Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Destilando Amor 07/02/07 "Daddy does Time"

Dani is talking to Rod..the big question is who sold out MariAnna/Gavi? Only James & Dani knew the whole truth..well it wasn’t Dani & James swore it wasn’t him…Okay McMillan & Wife stop right here…No one will ever figure out it was Gavi belting out a song at full bore that clued Minnie & Isa in..let it go.

Gavi & Ma are hanging out in Tequila Central..it must be kakaoke nite. Gavi starts singing to the approval and applause of the other patrons…

Hundreds of miles away, Rod is gazing out a window & he goes into GaviVision…mentally hearing the words Gavi is crooning back at the bar, scary huh, how in sync these two are. Rod rehashes scenes from their bittersweet past.

Sofie & Francisco, Man Whore, enter into yet another room in the palatial haciendo. It would almost be cute, if ****wait disclaimer Sofie & Francisco could never be cute, she is pretending to be an untouched shy young virgin and he is pretending to care***
Francisco tells her he very much likes the hacienda and he very much likes Sofie as he prepares to show her how much right there on the sofa of rich Corinthian leather, thank the Gods, Pilar comes in at that very moment and saves Sofie’s unvirginity. Oh these kids today, Francisco excuses himself and Sofie & Pilar have a Mafia type sitdown to discuss Rod.

Pilar is feeling almost slightly guilty, as she tells Sofie how in love Rod is with the little gutter trash Gaviota. Sofie quickly mentally slaps her grandmother back to the real world. "Is this the woman you would want your grandson with?" "An uneducated migrant farm working whore?" "No, not really", confessed the unblinking Queen of the Darkness Pilar. Well then…

The Next Day

It is breakfast at the ranch, Elvis & Dani, Sofie & Francisco, SanWannna, unable to ever shut the hell up is questioning Dani about when she and Elvis will be returning to Mexico. Pilar comes in and begins to chastise Dani & Elvis that they can’t stay there in a state of unmarriage..Yeh what ever Pilar, you’d really crap if they stayed there in a state of marriage & what about your other granddaughter, if you’d walked in three minutes later last night, you’d of caught the tail end of a rousting game of hide the salami. Never mind Dani & Elvis plan to return to Mexico City…but first Frankie has a burnin desire to see the Tequila distillery.

Rod is sleeping in bed fully dressed having a Gavi dream, he is dreaming that they are at some street carnival & in True Rod fourteen year old fashion, he does one of those games where you shoot the little metal animals. Well Rod shoots three & he gives the gun to Gavi (seriously I thought she would shoot him), but no she hits a couple then goes all Annie Oakley on his ass & shoots over her shoulder & from the side, she is a sure shot…They then have an awesome kiss in the street and we go back to see Rod sleeping with a very sweet (and that is saying a lot coming from me) smile on his face..Oh Rod you are killin me here.

Back in Mexico City Isa is meeting with Videgaray about the divorce, Isa feels she is fully entitled to 50% of the Montalvo fortune, beings that Rod has humiliated her at least 1000 times & so on. Videgaray is hold on there little missy, it is an annulment, cause the marriage was never consummated, time for a "Que the Hell" look on Isa part & I gotta say actually I’d be just like her, as if that was my fault? Yeah like he should pay even more for shirking his duties…but anyway, Videgaray tells her she gets the apartment, the car, the jewelry (the few bobbles AssHat Rod bought out of guilt). Damn Isa is mad, she starts getting louder & Videgaray is doing the sorry she is crazy look at the other patrons in the restaurant. Videgaray finally tells her that Rod owns nothing, the hacienda is not his, the business nothing. The yet unborn male heir of either Aaron or Rod will inherit everything. TWB/Isa is seriously muy impacted I believe her uterus just did a cartwheel…

Gavi has gotten up and pulled herself together to go look for a job, she asks Clarita how she looks (she is wearing a blouse, sweater & jeans…No I don’t get the jeans part either). Clarita in her normal gushing way tells Gavi she looks great, but tells her not to lie, she has promised the saints no more lies. I am sure the Holy Beings found this rather refreshing, but I am almost also sure that they are laying 2 to 1 odds against it.

Now I am back in Mrs. Greer’s fifth grade class and we are watching the movie about Tequila Distilleries. Roman is giving the tour. I can’t stand it…I simply can’t stand it…for the love of Gawd did you see what Sofie was wearing…It is all I can do the continue this, there simply is no excuse for that bad fashion. Pilar at the age of "well eternal" is far more fashion forward than Sofie…uggggggg long black skirt, navy blue hose & a strange ivory, with a small black design blouse that comes like half way down her hips…NO NO NO…you are drawing attention in a most unflattering way.

Alright, I will try to continue…Frankie is all about the Tequila & the possibility of getting into the family…We get to see the tour group walk around with shower caps & face masks in the clean room & NO Sofie would look no better as a doctor.

Pilar goes in and wakes Rod, he will turn over a new leaf and try to get over his deep depression and move on with his life. If Rod would only watch any cable news channel he would be well aware there is help for this problem, better living through pharmaceuticals.

Gavi is meeting with a guy at a Fabrica, she tells him her usual, English, French & a little German spiel. The guy is pretty impressed and asks her about her former employment. Gavi says she worked for Montalvo Tequila. Her bosses were the cousins Aaron & Rod. The guy want to call & talk with them, Gavi tries to fend him off, he mentions stealing from a company & Gavi has a flashback to the missing monitor and when Aaron found out she was Gavi. Gavi tells the guy she can give him Roberto Avellaneda & Eduardo Saldivar as personal references, but no he has to have a work reference…Gavi won’t do it and leaves.

Isa & her Ma are meeting with Isa’s lawyer…The lawyer tells her that Rod is being more than generous and to take the deal. The lawyer leaves; Ma is scared whoa is me, poor Pa.
Fedra just lets herself in to Aaron’s apartment and goes into the bedroom, Minnie is there enjoying a fine breakfast or brunch. It’s time to go wreak more havoc on Gavi’s life.
Isa & Ma go to visit Ricardo in jail….You can see jail is gonna be real hard on Ricardo…he is not going to do well in the big house… Ricardo is being moved from jail to prison…the wheels of justice moved pretty quickly in Mexico…..Hey here is an idea Ricardo…get some of your buddies to call in a political favor with Felipe Caldron…he can commute your sentence..What’s that you say Ricardo? That only works in Banana Republic third world countries like The United States? Well it worked for Scooter, just a suggestion. Isa says to Ma all is not lost.

Meanwhile back at the Ranch, the field trip is over & the kids have gotten off the bus, they can hardly contain there excitement as they tell Pilar all the fun new things they learned. Frankie is in major swarm mode..he is laying it on thick with Pilar & tells her of cognac & how fine Montavlo is. Dani & Elvis are doing awesome eyerolling at Frankie’s comments. Elvis says something about his next visit and Pilar totally cuts him off. Dani pats Elvis’s arm. Pilar is one Episcopalian Mass from a summer house at Hyannis Port, she is such a WASP.

The phone rings and Sofie says she’ll answer it. Dani asks where Rod is and Pilar says he left and she doesn’t know where he went.

It is Isa on the phone, she coyly asks if Rod is there, when Sofie says No, Isa enraged says he is with Gavi, but Sofie says no, that he won’t be seeing Gavi. Isa asks if Rod has mentioned her. Sofie tells her NO, but does Isa want to get back with Rod? I’m thinking before homecoming? But Sofie says no she was just curious and the divorce is still on. Isa makes boring small talk and makes the mistake of asking normally couldn’t get a date if she bought one (oh wait she did) Sofie; if she is having fun. Sofie just can’t wait to tell of what a great trip it is since she brought a guest, "Quien" queries Isa while no doubt stiffling a yawn.
Why Frankie, that’s who, Sofie answers. Gotta Go, TWB hangs up and proceeds to smash up the fine glass knick knacks on the coffee table, no doubt the servants will be happy not to dust once they clean up the million tiny shards of glass. Isa’s Ma is muy impacted. Isa is furious cause Rod has not even asked about her…but really we know it is cause Frankie is hanging out with her in-laws and may soon actually be in her in-law.

Rod stops in at the bar in town & James is there. He tries to talk to James, but James walks away, Rod makes nice and James gives him this lame ass punch in the stomach which I am sure didn’t hurt at all, there is some man tussling and hugging…yes in some societies it was a bit much…hey I’m not here to judge, okay I am here to judge, but I’ll give the boys a pass. Rod talks about Gavi & James talks about Meliton wanting to sell the ranch & move Acacia off to a place where you can be free and people won’t judge you just cause you sexually abuse your under age niece, ahhhh paradise.

Fedra & Minnie are at the office, Minnie calls Avellaneda & drops the dime on Gavi…she is a thief and a husband stealer. Avellaneda doesn’t want to believe it, but Minnie is laying it on thick. After the call she as Fedra if she has heard from Aaron, Minnie is unsure of his love (ya think?), Fedra lying through thousands of dollars of dental work…says Aaron adores Minnie & once Minnie has a kid, everything will be swell.

