Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Amar Sin Limites Tuesday Nov. 13- The Love Shop opens

We pick up where yesterday's episode left off:

Diego and Ivan are in the field where Ivan last took Eva. Diego reads the letter that gives him half of the boutique. He tells Ivan that there is also something in the letter for him. Ivan reads the letter and finds that Eva has left him a fortune. He is surprised and grateful that she remembered him at all. He knows that she also left Diego money but he doesn't know where it might be, since Eva was planning on running away with and living happily ever after with Diego, so she didn't tell Ivan where it was. Ivan tries to give Diego the money she left him so that he can unmask Mo and Diego refuses.

Azul and Ceci are chatting at Cocoyoco. They see Katy playing with her dolls. Now we see the emotional damage that Mo has done. She is burying her mami muneca so that Azul will not leave. Nice job Mo, you sadist. No father of the year award for you!

Ivan and Diego are both mourning Eva. Diego blames himself but Ivan now blames Mo and Boris for her death and seems to have forgiven Diego for being the love of her life instead of him. They decide to unite, for justice's sake in the deaths of Eva and the others. Diego agrees but draws the line at bloodshed.

Azul questions Katy (delicately - much better than Mo!) why she is burying her mommy doll. Katy responds so that Azul won't be angry with her and her papi, since Azul is now her mami.
Katy parrots Mo and says "No one in this house should speak of her anymore".

Andres arrives, sees Katy digging holes in the garden and freaks out, screaming at Katy. Seems maybe Katy has learned a few tricks from Andres - like burying bodies in the garden! Mo arrives just in time to calm Andres down. Andres orders Ceci to come with him (and she does!) and Azul tells Mo not to let Andres speak to Katy that way. Mo calms her down too. He's really very good at calming everyone, except himself.

Diego and Ivan are still scheming, best of buddies now. They want to bring down the whole mafia so they need to plan and stay close to Mo. Ivan takes a moment alone to mourn Eva, there at the tree, lighting a candle and leaving a white rose. Uh oh, is our bad guy turning into the good guy? I'm all for it.

Andres and Ceci are driving and chatting. (Do we really believe that Ceci can keep her mouth closed about her suspicions? Not I.) She asks Andres if Leo has called or written. Andres says no and that he wouldn't expect it. Ceci says it would be normal on vacation to "give some sign of life". (Is that what she said? I think so but....duh.) She looks at him pointedly and he looks a bit guilty.

Diego half-carries Ivan back to Silvana's and drops him on the sofa. Silvana wants to know why they are back, since when they half-carried Ivan out that morning, it was to prevent problems for the women there. Diego tries to recruit Silvana in their quest for revenge. But Silvana refuses to unite with the murderous Ivan, not even to avenge her son's death. Even though Ivan claims he is not like Mo, Silvana does not want to be associated with anyone who can kill another human being. (This said by the girl with the gun in hand at the beginning of this novela?) Ivan understands and thanks her for her help anyway. Diego helps Ivan out of the apartment and they leave. (I think it would be better to leave poor Ivan in one place!)

Azul leaves Cocoyoco, telling Mo that she is going to visit her father and Emilia. Mo wants to take her. Suspicion oozes out of his pores but Azul makes her escape - or so she thinks. Mo calls Jacinto to have a couple of his men tail her at all times.

Clemencia is hard at work when Anibal comes in. She wants to work harder than usual to pay off the family's debt to Anibal. Anibal says that matter is between him and Diego, the best friend of his own son Paco. (Woohoo, someone remembers Paco!)

Lucia herself delivers the divorce papers to the Moran house. Manuel tries to take them but Lucia insists on delivering them personally to Lidia.

Azul visits her dad and Emilia. He asks if she is protecting Diego for love. She admits it. Dad's not too happy with her, marrying Mo but loving Diego, lying to the police, etc.

Manuel is such a wimp! He goes upstairs to get Lidia, telling her someone needs to see her in the living room but doesn't tell her who. How do you say wimp in Spanish? They come downstairs and Lucia is there. Lucia says she has come to bring her an invitation from Piero. Divorce papers. Manuel chips in how he and Clemi don't want their preciosa to stay with Piero, it's better for everyone. Lidia says she'll sign and Manuel jumps to supply the pen. Lucia gets in one last jab and Lidia flings the papers at Lucia and runs from the room. Manuel once again jumps into action, to pick up the papers for Lucia and says see how he is on Lucia's side. Wimpisimo!

Azul chats with Emilia. They talk about Katy and the accident. Emilia says that Katy says her mother died when the car went over the cliff. She thinks it's odd that Katy speaks of it as though she were outside of the car when it went over. But Azul, being the bright bulb that she is, says"But that would mean the accident wasn't an accident." Orchestra music...

Diego and Chucho show up at the boutique to see Julio. Diego announces that he wants his half of the boutique but Julio wants to negotiate. Negotiate what, says Diego. Julio resents that Diego is going to cause problems in his life.

Azul and Emilia are busy putting two and two together and figure out that if someone had removed Katy from the car before it went over the cliff, then the other two could have been saved and that Katy was a witness to the death of her own mother and her best little buddy, Nico. Not to mention that she saw the killer. Azul voices a suspicion that it could have been Mo but when Emilia confornts that idea, Azul denies that she suspects Mo.

Mo towers over Katy as she cries. She did as he said and buried her doll but Andres came and yelled at her. She has questions. Why did mami Liliana and Nico die and not me? Will you quit loving me because I'm bad and these ugly things happen because of me? Is it my fault that people die? Mo "comforts" her (I use the term sarcastically), standing stick straight, with his hands clasped in front of him, a frown on his face. I'm your father, I will always protect you, you're confused, your memories are all mixed up. Forget about all that and live your new happy life with your new mami. Whose names will we never ever mention again? Of course, those would be Mami Liliana and Nico.

Silvana explains to Isela about Diego and Ivan's latest visit. Diego and Ivan wanted an alliance and how she, Silvana, refused to lower herself to Ivan's level. (What is that thing going up and down during this scene?) Isela agrees that Ivan and Eva were dangerous people. She then seems to try to convince Silvana that the only way she will be able to find out the truth about what happened to her son is to stay with Ivan and Diego.

Azul is rehashing to Emilia her childhood event where she caught GSD kissing Auntie Ines. She compares it to Katy watching her mother and friend die. They both repressed memories. Emilia suggests that Katy will remember things better if they can get her away from Daddy Dearest.

Ines is crying as she listens to cello music when Arnaldo comes in. She cries how alone she is and Arny asks, "What am I, chopped liver?" (not a direct translation) Ines says she has a little right to whine.

Andres lays a pink rose in the garden, crying and talking to Tia Leo. The pink rose lays there, sadly in the dirt until SMASH comes a foot. Mo has arrived. With that evil look on his face, Mo tells Andres he needs to be more careful. Andres reminds him that he's standing on the lovely Leo. Mo doesn't need to be reminded though. He tells Andres to act natural but Andres can't, what with Ceci asking all those questions. Mo says he is tired of that estupida. She busted up his planned little shower party with Azul that morning and ruined his opportunity for a little you-know-what.

Julio has moved the discussion with Diego to the little back room. Julio wants Diego to design clothes but leave them under the Julio Corso name. Diego wants credit but Julio doesn't want Arny's father finding out that Diego is working with him, after kidnapping his daughter and everything. (Like GSD will ever accept Julio) Diego agrees because he thinks that it will be a great place to meet Azul without Mo knowing. Julio is not too keen on turning the supply closet into Diego's love nest with a married woman. Oh and, don't tell Arny. But he agrees.

Arny is treating Auntie Ines to a day at the spa and an extreme makeover. (Let's see, who is available for Ines? How about Efrain?)

Gustavo, still looking for his customer's car, goes to see Diego at Casa Moran but, conveniently, only finds Lidia home. They compare problems and agree that hers are worse. (How long has it been since we've seen Lidia between the sheets? She must be in withdrawal by now)

Ah, Azul's first visit to the Love Shop. Gaspar shows up and sends them to an area more private.

Mo is eating with Emilia and GSD at Cocoyoco. GSD reintroduces the idea of going public with the virus investigation. Mo tells him that even though Eva is dead, there is now someone else in charge.

Ivan is on the phone with... Boris. Uh oh that can't be good. Ivan tells Boris that the mission is complete and Eva is dead. Ivan is now ready to take over the mafia. But Boris thought he was dead so he gave leadership to Mo. Besides, Ivan betrayed him and it was a good thing that he had an alternate plan to kill Eva since Ivan didn't do it. Oh and by the way Ivan it was all Mo's idea to kill you. I'm happy you're alive.

Mo tells GSD that they have a new lab for him.

The Love Shop is in business! Azul and Diego are lovey dovey in the supply closet and planning how to hide their encounters from Mo. Diego announces that he has accepted Eva's last wish and has taken on half the boutique. Azul does not look happy...(Get over it girl, Eva's dead)

Until next time.....


Destilando Tues Nov 13....danger in paradise

At the airport, Gaviota insists on finding out what happened with the Psychologist. She tells Rod that the doctora is sure he can be with someone else. 'why did she say that??!! Tell me! Di me!!" He says it's a theory, she gets upset and insists that he tell her what kind of 'theory' that was. He tells her he's only in love with her and he's immensely happy about her. He clarifies that he'll love her until death. Gavi's eyes start getting dreamy as he insists: "so tell me, will you come with me or not??!!". He pretends to leave, she starts getting worried (what is it with this push and pull game!!? Geez), but then he turns around he carries her to the security belt. She pleads he let her go " I..I...I don't have any clothing to wear!!". They start sharing their issues with the security guy who's probably wondering why he even came to work today. The security guy asks Gav if she has any will power. She clarifies that she lost her will power 4 years ago.

At the hacienda, Sofie receives a vist from Dona Jose and finds out that Frankie lied about his real parents. Dona Jose tearfully explains that she's a servant and Frankie has always been ashamed of her. She talks about how Maximiliano de la Vega kicked her out of the house when he found out she's father like son....she admits he's shameless and cannot go around the world hurting people. She feels it was her obligation to let Sofie know so he stops hurting her and her family. Sofie gives Dona J her ring and asks her to give it to Frankie when she sees him. I think Dona J should pocket it and trade it in for some well deserved money, but that's just me.

