things. She continues by telling him she could never live the sensible life with him. He counters that he is at least a self made man and has worked hard for everything he has. She tells him it’s not enough. He asks her one last time and she shouts NO!!!
Tomas loses it. He puts his hands down into Martha’s pizza and picks it up and brings it to his chest in agony. He writhes in emotional pain clutching the pizza. To this Martha loses it too. Her lunch is being destroyed. They are all wailing away. PM tries to contain Martha. Finally Tomas rubs the pizza all over him. Must be some sort of Mexican pity ritual I’m just not familiar with. Does this make you undetected by the misery gods or something? Anyway….
Lety is in her office practicing her Aurora walk. Just then her phone rings. She answers in Her deep Aurora voice. It’s Waldo and he wants to know why she answers this way. A couple more mi amor’s and he tells her he wanted to meet her but he’s got to work really late. She is not upset. He asks if she is ok about Omar’s comments and she says fine. He tells her no one will dis' her ever again.
Humb is not really interested in doing away with his comforts and tries to come up with a reason not to make the decision. Bozo backs him because I’m sure she’ll be damned to have to give up her wig collection. Fer says he knows this makes them nervous and says that he might even have to come back to live with them, which he knows Bozo would like, but he not as much. Ari says he won’t sell anything. He and AL leave after Fer loses composure about their lack of support.
Luigi and Caro rehash the joke. He says how funny it was to see Omar in that state. He wants to know who the friend is. Caro won’t tell him no matter what. He says he would be more upset if it was a male friend rather than a female friend. Luigi wants to do another prank.
Omar tells Fer that his idea is not so good. Besides, he really has nothing other than his little apartment and that really won't help to sell. Fer still insists he needs to do this to save the business. They joke that Omar does everything he tells him, even take a seat when he asked. Omar gets a call on his cell phone. It's someone trying to arrange a meeting for him with Aurora. He takes the phone number on his tie to call back because he's not sure if he should go. Fer is surprised because he was so loco for her, but O says it's a message from an unknown person so he needs to watch out. While they are talking, Mar walks up and they cover.
Tomas is consoled by the cuartel for his rejection. Lety comes out. He doesn’t want her to know. He makes the cuartel follow his lead to hide his pain. PM gives him his jacket. He leaves complaining his coat smells like Pizza. Lety wants to know what's up but realizes she has to get going. Ali comes up and the cuartel tell her she should have some pity on the man she destroyed. She tells the cockroaches to get out of her way because she forgot her bug spray today.
Fer is on the couch talking with Mar and he is surprised and pleased that she is willing to help him. She says well she's been thinking this whole time that there’s just some things that are more important, and one of those is that I care for you.
And we are back where we started.
Labels: fea
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Duelo de Pasiones - Wed April 25 - Max Learns He Has a Son, One He has Always Wished For
In Mexico City Coral plus two of her Cueva de Diablo friends sit listening to an attorney read Don Celsos will.
Rosita and Carmen chat. Rosita claims that she knows that Santos is still alive. Carmen tells her Let God hear you daughter. Rosita leaves the room and Carmen prays to the virgin de Guadalupe to return her son.
Santos has decided to take a walk around town to see if he will recognize anything. Doctor Zavala/Einstein warns Santos to not get near Alvaro Montellano nor Don Max. Santos tells him that he won’t and he will return later that evening.
Coral receives her great fortune as her two cave mates sign as witnesses. As she looks off in space she sees the evil nephew out of the corner of her eye. She screams, one of the cave mates (possibly the club bouncer?) gives chase. He reports back that the wimp has fled running.
The Singing Aunt and Don Max tour the courtyard of La Rinconada. He finally asks her if she went to his office. SA denies doing that and asks him why he is asking. Max hesitates and SA talks over him telling him that he is just confused.
Don Loco has tied Soledad up at her hands and feet and has left her to sit on her bed. He removes his gun and hat, takes a chair, props up his feet and tells her to shut her pipe hole so he can rest. Soledad spies the gun sitting on the dresser as she watches Don Loco fall asleep.
Emilio and Alina keep up their silly argument. Where will you go? It’s dangerous for you. I want to help you. You don’t believe me. I don’t need your help. Ugh!
Vera acts like she is trying to be a friend to the most popular girl in high school. Thelma, the popular one, does not want Vera as her friend or for her to be around for that matter. Thelma is going through all the clothes that no longer fit her as she complains how her pregnancy has made her deformed. Vera tries to talk her into being excited about her pregnancy but Thelma doesn’t care to hear it. She ends up giving Vera all of her pre-pregnancy shirts. Vera is thrilled; the shirts are of the finest quality. Gosh this must mean that Thelma likes her. She really likes her!
Luba prays to the Virgincita that her chest will show up. Gaspar complains that all the servants are afraid of them. Luba tells him that the worse part is that they are accusing her of being a bad witch. They will have to leave soon. Plus Cacique said he would find her where ever she is….
There is a flash back or a flash to another group of people. A man brings in a woman who he calls Myrka, she is a curandera. An ailing man on the bed screams that he doesn’t want another witch to touch him, not after what that Luba did to his son. The first man tells the sick man to trust in Myrka. The sick man finally agrees but only after he warns her not to use any bad herbs on him. If she does his friend will kill her.
Alina whines to Tonkey/Donkey bored little doggie.
Rosita tells Braulio that Castulo would know if Max killed Santos.
Angel tells Emilio that he believes in Alina, and guess what?! She’s in love with you, Emilio!
Emilio and Angel discuss how Emilio’s love (Alina) is impossible. He’s married, she’s an idiot. Angel tells Emilio to fight for her.
Rosita tells Braulio that Castulo would sell his mother for money. They will get him to tell them what happened to Santos.
Emilio complains that Angel didn’t see Alina in bed with Orlando. Angel tells him to get over it, get divorced, be free, get with Alina. Emilio keeps talking about seeing Alina in bed with Orlando. Angel tells Emilio that he has another important thing to do; to believe in Alina’s innocence. Emilio thinks that is hard to do.
Elias and Doctor Love see each other at the work site to reconfirm that tonight they will burn the fields. Orlando walks up as Dr. Love leaves. Elias wants to know if there is something going on between him and Alina. Orlando tells him that it’s a small romance. Elias is exuberant with his praise telling Orlando to protect Alina.
Soledad talks to herself as she looks at the sleeping Loco. She knows that Mariana knows who the letter was for! She unties her ropes and grabs the gun. She looks at the sleeping Loco as she makes her way out of the room. She unfortunately brushes her legs against his as she goes past Loco. Loco wakes up and stares her down. She stares him back down the barrel of the pistol.
Sergio finds Adela packing up a box in the living room. She tells him that the boss fired her. He is ecstatic. He tells her she deserved it for being a traitor. He asks her what does she have in her box; she arrived with nothing, so why is she leaving with this box? Adela tells him she isn’t like him. She isn’t stealing anything. Plus he is the last person she would give an explanation to on what’s inside the box.
Elias rides a horse over to the Rinconada to see Alina. He tells her he has been a little ill, nothing of importance. Gosh these martyrs grow like trees in these stupid hills.
Don Loco taunts Soledad to shoot him. He tells her she isn’t capable. She blabs her usual junk about how she would for her daughter. They struggle for the gun, the gun goes off, and we see how big each of their eyes can get.
Soledad passes out as Don Loco spies’ blood coming from her leg. He tells her she will be alright, it was just a scratch. He kisses her on the mouth. He laments why he can’t leave her. He blames her for his actions like a typical abuser, “Look at what you’ve made me do.” Wha.
Alfonsia is excited to have heard the gun shot. She tells Mariana that “finally the patron has killed his traitor wife.” She looks at Mariana and tells her that he will probably kill her next.
Elias asks Alina about Orlando. He wants to know if she is going to marry him. Alina is short on words. He tells her not to marry if she doesn’t want to and besides he is going to take her out of Sierra Escondida. Alina thought bubbles that she will have to marry Orlando in order to save her mother.
Thelma asks Emilio if he is mad at her. She has only been taking Orlando’s side because she doesn’t want Emilio to make an injustice happen with his best friend over Alina. She coerces him to touch her pillow, their child.
Its night and Rosita is looking for Carmen.
Santos has made his way to the Meson de Edelmiras for a little R and R. He is befriended by Granillo. Granillo tires to ply the young man with alcohol but all Santos wants is water.
Max and Castulo are in Max’s office when Carmen bursts in. She wants to know what Max has done to Santos. He screams for Castulo to get her out. She screams over Castulo telling Max that she “needs to know if you killed Santos! If you did then you committed the worst of sins! Santos is your son!” Max freaks.
Soledad is tied up and in the bed again. Don Loco hovers over like a nervous nurse. He kisses her forehead. As his lips touch her forehead he finds that she has a fever. He worries about the fever but is interrupted by a field worker who has come to tell him his coffee fields are on fire. The fire is going to ruin the harvest! Loco is torn on what to do but he chooses to leave for the burning fields and to leave his burning wife.
Emilio and Alina sit down to have a chat. Emilio tells her he wants to believe in her. She cuts him off telling him that he is instead full of doubt. His doubt disgusts her. She tells Emilio to listen to her, she wants him to go talk with Orlando and obligate him to marry her.
Max screams after Carmen that she is a liar. Carmen shouts that she never thought he would be capable of killing his son. She should have told him but but but. Max repeats “No puede ser!” over and over.
