Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Querida Enemiga Monday July 7 - A couple instances of almost sex

Greetings all – I have missed you this week, we fell behind on watching episodes at my house so I didn’t read anything here until everyone had moved on to the next day already. I can’t make myself read the recaps ahead of watching the show, it feels like spoilers. Hopefully this week that won’t happen and I can get in on all the fun conversations in the comments. On with the show -

The nun looks feverishly through the file cabinet, she doesn’t understand because Mother Superior (QDEP) was meticulous, but Sara’s and Lorena’s files are both missing. Outside the door that was conveniently left cracked open, Chalo listens in to the whole thing.

At the poor people house, Zulema is starving and dying for a snack. Diana enters the kitchen and is her usual weepy, grouchy self. She finally caves in and tells Zulema that she’s pregnant and Bruno wanted her to get an abortion. Much crying, but not more than is tolerable. This show is setting records left and right for not going overboard on the crying. How refreshing.

At the orphanage, Alonso is doctoring all the little girl orphans, who are all in love with him. So is the short nun. The tall nun thinks he’s nice, but the short one has a thing for him it appears. I can’t imagine the celibate life they have to lead.

Zulema wants to confront Bruno but Diana doesn’t want her to. Diana confesses that she still loves Bruno (Why? We have yet to see one redeeming quality of this guy. He doesn’t even care about his patients at the clinic. And you ladies can tell me if I’m right or not, but he doesn’t appear to be tan guapo either). Zulema comforts her and says she’ll always be there to help and support her. Diana asks her to not say anything to Julian and Omar, she wants to find the time herself to tell them. Then we can get a scene with them saying “why didn’t you tell us?” to Zulema. I can’t wait. (sarcasm alert)

Chalo fills in Sara via cell phone of the goings-on at the orphanage. He wants to come to Mexico to get some lovin’ but she tells him to stay there and keep up on things. She’ll give him some nookie later.

Lots of goodbyes at the orphanage. Alonso leans over and says “what, no hug?” to the little girls, the short nun that’s horny for him says “oh of course!” and runs up and latches onto him. It was pretty funny. She detaches herself and lets the girls say goodbye. Chalo shows up and gives Lorena a quite inappropriate hug, hip to hip. Alonso refrains from beating the crap out of him, not sure how he held back. After Lorena and Alonso leave, the nuns start in on Chalo for acting so weird.

Paula is dressed up to go out, Toribio is there to babysit Betina. I have to say that Paula has the potential to be much hotter, she obviously has a great body, she is a good actress to act so psycho and make herself completely unattractive. Great acting job by her so far. She is a very convincing crazy as hell ex. I can’t believe she doesn’t even work, she is devoted to obsessing about her ex-husband full time. Poor Betina. Even her dad’s new girlfriend is a total wench.

Alonso appears to be brooding in the car, I expect a fight about Chalo. I am wrong. He says he was thinking about what a nice place she grew up in, how everyone obviously loves her, etc. He then tells her that he loves her. He looks deeply in her eyes to tell her this. While he’s driving. Smooooth. The car starts acting up, it’s overheated. I suspected Chalo again, maybe he messed with the car, but that never appears to be the case. They are far from any town so Alonso says they’ll call a mechanic. Side note – my sister-in-law’s transmission gave out halfway between Guadalajara and Puerto Vallarta last summer, we spent FIVE HOURS waiting for the tow truck. As soon as Alonso said they weren’t close to a town, I had a horrible flashback.

Jackie is being a huge bitch and Dario is being a macho ass and they fight, both of them being kind of selfish, though I’d have to take Dario’s side if I were forced to pick. She is basically yelling at him for not giving her a solution to her problem at work, he says just forget it and quit, he’ll maintain her. That’s not very sensitive of him, but what does she expect him to say about her problem? Ugh she thinks just getting more and more bitchy is the solution and he does what I would do and leaves for a while.

I guess Alonso and Lorena didn’t have to wait as long as I did, they are already in a motel room somewhere while it rains outside. The mechanic won’t fix the car until tomorrow, so here they are, together in the rain again. Alonso puts his best mack on Lorena with the whole fate/rain thing and moves in for the kill. She backs him off but he is determined. He’s very pushy I’ve noticed. She says she’s not ready, she was raised to do the right thing. He says they can get married right away then it would be ok. She says no, first she wants to study and begin her career. Then they can talk about getting married. Then, to show us how naïve and gullible she is, she says they can share the bed, she trusts him. Later he’s still awake, probably in pain from his blue balls, while she sleeps. He moves touch her but stops himself. Also, he is wearing a T-shirt fresh out of the package, it still has the fold line down the front of the shirt. They couldn’t iron that before filming?

Julian shows up at Rosy’s house and they get to making out with a vengeance. She tells him that Maruja is gone, so….. he is all over it and rips his shirt off. She acts offended and says that isn’t what she meant…. she meant in her room, not here! They run off for some good fun.

Paula, Maruja, and the other friend (I’ll call her La Otra because I can’t remember her name) are out at a bar complaining about how to meet men. Hint – don’t spend all your time and energy thinking about your EX. Trust me on that one. Anyway Maruja is a total wet blanket whiner and finally gets up and leaves. Yeah good plan, that will bring the men running. In real life, Julian would already be finished back at the house so this wouldn’t be a problem, but being a TV show they are bound to be making sweet love all through the night, so they will get caught I’m sure. La Otra tells Paula to turn around and smile at this old guy at another table, she does and the guy gets up… and walks right past them. With all this turning around, they spot Dario at the bar tossing back shots. Addendum to the ‘one church, one hospital’ novela rule – one bar. Paula approaches him to gloat that he appears to be unhappy, he claims that all is well and leaves the bar.

Back at Paula’s house, Betina and grandpa Toribio dance to some pop music, he sits down before he has a heart attack. They eventually decide to get some ice cream. Betina says she likes having him there, it helps her forget the problems with her parents.

Julian and Rosy are under the covers have a grand old time when the front door opens and closes. They freak out and Julian ends up laying on the floor next to the bed to hide. Worst hiding job ever. Rosy turns out the light and pretends to be asleep, bare shoulders and all. This is a novela, nobody sleeps with any part of their body uncovered. It’s all long pants and long sleeves for pajamas. Maruja comes in to see what the noise was and sees Julian on the floor and starts freaking out. Rosy, even though Julian has no shirt and his pants are down, claims that they were watching TV. “This room doesn’t even have a TV!” screams Maruja. She drives Julian out and chases Rosy around the room, hitting her with her purse. It actually looks a bit abusive if you ask me. Out in the living room, Julian puts his clothes on and leaves.

In the morning, Jackie finds Dario on the couch and wakes him up and tries to act sweet. He isn’t having it. He reminds her that he divorced Paula precisely because he was sick and tired of these scenes, think about that! I think he makes a good point. I’m not deifying him, he cheated on his wife, but I think here he makes a good point.

Betina is going to school, Paula fidgets and finally asks Betina to find out from Dario how things are with Jackie, if they are fighting. Betina reluctantly agrees, she just wants to please her mom and her mom is totally taking advantage of her. I hate this woman. She is loathsome.

Lorena and Alonso finally arrive back home. She has that test to take later on that day, so they get kissy and say goodbye. Inside the house, Rosy has her bags packed and is leaving. Maruja comes into the room and yells about what happened to fill in Lorena. Rosy actually does leave, Maruja yells some more.

Zulema is looking at a picture of Diana when she was little and cries. Diana comes in and Zulema tells her to go ahead and go to work, she is going to go talk to Bruno.

Maruja claims to not care if Rosy comes home or not.

Zulema finds Bruno at the clinic and introduces herself as Diana’s mom, Bruno is a little freaked out.

At work, Maruja tells the chef to tell Rosy to cut the peppers smaller. Rosy is two feet away, so it is that childish “I’m not speaking to you” game she’s playing. Rosy says fine. Maruja says no, even smaller, tell her chef. Rosy says fine. Chef finally says why are you telling me to tell her? Maruja says Rosy doesn’t deserve to be called her daughter! Rosy’s jaw drops about a foot, it is quite impressive.

Zulema tells Bruno that Diana loves him and is suffering. He says he’s sorry but this doesn’t fit into his plans! She says that Diana is keeping the baby and she and the family will raise it. A baby is a blessing. Bruno says he doesn’t see it that way. Zulema tells him too bad, some guy later on will accept Diana even with her child and Bruno will miss out on the whole thing. She says goodbye and leaves.

Rosy and Maruja scream at each other in the kitchen. Maruja calls her shameful, Rosy says she is so old fashioned and acts like she has seen a ghost just to hear the word ‘Man.’ Maruja comes thisclose to hitting Rosy but then walks away, Rosy freaks out and starts stabbing a pepper to death with a very sharp knife. These two sure do play anger and frustration well.

Sara finds Lorena out on the street and says how was it? Lorena says what, the test? No, the trip to the orphanage! Instead of answering, Lorena asks Sara why she lied to the nuns, saying she was following Lorena to Mexico but not about finding her family. Sara talks her way out of it by saying it was a secret. She claims to be sorry about Lorena not being able to find the files. Then she drops the bomb – she is there to take the same entrance exam as Lorena, she is going to study restaurant management! Yay! Barf. Her fake nice act is so sickening. Which means of course that the actress is doing a good job. Outside of Alonso, there is a lot of great acting in this show. Sorry Alonso, you were obviously hired for your looks. Sara tells Lorena that she wants her to help her with the exam, as she doesn’t have any idea about all the food stuff.

Rosy and Maruja continue their fight, now including flour and other food. Someone yells that Jackie is coming.

Lorena says no way, but Sara insists that Lorena help her cheat.

Jackie gives Maruja a hard time about flour on her face, Maruja says she was making a cake. When asked to produce the cake, the chef sticks himself between them with a cake in his hand and says right here! Whew, chef saves the day. EDIT - I don't remember if it was before or after Jackie came in, but the chef asks Maruja if she's a lesbian, after what Rosy said about her freaking out from hearing the word 'man.' It was pretty funny, chef said "well that's what I understood." This of course sends Maruja into a further tizzy. I think it might have been what prompted the food fight.

Sara sits behind Lorena and does the pssst what’s number 12 thing, Lorena won’t answer her so Sara just leans forward and steals her paper, dropping her own blank paper on Lorena’s desk. I am actually appalled by this. Lorena has been blind to Sara’s two-facedness (is that a word?) but this has to open her eyes a bit. I hope. I can’t stand it if she turns into the standard dumbass main female who believes everything everyone tells her.

Dario and Betina have lunch, he gets a call from Jackie in the middle of it and is very short with her and hangs up quickly. Betina gets it out of him that they are fighting. From a safe location, she calls home where Paula has nothing better to do than pace and obsess about Dario. La Otra is there with her. Paula tells Betina to stay with Dario the whole day and find out more. La Otra can’t believe it and says basically “WTF Paula.” Paula asks La Otra about her friend the male stripper, she has some plan. Is she going to hire the guy to be her date to make Dario jealous? Maybe she’s going to send him to Jackie’s to screw with them? Who knows.

At Diana’s (and Vasco’s) workplace, Zulema tells Diana about her talk with Bruno. Diana cries. Vasco appears and meets Zulema for the first time, she introduces herself as “the wife of your uncle!” Vasco asks her some questions about his uncle and the past.

After the text, Lorena is mad (obviously) but Sara says nothing went wrong, don’t worry about it. Then she gets all schoolgirly and says it will be like so great! Like, they can study together! Awesome! Lorena is less than excited about that.