At Le Suite, Frankie leaves an unhappy Isa with her baby to go 'look for a job'..she reluctantly takes some money from the safe for him....she actually asks him if it's enough...I'd think that by now she'd know better, but anyhoo... he say yes of she gives him 2000 more pesos.

In some town...Rod and Gav go clothing shopping... as usual, she wants to pay, he says no, she says yes...yada yada. He wins, and they kiss. Rod buys some things for him too; he gets 2 identical necklaces made from seashells.

At home, Clarita is talking on the phone with someone talking about Gavi: "como asi!! she said she'd come pick me up to go shopping!"

In San Luis Potosi, Rod and Gavi arrive at this beautiful cabin by a lake. G: I can't believe we're here..this is like a dream!! R: It's a dream...I hope it doesn't turn into a nightmare...I don't want to wake up and not find you next to me! .G: i'll awlays be there!

At Jalisco, Sanwanna runs into the guy...I forgot his name...he has the bags under his eyes and gap between his front teeth. Guy with bays: so you're back from seeing Hilario? S: yes, and guess what...he's become a snob! She lets him know that she's pregnant and Hilario dumped her after he found out. S: but that's OK, i won't be the first or the last woman who's got a baby without a dad!

At home, Clarita is talking to Hilario about Gavi's issues....this time he's not asking for tequila. C: they want to send Gavi to Londres, Capital of Inglaterra...! On Monday we leave...come visit us!! H: so....if the Patron was with that Psicologa, does that mean he's no longer with his Isa? Claritat tells him the gossip; we get a closeup of Hilario with some expression....I'm not sure if he's feeling guilty or if he's planning on some horizontal mambo with the love of his life.

For a sec, we see Frankie in the restaurant having a drink.

Back to Hillie...he tells Clarita how he remembers when Rod and Isa announced their baby news. H:Rod looked so happy! C: I don't even now why he married her if he didn't love her!!

At the cabin, Rod and Gavi find out they have no phone connection. He promises they will talk to Clarita from a restaurant. She asks him if she's still the love of his life. They kiss passionately; he reminds her that last time he was with a woman it was 2 years ago ...a lady that worked at the Montalvo corp....and it was a beautiful experience! He was also with a woman 4 years ago...she was beautiful...first time they made love it was under a tree in the agave fields..."it was amazing and I couldn't get my mind of her since I'm in love with an eexecutive f the CRT!! How funny huh?? In conclusion, you were, are, and will always be the only person I can love." They kiss, then Kiss some more. He tells her he loves her, then abruptly breaks away. She looks worried. He tells her he's scared of her leaving him; she'lll have to stay with him forever. R: take it the way you a threat, or even like a marriage proposal..." Caviota, dreamy eyed: matrimonio???" They hug and kiss as we hear the song play before the commercials..."pooooooor amaaarteeeeeeeeeeeeee..."

The commercials announce the upcoming Pasion... a gorgeous brad-pitt-in-legends-of-the-fall looking Sebastian Rully is crying about Camila.... ah, can't wait can't wait!

Back at the cabin, Gavi and Rod kiss....G: you think I was going to accept coming here with you ad then leaving you? No way! Rod, you made my eyes dry from crying so much. Now you're in deep trouble, cuz you won't be able to get rid of me. You'll have to be with me day and nigh until God grants us life. Do you think you'll be able to do that? R: Gaviota you are my life!! Song starts playing..his shirt is off, he's laying her down on the sofa as they kiss...then we get a closeup of their kiss....they look into each others eyes....I guess we're supposed to guess what's happening there. :-O

Next scene is at the restaurant in Mexico.....Franks is asking for another cup of champagne.; the waiter tells him his friend canceled the card. Frankie is offended, they waiter says 'no worries sir, we'll put it on the cuenta Walking in come set of high heels...we see a closeup of her...she looks at him and glances away..he keeps looking with a face suggesting he caught his next prey....she looks away and sits down. He asks the waiter who she is...the waiter says "her name is Priscilla and she usually comes to drink tea, though sometimes she comes with a friend." Frankie slowing pronounces her name as he glances gleefully at her, with $$ signs in his eyes...."Priscilla..."

Isa calls her parents at the Bahamas asking for money...her mom answers...Isa desperately wants to talk to her dad. Her mom, from their mansion in the Bahamas: "Isa, understand we're going though a hard time!!" She is able to get her husband on the phone after she insisting he talk to his only daughter. Isa is angry and desperate, and begs him that he pay. He says he has no money and it's Frankie's responsibility anyway. She ran off with that jerk, so now she better get him to move his arse. I: well, Frankie's looking for a job dad...ha! In your face! Isa's dad goes for his next best excuse "well, I'm very, very disappointed with you! Ergh, how could you have lied to all of us! Find a way out of your own stopped being my princesa a long time ago...!!". Isa is left yelling "Papa!! Papaaa!!!" Funny that's he's not disappointed in is wife for being his daughter's confidant... well, who said life's fair.

At the restaurant, Frankie goes towards Priscilla reminding himself "hopefully you did't foget the technique". He approaches her seductively...tells her he knows her from somewhere...uh, I think we have a lot on common...I'm..Bond, James bond..aka...De la Vega, Frankie Slimey De la Vega your service mademoiselle. I know your uncle from the Club....he was close friends with my dad. P: oh, so our families are related. F: no, not really...cuz my dad traveled a lot so I grew up in many different countries...I'm what they call....ehe ehe...a citizen of the world. So anyway, what happened to don Salomon? Priscilla falls like a prey to his glam, and they decide to share a drink.

At the hacienda, Sofie and granny talk about Frankie's lies. All Granny can say is: "so, that means his mother doesn't grow Bonsai plants??". Sofie can't wait until they divorce...Dani reminds them that the marriage is not valid since that wasn't his real name anyway. Granny finds that to be one good thing among all the bad ones...

From the restaurant in San Luis Potosi, Rod calls Clarita. R: I kidnapped your daughter but don't worry, I'll bring her back! I promise I will do all can to win your love back. C:como asi!! you know I love you, but please don't make my Gaviota suffer!! Gavi takes the phone: Clarita, everything happened very fast! No, I'm not crazy ma! C: Hija, r u sure of what u'r doiong? G: no worries ma, I know what I'm doing. C: so tell me darn it, are we leaving or stayin!!! You promised Avellaneda you'd go to Londres Capital de Inglaterra. G: ma, no worries I'll call you later and let you know about that. C: Gaviota, I'm so happy that you're happy!! I hope the Virgencita protects you! Rod: is she upset? Gavi says no, and she starts explaining how she promised Avellaneda she'd go to London. Gavi suggests she stay for Rod. Rod asks her how important that trip is for her. Gavi says it means a lot, she will be representing Mexican tequila in the world. Rod: it would be the high of your career...make your dreams come true...OK, that's all I wanted to know...I'll go with you". Gav: you're crazy!! Rod: it's important for you and for me, it's the realization of your dreams!! G: what about he hacienda!! Rod: well, we'll work that out...! And he's not able to finish his sentence before she kisses him and they kiss passionately.

At the restaurant in Mexico... Priscilla needs to go. Frankie asks her if she can stay for inner with him...Priscilla says sorry, I gotta go. They both talk about their divorce...She talks about her ex husband...some very rich guy. And you? Well, i was married to socialite Sofia Montalvo... do you know her? P: No, but I did see Aron Montalvo and Pamela's scandal in the newspaper. Frankie: ah, Aron Aron..I told him not to do it but he's very impulsive. Priscila leaves... from the bathroom, she calls her friend Sharono..."Sharon, don't worry, I won't waste your money. I found a catch, he's Frankie De la Vega!! Please send me your driver..I gotta impress him...ya know...hehehe wink wink!". Oh would be so nice to see her suck the blood out of him!!

At the hacienda, Dani anwers the phone "aaaaaah!! Cunada!!" to Sofie and Pillie "Gavi is with Rod!" they all scream at the phone, welcoming Gavi to the family. G: here, talk to Rod. Wait, I can't leave him alone...remember the psicologa cured him so I gotta be extra careful! Rod takes the phone, Dani: Rod, where can we call you if there's a problem? Rod: no worries, we'll be calling often. Are there any problems?? Dani, nervous:"nnno...nnooo...all is". They're finished talking, and Pillie mentions how she's so happy he's sharing his life with Mariana.

At the restaurant, Gavi and Rod slow dance to classic Mexican music...sounds like from the 50's. Suddenly there's a fan somewhere, cuz Gavi's hair starts flying back like a cover girl commercial. They hug, then we see them on a hammock as the music keeps playing... we see them holding a gardenia and kissing each other in slow the song keeps going ..."perfume de gardeeeniaaaa es tu amor " (your love is like gardenia perfume ")

Miami, Florida: Aron is talking to some guy about his plans for the future with Agave Turquesa

At her home, Pamela is upset at her dad for giving away the info about Aron's fraud. She wanted to do it slowly....her mom reminds her that the sooner they put that behind them the better. Pamela thinks that she would only feel alive when she sees Aron humiliated begging for mercy and forgiveness.

At the suite, Frankie arrives to meet a disappointed Isa who'd stayed up waiting for him. He gives her the details about his "meeting", and that eventually he'll find a position of his category. Isa is upset, she's desperate and doesn't want to wait any longer. Isa: for once in your life respond like a man!!! Frankie: I'm doing what I can!! Isa: please understand Frankie...all went wrong with me; my world shattered like a castle in the wind. Please hug me!!" Frankie hugs her as he thought bubbles: ur becoming so annoying and wasting my patience!

At San Luis Potosi: Gavi and Rod wake up on some white sheets in bed. He hugs her as she sleeps and whispers how happy she's made him. We know that won't last long because...

Gavi (with new hairdo) and Rod are swearing each other love forever by some waterfall...he wants to get married right there. Meanwhile... all sorts of problems are uncovered at the hacienda...
- James finds out about the sulfate problem and goes ballistic
- Bruno gets a visit from Avellaneda stating that CRT will suspend Montalvo tequila production
- Patricio accuses Rod and Gav of Aron's fraud


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Juan Q 11/13 Marriages are made in heaven. But, again, so are thunder, lightning, tornados and hail.

Anyone heard the internet rumor? Apparently, according to some bloggers, Mayrin Villanueva (that’s Miss Paula Davila folks) is rumored to be a front runner to play the new Bond girl in the next flick. It’s an interesting idea, but I’m not sure I’m crazy about it…

On to the show!!!