Emilio tells Alina not to tell him she wants to marry Orlando. She tells him to listen but he mumbles on. He is sure now that what Thelma said is true; that Alina wanted to get with Orlando to get out of town. She did it all voluntarily, on purpose!
Don Loco tells Isidrio, a field hand, that the fire was set on purpose. They stay to fight it.
Gaspar whines about wanting to see what’s going on with his son. Luba begs him to not ask about his son again. Does Gaspar want them to kill him? Well, no, Gaspar doesn’t want that but I’m beginning to want that.
Alina begs for Emilio to listen to her. It’s not what he thinks. She hates Orlando, he disgusts her. It’s just that she could be pregnant by him. Emilio’s is impactado.
Elias waits outside for Soledad. Soledad prays to the Virgin to help Elias.
Max tells Castulo that Carmen is a liar. He claims it isn’t true, he didn’t kill Santos, it was Castulo. Castulo admits he killed Santos but only because Max ordered it. They decide to drown their sorrows at the Meson. Castulo worries about the aunt but Max quips he doesn’t want anything to do with that oldy/ viejita.
Santos asks Granillo if he has seen him before. Granillo tells him no.
Alina tells Emilio that the possibility exists that she is pregnant. That’s why she wants to marry Orlando. She is resigned to having a bitter life. The only thing she wants to do is save her mommy.
Thelma tells her Aunt Rebecca that she is too made up. Rebecca doesn’t care. She is excited about her date. She is sure that Max will asks her to marry him to night. Goody! She is as sure as her name is Singing Aunt. Thelma is doubtful.
Emilio finally agrees that things will be how Alina wants them to be. She walks off and he thinks to himself about how is he ever going to live without her? Boo hoo.
Carmen goes back to Braulio’s house. She tells Rosita and Braulio that she told Max that Santos was his son.
Santos gets up and leaves the meson. Castulo sees Santos and says No puede ser! Max asks if he has seen a ghost. Castulo denies seeing a ghost and thinks to himself that Santos is alive.
The Singing Aunt is devastated that Max stood her up. She cries.
Emilio corners Orlando to tell him to marry Alina. Orlando snorts that he will do no such thing. After Emilio walks off Orlando smirks with pleasure that Emilio is dying of jealousy.
Don Loco admits defeat against the fire. Elias wonders where Alina is. Alfonsia decides to leave Marianas room to find out about what is going on.
Alfonsia goes to the room where Soledad is tied up. She sees the gun and grabs it. She points it at Soledad and tells her not to worry she wont shoot her. She will wait for the patron to do it.
The field hands see that the wind is changing. They have saved the harvest! Don Loco promises everyone a good compensation in their salaries for their hard work. The workers cheer for Loco.
Elias creeps into the hacienda. Alfonsia jumps out of a corner brandishing the gun at him. She tells him she knows he is the lover of Soledad.
Alina whines to Tonkey/Donkey this little doggie hasn’t gotten to do anything this show.
Sergio finds Alfonsia, her gun, and her hostage Elias sitting on the living room couch. Sergio throws a punch at the hostage Elias. Don Loco enters the room saying My we have a visitor.
Emilio looks at his sleeping brother worrying how his brother will feel when he finds out that Alina turned his marriage proposal down to marry Orlando.
Elias tells Don Loco that he came for Mariana not Soledad. Loco knows that Doctor Love must not be far behind if Elias is there. He asks Elias so which one of you two set the fields afire?!
Tomorrow Alina tells Orlando that she wants to leave stupid hills. As Orlando’s wife she will be able to leave. Thelma tells Orlando he will be very wealthy if he marries Alina. She is the real daughter of crazy Montellano.
Labels: duelo
Destilando 4/25 - "I guess I'm allergic to seafood."
After Gaviota manages to send away Aaron's newly-rejected lover, she advises him to go finish it off that very night, talk to the girl at the girl's apartment, or the girl will show up again and embarrass him. He's impressed with Gav's common sense and says she's indispensible. She flips her hair perkily and says she won't betray his confidence.
Isa has reappeared at the hacienda. Rod is more excited to talk about his cows with Roman than he is to say hello to his wife. He tells her he must go see to the harvest and will be back late; she says she'll have a great surprise for him when he returns.
Rod thoughtbubbles: she's a good woman but I don't desire her. Drinks tequila.
Hilario pulls the red negligée out of the bag and remembers how SanJuana rejected it angrily: "It's big enough for a cow!" His mom busts into the room. He inexpertly hides the flimsy scarlet nothing and bolts. His mom, of course, finds it and figures it's a present to her, from her husband Roman.
Isa selects an aphrodisiac menu from her new book and explains to SanJuana how it will stimulate Rod's libido and guarantee a delicious night. "Only science and food never fail." She is very enthusiastic while adding the active ingredients.
Rod and James have an ecstatic reunion in Meliton's agave field. Acacia enters the frame, head down, scowling, and offers Rod water. James asks nicely if he can have some, too. "I'm invisible to her, but I'd do anything to stay near her." [I just have to ask: WHY? I see no apparent charms in this young woman. -- Ed.]
James gives marital advice to Rod: "Your wife's pretty, you should at least try to have sex with her to save your marriage." "Maybe you're right. I'm trapped - in soul, body, and in love of Gaviota."
While Isa is planning the late-night seduction, Gav dreams of Rod and Isa living happily and intimately together. Their spectral kisses wake her. (Later she is looking on the internet for courses in business administration. Her mom thinks she doesn't need any more learning to be a receptionist, Gav reminds her it is her intention to climb the corporate ladder.)
Rod gets home late and starts flying up the stairs to his bachelor's quarters but Isa stops him. She leads him by the hand to a banquet table covered with rose petals and, I presume, aphrodisiac foods. He sniffs the food like a happy dog and eats and drinks enthusiastically.
So do Hilario's parents, who snatch the "samples" SanJuana took from Isa's science project. SanJuana meant the food for Hilario but the parents say, rightly, that Hilario doesn't need comestibles to get him in the mood.
The aphrodisiacs (plus the cow-sized negligée) work wonders for Roman and Ofelia; the next morning Roman, looking pleased with life, tells Hilario he's glad the XXX XL nightie didn't get returned to the store.
At first it seems Isa's plot is working: Rod gets hot and sweaty and says he feels suffocated. Far from filling him with ardor, however, the dinner just gave him a stomache ache; he surmises he must be allergic to seafood (it was probably oysters she fed him). Thanks to Andrea for the correction.
When Isa slips into Rod's bed he wakes with a horrified shriek - and bolts. Back to the drawing board...
In Mexico City - Gaviota comes back from lunch to find fully 20 guys in suits milling around in her reception area along with Aaron's two secretaries who immediately accuse her of having stolen her own computer monitor. It's quite incredible that this would require the presence of the entire senior staff. Oh well.
Gav indignantly accuses the two harpies of setting her up. Aaron hears the ruckus, comes out, hustles all the suits away except his most important lawyer, and takes a meeting with Gav and the lawyer in his office.
Gav mocks the idea that, having spent so much time desperately trying to get a job at Montalvo's, she would immediately sabotage herself by stealing her own computer monitor. She offers to pay for it out of her salary, or be in debt forever, just for the privilege of working at Montalvo's.
This convinces them. The younger secretary, who planned this all with Aaron's wifey and has been on the phone with her constantly giving the play-by-play, has to call and say the plan failed.
Minerva is all curses-foiled-again and says "Try again, but be careful cause it's your jobs and my marriage on the line here."
Gav bounces out of the office and says to the harpies: Nyah-nyah and don't try it again or I'll break you in pieces.
The important lawyer takes Gav into a private room to sign her promise that she's paying for the monitor. He leans in for a sniff and invites her to dinner and "something afterwards." "WHAT afterwards?" "Oh, just something." She slaps him and says I'm not that kind of girl. He says, careful, I'm important here and whatever path you're on I'll be there in front of you.
SanJuana helpfully tells the dejected Isa that she knows an old witch who can make a very powerful love potion. (Shades of Alborada!) This sounds like a good idea to Isa. They go visit the witch.
The witch does a product placement: "Benomi!" [Or maybe it's Bemoni, or Bemomi, or Benoni, I wasn't really paying attention.] "The Elixir of Hazoltl, God of flesh and lechery!" [Or something like that.] The witch continues: "Take a bath in honey and rose petals (excuse me, but blegh), then rub this potion all over your body, and for good measure give him twenty drops in his food, but be very careful with the dose, if you go overboard he may go insane for you until he dies."
That probably sounds better to Isa than it would actually be.
James has been sniffing Acacia, she of the pinched and angry face and poor posture. She rejects his offer to help get Drunk Uncle into bed, but later appears in his dark bedroom saying: "Embrace me, hard." First he says, "Oh, you're so young," and then he bangs her.
Then she tells him to leave the hacienda and never mention this again.
So James goes to Rod for advice. [I gotta say, the idea of James and Rod going to each other for advice is pretty funny.] Rod has already told Isa he wants to find work for James at his own place when the harvest at Meliton's is over. (Isa: "He will disturb our intimacy!" Rod, laughing thoughtlessly: "What intimacy?") But now that he hears how desperate James is to stay near Acacia, they cook up a plot: since the government is giving out grants for improved cultivation methods, they'll convince Meliton to let James stay and mastermind a grant-worthy project.
Back at the office - the revolving door of Aaron's amantes revolves and here's a new one with really red really curly hair, Pamela. Aaron tells Gav to let her in. Pamela is giggly and obnoxious, Aaron's happy to see her. She convinces him to go on a trip to the mountains with her that weekend. All they have to do, Aaron says, is conceal it from Minerva. Pamela: "Of course! I don't want to die young!" They smooch in Aaron's office.