This concludes with…Sofie eternal AssHat gossip telling Pilar that she is sure Isa wants to get back together with Rod…Yipppppppeeee says Pilar

Isa along with the tap dancing uterus is back at the fertility doctor’s office, she tells him she wants to be pregnant like yesterday, the doctor has a really creepy look on his face. I bet I could get this guy to create a half goat half man (I always thought those guys were way entertaining..they can drink a lot and play the flute) jest sayin….
Okay the second half is coming later today………………………

Ed…disclaimer…certain content of part two maybe disturbing to the more sensitive of the reading audience…proceed with caution…Gawd knows I found this disturbing and I am far from sensitive…

We open with Gavi lamenting her unsucessful job interview. She tells Clarita the problem is she only worked for Montalvo & she’ll get no reference there, well she did work for the Hotel, but that was under her real name Theresa Hernandez. I guess it would be a bit hard to explain how she changed her name from the common Theresa Hernandez, to the more exotic name of MariAnna Franco, that she borrowed off a fake passport…Too Much Information.

Over to the Tequila Saloon in the town of Tequila…Rod tells James how love has done a number on his life…and James says how Meliton won’t let James anywhere near Acacia. Rod says he has an idea.
Just a small complaint…I guess maybe some people do wear those funky "Little Lord Fauntleroy" ties, but I feel this is not a good look for James..it makes him look even less threatening than he normally does.

Gavi is telling Clarita she doesn’t know what to do..all the jobs want experience or at least real references, soon there will be no money & Clarita remembers the great apartment, the swell tele & the plans to live on the island in the cabana with the mother-in-law floor plan. Gavi spits out…hopes dashed by that rat bastard traitor Rod.

Over at Casa de Pilar, the folks have returned to Mexico DF., Villegarey is waiting in the study for Pilar and Frankie lays it on thick with Pilar…

When Pilar leaves the room, Sofie asks if Frankie would like to stay for dinner..no he must go. He does this really creepy thing where he leans in and tells Sofie how he wants to take her to dinner for Lobster (an aphrodisiac) and some kind of crap about antennas, and he is moving his hands all around her face like a magician and her eyes are following his hands. At this very disturbing point…I am totally expecting him to pull a peso outta her control-top-pantyhose, oh wait, he doesn’t have a peso. Eeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkk
Maybe I should cut Sofie some slack here, cause she doesn’t really know Frankie is a man whore, so she doesn’t realize that she could get a much better man whore. She thinks Frankie is really enamoured with her, that is so cute.

Pilar goes in to see Villegarey, who tells her about meeting with Isa. Oh yes, Isa is a great mujer…Not so fast there, says Villegarey, she is a money grubbing opportunist, who plans to nail your family for half of a fortune. ‘Que the Hell’, responds Pilar and her eyes would have widened were it physically possible. Well keep me apprised and she sends Villegarey on his way.

Dani runs into Villegarey & gets kinda snotty with him. She basically accuses him of outting Gavi & Rod. Villegarey say no…Pilar overhears Dani talking and does that old person thing, where they sit in one room and yell cause they think they are missing something. Villegaray says don’t tell Pilar and call me…Dani says okay. Pilar finally ambles in and Dani covers by saying she was on the phone with Elvis saying good nite. Now personally I am not sure which Pilar would find more disturbing.

Back over at Dry Gulch Acres, Rod & James are sitting in the pick up at Meliton’s waiting for his return. I’ve heard stories about things like this….a bottle of Tequila, two guys in a pick-up, it is dark…needless to say, Acacia would be up for adoption in about thirty minutes and Meliton’s body would never be found. The Government in Guererro built a huge dam on the river to send water to Mexico City, they then had to put a huge fence up around it with guards as it became a dumping ground for bodies with rocks tied to the feet….Jes sayin. Anyway Meliton rolls in and everyone exits the trucks. Rod says he wants to buy Dry Gulch Acres, for the prosperous peanut crop, no doubt. Meliton is intrigued. On one condition, Rod says, Acacia stays. Meliton pulls out a rather non-threatening rifle, very small barrel and probably one shot and points it at our boys. Rod pretty much just laughs it off. Meliton say Acacia is not for sale. He tells them to get off his land or they’ll be pushing up daisies. Acacia runs out screaming "No Tio No". Well to sum it all up, the ever-hysterical Acacia breaks up the Mexican StandOff & the boys get back in the truck. James is shouting some day Meliton will pay for his abuse of Acacia. Meliton tells Acacia should they return and he isn’t there to use the gun on them.

Over to Mexico DF, Frankie is going his apartment when he runs into his benefactor, Estaban…after words a deal is reached, Frankie has 30 days to pay Estaban back and land his fish, the wealthy Sofie. Estaban goes in the apartment and TWB, comes home. She & Frankie exchange words in the hallway, he follows her into her apartment. Isa is none too pleased that Frankie has weaseled his way into her in-laws lives. Well it seems this must somehow be her fault as he is suffering over her. There is some serious lip mating here, nasty wide mouth kisses and sliding all over. When they separate and the camera focuses on their faces I expect some nasty wetness, but they must have cut the scenes and toweled them off.

Gavi & Ma still discuss the whole lack of a job thing. Clarita has a light bulb moment, though in her case it is kind of a small nite lite bulb moment, Gavi needs to get a job singing, yeah that’s it cut a demo, damn she’ll be at the top in like a week. Gavi scoffs, no says Clarita, she saw it in a TeleNovela. I gotta say I am getting a bit weary of the TeleNovela references cause hasn’t Clarita noticed that should Gavi bare the Varon, she would no doubt have to dump the kid off at a church, in the pouring rain in Mexico City, while only wearing a thin blanket on her head? Twenty years would pass & then she would have to spend six months begging her kid for forgiveness, while Isa would be living large?

Now back to the lip locking, Isa asks if Frankie loves Sofie? More than life itself, he replies…Nah I’m lyin, he says he is just with Sofie due to his suffering over Isa. She dives in for another, soul sucking kiss and when they separate, she tells him to stay away from her and from her family. Frankie goes in for another kiss and Isa’s Ma is at the door, it is a three way of Muy Impactedness. Frankie departs and Isa’s observant mother queries, what is between you two?

Rod & James arrive back at the Ranch and Roman is all shades of delighted to see Mr. James with Rod, I am sure he is thinking, Thank Gawd, Rod has a little friend to play with and maybe he will quit sitting around crying like a little girl. Roman tells Rod some guy is there to see him. The boys exit to the left, Roman is left the think of the whole Gaviota debacle.
All the sudden Rod has this swell idea, to promote the area as a huge tourist attraction the making of Tequila, the arts, the crafts, the music…I’m thinking it could be the Tequila Crawl, much like the old Philippine crawl, my brother told me about during his Marine stint, or the famous "St Patricks Day Pub Crawl," we engaged in back in my formative years in St. Louis. American College kids would come in droves. Too bad Aldo, turned into an Angel back over on LFMB, cause I am totally sure he could have covered the food part. This appears to be a fine idea and will help out the locals. Rod now has something to do besides lay in a bed with wadded up sheets crying about Gavi. Well done…Well done.

Acacia is sleeping and has a creepy dream that James and Rod come through her bedroom door, she is screaming No, No, No….she awakens and she is terrified…

TWB, tells her Ma the plan to get impregnated, Ma tells her, a child won’t solve their problems. Isa says "au contraire", Pilar is a blunt old woman and she will never let a great grandchild be raised without a father, this will indeed clip the leash back on Rod. Pa will be freed from jail.

The Next Day

Hilario is brushing a horse, SanWanna strolls in and comments that James is back…she makes a nasty remark about Elvis and it seems SanWanna may now her eye on James. Hillario just laughs.

James is recalling a moment with Acacia in her bedroom where he is kissing her and she is lying stiff as a board…this too is a bit disturbing…he smiles thinking how difficult his life is without her. That was not a very passionate or happy past scene, she just looked zombie like…James you think this is a happy memory? Maybe James’s whole sexual experience consists of Sofie & Acacia, cause then I can see thinking the Zombie stiff as a board thing normal.

Clarita awakens Gavi in an overall fit of perkiness..She gives Gavi a pink dress to wear, Gavi doesn’t want to, but Clara says Gavi needs to look the part to sing Ranchero…Oh No the sound of an Anvil….

Whhoooooossssshhhhhh…All the sudden through the miracle of modern technology we are transported to New York City and there are Aaron & Pam sleeping in bed. The cell phone rings, it is Aaron’s lawyer, he is has all the papers ready for the divorce. Aaron tells Pam, she will soon be the lucky winner of the Next Mrs Montalvo Contest. Oh Bichi….

