Thursday, May 31, 2007

La Fea Más Bella #286 5/30/07 Lety reveals to blinded eyes, Alicia gets a "treatment", and mama meddles as the house of cards begins to tumble

Thank heavens the original entrada is back!!!

Lety calls Fer to come out, and he does. Will he finally see her sans unibrow? NO he ends up shading his eyes and telling her he just can’t look right now. She keeps calling him as he walks out the door. Lety tells herself she can’t believe what she was just about to do. She asks if she is crazy, no one can know that she is really Aurora.

Martha agrees to go in to the Compulsive Eaters meeting but only if they all go with her. They tell her yes, but Irma says no she has to face this alone and inside are many other people with the same problem that she has and they will help her.

Back in Lety’s office she just finishes putting back on her Letyness and pops up from hiding her make up kit, when Aldo comes in asking if she is coming with him. He says he was going to go meet Carmaniac. Lety makes a snide comment about Carrrrrmaniac. He remarks how jealous she is. He tells her he doesn’t want misunderstandings and wants Lety to go with him. He tells her that it’s to talk about their wedding. Lety wants to know what Carmaniac has to do with it. Turns out her Dad is lending his yacht for the ceremony. Lety tells him she is tired and just isn’t up to it.

Martha gets the Fea support talk on her way into the meeting. They note the special moon and that it affects the whole world (makes them flor de piel).

We then go through a series of flashbacks inspired by this same moon. First Lety recalling Fer’s confession about Aurora, then Fer, then Aldo recalling that Lety didn’t want to come with him, and finally, Julieta saying the moon is the tone of everything she is feeling right now.

She and Lety are talking in her room and Lety asks her what the problem is. Julieta is upset because Fer is after that Aurora chick. Lety tells her it’s just a TV program. Now there’s a concept for us!!! Juli says she doesn’t care, the kiss looked very real and she thinks that Fer deceived her and that he’s a louse because he was supposed to be so in love with Lety and he told her how much he was suffering because you were with Aldo now it appears that he is going with Aurora. Lety tells her, no it’s not his fault at all, it’s really mine.

Fer and Marcia are talking. Mar doesn’t understand why he feels Aurora disappearing is his fault. He says he knows it’s not really but he’s suffering because she’s not there. Mar says yes because of the debt and everything with the business. He says that’s not it exactly. Mar wants him to tell her because she worries a lot about what happens to him. She tells him they are friends, siblings even. He agrees and then tells her about feeling the sensation of Lety when he kissed Aurora, and he thinks maybe it’s because he misses Lety but he felt like it is really her. Mar thinks he’s ill. He says this is not bad, rather it’s the hope of his life!!

Mom is fainted, but Lety pulls her up. Lety tells her mom that she is Aurora. Mom laughs hysterically and doesn’t believe her. Lety says that she doesn’t want her thinking badly of Fer on her account. She tells her again very seriously that she is indeed Aurora and Mom pulls off Lety’s glasses and a light bulb of impactadaness goes off. She is surprised and starts to believe. She then notes that Lety kissed Don Fer then, but if so, then she is deceiving Aldo. Lety gets a squishy impactada face.

Lety tells mama she’s not at all thinking of canceling her wedding. Mama tells her but this kiss has made you doubtful again, no? Lety reluctantly agrees that yes it seems she hasn’t really forgotten Fer and something is still there. Mama feels bad for Fer. Lety says yeah, but I’m your daughter and I’m suffering here too. Mama gives her a big hug. Lety says she loves Aldo though. Mama says the only way you’ll feel better is to tell the truth to both of them. Lety explains that she used Aurora to play a trick on Omar and she did already, but then it got complicated. Mama reminds her how much she hurt when she was deceived and that now she is doing the same thing. Lety remembers but promises that Aurora isn’t coming back and that the most important thing is that Mama isn’t mad with her. Mama says no, but she needs time to absorb it all and that this is crazy!

Aldo dining with Carmaniac shares that he’s bummed Lety didn’t come. Carmaniac takes advantage of the situation to tell him her opinion that Lety is acting weird not wanting to come to talk about her wedding and that she can’t believe that he still wants to marry her. Aldo tells her he’s not that way. She knows that he loves to philosophize over things. He reminds her that he is in love with Lety.

Back at the apt, Fer doesn’t want to talk about Aurora anymore. So, he tells Mar he has great news. Fer tells Marcia about the new campaign for the DIF and she smiles approvingly. He wonders what she is looking at. She tells him she is really proud of all he is doing to get the business back in order.

Marta goes into the meeting. The leader spots her and encourages her to speak to the group. She starts to tell about herself and about the family she has, then gets down from the podium. The leader tries to get her to continue in a comforting tone and tells her that she needs to tell them why she is here. She admits that her friends forced her there. He tells her her health should be important if she cares about her family that she just described. Just then her family runs in and tells her they found out she was here and that they are going to support her. She explains that for them she will try and the compulsive eaters all clap.

Aldo shows up at Casa Padilla saying he came as fast as he could and he wonders what’s wrong. Julieta tells him he needs to leave Lety alone so she can be happy with Mendiola. He thinks he needs to speak to Lety about this, she will explain. He doesn’t understand because he thought Mama always was in agreement and happy about him marrying her daughter. He says so I can only interpret this that you prefer Fer to me. She tells him it’s not about what she wants or that she doesn’t like him. He says so then you are telling me Lety prefers Fer? Julieta in a tizzy wants to explain. She starts to say that Lety hasn’t said anything but just then Erasmo walks in and Aldo takes this opportunity to leave without letting Juli explain. Erasmo asks her what is wrong with him and if he’s mad. Juli says she can’t talk about it because she needs to soak the beans, and he needs to not bug her. Juli also tells him she doesn’t want to talk about Aurora in this house anymore. Erasmo thinks she didn’t sleep or had nightmares all night maybe.

Caro is contemplating Omar and his gift to her. She says how beautiful it is. She calls Lety and tells her how upset she is and about the gift she got. She explains she doesn’t want to go into Conceptos today because she doesn’t want to see Omar just now.

Mar asks Fer if he shouldn’t check on Omar. Fer thinks he’s fine and that he’s just up to some trick no doubt. Mar is worried. Fer thinks he’s just drunk. Mar says when she saw him last night he didn’t even smell of alcohol and he was very depressed. Just then he comes out holding a sign that says he’s depressed so don’t even speak to him. Fer is hard on him and Mar scolds Fer for not understanding. Mar asks him about Caro.

Omar says that love has changed him he’s not the same and now he’s very unhappy. Mar asks why he doesn’t fight for his love. Fer wants to know how he can fight for something when he has no idea what love even is. Omar ask if she thinks it’s really worth that he fight for it. In unison they both say of course!!

Alicia counts the money for her “treatment.” Tomy wonders why she doesn’t try his treatment first, it is much more effective and besides it’s free! She fumbles saying he has to remember about the hormones etc. He says he remembers and something about giving her tons more money if. He asks if she goes to the office and she says no to the doctor, but Tomy thought the doc was in Africa. She says yes but another doc will do it today.

Marta labors over her decision and talks herself into not eating for the sake of her health. Her family is proud and they bid her farewell and a good day. Just as they leave she pulls out a bunch of food from hidden places and that’s the end of that scene. Did she eat it or try to absorb it via osmosis?

We go to Aldo’s Dad answering a call from Aldo at a café and Aldo begins rehashing what just happened with Juli and saying so he's sorry he can’t meet for lunch. Aldo then notices the article in the paper crediting Fer as the cause for Aurora’s disappearance.

We then flash to the apt where Mar and Fer are watching TV. A news report comes on saying that Fer has a torrid romance with Aurora and after their grand kiss she disappeared so they too are blaming him. Fer gets super mad at the rumor spreading and exclaims that for this reason artists detest the press because they invent this stuff. He wonders who could have started such gossip.

Ah ha ha, we flash to Jacques speaking in a very sinister voice. He congratulates himself for engineering this scandal. He explains that he will earn a lot of money from this PR stunt and the business will increase in value and he intends to sell it for a good price. The photographer agrees.

Lety begs Fer to come and sit and tells him she was thinking of him and that he can’t worry about her, that he needs to continue with his life. He tells her she should worry about her wedding. She tells him that things that affect him also affect her. He thanks her for that senitiment. She wants to tell him something important. She said she was going to do it yesterday but he seemed preoccupied so she didn’t, but now she wants to.

Marta describes to the cuartel how emotional the meeting was. The cuartel try to support her, but then she unpacks a bunch of food and they wonder what the heck. She tells them she brought it to give to them in appreciation for their help and support. The cuartel feels bad for thinking otherwise. I’m not sure if I’m convinced….

Aldo and Tomy are discussing what Juli said and Tomy can’t believe she would do such a thing, that she is such an angel and the bread of God. Tomy speculates that she must be jealous because Aldo is taking away her little doll and so she’s acting out. Aldo wonders if Lety influenced Julieta to prefer Fer. Tomy says he doubts it, that Lety has nothing to do with it. He says it’s not her fault that Mendiola is more agreeable than you. Tomy then realizes what he said and says it was a bad joke. Aldo says with friends like him he needs no enemies. Then he replies they are still friends it was just a joke.

Fer continues that he is very upset about the disappearance of Aurora, but Lety tells him he shouldn’t worry about that, she’s not worth it. He tells her that Aur is important and besides he is thinking about something that would explain everything. He asks her if she saw the news and she says yes about the rumor of their romance. He tells her there is a reason why it’s bothering him so much. He thinks she disappeared because of that kiss. Lety asked him how he knew. He asks her if she knows that’s the reason. She adjusts and says well how did you come to this conclusion. He tells her Aur wasn’t indifferent to their kiss.

Lety thinks to herself that the kiss made her doubt. Fer brings her back into reality and asks if she thinks that’s the reason. She agrees that is the reason. Lety tells him that Aurora will never come back. He tells her that it’s that he could actually see himself falling in love with her for real. Lety, impactada, tells him, no he can’t be in love with her, that it’s not good for him and asks him if he’s sure. He says he’s not sure of anything and that he’s really confused. Just then Lety gets a call to go see Luigi.

Aldo gets a call from Carmaniac but didn’t recognize her voice at first. He explains that something is bothering him and that he’ll tell her later. He asks her what is up and she tells him something we don’t hear, but it makes him really pleased and he tells her he appreciates it.

Celso is greeted by annoying horn honking. It’s Alicia in a new red “treatment”. Celso admires it and tells her that Lety’s is just like it. Alicia, offended, tells him not to confuse garnachas with caviar. He wonders when she got it. She tells him, in a way, she owes it to him but of course he wouldn't get why. She tells him her Papi gave it to her and that he should wash it and park it in a good place.

Luigi ponders the meaning of family. He concludes that it is everything. Lety interrupts as he is weeping slightly and he tells her he’s trying to create something for the Day of Families campaign. Lety wants to know if he is ok. He says yes. Luigi wonders what they think they would do without him since he does everything here. Lety says well Conceptos would do nothing.

Battle of the galans stage two: Aldo and Fer run into each other in Lety’s office as Aldo runs in shouting for Lety. Fer tells him very professionally that he should lower his voice and that Lety isn’t here but he will leave a message, what does he want. Aldo calls him funny, a jokester.

Aldo wants to know what he said to Julieta to cause her to think Fer should marry her daughter. Fer tells him he hasn’t said a thing, why would he say anything, they have gotten along very well for a long time. Aldo says he can go and flatter as much as he wants but the one Lety will marry is him, I assure you. Fer tells him that he has respected his relationship with Lety to the very last word. Aldo warns Fer to stop being so flattersome with Julieta and excuses himself. Fer tells him he’s going first because he has things to do in the office. Al jokes that now Fer is so busy. Fer tells him to choke and Aldo counters to suffocate. Fer tells him to choke on his wedding cake and Aldo responds to suffocate with his little drunken dolls? Aldo leaves and Fer mutters that Lety doesn’t deserve to be a widow so young but that guy deserves to be choked with the cake!


Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Destilando 5/30: it's almost Christmas so young men's thoughts turn to divorce.

  • Poor Bruno was shocked to hear, at the funeral home, that his son Aaron had adroitly scooped up Trejo's client in Hawaii. Rod tells Bruno that he and Mariana had discovered "irregularities" ... (he doesn't tell him, though, how their meeting had been sadly interrupted, before the bubble bath could be wheeled in, by a one-two punch, first the news of Trejo's death and then by the unexpected, irate arrival of Minerva and Isa.)

  • Avellaneda, an important tequila guy, thanks Gav for being so kind first to Trejo and now to his widow Altagracia. She says she feels guilty, but he counters: "Not at all, it's the Montalvo's fault, they're manipulated by Aaron."

    The widow shouts "Assassin!" at Aaron, throws his hand off his shoulder, and accuses him of coming to the velario just to be sure her husband is dead. "You killed him the day you agreed to ship his tequila to Hawaii! Get out of here!" Gav says "You'll be calmer later" but the widow says "I'll hate him till the day he dies. ... and watch out for those Montalvos. None of them inherited Amador's goodness."

    Mariana meets Rod in the hall. He's still glowing about almost getting her into the bubble bath but she says it will never happen again.

  • Bruno is still miserable mulling over Aaron's machinations. Patricio lies to him, saying he didn't know anything about it. (Mentira is another word everybody should learn - it means LIE)

    Bruno tells his son Aaron "You made a terrible mistake. You've dirtied our name." Aaron says: "When time passes and the money rolls in you'll lose your bad humor." Later Bruno complains to Fedra that Aaron has become vile but Fedra says, no, he has a heart of gold...

    Rodrigo is furious at Aaron; he says he's going to give the widow all the money gained by the shady takeover of the Hawaii client. "When it comes to business, you're still in diapers," says Aaron, who reminds Rod that he, Aaron, still owns the business even if Rod is running it. Rod threatens to quit and Aaron starts backing down, saying "You're like a brother." "You're like my brother too, but lately I don't know you any more." "Rod, you wound me! Aww, give me a hug." Rod hugs him reluctantly.

  • In the hospital, Acacia wakes up but, as so often happens in telenovelas, she has amnesia. She remembers her childhood, so she remembers her "depraved" uncle Meliton as being nice. She doesn't recognize James ("Who are you?" "I'm James, who loves you!" "MENTIRA!") and is afraid of him.

    Meliton has convinced the doctor that James was raping Acacia, and since Meliton is Acacia's only relative, she leaves with him. Later Rod arrives to back James up and whispers in Meliton's ear: "No more abuse or you'll pay." He also yells to Acacia: "If anything goes wrong, call me!"

    Meliton really hams it up on the way out, "Here, little niece, walk carefully sweetie..." After they're gone, a nurse comes up and hands the music box to James: "She left it behind." He mopes: "My only memory of Acacia." It probably won't wear out as fast as a cassette tape.

  • After leaving the coffin area, the Bad Trio - Minerva, Aaron, and Fedra - gossip about finding Mariana/Gav in Rod's arms. "If Rod gets divorced, Isa will get half his worldly goods, Rod didn't have a pre-nup like the one I had to sign. Mariana is more dangerous than Gaviota - she's a fox..."

  • Isa leaves in the limo with Pilar, after a few choice hostile words to Rod, the husband she's supposedly trying to keep.

    Sofia, she of the unending flow of unwanted counsel, counsels Rod: "You're going to get a lecture from Grannie about the sanctity of marriage. And you should know that Isa wants Mariana's head to roll."

    Indeed, when Rod is with Pilar later he does get the usual lecture, plus Pilar's new anxiety about clearing the family name and her delight at the expected imminent arrival of her first grandchild. (In real life, does anybody really announce with such delight and confidence that they've -- decided to get pregnant soon?)

  • Aaron has two business meetings in a row in a cafe. First, with his divorce lawyer, who says if Aaron wants a fast separation and divorce he'll have to resort to some "unorthodox" methods which, as you can imagine, doesn't faze Aaron much. Second, wth his crooked crony Oñate, who's annoyed to hear that Aaron, wary of bad publicity, has caved to Rod's demands and, to clear his name, will give the Hawaii dough etc. to the widow. "It was the price of Rodrigo staying - but when things calm down we'll get back in the game."

    Reporters mob Aaron as he gets in his jet. He tells them all the noble things he'll be doing for Trejo's widow and how sorry he is for this lamentable loss. He looks so sad and noble.

    He gets into his jet and there's Pamela (aka Rubberlips) ready to accompany him to Miami. He tells her he'll be divorcing after Christmas and that the house in Miami will be hers. He just has to spend Christmas and New Year's with Minerva and then he'll drop the big one. "Good times are coming" says his woman. At the Miami mansion, he massages her by the pool and there are hijinx.

    [About that stuff on Pamela's head: I've just decided Univision bought a tanker truck full of this revolting red hair color and they're going to keep dipping their various actresses' heads in it till it's all used up. -- Ed.]

  • At home Gaviota mopes about having cancelled her last meeting with Trejo to have a romantic dinner with Rod at the office. She describes the whole embarrassing scene. She reminds us of the promise she made to the Montalvo family: to take care of their business and help Rod. "Ay, but sooner or later I'm going to fail/fall and give myself to Rodrigo again."

    To cheer her up Clara turns on the tv and there, coincidentally at this exact second, appears the interview with Aaron as he's about to enter his jet. Gav is happy to hear what a great guy Aaron is, from his very own lips no less! She cheers up.

  • Back in agave land, at ye olde watering hole, the bartender doesn't want to serve James or have him around, it'll wreck business: "Meliton told everybody you'd been abusing Acacia." James' indignant shouts that he loves and respects Acacia draw a discontented grumble from the extras. They change their tone and utter a more approving grumble after Rod's loud oration: "James is my friend, I'd put my hands in the fire for him! Would any of you do that for Meliton?" The bartender lets James stay, which is good since James more or less lives at this bar.

  • Isa and Sofia are arguing in a cafe. Isa wants Sofia to help get Mariana fired; Sofia reminds Isa how much Rod hates interference. Anyway, it's almost Christmas, and Rod will be seeing less of Marian. "But I don't want them together even one more day." Sofia walks out. Isa calls Minerva and says: "Prove your friendship and help me get rid Mariana."

    At that moment Minerva opens a big envelope from Aaron. I missed the beginning of what it said but it ended with: "The only Christmas present I want is to hear you're expecting a baby."

  • Rod happily babbles to James (a bit thoughtless considering what James is going through): "I was about to get her back! The romantic dinner was doing the trick! I saw that light in her eyes, the same as when we first kissed! I wanted to shout out that Gaviota is the love of my life! But I have to be less impulsive. I'm gonna divorce Isa after Christmas." "Isa won't like that." "I don't care, nobody will stop me."

  • One of the commercials featured a special purple liquid which, if you but sniff it, causes your boring bosses to get their mouths zipped up and renders them completely silent. I think this is a magnificent product.

  • Minerva and Isa burst into Gav's apartment and ask how much money would convince her to leave the company and never see Rod again. She says working for the Montalvos is disagreeable but she promised Pilar she'd stay - and her relationship with Engineer Montalvo is strictly business and always will be - so take your check and shove it where the sun don't shine. They leave.

    Isa says "She seemed sincere," but Minerva counters: "mansa agua (gently flowing water) is dangerous."

  • A week passes, there are cheesy Christmas decorations everywhere. The widow Trejo accepts Gaviota's invitation to spend Christmas at her place with Clara and Benvenuto.

  • "The last workday before Christmas," Elvira informs Gav, "is a half day, and everybody meets for a toast." In the meeting area Rod is very cheerful in a very red sweater and has passed drinks all around and thanks everybody and is giving out presents and compliments Gav in front of everyone and flashes his pearly whites to such effect that Gav, suffering a kiss-bubble, goes to her office to cry and say she still loves him.

  • The smarmy neighbor, who's been in Paris or so he says, comes to Isa's door and gives her a bottle of her favorite perfume "so you'll have something of me on your skin."


Acorralada #96 Tuesday 5/29/07 Diana and Silvita: new BF4E

We open with a replay of the transvestite scene. Yes, I too loved that the trannies thought Silvita was one of them because of her wig. There will be more interesting wig play coming up . . There's also a replay of Marfil trying to get Max back again.

Diego is drinking and muttering about punishing Diana. He gets Nancy to pour him more wine. She tells him she saw Bruno in tatters in the street.

Grannies DS and M talk to Fedora about Diana.

Diego repeats his usual refrain about Diana going to see Max.

Iggy and Camila argue about Silvia, since they each seem to blame the other for letting her steal from them.

The trannies arrive at Iggy's to tell them how the pobrecita is in the hospital.
Iggy wants these "adefesios," or monstrosities, to go.

Max calls Diana. He is not wearing a shirt. She is pleased to learn he is in bed alone, and not with Marfil.

The transvestites continue to talk about Silvia, but Iggy and Camila throw them out. They create a ruckus in the hall, shouting that two callous friends live in the building. Iggy tells them to stop creating a scandal and ruining his (great) reputation. Finally he throws a bucket of water on them, which washes one of the wigs away, leaving a bald transvestite. The transvestite looks like Divine once the wig is removed, since these guys were kind of heavyset anyway.

Silvia is in the hospital. Someone has brought her the Ethel Mertz turban to wear. Her face is black and blue. She apologizes to Diana that she has no roof over her head. Diana says don't worry, the past doesn't matter. Silvia thanks her for not holding a grudge. Silvia can come to live with them at what is quickly becoming the manicomio in the middle of Miami.

The family has assembled for breakfast Dynasty style at the mansion. Diego wants to know why Diana is helping her enemy. Diana thinks Silvia was a puppet of Camila. Diego tells her to throw Silvia out, but Fedora tells Diego it's Diana's choice. Diana smiles.

Cut to a promo for Disney World.
Caramelo is on the phone to Paco, who didn't know about the Gaby situation, so she fills him in.
Now she is out in the sun with Emilio. Someone with her red hair and freckles should stay out of the sun. Pancho now calls her from behind a tree. She is happy to hear from him and calls him mi amor. Blech. He tells her not to put horns on him. She says she's preparing papers for the meeting. Emilio keeps waving to her to come into the pool.

Back at the factory, we see vestibule, or the vortex of spinning perfume bottles (don't you love that silly machine that spins perfume bottles behind the receptionist's desk?). Marfil comes in and says she knows the way to her husband's office. She has just finished a call from octavia about a dinner that night. Octy wants the family to reunite. Marfil also wants to meet all of Max's work friends. Diana comes in. She then laments how it's terrible to work in the same place with Max.
Filler exchange with Beatrix.

Diego sees Bruno outside the mansion. She is mumbling about Debora and Marfil. I think he still doesn't know about the twins.

Promo for Sea World! Two giant killer whales perform their jumps out of the water where they splash the audience. Next, a large person jumps into the swimming pool and splashes Caramelo. Clever editing!

Caramelo is not preparing papers for the meeting. No, she is drinking a Pina Colada with Emilio. They now have a heart to heart talk. Emilio tells how his heart was broken by Paola, he says she had a sad childhood, and was a victim of her mother and Pancho. He's sorry for talking about her. He wants her to forget Pancho and he will forget Paola. Pancho is watching the whole thing when Paola arrives and wants to go in the pool. No, he says, let's go to the beach. Ooops, she reminds him, there is no beach in Orlando. Okay, he wants to go see Micky, Donald and --that elephant with big ears, Pluto, no Dumbo, she reminds him. She still wants to go to the pool first, but he steers her away with promises of his hot Panchi love. He carries her away.