But uh-oh - despite all Aaron's warnings that she not visit him at work, Minerva is roaring down the hall with a "just you wait!" look on her face as the credits roll.
Labels: Destilando
Zorro, Tue, April 24 – A Medical miracle; Pizarro changes teams; FS does the full Monty; NN gives up the demon
Montero congratulates Pizarro on finding Esme. All they need to do is find the woman in the iron mask and he can relax. [It occurs to me here that neither Montero nor Pizarro know what SK looks like – all they’ve ever seen is the mask. Fernando knows but he’s not compos mentis right now. If the gypsies had taken advantage of this, they might have hidden her in plain sight. They would have to get rid of the old guy though.] Pizarro says not to worry, he’s going to torture Esme. Montero says don’t be silly, she’s preggers, you might kill her. ‘You care?’ asks Pizarro. Montero says that right now he needs her alive. He believes the de la Vegas are planning something and having Esme is the only card in his favor. Pizarro can terrorize her and make her cooperate for fear of losing her child.
Pizarro then asks Montero what should he do with the gypsy prisoners. Pizarro recommends executing them because they were told that they would be killed if they didn’t reveal where their queen was. They didn’t reveal where SK was so they should be killed. Montero says no, let them rot in prison. He wants the “lesser races” [raices inferiores] in LA to know what happens when they mess with him. Pizarro protests that not carrying through on the threat will be perceived as a sign of weakness.
Montero reacts badly to Pizarro’s questioning of his orders. He tells Pizarro that this game is about power – he, Montero, has never had so much power and he isn’t giving it up. Pizarro says that Montero has to respect the hierarchy above him. Montero says that he is going to run the city however he wants and no one will stop him not even the King or Queen of Spain!!! If anyone questions or disobeys him, they will pay with their lives. Montero leaves. Pizarro looks at the camera and says that it is just what he suspected, the power is driving his commandante crazy and he, Pizarro, will not permit it.
So, a rift among the bad guys. That’s a hopeful sign.
Back in prison, Esme says that Montero is crazy, completely crazy and is going to kill them. Esme says that everything that has happened has been her fault because she trusted Olmos. Renzo points out that they freed SK. He is sure that they will escape from prison and makes Esme swear that she will do everything she can to save herself and her child.
Back at the bat cave, Diego wants to leave. He knows that he isn’t a criminal and he wants to find out who he is. Bernardo tells [writes, actually] that he is in danger. Diego still wants to go and find out who he is but his wound isn’t healed yet and he will let Bernardo change the bandage.
I guess Agapito untied Fernando because he has taken him to where MP is. He says that Almudena went to get some holy oil and when he examined MP she had stopped hemorrhaging and her fever had gone down. It’s a miracle, says Agapito. Fernando approaches MP’s bed and their song starts.
The exorcism is in full swing – the exorcist is talking to God, NN is writhing and the nuns are praying.
The Cardinal tells PT about the exorcism and PT expresses his doubts about the necessity of the procedure but hopes it goes well.
Alej is in his military uniform and walking through the woods trailed by Yumalai. In spite of the dire situation that the whole town is in and the fact that only Alej can end the reign of terror, Yumalai wastes time by talking about their relationship. Since he spoke with White Buffalo Alej has been avoiding meeting Yuma’s eyes and his voice sounds like a hollow tree. Alej says that he loves Alumdena and doesn’t want to hurt her. Yuma says that her customs permit a man to have two wives. Alej says that his and Almudena’s customs are different. Alej tells Yuma that her love for him is different than his for Almudena and his for Regina, too. Then Alej says that they both know that no woman of Yuma’ race can give her body and soul like Almudena [this is not very politically correct and what about Regina?]. It isn’t fair to Almudena and he isn’t going to hurt her.
Almudena is in church praying for Fernando and all her loved ones and she asks where God is that all these terrible things are happening.
Fernando asks MP to speak to him and tell him that he isn’t crazy. She says he isn’t crazy but he has an empty space in his heart. He thought that she could fill it but she can’t. Fernando says not to worry. The most important thing is that she is alive. Some soldiers come and tell Fernando that Montero wants him at the prison. Fernando doesn’t want to leave but they insist.
Montero and Mangle and having some rough sex and Mangle doesn’t like it. Montero is drunk with power. Mangle reminds Montero of his promise not to harm Diego. Someone knocks on the door and Montero shows Mangle his surprise – Fernando under arrest. Mangle tells Montero that he can’t arrest her father and Montero goes into his ‘I can do anything spiel!’ and Mangle had better give him what he wants because she is alone now with no one to protect her.
NN, who now has a Satanic voice, accuses Aaron the exorcist of killing his parents and seems to be getting the upper hand because he drops his oil sprinkler. He prays again and she starts writhing again.
MP is apparently on the road to recovery. Agapito is amazed. He gives instructions to Almadena on what kind of food to give MP and says that he will call every day. [I thought MP was in Agapito’s house?] Almadena takes MP’s recovery as a sign that God is turning things around. MP asks about what happened to Fernando and Almadena says that she will find out.
Montero tells Fernando that he can’t have any power in LA anymore. He can stay as Governor under Montero’s orders. Fernando says, ‘sure, whatever’. Montero is surprised and Mangle is listening in another room. Fernando says that he resigns his position as Governor. All he wants to do is leave LA. Montero is pleased but surprised. Montero tells Fernando that he will kill SK. Fernando says that he doesn’t care but he warns Montero that if you have the power, you are responsible for what you do. Montero thanks him for the advice and asks Fernando why he is so detached since he had wanted to be Governor very much. Fernando says that, ‘he no longer owns anything, he is not interested in anything. He no longer owns his life.’
After Fernando leaves, Mangle comes out and tells Montero that she won’t let her father give up everything so easily. He won’t abandon her. She is his daughter. She will return her father to the way he was before.
Aguirre, the guard brings Esme some food. She tries to get him to help her but he is too afraid of Montero. When he leaves, Renzo says that the guards can only be influenced by money. Esme says that she no longer has any money. Olmos has her jewels. Renzo then gives her the message from her mother that all her mother’s fortune is in the pendant that Esme wears. Esme prays for her mother’s safety and Diego’s.
Honas brains the soldier who followed the gypsies and tells him not to underestimate the cleverness of the gypsies. [They don’t actually seem to have been that clever.]
Diego is impatient for Bernardo to return with some food. He opens the box where PT put the Zorro stuff, the medal, the mask, etc. Diego wonders who would wear a black mask?
Pizarro goes to see Olmos and threatens to arrest him as an accomplice to come crimes that the Governor committed. When Olmos says that the Governor will protect him, Pizarro tells Olmos that Fernando has resigned. Pizarro threatens Olmos with torture but says that if Olmos tells him everything, Pizarro will protect him. Olmos seems to be on the point of making a deal but he wants to know whether SK has been recaptured. Pizarro says not yet but her recapture is immanent. Olmos says that SK is very dangerous to the crown of Spain and Olmos will explain to Pizarro why.
In the prison, Esme tells Renzo that she has been thinking about what her mother meant about the pendant being her total fortune. The stone in the pendant is an emerald but it is small and probably wouldn’t interest the guards. Renzo says that SK must have meant that the pendant represented SK’s love for Esme. Esme is pondering this when Pizarro [a very busy guy] comes to take Esme to the torture chamber. Renzo says, ‘take me. I’ll tell you what you want,’ but Pizarro isn’t interested.
Back in the bat cave, Diego is playing dress up with the Zorro stuff.
Pizarro tells Esme that he knows the secret of her mother, that she could inherit the Spanish throne. He tells her that he could find SK, hide and get her out of California without anyone knowing. Esme asks why Pizarro, Montero’s chief henchman, would do this. Pizarro says that having Montero as military governor forever doesn’t suit his plans. He has ambitions. He needs a ‘letter of triumph’ and thinks that escorting SK back to Spain would get him one. Esme asks why she should trust him. Olmos betrayed her. One burned, twice shy. ‘Fine’, says Pizarro, ‘you want proof of my bona fides, I’ll bring you Olmos’ head today.’ Esme is impactada.
Mangle comes looking for Fernando and finds Olmos. Olmos tells her that FS just left. He asks her what is going on. Mangle tells him that FS has resigned as Governor. She is angry that he will leave her penniless. Olmos tells Mangle that FS put on his best suit and all his medals and gold chains and took his box of gold coins. ‘No puede ser,’ It can’t be, says Mangle. She assumes that he has left town and sends Olmos to find him and bring him back.
Pizarro wants Esme to write SK a letter explaining what he will do for her. He swears that he will not betray her. Not surprisingly, Esme doesn’t believe him. ‘Fine,’ says Pizarro, ‘but don’t wait too long to decide. Montero is searching the whole area and it is only a matter of time before he finds SK.’ Esme looks concerned as well she might be with her experience of the ability of the gypsies to hide people.
Diego, in the Zorro costume, gets on his horse and rides out of the cave.
Esme is brought back to her cell. Renzo is concerned that she has been tortured but Esme assures him that she is fine. She asks Renzo if there was a definite plan to take her mother to Spain. Renzo says that there was a plan that she was supposed to have made with the hunchback. She tells Renzo about her conversation with Pizarro. He is impactado.