Zulema tells Vasco that Omar should explain what happened himself, so they go together to her house. Omar meets Vasco, they get along great. He tells Vasco that he was basically booted out of the family for falling in love with a woman who already had kids.

Oh for crying out loud, this has turned into Heridas de Amor, with the scenes changing every 25 seconds. I guess it’s fine when you are just watching, it really keeps things moving, but to recap it is torture. Anyway back at the house, Lorena suggests trying to find Rosy, Maruja says she must be with her good for nothing boyfriend and suggests changing the subject of conversation.

Omar tells Vasco about his baby with Zulema that ‘died’. Vasco is getting quite upset with his grandmother over all this, with good reason. Vasco is turning out to be a decent fellow. At first when he appeared I expected him to be a burnout, but he has turned out ok. I hate his wardrobe and hair but that’s just the surface.

Alonso comes over to see Lorena and asks where Rosy is. Lorena explains that she left and Alonso smartly changes the subject to ask about the exam. She says fine, and tells him about Sara being there, but not about the cheating. Alonso asks her to make a cake for a patient’s birthday, Lorena says of course. Awwww.

Julian comes home, Alonso says hey man what are you doing here? When he finds out it’s his ‘cousin’, he gives him a big hug. Zulema sets the table and says they are going to have dinner, as a family. We get it, happy family.

Later Vasco goes home, he asks Hortensia about Omar. She won’t tell him anything, finally Vasco says he was just with him. She immediately blames Vasco finding out on Jaime. Vasco says “He knew?” Now he’s even angrier, his dad knew the whole thing all along. Jaime arrives just in time for this part. Vasco says Omar sent a message – he is happy with his family. Hortensia says yeah happy, poor and with that vulgar woman. Vasco has had enough, he can’t believe this, he is leaving this house right now!

Tomorrow – Vasco must have meant it, because he is going to stay at Zulema’s house. Boy, if Rosy is there too, that house just got full. Also, Sara manages to make some trouble between Alonso and Lorena.


Sunday, July 06, 2008

Caray Caray!

in case you missed the latest episode of the Univision program, "La Rosa de Guadalupe", here's my photo capture of Marcelo Cordoba as the handsome hero, in modern suit and glasses. His character's name is Esteban, who is the colleague and best friend of Zaida, played by Eugenia Cauduro. -- Jody :)

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Saturday, July 05, 2008

Al Diablo Con Los Guapos #115, Friday 7-4: Get me to the Rodeo on time

New stuff starts right after the handshake between Mateo and Constancio, aka Team Let's Screw Luciana…Over.

Lina doesn't know what to make of Bobby bringing her flowers. He says he brought sunflowers because everyone always brings roses and he wanted to be original. Awww, that's sweet. About damn time he caught a clue. Lina loves them, she's just weepy because no one's brought her flowers before. She's going to put water in them and take them upstairs. Florencia comes in after Lina leaves and rags on Bobby for having the same problem as her husband…they like the "chachas"…I'm guessing she means "low-down-filthy-good-for-nothing-servants" and not just "muchachas." Florencia accuses him of doing it to try to get over her no-good, cheating sister. Only she doesn't use all those words. Bobby denies it. Florencia tries to talk about how terrible Marisela feels, but Bobby doesn’t give a crap.

Braulio, who darted through the living room in the last scene comes back in, having let Ramses in. He coos over Ramses' tan, which needs working on, apparently, since he hasn't been hanging around the pool lately. Ramses is looking for Valeria and Braulio trips over the vacuum cleaner Lina was using in his mad dash up the stairs. Talk about cramping a guy's style. He screams that Lina's gonna get it as he continues running up the stairs, vacuum cleaner and all.

Damian tells Constancio he has a surprise. Peralta is back. Oh. Yay. More indecipherable business machinations. Constancio's over what Peralta did before. He's apparently got some new scam to propose. Apparently the president of the party had to quit because of some scandal and it cast a pall over the whole party. The party needs a new president and Peralta wants it to be Constancio. Constancio eats this up with a great big spoon. He thinks it's just what he needs. Peralta mentions the divorce and says he's got to slow it down until he gets elected. Damian says he'll take care of it. There's a strange pause and all I can figure is that Peralta let a smelly one rip, judging from the looks on everyone's faces.

The younger set make plans to go to Coyoacan. Bobby wants to invite Lina and Valeria is surprised, but not upset about it. It looks like an 8-some: Valeria and Ramses, Alejandro and Florencia, Bobby and Lina, and then Mili and Hugo, who just showed up. Now Florencia tries to cry off because of the baby. Mili announces that she and Hugo aren't going to leave the house after they get married after all, earning her a huge hug from Alejandro and yet another big fat stink-eye from Florencia.

Rocky's less bandaged, but still pretty non-understandable and bruised. He's outside watering the plants. Horacio tells Rocky that he's got to get the car ready to drive the youngsters out to Coyoacan. Horacio comes up with an idea, but he doesn't tell Rocky what it is yet, just says something so that he can tell Valeria what happened without needing to talk.

The six who decided to go to Coyoacan are out having a good time, eating mostly.

Damian is still begging for help to get rid of Karla. Constancio won't do anything until Luciana calls off the divorce. Same argument as usual. Damian complains about the Andrea being a complication. Luciana walks in and Constancio gives her one compliment and then can't take it anymore and tells her she looks just as disagreeable as always. He tells Damian to take care of the situation and then takes off. Damian tries talking about how Luciana cheated too, but she's not in the mood to hear it from her own brother, who should be on her side. Ah, but Damian's never been that kind of brother.

And now we see Horacio's brilliant plan. Rocky is there, dressed as a mime. Valeria actually likes mimes. What does that say about her? Rocky the Mime asks her to participate in his little show. He mimes that he loves her and gives her a rose. Then he invites Hugo to mime aiming at him with a big gun. Valeria keeps trying to guess who Hugo is supposed to be, but she can't get that Hugo is supposed to be miming her dad. Rocky can't take it anymore and mumbles out "It's your dad, Señorita Valeria." And that will be the end of our "Rocky tries to tell Valeria what really happened" segment of the evening.

Bobby and Lina say goodbye at the house. Bobby says he wants to dance with her all afternoon and evening tomorrow at Mili's wedding. They kiss, but Lina's still skittish. Bobby looks like she had Novacaine in her lipstick. Valeria comes up and makes fun of him. He reminds her about dating the chauffeur. She's talking about how she's glad her eyes were opened, since those relationships never work out. Bobby tells her he used to like her, but Rocky really loves her and all the crazy stuff he's done is because he loves her, not her money--why else would he dress up like a mime? Valeria gets ticked off. Bobby says he's done with his crush on her and he never saw her as happy as when she was with Rocky. He says Rocky deserves for her to listen to him after all that happened. Then he leaves. I love Valeria's dress, by the way.

Mili and Hugo are taking their last moonlight walk before their wedding. Hugo's going to go inside and start resting up for the big day. Mili wants to spend some time alone outside. They kiss goodnight and Hugo goes inside. Alejandro appears from behind a tree and walks behind Mili for a few steps before he asks if he can steal her from the altar again. Wow, that's some poor taste right there! He does still think she's his sister and he is married. He tells her he's joking and that he wants tomorrow to be the nicest day of her life, since she deserves it. Mili hugs him and rests her head on his chest.

Next thing we know, we're in the Rodeo, where some guy starts talking about the purpose of marriage. And here I thought this was supposed to be a civil ceremony. The guy asks the important questions and both Hugo and Mili say yes, not without a big pause on Mili's part. He asks for objections and no one has any. He declares them "legally united in matrimony" and Hugo and Mili kiss. She's a pretty unhappy -looking bride. We go to commercials before we can find out if this is real or a dream.

Now it's party time at the Rodeo. Valeria wants to dance, but Ramses won't dance with her--he says he doesn't like the music. Bobby takes Lina out to dance. Florencia asks Alejandro to dance, so the novios aren't out there alone, and Alejandro asks the bump if she wants to dance with him. The baby kicks in response. Oh, now, that would be cute if Florencia wasn't such a heinous beeyotch. Obviously, they can't kill off the baby, so somehow Florencia will have to be gotten rid of, cause I don't see her being reasonable about sharing custody. Anyway, the two of them get out and dance. Karla is trying to get Damian to dance with her, but no joy. Damian and Constancio talk about the locale and Damian tells Constancio to dance with Luciana, but Constancio doesn't think that's going to work. Luciana's not having a good time, but Nestor seems to appreciate the ambience.

Back in the kitchen, Socorro, Rocky, and Horacio are getting the wedding tacos ready. Mmm, tacos. Seems like Rocky has lost all his bruises and can talk now.

Marisela is crabby because Bobby is dancing with Lina. Florencia comes over to sit at her table, as does Luciana, who complains about the high concentration of naco-ness. She really turns up her nose at the tacos. Those three have no taste. Florencia even covered her nose. They talk about Luciana's allegedly impending divorce and her desire for revenge.

Karla is still trying to dance with Damian, but he sneaks away from her. She calls him "pimpollo" again, which sounds like it should mean "chicken pimp," but it's actually rosebud. I think I'll stick with Chicken Pimp, though, it's much more fitting for Damian.

Mili and Hugo go over to say hi to Gamuza and Yolanda. Mili says she's sorry Romulo couldn't be there, but since he'd already posed as her dad in front of Constancio, well…. Gamuza and Mili inform Hugo that they are novios forever, despite Mili and Hugo being married and Gamuza takes Mili out to dance. Poor kid's never going to dance with girls his own age if he doesn't get any taller! Too bad the writers didn't think of that when they decided to skip ahead three years.

Karla finds Damian and drags her Chicken Pimp out on to the floor.

Bobby leaves Lina on the dance floor to go talk to Alejandro. Alejandro tries to say everything's ok, but Bobby just says he understands. He tells Alejandro not to get upset. The Robledos, Sr and Jr, and the skanky guy show up, upsetting Bobby.

Mili and Hugo visit the God Squad table. Sor Cachete wants to be godmother of their firstborn…Mili freaks out at the mention of babies. Dude, Sor Cachete would be an awesome godmother. Hugo promises Padre Manuel that when they do get married in the church, he wants Padre Manuel to officiate.

Constancio and Andrea sit together complaining about how drunk Luciana is getting.

Nestor tries to get her to slow down with the drinking, but she makes the usual excuses about why she needs the alcohol.

The kitchen crew are still working on the food, but Lina and Rocky convince Socorro and Horacio to get out there and dance. Lina puts on the hat and apron and goes to heat up some more tortillas. Of course, Mateo's rat finky friend and his skank ho date walk in right then. He makes some nasty remarks and Bobby comes in to defend her, getting the two of them to walk out. Rocky wants to know what's up, but Bobby's still being prickly. Lina asks the boys to make nice and Bobby tells Rocky he wants to be friends. Rocky barely shakes his hand and they smack each other a bit, in the way of, well, boys, and then everything's ok between them and Bobby goes to chop some onions and chiles, apron and all.

Mat the Rat introduces his grandpa to Marisela's dad. Domingo wants to talk business with Robledo Sr. Mat gets Marisela up to dance with him.

Padre Manuel tells Mili she doesn't look happy and she says she misses her viejita linda ("pretty old lady," aka Regina--and if she were here, she'd say "Viejita, las pelotas and what the hell do you think you're doing marrying Hugo when you're really in love with Alejandro?"). Constancio wants to talk, but Mili won't leave PM. Constancio says he wants her to be really, really happy because she deserves it for getting all the love and respect that she was denied before. He says all the people who hurt her are going to pay and the important thing is for her not to hold on to resentment or hate. He almost tells her she's his daughter, again, but changes it to "you are... nothing but sweetness." He asks for a hug and gets one. That was almost like one of those sweet moments with Regina where we knew Milagros was her granddaughter, but she didn't and it didn't matter because they loved each other so much. But it's hard to feel the same way about these moments with Constancio because he's still such an idiotic egotist that he won't tell her the truth! She deserves better.