CL is dressed for the show and Miss Moni is quite impressed with her man. Before they leave, Moni has a question. She’s worried that Paula will be bothered by CL showing up with his ex. CL assures Moni that there will be no problem. CL also has some information for Moni. He’s moving to Spain and she’ll have to take charge of the business when he does. Monica accepts the charge and thanks CL for his confidence, but she wants to know about his sudden decision. CL claims to be tired and needs some “CL” time to start anew. Moni wants to know if this has to do with his personal life. CL should have been a politician. He deftly avoids the question and says that he’s currently in a crisis and feels that this is the best decision. Moni thinks it’s a little radical.

Is that seriously the Cachon house? Oh, yes, it is. Juan snaps some pictures of the true love of his life, his Lincoln. Marely comes out and wants to know why he’s taking so many pictures of the car. Juan explains that the wedding-car has great significance. Juan explains that the car symbolically carries the new couple into their new life. Marely isn’t impressed but Juan doesn’t care. He goes back to photographing the car. Marely gets Juan’s attention when she tells him that CL is moving to Spain. Marely drops the news and leaves for the house. Juan looks pensively into the sky. It’s kind of hard to take this scene seriously with all the pink balloons in the background.

At the church Kike psyches himself up for his upcoming nuptials. Fernando tries to calm Kike. They speak for a moment about Kike’s lovely suit, but Anga interrupts to greet Kike. Anga asks about the bride and the in-laws. Kike explains that they’ll be arriving together and in a little while. Anga excuses himself to get a seat. Kike looks like he’s about to puke out that pillow.

I have to admit that I expected a little more Bridezilla out of Yadira. She complains about Alirio being in the car, the fact that they’re late, that her flowers are wilting and that she’s hot. Juan volunteers to roll down the windows (because Lincolns don’t have air conditioning) but she shoots him down. I’m not sure why; I don’t think I’ve ever seen her hair move. Juan thought bubbles to himself about what Marely told Juan about CL. Nidia interrupts his thoughts to point out that with his hair like that, his nose looks bigger. Alirio joins in the making-fun-of-Juan fun. Juan thinks to himself that this is the first time that Alirio and the Cachon women have ever agreed. I was hoping that someone would point out that Juan looks like a leprechaun in that suit, but no such luck.

Back at the church Yvonne complains about being at a Cachon function. Pastor tells her to calm herself and to enjoy; she’s his date this afternoon. Yvonne wants to know why he didn’t come alone if it’s going to be such fun. Pastor explains that he thinks of this more as a joke. Also, he always used to come to these functions with his mother; he doesn’t want to be alone.
Paula and her mother show-up and greet Pastor and Yvonne. Yvonne happily points out that Paula is alone. Um, apparently Yvonne missed Paula’s dress. She may be coming a lone but I can guarantee that she’s not leaving alone! Paula retorts that she’s glad that the two of them (Pastor and Yvonne) are there because she knows she won’t be bored with the entertainment they’ll provide. Ana politely compliments Yvonne’s dress. Once they leave, Yvonne goes back to complaining.

Juan stops to kick everyone except Yadira out of the car. Nidia turns and gives Yadira some advice. Juan hurries her from the car. Bridezilla comes out again and complains about her circus of a wedding.

Ana scolds Paula for “playing” with the secretary. Paula, of course, thinks she did nothing wrong. Paula explains that Yvonne’s worked up about CL. Ana comments that she’s not going to miss that man one bit.

The Cachones finally make an appearance. They immediately run into Pastor and Yvonne. Pastor pays compliments to Nidia. Nidia moves to the Davilas. She greets them and then asks for CL. Yvonne explains that he’s not here and that he’s terrible. Nidia’s preoccupied because CL is her daughter’s godfather and he should be there. Nidia brushes off his absence and heads for the church. Right before she walks in, she runs into Ang. This causes her to spontaneously combust. Just kidding! She passes out into Alirio’s arms. Everyone worriedly flocks to her. Alirio begs her not to leave him alone. He begs Marely to tell him what happened. Marely doesn’t know.

P and I walk away from the crowd and talk about the spectacle. Yvonne thinks there must be something going on there. It was like Nidia knew him somewhere. What if Nidia’s related to Pastor’s brother? Pastor doesn’t see it. They debate whether it’s pregnancy, illness or an act in order to delay the wedding.

Fernando pulls Kike aside. He wants to take Nidia to the hospital. Kike’s not worried about Nidia; he knows that she’s strong and will be fine. Fernando can’t believe they’re going to stand there with their arms crossed while Nidia dies. Kike assures Fernando that Nidia will not die. He points out to Fernando that with the whole family watching, it might be strange if Fernando takes off with Nidia to the hospital.

Juan comments that it’s taking a long time for the sign to come up the road. He wonders out loud if the family forgot about Yadira. Yadira says that Nidia never forgets anything. All of a sudden she freaks out. Kike’s bored of her and decided to leave her in her wedding dress and pregnant with his child. Juan tells her not to even joke about that. He’s sure that Yadira and Kike’s love is for forever. Juan tells Yadira to stay put; he’s going to check on things.
Alirio figures out that it just takes some holy water to wake his Misses. There’s sparse applause. Alirio wants to know what happened, but Nidia just wants to get the show on the road.

Juan approaches Paula and Ana. Paula explains that Nidia fainted, but that she’s okay now. Nidia approaches and asks for the godparents; she wonders if they should be called. At that moment, the Farrell’s walk up to the church. I and P see this and immediately run over to greet CL and Monica. Juan can only think about Paula and how she’s feeling. Nidia tells Juan to go get Yadira. She turns to scold CL and Moni for showing up late.

Juan returns to the car but only finds a discarded bouquet in the back seat.

Nidia prepares Kike for the bride. Kike thanks Nidia for everything. Fernando boldly approaches Nidia and calls her his love. She shushes him. Fernando wants to know why she hasn’t wanted to see him. She explain that nothing’s changed. She doesn’t want him following her because she doesn’t want a scandal. Fernando protests. Yvonne observes the whole transaction with a pensive eyes.

Marely assures Paula that CL and Moni only came together because they’re Yadira’s godparents. Ana puts in her two cents – Paula shouldn’t care because she has nothing to do with that man. Paula shushes them both. Paula stares at them. Marely and Yvonne try to calm her.

Moni catches Paula’s evil eye. She turns to CL and tells him that she knew it wasn’t a good idea to go to the wedding together. Paula looks bothered. CL tells Moni not to worry about Paula. He says that it’s not their problem that the situation is uncomfortable.

Juan finds Yadira on the street corner trying to flag down a taxi. Good thing it’s her wedding day, because any other day and other dress methinks she would be picked up for solicitation. Yadira tries to pulls away from Juan but he won’t let her go. Yadira cries that she doesn’t want to get married. Juan says that if that’s the case then Yadira needs to have the guts to say that to Kike’s face. Juan reminds Yadira about her coming baby. Yadira still protests so Juan tries a different tactic. He carries her down the road.

Yvonne and Pastor loudly talk about how the Cachon family never seems to have things go as they plan. At that moment, Alirio comes rushing down the aisle screaming something about his heart being full of love. The bride has arrived! Nidia shushes him and pushes him into the pew.
The car and a very grumpy Yadira arrive. She reluctantly takes Juan’s hand to get out of the car. They argue under their breath but smile to those standing outside.

Dramatic music plays while Juan and Yadira weave down the aisle. Yadira smacks Kike with her bouquet. Before the ceremony begins, Juan gives the couple a speech about love and staying together until death. He tells Yadira to be obedient, which earns him one wicked look. Before Juan leaves the pair, he warns Yadira that he doesn’t want any more surprises. He steps behind the Pastor and snaps a picture.

During the ceremony, Alirio loses his cool. Nidia reminds him that she’s the mother and she should be the one crying. Alirio says that he’s very sentimental and that it reminds him of his and Nidia’s wedding. This does the trick; Nidia begins to cry.

Fernando stares at Nidia. Yvonne smacks him and warns him that Alirio might catch Fernando staring. Yvonne comments that Nidia’s a little old for Fernando. Fernando accuses Yvonne of being jealous. Yvonne comments that she can’t believe how her friends disregard their wedding vows. Fernando snaps back that must because she’s never been with a married man. Needless to say, this earns him a cold look.

Pastor decides to start a fight. He loudly talks about how good CL and Moni look together. Paula turns and scolds him. Their spat is so loud that even the soon to be newlyweds give them a look. Ana tells Paula to let it go. Paula tells Pastor to stop trying to instigate things.

The novios leave the church and immediately get a rain of flowers and a picture courtesy of Juan. Nidia runs into Anga again. He greats her and we’re left wondering if she’ll pass out again.

Alirio comes over to introduce himself to Anga. Nidia does manage to pass out one more time. Everyone wants to know why.

Guti drowns his sorrows in a drink and a cigar. His woman left him for another man. He smiles and says something along the line of those people should remember who is Ramon Guitierrez.

Nidia’s in bed and having nightmares. Marely and Alirio don’t understand. They want to know what happened; why did she faint twice? Marely assures Nidia that the godparents are taking care of everything downstairs. She wants to know what’s going on with Nidia. Marely thinks that they should cancel the reception and go to the hospital. Nidia asks about where “he” is. Alirio and Marely don’t understand.

Juan tries to cheer Bridezilla. She’s not having it. Yadira complains that whenever her mother is not the center of attention, she has to do something to bring all of the attention and focus back onto her. She accuses her mother of being able to die in order to get all of the attention. Juan reminds Yadira about how loving Nidia is toward her and that this is as though Yadira’s leaving Nidia (even if Yadira’s living at home). Juan tells Yadira that she looks precious. This gets Yadira’s attention. Kike rushes in to ask about the party. The guests are bored and Nidia has not showed up.

Pastor approaches Anga and wants to know who invited him. Anga wants to know why Pastor is so nosy. Pastor says it’s just that he’s curious. It’s interesting that Nidia passes out every time she sees Anga. Pastor asks if there’s something there. Anga says that he came to the party to have fun, not to gossip.