Lala announces Paco at the mansion. Fedora is wearing her glasses, which means she is in serious lawyer mode. She is also drinking and sitting at the bar with many bottles arrayed in front of her. Paco wants to help with Gaby, but apparently no bail set yet. Paco now starts spouting off about the law of self-defense in Florida. He says that if someone comes to your home, you can shoot him, etc. Fedora says she knows the law. But they have some clothes as evidence.

At the jail cell, Kiki comes to visit, and she tells him she thinks he was in on the lie about pushing Pilates down the steps. He denies it.

Paco now tells Fedora that his marriage was a mistake. Why doesn't he leave, the big doormat.

Max doesn't want to go the dinner at his mom's house. Larry is going for a swim. Lunkhead tells Max that he should try to make up with Mommie Dearest. You know, I hadn't thought of it before, but perhaps Octavia is channeling Fay Dunaway as Joan Crawford.
Max finally agrees to go to the dinner. For once he is actually wearing a decent outfit--a gray suit with no silly tie.

Lala talks to Fedora after Paco leaves. She thinks they still love each other.

Larry and Rene meet on the beach. Neither is wearing a shirt. They talk about the Yolanda situation. Rene swears he's not going to hurt auntie.

Yolanda is wandering about thinking about Rene. Marfil wants her to find Paola for the dinner.

At the House of the Plastic Fish, Paco is dreaming of Fedora over a snifter of Courvoisier. In comes Octy in a short red ruffled halter dress that displays her artificial cleavage nicely. They discuss family. Octy wants to reunite Max and Marfil. Paco says she just wants to make sure Max is separated from Diana. Well, she doesn't want her little prince to go out with the daughter of an ex-convict. (Folks, how's that search for Dr. Reynosa's killer going?) But she has a grandson, Paco reminds her. She doesn't care. Don't talk about that little bastard.
Paco is appalled. The familia enters, very overdressed for these surroundings. (I'm still wondering how Paco is packing them in at the bar now that his star singer is no longer appearing nightly.)
Octy tells them she's getting takeout--she doesn't like to cook. You never change, Marfil jokes. She'll be the same till her grave, I think Octy says. I'm not sure.

Gaby is crying because Larry didn't show up. He's at the dinner party.

Silvia and Diana now continue their new friendship. Diana is putting on a bit much of the head-tilted noblesse oblige for me, though.

The family sits around awkwardly at Paco's. Paco goes to get drinks. While he's gone, Yolanda takes Octavia aside and tells her that this family reunion is a great time for Octy to tell Paco about Paola being his daughter. The veins in Octy's neck stiffen. Where is Paola? On her honeymoon in Orlando. She needs you.

Silvia cries and Diana reassures her. She tells her about the robbery. Why did she do it? I am a virgin, Silvia blurts out.

Octy forgets Paola and her bastard grandchild. She proposes a toast to the reunion of Max and Marfil, and the child they will have!


Destilando Amor - May 29, 2007 - Rod and Gavi have a "light bulb moment"; Aaron is accused of murder

(March 27, 2007, on official site)

(Ed. Note: I have finally finished this summary recap. Thank you for your patience.)

* Clara is stunned as she watches Gavi finish up with the installers - Gavi surprises Clara with an early christmas gift, a brand new television and entertainment center. Clara is excited for a minute, then as the installers take her old set she asks where will it go? Gavi says it will go to Dona Jose. Clara is relieved; then Clara gets worried about all the bills that are accumulating, between the rent, food, clothes, car, and now the television. Gavi assures her mom that's why she works so hard.

* Isa calls Rod at work to find out when he is coming home. Rod is hesitant, Aaron is in the office listening, Rod says he's busy and hangs up quick. Isa is impactado.

* Aaron starts conversation about Isa's jealousy over Mariana. Aaron asks if Rod is interested in pursuing an "aventurino" will her, or is one already started? Rod just looks at Aaron like are you serious?. Rod turns disgusted by the suggestion and horrified with even the thought or mention of it. Aaron wonders about why meet with her alone tonight then? Rod explains that it is to go over some business figures for the tequila business, and he prefers to do it with Mariana in private. Aaron asks about how the fertility/artifical insemination visits are going with Isa - Rod says that he's postponing them (evil grin from Aaron the cheshire cat), Rod doesn't feel ready to be a father. Rod then turns the question around and asks Aaron about trying again with Minnie to have a baby. Aaron gets really uncomfortable and grumbles. Rod wishes Aaron well on his trip to Miami; they say good-bye and Aaron leaves. Rod sits back down and mutters that one day soon they will stop all the lies and secrets and he can shout to the winds that he loves Mariana/Teresa/Gaviota.

* Clara is excited over her present. Gavi has to leave to return to work, and will stop by Dona Jose's apartment to make sure she received the television. clara asks about dinner tonight; Gavi has to work late with Rod at the office and then she wants to stop by and visit Don Artemio, he's been really depressed and upset lately. Clara tells her to give her regards to him and tell him to stay positive.

* Don Artemio sits at his desk, depressed and alone.

* Isa vents to Sofia her thoughts about Rod and Mariana vs. Rod and Gaviota. Sofia advises her to get her jealousy under control or Rod will resent and reject her for sure. If she doubts Rod so much, why not call him. Isa won't do that. Sofia gets her to think about the artificial insemination treatments with Rod. Isa explains that Rod wants to postpone it for a month - she's frustrated.

* Aaron visits mom and dad. He sits down and talks with Mom about dad and Artemio's business problems. He then talks with her about his plans for divorcing Minnie (she's a headache, a nag and won't give him an heir). Mommy Fedra asks if he has someone else in mind - Aaron smiles like a little boy with a christmas present and says yes, someone nice, kind, loves me for me. Mommy dearest knows who he's talking about, PAMELA! Fedra thinks about all her good qualities - family, social class... Aaron adds that her father is real big-wig in the tequila business also (so that's a plus). Fedra changes the subject back to the divorce from Minnie - Aaron tells her his plan for getting the divorce and marrying Pamela. Mom warns him not to cause a scandal for the family, especially be careful around Granny. Aaron agrees, they hug.

* Mari comes back to the office; no one is in the conference room; she's stunned when she steps into Rod's office. He smiles and invites her to sit down. she asks where everyone is - he explains this is private meeting for just the two of them. She tries to protest and question his motives. Rod starts to talk about finance and work - she wonders about another motive and tells him she can't stay long she has another appointment that evening. She's uncomfortable - Rod plays with it and as he explains that his only motive for the meeting is to talk about the business but if she wants to go... He opens the door for her to leave, then closes it and turns on the 'HotRodrigoooo' charm. He gets right up close to her and starts to seduce her, compliment her beauty, hair, smell... He leans in and continues to seduce her with words. She stutters. He backs away and gets back to work. She asks if Isa knows and is okay with the meeting. He says yes she knows. He returns to writing on the board and talk about the financial numbers - she checks out his butt and smiles (yes, indeed, nice butt Eduardooo!) As she turns and looks at some papers, he turns and checks her out.

* Sofia continues to try and assure Isa that her jealous thoughts about Rod and Mariana are unfounded. Isa is still frustrated and jealous. Sofia gets fed up and forces the phone into Isa's hands - daring her to call him right now. Isa realizes she has no reason to call and puts the receiver down. Isa still has her doubts though. Sofia and Isa will wait together for Rod to return home. Isa asks Sofia if Rod had any girlfriends or lost loves before he met Gaviota and her. Sofia said he wasn't much into anyone like that ever. That's why his romance with Gaviota was such a shocking surprise. She's basically the only one he's really loved. (AW! she's his first love!)

* At the office, Rod stands behind Gavi as she works on computer looking up delivery shipment figures for United States market. Rod and Gavi have a 'light bulb moment' when they discover a discrepancy with the shipments to Hawaii, and that Montalvo Corp. and Artemio's company have a supplier in common. They have paperwork and proof, now who is to blame for the error. Gavi calls Larry the snake but his phone is turned off/out of service. Gavi asks about how to correct the error/make repayment. Rod says he will meet with Aaron tomorrow morning to discuss this.

* Aaron tells Minnie about his worries over Rod and Mariana's private meeting tonight at the office. Minnie wonders if Isa knows and what her reaction may be to the news. She wonders if there's something more between Rod and Mariana - Aaron tells her no way, you know my cousin. she says still it would play in our favor if Isa thinks there is - that marriage will fall apart and we will have more time to form a family. He likes the idea but wants to wait until after he gets an early Christmas present. Minnie says later for the present, she has an important visit to make.

* Mari/Gavi and Rod discuss the curriculum Gavi came up with for the tequila school that James will be helping run. Rod sits down and Gavi is excited talking about the school plans. He asks if she's tired. She says no, and asks if he's hungry she can go get something - the phone rings as he says that he will take care of the food. She hands the receiver to Rod - he answers. He says the food is ready to be served - he excuses her to leave the room to go do something. Then he goes to the other door and lets the caterers in to help rearrange the furniture for a romantic dinner for two in the office. Caterers leave the room. Rod turns down the lights, pulls her chair over by the door and unlocks the door. Gavi is stunned as Rod pulls her in and sits her down. He rolls her chair to the table, explaining they will eat a nice dinner and then get back to work. They clink glasses - he hesitates with the toast and then asks her to clap. She's confused and claps. The caterers open the conference room doors and let the mariachi cuartet inside, playing music. She wonders why the music? He says she likes to sing and work, he likes to listen to music while eating. He smiles; they drink together; she melts and thinks to herself, 'give me strength because what I really want is to eat his kisses.'

* Isa and Sofia still discuss Isa's frustration and obsession with Rod and Mariana. Minnie stops by for an impromptu visit. She starts to ask about Rod and Mariana's private meeting tonight. Isa says it's just business. Minnie starts to feed Isa's paranoia about Rod with thoughts that the business meeting is more than just business; Mariana is stealing her husband away from her; Isa tells her to stop; she doesn't; Sofia tries to stop Isa from listening to Minnie but too late, Isa's paranoia is in full rage. Sofia finally gives in and agrees to escort Isa to the corporate offices tonight. (Minnie grins in cat-like satisfaction.)

* Music continues - Rod asks if she likes it. Gavi says she likes the food. He asks about the music, he chose the song especially for her - to show how much he truly loves her, needs her, wants her in his life permanently. She's uncomfortable and thinks about leaving. Rod pulls back and assures her to stay. They will end the dinner on a calm note. He tries to pour her another glass of wine. She declines, she has to go visit Don Artemio like she promised earlier. Rod suggests that she call him and cancel the plan for tonight - in the morning, they can go visit together. Gavi moves to get up and go to the phone - Rod hands her the receiver from the sofa; he kisses her hand and thanks her. She swallows (and melts).

* Isa and Sofia arrive outside the corporate headquarters and go inside.

* Rod pays the musicians and caterers. They reset the furniture and leave. Gavi can't get Artemio on the phone - busy signal. With Rod standing watching her, Gavi finally gets a hold of someone at Artemio's number. She receives the horrible, shocking news. As she hangs up, Rod sees the sadness and shock and asks her to tell him what's the matter? what is it? Gavi tells him that Don Artemio had a heart attack and died tonight. They hug. That's when Isa and Sofia enter and interrupt. Rod is shocked and asks what they are doing there. Isa screams and shows her jealousy over Mariana Franco. Mari stutters to respond. Isa snaps at her. Rod says nothing to explain - they just received some terrible news about Don Artemio's death. Mariana leaves for the funeral home alone. Rod is angry and hurt by Isa and Sofia. Rod calls Bruno and Fedra to tell them the news of Don Artemio. He then leaves bitter and angry with Isa and Sofia. Sofia scolds Isa for believing the paranoia Minnie blurts out. Isa is still angry and on a roll and tells Sofia to wake up, they are having an affair how many more clues do you need? Sofia is fed up and walks out of the office. She catches up with her brother at the elevator - Rod scolds her for showing up with Isa tonight.

* At the funeral home, Altagracia kneels and prays in front of casket. Mariana enters, crosses herself and kneels beside Altagracia. Mariana consoles and hugs her.