After the commercial break, PM tries to convince her to tell Constancio what she knows, but Mili insists that he needs to be the one to talk. Hugo and Braulio both come up at the same time and PM tells them they'll have to share Mili from now on.

Luciana continues drowning her sorrows. Constancio says she's not leaving any for the rest of the guests. Luciana tells him to keep his eye on his secretary since Domingo Echavaria is over there flirting. As he goes over in that direction, PM intercepts and tries to compliment him on what he said to Mili, but Constancio gives him the brush-off.

Drunky Luci goes over to talk smack about Andrea to Domingo. Domingo leaves, but Andrea's not too upset. The two women spit venom at each other. The usual.

Horacio flirts with Socorro on the dance floor--"My love, if beauty were seconds, you'd be 24 hours." It's cheesy, but obviously it gets results.

Karla catches up to Damian yet again, but he gets away, again. So tedious.

Padre Manuel and Nestor go outside to talk. PM brings up Luciana's drinking, but Nestor's in denial. He's too busy being happy about the impending divorce. Damian comes outside trying to avoid Karla, who chases him out there. Damian fakes heart pain to get rid of Karla, but PM and Nestor are too quick to point out that he went back inside.

Luciana and Mateo conference about Luciana's revenge schemes. Mateo plays along, but we all know he's a double agent. Luciana's reached the drunken "I love you, man" stage.

Alejandro is getting upset about how much Luciana is drinking, but Florencia tells him to chill and they'll ask her to leave in a little while.

Rocky, Bobby, and Lina talk about Rocky's broken heart. Bobby tells Rocky that Valeria still loves him. Rocky tells Bobby that he can't get Valeria to listen to him and Bobby says he'll help. Gloria comes in to announce that Sor Cachete is about to sing to Mili and Hugo. Rocky rushes to grab his jacket and take off his apron and they all go out to the dance area.

Pedro announces that a representative of the church is going to dedicate a song to Mili and Hugo. Hugo gets considerably less applause than Mili. Sor Cachete takes the mic. Pedro comes over and congratulates Mili and Hugo as Sor Cachete starts to sing Sin Bandera's "Entra en Mi Vida":

Good evening, nice to meet you, you're just another girl
After five minutes, you're already someone special
Without talking to me, without touching me, something inside me has ignited
In your eyes it got late and I forgot about the time

These days by your side have show me that in truth
There's no predetermined time to start loving
I feel something so deep it has no explanation
There is no reason or logic in my heart

Come into my life
I open the door for you
I know that in your arms there will be no more desolate nights
Come into my life
I beg you
I started out being surprised by you, but later I started to need you

Good evening, nice to meet you, no one else exists now
After this time together I can't go back
You talked to me, you touched me, and you turned into my hope
I want you to be the owner of my heart

Come into my life…

Come into my hours, save me now, open your arms wide and let me come in

Come into my life…

While Sor is singing, Valeria tries to get Ramses to dance, but Bobby tells him there's a reporter wanting pictures or an interview or something and he leaves. Rocky then sneaks up, claps a hand around Valeria's mouth and drags her off as she tries to shriek. He gets her outside and she yells at him, of course. He accepts all the insults she throws at him, but says he loves her. She tries to go after him with a shoe, but he takes it away and won't give it back until they talk. He tells her the truth (your dad didn't give me money, he forced me to disappoint you so you'd go to Paris). We'll have to see if she believes it, but for now, she looks impactada!

On Monday: Drunken Luciana dedicates a song to Constancio…a song called "Rata Inmunda", and it's not a nice one from the little we hear of it so far! Oh, yeah, and she announces to the crowd that Constancio isn't Alejandro's father and that Nestor is his real dad. Yeah, I know…but will it stick?!


Fuego en la Sangre 7/4/08: Adding Fire to the Flames or From the Baking Pan into the Fire!

We begin as Juan now washes and massages Sofia’s hands and feet trying to get her feeling more relaxed. He wants to shower her with love. She tells him that she is truly better now and knows it’s time for him to begin baking for the next day’s business, but he says today he refuses to be separated from her. Sofia insists and says she would enjoy watching him work if only he’d let her sit quietly by in a chair near him. He kisses her and gives in.

Back at the Hacienda de Horrores Gabriela has parked her broom and is once again playing mirror- mirror in her bedroom. Tearfully she thinks back on her humiliation in finding out not only was Sofia pregnant by none other than that lowly bricklaying baker, Juan Reyes, but that Sofia’s marriage to Nonefer Nando was never consummated. She remembers Juan’s arrogance in riding that filthy beast into her grand entrance hall earlier that day to demand “HIS woman and child.” Under the painting of the Virgencita she recalls how Nonefer began to seduce her, her shamefully licentious if not totally incestuous response and her last minute rush from the bedroom before he could succeed in his attempt.

At the same time in his bedroom, Fernando stands in front of his mirror and fingers through his mussed hair. He is also remembering back to the events of earlier that afternoon. He recalls Juan Reyes daring him to stop him from carrying off Sofia and the way Gabriela screamed curses at the two lovers while he stood there calmly puffing on his cigar. He says to himself, “Nobody treats Fernando Escandón that way and gets away with it!” He thinks back to his seduction of his MIL and how it must have been Fate and says that nobody can stop it. Anyway, he figures, it’s not a bad idea financially to hook up with Gabi and she does attract him. (–Whoa!) He asks himself, “Does that woman really attract me?” He smiles as if he’s pleased to admit that she really does do something for him. (Mamasita, what a sickie!) He turns back to the mirror and smugly smooths his hair again and you can almost imagine a “666” on his scalp peeking out from that dorky part in his hair.

In the little infirmary Rosario speaks with Pablito and tells him she is Luis’ mother. She says he shouldn’t feel sad because she and the others will be there for him and he can come to play with Luis anytime. She turns to Oscar and Franco to tell them she’s glad they were let free without the need for a trial hinting that it was of course with a little help from someone, and then leaves. The two brothers wonder what she meant. Franco runs after her and asks what she was getting at. She tells him it was nothing and to forget it. He tells her then that he cannot stop thinking about her and wants to be alone with her. Rosario tells him her son comes first. They begin to kiss but she catches herself just in time and runs off after a definitive “No” which means "yes, but no."

Across town Juan is demonstrating his baking bag o’ tricks when his two brothers and Quintina arrive to give Sofia a huge welcoming hug. Oscar tells her how proud they are of her for confronting her family and leaving all of that behind her to just to follow his brother. She says all of her trials and tribulations were worth it provided she can now be here with them. Oscar tells her she is like a sister to them, and to consider the humble bakery as well as the house as her own. Quintina offers her protection as her guardian angel. (Uh-oh, we know that has got to mean trouble!) Both Sofia and Juan are overwhelmed at the positive reception.

At the hacienda, Augie shows Eva around his newly furnished digs in the cottage and asks her to work for him. Eva would like to but says they both know Jimena and Sarita still need her there at the hacienda. Augie says he’ll be living there from now on because he can’t stomach his daughter. Although he’ll miss his three granddaughters he will sleep soundly tonight knowing Sofia is now together with the man she loves.

Back at the bakery Sofia tells the others how much she will miss her grandfather and her sisters. She worries that her mother will make them pay for what she has done. She fears that perhaps Gabi may even send them far away from the hacienda to punish Sofia and perhaps she will never see them again.

Meanwhile, both Jimena and Sarita are asleep having bad dreams about their would-be lovers. Jimena dreams she’s making her confession and the priest who hears it turns out to be an angelic-faced Oscar. Sarita dreams about a chance encounter with Franco. Just as he is about to greet her Rosario catches his attention and he goes over to the sexily clad competition. Rosario and he begin sharing a steamy (well, for Sarita) kiss.

Oscar tells his brothers that if Crabiela plans on sending her daughters away for real then he’s going over there immediately to clear the air with Jimena. Juan warns him he could get shot the way things are at the hacienda right now. Oscar doesn’t care and heads off. Franco figures he’s got to do likewise. Juan cautions him but Franco says they’re grown men and know how to defend themselves. He tells Juan to think about Sofia and the child now. Juan admits to Franco they are the most important things in his life right now, but says his two brothers are life itself to him. They hug and Franco leaves to catch up with Oscar.

The sheriff is leaving and tells Dario and Palemon to be ready for anything since El Mapache is a dangerous kind to be locked up there. He is certain the guy is hiding something and knows way more than he is letting on and he’s not going to rest until he knows everything Mapache knows. As soon as he leaves, a not-so-dedicated Deputy Dario pulls out his deck of cards to play with Palemon. Dario hides them as Padre Tadeo walks in for his weekly chat with the prisoners.

On the other side of town in the office of the Bad Love Bar, Armando sends three of his men to rub out El Mapache and reminds them that Fernando doesn’t kid around and doesn’t like delays.

At the jail Padre Tadeo asks Mapache’s cellmate, apparently still in jail for Bernardo’s supposed hit and run, if he has anything to confess. The guy says no since he confessed last week and hasn’t had a chance to do anything sinful, being stuck in jail like he is. However, he says he’d like to chat with the priest about certain doubts he has about the death of Bernardo Elizondo, the man who was run over, when Tadeo has time. Tadeo says they’ll discuss it later. He asks El Mapache then if he wants to confess anything. Mapache says he has never confessed and so don’t bother him now. Padre T says fine and so we now know that once Mapache is offed he will definitely not be stopping by the Pearly Gates for a chat with St. Peter.

In the bakery Juan continues to show Sofia the tricks of his trade. They confess their love for each other and seal it with a veeeeery long session of sincere kisses.

Franco enters the balcony window of Sarita’s room and opens the drawer of her desk. He takes out the letters she wrote to him and reads: “The indifference of your love is more painful than the storm lashing the hacienda this evening.” He is overcome by her passion on the page.

On the other side of the house Oscar stands next to Jimena’s bed . She wakes up and sees him standing there. He confesses that the business about the seminary was only a lie he told in order to get her to react. He was desperate to have her back. She is angry and says she has suffered from all the lies he told her. He grabs for her and begs her not to get angry. She keeps telling him to let her go and they fall onto the bed.

Jimena pouts while Oscar tells her his heart was won and it was the only way he could get her “big snout” to react to him. (It sounded so dumb at first, but then, Jorge’s delivery is just so appealing that I’ll forgive the stupid script.) It’s not exactly the way a woman likes to be described and she tells Oscar as much. “I don’t have a big snout!!” He says it’s only a way of saying that he wanted to get her to stop being so angry with him. He calls her his little snub nose then to make up for it. Jimena pouts some more and tells him she isn’t snub-nosed.

Oscar asks Jimena not to be so unruly . “Stop beating around the bush and tell me what you want!” she irritatedly spits back. “—I told you already. I came to say good-bye. Sofia said that your mother might send you and Sarita far away because of what happened.” “—No, she’s not going to send us anywhere.” Oscar fills Jimena in on what’s happened and says that her sister and Juan are fine and the doctor says she needs to rest a bit is all. He kisses her and tells her he only wants to be with her, to take care of her, his little snout. “I’m not a little snout,” she pouts, but she melts in his arms anyway and suddenly all is forgiven. (Finally, we get some really first rate sexual chemistry and well-delivered and timed repartee worthy of Hepburn & Tracy between at least one pair of arguing lovers. Glad I stayed awake a while longer.)

Franco reads another letter: “In the half-light of my room I write to you of my pain.”