Gavi & Clarita arrive at Titan Music, Gavi is wearing her pink dress, think Ellie Mae. For some reason the past two years of living in Mexico City, evaporate and Gavi & Clairita are shaking off the dust of some unpaved rural town. They are wide eyed and act really, really rural. The guards direct them to an information module. Some snotty receptionist gives them the run-around. Well actually Gavi & Clairita think they will get in to see the head honcho, cut a demo and be out eating Quesadillas, by noon. The receptionist says her boss is in a meeting and can’t see Gavi as she has no appointment or no recommendations. Clara whispers to Gavi & I am saying NO NO NO to the television screen.. Ugggggghhhh, of course Gavi does not take my advise, she bursts into song right there. Oh now this is the most disturbing of all….I am just cringing…people are staring and Gavi is belting out some song…The receptionist yells Basta, stop…Gavi is all like, okay I have a whole repertoire, she starts the Gaviota song…no don’t.. I am begging by this point…The receptionist gets on the phone, the guards come in. Clarita in a display of hampered intelligence thinks the guards are there to escort them to the Jefe’s Office..Gavi realizes they are being kicked out. The guards take them out and the two ladies further embarrass themselves by protesting loudly…finally they are deposited in the street. Gavi is nearly run over by a big SUV that is pulling up at the door, some executive types climb in the back and Gavi is shoving her hands in the window, while belting out another tune. The executive presses something into her hand…Clarita thinks it is a business card..but no it is a coin, looks like about USD maybe fifty cents…Gavi is humilated…well Good at least I’m not in a shame spiral by myself…
Sorry but that was just such a sucky cringe worthy scene….Oh yes I would stick that in my little purse with things against Rod..for later use against him…

Now back to NewYork..Pam is in a bubble bath and she has certainly used all the available bubble bath in lower Manhatten, the phone rings and it is, crazy ass Minnie, she asks when Aaron will be returning and she is sorry for all of her crazy jealousy…she has a big surprise for Aaron when he gets home..camera pans out and she is standing in a fully equipped baby nursery..I hope those little stuffed animal heads have been double stitched cause I think they are gonna take some serious abuse.

Now then stay tuned

Cause it looks like Creepy Chimera creating doctor (yes I still have my heart set on a half goat half man creation), tells Isa she is already pregnant….


Monday, July 02, 2007

Acorralada #119 Monday 7/2/07 The doormat has sunk to an all time low...

Warning: today's episode should get the award for the worst Acorralada episode ever. And that's quite a contest!

We begin in Max's room at the manicomio, where Diana is giving him options for how he can spend his day: soak up some sun on the patio, read, take a walk, get some fresh air... she makes it sounds like he's spending a weekend in the country or something. Don't these patients ever see a psychiatrist? While she's in the room, Diana receives a call from Eduardo inviting her to lunch, and Max is jealous, he wants to know if the call was from the father of her child. She says no and he tells her how easy it would be to fall in love with her. He stops just short of kissing her.

Meanwhile, Samantha hides behind a large tree so that she can call Ignacio to let him know that Diana stopped her before she was able to give Max the injection. Ignacio didn't expect her to be so useless! She tells him that she's not an idiot, it's all the fault of Diana, who stopped her. He insists that she find a way to do it or she won't get the $5,000. He hangs up and tells Camila what's happened, and she says that they'll just have to get Diana fired. Ignacio thinks this is a perfect idea, and Octavia is just the woman to do it!

Back to Max and "Azucena"/Diana, where he's still whispering sweet nothings. But she's a professional, they can't kiss there. Besides, she has to go give breakfast to the rest of the patients.

Gaby has returned to the mansion, and Miguelina and Lala are telling her how happy they are to see her, and they let her know how upset Fedora has been - especially since Diana has left the mansion! Miguelina tells Gaby that she'll tell Fedora that she's returned, and when she goes to her room, she'll find Kike - who's very furious. Doormat looks worried but goes to her room to face the music.

In her room, Kike is doing push ups. He's wearing tight jeans and no shirt and when he stands up you see that he's worked up quite a sweat. It might be sexy if he wasn't so darned evil! He says "finally my fugitive wife has returned." She tells him they must talk, and shuts the door. *RUN, GABY, RUN! Go back to Luscious! Don't look back!!!*

Larry gets a different homecoming. He finds Yolanda and Rene by the pool planning their upcoming wedding, and tells them how wonderful his time with Gaby was. Yolanda warns him that Fedora is not going to allow this, but he knows that he won't be separated from Gaby again. Just then Pilar arrives.

At Paco's little apartment, Marfil and Octavia look like a couple of little girls playing dress up - Octavia is wearing a bunny pink sweater with a huge ostrich feather collar, and Marfil is wearing a super tight white top with some sort of shiny fabric and zipper running up the arm. Marfil can't believe that Fiona is staying there, but Octavia lets her know that it's her husband's house and she can have whoever she wants stay there - without consulting Marfil. It doesn't matter anyway - Max won't be free for a while. The doorbell rings and Octavia opens it to find Dr. Evil.

At the manicomio, Diana is reading to patients when Samantha interrupts her to let her know that she's keeping and eye on her, and she'll get her fired if she makes any mistakes. Diana assures her that she doesn't make mistakes at her job.

Back to the big mansion of horrors, where Gaby is trying to explain to Kike that marrying him was a mistake. He grabs her by the hair and asks her if she's been with Larry, if she did the nasty with him. She admits that she did. He tells her that she's going to see who he really is now and pins her down on the bed as she screams for him to stop. *How big is this place, and why the heck isn't Miguelina listening for trouble?* Pobre de Gaby.

Again, Larry is getting off easy... Pilar has come to tell him that she doesn't understand why he asked her to stay if he had planned to get back together with Gaby, but there's nothing that can be done. She hopes that he'll be happy with Gaby. Sweet, sweet Luscious tells her that he's sorry, and he never meant to hurt her. They tell each other goodbye, forever.

Ignacio has come to tell Octavia the news - that Diana is working at the psych hospital where Max is being treated! Octavia is impactada, and we're saved by the commercial.

Back from the commercial, Pedro is telling Max how delicious breakfast was this morning. They joke about the cakes that Pedro ate, and Pedro tells Max that he's noticed how much better Max is, it must be from the special care of the beautiful nurse!

Marfil and Octavia tell Ignacio that they're going to get Diana fired immediately!

Back at Icky Mansion, Kike comes out of the shower wearing only a towel around his waist, and poor Gaby is curled up in a fetal position on the bed crying because she's been raped. He lets her know that he's only taken what was his. She tells him that he's bad and he better leave the mansion. He grabs her by the hair as he tells her that she's not kicking him out because if she tries, she'll see how dangerous and violent he can be. And she better not tell Fedora, tampoco.

Fiona is wandering the streets wearing what looks like one of Octavia's halter tops, carrying several bags from her shopping trip, when Diego pulls up behind her and honks. He stops the truck and gets out to flirt with her a little, and she's oh so happy to flirt back. YUCK.

At the psych hospital, Octavia insists that Diana be fired as Marfil and Samantha put on their best lemon sucking face. (They must have taken lessons from Max).

As the meeting to determine Diana's professional fate is happening, Diana is having lunch with Eduardo, who's heartbroken over Fiona. It seems that he's trying to get over his soon to be ex-wife with our glassy eyed heroine. Big surpise.

Back to the psych hospital, where Marfil and Octavia try to convince the doctor that many of Max's problems are because of Diana. He tells them that without evidence, he's not going to fire her. She's an excellent nurse. Marfil tells him to fire Diana, or they'll move Max.

We reluctantly return to psycho mansion, where Kike is pouring himself some tequila when Fedora arrives. He tells her that Gaby is in their room, and she hasn't given him an explanation for why she left, she only said that it was a mistake to marry him. He tells her that he loves his wife, and he'll forgive her infidelity. Fedora assures him that she can handle her daughter, luckily she's not as difficult as her sister Diana.

Diego and Fiona are still flirting, and it's still gross. He's so arrogant since he recovered from his paralysis! He tells Fiona that Diana will never get rid of him, because he won't give her a divorce.

Eduardo and Diana are having a heart to heart about their pathetic love lives. He lost all of his friends when he married, all he ever wanted to do was make money to buy her things. He takes Diana's hand and thanks her for being there for him. Again, we're saved by the commercial. We're almost halfway, through, kids. Hang in there!

Now: for the worst scene in the worst episode: Fedora enters Gaby's bedroom and finds her curled up in a ball wearing a pink fuzzy robe with a catatonic look on her face. Immediately Gaby asks for forgiveness and tells her that it was an impulse, a locura de amor. Fedora doesn't want to hear it - she doesn't want to hear about her love for Larry. Gaby tries to tell her what Kike's done, but Fedora cuts her off and tells her that she doesn't want to hear a word of it. What she did was unforgiveable, and if she abandons her husband, she will have to leave the house and never come back, just like Diana. Her daughters will be dead to her. Gaby wants to know how she can be so harsh, but you know Fedora's not buying that for a dollar.