FS has not left town. He is in the church telling God that he has been given a great sign of the Lord’s existence by MP’s life being saved. Now, he has come to fulfill the promise that he made. Holding up his box of money, he says that he is giving everything to the Lord, money, jewels, property deeds, his dreams and he gives his life as well because without the Lord, he is nothing. While speaking, he starts to take off his clothes and put them in front of the altar.
Back at the exorcism, we reach a climax. NN falls back and asks what happened to her. ‘You have been saved, child,’ says Brother Aaron. Meanwhile outside NN’s room, Camba gets a strange look and gets up and walks away like a zombie. I assume we’re meant to understand that the demon that left NN entered him.
Alej tells Yumalai that he didn’t mean to insult her but he can’t live two lives at once. He is married to Almudena under the laws of God. Yuma tells Alej that she is married to him under the laws of her tribe. She is reproaching Alej for his indifference to her when Almudena shows up.
FS is staggering around town naked while the townspeople say that the Governor has gone crazy (se enloqueció). Mangle and Olmos come up and are shocked.
Pizarro takes Esme and Renzo out of their cells and acts very menacing in front of the guards.
Diego is having trouble controlling his horse. [I guess he has lost his equestrian skill as well as his memory.] He falls off. He yells at the horse and says that he is going to rest. Then we see a sword pointed at Diego’s chest but not who is wielding it.
Pizarro takes Renzo and Esme to a room with a table of food. He apologizes for his act in front of the guards. Renzo asks if what he told Esme was a trap. ‘No,’ says Pizarro, ‘it was not a trap. The true Queen of Spain is in danger. The person who saves her will reap a big reward and he wants to be that person.’ He has dedicated his life to his military career. Now Esme and Renzo have to make a decision whether they are going to help him find SK or not.
The credits roll – wow, what an episode!
Labels: Zorro
Duelo - Tuesday 24 April - Orlando is a small man, Thelma says so.
Over at the Loco sugar cane plantation Hugo is in the office calling himself estupido. He looks at Don Loco's gigantic portrait, pulls out a gun and vows he will get back what is his, whatever the cost.
Orlando sniggers at Angel and Emilio and says he's not going to marry Duhlina, this isn't some past century where he has to marry her to save her honor. The brothers Valtierra start pounding on Orlando. Well, Angel lunges and topples over, but Emilio punches Orlando's face and grabs his throat.
Thelma visits Duhlina in her room. Duhlina demands to know why Thelma betrayed her. Thelma calls Duhlina a floozy who came between her and Emilio, an opportunist who will sleep with any man to solve her problems and to get what she wants. Instead of smacking her Duhlina begs Thelma to tell her what happened.
Alfonsina convinces Don Loco that she and Hugo are faithful servants and it is Soledad who has always lied to him. She looks proud, like convincing him was a difficult task or something. She doesn't know Don Loco as well as we do. She thinks she's manipulating a normal person; just wait until she figures out how loco he is.
Don Max and Castulo break up the fight between Emilio and Orlando. Castulo carries a dizzy and pathetic Angel back to his room while Max demands an explanation from Emilio.
The Singing Auntie pops nerviosa pills like they're green M&M's. She tells Thelma she heard a baaaad conversation between Max and Castulo. Max isn't the man she thought he was and now she's afraid, very afraid.
Mexican Larry is in the woods doing something in the bushes. I don't even want to know what. He sees Luba and Gaspar picking herbs. Luba tells Gaspar that the servants at La Rinconada won't let her near Flor and she's worried about Flor's safety. Gaspar says he'll protect Flor. That's his line for the night. Mexican Larry whispers to himself that the witch must be picking herbs to cast a spell on Flor. He wipes his face with a bright red hankie and drops it on the ground before he skulks off. Mexican Larry, aka Jaime, used to be smart but he obviously contracted SESID because now he's as dumb as dirt. Dumber even.
Luba tells Gaspar that her cofre (chest) has disappeared and nobody must open it. Nobody!! Cut to the cofre in a dimly lit location surrounded by mist. Must be hidden in the Finnish sauna out back somewhere. Maybe it contains lutefisk.
Angel visits Duhlina in her room. All he wants to know is did she sleep with Orlando voluntarily. At first she says Angel will think what he wants, but then she remembers he's not the dunderhead Emilio, only his weak insipid brother, so she tells him Orlando raped her.
Angel swears he'll kill Orlando with his own hands. "Yeah right," says Duhlina. Angel admits he's no rival for Orlando, but Emilio is. Emilio will kick Orlando's butt! Angel says he's never liked Orlando, he'll convince Emilio that Orlando is a traitor.
Emilio tells Don Max that Angel came back to marry Flor. Max doesn't like this info. He tells Emilio the best thing for Angel would be to get him back to Puebla pronto so he can forget about Duhlina. Nice try Max, but unfortunately Emilio's work on the highway will keep the brothers around La Rinconada for a while. Emilio tells his tío that they will talk about hacienda business later. Max grunts and looks unhappy. He wants those boys outta there.
Soledad is feeding Mariana when Don Loco enters and says she's innocent and has been right all along. Just kidding, he accuses her of being a traitor. Yawn. The new twist here is that from now on he's going to keep Soledad next to him always so he can keep an eye on her. Alfonsina will care for Mariana. Mariana's eyes are impactados. I can't imagine that Alfonsina is going to be pleased with the way her plan is going. She thought she was going to be the Lady Of The Manor but instead she's going to be emptying colostomy bags for Don Loco's sister.
Angel confronts Thelma. Thelma tells him that as soon as they left, Duhlina was a complete flirt with Orlando. She clung to the only man around to get out of her shameful situation. She took him to bed so she could have a child, and she could be pregnant. (I think that's what she said.) Angel is impactado.
Mexican Larry tells the other cast member of Three's Company that he saw Luba picking herbs for something bad. Efiginia and Vera say she is the only curandera in these parts and she was probably just doing her business. Mexican Larry says he wants to report Luba to the authorities but Jack and Janet tell Larry to stay out of Luba's business lest she cast a spell on them.
Duhlina is in the chapel praying to the Virgencita. Janet, I mean Vera, joins her. She says she'll help protect Duhlina from Luba who is responsible for all the recent happenings. Duhlina is all "Que????? Why would you say such a thing?" Vera says Mexican Larry saw Luba in the abandoned but spotlessly clean cabin along with Gaspar and Thelma, implying, I suppose, that they are somehow mixed up. Duhlina looks confused. Duhlina, remember when Gaspar tried to tell you about Thelma being his muñequita? Thiiink baaack.
Out in the field, the head highway engineer is telling Emilio that they need to move the highway closer to the zone of caves when suddenly they are interrupted by Orlando. His face is beaten to a pulp. Orlando and Emilio bicker back and forth until finally Emilio pulls rank, tells Orlando to shut up, pack his bags and get his sorry ass back to Puebla.
Duhlina prays to the Virgencita that Vera is wrong about Luba and Gaspar being in cahoots with Thelma.
Cut to commercial break with Luba stabbing her big knife into the tree.
Alfonsina tells Loco she doesn't want to take care of Mariana. She'll take her things and go back to Veracruz. Loco says she'll do what he orders! Big surprise.
Back at La Rinconada Orlando, drinking lots of Emilio's booze, tells Emilio he doesn't want to go to Puebla, waaaah. Thelma butts in. It sounds like she's getting laryngitis, probably from shrieking at all the servants. Orlando complains, "Your husband is making me leave." Thelma says if Orlando goes to Puebla then she'll go with him and Emilio will never know his son. Thank you Jesus, everybody's prayers have been answered! But stupid Emilio shakes his head.
Singing Auntie sings through her open window. Don Max pops up, grabs her hand and invites "Rebequita" for a stroll in the garden later that afternoon. "Certainly Maximooooooooo, now let me get pretty for you," she coos before shutting the window. What did I miss? Did she forget what she overheard? Alone, Max's eyes dart around and he whispers, "I have to find out if the old bat heard what Castulo and I talked about. I think she did..."
Emilio tells Thelma not to butt into his business but he'll do what she wants for the kid. Then he says Orlando has to obey all his orders. After Emilio stomps off Orlando breaks into a huge grin and snickers into his snifter.
Don Loco tells Sergio he wants Elias thrown into jail, after that they will take care of the little doctor.
Santos tells the Hermit Headshrinker that he still doesn't remember anything but if he walks around town maybe something will be familiar. Bad idea, the doc points out, reminding Santos that someone wants to kill him. Santos holds a rose and says he knows it signifies something important...
Rosita stands outside her house pining for Santos. Don Max rides up, taunts her, then grabs her. Carmen runs out and yells at him. He insults her. Rosita calls him a pig and says when Santos returns he'll put Don Max in his place! "Dream on," says Max, "it ain't gonna happen cuz Santos is dead." Carmen screams, her mouth a perfect "O".
Angel tells Duhlina he [hack hack] has the solution to all her problems [hack hack]. "Will you marry me?" She doesn't look impactada, more like baffled. She tells him that her heart belongs to another. Ouch, the heavy brick of symbolism just dropped on my toe.
Soledad says goodbye to Mariana who becomes very emotional. Mariana thought bubbles "Listen to me Soledad, for God's sake hear me!!" Then she moves her hand. Soledad figures Mariana is trying to tell her something, but what? Does Mariana know the truth about the letter? Blink. Soledad is impactada, Mariana knows the truth!
Soledad tries to get all the details out of Mariana, one blink at a time. In fact she asks Mariana if the letter was for her, but before Mariana can blink Don Loco interrupts.