Jimena and Oscar begin to get passionate until Jimena remembers she is a “good girl.” Oscar says fine, he respects her and will wait till they’ve been blessed by God in matrimony. He admits she’s just so pretty that he gets carried away. He says he’s never changed his mind even though so many things have happened between them. He still wants to marry her. Unfortunately, he reminds her, she’s engaged to another man. (Touché, Jorgé.)

Raqui Raccoon Uribe, aunt of Tall and Small Tweedle, comes to the hacienda looking for Gabi “despite the late hour”. Raqui tells Gabi that when she went to visit her at the hospital they had already given her a discharge and felt she should come right over. (Why how recovered you are, Grandmother Ridinghood!) Gabi smiles a big, false, “Why, thank you!” Fernando sees Raqui and Gabriela chatting together in the foyer and, still unaware of the two men upstairs in the sisters’ bedrooms, he comes down to join them. He lavishly slathers compliments on the easily flattered and rather flirty Raquel.

Gabriela gets jealous when Raqui praises Fernando over being “such a charming son-in-law.” As Feo walks Raqui into the living room to get her a drink, the Witchy One watches sourly with green-eyed resentment.

Fernando has given the order to rub out El Mapache before he squeals to the police about Armando’s and his criminal operation and his henchmen are worriedly discussing amongst themselves how they’re supposed to get into the little jailhouse to get the job done. Either they bump off El Mapache or Feo will bump them off. Just then Padre Tadeo walks past. They lower their heads to hide their faces as he greets them.

A bit later one of the hit men apparently dresses up like the padre and walks in with a sack in his hand. Dutiful Deputies Dario and Palemon are in the middle of their card game. Deputy Dario looks up momentarily but all he sees is the back of a cassock out of the corner of his eye as the person walks by. (Conveniently he does not notice that the “priest” DOESN’T HAVE A SALT AND PEPPER GRAY BOUFFY-DO.) Deputy Dario mentions to the other deputy that it’s a bit strange that Padre Tadeo should be coming back again so late. The two figure he must have forgotten something and go back to their card game. The man in the cassock leaves a sack of pastries next to the cell bars. Mapache’s cellmate takes the bag but El Mapache grabs the bag out of the other guy’s hand and pigs down the goody inside.

Downstairs, Feo continues to flirt and flatter Raqui as Crabiela looks on. Finally Gabi can’t stand it any longer and walks off in a huff to the kitchen. She grabs a butcher knife and starts angrily stabbing a huge piece of rubber beef on the counter. Feo excuses himself to Raqui and catches up to Gabi there. He begins playing his MIL like the high-strung Stradivarius wanna-be that she is. “I see you’re angry, but I am not your enemy. Your own daughter and those damned dogs, the Reyes brothers, are the enemy.” He encourages her to take her hate out on them, not him. “Make them pay. Make them pay!” he hisses in her ear as rattler tails start shaking ominously in the background.

Upstairs in Sarita’s room Franco reads another love-letter: “Franco, I try to hate you, however, each day I love you more and every morning I eagerly await your arrival. But even though you are so near to me you are not mine and never will be.” He puts away her love-letters and thinks to himself “Thank you, Sarita, for such pretty letters.” He puts a finger-kiss on her lips and leaves the way he entered.

Oscar tells Jimena he’ll do things God’s way and promises to come see her tomorrow; in the meantime he’ll tell Padre Tadeo that he won’t be entering the seminary. He gives her a big kiss and leaves through the balcony window to join Franco. (I am definitely patting myself on the back for not sleeping through their scenes together this time!) Jimena blows him a sensual kiss.

Meanwhile our crazed Gabi has taken Feo’s words to heart and is outside in a shed looking for something.

Back at the bakery Juan has been showing Sofia how he makes his bread dough. (Anybody else sickened by her long hair so near to the work-table? Ah well, in for a penny, in for a pound.) Outside the bakery we catch a silhouetted glimpse of the scythe-carrying, Mexican-style serape and sombrero’d phantasm of Death. Inside again, Juan knocks over a cellar of salt from the table. (Superstition and foreshadowing are the name of the game in these things.) Juan starts looking now for a tray he wants to use to bake his Sofi cakes on. He thinks Quintina may have it and has to go back to the living quarters into the kitchen to look for it. The oven is off he says (for our benefit) and he notices how chilly it is in the bakery. He takes his serape and covers Sofia with it. He stops to tell her she is his whole life; she says he is hers. He kisses her again before leaving and shutting the door to the living quarters.

After eating the entire bag of goodies that the “priest” left, El Mapache is literally foaming at the mouth and in agony (from which we can assume he’s been poisoned). His jail mate runs over to Mapache to ask what’s wrong. (Got to admit I was having gagging reflexes about now. They were certainly using the FX’s A-team for this scene! Blechhh!) El Mapache, through his creamed mustache, whispers with his last, dying breath, “I’m dying. El Escandón…..It was him. It was him that…. I’m dying….. It …was… him that….that….” he croaks, then dies.

Juan is searching high and low for a special baking tray when Oscar and Franco return safe and sound from the hacienda. Oscar admits he could have finally complied with their oath for vengeance made at Libia’s tomb but he cracked and failed. He couldn’t go through with it because he is in love with Jimena and he respects her. Franco asks Juan when he plans to tell Sofia the truth. Before he can answer Padre Tadeo shows up for coffee and a chat. He is all excited because Oscar has been accepted into the seminary and is to present himself there the very next morning bright and early to enroll.

Outside batty Gabi, driving slowly along in Feo’s black SUV, approaches through a couple of crafty camera shots like the bloodsucking vamp she is and flies towards her prey. Whoosh-thrump. Whoosh-thrump. She rummages around behind the seat and drags through a jug of gasoline. (Yes, the old “if-you-can’t-beat-‘em-burn-‘em” technique of Telenovela vengeance has been set in motion, though under normal circumstances, there is no way that a little painted and plastered, brick and mortar building could catch fire, but we are of course, in Telenovela-land.) Gabi stealthily crosses the deserted and dark little street and looks through the window at Sofia. “You all are going to pay! You all are going to pay! Whoever mocks Gabriela Elizondo pays for it with their life, even though it might concern my very own family (blood). Be that as it may, you’ll pay!”

Sofia is now sitting with her back to the street. Sofia gets up momentarily to look at the scrumptious (has to be for a pregnant female) varieties of pastries and rolls her man has made. She goes for a concha and smiles as Gabi continues to pour gasoline along the front of the building. Gabriela stands back and watches her daughter (who, being pregnant, I figure is probably famished and gobbling down that roll by now –Ok. Ok. Since it’s Sofia, it is more likely a voracious nibble than a gobble). In the moonlight, with the lighter in her hand, Gabi proclaims nigh orgasmic that Juan and Sofia must pay for all the harm and shame they have caused her; they do not deserve to live. She throws the lighter at the trail of gasoline. Woosh-Favoom! As Sofia looks happily around inside the little bake shop, the building explodes into flames.


Querida Enemiga – Friday July 4, 2008 - Spy vs. Spy Pays Off

Happy 4th of July, everyone! We had an indoor “picnic” for some of our friends from Mexico, who have lived here less than two years. They enjoyed hamburgers cooked on the grill with cheese, tomatoes, the works, Boston baked beans (made from scratch), potato salad (also from scratch), tossed salad, and cake with ice cream. I am pretty sure they think this July 4th holiday thing is a good idea. (They also told us that many Mexicans, especially in rural areas, don’t celebrate their Independence Day the way we all do here, although there are some Mexicans—especially in the big cities, who celebrate more). I guess it was a cultural exchange.

Thanks again to JudyB who stepped in at the 11th hour last week. We have power back but there are some folks not far from here (less than 50 miles) who still are having problems, even though crews have come from other states to help.

And now for tonight’s feature!

Instant (not) replay from Thursday: Sara the computer wizard steals secret company information from a competitor’s computer with no password access whatsoever required. It takes her all of 29 seconds. So, to answer Snortensia’s question yesterday as to whether or not Sara can do industrial espionage, apparently yes.

Snortensia, who always flies first class, doesn’t like the menus Jaime has proposed because there’s no difference from the business class menus. Jaime patiently informs her the bottom line is at stake here. Better first class food, less profit. It’s simple, she tells him, be more creative and find better food for lower costs. Sara busts in [figuratively speaking] and blurts out that she has all the poop on the competition. Jaime can’t believe she stole their proposal and Snortensia is downright jubilant. They can develop a better proposal now that they have the competition’s. Jacqui plays dumb redhead. Whoops, she’s not playing. Snortensia tells them to get to work with what Sara’s brought. Sara gives Snortensia a high fructose smile.

Zulema and Company—two of her three hijos, [unbeknownst to her], plan menu items: Crema de Chícharro, Crema de Frijól, Chile Relleños…..the trio stops for a drool—great menu. They’re happy with the choices so far. Lorena hands her list to Zulema. “Crema de Calabaza, Arroz a la Mexicana, Puntas de Filete en Huajullo, Chayotes al Vapor y de Postre Capilodota. Zulema is exited—very tasty and well balanced—what, Lorena knows nutrition, too? More or less, Lorena smiles humbly. They tried to keep meals balanced and costs reasonable in the orphanage. Julián sees a lull and excuses himself to make a little snack, which would have occurred to me after they read menu list if I hadn’t celebrated Independence Day too much already.

Jaime and Sara plug away at the new numbers. Jaime’s worried about the costs of fish and shellfish, because theirs is higher than the competition’s. Sara tells him to quote them at cost (precio de costo - cost-price; a precio de coste - at cost price )and a little indignantly, Jaime tells her they’ve never done that before. She reminds him they’re talking millions here and they can make it up on other items. Jaime gives her an uneasy look.

At Zulema’s table, the menu-fest plays on. She stops and tells the hijos that they really need a bit of capital to get a good start—they need larger pots (ollas), some really good containers (recipientes) to keep foods, and others for deliveries. Julián offers his favorite solution for money—ask Dad. Zulema sighs—they live from paycheck to paycheck. Wait! She can get 5K pesos (5,000.00 MXN=483.802 USD) from the kitty (tanda – kitty or pool, there weren’t very good definitions in any of my 12 dictionaries for this so if anyone has a better idea, let us know). She’ll ask for an advance. Lorena changes the subject—she needs Monday off because of the test for the cooking school. Zulema would have loved to study there. She asks if it’s expensive. Yep, but with the scholarship, all I have to do is pass the test. Zulema is sure it’s a done deal and congratulates Lorena [calling her “hijita” and little does she know!] Lorena will be a premier chef for the business. Julián just nods in agreement so he won’t have to talk with his mouth full.

Rosi thinks it’s a great idea for Lorena to try and find out about her parents. Apparently she and Maruja are getting along better—Maruja even has her arm draped around Rosi. Lorena’s wanted to know ever since Sara found her family. [Ed. Note: The grammar of that last sentence is important, folks. Sara found HER family. Lorena’s. I’m just saying.] Rosi tosses off a minor insult about Sara and the witch (Snortensia) and Maruja reminds Lorena that she has a family – of the heart, anyway. Group hug, Maruja sandwich. Well, they hope Lorena gets a clue on her trip. So do we, a clue about Sara, that is. Lorena goes off to let Sara know she’s going to their hometown and Maruja and Rosi plop together on the sofa, arms around each other. That’s powerful therapy Don Toribio is doing.