* Clara tries to give Beni instructions on setting up the wires for the television. Beni has a hard time understanding her spanish. She's anxious, she doesn't want to miss her soaps.

* Rodrigo, Fedra and Bruno enter funeral home and approach Mariana and Altagracia. Bruno kneels down and gives their condolences, he and Artemio were great friends. Altagracia says friends who hadn't kept in touch for quite some time. Thanks for the sympathy. Bruno speaks with Mariana before he and Fedra go to casket. Rod kneels by Altagracia to give his condolences and apologize for not doing more to resolve the problem - she accepts the apology. Mari adds to Rod's apology. Altagracia and Mariana return to the kneeling benchs. Rod, Fedra and Bruno walk to the door and talk. Bruno and Rod convince Fedra to call Aaron and get him there; she's reluctant. Artemio's doctor walks in - Bruno needs to talk with him about what actually happened and leaves. Sofia and Isa walk inside; Isa goes to sit down; Sofia pressures Rod for truth about him and Mariana - he tells her to drop for now, not the time or place for the conversation - she continues to try to convince him to come clean with his feelings; if you hurt Isa, you hurt the family (and she becomes the accomplise in the whole thing. He nods acknowledgment of her point.

* Aaron in bed, bothered by mom's call to get him to go to the visitation. He doesn't want trips early the next morning. Minnie convinces Aaron to go or he will look guilty of causing the death (by his absence.)

* Beni finally gets the television to work - he turns and sees Clara fast asleep on the sofa ("la bella mama durmiente" - the beautiful sleeping mama). Phone rings - Clara wakes up and pushes Beni out of the way so she can answer it. Gavi calling to let her know not to wait up for her, she's at Don Artemio's funeral visitation. Clara says see you tomorrow and hangs up. Beni is curious about the call - Clara tries to explain but he's lost. She has to melodramatically pantomime heart attack and fall on sofa to explain. He understands, what they can do - she takes him to pray at home altar for soul of Don Artemio.

* Granny pays her respects Altagracia. Sofia escorts Granny to the sofas nearby. Mariana stays with Altagracia. (Eduardo, Roberto and two others are pallbearers.

Granny sits with her family on the sofas; she worries about Altagracia; Fedra asks about Dani, when she'll return, Granny says she doesn't know when Dani will return right now, but she is planning on coming for Christmas with her boyfriend. Isa asks Rod to leave for home - Rod refuses - Isa turns paranoid and thinks it is because Mariana is there - Rod tells her to shut up - she walks away - Rod stands up, and Patricio enters to talk to him.

Isa approaches Mariana and Altagracia - Isa spouts her accusation of Mariana being a husband-stealer. Mariana is shocked. Mariana explains her position and relationship with Rod is strictly business. Rod approaches and grabs Isa by the arm and tells her to stop with the paranoid - enough is enough! - he drags her across the room to where his uncle Bruno is standing with Patricio. Isa joins the ladies on the sofa.

Bruno takes Patricio and Rodrigo to the cafeteria to talk. Isa grumbles to Granny, Sofia and Fedra about her paranoid suspicions about Rod and Mariana. Isa reveals that she walked in on them hugging in Rod's office tonight - Sofia snaps back and tells Isa why they were hugging (the real reason). Isa reluctantly says the reason. (Fedra is still shocked). Sofia politely gets Isa to escort her to another part of the room to talk privately. Sofia scolds Isa for her scandalous outburst just now; for also trying to bring Fedra and Granny in on this - it's bad enough having to deal with Minnie's rantings. Isa doesn't care - she just wants Mariana Franco to disappear forever.

Fedra talks with Granny about Isa's accusations and her own suspicions and overheard gossip about Mariana while she was Aaron's assistant.

Mariana sits with Altagracia; Mariana goes to get refreshments for them both.

Roberto meets with Bruno, Pat and Rod in cafeteria. Roberto belittles Bruno about gravitute of problem with Don Artemio's death. Bruno is upset by death; Roberto doesn't believe it and tells him of Hawaii shipment error. Bruno is shocked; he didn't know. Rod steps in to explain and say they need to speak with Aaron. Bruno is in disbeief. Roberto leaves.

* Mariana is at counter getting some coffee. Roberto thanks her for consoling Altagracia right now. They continue to talk and he tells her this death will look really awful for Montalvo family being manipulated by Aaron. Mariana is impactado.

* Altagracia is crying on kneeling bench again. Aaron and Minnie arrives; Minnie joins family; Aaron walks up, uses his tippy-toes to peek inside. He crosses herself, walks behind Altagracia, and gives her his condolences. She gets up, turns and cries out, "Look! Look! He's dead! He's dead! Assassin! Assassin!" Aaron stays silent and rest of family is in shock.


Duelo Tuesday May 29 - In which Luba listens to the devil on her shoulder

Yesterday Don Loco's shady lawyer threatened Elias and Elias kicked him out of his house, but not before Elias told him he wants to see DonLoco spend the rest of his days behind bars.

Capitan Rodrigo plays with his cute daughter at home. She seems to be a very good actress. They will probably minimize her screen time so her papito will seem less like a piece of wood and more like a man. Too bad.

A squirrely looking guy named Mauricio visits Rodrigo. Apparently he is Dra. Loca's fiance. So I guess last night she was saying he is still her fiance but apparently she's not too happy about it? Anyway, it seems to make sense because he whines about her continuing to put her job before their relationship. So basically he's a remora and she doesn't like it.

Luba finally makes her way to the Devil's Cave. Luckily Coral just happens to be there and is thrilled to see her. Coral asks about Gaspar. Luba, who does not tell a lie, lies to Coral that Gaspar's back at the cave in Escondidaville. Coral talks Luba and Tonky into staying with her at her sorority house. Luba can't wait to see Floralina.

A nice butcher has hired Gaspar to help him out. Gaspar says he will have enough money in a week to go to Puebla to find his little cub.

Soledad tries to get rid of her headache from tying one on the night before but Coral and Luba show up and much screaming ensues. They're all happy to see each other except Tonky who seems more interested in some food he found on the carpet than in saying hello to Floralina. Luba is about to fill them in on the latest when Elias joins them.

Elias says he has great news. In one week DonLoco's trial will begin. Soledad, Luba and Flor are impactadas although Soledad also looks scared and unhappy.

With musical accompaniment we see a series of scenes that I gather are symbolic of the next week - Dra. Loca interviewing and pursing her lips sexily at DonLoco, Alina busting out of a red tank top while Rodrigo plays with Tonky and stares at her when she's not looking, Gaspar earning lots of money, Emilio crying/praying/flashbacking (urp), Flor crying to Angel, Santos and Rosita visiting Braulio in jail, Coral and Soledad decorating their new business.

So I guess it's one week later and Luba is loitering outside the Valtierra house. She asks the Virgencita for strength. She knows she should tell the truth about Gaspar being the father of Emilito but...but...the inner turmoil begins. What kind of life will her grandcub have living in a cave? He'll be better off living the life of luxury, but poor Gaspar has already suffered so much. Suddenly a jeep drives up and Emilio jumps out. He sees Luba and asks her what she's doing there.

The Trial - Don Loco is brought forth to stand behind bars in the judging room. (I don't think it's really a courtroom, I don't know what to call it.) The trial against Alvaro Montellano for all the injustices he has committed against Soledad, Alina, and the law in general is announced and begins.

The prosecutor asks DonLoco if it's true that he confined Soledad against her will for over two years. DonLoco immediately goes on a tirade about Soledad boinking the foreman so everything was all her fault yada yada. Soledad yells back at him. These two have the same fight they always have except now they've got an audience.

Luba spends a lot of time hemming and hawing at Emilio. She thought bubbles...which is more important, the happiness of her son or the future happiness of her little grandcub? She SHOULD tell the truth, but she chickens out and tells Emilio that Gaspar is crazier than ever and she's come to warn him that Gaspar is about to do something foolish. Way to go Judas, I mean Luba.

Luba tells Emilio that Gaspar is going around saying that Emilito is his little cub, ha ha, what a kook, right? Emilio's not laughing but since he never laughs who knows what he's thinking? He says he'll keep guards around the house in case Gaspar shows up. Oh Luba, the Virgencita may not forgive you for this one.

OK, back to the trial and Shady Lawyer tries to present Jose's letter and Soledad's bracelet as evidence that she is an adultress, as if that has anything to do with DonLoco's crimes. Soledad admits the bracelet is hers and Shady Lawyer cackles in glee. The warden takes it upon himself to do the smackdown, he tells the judge that this alleged adultress crapola has nothing to do with the charges against DonLoco, he is on trial, not Soledad. The judge orders the recorder to strike it from the record. Soledad and DonLoco get into it again and this time she walks out of her little box and stands right in front of DonLoco so they can yell in close proximity.

Emilio tries to be a nice guy to Luba, he says he'll go to San Mateo and try to intercept Gaspar. He tries to give Luba 13 pieces of silver (well, a wad of bills actually) but in her despair at becoming a traitor to her own son she refuses and leaves.

Cut to Gaspar receiving his final payment from the nice butcher. Gaspar is so happy that his muscles are about to make his clothes explode off his body (heh heh I wish). The poor schmuck hugs the butcher and skips out of town.

Fast Forward through Don and Doña Loco screaming...oh wait, the warden has something to say. He and Shady Lawyer bicker about Alina being DonLoco's real progeny or not. The warden decides to exhume the body to get hair so they can do a DNA test. Elias and Soledad are impactados.

Don Loco cusses up a storm at this suggestion and goes completely ballistic until the Doctora requests a recess so her patient can overcome his nervous and irritable state. The guards drag him out as he screams at Soledad.

Dra. Aida Loca calms DonLoco in her office. She says she is a professional and musn't take sides. She holds his hands and leans waaaaaaaay over... Her door opens; it is her fiance Mauricio and he doesn't look happy about his sweetie flashing her flesh to this patient.

Aida introduces them, "This is my patient Alvaro Montellano. Alvaro, this is my...FRIEND Mauricio." "Sorry to interrupt, FRIEND," Mauricio snaps as he makes his exit. OK, so that's how it is.

Emilio warns Thelma that Gaspar might be showing up in Puebla. Thelma is wearing a hideous white lace shirt and tight clam-digger jeans with lace on the pockets and cuffs. Also white spike heels. It's incredibly tacky and of course she looks fantastic. She thought bubbles that Luba must have warned Emilio, her suspicions that Luba had visited were correct.

Thelma makes her maid describe the odd woman who was at their door. Long hair, with a dog, yep, it must have been Luba. She tells Singing Auntie of her suspicions. She says if that imbecile Gaspar sets one foot in the house she'll kill him because only if he is dead will he stop bothering her. She tosses back a shot of scotch to drive the point home.

Soledad and Elias fill Alina in on the courtroom drama and about them wanting to exhume her body for the DNA. They hope that DonLoco will act like such a madman in front of the judge that he will be put away for years without having to have an exhumation.

Santos and Rosita visit Braulio in jail. I'm wondering why this guy is still in jail? Everybody else in Escondidaville kills, rapes, shoots, maims and they all get off scot free, but the nice guy who shot the man who raped his daughter and was threatening to re-murder his future son-in-law, this man is still rotting in jail? I don't get it. Anyway, Santos tells Braulio that the day he and Rosita have been waiting for has finally arrived. They are getting married tomorrow. Braulio cries because he wanted to be by his daughter's side for her special day, but he gives them his blessing. Someday they will all be together again.

Shady Lawyer Mauro tells DonLoco that the key to winning the trial is knowing when to open his mouth and knowing when to keep it shut. DonLoco is not helping his case by yelling and ranting in front of the judge. DonLoco says the key to winning is going to Vera Cruz and talking to Hugo who said he had something that would help him. Hugo knows Soledad is an adultress and has something to say against her. Then she can go to the devil.