Soledad shrieks over and over that Mariana knows the truth. Don Loco gets worked up into a lather and slaps her hard. "Don't include my sister in your betrayals." He drags her out and Mariana gets buggy.
The hysterical Rosita and Carmen accuse Max of killing Santos, how else would he know Santos is dead? "Uh, I meant PROBABLY dead, because he disappeared," Max says. By the way, I think Don Max looks great tonight. He's wearing a black satin or leather suit with embroidered velvet lapels. Even his holster matches. Too bad he's such a disgusting pig because I'm thinking he looks kind of hot in an overstuffed, bloated, over-the-top sort of way. Whoa, did I just say that? Never mind. The women call him a murderer as he rides away.
Thelma is in a snit because, well, she's always in a snit and Emilio is still obviously smitten with Duhlina. Orlando thinks it's hilarious because the imbecil Emilio can't bear to think that Duhlina is "his." If only he (Emilio) knew that he (Orlando) never even made love to that idiot Duhlina. "What?" shrieks Thelma, "You couldn't even do it? Why didn't you make her yours, imbecile?" She pretty much wipes the smile off his face.
Don Loco marches Soledad upstairs. She breaks free and teeters on the top step, about to fall...
Loco grabs her. "I almost killed you," he says, smoothing her hair, "I can't imagine life without you." They almost kiss. He kisses her forehead and tenderly leads her away. GACK! This is too sick. Whoever wrote this crap should be thrown into a whirlpool with rabid coyotes.
Elias sees Emilio at the work site and asks about Alina. Emilio says she is fine and has been hanging with the Lietenant; they have a special friendship. Elias looks confused and concerned.
Angel asks Duhlina what if she's pregnant? "No puede ser!" she exclaims, "pregnant by Orlando?" God she's stupid.
Luba comes into the kitchen of Hacienda Loco just as Adela quickly locks the cabinet. "Whatcha got in there?" asks Luba. She tells Adela she doesn't think it's food, but rather her cofre. She shakes Adela and glares at her, "Tell me the truth!"
Thelma insults Orlando's manhood and they call each other imbecile. They should read our vocabulary lists; they'd find lots of other insulting words to use instead of the same one over and over. He threatens her that she'd better not tell anyone he couldn't get his soldier to salute (Thanks Chris!) because Emilio has to believe Duhlina belongs to him. "What a small man you are," she mutters as he slams the door behind him.
Luba tells Adela that if anyone opens the cofre they will be left blinded, one-eyed, and all the demons inside will be let out. OK then, that would be lutefisk in the cofre. Adela vows she hasn't seen it, but after Luba leaves she holds the keys to her chest and gasps, "My God!"
Emilio tells the heavens that he blames himself for all that has happened to Duhlina.
Braulio returns to find Rosita and Carmen in hysterics and sobbing that Don Max killed Santos. Braulio wants to report him to the authorities but Rosita talks him out of it. Why bother? He's Don Loco's friend and nothing will come of it. Carmen vows that Max will pay if it's the last thing she does in her life. So it probably will be.
Don Loco and Soledad fight about Adela. Loco yells for Adela and he accuses her of being Soledad's accomplice. He orders her to pack up and leave. She's fired. Adela and Soledad touch fingers before Adela runs out.
Mariana feels guilty about not being able to tell the truth. She has flashbacks to Marianita and Jose. At least they are at peace and in heaven together. Alfonsina sashays in and taunts Mariana. Sí, Alfonsina knows everything and Mariana can do nothing because she's a miserable rag laying there in her bed. Mariana will guard Alfonsina's secret and she will guard Mariana's. By the way, where is the little nipper? Mariana gives Alfonsina the gigantic evil bug-eye. Alfonsina freaks out and turns Mariana's head away.
Soledad and Don Loco fight about Adela, Jose, whatever, blah blah blah. I wish they would shoot each other.
Duhlina begs Orlando to tell Emilio the truth, that he trapped and drugged her. Fat chance. He says it's all her fault for leading him on. Typical rapist rhetoric.
Thelma rants while Auntie Fly gets all gussied up for her date with the Spider. "Who would want to take you out?" asks Thelma unkindly. [Tocan a la puerta.] Surprise, it's Don Max looking like the well-dressed tarantula that he is. It's too bad he's probably going to kill Auntie because they make a smashing couple. And say, doesn't her dress look like it's got a spider web on it? Hmmm...
"What a horror," grimaces Thelma, "what does Maximo want with her? And I thought she was afraid of him. How odd. Nothing good will come of this."
Emilio sees Duhlina and Orlando together and assumes the worst. He says Duhlina is free to do whatever she wants. After he leaves she does just that, she slaps Orlando across the face. Every time he shows up he has a new wound on his face.
Dr. Love enters Elias's cabin with a can of gasoline. The plan is to light Don Loco's coffee plantation on fire and create a diversion. While Don Loco is busy with his crop burning Soledad and Elias will help Dr. Love grab Mariana so they can escape. I guess Dr. Love has a car. Elias says Don Loco will be furious but hopefully Dr. Love and Mariana will be far away by then. After they escape Elias will save Soledad and Duhlina from the sicko.
Emilio and Duhlina have a stupid little spat about how he doesn't believe her, she doesn't love him, yes she loves him, OK he loves her, he's going to show her how he really feels, he lays a wet one on her, but it's not his usual wide mouth bass smooch. This one is more like he's sucking on a hose, or maybe a bong pipe. The end.
P.S. Tonki is still AWOL.
Advance for tomorrow: Soledad is tied up on the bed. While Loco sleeps she frees herself and points a gun at him.
enfermo/a = sicko
escuincle/a = little nipper
estar conchabado/a con = to be in cahoots with
gruta = grotto, cave
guiñapo = rag
tirado/a = worn out, miserable
Labels: duelo
Acorralada #70 Monday 4/23/07
Next we're transported to the telenovela casting office, where Silvita comes stomping into the waiting room crying and screaming because she didn't get the part she wanted - the casting director told her she was the worst of them all! Little doormat tries to console her, but Silvia storms out of the room. Next Larry and Kique walk out looking somber. These two are such fine actors - neither is going to give away the surprise. Gaby asks which of them got the part, but we don't get our answer before we're whisked away to Ignacio's apartment.
At Ignacio's, Silvia is complaining to Camila about how frustrated she is for not getting the part. Of course Camila is not interested - she only wants to discuss her evil plan to get Maxi Maxi back. She tells Silvia that if Diana doesn't return, and he learns that Maxito is his, Camila can be the substitute mom! Silvia is not thrilled. Eeew - why would she want to be a mom to Diana's little bastard? But Silvita, you must see the big picture - this is the passport to Max's heart!
Back to the casting office, where we learn that Luscious got the job! He begins to gloat, but is cut off by Kique's announcement that he'll never win Gaby, as he takes her hand and leads her out the door.
We're transported to the selva where Andres is in bad shape after being shot by Ignacio. Ignacio wants to move on, but Diana the compassionate nurse tells him that Andres can't move in this condition. Andres asks her to forgive him for all of the pain he's caused her, and she tells him to calm down, she's not going anywhere. She and Ignacio argue - he doesn't know why she would want to stay with Andres, but Florence Nightengale reminds him that she's a nurse, and she must help him, as he's injured. He should do the same, as he's a doctor! Apparently the fact that Ignacio's the one who shot Andres has slipped her mind.
We move on to psycho mansion where Lala brings Maxito into Gaviota's room to see Maximilliano. Violins play as Max tells the little one that they share the same name and Gaviota thinks to herself that the baby is his, but she doesn't have the right to tell Max since Diana never did. I'm wondering - is this what Max meant when he asked if he could "see" if the baby is his? He just wants to look at him? Can't the TeleMiami hospital run a DNA test? Or is that department closed now that Dr. Evil has been let go? Enter Dona Santa, who sees Max holding the baby and asks if the baby is his, and is disappointed to hear that he's not. Max agrees.
Dona Santa is in the living room looking for one of her dolls when Diego rolls in and asks if she's seen Nancy. Dona says that she must be hiding like her doll Ileanita! But she just saw her grandson in Gaviota's room, and he's holding Diana's baby, who looks very much like him! Synthesizer of doom plays.
Back to the selva, where the ladies are trying to nurse Andres back to health while Ignacio opens his cell phone. I can't wait to see if his cell phone works in the middle of the selva!
We return to Gaviota's bedroom where Max is telling her that nothing would make him happier than to learn that the baby is his. His cell phone rings and it's none other than Ignacio! Ignacio does not reveal his identity - he's using a corner of his shirt to muffle his voice - he says that his identity is not important, but he's Diana's kidnapper. He tells Max about the plane crash, and that Diana is dead! Cut to commercial.
We return from commercial, where Max is still talking to Ignacio. He's telling Max that Diana died in the crash, but Max doesn't believe him. Ignacio tells him that if he wants to know the truth he should send a search party. Ignacio hangs up.
Back to the living room, Dona Santa is continuing to torture Diego with the details of Max's visit with the baby. Diego goes to the foot of the steps and proceeds to scream to Max to come down, and get out of the house. He has no right to be there.
In Gaviota's room, Lala is worried when she hears Diego's screams. It's so odd that she looks surprised - she had to know Diego wasn't going to be cool with this little meeting. I guess she didn't expect Dona Santa to spill the beans. Anyway, she takes the baby away as Max tells her that the caller said that Diana has been taken out of the country and it appears that she's dead. Gaviota faints.