Alirio wants to know about Anga. Marely tells him to go downstairs and take care of the guests. Nidia assures she’ll be down once she gets her second wind. Before he leaves Alirio wants to know if it had anything to do with that man. Nidia claims that she was just overcome with emotion. Alirio leaves and Marely wants to know what happened. Nidia tries the same excuse, but Marely won’t hear it. Nidia says she’ll tell the truth as long as Marely swears not to say anything.

Ana and CL agree that they should leave. Paula thinks that they should have taken Nidia to the hospital. Monica doesn’t agree; it’s not every day that a woman’s daughter marries. Paula urges her mother to leave, but Ana won’t go without knowing about Nidia. Moni also will not allow CL to leave because they are the godparents.

Alirio approaches the microphone to make an announcement. He assures them that his wife will be down in a few minutes. He tells the guests to relax and enjoy the party. Juan starts the music. Moni tells them that she “told them so.” The music begins and the Davilas, the wet blankets that they are, leave just as the party gets started.

Nidia explains that she knew Anga and that he was her first love. When she married Samuel, she was still in love with Anga. Nidia begs Marely not to scold her. She explains that back in the day things were different; Nidia didn’t have an option. Nidia says that the positive is that if she had married Anga then she wouldn’t have her beautiful daughters. Nidia explains that when she saw Anga all of her emotions washed over hear and she was overwhelmed.

Alirio enjoys his drink and watches over the party. Alirio points at Pastor and complains about Kike inviting him. Juan defuses the situation and pushes Alirio to another part of the tent. Juan takes away Alirio’s drink, but Alirio just grabs another fresh one and goes on about Pastor. Pastor watches this with a smile on his face.

Nidia finally comes down to the party and announces her arrival. Oh, I guess Paula and Ana didn’t leave. Yadira glares at Nidia; Nidia watches Anga; Marely watches Anga and her mother and Anga blows Nidia a kiss.

Juan wanders around the party taking photos. He thinks how he wouldn’t change a thing. He thinks about the family and how happy he is for Kike. At the very end of the episode; he gets a picture with the two loves of his life.

Vocab: Privarse - “to turn blue” kind of like our “she was so sick she turned green before running off to the bathroom”

Would someone please tag this for me. My laptop is broken so I borrowed my mom's. I don't want to download the tagging program onto her computer. Thanks!


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La Fea Más Bella DVD release delayed??

If you pre-ordered the LFMB DVDs from Amazon or someplace else online, you've probably already heard the news - the release, which was supposed to be next week, has been delayed until FEBRUARY 19!!

I don't know why. But it's a bummer. :(


Destilando 11/12/07 "Rod Charged with Trying to Bury a Bone"

Well we start out with the embarrassing scene of Dr Blandie picking up all his toys and going home. Actually, suffering extreme buyer’s remorse for the “Kiss of Broken Dreams”, he pecked at Gavi the night before. His poor heart is broken and he will be taking a job in Madrid and Gavi will be going to London. Personally I find this a bit self-serving as Gavi & Clarita would have been better off in Spain. At least Clarita would have had her TeleNovelas. Alas perhaps Dr. BlandHat is not as noble as we once thought. Gavi is all teary eyed at the thought of losing her mentor, but never to viewed as romantic possibility.

Over at Montalvo, Aaron is saying he is going to be very busy with the job & he doesn’t need anything from Rod. Aaron is gloating. Rod is same to you and leaves.

Gavi goes to talk to Av*, he tells her that her new boss will meet them at the airport and he will take them to their new apartment. Much luck, you’ll do a fine job in London. Gavi asks if she can give him a hug. She does and you just know Av* is totally looking forward to getting both Blandie and Gavi out of his hair and maybe he can actually enjoy his do nothing position as he milks the remaining time before his huge retirement settlement.

Now Blandie is giving Nancy of many tears a big hug. She is but a few tears away from complete hysteria. The hug continues, I am forced to wonder, had Blandie spent a bit more time groping that and less time pining away for Gavi, hmmmm. Would we be in the predicament we are now in?
Gavi comes forth to say good bye to Blandie. He does the “Hasta Luego” & puts his hand out for a proper shake. Gavi cries and give him a big platonic hug. Blandie turns and leaves. Nancy having given Blandie a much longer & closer hug, wails at her desk lamenting what could have been.

Over to the Hacienda, James is in the fields, the Agave disease is spreading faster than the new MRSA outbreak. James wants to call the CRT. How did this happen? Roman says the Agave did not receive the correct treatment, something isn’t right. Meester stern voiced James tells Basilio to wait for him at the house.

Now Erika stops in to see Gavi. Erika says she doesn’t have much time so let’s get to the point. Gavi is indeed a smart-ass, thinking Erika has come to revel in taking Rod from Gavi. Gavi tells Erika not to worry the earlier scandal created in the restaurant won’t be repeated. Gavi says she isn’t interested and she is pressed for time, Gavi is off for new adventures in a foreign land. She takes the tickets out and sneers, see see I am going. If you are in love with Rod that is your problem. Erika looks all wan and continues to talk in her monotone psychologist voice. Erika says she sat in silence at the restaurant and now it is time for Gavi to listen. She says Rod committed many errors and she could not treat him as a regular patient, that was her first error. Gavi gives her the “Ya think”? Erika continues she took Rod on the weekend to the “Villa of Locos, Not Loco enough for a Hospital, but Loco enough to pay huge fees for Yoga classes”, so she could know him better. Gavi inserts, yeah and you got to know each other real good. Erika continues, He was a man with a grande obsession for one woman. Gavi says, “Thanks for your treatment and miracles and now your are with him.”
Gavi can seriously do the snark when she wants, personally I would have wanted to do a serious smack down on the good doctor and her monotone voice.
We were friends..then well Rod was just so damn fascinating. Enough, Gavi wants details. Well as time went on, you didn’t call, you didn’t write, then the whole CRT event, the bad behavior at Dona Pilar’s that is when he began to share some very special feelings with me, that is when I fell in love with him. Gavi says, “You know what, I don’t want to hear anymore.” Erika for the sake of honesty continues, “Rod shared some beautiful things, but he isn’t for me, only you are in his heart. The night after the restaurant he came to me and said he would discontinue his therapy, because alas he is love with you. Gavi is muy muy muy impacted. I too am muy muy muy impacted. Was this confession not just the lamest thing you ever heard? She actually called that weekend of the scent fetish and the continued dinners, hair flipping, dancing, arm touching, “ therapy”. In all fairness I believe, there are professional girls being charged with pandering, who could as easily be termed a psychologist. Say Erika doesn’t this normally end up as a movie on Lifetime?

Rod is signing papers for his annulment, Videgaray tells him the Padre doesn’t see any problem with it. Videgaray says that Isa’s lawyer is still putting out demands. Rod says too bad, she isn’t getting a penny until she complies with his demands. Videgary moves on to tell Rod that Clarita donated the land to the church.

Back to Erika who is telling Gavi, now Rod is alone yet again, and you are running off to London. You must put away your pride and talk to him. Erika is crying, Gavi is crying..This is just so annoying.
Now Erika gives Gavi the Tequilia Trophy and says Gavi has to decide what to do with it. Gavi needs to decide, but poor Rod just loves her so much. In actuality, she is removing any trace of Rod should a lawsuit follow. The couch has already been torched just in case there were any DNA traces. Erika then tells Lassie to go find Timmie in the well. Erika leaves. Gavi doesn’t know what to do. The phone rings, it is Dani. Gavi asks why Rod didn’t call; knowing Gavi was on her way to London.

James is grilling Basilio; Basilio is trying to cover well, yes his own ass. He says he did what Frankie told him. James is calling the CRT. Basilio pretty much thinks of himself as a deadman.

Dani says Rod went to the apartment last night and saw Blandie was there. Rod gave up any hope for reconciliation. Gavi calls Margarita, Rod is gone. Gavi gets the airline and flight info and starts yelling for Nancy. Nancy doesn’t answer and we see Gavi pick up her purse and run out the door.
My husband said Blandie had Nancy in a closet, they finally realized their attraction.

Aaron is talking to his dimwitted father in the office. He will meet with some bankers and he is still trying to distribute his Turquoise Tequila. Aaron calls Margarita in. He starts giving her orders and does the CokeHead thing where he is telling her to hurry up and pounding on his brief case. Margarita tells him she is quitting to go work for Rod. Bruno gives her some orders and Aaron grabs her and throws her out of the office. Bruno just stands there and watches. Bruno is such a wuss, now this is seriously one man who could have benefited from an amante that would have covered his back.

Just when Av* is ready kick back, put his feet up and breathe easy…..Here comes Pammy’s father. He has proof of Aaron export irregularities to Europa Orient (I am not sure where that is, I guess we aren’t fighting terrorists there so they won’t come here…but I fear they may when they hear we have good Tequila). Dad pulls out a big ol book of copies of his transgressions. Av* says if the doc’s are true, this is a very serious dilema. Dad says check them against the CRT archive. Av* looks like he can’t believe his misfortune. His dreams of salad days are wilting. When Aaron dumped Pammie, Dad decided to look into the rumors of bad credit and misdeeds, it wasn’t easy, but now he has the proof.

Gavi runs up to the counter, ooopppss, sorry the plane is gone. She is too late.

Rod is seated in a bar, he is harassing the waitress for a big ol heaping helping of Tequila. The waitress now goes over to Gavi who orders the same. The waitress needs to find another bottle, Gavi is arguing with the waitress when Rod starts yelling for the waitress. Gavi gets up out of her seat as Rod is getting up to go chase down poor underpaid waitress forced to dress like a Scottish Bagpiper, I might add. Gavi and Rod come face to face.

An argument ensues, it seems to be about Tequila and who will get to be on the “I need a Transplant” list first. We all know the argument is not about Tequila. The waitress is trying to get them to each return to their own tables, should she call the police? This causes more cute couple snarking recalling their prior stint in the jail. Gavi is yelling Tarado at Rod which translates as "Git", so true so true. Soon every patron of said cocktail lounge is involved in the tale. Oh yes could this get anymore embarrassing, ah but of course. Gavi starts saying how he was just going to let her go to London, he didn’t care. He says, she is so freakin important she was going off on her career. She says, you didn’t call. He says, you didn’t want me; I was jealous crazy for love, a maniac. Rod continues, I had to see a psychologist. Gavi counters, Yeah one with 90 60 90 (centimeters I, guess that is hawt by metric standards), one who wines and dines you in fine restaurants. One who spends the weekend at a hotel, then you spent the night in her apartment. This causing murmuring amongst the thrilled listeners. I guess Gavi isn’t ready to forgive and forget.
Seriously if I was there, I be listening, commenting and throwing them down, cause there is a good chance these two AssHats are gonna pick up the tab.
Rod answers, yeah a lot you know about were so busy with Dr Blondie, so distracted. You couldn’t call. Gavi gets teary and answered, I called ask you secretary and your sister, I knew you were suffering over your son. You swore, you swore, you would want me at your side in those moments, but that night you went to her, her apartment.