At the psych hospital, the doctor tells Marfil and Octavia that if they take Max out now, it will interrupt his treatment (is that the poetry reading treatment? or the sunbathing treatment?). He tells them that he won't fire Diana, and Octavia responds that she's taking Max out of there immediately. Just then, Larry opens the door and says they're not taking Max anywhere.

At the mansion, doormat is telling Fedora that she won't do anything else to upset her. Fedora hugs her and tells her that she's good, and not like Diana. Now she must wash her face and forget the crazy thing she's done. Kike will forgive her and they can be very happy! Gaby is left a quivering, crying mess, como siempre.

More Diego/Fiona flirting... Diego tells her that he's got to visit his brother, and she asks if it's okay to call him if she wants to talk. Of course it is - that's why he gave her the number.

Max is trying to plan an escape with the help of Pedro Loco. Pedro warns him that if he's unsuccessful, they'll make him wear a straight jacket! Max isn't scared, he's got to get out of there. Then Pedro reminds him that if he leaves, he won't see Azucena anymore. This strikes a chord with Max, but he still has to be free. He offers to take Pedro with him.

Larry tells Octavia and Marfil that Max is not leaving, he needs Diana. Octavia and Marfil leave to avoid a scandal, and Larry lets the doc know that Max is not to leave the psych hospital.

Samantha takes Octavia and Marfil to the patio to taunt Diana. When they find her, Octavia calls her the damned nurse who keeps crossing their path. Diana is impactada, and we go to commercial.

Back from commercial, where Octavia tells Diana that neither she nor Marfil will rest until Diana's out of the hospital.

At psycho mansion, Gaby is flashing back on the rape as she lays in bed crying. The phone rings - it's Larry who wants to know how she's doing. She tells him that she's fine and listens to his update regarding Max. Kike returns to their bedroom and Gaby hangs up. Larry is confused, but quickly distracted by the nurse who's come to show him where he can see Max from the window. She predicts that he will be recovered very soon. Meanwhile, Gaby tries to convince Kike that she was talking to Silvita, but he doesn't believe her. He grabs her by the hair again and tells her that his dark side is very dark, and she shouldn't look for it. She better forget about Larry or he's capable of anything. Gaby is beside herself with grief. Commercial break.

At Emilio's place, Silvita is wearing a day glow purple wig as she asks Diana why she looks so sad. Diana tells her about Octavia & Marfil's visit. She's worried that if they get her fired, she won't be able to care for Max.

Fedora has come to Gaby's room to ask her to join the family for dinner. Rodrigo is there, and besides, she needs to be nice to Kike. What she did to him was almost unforgiveable. She should come down and have dinner at the side of her husband. Doormat agrees to come down, and Fedora thanks her for being good and not making her suffer the way that Diana has.

The phone rings - we see Kike's hand pick up the phone, then we hear Larry's voice talking to Gaby. She tells him to forget about her, she plans to forget about him and be happy with her husband. Nobody's forcing her to say this - not Fedora or Kike, she's just decided to stay with her husband, and asks Larry not to call her anymore.

At the manicomio, Samantha is screaming and pulling the blankets off Pedro and Max to wake them. She tells them to get to their feet - this is not a vacation! Pedro tells Max that she he warned Max - that woman is bad! Max tells him that he's not afraid. Then we see Diana, who's very happy to start her work day, where she gets to see Max. Samantha storms up telling them to get to work - they look like turtles. Then she proceeds to taunt Diana about Max calling her Azucena. Diana asks her if she gets tired of spreading her poison - Samantha says nope. Credits roll.


Sunday, July 01, 2007

Acorralada #118 – 6-29-07 Friday – Nurse Wretched Gets Caught!

Camila and Doc Evil are gloating that Nurse Wretched will do anything for money. Maxi-Torpid will return to being crazy and will never leave the manicomio. This will cause Dimwit eternal pain. Next step is to call Octopus to tell her Dimwit is working at the asylum; Octopus can then get Dimwit fired.

Maxi-Torpid is sweet-talking Dimwit. He wishes she was his private nurse. He asks if she remembers the name he gave her. "Of course, Azucena. It's a beautiful name." Nurse Wretched appears and yells at Dimwit for only hanging out with Max. Max tries to intervene, but Nurse Wretched refers to him as Demon crazy.

Princess Fi is begging Octopus to let her stay in Pasta's Palace. Octopus isn't too thrilled with this idea. Princess Fi pours out how she's left her hubby, Marfil booted her out of Max's rental house, and how she doesn't have a dime to her name. Finally Octopus relents. Princess Fi can stay for a short time. Faux hug.

Diablo is having a chat with Iggy and Camila. He tells them he heard from his mom that Dimwit left Psycho Mansion the night before. Diablo doesn't know where she's staying at the moment; his mom hasn't told him. Diablo is convinced Lala knows where Dimwit went and just doesn't want to tell Diablo.

Nurse Wretched is threatening to give Maxi-Moron a bath in ice cold water if he doesn't stop standing up for Dimwit. Dimwit threatens to report Nurse Wretched to the director.

Nurse Wretched sends Dimwit away and threatens Max some more. Max threatens to report her abuses to the director as well. Perhaps he's not as crazy as she thinks! Orchestra of Doom.

Diablo doesn't know Dimwit's whereabouts, but he's going to find out. If Iggy finds out, Diablo wants to know about it. They part company. Camila wants to know why Iggy is working with Diablo. Iggy says he knows where Dimwit works, he might as well use Diablo the Imbecile to get information regarding Dimwit's residence. When they have no further use for Diablo, they'll kick him out of their lives. Camila smiles.

Luscious and Gaby are lounging Oceanside. They are going to be selfish for a change and just think about their happiness with finally being together. I'm happy too.

Dimwit is looking for Pedro when Maxi-Torpid walks in. Their theme song plays and they look dopily at one another. Maxi-Moron sighs, "Azucena!"

Princess Fi is chugging down a drink and grumbling to herself about how broke she is, while Cousin Eddie lives like a king. "But he's SO boring!!!" Octopus checks on Princess Fi and they commiserate about boring Cousin Eddie. Princess Fi states she plans on getting Maxi-Mundane back. "Good luck," says Octopus, "he's going to be in the asylum for a long time." Octopus then makes some comment about the only thing Princess Fi has to worry about is that proletariat nurse.

Sylvie is walking Mini-Max along the boardwalk when Jorge shows up. Sylvie has her purple Lhasa Apso wig back on. Jorge accuses her of being a married woman since she apparently has a kid. Believe it or not, for once, Sylvie can't get a word in edgewise. Jorge actually out-talks her as she tries to explain the baby is not hers. Ha!

Maxi-Torpid wants to kiss Dimwit. She says that's not appropriate because he's a patient and she's a nurse. Nurse Wretched might find out and that would be the perfect excuse for her to get fired. Maxi-Moron wants to know if it's true she's not married. Dimwit doesn't want to talk about it with him. Finally Maxi-Moron gets mad and stomps off with Dimwit running after him asking him to wait.

Nurse Wretched and Dulce are discussing Dimwit. Nurse Wretched is bad-mouthing Dimwit, as expected. Dulce is defending Dimwit. Dulce says Dimwit is a good nurse; they worked together at the hospital. Nurse Wretched tells Dulce if she doesn't stop defending Dimwit, Dulce will be fired as well! Dimwit is immoral! Maxi-Moron is a married man!

Jorge still won't give Sylvie a chance to explain and runs off. Sylvie is mad the one time a guy shows interest in her, he accuses her of being married with a baby and trying to pick up Puncho at a bar. She calls him a brute and macho, although he's long gone.

Rene and Yolanda are happily skipping through the garden showing us a big dose of PDA. They are kissing when Marfil, the wet blanket, shows up. She thinks their public display of affection is disgusting, especially when Max is locked away in a manicomio. That puts a damper on Yolanda's happiness. Rene says there's no reason for them not to be happy; they are in love. That is totally different than the situation with Max. Marfil says she saw Max in the asylum, but she and Octopus couldn't visit him. Yolanda wants to know if he was with any one; say, a nurse. "No," says Marfil, "he was alone." After Marfil leaves Yolanda and Rene are relieved Octopus and Marfil didn't see Dimwit. Dimwit would be fired, and Max really needs Dimwit at his side! Commercial.

Octopus and Princess Fi are chatting when Pasta comes home. Pasta is not too happy to have another houseguest. He asks Octopus if she thinks he's running a hotel or what. Pasta tells Octopus Princess Fi's problems are bringing problems to Pasta's and Octopus' marriage, which has enough problems as it is.

Dimwit and Dulce are leaving the manicomio. Dulce is reminding Dimwit to watch out for Nurse Wretched. As if Dimwit wasn't already painfully aware. As Dimwit is walking to the car, she gets a call from Cousin Eddie. He needs to talk to her immediately. It's very important. He needs her help. What's her address?