At the foot of the stairs, Diego is having a conniption fit because Max hasn't come down yet. He's so furious that he pulls himself from the chair and stands at the foot of the stairs!
In the selva, the argument over whether the group will move on continues. Diana and Marfil say that Andres is too weak to walk, but Ignacio tells them that Andre's but luck is not his problem. As they argue, Marfil sees that he has his cell and asks why he hasn't called for help. He tells her to listen up, they're continuing with the plan - Andres is going to stay theri and die and the ladies are going to the manicomio.
Back to Gaviota's room, where Max is applying smelling salts to awaken Gaviota after her fainting spell. She awakes and asks him if Diana's really dead. He says that's what the person on the phone said, but they must investigate.
At the foot of the stairs, Dona Santa and Lala are thrilled to see that Diego was able to stand. Diego is sure that it means he'll walk again!
In the selva, it's the same argument - to move on or not to move on. While Diana argues with Ignacio, Marfil takes the opportunity to grab a log and crack Ignacio over the back of the head with it. He falls, but recovers quickly and runs after Marfil. Diana tries to get Andres to leave with her but he's too weak. Here's an interesting exchange - Andres tells her to look for the manicomio, it must be close. She responds that she doesnt' want to go there because they'll lock her up, but he promises that he won't let that happen. Is she foolish enough to believe him? All signs point to yes.
Meanwhile, Marfil is running aimlessly through the selva with Ignacio hot on her heels.
Back to Emilio's apartment where Larry is telling Yolanda the good news about the part that he got. He's finally going to realize his dream to be an actor. Yolanda tells him that soon he'll have thousands of fans chanting "Larry! Larry!" He tells her that would be great, more than that he's like to win Gaby's love. Too bad she wants a divorce.
At the mansion, Lala and Diego's happiness at his ability to stand is short lived. They're interrupted by Gaviota, Max, Miguelina, and Caramelo who tell him that Max has some news about Diana that he must hear. Diego wants to throw Max out on his ear, but the rest of the crew insist that he must hear what Max has to say. Max tells him that Diana is dead. And we cut to commercial.
After the break, we return to the selva where Diana is running aimlessly when she falls and hits her head.
Back to Ignacio's apartment, where Silvia is still dressed like Wonder Woman. They're discussing the timing of Camila's bombshell - she doesn't want to tell him unless she knows that Diana is not coming back.
At Paco's little apartment, he's reading the newspaper when Octavia announces that she and Bruna are going to the mall so that she can buy a new pair of shoes. He asks Bruna to leave them alone for a minute, and then asks her if she was telling the truth in Key West when she said that she didn't kill Reinosa. Cue the synthesizer of doom.
Selva: Marfil is still running with Ignacio in hot pursuit. He catches her on the beach and wrestles her to the ground, but this fiera is not going to go easily. She manages to kick him in the head and get both of his guns!
Next we see that Diana is still passed out on the ground. Wait - there's a man - or is it Howdy Doody? He's wearing a long sleeved red shirt covered by baggy denim overalls that are rolled up halfway to his knees, flip flops on his feet, and a straw hat on his head. His nursing skills are better than Diana's - the first thing he does is check her pulse. Diana is still unconscious when he asks who she is and says that he's "the cricket." He wonders aloud if she was on the plane that crashed.
Back to the mansion, where chaos has erupted. All of the ladies are sobbing uncontrollably as they hear the news of Diana's death. Max tells Diego that he will arrange a search party, and argues that he must be the one to do it because of Diego's condition.
Ignacio is now pleading for his life to Marfil, who has him at gunpoint. He punches her in the mouth and takes the guns before she has a chance to shoot. The two of them are wrestling and end up in the ocean, where Ignacio holds her under until she stops moving.
Octavia is assuring Paco that she didn't kill Reinosa. She's near tears as she tells him that this is all Fedora's fault - she's turned him against her! They can't be together if he doesn't trust her, and if he loves Fedora, he should return to her. Of course Paco falls for this. Of course he loves and trusts her.
Back to the selva where Ignacio has returned to where he left Andres and Diana and learns that they're gone. Malditos! Cut to commercial.
We return from commercial in time for the tension breaking scene of today's show, where Paola is running out of the ocean fulling dressed when Emilio just happens to be jogging by. (Apparently Emilio didn't get his swim trunks at the same store where Max shops. They're loose fitting white shorts, not the skin tight kind that the Irazabals like). Paola runs up and jumps into his arms while the Fiera song plays in the background. He asks why she's swimming in her clothes and she tells him it's the new style. He's no dummy - he knows that she's on drugs. He asks why her hubby is allowing this, and she tells him that he's distracted by his two wives. Emilio is impactado.
Ignacio is still searching for Diana and Andres as the sun sets.
At the mansion, everyone is huddled in the living room crying over the news, when Max and Gaviota enter and share the news that a private plane crashed a few days ago. Tomorrow they will go with the authorities to see if Diana was on the plane.
Next we're transported to a room where an IV hangs on a stand in the corner, then we zoom in on Diana's sleeping face. Is it a hospital? Wait! There are nuns in the room! It's the obligatory convent scene. We can't have an entire telenovela without putting someone in a convent! The nuns are wondering how Diana and her companion got there. They'll just have to wait until they wake up to find out. Just then, Diana wakes up! The sisters tell her not to worry, she's safe. Mother superior is there to take care of her. How did they arrive in the selva? And who shot her companion? But Diana falls asleep before she can answer. Mother superior goes off to see the cricket to see if he has any more detail. Cut to commercial.
We return from commercial, but I have to pause it to compose myself when I see the cricket again - he looks like he's about 4 feet tall as he's jumping up to dust a crucifix hanging on the wall. He's still wearing the goofy outfit, and now he has a big black smudge across his face. He pulls a chair over so that he can reach the crucifix, and Mother Superior scares him when she enters the room. She grabs him by the ear and asks what he was doing on her chair. There are nuns to clean the crucifix, he shouldn't be doing it. He's an hombrecito and she must teach him. This is like a conversation between Camila and Sylvia - too strange to take seriously.
Back to Ignacio's, where Max is telling Larry por telefono that he's leaving at 5 in the morning to see if Diana was on the plane that crashed. Silvia actually makes sense for a change when she asks him if it's a good idea for him to travel with Gaviota, who hates him and his family. He assures her that they've put their hatred aside for now. The important thing is to find Diana. Alive.
Back to the convent, where the cricket tells Mother Superior that he came across Diana and Andres when he was out foraging for food. He thinks that they could be from a plane that crashed a few days ago that his father told him about. He asks if he can see Diana and tell her that he was the one who rescued her.
In Diana's room, Grillo and Mother Superior walk into the room just as Diana awakes. They ask her if she was on the plan that crashed, but she doesn't remember. She doesn't remember her name either! Perfecto - now she has amnesia! Credits roll.
Labels: acorralada
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Destilando Amor - April 24, 2007 - "Mariana" impresses Aaron at work; James gets drunk again; and Rod still can't find Gavi
* Minnie gets the shocking news from Aaron's new secretary that Aaron hired someone new as receptionist.
* Gavi goes home and sings the good news to Clara - she is the new receptionist at Montalvo Corp. and that Aaron himself hired her. Clara laughs and is happy for her daughter's good fortune. After Gavi finishes speaking in french, Clara laughs and then turns serious - she worries about the first encounter Gavi may have with Rod. Gavi assures her mom nothing bad will happen, she's changed, she's a different person now than she was then.
* Rod is on a plane, smiling at the thought of finding Gaviota.
* Hilario and SanDontchawanna are in the sitting area - SDCW has Hilario close his eyes as she starts to strip and turn out the lights - Hilario opens his eyes enough to toss a garment to her - she looks at it in the dark and is appaulled by it - Hilario tries to beg her to put it on - she is angry and claims it is something from his mom and storms out of the room - Hilario is about to chase after her when the phone rings. It's Isa asking where her hubby is - Hilario says he's on a trip to Veracruz - Isa flips out and thinks Rod is off on his search for Gavi again.
* Minnie talks with Aaron at their condo about Rod and Isa's marital problems and Sofia's strong influence on Isa to get pregnant with Rod's baby. As the discussion continues, Minnie starts to irritate Aaron and Aaron storms out.
* Gavi starts singing in the bathroom her mariachi field song - Clara happily listens and then enters the bathroom to talk to her daughter about the job and her new identity as "Mariana Franco" - Mom is happily on board with the plan.
* Crispin and Rod arrive at a ranch in Veracruz - Rod walks up behind a field worker with long curly hair and a brown straw wide-brimmed hat on, he touches her shoulder, she turns, he says sorry. He's upset and frustrated that it is another mistaken identity. Crispin tries to calm him down, Rod grumbles they will find Gavi - no matter what or how long it takes!
* Mariana lets several business people one at a time pass back to the offices for meetings. She works on the computer. Nestor and the Finance Director approach and Mariana introduces herself as last-minute replacement for Margarita.
* Minnie is in bed, thinking about Isa and Rod.
* Isa meets with her shrink, Dr. Leonel, to discuss her sexual problems and her marriage to Rod. During the conversation, Isa brings up Rod's obsession with another woman.
* Male employee storms into the Montalvo Corp. offices and up to Mariana's desk - he is upset about not receiving his paycheck and demands to talk to someone about getting in now. Mariana tries to calm him down and rationally explain to him to come back on Friday to pick it up - he refuses to budge, he wants his check now! She says he can't have it now, be reasonable, and come back on Friday - he become adamant and yells - Mariana grabs him by the jacket and yells at him right back - he leaves. Nestor comes over and tells Mariana not to get physical like that again with anyone. Mariana apologizes and asks Nestor not to say anything to Aaron. Nestor promises and leaves. Mariana assists another business person.