You can see the crowd is turning on Rod. Rod yells back, you wanted me to come to your apartment and cry like a little boy? “Yes, Yes”, Gavi yells back.
Right like he was too proud? This idiot has cried in nearly every location in Mexico City.
Gavi says she sat at home and suffered alone knowing he was suffering and he cared naught.
Gavi sits down at a table.
Women are glaring at Rod and men won’t look at him, the men move away as if Rod’s AssHattedNess could be catching and they don’t want their mujers to go all Gaviota on their asses.

Women pat Gavi and give her tissues. Rod is maniac and trying to explain how he needed to break his Gavi dependence. He rants he raves…finally gets down on his knees & says he loves her..Gaviota. Rodriego..much deep kissing. The crowd cheers. There is much face eating.
You know all these people would be retelling the story on the way home, my Gawd, strangers and now they know more about these two than they do their own spouses. It was kinda creepy fascinating, like you want to look away, but you can’t.

Av* is talking to some official, Aaron must be brought to justice.

Rod is having another Tequila, yes Rod if I was you I would have to maintain a semi drunken state for the rest of my days, just in case I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and had to face me. They talk about Gavi going to London. Rod says he thought she was in love with Blandie, being that they spent 24 hours a day together. Gavi tells him no, that Blandie is off to Madrid, because those Spaniards have been enjoying a huge surge in lifestyle, they are part of EU, they are enjoying a higher standard of living and something needs to damper that fireball and what could be better than Blandie. Six months of him and they will be back to herding sheep on mountainsides and the whole town sitting around watching a fuzzy black and white TV with rabbit ears on a Saturday night. Rod has an idea, he pulls Gavi to her feet and takes off.

We get to see an inside commerical with two people drinking a Blanco Gaviota. An infomercial for Tequila.

Rod & Gavi are standing in line at a ticket counter. Rod queries if it was Dani who told Gavi to seek Rod. No she says, it was Erika, she came to see me. Gavi starts telling him that Erika was very much in love with Rod and they had beautiful times together. Rod tries to play this off. Gavi like any true woman is not going to let him get away with it. She wants to know details. Finally to the counter Rod buys two tickets to San Luis Potosi. Gavi wants to talk..Rod says they need three days for their “Honeymoon” and to talk about their future.

Gavi is concerned because Erika said Rod now knows he can love another woman. Erika said this to Gavi and I was confused. I think it means Rod can LOVE another woman or at least until the physical act is complete. In other words, Rod is now like any other man. Gavi wants to know what happened..Rod keeps say absolutely nothing. Gavi wants to know just what was their relationship?
Yeah Rod millions of us are waiting for this one. I gotta say if Dude was a defendant in trial right now, and I was on the jury, he’d be getting life no hope of parole, cause damn Dude you are just screaming guilty as charged.
Rod tries to pull the don’t want to go with me? Fine I’ll go by myself, just go with me to the plane.

James is talking to Sofie on the phone, (Sofie who continues to wear her collection of “Death to a Marriage Outfits”, Sofie you are not a Southern Belle in Atlanta and wish as you might, Frankie did not die from a Yankee do not have to wear black for a year). Basically James is passing on the news that the Agave is rotting on the vines. Sofie passes the message to Dani, the doorbell rings and the servant says Josefina Chavez wants to speak to Sofie. Jose comes in and announces she is the mother of Sofie’s husband. Sofie is muy impacted.

Gavi isn’t going anywhere with Rod without the truth. Finally he says he was attracted to Erika nothing more. He spent the night on her couch that was it, nothing happened. Gavi says how does Erika know Rod can love another woman? Once again, I believe this refers to the horizonal sense. Rod says beats me, it is a theory. Nothing happened, believe me, I love only you. He finally says fine good luck. Then turns around grabs her and carries her off to the airplane. The security guy is trying to scan them. If this was America it would be all over CNN.

Stay tuned..hopefully these people will shut the hell up in the next episode
Frankie tries to pick up a chick
Rod asks Gavi to marry him..

This leads me to wonder…Will he ever confess to trying to throw Erika the bone?


Amar sin Limites—Monday November 12--Not Sleeping with the Enemy

[Note, for those who were wondering—after checking Esmas, I figured out that we have 43 episodes after this one. That puts the end of Amar Sin Limites somewhere around the second week of January at the earliest, given that I’m sure there will be holiday programming changes that will pre-empt the show.]

We open with the scene between Lidia and Piero where Piero is sweet talking her into signing divorce papers so that he can continue to make Lucia to believe he’s broken up with her. He finally leaves and Lidia goes back into the living room where Clemencia is waiting to find out who was at the door. Lida explains, that it was Piero. When Clemi wants to know what he wanted, Lidia tells her that Piero wanted them to get back together. Clemi is full of indignation and blurts out that Piero is shameless (un sínico) for thinking that he can get away with kissing Lucia in front of everyone and still trying to get Lidiia to go back with him. Lidia tells Clemi no worries that instead, she’s decided to divorce him. She leaves out the part where it is supposed to be a fake divorce to convince Lucia that Piero’s dumped her. Clemi says that although she doesn’t approve of divorce, she thinks that Lidia is doing the right thing. Piero won’t respect her. “And without respect in a couple, there’s nothing.” She adds that Lidia made mistakes—everybody does. The important thing now is to correct them. She’s sure that Lidia will find somebody who truly values her and loves her. They hug but Lidia’s choked up. Maybe because she’s a LIAR! Clemi smiles angelically.

Meanwhile, Azul is having a reunion with her family at Mo’s house, after the kidnapping. Emilia runs up and hugs her. Julio remarks that since she’s got a new dress on, he can see that Diego must have planned the kidnapping ahead of time. Azul announces that Diego made her the dress himself. Inez asks where Diego took her. Azul says to a remote beach. GSD is indignant and wants to know why Diego compelled her to go with him like that. Mo butts in and says that according to what Azul said, Diego didn’t take her by force, she went willingly. GSD demands a clarification. Mo says that Azul defended Diego at the Police Station, absolving him of all wrongdoing. Azul tries to interrupt him but Mo is on a tear now. He angrily demands that her family deserves an explanation, just like he does. They were all worried about her. (Camera cuts to Arnaldo for some reason—he’s looking like he’s thinking something but says nothing) . Azul explains that she didn’t want to get Diego in trouble because his mother had a weak heart and she didn’t want her to suffer. And besides, Diego didn’t harm her. He only wanted to talk to her. Finally Arnaldo chimes in—“what a way to talk to you, huh?” Emilia says, if that’s all he wanted to do, he should have done it in a more civilized way.” Inez just wants to know what he said. Azul says, “well, that he loves me and that Eva Santoro was dead so that now there were no longer obstacles between us.” GSD butts in here to say that they all already knew about Eva being dead, “It was from an explosion that she herself created with Ivan with who knows what nefarious goal in mind.” Emilia adds that Eva’s being dead doesn’t excuse Diego’s actions. Azul says that that’s what she told Diego. She accused him of only looking for her because Eva was dead. GSD is still outraged and thinks that she should have let Diego get locked up. Azul pleads that whatever, Diego’s mom didn’t deserve it. She was already stressing out from the kidnapping itself.

Diego isn’t exactly scott free, either. He’s with Don Chucho, Anibal, Gaspar, Efrain and Manuel who are all listening to what his lawyer has to say. The lawyer explains that he isn’t guilty of kindnapping because there was no ransom demand. He would have been guilty of “illegally imprisoning” but Azul not pressing charges let him off that. He did, however, beat up the chauffer and steal a car and he’ll have to answer for that. He’ll have to get bail money for that. Manuel interrupts to let everyone know that there’s no money. Silvana volunteers her savings. Chucho does too. Anibal says not to worry, he can loan him whatever he needs. Manuel cracks “look at how generous!” Anibal is. Diego thanks everyone for their generosity and says he’ll pay everyone back. Chucho takes this moment to let him know that they no longer have jobs, since Julio fired them. Gaspar adds that Julio said he didn’t want a delinquent working in his prestigious boutique. Diego has an orange flashback of one of his “love shack” arguments with Azul , with her accusing him of being Eva’s kept man and getting her to buy him half the boutique. Back in the present, Diego looks off in the distance and says, “We’ll see if Julio can fire me.” Chucho tells him he tried to convince Julio otherwise, but there was no moving him. Manuel interjects that Diego is going to have to pay for his foolishness. Diego thanks Anibal again and says that he has to accept his loan since he can only pay him back if he is free. And he’ll pay him back—with interest. Manuel sniffs at this boast and says he’ll believe it when he sees it. Anibal ignores this and tells Diego he trusts him and he knows that he won’t give his Mom any more reason to worry.

Back at Mo’s, the interrogation of Azul continues. Inez is remarking that Azul’s adventure is like something out of a movie. Azul says she never wanted anyone to worry. She asks Mo about Katy. Mo uses the opportunity for a little emotional blackmail and tells her that Katy was traumatized and Chonita took her to a park to calm her down. Just then the non-traumatized Katy runs in, in her princess dress happily screaming out “Azul! Azul!” Everybody smiles and fawns over Katy. Julio and Arnaldo get up to go and Inez asks if she can have a ride to her house. Arnaldo says the important thing is that Azul is back. Azul hugs Katy and glances up at Mo, whose face is dark as a thundercloud, in sharp contrast to all the other happy people around him.

Silvana has gone home and is filling Ivan in on what happened. Ivan wants to know if Diego and Azul got back together. Silvana says no, Azul went back to Mo. Manuel told her that Azul didn’t press charges because she felt sorry for Clemi. Even if Diego and Azul have cleared some stuff up, it’s pretty obvious that they aren’t going to get back together. Silvana hopes that Diego will give up on Azul. Ivan adds in that deadpan way of his: “because you want him to end up with you, because you love him so much.”