Jaime’s eyes are crossing. He’s wiped out. He’s got visions of carrots and broccoli dancing in his head. Sara wants to keep working and Jaime tells her it can wait, but Snortensia comes in to join the party and they’re in for the long haul. They’ll finish if it takes till dawn, Sara assures her. Snortensia’s going home to rest, but she imagines he’ll stay with Sara? Jaime, the Good Son, tells her sure. Sara volunteers to save the day [okay, the night] and finish it. How can she think that? Snortensia tells her that Jaime has the experience, he’s staying. So, Jaime is committed. Once Big Mama is out the door, though, in less than 60 seconds Sara has him convinced to go sleep. He goes, and she takes over the computer, but gets interrupted right away by a call. From Lorena. She looks at who’s calling, sneers and ignores it.

Diana asks Julián to guess who she’s met at work? None other than Omar’s nephew, Vasco! Julián knows Vasco, too, from when they went bowling with Rosy—he’s a friend of Lorena’s. The siblings compare notes. They both think Vasco’s got good vibes. They both guess it might be sad for him to live in that family, and it might be better to say nothing to Vasco about what they know about his family. The topic turns to Bruno, who in turn turns our stomachs. What happened to the boyfriend? Nothing, there is no boyfriend. Julián says that’s probably better, because any guy who doesn’t want to know your family isn’t worth it. They say goodnight and Julián goes off to bed. Diana talks to the baby, caressing her stomach. What’s she going to do when folks begin to notice her tummy’s increasing?

Sara muses as she watches Jaime sleep that it’s better he sleeps now because he won’t sleep at all with her work tomorrow. The phone rings—it’s Lorena again—and Sara sneers. She’s not wasting her time with Lorena. All night Sara works, prints, tears up pages and tosses them, downloads pictures from the internet and compares to pictures in books….Finally she’s very pleased with herself as she holds a page with pie charts and figures in full living color.

Early the next day Alonso and Lorena head for San Martín. What a shame Lorena couldn’t get in touch with Sara to tell Sara they were going to the hometown. [Ed. Note: It’s a matter of perspective. Some of us think you are probably better off not getting in touch with her.] She can’t call again because there’s no signal where they are. Lorena is excited to see the nuns and the kids; it seems like a century since she left there. Alonso takes his hand off the wheel, reaches over and strokes her cheek [what’s that new research about distractions while driving? This one’s major—one hand on the wheels and eyes on Lorena. Tsk.] She thanks him for going with her and he thanks her for allowing him to share the trip. He wants to see every corner of where she grew up. They’ll take lots of photos—yep, with every one of the nuns.

Jaime wakes up, taken aback by how long he slept. Why didn’t she wake him up? He was sooooo tired. With a super syrupy smile and décolletage that will be diverting for Ferro, she advises Jaime she’s finished it. Does he want to take a look? She motions at the computer. The sun shines behind him in the window and folks are coming down the halls; he scolds her for letting him sleep so long and she just smiles sweetly and tells him to check it out. Astonished, he surveys the project over her shoulder. He has to acknowledge that she’s efficient. Any changes? Nope, it’s perfect. Concrete, precise and ready to present. Congrats! Jaime’s going for a bath and he’ll be back. He advises Sara to do the same. But no, she’s perfecting it a bit. More colors….illustrations (láminas). Okay, later. He goes and Sara tells the computer that even that idiot Jaime will be respecting her.

Alonso and Lorena are stopped for gas and an oil check. He wonders if she wants something from the convenience store. Sure, water, please. He goes for it and she gets a signal on the phone. Sara answers and tells Lorena she had a lot of work, that’s why she didn’t answer before. Lorena cheerfully tells her about the little trip to San Martín. She’s been thinking about what happened to Sara, and wants to learn about her family. Sara goes ballistic. Why is she wasting her time? Nobody knows ANYthing. Only Madre Asuncion knew and she’s dead! Lorena gently points out that everyone in the orphanage has an origin, a history. Someone will know something. Sara tells her not to go. Lorena is puzzled—why is Sara saying this? Does Sara know something about Lorena’s origin? Sara begins to look a little panicky. She moves the phone away.

Diana hops out of a taxi stopped in heavy traffic and notices Bruno in the car behind her. She calls his name. He ignores her and drives on—and we all know he heard her because his windows are wide open. She watches him drive away and swallows, with a sad face.

Lorena pushes Sara. What’s up with not wanting Lorena to go to the town? Sara doesn’t want her frustrated. She’ll be sad and won’t find anything. [For sure, since Sara has your file, Lorena, with the faked letter in it about you being found in the dumpster]. Well, they’re on the way, and Alonso is along. Too late to turn back. Sure, fine, glad he’s with you for when you get all depressed. Lorena points out that she’s excited to see the nuns and the kids, whom she misses. Fine, great, give them all my greetings. Silence. Lorena is stunned by Sara’s hissy. Sara curses and slaps down her phone. The door opens and Sara’s alter ego sits up straight and smiles at Aunty/Abuela Snortensia. What, she didn’t sleep? Nope, but looky here, it was worth the trouble! It’s done! And by the way, could we get a big screen (pantalla)? Snortensia sits to review the presentation. Snortensia wants gopher Jacqui to take care of the screen—the presentation is in an hour. Snortensia points out that Sara can’t present like that—wearing YESTERDAY’S clothes, for pity’s sake [okay, she didn’t say it exactly like that but it’s what she meant]. Sara has no time to change! No problem, Gopher Jacqui will give up her suit jacket for the cause. Me? Yes, you. You’re not making the presentation, Sara is. Sara gives Jacqui her best aspartame-infused smile and thanks her. She’ll take good care of the jacket. Sara goes to freshen up and Jacqui fumes.

Diana is at her desk in the reception area when Vasco arrives—she is uniformed, and he wears a goofy English t-shirt that advised the reader “Don’t Think Too Much” with a picture of a goat on it. Vasco greets Diana and notices her wiping tears off. What’s wrong? Can I help? She assures him it’s nothing and he presses. He doesn’t want to be indiscreet, but if she needs someone to unload on, he’s there for her. She appreciates it but wants to be alone. Vasco gently says his goodbye, very understanding, and leaves a miserable Diana to her own thoughts.

Sara does a lot of talking to herself. At least it’s not D. F. and country slang. Right now, she’s worrying into the ladies’ room mirror that it’s risky with Lorena going back to their hometown. Uh-oh, Chalo! [Ed. Note: Interesting how Jacqui’s jacket fits her so perfectly, even with an empire dress from yesterday.] Chalo is mellow, but mildly scolds because she never calls. Sara gives him the scoop—Lorena’s on the way and she wants the 411 about her family! Chalo chuckles. She tells him to be on the alert. Chalo wants to know why her knickers are in a knot—Madre Asunción is dead and no one else knows a thing. Yeah, yeah, but we don’t know for sure that there isn’t someone else with some of the info. Someone might know more than they’ve told. Sara fusses at him to glue himself to Lorena and the boyfriend to find out what he can.

Snortensia greets the potential client, Mr. Jones [captioned “John,”] and makes introductions. Sara says his name perfectly in English. He wonders about the snack—is it part of the menu her company is offering? No, it’s in his honor. He says it looks wonderful and Snortensia remarks that every good dish begins with a good look and ends with a good taste. Jacqui stands behind Snortensia looking very cold without a jacket. In fact, she’s the only one in the room with no jacket, which makes her NOT a businesswoman, of course. Jaime chimes in that if it’s accompanied with a good wine, it’s even better. They sit for the heavy stuff.

Vasco doesn’t give up. He finds Diana still glum, but since he’s behind her, he doesn’t notice and asks if she’s better. When he lived in London, he continues, it always made him less tense if he could walk and he lived near a park where he could walk. Diana has never left Mexico. What’s London like? Lovely. There are enormous parks all over the place. He describes all the things that happen in the parks, especially in summer. In one of the parks, there are lectures and that was where he heard about earth and climate issues. Diana smiles; it sounds lovely. Vasco loves her smile and wants to see her smile ALWAYS. She sadly remarks that she wishes she had his optimism, but sometimes things aren’t so simple. Is it something that has no solution? No-yes, it has one. Vasco questions her—but it won’t be easily reached? Diana doesn’t want to discuss it any more. Vasco sighs and shrugs.

Sara is in her element, showing her proposal with all its glorious colors and illustrations and numbers. The key is the quality of the ingredients. She explains the plan in first class, and business class, with imported wines, and a simpler, yet still gourmet menu in coach class, with domestic wines that are still good ones. Mr. Jones is impressed with the menu selections for his airline, plus the attractive prices. Snortensia cuts to the chase—when do we sign on the dotted line? Mr. Jones has to study the proposal of another company and will have an answer later in the afternoon. Sara gives him a binder with the proposal for his review. They say their farewells and Snortensia sighs in triumph as Mr. Jones leaves. Could her grin be any bigger? Could Jaime’s? Sara walks back to where she was presenting, and Snortensia exults—I think we have it! You did well, Sara, and impressed me! Why don’t you go rest and come back in the afternoon? Sara agrees, she didn’t sleep all night. Snortensia reminds her it was worth the trouble. Sara sneers at Jacqui on the way out, not even offering her jacket back to the poor thing. Jacqui gives her a saccharine half-smile/half-grimace. Snortensia congratulates Jaime on his teamwork with Sara and wonders if he doesn’t want to sleep, too. He assures her he’s fine – but doesn’t ‘fess up that he slept all night. Snortensia notices finally that he’s pretty fresh, not like he worked all night. Jaime smiles tightly. Snortensia notes that Sara works well under pressure and she’s a smart cookie. She tells Jacqui to take more care with her work. Jacqui, who has been busying herself with tidying up, spins around to stare as Snortensia points out that Sara could displace her any time now.

Lorena is excited to see the pretty little city again and points out things to Alonso—the tile roofs, the pretty street and houses. He’s glad to see her so excited. Lorena thinks the air is better here—it’s familiar. She tells him the directions as they drive through the quaint town. Then we hear her call out, and see her throw herself at a little nun who is coming into the orphanage with another nun. They are thrilled to see their Lorena there. How come she’s shown up without advance warning? She was dying to see them, she says apologetically. [Ed. Note: it’s not like they’ll be out of town on business or anything, and all those kids left with a sitter.] Lorena gives Alonso a little hug from the side, and Madre Trinidad notices Alonso. She gives him the once over. Close up. He introduces himself—Lorena has told him a lot about them. Madre Trinidad hopes Lorena’s spoken well of them. Way more than well. Lorena adores them and remembers them with such care, he tells them. No more than the nuns adore her! She left a huge hole in their hearts, only surpassed by the hole she left in their stomachs. Lorena laments that the Madre Asuncion has passed away, but Madre Trinidad is sure that she’s watching them from Heaven, and is just as happy as the nuns are that Lorena has come home. Lorena smiles shyly, holding Alonso’s arm, while Alonso watches her fondly.

Jaime and Snortensia are on tenterhooks, waiting for the reply from the airline. How could they be so long? Snortensia is convinced that when they compare the two proposals, her company’s is superior. Jaime points out that Sara stole the competition’s proposal. Whose side is he on, anyway? All’s fair in love and war. The phone rings. Snortensia snaps at the operator to pass the call and gets all silky for Mr. Jones. What’s their reply? Apparently it’s a yes, because she assures him he won’t be sorry and that the prestige of his airline will be complemented by the prestige of her company. Jaime beams. Snortensia says they’ll be glad to sign the contract whenever Mr. Jones says, and thanks him as they sign off. It’s all thanks to brilliant Sara, and please take note, she has my blood.