Diablo and Marfil are doing the horizontal bop. Marfil tells Diablo not to fall in love with her. He's says that won't be a problem. He only loves Dimwit. "Good," replies Marfil, "I only love Max." They like the idea of doing their rivals' mates. Diablo comments that Dimwit no longer lives at Psycho Mansion. Marfil is very interested in this tidbit; she needs to find out where Dimwit is now living. She needs to keep Dimwit away from Maxi-Mundane.

Cousin Eddie shows up at Emili-Oh's place. He begs Dimwit to talk to Princess Fi and get Princess Fi to return to his side. Dimwit says she only saw Princess Fi that one time. There's nothing she can do to help. Cousin Eddie is desperate! He wants "his woman" back at his side. Cousin Eddie is more of a drip than Max! Hard to believe, but true.

Meanwhile, back at Psycho Mansion, Kick Me is mad. He wants Fidiota to do something about "her daughter!" Fidiota, drunk as usual, says she'll take care of things when Gaby returns. Roddy is also there and is trying to get Fidiota to quit drinking. She's an alcoholic. "No I'm not, I'm just drinking to calm my nerves. I can quit any time I want." Roddy says if Fidiota shows up drunk in court, it will ruin Little Doormat's case. They argue over her continued drinking. Finally, Fidiota takes her drink and leaves. Kick Me tells Roddy that Gaby is going to pay for running away after their wedding. Kick Me has the best eye-rolls of anyone I've seen on this show. The look on his face when Fidiota leaves is priceless.

Cousin Eddie is still begging Dimwit to talk to Princess Fi and make Princess Fi return. Dimwit doesn't want to get involved. Cousin Eddie won't take no for an answer. Cousin Eddie is creepy enough to be part of the Addam's Family.

Dimwit is moping on Emili-Oh's sofa about the sad state of affairs in her life. Emili-Oh shows up and wants to know why she so sad. She then rehashes everything that has happened to her and how she loves a man who doesn't recognize her. If anyone out there has been even half-way following the recaps, there's nothing new to add. Emili-Oh tries to cheer her up while a violin wails mournfully in the background. Apparently they need a scene to fill the time slot.

Princess Fi is telling Octopus about her adventures the day before. She almost got hit by a car. The driver was a jerk at first, but then turned out to be a hottie. Princess Fi eventually tells Octopus the driver's name, Diablo Suarez. Octopus replies, "That's Dimwit's husband!"

Emili-Oh bursts into Fidiota's office at Perfumes 'R Us. "Perfume sales are up, thanks to Dimwit's excellent leadership!" Fidiota has apparently refilled her brandy decanter. Emili-Oh drones on about Dimwit and then asks Fidiota "Don't you care? Aren't you going to ask about Dimwit? About Maxito?" Fidiota isn't interested. Those malditas have fallen in love with the sons of her worst enemy!

Princess Fi and Octopus are discussing Dimwit, of course. Princess Fi doesn't think Dimwit knows that Maxi-Moron has been committed. Octopus thinks it's only a matter of time until Dimwit finds out. Princess Fi decides to make friends with Diablo in order to keep tabs on Dimwit.

Fidiota is rehashing all the evil things Octopus has done to her in the past. Emili-Oh tries to reason with her about Max and Larry not being responsible for the actions of their mother. Fidiota refuses to listen. She never wants to see her girls again until they renounce the Irascible brothers.

We see the legs of a person approaching Maxi-Torpid's hospital bed. Danged if the person isn't wearing those ubiquitous white shoes worn by all the males in the show! Anyway, it's Nurse Wretched, coming to give Max another injection of the mystery drug to keep him crazy. She gloats this injection is going to make her $5,000 richer. What a shame! It sucks to be him! Right as she's getting ready to do the deed, her arm is grabbed. It's Dimwit wanting to know what the heck she's giving Max. There are no orders requiring an injection! Commercial.

Now Maxi-Moron wakes up and want to know what's going on. Dimwit again repeats the question, "What are you trying to inject into Max?"

Camila and Doc Evil are discussing the likelihood that Nurse Wretched will go through with the injection. Camila points out Nurse Wretched would swim in a sea of sharks for the money. They hope everything goes as planned. They then discuss payment of the fee, using Cousin Eddie's money. Right on cue, Cousin Eddie shows up. He lumbers over with a mopey look on his face. "What are you doing here? I thought you were at work," says Doc Evil. "I'm too depressed to work," whines Cousin Eddie. Cousin Eddie then mentions he talked to Dimwit about helping him. Camila and Doc Evil are impactada!

Dimwit and Nurse Wretched are still arguing over the injection. Dimwit is going to ask the director what was ordered. Finally Nurse Wretched states the director doesn't know about it. It's just some medication to calm Max's nerves. Max says he doesn't want an injection. Dimwit says he doesn't need one; he's calm. Nurse Wretched says, "Fine! If he has a breakdown, it's YOUR responsibility!!!" Nurse Wretched storms out.

Finally a scene with Larry and Gaby. Unfortunately they really need to return to reality. Lunkhead needs to be with Max and Little Doormat has a trial approaching. They swear to one another they will never let anyone separate them again! Lots of hugs and kisses. Together they will face the wrath of everyone!

Kick Me is yelling at Granny M and Lala. How dare Little Doormat run off with Lunkhead! Lala tries to talk reason into Kick Me, but Kick Me calls her an old lady and tells her to go back into her kitchen. Kick Me then tells Granny M he is going to teach Gaby to respect him!!!! Granny M doesn't seem to find anything frightening about Kick Me's statement. I, on the other hand. . .

More arguing among Cousin Eddie, Camila, and Doc Evil. Cousin Eddie is defending Dimwit. "She's good and enchanting! I won't have you talking bad about her. She's going to help me get Princess Fi back." Doc Evil tells Cousin Eddie he needs to keep his dignity and let Princess Fi go. Finally Cousin Eddie storms out, with Camila mimicking him "Encantadora!" Humpf!

Roddy calls Fidiota, who is still clutching her drink, to tell her Gaby's trial is set in four more days. Fidiota apologizes "for being in a bad mood, last night." Roddy, the enabler, says there's "nothing to apologize for, my love."

Lala and Granny M are discussing Gaby's disappearance. Granny M says Gaby is "crazy in the head." Lala corrects her. "Gaby's in love. There's a big difference!" Gaby then walks through the door. Hugs all around!

Dimwit and Maxi-Torpid are discussing the plans for his day. Cousin Eddie than calls and wants to meet for lunch. Finally, Dimwit agrees. Maxi-Aburrido wants to know if the call is from the father of her baby. "No," says Dimwit. "Is he your lover?" asks Max. "No. He's just a friend." Maxi-Aburrido then says how easy it must be for men to fall in love with her. And want to kiss her. He then closes in. They both stare at each other vapidly. When he's an inch away from her face. . .

Credits roll.


Acorralada #117 – 6-28-07 Thursday –Larry and Gaby Continue to Play House

****NOTE TO FANS**** Due to mechanical failure, we do not have a Wednesday recap. I don't think anything surprising or exciting happened, but if any of you out there want to chip in and fill us in, it would be greatly appreciated!

On with Thursday's show. . .

Pillow gets the bad news again that Luscious and Gaby are on a deserted island together, undoubtedly trying to make babies. Pillow is impactada.

Emili-Oh has come to pick up Dimwit and Mini-Max, who are going to live with him at Emili-Oh's Homeless Shelter for Wayward Individuals. Lots of tearful good byes. Just as she's heading for the door, a completely blotto Fidiota slurs, "If you set one foot outside that door, you can never come back." Dimwit says she's sorry it's come to this, but "Bu-bye!" Fidiota goes back into the library and pours, what must now be her 80th tumbler filled with brandy. She's got her ankles turned every which way in her spiked heels. She chugs the drink then throws the glass against a wall. The decanter is now empty and that gets hurled along with everything else. We then get to watch Fidiota screaming about how her ungrateful daughters have failed her. She then falls to the ground in a sodden mass.

Dimwit is strolling the grounds of the manicomio with Maxi-Loco. He says he remembers he has two sibs, Lunkhead and Peyote, a mom named Octopus, and a beloved Aunt named Yolanda. Dimwit says he's making great progress. "Do you remember me?" she asks. "Of course I do! You're the hot nurse who takes such good care of me!"

Diablo is yelling at Doc Evil for not administering another dose of the mystery drug. Doc Evil says it's too risky; he got busted by Pedro. "Can't you do anything?" asks Diablo. "Isn't there anyone there you can pay to continue the doses?" Doc Evil thinks about this for a minute. "Perhaps there is someone. . ."

Dimwit and Maxi-Loco are having a lovely chat when Nurse Ratched ruins everything. "What are you doing talking to the crazy Irascible? You have other patients to attend to. Now leave him alone!" Dimwit tells Evil Nurse Wretched to stop insulting the patients or she's going to tell the director.