Back at casa Moran, Diego has a fond reunion with Dona Clemi while Lidia and her Dad stand across the room. Clemi’s happiness is cut short by Manuel who insists on telling everyone that Anibal loaned him bail money. Clemi starts to get short of breath again and Diego tells her not to worry that he will pay Anibal back. Clemi says, yes, right away. She suggests that Manuel sell his car. Lidia agrees. Manuel’s reaction is about what you’d expect. He’d rather Diego stay in Jail than sell his new car. Lidia turns on a dime and backs up her Daddy. Besides, when Piero was in jail, Diego didn’t help her. Clemi points out that Diego did help—he got a lawyer and paid him out of his own pocket. Lidia argues that the lawyer didn’t help Piero. Manuel gets on his high horse about Diego doing a crime and that he should be doing the time. Clemi gives up. She tells Diego she’s glad he’s out and she understands that although what he did was wrong, he did it out of love. She looks at the other two and complains about how they are supposed to be a family and support one another. Lidia and Manuel hug eachother and look away from Clemi and Diego. [Some family! For me at least, justice for those two can’t come fast enough. ]

At the boutique, Andres has come looking for Ceci. Instead, Gaspar meets him and tells him off. Andres looks puzzled. What’s he being accused of. Ceci shows up and fills in the blanks—of beating up Gaspar’s Dad. Andres is impactado. Then he tries to lie his way out of it, saying that Efrain became violent when Mo tried to find out where Diego went. Gaspar doesn’t buy it. He knows his Dad is a peaceful person. He may have been a boxer but he only fights to defend himself. Andres (directing his words only at Ceci) says they only fought him to defend themselves. Ceci argues that even if that had been the case, they could have found another way. Gaspar points out that they were two against one. Andres argues, again, only at Ceci that Mo was desperate. And anyway, “Diego carried Azul off by force—they were the ones who did wrong, not us.” Andres says that Gaspar should know that neither he nor Mo were going to press charges against Efrain, even though they could have. Even if Azul wasn’t pressing charges, they could have made things hard for Efrain. [I don’t exactly see how, without implicating themselves in an assault]. Gaspar sees the implied threat. Ceci looks like she’s weighing Andres’ culpability against Diego and Efrain’s.

Diego is still with Clemi. They are making up. Clemi tells him that she understands his love for Azul but next time they’d better do things the right way—no more kidnapping. She’s got to divorce Mo before they can get together. Diego is all like Yeah, Mom. I know.

[whoo hooo long Pasion commercial!]

Azul is flashbacking Diego making the dress for her. When she gets back to the present, she’s with Katy, who asks her about the kidnapping. Azul tells her that “the boy who kidnapped her didn’t do anything bad.” Princess Katy is happy to hear this because when Azul went away she was very sad and had a lot of nightmares. “You had the same nightmare?” asks Azul. “Yes,” says Katy. “I thought that they were going to do to you …” At this crucial moment Mo comes into the room and stops Katy from finishing. He tells Azul that her Dad is leaving and he wants to say goodbye. Azul gets up and goes. Mo sits down with Katy and, holding her down, reminds her that he brought her back Azul and that she’d better forget about her Mommy up in heaven. He points out that she’s been mentioning Mommy quite a bit lately. “You KNOW that there was NO WAY to save your Mommy, right?” Katy nods slowly. He tells her that if she keeps talking about this, the police are going to take him away and “Azul won’t want to see us anymore. “ Katy’s eyes are big and wide. She whimpers. Mo sticks the knife in. “You’ll be all alone in the world, Katy. They’ll send you to an ORPHANAGE. “ Put another buck and change in the therapy jar for little Katy.

Azul is telling GSD and Emilia about Katy. Emilia agrees that Katy was very afraid (when she disappeared). Emilia says, “We just wanted to say goodbye. we know you need to rest.” GSD says he still wants to talk about this whole defending Diego thing. He let it go because he didn’t want to expose her in front of Mo. He walks away. Emilia lags behind. She thinks the whole Diego thing looks bad too, but she has something else to impart. While Azul was gone, she was watching Katy. She saw something, heard something. Azul wants to know what it was but Emilia doesn’t want to talk to her about it here. They can meet tomorrow, at her place. Kiss Kiss, bye bye.

Mo is still torturing poor Katy with tales of terrible Orphanages, where nobody takes care of you. Katy promises not to talk about Mommy in heaven if Daddy promises not to let anything bad happen to Azul. Mo smiles and promises her.

At Efrain’s apartment, Chucho is wondering aloud how Diego is going to get their jobs at the Boutique back. Efrain says he doesn’t know but Diego seemed pretty sure of himself. Chucho says that Diego is a very talented designer, he could certainly earn the right to work there. But if he fails, maybe Efrain could teach him (Chucho) to be a mechanic? Efrain says sure. That’s what he gets for allowing Diego to be a fighting Romeo and even involving himself, as his trusty sidekick. Chucho points out that he’s mixing up two different works of literature, Romeo and Juliet and Don Quijote. Just then there’s a knock at the door. It’s that same guy, whose name I don’t know who has been asking about the missing car. Presumably the one Diego took to the beach. (The same guy who made eyes at Lidia). Now he says that the owner of the car is really mad and he’s in trouble.

Diego finally goes to visit Silvana. He thanks her for all her help. He tells her that thanks to her, he and Azul have reconciled. Silvana is not too happy to hear that. She smiles anyway and accepts a hug from Diego.

Now with everybody gone, Mo accosts Azul and demands to talk to her alone. He wants to know what Diego told her. Azul claims that she told him everything already. Mo tells her that she must think he’s stupid. He wants to know what happened at the Love Shack. Azul wants to know how he knows about the Love Shack. Mo admits that he got as far as finding out where they went but by the time he arrived, they were already gone. We get an orange flashback of Mo at the Love Shack with the captive Efrain. Mo picks up the bodice of the wedding dress and announces that they had been there. Flash forward to the present. Since there was only one bed in the shack, he wants to know if they slept together. Azul looks stricken.

She tells him she didn’t sleep with him. She swears it. He asks her about bodice of the dress he found in the bed. She says that the piece came off when Diego grabbed her. She asked Diego to get her some clothes but later he made a dress from pieces of the dress. Now Mo seems quite concerned that Diego saw her naked but she tells him that it wasn’t so. He doesn’t believe her. She tells him that he should be glad that Diego forced her to go with him. During that time she realized that he (Diego) was crazy and that she didn’t want anything to do with him. She pretended to believe him and that’s why he let her go. Mo seems pleased by this. All of the sudden though, he grabs her and shakes her and screams that she swear that all this is true. Azul complains that he’s hurting her. He wants to know why he let her go. What did he try to convince her of. Azul drops the bomb. She tells Mo what Diego told her. That Mo ordered Andres to kill Paco and Abuelo. Also, that Mo has made a lot of people suffer. He sold counterfeit and expired medicines. Mo is speechless. Not for long, I’m sure.

At Silvana’s, Silvana pushes Diego a bit on this whole, “Azul believes me now” thing. Diego says, oh yes…and there are a few things she told me that I have to verify. He wants to talk to Ivan. Conveniently, he’s in the other room. Diego kisses her hand and thanks her again for taking care of him. Silvana vows that she’s his friend. Diego says that when he and Azul are successful in unmasking Mo, there will be justice for Nico. Silvana smiles again, wanly. Diego goes in to talk to Ivan and a tear trickles down Silvana’s face.

Mo is still on a rampage. “Diego ripped you from my arms. He made me look like a fool in front of everybody. He took you far away when you and I should have been on our honeymoon.” Azul apologizes. He is still pissed that she took his side at the police. Azul says that she had to do what she did. “ I did it for us.” “Listening to the lies of Diego, I realized that he is crazy. He said that when my Dad finds the cure, you are going to sell it to people that you’ve infected. Imagine that!” “Diego is capable to inventing all this to separate us.” “I was afraid of him and couldn’t deny him what he asked.” Mo wants to know what this was. “That I listen to all these lies.” “I swear, I didn’t sleep with him.” The next bit I found hard to follow. She says something like, “I’m sure the authorities would have looked for evidence of sexual assault.” I would have had to respond to questions in front of my family. I found all of this very embarrassing. “ she breaks out into tears and hugs him. Mo is crying too. He tells her he’s sorry for pressing her when she was only a victim. Over his shoulder, Azul looks anxious.

Diego’s with Ivan. Diego and Ivan compare notes about the kidnapping. Ivan immediately asks if Diego actually believes Azul. If he’s sure that she just didn’t tell him what he wanted to hear so he would let her go. Diego laughs off the suggestion. “Azul is incapable of betraying me.” Ivan says, “and that’s why she married Mauricio? Because of a little misunderstanding with you? Diego says he doesn’t want to argue with Ivan. He changes the subject. What are you going to do when you’ve healed? That’s easy. Avenge the death of Eva. Diego nods.

Mo asks Azul if she has realized that when Diego realizes that she is with him, that Diego will try to harm them. Azul says yes. Mo then moves in for the kill. Now that there are no longer obstacles between them, they can achieve “total union.” (No more, I’ll wait till you’re ready missy, it’s time to prove your love to me in the sack.) He pushes her to the bed and sucks her face. She lies there like a corpse. Azul begs him to stop. She’s not in the mood. She wants him to honor the prior agreement.

Diego tells Ivan that they ought to be allies in the fight to bring down Mo and Boris. For him, it’s the only way to get Azul back forever. Ivan says that he doesn’t need him. Diego says that well, he should hurry up and get well so that he can leave soon so that he doesn’t incriminate Silvana. Ivan sits up suddenly.

Next we’re over to Piero who is at the office with Lucia. Lucia’s ticked because he’s been AWOL. She reminds him that she’s the boss. The business belongs to her. He can’t just take off. Piero says that he went to get the paperwork for divorcing Lidia. Lucia stops in her tracks. He hands her the papers. He got the marriage certificate and all the paperwork. All he has to do is hand it into a lawyer and then get Lidia to sign it. Lucia opens the envelope and reads the papers. She says that it’s a good beginning. But she wants him to hand over the handling of the divorce to her.