Alina has another date with Rodrigo.

Emilio coos at the baby while Thelma slithers around exclaiming that they are all Norman Rockwell at last. "We are anything but normal," grunts Emilio. She makes him feel guilty and he agrees go out for a stroll just like a happy family does.

Luba goes back to Coral's house to say her goodbyes. She's going to find her son and return to her cave. Now why does Luba want to go back to the place where the villagers are hunting for her blood? I'm thinking she should stay in Puebla, jump on the Coral gravy train and open some sort of new age curandera healing shop with herbs and crystals and that sort of thing.

Oh barf, Thelma and Emilio are taking their lovely stroll with the baby. She keeps calling him "mi amor" and grabbing his arm while he stiffens up every time she touches him. She tries to pump him for info about what Luba said to him EXACTLY. She keeps pushing and pushing until he becomes irritated and tells her to shut it.

They pass by some cool-looking bright blue buildings with pink trim. After they turn the corner the camera pans to one of the doorways...Alina and Rodrigo are having lunch inside the courtyard.

Rodriga and Alina talk about what they have in common. She - "Due to my screwed up family I've had no life for the past two years." He - "Really? Since my wife died I've had no life either. Wow, we really have a lot in common." Alina says she wants to study and have a career. Doofus should give her some space but he's on a roll. He has an admission to make, from the moment he met her he felt as if he knew her all his life. Oh, strike one! "Uh, I really enjoy being with you," responds Alina.

Rodrigo smiles stiffly and says he wants to be "more than friends." Strike two! "What do you say Alina, do you want to be my...girlfriend?" As Rodrigo moves closer to her she leans back, playing with her heart necklace and staring into space. Strike three and he's out!

Angel's doctor is very surprised, Angel seems to be much better. There is even a chance he might live! Angel grins as his little cogs and sprockets work overtime thinking about Alina.

Uh oh, it's the kiss of death for Rodrigo. Alina wants to be 1) friends and she 2) needs more time. He takes it pretty well. Between him and the weakling Angel she's now got two insipid suitors.

Don Loco is talking to his bitch out in the jail playground. I don't know the guy's name so I'll call him Batneck because of his tattoos. DonLoco asks Batneck if he has contacts on the outside who can take care of a little business for him. Batneck says if the business is "chivaton" it will be cheap, but if it is a "sancho" it will be more expensive. I'm not certain but I gather a chivaton is a stool pigeon and a sancho means the other guy, i.e. Elias. Help anyone? Anyway, DonLoco wants Batneck to take care of this "sancho" so that he can't testify against him.

Thelma admires a heart necklace in a jewelry store and this sets Emilio off on a cascade of flashbacks. After continued prodding by Thelma he asks the salesgirl the price of the necklace at the very moment that Rodrigo and Alina pass by the window behind him. What are the odds?

Advance - Thelma sees Rodrigo and Alina, will she tell Emilio?

la joyería = jewelry store
la carnicería = butcher's shop
juicio = trial


Acorralada #95 Monday 5/28/07 Pobre de Silvia!

I'm going to switch up the format a bit on today's recap, for the sake of my own sanity. I'm leaving on vacation tomorrow and didn't have a lot of time to recap every scene! So I hope you don't mind the high level overview.

Marfil and Max update:
Today's episode begins in Max's office, where Max is kissing Marfil, then suddenly pulls away and tells her that she shouldn't have come. She's impactada - why shouldn't she have come? She's his wife and he was always proud to show his little trick pony around the office in the past. He tries to tell her that things have changed, but she reminds him of the deal they made, and wants to know if Diana agreed or rejected him. He changes the subject to the house they've rented, and she tells him that she and Yolanda will make it into a happy little home. It's too bad that he won't share a bedroom with her, and could he really have forgotten what they had before? He tells her that what was between them is now dead, and leaves the room. Marfil tells herself that with patience, he will return to her.

At the new residence of the Irazabal crew, Larry asks Marfil if it's true that she's going to try to win Max back, and she responds that of course she is. Diana is a "zero to the right" in the life of Max. She's the real owner of his life, and she will get him back, hopefully with Larry's help. Larry looks conflicted. Perhaps he's trying to figure out why he's wearing such a hideous shirt.

Marfil also talks to Octavia on the phone and promises that the battle between her and Diana is one that she will fight to the death!

Later, when Max arrives home and is cold and distant with Marfil, she refuses to back down. She lets him know that he owes her two years of his life because it was his fault that she spent two years in a coma. He doesn't fall for this load of bologna.

Our favorite boozehound is at it again when she's interrupted by Granny Dona Santa, who wants to talk about how sad it is that Max and Diana aren't going to be together forever, when she knows that they love each other. Gaviota tries to give her a quick lesson on why sometimes love just isn't enough.

Rene and Yolanda:
Early in the show, Rene and Yolanda are kissing on the beach, wearing matching black and white outfits like they just stepped off the set of American Idol. She pulls away from his embrace and says she better go, his presence makes her very nervous. More of the usual from these two as she tries to convince him that she's too sensible to get involved in a May-December romance. Come on Yolanda, live a little! You know you can't resist those dimples!

Rene pleads with her to give their love a chance. She asks him to give her time and runs off, leaving behing a silver pump. He tells himself that it's the perfect excuse to call her if she doesn't call him first.

Diego and Diana update:
Diego and Diana argue over Max's return to the fabrica now that Max's vision is restored. Needless to say, Diego doesn't want Diana around Max. Diana tries to convince him that he has nothing to worry about now that the real Marfil is back, and fills him in on the Marfil/Debora story. She also tells him that he's not the same Diego as before, the one who was kind and noble. Of course he blames her for this change and tells her that she'll never leave him - she'll die as his wife! She tells him to leave - there's no need for a scandal at the fabrica. He wheels himself out of the office and as he waits for the elevator door to open he tells himself that Diana will pay for what she's done.

Later, Lala tries to convince him that he should leave Diana because she doesn't love him, there may have been hope before, but he's not the same Diego as before.

Gaby's still in prison, nothing major to report here. During today's episode she gets a visit from Miguelina and Diana. Miguelina is beside herself with grief at the thought of Gaby spending her youth in prison, but Diana reminds her that Gaviota will be defending Gaby, and Gaviota is an excellent lawyer. How silly.

Pilar also visits her, only so that she can taunt her by telling her that while she rots in jail, Pilar will have Larry all to herself.

Pancho and Paola/Caramelo and Emilio's trip to Orlando
Well, we all saw it coming - turns out that not only are they all in Orlando at the same time, but they're at the SAME hotel! So far, both couples are having a wonderful time - Pancho and Paola are getting the honeymoon they never had and Emilio is helping Caramelo forget her sadness for a while. The ladies haven't seen each other yet, but Pancho spotted Caramelo by the pool and managed to get Paola to go back to the room with him to avoid a scene. (He also thought bubbles that HIS hembritas shouldn't be with other men). Tuesday should be interesting!

Bruna shows up at the mansion looking disheveled and talking nonsense about her twins. Nancy hears her and thinks she's crazy, and tells Lala what she's seen. Lala tells her that it's her punishment for being mala, and there's nothing they can do to help.

I saved the best for last! Poor Sylvia's been hustled by Pancho, who took her $3,000 and ran off to Orlando. Ignacio and Camila realize that she's robbed them and throw her out of the apartment, so poor Silvia is wandering the streets with her luggage when two thugs try to rob her and when they learn she has no money, they proceed to beat her senseless. They've got her down on the ground kicking her repeatedly when two transvestites see what's going on and come running to stop the attack. Of course the thugs are scared of the trannies, so they get the heck outta Dodge, and leave poor Silvia in a bloody heap on the ground. She's still wearing the white ensemble she wore to meet Pancho, including the snow white wig, and the transvestites think that she's one of them! The transvestites debate on what to do, and end up flagging down a car for help. It turns out to be none other than our glassy eyed heroine! Credits roll.


Tuesday, May 29, 2007

La Fea Más Bella #285 5/29/07 More of the same with a Bang of an Ending!

Today’s Fea re-cap: Jacks schemes, Aldo screams, Alicia lies, Fernando cries

Just kidding!

We start with Jacks winking at us. Wait, never mind. He just has a really weird set of eyes.

Sexy Celso plays some games on the receptionist’s computer. Alicia “walks” off the elevator and gives her best classic telenovela performance. Alicia asks Celso what’s going on with her three times before he pays attention. She doesn’t understand why destiny has given her so many tests. Her sadness is killing her. Celso volunteers to help. He can go get her an aspirin. Alicia asks him if he’s really willing to help. Being the gentleman that he is, Celso tells her that of course he will.

In the boardroom of boredom (I still cringe when I think of Lety’s pirate outfit and the thirty odd some days we had to watch conferences from the same day occur in that same boardroom!), the executives and Jacks talk about Aurora’s mysterious disappearance. Omar wonders what they should do if she never reappears, but this moment Jacks just wants to exploit the current situation. He asks to remain informed. The execs agree.

Once Jacks leaves, the board discuss Jacks interest in promoting the program. Fernando is sure that Aurora will reappear at some random moment. Queue the dramatic music and the make-out scene on TV. Fernando is i-m-p-a-c-t-a-d-o! Marcia asks where the station got that video. The entire board is shocked about the video showing on TV. That is, everyone except Luigi. He’s more concerned about getting home and watching the new telenovela, Destilando Amor. Fernando catches Luigi before he can leave. Fernando accuses Luigi of releasing the tape. Luigi squirms and squeals in protest. It doesn’t take much force. Luigi admits to releasing the tape, but he accuses Jacks of torturing, hitting and putting him in a bad situation. Luigi didn’t want to, but Jacks almost killed him. Fernando pulls Luigi to him and consoles him.

Alicia tells Celso to forget about helping her. She turns to walk away but Celso stops her. He asks her to permit him to help her. She turns back to him and asks if he’s prepared to lie for a noble cause. It’s a matter of life and death. Alicia has to convince him that it’s just a little lie. It’s so that she and her Tomas can have a beloved baby. Celso agrees.

Lety proudly reads the newspaper. It says that Aurora disappeared and will not reappear. She is dead and buried. Aldo enters. They chat for a minute. Fernando sits in his office and does a great impression of the conversation between Lety and Aldo. Aldo announces to Lety that he found a yacht for their wedding. Lety excitedly hugs Aldo. Fernando scooches to the door. Aldo reminds Lety about when they ate lobster. This pushes Fernando (and many viewers I’m sure) over the limit. He quickly exits his office. He comes into Lety’s office stomping away and complaining. He thinks that the happy couple should be focusing less on the wedding and more on the disappearance of Aurora. Aldo flips out; his face becomes the color of his shirt. Aldo yells that his that his wedding is more interesting and then he takes out his aggression on the newspaper. Fernando says that he has two words for Aldo. (Control de ira) “Rage Control.” Aldo’s face gets redder as he says that those are three words. Fernando points out that in English it’s only two. Cover your eyes, there’s more newspaper abuse. Hey, something has to get beat up in every novela! Fernando points out that Aurora is important because with her help Conceptos will be returned to its original owners and Aldo will be free. Aldo agrees. The business has always interested Fernando and Aldo has always been most interested in love. Ah! Aldo’s a fake nice person! Aldo claims his prize and puts his arm around Lety. He says that his wedding is the most important thing and that nobody or nothing will interfere. Lety and Fernando look confused. Aldo turns Lety toward him and asks if she still wants to have the wedding. She nervously agrees. Seriously, this guy is a control freak in disguise (and in a really bright sweater)! Fernando shakes his fist at Aldo.

Fernando puts the newspaper in between Lety’s and Aldo’s faces. She pulls away and says that both Aurora and the wedding are important. They men burst into an argument over which is more important. Aldo calls Fernando’s show cheesy. Fernando calls Aldo the father of cheesy. Ha! That’s a great description! Fernando says that all weddings are the same. The only thing that changes is the cast. Fernando makes funny of how stuffy a yacht is. Aldo repeatedly repeats that Fernando is jealous. Lety finally stops the insanity. She orders Fernando to his office. Fernando reluctantly leaves. Once Fernando’s in his office, Aldo won’t stop complaining and Lety looks a little unsure.