Lorena takes Alonso by the hand and drags him through the courtyard of the orphanage, showing him the play yard, and the trees she used to climb, while the nun notes that she climbed them but fell out, too. She was happy, Lorena assures them. Suddenly hand cover her eyes. Who is it? Guess! Lorena doesn’t know. Chalo lets her head go and she turns – doesn’t she remember him? Chalo. Lorena is not overly thrilled to be greeted with the guessing game, it seems. He gives her a giant hug, and the nuns exchange irritated looks, while Alonso looks downright alarmed as Chalo claims she cannot know how much he’s missed her.

Lorena asks how he’s been, and Chalo says he’s been missing her, this place isn’t the same. He looks her over and tells her she’s prettier than ever while Alonso looks like a thundercloud and the nuns wring their hands. Lorena, who wanted to come and get a clue, is still clueless. She thanks him and introduces Her Boyfriend. Chalo whistles and gives a knowing smile as he greets Alonso. Chalo assures Alonso she’s the prettiest one from the orphanage and they all adore her. He nods with Great Sincerity. The nuns think they hear his mother calling (doesn’t he have an errand to do?) . Nope, he did it and he has all the time in the world to hang out with Lorena here. Lorena watches him like he grew a third eye in the middle of his forehead, her arms crossed. The nuns interrupt this love-fest; they want to take Alonso around and have him meet the kidlets. Oh, yeah, Lorena forgot to tell them—Alonso is a doc! The tall nun (Madre Carmelita) describes a pain she gets every time….the other nun interrupts. Don’t take advantage! Alonso assures them it’s not a problem. Chalo hovers over Lorena and Alonso from behind. The short nun scolds—doesn’t he have anything to do? Nope, nothing more than hanging out with Lorena. He gives her a fond look, calculated to make Alonso’s left fist tight. The Madre tells him to get himself off to the kitchen and see if there isn’t some way he can make himself useful. He protests and Lorena protests to let him stay. The nuns sigh and lead on; Chalo claps his hands and grins, while Lorena grabs a now very irritated Alonso to follow. Chalo trails and Alonso looks back at him over his shoulder.

Snortensia declares that this contract – she taps on the desk at the papers she’s signing –is the best that she’s signed in the history of the company. Sara is SO glad to have collaborated. Snortensia tells her not to be so humble—it’s her work that got it. She needs a bonus (incentivo económico – economic incentive/bonus). Who, me? I wasn’t expecting it, Sara demurs. Snortensia says she’s giving credit where credit’s due and hands Sara a check that makes her eyes sparkle and her jaw drop. It’s not in vain her last name is Armendáriz. [Ed. Note: Not to put too fine a point on it, but her name is de la Cruz because she got dumped at an orphanage. But whatever.] She was doing what she could, Sara protests. Nonsense, let’s go celebrate, you won it. Jaime calls Barb to see if she’ll go, and Jacqui pops in to say if it’s okay, she’s out of there because poor Dario is all alone. Snortensia says too bad, we’re going to celebrate but if it’s not important to you…anyway, you didn’t have anything to do with this, anyway. [Ed. Note: Hear the loud slaaaap?] Sara, who has found a jacket, thanks Jacqui for the loan of hers and says it brought her luck. Does Jacqui want her to take it to the dry cleaners? (tintorería ) She holds it tightly to her and Jacqui grabs it away. Nope, no need. Excuse me. Jacqui sighs and gets out of Dodge with Sara smiling like a hyena. Snortensia asks what’s up with Barb, and Jaime tells her Barb isn’t answering—how strange. Sara smiles knowingly. It’s only a matter of time, folks, before she has poop on everyone in the family.

Diana checks her image in the mirror, blouse out and hand on her belly, while Julián sits on her bed behind her. He wants to know why women are always glued to the mirror. She tells him not to bother her. But, she wants to talk about Vasco. He’s really nice. Julián wonders if she’s in love with him now. Nah, they’re just friends. She doesn’t have eyes for anyone at the moment and it’d be mighty uncomfortable for Omar. Julián nods.

Bruno sits at his desk and recalls seeing Diana hopping out of the cab and calling his name while he drove right by her. Could he be feeling regret? Probably not. Valeria comes in, talking to her little daughter on her cell phone. She’ll help with the homework when she gets home. She gives Bruno Alonso’s patient charts. He asks what she thinks about having children. Valeria beams as she tells him it’s a gift from God. The best thing that can happen in one’s life. Sure, it’s a lot of responsibility, but that doesn’t take away the pleasure. Being a parent is the most marvelous thing that could happen. Bruno smiles hopefully for a second as she sparkles about parenthood, then frowns again as he thinks about his impending parenthood. So why the question? Oh, nothing, Bruno tells her. Valeria leaves. He tells himself he’s an idiot, and we all agree. He shouldn’t have turned his face away from her. And we all agree. She looked so pretty!

Jacqui is in a super-snit, slamming a plant down on a table and Dario wonders why the bad mood. It’s that Sara, the boss’s niece. She thinks she’s the model executive and she’s trying to rob me of my position. I am Fed Up with Her. Dario wants her to calm down, but Jacqui is Not Interested in Calming Down. Dario tries to comfort her, but Jacqui has a gut feeling—Sara is Evil. She yells about how Sara does everything right, Sara, Sara, Sara! Dario does what every macho male his age does, tells her work isn’t important and he prefers to see her stay here in his home, all prettied up and ready for action. Jacqui pouts pettily. That’s all that’s important to you, huh? She asks for his help with the old lady –help her think of something to win the old gal back. They caress each other. [Who’d have guessed that Dario would have a lovely tattoo under that business suit, like my hubby’s paratrooper tattoo]? Jacqui’s snit is short-lived once the caressing and kissing begins. In infants, we call this low maintenance. Their fussiness is easily re-directed with caresses, etc. Apparently, Jacqui is lower maintenance than we thought. It takes almost nothing to re-direct her. My guess is that Paula is high maintenance, and once her snits start, they take months to end, so that’s why Dario is with Jacqui. I’m just saying.

Snortensia, Jaime and Sara discuss the great success at a lovely restaurant with terrific ambiance. Or, better said, Snortensia discusses and the other two occasionally chime in. She’s pleased with Sara’s cleverness and computer skills. Sara learned them at the orphanage. Sara wants to study more to help her auntie with the business. Great idea. Jaime, what do you think? Sure, he tells Sara, it’d be very good for you to study. Sara says she could fill the hole that Vasco left. Silence and a hard stare from Snortensia.

Julián visits Rosy at home and tells her all about Lorena working with him and his Mami. He thinks it’s a swell idea, and so does his Mami. Rosy isn’t surprised, and Julian tells her that the craziest thing about it is the feeling that they’ve always known her. Rosy assures him Lorena is thrilled and by contrast, Rosy herself is suffering in that old witch’s place. She hopes Zulema’s business does well so she can go work with them. The kids think it’d be really cool to be together all the time. They’re the perfect couple. They almost pull off a kiss when the distinctive bellow of Maruja hits their ears. She comes in to remind Rosy of her Aunt’s mass. She stops dead in her tracks when she sees the night visitor. A greeting, Mom? Maruja grudgingly greets Julian. With a scowl. Julian offers to go, but Rosy isn’t going with Maruja, especially when Mami’s wearing that expression. [Ed. Note: On occasion, one has to muse at how curious it is that Maruja rhymes with bruja. I’m just saying. I like her, but sometimes that attitude…]. Maruja storms out and Julian comments on the look she gave him. He has to talk seriously with Maruja. Rosy says she’s just crazy….and maybe they should seize the moment in case she doesn’t come right back. She proceeds to plant a big one on Julian, who’s not fighting it.

The children at the orphanage want to hear about the city—is it true that it’s large? Oh, Lorena tells them, it’s enormous. She tells them and us why she runs into so many people who are all interconnected—she stays in one zone so she won’t get lost. There you have it, folks, the answer to our suspicious questions about the plot lines running together. A little girl wants to come and visit, and Lorena promises that when she has a house big enough to welcome them all, they’ll come to visit. They clap, and it’s time they were off to bed. Chalo is sitting up front and large as life, appearing rapt in Lorena’s story. The children get kisses and hugs from Lorena and Alonso, who tell them to behave and sleep like angels. Madre Carmelita takes the kids off and Madre Trinidad stays. She gives Chalo a pointed look—isn’t it about time he was going? He actually gets the point, and gives Lorena a kiss and tells her he hopes she rests. Alonso is not a happy camper. Lorena is bemused again by this new regard Chalo has. Madre Trinidad says he’s the last straw as he leaves, and she only let him stay because Lorena asked her to allow it. He’s always seemed overly self-confident (confianzudito). She comments on that kiss Chalo gave Lorena. Lorena shrugs in confusion and says she’s known him all her life. Madre Trinidad goes off and Lorena wonders why Alonso has the scowl. He’s fed up with Chalo, that’s why. Like the Madre, Alonso thinks he’s behaving too much like a creep (encajoso). Lorena defends Chalo, and changes the subject. She’s so pleased they are there together; she dreamed here that outside the walls was something beautiful waiting for her. And look, I’m here with you, my love. Alonso gives her a half smile in exchange for her broad one as she hugs him.

Sara can’t stand being in the dark, figuratively, so she goes off to call Chalo to find out what’s up in San Martín. Helllllo, my Queen! Chalo’s gotten as far as just outside the front door of the orphanage. He has Lorena well controlled. He didn’t let her out of his sight (no me despegada – she wasn’t unstuck from me – darned uncomfortable if you ask me). She didn’t understand a thing! He confesses he doesn’t understand much either, so why doesn’t Sara explain to him. Sara tells him Lorena’s boyfriend, that doc, is very perceptive and could suspect something and their plans would go awry then. It’s imperative to get Lorena away from him, distracted—he’s very jealous. If he thinks you’ve had something going with Lorena, that’ll be better. Chalo’s getting it now. Sara continues that she’s on tenterhooks that Lorena and Alonso might ask the nuns about stuff and find out something. She says has to suddenly hang up, but stands to ponder the situation a while.

Madre Trinidad has brought coffee for herself and Alonso. She asks where Al’s staying, wants to recommend one nearby, but gives him no time to answer, and invites him to breakfast for the next morning—pan de nata is on the menu. Madre Carmelita comes racing back from sending the kiddies off to bed; now he can check her pains out. Madre Trinidad scolds but Alonso is glad to help. He’ll give her a check-up. Madre Trinidad graciously thanks him and accepts help looking at the little girls, and the Sister, too. He asks if the pain is bad, but Madre Carm thinks it could wait until tomorrow. She gives a sidelong glance at the other nun. Well, Alonso is on his way. They kiss and say goodnight while the nuns giggle to each other. Madre Carm takes him to the door—pushes him, actually. Madre Trinidad is sooo excited, Alonso is such a good man. She was lucky to have found him! Lorena admits she is very enamored. Madre Trinidad asks about Sara. Well, she’s pleased with her family. What family????? She’s living with her grandmother, Abuela. She didn’t tell you that’s why she came to the D. F. The nun protests that Sara only said she was going to look for Lorena—nothing about a family. Lorena looks suspicious, bemused, and generally impactada.

Sara said nothing about her family, her grandmother? No, Madre Trinidad assures Lorena. Lorena recounts the story Sara told about Madre Asuncion’s deathbed confession. Nah, Madre Asuncion didn’t talk to a soul before she died. Well, could be what was said before she had the heart attack. There was that little thing about the accounts she was reviewing not adding up, though. They puzzle over what happened and why. Maybe the Madre asked that it stay just between the two of them. No, Madre Trinidad doesn’t think so. The matter seems very strange to her. Lorena nods.