Marfil is marveling at the prowess of Diablo. "Dimwit was messing around with my husband, now I'm messing around with hers!" Some how I don't think Dimwit cares about this in the least. Yolanda shows up and announces she's going to buy some things since she's getting married in a few days. Marfil announces she's going to bag some rays and then go see Max. Yolanda says Max isn't allowed visitors, but Marfil responds no one can keep her from her dear hubby. Yolanda says "whatever" and leaves. Yolanda is now afraid Marfil is going to do something to get Dimwit fired.

Debora has now turned up at Isabel's apartment, dressed in black with Paris Hilton glasses and a black scarf wrapped around her head and part of her face. She looks like the Phantom-ess of the Opera. She wants to know if Isabel has agreed to help her destroy Dimwit. Isabel states she's not a killer, to which Debora replies, "Do you or do you not need the money?" Debora wants Isabel to get a job at Psycho Mansion so she can be close to Dimwit. Finally Isabel decides money is more important than virtue at this point and agrees to help. Debora produces a huge wad of bills she says she stole.

Dimwit is reading to a patient when Maxi-Loco walks up. The patient skitters away like a spider. Maxi-Torpid says Diana is married to Diablo. Dimwit tells him that although Diana was married to Diablo, Diana was always faithful to Max, her one and only true love. "Do you know her?" asks Maxi-Moron. "Yes I do!" Meanwhile their love song drones monotonously in the background. This seems to satisfy Maxi-Torpid.

Finally a Larry and Gaby scene. He is trying to cook fish for breakfast and burns himself. They playfully banter back and forth with a bunch of kisses thrown in between. Gaby wants to know when they're going to return. Lunkhead's brow furrows a bit while he contemplates this question. Then the fog clears and he grins. "Never! We've got food and water." Gaby says this is the happiest she's ever been. It's the happiest I've been since this show started. The only other high point was when Yolanda finally gave in to Rene, they finally kissed, and we got to see Rene's dimple!

Diablo is obsessing about Dimwit again. He has to see her; he can't live without seeing her! Dimwit is going to pay for what she did to him, however.

Nurse Wretched is spying on Dimwit and Maxi-Loco. She's mad that Dimwit was threatening to report her to the director. Right at that moment, her cell phone rings. Whoever could it be?! Wait a minute, it's Doc Evil! Nurse Wretched perks right up and starts with this flirtatious tone. Pretty comical given how scary she looks and acts. I'm trying to think where I've seen her before. She looks familiar. Actually, she looks like the scary self-portrait by Frieda Kahlo. At any rate, Doc Evil is laying it on pretty thick and heavy. She wants to know how he found her at the sanitarium. He replies when you want something, you find it. Blah blah blah. He wants to ask her a favor. She's more than happy to oblige the "Good Ex-Doctor."

Maxi-Torpid wants to know if he's crazy; Dimwit says no. She says he's just having a little problem remembering things and people, but the fact he remembers his family is a good thing. He wants to know why she's so sweet and caring towards him. She replies "I'm Dimwit, your grand love!" Happy, carefree music plays.

Nurse Wretched and Doc Evil are conversing. He wants to know about Max's condition. Nurse Wretched doesn't know much; he's a new patient. Doc Evil wants to meet Nurse Wretched for a drink at his apartment. She's more than happy to meet him. Finally it comes out that Dimwit is working at the manicomio as a nurse. Doc Evil is impactado!

More of Luscious and Gaby frolicking on the beach. Actually they are reclining next to the ocean and he is all over her. She tells him she's ticklish. He's trying to feed her coconut water and she's wearing more of it than drinking it. She's giddy and giggling; he's just, well, Luscious. Unfortunately the scene is too short. They still haven't had a real good love scene yet. Just lots of cavorting on the deserted beach in bathing suits.

Now Dimwit is reading Maxi-Torpid poetry. Some bird keeps screeching in the background. Lots of super-imposed shots of Dimwit and Maxi looking glassy-eyed at one another. Sappy music, Max plucking imaginary hair from Dimwit's face. Whatever.

Fidiota is raging on and on to Roddy about her ungrateful daughters. She is slugging down her drink and demanding a refill. Roddy is trying to talk some sense into her, but she is having no part of reason. He comments that she may be an alcoholic, as he serves her another tumbler filled with brandy, scotch, or some other brown liquid. She retorts she most certainly is NOT an alcoholic. She just has ungrateful, undeserving daughters. It goes on and on too long. Apparently Little Doormat's case is coming to trial soon.

More of the sappy scene between Dimwit and Maxi-Aburrido. He asks Dimwit if she's married and has children. She tells him she has a son. He asks her name and she says she's Dimwit, his Dimwit. Max doesn't believe this and decides to give her a name. A name of a flower because flowers are beautiful and some even have pleasant fragrances. OK, so he didn't mention the fragrance part. . . They finally settle on the name Azucena (white lily) because of its purity and innocence. He keeps touching her face and pulling strands of hair out of her face and eyes. Their love song keeps playing. Ugh! I'd much rather be watching Larry/Gaby or Rene/Yolanda.

Marfil and Octopus are speaking with the Director. He doesn't want them to see Max just yet. They insist. Finally, he says they can look out the window. Max is with a nurse.

Isabel is just hanging up the phone as Debora looks on. Bad news. Dimwit doesn't live there any more. "What?" cries Debora. So much for Plan A.

More conversation between Dimwit and Maxi-Aburrido. She doesn't have a husband. "Then who's the father of your son?" asks Max. "A man I love. A good man." Finally Dimwit can't stand it anymore and runs off, leaving him with the book of poetry. Marfil and Octopus then look out the window and see him reading. Something he presumably likes to do. The Director says his case is very strange. He's improved markedly after 3 days. Pedro, Max's roommate, walks up to Max. "I see you were talking to that nurse." Max then gushes about "Azucena."

Nurse Wretched is at Doc Evil's apartment with Camila chaperoning. They all discuss their mutual dislike of Dimwit. They end with a toast, although no plots have been hatched yet.

Princess Fi is strolling down the street with her trusty suitcase by her side. She almost gets run over by a truck. "Are you crazy? Why are you crossing the street without looking?" yells the driver. Yup, it's the one and only Diablo. Commercial.

Diablo and Princess Fi are still arguing when she asks him if he will be a gentleman and pick up her suitcase. Suddenly Diablo turns on the charm, while Princess Fi kicks up her sex appeal a notch. She then asks for a second favor. She's been walking the streets for an hour, can he give her a ride? Looks like Diablo may be getting lucky again!

More conversation among Nurse Wretched, Camila, and Doc Evil. They all hate Dimwit. Finally Doc Evil asks Nurse Wretched if she'd like to earn $5000. Nurse Wretched grins ear to ear evilly. "What do I have to do?"

Max is babbling on and on to Pedro about how wonderful "Azucena" is. Pedro says Maxi-Moron has found love.

More conversations among Nurse Wretched, Doc Evil, and Camila. Doc Evil tells Nurse Wretched about the injections. She's not sure she wants to risk losing her license or ending up in jail. Camila pipes up with "How are you going to pay her if you're broke?" Nurse Wretched is mad. Doc Evil back-pedals and assures her he can pay for her services. Cousin Eddie is loaded with money.

Pedro tells Max not to fall in love with Dimwit. It could be dangerous. Max talks about escaping and taking Pedro with him. Pedro says no one can escape from this place. The staff is extremely vigilant. Pedro is a cool guy. I like him.

Dimwit is talking to Nurse Dulce. Nurse Dulce works at Merciless Medical and TeleManicomio. She's a single mom with three kids and needs to work two jobs. Before leaving, Dulce warns Dimwit to be careful around Nurse Wretched. Nurse Wretched is evil and mean. If you get on her bad side, watch out! Orchestra of Doom.

Fidiota is guzzling yet another drink when Cousin Eddie comes looking for Dimwit. Dimwit isn't answering his call. Fidiota says it's probably because she's working her other job. Apparently Cousin Eddie wants to talk to Dimwit. He leaves and suspenseful music plays.

Diablo drops Princess Fi on a busy street. She thanks him and reminds him to watch where he's driving. He reminds her to watch where she's walking. He gives her his phone number and leaves. "Call me anytime." Princess Fi then states she hopes Octopus will give her accommodations. Sure enough Cousin Eddie calls. He wants to talk about getting back together. Princess Fi hangs up on him.

Camila and Doc Evil are gloating. Camila asks if Doc Evil thinks Nurse Wretched will continue with the injections. He replies with some expression about dogs dancing for the plate, which I'm sure means Nurse Wretched will do anything for money. Doc Evil than plans to tell Octopus that Dimwit is working at the institution, so Octopus can get Dimwit fired. Camila looks jaunty in her ultra short Catholic School-Girl skirt.

Dimwit wants to know if Maxi-Mundane is still reading the poetry she left him. He says he is, but he likes it better when she reads it to him. Nurse Wretched walks up and grabs Dimwit by the arm. Once again Dimwit has been busted hanging out with just one patient. Nurse Wretched is going to take her to the director. Max tells Nurse Wretched to leave Dimwit alone.