Fernando sits in his office and at first murmurs to himself about the yacht, but his attention is quickly diverted to the kiss with Aurora. He doesn’t understand why it affected him so much. He sighs and looks at the newspaper. He sees Lety on the front page accuses him of deceiving her. He promised never to love another woman! Fernando assures the picture that Lety is the only woman for him. The picture says that she’s marrying Aldo because of Fernando’s lies. Fernando tells the picture that she is the woman that he will always love. The picture turns back into Aurora. Fernando thinks he’s going crazy, talking to a picture.

Martha sits at her desk and also talks to an inanimate object. She asks her sheep coin bank which she should eat first, her flat cake or her hot dog. Martha goes for the flat cake. The cuartel watches, but Martha can’t finish the first bite. The cuartel rushes to their non-digesting friend. The encourage her to get help. Martha promises but first she needs to go to the bathroom.

Tomas confirms to someone on the phone that he is Tomas Mora, the husband of Alicia Ferreira de Mora. It’s Celso on the line pretending to be Doctor Celso Kama sutra, Alicia’s gynecologist. Celso and Tomas start to talk about getting together to talk, but Alicia stops the conversation with a pinch. Celso yelps. He explains his reaction to Tomas by saying he was bit by a vapor in Africa, because that’s where he is. Tomas says that Alicia’s treatment can wait until the doctor returns. Celso says that’s no good, Alicia needs immediate treatment, it’s a matter of life or death. Celso says that this treatment is essential for Alicia and Tomas to be happy.

Once the men hang up, Celso asks Alicia if she liked his performance. Alicia asks Celso where he got the name Celso Kama sutra. Celso says that his mom gave him the name Celso and Kama Sutra because he saw a magazine. Luckily, Alicia interrupts him.

Martha’s back in the vortex and she’s after a chocolate bar. She catches herself and has the cuartel take it away before she can eat it. The cuartel to take Martha back to her meeting. The elevator opens and a group of reporters enters the vortex. The reporters ask for Fernando Mendiola. They want to interview him about Aurora’s disappearance.

Aldo tells Lety that he thinks there is something between Fernando and Aurora. Lety effusively insists that there is nothing between those two. Fernando scoots to the door. Aldo doesn’t think Fernando would miss this opportunity for a conquest. Lety wonders why no one will believe that Fernando has changed. Aldo accuses her of defending Fernando. Lety says it’s not that. She positive there’s nothing between Fernando and Aurora. Aldo asks Lety how she can be so sure. Fernando exits his office and asks the same question. The men quibble, but end up looking to Lety for an answer. Fernando says that the only people who know what’s going on between him and Aurora are him and Aurora, unless Lety was spying on them. Aldo agrees completely with Fernando. The reporters charge in and ask Fernando about Aurora disappearance. Fernando pulls a Lindsay Lohan and flips out at the press. One reporter points out that Aurora disappeared right after the kiss. Another reporter wants to know if there was a romance between Fernando and Aurora. Fernando, not so fluently, tries to say that there was not. The press is making something out of nothing. He mistakenly says that the kiss was real, and then tries to correct himself by saying it was a part of the show. The press has heard what it needs. They only heard that the kiss was real. One man talks to the camera and confirms that there was a romance between Fernando and Aurora. Lety passes out in her chair. The reporters says that Lety must be pregnant. Fernando rounds the desk and throws the men out of the office.

Aldo tends to Lety and talks to Fernando about what just happened. Aldo thinks that Aurora was a good lesson for Fernando. Huh? He thinks that Fernando should invite Aurora to the wedding. Lety half passes out again. Aldo realizes he’s late and excuses himself to go see Carmina. Fernando asks Aldo about who is Carmina. Aldo doesn’t explain who she is and tells Lety that he’ll see her later. Fernando turns to Lety and tries to assure Lety that the kiss wasn’t real. Lety doesn’t want to hear it. He doesn’t understand why nobody believes him. Lety assures Fernando that she believes his word. Out come all of Fernando’s teeth.

At Retro Mode, Jacks and his lackey watch a Televisa program. The announcers says that Fernando confirmed the romance. The men congratulate themselves. Jacks says he forgot the most important thing. If Aurora reappears it will ruin everything. He picks up his phone to call her.

Lety answers the cell phone. Jacks asks Aurora not to reappear or go out. She wants to know why. As we so well know, whenever something private is being said in the president’s office, the cave’s walls become magically un-soundproofed. Fernando wonders why he hears Aurora’s voice. Lety continues to talk to Jacks, pretending not to understand. Fernando enters her office and starts to look around for Aurora. He asks Lety for Aurora. Lety holds the phone away from her and says that Aurora is not there. Jacks overhears Lety’s voice and asks Aurora if she’s with Lety. Fernando says that he clearly heard Aurora. Jacks asks Aurora to answer him. Lety tells Fernando that he must be hallucinating. Fernando asks Lety if she feels okay. She says yes. He goes back to his office. Lety returns to talking to Jacks. She says that she perfectly understands and then hangs up the phone. Lety gives a cheer of joy.

Alicia walks into Tomas office. He rushes to her and helps her sit. Tomas tells Alicia that he’s worried about her. He explains the conversation he had earlier with her doctor. Alicia says that her only hope is to have a family with him. Tomas runs over to his desk and presents her with a check for the treatment. Alicia tells Tomas that he makes her happy. She says she will go change and then rush to her treatment. She rushes to the door, but Tomas tells her not to run to much. You know, for the baby’s sake. Alicia slowly exits the office.

Marcia’s now in Lety’s office and she’s assuring Fernando that Aurora will reappear. Fernando thinks something that something bad happened. Lety doesn’t think so. She thinks that Aurora is in total control. Marcia wants to know what’s up with Fernando. He says that it’s nothing and leaves for his office. Marcia and Lety stare at each other for a moment and then Marcia excuses herself. Once Marcia leaves, Lety has a “moment.”

Alicia goes to Marcia’s office, but Marcia isn’t there. When Alicia turns to leave, Marcia appears. Alicia asks to borrow Marcia’s computer. Alicia wants to look for a happiness treatment. Marcia says that she doesn’t understand, but she lets Alicia use the computer anyway. Alicia explains that she wants to look at cars because Tomas promised to buy her a new car. Marcia congratulates Alicia. Alicia insults Marcia by saying that this is what it’s like for married women, unlike abandoned women with no place to live. Alicia tries to make it clear that she’s not talking about Marcia. Marcia shakes her head in disgust.

Lola and the cuartel talk some more about Martha’s problems. They try to come up with an idea to get Martha to go to and stay at the meeting. It’s Sara who comes up with an idea, but she doesn’t reveal it just yet.

Suddenly remembering the non-soundproofness of the cave, Lety leads Caro into the boardroom. Lety happily explains to Caro that Jacks doesn’t want Aurora to reappear until he says so. Caro points out that Aurora will have to show up at some point in order to film the rest of the show. Lety says she has a solution for that. Lety thinks that if the show is a hit, then Jacks will let the show go on with another actress. Lety proclaims Aurora dead. She will never revive! Caro says she hopes so and excuses herself. Lety looks awfully proud of her awful plan.

The phone rings. It’s Cristina Maiz, the president of The System for the Families’ Integral Development (DIF Nuevo Leon). DIF Nuevo Leon is a program, mostly aimed at youth, that helps families get back on their feet and be self sufficient. For more information: She wants to have a video conference. Fernando rushes to the boardroom to get the equipment to have the conference.

Luckily, a computer we’ve never seen before sits in the boardroom, prepared for the video conference. Fernando tells Lety that they’re going to have a video conference. He asks her to call Luigi. Fernando has Lety help him set up the conference. The phone rings and Cristina Maiz de Gonzalez appears on the TV screen. Luigi enters and demands to know what was so important to take him from a meeting. He sees Cristina Maiz on the screen. Mrs. Maiz explains that this month they will be celebrating the thirtieth anniversary of DIF Nuevo Leon. The will also be celebrating El Dia de la Familia. She wants Conceptos to do the campaign. Fernando and Lety assure her that Conceptos can do the campaign. Luigi affirms that it will be a grand spectacle. Mrs. Maiz asks if she can make the announcement that Conceptos will be doing the campaign. Fernando says that she can announce it. Mrs. Maiz asks for Luigi personally to direct the spectacle. The two groups confirm that Conceptos will do the campaign. Mrs. Maiz says they will finalize the details later. Once Mrs. Maiz is gone, Fernando and Lety hug each other in congratulations. Luigi is left alone to start the campaign. He thinks to himself how family is the foundation of society. He starts to cry, but calms himself and rushes off to work.

The cuartel takes Martha back to her Compulsive Eaters meeting. Irmita explains to Martha that she, Irmita, spoke with the meeting leader. He told her that only Martha could accept to get help, and that the cuartel should not pressure her. Then she may be cured. Ladies, I have something to admit right now. I have a disease as well. Hello, my name is Amanda. I am a Camil-aholic.

Omar rushes to Caro who is at her door. Omar says that he has something important to tell her; he’s changed. Caro tries to interrupt. Omar says that he understands. No one believes him and he really does have a lot to learn. Omar pulls something out of his pocket and drops it. He hands it to Caro and tells her that he bought it for her. He excuses himself for not being the person she deserves. Omar kisses Caro’s cheek and scurries away. Caro opens the box to see a pearl necklace.

Fernando’s still in his cave, wondering what’s happening to him. He can’t get Aurora out of his head. Fernando pulls out the ugly Lety picture and places it next to the Aurora picture. He talks to both pictures. Fernando swears that he loves Lety. He asks Lety for a pardon.

The real Lety overhears Fernando and walks over to his door. She knocks and enters. She asks if he’s felling okay. Fernando says he’s sorry, he loves her. He thought that he would never love another woman. No he can’t stop thinking about Aurora. He asks again for Lety’s forgiveness. She tries to interrupt. He asks her to leave.

Lety stands in her office and says that she can’t allow Fernando to suffer like that. She reaches for her make-up kit. She has to tell Fernando that she and Aurora are the same person. Lety takes off her ugly make-up and asks Fernando to come to her. She wants to tell him the whole truth. Fernando exits his office and looks at her. The episode ends with a tear going down Fernando’s face.

For tomorrow: Uh-oh, will Fernando find out Lety's secret? Will Aldo follow Julieta's plea to leave Lety alone?


Zorro, May 29 – Esme goes on a diet, NN goes swimming, Olmos finds a box, Zorro finds a cellar and FS gets his fortune told.

Pizarro tries to persuade Montero not to have Esme killed. Montero is behaving like a 6 year old who had an ice cream taken away from him. Pizarro argues that they went to a lot of trouble to make everyone believe that Esme is dead and she her existence could be useful in dealing with FS or Duke Jacobo. Finally Pizarro asks Montero to at least consider his arguments.

Diego tells Bernardo that he searched all the cells and the dungeons and he could not find Esme. He thinks that maybe Montero is keeping her underground like he did with SK. Bernardo suggests that maybe Esme is really dead.

Montero goes to his quarters accompanied by Pizarro. He looks behind all the curtains and tells Pizarro to keep his voice down – Zorro could be listening. Zorro knows everything Montero does. Montero orders Pizarro to double his personal guard. Pizarro suggests politely that Montero is losing it but then Montero finds the big Z slashed into his mattress. Montero chews out his worthless guards who didn’t keep Zorro out. Montero tells Pizarro that Esme won’t be killed but Pizarro should not give her any food and let her starve until she tells him who Zorro is.

