Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Destilando Amor - May 22, 2007 - Rod's karaoke serenade; Clarita gets a new job; Gavi still can't believe her life is like a soap opera

* Rod and Mari argue (over her missing appointment planner/his memo) - she leaves his office - he's enchanted. (cue theme songs and opening credits)

* Rod on cell in outer office talking with Isa. Hilario is impatiently waiting and trying to get Elvira to find Rod, it's urgent. Rod approaches and is overjoyed to see Hilario again. Hilario is feeling very guilty and needs to talk in private with Rod.

* Larry the snake updates Aaron on the plans for the shipment to Hawaii and the shipment to Europe. All this is being done behind Rod and Mari's backs.

* Hilario gives Rod the paperwork that Roman sent from the ranch. Hilario then gives his oral resignation to Rod - Rod is shocked and outraged at resignation and the timing of it. Rod demands an explanation - Hilario stands and says he's failed in his duties and has to leave. Rod won't accept the resignation and gives reasons for Hilario to remain working. Rod makes Hilario a very generous offer, of which Hilario will only accept on one condition no one knows of his salary. Rod agrees - they shake and bang knuckles. Hilario leaves. Rod laughs about Hilario.

* Gavi spies out her office door and watches Hilario leave Rod's office - she's in panic mode as he walks passed.

* Rod stuffs Gavi's appointment planner in his jacket pocket, picks up some folders and papers, looks around and leaves his office.

* Meanwhile in Miami, Florida, at the mansion, Minnie enters the home office and asks Aaron if he will take her to the airport. He's busy and says the chauffeur is ready and can help her. The phone rings - she makes an effort to ask him if he will wish her luck at her doctor's appointment at least - he takes the business call and tells her of course, in a minute, he goes back to talking in english on the phone. She's frustrated and disappointed and leaves. (maybe it's me, or maybe I'm starting to channel Clarita, but for some strange reason that mansion looks very similar to the mansion used in "Inocente de ti").

* Rod knocks and enters Mari's office. Gavi asks him about why Hilario was there. Rod is baffled and tells her he had some paperwork from the ranch for his to sign. Gavi is in full-throttle panic mode and asks if they talked at all about her in anyway - Rod assures her they didn't. Gavi needs more assurance and Rod to promise to keep her secret from everyone. He promises and is very enchanted because she said his name "Rodrigoooo". He touches her cheek - she pulls back and goes back into formal Mr. Montalvo/Ms. Franco work mode. She returns to her desk. He acts like a bumbling idiot and knocks papers over on her desk as he tries to cover replacing her appointment book back under the stack of folders. He makes his excuse for falling on her desk and leaves. She digs out the planner and shakes her head, realizing he had it all along.

* Aaron "Bichie" and Pamela have a long-distance video internet chat via They arrange a brief romantic weekend together while Aaron is in Miami.

* Rod and Gavi at their cars in the parking lot. They argue over whether Rod will drive them both in his car, or if Gavi will take her own car and leave when she wants to. Rod makes his full argument - Gavi reluctantly gives in and gets in his car.

* As Rod and Gavi drive away, Elvira walks down the front walk and tries to spy on them over the front bushes. Larry the snake approaches Elvira. He starts to talk with Elvira, who is waiting for a taxi to go home - he offers to share a taxi with her (he will pay for the full fare of course). He asks if she's married, she says she's a widow and lives alone. He offers to take her to dinner and they walk arm in arm to the street.

* Rod and Gavi on drive to the corporate tequila event. She talks about business and the event. At the mention of tequila, Rod starts off on a tangent about when he dies he wants to have very close side-by-side tombs. Gavi says that when she dies, she want to be alone - or to be able to rest in peace for eternity. Rod, making fun of the peace remark, starts to "UMMM!" - Gavi looks at him like he's rude and obnoxious. He explains how he likes to meditate, listening to music, he pops in a cassette - his favorite to meditate to - Gavi realizes it's her cassette - he says she may want to forget but he loves to remember how they were when they met - he starts to karaoke sing to her voice (brief flashbacks).

* Clara finishes sewing. Liliana stops by - Clara hands her the two towels she made - Liliana is very impressed and says thank you. Clara asks Liliana to help find references for more sewing work. Liliana comes up with a better idea; asks Clara to come to the hospital and work as a volunteer patient aide. Clara loves the idea.

* Rod and "Mari" enter the restaurant. As Mari says hello to Eduardo, Artemio and other men, Rod paces back and forth in background (his jealousy starts to percolate). Eduardo asks Mari a question about tequila, Mari prefers he ask Sr. Montalvo and pulls Rod into the circle and introduces him to the group. As Rod shakes hands, Artemio pulls Mari aside to ask her about his tequila shipment.
- As Rod starts to pull himself away from the circle, Patricio stops him in mid-stride. They doe-see-doe and Patricio asks him about life in the corporate world, and especially what's happening at the corporate headquarters. As Patricio tries to introduce Rod to Lluvia, Rod cuts the conversation off and he tries to catch up with Mari.
- Mari is at home in the center of Eduardo and his circle of associates. They are talking about the tequila business. Rod can't take it any more and interrupts and pulls Mari aside for a private conversation - she's frustrated by his attitude at the event; he's jealous and wants to know who she wrote the love letter about in her appointment book - he asks if it was one of the men, perhaps Eduardo. She's offended by the insinuation, tells him off and walks away. He's baffled and frustrated and runs after her (calls her "Gav-Mariana").
- He catches up to her outside and asks if the letter was written about her still loving him, he needs to know, begs her to tell him - he still loves her so much. Again she tells him off, she reminds him he's married and he should be focusing on his marriage, his wife and starting a family with her not looking to have an affair with her or any other woman around. She stomps back inside - he takes a deep breath and follows her.

* Dani and her friends are out having beers at the local hang-out cafe. Someone draws a chalk/colored pencil portrait of Dani and hands it to her. She is impressed and says thank you.

* At the restaurant, the formal tequila tasting portion begins - Mari and Rod stand together and watch. (cue Mexico en La Piel by Luis Miguel)

* Mari finishes talking with a couple. Rod approaches and tries to continue talk with Mari. She's annoyed and tries to walk away, he stops her, he's frustrated and angry and says fine she can have her life back, see whomever she wants, he doesn't care. She's shocked as he walks away - Artemio brings over some tequila for to share a toast with her - Rod goes to the tequila serving table, slams his hand down and gulps one whole glass down in one swallow. Mari tries to refuse the tequila, but Art won't take no for an answer. The other guys gather around her again.

* Patricio finds his cousin at the table with the empty glass and a second full glass in his hand; this time Rod can't escape, Patricio introduces him to Lluvia and her two friends as the executive director of Montalvo Corp. He laughs and says he's not the executive director, he's only the chauffeur for Lic. Mariana Franco. (Clearly he's drunk on what one glass of tequila - that must be strong stuff or he just can't hold his liquor.) Gavi glances over at him, laughing and pointing. They ask him about his studies in London - he laughs and makes something up. Mari interrupts and scolds Rod. She is leaving now. He makes jokes; she's annoyed, tells him to stay with his new girlfriends and leaves. He stutters "Gav-Mariana" again and follows her outside.

* At the front door, Gavi is calling for a taxi. Rod yells "Gavi - Mariana!" They starts to argue like schoolchildren about his drinking and his new girlfriends. He tries to get her to let him drive her home; he refuses and gets in the taxi. He swipes her purse and starts to play keep away with it. She gets really frustrated and annoyed by the childish game; she tells him to give it back or she will disappear from his life forever. He's upset, sad, and she takes back her purse and the taxi drives away. Frustrated, he yells, "Mariana! Mariana Franco!"

* (here's an "Ugly Betty" reference in case you didn't catch it) Clarita is sitting on the sofa intensely watching her soap opera (starring Laura Leon and Carlos Benevides). The phone rings - Clara turns down the sound and answers it. Gavi is calling to say she's on her way home. Clara wants to know all the details of the evening and will wait up for Gavi. Clara hints to Gavi that she has some good news of her own to share. They hang up. Clara talks to herself about her excitement in telling Gavi of her new volunteer job at the hospital. Clara puts the phone on the receiver and returns to watching her soap opera.

* Isa in bed, reading. Rod returns home. Isa asks him about his evening with Mariana. Rod only answers in short words and phrases and he gets his pajamas on. she asks if he talked with Hilario; Rod is surprised and tells her he wanted to resign from ranch work. Isa is shocked by the resignation; she wonders why and if Rod offered him something for him to stay on; Rod mentions the new job offer at the ranch and the condition Hilario requested be included. Isa is muy impactada. Rod climbs under the covers, turns out the light and says good night. Isa turns out her light, and tries to cuddle with him. As she touchs his back, he requests that she not touch him or he will sleep in the other room. She curls up with her pillow and stares at him.

* Mama Clara is so excited telling Gavi about her volunteer job. Gavi is excited for her mom. Clara will start tomorrow as soon as she finishes up her last sewing project. Clara doesn't waste any time in prodding Gavi to give her details about her evening business event with Rod. Gavi says nothing much to tell, it's always the same thing - they end up fighting like schoolchildren. Clara says that's just like in that soap, 'Amores Juventud' where Pilarcita and Carlos always fought and fought, when later they discovered they really loved each other. Gavi tries to say her situation isn't anything like the telenovela - Clara argues that Gavi's situation is very similar. Gavi changes the subject and goes to look through the mail -- bills, bills, and a letter from Benvenutto, her friend in Paris. Gavi is excited and reads it to mama. They discuss everything he did for Gavi while she was in Paris and London. This brings Gavi back to her disgusted thought of the Montalvo inheritance contest. (NOTE: I think the actor playing Benvenutto is Archie LaFranco, who played Rodrigo in Alborada.)

* Aaron brings Pamela to the Miama mansion. She's impressed and walks to the piano and he talks with the female servant. The servant leaves. Aaron welcomes Pamela to the house with a kiss and hug. He takes her to the pool and surprises her with tea candles lit all round the pool, and tequila chilling nearby. He toasts to her being the godmother for his turquoise tequila enterprise - she toast to their love. They realize they are alone - he puts the glasses down and she starts to get comfortable. (Oo-la-la).

* Several days later: Mariana is busy typing at her office computer. Artemio storms into her office and scolds her for the contaminated shipment they just sent him in Hawaii. He's madder than a hornet's nest and wants what was promised and agreed to - she stammers and stutters - he's not interested in excuses or explanations. He's fuming. Mari is muy impactado.

* Isa escorts Rod out to the hallway - Rod is leaving for work. Isa tells Rod that she's really bored and tired of staying home all alone - Rod says she can go shopping or whatever she wants. She asks to have dinner with him - Rod agrees. He gets on the elevator as neighbor stud Francisco walks off the elevator. Francisco says hello. Isa, covering up her breasts with her robe, says hello and goes back inside her penthouse. Francisco smiles as he approaches his own penthouse door. (hey, a new boytoy for Isa)

* In Mariana's office, Mari has Larry the snake try to explain and reason with Artemio - Larry shows Artemio the shipping invoice - Artemio isn't interested in the lame explanations or the shipping invoice - he knows what the shipment was that he received and he wants it corrected immediately! Larry leaves quietly and quickly. Artemio turns back to Mariana and yells at her again.

* Lluvia runs into Patricio's office and shows him the memo from corporate about Artemio's shipment and says that he is demanding action be taken at once to get him the correct shipment. Patricio is very baffled and bewildered (and impactado) with the news - how could this have happened? what went wrong with the shipment?

* At the mansion in Miami, Aaron wakes to his cell phone ringing - it's Larry the snake giving him a brief update on the Hawaii shipment plan worked to perfection. Aaron is happy and will call back later. He hangs up as Pamela starts to stir and call out "Bichie". Aaron returns to cuddle mode.