Jaime comes down the stairs looking for Barbara. Nope, Matilde tells him, I doubt she’s coming back--she left and had a suitcase. She hands him a letter. Barbara’s gone off to Rio to have the liposuction. [Sheesh.] Sara comes in and asks what’s up, and Jaime fills her in that Barb’s gone off for her lipo on the spur of the moment. Matilde is scandalized that Barb’s gone to Rio alone. She could get herself in trouble! Jaime agrees, and Sara bites her lip and muses to herself –that’s what YOU think, Uncle.

Meanwhile, Barbara has made the world’s fastest air trip to Rio. Whoops, she’s apparently only made it as far as Ickturo’s bed. [Ed. Note: one wonders—is this a hotel where they keep meeting? Is it a little love nest they rent? Whose money pays for this every time they hang out together? Is it the liposuction nest egg here in the love nest? And are they in a separate zone of the D. F. so they’ll see a totally different bunch of telenovela characters? I’m just asking.] The pillow talk ensues along the lines of how nice it is not to have to worry about going home, and they need to plan more times together. Barb would love to leave it all behind and stay in that bed forever. Ickturo wonders if she’s proposing they live together. It’d be nice, but….her son wouldn’t understand because he adores his Papi and the witch aka mother-in-law would follow Barb to the ends of the earth to harass her. Ickturo, on the other hand, apparently does have to worry about getting home. Barb tries to get him to stay. He can’t fake a trip to Brazil, though. Barb sighs and calls Jaime. He tries to get the name of the clinic and other details and Barb tap dances around the questions. Tomorrow they’re operating first thing. [Ed. Note: And they’re going to do such a good job that he won’t even be able to tell where they operated when she gets home.] She tells him it’s easier to talk by cell phone and the anxiety creeps into her voice. He wonders why it occurred to her to go to another country for surgery, and ALONE, for Pete’s sake? Oh, heck, it’s just like a trip to the dentist. She’ll call him when it’s over. Barb hangs up in an act of abrupt editing, so quickly we didn’t even see it, and Ickturo is asking if Jaime bought it all. Barb points out snidely that Jaime is worried about her health, and she’s done this whole theatric for Ickturo. And he thinks to leave her. He invites her to shower with him. They don’t make it to the shower.

Madre Trinidad and Lorena continue their chat about this new puzzlement. She surmises that if the old gal lets Sara live in her home, it must be true. In the end it’s God’s will if one finds one’s family, and it’s not ours to question. She hopes Sara will be happy. Lorena doesn’t think Sara is happy, though. She explains that it hasn’t been easy for Sara to get that family on board—her grandmother doesn’t want anyone to know Sara’s the granddaughter and makes her say she’s a niece. That’s not good! Why lie? She shouldn’t accept that. Lorena points out she accepted it so she could win the old gal’s affection. Madre Trinidad points out that someone who abandoned a baby and denies her like that doesn’t really have a heart. She asks God to forgive her but that’s how she feels, looks at the ceiling and crosses herself. Lorena tells the Madre that she has thought about learning who she is, too. She asks the nun’s help. The nun says she doesn’t know anything. There’s a reason why the orphans’ origins are keep confidential. They might not like to know where they started out. Lorena wants to look in the files and needs the nun’s help. Only the Mother Superior has access. Lorena begs. The nun hesitates—but, since Lorena was knee-high to a grasshopper, she couldn’t ever deny Lorena anything so she’ll be the accomplice. May God forgive her. She gives Lorena a conspiratorial little smile and Lorena sighs with relief as she hugs her.

In the morning Alonso knocks on the orphanage door. Sara’s faithful watchdog bounces along, commenting on Alonso’s early arrival. Alonso responds in monosyllables. Is he here for Lorena? [No, stupid, he’s adopting.] Chalo wants to know how he got Lorena to fall for him. Alonso looks ready to deck him when Lorena pops out cheerful as always. Chalo cuts her off, greets her, goes to hug her and calls her his love with Alonso looking over his shoulder in back. Lorena gives him a mild glare and Chalo backs off, making like it’s a joke to Alonso. Alonso strides over to give Lorena a kiss, ignores Chalo’s infantile stuff, and asks her if they’re going now. Yup. Chalo tries to ingratiate himself on the tour of town, and Alonso tells him to bug off—he’s got the best tour guide in the city. Chalo mutters “enjoy yourselves” and other silky stuff as they walk away. He calls after them—“Take care of her for me here.” Alonso IS ready to deck him and spins around to go after Chalo, but Lorena grabs him and makes him move on. Chalo thinks he got that point.

Sara strides into the garden behind the house, ever-present cell phone in hand, and finds Vasco at work with papers laid out on a table. “Doing homework?” He explains that he’s reading research related to the capture and separation of carbon dioxide for a project he’s on. Sara schmoozes that she admires folks who stick to their ideals. Vasco takes the bait; that’s the only way he can be happy. He wants to know if she’s happy with what she’s doing. Sara says she is for the moment, but she wants to study more and get more professionally involved with the company. He asks what she’d study, and Sara replies that administration or marketing would be what she wants; Vasco suggests administration of gastronomic enterprises. She likes it. Vasco excuses himself.

Lorena leads Alonso through a wooded area and tells him tales of when she was young and played there. Alonso wants to know if they were always so united, Lorena and Sara. That’s the least of it. When we were nine, a couple wanted to adopt me and they were close to finalizing but I found out that would mean I wouldn’t have Sara with me –my heart was broken -- and I asked if they would adopt both of us….the ended up adopting another child and neither of us. Alonso is impressed by the huge sacrifice she made for Sara. Lorena doesn’t feel it was a sacrifice. When she says “Sara is my sister” it’s not just a trite phrase. He wonders if Sara would do the same for Lorena. She smiles and assures him Sara would. [Hah.] Alonso gently hugs her and caresses her hair.

Sara lights into Chalo at 25 cents a minute. She TOLD him not to let them out of his sight! That was all she asked! Chalo protests that they cut him off at the knees. Whatever it is that Sara has against Lorena isn’t normal. Why? What’s all the rancor? Sara tells the tale of the near miss adoption – Version 1.2. The couple saw her first and she was sure she was going to get adopted, then Lorena’s ball rolled up to them and they saw HER. So, from then it was only Lorena. But, Lorena didn’t get adopted. No, she got the stupid idea they should adopt both of us and they ended up adopting another child. Sara’s fury comes to the surface. Chalo murmurs what he imagines is a comforting phrase—“how ugly, Sara, how ugly.”

Vasco can’t get his mother’s cell phone—she’s out of range. [Ed. Note: There’s another of those goofy t-shirts in English. He must have been to the French Market in New Orleans. Or somewhere.] He asks Jaime what’s up with Mami. Jaime fills him in on the faux liposuction trip. Vasco wants to know how Papi could let her go off and do that alone. Do you think she asked my permission? Snortensia strolls in with her new shadow. What does Jaime think about this—Sara wants to study Administration of Gastronomic Enterprises. Really? Sara pipes in humbly that this seems the most appropriate thing (indicado – suitable). Snortensia looks at Sara, almost fondly, and tells her it’s perfect-they’d have someone totally trustworthy and a family person to work in the business. She turns back to Jaime—don’t you like it? Jaime is stone-faced, but Vasco gives Sara an affirming look and big grin. Sara grins back.

Madre Trinidad goes after the files and finds nothing. It’s not possible! Lorena comes in. Are those the documents? Yes, and fortunately the Mother Superior had to go out; we can look at them with calm. You arrived in 1986, right? Yes. Well, here are all the files from that year, the Madre whines. Can Lorena see them? There’s not reason to--and the Madre breaks the bad news—your file and Lorena’s are missing! Lorena is impactada.

Monday: Chalo reports that Lorena is VERY interested in the files at the orphanage, and Lorena confronts Sara about some of the info she discovered—or didn’t.


Precio de costo - cost-price; a precio de coste, precio de costo - at cost price
Ollas – pots, pans
Recipientes – containers
Láminas - illustrations
Incentivo económico – economic incentive/bonus
Tintorería – dry cleaners
Confianzudito - overly self-confident
Encajoso - creep
No me despegada – she wasn’t unstuck from me – (darned uncomfortable if you ask me)
Indicado – suitable



Friday, July 04, 2008

Guapos Thursday, July 3, 2008: Many mini conferences

This is kinda slapdash tonight. We had our annual town outdoor holiday celebration and I was out late. Music! Burgers! Dancing! And the little kids stomping around on bubble wrap to the Star Spangled Banner - our “fireworks” in a high fire danger area. Hey, it doesn’t get any better than that.

Reruns: Connie fakes to a believing Andrea that he loves Luci. She is wounded and livid, and ends up on the ground. Luci overhears and is surprised and touched. They return inside to the party of the Casa Belmonte family and Flor’s dad and sister. Luci asks Karla to clean up a mess outside, meaning Andrea. Karla doesn’t want to be treated like a servant, but flounces out. Mili announces to the gathered families that she wants to renounce her inheritance, though she seems reluctant.

And on to the new stuff: Mili says she never wanted Granny’s money. Everyone is impactado. Alex looks stunned. Damien says Hugo, you can’t let her do that! Connie says don’t do that! Luci says finally Mili is doing the right thing. Alex asks why she made that absurd decision. Mili says that the important thing that Regina left her is in her heart and that the lawyer just told her the will stipulates that she has to stay in Casa Belmonte, and now that she and Hugo are starting a new life, they want to move out. She doesn’t seem terribly convinced herself.
Flor whispers to Alex to please not make a scene in front of her papa, and Alex tells her to stay out of it. Her dad hears this and says hey, what’s up? He tells Alex not to take that tone with his daughter.

Luci asks Robledo if the money will go to her children or to Connie. Connie says is that something else you want to take from me in the divorce? Alex is unhappy and heads up the stairs. Hugo pets Mili tenderly and Mili just looks stunned.

Outside, Karla is talking to Andrea, who is still on the ground. Karla says Connie faked the scene with Andrea so that Luci wouldn’t divorce him and destroy him financially and politically. Andrea perks up and asks Karla where Connie is sleeping (the guest room) and to help her get into the house unnoticed (no way!). Andrea says she has to talk to Connie – she’s not going to be dumped like that. Karla says okay, wait in the garden and I’ll tell you when the coast is clear.

Damien has taken Hugo into a private room and is telling him that he’s an idiot- that money could be ours! Ours? says Hugo. Well, our side of the family, says Damien. Hugo says he and Mili aren’t interested in the money. Damien says it’s a massive sum and you don’t appreciate money because you don’t know how hard it is to earn it. Hugo says oh, and you have experience with that? Damien sputters. He says he is thinking of Hugo’s future. Hugo says he has a good job at the company firm, and he’s not marrying Mili for money. Why can’t his father get that through his head? The decision has been made and that’s that.

Meantime, Connie has taken Mili into his study and she is telling him that he never wanted her to get the inheritance and now everything will be back the way it was before she came, so he should be happy. Connie is serious and says you are wrong. I told my mother that I would look out for you, and I want to respect her last wishes. Mili says is that the only reason? Connie doesn’t answer. Mili says I want to leave this house and this is the only way.

Connie says I don’t want you to leave. Mili is touched and hopeful that he will finally say those three little words: I’m your father. Why? asks Mili. Connie says because I like you here. Mili says why? and Connie says you were adopted by my mother, you are like part of the family. Is that all? she asks. Connie says do you need more reasons? Mili says just one, do you have one more? Connie stammers, can’t say anything, then finally says please stay.

Mili is getting tearful. She says in that case, I have to go. Living here is hurting me too much. She leaves. Connie looks like he’s getting tearful too.