Back in his room at the hacienda, Diego tells Bernardo it was a good idea to stop at Montero’s house on the way to the prison to continue the campaign to drive him crazy. Diego tells Bernardo to keep watching Montero to find out where he keeps his money. Bernardo tells Diego that Montero paid his troops. Diego concludes that he made the payment from his own funds since Zorro stole the payroll that was sent from Mexico. Diego says that if Montero has no money, he has no power.

Esme is asleep in her cell with her friend the rat. She dreams that Diego is proudly holding a little boy when Mangle comes up and they are a happy family. Esme wakes up saying Diego’s name. She places her life and that of her unborn son in God’s hands.

Alej instructs his servant to disband his troops but they should remain alert for a call to return. Dolores comes in. Alej orders her to set up breakfast for the family including Yumalai. Dolores suggest that Yuma eat with the other servants. Alej says that he can’t do that. By the laws of her people, Alej is her protector and her husband. Dolores asks Alej to send Yuma away. This situation is going to cause problems. Alej says that he cannot send Yuma away. She would not be able to marry anyone else from her tribe and would have to live out her days alone.

In the garden, Almudena tells Yuma about her dream that Regina is waiting for her on the other side and suggest that maybe the time of her death is near. Yuma is impactada and tells Almudena that she can’t die. Almudena regrets telling Yuma about the dream.

Alej and Diego are having a pre-breakfast cocktail. Alej tells Diego that he is going into town later to sign the non-agression pact with Montero and FS. Diego doesn’t agree with that course of action. Alej says that he doesn’t like it either but it is the Marquesa’s plan to use the document when she returns to Mexico to get FS and Montero fired. Ok, says Diego but what do we do in the meantime? FS will continue to do bad things especially to MP. Alej agrees that FS won’t leave MP in peace. He suggests that he and Diego keep an eye on her to make sure she is ok. ‘What about Montero?’ asks Diego, ‘he isn’t going to honor this pact.’ ‘What do you suggest?’ asks Alej. ‘Keep your men armed and ready even when they are in their homes so that if Montero tries something, we can attack him immediately,' says Diego. Alej says that he had the same idea. When Alej leaves, Diego says that when Zorro finishes his plan, Montero will be kneeling in front of them begging for mercy.

Montero mounts his horse but sends the guards away who were assigned to protect him. He says that if they could not protect his house, how could they protect his person. Montero asks where Pizarro is but the guards don’t know.

Pizarro is with Catalina [whom we haven’t seen in a while.] It is clear what he wants but Cat is playing coy. She asks if he likes her and Pizarro says that he wants to take her away from all this, etc. etc. Cat says that she is a respectable married woman and she isn’t going off with a soldier like a common bar girl. Pizarro says, ‘We’ll discuss that later. I just wanted you to know my plan for you.’

Tobias is feeding the Maestro who doesn’t like the quality of the food. He says that he is leaving. ‘When?’ asks Tobias excitedly but the next moment the Maestro has forgotten who Tobias is. Tobias asks what else could go wrong in his life? We get the answer when Agapito comes to see Tobias. Believing that Tobias is Zorro, Agapito tells him that SK is alive and the he needs Zorro’s help to save her from Pizarro and Montero. Tobias denies he is Zorro but Agapito isn’t buying it and he begs him to keep an innocent woman from being killed. Agapito tells Tobias that SK is in a house of lepers. He leaves and Tobias wonders what woman he is talking about.

Montero asks Aguirre if he is following Pizarro’s orders not to give Esme any food. Aguirre says that he is. Montero does some gloating about how Esme will be humbled when she begging for a piece of bread.

Montero rides to an isolated cabin. He looks around before entering but doesn’t see Bernardo hiding in the bushes.

Alej finds Almudena alone and asks where Yuma is. Almudena tells him that Yuma reacted badly when Almudena told her about a bad dream that she had. Almudena asks Alej to find Yuma and apologize to her. Cut to Yuma in her room. She has concluded that the dream means that Almudena is going to die.

At breakfast Mangle quizzes Diego about the assets of the hacienda. She suggests that Diego give her a tour. Diego is not encouraging and almost immediately goes off with Bernardo. Mangle is annoyed. She predicts though that when she has ‘their’ baby, she will be able to do whatever she wants with Diego.

Olmos is in Mangle's room frantically trying to find the box that Mangle was looking at the day before but he can’t find it.

Bernardo tells Diego about Montero going to the shack alone and acting nervous. Diego concludes that Montero has hidden the rest of his fortune there and Zorro will do what he does best and take it away.

Esme is chowing down when Pizarro comes to see her. He assures her that Aguirre will bring her food when Montero is not around. Esme refuses to believe that Pizarro is on her side. Pizarro shows her the bracelet that belonged to SK and says that he hopes this will change her mind. Esme is impactada. Pizarro tells Esme how sorry he is that SK is dead but now SK’s destiny – to bear witness against Montero and FS in Spain – falls on Esme. When Pizarro is gone, Esme curses Montero and FS.

At the leper colony, SK has taken a new lease on life. She tells the leper lady, Yadira, that the gypsies have always called her their queen – now she will act like it. She resolves to find the gypsies who are probably hiding from Montero in the mountains.

At his reading, Selenia tells FS that his astrological chart is very disturbed - death, blood, betrayals. He felt much pain and caused much pain. Selenia asks if FS believes her. FS says he doesn’t know. He only knows that he will do anything to get what he wants. ‘Would that be a woman?’ asks Selenia. FS asks Selenia if MP will be his. Selenia does some trance-like stuff.

MP tells that she wants to leave LA as soon as possible, even before receiving a response to the letter that PT has written. MP wants to avoid FS’s next move on her

Selenia tells FS that his woman, MP, is surrounded by a white, celestial light. ‘Yeah,’ she’s a nun,’ says FS. Selenia goes on to tell him that MP does love FS and that she changed him. ‘Yes,’ says FS, ‘she made be believe that happiness was possible.’ ‘But you betrayed her,’ says Selenia. ‘I see blood and death.’ Selenia goes on to tell FS that MP is going far away and if she does, he will lose her forever.

Alej finds Yuma. She won’t tell him what Almudena told her. She tells Alej that she has to leave and go see her grandmother, White Buffalo. Alej is impactado and urges her to stay for Almudena’s sake but Yuma won’t change her mind. She says that she will explain everything to Almudena before she goes.

At the gypsy camp, Renzo is up and about. He looks for NN (aka Ana Camilla) and is told she went for a walk. Laisha is usual nasty self. Renzo goes after NN. NN is bathing nude in a lake in the middle of a big forest. Renzo is a voyeur.

Agapito tells SK that he told Tobias/Zorro where she was. SK is dubious that this was a good idea but Agapito is convinced.

Pizarro is unlacing Catalina’s corset. She asks about what he said that morning about taking her away. While they get on with boincking, Tobias watches them from a balcony. He is impactado.

Olmos watches through his peephole and sees where Mangle hides her box and tells himself that soon he will learn what she is hiding that makes her cry.

Zorro rides up to the shed where Bernardo saw Montero and tries to get in. Zorro finds a trap door in the shed and goes into a cellar. He says that now he has Montero.

The credits roll.


Duelo, May 28, 2007 Soledad tries to get her groove back

On Friday, Angel took off from the Puebla house on a mission to find Alina since he was the only one of the La rinconda refugees who knew that she was alive. And he wanted it to stay that way. First stop was Elias’s house. After he tells Elias that he knows she’s alive, Elias tells him she’s not there.

Meanwhile, Thelma dresses up in a white silk nightie and tries to jump the sleeping Emilio. I guess she figures that if she could get knocked up while she was unconscious and get him to marry her while he was unconscious, she might as well try to win back his love while he is asleep too. It doesn’t work. Emilio awakes with a start and tells her to cut it out. He doesn’t love her. She whines and tries to win him over but Emilio flips her over…and ges up and walks out. Thelma is ticked.

Back to Elias and Angel—Elias tells him she’s at Coral’s with her mom. Elias is worried about giving out her address since nobody is supposed to know she’s alive. Angel begs him to tell him where she is and that he will not tell anyone. Especially not Emilio.
Rodrigo is all dressed up in a suit and tie sitting on a horrible floral patterned couch in Aida’s apartment. He is telling her about this girl he met. She is so pretty and sweet—she reminds him so much of his dead wife, Elena. [Chris, maybe this is where the Elena confusion came in?] Aida asks him if Alina is married or has a boyfriend or…has a lover? Rodrigo says no, she’s a serious girl. But really he doesn’t know too much about her since she hasn’t told him her life story. And his uncle hasn’t given him any explanation as to why he has to protect her. “But, (his eyes light up) I hope that soon win her confidence.” Aida smiles broadly and says she hopes the same thing about her new patient. He’s a classic case of celotipia. Then she launches into a description of how “strong” and attractive DL is. She admits he has a problem with trust. Rodrigo warns her to be careful. “What happened to Mauricio?” he asks. Aida looks sad for a moment. “He’s with his fiancée. That’s not going to change.” Rodrigo’s got to go. He adds, “I hope that tonight’s a good night.” She wishes him luck.

Back at Casa Valtierra, Thelma and her aunt are sitting on the couch and Thelma is complaining about how Emilio still isn’t interested in her. “Whatever happened to the saying, when the dog is dead, so are the rabies?” The SA counsels patience—Alina’s been dead last than a week and Emilio was smitten with her. Thelma looks at her accusingly. “You, too think that I can’t win back the love of Emilio?” SA says no, she’s not saying give up. “Just wait—men are weak, he’ll come around.”

Elsewhere in the house, Emilio is looking in on mijito who is very cute. Holding him, Emilio tells him that only because of him has he stuck with Thelma. Thelma doesn’t deserve his love. But he, mijito, doesn’t have any of the blame. Thelma comes in, all smiles. “Emilito still isn’t asleep?” she asks. Emilio professes surprise at the name (and frankly we all are at this point). Thelma says that’s what she chose to call him. “Don’t you like it? She asks innocently. Emilio says he likes it, but he never thought about naming the baby after himself. “And what else could we call the fruit of our love?” says Thelma silkily, sitting down next to him on the bed. Emilio jumps up from the bed with the baby like Thelma has cooties. He puts the baby in the crib. “I’m going to go find Angel he announces.” Thelma says he’s gone out and she doesn’t know where he went.” Emilio acts all worried and says he’s leaving to go find him. When he’s out of
earshot. Thelma goes over to the crib and tells the baby that he’s going to help her win him over.

Over at casa Coral, Alina is dressing up to go out with Rodrigo. She’s wearing a loose fitting and low cut spangley dress with an asymmetrical bias cut skirt in a shade of light purple. Maybe Soledad recut one of Coral’s outfits. Soledad is there oohing over her pretty daughter. She asks her mom if she’s doing the right thing going out with Rodrigo. Soledad says she is, and Rodrigo seems like a perfect gentleman. Alina thinks back to their first meeting and the spilled drink and she remarks that when she first met him he seemed like a jerk. The doorbell rings in the background. “But that’s just because he suffered a lot.” Soledad asks why. “He still hasn’t recovered from the death of his wife.” Adela bursts in excitedly. “Captain Ochoa has arrived! “ she announces breathlessly. Alina kisses mom and rushes out to the clucking of Soledad and Adela. Soledad confesses that she wishes that Alina would find some happiness. She knows that Alina is still in love with Emilio. Adela, whose advice is nearly always 100% wrong tells her that Alina is young and she’ll love again. The two women go off to have coffee.

Luba is in her cave, praying to the Virgincita to protect Gaspar, who has run off to find his little cub. Luba thinks about who might be able to tell her where Emilio lives. She takes out a stash of cash and ponders this, stuffing it in her blouse. She figures out that her best bet is Rosita.

In Mexico City, Mariana has been learning to write again. She writes thank you notes to Malena and Ricardo. Ricardo complements her on being such a fine patient. Malena counters, “Just a patient?” Ricardo says she’s the love of his life. Mariana writes, “ I love you too, Ricardo!” Ricardo sits next to her and asks her if she still wants to marry him. She answers him aloud—“Yes.” They kiss.