* Mariana and Rod meet in Rod's office with the still fuming mad Artemio. He thinks Rod pulled a double-cross dirty trick on him - Rod defends himself - Mariana tries to step in and direct the blame to Aaron and herself - Artemio won't accept it and calls Rod a coward for hiding behind Mariana's skirts. Rod is offended and defends himself and takes the scolding. Artemio says he is going to sue Rod to the full extent of the law for this fiasco. (AY CARAY CARAY!) Rod yells back his disgust for the remark, and says if he does sue it will be on his conscience. Mariana pipes in and comes up with a compromise to diffuse the situation - Artemio accepts it temporarily, but if it backfires, he will sue. Artemio leaves. Rod takes a breath and sits down - he can't understand what happened to the shipment and surprises Mariana by thanking her for helping defend him just now with Artemio. She accepts humbly. He runs the idea of calling Aaron for his advice on resolving the situation with Artemio.

* Pamela and Aaron are eating their breakfast in bed (or she's eating, he's just sipping some fruit juice). They are watching television - when Aaron's turquoise tequila infomercial comes on, Pamela turns up the sound - she's very interested to watch. Servant knocks on the door - important private phone call from Rodrigo for Aaron. Aaron leaves. Pamela sits and watches the infomercial and becomes even more enchanted by Aaron - she loves him so much, it is so intense and passionate, it has to be real and last.

* In his Miami home office, Aaron is on the phone with Rod. Rod thinks they need to do something to show good faith with Artemio. Aaron is more of the "Scrooge Bah Humbug" approach to business. Aaron hangs up with Rod. He immediately uses his cell phone to call Larry the snake to tell him to do something so Rod calms down (and doesn't get suspicious). Larry assures his partner-in-grime not to worry, he has everything covered.

* Rod enters Mariana's office. Mari shows Rod the document about the contaminated shipment that was sent to Hawaii. Rod can't believe it, they discuss how to proceed with Artemio and correcting the problem. Don Placinto enters and puts a bouquet of flowers on Mari's desk. Rod is impactado and disgusted. Mari is disgusted and reads the card out loud. She scolds Rod for sending it. Rod tells her they must be from one of her multiple admirers, they aren't from him. He leaves. (WHOA!) She's muy impactado.


La Fea Más Bella #280 5/22/07 Tibet doesn't sound like such a bad idea

Okay, so Lety thinks she just might be caught. Marcia asks if there’s anything wrong with the contract. Aurora pulls a diva move and says she didn’t like how she signed it. She wants a new contract printed. She calls the pen “common” and that she doesn’t like it. Personally, I think she should be thankful they didn’t give her a green pencil to sign! Omar, who is ever helpful when it comes to Aurora, says that he will get a new contract and a different pen. Marcia and Luigi urge Omar to rush to his task. Ummm…doesn’t Omar have the signed contract? Why didn’t Aurora throw it in the trash? Omar seems to be the type that would frame that contract with her signature, kind of like the people who buy Britney Spears’ chewed gum.

Out in the Vortex the cuartel wants to do something, but Irmita won’t go along with the plan. The cuartel wants to know what’s being said between Fernando and Aldo. Irmita thinks they should be given privacy. The cuartel considers and then ignores Irma’s request. Irmita must be of the if you can’t beat them then join them philosophy. She rushes to the presidency’s door to listen.

Inside the office Fernando tells Aldo to start talking. Aldo tells Fernando that he, Aldo, has much respect for Fernando. “Like a winner respects a loser,” Fernando replies. Aldo says that he doesn’t think Fernando is a loser. “Who is with Lety?” Fernando asks. Aldo says that he thinks that everyone won. Needless to say, Fernando does not agree. Aldo thinks Fernando is a winner because Fernando learned that he could love. Fernando points out that he learned to love, but he doesn’t have anybody to love. Now he gets to watch Aldo with the woman Fernando loves. Flash to the cuartel listening at the door. PM almost looks sympathetic toward Don Fernando.

Omar must have returned because Aurora signs the new contract in the correct space. Everybody minus Aurora uses hand signals. I apparently am worse at Spanish sign language then American Sign Language because I have no idea what they’re trying to say. Somehow Omar scurries everyone out the door. Omar begins to place his hands on Aurora’s shoulders, but she stands and tells him “Don’t you dare, Omar Carvajal!” Aurora walks to the other side of Luigi’s desk. Omar begins to plea with her but she cuts him off and says she will never have a romantic relationship with him.

The cuartel are still in the vortex listening in on Aldo and Fernando’s private discussion. Fernando’s explaining to Aldo that he’s fought and fought to re-conquer Lety and show her how much he loves her, but he couldn’t do it. Fernando tells Aldo that Fernando asked Lety to marry him. She accepted, but she realized she had a small doubt about her feelings for Aldo. Aldo says this is why he wanted to speak with Fernando. He thinks that Fernando is right when he says that he needs to rebuild his life. Aldo thinks that trying to get close to Aurora is a great option for Fernando. Fernando turns and smacks the office door. (The cuartel jumps in surprise. Ha that’s what you get you meddling misers!) Fernando turns back to Aldo and repeats Aurora’s name several times.

Outside, the ever perceptive cuartel thinks that one of the men hit the other. They wonder who did it. Lola’s sure that Fernando hit Aldo. They try to go back to the door, but Irma’s found her nerve and blocks the rest of the group from re-attaching to the door.

Aldo tells Fernando that he’s a good person. Aldo’s sure that Lety would have been very happy with Fernando because Aldo knows that Fernando really loves Lety. He’s like those people who you want to like. You know you don’t like them deep down, but you’re nice to them anyway and they seems to be okay. Out of the blue they always come up with some smart ass remark. That’s kind of how I feel about this comment. If the writers are trying to make Aldo more appealing IT’S NOT WORKING! Aldo says some more about Fernando deserving Lety’s love. He walks by Fernando and puts his hand on Fernando’s shoulder. I wish fun, spunky Fernando were present. He would turn and bite that hand! This Fernando just desolately stands there and does/says nothing. Aldo walks to the door and opens it to find the cuartel on the other side. He doesn’t say a word and they part like the red sea for him. Once he’s past they all peer into to the office to see a dejected Fernando sitting in the office.

Aldo, Marcia and Caro sit around and talk about Omar. Luigi can’t believe that Caro wants Omar. Marcia interjects and points out that Luigi would not exactly reject Omar if he could have him. Luigi says that was before. He now has eyes only for Rulli. Thinking about Aurora makes Luigi feel more like a woman. Aurora inspires Luigi. This fascinates Rulli! Marcia asks Caro why she left the room to leave Aurora with Omar. Caro replies that she thinks that Omar will finally understand that he has no opportunity with Aurora. Marcia asks Caro why she thinks this way. Caro says that a person has their secrets.

Omar Carvajal is still trying to convince Aurora that he’s her Principe Azul. Aurora says that she knows his tactics. Realizing that this may sound strange to Omar, she says that she knows his type with their false promises. They go from woman to woman without committing to any one woman. Omar says that he will be different with Aurora. He will marry her and they will grow old together with their grandchildren. Aurora interrupts. She says that none of this will happen. She stalks toward him and asks him what is his biggest fault. Omar doesn’t want to answer. He only had one and it’s not a problem anymore: he didn’t know how to love. Now he’s fixed because he loves Aurora. Aurora replies that some of his faults are that he’s vain, overbearing/arrogant, cynical, he totally lacks the ability of self-criticism. His vanity is blinding him. He only wants Aurora as a trophy. How can he love her without knowing who she really is? He should remove his blindfold and discover who it is he really loves. Omar says that he thinks all of this “faults” are really his qualities and she can enjoy them with him. Luigi interrupts and points out that they have a lot of things they need to be doing right now. Aurora agrees and says she’s done with Omar. Omar excuses himself. He tells Aurora that now he understands. Caro’s eyes watch Omar leave the room.

The cuartel tows Fernando out of the presidency. They try to prepare him to see Aurora. The smile that we all know and love reappears. Is it just me, or does it sometimes seem like he has extra teeth? He thanks them, but Irma’s not sure he’s really okay. He says that he is and that he needs to go to the studio in order to work. The cuartel tells him how precious and gorgeous he is.

Still in the Vortex, Fernando bumps into Omar. They acknowledge their bad luck in love and attempt to move past each other. It takes a few tries, but eventually they get on their respective ways. Fernando almost runs into Caro, but averts dangers and continues on to the studio. Caro walks over to Omar and asks if he wants to talk. He does and they head towards his office.

Lola tells the cuartel that seeing Fernando like that breaks her heart. Irma has an “I told you so” moment and says that she knew Fernando deserved Lety’s love. For once Team Aldo doesn’t argue with her.

Alicia asks Tommy when he will be finishing his work. He says that all he has to do is sign some checks. The mention of checks excites Alicia. She rushes to his desk to look at the checks. She thinks to herself that she forgot that Tommy was the official signor of the checks. She massages him and compliments him for having Lety’s confidence. Alicia picks up a check for 518,000 pesos. Tommy explains that the check is for a supplier. Alicia continues to massage him and tells Tomas to relax.

Aurora and Fernando practice their scene. Fernando trips over the stairs. I’m not sure that was scripted because it looks like he almost broke his ankle. He recovers from the fall but forgets his lines. Luigi stops the scene and almost trips over the stairs as well. Luigi asks Fernando what’s wrong. Aurora says she doesn’t understand. She insults him as an actor. Fernando asks if she’s ever had a bad day. She says that she’s had various, including today. Fernando points out the coincidence that he’s having a really bad day as well. A cell phone rings and Luigi complains about the presence of a cell phone on set. Aurora walks away from the men and answers in Lety voice. It’s Aldo and he wants to know when they can leave to go eat at Lety’s house. Lety says later, good-bye and hangs up the phone. Fernando walks over to Aurora and asks her to go for a drink after their done practicing the scene. Aurora almost loses her footing. Fernando grabs her and tells her to calm down. (Remember when Lety always had to say that to Fernando?)

Alicia helps Tommy with the checks. She compliments his pretty signature. She picks up a particularly large check and hides it under her arm and then in her bustier.

Aurora addresses Fernando and gets his name right, but he starts to correct her anyway. Aurora says she doesn’t want to be rude, but she doesn’t accept that type of invitation. Fernando reaches for her, but she tells him not to touch her. Fernando says he thinks Aurora misinterpreted the invitation. He wanted to talk to her about his friend, Omar Carvajal. They banter a bit about how Omar is stupid. For the first time in a couple of shows I giggled. Fernando says he wants to know what Aurora said to Omar to put him in such a depression. Aurora replies that she only told Omar the truth. Fernando tries to coax “the truth” out of Aurora but she tells him to stop being a clown. One of the things she told Omar was that she was not interested in him. Fernando asks if she is interested even a little bit. Aurora replies that she interested not at all. Luigi and Marcia re-enter the room. Luigi wants to get back to working through the scene. Aurora replies that she’s done practicing until she sees Fernando dressed as his character. She can’t figure out her role until she sees his. Fernando says that he’s not in the mood to get into character. It takes like 45 minutes of make-up to look like Inocencio. Aurora says that she’s leaving. She stalks off the stage. Marcia tells Fernando that now she understands why he calls Aurora a diva. Fernando, frustrated, leaves the stage as well.

Alicia goes to the bank and traces Tomas’s signature onto a check. She thins out loud that she hopes she doesn’t get caught. Yeah, that’s a great idea. Say out loud, in a bank, that you hope you don’t get caught. That won’t raise suspicions at all. No siree. She makes the check out for 15,000 pesos. Alicia walks to the teller and hands him the check. He asks her how she would like to be paid. She responds that she would like cash. He says of course, but in what denomination. She says she wants the biggest bills possible. She next tells the teller that it’s a great feeling to earn money through work. He half smiles.