Alex and Flor are in their room. Alex is weepy and says he didn’t want this to happen and he’s going to try to fix it. Flor says quit thinking about her and think about me! I’m your wife, the mother of your child. Alex says he doesn’t want to fight. Flor says why? Because you care about how I feel, or because you need time to think about how to hang on to her? Alex says it’s impossible to talk to someone who doesn’t want to understand. (Of course the problem is that she understands perfectly.) Alex stomps out. Flor looks miserable, but her lipstick is nice and glossy at least.

Connie is weepy too. He is at his desk, talking to the photo of Mili’s mother. He asks her to help, and says he lost her and doesn’t want to lose Mili too. Luci comes in and he hides the photo under some papers. Luci says why are you crying? Connie says for you. The background music changes to happy tubas – we’re in comedy territory again. Luci says I’d like to believe you, but… Connie says I’m ready to change. I’m ready to be a new man if you’ll give me the opportunity. Luci says I’ve already given you so many, and I was always wrong.

Connie says I broke up with Andrea and Luci says I know, I heard. Connie fakes being surprised. He says I’m sorry you had to witness that, but when I saw her coming into the house, well, I had to put her in her place. Luci looks doubtful. Connie goes over to her and says come back to me – you are the woman I want at my side. Luci says why now?

Connie says because I’m sure this time that I could lose you forever if I don’t do something. She studies his face, puzzled. He leans in to kiss her, she turns her face a bit away and Braulio comes in. He says dinner is served. Luci studies Connie some more.

In the foyer, Roblado is telling Bobby and Alex, Mili and Hugo, that he regrets the scene earlier in the day (Mat’s pal getting a well-deserved pounding in the street by Mili) and Hugo says huh? Roblado tells Connie he’s sorry but he has to run (what? and miss a fun –filled Belmonte dinner?)

Everyone files in to dinner, except Bobby who lingers to ask Lina if she’s okay. She thanks him for standing up for her, but she’s worried that he’ll think she’s one of those girls. He tells her never! Just then Marisela comes up and asks to talk to him. Lina takes off and Bobby tells Marisela they have nothing to talk about. He goes on in to dinner.

With everyone out of sight, Karla is trying to sneak Andrea in. But oops here come Alex and Flor down the stairs. Karla says dinner is served, go on in. They look at her oddly and head for the dining room.

At the table Connie comments that Luci is looking lovely. Flor’s dad says she always is. Connie pours Luci some wine. Vale says she is surprised by Milagros – Mili, you should think about it. Our grandmother loved you and left you that money so you would be cared for after she was gone. Mili is pleased and says Hugo and I just need each other, but thank you, sister.

Connie announces that he is going to support Mili’s decision. Alex says of course you will, you’ll get the money. Connie says don’t be an idiot! Things get tense and Hugo suggests changing the subject. So Domingo asks Marisela why she’s not sitting with Bobby Marisela says we’re not together every single minute. Domingo says you two have had such a long engagement – when’s the wedding? Bobby says no wedding, we’ve broken up. Marisela pleads why did you have to say that in front of everyone? Domingo is upset and asks what happened. Bobby says to Marisela do you want me to tell, or shall you? Flor says they’re adults; they know what they’re doing.

Whew, and we haven’t even finished the soup course.

In the kitchen, the entire staff is preparing the next course and Lina tells them that Mili is renouncing her inheritance. Everyone is impactado, most of all Braulio who slides down the fridge, his face frozen in a nutsy smile.

Up in the guest room, Karla is quick filling Andrea in that dinner is over and Flor’s family are leaving. She hands Andrea something that looks black and slinky and says it’s Luci’s. She runs off.

In the lobby, the two families are saying goodnight and Connie and Domingo puff a bit about their new joint venture. Flor stands with her hand resting on her belly lest we forget. Domingo tells Marisela that he and she are going to have a serious talk.

Alex and Flor go on upstairs and Luci and Connie are alone. She thanks him for not opposing Mili’s decision. Connie says he did it for her (Luci). He says he wants to start a new life with her, save their marriage. A little muted comedy trumpet plays in the background. Connie takes her hands. Luci doesn’t know what to make of all this. He really lays it on thick. He kisses her lightly and says he would be honored if she would join him in the guest room. She is falling, and says “Constancio!” He says I’ve never felt so alone.

Luci says goodnight and starts up the stairs. When she can’t see, he shudders with disgust, then goes over to make himself a drink. You are so easy to deceive, Luci, he says to himself. I got you!

Bobby is walking on the night lawn with Lina and is telling her that she’ll forget this experience much faster than she thinks. She doubts it. He offers her his jacket as she’s chilly. She thanks him for understanding and he says he knows what it’s like to be treated badly. She says they have that in common. He says we should be together. Lina gets shy and says it’s late. He tells her to get a good night sleep and tomorrow will be much better. She thanks him again, and he gives her a kiss on the forehead. We see Horacio in the shrubbery where apparently he’s been eavesdropping. He shakes his head.

Mili in her bathrobe answers the door to her room. It’s Braulio and he doesn’t mince words. Mili should not have renounced her fortune. She is the lost grandchild that Regina had been searching for, Regina loved her and wanted her to be secure. Mili says don’t reproach me. Braulio says it’s like renouncing her love. Mili says I carry that love within me and I don’t care about the money.

Mili is weeping now and says that she needs to leave because she can’t be around Alex who she loves to distraction. She is miserable with him around and she wants the opportunity to try for happiness with Hugo. Braulio is touched, and hugs her.

Hugo is in his room and Damien comes in, stabbing his finger in the air and saying they haven’t finished their conversation. Hugo says you’ve always lived for money and your own advantage and I’m not that way. Damien says I thought you said you wanted to destroy Alex. Hugo says all I feel for him now is pity. Damien says are you afraid he’ll take Mili away? No, says Hugo, Mili can’t be happy as long as she’s in this house, we would be miserable here. Because it would be hell for her, for Alex, for his wife and because she’s the daughter of… Hugo catches himself but Damien latches on to that. Daughter of who? Hugo thinks of a way out: He says I mean Flor is the daughter of Sergio and Sergio’s a dangerous guy. Hugo says he’s tired of talking about stupid stuff and Damien takes off.

Connie is starting to unbutton his cuffs in the guest room when here comes Andrea out of the woodwork. Que haces aqui? She says you can’t leave me like that, I love you, etc. Connie is frantic and tells her to leave. Git! We can talk tomorrow. She says she can’t wait. Andrea undoes her robe and says are you sure you want to leave all this? Connie’s eyes pop out, he stammers. He is a goner. They start necking.

Luci is taking off her makeup, and she thinks about how Connie invited her to his room. Meantime, in that room, Andrea is on top of Connie who is struggling and says she likes danger too much. The door flies open and it’s Luci. Connie is busted and Andrea smiles slyly.

Mili in her bathrobe is getting some milk from the fridge and here comes Alex in a sleeveless T-shirt. He says he can’t sleep either and that she shouldn’t give up her inheritance. He and Flor will move out instead. Mili says it’s his house, that’s his family. He says you’re family too, you’re my father’s daughter. I don’t want to lose you – you and I can learn to live together as brother and sister. Mili says you remember how you almost kissed me? Alex says that won’t happen again. Mili says our love continues as strong as ever and it needs to end. Let me go!

Alex pleads with her – we had to give up our love, don’t make me give up seeing you. I need you. You are my strength, my inspiration, my reason for living. Mili says no, your daughter is your reason for living. Flor is your wife. Don’t kid yourself, we can never learn to be just sister and brother. Let me try to be happy with Hugo, like I did with you and Flor. Let me have my life.

This feels like a goodbye says Alex. It is, says Mili. Alex says but even if you leave with Hugo, we will see each other. Mili says only at holidays and special family events. Good night.

Luci is letting Connie and Andrea have it with both barrels. Connie fidgets on the bed. Luci tells Andrea that’s my robe, give it to me! Andrea takes it off and Connie’s eyes bulge again. Luci says you need some cellulites treatments my dear. Andrea makes slitty eyes. Connie says I swear I didn’t know she was here – appearances can be deceiving. Luci says you are the one who’s deceiving. This is the last humiliation you hand me! She swears revenge and slams out.

Andrea says see what your stupid wife did? She said I had cellulite! Connie rolls his eyes.

Andrea is arguing with Damien in his room. He’s not in the mood for love and she says it isn’t always about what he wants and when. He says he’s tired, and all this discussion of marriage tonight – a marriage which is by the way never going to happen. Karla laughs derisively. She says what’s up with you tonight – you’re marrying me! Damien says it’s that Milagros is giving up her inheritance and Hugo is supporting her. Karla is amazed and calls Mili an idiot.

They sit on the bed and Karla rubs his back. Damien says I’m sure Hugo is hiding something. Isn’t Milagros an orphan? Karla says as far as I know – she was raised in the convent. Damien says get lost, you’re taking up all the air. Karla takes off smiling.

It’s morning and Braulio is rolling a nice breakfast tray into Mili’s room. He wants to talk to her alone, but says he could never be mad at her, as she is his one and only niece. But he thinks she’s making a mistake. He thinks she is betraying her mother and her grandmother. Her mother fled the house with a broken heart and her grandmother couldn’t help her. But she could help Mili – that is what she wanted to do. And if you leave it would break my heart. You are the only family I have. Brualio, who is sitting behind her, rests his head on her shoulder. Don’t leave me, I beg you.

Luci is meeting Nestor for breakfast. She orders vodka, but he says it’s early for that, so she changes her order to vodka with orange juice. She raves a bit about how awful Connie was last night. She wants a divorce and quick. Nestor says better to reach some settlement without going to court, because court could take months and months. Luci asks for more vodka and less juice. She says it would pay for her to wait until the two companies are melded because then she could get a lot more money. Nestor thinks things could get very ugly.

Luci says tomorrow is her nephew’s wedding and she wants him at her side. Nestor says it will be an honor.

Mili is lying on her bed, hugging her big white bear and remembering what Alex said to her in the kitchen. Then she remembers Braulio begging her not to leave him. Hugo comes in and says did you want to talk to me? Mili’s eyes shift around and she says yes. The background music gets threatening. Hugo smiles.

In the kitchen, Horacio is telling Lina that she looks better. She says yes, and she escapes to do her work. Horacio tries to get out of Socorro what happened and Socorro manages not to say anything. Horacio says he overheard Bobby talking to Lina in the garden and if Bobby hurts his girl, he’ll run him over with his car. Socorro looks surprised.

Lina is vacuuming and Bobby comes in with a huge arrangement of sunflowers. They’re for you, says Bobby. Lina is overwhelmed.

At the office, Connie is telling Andrea she blew it and now he’s definitely going to have to get the divorce. Andrea is mad too and says how was I supposed to know you were faking all that? You should have told me at least. You said some very hurtful things. She reminds him of his promise to marry her. She says don’t mess with me.

Mateo comes in and apologizes for coming right in, but no one was at the reception desk. Connie sends Andrea for coffee. Mat says he was surprised by Connie’s call and is Connie ready to sign the settlement? Connie says I’ll come right to the point: How much is my wife paying you for this divorce? He hands Mat a check and says it’s to make sure the division of properties favors Connie.

He says his shares cannot be touched, nor the house in Cuernavaca as both were from his parents and Luci has no right. Connie says she doesn’t get the house or any of the properties either, except some land we have out in the country somewhere. And 5% of my income. Mat says so basically you want to screw her over? Connie says that’s rough terminology. Connie tells Mat that that check is just a start. If Mat shows himself to be on Connie’s side, that amount could double. Mat studies the check, then smiles and reaches over Connie’s desk to shake hands. Connie smiles and freeze frame.


It’s Hugo and Mili’s wedding. The priest asks for their I do’s. Hugo gives his, but Mili hesitates.


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