Efrain has brought the car guy to Diego’s house. Lidia’s there and of course he’s gaga over her. He can’t believe the luck that she’s the sister of the guy who has the missing car. Lidia is rude to him and he says now just wait a second here, missy. “Your little brother took a car belonging to one of my clients.“ Efrain cuts in to explain that there’s a problem, they need to talk to Diego. Lidia tells them that she has no idea where Diego is. Just then, who should happen by but Manuel. To catch him up, Lida announces that Diego took his car to kidnap Azul. The guy gets furious with Efrain when he learns that the car may have been used to commit a crime.
As Casa Silvana, Isela is now sitting on the crying couch and Silvana is telling her her tale of woe. She’s lost Diego forever. Gloria comes in. She’s jealous that Isela and Silvana were chatting up a storm only to shut up the minute she came in. But no worries. She’s going to go see “her spy.” She’s brought him some fashion magazines so that he won’t get too bored. Silvana tells her to stop. She tells her that he’s busy. Gloria laughs this off and says, how could he be busy, when he’s just lying there like a sack, in bed. Gloria complains that they are hiding something . Just then, Diego comes out with Ivan, leaning on him heavily. Diego announces that he’s taking Ivan with him. He doesn’t want to cause them any problems. Gloria refuses to let him go. The women block their way. They want to know where he is taking him. Ivan says he wants to go. Blah Blah Blah. Diego tries to make a compromise. He’ll take Ivan in the morning. Ivan looks disgusted but heads back to the room.

Azul is finally catching up with Ceci. Ceci tells her that she’s glad to see her back. And she wants to know EVERYTHING. Especially if it is true that she defended Diego with the authorities. Azul says, yes and she paid for it, with Mo’s fury. Ceci said that Andres said the opposite. Azul says “then Andres lied.” Ceci tells her about how Andres and Mo grabbed up Efrain and beat him up to tell them where the shack was where Diego was keeping her. Azul sighs. All the time she’s looking over her shoulder. She says that everything she’s finding out is proving that Diego told the truth. Mo is a liar. He tried to make me believe that Silvana--dicho alert: “nos echo de cabeza”—I think means “betrayed us.” The truth is that he and Andres are a couple of criminals. Ceci wants to know what Diego told her. Azul tells her that Diego is convinced that Andres killed his Abuelo and Paco. Ceci looks uncomfortable and says quietly, please don’t say that! It can’t be. She puts her head in her hands. Azul says she know’s it’s hard for her to hear. She felt the same way when she thought Diego was a criminal. She couldn’t stop loving him. She suffered a lot. Ceci whimpers that she thought she had found the love of her life. “I can’t believe it.” A tear wells up in her eye. Azul says “Now that you know, you’ve got to take precautions.” “Help me find the truth and follow it through to the end.” Ceci wants to know what this means. Azul says that she believes Diego. Ceci wants to know if he showed her proof. Azul says no, but that is why she came back, to find it. Ceci breaks down in tears. “This is a nightmare!” she says. Azul tries to comfort her. Ceci says, “you don’t know, I already have my own suspicions.” Azul wants to know more about that. Ceci tells her about Leonarda’s supposed trip abroad without clothes, makeup, perfume or her passport. Azul looks shocked. Could they have”done something bad” to Leonarda? Ceci doesn’t know but it certainly is strange. Azul counsels her to keep a cool head. They have to stay calm. Ceci is anything but. She tells her she needs to know, she HAS to know. Azul tells her under no circumstances take any of her suspicions to Andres. She tells her that she loves Diego with all her heart and she wants nothing more than to go to him. But she wishes that it were under different circumstances. Different than her husband, and the father of Katy, is a murder. Ceci says she wishes that all of these suspicions were untrue. Azul tells her that they will only know by trying to find out. “We have to stay strong and united.” Ceci smiles and says that Azul is the family she never had. She wipes the tears out of her eyes. Ceci asks her for what must have been the only good part of the kidnapping…the sex! “So did you sleep with Diego?” She laughs with tears still in her eyes. Azul smiles.

Andres and Mo are back at Mo’s office, talking. Andres tells Mo that he barely was able to convince Ceci about why Efrain got a beating (supposedly self-defense). Mo compliments him on this. He’s still ticked that Diego told Azul that he (Andres) had killed his Abuelo and Paco. This is news to Andres. He freaks out. Azul is going to tell Ceci! He stands up. Mo tells him to calm down and sit. Diego also told her about how he plans to infect other people with his illness and sell the cure. Andres is even more shocked. “We’re lost. They know everything.” Mo says he isn’t sure but Azul told him that she thinks Diego is crazy and she didn’t believe him. Andres says, so why did she defend him them? Mo says that’s why he wanted to talk to him. He isn’t sure about what she’s doing. If he can trust her. If she’s trying to entrap him, she’s the one who is going to end up a prisoner. For the moment, they will have to be very careful. Neither Azul nor Cecilia must hear anything odd that might make them suspicious. Andres says, no worries. He knows how to handle Cecilia. “And you, what are you going to do?” Mo says, he also knows what to do. He’s going to make her love him again.

Diego, Chucho, Gaspar and Efrain are all eating at Efrain’s house. (What happened to the car guy?) Gaspar is relating how he braved the evil Andres at the boutique. Gaspar swears that Andres will never touch his Dad again. Efrain tells him not to provoke Andres, that he’s a dangerous guy. Gaspar says that since Cecilia was there, he felt safe. Andres wouldn’t do anything to him because he knows that he’d go to Ceci and tell her. Efrain says he feels sorry for her, tied to somebody like that. Gaspar points out that Azul is in a similar situation. Diego agrees and says that very soon they will be freed from these [couldn’t make it out] bad guys. Gaspar mentions the guy looking for his client’s car. Efrain groans and repeats the story. He says that he begged the guy for one more day. Diego says he’ll give him the car back as soon as he deposit’s Ivan at his new hideout. Efrain asks what is his relationship to Ivan. Diego says nothing really. He wanted to have him as an ally in the fight against Mo, but Ivan wants to work alone.

Ceci and Azul are still chatting. Azul relates how at first, all she and Diego did was fight. But the location was romatic, the beach, the sound of the sea. Finally, they talked. Azul shows her the slip dress and the bodice of that Mo brought back. Ceci asks if Mo found them together. Azul says no. In the background, we see Mo spying at the partly opened door. She says that everything is worse now. Mo is jealous, imaging what happened between her and Diego. Ceci says that from her face, she doesn’t have to be that imaginative to guess what happened. Azul, holding the piece of dress to her face, says that it was the most beautiful time she ever had in her life. Mo is in shadow so we have to guess what he heard and what he’s thinking.
That night, Mo is asleep, alone in his bed, wearing old man PJs. (What is it with these guys?) he’s having a nightmare. He wakes up in a sweat and has an orange flashback of finding the piece of the dress in the bed in the Love Shack. Next he has an orange flashback of Azul holding the piece of the dress and saying it was the most beautiful time she ever had. Mo hisses to himself that for sure Azul and Diego slept together. He curses Diego and Azul.

The next morning Isela and Silvana are eating breakfast and Gloria is dressed like she’s going on a workout. Gloria laments that things won’t be the same around there without the spy. She announces that she’s bound for her kickboxing class and she’s out the door. Isela and Silvana laugh. Isela says that her mom’s attitude isn’t all that bad. Silvana agrees. She changes the subject to Diego. If he succeeds in convincing Azul that Mo is a murderer, she’ll lose Diego forever. And if he doesn’t, Nico won’t get justice. “Which would you prefer?” asks Isela. “I want justice for my Nico” says Silvana. “But I want Diego too. I still love him.” Isela tries to comfort her.

Mo in his PJs walks into Azul’s room. He sees an empty bed, with the piece of dress on it. He’s livid. He hears the water running. Azul’s in the shower. He is about to walk into the bathroom when Ceci walks in with a glass of orange juice and comments the obvious, that Azul’s in the shower. Mo gets all pissy and complains that Azul is his wife, he could just go and hop right in the shower with her, if he wanted to. Ceci says no worries but she doesn’t leave. Instead, Mo leaves, angry. Ceci’s brought the juice for Azul. She grabs a towel for her and tells her she’d better lock the door because there are a lot of stray dogs(?) running around. She just caught Mo about to crash her shower. Azul is worried. Last night he wanted to sleep with her and she wouldn’t. Ceci says that she can’t keep putting him off. If she’s going to be his wife and get him to trust her so that she can unmask him, she’s going to have to sleep with him. Azul shivers in her towel. Ceci says that having separate beds is strange.

Diego has taken Ivan, at his request to a field. When he asks him why he wanted to come here, Ivan replies that this was the last place that he took Eva, before she died. When they were on the way to Cocoyoco, she made him stop and she thanked him for helping her. Ivan thinks that she had a presentment of her death. Ivan hands Diego a letter. It was Eva’s last request. Diego wants to know what it is, the deed to half the boutique? He tries to give it back to Ivan. Ivan refuses it. It was Eva’s wish that he have it. He tells him to read it. “It will answer all his questions.” Diego still doesn’t want it. Ivan tells him to remember that it’s the last wish of a woman who loved him until her dying breath. Diego, ever the romantic, wrinkles his nose and seems to accept this.

-----Tivo cuts off here------


Sunday, November 11, 2007

Pecados Ajenos

Is anyone out there watching Pecados Ajenos on Telemundo?


Amar Friday Nov 9 - Diego is off the hook

I’m excited to hear that Pasion is starting soon, I’ll be moving over to that on Fridays, so looks like I’m into my last couple weeks doing Amar Fridays here. I really want this show to end, but I’ve been watching it long enough that I want to know what happens.

I always catch the ‘tomorrow on Juan Q’ bit at the beginning of my recording, why don’t we have anybody on Amar like whoever that lead actress is? Super tight clothes, mega cleavage, that’s what Amar is missing. Big time. I know you ladies get your Andres fix and all that but there has to be at least a few men watching besides me that wouldn’t mind some babe like that on the show.

I’ll skip anything that was a repeat from Wednesday and get to the new stuff –

Mo instructs Andres to go to Casa Moran to stake it out for Diego and Azul.

Diego is there already it turns out. He tries explaining things to his mom, Manuel interrupts and says “yeah yeah that’s great Diego nice work” in a very sarcastic voice. Lidia piles on too, about how he made Clemencia worry. Cops arrive, they arrest Diego. As they are carting him off, Azul comes out of the back room and tells them to leave him alone. She tells the cops that she ran off with Diego willingly. She exchanges a mushy look with Diego. Barf whatever.