Fernando sits in Omar’s office and looks at the photo of Lety. He tells the photo that he doesn’t want to see it anymore. He goes to throw it away, but he’s not able to follow through. Fernando pulls the newspaper to him and looks at Aurora’s photo. He thinks aloud that she lacks a touch of beauty and authenticity. He whips out one of the sexy green pencils and begins to draw on the photo. First he gives her bushy eyebrows. Next, he gives her glasses. He gives her a subtle moustache and some braces. Finally, he draws on some bangs. Fernando starts to congratulate himself on drawing a better Aurora, but he’s hit by a startling revelation. He gives a Carvajal worthy scream. Aurora is Lety!

Omar and Caro talk at a coffee shop. He tells Caro that he doesn’t understand what Aurora was trying to say to him. Caro says that it’s not all that complicated. Omar tells Caro about the first time he saw Aurora and how that was an important experience for him. Caro intently watches Omar’s face. Omar says that when love like that is not returned, then it’s terrible and painful. Caro thinks that he’s preparing to fall in love again. Omar thinks that loving again is too risky. Caro says that when love is returned there will not be suffering. Omar says that he doubts he will ever encounter a woman who truly loves him because he doesn’t deserve it. Caro touches his hand and says that he deserves it. He should open his eyes. Omar says he’ll try to follow Caro’s advice. They decide to return to Conceptos, but Omar points out that Caro will have to take him because he doesn’t have a car, a house or happy memories. Caro tells him it’s like he’s a whole new Omar in all respects. She congratulates him. They stare into each others arms.

Is it bad that every time I see the face of a cuartel member on the screen I cringe? Sara’s complaining that she’s not like Aurora. They discuss how she treated Omar. Lola thinks that he deserved it. The cuartel agrees that he should suffer a little more. The phone rings. It’s Pepillo Origel. (aka Juan Jose Origel. He’s a Mexican reporter and radio host.) He must be calling about the dinner with Fernando Colunga. Sara loudly announces that the dinner is that very same night. The cuartel cheers. Sara gets back on the phone and gets the time. Once she hangs up the cuartel celebrates some more. Alicia enters and shows off her new jewelry. She waltzes off to someplace.

Tomas sits in his office and debates paying the credit card balance or paying for rent. While he’s figuring out the finances, Alicia enters the office and asks him if he notices anything new. This chick really isn’t all that bright, is she? He starts looking at her legs but she pulls him up to her new gaudy necklace and earrings. He asks where she got them. She says that’s not important, but does he like them. He says he does and asks if they’re real. She acts insulted and confirms that they are in fact real. He asks again who gave them to her. She lies and says that her father did. As quickly as she entered she leaves. Tomas is left confused and a little upset.

Fernando paces around Omar’s office. He does a little crazy talk and compares the photo of Lety with the artistic rendition of Aurora. Fernando tries to convince himself that he’s the one who made Aurora look like Lety. He convinces himself that it’s crazy to think that Aurora is Lety. He takes the picture of Aurora and tears it but thinks better and puts it into his pocket to check again later at his house.

Lety talks to her mother on the phone. She tells Julieta that Fausto will also be attending dinner. Julieta wants to make sure she prepares a special dinner for this occasion. Lety smiles and says yes, she’s very happy. She kisses her $0.50 vending machine ring. Julieta sends Lety her kisses. Once they hang up, Erasmo asks Julieta about the time of the dinner.

Fernando’s still pacing in Omar’s office. Omar enters and cheerfully greets his friend. Fernando says he’s trying to convince himself not to go find Lety and take her to the end of the world where no one will find them. Queue the dramatic music!

Omar tells Fernando this isn’t a good idea. Lety will only leave with Aldo. Omar asks Fernando to give Omar a reason not to leave for Tibet to live for the rest of his life where he can be alone and far from all women. Fernando says he’ll give Omar a great reason. The men lean toward each other over the desk. “None! You can go when you want because no one here will miss you. Bye!” We can complain about how mean Fernando is to Omar but isn’t this just like when a skinny friend looks in the mirror and says she feels fat and we, just so we don’t feed her ego, agree and say that she is looking a little plump that day? Omar sarcastically says thank you. They lament once again, their misfortune with love. They both think that they should leave for Tibet.

Lety’s in her office giving Caro the reasons why Lety wants to get married. Caro says that she would like to join in that night’s dinner, but she’s not in the spirit. Lety asks if that has anything to do with Omar Carvajal. Caro confirms. Aldo enters and greets the women. Caro congratulates Aldo. He replies that he’s happy because he’s marrying the woman he loves. IT’S STILL NOT WORKING! They all get up and leave the office.

They say good-bye to the cuartel. Sara tells Lety that tonight’s the night of the dinner with Fernando Colunga. She asks if Lety would like to join. Because women should be seen and not heard, Aldo replies for Lety. She can’t go because she has an important commitment tonight. (Sorry, I’m trying to give Aldo a chance, but like I’ve said before IT’S JUST NOT WORKING!) This of course makes the cuartel curious. Aldo announces that tonight he is going to ask Julieta and Erasmo for permission to marry Lety. With classic telenovela timing, Fernando walks in just as Aldo makes his announcement. Everyone cheers except for him. Irma sees him and his downcast face, but he shushes her so that she won’t say anything to ruin the moment. He enters the presidency and everyone except Irma congratulates the couple. Aldo and Lety finally take their leave. Omar walks into the room and he and Caro goofily stare at each other. Lety comes back and asks if Caro’s coming. She turns in different directions. Finally, Omar stops her from leaving. He says good-bye and kisses her hands. She leans in and kisses his cheek. The cuartel gushes.

Irma still looks upset. She tells the cuartel about how upset Fernando looked when he heard Aldo’s announcement. The cuartel sneaks into the office and knocks on the cave’s door. They all peek into the room. Fernando scoots over to them and asks them for what they want. They ask if they may enter. He says that they may. Like a flock of seagulls going after the last piece of bread on the beach, they rush into Fernando’s little office. No one wants to talk, until they get to Irmita. She asks if he’s okay. He says that he is. Sara leans over him and asks if he needs anything. He does a weird eye tickle and then says no. He tells them that he’ll see them tomorrow. They don’t leave, so he does.

Out in the Vortex Marcia catches him and asks if they will be leaving together. He tells her that he’s not going to the apartment. Marcia says she can go with him, but he says he would prefer to go alone. The cuartel comes out of the office and asks again if he needs something. He takes his leave of all the women. Once he leaves, the cuartel tells Marcia that they’re worried about him. Marcia says that loves like that and he’s crazy in love with Lety.

Omar stands in the apartment and remembers Caro’s words about love. He picks up his jacket and head for…????

Julieta and Erasmo stand outside the house. Julieta forgot half of the preparations for the supper. Julieta says that she’s just nervous. A cab pulls up to the house. Fernando gets out of the cab but doesn’t give a tip. Fernando thinks to himself that he just needs to say a final good-bye to Julieta. He goes to knock on the door, but can’t work up the nerve. He instead shouts at the window and then thinks about throwing a rock. Realizing the rock is to big, he switches to a pebble. Nobody answers his off target throws, so he knocks on the door. The door opens and he stands in the doorway.

Caro’s doorbell rings. It’s Omar. She doesn’t want to let him enter, because she’s not dressed. She lets him in but scurries out of the room. Omar takes Caro by the arms and asks her to stay close to him; he doesn’t want anything more. Caro asks him if she can change. He says okay. She awkwardly passes him.

Caro runs into her bedroom, with a goofy smile on her face. Omar didn’t wait, and he enters the room. He tells her that after their talk he thinks now is the time to open his eyes and his heart. He says he’ll wait for her downstairs. She calls to him. He comes back to her. They think to themselves about what they’re doing. Caro wonders about her feelings. Omar wonders if this is his chance to find true love. They lightly kiss and credits!

Tomorrow: The Padillas get their celebration on, Fernando gets his tequila on, Omar and Caro get it on. Oh, and Jaime Camil does a little ditty. Sigh.

Good-night, All!


Tuesday, May 22, 2007

La Fea Más Bella #279 5/21/07 Sign Here, Please

We start this episode with a small heart attack. I pressed play on my DVR and got a few seconds of the closing credits for the show…que horror! Did this happen to anyone else? Anyway, it was just a transmission glitch, I guess, the rest of the show was fine.

We begin with a replay of Lety and Aldo from Friday: blah, blah, blah, mush, mush, mush, marry me? What do you say? Lety wants to know if Aldo is sure and Aldo says he's never been as sure in his life as now. He wants to get married and then, when their compromiso (obligation, commitment, agreement) with Conceptos is over, leave together. He tells her that together, they can get back his restaurant and all he needs is her answer to feel completely happy. Lety says this is all so new for her and she needs to see what's really happening. Aldo says that what she needs is to decide whether she's going to marry him. Kiss, kiss.

At the bachelor/ette pad, Omar is still in a snit. He tells Fernando that he'll be sorry for being a traidor (traitor). Fernando tells Marcia that Omar thinks he's flirting with Aurora. Marcia tells him that it's only to make Lety feel en paz (at peace) with Aldo, so Fernando can sleep with a clear conscience. Fernando says he'll have to sleep in the living room and Marcia jokes that she'd invite him to sleep in her room, but he'd think she's trying to seduce him (she makes cute little predatory hand gestures). Fernando says his plan salio al revés (turned out wrong) and Lety got jealous. Marcia wants to know, if that's the case, what is Lety doing with Aldo. And ain't that the million dollar question! Fernando says she's confused and doesn't know who she wants. Marcia advises him not to hagar ilusiones (get his hopes up) because she doesn't want him to suffer and as she leaves the living room says she hopes he can sleep. Fernando talks to himself about Lety being indecisive and divided.

Lety and Aldo are walking along, much later in the evening, talking about going back to Acapulco when a street urchin approaches and asks Aldo for a moneda (coin). Aldo asks where he sleeps and, when said urchin confirms that he's homeless, Aldo says he'll do something better for him.

Alicia and Tomás are checking out their new No-Love Shack. Alicia picks up a decorative disco ball from the coffee table and says, menos mal (thank goodness), it looks like a huevito (a little egg--does she mean it's small?), but it's habitable. Tomás says, "say no more, let's go to the nuptial bed!" Can anyone not guess where this is going? Tomás is enthusiastically bouncing around on the bed and jumping on the living room furniture, but Alicia bursts his bubble, reminding him that even though they both want each other and Tomás thinks no one stands in their way, there is actually someone in their way…the gynecologist. (Meanwhile, in another part of the city, Alicia's actual gynecologist gives a great hearty "Hey, leave me out of this!") Alicia says that since it's not one of her fertile days and they're both so, so, so…it's better if they sleep separately. Guess who gets the couch? Tomás sits forlornly on the couch and pouts that he's in his fertile days.

Apparently Aldo and Lety have brought the street urchin to an orphanage. A kind nun tells him he'll have lots of friends who used to live in the street, but now they're one big family. Danny, the ex-street urchin, thinks this sounds padrissimo (way cool). The nun asks Danny if he'd like a hot bath and Danny says "ay, que rico!" (oh, how great!) The nun blesses Aldo and Lety. Aldo tells Danny to remember that everything he does for others, life gives back in the form of blessings. He puts his arm around Lety and the two of them smile beatifically. Nothing against street urchins, nuns, orphanages, or charity work, but that was the sappiest scene…I'm going to need a hot bath to get the saccharine off me.