* Isa gets upset with her shrink as she discusses her outrage over Rod's obsession and her insomnia. She refuses to live without her husband.
* Rod returns to the hacienda and tells Roman about his trip and not finding Gavi. Hilario tells Rod about Isa's phone call and her reaction when he told her where Rod was.
* Gavi is at her desk, thinking about Clara's worries over her meeting with Rod at the corporation offices. Gavi then starts to daydream about Rod walking into the offices and right up to her desk and gently touching her cheek.
* Nestor and Aaron are in Aaron's office discussing what a great job Mariana is doing. Aaron's secretary enters and tells Aaron there's an important call for him on line one. Aaron isn't happy with the interruption and insults the secretary. She leaves. He mumbles something to Nestor.
* Don P approaches the reception desk and talks with Mariana - they miss Margarita and Mariana hopes soon Margarita can have her job back. Don P leaves and Aaron approaches and starts to talk with Mariana about her job. At this point, Minnie enters and starts on the attack about Mariana becoming Aaron's new playmate - Aaron grabs Minnie's arm - Mariana defends herself and her position with the company - Aaron grumbles at Minnie as he drags her outside. Nestor stands by Mariana and explains who the lady is (Aaron's jealous wife).
* Out on the sidewalk, Aaron tells Minnie off for her loud outburst and accusations of Mariana just now. Minnie starts to explain herself and her preocupations - Aaron doesn't want to hear it, he climbs into his car and takes off, leaving Minnie standing alone on the sidewalk.
* Sofia and Isa have lunch together - Isa grumbles about Rod's current trip to Veracruz to find Gavi - Sofia says search yes, but encounter I don't think so. Isa is curious; Sofia explains and then starts to open up about her feelings over losing James to the country. Isa vows not to lose Rod to anyone, not even a fieldworker.
* James meets with Don Berto and his niece Nacasia - Berto talks to him as Nacasia paints and reads James' palm.
* Outside near a street bookstore, Sofia and Isa discuss Isa's romantic dinner for Rod.
* Rod is at the hacienda, frustrated with his search and wondering where Gavi is - he misses her so much.
* Gavi and Clara are eating together at the apartment - Gavi tells her mom about Minnie's outburst and accusation at the office. Clara nods her head and gives her opinion.
* Minnie talks to Isa about Isa's appointment with the psychologist. Aaron comes home - Minnie gives him a hug and kiss - Aaron is happy to see his cousin-in-law. Isa tells them about all the time Rod has been spending on the hacienda. Isa asks Aaron for some information on Rod in London. Minnie talks with Aaron and excuses herself to go find Grizelda and check on dinner.
* James and Don Berto get drunk together at the patio cafe. Berto calls for Nacasia to bring another bottle of tequila. Berto passes out cold as she brings the bottle and holds it out for him to take. James and Nacasia drag Berto to his bedroom and plunk him on his bed. Berto calls out for another bottle - Nacasia and James leave - Berto calls out for Nacasia.
* Minnie listens as Aaron tells Isa that in London Rod never could sleep with anyone, he swears to this fact. Minnie chimes in by saying Rod's affair with the fieldworker came as a complete surprise to everyone. Aaron and Isa continue to discuss her desperation over Rod and his obsession. Aaron says that he will be there for her for advice. She is surprised and asks for further explanation. He says that he wants to be a friend to her like Sofia is.
* Nacasia seems depressed and embarrassed by her uncle as she walks with head down into the living room. James is there and asks her questions about her relationship with her uncle. She says that he promised to help her go to school and instead she's stuck here helping run the place. He starts to talk with her and says that he wants to get to know her better as a friend - she gets nervous - Berto calls out for James - James is confused - Nacasia tells James to go to Berto, he is calling - James leaves.
* Mariana speaks with Nestor about moving into a secretarial position at the company. Nestor says all the positions are filled, and besides she's doing a great job as receptionist. Mariana says that whenever there is an opening, she is interested in the position. Nestor leaves. Eugenia struts into the lobby and up to Mariana's desk - she wants to speak with Aaron Montalvo - Mariana calls Aaron's office to tell him that Eugenia is there to see him - Mariana tells Eugenia that Aaron isn't in the office right now - Eugenia doesn't believe the lie and refuses to leave without seeing him. Mariana asks Don P to cover for her at the reception desk for a few minutes and leaves.
* Mariana walks past the secretaries and enters Aaron's office. She tells Aaron that Eugenia doesn't buy the lie and asks what to do next.
* Mariana thanks Don P for covering for her. She politely explains to Eugenia that Aaron is busy in very important meetings and can't be disturbed. Eugenia seems to buy the excuse and says she will be at the apartment waiting for him. She leaves.
* SanDontchawanna escorts Isa inside the hacienda main house. At the stairs, Rod greets Isa with a smile and a hello. SanDontchawanna drags Isa's suitcase upstairs and glances down at Isa giving Rod a hug.
* At the reception desk, Aaron and Mariana discuss what happened with Eugenia and Aaron is pleased at Mariana's success in helping him with his personal, special projects.
Labels: Destilando
La Fea Más Bella #260 4/24/07 A Platypus, a Fortune Cookie, A Mime & One Sad Panda Named Fernando
The episode opens with a shocked Fernando doing his best impression of the Lety eye twitch. Aldo doesn’t understand Fernando’s reaction and tries to calm him. Fernando explains that he was congratulating Aldo on his new job as a chef. Aldo asks if Lety’s spoken with Fernando. Fernando changes his tune and thinks that Aldo is trying to throw Fernando off his game so that Aldo will have a free chance at Lety. Aldo just shakes his head no. He grabs Fernando by the arms and says to leave this conversation as a mistake. The men fall into their usual routine of telling each other to stop breathing. Aldo says that he needs to leave to speak with Leticia. Fernando says he needs to speak with her first. Both men turn and run down the hall toward Lety’s office.
Marcia enters Luigi’s office just as Luigi and Lety talk about some changes that Luigi would like to implement. Marcia cordially makes reference to not knowing they were in the office talking. Lety immediately excuses herself. Marcia asks if Lety’s leaving because she entered the office. Lety says it’s not that. She and Luigi are done talking and now she has other business to attend. Lety tells Luigi to explain everything to Marcia. Luigi feigns frustration, but happily tells Lety that he needs to speak to his beloved platypus (Lety) later. Luigi jokes about the names Marci, Ferni and Orni. He mentions that it’s like a television show. Lety comes back by saying it was more like Luigi, Orni, Aldi.
Tomas enthusiastically congratulates Aldo for winning Lety’s love. Aldo tells Tomas about his little conversation with Fernando in the hall. Tomas laughs about the whole incident. Then the conversation turns serious. Tomas asks for advice. He wants to know how to make a sacrifice for his woman. Tomas explains that he sacrificed his car but it wasn’t enough. The Fortune Cookie speaks and talks about love as freedom and how it makes you forget yourself for your other. Aldo tells Tomas that one should not harass the one he loves. Tomas takes this to mean that he should whip her with his whip of scorn. (I’m guessing this means the Tomas is about to play the “I’m going to ignore you to show you that I like you” game. Correct me if I’m wrong.) Aldo gives Tomas a strange look.
Omar admires Aurora’s picture in the newspaper. He wonders to himself how to find her. There’s a knock on the door. Sara and the rest of the cuartel slowly enter the office. The cuartel nervously says that they just wanted to say hello to Omar. He tells them that he knows better than to fall for that. Lola pretends to be offended by this accusation. Omar decides to address Irmita. She explains that the cuartel knows that he’s the mysterious women’s boyfriend and they were wondering if he would help them win the competition. They explain that in order to win the contest they have to identify the mysterious woman. Omar says (out loud) to himself that he wishes he knew. The cuartel overhears this comment and Omar covers by saying that they shouldn’t bother his girlfriend. He encourages the cuartel to return to work. The cuartel reminds Omar that there is a God.
As the cuartel leaves, Fernando enters the office. He greets Irma with a kiss. They discuss the conversation with the cuartel and how Omar wants to find out the identity of Aurora. They don’t know that you would do give anything to know who she is because even you don’t know who she is. Omar smiles and says Fernando gave him a great idea. (Which makes me think that I just translated that phrase full of subjunctive verbs wrong! Help!)
Alicia enters Tomas’s office. She talks to him but he ignores her. Alicia threatens him and says that if he doesn’t answer, she’ll get up an leave. He’ll lose her for forever. Tomas continues to play the silence game. Alicia walks out of the door and gives Tomas one last look through the window. She charges back in and throws down his folder. He says that he didn’t here her come into the office. Alicia thinks that he’s trying to make her suffer. Tomas denies this. He says that he’s decided to let her go free. Alicia, justifiably, is confused. Tomas imitates the Fortune Cookie and says he wants to make Alicia free and happy. Alicia threatens to punish him with her whip of scorn. She coldly says “until never” and leaves. Tomas starts to chase her out of the office but then resolves to be strong.
The cuartel and Aldo talk about Lety’s absence. Aldo wants to talk to Lety before Fernando speaks with her. Lola suggest that Aldo go into Lety’s office and wait for her. Aldo agrees, but only because it’s an emergency. Tomas enters the room and announces that he’s going to eat at one of the best restaurants. Alicia waltzes through the Vortex with her clown kit and she looks shocked. Alicia asks Tomas if he’s going to leave her without food. Tomas reminds Alicia that he set her free. He tells her that he wanted all or nothing and he’s decided for nothing. He leaves the Vortex. Tomas watches from the elevator area while the cuartel makes fun of Alicia new misfortune.