Katy tells Ceci that Mo left to find Azul, for some reason that makes Ceci somewhat impactada.

The cops say that Azul has to provide a written declaration to free Diego. Clemi tells Manuel to go with Diego and help him. He acts like an ass and says he won’t go. Clemi yells at him and he finally goes, obviously against his will.

Katy wants to wear her princess dress to be beautiful for Azul when she returns. Ceci tries to call Andres but can’t get him. She asks Chonita more questions about Leo. Chonita agrees that the whole thing with Leo is very strange.

Gaspar tells someone on the phone that he doesn’t know anything about Efrain, who then walks in looking like hell. He tells Gaspar and Chucho what happened. He says they got to the cabin and Mo went nuts because there was only one bed and it looked used.

Diego tells Azul not to lie for him and cause problems for herself. Gee what a swell guy. They hug, then Mo walks in just then to yell at Diego to ‘get your hands off my woman!’

Commercial for Pasion – coming soon!

Mo tries to attack Diego but is held back by Azul of all people, weak diseased Azul.

Gaspar and Chucho are aghast at what happened. Efrain tells them that apparently the cops have located Diego already.

Mo is now held back by cops. Azul tells Mo to listen to her. Mo starts yelling, some guy comes in and tells them all to shut up.

Anibal comes to see Clemencia, Lidia leaves them alone. She says Diego showed up and got arrested. He wants to comfort her but doesn’t want to act inappropriately. She says Diego did it for love, Anibal says he could tell Diego loved Azul. Anibal tries to calm her down, she rambles on and on. Anibal says he’ll ask his lawyer friend to help Diego. Clemencia is very very grateful and kisses his hand.

Mo is now hugging Azul, which aggravates Diego, who is now behind bars. She tells Mo that Diego didn’t hurt her. Mo issues some threats to Diego. He says criminals deserve punishment, Diego says they don’t all get punished, just look at Mo himself walking free! He calls Mo an idiot for good measure, which sends Mo into a rage again. Mo has mastered the whole “I’m gonna pretend to come after you, but slowly, so somebody will come stop me first, then I’ll act like they’re holding me back” move. He turns and yells, when some cop comes to get in his way, THEN he lunges towards Diego. Diego tells him to bring it on. Manuel shows up then, and proceeds to yell at Diego and tell him he owes Mo an apology. Diego can’t believe it, but he hasn’t been watching this show to see what an ass his father has become. Mo asks Manuel, “and who asked you anyway?” Diego says he’ll never apologize, then loudly declares his love for Azul.

Chucho leaves Efrain’s place, some other guy arrives to pick up his car. Efrain nervously pushes him away and shuts the door, I guess it was that guy’s car that Diego ‘borrowed’ to take Azul to the beach.

Ceci flounces into some lounge area and tells Gaspar, who is very snippy with her, that Azul has appeared and she was making calls, which Julio didn’t like, etc etc. Gaspar snaps at her about her ‘gorilla’ of a boyfriend. He tells Ceci how Andres punched his father, Efrain. Ceci is impactada. Gaspar says sorry to tell you this, but if there are any criminals around, they are Mo and Andres. Ceci doesn’t know what to say.

Azul sits about five feet away from Diego’s cell to tell the cop what happened. At least, the version she wants to tell. Diego moves over and argues with his father, who if I haven’t mentioned, is an ass. Anibal shows up with his lawyer friend. Manuel isn’t pleased to see him.

GSD and Emilia arrive at Juilio/Arny’s place to catch up on news.

Azul finishes up her declaration. Mo overhears the part where she left willingly and freaks out, yelling at her and shaking a fist.

Ha a commercial for La Parodia with them all dressed up like the Juan Q cast, great curly mullet on whoever is supposed to be Juan.

Mo continues to freak out. Azul tells him that this is the truth. The police guy says that false testimony is also a crime. Azul says she knows, but she went with Diego willingly. Mo yells that Diego ruined their wedding, Azul says AGAIN that she wasn’t kidnapped. What legal system would allow Mo to stand there and treaten her like that? Cripes. Oh yeah the Novela ™ Legal System, where you only sometimes get arrested even when you kill people. Mo even grabs Azul and shakes her, finally the cop tells him to leave her alone and let her say what she has to say. Nobody actually moves forward to stop him, they just tell him “hey dude stop.” They tell Mo to wait outside. Mo looks constipated and leaves the room. Diego feels pretty good about himself right now and stares at Azul.

Outside, Mo rants and Andres says obviously Diego and Azul are hittin’ the skins, all the evidence says so. Mo says no way, she is mine, legally she is mine. He is in deep denial here. Andres says come on dude it’s the only explanation. Mo swears to kill Diego.

Isela tells Silvana that the cops were looking for Diego. Silvana says she needs to warn Efrian. These two are a full day behind I think. They also sound like they are arguing, but I can’t tell if they are or not. Isela seems a bit put out that Silvana didn’t tell her everything she knew about the great wedding escape but that’s all I can figure. Isela says that Silvana is taking a great risk for Diego, who might have forgotten her anyway, keeping Ivan here, Silvana says she didn’t do anything wrong, just given a place to stay for some guy as a favor for a friend. Normally I’d say ‘yeah right’ but after what I just saw at the police station, it might work as an excuse. They go on about Diego, who is already out of trouble.

Julio, Arny, GSD, Emilia go on about everything. GSD says Diego better not have hurt Azul. Oh Ines is there too, and it comes out that they all know about Azul being infected. I guess they are worried about that, except for GSD who should be somewhere working on a cure but is smoking instead. Ines says that if Azul knew she was terminal, she could decide how to live out her days how she wants to. GSD thinks that if she knew, she might give up and die, as some terminal patients do. Emilia explains this to everyone as if they were 5 years old. GSD asks all of them to help him make Azul happy for the rest of her life, because they don’t know how long she’ll live. Has he given up on a cure?

Azul finishes up her work and turns to Diego, they stare at each other. I like Azul’s hoochie wedding dress, but it still doesn’t hold up to what I was talking about earlier with the woman from Juan Q. Mo storms back in and grabs Azul and drags her out of the police station, nobody stops them. I guess because she is legally ‘his property.’ Whatever.

Julio thanks GSD for including him in the family discussion. GSD says he isn’t perfect but he loves his kids and will try and respect what they do. Something like that. They go on about that for a while, boring. Yeah you are a bigot and don’t like your son getting naked with men, we get it. Julio pledges money to help GSD in hospitals and whatever for his sick family, but also for his investigation for a cure. GSD actually thanks him by hugging him, metiches Arny and Emilia watch and smile.

Haaa a commercial for La Familia Peluche with Omar Carvajal from La Fea, just seeing him with a moustache and a big fur suit is hilarious.

GSD et al have coffee and chat. Julio volunteers to take Ines to her physical therapy. GSD AGAIN says he doesn’t agree with the butt loving with Arny and Julio but says Julio is all right.

Mo yells at Azul. Azul says she let Diego off the hook so that Diego’s poor mother doesn’t have a heart attack. Mo wants to know what happened at the cabin. Silvana happens to arrive then with Efrain, Gaspar, and Chucho. Mo says he knows what side Silvana is on, based on who she showed up with. He says she can’t see Katy any more. Well Duh.

GSD and Emilia discuss his gay son some more. Again. Now Emilia says he did all he could as a father. Um, no, he didn’t, he acted like a bigoted ass.

Silvana listens in on Diego’s declaration, he is saying he did it all himself, nobody helped him. Wow it’s easy to get people off the hook in Mexico. Or at least in Novela Mexico. Diego gets up and exchanges a sour look with Silvana.

Clemi thinks it’s good that Azul set Diego free, Lidia thinks Azul is still a bitch. I don’t care what Lidia says after making such a mess of her own life. Piero shows up and argues with Lidia. He tells her that Lucia won’t give him any money unless he divorces Lidia.

Good commercials today, now we see the lovely Paty Manterola on a Destilando Amor ad. She’s crying, so that’s no good. I’ll make you feel better Paty. Oh wait I’m married no I won’t forget I said that. Ultimos Capitulos. It’s apparent that Pasion will be filling the Destilando time slot.

Andres drives Mo and Azul like a chauffer, Mo explains how Silvana had been visiting Katy.

Efrain, Silvana, Gaspar, and Chucho discuss with Diego what all happened RIGHT IN THE POLICE STATION. Diego just finished saying that he didn’t have any accomplices, then they all discuss ‘I did this’ and ‘I did that’ right there in the room. Idiots. They all thank each other for their help. Chucho wants to know what happened with Azul, Silvana turns away. Diego plays down all the lovin.

Piero says he’ll be deported if Lidia doesn’t divorce him and let him marry Lucia, ‘so then we can be together.’ Whatever. Let him get shipped out. She thinks he really wants to be divorced (of course) but he denies it, just that he needs to to stay in the country.

Lidia goes back upstairs and tells Clemencia that Piero wants to get together and Clemi blows up. Lidia lies to Clemi and says that she asked Piero for a divorce. What a player Lidia is. Clemi gives her the ‘there’s someone out there for you’ speech.

Mo and Azul arrive at Julio’s place. They are all amazed at the news that Azul let Diego off the hook. Azul looks worried, like they’ll all turn on here and beat her to death or something. She tells Mo she already explained, he says to tell the rest of them, so she tells the same story about Diego’s mom. She says Diego just wanted to talk, Arny says what a way to talk. They all talk at the same time. GSD says Eva did die in an explosion but Diego was part of her team. Azul says yeah she knows. She is saying whatever she has to say to shut them up.

Outside, the lawyer says that Diego is off the hook for kidnapping, but he still stole a car and committed assault. For those crimes he’ll have to pay a hefty fine. Manuel the ass says ‘well we don’t have any money.” Silvana pipes up that she has a little money. What a sucker. Chucho says he does too. Anibal says no, he will handle the money, to which Manuel the ass says ‘oh how generous.’ Diego vows to pay him back, then Chucho drops the news that Julio fired them from the boutique. Diego flashes back to Azul telling him that Eva bought half the boutique for Diego. Back in the present, Diego says “we’ll see if Julio has the right to fire me.”

Monday – Gaspar yells at Andres for hitting his father, Mo acts like a real ass to Katy, the guy whose car Diego ran off with shows up looking for it. Also, Mo yells at Azul some more.


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