We go from sappy to gross as Alicia lounges in bed in a white satin nightie with a feather boa, watching TV, as Tomás bangs on the door. He asks if she'd like a glass of water, but she turns him down. He asks if he can come in, but she says he has to be strong. He asks, "to derribar (knock down) the door?" as he takes off his clothes…don't worry, he had his pajamas on underneath. (What? Doesn't everybody walk around all day wearing their pj's under their regular clothes?) Alicia reminds him to be strong and think about their future, and their kids. Tomas says she's right, forgive him. Alicia tells him to stop that trompita (little trumpet; not sure, but I think she means the pouting), "love, doll, go on." She bids him good night and tells him to dream of her. Tomás says he'll have to settle for hearing her snores and imagining he has her in his arms.

Even later that same night…Aldo is somewhere outside with his Dad. His dad wants to know what the big news is because he has todos los nervios de punto (all his nerves are on edge). When Aldo doesn't tell him right away, Dad says "oh, no." Aldo says he asked Lety to marry him and she hasn't said yes yet, but he's sure she will. Dad congratulates him. Aldo says Lety's the love of his life. Dad says he's sure Lety will make him happy, she's a great girl. Aldo says that very soon, the grandkids will be there, jumping on Dad's head and tickling him. The guys laugh and hug.

Speaking of nervios de punto…Lety tells her mom that Aldo proposed and Mama faints. At least she fainted back onto Lety's bed. Lety tries to fan Mama with some papers to wake her up, but this excites Moty, who jumps all over Mama. (To her credit, the actress doesn't immediately sit up. Moty looks bigger than my cats and each of them weighs 15 pounds. If one of them jumped on me like that, I wouldn't be able to hold still!) Mama wakes up, pats her hair, and asks Lety what she said. Lety says Mama heard and says she (Lety) feels like she is floating on a cloud. Mama says it's big news, but…. Lety asks what happened. Mama says now is not the time, but Lety wants to know what she was going to say. Mama says she thought about Don Fernando, she says the important thing is for Lety to be happy, but that she feels sad thinking about how he's going to suffer. Lety says, if it will make Mama feel better, Fernando told her that since he knows Lety is happy with Aldo, he's thinking of getting his life back together with another woman. Mama says, "poor guy, And you believed him?" Heh. Lety says she did and Mama says "mejor asi" (better that way). Lety says Aldo is a man fuera de serie (extraordinary) and tells Mama about the street urchin.

The next day, at Conceptos, Lety wants to know what's up with Caro. Caro says it's been three marriages since she felt this way. For Omar? Caro says, "What can I say." Lety reminds her that she said she was going to forget him and she could handle her emotions and now what? Caro says she likes him, she has a good time with him (For shame, Caro! He spends all his time weeping over another woman and you think that's a good time?!). Lety reminds Caro that Omar is despreciable (despicable), incapable of feeling love, plus he has cooties and he's the cause of rising gas prices and global warming. Okay, some of that I made up. Caro says she's very close to him, he's changing, he's sensibilizando (becoming more aware) since he met Aurora, "thanks amiga!" Caro says she's sure he's changed and Lety says the problem is that he likes Aurora and the only way to get him not to like her is for Lety to tell him she's Aurora. Caro says no, he'll hate her for the rest of his life and she doesn't want that. Lety says he already hates her and laughs. Caro says, "changing the channel," why is Lety so happy? Lety says "he" wants to marry her. She has to tell Aldo today if she accepts or not, so she cancelled Aurora's meeting with Conceptos because "Lety" needs to take care of Aldo.

And now another episode of "Completely Inappropriate (and Squicky) Conversations to Have with One's Boss!" Tomás is in Aldo's office, begging him to talk to Alicia about finding good quality hair products at lower prices now that she's on a budget. No, actually, he wants Aldo to talk to her and make her understand that a marriage needs intimacy, but I think I'd rather hear the other conversation. Aldo tells Tomás that te aprecio mucho (I like you a lot; I have a high regard for you), but please don't ask him to do that! Tomás says he's desperate, he used to settle for seeing Alicia's legs, but now he wants, he wants to touch her…. Aldo holds out his hands like "hold it right there!" He tells Tomás to calm down and be patient. Tomás wants to know what to do when his patience runs out. (As it does when one's entire relationship is based on a lie that one is too blind and stubborn to see!) He asks if he should find another woman or what? Aldo says he loves Alicia and he should show it…the only way to withstand what's bothering him is love. (Well, that was sure helpful.) Aldo says he has to leave and reminds Tomás to be calm and patient.

Paula Maria is on the phone with Aurora, who is cancelling her appointment. Omar walks by and hears Aurora's name and wrestles the phone away from PM, but all he gets is a dial tone. He yells at PM that she already hung up and PM is like, "Dude, I tried to tell you." Omar wants to know what she said and PM tells him that Aurora isn't coming today, she couldn't cancel other appointments she had. Omar says it's impossible! Another day without "his" Aurora! Aldo walks in with the other lovesick fool, telling Tomás not to worry and they'll see each other later. He heads for the elevator. Alicia waves Tomás over and tells him she just had an idea about how to solve their "problems". She'll tell him in his office.

Tomás wants to know what her idea is about how to solve their, er, "intimate" problem. Alicia gets all mock-offended and says he's obsessive…she meant another problem. She doesn't want to depend on Tomás to give her money, so she was thinking that if she was promoted to his assistant and given a raise of, oh, triple what she's making, or more, then he wouldn't have to feel pressured because she'd be more independent and besides, she studied six semesters of finances…. Tomás says it's complicated because he'll have to talk to Lety and Aldo. He says it's one thing that she's his wife, but the company is something else. Alicia says he's getting revenge because they haven't…. He hugs her and rests his head on her bosom, and swears it's not about that. Since her ensemble today comes complete with a marabou feathered collar, rather than a face full of boob, he keeps having to blow feathers out of his face. Alicia says she already realized that their baby, Tomasito Pancracito, doesn't matter to him, he only wants to satisfy his selfish and low needs. He's a desgraciado (unfortunate person)! He's dirty! Tomás asks her to stop saying that because the baby will hear. He says he'll talk to Lety. Alicia says she doesn't believe him because he's a selfish liar. As she stomps out of the room, Tomás calls after her "Don't take my child!" Ugh.

Fernando is telling Lety that Aurora has started with her desaires (slights; i.e. blowing them off), she cancelled the meeting for today. Lety said maybe she had something important to do today. Fernando says, like what? Walking to her "French pool?" (He said that in English and I had no idea what he was talking about. After hearing this several times I think what he meant was "walking her French poodle." At least that would make more sense.) Lety starts to look at him suspiciously and Fernando catches himself and says he's kind of starting to like her, he thinks he'll forgive her. Lety looks grumpy. Fernando heads off to the Bat Cave, pumping his arms in victory once he's out of Lety's sight. Lety calls him back and asks him if he's really interested in "that woman." He leans over really close to her ear and asks por que no (why not)? Lety tells him "no te entusiasme (don't get all excited)" for Aurora please. Making sure to clearly enunciate all his "p's" he says "perdon por la pregunta, pero" (forgive the question, but) is that jealousy? Lety says no, just that Aurora isn't for him. Fernando says maybe she's right, pero (but), he wont' know until he comPruebe por (finds out for) himself, permiso (excuse me). Y'all if he was standing there talking in my ear like that, the Bat Cave would see some serious action! Lety must have incredible self control.

Fernando goes into the Bat Cave and gleefully gets out his notebook. He writes, "It's curious what happened. I wanted to show Lety that I'm capable of forgetting her, and that I can be interested in another woman. I did it to free her from me, so she can be happy without thinking that I'm suffering. But my Lety got jealous…that's good because it means she still feels something for me."

Aldo comes into Lety's office and tells her he's sorry to inform her that her time is up. Lety asks if it's already up, so soon? Fernando hears this from the Bat Cave and says now he has hope of getting Lety back. Aldo says he's come for his answer. Fernando anxiously wonders what answer. Lety says it's only fair that she answer right now. Aldo says "yes, but first," gets down on one knee, takes out a ring box, and opens it. I am not a bling expert, nor do I play one on TV, but it must be a pretty nice piece considering it's very plainly visible in the box. How did Aldo afford that? Lety is pretty shocked about the ring. Aldo asks her to marry him again. Fernando is shocked. Lety says, of course, she accepts. Fernando says, no! Aldo tells Lety he loves her and then kisses her as Fernando, alone in the Bat Cave, cries. He remembers that he was just thinking that Lety's jealousy must mean she feels something for him. Lety realizes that she'd forgotten Fernando. Fernando, back in the Bat Cave, says that Lety forgot him as soon as Aldo showed up. Aldo asks if he's in the office. Fernando realizes he's busted and wipes the tears from his face (pobre de Fernando!) before he heads out. He says he wants to be the first one to congratulate them. He kisses Lety on the cheek and shakes Aldo's hand. He asks about the wedding date, but Aldo says they don't have one yet. Fernando says Aldo knows he likes to see Lety smiling all the time and if Aldo doesn't make that happen, he'll have Fernando to answer to. He wishes with all his heart that they are happy. Lety is bummed that Fernando found out that way, but Aldo thinks he'll get over it quickly. Let's have a moment of silence for Fernando's dashed hopes. Or you could pause your recording right there and play "I'm crushing your head" with Aldo. Whatever you need to do to get through the rest of the show.

Tomás and Alicia are in his office. Tomás announces that since Alicia doesn't want to depend on him and wants to spend money without asking him for either money or permission, he's going to request an additional credit card for her. No, Tomás! Don't do it! Alicia is so happy she actually lets her lips touch his face when she kisses him, telling him he's the best! She adores him! It makes her want, tonight…but no, it can't be because they have to keep suffering in abstinence…and where does she have to sign? She says of course, there's no credit limit, and when does she get her card? Today, tomorrow? Tomás says it will be at least a week. Alicia is disappointed, but says she'll go window shopping and have the most expensive stores hold the stuff she wants. Tomás has to break it to her that her limit "isn't very high." Alicia wants to know how much credit she has. Tomás tells her it's $2K…dollars? No, pesos. (At today's conversion rate that's $185.28 in US dollars.) He says it's $2K menos comisiones (less commissions; I don't understand this, is it fees? Interest?). Alicia cries. I laugh and mock her.

Marcia is in Omar's office asking if he's going to let Fernando sleep in the bedroom tonight. Omar says of course not, he's a traitor, a piece of trash, he tried to steal Aurora. Marcia laughs and tells him that, as Fernando says, he's an imbecile. She calls him hardheaded and tells him that Fernando just wants to show Lety that he can fall in love with someone else so that Lety can be happy with Aldo without guilt. She asks if that clears things up or if he needs more details. Omar realizes that Fernando didn't betray him. Marcia says, of course not, Fernando would never be interested in Aurora because (she gets quiet) he only loves Leticia.

Fernando is out in the admin area, sitting on a couch and tossing around decorative balls while the Cuartel try to get him to tell them what's up. He says he needs air. They blow on him and he takes his balls and gets on the elevator. PM says it's got to be love. Marta says she's never seen a man suffer like this for love. Lola says he deserves it, but Sara disagrees. She thinks Fernando has already suffered enough. Aldo comes out of Lety's office and says hi to the gals, hoping they're all as happy as he is. The ladies ta-ta-ta the wedding march. (What do you call that? It's not humming and it's not singing.) They break off when they hear Alicia loudly crying that she married a tacaño (miser, scrooge).