Credits roll.


Duelo June 29 - Will somebody kill somebody already

I’m back in the saddle after a couple weeks off, I feel refreshed and today I have the energy to deal with what my wife refers to as ‘Duelo de Pendejos.’ My wife has already turned around and gone with my son to Mexico to visit her family for a month, so until I join them in a few weeks I’m on my own, I don’t have the Mrs. Ferro dictionary to consult. Confidence is high, I’ve been learning a lot. Lets get to it.

As Dra. Loca reads up on celotopia, I can’t help but notice she has cleavage up to her chin. I wonder if the amount of cleavage shown represents how much of a professional you are. Don Loco shows up and she is afraid, she thinks he’s going to attack her again. Turns out he wants to be forgiven for what he did, he claims not to remember any of it. He claims to know how the police think and work, so they won’t look for him here. Yes DL, you are SO smart. He asks Dra. Loca if it’s true, is he really crazy? Dra. Loca doesn’t answer him.

The outside shot of Coral’s house makes it look like kind of a dump. I thought this was supposed to be a grand mansion, but it looks like crap. It is in desperate need of some paint. The inside is nice though. Soledad, Alina, Coral, Adela, and Elias hear Vargas describe how DL escaped. DL is sure to come straight there. Elias says whatever, he will protect Soledad. Nobody believes him. He is completely unbelievable as a love interest for Soledad, he just hangs around and tries to win her over by just never leaving. The fact that the writers have Soledad considering him is a joke. There is zero chemistry between the two of them, in fact, I’d say there is even negative chemistry, if that’s possible.

Hottie Claudia tells Angel about her stepfather coming home with the dresses. Angel says the crime wasn’t about the clothes, it was to intimidate him. He tells her that he and Emiliooo are on Rosendo’s trail because he kidnapped Rodrigo’s daughter. Claudia just sits there and looks cute, I don’t think she quite understands it all.

Thelma is again visiting Emiliooo’s lawyer, AKA Dra. Loca’s estranged fiancée. She tells him that he should tell Emiliooo to get another lawyer, he says he needs to talk to Rodrigo first to see if she is telling the truth. Something about when Emiliooo gets a divorce he’ll go after Alina, who otherwise would be getting together with the lawyer’s friend Rodrigo. I would think she would be better off bribing this guy to botch the divorce and stay on as Emiliooo’s lawyer, if he gets some other lawyer, he’ll get the divorce anyway. If this lawyer can drag it on and make trouble, Rodrigo might have enough time to win over Alina. WE know now that it will never happen, but Thelma doesn’t know that. She’s making a mistake. And I can’t believe that I can even think in this type of logic. I must have gone past some novela- related tipping point where that part of my brain has opened up. God help me.

Back in SE Ifgenio is getting the people riled up again to try and look for Luba and Gaspar. They are at some vendor’s shack, someone who sells lots of crap, like the street vendors when you go to Mexico just over the border. Some dude walks up to buy something, it happens to be the guy who was the original accountant on La Fea (What was his name? Olarte? I’m remembering Olarte but that might be wrong) and was ALSO the general who was after Jose Gomez earlier in this very same show. With all the changing actors and now this guy playing two parts, I believe that this show got put on the super-low-budget treatment the farther it went along. Perhaps they paid too much money for Pablo Montero to be the star and then when it sucked and nobody watched they had to cut corners. Just a theory. Anyway, Iffy tells this dude that they are looking for a witch and her son to give them their punishment, does the guy know anything? He just looks impactado and doesn’t answer.

Gaspar, Luba, and Raquel rest after their first day of work and decide that it wasn’t bad for their first day. Raquel hopes some of the workers will come back. One guy walks up and Gaspar asks if he’s here to help, but the guy says he has arthritis and can’t work. Luba says she can cure it. He claims that a doctor is helping him. She questions his manhood but he doesn’t let her help him. He wants to talk business with Raquel. Luba warns her about this guy, I didn’t quite understand what about specifically, but she thinks he’s up to something. She tells Gaspar that the guy is creepy.

Claudia begs Angel to not do anything. Angel says he has to do something. She says there isn’t any proof and also she’s worried about angering her mother. Angel says he’ll find a way to do it that won’t involve Claudia.

Luba tells Gaspar that the guy made up his arthritis for some reason, he tells Raquel stories so he doesn’t have to work. I think the guy’s name is Hernan, Luba REALLY doesn’t like him.

Finally back to DL and crazy doctora. He wants an answer. I just figured out why this woman looks familiar, and why as good looking as she is I don’t find her that attractive, she looks just like Juliette Lewis, who always kind of creeped me out. She says he’s not crazy, he has an emotional disorder, he needs help. He says he won’t go back to any hospital or be locked up anywhere. The doorbell rings, he grabs her and pulls out his gun.

As I thought earlier, the ladies disregard Elias as a protector for Soledad. He whines and begs, but Vargas says Soledad should leave Puebla until they find Don Loco. Elias thinks he’s smart, so he says she should go to San Mateo, since DL wouldn’t ever imagine her to be there. Yeah I’m sure that’s a great idea. Soledad doesn’t think so either.

Angel finds Rosendo at a pool hall. He says, in front of Rosendo’s crew, that he knows it was them who robbed the boutique.

DL, with his gun out and holding Dra. Loca, moves towards the door as the doorbell continues to ring. He puts his hand over her mouth. Outside Mauricio announces himself, then says he’ll leave and come back another time. She begs DL again to get help, he says no, then they make out. Gross. DL says something about women stabbing him in the back, Dra. Loca says to him that he shouldn’t talk about Soledad that way, she never betrayed him. He looks mildly impactado. What? I thought he knew this now. He turns and leaves. Juliette Lewis cries some more.

Rosendo tells Angel that he doesn’t have any proof. Angel says Rosendo needs to leave Claudia alone, if he wants to send Angel a message do it directly. He warns him though that many people know he came here to see Rosendo, so if he doesn’t return soon they will find Rosendo and make him pay. I’m thinking that in reality Angel didn’t tell anybody at all he was coming, we’ll see if Rosendo calls his bluff. Rosendo is instead impressed with Angel’s ‘pantalones’, which I assume means he’s got balls, and lets Angel leave in peace.

Finally back to Emiliooo and Karla. I think Emiliooo is only able to resist her, because she’s hot, because she’s a bit wacky in being so forward. Before he had hot/dumb and hot/psycho as choices, now he has hot/aggressive. Honestly of all those I think the aggressive one is the way to go. It won’t happen, but at least she’s clear that she wants him and she isn’t wacko on the level of Thelma. They talk about containing the epidemic, Emiliooo says he doesn’t want to catch it himself. Karla says no, they need him now more than ever. She holds his hand as she says this, but it really didn’t seem like a come-on. He reacts very negatively though, as if it were. I guess they have to end every scene with some kind of over-acted facial expression from someone, so there you have it.

Alina has finally changed from her nurse’s uniform, she’s doing some reading and closes the book. I imagine she’s about to moon over Emiliooo. I learned this from the early days of La Fea. Any time there was Lety heaving a big sigh and closing whatever she was looking at, that damned music would start and she’d start daydreaming. Gah when I was watching the finale with my wife, after not wathing that show for six months, even then the first time that music started it made me itch. Bleah. I was wrong, Alina instead sits and thinks about her mom, who then enters the room saying that she’s leaving. Alina is worried for her, she starts her crying, then they both start. Soledad says at least DL doesn’t know that Alina is alive, she should be safe.

Hernan is trying to convince Raquel to sell her ranch for 10 Million pesos, which Raquel says is ridiculous. I agree, that’s somewhere in the neighborhood of a million dollars. For a huge ranch that’s low, I would think. She wants to know who the buyer is, Hernan says he wants to remain anonymous. She wants to know more, and anyway it’s not for sale. Hernan says quit asking questions, that’s what he is for, to protect her interests. Yeah right. She tells him that with Luba and Gaspar she has hope to work the ranch, she mentions them about five times, which of course means that Hernan will directly go off to his henchmen and tell them to run off those two, or kill them. One more thing – Hernan is wearing the ugliest shirt I have ever seen. It is yellow with an orange and blue plaid pattern on it. Hideous. I can’t even describe it to you properly. After Raquel leaves, Olarte/General comes up and Hernan calls him Fidencio. I guess you guys have seen him already, I haven’t been watching so I didn’t know his face. He tells Hernan that the people of SE are trying to find Luba and Gaspar. He says why don’t they tell the lynch mob where to find them? That will solve their problem.

Coral tells Soledad that its time to go, Elias is taking her to San Mateo. Soledad and Alina have a tearful goodbye.