Back to SE, There’s a standoff in the kitchen of La Riconada. Vera and Jaime are insisting that Luba murdered Flor and that she should pay. All the mountain people think so. Ifigenio agrees with them and Rosita is the only one who is defending Luba. She tells them that Luba always protected Flor. Vera says she has the evidence that Luba poisoned Flor, the bottle! Rosita continues to insist and Santos injects himself into the conversation to suggest that if Vera has proof, she should show it. Jaime says that that very day, they will go to look for her and her son.

Meanwhile, in Puebla, Alina comes out to join her date. In the background the doorbell rings again. Rodrigo smiles and tells her she looks beautiful. In the next instant, Angel comes into the room. This feels a little rushed, like he rang the doorbell once and then finding the door open, came inside. Adela isn’t there, she’s off having coffee with Soledad. Strange. Anyway, as Chris pointed out, this scene has a really awkward vibe, like Angel is Alina’s ex-boyfriend. Rodrigo picks up on it.

[A commercial for Tropico—THAT is the Galan? The guy looks old enough to be the girl’s grandfather. What is it about these old guys? Cesar Evora was an OK match for Victoria Ruffo, but way too old for the ladies in Fieras. Dreadful. At least Evora has “the voice.” This guy looks like an old hippie.]

Angel smiles but he is clearly nervous. Alina asks Rodrigo to go to the other room for a minute. After telling her she’s beautiful, Angel immediately launches into “where are you going? Who is that guy? ” Alina tells him there are a thousand things she needs to tell him but she can’t right now because she is going out. She asks him to come back on another day. She also asks him how Emilio is. Angel tells her that Emilio’s fine. “He’s still in Sierra Escondida?” asks Alina. “No, says Angel, he’s here in Puebla. Alina is impactada.

Meanwhile, Emilio, dressed like an urban cowboy runs around his house looking for Angel. Apparently he doesn’t even believe the smallest piece of information, if it is delivered by Thelma. I’d say right on, except that in this case, Angel really did go out.

Angel and Alina finish up their discussion with Angel promising not to tell Emilio that he saw her. Alina tells him that it’s for the best. He has his own life and she has to try to make hers. Rodrigo barges in and gives her his arm. She bids Angel adieu and then they are gone.

Back in SE, Rosita is lighting a candle in front of the Virgincita statue. She murmurs something about Santos and Dona Carmen going back to San Mateo and being able to visit with her Dad, who as I imagine it, is still in the local jail. There is a furious knock on the door. Rosita goes to answer it and Luba bursts in. After checking to see if Rosita is alone, she begs her to help her. Rosita chides her for walking alone in the mountains at night. Luba dismisses her concern by saying that she came with Tonkey. Luba asks her if she has the address of the Valtierras in Puebla. Rosita has it and promises to give it to her. Rosita tells her that the mountain people are forming a posse to come after her for the death of Flor. Luba stuns her with the news that Flor is alive and well and living in Puebla.

Back in Puebla, Coral walks into a room where Soledad is arranging flowers and listening to some stuffy Opera music. Coral can’t believe her ears. She tells Soledad that she likes Rumbas and Salsas. (She does a couple of shimmies for effect.) She asks Soledad if she’s ever been to a nightclub. Soledad stammers something like, not in a long time. (Given her background, I’d be surprised if ever. Recall that her male family members kept her locked up so that she had to elope with DL. Then DL held the keys). Coral wheedles her into going out with her—she has a cab all lined up, who will drop them off and pick them up. Soledad looks stiff as a board and nervous.

Back to Luba and Rosita. Rosita asks Luba to explain to her what she means by Flor being alive. Luba tells her not to tell anyone, including that (pa’guanto?) boyfriend of hers, Santos. Rosita goes back to telling her that she’s got to run, that people think she killed Flor. Luba doesn’t care what people think but she is worried when she realizes that they are going to go after her. Rosita excuses herself for a minute to get the address and Luba bounces around the room, worried about the posse and happy about Flor being alive. She yells at Rosita to hurry up.

In Puebla, Alina and Rodrigo have made it to the restaurant. She thanks him for asking her out. He mentions that she got really quiet and sad when Angel visited. Rod asks if she is feeling ill. Alina tells him, no. He asks her if Angel is someone from her past? An old flame? Alina says no, he’s a friend…and the brother of someone very special to her. Rodrigo looks disgruntled. This is getting complicated.

Cut over to Angel who apparently has decided to go on a sightseeing trip. He stops in front of a fountain and laments that Alina will never return his love. She’s been gone about a week and she’s already found some other guy. He says he can’t be mad at her. She’s always been in love with Emilio and now that she can’t be with him, she’s trying to move on. Angel thinks about how he can’t tell his brother that she’s alive. He needs to move on too.

Coral has taken Soledad to, where else? The Devil’s Cave. She comes in and her friend, whose name escapes me, the one who hangs with Luka, appears to be the manageress tonight because she busies about getting a table, chairs and booze for the ladies. Coral wants a bottle of Tequila. The bottle arrives and Coral starts dispensing it. She hands Soledad a shot and insists that she down it. Soledad does but with a face that says it wasn’t exactly the smooth, top shelf stuff.

Finally, we’ve made it over to the jail, where Don Loco has made himself king. He and his gang run into the hapless ex-Police Chief of San Mateo. After very little provocation DL punches him in the stomach. Then, he gets his guys to beat him up while he lights a cigarette.
Over at the Devil’s cave there’s music and merriment. Coral is asked to dance, so she gets up does a little turn and then sits down. Soledad, is getting into the dancing now that she’s had a few under her belt.

At SE, things are heating up, literally. The peasants have their torches and Jaime is whipping them up to find Luba and Gaspar. And I always thought he was a nice guy, if dumb. It turns out that the people already feel guilty about Flor, that nobody did anything to help her while her father was around. When Jaimie tells that she was murdered by Luba, a cry goes up. They are buying it.

Back at Coral’s Alina and Rodrigo are sittin onf the couch. Alina is worried about her Mom not being home yet. Coral and Soledad come bustling in. Soledad is roaring drunk. Coral is less so. Soledad is embarrassed and excuses herself. Coral tells Alina that she was just letting her hair down. Rodrigo smiles when Alina apologizes.

Back at Casa Valtierra, Emilio is pondering, once again, the loss of Alina an how she was his one, his only true love. Angel comes in and Emilio immediately wants to know where he went.
Over to the peasants with pitchforks. Vera is crazed and screams about revenge for Florecita. Only one woman speaks up about how Luba cured her. The crowd is now in an angry frenzy and they go marching off to look for Luba. The arrive at her cave and find her gone. They move on.

Luba, meanwhile, is on her way to San Mateo with Tonkey. She vows to tell Emilio that Gaspar is the child’s father, because no matter what Gaspar says, they won’t believe him. She gets up and moves on.

Emilio and Angel are having a discussion about where Angel was. Angel is trying to blow him off. Emilio says that he was worried about him, that he’s still sick. Besides, he didn’t think that Angel liked going out at night anyway. Angel tries to wriggle out of this conversation by insisting athat he wanted to change his habits. Emilio says, “OK, next time, lets go out together…” Angel tries one more time, I’m just trying to get a little bit independent and enjoy life.
Emilio goes off to bed and Angel thought bubbles that he’s going to spend every afternoon with Alina until he dies. That will give him a happy death.

Back to the hungover Soledad, who is getting tucked in, in bed by a snickering Adela. Alina comes in and Soledad tell her that as much as she loves Coral, she’s never going nightclubbing with her again. She asks Alina how her dinner was and Alina tells her that she’ll tell her tomorrow. Right now she has to go to bed because tomorrow begins early, with a visit to General Ochoa.

And early it is—with a brief transition, we see Alina in General Ochoa’s office together wth Rodrigo and Elias. She tells the General that she wants to accuse Orlando of rape. Ochoa tells her that she’ll have to have some medical tests to prove the accusation. Alina agrees and they commend her for her bravery.

At casa Valtierra, Thelma, SA and Angel are eating breakfast like one big happy, dysfunctional family. SA made the food. Angel says he’s going back to the doctor, to see if anything can be done to improve his condition. Thelma makes some caustic comment and Emilio criticizes her but Angel says that he didn’t have the strength to go on. Now he does. Emilio is in uniform and gets up saying he’s headed in to see General Ochoa. Thelma begs him to kiss her. He gives her a small peck on the top of her head. Thelma is displeased.

Meanwhile, Luba is negotiating with the driver of a hay truck to take her to Puebla. They agree on a price. Tonkey jumps up and rides in back with the hay. Luba says a quick prayer to the Virgincita. She asks her to protect Gaspar but interestingly she also asks her to protect THE BOX, which she calls the “spiritual life and death of Alvaro Montellano.” She then jumps up into the truck, Puebla bound. At the same time, we see Gaspar wandering around the Market Square begging for money to get to Puebla to see his little cub.

Mom missed the meeting with General Ochoa . Alina fills her in. Mom promises to be there for the tests.

Over to the Puebla Jail again, Max and DL’s lawyer are there to visit him. Max goes to hug him and the guards prevent him. It’s an odd moment and I’m not sure if they are working as his body guards or if he isn’t allowed to touch people for fear that they’ll pass him a weapon or a file. DL looks worried, but the lawyer and Max quickly clarify that Max is there to get ready to testify on DL’s behalf since Emilio kicked him to the curb.

A shot of Luba and Tonkey, walking on the streets of Puebla. The approach a big house with a front gate, rather than a front door. She marvels at how big and grand the house is. Luba asks the muchacha cleaning the floor who opens the door, if a big tall handsome guy has been by to ask about the Lady of the House. The girl is stunned by Luba’s appearance and the big dog and says no, and brushes her off.

Inside, Thelma is carrying Emilito around . He’s wearing a little white hat which is very cute. The maid comes in and tells Thelma about the incident with the strange lady downstairs. The miaid thinks the lady had the wrong house. Thelma is worried that it is someone from SE. She holds the baby tighter.

Emilio is in General Ochoa’s office. He wants him to undergo physical therapy for the wound he received and then go back to work. Ochoa tells him that Orlando is in jail. Emilio laments that Orlando deceived him. He deceived everybody says Ochoa. Just then, there’s a knock at the door. It’s a summons for Emilio to appear in Court next week, for the first court hearing in the Trial of Alvaro Montellano.

Back to Casa Valtierra—Thelma is in high gear explaining to the SA that she’s already had a visitor. She didn’t see who it was but she’s pretty sure it was Luba. Nevertheless, as she turns it over in her mind, she doubt’s it’s Luba, Luba can’t leave SE. She dismisses the thought as crazy.

Alina is walking ith Angel, she puts her arm aournd him. She asks about Emilio and Angel tells her that he’s decided to start a new life, like her. She smiles as if this pleases her. Angel asks her about her evening out. Alina tells him she wanted to tell him that Rodrigo…Angel stops her and tells her that she doesn’t have to worry about him. Alina insists that Rodrigo is just a friend and that he’s under orders from General Ocha to protect her. Alina smiles and tells him that she’s really glad to see him. Angel promises to visit her every afternoon.

Dra. Aida Loca is visiting Don Loco in jail. At first he’s calm but when she mentions that she wants to conduct some tests on him, he blows up. He’s "no lab rat." Aida tells him, it doesn’t matter what he wants, it’s about what he needs and what the truth is. In addition, it will help him with his case. She’s not there to ask him , only to inform him. He reluctantly shakes her hand and she leaves.

Finally, we make it over to Veracruz. Hugo and Alfonsina are plotting their next move.

Over at Elias’ he’s been subpoenaed to testify. The doorbell rings. It’s DL’s lawyer who has come to threaten him against testifying. He tells him that if he testifies, his life will be in danger. Elias is ticked and orders the lawyer out of his house.

In the advance for next time, we see Alvaro face his accusers, including Soledad.


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