In Tomás' office, Tomás says he does like to take care of his money, saving is a good habit, people who save money play a very important role in the country's economy, which she knows because she studied six semesters of finances…. Alicia wants to know who cares about that. Tomás says not her and Alicia tells her little dog ear that no, she doesn't care. (Oh, yuck, I don't think calling your SO the same pet name his/her parent does is ever a good idea.) Tomás says he can't give her a card with unlimited credit because "me llevarias a la ruina" (she would take him to his ruin). Alicia says he's accusing her of being a despilfarradora (wastrel), a consumista (consumer), a gastalona (spender), her? Tomás says of course not, well a little. Alicia says she accepts a credit limit, but it's humiliating that it's $2K pesos, T: "menos comisiones." He asks what would seem like the right amount. She wants something simple, a minimum for necessities, anything, maybe $100K pesos (that would be $9,290.92 US dollars). Tomás laughs and says and says that's impossible, they'll settle things another way. He's going to talk to Lety and ask her to name Alicia his assistant and give her a raise. Alicia says it should be a good raise and they should value her work. She marvels at the idea of being VP of Finance and Tomás reminds her she's the assistant. Alicia says she has to start somewhere. Who's the bigger delusional fool? The delusional fool or the delusional fool who marries her?

Tomás is wondering what Alicia does that merits a raise. Alicia reminds him about her six semesters, etc. She says she got many diplomas (certificates)…for being a good student? No, for being well-dressed. He says they're going to go talk to Lety. The go out into the admin area and Tomás asks PM if Lety is very busy. Fernando is just coming off of the elevator and yells "Very!" Lety is very, very busy. He hands one decorative ball each to Tomás and Alicia and walks off. Sara calls after him and asks if he wasn't going to get some air. Fernando comes back and very confidentially tells her she'll never believe what happened. He went out, and there wasn't any! He didn't find it! Then he walks off again. They all wonder what's up with him, including Tomás. Lola says they have suspicions, but nothing definite, and reminds him that the Cuartel doesn’t like to gossip. PM says that, back to their first question, Lety went out with Aldo. Tomás tells Alicia they'll have to wait until the afternoon. Tomás and Alicia hand off the decorative balls and walk away.

Fernando walks into Omar's office and Omar greets him effusively with a big hug. Fernando calls him "son of Luigi" and wants to know what happened to him. Omar says he wants to tell Fernando that he's a bruto (blockhead). Fernando claps and says "you finally figured it out!" Fernando says he's pesimo (feels terrible), so Omar should save his revelations for another day. Omar says he has to ask for forgiveness because he accused Fernando of being a traitor and he was wrong. Fernando asks if now Omar understands that Fernando isn't interested at all in his little Aurorita. Omar says that Marcia explained it to him. Fernando sadly says that Lety is going to marry Aldo "Domensolin" (play on "menso," idiot?). Omar very seriously asks if Fernando thinks…that Aurora will show up that afternoon. Fernando says "thanks for your support, I didn't expect anything less, thanks."

At Casa Lety, Lety and Aldo are sitting down to lunch with Mama and Papa. Lety is saying she's taking the afternoon off because today is a very special day. Papa wants to know why it's a special day. Aldo says he wanted them to have dinner today because…(Lety's phone rings)…it's very important…. Mama says it's a bad time to have Lety's phone ring (yeah, like she controls that!). Papa wants to know why. Mama says she doesn't know anything, she just imagines things, he should let the kids tell him. Aldo asks if Lety is going to answer her phone and Lety says she will in a little bit, but she's sure it's the office and since they're eating it's bad manners. Papa tells her to answer the phone. Lety walks away from the table and answers the phone with her best Barry White voice and scrunched up Lety lips. (Didn't her mother ever tell her her face would stick like that?) Marcia is on the other end and asks Aurora if she's hoarse. She wants to know what Aurora decided about the contract. Lety says she accepts and Marcia passes that on to Luigi and Omar, who are in her office. Luigi takes the phone and tells Aurora they need to start rehearsing. Lety says "tomorrow". Omar takes the phone and says they have to get started today because the sponsor is already asking if they have the episode ready. Luigi takes the phone back and says they'll see her in a little bit and he'll explain everything. Lety says ok and hangs up. Papa comes over wanting to know why she's hiding. Lety says it's just that she's nervous about the news they have to give them. She says Aldo gave her her ring and they're going to get married. Aldo actually looks surprised at this, like he'd forgotten he asked her to marry him…or like maybe this is Aldo's evil twin Baldo who didn't know his twin brother was getting married…or something. He kisses Lety's hand. Mama says if Lety's happy she's happy. Papa says he never imagined he'd be so happy that his daughter is getting married. Aldo says that's why they're having a dinner today with all the parents and close friends. Mama wants to know if Fernando is invited and everybody stares at her.

In the Bat Cave, Fernando writes "I have no hope left. Lety is going to get married and I have to forget her forever. What's more, from this moment on I will not think about her. I need to reorganize my life and instead of suffering for you, my boss, I'm going to ocuparme (take up my time with)…well what can I do that with…alchemy…no that's absurd. I can become an astronaut…and if I take Lety to the moon! (He slaps himself.) No. We'll see if someone learns from my fatal experience. First I had to learn to love Leticia Padilla Solis and now I have to learn to forget her." Awwwwwww.

Lety is in a restaurant, talking on her cell to PM, telling her that Aldo asked her to marry him and there's going to be a dinner at Casa Lety, so Lety can't come back to the office because she has to help her mom. She says she'll celebrate with the Cuartel later. Tomás comes in. Lety tells him to be careful with her suitcase because she has to change. Tomás says it was a hard place to find. Lety thanks him for coming because "necesite desahogarme (I need to vent)." Tomás asks her to wait and calls to a waiter that he wants a consome (consommé, broth), a sopa de fideos (noodle soup), un arrocito con huevos (rice with eggs), albondigas (meatballs), pollo (chicken), mole verde (green mole), y dos niños envueltos (two, literally "wrapped up kids," this is rice and beef wrapped in cabbage leaves with a tomato-based sauce; however, in some places it refers to a filled pastry of some kind) and later he'll order his main course. He says now, what's up, if he can help, because he's drowning in his own desire and desperation. They play a round of whose problem is worse. Lety tells Tomás about her engagement. Tomás thinks she's already regretted her decision and doesn't know if she should stay with Aldo or Fernando. Lety says she loves Aldo and she's happy about the wedding, but Aurora is going to have to go to Conceptos a lot and she doesn't want to deceive Aldo, but she also can't tell him the truth about Lety-Aurora-Aurora-Lety. Tomás says Leticia Aurora Padilla Solis Mayer Salinas etc. etc. and anexas (attachments)…it's a lost cause. He says he needs her to listen to him one second. She asks him to wait and calls to the waiter to bring a fruit plate. Tomás says it's about Alicia. He wants to know if he can name Alicia his assistant and give her the corresponding salary. He takes advantage of her shock to nod Lety's head for her, but Lety says NO!

Back at Conceptos, PM and the gals are telling Aldo they heard about the engagement. Lola hopes he'll be different and not do what her husband did to her. Marta wants to know if he's in love with Lety "too." Aldo wants to know what she means by that "too," but he doesn't really get an answer. Fernando comes out of Lety's office and asks where Lety is. PM tells him she's not coming, she's preparing a dinner because she's marrying Aldo. Fernando says she's always so full of additional and necessary information. He asks if Aurora has arrived. Right then the elevator dings and Aurora and Caro arrive. Aurora is wearing a flowy print dress in shades of hot pink, red, and orange. I can't tell you if it looks any good on her or not because I'm too blinded by the fact that it would look fabulous on me. Irma greets Aurora and tells her Luigi is waiting for her in his office. Caro thanks her and starts to get Irmita away, presumably before she can get a good look at Aurora. Aldo asks if he can talk to Fernando and they go into Lety's office. Aurora and Caro look like they're wondering what's up with that.

Omar is in Luigi's office telling Luigi and Marcia that he's going to tell them something…today, Aurora will not get away…tonight he's going to go out with her, seduce her, he's going to make her fall in love with him, he's going to drive her crazy, "que se salga de sus casillas (she'll be driven mad)." Luigi says Omar could drive anyone crazy. He warns Omar that he forbids him to get close to Aurora because she's there to work and she has to concentrate on what she's doing. Aurora makes her entrance and Omar falls all over himself offering her a chair. Marcia hands her her contract to sign and Omar takes it from her. Caro asks if Omar wasn't going to pull out a chair for her and he does. Omar ceremoniously presents the contract to Aurora to sign. Aurora looks at Caro and rolls her eyes as Omar gives her a pen to sign with. And sign she does…in the line over "Lic. Leticia Padilla Solis" and she signs "Leticia Padilla." When she realizes what she did, she is impactada! She turns the page over and thought bubbles that she's busted and they're going to realize she's Lety!

Tomorrow: Fernando asks Aurora out and maybe, maybe figures out she's Lety. Maybe.


Zorro Monday May 21,2007: Where Time-Life Mysteries Books should pay attention and Renzo gets shot..

Meetings this afternoon and most of today prevent me from getting an early posting on last night's Zorro. Pretty much a filler episode, but will give all the details later. Just wanted to let you know not to expect it until early evening. Sorry, end of the school year is always busy and career comes before fun, much to my disappointment.


Auggie tries to get Montero to stop before he flogs Esmeralda by reminding him that Esme is with child, Montero’s child. Since Monty knows that the little one isn’t his, this doesn’t stop him, he whips Esme and demands that she tell him who Zorro really is. Monty knows that Esme knows the masked bandits true identity because since Esme’s “death” Zorro has been extracting revenge on Monty. Esme doesn’t talk, so Monty pulls out the baby card for himself, he tells her to save her baby, tell him who is Zorro. Esme says, no lo sé and even if I did I wouldn’t tell you. Monty hits her some more and she faints. He orders Auggie to get some water to wake her up, and ponders to himself why would Zorro be releasing his wrath on him for Esme. He then makes a new threat to Esme, from now on, every time Z attacks Esme will be the one to pay. Auggie returns with the water and Monty throws it on Esme. She’s revived and he demands to know were she met Zorro and why he helped with Sara Kali’s escape. Esme says she’s not talking and Monty whips her some more.

Meanwhile, at the de la Vega hacienda, Mariangel is trying to convince Diego that she can make him forget Esme. He has some painful flashes of Esme being beaten by Monty, it’s as if he has a psychic connection with her…..remember those Time-Life Mysteries of the Unknown book ads---somewhere on the East coast a twin burns her hand and halfway across the country her sister feels it (cue creepy music, etc.)…OK well anyway, that’s what I’m reminded of from this story line. So Diego feels Esme’s pain and Mangle wants to know what’s going on with him. He tells her he’s going to his room. She’s at a loss and follows him to find out what’s up. He has some more flashes, this time of Pizarro whipping him while Monty forced Esme to watch. Diego is physically pained by this and Mangle sees this and demands to know what’s going on with him. He yells at her to leave him alone. So Mangle goes to find Dolores and tells her that Diego is acting strange and she’s worried about him (ulcer 1). Dolores says no way José is she going to allow another person to get sick in this house, dealing with Almudena is enough! Mangle tells Dolo that Diego wants to be alone, but Dolo doesn’t care what Diego wants, she’s going to see him whether he likes it or not. Dolo finds Diego and realizes that it is Esme he’s upset about. She tells him that she knows he’s suffering and will never forget a love like he shared with Esme. He tells Dolo that he feels as if Esme were still alive. Dolo tells him that is a natural feeling that happens to everyone when someone they love dies.

Agapito is still digging Sara Kali out of her grave. He’s yelling at her to hang on, while he’s got some major torches blazing. I’m sitting on the edge of my chair waiting for Pizarro to pop out from behind that big tree, all the while telling Aga to keep it down and be less obvious.

The Marquessa (MC) tells her secretary (SEC) that she’s going to demand that Monty release Esme’s body. SEC says he heard that Esme fell into a waterfall and they didn’t recover her body. MC says she knows that Monty is lying about that (so take the next step and realize he’s also lying about her being dead!!). MC tells SEC that she’s got to get Esme’s body back for two reasons 1) to give Dena, Al and Diego a chance to lay Esme to rest and have a place to go to grieve, and 2) since they need to find Mercedes/Sara Kali, she’s definitely come to her daughter’s grave. MC goes on to emphasize for the viewing audience that they need to find Mercedes so they can help her get the throne.