Hernan asks Fidencio if he’s sure Gaspar and Luba are the same people he heard about. Uh duh, you think? How many witches with long-haired super muscular sons who act like five years olds do you think there are in this small area? Jeez. He should really not have any doubt after Luba said she was a curandera earlier in the show. What an idiot. Fidencio seems to wimp out about ratting on Luba and Gaspar, but Hernan convinces him. I get the impression that Fidencio wants to go back to work, I didn’t quite understand his entire little speech.

Gaby begs Rodrigo not to go anywhere. She has done nothing but cry since she was kidnapped. All she has to do is tell on Thelma and it will all be over. Another tearful goodbye.

Dra. Loca and her amazing cleavage are waiting for Vargas, who returns from Coral’s house. She tells him that DL was at her house. She tells him that DL is really after Elias and Hugo, the ones who have gone against him. Remember of course, Elias is currently taking Soledad to Puebla, where Dra. Loca lives. Perhaps the confrontation will even happen in tonight’s show.

Booooo – the crime continues, Alfonsina is still all covered up in her horrific disguise. I don’t think that helps her escape notice, it’s like a clown outfit. If she’s going to stand out in a crowd, it should be for the right reason, that being having her awesome body on display, like the good old days. Not for looking like Bozo. She is still tied up in the basement, or wherever Hugo left her, some kid comes in and discovers her and she begs for help. The kid says no way, Hugo will kill him. She promises not to tell that it was him and offers him money. The kid immediately takes the bait and cuts her loose. While the kid gets the ropes off, Alfonsina finds the knife he used on the floor and sticks it up the sleeve of her shirt. Just then Don Loco enters, how did he know where to look? Alfonsina insists that she was always loyal. He confronts her about the note and the true story behind it. He blames her for his insanity – “What did you do to me?”

Vargas tells Dra. Loca that Elias and Soledad are far away, hiding until DL is recaptured. Just in case we didn’t realize before that they were all bound to bump into each other in Puebla, they knock us over the head with it. Dra. Loca actually makes a good point, that DL won’t be after Emiliooo because they were always on opposite sides, DL is just looking for people who screwed him over, so it’s Hugo right now that is in the most danger. Well actually it’s Alfonsina, but they don’t know all that part of the story.

Alfonsina comes back with the fact that DL was a traitor to her too – they were in love and he tossed her aside for Soledad. Alfonsina looks young, so I’m guessing he was ALREADY with Soledad when his fling with Alfonsina started, so she really doesn’t have a leg to stand on here. She gives a tearful speech about being poor and the rich treating them poorly, meanwhile she is working free the knife she stuck up her sleeve. DL says what did you think, that we’d get married? Oh – his sleazy lawyer is there too, I didn’t see him before. He’s just standing there watching all this. DL says Alfonsina would never be the woman Soledad is. He turns around, for some reason, to take out his gun and check the bullets. Alfonsina rushes in with the knife raised. The lawyer pushes DL out of the way and ends up taking the knife in his own back, this time literally. He slowly collapses and dies in DL’s arms. Alfonsina just cries and cries.

The phone rings at Rodrigo’s house, it is Thelma on the other end, she says nothing and hangs up. Gaby wants to know who it was, nobody, go to sleep. Thelma, at her house, grumbles and gripes. Hey – don’t they have caller ID in Mexico? I know they do, my in-laws have it. Why would Thelma be dumb enough to call from her own house? Cripes.

Alina sits straight up from her deep sleep screaming “No Papa! Don’t hurt my Mom!” Coral rushes in to check on her, she was having a dream where DL killed Soledad. They agree that DL is obsessed with Soledad. Nice work Holmes and Watson.

Elias tells a cop or guard or whatever to watch the door to their place very carefully. I’m not sure where they are, perhaps a hotel. Knowing Elias, in the middle of all this tension, he’s going to start pressuring Soledad again about hooking up. They talk about DL and decide that they don’t have any idea where he’ll show up. Elias says he’ll be in the next room and she thanks him for his help. He lays it on too thick, “I’ll always be here at your side.” She says yeah yeah thank you good night. She locks all ten locks on the door but still looks nervous.

Is it my imagination, or do they have like one commercial in the first half of the show and then four or five commercial breaks in the second half? Commercial for Yo Amo a Juan – that hair is ridiculous. How can you watch that show and believe this guy gets women when he has that hair. Maybe if he just looked normal people wouldn’t be avoiding that show and making it switch time slots. I’m just saying, though maybe you women out there feel differently. I can’t get past the hair.

DL closes the lawyer’s eyes, he’s dead for sure now. DL has the nerve to tell her about all the bad things she’s done, like he’s so innocent. He hits her. She screams for help but of course nobody hears. He takes her away at gunpoint to lead him to Hugo.

Karla and Emiliooo continue to work with the sick people, he has at least put on a face mask and gloves, she still hasn’t covered up her face. Not that I mind, but it doesn’t make sense. He rubs his forehead and she asks if he feels sick, he says he’s just tired. He should have said “Because YOU came in and took my bed bitch, I slept in a CHAIR.” She tells him to go rest, but of course no, there is too much to be done, I am SuperEmiliooo, I won’t rest until everyone is safe, I will however stand around and smoke cigars while the rest of you work. She tells him to go rest, it’s under control, ha ha then she says that it’s her fault he’s tired. Ok she’s a bit creepy with her pursuit of Emiliooo but at least she doesn’t dance around the obvious. Her only fault so far is being interested in Emiliooo, who is a complete loser. Otherwise I like her.

Alina thanks Coral for calming her down. In a different kind of show, this is where the clothes would come off. Did I say that out loud? Sorry. Coral tells her to think of the positive things. Alina says she will do it. Yeah right, she has no concept of thinking positively. Just moping and crying. Which she immediately does when Coral leaves, “Ay Emiliooo….”

Hugo is laying into the kid for letting Alfonsina go. DL and Alfonsina bust into the room. DL says Hugo is going to watch him kill Alfonsina, then he’s going to kill Hugo. Less talking, more killing. Unless Alfonsina is going to start dressing slutty again, we don’t need her any more. Or one of you get the gun and shoot DL. Something. We are near the end, something drastic like that can happen now.

Frank (I think) is standing guard in the middle of the night talking on his radio. He sees someone, it’s obviously Karla since all you can see is a white shirt with obvious boobs, walking over to Emiliooo’s tent. He marvels at Emiliooo’s skill with women. Whatever. Inside the tent, Emiliooo is sleeping. Karla looks at him and thought bubbles “Oh Emiliooo I love you so much, I never met a man like you, so valiant, so..” ok I can’t continue, or I’m going to throw up. What a bunch of crap. Did she not see him on that first day, standing around smoking, when all the people who had already worked themselves to death kept working? So valiant indeed. When I was younger and had fewer good qualities than I do now, why weren’t hotties like this deciding I was so interesting and deep and whatever? I spent a lot of time with a blank look on my face too, just like this guy. What a load of crap. Anyway she goes to kiss him and he says Alina’s name. Didn’t this happen already? Oh yeah, Karla says again with that name, who is it? She wants to get that name out of his head.

Hugo tries to talk his way out of getting shot. DL says he has nothing to lose. Alfonsina begs on her knees, he tells her to shut up. Hugo manages to knock the gun out of DL’s hand, they get into a rousing fistfight. DL finally knocks Hugo to the floor. He stops to put his hat back on before picking up his gun. Alfonsina is worthless, she could have taken that opening to kick him or something. Or to have grabbed the gun while the men were fighting. Instead she just hid behind a wall and whimpered. The kid then, of all people, comes up behind DL and bashes a bottle on his head, knocking him out. The kid then tells Alfonsina to give him the money she promised so he can run away. “What money?” says Hugo. Alfonsina is trying to burn holes in the kid’s head with her eyes for spilling the beans. Oops!

Rodrigo and some more men have arrived at the camp, as predicted he decides to go see Emiliooo right away. Emiliooo, who currently has some hottie in his tent that is not named Alina. Somebody called this like two weeks ago, right? Who was it? You should get a special prize. Well, sort of – the soldier who greeted Rodrigo stops him from going to see Emiliooo and finally has to tell him that he’s in there with a woman. Rodrigo seethes. Shouldn’t he be happy? Now Alina can pretend to not like Emiliooo for a couple more days, give Rodrigo a little more sugar, before running back to Emiliooo later in the week. He gets something out of it.

Alfonsina wants to kill DL, Hugo says no, he should rot in jail or a loony bin or whatever for the rest of his life. She says fine, then, let’s get out of here. Hugo says first, the money. The kid says he wants his lana too. Alfonsina says the money was to help her escape and he didn’t do it, so nothing for him. Hugo says the money is for him and Alfonsina. Oh, they’re a team again now, huh? How convenient. They run the kid out of the house. Alfonsina opens the cabinet right next to the front door, which appears to be empty except for a large pink and white striped bag full of money. He couldn’t have found that when she was tied up? Unbelievable. They take the money and leave.

My recording ended here, I feel like I must have missed something important, somebody fill us in! I don’t have any lead in for Monday, nothing.


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