Omar and Fernando discuss Omar’s obsession with Aurora. Fernando calls Omar crazy, but Omar rebuts by reminding Fernando of his “thing” with Lety. Fernando stands there with a sour yet sexy look on his face. Omar makes fun of the way Fernando runs off to talk to Lety. Fernando reminds Omar that he is Lety’s assistant. Plus, he’s intending to speak with her, but he doesn’t know where Lety is. Omar thinks this means that Lety must be with Aldo.
Ferni may have made fun of Omar’s comment, but it appears that Omar was right. Lety comes into her office and rushes over to her Fortune Cookie. She tells him that she was with Luigi. Aldo explains that he accidentally told Fernando about Lety’s decision. Aldo pleads with Lety to speak to Fernando. Halfway through this conversation, Fernando stands by the office door, listening to the conversation. He begins his own freaky eye twitch and then starts to cry.
Fernando wipes his eyes and leaves the office area. Lety confirms to Aldo that she will speak with Fernando. Aldo says that if he and Lety are hiding the relationship, it’s like they’re doing something bad. Lety agrees. They kiss and discuss talking with Fernando some more. Aldo invites Lety out to eat. The pair leave the office arm in arm. Aldo announces to the cuartel that he and Lety will be gone for a long time. Alicia uses this opportunity to say that she thinks that Conceptos, as a decent business, should provide a place to eat for its employees. Martha agrees. Lety excuses herself anyway. After she leaves, the cuartel decides to leave for the comadilla to talk about the whole situation. Alicia is left alone and hungry.
Fernando sits alone in the boardroom and cries about Lety choosing Aldo. He can’t believe she chose Aldo. Fernando know that Lety loves him, not Aldo.
Omar speaks calls Mr. Orijel in order to find out everything that that Mr. Orijel has ascertained about Aurora. This earns Omar the dial tone. Omar tries calling Caro. She tells Omar that Aurora doesn’t want to see him again. He replies by saying that he doesn’t want to see Aurora either. Omar explains that he feels indebted to Caro and would like to take her out to eat. Caro says she doesn’t think she can. Omar says he’s coming to look for her anyway. Caro agrees, as long as Omar doesn’t talk about Aurora.
Luigi steps off the elevator and immediately runs into a squealing Alicia. She asks what he has in his hands. “Fingers,” he replies. No, Alicia wants to know what’s in the bag. Luigi won’t let her see. He explains that it’s his food. Alicia notices the stores name. She tells Luigi that she read in the newspaper that they’ve been selling rotten food. Luigi says he can’t believe it…Alicia read the newspaper! Alicia says it’s more like she heard it on the news. Luigi checks his food and says it looks fine. He pretends to throw a hissy fit. He can’t believe that Alicia would take advantage of his innocence in order to take his food! Alicia also plays pretend. All she was trying to do was save Luigi’s life! He reacts by pretending to feed Alicia a piece of sushi, but puts it into his own mouth instead.
Lety and her Fortune Cookie walk through a park. A mime gives her a flower and then gives Aldo the stem. The mime takes Lety from Aldo and has everyone applaud her. Aldo smiles and applauds while the mime plays with Lety’s hand.
Fernando re-enters Omar’s office and tells Omar that he’s going to kill someone. Fernando tells Omar that Lety chose Aldo. He overheard them talking, and it’s for sure. Fernando says he’s not going to resign himself to losing Lety. Fernando wants to kill somebody, particularly Aldo. He’s thinking of suffocating Aldo. Omar reminds Fernando that he would go to jail for many years if he did that. Omar suggest that Fernando go home. Fernando doesn’t think that’s a good idea because he’ll burn his house down. (Overreact much, Fernandito?) He’s not going to speak with anyone.
The mime continues his antics, but Lety and Aldo move on. Lety doesn’t like that Aldo’s working for a salary in a restaurant. Aldo assures Lety that he like the job and not to worry. Lety thinks that Conceptos should pay back the money to Aldo. Aldo reminds Lety that if Conceptos paid him, the company would have no capital to pay for its projects. Lety asks Aldo how far he’ll sacrifice himself for her. Aldo replies that if she’s the love of her life, then none of this is a sacrifice. The Fortune Cookie and the Platypus kiss.
While at lunch, Omar explains to Caro that life has taught him to take the best from every experience. He tries one of his lines on Caro, but she reminds him that she is immune to them. He’s going to have to do something more and change his methods. Omar asks for help conquering Aurora. Caro gets up to leave because Omar promised not to talk about Aurora, but that’s really the only thing he cares about. Omar protests, but she leaves anyway.
The cuartel marches into the Vortex. Fernando halts them and asks PM if she’s heard from Lety. PM replies that Lety is in her office and looking for Fernando. At that moment Lety exists the president’s office. Fernando immediately takes off in the opposite direction. Lety gives chase. The cuartel, for once, is left speechless.
Fernando hides himself from Lety in Aldo’s office. Aldo spooks him by walking up behind Fernando. Aldo wants to know what he can do for Fernando. Fernando says he came into the office by mistake. At that moment, Lety enters the office. Disgusted for getting caught, Fernando smacks his head.
Fernando freaks out and says that they should forget that he was in the office. He wants to leave. Aldo thinks it would be better if Fernando stays and talks. Fernando excuses himself and rushes out of the office. Aldo and Lety just look at each other.
PM shyly enters Omar’s office. Because his plan with Caro failed, Omar explains to PM that he needs to vent to someone and he doesn’t want anyone to find out. PM pulls down her shirt and invites Omar to talk. Omar stares at her chest and then changes the subject to Aurora. He explains to PM that Caro knows everything about Aurora. Omar says that he’s speaking with PM because he knows that PM is very discreet and because she would never go to Caro to bother he about information about Aurora. PM tells Omar not to worry and excuses herself, but doesn’t leave before making sure that Omar doesn’t want another try at her. Once PM leaves, Omar congratulates himself because now Caro won’t have a moment of peace.
Fernando rushes through Lety’s office. She tries to talk to him but he runs to the cave. She knocks on the door, but he says he’s busy. She again to talk to him, but he refuses. Lety, extremely frustrated, sits at her desk.
Tomas talks some more with Aldo about Alicia. Tomas knows that his girl is suffering and he doesn’t like it. The Fortune Cookie encourages Tomas to be strong. Tomas lists all the problems that Alicia could be having. Aldo doesn’t understand because no one falls in love with ugly people. “Well, you did fall in love with Lety, but this is a different topic.” Aldo again encourages Tomas to resist his urge to care for Alicia. Tomas gives in and insists on going to see his woman. Aldo holds Tomas from leaving.
Fernando talks some more to himself in his office. He’s going crazy. He leaves the office and rushes through Lety’s. In the Vortex he runs into Luigi who scolds Fernando. Lety leaves her office and enters the Vortex. She says Fernando’s name. He carries Luigi away into his office. Fernando stands at the door, peeking outside to look for Lety.
PM and the cuartel sit in the vortex, shocked at what just happened. PM asks Lety what just happened. Lety screams out “nothing” several times and goes back to her office.
Still peeking through the door, Fernando sees that Lety didn’t follow him. He sits himself in front of Luigi’s desk.
The cuartel discuss the Lety, Aldo, Fernando situation. Next, they change topics to Caro. The instant Caro walks into the building they plan on taking her to the boardroom. Perfectly timed, Caro walks off the elevator. Caro can tell something’s up, but the cuartel plays coy.
Luigi asks Fernando what he wants. Fernando doesn’t want anything. He immediately gets up to exit, leaving an exasperated Luigi to talk to himself about the crazy people at Conceptos.
Tomas sneaks past Alicia in the Vortex. She stops him to ask if he’s leaving. He tries to play cool, but he can’t even look at Alicia. She pulls him to her and accuses him of being mad. He’s made her suffer. Tomas tries to resist, but visibly weakens. She asks for help paying for a hotel. Marcia’s apartment is so small, that she thinks it would be better for her in a hotel. Tomas denies this request, but with some “convincing” from Alicia he weakens some more.
The cuartel holds Caro in its version of the boardroom, the women’s restroom. Caro confirms that Aurora is her friend. They cuartel pleads for help, but Caro says that she can’t. The cuartel catches on that Omar deceived them. Sara tells Caro about Omar’s little plan. Caro thinks it would be a good idea to teach Omar a lesson. The cuartel agrees.
Fernando wanders the halls of Conceptos, trying to avoid Lety. It doesn’t work. Lety finds him. He begs Lety not to tell him. Fernando explains that he already knows. He tells Lety about the conversation with Aldo and then overhearing Lety and Aldo in her office. Lety asks Fernando for pardon. She didn’t know how to tell him; she hugs Fernando. Fernando clutches onto Lety and says that he wanted to believe it was just a dream, or a nightmare. Lety thanks him for leaving her free, but Fernando says that is the moment he dug his own grave. He asks Lety to forget about him and to be happy, so that one of them can be happy. Fernando excuses himself to work. Lety leaves and Fernando stays in the hallway, crying.
In honor of the preview for tomorrow, a quote dedicated to Tomas & Alicia:
Love is an ideal thing, marriage a real thing; a confusion of the real with the ideal never goes unpunished.
Labels: fea
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