Diego finds his father. Alejandro and Diego rehash Fernando’s visit and how MC has taken power from both Monty and FS. Al tells Diego that FS wants Al to negotiate with Monty, and that the trumped up charges against them seem to have been dropped. Diego has another psychic connection with the beaten Esme. He tells Al that he needs to settle this one way or another. Diego adds that he’s going to find Monty and demand that Esme’s body be released. Al is worried (ulcer 2), he doesn’t want Diego to go into town because the dust hasn’t completely settled and some of Monty’s men might not know that Monty’s dropped the charges (makes me think, wasn’t it the War of 1812 when the Battle of New Orleans happened after the war had already been declared to be over?---news travels slowly in these times, unless you are the Marquessa or the writers want to advance the story much more quickly).

Auggie thinks that Monty killed Esme. Monty says that nobody dies from just a few lashes. Auggie asks Monty if he’s thought of the consequences of him beating his wife and child. Monty says don’t call her my wife. Auggie is convinced that Monty has lost his mind.

Fernando goes to see Maria Pia, who is nicely praying the “Hail Mary” with Sister Carola. Carola decides to leave the couple alone (can’t remember if Fernando asked her to leave, or if MP was the one to ask because she decided it was best not to have a witness to her conversation with Fernando). So it is the same old song and dance with these two….You love me-you can’t deny it. I am married to God. Well I read your diary and I know you love me. That was in the past and it’s finished. It will never be over. Respect me and my vows. NO!! You love me, not God. Fernando goes on, begs MP to realize she’s made a mistake and when that doesn’t work he tells her that he’ll be back for her. Their song begins to play.

In the hotel/bar where they have sought refuge, Renzo tries to protect Sister Suplicios (NN) from the slave hunter (SH). He steps in front of NN and Camba and says take me. In typical Renzo fashion his plan is a dud, the SH shoots Renzo and grabs for NN. Possessed Camba flips out and goes after SH. He grabs him by the neck and starts to choke him, ala Darth Vader style in the original Star Wars (you know the shot where they show the feet and the guy being choked, his feet are dangling in the air). Unlike Darth Vader, Camba does not kill his victim, he drops him to the floor and SH gets up and runs away. Camba chases after him and leaves the bar. NN checks on Renzo, and his luck is in, the SH has just as bad of shot as every other character in this show who tries to kill off one of the principle characters. Renzo has, what appears to be, just a shoulder wound. The barkeep yells at NN and Renzo and tells them to get out!!

Olmos is stalking the sorceress, Selenia’s house. He mentions that she’s the one who supposedly put a curse on Olmos’s mother’s womb. He comments that Selenia has white hair but young skin. She’s casting fire spells and stands so close to a hiding Olmos, you think she’s got to hear him, but I can’t tell if she does. Meanwhile, her assistant, Mini Me is running around doing Lord knows what. Olmos adds that he’s going to see if she’s as powerful as they say.

Aga is able to revive Sara Kali and he apologizes for leaving her so long, but Pizarro would not leave (haven’t we all had to deal with people like that, they never seem to pick up the hint to go and they just linger and linger until the only way you can get them to go is put on your pajamas and yawn an awful lot). So Aga tells SK that he’s still got to fill in the grave and SK says get me out of here. Aga says he can’t until she’s stronger, besides the area is surrounded by soldier, they’d be found for sure. Aga goes on to congratulate himself about his plan of giving SK the potion that made her seem dead.

Esme has flashbacks to Diego revealing he was Zorro. Diego, meanwhile, has a dream of Esme’s funeral and him placing a red rose in her hands. She opens her eyes an they kiss. I need to add, is it just me, but doesn’t Diego look a lot older in these scenes, as if the grief is getting to him.

The next day, Diego and Bernardo are walking through town and they notice that the reward offered for Zorro has been increased. Monty comes across the two men and reminds Diego that actually no official agreement has been met between he and Diego’s dad. Diego demands Esme’s body. Monty rehashes his made up story. They go their separate ways and a light bulb goes off, Monty says if Diego wants a body, well then a body he’ll get.

Dena asks Al about Yumali. She says she needs Yumi to help her with her grief over Esme. Dena questions why Yumi left in the first place. Al doesn’t tell her the truth (obviously) instead he says that he can make her happy and comfort her. To convince her some more, he says if I can’t make you smile in the next few days I’ll go find Yumi.

We see Yumi out on her own, putting out a fire and jumping on the back of a horse.

Diego talks to Padre Tomás about Esme and what he felt. This worries PT (ulcer 3). Diego goes on to add that he hates Monty and PT worries some more (I sense another ulcer developing, 4) because he’s afraid this hate will lead to Diego exposing that he is Zorro. PT warns Diego to control his emotions. Diego says I can’t do anything as Diego, but as Zorro I can make Monty pay for his crimes.

Maria Pia meets with Diego and they rehash the recent happenings.

Auggie reports to Piza that Monty beat Esme. Piza doesn’t like to hear how Monty treated the princessa. Piza tells Auggie to let him know immediately if Monty goes after Esme again, because before Monty kills her Piza will kill Monty.

Mangle and Monty meet and rehash Diego’s demand for Esme’s body. Mangle gets testy and says she’s sick of hearing about Esme. Mangle says she’s going and something about a crib for the baby. Monty says he’ll get the crib for his baby. He sweet talks her and says that she and the baby will always be his. This gets Mangle in the mood and the two share a little afternoon delight in the outdoors.

Esme talks to the baby, the same old stuff, soon Diego will be there to save them.

Olmos pays Auggie and they rehash Monty’s treatment of Esme. Auggie says that Zorro must have done something to Monty and then says that he can’t understand why Monty is doing this to his child. Olmos says that Monty only wanted Esme’s money and what a sorry life Esme’s had. Auggie says he wants to help Esme escape. Olmos says why the change. Auggie feels terrible for Esme and doesn’t want her to end up like her mother---to be imprisoned for years by her husband.

Diego rehashes his dream of Esme to Dolo. Dolo compares Dena and Diego and their grief over Esme.

Olmos goes to Selenia for help.

Fernando visits Maria Pia again, this time in her quarters. He says he won’t leave until she tells him that she doesn’t love him (OK I know lying is a sin, but come on MP just lie and say you don’t so we won’t be treated to these highly, now, unoriginal scenes some more).

Dena and Al go for a stroll. They see Yumi arrive back at the hacienda. Dena is happy and Al looks worried (ulcer 5).

Diego asks Bernie to find where Monty keeps his money hidden. Just then SAM (Sgt. Garcia) arrives to inform Diego that Esme’s body has been recovered. END OF EPISODE/ Ulcers = 5


Duelo –Monday May 21—Pride goeth before a Fall

Cesar, Elias and the recently revived Alina are riding in a jeep down the muddy, rutted road from Luba’scave to San Mateo. Elias is crowing about how DL must have been captured by the military by now and that “this is the end of Alvaro Montellano.”
Meanwhile, Alvaro himself is holed up with Soledad behind an old wall on the hacienda grounds, shooting at Emilio and the soldiers who have come to apprehend him. His six shooter runs out of bullets and he has no spare ammo. “DAMN!” He yells. Emilio comes up on him and demands he give himself up. DL does so, Soledad trailing behind. In a final act of bravado, DL walks up to Emilio after turning his gun over to frank and lets Emilio point his gun right in his face, without flinching. Frank, Emilio & co. take DL to the granary barn where Sergio is there, cuffed. DL is also cuffed and Emilio tells him he better not try to escape, they are going to take him to Puebla, him and his “accomplice” Sergio to stand trial for their crimes. DL’s response is to tell Sergio that he’s faced worse than these beggars and he tells Emilio that he hopes he’s enjoying all this because it won’t last long.

Emilio goes outside with Soledad. Emilio asks her if she needs anything. All she wants is to know what is going to happen to Alvaro. Emilio says that that very night they will be hauling his ass to Puebla to jail, while he awaits trial and judgment for his crimes. Emilio suggests that Soledad might want to make a statement against him too. Soledad agrees and asks Emilio to let her speak with DL. Emilio goes in and tells Frank to step out while Soledad has a private word with DL. Frank grabs Sergio and they follow Emilio out the door. Soledad approaches her husband tentatively. DL is the first one to speak. “You think I’m beaten?” “Nobody beats Alvaro Montellano!” Soledad just stares at him, like he’s…well…loco.

Over at la Rinconada, Max, Santos and Angel are still discussing exactly what Santos’ beef is with Max. Recall that Santos has already dropped the bombshell of being Max’s son (thus Angel’s cousin) and that Max has been after Rosita, Santos’ girl. And that Don Braulio was imprisoned by Max unjustly after he shot Castulo to save Santos’ life from Max’s hired gun. Now he has imprisoned Rosita in place of her father. Max denies all of this including the paternity charge and he complains that Angel should believe his own flesh and blood and not this peasant. Angel, who is looking like he could use a shower, tells Max that he is just trying to understand what’s going on. Angel asks him to present his arguments to the contrary. Max admits he’s got nothing…Santos COULD be his son, since his mom was a slut who offered herself to him. At this, Santos is filled with rage and charges Max. It’s left to puny, moribund Angel to prevent Santos from jumping across the desk to strangle Max. Angel tells Max to give it a rest. Santos chimes in that he doesn’t care if Max is his daddy-o, he is only interested in saving Rosita from Max’s clutches. Angel insists on asking where the girl is. Don Max looks uncomfortable.

Back to Soledad and DL. Soledad has finally found her voice. She tells him that she sees he’s still delusional. She’s tired of trying to convince him of her innocence. DL tells her he can’t convince him—he’s seen too many proofs of her guilt. If she is trying to convince him otherwise, she’s wasting her time. His conscience is clear. The only regret he has is to have given his heart to a traitor like her. Soledad replies quietly that, fine, one day, someday, he is going to find out that she was never Jose , the foreman’s lover and that Alina was their daughter. DL yells at her to shut up with the lies already. He’s not finished and she hasn’t seen the last of him. She tries to interject that he’s mistaken, that he’s ill, but DL interrupts and tells her to leave. She does. Frank kicks Sergio back into the barn and closes the door. Sergio has none of the bravado that the Don has. “We’re going to rot in jail! He whines.” DL tells him to stop crying like a little girl or he’s going to be getting a boyfriend in prison.

Santos, Max and Angel go to the cabana where Rosita is being held. She’s sitting rigid on the bed and cries when they come in. Max tries to come up with some lame explanation as to why she is there but Santos challenges it and fills in the blanks. Angel looks a lot less inclined to believe his uncle. Angel who either has dirty hair or is wearing entirely too much product in it, tells Santos to take Rosita home and try to get Braulio to turn himself in to the authorities. Angel tells Don Max to accompany him back to the house where they can finish their discussion. Max twirls his mustache and agrees, in a display of faux righteous indignation.
Emilio is already busy at la Rincondada with his squaddies, giving them orders, to take Alvaro Montellano to Puebla. Frank is keen that Emilio give a statement about DL’s attempt on his life. Emilio corrects him—TWO ATTEMPTS on his life. YES, he’ll be happy to make a statement! Soledad, enters and adds that she too will give a statement. Before anyone can react, Coral rushes in and Emilio is surprised and asks what she’s doing there. Coral says she bears a message. Cesar is ferrying Elias to Puebla. Soledad asks what happened to Elias. Coral says, “Nothing, it’s just a precaution.” Franks says, then we have nothing else to wait for, Let’s go!”
Back at the cave, Luba is finally able to take a moment to relax after all the tumultuous events. She picks up THE BOX and says that it’s better than DL NEVER KNOW what’s in the box. She puts it in the hiding place behind the rock. Meanwhile, Gaspar is working on his animal carvings for the little cub. Luba suggests that they leave the sierra but Gaspar wants to wait until his cub is born and then go see him. Luba says that she has to go to see Soledad to tell her that Alina is alive. Then she’ll “find out” if the little cub was born. She makes Gaspar promise not to leave the cave.

Angel and Max enter the main house. Max starts to argue that he’s always liked Rosita and that he’d make a better mate for her than that beggar Santos. Angel is disgusted that Max would steal his son’s girlfriend. Max doesn’t like the sound of that. He argues that it’s not proven that Santos is his son. Angel is still not liking the sound of all this. He tells Max that these charges are very serious. Max still insists that none of them are true. Angel looks doubtful.

Meanwhile, DL, Sergio, are being secured in a jeep, bound for Puebla. DL decides it’s a fine time to taunt Emilio saying that he must be bucking for a promotion to try to arrest him. He has some fun imagining that the next rank up for Emilio is Major, but that (I think this is the expression) “you can dress a monkey in silk but he’s still a monkey.” Emilio says nothing and just looks at him like he’s…crazy…like Soledad did earlier. After DL is finished with his rant, Emilio tells Frank to go. Emilio turns to Soledad and says “my work here is done.” Soledad looks at him with a vacant expression.

Back at Luba’s cave, Luba is gone but Gaspar is there, flipping tortillas on a stove. In walks Vera. She shows Gaspar the empty flask that formerly contained the magic prell concoction. Gaspar recognizes it and Vera gets an “aha!” look on her face as if she just found out it was Colonel Mustard in the library with the candlestick. Gaspar starts to tell her about the stuff in the bottle and then clams up, realizing that he’s talked too much already. Vera gets all huffy, hands him the bottle and tells him to tell his mom that “There is a God and that he will punish evildoers.” She flounces out. Gaspar laughs and goes back to the tortillas. “And they say *I* say stupid things!”

Luba is over at La Rinconada where she finds Soledad in the kitchen. She confirms that Alina is alive and well and on her way to Puebla with Cesar and Elias.
We join them on the road, where we left them in the opening of this episode. The conversation is a bit hard to hear over the noisy jeep but basically Alina is reflecting on the fact that Emilio thinks that she is dead’s probably better that way. Elias agrees. He remarks that after all of this is over, they can let the past go.

We cut to a scene of poor old Emilio grabbing dirt from Alina’s freshly dug [and redug] grave and having flashbacks about the heart necklace gift and her accepting his marriage proposal. After the flashbacks, he collapses amid the flowers, weeping.

Luba is still with Soledad. Luba is eagerly telling her that “Alina must already be free.” Soledad compares Luba to an angel. Luba professes mock horror, since she’s supposed to be “a bad witch.” Luba tells her she’ll send Adela her way so that she can help her get things organized for the trip to Puebla. Finally, Luba tells her that the Virgin of Peace will be looking out for her.

Nightfall. We are presented with a picture of a waxing moon. Thelma and Orlando are talking excitedly in the gran sala of la Rinconada. Orlando is drinking brandy from a cut crystal snifter. Thelma accuses him of getting drunk. Orlando admits he is nervous. He doesn’t know what Emilio is up to. He’s worried about what Emilio will say to General Ochoa and what impact this could have on his career given that Ochoa has always had a fondness for Emilio. Thelma tells him that he must convince Emilio not to bring any charges, since any hearing would also expose Flor’s reputation to dispute. He needs to be convinced that it would be better to let her rest in peace. Orlando is starting to think that maybe telling Emilio that the whole letting Emilio see them in bed together ruse was just a ruse and that nothing really happened.

Santos, Rosita and Braulio are eating by candle-light. Braulio thanks Santos for saving his daughter. Rosita is still afraid that it’s not over and that Max will hunt her down.

Back to Thelma and Orlando. Thelma is ticked at Orlando for even suggesting such a thing. Orlando says, “that’s just great, you aren’t the one with problems over this.” Thelma reminds him that she is on the point of losing Emilio. “Even in death, I am not free of that damn girl!” Orlando puts down his glass and says that he will have to think hard about what his next move is. He walks out. Thelma says to nobody in particular that “nobody’s going to destroy me!”

Meanwhile, Emilio has moved from Alina’s gravesite to the chapel where he continues to bawl his eyes out and ask God why he took Alina away from him. Padre Cristobal comes over and preaches resignation. Emilio resists and says that he will never forget Alina and he feels as if his heart had been torn out.

Back at la Rinconada, the little cub is asleep and being cooed over by his doting Great Aunt. Thelma flounces in, slamming doors. Luckily the little cub is a sound sleeper. Thelma complains that Orlando is thinking of telling Emilio that he never raped or in any other fashion had sexual relations with that woman, Flor. SA is shocked. Apparently she was out of the loop on this scheme of Thelma’s. SA says that maybe it’s not such a bad thing for Emilio to know the truth. Thelma tells her not to be stupid. First, she’s going to get Orlando, before he can incriminate her.

Elias and Alina have made it back to Puebla and to Elias’ house. They are happy to be back but memories of Blanca, Elias’ deceased wife and Alina’s godmother come flooding back. Elias slips out to fix up a room for Alina. Alina picks up a photo of Blanca and orange flashbacks the night that Alina came home from the prom, I mean party, for her friend Sofia. The night that she met Emilio and all the clucking Blanca did over her. She flashbacks dancing with him at the party, while he does some open mouth bass kissing. Alina comes out of her reverie and complains aloud that Emilio is in all of her memories.

Back in SE at La Rinconada, Jaime comes into his and Vera’s room. Vera is sewing, angrily. Jaime, like any good husband, picks up her mood immediately. She tells him that she knows now that Luba killed Alina.

At this point it’s time for a musical interlude from LAS CHICAS DEL BARCO. Coral is back and the show must go on. And yes, they do have another song besides “bon bon asesino” Granillo wants details from Coral but she’s too tired to spill the beans. One of the chicas comes up and asks Grani what happened and Grani shrugs.
Back to Vera and Jaime. Vera tells him of her visit to Luba’s cave. Jaime gets all excersised about the news that the flask did belong to Luba. Jaime decides that what they’ll do is organize a bunch of people to go after Luba. That way she won’t be able to curse them.

We finally pay a visit to Malena and Mariana in Mexico. Malena is remarking on Mariana’s progress. Mariana says Ricardo’s name and squeezes Malena’s hand. Malena gets all excited. I thought we already knew that she can do these things.
Back over to la Rinconada. Braulio is happy to turn himself into the authorities as long as they aren’t Max and his daughter is safe from him. Before he goes, he hands Santos a ledger book. He explains to a surprised Santos that in it are records that show that Max has been stealing from his nephews for years.

Emilio is rocking the little cub in his arms. He promises to always be there for him. Thelma comes in and cracks that she thought he had already left for Puebla. Emilio explains that he is on his way to do just that. He needs to talk to General Ochoa. Thelma throws a bunch of baby stuff on the bed. She tells him he must not go. They need to solve their “problems” first. She tells him that she knows he wants a divorce because of what he thinks she did to Alina. She now admits to scarring Jaime. “But the one who deserves the most blame for Alina’s death is ORLANDO!” Emilio is impactado and wants to know more. Thelma tells him that Alina never gave in to Orlando. Orlando drugged her and made her think that they had slept together. Emilio wants to know why she didn’t tell him before. Thelma argues implausibly that Orlando threatened her. What’s more, at the moment of execution, Orlando couldn’t even get it up and “make her his.”

At this very moment, Orlando is looking for Emilio and hears the commotion coming from Thelma’s room. He overhears Thelma’s entire confession, which incriminates him, right down to switching the tea in the teapot. He’s ticked but he hears Emilio swearing to kill him and decides that now is not the right moment to confront him. Orlando vows to get back at Thelma for her betrayal.

Back in Puebla, Alina in her PJs finds Elias asleep on the couch. She smiles but then the smile turns sour when she hears him calling out to her mother Soledad that he loves her in his sleep! Alina is impactada.

In Thelma’s room, self justification has turned into tearful begging on the part of Thelma. She claims that she was always jealous of Floralina, but she never wanted her dead. All this time, Emilio is staring at the sleeping baby in the cradle. Thelma winds up her speech asking for his forgiveness. Emilio gets up and walks across the room to where she is sitting. He says that after all the lies she told, it is impossible to believe her. [There are a series of flashbacks to some of Thelma’s worst whoppers.) Thelma then begs Emilio to just let Orlando ride off into the sunset, never to be seen again. After all, if Emilio goes after him, Orlando will just tell a “bunch of lies” about her. Emilio doesn’t seem to care much about that. He takes off. Alas, a quick check of the bedroom and with the servants and Emilio discovers that Orlando has already fled.

Over again to Puebla, Elias gives Alina a backgrounder on the Elias-Alvaro-Soledad love triangle. Blanca came later and he loved her very much. Then she died and he fell in love again with Soledad. Nice try, guy, you were gaga over Soledad even when your wife was standing in the room! Well, it is for the living to rewrite history. Alina buys the explanation but she adds that Mom is pretty messed from this abusive relationship she’s been suffering from for so long. Elias says he knows all about that. He just wants to be friends. They end up in a big hug. Awww!
At Luba’s cave, Luba is cooking some kind of sauce over hot coals. Luba remarks to Gaspar that Soledad was so happy! He puts in a request to hear about his cub and whether it was born yet. Luba tries to perpetuate the story that the cub still isn’t born yet. Gaspar is annoyed but he remembers that Vera came by with the green flask. Luba is impactada. “She thinks we killed Flor?” Gaspar repeats what Vera told him, that God will punish her.

Emilio and ifigenio are discussing Orlando. Ifigenio doubts that they can catch him. Emilio says, never mind, he has a job for him—to take a letter to General Ochoa in Puebla. It’s very important and he’s counting on Ifigenio to “git er done!” Emilio goes upstairs to write the letter.

We are treated to scenes of mountain streams, waterfalls etc. with the caption, “Sierra Escondida.“ Wait, I thought we were already in Sierra Escondida?! Well, we are at Nora and Adela’s pad. Luba has come to visit them and she’s eating an empanada or a piece of bread, I am not sure which. Adela is happy to hear that her mistress knows the good news and can relax. Luba adds that DL has already been hauled off to Puebla. This news startles Adela, but she’s grateful to God that Soledad’s trials are at an end. Nora wants to know what happened tothat jerk Sergio. Luba tells her that he got taken wth the Patron. Nora is quite happy to ear this as well. They ask her about Florecita. “She’s no longer in the mountains!” says Luba jubilantly. “but you must keep it a secret!” They agree to do so. Luba finishes up: “There in the mountains, there’s an empty tomb. Flor is happy.”

In Puebla, Don Loco is brought before a Justice official and General Ochoa. Don Loco says that he’s there unjustly, that Emilio arrested him for personal reasons. Ochoa stands up angrily and accuses him of being a cynic, that he tried to kill Emilio twice—that seems pretty personal to him. Don Loco asks what proofs he has that he tried to kill him twice. Ochoa picks up the letter from Emilio. DL assures him that it’s all just lies about his character. “His word against mine.” The justice official says, OK, we’ll get to the bottom of it. Do you have a lawyer? “Of course, “ says Don Loco “a very expensive lawyer.” The justice guy says DL will be going now to make that phone call. Frank grabs him and they leave the room.
General Ochoa hands off the prisoner to the Justice Official. His part in the apprehension is over and the civil authorities are now responsible for the fate of DL.

Cesar goes to Elias’ house to report on al that has happened. Alina reflects that although it’s sad, it’s time that her dad began paying for all he’s done. She’ still worried about her Mom. Elias comforts her and tells her he’s sure Soledad will be arriving soon. Alina wonders if she’ll have to testify. Cesar thinks it won’t be necessary. Everybody thinks she’s dead. It would be safer to not come forward until after the trial. Cesar says he has an assignment in another state that very afternoon. Could Elias take the responsibility of telling Emilio what has happened? Elias promises to. Cesar leaves.

Back at the la Rinconada, Angel is gazing at his picture of Alina. Santos comes in with Braulio’s ledger. He agrees that proving that Don Max tried to kill him will be difficult. Instead, here’s the ledger that shows that their Uncle has been stealing them blind.

Back over at Braulio’s the Don is taking his leave from Rosita to turn himself in. He tells her not to worry. Rosita cries.
Santos explains to Angel that Don Max has been underreporting earnings and stealing the difference. Don Braulio was afraid to expose him because Max would take away his house. Angel promises to get to the bottom of this and help Braulio get out of jail. Santos agrees and leaves.

Over in the Puebla jail, Don Loco’s lawyer has arrived. He looks grave. This is going to be tougher because of the military being involved but no matter. As long as DL has sufficient money in cash, anything can be arranged and the law can be twisted. DL asks him to look after Soledad as “she was worried about me.”
Alina is thinking less happy thoughts about Emilio at the moment. She recalls when she threw the heart necklace on the floor after Emilio treatedher badly. She remembers the last kiss she had with him on the day she was supposed to marry Orlando. She picks up the little heart medallion around her neck and kisses it, saying that she’s never forget Emilio. She’ll carry his heart around with her always.

In the next episode, we see Angel sneaking around trying to gather evidence against his uncle and getting busted by him in the process.


Monday, May 21, 2007

Destilando Amor 05/21/07 "The Delivery Boy Always Rings Once"

Over in Patrico's office he is vowing true love to Aaron's ex secretary Lluvia, poor Patrico he wants to do right, but Fedra & Aaron are trying to pull him over to the dark side...Onate, with his cloud of noxious gas, comes in...(this guy seriously brings the creep, but in a swarmy nice guy way that you can't quite put your finger on...I mean we the viewers can cause we know, but I think other people would just get that uncomfortable feeling that Oprah always warns you about, if he shook your hand, you would either stand with it under scalding water til the skin all came off or just cut it off at the wrist)...Patrico sends Lluvia on her merry way and Onate shows Patrico the papers; that Rod & Gavi (Marianne Franco) signed without reading of course...Onate leaves and Patrico calls Lluvia back in, saying they need to talk....thus ending his screen time for the rest of the episode...who knows what he wanted to talk about? Dinner? perhaps

Rod is vowing to find out the conversation between TWB & her new BFF (best friend forever) Gavi..He is quite upset...he rants, he raves....Elvira pops her nosy head in...Rod pretends he is overwhelmed with work...Elvira comes back and dumps like 75 lbs of mail on his desk, invites, credit card offers, Lane Bryant catalogs...Rod is overwhelmed...mail (maybe they don't get mail at the ranch)...he orders Elvira to write up a lil memo stating Gavi will as part of her job attend all functions with Rod....Now Rod stellar business man that he is picks up a ball (yes you read that correctly a small rubber ball) and starts bouncing it off the floor, it takes him a bit to get his rhythm, but much like sex, once he got the initial idea he could proceed (at least with that ball)..he is walking around the open office area. He sees handy man guy emptying the trash in Gavi's office, she was feeling poorly and left early (isn't that same sorry ass excuse what cost her the Hotel gig?), anyway Rod still bouncing the ball, goes in her office and seeing her agenda..personal organizer decides to steal it...

Cut to TWB or Isa...she is standing around the apartment anticpating the arrival of her husband. TWB, has not just been sitting around, she has put her endless loveless hours to good use and bedazzeled her skin tight jeans. She has done an awesome job as they have large teardrops crystals all over the thighs....Now that just screams CLASS.

Cut to Miami.....Aaron and Minnnnnerrrrrva arrive at a sweet vacation home. Minnie does not think it feels very personal..Aaron scoffs, well it has two storys, maybe after she does a head first down those steps, it will seem more like home. The help announces "Johnny Molina".
Johnny fresh from Jersey and his meeting with Tony Soprano (okay I made that up), sails in..he is wearing a pastel suit...Oh will the Don Johnson look never die? He is gonna hook Aaron up with bankers & the elite of Hollywood, the royality of Europe. Everyone is gonna be doing Tequila Turquoise Jello shooters off Paris and Linsey's bellies...Aaron is having a "Montezuma Moment", he will be the new Aztec King of the Tequila Empire.

Elvira has taken her broom outta the garage and flown over to Isa & Rod's. She is filling the missus in on the memo, that Gavi will be attending all the functions with Rod. Isa maybe a tiny bit concerned...but not really. Elvira is an employee and Isa does not share the news that the Rod literally only works for Gavi (see they don't know like we informed viewers that Marianna Franco and Gavi are one in the same).

Now cut to Pillar and Sofia (continuing my tradition of describing what every proper young miss wears...I must tell you Sofia is wearing a black turtle neck with a blue plaid skirt...straight from the Fall Fashion Mag's circa 1963)....Pillar tells her she has a letter. Sofia is all "Goody, Goody..."
a screeching halt to her glee, she sees it is from James, she tears it into pieces without even opening it....Pillar is muy impacted, no seriously this time she really is muy impacted, I mean I know she always looks muy impacted...but...she asks Sofia what is up? Sofia answers she doesn't want to read Jame's trash. Oh come on Sofia, I sure he was nice when he dumped you for a poor peasant girl.

Now we see James at "Dry Gulch Acres", he is talking to Acacia, she asks him about the girl he was dancing with at the fiesta (that would be sourpuss Sofia), he tells her it was nothing, he only loves Acacia. I feel no matter what baggage Acacia brings, it has got to be way better than Sofia...I am rootin for these two crazy kids.

Now we go back to DF, Rod is sitting outside Gavi's apartment doing his basic stalker act...
She is upstairs talkin to Ma...She tells Ma about Isa wanting to be her BFF, and how Isa wants Gavi to help keep Rod in DF, sooooos they can set about producing a little varon.
Clara scoffs, she tells Gavi it takes two to tango and Rod ain't gonna do it cause he has been "Gavized". Gavi feels bad after all Isa confided in her. ***This is what happens when a kid is home schooled or whatever, they don't learn the stealin somebody's boyfriend tricks..the rest of us were privy to in Middle School***

Rod goes home and apparently he is still suffering from his most recent psychotic break...he is muttering to himself and acting slightly more crazy than usual, though it is getting so hard to tell. Rod doesn't want any dinner just coffee in the study. Isa wanders off and Rod is back to having his "Crazy Talk" conversation with himself and rooting thru his bag for the personal agenda of Gavi. Now he has his coffee and Isa comes back in again. He quickly covers his pack rat behavior, Isa does not seem to anything this guy would do would be surprising at this point. He asked her about her convo with Marianna. Isa says she thinks it would be a great idea to invite Marianna & her NOVIO over for dinner, in a truly HannaBarbara moment..Anvils everywhere...Rod nearly chokes on his Folgers. He covers and says, "contre, why would we do that?" "Well," says Isa, "She is a swell gal and you just can't have enough buds." Rod says stick with Sofia & Minnie, Marianna is an employee.

Isa leaves and Rod can ransack his bag he finds the personal agenda....the first page is all mushy stuff about besos, love, I can't forget you...blah blah blah,****once again he sees her on the page, but it is small like a Gavi Ipod, not full Gavi TV....Rod has that sappy smile, he turns the page...there are two different guys names on the next page.....
****I think Clarita after her endless hours of TeleNovela watching, probably told her when you write in your diary with sparkle pens and dot the i's with hearts...and then you leave it lying around your workplace where any AssHat can read it, Well be sure not to put your bosses name as the receiver of said heartfelt declarations, just look what happened to Lety!!!!****
Now more crazy talk between crazy Rod and his crazy self...He is muy impacted with jealousy..

Meanwhile back at the Hacienda...Hilario is being set to the big city with some important bank papers for Rod to sign. His parents send him off with kisses, a lunch and'd think he was gonna try to cross the Rio Grande.

Next Day.................

Isa is in the apartment standing around in her robe, she is sending the help out with a list for a special dinner for Rod, the help has to go to San Juan (which I assume to be a neighborhood in DF..she even gives her the money for a taxi)...Isa plans to call dried up crone Sofia, to come help our & spread good fertility vibes while the cooking is done....
It's the doorbell, OMG it is Hilario...he explains that he has papers for El Patron....Isa hushes him up with a liplock and the vertical mambo is about to go horizontal...

At the Tequila headquarters, the offices is in shambles, people are pulling up sofa cushions, emptying trash...Ahhhhh the Personal Agenda de Marianna is missing....Rod comes into this and starts making it a the police, is there a ransom note? Pay whatever is asked to get it back. Gavi is totally stressed...Dear Diary...nuff said...Handy Man guy tells her the only person in her office was Rod...The light goes on. She starts to follow Rod into his office when Elvira gives her the memo that says she has to attend every function with Rod....Oh baby bring it on..Gavi goes raging into Rod's office..he says it is part of her job...they argue, they hiss, they fight..Swarmy Onate comes in and Rod signs yet another piece of paper and Gavi follows up with out of course reading any of the details. I'm sure this is for the 5% Agave Tequila 95% rubbing alcohol shipment...I have visions of millions of Americans wandering around blind and crazy, then the Mexican invade and we can't stop them, poisoned by bad hootch. Seriously these people may just be too stupid to live...
The fight continues...either do your job or Rod will find someone who will...then in a completely twelve year old manner, Rod opens a folder and ducks down so she can't see his big grin. Gavi asks what time she should be ready and oh yeah she wants her agenda there.

Aaron is kicked back and livin large in Miami, he is on the phone and they will be shipping 200,000 mil bottles of crap Tequila to Europe. Aaron is gleeful and wearing a pastel jacket throws the phone down...Oh Aaron I fear you are tempting the Gods.

Isa is pulling the straps up on her nightie and Hilario is pulling on his boots...(everytime these two hook up, it is so B movie porn, the stable boy, the plumber, now the delivery boy)...he is all serious cause he loves her, she is like "Dude, it was just a romp on the sofa" the by wouldn't Sofia just die, if she knew where she was sitting? Think about what if Miami Vice's Horatio had to come and do DNA, Aaron, Hilario probably Horatio....Hilario wants to tell El Patron, what a traitor Hilario is...Isa advises against it...she what are you gonna do?

Minnie is on the phone with Isa...she tells her not to trust Marianna, she will sleep her way to the top. Seriously Minnie needs to give it a rest and turn her inner energy in producing some viable eggs and pronto.

Hilario shows up at the headquarters, Rod is out and he sits waiting in the Lobby, Gavi comes out and tells Margarita that she is gonna take off to get ready for the function. She sees Hilario and she is Muy Impacted...she hides but lost in his thoughts of after hawt sex with Isa...Hilario doesn't see her.

Gavi goes home and Clara must be out running the streets, Gavi does a quick little prayer to the Virgencita (who must be really tired of these people and their petty problems)...

Rod is at a cafe talking to Videgaray. Vid tells Rod not to trust Onate, of course that is beyond Rod, Vid warns him about a snake. Hey Rod doesn't have time to worry about the company..he has mujer problemos....Rod starts quizzing Vid about the men that MariAnna had written in her agenda. Vid says Marianna is a mystery, he knows nothing about her, other than she lives with her mother...

Back at the headquarters, Hilario hooks up with Rod...Rod gives him a big hug, Awkward...
Rod takes care of the paperwork and Hil tells him he is going to quit....Now Rod is muy can't you must stay and help your Pa...Why oh Why....
Hilario says "Because I have failed you"

Stay tuned...

Looks like Aaron is gonna be committin some Vice with Pamela in Miami....


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